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Author Topic: YuiParu: Meet me halfway  (Read 18559 times)

Offline trinitylian

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Re: A Little Thing called Infatuation (Mayuki)+(WMatsui)+(Genderbender)
« Reply #40 on: November 23, 2014, 07:57:33 AM »
Long time no update everyone  :w00t:

I hope u enjoy it  :roll:

Hi all, thnk u so much for reading <3

U won't Understand

The chitter chatter goes on and on in the cafeteria, “so what was your answer?” Katayama or old lady people calls her asks Yukirin while eating her melon pan.

“I said…let’s wait for more,” Katayama nearly choke on her food and just couldn’t believe what she just heard.

“Oh my gosh! Yukirin!”

She slapped Yukirin on her arm, and Yukirin flinches while rubbing her sore arm.

“What? I just said wait for more,” says Yukirin with her sooky lips, “how could you let it off? He’s like the hottest guy!”

Yea, I know. That’s what everybody says.

The class’s surprised due to the fact that Mr Kim who’s the math teacher isn’t here and instead Mrs Akimoto is taking over. The kids had an excitement swirling because the fact that they think they could go outside and play instead.

“Smells like garbage in here,” Mrs Akimoto complains as she opens all the curtains and windows with the disgusted expression written on her face.

“How could you guys not smell that!? It’s just atrocious!”

 “So that’s why we should go outside.” Tano Yuka suggests and already she’s jumping out of her seat feeling all pumped up again.

“Mrs could we please go outside?” Another student whines on and one by one they beg the teacher.

“Mrs please!”

“No. This is math class.”

“But you suck at math, you told us you couldn’t even remember your 2 times table.”

“Well, that’ll depend if only Mayu says cherry on top.”

Mayu heads up since he heard his name been called out. All the eyes’ on him and everyone knows the teacher loves Mayu the best because of his cute
and smart personality. “Cherry on top,” he says it gently with the manga book still on his hand, “Alright let’s go outside to the basketball court.”

The class roars and zooms outside to the basketball court and pile up all their bags. As they head outside, they saw 12K already taking over the basketball court. They kids sigh and sook as well as complain to their teacher. Mrs Akimoto has no idea what to do so she asks their teacher is they could join class and of course they say yes. They play basketball in teams but there were some girls on their phone and either laptop.

The class runs like an angry mob but only to see disappointment as they see 12K taking all the basketball courts. They all start whingeing and only to turn their anger on teacher. Mrs Akimoto has no idea what to do but later decides to ask their teacher if they could join class and of course they say yes.
Ren and Yui are captains and pick their teams in no particular order. The goes well but few people complained because Yuka wouldn’t share the ball.

Everyone knows she’s good but she’s also a hogger. The game becomes more interesting and fun as others come to join in more. Yukirin’s heart danced in jolly because Mayu chooses to be in their team, even if the others say it’s not fair. It’s going all well until someone trip Yukirin which cause her to land on her side with her skirts being lift up.

The whole game stops and all the boys had their eyes on her butt, Yukirin ended up crying as she walks to the drink tap trying to hide her face. Katayama and few of her close friends follow and ask her is she’s okay or not. Yukirin kept on smiling and says it all good but they’re something hiding behind that shadow.

“You alright Yuki?” Mayu walks up to her and asks her how she’s doing, which heals her wound by just the voice of his.

“Yes, arigatou.” Yukirin nods her head shyly and couldn’t believe her luck. It’s bad and good on the other for now she has her prince charming sitting by
her side till the wound heals. Her inside’s tingling in sensation and she just doesn’t want to lose this moment. If only it stays like tis forever…

“That’s good. Can you still play?” He turns his head staring into the soul of her and sucking every vapour she lets go. Yukirin’s eye lures and the more he stares, the more she fall in loves.

“No, I’ll just sit and watch you can go play.”

Her heart doesn’t want to let it go but the selfish thinking just doesn’t work for a genial girl like her. Mayu smiles and turns for the last time to check then run back to the court. Yukirin smiles happily even if she knows Mayu’s already with someone else. It hurts but the presence and happiness of Mayu, places a smile on Yukirin’s life.

“You okay Yukirin?” She then sees Ren approaching her with a small bottle on his right hand.

“Yes thank you,” Yukirin answers and notices Ren sitting beside her.

“Here,” he extends his hand with a fancy looking bottle, “hmm?”

“For your wound.”

“Thank you.”

It never forgets to remind how sweet and caring Ren is and she’s more into him more she’d never know.

“All goods.”

The space between them is less than 20cm and she could feel the comfort zone whenever she’s with Ren.

Jurina doesn’t leave her eyes off as she continuous to stare at Yuki and Ren. She is about to burn a hole or else she’ll have stop staring. Jurina flinched with her arms crossed from the other bench side and wore a nasty look.

They finally have their first date but it’s really awkward and none of them made a sound since it looks like Jurina isn't her full self today. Mayu slowly continues to stir his drink with the straw, while Jurina seems to wander off in her own wonderland as she stares at the busy road. The sky’s mild blue with a cool breeze, as the people search in doing their own thing.

“Ano…do you like the strawberry flavour?” Mayu asks, trying to break the silent wall between them.

“Or…you like the mango flavour better?”

Still, Jurina doesn’t answer and that makes Mayu hearts feel like someone had just put a rock on it.

What Mayu doesn’t know is, the thought of the whole incident that happened during sport class and the interaction between Ren and Yukirin, was eating her brain alive.

“So, do you want to go to the cinemas next?”

Mayu tries his hardest to cope with his stress and make sure he’s a suited person for her.

“No,” it was short yet cruel.

What Mayu doesn’t know is, Jurina’s still in her moody behaviour from the previous incident. She just couldn’t let the love win over hatred and jealousy.
Her mind’s going crazy and she just can’t stand anyone with Ren.

“Then, the park?”


 “Oh, umm that’s ok then, you choose.”

“I’m gonna go home.”

His hopes backed down falling on his knees and made a hole in his heart. The rejection was somewhat beyond its exceeding limit, and just couldn’t figure out what’s going on.

Does she really love me or just toying with me?

“Oh, bye,” Mayu waves her off but gets no respond leaving him in awe and stares inside the swirling pool of the drink.

Arigatou Gozaimasu  :D

Offline trinitylian

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Re: A Little Thing called Infatuation (Mayuki)+(WMatsui)+(Genderbender)
« Reply #41 on: November 24, 2014, 10:09:45 AM »

Another shot  :hip smile:

A Little Thing Called Infatuation

“Please ask me anything you may need for the exam now, or else it’ll be too late,” said Mr Kim as he handed out the work sheets.

“Please don’t fail coz I don’t want to see you monkeys in my class next year.”

The class was dead quiet with full learning concentration. It was their last year of high school; all their hard works and depts would be finnaly pay off.

I have something to tell you, from the deepest side of my heart

I worry I might be hiding in your shadow

When you stand in different places, I don’t want to be left over

You are something I need more than loving you

Everything is empty without your presence

Without you, words don’t mean anything

I don’t even know if I’m going forward or back

Just like the morning sunshine, your sweet voice heals my wounded heart

Day by day I need you by my side

Dear my beloved one, without you in this world there is nothing that I live for

Without you, I cannot stand alone

I want to be forever with you, my beautiful flower

No one can go against your charm, for me you are so beautiful

I need you, beautiful

“Part 1 is done,” said Mayu as he stood by the producer’s chair.

“That’s pretty good actually,” the man in suit putted down on his desk and nodded his head.

“You think?” Mayu asked, quite unsure.

“Nope, it is.”

“Then about the contract?”

“After the showcase.”

“You better win,” he left giving pats on Mayu’s shoulder.

The showcase was imminent and Mayu had to win that. It was his dream and everything he gave for to become a super star. He worked his ass off saving his money for instruments and everything he needed for his studio. He looked at the lyrics one more time and smiled at his thought about the girl he dedicated to.

The students where back together with their mates as the school for the day finished.

Jurina was strolling down the school gate to reach home as she tapped on her IPhone checking newsfeeds on fb. Suddenly she heard someone shouting her name loud then turned to see.

“Juri, wait up,” Mayu shouted as he swinged his arm around his girlfriend. 

“Hey.” They started pashing one another, totally not minding their surroundings.

It felt so real for him and the kiss meant so much more than she would ever understand.

Yukirin felt a bullet shot right through her heart. She looked and blinked to pull back the tears that was been so long. Ren knew the reason from the very first moment; he had always known that Yukirin’s feeling for Mayu was special and different. It hurt real bad to see her in such a crucial stage and what hurt more was, she couldn’t see it.

He was always there for her but why couldn’t she return the right favour? Ren heaved and continued to stay positive while he was with her but behind that smile, there were a million tears and sorrow hidden alone.

His team practice at Mayu’s house every night since the parents don’t mind and were always busy with the business works.

“Guys, let’s practice till 9,” instructed Yuko as she picked up her bass and played at the tunes whilst looking at the notes.

“You excited?” Paruru asked as she sat next to Mayu who was busy revising the notes with his guitar.

“About what?”

“You know what I’m talking about,” Paru smirked had that face ‘you’re kidding right’.

“Yea, of course.”

Ding Dong

“Someone’s at the door,” Yuko beamed then reached out to grab the door knob.

“NYAN NYAN!” she shouted out loud and swinged her whole weight on Haruna, giving her a tight hug showing how much she’d missed her. 

“Do you miss me?”

“Of course you hentai.”

“Umm okay, I think there are other people as well and not only Kojiyuu, so please make way thank you,” said Milky as she made her way out shoving
through the two love birds.

“What brings you guys here?” asked Mayu as they both stood up from their seats and smiled.

“Oh, we’re here just to support you guys,” replied Yui making her way to Paru.

“Hi,” Paru shot a smile at her girlfriend and Yui returned the favour by giving her soft peck on her cheek. Paru blushed and that wasn’t her first time, it
just always happened.

“We’ve bring some foods as well,” everyone heads up to see who had come as well and to their surprise, they saw Ren and Yukirin smiling as they walked
with plastic bags with foods inside with them.

“Awesome, let’s have feast then.”   

“Sayaka, teach me how to play,” Milky gave her the infamous smile of her as she sat next to Sayaka and separating themselves from the rest of the crew who were busy chilling with each other.

Sayaka flashed a smile and passed Milky his guitar; Milky was smiling ear to ear at the presence of Sayaka-kun’s arm around her.

“It’s A minor then to G.”

Sayaka placed his fingers on hers as he adjusted Milky’s hand position.

“That’s it you’re getting the hang of it,” Milky squealed like a toddler who’d been given a candy.

“So what’s my prize?”

“What’s what?”

“My reward.”

Sayaka smiled and slowly bent down leaving a mark on her lips. Milky squirmed as she cupped her face with her hands, the usual habit she had.
“Cute,” commented Sayaka as he ruffled her hair and chuckled at her childish behaviours.

The table was filled with voices everywhere with music turned on in the background and plates, drinks and foods were everywhere.

“Yuko please eat properly,” Haruna whispered as she wiped off the foods sticked on Yuko’s face.

“Gomen thanks.” Haruna adored everything about Yuko and loved everything about her. She really wanted to love like how she wanted it, but the world
was too cruel and nothing gave them the consent. Yuko continued to laugh out loudly and joked around along with the rests, with her other hand attached to Haruna’s left under the table.

“Now tell me what you and Mayu did earlier,” Yui turned to face her beloved as she stayed off from the group chat.

“We were doing what we were doing,” her answer seemed to piss Yui a bit.

“Stop being a frigging smart arse unless you want me to punish you tonight,” Paru blushed at the statement and smirked.

“Sorry, but I kinda like that idea.”   

“Are you enjoying this?” Ren asked Yukirin who was sitting by his side.

“Yes, thank you.”

Yukirin stopped what she was doing as soon as she saw Mayu getting out of his seat and went outside. She excused herself from the rest but somewhat it made Ren’s heart uneasy.

"But come back quick," Yukirin gave Ren an assuring smile.

She could feel the cold breeze swishing through the city of Tokyo. The lights filled the city, shining it beautifully. Yukirin quietly followed Mayu from behind, copying every move he made till they'd reached their destination, which was the balcony.

“Hi," Mayu tunred to see who it was and smiled after seeing her face.

“Hey," he greeted back.

“Are you lonely without her?”

Mayu chuckled at the question and smiled without answering.

“Do you really love her?”

She was dying to know the true thoughts of him, even if it kills to hear it.

“Yes,” she felt a knife piercing to hear such a statement from him but continued to fake smile, “but sometimes I feel like we can’t go on any longer.”


“Because, I just don’t know how to say it. I feel she’s far away from and I’m sick and tired of waiting for her.”

She knew it was wrong to have a feeling of letting someone else break up.

“So does that mean..?”

“Yea, I want to break up with her.”

Her happiness suddenly jolted up but knew it wasn’t very kind. It was wrong to have those kind of feelings because she thought what if someone else had done this too?

“It’s not very nice to break a girl’s heart. Maybe you guys just need time and explanation. You know, it’s a troublesome sometimes to in a relationship. And sometimes better to stay single.”

She wanted to make him happy

“Yea you’re right, maybe I really need to talk to her properly.”

Yukirin took back words and regretted for changing his mind. They stared at the city scape from the balcony with winter winds bashing against their face.

“Aren’t you cold?”

“A bit.”

“Here,” her face went all red with the feeling of warmth by his scent and touches, “Arigatou.”

“Are you guys coming back in?”

The silent atmosphere was broken down by Ren joining in. It killed him to see her with another guy but it was true, you can’t force someone to love you like the way you want.

 “Er yes sorry.”

“It’s ok.”

Ren faked a smile and quickly went back inside before he has a sudden break down. His face frowned after losing the sight of the most unwanted picture of the two and swallowed his pride before joining the rests.

It’s not for long, till you are mine

God bless  :D

Offline trinitylian

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Re: A Little Thing called Infatuation (Mayuki)+(WMatsui)+(Genderbender)
« Reply #42 on: November 25, 2014, 08:01:49 AM »

This shot is ATSUMINA n pls enjoy

MYJR: Yh it's quite complicated hehe thnk u

MayuxMatsuixMusic: Summimasen   :( thnk u

crosteks: Sowlly , thank u

chotei_sha: Yes! she needs to be happy hahah :) thnk u

sastio13: Yes she needs to say yes  :w00t: thank u

Chanaline:  :? haha very complicated thnk u

kmkpc22: Trueshade/ Payuyu here  :twothumbs thnk u

A Tale of Us

Some call love a passion, some say its blind, but I say it’s a stupidity.

It was Monday the 14th, the day we finally broke. It hurts real bad and I got to admit it’s still vivid in my mind. It just haunts me every time I think about it and God only knows what on earth she was thinking back then. People called me Papa of AKB48 because of my manly and strong work ethics; but what no one know was, I was slowly shattered inside.

She left before me and I had to painfully watch her over. She was even more successful than I thought she would be and more ever, she was finally with someone whom she’d loved. I shed a waterfall of tears when she announced to me she was in a relationship with him.

She was so happy and bright. She left AKB first and I left after resigning for 3 more years. I didn’t pursued my dream as a solo singer rather I worked in office as a manager. Acchan was famous than ever and her names everywhere. People slowly saw me as ordinary person and I really liked.

I had the hope of her marrying me and I believed in her lies.

“Acchan, do you love me?” I asked her and was crossing my fingers behind.

“Yes!” I was so happy, “You’re one of the bestest friend I’ve ever had.”

Of course, I knew you were going to say.

We lived together in the same apartment in Tokyo and no one had knew about it, even the crazy fans we had. We shared pretty much everything including the bed. Every night, she would embraced from my back and every time my heart would pop out.

Something started to change after she was with Ono. I could smell his perfume which intoxicated my mind. I bit my lips trying my hardest to let a single tear fall.

“I love you Minami,” she said that every night but it’s always new to me, “Me too.” It’s different but you will never understand.

One evening she called me on the phone crying loudly and I had a panic attack as I rushed over to be there for her. I did everything that I could and sometimes I get yelled by my boss for being late or having to many breaks. I did it all because of her. Ono was a dick and oh how I wished I could just grab a gun and shoot every damn piece of him.

I saw her crying on the floor in the living room with a broken glass that I gave her for Valentine’s Day. I ran over to her as she came running to me in my arms and started sobbing real loud again. I couldn’t bare the fact she always cry because of him. Ono had cheated on her again and God only knows how many times she had forgave him. It was too much and he did not deserve it.

“It’s okay, I’m here,” I whispered to her ear and left a kiss as I rubbed her arms.

It was that day we got into an argument, and really I was sick and tired of always been there for her; she kept on getting hurt for forgiving a jerk. I was away two weeks for my business trip oversea as I did not accept any calls she phoned me and turned off for her. She threw a book at me as soon as I unlocked our apartment door.

“What’s up with you Minami!?” She yelled at me furiously with tears shedding all over her face.

“What is it?” It pissed me off really bad as I was greeted by her cold face and more ever, it actually hurt. 

“You didn’t even call me for days and how could you not reply any!?” Her tears were falling again and why did always cry whenever she was around me?

“What’s the point if we are just like this?”

My tears were falling as well because it was much pain for me to carry alone.

“W-what, what do you mean?”

“I’m sick and tired of this relationship!”

“I-I don’t understand…”

“Of course you won’t, because I’m an idiot for trying to have a hope for something I will never get.”

I shouted at her and she was fully crying on with streaming fresh tears.

We stood opposite at each other had nothing to say except cry; it was our daily job. I slowly walked pass her and packed my belongings.

“What are you doing you baka!?” She was holding me back and pushed me away. I gritted my teeth and continued to pack up.

She was hugging me so tight on back as I could possibly not anything, and even without it. I let my guards and thought it was too much of a pain for both of us.

“You can’t leave me!” she yelled.

“Sshh don’t cry, I won’t,” she jumped on to me embracing me like how she would never.

The night came and we were back together on the bed but I had a feeling of wanting to leave. I knew it wasn’t fair on her since I said I won’t, but sometimes people break promise as well and maybe that was her karma.

My eyes opened and I could still feel the weight of Acchan on me. The room was still dark and OI noticed the sun hasn’t risen up. She was grasping my dress tightly and I gently removed it. Her arms were hugging an empty space on the as I grabbed my suitcase. I looked back one more time and placed a kiss on her forehead for the last time.

So pretty much that was the last day I’d ever been with her. I moved out of the city for good and went to live with my grandparents in the country, which was way far away from Tokyo.

It has been more than 7 years I haven’t seen her. And I admit, I miss her so much.

I promise not to be a lazy author, but sometimes it can't be helped
 God Bless You ALL!  :hip smile:

Offline trinitylian

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Kojiyuu: Between Us
« Reply #43 on: December 31, 2014, 12:29:29 PM »
Kojiyuu Oneshot

Between Us


Haruna cooed to her beloved who was busy tapping her laptop long she’d been trying get to all her attentions.
The street lights flickered in the dark, shining through the glistening cold room from the balcony as it blowed the curtain. A beautiful feminine figured lay on its side with only a white singlet and a pair of short examining the perfection of the love of her life. 


Still no response were heard. She understood the fact her partner had something very important to do, but why couldn’t she procrastinate or at least give her as well. Yuko was a busy girl many may claimed and the same goes Haruna, but the fact she couldn’t use her time was the biggest catastrophe that could dissect the intersection of their relationship.

Yuko would come home late stressed or sobered, and sometimes drunk. Haruna was always there for her holding and guarding her to be placed in the right direction.


The petite finally made its voice but eyes were still locked on the screen and fingers tapping swiftly.

Haruna sighed with her heart slowly sinking deeper each time she felt disheartened.

“Look at me,” her voice squeaked as she nervously bit her fingers.

She appalled that this might the cause of ending their relationship. She always thought one day Yuko would be just and tired of her and move on to another person’s life leaving her waste and dump.

“Yeah I am.”

Not once did she gazed but lied instead.

Haruna sighed and ambled towards her busy wifu. The cat girl snaked her tendered arms around Yuko’s neck as she leaned towards her. The exhausted girl sight in relieve pulling her gravity back and placed her stiff on top of her partner. Yuuchan slowly rubbed her face against Haruna’s cheek feeling the love of need.

“Go to sleep now,” Yuko whispered shortly after placing a soft kiss on her cheek.

“I don’t want to sleep alone,” Haruna protested as she pout soberly but she was in no position to argue and had to reluctantly stomp back to bed.

Yuko had a strange feeling and somewhat was guilty but her selfishness always dismayed her interactions. The over stressed girl felt agitated by the respondent of her beloved showing her backs.

Yuko shook her head nonchalantly, but it wasn’t long when she saw Haruna grabbing a pillow to sleep in the spare room. Yuuchan stared at her in awe as she watched her leave the room. Then the cold breeze swirled through the balcony as isolation dense hitting the thought. The effervescent girl picked up her pace ambling down the corridor alleyway and into the spare room greeting the loneliness between them.

“Baby, let’s sleep now.”

Yuko placed a soft loving kiss on Haruna’s temple trying to make amends like always. Haruna was hurt but somehow she just couldn’t resist the tender voice and every gesture she’d make to her.

The tall girl rolled her body to face the girl she’d longed for. The room was dark but the reflection of the moon ablaze. It sparkled at the tint of Yuko’s vivid brown eyes. The squirrel showed her, her cute smile as she continuously caressed Haruna’s loving face.

“Gomen-ne Nyan Nyan.”

“But you always say that though,” Haruna pouted; avoiding Yuko’s irresistible plea.

“Please forgive me Nyan Nyan I love you so much,” she was in no position to not win against Nyan Nyan’s heart as she furiously rubbed her face against Haruna’s bosom.

The cat girl sighted and gave up, “alright Yuuchan I forgive you, but can’t you just leave everything aside for once as well!?”

“I try to Nyan Nyan but everything’s so busy right now you know,” Haruna remained unconvinced, “I’m doing this for us, not only for me but for you and our future.”

Yuko clasped her hands tight adhering it firmly then slowly crouched down the bed placing kisses on Nyan Nyan’s hands.

The couples returned to their room hands intertwined facing one another.

Haruna pulled the sheet over both of their heads arms attached Yuko’s body who was so exuberant in what she was thinking.

“Can I?” asked Yuko as she was about to clasp Haruna’s breasts.

“I thought it was yours,” answered Haruna with a smirk smiling widely.

Yuko immediately grasped her breasts burying her face in as well.

A moan came Haruna’s mouth at feeling of her breast been messaged then you can imagine the rest hehe.

Have a great Happy New Year may Heaven guide through another year of 2015.

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Re: A Little Thing called Infatuation (Mayuki)+(WMatsui)+(Genderbender)
« Reply #44 on: February 23, 2015, 08:11:48 PM »
Awwww Mayuki is so cute here !!
Such a sweet Yukirin taking care of her cybork >///<
Thx for the story !!!!

Offline trinitylian

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Re: A Little Thing called Infatuation (Mayuki)+(WMatsui)+(Genderbender)
« Reply #45 on: February 27, 2015, 06:48:11 AM »
Chapter 10

The couples had another date but their relationship got shattered when Mayu thought this was only the beginning. They sat face to face in a café after school with
a drink and snacks laid in front of them. It was awkward again, just like always. No one uttered a word and seemed to bot wandered off in their own wonderland.

The outside view from the café were packed with people strolling in the busy life of Tokyo. And out of all, they were the only people bored to death.

“Um M-Mayu?”

A silence was finally broken by Jurina with a timid face that questioned Mayu’s insecurities.

“Yes?” he replied.

“Please forgive me…”


“Let’s break up.”


Everything went to fast.

“I’m sorry.”

She swiftly picked her school bag and dashed off leaving him speechless. He didn’t know what to feel but was flustered by the whole relationship him and Jurina.

He waited and waited motionlessly; cogitating what the whole thing was about. 

Did she really loved me at all?

Or was it all part of a game?

He wondered.

Chitter chatter spurs inside the classrooms before the school starts. The students were very pumped up, exaggerating about what they did during weekend and all the latest gossips yet to be discussed.


A loud shriek beamed across the hallway with a Gachapin-like-voice rushed inside the senior’s classroom.

“Whoa Miichan hold your horse,” Yukirin greeted with all the other year 12 girls surrounding.

“Did you hear?” Asked Miichan.

“Hear what?”

“Mayu and Jurina broke up!!” All the attentions were on her and the classmates couldn’t believe what they’d heard. The whole school recognized them as the best
couple but they never knew what one was behind the story.

“Really!? Thank God.”

Yukirin’s eyes bulged as she’s known for her reaction and a sudden relieve hit her like wave.

“Yah Yukirin isn’t that quite mean?”

“Nah I’m actually really relieved thanks Miichan.”

There was one girl outside class of 12M whilst period 8 had begun. Biting her lips and fidgeting with her fingers nervously. She mentally incessantly revised the words she’d been keeping for so long in her head. She cursed under her breath as the thoughts of what ifs whirled, playing with her mind. The school bell finally rang, as the students pack their belongings and stroll down the hallway catching up with their mates. Jurina quickly got into a nice poise waiting for the right one to come.

 “Ren, can I please talk to you privately?”

“Yeah sure go on.”

Her tongues were tied in a knot as her lips bitten with sweats almost dripping.

“Well umm,” Oh my Gosh Jurina just say it quickly Geez, “Well, I really like you Ren.”

She finally said it. An adrenaline rushed through her spine waiting for the rejection she could possibly imagine.



She mentally cursed at Ren for not hearing out clearly and making her repeat whilst blushing madly.

“Jurina, I really like you to,” a sudden ecstasy levitated, “in a friendly way.”

Her sudden ecstasy got demoralized and a droplet of fresh tear dribble. She bit her lips as her knuckles turned white from clenching it too tight.

“Does that mean you already have someone?” She choked with tears as she asked.

“Yes, I’m really sorry Jurina but there are ample of people better than me out there.”

“I don’t care if there’s gazillion people out there.”


“Can you tell me who that person is?”

Thank you, God bless you all.  :welcome

Offline trinitylian

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YuiParu: Meet me halfway
« Reply #46 on: April 13, 2015, 09:05:30 AM »

Start from strangers

Haruka, a no ordinary 24yr old looks at her diary one last time before leaving for school at Tokyo Medical Uni. She’s smart, pretty, wise and popular. What can
she have more? She has got everything she need in life; wealth, friend, looks and a lover. She has everything but God only knows what’s been burdening her
mind for long.

“Babe, are you ready?” Mariya asks her girlfriend who’s still busy tying her shoe lace.

“Yep,” Paruru nod as she smiles and off they went shutting the door behind with hands extended.

It’s now 12:45pm, there’s 30 minutes till class finishes. Paruru scribble down notes as she pay close attention and strives her hardest to bring out her best. The professor explains the brain cells and the structure until a girl with a shoulder length black hair, black t-shirt and denim jeans barged in; causing a surprise.

“Sorry I’m late sir.” The girl bow in 90 degree to show sincere apology then what’s next caused Paruru in agape.

“Oh, I see it’s our new student transferred from Kyoto Medical School. Please welcome since she will be joining our journey from now on and her is Yokoyama

Yui.” The professor introduces her as she smile so sweetly and took a seat right next to Paruru.

Paruru’s mind can’t seem to function right now. It feels like a knife pierced right through her hidden sorrowed heart. Her sweats tickled as her hands fidget and
uncomfortably quiver trying to avoid the new girl. She can’t restrain herself from looking at her familiar face every now and then.

“Alright, that’s it for today and we’ll begin our prac lesson in the afternoon at 5pm, thank you.”

Class has finished, still her thoughts are swirling in the pool of Yokoyama Yui, the girl for so long she’d trying to remember. Such a melancholy she brings…

The new girl is gone, she’s long gone again…

Paruru makes her way out to the corridor with other medical students going out for lunch. Yui’s nowhere to be found; making her ache for more.

“Paruru! Where’ve you been?” Mariya rushes to her girlfriend embracing the warmth scent of her where she’s been searching.

“Sorry, I was a bit stressed out,” she lies and gives her the fake smile hiding a thousand despondent inside.

“It’s okay. I’m glad you’re ok.”

This is why Paruru loves her very much. Mariya never fails to show how special she is.

“Paru, are you really sure you’re okay?”

“Yeah, I’m sure haha.”

“Your face is a bit pale…” Mariya places her palm on Paruru’s cheek to examine closely.

“Don’t you worry, I’m 100% okay.”

Paruru gives her one last reassuring smile before drifting her mind back to the incident.


The professor projects the light on the human brain with million cells attached.

There are 5 cadaver in total. Each group consists 4 member with 1 cadaver each. Paruru can feel butterflies in her stomach just by looking at the cadaver covered
with a sheet. Paruru gasped as soon as she felt a warm hand clasping her hand. She’s even more surprise when she realises that the owner’s no other than Yui.

“Hold my hand Paruru.”

It’s daunting again…

A flash memory of Yui’s sweet voice echoed in her head, “Hold my hand, Paruru.”

She feels safer in her warmth and dares not to move an inch.

She's finally at home at last.

Peace mind....

“Did you have a good day?” Paruru releases a relaxing breath with Mariya’s embrace from behind.

“Let’s have dinner, I ordered a take away.”


Mariya talks nonstop while munching her noodle and Paruru only pretending to be attentive.

“Ya, what’s wrong tell me?” Mariya’s certain this time that there’s definitely something bothering her partner.

“Nothing, I-I just really miss you. That’s why.”

“Cheesy, I miss you too.”

The clock ticks second by second under the breezy night with misty air floating in a room with two naked bodies wrapped under a white sheet. Paruru caress

Mariya’s slender arm and place some kisses along the trail while her beloved cannot stop smiling and continuously brush Paruru’s shiny, soft hair.

“I’m really tired; my energy’s all gone,” Paruru voice croaked after all the moans and screaming they’ve done together.

“Hmm, I’m sorry about that but I cannot resist you,” Mariya chuckled placing a soft peck on Paruru’s neck sending jolts to her body.

It feels weird…she thought

Why does it feel so weird yet so alluring…?


Her face portrait that cannot leave the memory of Paruru’s frustrating mind. She’s like a drug. An addiction. An ecstasy. My worst nightmare…

Class is finish at 2.00pm as usual. Paruru ushers her way swiftly trying to reach her destination with classmates packing busily ready for lunch.

“Umm, Yui. I-If you have time, c-could you…please have lunch…with me…?” Paruru feels butterflies flying everywhere and she stutters nervously.

“Yea sure,” Paruru’s inner feeling sights and smiles in relieve and contentment.

They both stroll down the alley as they make their way to the eating area. She never knew talking to Yui is this fun and exciting as they chat nonstop and Paruru
has a smile plastered that cannot be wiped away.

Suddenly, the lively atmosphere dies down as they encounter a girl who has a deadly glare towards them.

“Oh, Mariya, this is Yui from my class and Yui this is my girlfriend Mariya,” Haruka introduces trying to calm the deadly aura created by her possessive girlfriend.

“Hi, Yui desh.”

“I know, no need,” Haruka’s heart jump as she quickly grabs hold her girlfriend by her arm and chuckles awkwardly.

“O-okay why don’t we all go have lunch.” She quickly drag her girlfriend to the canteen with Yui following from behind.

The table’s surrounded with untouched food and poor Paruru having to be stuck in such awkward situation.

“I think I’m going to use the rest room,” Yui left off.

“Me too, wait here Paruru.” Mariya follows Yui traces.

The bathroom was empty with only 2 people and a brisk of water dripping on Yui’s hand was heard. Yui averts her eyes towards the girl who’s been indirectly
threatening her and turns back to herself as she dries off and walks out.

“You. You better watch out. I won’t let you ever talk to you again,” Says Mariya before Yui goes.

“Is that a threat?” Yui asks.

“She’s absolutely fine without you in her life; in fact you’re actually a burden,” Yui’s heart cringes a little upon hearing those cold blooded words from her.

“We’ll see how long,” Whisper Yui as she walks out.

“Sorry for the wait,” Apologises Yui with a smile that always lure the mind of Paruru and sits apposite of her with Mariya.


The sun is gone…

The lights are out…

Her head’s against her desk full of home works with her phone on her right hand side swinging it around in boredom. Out of blue, she then hears a message

notification as she hastily checks if it’s the person she’s been waiting.


“Yes!” She cries out as she quickly slides it across.

You better study.

“What..? How the heck does she know so much about me?

I don’t want to. I hate studying.

How about, if you study we’ll go shopping and I’ll treat. Sounds fair?

OK! You better keep your promise.

I do

But it’s you who didn’t… thought Yui

Good night. Ganbatte

You too.


Class has finish for today as she stroll down the corridor feeling a haste of depression because she hasn’t seen Yui for the whole day.

“Yui!” Paruru yells across the corridor as she runs to the arms of the girl she’s been thinking all night along.

“Hello Paruru, did you study?” Yui smiles brightly showing her cute cat dimples which Paruru can get enough of.

“Yes I did!”

“Then let me ask you a question.”

“Ask me anything.”

“What’s the main the difference between human and animal?”

“Easy an animal is an animal, and a human is a human.”

“So, you didn’t revise did you?” Yui smirks.

“N-no I-I did… but not too much,” Paruru stutters and feels a little guilty for she has lie.

“Aw you cutie, its ok I forgive this time but promise you will study next time,” Paru blushes a little and ducks down to hide her pinkish flushing cheeks.

“Sorry Yui, but I promise I will.”

“Alright let’s go.”

“Uh, where?”

“Didn’t I say we’ll go shopping and treat you?”

“Oh yea.”


Mariya’s in the kitchen dicing up the ingredients she has prepared for dinner with hidden sorrow that no one can see.

“You’re home Paruru.” Mariya greets with her back facing Paruru.

“Yea sorry, I had to study,” She lies again…thought Mariya.

“It’s ok, just go get change and I’ll prepare.”

“Oh, sorry I already had dinner,” Her smiles fades as she leaves the room and blinks back tears.

“Then don’t you bother, you can go study.”

Tear flows like stream of waterfalls as her lips quiver and hands trembling…how many times do I have shed over you…?

Thank you all for reading, God bless you <3

This was meant to be a one shot but I decided not to be it so part 2 will be updated shortly. THANK YOU

Offline Akiro

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Re: YuiParu: Meet me halfway
« Reply #47 on: January 01, 2016, 06:38:07 PM »
Make sure ur updating and MAKE SURE haruka confess to yui her feelings and good stuff and sad stuff ! COZ I LIKE YOU AUTHOR! BEST FANFIC! 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻

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