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Author Topic: Kimi no Sekai vol.01: Ch 0 - Without Knowing Anything (Multiple Pairings)  (Read 3737 times)

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Title: 君の世界 - In a world without you.  In a world where you cry.
Your World - In a world without you.  In a world where you cry.

Story Synopsis:
“In a world without you. 
In a world where you cry. 
I’ll create a gentle world just for you.”

The Demon King promised to the young hero before their separation.   
Eight years later, the young hero been re-summon back, tasked with saving the world from a new evil once again.

However, the enemy this time was none other than the young hero’s friend, the Demon King! 
Without knowing anything, their promise had turn into curse...

This is the story of how to create a “gentle” world.

Table of Contents:

Volume 01_Hero Summoning - Despair Syndrome
Chapter 0: Without Knowing Anything

Offline risshu

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Kimi no Sekai vol.01: Ch 0 - Without Knowing Anything (Multiple Pairings)
« Reply #1 on: April 27, 2017, 05:02:23 AM »
A/N: Currently in the mood of wanting to write an "isekai" (異世界) story.

君の世界 - In a world without you.  In a world where you cry.
(Kimi no Sekai - In a world without you.  In a world where you cry.)

Volume 01_Hero Summoning - Despair Syndrome

Chapter 0: Without Knowing Anything

“Please come again.”

The cashier spoke in response to their young customer picking up their goods.  With a nod, the young girl left with the intention of doing so in the near future as she always done in the past.  Having a convenience store so close to home has its perks once in awhile, the young girl though.

As she waited for the walk sign to change, the young girl rummage around in the plastic bag for the new purchased popsicle she had gotten just moments ago.  In this blazing summer heat, the young girl was very reluctant to go outside for snacks.  However, as the sole loser after numerous rounds of rock, paper, and scissors, the young girl didn’t have much of a choice but to accept defeat at the hands of her older sister.

Finding the heat intolerable with each passing minute, the young girl hurried on home as she cooled off with the cold treat on hand.


“I’m home,“ the young girl called out as she took off her sandals.

“Welcome back, Mayu.”

“Ah...Rena.  You’re here already, ” the young girl, Mayu spoke quietly as she passed the plastic bag off to the older girl in front of her.

“Thanks.  Everyone’s already inside and waiting.”

“I see...”

“Why don’t you go wash off first and come join us after?”

“Mmmm, that sounds nice.”

Taking Rena’s advice, Mayu went off to the washroom and cleaned herself of the sweat she had accumulated outside.  Feeling refreshed and cooled off, Mayu happily skipped back towards her family’s common room.

Once a month, Mayu and her friends, along with her older sister would have a get together to catch up on each other lives.  Despite their busy schedules at work and some going to different schools, they would always meet up without fail.  It just so happens this month’s gathering was currently hosted at her grandparent’s house.

“Don't fuck with me!!”

A loud voice resonated throughout the hallway.  Puzzled by the loud commotion coming from the common room, Mayu quickly speed up. 

“Hey~  What's with all the yellin—”

“Mayu!!  RUN!!”


Upon arriving at the scene, Mayu was quickly shove back outside once again.  Confused by the sudden turn of events, Mayu quickly re-entered the room only to be blinded by a brilliant white light.

Screams and yelling from her friends and her sister could be heard all around.  Mayu randomly grope the space in front of her, in hopes of making contact with either of them.

But then, all of sudden silence had crept in. 

Soon loud drops of water could be heard from afar.  It's sounds comparable to that of a huge running faucet.

When her blinded eyes had finally adjusted, what Mayu saw next made her stomach churned.  She started to feel light headed as her mind began to race back and forth.  The only thought running in Mayu’s mind was ‘Where’s this…?  Eh!!!  No…!!  Impossible!!!  That bastard!!  He promised!!!’  as she started to reject the reality before her.

What had once been her grandparent’s common room, had now been kindly replaced with a an old collapsed ruin located within a dimly lit small cave.  It's source of light coming from a small opening from above.  Those bright ray of lights quietly reflected down a large pond filled with crystal clear water. 

A waterfall, a few meters away happily runs down it to the pond, its waves causes a gentle distortion of the moon’s reflection.  To the opposite of the waterfall laid a narrow path connecting the entrance of the cave to the small isle the collapsed ruin rest upon.  It was a scenery one would see right out from a fantasy game.

The more Mayu's eyes wandered about the more sense of dread she started to feel.  Rena, her sister, and the rest of their friends were nowhere to be seen nor heard.  Shaking her head of unnecessary thoughts, Mayu made up her mind in venturing outside.  First and foremost, finding the whereabouts Rena and the others were more important to Mayu than knowing where her current location was.


The moment Mayu began to walk, her eyes had caught sight of something from below.  Beneath her feet laid a scribbled circle.  After a few moment of carefully studying the scribble with poor lighting, realization began to dawn upon Mayu.

“This is…!!!  Uuuuugggggghhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!  Damn it!!  Damn it!!  Damn it!!  Damn it!!  Damn it!!  Damn it!!  Damn it!!  Damn it!!  Damn it!!  Damn it!!  Damn it!!  Damn it!!  Damn it!!  Damn it!!  Damn it!!  Damn it!!  Damn it!!  Damn it!!  Damn it!!  Damn it!!  Damn it!!  Damn it!!  Damn it!!  Damn it!!  Damn it!!  Damn it!!  Damn it!!  Damn it!!  Damn it!!  Damn it!!  Damn it!!  Damn it!!  Damn it!!  Damn it!!  Damn it!!  Damn it!!  Daammmmnnnn it!!!””

Mayu wailed as she collapsed onto the floor, pounding her fists repeatedly into the ground.   With each thrust, her body began to shake violently as if she was possessed by some ominous spirit.

What felt like an eternity, Mayu’s episode had finally subsided but her mood was far from the happy spectrum.  From the moment she arrived till now, Mayu’s feelings gradually became more accepting and more loathing of her current situation—

The magic circle beneath her was all the proof she needed to know her current whereabouts.

—without knowing anything as to who or why, Mayu had been summon back to the other world for a second time.

End - Chapter 0.

Offline Blackdawn

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Ouhhh woooow.....wooooooow
i cant believe i gonna literally criesss.....
 :farofflook: :farofflook: :farofflook:
 :gyaaah: :gyaaah: :gyaaah:
waiting so long for u 'hold mah weak heart
i cant believe u come back


dangggggg and nice update..
 :on gay: :on gay: :on drink: :on drink:
:kneelbow: :kneelbow: :kneelbow:

Offline keijuna

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I like it :) actually no I love it! Haha XD
This story just like the others for sure got my attention.  :twothumbs
It's just the prologue and chapter 0 for now but I can already say this story is gonna be great!!
Can't wait 'til your next update :D :D :D

Offline Murtlap

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Interesting story, waiting for the next update  :twothumbs
I love Jyurina more than foods LOL

Offline INpompeonelli

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 :hee:It's funny! I 'm looking forward the next  chapter   :)

JPHiP Radio (12/200 @ 128 kbs)     Now playing: So Nyuh Shi Dae - Tell Me Your Wish (Genie)