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Author Topic: marimari memorial cup xiv (2021/07/30 ....TBD)  (Read 3150 times)

Offline daigong

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marimari memorial cup xiv (2021/07/30 ....TBD)
« on: July 30, 2021, 06:05:09 PM »
Every July 30th we pour a little liquor and pay respects to our homie marimari  aka Kyle Bouvier. FIFTEEN years ago we lost our fellow Hello! Project fanboy...

His selfless acts and being an extremely positive nice guy, doesn't even begin to describe what he meant to us. One of the greatest :jphip: has ever seen. Check out the Classic Threads Museum for a taste of his impact. Kyle had contributed so much to the Hello! Project fandom by sharing many materials at all the sites. He was a regular in the IRC and took part in online games like Pangya. When we learned that throughout his life, he was confined to a wheelchair due to muscular dystrophy, it made us respect him even more. To overcome those odds, to be with us HiPsters.

In honour his memory we play the game marimari loved so much, something we call:

Unfortunately, Pangya servers are hard to come by and we had TONS of trouble last year....but CANTSTOPWONTSTOP!!! We'll try a few versions out and hit the tee this Saturday? Is that a good time for you? I'll reach out to folks since they don't come to the forum anymore XD

Head to The Akihabara Forum PANGYA (aka Albatross18 aka Loligolf) thread for more information on how to play.



(handy installation video in here too!)


(1) download Client
(2) Unzip client into directory.
(3) Download Patch
(4) Unzip Patch into main pangya directory, over write files as need be.
(5) Run "Debug Central" exe file
(6) First time users, you will need to register an account, your email will get a code. Copy and paste. Create a username and VOILA!!!
(7) Jump onto the Tournament 2 Server -> PASCAL

HEY! And For those new to the forum and have never played. COME ON IN!! ITS FUN!!!  :jphip:

Tee time is this: Saturday?? Sunday ????? @ 9:30 PM EST?

* If this time doesn't work for you, Earlier Later. Sound off here. Let's play TOGETHER! Let's hang out, the "PLANDEMIC /s" is OVER GET YOUR JAB! :tama-mad:
Follow these easy instructions:


Past marimari memorial cups leader board results:

1st annual
2nd annual
3rd annual
4th annual
5th annual
6th annual
7th annual
8th annual
9th annual
10th annual
11th annual
12th annual ** postponed
13th annual ** postponed

SIGN UP HERE!!  :hip smile:

Whatever the outcome. :hipheart: will donate $100 CAD in honour of marimari's family charity of choice - Make a Wish Foundation (

The intention is to raise awareness to kids like marimari who despite all odds, live their dreams and through charities like this get to experience great moments in their life.

To have marimari part of this community - and the Hello! Project fandom as a whole - really special. So as you go idolize that Hello! Project artists by digging through all that H!P multimedia, he is one of the ones who started it all.

So even if you can't make it, please take the time to donate.

Learn more about Kyle here: :rockon:

His influence and generosity speaks more than just sharing content, it's being there in the chat and throwing in the random good line or GIF. Dig up those IRC chats and no matter what we look like or talk like or smell like, deep down we are all fuckin fans of the music and idols we love.

HE is the reason why we keep :hipheart: going. To keep the memories of our fallen brothers and sisters alive, to build on the relationships that we have here - daigong so thankful to have met such great people - and to foster a new generation off JPHiPSTAZ to keep the POSITIVE PINK MOVEMENT GOING :jphip:

We will also rerun the show we did in tribute of Kyle shortly after he passed TONIGHT July 30 RIGHT NOW!!! Marathon ALL WEEK!! Pour out a little liquor for our homie!

The marimari memorial show hosted by Hello! Ongaku Radio, the DJs from Ongaku! Project back in 2006 were Rei-chan, Tris-chan, suki* and the lovely kuno_thunder ONLY on JPHiP Radio

Even after 15 fucking years, it still is like a gut punch. Every time I listen to the tribute show, dem cats at Ongaku! Project really set the standard for keeping it together, class and professionalism, during such a sad moment during our history. Ongaku! Project on the radio provided us with the highest highs every weekend bringing us together and in one of our darkest times, they held the light - that there is life after death. Unfortunately, it was the first of five tragedies that we have had in our little community. May marimari rest in the heavens above with our homies Jabronisaur, ChrNo, Fushidigane, and kuro808!!! :rock-on: WE CARRY ON STRONG FOR YOU MY HOMIES.

And JC, what can I say about the players. My thanks go to all the players all these years putting aside their time to tee up - in a game that was beloved by one and all and esp. marimari. And as the years went on and Pangya servers became a challenge, and internet connections we a STRUGGLE - we still showed up! Like remember mode107 barely played and shit. Or Slack kept routinely kicked our asses and we loved it. FOR THE LOVE OF THE GAME EH!!

So preemptively - whatever the case may be this weekend or next, wherever your lives are at the moment, I'm thinking of Kyle and all the fun we had getting our PANGS and Birdies and HOLES IN ONE! And doesn't help if the characters boobs are jiggling either. XD

THE GOAL KEEP THE TRADITION ALIVE!!! Let's have FUN!! Savour the moments we have together as we give our MAD respects to DAT HOMEBOY KYLE BOUVIER!!! AKA MARIMARI! :jphip:

I was reading a few of the archive threads about marimari... kinda shocks me when i see these old threads. A small part of you feels like he is still alive. How one HiPster can effect another human in such a way is mind boggling - the way tenkei choked up and Masa rededicated his sharing ways to marimari. Fifteen years seems like just yesterday when we read that news on our rikkity ass forum that afternoon on July 30th...hope we can get a few rounds in. Or just sit down and have a chat.

IN THE MEANTIME. We be playing that radio. I know this is a bits and pieces of the old threads but fuck me fuck work but I love :hipheart: and all the HiPStaz with all my might. Stay Strong. Let's get together and pour a little liquor for Kyle aka marimari. He's smiling down from heaven with our Homies Jabronisaur, ChrNo, Fushidigane, and kuro808.

I KNOWZ you lovin Risa's new Youtube Channel and her songs WOW ADO!!

Just reliving our old tourneys keep him fresh in our memories!!!!!!!!!!

JPH!P Keeps on GOING for marimari and his memory BURNS ON BRIGHT!! Let's dig up some old IRC chats XD Still got that pile of H!P Books his sister sent me too.................MISS U KYLE!


ONE Love  :hip smile:

Offline daigong

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Re: marimari memorial cup xiv (2021/07/30 ....TBD)
« Reply #1 on: August 22, 2021, 08:16:54 PM »
I`ve made the pre-requisite $100 CAD Donation. Every kid deserves happiness :) MISS YOU KYLE!!

It`s on me that we didn`t get the tourney organized, I`ll get outta me hermit neckbeardnest lifestyle and reach out to my dawgs JTRI Slack pikapikapika etc. FORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

JPHiP Radio (21/200 @ 128 kbs)     Now playing: Concave Scream - Re-wired