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Author Topic: A Kingdom's Lament [Act 1, Ch.5]  (Read 12853 times)

Offline Arcadia Victis

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A Kingdom's Lament [Act 1, Ch.5]
« on: April 02, 2007, 02:02:40 AM »
First time trying to write something. Going for a sorta-fantasy angle on this fic, though it'll be fairly restrained.

Would like comments of any kind >_>



"It's cold."

Hitomi Yoshizawa shivered into her well-worn traveler's cloak as she trudged down a forest trail in the face of a howling storm. The rain fell in torrents all around her, quickly turning the dirt road into a soft and squishy mud. A bitter wind chilled the outcast to her very bones, the thick wool of her coverings providing no refuge. Yossie drew the gray overcoat closer to her body nonetheless. Every few steps, she looked behind her shoulder - she was hunted, and she knew it. Many men would die to claim the twenty talents of gold the Holy Empire of the Rose placed on Yossie's head, and some already had, she mused idly. The woman fingered a sheathed gladius she wore on her left hip unconsciously as she continued her journey beneath treetops that extended to the heavens.

Night was falling fast, and she quickened her pace accordingly.

She continued to follow the path in face of the elements for what seemed like hours before she reached a fork. Yossie grunted with displeasure as she wiped water droplets off her face and tried to read the crude, wooden sign that lay before her. It was already too dark to see the faded carvings clearly, and with great reluctance, Yossie opened her palm and chanted an incantation that summoned forth a pale ball of light. It glowed only faintly blue in the endless night, but was enough for Yoshizawa to get the information she needed.


Hitomi extinguished the light by closing her fist, and fell to her knees, exhausted. She wiped the perspiration that formed on her brow and picked herself up, wiping brown mud off of her trousers. The fatigue of her hike was eating away at even her endurance - every muscle in her toned body was screaming with agony, pleading for rest - calling forth the magic only multiplied the pain by a factor of ten. Her brain fought off the sensations as she took the road to the right, eyes ever vigilant for those who wished her dead, whether for greed or passion.

By the time Yoshizawa was at her intended destination, she was so drained that she almost forgot to put on her balaclava. Only after seeing the innkeeper, a burly man of middle years who liked his pork roast a little too often, welcome her inside did she pull the obtuse covering over her face. Anonymity was her only defense against legions of bounty hunters who lusted for her blood, and only a few people spoke to or questioned her when she wore the mask.

Unfortunately, the owner of the Fox and Horse was one of them.

"Come in!" laughed the man as he pulled his suspenders jovially. They slapped against his white silk shirt. "This is one hell of a nasty storm, don't want to be caught outside in this mess, eh?" Yoshizawa merely nodded as she approached. "Then again," reflected the proprietor, "the storm's not as nasty as Empress Fujimoto, so you might just survive if you don't come in." Yossie forced a laugh as she met the innkeeper. "Well, they can't all be gems," said the man as he scratched his bald head. "What's with the face mask?"

Yossie responded briefly. "I value my privacy, sir. How much for a meal and a room for the night?"

"You're in luck," said the Fox and Horse's owner. "We've got just one more vacancy. I'm a nice guy, so it'll be fifteen hachamas. As for feed, you'll want to talk to my daughter, over there at the bar." He gestured to a young girl who was handing out drinks and plates of food to three heavily-armed soldiers.

Hitomi kept a poker face as she paid the man, though she froze for a moment as she looked over the squad of troops. The latter's eyes sparkled when he saw the fat purse his new customer withdrew.

"Huh. If I knew you were that loaded, I would've asked for more." said the owner ruefully as Yoshizawa brushed past. He chuckled a little before heading upstairs to go to sleep, but not before handing Yossie the key to her room.

Hitomi took the farthest stool from the band of soldiers, who took no notice of the visitor. She got a sense of her surroundings. The inn was warm, well-lit, although the furnishings left much to be desired. Empty tables and chairs were scattered haphazardly, their occupants most likely slumbering in their rooms at this late hour.

Yoshizawa's thoughts were interrupted when the bartender slid up and spoke. "Hi there!" said the girl in a cheery voice. "What'll it be, miss?"

Hitomi looked at the innkeeper's daughter. She was cute, though her eyes were a bit wonky. The older girl gave a weak smile as she withdrew some silver coins. "Just some soup and a cup of your strongest ale, thanks. Keep the change." Reina pocketed the money, and headed off to the kitchen.

To Yoshizawa's left, the band of soldiers were having a loud, alcohol-induced conversation.

"So I ask again, why the hell are we out in the fucking wilderness chasing a has-been failure?" complained a red-faced, weedy looking private. He took a swig of his drink and continued. "Not even those traitorous bastards in the Lilac Kingdom want anything to do with Demon Eyes." At those words, Hitomi involuntarily craned her head towards the other patrons of the Fox and Horse.

"I know," said another soldier, thumping his fist on his lamellar armor. "We could be at home sleeping or out with the rest of the army, raping rebel whores and spearing their men. Why do we have to hunt a goddamn exile when all of our buddies are out having fun?"

The last man chuckled. "I don't think you guys remember what you were saying just a few months ago, back when Demon Eyes was the 'scourge of our country', when the Empress proclaimed that any general who defeated the crazy bitch and her troops would be offered the title of Imperator of the Rose Empire. Hell, I think our paranoid sovereign would give that prize to ME if I got my hands on Hitomi Yoshizawa."

"I reckon she's already dead, comrade."

"You're probably right. But it's our job as men of the Rose Empire to keep on hunting till we confirm she's gone. And that's the end of it."

The first soldier spoke. "Bah. I'm fuckin' tired of spending nights out on the frontier. Least we can spend tonight with full bellies and in warm beds." He chugged the rest of his beer.

"I don't think so about that last part. Orders are to keep patrolling the road until we're relieved by the other scout team."

A sudden voice in Yossie's ear startled the young woman, her heart pounding with terror. "Miss, your food is getting cold."

"Oh, I'm sorry." Yossie's long suppressed appetite now reared its ugly head, and she attacked the tasty stew with gusto. "My compliments to the chef," said Yossie good naturedly. Reina flashed a smile and left the room. As soon as she did so, Yossie finished her meal. The reconnaisance squad left the inn, chattering away indistinctly. Hitomi breathed a sigh of relief as she drowned her sorrows in ale. She staggered up to her room, and collapsed onto the soft cushions of a lumpy bed, her mind reflecting on the events that had driven her to become the hunted beast she was for what seemed like eternity before finally being taken by the bliss of alcohol-aided sleep.
« Last Edit: April 25, 2007, 02:46:01 AM by Arcadia Victis »
Rika <3

Offline FeverInducedMadness

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Re: A Kingdom's Lament
« Reply #1 on: April 02, 2007, 02:15:11 AM »
Holy cow, that was awesome.
It was like watching a movie.
I could picture basically everything.
Love the writing. Love the fantasy elements I can already pick up on.
Nice stuff, can't wait to see more. <3
-sig is undah construction because it needs to be pimped out-

Offline magicnumber

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Re: A Kingdom's Lament
« Reply #2 on: April 02, 2007, 02:37:35 AM »
Ohohoho I like what I've read~ it's really well-written and it's already feeling epic and refreshing!
I can't wait to read more. Wonder why Yossie's being hunted... o_o;
And of course, mention of the Empress Fujimoto has piqued my interest XD
She'll be kicking ass, yes? We'll hear more from her, yes? :D

Offline ferrar1

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Re: A Kingdom's Lament
« Reply #3 on: April 02, 2007, 03:15:10 AM »
Anything with Miki in it sparks my interest.

But that's a nice prologue, enough information to make me want to read the next chapter. Continue please   :)

4th Pic of Eri courtesy of t-motion's gallery ~ Sangokushi Taisen anyone ? ~ Lame attempt at a personal blog ~

Offline rndmnwierd

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Re: A Kingdom's Lament
« Reply #4 on: April 02, 2007, 03:42:15 AM »
Nice introduction, you've caught my attention.

Offline orangesocks

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Re: A Kingdom's Lament
« Reply #5 on: April 02, 2007, 03:44:08 AM »
Hitomi looked at the innkeeper's daughter. She was cute, though her eyes were a bit wonky.

Haha, as soon as I read that line I was like, "REINA!!"

Interesting! I like this Empress Miki business...  ^-^

Poor Yossie's worn out...can't wait to find out what happens next!  :)

Offline JFC

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Re: A Kingdom's Lament
« Reply #6 on: April 02, 2007, 05:29:11 AM »
Empress Miki...undoubtedly gettin' some royal gropage goin' on! :D  So Yossi is some type of enemy to the Empress, eh? Sounds like she's a sorceress, undoubtedly a powerful one, if the Empress wants her head.

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

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Re: A Kingdom's Lament
« Reply #7 on: April 02, 2007, 09:59:38 PM »
Empress Miki!!!!!
That's all I need to get hooked on this  ;D

Offline Arcadia Victis

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Re: A Kingdom's Lament
« Reply #8 on: April 03, 2007, 02:38:02 AM »
Yeah, Miki's going to be gropey and aggressive and well... Miki. I hope. I'm a bit concerned about my writing abilities when it comes to portraying characterization. Anyways, on with the show!

JFC - Your speculation is close, but not quite there. Miki does indeed fear Yossie, but it's for a different reason. One that will be explained quite soon.

Reader's Note: This takes place some time before the prologue. Also: typo-demons suck.


[Act I, Chapter I - The Curtain Rises]

Nations are born from a cauldron of fire and blood. They are forged in the crucible of sacrifice and war, built on an eternal struggle between sovereigns and peoples. It is an endless cycle of destruction and rebirth - new states are founded upon the forgotten ashes of the old. This has remained true since ancient antiquity...

After the legendary Kingdom of the Flowers was sundered by the incompetence of its last hegemon, hundreds of contending successors warred for decades before Duke Tsunku of the Rose prevailed and united the continent.

But after Tsunku's reign of twenty years, his Empire of the Rose was again fractured, for he proclaimed that his lands and titles would be passed on to "the Ace" on his deathbed. As the flames of his pyre expired in the autumn breeze, so too did the peace and unity his subjects enjoyed. Tsunku's four children divided the Empire amongst themselves, each declaring that he alone was the Ace. But none of the four were strong enough to bend the others to submission. They instead founded their own independent kingdoms, and made war for centuries...

Hitomi yawned and closed the thick, leather-bound volume, not before dog-earing the page she left off. The book she set aside on a simple desk was titled "~A Briefe Historie of the Lilac Kingdom~", lovingly emblazoned in golden letters set against a dull brown background. Warm sunshine streamed in through the low windows of Yoshizawa's hut, casting a bright glow on the spartan room she occupied. The only decoration evident in the homey cabin was a sword that hung above an idle fireplace. On one side of the room was a straw bed - on the other, a table and a chair from which Yoshizawa rose. An insistent knocking on her door was the impetus for her to leave the simple comfort of her reading.

"What the bloody hell is it?" asked Yossie as she opened the door. She was irate at the interruption, but quickly changed her demeanor when she caught sight of her visitor.

"Yossie, you always were too uptight." beamed Makoto Ogawa. The younger woman wore the ubiquitous purple/white tunic of the Lilac Kingdom's military forces, and a grin wide enough to split her face open. She embraced Yoshizawa in a tight bear hug. "Stoppitmakocantbreathe" choked Yossie as the embrace pushed out the air in her lungs. After she was released, Yossie heaved for a few moments, savoring the fresh pastoral air.

"Whoops, always did forget my own strength," laughed Mako. "So, will you invite me in already?"

"Of course, anything for an old friend." Yossie stepped aside to admit her guest, who turned her nose up at the simple hut. The younger woman threw a leather satchel onto the bare bed before turning to her host.

"Business sure has been good, hasn't it?" remarked the soldier, sarcasm dripping from her voice. She took in the spare room with some merriment in her eyes.

Yossie blushed a little with embarrassment. "It sure has. Why, I just got twenty hachamas last week guarding some fat merchant type over to the next town. Seems like there's bandits and lots of em, though I didn't see any."

"Probably didn't attack out of respect for you, General. After all, you probably trained and led the poor bastards at some point." quipped Mako.

Yoshizawa gave a sad smile. "Yeah, ever since that idiot took the throne last year, it's been tough times for us soldiers. The best guys who ever followed me into battle are either begging for scraps or stealing for their daily bread." Mako nodded solemnly in agreement as Yossie continued. "You know, I'm really surprised none of the other countries have taken advantage of us, right when we're at our weakest. Ever since the army was gutted to 'show the world a good example', I've been counting the number of days the Lilac's gone without being invaded."

Mako sighed. Yossie now extended her index and middle fingers on both hands to make a 'V' sign, before putting them up to her ears and screwing up her prominent eyes. "USA-CHAN PEACH!" said the older girl, a bitter edge infecting her voice.

The soldier chuckled, and waited for Yossie to compose herself. "Yeah, our queen is a bit naive, but that just makes her endearing to the public."

"As well as to the Lilac Kingdom's enemies." Yoshizawa took a seat on the bed and reclined.

"Yeah, that's true." Mako's voice now took a decidedly serious tone. "This is what I wanted to talk to you about, my lady."

Yossie's expression narrowed. "You know as well as I do I was stripped of my rank and privileges long ago by that whore who calls herself Queen."

"Well now she's giving them back." Mako stepped toward her bag and removed a thick parchment letter, sealed with the coat of arms of the royal house. "This is your new commission, restoring your previous position as General of the Third Legion. You are being summoned to service again, Lady Yoshizawa."

"Sounds nice," said Hitomi, her face blank. "But what's the catch? Why am I being brought back to duty?"

"Well," replied Mako delicately, "it seems that our queen miscalculated. Scouts report that the Holy Empire of the Rose is massing her troops on our borders like they did three years ago. They're claiming they're just doing exercises along their side of the line, but our spies say Empress Fujimoto is going to make an all-out push to crush our Kingdom beneath her boot."

"She doesn't quite remember what happened the last time she tried that, then." remarked Yossie dryly. The previous engagement left hundreds of thousands of Rosians dead in the marshlands of the Lilac Kingdom, thanks to the superb leadership of the smaller state's military and the inherent quality of Lilac fighting men.

"Oh, she does. That's why the Empress is mobilizing now. Miki knows you and your colleagues who protested against the disarmament were purged from the army, and she reckons anyone who didn't complain is a suck-up who'll get trashed once it comes down to blows. And she's right, isn't she?"

Yossie sighed and buried her head in her slender arms. "I've spent the last year in this hovel, selling my sword to the highest bidder. I'm not sure I still have the ability to defend our country. Maybe if you asked earlier..."

Mako interrupted her. "Don't say that! Isn't the Lilac still worth fighting for, worth dying for? So you've been out of the loop, big deal. Soldiering's in your blood. You can't deny that. What would your father say, if he knew you were moping around here when the survival of our people is at stake?"

That last statement hit Yoshizawa. Waves of shame passed through the newly-restored officer, and tears threatened to form in her eyes. She got up and pulled her gladius off of the mantel, examining the heirloom that had been in her family for generations. It sparkled in the sunlight. Hitomi sheathed her weapon and took a gray cloak out from under the bed.

"Well then," smiled Mako, "let's go."
« Last Edit: April 03, 2007, 02:48:46 AM by Arcadia Victis »
Rika <3

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Re: A Kingdom's Lament
« Reply #9 on: April 03, 2007, 01:47:14 PM »
Almost forgot about reader responses. Sorry >_>

FeverInducedMadness - There will indeed be more, and the magic will be introduced in the next part along with a pivotal character... :o

ferrar1 - Sure will, thanks. :)

rndmnwierd - I hope you find my story chapters as good as you did the intro. :)

orangesocks - You'll find out later today. ^-^

JFC - as mentioned previously, Yossie doesn't have magical powers... yet.

coachie - :heart: Miki. Can't wait to write about her later.

Anyways, how did you guys like the first chapter?
Rika <3

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Re: A Kingdom's Lament
« Reply #10 on: April 03, 2007, 02:31:02 PM »
Yay for H!P and medieval fantasy settings!   :k-thrilled: :k-thrilled: :k-thrilled:

I won't be surprised if Empress Miki is a dominatrix slave driver. >:D

Write moar.  ;D
« Last Edit: April 03, 2007, 02:31:26 PM by wordsworth »

WAR AKARI!!! Infernal Ninjutsu, Hidden Lore...Freedom of Opposites Technique!!! Rest in peace Kyle,Jab,Mom,Tita, ChrNo...

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Re: A Kingdom's Lament
« Reply #11 on: April 03, 2007, 02:59:07 PM »
I'm glad that Yossie's rank was restored, and that Makoto has appeared as well.  ;D

Sayumi being an incompetent queen is funny, unfortunately for her subjects. Now I'm just imagining Empress Miki kicking Sayu all over the place if Sayumi were captured...

Oh Empress Miki! I can't wait until she makes her appearance.   ^-^

Awaiting the next chappie... :)

Offline rndmnwierd

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Re: A Kingdom's Lament
« Reply #12 on: April 03, 2007, 04:16:31 PM »
Sayu's the queen of Lilac and Miki's the queen of Rose? Right?

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Re: A Kingdom's Lament
« Reply #13 on: April 03, 2007, 06:54:35 PM »
Yay!  Another awesome fic!  I really like it so far!  I'm a sucker for these types of fics, especially when there's some good action involved.  Gotta love sword fights and magic, afterall.  And with General Yoshizawa back, I'm enlisting!  I'm really looking forward to this!

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Re: A Kingdom's Lament
« Reply #14 on: April 03, 2007, 07:42:01 PM »
Ah, so Yossi's actually from a dfferent kingdom than Miki...which would mean that Miki sees her at least as a military threat.

But after Tsunku's reign of twenty years, his Empire of the Rose was again fractured, for he proclaimed that his lands and titles would be passed on to "the Ace" on his deathbed.
That idiot. As a ruler, he sure was naive to think that they'd be able to fairly determine who "the Ace" was without him (unless of course, he died before he was actually able to make a choice).

Tsunku's four children divided the Empire amongst themselves, each declaring that he alone was the Ace.
WTF da Duke Soonk had kids?  :o

The younger woman wore the ubiquitous purple/white tunic of the Lilac Kingdom's military forces, and a grin wide enough to split her face open.

"So, will you invite me in already?"

"Of course, anything for an old friend." Yossie stepped aside to admit her guest, who turned her nose up at the simple hut.
So Yossi and Mako were military buddies. Considering what was written just previous to and just after this part of the story, sounds like Yossi might have been forced out/fired/dismissed.

"Yeah, ever since that idiot took the throne last year, it's been tough times for us soldiers. The best guys who ever followed me into battle are either begging for scraps or stealing for their daily bread." Mako nodded solemnly in agreement as Yossie continued. "You know, I'm really surprised none of the other countries have taken advantage of us, right when we're at our weakest. Ever since the army was gutted to 'show the world a good example', I've been counting the number of days the Lilac's gone without being invaded."

Mako sighed. Yossie now extended her index and middle fingers on both hands to make a 'V' sign, before putting them up to her ears and screwing up her prominent eyes. "USA-CHAN PEACH!" said the older girl, a bitter edge infecting her voice.

The soldier chuckled, and waited for Yossie to compose herself. "Yeah, our queen is a bit naive, but that just makes her endearing to the public."
Ah, so the Lilac Kingdom is ruled by Sayu, and it would appear that she's either a pacifist, or she just doesn't believe that the threats from the other 3 kingdoms are that serious/bad. If she got rid of/reduced the kingdom's army, she's probably thinking that it would be interpreted by the others as a sign that the Lilac kingdom seeks peace and not war. Furthermore, this would then mean that Queen Sayu thinks that she can convince the other rulers to follow suit, and that all 4 kingdoms can then co-exist with one another peacefully.  It's good on paper, but looking on it's practicality, Sayu's just leaving the kingdom wide open for an invasion.

"This is what I wanted to talk to you about, my lady."

Yossie's expression narrowed. "You know as well as I do I was stripped of my rank and privileges long ago by that whore who calls herself Queen."

"Well now she's giving them back." Mako stepped toward her bag and removed a thick parchment letter, sealed with the coat of arms of the royal house. "This is your new commission, restoring your previous position as General of the Third Legion. You are being summoned to service again, Lady Yoshizawa."
Makes sense that Yossi would have come from a noble family. Back during this time period, one would have to be to be an Officer (i.e., someone who can give commands, and not just some foot soldier who has to blindly take them).  Stripping nobles of their ranks and priveledges would also make sense if the ruler felt someone was being insubordinate, but didn't feel like executing them.

"Well," replied Mako delicately, "it seems that our queen miscalculated. Scouts report that the Holy Empire of the Rose is massing her troops on our borders like they did three years ago. They're claiming they're just doing exercises along their side of the line, but our spies say Empress Fujimoto is going to make an all-out push to crush our Kingdom beneath her boot."
No shit she messed up. I wouldn't be surprised if Sayu was made aware of these events, and thought that her advisers were overreacting and she actually believed that the Rose troops were just doing exercises.  With luck she wasn't that naive and realized that stronger measures needed to be taken.

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

Offline Arcadia Victis

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Re: A Kingdom's Lament [Act 1, Ch.1]
« Reply #15 on: April 04, 2007, 04:45:17 AM »
I'll do reader responses later, for now I'm kinda busy. Please comment if you like or dislike anything!

[Act I, Chapter II - A Soldier's Return]

"The youngest son of Emperor Tsunku mourned his father's demise the longest; by the time he was prepared to assert his claim to the throne, his siblings were already sovereigns in their own right. His brothers sent many lawless murderers to take his head, confident that his demise would be swift. But Michishige fled to the wild southlands, where the local nobles took pity on his plight and proferred their fealty. With the support of these semi-barbaric chieftians, he founded the Kingdom of the Lilac, named for the flower that grew in such abundance in his new domain...

Several hours passed by the time Mako and Yossie walked into town. The sun was already setting above the western mountains, casting a darkening sky in shades of crimson and yellow. The two girls made their way through the winding, bustling streets - there was more than a little shoving and pushing as they tried to get through endless crowds of people. Yoshizawa's leather boots cracked against the cobblestones as she led Makoto towards their mutual destination.

"Where the hell were you Yossie?" growled the junior officer. The newly-restored General was haggling with a fruitseller over the price of a ripe tomato. After some rude gestures and language, the vendor agreed to part with his product for two copper coins. Both seller and buyer were reasonably satisfied, and left amiably; Yossie was munching happily when Mako caught up to her.

Yoshizawa pouted. "Hey, I was hungry. And it's Lady Yossie now, centurion." she added in a mock-serious tone.

"Till you get your title formally restored," giggled Mako, "it's still Yossie to me. Now come on!"

They walked for awhile till they reached the center of the city, the Lilac Forum. The public square was decorated along its border by neat rows of lilac bushes, white flowers blooming radiantly in fast-fading sunlight. As the pair of soldiers walked past a smorgasbord of monuments extolling the glory of King and Country, one statue in particular caught Yoshizawa's attention.

"When'd they put that eyesore up?" asked Yossie, pointing to it.

"Oh, that? Just last month. I remember there were a lot of cheers when the artist unveiled it." said Mako wistfully. The sculpture Makoto referred to was a marble portrait of Queen Sayumi Michishige, which depicted her in full regal attire. Sayu's statue was holding a bundle of lilacs and looked towards the dim sky with an expression that radiated childlike innocence - it stood out from the grandiose sculptures of previous monarchs that surrounded it, which uniformly depicted their subjects with martial pride.

Yossie was quiet. She didn't need to say anything, her friend could read the disgust on her face for what it was. Both walked on in silence.

They arrived at the spiritual and political seat of government for the Lilac Kingdom, a compact, circular building topped with a stone dome and supported by elegant columns topped with floral capitols. Engraved on the round roof were the words "THE SOVEREIGN AND COUNCIL OF THE KINGDOM OF LILAC." Yoshizawa walked up the steps, saluted the ceremonial guards at the door, and presented her papers. The two hardy, excessively armored men read over the documents and handed them back. They stepped aside, letting Yossie and Makoto pass through.

The room was already in an uproar as the two girls slipped in through the doorway. Shouts and cries filled with passion and eloquence echoed through the ornate chamber, running together in a cacophony of dissonance. Queen Michishige sat upon a brass throne directly opposite the entrance, while twenty advisers on her flanks argued over the rising crisis along the border.

"We cannot send our army!" cried one woman of many years, handsomely clad in a fine silk dress. "The Rose wants nothing more than a casus belli to strike us, and we cannot resist their inexorable power." "You speak madness!" responded a gaunt man whose tights and jacket hung limply from his slender frame. "Even if we do not act, Empress Fujimoto would still crush us beneath her numberless legions. Better for our Kingdom to die standing than on our knees." he spat venomously.

Yoshizawa clutched the letter Mako gave her tightly, so much that her knuckles whitened. She stepped towards Queen Sayu, cold fury burning inside her heart.

All noise in the room died when Sayumi raised her sceptre. She rose from her seat with great care - the ermine robes of state were much too large for her to move about comfortably - and gave a grave salute to Yoshizawa. The older woman bowed before the sovereign with gritted teeth; memories of the last year, of the shame and dishonor the general suffered for her advice flared roughly.

Sayumi walked towards the kneeling soldier with red and puffy eyes.

"My beloved friends and counselors," began the young queen, her voice quavering, "here stands before you one of the finest subjects of this Kingdom, and one whose loyalty and service I do not deserve." A tear ran down the monarch's cheek as she continued. "Last year, I berated our soldiers, and this one in particular, for their wisdom and their foresight. I called Hitomi Yoshizawa a monster, for her sound judgement that peace could not be enforced without strength."

The queen choked back another sob.

"I was deluded, all of us were. I thought that we could bring an end to the eternal war that has ravaged our lands by living as neighbors do. But too much blood has been shed already, and old hatreds will never die. And so, we stand here today, with the Empire standing at our gates, and our defenders resigned to disgrace because I put my hopes on a dumb wish. Can our soldiers, our countrymen ever forgive me? I fear I have damned them all."

Sayumi took her scepter and raised it lightly over Yoshizawa.

"Be thou a knight," whispered Sayu. The queen tapped Yossie on both shoulders with the golden rod. Yoshizawa handed Sayumi newly-drawn documents of nobility, which the queen gratefully accepted. She handed off the papers to a scribe on her left. "Rise, Lady Yoshizawa of Saitama."

Yossie rose to her feet, her anger subsided. "My queen!" she shouted. "All is not lost. We may yet survive this dark hour. The Lilac Kingdom will never fall before Empress Fujimoto. This I swear, on the name of the Yoshizawa line."

One of Sayumi's attendants stepped forward, and presented Yoshizawa with a feathered purple cloak, and a bronze clasp that depicted a bundle of lilac flowers held in the beak of an eagle. Yossie put on the ceremonial overcoat, and flashed Mako a grin. Yossie was back in business. The latter responded with a wink, and pointed back towards the queen.

Sayumi sniffled a little. "Will you accept the apologies of an ignorant baka, noble general?"

"If I didn't, I would break my duty, liege."

Sayu sighed. "Welcome back, Lady Yoshizawa. Your Legion is assembled at the old parade grounds. They're understrength for now, but our diplomats have arranged for some aid from the other countries."

"From where?"

"The Orchid Kingdom."

Yossie's blood froze. "You can't be serious. Those witches-"

"Are our last hope, General. They informed us about Fujimoto's original buildup, and offered their support. We can't very well deny them, as our army is in shambles thanks to my meddling."

"I can deal with not having enough men. I can't deal with having scheming Orchid magicians building strength to stab us in the back while we bleed against THEIR enemies."

"We have no choice. I have arranged for their representatives to meet us momentarily... and here they come."

Three indistinct figures strode into the room, a supernatural glow surrounding them as they glided in.

Sayumi cleared her throat. "General Yoshizawa, this is Lady Rika Ishikawa of the Orchid Kingdom."
« Last Edit: April 04, 2007, 01:26:41 PM by Arcadia Victis »
Rika <3

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Re: A Kingdom's Lament [Act 1, Ch.2]
« Reply #16 on: April 04, 2007, 05:18:16 AM »
I knew it would be Ishikawa! I'm officially stalking this thread!

Offline orangesocks

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Re: A Kingdom's Lament [Act 1, Ch.2]
« Reply #17 on: April 04, 2007, 06:45:38 AM »
RIKA!!!! Yossie and Rika interaction to follow soon?! :hee: yaaaay!  :D

I feel for Queen Sayumi. She just wanted peace! Too bad badass Empress Miki won't allow it...

Hum, I keep on imagining Makoto wearing her outfit from Ribbon no Kishi while following Yossie around.  :)

Offline Arcadia Victis

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Re: A Kingdom's Lament [Act 1, Ch.2]
« Reply #18 on: April 04, 2007, 01:38:58 PM »
On to reader responses! Yay!

wordsworth - Miki will be a dominatrix slave driver. And a violent one. >:D

orangesocks - Yes, there's going to be Yossie and Rika action later - it'll be magical in more ways than one. :heart:

rndmnwierd - Sayu and Miki are indeed the leaders of Lilac and Rose, respectively.

Blizzard - I like fight scenes too. :D Have to get through the exposition before I get there though.

JFC - Yeah, Sayu screwed up really badly. Sure hope Yossie can pull through. >_>
Rika <3

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Re: A Kingdom's Lament [Act 1, Ch.2]
« Reply #19 on: April 04, 2007, 09:21:43 PM »
It's Magical Biyuuden!!!!! (or at least magical rika for now)

Miki will be a dominatrix slave driver. And a violent one.

woooo~hoooooo~hooo~hooo~hooo  :heart:

and also looking forward to YossieXRika interaction

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