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Author Topic: ::Heartbeat Tempo:: [Chapter Forty-Six -- Nightmare]  (Read 148275 times)

Offline FeverInducedMadness

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Re: ::Heartbeat Tempo:: [Chapter Thirty-Three -- Two Can Play That Game]
« Reply #260 on: May 14, 2007, 12:44:16 AM »
Ah, and finally time for some extra-fluffy chapters.
And they're not even filler, either! :3
All of the chapters for the story's Saturday will be labeled as Koi no Vacance, because it's basically gonna be one big chapter split into a bunch of parts.
I guess they KIND of have something to do with the song, considering it means something like "love's vacation" and the girls are all off enjoying their break, but really I just chose that for the chapter title because I was listening to the song when I started writing it. XD

Enjoy. :3

[Chapter Thirty-Four -- Koi no Vacance, Part I]

The sun was up again by the time Maiha returned to the basement-home that she shared with Maasa, and even though the temperature outside was still of a freezing nature, she showed no indication that she cared or could even tell that it was so cold. She slipped down the hidden entrance and immediately wandered over towards the couch, tumbling over the back of it to flop onto the cushions with a contented sigh.

The flirt could hear the gentle sounds of snoring from the basement’s side room, and sat up abruptly, surprised. It had to have been Maasa… but she couldn’t recall a time when the other girl had gotten over being upset so quickly… Curious, Maiha got up from the couch and wandered into the other room, spotting a lumpy mass of blankets on top of the old mattress that no doubt concealed her best friend’s sleeping form.

A mischievous smile tugged at Maiha’s lips as an idea sprang to mind, and without a warning of any sort, she leapt on top of the other girl with a ferocious battle cry.



Fortunately for the flirt, her companion was much too sluggish in the mornings in order to fight back, and after a few moments of attempting to get Maiha off of her back so that she could strangle her, Maasa gave up, pulling a pillow over her head.

“What do you want…?”

“Aww, got a hangover, drunky?”

“For your information, not one drop touched my lips yesterday, thank you very much.”

“Oh really…”

Maiha leaned forward and jerked the pillow from her best friend’s hands, getting very close to Maasa’s face and making exaggerating sniffing noises like a dog would. The older female merely snorted, giving her an annoyed glare in response.

“Do you MIND?”

“No, not at all. And that’s surprising… you don’t SMELL like alcohol…”

“That’s because I didn’t HAVE any!”

“Huh… where’d you go yesterday, then?”

“I just walked around a lot. I thought about it, but… I came back here instead. Where have YOU been?”

Maiha grinned, sitting back upright on top of Maasa, with absolutely no intention from moving from that spot. It wasn’t like the older girl was gonna do anything about it anyway…. Maiha wasn’t that heavy, but it would have taken too much energy at this hour of the day in order to push her off.

“Oh… nowhere.”
“What happened to your jacket?”


“Your jacket… you never take it off.”

“Oh, I gave it to an angel and she neglected to return it to me…”

Alright, that was enough. Maasa could only handle so much of the other girl’s horrible romantic side, and talk like that was more than enough to make anyone’s stomach turn. With a great effort, she sat up, forcing Maiha off of her body and onto the bed. She yawned a bit before rolling over to the side in order to get to her feet.

“You ought to just leave Sugaya alone, Maiha… She’s a good kid, and you’ll just end up hurting her, playing the stupid games you play…”

Maiha rolled her eyes.

“Thanks for the warning, mom, but you needn’t be concerned.”

“I’m serious.”

“Yeah, I know, okay?”

It was Maasa’s turn to roll her eyes, and she did so as she began to change into clothing much more suitable to walk around in. She was aware of Maiha’s eyes on her as she did so, and even though she could have cared less and would have walked around the house naked if there wasn’t always the possibility of one of the younger girl’s many love interests dropping in on them, it felt like the flirt was almost sort of studying her, and that was somewhat annoying.

“What are you looking at? Nothing you haven’t seen before, you know…”

“Hm, oh… I dunno. Just admiring, I suppose. I was just wondering… If I was half as toned as you are… could I increase the percentage of girls that DON’T walk away from me by at least a little?”

“…On second thought… do whatever you want with Sugaya. I’d rather have you hitting on her than staring at me, it’s kind of creepy.”

Maiha grinned at her deviously, climbing off of the bed to walk towards Maasa just as she was pulling a shirt down over her head. The flirt slid her arms around the other’s waist before she could do anything about it, and rested her cheek against Maasa’s back as she hugged her from behind. The taller female stiffened at first, expecting something stupid that she was gonna have to hit Maiha for.

“…I’m really sorry for yelling at you yesterday. I know you don’t want to talk about what happened or what could happen, but… I’m just… I’m sorry. I just thought that you should know that, at least. I don’t like fighting with you…”

The older girl sighed, placing her hands over the ones around her waist and giving them a gentle squeeze.

“You’re my best friend. I forgave you the second I walked out of this house yesterday.”

Maiha chuckled, the sound muffled against Maasa’s back.

“Good. Where are you going, anyway? Socko told me something about how her and the other theatre girls are all goin’ out today, so you-know-who probably won’t be home…”

Maasa began to walk out of the room, with the other girl still attached, and she paused by the couch to pry Maiha off and deposit her onto it. She then moved to grab her jacket, sliding into it with ease.

“It never hurts to check, right? Now try to keep yourself out of trouble for the rest of the day, okay?”

“Okay, okay… jeez… I’m not a baby, you know?”


I woke up in an unfamiliar place that morning, but strangely enough, I wasn’t afraid or worried about anything bad happened to me. A warm body was entwined with mine, holding me, as if to keep me safe from anything that could possibly happen to me. At first, I had assumed it was Saki, but once I began to wake up a little bit more, I realized that this person was much, much taller than that, and it was then that I remembered where I was.

Slowly, I opened one of my eyes, thankful that the sun hadn’t risen enough for the light inside the room to be blinding. I let my other eye open at this point, and I yawned as my vision started to focus.

…She was very beautiful when she was sleeping. Not that she wasn’t extremely gorgeous awake, but in that moment, it was as if she had become something very delicate… almost untouchable.

I suddenly felt very insignificant next to her. I didn’t have a lot of time to speculate about that, however, because I was startled by the loud honking of a car outside, followed by several rapid-fire knocks on the door.

“Eh, Kumai-chan? Are you awake? We came by to see if you still wanted to come…”

It was a female’s voice, and I barely recognized it as belonging to one of those girls that danced with Yurina. I could hear the car honk again, and a few more voices called out towards the house, but since they were farther away, I couldn’t distinguish what was being said. I supposed that her friends wanted her to go out with them… and the right thing to do would have been to wake her up and tell her that they were here.

…But I couldn’t bring myself to disturb the beautiful girl beside me, partially because she looked so peaceful, and partially because I was feeling somewhat selfish and I didn’t want her to leave me. Fortunately for me, the girls outside gave up after a minute or so, and it was quiet again.

I snuggled closer to her, flinching as she stirred a little. I thought perhaps I had accidentally interrupted her sleep, but she merely held me tighter, a gentle smile crossing those graceful lips of hers. She whispered something, and at first I didn’t realize that she had been talking in her sleep.


I could feel my heart pounding harder in my chest, and begged for it to stop, because to me it sounded as though it could have been loud enough to wake her up. And then I wondered if she really HAD heard it, because she laughed gently, but she was still dreaming, still blissfully unaware of everything else.

…I smiled, closing my eyes to join her.


Quite frankly, I was somewhat glad that I had decided not to join Risako and the others to explore the city today. After getting a good night’s sleep for the first time in about five days, I came to the conclusion that I was completely worn out. Though I was enjoying my time here, it had taken it’s toll on me, since I wasn’t used to dancing every day or investigating mysterious happenings…

Or falling in love…

Thinking about THAT frightened me. Was I really falling in love with Maasa? Was it possible to feel that way about someone I had only met a few days before? I wasn’t going to rule out the possibility of course, but… I wasn’t sure. It wasn’t like a silly crush or some crazed infatuation… but was it strong enough to be labeled as love yet? I found myself constantly wanting to be around her, even though it was nearly impossible, because she came when she wanted to, and left in very much the same manner.

But I still wanted it. I wanted to talk to her, to hear her talk to me… I wanted her to hold me again… kiss me again…

I missed her even though I had seen her just the day before… it felt like an aching sort of pain that I couldn’t get rid of, because there wasn’t really anything I could do about it. I had no idea where she lived or where she would be… but even though looking for her would have proved pointless… I was getting to the point where I was seriously considering it.

A sigh escaped me, and I laid out across the apartment floor, ignoring the fact that I was wrinkling several of the papers that I had scattered around me. I had been attempting to go over some of the lyrics for another song Yurina had written before I wandered off onto that train of thought, and had been seated on the floor to do so, since the table was boring, and the bed would have made me fall asleep again.

I’m so pathetic… What would she think if she could hear thoughts like these coming from my mind? Probably less of me…

There was a knock at the door, interrupting my lovesick state of mind. I sat up, puzzled.

Who’d be coming to talk to Risako here…? Unless it’s that Maiha girl again… Ugh…

I wasn’t fond of that idea at all. The flirt would probably attempt to ravage me as soon as I opened the door… But still… it was rude to ignore whomever happened to be outside, especially since there was a chance that it WASN’T Maiha, and so I sighed, getting to my feet and walking over to answer it.

Almost immediately, I was lifted off of my feet by this hungry beast that had come to ‘attack’ me, and somehow she managed to shut the door behind her and move farther into the room with me all while claiming my lips with her own. Quite a talented beast, I had to admit. Even if she was up to no good.

I pouted against my will when the kisses stopped, and I felt my cheeks grow hot and a shiver ran down my spine as I looked up to see just how intensely she was staring back at me. Obviously, she hadn’t wanted to stop, either, but I had a feeling that she had pulled away for a pretty good reason…

“I missed you, too…” I attempted, the words coming out shaky, because I was still somewhat drugged by the affectionate kisses I had received. She smiled at me, and I wasn’t afraid to look back into her eyes this time, because those flames had disappated, and had been replaced with the strong calmness that I was used to. But she didn’t respond to me verbally, and instead leaned down to kiss me again. However, this time was much sweeter, much more gentle, like the first time she had kissed me.

I could have melted right then and there, but she pulled away before I could turn into a puddle, and set me back down on my feet again. Thankfully she didn’t let go of me, though, because I had a feeling if she had I might have fallen over. Her eyes wandered curiously over towards the mess of papers on the floor.

“What were you doing before I showed up…?”

“Mm… looking over some song lyrics for the performance…”

Maasa was still curious, however, and she tugged me along by the hand to go sit where I had been just a few minutes before, pulling me gently down into her lap. I didn’t mind that one bit, because she was warm and comfortable and actually quite cuddly for someone who looked so rough.

“What’s the song called?”

I began to search for the first page, but I was having trouble concentrating because as soon as my attention was diverted towards the music, she started to nibble on my ear, which was rather distracting. I gave her leg a light slap, and Maasa stopped, looking at me innocently.


“Behave yourself.”

“But it’s so hard…”

“Yes, well, you’re making it hard to focus.”

She gave me a look of faux hurt, but complied with my wishes and settled for leaning forward and resting her head on my shoulder instead. I tried really hard not to laugh at her.

“Anyway… the song…”

"Samidare Koi Uta…"

[To be continued...]
« Last Edit: May 14, 2007, 01:08:26 AM by FeverInducedMadness »
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Offline Yuuyami

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Re: ::Heartbeat Tempo:: [Chapter Thirty-Three -- Two Can Play That Game]
« Reply #261 on: May 14, 2007, 12:45:43 AM »
Dibs xD

Aww, Maiha's sweet side xD And her horrific romantic side >_o My gahh, I wonder how those romantic interests put up with those 80's pickup lines xD

Chinami and Yurina turned my insides into skittles :3

Maasa is a completely different person when it comes to Momochi, eh? xD Completely disregarding all threats of hurt those days before :x... Oh well, it's cute and sweet anyway <3

Looking forward to the next chapters xD

-feeds you macaroni and cheese instead of acting my usual torturing self-

« Last Edit: May 14, 2007, 12:55:37 AM by Yuuyami »


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Re: ::Heartbeat Tempo:: [Chapter Thirty-Three -- Two Can Play That Game]
« Reply #262 on: May 14, 2007, 12:47:18 AM »

Damn you Yuuyami!! >_<

Back to comment

That was overly sweet of Maiha..all sorry and stuff to maasa...A little tacky but still sweet o_o
I demand more RiixMaiha scenes >_>

The ChinamixYurina Was overkill >o<

And the MaasaxMomoko Oh god..
How is it possible to kill someone when you've already killed them!?
You drive me to the brink of insanity with your uber sweet stuff >_>
I anti-sugar hard don't die...

Btw...*squirts blood*
« Last Edit: May 14, 2007, 04:00:42 AM by Loser87 »

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Re: ::Heartbeat Tempo:: [Chapter Thirty-Four -- Koi no Vacance, Part I]
« Reply #263 on: May 14, 2007, 02:10:58 AM »
The whole Momo/Maasa reunion is just so........... :shy2:  :nya: :luvluv2:

I can't even describe it in words. These icons for me is worth 1000 words.(I almost wrote 1000 bucks cuz I was thinking of that  family guy episode) :)

for a sec I thought it was that psycho Koharu that grabbed Momo, praise the lord that it wasnt

nice update!
« Last Edit: May 14, 2007, 02:43:47 AM by modesta107 »
"Under the beautiful blue sky"

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Re: ::Heartbeat Tempo:: [Chapter Thirty-Four -- Koi no Vacance, Part I]
« Reply #264 on: May 14, 2007, 03:01:59 AM »
Awwww fluff! -dances around throwing confetti-

Best friend moment between Maiha and Maasa = XD!
Yurina/Chinami = :heart:
Momoko/Maasa = -DEAD- :heart: :heart: :heart: -flatlines again-

So sweeeeeet! Fluffy fluff fluff! -hands you sugar cookies- Too sweet! XD
Update soon~ :)


Currently writing:
- Lilium-related things. God save my soul.

On Hold:
- Everything Else. Too many to list.

I'm also on AO3!

Offline TydusArandor

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Re: ::Heartbeat Tempo:: [Chapter Thirty-Four -- Koi no Vacance, Part I]
« Reply #265 on: May 14, 2007, 03:43:01 AM »


Gosh, I can't keep up with the amount of updates! This has to be one of the most frequently updated fics I've ever read.

I hope Saturday occurs often!  :heart: :heart:  I can live with the angst as long as I know Saturday will come! FLUFF! ARGH! :imdead: (again, not that I was revived earlier) Maasa/Momoko = UNSTOPPABLE! TRY WHATEVER YOU WANT, KOHARU! IT WON'T WORK!  >:D

Rofl, at the Yurina/Chinami scene, I half expected the girls to bust in and catch them snuggling XD. And Maiha/Maasa best friends scene totally wins too  :heart:

I don't think I can think (and type) coherently right now, so I'll stop here  :-\ I don't think my whole comment here was coherent at all  ??? LOOK WHAT THIS FIC DID TO ME! But who cares, nothing wrong with being incoherent  :D

Offline ziggurat

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Re: ::Heartbeat Tempo:: [Chapter Thirty-Four -- Koi no Vacance, Part I]
« Reply #266 on: May 14, 2007, 06:21:59 AM »
Quote from: FeverInducedMadness"


Lol, a flashy entrance.. (well, not actually an entrance.. nvm.)

“For your information, not one drop touched my lips yesterday, thank you very much.”

She preserved the kiss :D

“Oh, I gave it to an angel and she neglected to return it to me…”

Maiha's angel <3

She was aware of Maiha’s eyes on her as she did so, and even though she could have cared less and would have walked around the house naked if there wasn’t always the possibility of one of the younger girl’s many love interests dropping in on them, it felt like the flirt was almost sort of studying her, and that was somewhat annoying.


“You’re my best friend. I forgave you the second I walked out of this house yesterday.”

I love this part T_T Maasa such a forgiving being... She made me feel bad..

…She was very beautiful when she was sleeping. Not that she wasn’t extremely gorgeous awake, but in that moment, it was as if she had become something very delicate… almost untouchable.

<3 X 100

I snuggled closer to her, flinching as she stirred a little. I thought perhaps I had accidentally interrupted her sleep, but she merely held me tighter, a gentle smile crossing those graceful lips of hers. She whispered something, and at first I didn’t realize that she had been talking in her sleep.

*melting rapidly*

…I smiled, closing my eyes to join her.


Damn, it ends.

There was a knock at the door, interrupting my lovesick state of mind. I sat up, puzzled.

I though the "other" part of Momo will awaken like before XD... look like "she" is busy

I pouted against my will when the kisses stopped, and I felt my cheeks grow hot and a shiver ran down my spine as I looked up to see just how intensely she was staring back at me. Obviously, she hadn’t wanted to stop, either, but I had a feeling that she had pulled away for a pretty good reason…

I don't know what to say.. O_O;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;  "shivers"

Wow.. I really can't say any words.. <3 Later..

Jab <3 marimari <3 ChrNo~ your spirit shall live forever.. T_T ||

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Re: ::Heartbeat Tempo:: [Chapter Thirty-Four -- Koi no Vacance, Part I]
« Reply #267 on: May 14, 2007, 04:22:01 PM »
NOOOOOOO!!! You evil! You can't use W songs and not put W in the story! Bad bad bad! Bad!....




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Re: ::Heartbeat Tempo:: [Chapter Thirty-Four -- Koi no Vacance, Part I]
« Reply #268 on: May 14, 2007, 10:09:01 PM »

*wags tail happily*  :luvuluvu:

can't wait til next chaaapppyyy...though i could never really keep up with all them updates ^_^;;

Offline FeverInducedMadness

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Re: ::Heartbeat Tempo:: [Chapter Thirty-Four -- Koi no Vacance, Part I]
« Reply #269 on: May 19, 2007, 08:17:11 PM »
Dibs xD

Aww, Maiha's sweet side xD And her horrific romantic side >_o My gahh, I wonder how those romantic interests put up with those 80's pickup lines xD

Chinami and Yurina turned my insides into skittles :3

Maasa is a completely different person when it comes to Momochi, eh? xD Completely disregarding all threats of hurt those days before :x... Oh well, it's cute and sweet anyway <3

Looking forward to the next chapters xD

-feeds you macaroni and cheese instead of acting my usual torturing self-


XDD I think perhaps you're giving her love interests a bit too much credit.

Mm... taste the rainbowwwwww.

Lol It's not gonna be all sunshine and unicorns for them forever, you know...



Damn you Yuuyami!! >_<

Back to comment

That was overly sweet of Maiha..all sorry and stuff to maasa...A little tacky but still sweet o_o
I demand more RiixMaiha scenes >_>

The ChinamixYurina Was overkill >o<

And the MaasaxMomoko Oh god..
How is it possible to kill someone when you've already killed them!?
You drive me to the brink of insanity with your uber sweet stuff >_>
I anti-sugar hard don't die...

Btw...*squirts blood*

XDD Risako and Maiha don't get anymore together time for a little while. Be patient.

Haha, death toll at this point: 1


-runs away from the squirty blood- ><;;;

The whole Momo/Maasa reunion is just so........... :shy2:  :nya: :luvluv2:

I can't even describe it in words. These icons for me is worth 1000 words.(I almost wrote 1000 bucks cuz I was thinking of that  family guy episode) :)

for a sec I thought it was that psycho Koharu that grabbed Momo, praise the lord that it wasnt

nice update!

XDD That would have been creepy if it WAS Koharu... o_O;;

Awwww fluff! -dances around throwing confetti-

Best friend moment between Maiha and Maasa = XD!
Yurina/Chinami = :heart:
Momoko/Maasa = -DEAD- :heart: :heart: :heart: -flatlines again-

So sweeeeeet! Fluffy fluff fluff! -hands you sugar cookies- Too sweet! XD
Update soon~ :)

Death toll: 2

<33 -nibbles on cookies-



Gosh, I can't keep up with the amount of updates! This has to be one of the most frequently updated fics I've ever read.

I hope Saturday occurs often!  :heart: :heart:  I can live with the angst as long as I know Saturday will come! FLUFF! ARGH! :imdead: (again, not that I was revived earlier) Maasa/Momoko = UNSTOPPABLE! TRY WHATEVER YOU WANT, KOHARU! IT WON'T WORK!  >:D

Rofl, at the Yurina/Chinami scene, I half expected the girls to bust in and catch them snuggling XD. And Maiha/Maasa best friends scene totally wins too  :heart:

I don't think I can think (and type) coherently right now, so I'll stop here  :-\ I don't think my whole comment here was coherent at all  ??? LOOK WHAT THIS FIC DID TO ME! But who cares, nothing wrong with being incoherent  :D

Death toll: 3

XDD Saturday... <3

lol as for incoherency... I'm feelin' that... right about now... lol

Quote from: FeverInducedMadness"


Lol, a flashy entrance.. (well, not actually an entrance.. nvm.)

“For your information, not one drop touched my lips yesterday, thank you very much.”

She preserved the kiss :D

“Oh, I gave it to an angel and she neglected to return it to me…”

Maiha's angel <3

She was aware of Maiha’s eyes on her as she did so, and even though she could have cared less and would have walked around the house naked if there wasn’t always the possibility of one of the younger girl’s many love interests dropping in on them, it felt like the flirt was almost sort of studying her, and that was somewhat annoying.


“You’re my best friend. I forgave you the second I walked out of this house yesterday.”

I love this part T_T Maasa such a forgiving being... She made me feel bad..

…She was very beautiful when she was sleeping. Not that she wasn’t extremely gorgeous awake, but in that moment, it was as if she had become something very delicate… almost untouchable.

<3 X 100

I snuggled closer to her, flinching as she stirred a little. I thought perhaps I had accidentally interrupted her sleep, but she merely held me tighter, a gentle smile crossing those graceful lips of hers. She whispered something, and at first I didn’t realize that she had been talking in her sleep.

*melting rapidly*

…I smiled, closing my eyes to join her.


Damn, it ends.

There was a knock at the door, interrupting my lovesick state of mind. I sat up, puzzled.

I though the "other" part of Momo will awaken like before XD... look like "she" is busy

I pouted against my will when the kisses stopped, and I felt my cheeks grow hot and a shiver ran down my spine as I looked up to see just how intensely she was staring back at me. Obviously, she hadn’t wanted to stop, either, but I had a feeling that she had pulled away for a pretty good reason…

I don't know what to say.. O_O;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;  "shivers"

Wow.. I really can't say any words.. <3 Later..

XDD But at least you didn't die from this. hahah. Unless melting counts. XD

NOOOOOOO!!! You evil! You can't use W songs and not put W in the story! Bad bad bad! Bad!....




Bah, I'll use whatever songs I want. XD
And W IS in this story.
Nono's just the only one that has appeared yet.
I have PLANS for Aibon. PLANS. (Good plans. XD)


*wags tail happily*  :luvuluvu:

can't wait til next chaaapppyyy...though i could never really keep up with all them updates ^_^;;

:3 -pets-

[Yuuuuuuuuchan? :D]
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Re: ::Heartbeat Tempo:: [Chapter Thirty-Four -- Koi no Vacance, Part I]
« Reply #270 on: May 19, 2007, 08:18:38 PM »
Fimmy-chaaaaaaaan? xD


Offline FeverInducedMadness

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Re: ::Heartbeat Tempo:: [Chapter Thirty-Four -- Koi no Vacance, Part I]
« Reply #271 on: May 19, 2007, 08:26:30 PM »
^ <333

It's been a while since I updated. Oh well. I don't hear anyone gripin' about it. XD -shrugs-

Enjoy. XD

[Chapter Thirty-Five -- Koi no Vacance, Part II

The tension building up in the rundown alleyway was… powerful, to say the least. It was enough to keep everyone present quiet, waiting with baited breath to see what their respective leaders would do.

On the one side stood Koharu, a faintly amused expression on her face, while Airi stood close behind, taking on a much more stoic appearance. Opposite of the two of them was a group of about five girls, all looking as though they were ready for a fight. The tallest of this group was out in front, and though she was perhaps the calmest next to the other females behind her, her eyes carried a dangerous warning that something would happen if the pair decided to get any closer.

“I don’t see why you have to be so hostile about this, Maimi… I would have assumed that you would have wanted to be the first to help me out…”

“Maybe in the past, Miracle… but… what you pulled last time was crazy. Not only that, but I hear that the cops are on your tail this time. You can’t outrun them forever, no matter how good you are… We… no… I don’t want to have anything to do with you anymore.”

Koharu laughed quietly to herself, shrugging in a nonchalant sort of way. Her cold eyes were not carefree, however, and the leader of the big group—the girl called Maimi—had to surpress a shiver when those black orbs darted in her direction again… piercing, evil, murderous things…

“How… unfortunate… I would have liked to have included you in this… but I guess that’s not going to happen… It’s too bad I have to dispose of all of you now, too… It’d be too risky if you were to let what transpired here leak out to the wrong people…”

“Dispose of…?”

Maimi’s eyes immediately shot to Airi, who had moved out from behind Koharu and was slowly closing the gap between herself and the group. The younger female was pulling something out from beneath the folds of her clothing, and the tell-tale glint of metal told Maimi that it wasn’t nice and cuddly…

“Don’t take too long, Airin… we’ve got other things to take care of, you know…”

And as soon as Koharu disappeared around the corner, the pawn dove into the group of girls without warning, brandishing a pair of deadly, six-inch knives. Though she caught the small gang by surprise, she was horribly outnumbered, and the fight would be in their favor… at least, that’s what Maimi thought at first. Airi wasn’t the only one who had been concealing a weapon.

Things moved quickly, and two of the females had managed to back Airi up into a corner of the alleyway. She was breathing heavily, but to Maimi’s surprise, the girl didn’t have a scratch on her. There was this horrible glint in the pawn’s eyes… similar to the look she had gotten from Koharu. Almost like she was consumed and controlled by some sort of powerful bloodlust…

The two girls that had her cornered seemed to notice the dangerous look as well, and they were frightened by it, attempting to take a few steps backwards as if they wanted to put distance between themselves and this little demon.

…They barely had enough time to scream before their lives were ripped from them by the blades of the knives.

Maimi had even less time to mourn their deaths, for Airi targeted her next, and she thanked instinct and reflexes for saving her life, because without them, she’d have never gotten her arms up in time to block the attack. The force of it surprised her, coming from someone smaller than herself, and when she felt her back connect with the ground below she couldn’t help but let out a startled yelp. She was pretty sure her arms had been sliced during the collision, too, but the pain wouldn’t hit her until she had a moment to think about it.

The little demon was on top of her in an instant, and she felt her brain shift into autopilot, relying on the instinct of self-preservation to keep alive. Somehow she managed to avoid getting stabbed by those gleaming knives, and used all her force to kick Airi in the ribcage, this sickening, cracking sort of noise following to tell her that she had aimed well.

Maimi scrambled to her feet as the other girl staggered backwards, and looked around, dismayed to find that her two still-living companions had fled, leaving her to fend for herself. Then again… she couldn’t really blame them. She could feel her anger flaring up as she glanced over the fallen, lifeless forms on the ground not too far away, and before her good judgment could stop her, she flew at Airi, ignoring the shockwaves of pain that traveled up her wounded arm when she punched the other girl in the face.

Without even skipping a beat, she drew her other fist back and was ready to deliver an equally powerful blow, but this time it didn’t connect, because Airi had recovered, and was much faster than the taller female. So fast in fact, that not only had she dodged Maimi, she had retreated, completely disappearing from sight.

Not so tough… when you decided to come after me, huh…

The gang leader clenched her hands into tight fists at her sides, only vaguely aware of the blood dripping down from the wounds made by the knives.

The next time you show your face, Miracle… there will be hell to pay… Make no doubt about that…



“An… amusement park? Aren’t we a little old for this? I was expecting to do something more along the lines of… well, shopping, or something like that.”

“Aw, hush, Erika-chan. It’ll be fun. You’re never too old for a roller coaster.”

“Well, actually…”

“No more discussion! We’re here now, and we’re gonna have fun, and you guys are gonna like it! If you want to leave, that’s fine with me, but I’m the one with the car, remember?”

Erika and Risako shared a dismayed, reluctant sort of look before turning back to gaze at the sight before them. Twisting steel tracks and other large metallic structures that no doubt held some of the more terrifying attractions jutted up from the earth, looming over them in an ominous fashion. The cars rolled by on the tracks with impressive speed, carrying with them the excited and frightened screams of those riding. Miyabi didn’t seem to be intimidated by the sight of it at all, and if Saki was afraid… she wasn’t showing it.

The other two members of the group were both obviously not too keen on the idea of entering the park, but Miyabi had a point… so there wasn’t really much they could do about it. They were much too far away from their respective homes at this point to even think about walking…

Erika sighed as she watched Saki and Miyabi wander off by themselves, realizing that she was stuck with having to watch out for Risako until the others saw fit to leave… She was already in a crappy mood because Yurina hadn’t come along, but… to have to keep an eye on the accident-prone, life-endangering youngest member of the troupe was bound to wear on her nerves.

It wasn’t that she didn’t like Risako… she just wasn’t all too close to the other girl.

“…So what do you want to do now?”

“I don’t know. I don’t really care.”

It seemed that her companion was in a similar sort of mood. The girl had been distracted ever since the day before, and she looked upset when she told the others that Momoko had decided not to come with them, either.

This is gonna be so much fun…

“Come on, then… Let’s find something that won’t make us throw up or dislocate some body parts… Eh, Risako?”

As soon as Erika turned back to face the younger female, she noticed that the girl was gone, and a jolt of fear shot up her spine. She was beyond dead if anything happened to Risako… beyond dead.


She called out, looking around frantically in a futile attempt to catch a glimpse of the other girl… but Risako had obviously taken the opportunity to get away from her as far as possible as quickly as possible, and was nowhere in sight. It was easy to hide in a huge amusement park like this, especially since it was crowded with people…

…Why me?


“Samidare Koi Uta…”

“A love song?”

“Mm… Yurina is a bit of a romantic, I suppose…”

I scanned over the music sheet Momoko was holding, never moving my head from her shoulder. I had been told to behave… and so I would for now… but most people considered me to be a rebel, and those aren’t really known for… behaving. It didn’t help that I was still completely fascinated with her and the things that she did, either.

But I wasn’t Maiha… and so I could hold out… for a little while longer, anyway.

“Will you sing it for me?”

She shifted against me, turning her head to look at me with those brilliant eyes of hers, the faintest shade of crimson coloring her cheeks in a light blush. It was almost too adorable to handle, really… how it was possible for someone to be so cute, I’ll never understand.

“A-ah, well…”

“Oh, come on… don’t tell me you’re nervous about singing in front of me. You’re a performer, you’re not supposed to have stage fright around anyone.”

“It’s not that… it’s just… this song is meant to be a duet. It wouldn’t sound like it’s supposed to if I sang it by myself.”

“I’ll sing with you, then.”

Momoko gave me a curious look, as if she was trying to figure out whether or not I was lying to her. Maiha had taken on a similar expression the first time I told her I could sing, but at least Momoko looked like she could believe it somewhat. Maiha just laughed at me. It was getting really annoying to elicit that same reaction out of people every time, though… maybe I should have just stopped telling them about it.

“Saki did teach me a few things back when she used to perform, you know… I just don’t make it a point to broadcast what I can do. I’m not that untalented…”

“Oh, you know I wasn’t thinking like that. Isn’t it fair for me to be surprised, considering I’ve only known you for about five days now?”

Alright, touché. There were still a lot of things that we didn’t know about each other.

“Do you want me to sing with you or not?”

“You’re the one who wants to hear the song…”

I let out an exasperated groan, swiping the music out of her hands with ease and earning a mischievous giggle as my reward. I suppose she hadn’t gotten tired of trying to get under my skin like that, being smart and all. I didn’t mind so much anymore, though… it was much more playful than annoying now.

My eyes wandered over the pages that I had apprehended, following the notes on the staff and the words beneath, trying to decipher what part I would have to sing. It seemed like I would have to stick with the lower, main part, because my vocal range would definitely not be able to handle the other.

I became aware of Momoko’s eyes on me at that point, and I looked up from the page to meet her gaze. She was staring at me curiously again… but this time it was almost like she was somewhat impressed about something.

“You can read the music, too…?”

“Yeah… it was one of the things Saki taught me how to do. But… it wasn’t ever really like she gave me lessons on it… it was more like, whenever we hung out and were bored she’d show me something new. I never forgot any of it…”

She didn’t say anything at that, and she was still staring as if she was looking for something else… My ears were growing hot under all of the scrutiny, and so I had to look away before I blushed like she had a little while ago. I was not small and cute, and therefore would have appeared stupid rather than adorable.

“Let’s just… sing now.”


Momoko slid out of my arms and stood up, leaving a cold and empty space where she had been, but I resisted the urge to tell her to come back, because that would have sounded strange… She walked over to a bag that was sitting on the table near the window, digging through it for a moment before she pulled out a CD, which she took over to a… well, the nice words for the player would have been “well used”… and slid it into the machine, waiting for it to load.

Funny… I hadn’t even noticed the thing when I had been over at the apartment the first time. Then again, it wasn’t Momoko’s apartment, and other than Momoko herself, I really could have cared less about what was in it. Maiha would have been interested, but that was a completely different story.

And something told me that she wasn’t going to be setting foot in there anytime soon.

“We’ve been recording all of Yurina’s piano tracks with some of the equipment in the theatre… It’s not like… amazing quality or anything, and it definitely doesn’t measure up to hearing her play live, but it helps when practicing…”

Almost as soon as she finished speaking the sounds of the piano filtered out of the stereo, sounding much clearer than I would have expected it to, all things considered. I honestly didn’t know what she was talking about when she said the quality of the recording wasn’t good… but judging by just how amazing that piano sounded… I assumed she was right when she said that it couldn’t compare to hearing the music live.

As the song started, she walked back over and sat down in my lap again (much to my relief… I was getting lonely) and I handed her the music so that I could look over her shoulder and we could both read it.

She didn’t even have to tell me when to start, because somehow… I just knew.

*“♪Koi makura, koizakura
koi no hana ga chiru  (aa aa yurara)♪”

I was surprised at how well our voices blended and merged together, and I think she was thinking somewhere along the same lines, because she turned to look at me, amazement reflected in her eyes. I smiled, and we continued to sing:

“♪Koi no iro, koi no ame
samidare uta…♪”

“♪Yatto wasure kaketeta…♪” I've finally made myself forget… “♪(Mae no shitsuren…)♪” (My last broken heart…) “♪Koi no kizuato…♪” The scars of love… “♪Kioku ga modoru…♪” Make my memories return…

Suddenly I felt a pain jolt at my heart, because the words… they were hitting very near to home… I kept on singing, not wanting to think about it.

“♪Kokoro midare (midare)
hitori yurare (yurarete)
kaeru densha no naka made♪”

My heart is restless (restless)
I tremble alone (I tremble)
Even in the train going home

“♪Ah, samidare (midare)
ah, nagasareteku (nagarete)
namida, namida, furitsuzuku wa…♪”

Ah, early summer rain (disturbs)
Ah, it flows away (flows away)
My tears, my tears continue to rain down…

I couldn’t sing anymore after that… Even though the track continued to play, we sat there quietly, as Momoko had picked up on the sudden change in my mood, and was now looking at me, concerned. I could feel her delicate fingers brush across my cheek, and I closed my eyes, trying to block it out.

“…And… you know what happens when people get in my way …don’t you, Maasa.”

 “If you care about her at all… which… I think you do from what I’ve seen…”

 “…Well, I’d be planting certain ideas in her head to get her to stop… you know… just in case something terrible were to happen…”


I opened my eyes again, her quiet voice pushing that terrible, painful other one out of my head. She was still watching me with a troubled expression, and I cursed myself inwardly for allowing myself to make her worry…

“It’s nothing… Just, a beautiful song, that’s all…”

She didn’t believe me, I could see that in her eyes, but for some reason… she didn’t push it. She let it go, and for that I was grateful, but… Why hadn’t I just told her the truth right there…? What was I afraid of?

Losing her…

“Mm… well… I’m glad you like it. I’ll be sure to tell Yurina that it’ll be good for the performance, then.”

It was awkward between us at that moment, and I could feel her stiffen against me, as if she didn’t really want to be that close but wouldn’t move away in order to keep from hurting my feelings or something. It wasn’t like Momoko expected anything from me, but… She could tell I had lied to her, and I suppose in that way I had told her that I didn’t trust her.

It’s not that… I just want to keep you safe. I want you to be able to leave this city in the end…

I sighed, laying my head forward on her shoulder again. I needed to think more before I did things… Still, she seemed to relax at that, and I saw her smile a bit out of the corner of my eye as she turned her head to kiss me on the cheek.

“Come with me…”


She stood up, grabbing my hand as I got up along with her. I didn’t really care where we were going, but the question was asked more out of reflex than actual concern. But she didn’t answer at first, merely smiling as she led me out of the apartment.

“I have something to show you…”

*I don't own this song, I didn't write it, blahblahblah, don't sue me and all that jazz. XDD
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Re: ::Heartbeat Tempo:: [Chapter Thirty-Four -- Koi no Vacance, Part I]
« Reply #272 on: May 19, 2007, 08:27:13 PM »
Dibs xD

Airi = Assassin of doom?

Maimi and her gang eh? I'm assuming it's the rest of C-ute that were not introduced yet o-o. You killed two people, Airi?! o_O For your beloved master, right? I think that's cute :] (loves relationships like that) Anywho, what I find odd is that Koharu had wanted to enlist the help of people to do something... Which probably means whatever she's planning, it's big o_o;

Amusement park? I love the amusement park :D

I wonder where Risako went off to xD

Why do I get this sinking feeling that Erika's going to run into a bad doobie? >_>;

Momo and Maasa are cute as usual xD Song's lovely too :]


-feeds you pasta-

« Last Edit: May 19, 2007, 08:43:38 PM by Yuuyami »

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Re: ::Heartbeat Tempo:: [Chapter Thirty-Five -- Koi no Vacance, Part II]
« Reply #273 on: May 19, 2007, 09:31:41 PM »
Were the two who died C-ute's? If so, yay! :P
Risako's channeling Crazy!Chinami, quick, to the Cap'n mobile!
Aw at the MaMo! New favorite couple.

Bah, I'll use whatever songs I want. XD
And W IS in this story.
Nono's just the only one that has appeared yet.
I have PLANS for Aibon. PLANS. (Good plans. XD)

Rawr, now samidare?
Nono's appearance was so tiny I almost forgot that she was there... lol.
Now when you say you have plans for Aibon, do you mean just Aibon and Nono fades into a life of obscurity? Or a Two Top combination plan?

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Re: ::Heartbeat Tempo:: [Chapter Thirty-Five -- Koi no Vacance, Part II]
« Reply #274 on: May 20, 2007, 12:15:30 AM »
Wow, vicious Koharu and killer Airi. o_o;

Am I weird if I say that a ruthless Koharu is kinda hot? XD

Momo! And Maasa! <3 I wonder what Momoko wants to show her? Hmm.

And oh yeah, I wonder what happens to Risako, and what of Erika who's trying to find her. -has a bad feeling-

Anyway, update soon! I'm totally running out of gift ideas. XD -hands you cheesecake- XD


Currently writing:
- Lilium-related things. God save my soul.

On Hold:
- Everything Else. Too many to list.

I'm also on AO3!

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Re: ::Heartbeat Tempo:: [Chapter Thirty-Five -- Koi no Vacance, Part II]
« Reply #275 on: May 20, 2007, 03:53:03 AM »
Damn, the first part is scary. I'm glad Maimi survive the evil Airi attack .. If she dies .... I'm gonna kill you FIM!

And why Airi flee? I though she supposed to kill all of them? Hmm...

Quote from: FeverInducedMadness
She was already in a crappy mood because Yurina hadn’t come along, but… to have to keep an eye on the accident-prone, life-endangering youngest member of the troupe was bound to wear on her nerves.


As soon as Erika turned back to face the younger female, she noticed that the girl was gone, and a jolt of fear shot up her spine. She was beyond dead if anything happened to Risako… beyond dead.

Heaven? XD

She shifted against me, turning her head to look at me with those brilliant eyes of hers, the faintest shade of crimson coloring her cheeks in a light blush. It was almost too adorable to handle, really… how it was possible for someone to be so cute, I’ll never understand.

@_@ <- glittering eyes.

Damn, it's so sweet when both of them start singing together and keep exchanging glance of each other.. @_@

I sighed, laying my head forward on her shoulder again. I needed to think more before I did things… Still, she seemed to relax at that, and I saw her smile a bit out of the corner of my eye as she turned her head to kiss me on the cheek.

>_< ( I try not to die..)

I'm happy you wrote a new chapter.. :D

Jab <3 marimari <3 ChrNo~ your spirit shall live forever.. T_T ||


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Re: ::Heartbeat Tempo:: [Chapter Thirty-Five -- Koi no Vacance, Part II]
« Reply #276 on: May 21, 2007, 08:57:25 PM »
Honestly I wasn't going to comment because I was gonna' be lazy but I'm commenting now so celebrate!

It was in one word gurgle...
I'm gurgling in a pile of mush that is me..(ew)

The Maimi/Airi Battle made me almost break my vow not to swear again! Basically you had me saying "OH SHIIII--...ZZLE!!!"
Now that's saying something =O

Oh gosh I can imagine Risako causing a disaster in an amusement park by "accident"
I wonder if there's gonna be captain/miya mush in the next chapter ><

I demand more momoxmaasa!!

(We need more rivalry bitter grr and arghh-ness!!)

*Cracks whip* UPDATE YOU BUTT-HEAD!! *throws a cat* YAHHAHHA!!~

Offline Tanachan

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Re: ::Heartbeat Tempo:: [Chapter Thirty-Five -- Koi no Vacance, Part II]
« Reply #277 on: May 21, 2007, 09:26:06 PM »
Damn, did I have a blonde moment reading these chapters.

Sorry I missed the last one! Thought I reviewed it but apparently not. Anyways, I died repeatedly while reading this, like leaving a controller to shoot yourself repeatedly in a video game amount of dying. So sweeeeeeet! <3333333 But the fight made me want to kill Airi, and it takes me a LOT to turn on my second favorite C-ute member. And Sev would've taken care of Koharu for me xDDD.

*throws bigass box that folds out to a live of Otome Gocorro, members included*

*and comes with Sushi and pasta*
If Helen Keller falls in the woods and no one is around, does she make a sound?

Official [WHOA] member, master and commander of the Tokunaga Chinami branch.

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Re: ::Heartbeat Tempo:: [Chapter Thirty-Five -- Koi no Vacance, Part II]
« Reply #278 on: May 24, 2007, 03:40:45 AM »
Dibs xD

Airi = Assassin of doom?

Maimi and her gang eh? I'm assuming it's the rest of C-ute that were not introduced yet o-o. You killed two people, Airi?! o_O For your beloved master, right? I think that's cute :] (loves relationships like that) Anywho, what I find odd is that Koharu had wanted to enlist the help of people to do something... Which probably means whatever she's planning, it's big o_o;

Amusement park? I love the amusement park :D

I wonder where Risako went off to xD

Why do I get this sinking feeling that Erika's going to run into a bad doobie? >_>;

Momo and Maasa are cute as usual xD Song's lovely too :]


-feeds you pasta-


Actually, I haven't decided who's dead yet. I had it figured out at first but now I'm not so sure. I suppose you'll find out when it gets to that point... >D And you know it's gonna be big... Koharu's gotta regain control of her city, after all...

XDD I don't.

-nibbles on pasta-

Were the two who died C-ute's? If so, yay! :P

Rawr, now samidare?
Nono's appearance was so tiny I almost forgot that she was there... lol.
Now when you say you have plans for Aibon, do you mean just Aibon and Nono fades into a life of obscurity? Or a Two Top combination plan?

Again, not sure if they're C-ute's yet or not. Previously, that was going to be the case... now I'm not so sure. XD

You can't have W without both 'you's. XDD

Wow, vicious Koharu and killer Airi. o_o;

Am I weird if I say that a ruthless Koharu is kinda hot? XD

Momo! And Maasa! <3 I wonder what Momoko wants to show her? Hmm.

And oh yeah, I wonder what happens to Risako, and what of Erika who's trying to find her. -has a bad feeling-

Anyway, update soon! I'm totally running out of gift ideas. XD -hands you cheesecake- XD

Not weird at all. <3

XDD Most of this has already been answered since I posted the chapter. XD

YAY CHEESECAKE! (I'm not sharing with you, Loser. =P)

Damn, the first part is scary. I'm glad Maimi survive the evil Airi attack .. If she dies .... I'm gonna kill you FIM!

And why Airi flee? I though she supposed to kill all of them? Hmm...

Fortunately... I don't plan on killing Maimi. <3 I like her too much. XD

Well... seeing as the others also ran away and since Maimi more than likely broke a couple of her ribs with that kick... I think it's safe to say that Airi was outmatched. XD

-Loser wrote stuff here and I read it and yay. :3-

I'm too tired...... >__<;

Damn, did I have a blonde moment reading these chapters.

Sorry I missed the last one! Thought I reviewed it but apparently not. Anyways, I died repeatedly while reading this, like leaving a controller to shoot yourself repeatedly in a video game amount of dying. So sweeeeeeet! <3333333 But the fight made me want to kill Airi, and it takes me a LOT to turn on my second favorite C-ute member. And Sev would've taken care of Koharu for me xDDD.

*throws bigass box that folds out to a live of Otome Gocorro, members included*

*and comes with Sushi and pasta*

-buried under box and sushi and pasta- XDD

I'm too tired to really respond to these after seeing Pirates. I'll do better next time. XD
« Last Edit: May 26, 2007, 03:43:09 AM by FeverInducedMadness »
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Re: ::Heartbeat Tempo:: [Chapter Thirty-Five -- Koi no Vacance, Part II]
« Reply #279 on: May 24, 2007, 03:43:55 AM »
@_@ -zombie- Sleeeeeeeeep... goooooooood. ><;;

[Chapter Thirty-Six -- Koi no Vacance, Part III]

I felt kind of bad for ditching Erika-chan at the amusement park… but there wasn’t any way that I was gonna stay in that place much longer than I had to. Besides, she was treating me like she was my babysitter or something, and I wasn’t gonna have any of that.

I’m not a kid anymore…

I didn’t really have any idea where I was going… but at least I wasn’t lost. I decided that I would just wander around until I assumed that the others were done riding roller coasters and stuff like that (as if that was what they were REALLY doing), and then I’d make my way back to the park.

Somehow… I managed to end up in front of the local hospital. Maybe it was because somewhere in the back of my mind I felt guilty for not having visited Takahashi-san at all since her incident, but I wasn’t believing that I had stopped there by coincidence. Besides… I had nothing else to do.

I strolled right into the building with no problem, and helped myself to locate the room number that belonged to my instructor. If there was one thing consistent and true about this entire city, it was that no one seemed to be too particularly responsible for anything. Like the hospital… the staff could have cared less if I had walked in carrying a gun and asked them where a certain person was staying…

They wouldn’t have been able to tell me, but that’s not the point.

Anyway, if I wasn’t used to this sort of thing, it probably would have scared me just how easily I was able to make my way up to Takahashi-san’s room. But really… I thought nothing of it.

I knocked on the door, hearing the faint sounds of voices coming from behind the wood. I wondered if she had visitors, and thought I should come back at another time, but I heard Takahashi-san call for me to come in, and so… I was stuck. I opened the door a bit, poking my head into the room. My dance instructor looked like in some pretty bad shape, even though she really had suffered only minor injuries. She had a cast on one of her arms, since the car had clipped her there and shattered most of the bone, and most of the rest of her skin (that I could see, anyway) was covered in bandages. She had apparently taken a nasty fall upon being hit, and so I assumed the bandages were to help any scrapes heal a little quicker.

Takahashi-san wasn’t alone in the room (as I had assumed), and my eyes shifted to a young woman about her age sitting beside the bed, who regarded me with an equally curious expression.

“Ah, Sugaya-chan… How are you?”

Her voice was tired and soft, not at all like what I was used to during practice. Still, I expected it to a point, because even though Takahashi-san was a pretty strict person, she was also very kind to and supportive of all of her students… outside of the theatre, at least.

“I’m fine… But the real question is, how are you? We were all worried when Erika-chan came back to tell us the news…”

The young woman beside my instructor leaned forward to whisper something in Takahashi-san’s ear and kissed her on the cheek before standing up, nodding at me as she left the room. I supposed that she wanted to give us some time to talk, and I kind of appreciated that, because it was awkward with a stranger around. Once she was gone, though, I walked over to sit in the chair she had been occupying. After all, it wasn’t like she needed it anymore. Takahashi-san smiled at me.

“I’m doing okay. I’m more embarrassed about it than anything else… I suppose no one thinks much of me anymore, hm?”

“Nah… We all make mistakes, I guess. I’m just glad you’re alive. It could have been worse.”

“Still… I apologize for letting all of you down… That performance was the last chance…”

I grinned at her. I guess Erika hadn’t told Takahashi-san about all of our plans.

“We’re still going through with it. Momoko-chan pulled all of us together and we’ve set up a whole new show. You should see what we’ve been working on… It’s going to be amazing.”

She smiled back at me after that, reaching out with her not-mangled arm to pat my hand. I suddenly sort of missed having her teach us, even though Momoko… truthfully… was doing a much better job of running things than Takahashi-san ever had.

“Good. Make me proud.”

“We will, I promise.”

The two of us lapsed into silence, though I think it was much more awkward for me than it was for her. I didn’t really know what else to say to her, horrible as it sounds, and I was about to leave before she spoke to me again.

“Is something bothering you, Sugaya-chan…? You’re not usually so quiet.”

How… perceptive. Am I really that transparent?

“Well, it’s kind of stupid, actually…”

I paused at that point. I wasn’t sure I wanted to talk about what was going on. Maiha was a frustrating topic to me right now… I was confused and… well… no, mostly just confused, and… actually, perhaps Takahashi-san was the best one to talk to… she was an unbiased third party after all.

“I’m kind of having… girl troubles.”

Takahashi-san eyed me like I had suddenly sprouted a third head. (Not a second, a third. I think the second had sent her into a state of shock, but the third was the one to elicit that incredulous look.)

“See… I told you it was stupid…” I muttered lamely, feeling quite embarrassed and wanting nothing more to crawl into a hole. To further my predicament, my instructor began to laugh at me, and I glared at her with an indignant expression, awaiting her explanation.

“No, no, it’s not that at all. It’s just… with you being you and all… The last thing I would have expected you to have would be relationship problems of any sort… But if you’re having problems, it’s not stupid… tell me what’s going on.”

I raised an eyebrow at her.

“What do you mean ‘me being me’?”

“Oh, Sugaya-chan… You could have any of the girls in this city—not to mention the hordes of boys that would die to come within a foot of you—at your every beck and call in a second…”

I could feel my face getting hot and I turned to look out of the room’s window, hoping to keep my mortification from being shown. People were always saying things like that about me. I didn’t really like the praise… because I couldn’t figure out what all the fuss was about. I was perfectly normal, just like all of the other girls in this city.

“I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

“My… don’t tell me you’re so blind that you can’t see it… If I looked anything like you, I’d be taking advantage of it… Well, maybe not… Gaki-san would get jealous, but… what she doesn’t know…”

“…This is about my girl problem, remember?”

“Oh, right… which is…?”

“Well… I like someone… a lot. And I’m pretty sure she feels the same way… somewhat. But instead of just dating me or something simple like that, she’s making it complicated… one second she shows up at practice to watch… and then she disappears… and won’t even look at me the next time I see her… and then after that she starts throwing rocks at my window again to apologize… and it was really sweet, but… I think I’ve made it even more difficult by confirming that I want to play this game that she’s come up with, too…”

Takahashi-san was giving me that look again. It was starting to annoy me. Just slightly.

“Well, yes, that would seem like quite a predicament you’ve gotten yourself into…”

Going back to my previous assumption… you are very perceptive…

She sat up a bit in the bed, and I felt sorry for her, because by the look on her face it was quite a painful feat.

“Do you really like her?”

It was an incredibly simple question. One that I was able to answer without hesitation, despite the fact that my mind was clouded with confusion.

“Yes… I really do.”

“Then… my advice is to stick with it. All relationships require work. Some… you have to work harder at than others, but I think… at least, if this girl likes you back the way you think she does… in the end, it’ll have been worth it.”

I smiled at her, and she smiled back, which was good, because it meant that I was doing a good job of faking her out this time. Part of me hoped that everything she had said would come true… but then the other part of me knew that with Maiha… it could be unpredictable.

“Thank you, Takahashi-san… I’ll remember that.”

“Good. I hope everything goes well for you.”

I nodded and stood up, and we chatted a little bit more before saying our goodbyes and I headed out the door.

Where I would end up next I didn’t know… but I was kind of looking for trouble…

Maiha and trouble often went along hand-in-hand…


Out of all of the places I could have picked to spend the day… I decided on an amusement park, which, at day at least, was one of the most unromantic places imaginable. Then again, it wasn’t really like I was paying much attention to the park at all…

Saki was towing me along behind her like a kid with her mom in a candy store, wanting to look at every little thing and play any random game that she happened to spot. It was as if she had transformed into a completely different person before my eyes: her quiet, still self had been replaced with a more hyper, excited version… She was incredibly adorable like this, and so obviously, I wasn’t going to do anything to stop her.

If anything, her distraction made it easier for me to think, because when she was busy she wasn’t focused on trying to read me. And I didn’t really want her to examine my thoughts at the moment…

I was thinking… about us. On the one hand I was extremely excited and happy and it felt almost too good to be true… but then on the other… I wondered if it really was too good to be true. I mean… she had promised that she wasn’t going to leave me, and I believed her… But…

These secrets between us… They didn’t belong there.

It was like a wall… I hadn’t run into it yet, but I could sense it’s presence there, threatening to drive a wedge between what we had been wanting for such a long time. So I just wondered… if the wall never got torn down… what would happen to us?

I trusted her. It was my imagination that was making me doubt things.

I just wanted to know… what had been so important… what had happened to make her push me away like she did… I didn’t even like to think about that day… I didn’t like to remember it, because it had been so painful. But as I stood there, sifting through my thoughts, it came back to me regardless of whether or not I wanted to think about it.

“You can’t just… leave…”

It was hard to see the blurred image of the small figure packing up her things through all of the tears, but the girl didn’t dare look away from what was going on in front of her, in case the little dancer attempted to slip out without saying anything else. She knew that she looked a mess, because she could feel the trails running down her face, but when Saki stood up and turned around, her face showed no indication that she noticed the condition the other girl was in.

“For the last time… I’m done here, Miyabi… You can’t stop me.”

The taller female grew very quiet at that, though the silence continued to be punctuated by the sounds of her sniffling and sobbing. She took a deep, shuddering breath, as if she was gathering up any ounce of courage she had left.

“I-I love you, Sakitan…”

The other girl didn’t seem to react at all to those words, and that alone sliced painfully into Miyabi’s heart. She wasn’t at all prepared for the pain that was to come.

“Unfortunately… I don’t love you. In fact… I think what I feel for you is just about as close to hatred as a person can get. I have to leave… and even though it’s not because of you, I never want to see you again.”

At that point, the color drained from Miyabi’s face, and she looked like she couldn’t breathe. The tears continued to stream from her eyes, but she stood there in shock, motionless. Saki turned to pick up the bag she had been loading up with her things, and slung it over her shoulder before she quietly walked out, leaving the other girl there hurt and alone.

I closed my eyes, resisting the urge to shudder. I wanted to completely erase that day from my memories. For now, I just wouldn’t think about it. I was going to have fun here with Saki and just block it out.

“Hey, Miya-chan…?”

I snapped out of my thoughts to realize that she was looking at me curiously. I hoped that she hadn’t been staring for too long… Fortunately, that seemed to be the case, because she smiled at me, waving it away like I had just spaced out or something.


“Wanna go get some cotton candy?”

I nodded, not even bothering to push away the questionable ideas that popped in my head or the smirk that crawled onto my face as she pulled me over towards the vendor.

The title “Ebiru” isn’t just for show, after all…


It was difficult to dance with her watching me so closely, and I’m pretty sure that I was shaking a little from how nervous I felt, but I continued with the steps, hoping that I would reach the end of the routine before I fell or something equally stupid were to happen.

I had wanted to show her… the dance that she had persuaded me into coming up with.

…The dance that she had inspired.

And I, being the perfectionist that I was, was kicking myself mentally for once again pulling off an average performance. Maybe I was a bit rustier than I thought… I had never gotten stage fright of any sort before… So why was it holding me back now?

Of course, while I was dealing with inner turmoil, Maasa was leaning up against the wall nearby, calm, cool, and collected. I couldn’t tell what she was thinking by just looking at her, but her eyes hadn’t moved away from me once since we had entered the theatre. …At least she was paying attention.

The routine came to an end and I stood there in the final pose, the last whispers of the lyrics echoing in my head.


It was quiet for a moment, the sounds of my heavy breathing and pounding heart the only things audible. Actually, those two things alone seemed so loud to me that I wondered how I wasn’t deaf because of them. Thankfully, however, Maasa spoke at that point, distracting me.

“It seemed… I don’t know… kind of… forced.”

I blinked at her, relaxing into a much more normal stance and letting my arms fall to my side.

“What do you mean?”

“When you danced to it the other day… when I was here… I could really feel the energy and power of the song coming from you… now it feels like it’s stiff… like it’s missing something… It didn’t look like you were enjoying it.”

…Still? Even after all of that… you think it’s kind of empty, too?

I knew deep inside that she was right, though, and I sighed in defeat, sinking to my knees and burying my face into them. Maybe it wasn’t stage fright at all. Maybe it was because the dance was still incomplete. She was right. I hadn’t been enjoying it at all. But what was it lacking? There wasn’t anything at all wrong with the routine… I had even had Saki give me a few pointers and suggest some changes… So perhaps… the dance wasn’t the problem. Maybe I was.

Maybe I wasn’t cut out for something so big, after all.

Gentle arms encircled my small frame and I felt myself being lifted up into a warm embrace… I don’t think I’ve ever felt so tiny and helpless and insignificant as I did right there in that moment, and I sighed, closing my eyes as I rested my head against her chest, listening to the soft rhythm within.

“I don’t know what else to do, Maasa… Everything else has been working just fine… but this song… maybe only one person was meant to perform it. Maybe it was supposed to stay locked away in that room back there…”

She didn’t say anything at all, much to my surprise and dismay… and so I grew quiet, confused… until she set me down on my feet, and took one of my hands in hers, looking down at me with a determined expression.

“No… I think you were meant to do this. …But maybe you need to approach it in a different way.”

“What do you-”

She took a step sideways away from me, and with one fluid, skillful motion, tugged effortlessly on my hand in such a way that I was forced to spin in towards her, so that before I knew it I was wrapped up in her arms again. Maasa was grinning at me now, probably amused at the flustered, awestruck expression I was sure I was wearing.

“Singing wasn’t the only thing that Saki taught me how to do.”

…I was right. I wasn’t cut out to perform this song.

…By myself.
-sig is undah construction because it needs to be pimped out-

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