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Author Topic: ::Heartbeat Tempo:: [Chapter Forty-Six -- Nightmare]  (Read 148633 times)

Offline rndmnwierd

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Re: ::Heartbeat Tempo:: [Chapter Thirty-Six -- Koi no Vacance, Part III]
« Reply #280 on: May 24, 2007, 04:27:53 AM »
I'd almost forgotten about Takahashi and am pleased you included Takagaki in this chapter. And SakiMiya. And MaaMo.

…I was right. I wasn’t cut out to perform this song.

…By myself.


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Re: ::Heartbeat Tempo:: [Chapter Thirty-Six -- Koi no Vacance, Part III]
« Reply #281 on: May 25, 2007, 02:24:10 AM »
“Oh, Sugaya-chan… You could have any of the girls in this city—not to mention the hordes of boys that would die to come within a foot of you—at your every beck and call in a second…”

I jumped to this weird conclusion that Takahashi was hitting on Risako for sec.I find myself jumping to conclusions a lot in this story.

Nice convo between the two, gave a sisterly feeling to it IMO.
"Under the beautiful blue sky"

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Re: ::Heartbeat Tempo:: [Chapter Thirty-Six -- Koi no Vacance, Part III]
« Reply #282 on: May 25, 2007, 02:42:33 AM »
You got me addicted to fluff!

Seriously though, you did. I *finally* read the chapter, then started in on a chapter of my own and found that it was verging away from the original plot and going all fluffy on me.

That's how addicted ^^

And I <3 it so damn much!

And yes, I love the chapter too!

Offline FeverInducedMadness

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Re: ::Heartbeat Tempo:: [Chapter Thirty-Six -- Koi no Vacance, Part III]
« Reply #283 on: May 27, 2007, 03:52:55 AM »
I'm really tired and I don't actually have time to reply to comments right now since I'm supposed to be asleep, but I wanted to post this before I went to bed. <3 Last part of the Koi no Vacance bit of the story. Most of this chapter is fluffy, but it gets a little morbid near the end. o_o

Enjoy. <3

[Chapter Thirty-Seven -- Koi no Vacance, Part IV]

I’ve always loved this part of town. It’s always been so… alive, I guess. There’s always something to do, something to see… It’s best at night, though. When the music is loud and the lights are flashing just enough not to turn us all in to epileptics… That’s when things really start to heat up.

Maybe part of it is because I’ve always been kind of wild. I can’t be content just sitting around and leading what other people call a ‘normal life’… I’m too restless for that. Growing up on the streets does that to you, though, because my life has never been anything close to ‘normal’.

It’s like… you’re always one step away from starvation… or freezing to death… or getting mugged or shot by someone. So you always want to live life to the fullest in case your next breath happens to be your last. Not that I’m afraid of dying or anything… But I’d like to have as much fun as I possibly can just in case.

And so that’s what I was doing, floating in and out of that sea of bodies on the dance floor, each one moving to a rhythm all their own while staying entirely connected to the music that was blasting through the speakers on either side of the club. The air was tainted with the scents of alcohol, sweat, and… well… you’d have to be a fool not to believe that some people were getting a little bit ‘friendly’ with each other in the darker corners of the building…

This was the atmosphere in which I was most comfortable, because I could let loose and be myself completely… plus, Maasa refused to follow me into places like this, and so she wasn’t there to scold me or tell me what to do.

It wasn’t like I was doing anything horrible, anyway. I try to stay away from alcohol, because I know what it does to Maasa and I don’t ever want anything like that happening to me. And even though I’ll admit that I’m terribly perverted and will… ‘observe’ women as I please… I’ve never done anything… well… I’ll just say that it never goes beyond just making out. I’m mostly just into the whole chase aspect of the thing. After that I get bored. It’s not like the ones I go after are interested in me personally, anyway, so there’s not really any point in keeping them around after I get them.

People just assume things about me… Generally they assume the worst… So I have this pretty rotten image. But… I’m not really sure that I care. I wasn’t going to change the way that I was for any of them, and even if I did, their opinions of me would probably stay the same.

Anyways… I had been dancing for a while that night, and so I was trying to make my way out of the mass of people over to the side where the tables and chairs were set up to rest up or play card games or… whatever. That’s when I ran into someone who was obviously quite inebriated by the smell of things, and I had to react quickly to keep the girl from falling over.

It was kind of hard to keep my groping urges in check at that point, because I had caught the girl in a rather awkward manner, but at least she was drunk enough not to notice. I couldn’t really get a good look at her, either, because it was darker on this side of the club, and her head had slumped forward—probably because she couldn’t hold it up anymore.

Somehow I managed to drag her over towards a table (Well… I wasn’t Maasa. She called me scrawny a lot, but I preferred the term lean.) and sat her down in a chair, before attempting to lift her head up in order to get a look at her face.

“…Hey, are you alright- Eh… What the- Risako?!?”

There was my girl, staring up at me with glazed-over, bloodshot eyes, a goofy-looking smile on her face that wasn’t really meant to be there. She was smashed… really plastered with the stuff. Maasa never even got off this bad. I wondered how she managed to get in the club anyway… she was too young.

However… the bouncers were known for letting people slip in without ID on occasion, if they happened to be particularly charming… or if they had a substantial sort of bribe to give.

Regardless, I was going to kill them for letting her in, and then I was going to take out whoever gave her something to drink… or rather, a lot of somethings to drink.

She hiccuped a bit, her generally pleasant voice staggered by an alcohol-induced slur.

“Maiiiiiha-chan~ Izzat you? Mm… I din’t know you had a twin…”

Ugh. I kind of wished that she would keep her mouth closed. This was only a shadow of the girl that I was crazy about. The kind that you had to squint at really hard just to make out the shape. I had firmly made up my mind at that point to get her out of this place as soon as possible, so I leaned over to grab her arm and pull it over my shoulder, while sliding the other one around her waist in order to support her weight.

“Come on… I think you’ve had enough fun for one night, Socko.”

She mumbled some kind of incoherent protest, but made no effort to try and push me away or to escape my hold on her. I suppose that I was pretty lucky that she wasn’t a violent drunk.

We slowly made our way out of the club, and as soon as the cold night’s air hit us she began to complain a bit more loudly, while making less and less sense as we went on. I let her babble about whatever she wanted to, though, for the fear that I could trigger something by opening my mouth. I noticed out of the corner of my eye that she was wearing my jacket still, and couldn’t help but smile at that.

I wasn’t really sure where to take her. Risako’s apartment was on the other side of the city, and there wasn’t any way I would make it there without her passing out on me along the way. I assumed that Maasa probably wasn’t home yet (She was probably going to stay with Momoko as long as possible… Which also pleased me a great deal.) and so I reluctantly began to help Risako along in the direction of the basement.

It wasn’t that I didn’t want to help her out by letting her stay the night… it was just that… For one thing, when she woke up in the morning she was definitely going to draw the wrong conclusions… and for another… Risako probably wouldn’t approve of the place in which I lived.

There wasn’t much I could do at that point, though. Her safety was my priority.

The hard part was getting her down into the house without dropping her on the floor. She couldn’t seem to figure out how to use the ladder in the state she was in, and so I had to climb down first and help her descend after me, getting kicked in the face a few times for my effort.

I was very glad when we were both inside, safe and sound.

At least… I was until she started staring at me in a strange, obviously alcohol-induced way. I backed up further into the room a bit, feeling slightly nervous when she only followed after me.

“Mm… Maiha-chan…”


I hadn’t noticed that I was nearing the couch until I backed into it, and it startled me so much that I tumbled over the back of it, barely managing not to roll off of the cushions and onto the floor. She leaned over the back of the couch and stared down at me, a grin spreading across her features that was just about as odd as the look she was giving me. However, what really got me was the fact that she was starting to slide out of my jacket, and looked as though she was going to continue on to remove her shirt as well.

“It’s kinda… hot in here…”

I’m pretty sure that the look on my face at that moment was comparable to that of a deer caught in the headlights, and I quickly sprang up off of the couch, trying to think of some way to get her to stop… or figure out where I could hide. I didn’t want to see her like this. She wasn’t herself and I didn’t like it.

Someone else might have taken advantage of a situation like that, but even if I was an incurable little lecher I still respected certain boundaries and was much too noble to even consider it.

“No, no, it’s actually kind of cold in here, Socko-”

Obviously, she wasn’t listening to me, because before I could continue with my sentence her shirt hit me in the face, obstructing my vision. I’m kind of glad it did, because I wasn’t sure how long it would take for her to get rid of any more of her clothing. And that thought made me panic a little bit. So I did the only reasonable thing that I could think of. I darted into the closet, slamming the door shut behind me and locking it.

All I had to do was wait in there until she gave up and fell asleep…

That wouldn’t take too long… would it?


I hadn’t wanted the day to end.

I suppose it was a silly, futile sort of thought, but lately I found myself believing in dreams again, and so I had hoped that somehow time would stop and leave me in that moment forever.

But unfortunately… reality is a cruel thing, and the reality of it was that the night had come and it was time to head home again. I suppose that the only relief I found was that I would see her again tomorrow, and the day after that, and so on… Well… I wasn’t so sure about that ‘so on’ part… We hadn’t yet figured out what was going to happen after the performance.

I didn’t want to worry about that yet. There was time to sort things out later.

I was going to enjoy the few minutes I had left with Maasa before we reached Risako’s apartment and I had to say goodbye for the day, so I had no time to think about trivial matters like going back to my real home.

She was walking quietly beside me, her fingers intwined gently but firmly with mine, as if she didn’t want to let me go. And I was perfectly fine with that, since I wasn’t planning on letting go, either. We hadn’t spoken much since we had left the theatre together, but I think she was enjoying the peaceful quiet as much as I was, and so neither of us wanted to spoil that with words.

I had to admit that I was getting really sleepy, tired out from all the work we had done, and so as much as I didn’t want to leave her, I was looking forward to the fact that there was a warm bed waiting for me. Just thinking about it made me yawn, and she looked down at me with that cautious, concerned sort of expression that I was beginning to think she had reserved only for me.


“A little bit, but we’re almost-”

As soon as I had confirmed her question she stopped and picked me up bridal style, fully intent on carrying me the rest of the way. I guess I should have expected that, but I wasn’t going to complain. She was soft and warm and so I laid my head against her shoulder, playing absently with the uneven strands of the hair that curled around her neck.

“Doesn’t it bother you to carry me like this? I know I’m smaller than you, but I do still weigh something.”

“Not to me. It’s almost scary, because it feels like I’m carrying a pillow. Are you sure you’re eating enough…?”

I glared up at her, and she responded by grinning back at me, a winning expression that could have made me melt right then and there. My cheeks were burning again, and I hoped that the moonlight wasn’t bright enough for her to see it. She stopped walking a few seconds after that, and I looked up to see that we were finally there. I sighed a little, not really wanting to enter the building, and it was considerably difficult to remember that I had to go inside when I felt her lips brush against my cheek.

“Do you want me to come inside with you for a little bit?”

Optimistic-Horny!Momoko materialized within my head at that point, screaming “Yes, yes I do!” over and over again, and for once I actually considered not ignoring her. However, it was Rational!Momoko that won out in the end. If I let Maasa inside, I probably wouldn’t be able to let her leave, and that would prove to be awkward whenever Risako got home.

“No, it’s fine… I’ll be okay.”

She set me down on my feet again, and I looked up at her, smiling in a sad sort of way. It wasn’t like it was the end of the world, because I was going to see her again tomorrow, but still the thought of being away from her for any amount of time at that point was unbearable.

Maasa seemed to pick up on my reluctance and smiled back at me, a chuckle escaping her throat.

“I’ll come back tomorrow morning, I promise. For now, you need to sleep, and I need to go make sure that Maiha hasn’t killed herself since I last saw her.”

I giggled a little at that, and so I was a bit distracted at first when she leaned over to kiss me… but she made sure I was aware of what was happening before the end. It was heated, like the way she had kissed me earlier that morning, and when she pulled away I felt as though my ability to breathe had been stolen away.

“Goodnight, Momoko…”

She started to leave me then, but I wasn’t ready just yet and so I grabbed onto her hand, and she turned back to look at me, confused. I closed the gap between us with a tight hug, snuggling against her as she slid her arms around me to return the embrace. There was something that I wanted to say… something that I was dying to say… but I wasn’t sure if that was the right time to say it… After a moment, though, the courage to say it that I had built up was gone, and so I whispered a ‘goodnight’ back to her instead. She laughed a little bit, releasing me before she began to walk away, looking back only once to smile at me.

I watched her leave for a little while, before I forced myself to enter the complex. It was then that I realized just how tired I was, walking up the flights of stairs to Risako’s apartment. My legs felt like lead, and I wished that I had let Maasa come with me, if only to carry me up to the room…

Somehow I made it inside, and as soon as I shut the door behind me I wobbled over to the bed, flopping down on it lazily. Risako was probably still out with the rest of the group so I didn’t think much of her absence.

In fact, I was so tired that my blurry vision failed to notice that the little red light on the answering machine on the bedside table was blinking rapidly...


The pain was almost unbearable, and the air around her was filled with the smell of her own blood. Usually… she could stand the punishment she had to receive… But she also usually wasn’t injured this badly when judgment was unleashed, and so she was actually finding it hard to stand at the moment.

The knife blade glinted under the moonlight in a macabre fashion, slick with the crimson stain of her new wounds. The punishment she had ‘earned’.

Koharu wouldn’t kill her, but she would certainly leave a mark. It was to teach her a lesson: she was disposable and failure was not tolerated. And she had certainly failed to do her job of getting rid of the gang members. Regardless of whether or not she had an excuse, nothing but absolute success would placate her master’s anger, and so she had to grit her teeth and bear it.

Airi winced as the weapon swung in her direction again, tearing through her skin like water, and it was all she could do not to cry out. Something like that would only cause the torture to last longer.

It was already hard to breathe thanks to the few cracked ribs that the gang’s leader had awarded her, and one side of her face was completely swollen because of Maimi’s forceful punch. And each new cut that Koharu dealt to her body with the dagger only added to her misery.

She dared not to even breathe a sigh of relief when the other girl put the knife down, apparently done for the night. Her master would say something snide about the whole thing and then leave her for a moment, and she would take the time to gather her wits and rest from the ordeal.

“Hn… clean up this mess, Airin… you’re getting that horrible stuff over everything… I’m going to step outside… I need some fresh air.”

As soon as Koharu was out of sight, Airi collapsed onto her knees, regretting it instantly as a jolt of pain spiked from her ribcage. Her breath came out in shuddering gasps, and no matter how skilled she was at concealing her emotions, she couldn’t stop the tears that spilled from her eyes as she gripped at the cold, tiled floor.

I’m sorry… I’ll try harder next time…
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Re: ::Heartbeat Tempo:: [Chapter Thirty-Six -- Koi no Vacance, Part III]
« Reply #284 on: May 27, 2007, 03:53:27 AM »
Nyahahahahahaha~ XDXDXD

Drunk Risako is funny..But I have to wonder why is she drunk in the first place? hnn...
Seriously though, Is Maiha so much of a wimp that she has to hid in the closet until everything is good and done?

The fluff that is MaaMomo >w<
So cute, sooo *squeal* XDXD

And then the sadistic, grrr and arghh of Koharu >_>
Airin should like..Up and leave weren't for the fact that she's attatched to Koharu and stuff...

Back to the point though!

*Throws som rabies infested puppies*



« Last Edit: May 27, 2007, 05:46:21 PM by Loser87 »

Offline Estrea

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Oh. Grah. Koharu. o_o
So sadistic. Mm. I somehow like her for it... o_o;;;

And I look forward to when Maasa returns to the basement to find a very drunk Risako there with Maiha. XD I think it's likely that many misunderstandings would follow. XD

Momo/Maasa fluff was nice. :D If only Momoko knew that Risako wouldn't have come back that night, so she could have just invited Maasa in. XD As it is, this way we'll get to see more interesting scenes. :)

Can't wait for your next update! -hands you ice cream- Mm :D


Currently writing:
- Lilium-related things. God save my soul.

On Hold:
- Everything Else. Too many to list.

I'm also on AO3!

Offline rndmnwierd

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Lol, poor Maiha. Happy MaaMo, but ouch at Airi. Next please!

Offline FeverInducedMadness

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Nyahahahahahaha~ XDXDXD

Drunk Risako is funny..But I have to wonder why is she drunk in the first place? hnn...
Seriously though, Is Maiha so much of a wimp that she has to hid in the closet until everything is good and done?

The fluff that is MaaMomo >w<
So cute, sooo *squeal* XDXD

And then the sadistic, grrr and arghh of Koharu >_>
Airin should like..Up and leave weren't for the fact that she's attatched to Koharu and stuff...

Back to the point though!

*Throws som rabies infested puppies*

Lol Of course Maiha is. If someone was drunk and losing clothes in front of me, I'd probably hide in a closet, too.

<3 Enjoy that. It might not last much longer.

Unfortunately, it'll just get worse for Airi~

Oh. Grah. Koharu. o_o
So sadistic. Mm. I somehow like her for it... o_o;;;

And I look forward to when Maasa returns to the basement to find a very drunk Risako there with Maiha. XD I think it's likely that many misunderstandings would follow. XD

Momo/Maasa fluff was nice. :D If only Momoko knew that Risako wouldn't have come back that night, so she could have just invited Maasa in. XD As it is, this way we'll get to see more interesting scenes. :)

Can't wait for your next update! -hands you ice cream- Mm :D

XDD Nice. <3

Lol that part was SUPPOSED to be in this next chapter, but I decided to chop it off and save it for the next one, since this was getting lengthy.

Mm... Yes. Again, savor that fluff. The story's going to start building intensity again after all that.


Lol, poor Maiha. Happy MaaMo, but ouch at Airi. Next please!

As you wish~
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Weeeedge xD

Offline FeverInducedMadness

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Woo~ Finally, ne?
It seems to be taking me longer to post chapters lately...
Then again, school's kind of rough as I near the last three days... SCORE!

Plus, I've been doing more planning than writing.
I want to make sure I don't hit any major snags or fall into plot holes along the way.
That and... I'm trying to make sure I can lead into the sequels properly.
No, no, your vision ISN'T failing you. You read that right. Sequels. And by that I really do mean sequels, as in, more than one. lol

This chapter should probably settle the fears of those who were afraid that some C-ute girls were dead. XD


[Chapter Thirty-Eight -- Watch Your Back]

“I can’t believe you idiots just left her there… If anything’s happened to her… I’ll strangle the both of you.”

The errant gang members cowered before the smallest member of their group, who was pacing back and forth within the hideout, a terrible rage burning in her little body. It was a comical sight, really, her tiny hands clenched into fists and her posture stiff and rigid, but the reality of it was that this girl was known to be pretty explosive when she needed to be, and it was that side of her that was frightening.

“Maimai… you don’t understand… This kid… she was like some kind of demon… she took out the others without any hesitation… cut them down like they were nothing…”

The younger of the two on the floor had a tremble in her voice as she said this, her usually cherubic face contorting into a pained expression. Her companion seemed to be much more collected, but her eyes showed grim agreement towards what the other was speaking about.

“…Maimi’s the only one out of us who could stand up to someone tough like that. You and Chisa-chan would have wanted to run away, too.”

A short-haired figure who was leaning beside the opening to the hideout in order to keep watch turned to look at the others at this point in the conversation, and she narrowed her eyes at them, snorting derisively before she went back to what she had been doing before. The room fell quiet for a moment, the sounds of the youngest’s shuffling feet as she continued to move about anxiously the only thing keeping it from complete and total silence.

Then the girl acting as lookout straightened up, her eyes widening as she spotted a figure limping towards them. Even though it was a little after three in the morning and the only light she could see by was coming from the dim candles in the room behind her, she’d recognize that form anywhere.

“Maimi’s back…”

As soon as the whisper escaped her lips, the two girls on the floor and the one who was pacing all shot out of the opening, hurrying to meet their leader halfway. Maimi was covered in dirt and dried blood stains, and under the moonlight, she might have frightened anyone who didn’t know her because she looked terribly similar to what most would describe as a zombie.

…Obviously, her companions were considerably concerned. Maimi grunted as the others began to worry over her, checking for wounds and whatnot, and after a minute of tolerating the attention she detached herself from the others with an annoyed little growl.

“I’m fine, I’m fine… Most of this isn’t my blood… the little demon only cut my arms.”

“If it isn’t yours… whose is it?” The smallest asked, causing the gang leader to flinch a little bit under her scrutinizing gaze.

“…I had to bury them… I wasn’t going to just leave them there like that.”


“Ugh, stop looking at me like that, you guys. And- dear lord, Saki, don’t start crying. I came back in one piece, didn’t I? Taught that punk a lesson, too. Broke a couple of her ribs and I bet she’ll have a nice bruise on her face…”

“But… we left you there… K-Kanna and I ran like cowards… W-we should have stayed and helped…”

Maimi shook her head, a dark frown spreading across her features.

“No… I’m glad you two got away… As much as I hate to say it… I think something’s about to happen that’s way over our heads. We should probably just stay out of it.”

“So it’s true, then…?” The girl that had been playing lookout had quietly joined the group unnoticed, and so her voice caused everyone except for Maimi and the youngest to jump a little bit. “…What Saki and Kanna were telling us… Suzuki and the Miracle are back?”

“Unfortunately… yes…”

“What did they want with us?”

The gang leader paused for a moment, rolling her shoulders back and listening as the vertebrae in her spine shifted against each other with a satisfying crack. She was really too tired to deal with these kinds of things so early…

“…I’m not entirely sure… Something about that old theatre again. Just like last time. But… I think she’s planning something bigger… something much more dangerous. I could tell… she wants control again, like she had before. Heck… She even had Fujimoto’s respect back then…”

The smallest, Maimai as she was called, was wearing a scowl on her face after hearing that.

“You think she’ll go to them since you refused to help out?”


“What do you think they’ll say?”

“…Yoshizawa will most likely ignore her. She’s got her own agenda to deal with, so I doubt she’ll want to add the Miracle’s plan to that list. Fujimoto might help her, but knowing her, she’ll probably try to twist it in some way that it’ll benefit her own self the most. Ishikawa’s really the wildcard here… But I’m leaning more towards her saying no as well.”

“But still… even if Yoshizawa and Ishikawa both say no… Fujimoto alone can help the Miracle stir up enough trouble for it to be a real problem…”

Maimi nodded and pushed past the group, limping towards the hideout. “Yes… which is why we’re all staying out of this.” Her voice had grown much wearier at that, and all she could think about was sleeping as the days’ events started to finally catch up with her and weighed her down.

The others seemed to pick up on that and decided to let the subject drop, following after their leader to join her in catching up on some well-needed rest. All… except for the lookout. Her senses seemed to be sharper than those of her companions, which was why she was extremely good at the task that always fell to her. Because of this, she spotted another dark shape approaching in the moonlight, one that she recognized…

She hesitated at first, because she wasn’t too entirely sure ot the person’s intentions… Perhaps the other was just headed home, because in order to do so, she’d have to come through that way… but the lookout had never seen that particular person wandering around in their territory so late at night.


The gang leader paused just as she was about to enter the hideout, turning her head to gaze curiously at her subordinate.

“Hm…? What is it, Chisato?”

“…Would it be weird if I told you that Sudou-chan is wandering this way…?”

“What?” Maimi was instantly at the other girl’s side, squinting in an attempt to see what Chisato saw. At first, she could only see darkness, but after a while her eyes were able to catch Maasa’s outline using what dim light there was, and at that point she felt wary and alert again. The approaching female had her hands stuffed into her pocket and appeared to be staring off nowhere in particular—it didn’t even look like she noticed the group up ahead…

Still… after what had happened earlier… Maimi wasn’t taking any chances.

“Hey!” She barked suddenly, causing Maasa to look up from where she was, and Maimi was almost certain she saw the younger girl’s lips slide into a frow. She approached the other confidently, knowing that her companions would stay put unless they saw that they were needed. This had nothing to do with them.

“What the hell’re you doin’ in our part of town, Sudou? Lost, maybe? It’s awful late to just be taking a stroll…”

Maasa snorted at that, though she seemed to tense up quite considerably when Maimi stopped a few feet away, the muscles in her jaw tightening as she clenched her teeth together.

“I’m just going home, Yajima… What do you want from me?”

“I’m the one asking questions here, jackass.”


“Your face is ugly.”

“Yeah? Well, you are ugly.”


Somewhere during the middle of that conversation, the two of them had started to inch closer until their faces weren’t that far apart. One could almost see the sparks flying between their intense glaring match, but the tension was broken suddenly as both of them broke out into hysterical laughter.

Maimi slung her arm around the slightly taller female’s shoulder in an amiable manner, grinning wildly as the rest of her group started to approach them.

“It’s fun, this game we play, Sudou-chan.”

“You really suck at it, though. Still sound kind of awkward when you’re trying to cuss me out. Maybe you ought to get Maiha to help you out with that…”

The gang leader laughed, letting go of Maasa to stand in front of her instead, nodding her head at that statement.

“Maybe, maybe… Anyways… What have you been doing that has you up at this hour, hm? Found a special friend, have you~?”

Maasa rolled her eyes and crossed her arms in front of her chest.

“It’s really none of your business, now is it? However, I was with a friend of mine…”

The rebel trailed off, eyebrows knit together as she really began to think about what it was that she was saying.

What… what is Momoko to me? …Not just a friend… right? No… she’s more than that… would she be my… girlfriend? But… I think that I might… l-

“Ah~ so you were off misbehaving…”

Maimi’s playful taunting brought Maasa out of her thoughts and the younger female groaned in an annoyed sort of way, giving the gang leader a glare that would have burned a hole right through steel. Maimi seemed to get the hint and decided to move on to a different subject…

“So… Are you aware that the Miracle and her little pet are back in the city?”

Maasa was carefully guarding her emotions, so that not even a flicker of what she felt about that showed. While most of the others seemed not to pick up on the sudden change in her mood, Chisato had an eye for detail and noticed the way that the rebel’s posture became rigid. However, this time it wasn’t for show or for play, like it had been with Maimi.

“Yes… I am.”

“Has she tried to speak with you?”

“She did…”

“Did she tell you what it was that she was planning?”

“In a limited sort of way, I guess… She’s going after the theatre again.”

Maimi sighed, running a hand through her hair and staring up at the moon for a moment, trying to clear her head.

“…That doesn’t help us much, then, I’m afraid… I hoped maybe she would tell you of all people a little more about what was going on… She wanted to get all of us involved in on it, too… I guess this time around she’s gonna be a little smarter about what it is she’s trying to do…”

“Is that why you look like shit, then?”

“Hey~ Enough with that… I had to bury two of my girls tonight, I’m not really in the mood to be picked on anymore.”

“Ah… I’m really sorry…”

Chisato’s eyes flickered to Maasa’s hands that had fallen to her sides somewhere during the talking, and watched the muscles in the girl’s arms flex as her fingers curled up into tight fists.

“Mm… Don’t worry about it. It’s not like it’s your fault, anyway. We’re all sad about it, but we’ve got to move on. Such is our lot in life.”

“Well… I don’t like it. Listen, though… Maimi… You seem to understand that things could get pretty bad once… her plan gets underway… I know that some of my friends could be in real danger, and although I don’t like asking… I might need your help…”

Maimi grinned impishly, turning her head to look at the group of girls behind her, each one giving her a determined look of their own in response.

“Well, you know where to find us. You need me and my girls, just send the word. We’ll be there.”

“Thanks, Maimi-chan.”

The older girl nodded, and took Maasa’s hand in a firm shake as if to reassure the other of her loyalty.

“Don’t mention it. Anyways, I guess you ought to be heading out now… I need to get all of this crap off of me before I start to smell like this permanently…”

“Yeah… I’ll see you guys around…”

“Oh, and Maasa?”


“Tell Ishimura that she still owes me 20,000 yen.”
« Last Edit: May 31, 2007, 10:33:57 PM by FeverInducedMadness »
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Offline whytphyre

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Re: ::Heartbeat Tempo:: [Chapter Thirty-Eight -- Watch Your Back]
« Reply #290 on: May 31, 2007, 10:53:27 PM »
Wheee Yo-chaaaaaan!

This was a random yet awesome chapter! ^^;;

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Re: ::Heartbeat Tempo:: [Chapter Thirty-Eight -- Watch Your Back]
« Reply #291 on: June 01, 2007, 12:57:35 AM »
The seniors are gang/crime lords? o_o That's the impression I got from Maimi talking about Yossi, Rika, and Miki. XDDD

I like Maasa's and Maimi's friendship. XD Trying to out-insult each other...hey wait, that sounds familiar. :P Like Maki and Miki in mine. XD

Maiha owes Maimi money? Oh yeah, that was mentioned by Maiha before...something like that anyway...XD Can't wait to see what happens next. :D

Post soon~ :D


Currently writing:
- Lilium-related things. God save my soul.

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- Everything Else. Too many to list.

I'm also on AO3!

Offline rndmnwierd

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Re: ::Heartbeat Tempo:: [Chapter Thirty-Eight -- Watch Your Back]
« Reply #292 on: June 01, 2007, 02:53:21 AM »
The plot thickens.

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Re: ::Heartbeat Tempo:: [Chapter Thirty-Eight -- Watch Your Back]
« Reply #293 on: June 01, 2007, 03:03:50 AM »
“Tell Ishimura that she still owes me 20,000 yen.”

lol, what the hell did Maiha do

and  :mon exhaust:   Kanna and Saki survived. :)
« Last Edit: June 02, 2007, 02:53:13 PM by modesta107 »
"Under the beautiful blue sky"


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Re: ::Heartbeat Tempo:: [Chapter Thirty-Eight -- Watch Your Back]
« Reply #294 on: June 04, 2007, 03:34:35 AM »
God, I must really be losing my mind
I thought I commented here >_> But it looks like I didn't..until now

ok all C-ute members so far seem a-okay and breathing!
Well the ones we've seen so far..minus Airi..whose you know..bleeding and stuff >_>

I <33 the idea that a lot of the older members are gangsters! XD

Maiha must have done something >_>..20,000 yen? that's a lot of money *cough*




update of else one of these will happen! ---->  :mon uggh: :mon taichi: :mon zoom: :mon cweepy: :temper: :shifty: :mon baby:


Offline FeverInducedMadness

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Re: ::Heartbeat Tempo:: [Chapter Thirty-Eight -- Watch Your Back]
« Reply #295 on: June 06, 2007, 05:04:01 PM »
Wheee Yo-chaaaaaan!

This was a random yet awesome chapter! ^^;;

XDD <3

The seniors are gang/crime lords? o_o That's the impression I got from Maimi talking about Yossi, Rika, and Miki. XDDD

I like Maasa's and Maimi's friendship. XD Trying to out-insult each other...hey wait, that sounds familiar. :P Like Maki and Miki in mine. XD

Maiha owes Maimi money? Oh yeah, that was mentioned by Maiha before...something like that anyway...XD Can't wait to see what happens next. :D

Post soon~ :D

Indeed they are~

XD I think Maasa and Maimi are being much more playful than Maki and Miki were in your fic. (That's a lot of M names. XDDD)

lol Was it? I went back to look, but I don't remember writing that she owed anyone money. XD Then again, you'd expect that of her, wouldn't you? XDDD

lol I'm bad with the word soon.

The plot thickens.

Just like caramel. Mm... caramel.

“Tell Ishimura that she still owes me 20,000 yen.”

lol, what the hell did Maiha do

and  :mon exhaust:   Kanna and Saki survived. :)

XDD Probably'll be explained sometime soon. <3

Yup, they survived. :3 I can be a merciful author sometimes.

God, I must really be losing my mind
I thought I commented here >_> But it looks like I didn't..until now

ok all C-ute members so far seem a-okay and breathing!
Well the ones we've seen so far..minus Airi..whose you know..bleeding and stuff >_>

I <33 the idea that a lot of the older members are gangsters! XD

Maiha must have done something >_>..20,000 yen? that's a lot of money *cough*


Again, it only gets worse for Airi, so you should probably just get used to that. XD

Well, someone had to be running all the crime while Koharu was away~

XDD Well, it could be that she's run up more than one debt, y'know. XD I've got a friend who owes me a crapload of money because she asks for a dollar like, all the time. haha
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Offline FeverInducedMadness

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Re: ::Heartbeat Tempo:: [Chapter Thirty-Eight -- Watch Your Back]
« Reply #296 on: June 06, 2007, 05:07:48 PM »
Ah~ why are these taking so long to write, now? XD
I guess it's just because I'm writing more per chapter than I was at the beginning.
Which means that instead of getting a LOT of updates in small doses...
Ya'll get fewer updates in large doses...
XD I'm not sure which is better. Probably the first since there's less waiting.

Oh well, I'm out of school now, so I have more time to write. :3
Still givin ya little bits and pieces of the plot... building up the suspense... what will happen next?
...I know. :3

Enjoy. <3

[Chapter Thirty-Nine -- Manipulation]

It’s not everyday you come home to a half-naked girl on your couch.

Especially not one that happens to be related to the girl you’re romantically involved with.

And yet, there I was, standing in the main room of the basement house that I lived in from time to time, staring curiously at Sugaya’s sleeping form. Thankfully, she had rolled over onto her stomach, and thankfully, she still had pants on. However, the reason why she was even there in the first place and why she was somewhat indecent still remained a mystery to me.

I could think of but one answer to the problem.

Maiha… what did you do this time?

I frowned and slid out of my jacket, draping it over the young girl napping on my couch. That was when I noted that she smelled strongly of alcohol—a scent that I’m not proud to admit that I’m pretty familiar with—and I put two and two together to realize something…

If drinking had been involved, it probably wasn’t Maiha’s fault. She absolutely could not stand the stuff. But then again… there wasn’t any possible way that Sugaya would have made it into the basement without some help, so Maiha had to have been the one that brought her here…


It’s not that I’m stupid or anything, but… I’m not one for figuring out mysteries… The only way to solve something like this was to find Maiha and ask her about it.

If I was Maiha and I had a girl in the house, where would I hide?

…In the closet of course.

I made a beeline for the small door that concealed various things that Maiha and I couldn’t find any other place for (old junk, new junk, clothes, pack rat sort of stuff) and opened it, watching with amusement as my friend’s curled up self rolled out with about as much grace as a drugged-up armadillo.

She looked pretty rough—though, I can’t imagine that sleeping in a closet would be comfortable—and she turned to glance at me with a vacant expression at first, as if she wasn’t awake just yet.


“Maihacchi…” I started, speaking slowly and in the clearest tone that I could manage, “…Do you realize that your potential love interest is in our house…?”

She was still under the influence of the deep sleep I had jolted her from, and so she was staring at me quietly, somewhat cross-eyed. I sighed, because I knew it was going to take a while before she realized what was going on. At least she was hearing me, because after a moment she finally responded.

“Socko’s here?”

“Yes… Are you aware that most of her clothes are gone and that she’s going to have a terrible hangover when she wakes up?”

It took a little bit, but I was sure Maiha was fully alert when I saw the color drain from her face and the panic fill up in her eyes. She jumped up from the floor so quickly that I barely had time to react and grab her in order to keep her from running away from me.

“I swear I didn’t do anything to her, Maa-chan!”


“I was just hangin’ out in the club like I usually do…”


“And all of a sudden I bumped into her and she was so freakin’ drunk and I…”


“I didn’t know what to do, but I knew I couldn’t leave her there…”


“So I brought her back here, and she started actin’ funny and once her shirt came off I panicked and I ran into the closet and-”



I had grabbed her shoulders and spun her around so that I could look directly into her eyes. If Maiha wasn’t making eye contact with you, she probably wasn’t listening, so that was the only way I could think of to get her attention.

“I believe you. But the fact still remains that when she wakes up she’ll be pretty damn confused and then we’ll have a hell of a time explaining all of this to Momoko.”

As if it was possible for her to get any paler… well… Maiha looked like a ghost after I said that.

“She’ll kill me…” Maiha squeaked, and I rolled her eyes as I felt her tremble a little bit. No matter how easy it was for her to strut about and act tough, she really was just a big softie and somewhat of a coward on the inside. Well, at least until a serious threat rolled along. …She could be strong when she needed to be. There were so many faces to Maiha: She could laugh, flirt, scream, cry… all within a matter of minutes if the situation called for it. I guess having a mercurial temperament was what made her such a good friend for me.

I was pretty much the same… all the time.

“No she won’t… I’ll explain it all to her later. Right now… It’s really, really late… and I’m exhausted, so I’m going to bed. We’ll worry about Sugaya at a more sane hour of the day.”

As I turned to walk into my room, I was met with resistance in the form of her clinging very tightly to my arm. I grunted in an aggravated sort of way, but that didn’t seem to scare her much at all, and so I lifted my arm above my head, raising her effortlessly off of the ground and bringing her to where she was eye level with me.

“You are keeping me from my well-deserved rest, and you know how grumpy I get without sleep.”

“But Maaaaa-chan… She’s sleeping on my couch… And being in that closet made me all sore… Can I sleep with you? Just tonight?”

I narrowed my eyes at her.

“Can you keep your hands to yourself that long?”

That familiar wolfish grin spread across her lips and a mischievous glint took control of her eyes.

“Well… I dunno, that’ll be kind of hard, all things considered-”

I shook her roughly, which made her only cling tighter to my arm and let out a distressed wail of sorts.

“Okay, okay, I’ll behave, I swear! Just please, I’m tired of being in the closet!”

“…Fine. But if your hands wander too far away from my waist in either direction I am so pushing you out of the bed.”


For once it wasn’t the sun or Risako’s annoying alarm clock that pulled me so rudely from my sleep.

This time, I awoke to the sound of an electronical ringing coming from somewhere in the corner of the room, and as I reluctantly let myself slide out of the wonderful dreams I had been having, I realized that it was the phone that was making such a sound. Upon coming to that conclusion, I sluggishly rolled out of the bed and trudged over towards the device, managing to catch it just as the final ring was ending.

“Moshi-moshi? Tsugunaga Momoko desu…”

“Ah, Momoko-san. It’s me, Erika.”

“Mm? Erika-chan? Is everything alright? Why are you calling so early?”

“Early? Ah… Momoko-san… you do realize that it’s a little past nine, right?”

I blinked and turned to glare at the devil of an alarm clock that I hated so much, and sure enough, Erika was right. Perhaps I had slept much more soundly last night than I really realized…

“I guess it is. Sorry… Anyways, are you okay? You sound a bit… upset about something.”

“I was just wondering if Risako-chan made it back to her apartment… She sort of… disappeared while we were all at the amusement park, and I couldn’t find her for the rest of the day so I just assumed that she went home…”

And… that’s when it occurred to me, actually… Where was Risako? I hadn’t even realized that when I woke up she wasn’t there… I thought she had just been out late with the others, and would have snuck in in the middle of the night, but… I never even entertained the idea that there was a chance she wasn’t coming back at all.

So naturally, I started to panic a little bit. Inwardly, of course, because I wanted the girl on the other side of the line to remain as calm as I would seem to be.

“Ah… Well… she actually isn’t here… I thought maybe she had come in while I was asleep, but I guess not… Don’t worry about it, though. I’m going to go out and look for her. Knowing Rii-chan, she probably either lost track of time or decided to be a little bit rebellious. I’m sure she’s fine.”

I heard Erika let out a sigh of relief, obviously taking some comfort in what I had to say.

“Okay, Momoko-san… I hope you find her. Please call if you need help, though. I’m going to tell the others just in case you get lost and we have to go looking for you too.”

Yeah… that was probably a good idea.

“Alright. I’ll talk to you again later when I find her.”

She wished me good luck and then we both hung up, and I stood there, feeling much more awake and much more… apprehensive than I had been feeling before. I should have just stayed in bed with my dreams. It was safer there. But being as close to Risako as I was meant that I was considerably worried about her well-being and that if anything bad had happened to her, there was going to be hell to pay for the people involved.

I could hope that she was safe and sound… but knowing her… she had probably gotten herself into a lot of trouble.

Or she was asleep somewhere.

Either way… It was my job to go out and bring her back, and then give her a good scolding afterwards.

Even if I didn’t have any idea about where to start looking…


“Hey Nono? Could you like… chew your gum with your mouth closed for once? That smacking noise is starting to get on my last nerve.”

The elder of the two officers snorted and looked up from the magazine she was reading to glare over at her companion, who was reclined lazily in her chair, staring up at the ceiling as if she was waiting for something amazing to happen.

“Well, excuse me, Miss Yankii-Pants. I’m sorry that the way that I chew my gum bothers you. Perhaps if you were off somewhere, making yourself useful, you wouldn’t have to sit here and listen to it, hm?”

Well, that hit a nerve.

Nozomi watched as Reina turned her head to give her one of the most angry expressions she had witnessed all day, and that was a miracle in itself, considering her chief happened to be the infamous Nakazawa Yuko. In fact, she wondered if their captain would be proud to know that her little yankii-in-training was glaring hard enough to rival the big dog herself.

…Nah. She’d probably just kick Reina and tell her to get back to work.

“It isn’t my fault that you and I are stuck here together all day, everyday, seven days a week, twelve months a year, but the truth of the matter is is that until the captain sends us out there, that’s how life’s gonna be, m’kay? We don’t have the power to get tangled up with the city’s crime lords between just the four of us, so the best we can manage is keeping the small stuff to a minimum, as boring as it is. And until the higher-ups give us more funding so that we can add some extra manpower to the force, all we’ll get is what we’ve got now. So I suggest—since this is the boat we’re in—that you knock it off and do what you can to keep from annoying me or I’ll tear a new mouth-hole into your face, got it?”

Reina had risen out of her chair during that ardent exchange of words, and inched closer and closer towards Nozomi until the older officer was forced to slide down into her seat and was pressing against the cushion of it like she wanted to sink into it and disappear. Thankfully, as soon as the younger female was done she returned to her own seat and flopped down into it, taking to her former position as if nothing had happened.

Nozomi didn’t relax until she was sure that the other girl wasn’t going to bite her head off for doing so, and she realized just how hard she had been gripping the armrests of her seat.

For future reference… Reina’s a little sensitive about work right now… steer clear of that subject for a while, Tsuji…

As the room returned to silence, she decided that she didn’t have any desire to return to browsing throw her magazine, and as she marked her place and began to put it away, both she and Reina were alerted to the station’s front doors as a figure stepped inside. Nozomi’s eyes widened as her mind registered who the person was, and almost immediately she leapt out of her seat and over the side of the desk (she had been through training, of course, no matter how inactive things were at times) in order to run over to the newcomer and take her in a tight hug.

Such a reaction might’ve been considered unnecessary, but when your best friend and partner had been away for over a year doing detective work… well, you tended to react just like that.

“Nono!” The girl laughed and returned the officer’s embrace just as tightly, though she didn’t seem like she was holding on for fear that the other could disappear into thin air at any second. “Well, I missed you, too.”

“Probably not half as much as I missed you, Aibon…”

Nozomi pulled back from the hug to hold the other girl out from her at arms’ length so that she could subject her to brief, but intense scrutiny. Ai hadn’t changed much appearance-wise, though she noted that her former partner was looking a bit thinner than normal… perhaps the stress of the job she had taken was a bit overwhelming. However… she looked much happier than she had been before, holed up in this small station with the rest of them. Nozomi couldn’t help but be just the slightest bit jealous… but she understood better than most how good Ai was at what she did, and had been the one to encourage the other girl to take the opportunity that had been offered to her.

…So she was slightly confused as to why the other was back, unannounced like this.

Apparently Reina was wondering the same thing, because she had walked up behind the two and cleared her throat, trying to get their attention.

“Well… y’know… I hate to break up this mushy… um… thing that’s going on here… And it’s not that I’m not glad to see you, Kago-chan, but… What’re you doing here? Shouldn’t you be off solving mysteries and junk like that?”

Nozomi turned back to look at Ai, the same question mirrored in her eyes, and the other girl opened her mouth to respond when Yuko entered the room, answering for her.

“I called her in. We need the best-of-the-best to catch the Miracle this time, and who better to help than her? Besides… having only one half of our infamous duo this whole time has been useless…” She continued to stroll over towards the group, and Mari materialized from the room the captain had been in, trotting along obediently behind her with a small stack of papers in her hands. Yuko stopped as she neared the others and slung an arm lazily around Reina.

“We’re only at our most efficient when we’re a team… the whole team.”

…Nozomi was really resisting the urge to tackle her captain in a fierce hug and declare just how awesome the woman was, but… she decided against it. She wanted to keep all four of her limbs intact.

“So… what’s our assignment?”

“We got a report about some dead bodies found in the red light district. Some of Yajima’s group. …Care to investigate?”


I… was an idiot. I had absolutely no idea where I was going, and at that point I couldn’t have gotten back to Risako’s apartment on my own even if my life depended on it. There were just too many people around and too many buildings that all looked exactly alike.

The only thing I was entirely sure about was that I hadn’t found my cousin yet.

And even though I had taken the liberty of ‘borrowing’ her cellphone just in case… I refused to call Erika for help. The girl had sounded worried enough at first, and I didn’t want to make that any worse for her. Besides, I shared a bit of Risako’s stubbornness in that I was sure that I could do this on my own.

Still… I was getting very frustrated. I let out a groan and flopped down onto a bench next to a large fountain, resting my feet while searching my mind for some sort of solution to my problem.

…I had no idea that help would come to find me so quickly.

“Excuse me… miss?”

I was pulled from my thoughts by a pleasant, cool voice, and I turned to look up at two girls standing in front of me, both appearing to be roughly my age. The taller of the duo was grinning at me in a friendly sort of way, and I couldn’t help but notice just how charming she was. Her dark eyes were deep and innocent, and I felt myself calming down almost immediately as I looked at them.

Her companion was also very pretty, but she seemed to be stiff and uncomfortable, her posture rigid as she stood patiently behind the other girl. She would fidget and play with the ends of her long-sleeved sweater every now and then, and her eyes had this dull, uninterested look about them, like she was extremely bored and wanted to be elsewhere. I noticed that there was a fairly dark bruise that colored one of her cheekbones, but she was wearing a baseball cap and so I assumed that perhaps she was athletic and had gotten it by playing sports.

I was so deep in my examination of them that I hadn’t realized that my mouth was hanging slightly open and that I was staring, and as soon as I finished and became aware of this, I blushed a bit, embarrassed.


“I don’t think I’ve ever seen you around here before… Are you lost, maybe?”

I let out an inward sigh of relief. Perhaps I was getting a break and these two would help me out.

“Yes, actually… I was looking for my cousin, but… I don’t know my way around very well, and so… well… I ended up here. Wherever here is…”

“Would you like some help? Kirari-chan and I aren’t really doing anything, and I bet with our help we could find your cousin faster and get you back home in no time.”

I thought about her offer really hard. Charming strangers or not, they were still strangers… And yet, my intuition was telling me that I was in absolutely no danger at all, and was being silly by even considering that these two would do me any harm. After all… who could say no to such a welcoming, kind expression? …Not me, apparently.

“Yes… I would like that very much.”

I got to my feet, returning that brilliant smile with a happy one of my own.

“My name is Tsugunaga Momoko.”

The taller of the two only grinned wider and nodded, turning to put an arm around her companion and pulled the much-less-enthusiastic girl towards us.

“This is my friend, Tsukishima Kirari-chan.”

The stoic female only offered me a grunt and what I took as a glare in response to my polite smile, but I shrugged it off. Perhaps she was just having a bad day…

“And what do they call you?”

“Kusumi Koharu, at your service.”
« Last Edit: June 06, 2007, 05:09:04 PM by FeverInducedMadness »
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Offline whytphyre

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Re: ::Heartbeat Tempo:: [Chapter Thirty-Nine -- Manipulation]
« Reply #297 on: June 06, 2007, 05:38:06 PM »
I get to say it !


Ready, ready ready?



Oh what do you have planned? hmm hmm?  :dunno:

Guess there's only one way to find out, huh?

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Re: ::Heartbeat Tempo:: [Chapter Thirty-Nine -- Manipulation]
« Reply #298 on: June 07, 2007, 03:07:33 AM »
Da 'Bon is back!!


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Re: ::Heartbeat Tempo:: [Chapter Thirty-Nine -- Manipulation]
« Reply #299 on: June 07, 2007, 03:19:28 AM »
Kago = <33

Momoko + Kusumi =  :OMG: :frustrated: :gyaaah: :pleeease: :scared: :shock: :scolding: :stoned: :tantrum: :temper: :fainted: :imdead: :mon ref: :mon annoy: :mon lurk: :mon cry: :mon emo: :mon zoom: :mon cweepy: :mon whine: :mon scare: :mon closeup: :mon spit: :pig cry: :mon ko: :mon duh: :mon waterworks: :mon tweaker: :mon POd:...All that...

>_>...we both got really lazy....
Have you started on wordy's challenge yet? I didn't...=+=;;I'm dead...
<_< and I need to update on my own fic..DAMN!! O_O


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