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Author Topic: Friday's Children are Full of Woe (a continuing story)  (Read 41046 times)

Offline OTN1

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Friday's Children are Full of Woe (a continuing story)
« on: April 08, 2007, 03:47:57 PM »
A quick idea that came to me this evening.  Three parts, no more.  I swear.  It's just a little break from the other story I'm working on now.
[edited: no, it's more than 3 parts now.  Read on.]
This one can be completely stand alone, but it's meant to fit into my Love x 2 story.  It comes before any of the other stories I've written here.

Friday's Children are Full of Woe


Aya came strolling in at eleven-thirty in the evening.  Miki, who had stayed in Aya's apartment watching television in the living room all evening, looked up and without delay, brought the volume down a few notches.  She stood up quickly.

"So, how was your date?" she asked, walking towards Aya, looking nosey.

"It was okay," Aya smiled.  "Dinner and a movie.  Keita's not really creative, but I can live with it."

"I can't believe how much having a boyfriend has tamed you.  I always pegged you for the type that would moan and complain about how unromantic her boyfriend is."

Miki ducked from a lame attempt at a punch by Aya.

"Just because I complain about your behaviour all the time, it doesn't mean I treat everyone like that.  Keita's smart and mature, unlike some people," Aya retorted, shooting Miki a sly look.

Miki chuckled.

"Slept with him yet?" she asked with a wink.

"Miki!!" Aya scolded her, this time hitting the other girl's arm.

"Ah, I'm glad you had fun," Miki said sincerely. 

Aya continued to look at her in a reprimanding way before she broke it off and went to get changed in her room.

"Oh, did you see the cover of Friday yet?" Miki called out with a smirk.

Aya came stumbling right back out in a bra.

"Excuse me?" she asked in surprise.

"I guess you didn't," Miki sighed.  "I went out to get something to eat and couldn't help but notice your name in big bold letters on the front of Friday."

Aya advanced upon Miki and grabbed her wrist, shaking it.

"What did it say?" she asked in a terrified voice.

"Uh, well, I looked at the article briefly and there's sort of this big picture of you and then a few smaller ones.  Oh, and an article about how you delivered groceries to Tachibana-san," Miki explained with a smile.

Aya let go of her wrist and plopped down on the couch, her head in her hands.

"This is not happening," she muttered.

"Oh, Aya-chan.  It's okay.  It just proves to the world that you have a life.  I mean, wow.  Toilet paper?  That's a serious boyfriend!" Miki laughed, patting her friend on the back.

"No.  This is terrible.  How am I going to face work?  My manager's going to kill me that I got caught," Aya groaned.

"Oh, second thing.  The agency called.  Three times," Miki said, holding up Aya's cell phone.

"I chose the best day to forget that thing at home," Aya sighed.

Miki laughed and passed the phone over.

"Could you stop laughing at me?  This is serious.  I could lose my job," Aya huffed.

"Lose your job?  Girl, you are going to go up a couple of notches.  A hot, famous idol caught on a date with another hot, famous idol?  It's like you just breathed life into your career."

"My career doesn't need life breathed into it," Aya deadpanned.  "And this kind of thing sucks life away.  This is terrible.  What am I going to do?"

Aya got up and began to pace desperately.

"Well, you could start by denying that anything happened," Miki pointed out helpfully.

Aya shot her a glare.

"I didn't need you to tell me that," she snapped.

Miki shrugged.

"And then you could break up with him."

The suggestion seemed to come out of nowhere. 

"What?!" Aya cried.  "Why?  Just because of a magazine photo?  Ridiculous!"

"Fine, suit yourself," Miki said nonchalantly with a shrug. "Your life.  You choose."

Aya continued to pace for a while until she calmed down and sat on the couch, resting her head on Miki's shoulder with a sigh.

"Why does this happen to me?"

"Because if it happened to me, they'd somehow link sex, drugs, and alcohol to it, and then there'd be trouble," Miki replied lightly, putting an arm around Aya's shoulders comfortingly.

Aya laughed a bit.

"Do you think Tsunku-san will be mad with me?" she asked in a small voice.

"That player?  No way.  He'll be upset you didn't bring him toilet paper."

Aya slapped Miki's leg.


"You're not helping," Aya pouted crossly.

"Don't worry.  You'll be fine," Miki said, rubbing her leg with her unoccupied hand.  "Trust me, it'll blow over in a week or two."

Aya let out another sigh, and they sat there together on the couch with a drama playing quietly on the television.

"Hey, Aya-chan," Miki mumbled suddenly, taking her arm away and pushing the girl to her feet.


"Go put a shirt on."

"Oh.  Right."
« Last Edit: April 11, 2007, 09:59:52 AM by OTN1 »

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Re: Friday's Children are Full of Woe
« Reply #1 on: April 08, 2007, 03:48:48 PM »

I climb the steps up to my apartment wearily.  I've had a nice time hanging out with Keita, but it's getting more and more monotonous as the weeks go by.  He doesn't do anything exciting.  I get more excited watching Maki-chan's goldfish swim around in his tank all day.

I open the door and hear the TV is on. 

Ah, Miki.  I let her stay over while I went out on a sudden date with Keita.  He called just as Miki and I got to my place for a fun movie night, and he reminded me that we'd made plans.  Miki didn't seem to have a problem with it, so I told her I'd be back before midnight and we could continue then.

In all honesty, I wish he hadn't called.  I would have much rather spent the night with Miki talking and watching DVDs rather than going out with that dull shoebox.  He didn't even pick an interesting movie.

I hear Miki has turned the volume down on the TV set, and she gets up looking excited about something.

"So, how was your date?" she asks me.

She seems more interested than usual.  Why is she so interested?  Is she happy for me?  For us - me and Keita?  Is she jealous?  Is she being sincere?  No?

"It was okay," I say with a calm smile.  "Dinner and a movie.  Keita's not really creative, but I can live with it."

That's not even the half of it.  He's superbly boring.  He's a doorknob.  I've complained about it to Miki before, but something tells me I shouldn't talk about him around her too much or she'll get annoyed.  That's coupled with my feeling of not even wanting to talk about him with her.  We have other, more important things to discuss.  Topics about him just ruin the mood between us.  The chemistry.  The friendly chemistry.

"I can't believe how much having a boyfriend has tamed you.  I always pegged you for the type that would moan and complain about how unromantic her boyfriend is," Miki mocks me.

Oh, the nerve.  I treat her like that because I care.  I want her to be safe and happy, and so I tell her to pick up her clothes off the floor or to stop being a pest. 

I try to punch her, but I don't put much effort into it.  I don't want to hurt her.  She ducks away expertly.

"Just because I complain about your behaviour all the time, it doesn't mean I treat everyone like that.  Keita's smart and mature, unlike some people," I retort.

Keita's smart?  And mature?

Who the heck am I kidding?!

He's neither.  He's a brick wall.  That's what he is.  And I'm dating him.

These days I ask myself a very simple: Why?

Miki chuckles at my answer and then asks, "Slept with him yet?"

She winks at me, and I'm completely mortified.  Just bringing it up like that is embarrassing, and she knows the answer is "no."  I'd be even more mortified if the answer was "yes, " because then I'd have to tell her, and for some reason, it seems like a disappointing thing to tell her about.

No, not disappointing.  Why would it be disappointing?  It's not like she'd care.  It's not like she cares who I sleep with.

Well, of course she cares because she wouldn't want to see me hook up with some bad person who's going to hurt me, but she knows that Keita's far from bad.  He's as ferocious as a plastic bag. 

So therefore, in conclusion, this should not be an embarrassing topic.

And yet I'm still embarrassed.

"Miki!!" I yell, trying to distract myself from these thoughts.  I hit her on the arm.

"Ah, I'm glad you had fun," she says after I finish pummelling her. 

She sounds so sincere.  Maybe she really does approve of my relationship with Keita.  Maybe she wants to see it work.

For some reason, this disappoints me, but I just glare at her, trying not to think about it.

Why do I want her to not approve of this relationship?

No.  Don't think.  Go change clothes.  Now.

I get up and go into my room to get out of these clothes that smell like a yakiniku restaurant.

"Oh, did you see the cover of Friday yet?" I hear her call out just as I've taken off my top.

F... Friday?

I bolt out of the room and see that she's sat down on the couch again.

"Excuse me?" I burst out.

"I guess you didn't," Miki sighs. 

Explain.  Now.

I have a very bad feeling what this is about.

"I went out to get something to eat and couldn't help but notice your name in big bold letters on the front of Friday."

No no no, this is not happening.

I walk up to Miki and grab her wrist, shaking it.

"What did it say?" I ask, terrified.

"Uh, well, I looked at the article briefly and there's sort of this big picture of you and then a few smaller ones.  Oh, and an article about how you delivered groceries to Tachibana-san," she explains.  She smiles as she speaks.

Groceries?  That favour?  No, they've got it all wrong.  Keita had been very sick, and one of his group mates called me to ask me to help him out.  We agreed to split the shopping list between us.  Shopping and delivering separately, we provided Keita with everything he would need for a few days.

Now this horrid magazine has gone and blown it all out of proportion.

And why is Miki smiling?  Is she happy to see me fall?  Is she glad the world will soon know about my relationship with Keita?  Does she have some hidden agenda?

I let go of her wrist and I let my knees give out, plopping down beside her on the couch.  I bend forward and rest my forehead on my hands.

"This is not happening," I mutter.

I'm going to be humiliated out of my mind, scolded by a dozen different authorities, and then fired.

"Oh, Aya-chan.  It's okay.  It just proves to the world that you have a life.  I mean, wow.  Toilet paper?  That's a serious boyfriend!" Miki laughs, patting my back.

How can she say that?  I won't have a life after this.  I'll be fired and nobody else will ever want me to join their record label.

And I don't want him to be my serious boyfriend.  He's a wooden table.  He induces sleep.  He's not interesting like... like... say, Miki, for example.  Just for example.

"No.  This is terrible.  How am I going to face work?  My manager's going to kill me that I got caught," I groan.

"Oh, second thing.  The agency called.  Three times," Miki says, holding up my cell phone.

So that's where I left it!  I realised I had forgotten it once I met up with Keita, but there was no point going back to get it.  It would take too long.

"I chose the best evening to forget that thing at home," I sigh. 

Maybe it was a good thing.  At least this way I can learn about the article and the pictures and then think of a good excuse.

Miki laughs and hands it over.  Again with this laughing.  I'm not feeling very comfortable.

"Could you stop laughing at me?  This is serious.  I could lose my job," I huff.

I don't want her to laugh.  I want her to help me.  I want her to sympathise with me.  I want a hug.

"Lose your job?  Girl, you are going to go up a couple of notches.  A hot, famous idol caught on a date with another hot, famous idol?  It's like you just breathed life into your career."

She thinks I'm hot?  Well, of course I am.  But she thinks so?  I like that, I muse.

No, I snap at myself.  Don't think about that.  That's unimportant.

"My career doesn't need life breathed into it," I deadpan, trying not to let her see my thoughts.  "And this kind of thing sucks life away.  This is terrible.  What am I going to do?"

I get up and start to pace.  I'm at a complete loss.  I need to do something, but I don't know what.

"Well, you could start by denying that anything happened," Miki points out stupidly.

Of course I'm going to do that.  I wasn't born yesterday like Keita.

I glare at her evilly.

"I didn't need you to tell me that," I snap.

Her response is to shrug.  It seems like she does that often.  It's kind of her thing.  Her cute little habit.  If I say something she doesn't agree with or something she can't deny, she shrugs...

"And then you could break up with him," she says while I'm thinking.

B...break up with him?  I would love to.  But why is she telling me this?  And why am I suddenly filled with a feeling of hope?

I clamp down on the feelings, repress them, and choose a response that will help cover up what I'm really feeling.

"What?!" I cry out. "Why?  Just because of a magazine photo?  Ridiculous!"

But I don't think it's ridiculous.  I think it's a good idea.  I wouldn't break up with him because of the magazine article, though.  I'd break up with him because of... of... something else...

"Fine, suit yourself," Miki says nonchalantly with a shrug. "Your life.  You choose."

There's that shrug again.  But now she sounds like she doesn't care.  I need her to care.  I need her to be involved.

I continue to pace nervously, thinking more about Miki and her reactions than my actual situation.

Eventually growing tired, I sit down beside her and rest my head on her shoulder without thinking about it.

"Why does this happen to me?"

"Because if it happened to me, they'd somehow link sex, drugs, and alcohol to it, and then there'd be trouble," Miki replies, putting an arm around my shoulders.

That's exactly what I need.  It feels comfortable.  It's nice to be reminded that you have a friend looking out for you.  I laugh a bit.

"Do you think Tsunku-san will be mad with me?" I ask worriedly.

"That player?  No way.  He'll be upset you didn't bring him toilet paper."

Ew.  Tsunku wanting me?  I hate when she makes gross jokes like this.  It's worse than when she tries to pretend I'm her boyfriend.

No, I actually like that.  The Tsunku jokes, though?  I hate.

I slap her leg.

"Ah!" she cries.

"You're not helping," I pout.

But in reality, she is.  Just by being here.

"Don't worry.  You'll be fine," Miki says, rubbing her leg.  "Trust me, it'll blow over in a week or two."

I sigh again.  I trust her, but not her ability to predict things like this.  I can just imagine the fans going nuts, the boycotting of products, the stupidities that I don't want to deal with. 

Why can't life be easy?

Why did I have to start dating that blind, deaf, and dumb snail anyway?  The reason completely eludes me at the moment.

"Hey, Aya-chan," Miki mumbles after a while of watching whatever drama is on channel eight right now.  She removes her arm from around my shoulders and pushes me to my feet.

I want to protest, but I simply ask, "Yes?"

"Go put a shirt on."

I look down at my torso.

Ah.  No shirt, I think calmly.  I look at Miki, who has an amused expression on her face.

Before I can turn red, I say, "Oh.  Right."

And I bolt.
« Last Edit: June 15, 2007, 10:09:41 PM by OTN1 »

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Re: Friday's Children are Full of Woe
« Reply #2 on: April 08, 2007, 03:49:44 PM »

I'm sitting in Aya's living room, watching TV and wishing Aya was here, or I was out with her.

She's on a stupid date with her stupid boyfriend.  I hate him so much.  He's such a bore.  Sometimes she complains about him being too boring, but I know she holds back a lot of it.  It's odd, but she doesn't talk about him much with me.  Not that I'm going to complain.  I wonder why she does that.  I guess I should just be thankful that she doesn't harass me with constant talks about her issues with him.  The less I hear of him, the better I feel because the more I can pretend she has no boyfriend and is able to dedicate all her time to me, her best and closest friend in the world.

She strolls in at eleven-thirty, and I, anxious to see her, turn the volume down on the TV and get up quickly to go and greet her.  I'm eager to tell her what I've found out.  She might have found out, too, but I somehow doubt it.

"So, how was your date?" I ask.

I really don't want to know.  I don't want to hear about holding hands or giggling or goodnight kisses.  I'll just get insanely jealous.

Of him.

It's a weird concept, and I can't quite get my head around it, but I'm getting there.  He's stolen away my best friend.  I want her back.  I want more than that.  But I'll settle for less.  As long as he's out of the picture.  That idiotic wallflower.

"It was okay," Aya smiles.  "Dinner and a movie.  Keita's not really creative, but I can live with it."

Damn straight, he isn't creative.  He took my Aya out on a date and made her sit through a boring, probably-war-related movie and then bored her to death with "conversation" over dinner?  Come on.  I could do better than him.  I'm glad that she finds him boring.  He's got a doughnut hole for a brain.

"I can't believe how much having a boyfriend has tamed you.  I always pegged you for the type that would moan and complain about how unromantic her boyfriend is," I say for lack of finding something better.

Sometimes I let my mouth run wild, and I end up saying things like that.  I need to learn how to control it.  Aya tries to hit me, but I move out of the way easily.  She's pretty lame when it comes to fighting.  Unless, of course, it's a tickle fight, in which case, she has a severe advantage as I'm way more ticklish than she is.

"Just because I complain about your behaviour all the time, it doesn't mean I treat everyone like that.  Keita's smart and mature, unlike some people," she retorts.

I love it when she scolds me and complains about my behaviour.  I want it all for myself.  I don't want to share the scolding with him.  I'm glad she doesn't do it to him.  All for me.  Me me me.

But Keita is neither smart nor mature.  I don't know why she just said that.

I chuckle.

"Slept with him yet?" I ask with a smirk, trying to make it sound like I'm just being silly.

In reality, though, I've been trying to find out the answer.  I keep asking her, but not once has she given me a direct response.  It pains me to walk by her and have to wonder just how deep this relationship of theirs really is.  When it started, I thought they were just hanging out and being pretty casual about the whole thing.  Lately, though, they seem to be getting closer.  The closer they get, the more jealous I become.

"Miki!!" she scolds me, hitting me, but not answering the question.

You're only evasive when the answer is risky or embarrassing, right?  Knowing Aya, "yes" would be the more embarrassing of the two possible answers.  I really wonder.

But no.  The answer is no.  She hasn't.  She would have told me if it happened.  Best friends' pact.

I feel a little more at ease.

"Ah, I'm glad you had fun," I say, trying to sound sincere while feeling anything but.

She continues to look at me threateningly, but she quickly leaves to get changed.  I'm wearing comfortable in-the-house clothes.  I assume she'll join me and we'll start our movie night.

"Oh, did you see the cover of Friday yet?" I call out, smirking to myself.  I've forgotten to bring this up until now.

That definitely grabs her attention.  She stumbles out wearing pants and a bra, and for a millisecond of time, I stare at her in surprise.

But what's there to be surprised about?  It's always Aya underneath all that clothing.  Nobody else.

Half naked, of course, but that's nothing new.

I focus.

"Excuse me?" she asks, sounding surprised.  Maybe even scared.

"I guess you didn't," I sigh.  "I went out to get something to eat and couldn't help but notice your name in big bold letters on the front of Friday."

They had just put the magazine on the shelf.  A man had been reading one, and of course since I'm naturally attuned to all things Aya, I noticed her name right away.

Aya advances upon me and I wonder if some would consider a famous, topless idol walking towards you with such determination a frightening thing.  She grabs my wrist and shakes it.

"What did it say?" she asks, absolutely terrified.

"Uh, well, I looked at the article briefly and there's sort of this big picture of you and then a few smaller ones.  Oh, and an article about how you delivered groceries to Tachibana-san," I explain with a smile.

I pretend to have difficulty recalling the article, but in fact, I can recall every single detail.  I read it twice over.  I also act like I'm amused, but I'm not.  Having those two written about together and published in a national magazine does something strange to my heart.  It's not pleasant.

Aya lets go of my wrist and sits beside me heavily.  She leans forward and puts her head in her hands.  It's a sad sight and I get a little gloomy seeing it.

"This is not happening," she mutters.

"Oh, Aya-chan.  It's okay," I say.  It just proves to the world that you have a life.  I mean, wow.  Toilet paper?  That's a serious boyfriend!" I laugh, and I pat her on the back.

Again, I have said something that I haven't thought through.

I'm nervous.  I want to tell her the right thing, but I keep making stupid jokes.  Why?  Why can't I just comfort her like a normal person would?

"No.  This is terrible.  How am I going to face work?  My manager's going to kill me that I got caught," she groans.

Which reminds me

"Oh, second thing.  The agency called.  Three times," I say, picking up her phone from a pillow on the couch and handing it to her.

"I chose the best day to forget that thing at home."

I laugh and pass it over.

I think it's good she forgot it at home.  If they'd called her and started demanding explanations right away without her knowing the whole story, she would have gotten flustered and probably messed up with her excuse making.

"Could you stop laughing at me?  This is serious.  I could lose my job," she huffs.

Oop.  I've made her think I'm laughing at her.  I'm just laughing because I'm nervous.  I'm laughing at me.

"Lose your job?  Girl, you are going to go up a couple of notches.  A hot, famous idol caught on a date with another hot, famous idol?  It's like you just breathed life into your career."

Is that what I think?  I definitely think she's hot.  She's on fire.  But Tachibana?  That was exaggeration.  I don't think he's hot.  I think he looks like a girl, and I conclude that if Aya would go for someone as girly as him, she'd go for me.

Not that I'd want...

Well, I'm not sure.

"My career doesn't need life breathed into it," Aya deadpans, snapping me out of my thoughts.  "And this kind of thing sucks life away.  This is terrible.  What am I going to do?"

She gets up and starts to pace.  My mind feels like it's in a very weird space right now.  I calm down.

"Well, you could start by denying that anything happened," I point out stupidly.

As she shoots me a glare, I wince in my mind because I know I've just stated the obvious.

"I didn't need you to tell me that," she snaps.

In response, I shrug.  Then I say something I've wanted to say for a long time, but haven't had the right chance to yet.  This one is definitely thought through thoroughly.

"And then you could break up with him."

She looks surprised, but I'm dead serious.

She should break up with that moronic pebble and go back to her old life.

Her pre-Tachibana life where we had more sleepovers and got more chances to giggle and talk about the future together.

Her pre-Tachibana life where even though I've always known I'll never have a chance with her, at least it's easier to dream about.

"What?!" she cries in surprise.  "Why?  Just because of a magazine photo?  Ridiculous!"

"Fine, suit yourself," I say nonchalantly with a shrug. "Your life.  You choose."

But inside I'm fuming.

Fine.  Keep your stupid boyfriend.  You don't even like him, I think angrily.

I just wish she'd own up to it and get it over with.

She continues to pace, and it starts to drive me nuts, but when she finally calms down and sits on the couch, resting her head on my shoulder, I also calm down instantly.  One touch sends happy warmth throughout my body, and my mind is suddenly clear and I feel satisfied.

"Why does this happen to me?"

Poor thing.  Time to make her feel better.

"Because if it happened to me, they'd somehow link sex, drugs, and alcohol to it, and then there'd be trouble," I reply.  As a secondary thought, I put an arm around her shoulders.  She needs it.  I need it.

She laughs at my joke.

"Do you think Tsunku-san will be mad with me?" she asks.

She sounds too scared.  Again time for a joke.

"That player?  No way.  He'll be upset you didn't bring him toilet paper."

She gets angry when I say twisted things like that, even though I consider this one very tame.  She slaps my leg, and it actually stings for a minute.

"Ah!" I utter in surprise.

"You're not helping," Aya she pouts.

She looks so annoyed.  When she gets that pout on her face, I know I've done my job well.  I do things to annoy her just so that she'll look at me with this adorable look.  I will never get sick of seeing it, which is why I never stop doing annoying things.

"Don't worry.  You'll be fine," I say, rubbing my leg. "Trust me, it'll blow over in a week or two."

She sighs and we both watch the TV.

Why can't my life be like this everyday?  This situation - me and Aya sitting on a couch, watching TV, comforting each other over the latest crisis, holding or hugging or kind of touching each other or... ug.  Whatever.

Tachibana is not my only obstacle, though.  I know that even once he's out of the picture (and I'm pretty sure if they haven't slept with each other, it'll be much easier to get him out), I'll just continue in the same way I've been continuing for the past few months ever since I've discovered that I like Aya.  That I really like her.

And then something occurs to me.

"Hey, Aya-chan," I mumble, pushing her to her feet.

"Yes?" she asks.

"Go put a shirt on."

She looks at me like a deer caught in the headlights, and I want to laugh and hug her, but I just look back amusedly.

She lets out a little squeak.

"Oh.  Right."

And she bolts.

The End (I mean it)
« Last Edit: April 08, 2007, 10:15:45 PM by OTN1 »

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Re: Friday's Children are Full of Woe
« Reply #3 on: April 08, 2007, 04:53:16 PM »
The End (I mean it)

Oh no you don't. :P

Excellent work, by the way. XD Keita as interesting as a doorknob. XD And the 3 different points of view. ^^ Loved it. ^_^


Currently writing:
- Lilium-related things. God save my soul.

On Hold:
- Everything Else. Too many to list.

I'm also on AO3!

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Re: Friday's Children are Full of Woe
« Reply #4 on: April 08, 2007, 06:02:28 PM »
I also loved it. :) I love how you give an objective point of view for the first part, but then elaborated on it by telling it from the Aya & Miki's POV and turned a simple, straight forward story into a more complex one. It comes in layers!
The End (I mean it)

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Re: Friday's Children are Full of Woe
« Reply #5 on: April 08, 2007, 06:45:21 PM »
Ahh! It can't end!

It was a great side story to your current project, mainly because it's not so depressing... with a hint of perversion added to it! Anyway, don't end it!

Nacchi... kawaii XD

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Re: Friday's Children are Full of Woe
« Reply #6 on: April 08, 2007, 08:11:24 PM »
This is like a single v in the form of a story. XD You got the original regular story, then you got the Aya POV version, and bonus! the Miki POV version. All you need now is the "making of" hehe

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Re: Friday's Children are Full of Woe
« Reply #7 on: April 08, 2007, 09:35:41 PM »
Gah, I had so problems reading the first chapter! Why? Because I'm not used to reading objective POV from you XD seriously, it got me totally confused.

Loved all the Keita bashing esp. in Aya's POV, really creative.

And wrapping it up in a 3 in 1 way, instead of the usual "neverending story" concept  :D

But don't let that stop you from elaborating

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Re: Friday's Children are Full of Woe
« Reply #8 on: April 08, 2007, 09:59:31 PM »
GAM Keita-bashing FTW!!! :wahaha:

They really are two halves of the same whole. Meant to be together, they


I don't want her to laugh.  I want her to help me.  I want her to sympathise with me.  I want a hug.

"Lose your job?  Girl, you are going to go up a couple of notches.  A hot, famous idol caught on a date with another hot, famous idol?  It's like you just breathed life into your career."

She thinks I'm hot?  Well, of course I am.  But she thinks so?  I like that, I muse.

"Lose your job?  Girl, you are going to go up a couple of notches.  A hot, famous idol caught on a date with another hot, famous idol?  It's like you just breathed life into your career."

Is that what I think?  I definitely think she's hot.  She's on fire.  But Tachibana?  That was exaggeration.  I don't think he's hot.  I think he looks like a girl, and I conclude that if Aya would go for someone as girly as him, she'd go for me.

Not that I'd want...

Well, I'm not sure.

They just need to find a way to put the pieces together.

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

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Re: Friday's Children are Full of Woe
« Reply #9 on: April 08, 2007, 10:21:35 PM »
Hey, nobody died! :D Well, with all of the Keita bashing, he would have been the one to die . . .

Anywho! I love how you dissect stuff into different POVs. It's always so fun to see what those two are really thinking, hee-hee.

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Re: Friday's Children are Full of Woe
« Reply #10 on: April 08, 2007, 10:49:28 PM » can't just end like that!!!
give us moreee!!!! plz?  ;)

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Re: Friday's Children are Full of Woe
« Reply #11 on: April 09, 2007, 08:46:01 AM »
Oh no you don't. :P
Oh yes I do. :P
This is like a single v in the form of a story. XD You got the original regular story, then you got the Aya POV version, and bonus! the Miki POV version. All you need now is the "making of" hehe
Clever!  I never thought about it that way.  Hahaha, that's a good name for the type of story this is.
Hey, nobody died! :D
Hah, this is true, although if I continued, Keita might die (I get the feeling not many people would shed a tear over that).

Hah, you and me both, Coachie.  I almost forgot how to write in 3rd person.  It felt weird.

Taking these three points of views was fun.  The first one was a general survey of the scene with little detail, and then the second and third filled in the blanks, making you realise that appearances can be deceiving and sometimes we don't have a clue what someone is truly thinking.  I'm glad it only involved those two.  Otherwise, I'd be itching to write the Shiba-chan (or Sayu or Maeda Yuki, etc) POV.

Thanks for reading, guys, but gee... sensing a little pressure here to continue.   :D 

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Re: Friday's Children are Full of Woe
« Reply #12 on: April 09, 2007, 10:34:46 AM »
Are you gonna write out the whole Aya/Miki relationship in small bits like this one? Couse that would be awesome xD

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Re: Friday's Children are Full of Woe
« Reply #13 on: April 09, 2007, 03:21:51 PM »
Just three chapters? I'm surprised!  :o
No, really, I am! In a good way, though; self control and all that, you know... :p

I totally dig the 'as ferocious as a plastic bag' line. Actually, I think I might start using it in my MSN.  :heart:

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Re: Friday's Children are Full of Woe
« Reply #14 on: April 10, 2007, 01:45:45 AM »
Um... Gonna love this fic much, love the GAM POV, wish you could write more  :rolleyes:  :heart: :heart: :heart:
GAM= Great Aya and Miki

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Re: Friday's Children are Full of Woe
« Reply #15 on: April 10, 2007, 11:53:38 AM »
Just three chapters? I'm surprised!  :o
No, really, I am! In a good way, though; self control and all that, you know... :p
Self control?  What self control?  Apparently I'm (unintentionally) the biggest liar.


How Many Celebrities Does it Take to Fix a Light Bulb?


It was a Sunday afternoon.  Aya had called Keita over to help her replace some complicated fluorescent light bulbs in the kitchen and to help her fix her screen door, which had been rattled off its track by strong winds from the remnants of a typhoon that had hit down south.  Once the jobs were complete, Aya had taken Keita into her bedroom to show him some new pictures she'd gotten developed.  One thing led to another, and they found themselves on the bed, kissing pleasantly and occasionally muttering a few unimportant words.

They proceeded without interruption, until, of course, there was an interruption.  The door to the bedroom slid open.

"Hey, Aya-chan!  The front door was unlocked, so I-"

Miki stopped in mid-sentence when she saw the two on the bed.  Aya quickly scrambled up from underneath Keita, and they both fixed their hair.

Miki looked surprised for a second.  Her expression quickly changed into a smirk.

"Oh, don't let me interrupt," she said playfully, making a show of backing out of the room and sliding the door shut again.

With an apologetic look to Keita, Aya got up and left her room to find Miki at the entrance, putting her shoes on to leave.

"Miki-chan, hi!" she called out before the girl could go.

Miki smiled and waved hello.

"Uh, sorry," Aya said, walking to the entrance.

"Don't be.  It's your bedroom.  Next time I'll be sure to ring the doorbell," Miki replied with a laugh.

"What did you come over for?" Aya asked.

"Ah, nothing," Miki said quickly, hiding something behind her back.

"And what's that?" Aya continued, pointing to whatever Miki was hiding.

With a sheepish look, Miki brought her hand out from behind her back and showed Aya what she was holding - a DVD.

"I thought we were going to watch this together today," she said carefully.

Aya winced.

"Ahh, Miki-chan, I'm sorry.  I completely forgot," she groaned.  "See, I had this broken light bulb.  And, and then the screen door was off its-"

Miki interrupted with another laugh, patting Aya on the shoulder.

"Some broken light bulb repair work," she said, shooting Aya a suggestive look.

"No, really.  It-"

"Don't worry, Aya-chan.  Really.  Have some fun," Miki said with a genuine smile.

As an afterthought, she fixed the bottom of Aya's shirt, which had flipped up at some point.

"You don't have to go," Aya said quickly.  "Maybe the three of us can watch it together."

"Nah," Miki said with a look of distaste.  "Don't want to be the third wheel.  You go have fun today.  We'll do this some other time," Miki said, starting to back off in order to leave.

"Oh, okay.  See you... tomorrow?"

Miki smiled.

"See you tomorrow."

Miki left.  Aya went back to Keita, who was sitting on the bed and looking confused.

"Where'd she go?" he asked.

"Miki-chan went home," Aya sighed.  "She'll come over another day."

"Oh," Keita mumbled, looking down.  "Sorry."

"It's okay."

They sat in silence for a minute.

"Want to watch TV?"

Another brief pause.

"Sure, Keita.  Sure."

« Last Edit: April 11, 2007, 10:02:47 AM by OTN1 »

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Re: Friday's Children are Full of Woe
« Reply #16 on: April 10, 2007, 11:55:47 AM »

Honestly, all I wanted was for him to help fix the light bulb and the screen door.  I should have thought twice about bringing him into my room. 

We've accomplished our mission of fixing those things up, but now we're on another mission.  A slightly more fun mission.  One that involves lying on a bed, kissing, and a little bit of groping, too.  It's supposed to be fun, but I'm distracted.  I feel like I'm forgetting something.

That, plus the recent Friday article.  We've discussed it, but I haven't been brave enough to take any action.  We've simply avoided seeing each other for a few weeks.  Just this week we've gotten back together.  All those things I thought about breaking up with him have been pushed to the back of my mind because I have this feeling that if I let him go, I'll be in an awkward position.  Like I'll have to make some sort of choice that I don't want to make because it's too weird and scary.  Usually I don’t like to run away from my problems, but this one hits a little close to my heart.  I'd talk to Miki about it, but I can't.  She's kind of the problem.

But no!!

I don’t think about those kinds of things.  No.  Not ever.  Because I’m just growing up here and having fun with boyfriends and best friends, and there's no need to worry about anything.  We all get a little confused sometimes, but it doesn’t mean anything.

I've got it all under control.

No problems here.

None at all.

I mentally shake my head.  It occurs to me that this is not the kind of thing one usually thinks about when one is doing what I'm doing.  I try to concentrate, but I still feel uncomfortable.

I'm rescued soon enough.  The door crashes open and a familiar voice calls out,

"Hey, Aya-chan!  The front door was unlocked, so I-"

She cuts herself off, and my eyes snap open.  Keita's still got his closed.  He doesn't seem to notice that I've stopped kissing him and, oh, say, Miki is standing at the bedroom door staring at us.

Crap.  She's seen me.

I push Keita off me, but he's clumsy and it's like his lips are glued to mine.  Ug.  I manage to get up, and I sit on the bed, fixing my hair and trying to compose myself.

I look up at Miki and she looks surprised.  Is she surprised to have caught me like this (it's the first time she's walked in on something like this)?  Or is she surprised for some other reason?

She smirks at me.

"Oh, don't let me interrupt," she says in a playful tone as she backs away and leaves the room, shutting the door.

I feel dismayed for some reason.  Why isn't she angry?  For reasons I can't fathom, I want her to be angry with me.  Instead, she just seems amused.  Supportive.  I don't want her to be supportive.

I give Keita an apologetic look - a meaningless one since I don't feel sorry for him at all - and quickly run out to catch Miki putting on her shoes and getting ready to leave.

"Miki, hi!" I call out for lack of a better thing to say.  I haven't greeted her yet, so I may as well start there. 

She smiles and does a little wave hello, and I now feel relieved.  Maybe it's better for her to be happy with me, not angry.  Angry Miki would be a sticky situation to get through.

"Uh, sorry," I apologise as I walk towards her. 

I'm not sure what I'm sorry about, though.  She's the one that walked in without knocking.

"Don't be.  It's your bedroom.  Next time I'll be sure to ring the doorbell," she laughs.

But I don't want her to have to do that.  I want us to be the kind of friends that don't need those kinds of formalities.

I notice that she's holding something in her hand.

"What did you come here for?" I ask, wondering if she's got something to show me.

"Ah, nothing," she says quickly, hiding what she's holding behind her back.

If she thinks that's going to work, she'd better get a new brain installed.  Now I know that whatever she's holding, she brought it over to show me.  She doesn't want to waste my time, though, so that's why she's hiding it.

"And what's that?" I ask, pointing to her hand.

Looking at me sheepishly, she shows me what she's holding.  It's a DVD - the movie Armageddon.  Something tugs at my mind again.  We were just talking about this movie a few days ago, commenting on how we both hadn't seen it, which led to...

"I thought we were going to watch this together today," she says.

She doesn't speak in an aggressive or angry way.  She says it carefully.  She's not rubbing it in my face.  She's simply reminding me.  If anything, I'd say she sounds sad, not angry.

I wince.  This is what slipped my mind.  This is the reason I was hesitant about calling Keita over.  Now I feel terrible because I've messed up plans with my best friend.  How could I ditch her like this?  She must feel so offended.

"Ahhh, Miki-chan, I'm sorry," I groan.  "I completely forgot.  See, I had this broken light bulb.  And, and then the screen door was off its-"

She interrupts my explanation with a laugh and pats me on the shoulder.

"Some broken light bulb repair work," she says and tacks on a suggestive look that makes me feel flustered.

"No, really," I say.  It-"

"Don't worry, Aya-chan.  Really.  Have some fun," she says with a smile that seems genuine.

I want to tell her that I'd be having more fun if I was with her, but the words don't come.  She reaches over to me and fixes my shirt.  I guess it must have gotten a bit twisted.  That's very sweet of her.

"You don't have to go," I say quickly before she can leave. "Maybe the three of us can watch it together."

I really want her to stay.  If she does, then I'll understand at least one person currently in my apartment.

"Nah," she says, looking at me as if the thought doesn't appeal to her.  "Don't want to be the third wheel."

But Miki, I think, Keita would be the third wheel.  Not you.

"You go have fun today.  We'll do this some other time."

She starts to back off to leave, and I know I've lost her.  It depresses me.  First I make plans with her to do something, and then she walks in on me with my boyfriend in my room when she and I are supposed to be hanging out, watching a movie that she's been nice enough to go and rent.

"Oh, okay.  See you... tomorrow?" I ask timidly.

We're doing dance practices at the studio, so I'll see her at some point during a break.

But I don't want her to go right now!  I want her to fight for it.  I want her to insist that we watch this film together.  Then I can kick Keita out and have some real fun.

She smiles at me, which warms my heart a little.  Such an understanding, selfless friend.

"See you tomorrow," she echoes, and she leaves.


Why do these things keep happening?  Why??

I sigh and go back to my room to see Keita there.  He's looking moronic and confused, and I've lost all desire to be with him at this moment.

"Where'd she go?" he asks.

She has a name, you dweeb, I think angrily.

"Miki-chan went home," I say aloud, emphasising her name.  "She'll come back another day."

"Oh," he says.

One syllable.  Great.  What a compassionate individual.  Smart.  Well-spoken.

You Neanderthal.


He'd better be sorry.  The nerve of this boy.  Trying to seduce me like this when I have a schedule to keep!

"It's okay," I lie.

We sit in silence for a minute, and I fume inwardly.

I ditched Miki for this?  We're not even looking at each other.  It's like I'm sitting here with an electronic dictionary.  No, an electronic dictionary would at least tell me things if I asked it.  He's an electronic dictionary without batteries.  Or the whole dictionary part.  In fact, he's just a big waste of space.  A bunch of random atoms and molecules that somehow collided together to create this supremely boring subspecies of human that for some reason I thought was cute and decided to start dating.

What is wrong with me?  Maybe I'm the stupid one here.  What did I ever see in this guy?!

"Want to watch TV?" he asks me.

Brilliant.  Come over, ruin my plans, and then invite me to sit in front of my own television set.  Is he stupid?

Well, yeah.  Of course he is.

What I mean is... well, that's exactly what I mean.  He has no sense.  He wants to sit around and watch TV like a twelve year old boy.  Can't he tell I want to hang out with Miki?  Have I not made it obvious?

I guess TV is better than going back to what we were doing before.  At least if I get him focused in front of the set, he'll sit quietly and not bother me as I go off and do my own thing.

I suppress a roll of my eyes.  It's like baby-sitting.

"Sure, Keita.  Sure."

At least the light bulb and screen door problems got fixed.
« Last Edit: April 10, 2007, 12:10:29 PM by OTN1 »

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Re: Friday's Children are Full of Woe
« Reply #17 on: April 10, 2007, 11:56:25 AM »

I skip up the stairs giddily, one by one, counting each one.  I'm at one hundred and fourteen.  The elevator takes way too long, and I'm filled with too much energy, so I've decided to get rid of that excess energy by running up the stairs.

I love movie days with Aya.

On hot days, we blast the air conditioning and drink iced tea while lounging on the couch, sometimes throwing ice cubes down each other's shirts and getting into fierce competitions to see which one of us can torture the other more.

On cold days, we sit close together snuggling for warmth under a blanket with the heater going.  I like to stick my perpetually cold feet on her leg when she's least expecting it and make her scream.

I prefer cold days.  Today, however, is warm, so there will be no snuggling.

I get to her door, and without even thinking, I twist the doorknob and the front door swings open.  It's just an action that comes naturally to me.

I shake my head and think two things.  One, that wow, I've really gotten used to coming over here because now I'm not even bothering to knock; and two, that her door is open, and that's really forgetful of her.

I'm not worried, though.  I'm delighted.  I may as well go in.  Aya doesn't mind.

I wander in as I continue to think about our movie days.

We usually split the task of choosing a video evenly.  Sometimes we don't like what the other has chosen, but we grin and bear it (or fall asleep) because our system is very fair.

Today we've decided to watch Armageddon.  We kept mentioning it last week, so finally we agreed to watch it on Sunday.

Now it's Sunday.  Our movie day!

I grin to myself and hum under my breath as I try to find Aya.  Not in the living room, not in the kitchen.  He bedroom door is closed, so I yank it open cheerfully.

"Hey, Aya-chan!  The front door was unlocked, so I-"

Oh... shit.

I see the last thing I want to see.  That retard of a boyfriend is on top of her, slobbering all over her cute face with his stupid clumsy lips and tongue, and he has the audacity to grope her outright.  If I was Aya's dad, I'd slaughter him like a pig right there.  However, I'm merely her best friend in the world, so I have to stick to being nice and supportive.

But honestly, I feel so low right now that I just want to jump out a window.  Aya... my Aya... Doing that with someone like him.

She couldn't have picked someone cooler?

Like me?

"Oh, don't let me interrupt," I say with false playfulness and a smirk.

I back away and get out of there, closing the door before she can see my smile break into a look of despair.  I rub my forehead with one hand, closing my eyes tightly, and then make my way to the entrance so that I can leave fast.

What happened to our movie day?  I thought it was Miki and Aya time.  Why did she invite him over?  And why were they kissing on her bed?

No, that's stupid.  They're a couple.  Of course they'd do that.

But still, it's not fair.  I don't want them together.  I feel so... so secondary.  Aya's mine.  I want her for me.

But... no.  Just no.

I start to put my shoes on.  I want to kill Keita for coming into our lives, for stealing her away, for touching her like that... He's ruined everything.  He's made me question myself, her... everything.

"Miki!" Aya calls out to me.

Oh, so she followed me?  I thought she'd be too busy sucking face with that electronic-dictionary-minus-the-batteries.

I look at her and give her a bright smile and a wave.

I don't want her to be upset.  The only thing worse than me being upset is her being upset.  If I'm the cause of it, that's the worst.

She walks up to me, but I beg in my mind for her to just say goodbye and let me go before I do something stupid.

Like cry.

"Sorry," she says to me guiltily.

Sorry for cancelling plans at the last second?  Or sorry for me having to see that unpleasant sight?  Probably the former.

"Don't be," I say easily and with a laugh.  "It's your bedroom.  Next time I'll be sure to ring the doorbell."

"What did you come over for?"

Her question vibrates in my head.

Don't you know? I think sadly.  Don't you remember?

I cover up my true feelings by carefully hiding the DVD behind my leg and trying to look nonchalant.  I must not make her feel bad.  If she doesn't remember our plans, I can let it slip by and she won't feel any guilt.  She can go back to sex - or whatever the hell they were doing - and I can go back to my home and angst over her, because it looks like my entire afternoon and evening are now free.

"Ah, nothing," I say.

"And what's that?" she asks, pointing behind me to the DVD I'm holding.

There's no point hiding it anymore.  She's going to bug me until she finds out what it is.

Carefully, and trying not to seem angry or all in-her-face, I show her the DVD I'm holding.

"I thought we were going to watch this together today," I say uncertainly.

She winces, and a little dart pricks my heart.

"Ahh, Miki-chan, I'm sorry.  I completely forgot," she groans.  "See, I had this broken light bulb.  And, and then..."

My heart takes the plunge, down down down to the bottom of my feet.  It slips under, and it gets crushed by my entire weight.

Why is she even bothering to make up stories?  Lying horizontally on a bed and sticking your hands up each other's clothes is not how you change a light bulb.

But I'm still not angry with her.  I'm just disappointed that I don't mean more to her.  I don't deserve the truth.

"- the screen door was off its-"

I've had enough.  I cut her off with a laugh and pat her on the shoulder.

"Some broken light bulb repair work," I say, raising an eyebrow and giving her a look full of suggestion.

"No, really.  It-"

Well, maybe she's telling the truth.  She doesn't have a habit of lying to me.  But I still don't want to hear her excuse.  Whatever happened has happened, and it's the end result that I hate.

"Don't worry, Aya-chan.  Really.  Have some fun," I say, smiling to show her that everything's okay.

Everything's not okay.

I don't want to be saying any of this.  What I really want to do is grab her hands and ask her to tell me the truth.  Beg her to tell me.  Then I want to ask her to break up with him right there and come over to my place so that we can have a fun movie day.  And then when night comes, we can watch more movies and fall asleep together in front of the TV, and I'll be able to laugh at Keita because in the end, she cared about me more.

I blame Keita for all my problems.  Before he came along, I didn't have to think of anything.  There were no threats to my friendship with Aya.  Nothing to worry about when it came to spending time with her.  I was more than willing to share her time with all her other friends and her job. 

Enter Keita

He's inserted himself into her life, that presumptuous little bastard.  He treats me like an amusing presence.  No respect.  If he had the guts, I bet he'd pat me on the head and give me a dog treat.  He thinks I'm Aya's little lapdog who'll go away when she tells me to.

Okay, it's true that I kind of am (I really like it when she bosses me around because with me, it's her way of showing that she cares), but he's not allowed to think that!  Only Aya and I can say that about me.

Ever since Keita has been around, I've never wanted Aya more.  The old adage about never realising what you've lost until you can't have it is one thousand per cent true, and I can't believe I never realised before how much I needed Aya in my life.  Not just as a friend.

I think all of this in one or two short seconds while looking at her.

I look down and see that her shirt has flipped up a bit.  Probably because that brainless piece of paper she calls a boyfriend was on top of her and trying to stick his hands up her shirt and got it all messed up.

I reach out and fix her shirt for her because Captain Lamebrain in there wouldn't know to fix his girlfriend's rumpled shirt if his own girlfriend wrote him a letter and kindly asked him to.  If he doesn't know how to treat a girl right, he should just stop bothering to try.  Leave Aya to a guy who can treat her right.  Or to me.

"You don't have to go," Aya says quickly.  "Maybe the three of us can watch it together."

I really want to believe her, and I really want to stay, but I have to go.  If I have to spend an afternoon with that guy, I'm going to say something nasty and upset both him and her (she always checks my manners), and then I'll be in her bad books, which certainly is not going to get me any closer to what I want.

"Nah.  Don't want to be the third wheel.  You go have fun today.  We'll do this some other time," I reassure her.

"Oh, okay.  See you... tomorrow?" she asks, sounding a little guilty.

I don't want her to feel bad, but it does assure me that I do mean something to her.  That I'm not just that eager-to-please lapdog...

I smile to cover up an outburst that I feel coming upon me.

"See you tomorrow."

I turn my back on her and leave.  I walk down the hall and to the stairs.  When I hear the door click shut, a tear runs down my face, followed by another and another.  I grip the DVD in my hand and push the door to the stairway open.  I walk down at half the speed I went coming up.  I sniff and try to wipe my tears away, but I can't control them as they fall silently.

I scold myself.  I shouldn't be crying.  She hasn't done anything wrong to me.  Well, she's messed up our plans, but friends don't cry this much over that kind of thing.  Usually they're a bit angry with their friends.  In this case, though, I'm angry at Keita for existing, and still completely and hopelessly in love with someone I'll never have.
« Last Edit: April 13, 2007, 02:58:54 PM by OTN1 »

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Re: Friday's Children are Full of Woe
« Reply #18 on: April 10, 2007, 01:10:34 PM »
May I kill Keita? Electronic dictionary without batteries indeed. I want to smash him into tiny little pieces. >_>

You have an irresistable urge to torture Miki and Aya, don't you? Everything you write, even the fluff, has something to torture them eventually. -_-; Gah. But I love your writing anyway.

Please write more. Because I need something to boot Keita out of the picture. Permanently, preferably. More!!!


Currently writing:
- Lilium-related things. God save my soul.

On Hold:
- Everything Else. Too many to list.

I'm also on AO3!

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Re: Friday's Children are Full of Woe
« Reply #19 on: April 10, 2007, 02:04:32 PM »
I do have that urge, but I promise that if I write that 10 chapters of fluff I've almost promised (once I finish What Needed to be Done), any angst that appears in it will be resolved.

I don't know if you'll believe it, but this is the song that I was to listening prior to writing the very first post of this story yesterday.  It's kind of my theme song, even though it doesn't fit at all.

It's so... ridiculous.  Just like me.

(actually, kind of like a dumb Keita theme)

JPHiP Radio (14/200 @ 128 kbs)     Now playing: Rainbow - Don`t Touch