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Author Topic: A Rider concept... (Need Help)  (Read 4350 times)

Offline glcorps2002

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A Rider concept... (Need Help)
« on: May 19, 2007, 09:59:49 PM »
In this other forum I go to I've been posting ideas for a Kamen Rider concept I had for a long time. Now I read the fan fics here and this proves that the people have the imagination I need. You see, I have a few things I need help with.

Follow this link for all the information on this concept (Only like 6 or 7 post).

The things I need help with are...

First: I would like to know what names would you guys choose for yourselves.

Second: I want to add more powers to this list but I can't come up with any more. Make one that you would like to use for yourself

and Third: I would like a name for Team Japan. Any suggestions would be nice.
Any other ideas you people have will be appreciated. And note that I am NOT making a RPG Thread. This is just for ideas. I will  make changes whenever. Thank you.
« Last Edit: May 19, 2007, 10:01:11 PM by glcorps2002 »

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Re: A Rider concept... (Need Help)
« Reply #1 on: May 20, 2007, 07:24:40 AM »
Sorry for not reading more than a page from the other forum. These are just suggestions so be gentle.  ;)

I did not see anything about vehicles. Remember they are Riders. I loved Kabuto, because they were able to transform their bikes too!

Plus, don't be too different from the Rider series. Hibiki was panned by some fans because it had some weird new styles. I did enjoy this series before they messed up the second half.

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Re: A Rider concept... (Need Help)
« Reply #2 on: May 21, 2007, 01:12:35 AM »
I have the vehicle information in the quote in the 4th post. Here it is:
Each rider would be bonded to a spirit animal like in Ryuuki, and the animals could also be split up in different species like African Elephant and Indian Elephant. These animals can take the form of a vehicle for real or mirror world transportation, and a real world animal form. For spirit animals that don't have a real world counterpart like dragons and unicorns they turn into a creature it would closely resemble. Their normal form (which would be larger and a unnatural form for the animal) would be only used when thy have to use their full power.

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Re: A Rider concept... (Need Help)
« Reply #3 on: June 17, 2007, 11:45:19 PM »
Well since no one has responded I thought I might as well post all of the info I have into this forum. Give some feedback people:

World wise, I had an idea about a mirror world where you would enter a reflective surface and end up in another realm with an elemental theme like a snowy forest for ice users and a volcanic wasteland for fire users. The elements would be fire, water, earth, wind, ice, lightning, wood/nature, sound, light, and darkness. It would be one world but different territories for each element.

Each rider would be bonded to a spirit animal like in Ryuuki, and the animals could also be split up in different species like African Elephant and Indian Elephant. These animals can take the form of a vehicle for real or mirror world transportation, and a real world animal form. For spirit animals that don't have a real world counterpart like dragons and unicorns they turn into a creature it would closely resemble. Their normal form (which would be larger and a unnatural form for the animal) would be only used when thy have to use their full power.

Each rider would also have a power unique to them like fire breath or hypnosis. These powers can be used in or out of the suit. These powers can be copied by the victor of a Rider vs. Rider battle. It can be more than 1v1 matches. Losers of these fights DO NOT DIE unless the buckle of the belt is destroyed. When you lose the match your body is destroyed momentarily and the flames surround the winner. The flames enter the victor's suit and they glow, proving the power has been copied. The winner then thrust out their hands forwards out of instinct and the glow flies out, reassembling the loser out of their suit, knocking them out. At most 3 powers can be used at the same time.

Forms: The riders have 4 forms: normal(no suit but the belt appears like in Kuuga), rider form, Were form(the spirit enters the rider suit like a gas and turns the rider into a half man - half animal with different clothing), and Master form(the spirit bonds with the rider, the rider's body changes into light, and the rider's clothing changes into something that covers all the skin). There are other possible forms that are temporary, curses, come from items or other rider powers, or could be helpful or harmful.

Power Levels: Each Rider will have a power level indicated by the number of active lights on their belt. Your level will raise after every 2 wins. The maximum level someone can be is 12. At levels 6 and 12 you can access the Were and Master forms respectively. There is no leveling down unless you are infected with certain curses. These "de-leveling" only last until the curse is broken.

Weapons: All Riders will naturally have 1 weapon with 2 forms. The second form will be a different or enhanced form of the original weapon. For example: Stage one - a battle Sythe with red flame for a blade. Stage two - a scythe in the shape of a skull with a connected spine and green flame for a blade. The basic concept is that the weapon is still a scythe. Stage 2 is always more powerful than Stage one. Stage 2 is usable at level 6 and up.

Quote from: ZroSentai
Originally Posted by ZroSentai
I would totally be down with the RPG if the animal/elemental concept were used, though I've never really been in a forum RPG before. And a question about the darkness element. Can it be blended with other elements? Cause if so, I call the Dark/Fire Rider

To answer said question I have thought about blending elements many times and have come up with something satisfactory to me: Everyone has an elemental trait to them that the spirit is attracted to, but 1 out of every million person has ether one of two things about them: 1. They have two elemental traits, or 2. They're a blank slate when it comes to traits.

Someone with 2 traits will attract spirits from different fields. These spirits will fuse into one. If the spirits are different animals they will take on the physical traits of both. Blank Slates are the most dangerous. They have no elemental trait at all. Spirits are attracted to them when they are in a state of intense rage. When more than 2 spirits join with a human both the human and the spirits become mentally unstable. The most spirits a human body can stand is 4 before the body is damaged (Not including the Unity rider power which shall be explained in a later post.) When it comes to fighting in territories both kinds will be the most likely to have the advantage.

^I really plan on changing this part.

Belts: In my story the Rider belts were all designed to look alike with the design being, well a blatant rip-off of Kuuga's, including the way it appears on a person, but with a couple of changes: a removable lens to filter your power properly and 12 lights to show your level. For the purpose of this RPG the belt's looks are all up to you guys but you MUST keep the 12 lights on the belt and the removable lens.

Legendary Weapons: These are weapons that were owned by Level 12 riders who had the strongest type of bond with their spirits. When the riders die, their partner become so devastated that they take the weapon to a hiding place and sleep within the weapon. When found the weapon will remain in it's Stage 1 mode until a Level 12 using said weapon feeds a large amount of their power to said weapon. Doing so will also awaken the sleeping spirit beast inside and the Rider will use the Master form of the previous owner. When this happens the weapon's spirit will help you and your spirit in battle. These weapons are hidden in the real world and in the zones in plain sight and in secret places.

Names: Names have a tradition of being long, incorporating their animal and element. The monikers the riders normally use are shortened versions. For example, here is my rider's name. His element is Ice and his animal is a gray wolf:

Full Name: Gray Wolf of the Arctic Plains

Common Name: Kamen Rider Gray Wolf

Powers: Here is a list of some powers I thought of...

Weather Manipulation
Elemental Control (Note: One element per rider until they win a different elemental control power in a fight)
Winged Flight
Energy Wings with projectile feathers
Wolf Pack: A move that let's you make only 5 copies of yourself that, when they rejoin you, will boost your power for 3 sec.
Molecular Disintegration: A telekinetic shot that is as round as a baseball but as deep as a black & white notebook.
Shape Shifting
Fire Breath
Ice Breath
Ice Slide
Death's Claw
Infinite Eye
Unity: A power that changes the form of the rider. It shuts down your suit and changes your belt to have an extra 5 small pockets. You place 1 focusing lens in each pocket. They must be from different elements. Once done, re-transform and you'll be in an new armor with 10 times the power. There is a time limit of 15 minutes until you are changed back into your rider form.

There are also different factions in this story:

The Children of Apollo: They are an aristocrat like group filled with only light elementals. They're a society that closely resembles the systems in Greece and Rome. A mainly arrogant yet honest people, you can never be sure who's side they currently are on. They primarily live in the light realm in a city designed with Greek architecture as the basis with the light realm temple as it's center. It is lead by an Emperor who is chosen by a trail of combat with the previous one. The Emperor to be must win with wisdom, power, and courage.

The Zodiac: This group is comprised of people who have bonded with animals of both the Chinese and the European Zodiac. Think of it as an exclusive club: if you're not bonded to an animal on any zodiac you can not join. They're mostly a good natured spiritual people who prefer to use (not rely on) astrology and horoscopes in their daily lives and use their knowledge of it to unnerve their enemies in combat, predicting their moves. If the element they possess corresponds with their element, then they are trained to enhance if making these riders members of an elite fighting force. The Zodiac are ruled by a group of 3 elected elders who have studied all forms of astrology and zodiac.

The Daystar Corporation: Created in the year 1920 by a 53 year old world traveler by the name of David Star. Unwittingly winning the power of Immortality, David has run his company to this very day in the shadows using false names and the power of Transformation he won in 1924. The company has many purposes in the public eye, but it's true function is to train Riders in the use of their powers and abilities to better fight their true enemies known as The Kingdom of the Nightside. The school/training facility is the Ice Realm temple, which uses both modern Earth and alien/Rider tech to train Riders, defend civilians, and to defeat the Nightside... using any means necessary.

Team Japan (I haven't settled on a name yet.): Made and run by one of the best Wind Riders of our time, 48 year old Kaido Takahashi (father of Morning Musume singer Ai Takahashi) leads his small team with the same purpose as the Daystars, to see the end of the Nightside. Both sides are always willing to help each other out.

Now once again I need some help with a few things. The things I need help with are...

First: I would like to know what names would you guys choose for yourselves.

Second: I want to add more powers to this list but I can't come up with any more. Make one that you would like to use for yourself

and Third: I would like a name for Team Japan. Any suggestions would be nice.

Offline whytphyre

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Re: A Rider concept... (Need Help)
« Reply #4 on: June 18, 2007, 03:37:03 AM »
I took a good look at everything, and it looks pretty good. The only thing I might change around just a twinge is the elemental thing. As cool as elements are, doing them over and over again gets a teeny bit tiresome unless you've got a decent twist, and it looks like you took care of the world portion of that, but if you're going to do elemental control for their powers... beware the cliches!

First :: I'd be... okay, I haven't dealt with Rider-related stuff in ages... so I don't have a name for me. Well, actually... Natsu. It's kinda lame, but I'd use it.

Ah ah! I knew I read something wrong!

Full Name :: Eagle of the Summer Wind
Common Name :: Kamen Rider Golden Eagle
(You get both suggestions.)

Second :: Power wise. Empathy. It doesn't have much showy worth, but it's good in battle. You know whether your opponent's scared/calm/what have you, you know how to react.

Third :: ... Team Japan's name? Hmm. I don't know this one. Really I don't.

Hope this helps!
« Last Edit: June 18, 2007, 03:39:32 AM by whytphyre »

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Re: A Rider concept... (Need Help)
« Reply #5 on: June 18, 2007, 05:48:52 AM »
mmm... I'd like to help, but the problem is that I've never been into rider shows.. I'm not sure how does it works..
well, I'll try it..

Full name: Wild Horse of the Dark Forest
Common Name: Kamen Rider Black Horse

A power.. mm.. I don't know how to name it.. but I think it would be great the ability to change the mollecular state of the body transforming it into stone, steel or making it more elastic.

A name for Team Japan? I don't know... The Fuji Riders? XDDDD

I've changed the name a bit
« Last Edit: June 18, 2007, 10:02:38 AM by len.chan »

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Re: A Rider concept... (Need Help)
« Reply #6 on: June 18, 2007, 07:19:21 AM »
Ahh, I haven't watched the Rider shows for a long time....but I'll try anyway. :)

Full name: Jaguar of the Burning Mountain
Common name: Kamen Rider Flame Jaguar

Power: Heat Sense. Advanced tracking and sensing ability, able to follow enemies in the total dark, or by following "heat pattern" tracks left by a quarry in the air. Advanced control can mean that it is possible to sense foes from far away with a fire reading.

Name for Team Japan? o_o;;; (bad with names) XD


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Re: A Rider concept... (Need Help)
« Reply #7 on: June 18, 2007, 08:30:57 AM »
Here are some of my suggestions:

Rider Brace: Something on their wrists for riders with multiple power animals. This is where they can store their other animals while the Rider belt houses the primary animal. It can also be used to detect/capture/analyze 'wandering' PAs that still have no bonds with riders. (Maybe you can set a level when a rider can obtain this or have certain pre-requisites)

The Brace can be attached to the belt, which fuses the powers of the animals in it with the rider's primary animal, along with their elements, unlocking an extra light on the belt. Therefore, there will be 13 lights for the 'ultimate' form. The ultimate form can only be achieved IF AND ONLY IF the primary PA can get along with the other PAs. In short, the rider should look for PAs that will compliment his primary PA, which other riders might have so they have to fight for it in order to obtain them.

EX. A cat/feline-type PA won't definitely get along with a rat/rodent-type PA, has 50-50 chance to get along with canine-types but will definitely have 100% success rate when fused with another feline-type.

However, you can force-fuse opposing PAs. The power for these combos are far stronger, but have certain side-effects on the rider and the animals.

Elements: Similar to the PAs, Riders can combine the elements, but can only have a maximum of 5. I guess the most elements the rider has will determine what type/class he or she is. Elements are in the form of lenses right?

EX. One rider has 3 wind, 1 lightning and 1 light.

So his main class is wind/air with lightning/light subclass. We can classify them as hybrids.

Riders can fill their belts with the same elements, creating a 'absolute' type.

EX. Rider filled his slots with 5 fire element lenses.

Absolute types have the strongest attacks, yet they are still vulnerable to elements they are weak against, which is why it is advisable that riders get at least one subclass.

Weapons: You can add an Element slot for the weapons, where the riders can insert the element lenses into, changing it's attack type, but not necessarily initiating the weapon to go to it's 2nd form.

EX. Rider is Fire-primary with ice/wind sub. His weapon is originally flame-powered but when he is against earth-type, it's effectiveness will be greatly reduced. He can use his ice lens and equip it on his sword, changing its attack type to ice, which is more effective against earth-type.

Maybe the animals can also be used to empower the weapons, giving the weapon a 'feral form'.

And here are some questions too:
- do the main animals choose who they bond with or do the riders choose them?
- is there anyway riders identify other riders(or what animal they are bonded with) when they are in normal form? Rangers have those color-coded jackets :P
- is there a certain time limit on how long they can stay in the mirror world?
- assuming that the battlefield gives certain advantages to the rider(desert setting gives earth type users a boost), who determines where they fight? Is there a committee or an organization that pits the riders against each other, or they just fight because they need to?

I will try to give suggestions for attacks a bit later.

As for team Japan's name, the only one I can think of now is 'Ichiban Kawaii' but that name would probably give them an auto-loss :P
« Last Edit: June 18, 2007, 11:50:16 AM by wordsworth »

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Re: A Rider concept... (Need Help)
« Reply #8 on: June 19, 2007, 02:49:52 AM »
What about this Kingdom of Nightshade? Do they have riders?

You could make like a five deadly vemoms version

Lila the Black Widow
    Animal Spider (widow/tarantula)
    Hightened speed and uses Webs (unable to be stickied herself)

Honra the White Snake
     Animal - snake (Adder/cobra)
     Hightened Agility and can paralyze opponents

Vakra the Red Scorpion
     Animal - Scorpion (sand/emperor)
     Multi-attacks and can weaken opponents

Kan the Green Toad
    Animal - Frog (Frog/toad)
    Hightened leaping and stamina

Silth the Ochre centipede
     Animal - Centipede/millipede
     Swift movent and secitonalized body armor (breaks away as damaged making him even faster

Craugh the Riding Dead
      Animal - all skeletal versions (nightmare)
      Can withstand tramendous damage from almost any type of attacks. Fire does normal damage, light he takes heavy damage. Most other powers fail to work on him as he is undead.

Gulgarath the Hellion
      animal - Hellhound/demon
      Devistating fire and dark damage and flight. Extreamly weak against light damage.

I myself might like:

Blue Kirin of the skies
 Animal - Kirin (pale blue/chromatic blue)
 Wind/light elements
 weapon: lvl 1 - Poleaxe  Lvl 2 - Naginata
 Powers - whirlwind/weather manipulation, Shower of light/holy beam

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Re: A Rider concept... (Need Help)
« Reply #9 on: July 13, 2007, 08:14:17 PM »
Now some of my Ideas:

Kingdom of Nightshade: A race of interdimentional beings who conquer other worlds for territory. 7000 years ago, under the command of their king, they attempted to take over Earth but found that they couldn't stay there for over a hour. During a scouting mission the Nightshade discovered the mirror world. Attempting to take it over instead they realized the time limit in there was 2 hours. The king ordered his mystics and scientist to find a way around this problem; and they did. They modified 12,010 animals in that realm to live as energy, being fed from the energy core of that world. In time they used them to create the first riders: 10 Nightshade generals powerful and wise enough to control the power of the creatures they were bonded with. They also developed a way to control humans if they made them into riders by way of a device that broadcast a signal. They created the temples in the mirror world as a staging point in taking over the Earth and as a location to create human riders to be used as foot soldiers. After years of fighting the humans found out what and who the rider foot soldiers are. Using their own mystics they found a way to break the mind control on 30 of them, 3 from each area, and had them to work to sabotage the control device. When their role was completed they rallied every rider they could and attacked the generals in their own temple. They couldn't kill them but they were able to weaken them long enough to entomb them within specially made tombs they had smuggled in, designed to always drain them. To make sure that they were never released; and because most people were disgusted with riders for the war, most riders decided to live in the mirror world, bringing their families with them. A problem with this is that many small cults grew to worship the 10 generals as gods who granted their followers with power. This had started the riders infighting. Over time many forgot about the Nightshade, to the point where they became legend, or to some, religion. Almost all of the original riders had died and the spirits had found new host on Earth and the Mirror World. On Earth, Riders were made out to be boogie men  just as evil as the Nightshade. The truth wouldn't come out until the year 1894, when the Nightshade would return with new abilities and methods of fighting. They would operate in secret, killing or overshadowing people in positions of power or people who could get them to such people. By then the riders were realized what was going on and some had taken up arms to fight the enemy. They also had to worry about human armed forces that would consider them enemies as well, so they had to fight in secret as well.

Nightshade Ranks:
King and Royal Family
Council and Royal Court
General - As strong as a team of 6 riders
Major/Captain - As strong as a team of 3 riders
Lieutenant - Scientist, Mystics, and your average Monster of the day.
Private - Wraith Foot Soldiers

Nightshade Powers:
Overshadow - Using this power on anything they can control this person or object and have access to all their memories. The time limit is also null and void while this power is in use. They cannot possess Riders because of the contract with their spirit animal.
Realm Travel - They can travel from their home realm to any other real they choose and back by use of a disk they carry on their chest like badges. It normally only has enough of a charge for 2 trips.

Also another group
The Ten: Basicly they are 10 riders, one from each area, who had won the power of immortality through tragic means. 500 years ago they banded together to try to stop the infighting of the riders and have stayed in touch ever since. They have their main base in the 11th tower, hidden within the energy spire of the core. You can identify them because they wear a decagon necklace or badge in normal form.

King of the Burning Wasteland, Kamen Rider Rex:
With the power of immortality and madness in his mind, he'll fight anyone for the hell of it. Those who lose die, those who win get his immortality power. He will force you into a battle by killing your loved ones in the most slow a sadistic ways while you watch. The only way to kill him is to break his buckle, but he never stays dead.

Now to answer some of your questions wordsworth:
1) The animals choose who to bond with for their own reasons.

2) I was thinking of using a sixth sense thing like in "Highlander" where they feel each other out.

3) No. Not for humans.

4) If the 2 fighting can agree on a location or if you can trick your opponent into another area.

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Re: A Rider concept... (Need Help)
« Reply #10 on: July 14, 2007, 01:40:22 AM »
My 2 cents:

-So the Riders have BOTH an elemental power AND a Power Animal, similar to Ryukendo? One thing you're going to have to do is establish which of these two are going to be more "dominant" (i.e. which one the Rider is going to rely on more).

-I like the "copying powers" thing and the ability to increase power levels. Just to clarify though, let's say Rider A battles Rider B. Rider A wins and copies Rider B's power. Is Rider B completely "out of the game" so to speak, or can he/she continue to fight when he/she sufficiently recovers?

The riders have 4 forms: normal(no suit but the belt appears like in Kuuga)
-Basically this means the human wearing a belt, right? That's not a form dude. Just make it 3 forms: RiderForm (with weapon in Stage 1), WereForm (weapon in Stage 2), and MasterForm (Legendary/Stage 3 form of weapon ).  MUCH simpler that way.

-I don't really get the point of the "long names" vs the "common names". Since the Riders are rarely going to be referred to by the "long names", is it really necessary to have them to begin with? Again, I just ask this because unless it's really needed or serves an actual purpose, it's just another fact that the participants will have to remember, but don't actually need.

-The idea of having different Rider factions, each with their own agendas is cool.

-There are a LOT of powers you have listed there. On top of that, you're REALLY splitting hairs with some of them. I mean for example, having "ice breath" and "ice slide" as separate powers? That's overdoing it, IMO.

-The concept of an "Absolute Form" proposed by wordy is interesting. If you're going to use it, I say make it so that it's a form that's ridiculously difficult to get. Maybe even make it so that none of the Riders are even aware of the possibility of it (like how no one knew of the possibility of "Ultimate Form" in Ryukendo).

Weapons: You can add an Element slot for the weapons, where the riders can insert the element lenses into, changing it's attack type, but not necessarily initiating the weapon to go to it's 2nd form.

EX. Rider is Fire-primary with ice/wind sub. His weapon is originally flame-powered but when he is against earth-type, it's effectiveness will be greatly reduced. He can use his ice lens and equip it on his sword, changing its attack type to ice, which is more effective against earth-type.
I don't know about this. It has the potential to either even things out too much, or cause too great of an adv./disadv. between Riders. A battle, and more importantly who wins it, should never be a function of the weapon, but rather of the Rider's skill and knowledge of how and when to USE that weapon.

-12010 animals? Why so many? You're bound to have some duplicates/copies or varietals in there (e.g. black bear vs polar bear vs grizzly bear vs koala bear). Unless you're including insects, I don't think there are enough actual species of animal to cover that large of a number.

-Interesting way to bring in the Nightshaders. I like the way you gave them the ability to possess/control humans, it gives them that extra little edge.

The Ten: Basicly they are 10 riders, one from each area, who had won the power of immortality through tragic means. 500 years ago they banded together to try to stop the infighting of the riders and have stayed in touch ever since. They have their main base in the 11th tower, hidden within the energy spire of the core. You can identify them because they wear a decagon necklace or badge in normal form.
So these guys are like the marshalls/referees?  What happens if another Rider (who's not one of The Ten) challenges them? Are these guys "still in the game"?

King of the Burning Wasteland, Kamen Rider Rex:
With the power of immortality and madness in his mind, he'll fight anyone for the hell of it. Those who lose die, those who win get his immortality power. He will force you into a battle by killing your loved ones in the most slow a sadistic ways while you watch. The only way to kill him is to break his buckle, but he never stays dead.
He sounds like he's fulfilling the role that JOKER did in KR Blade.

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

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Re: A Rider concept... (Need Help)
« Reply #11 on: August 11, 2007, 11:34:58 PM »
Alright, now that I'm back I should find out what everyone's been saying...
My 2 cents:

-So the Riders have BOTH an elemental power AND a Power Animal, similar to Ryukendo? One thing you're going to have to do is establish which of these two are going to be more "dominant" (i.e. which one the Rider is going to rely on more).
That will depend on the Rider themselves. Some fighters will fight with them as partners, hardly using the elemental powers. Others would use the powers and use the animals as support or back-up.

-I like the "copying powers" thing and the ability to increase power levels. Just to clarify though, let's say Rider A battles Rider B. Rider A wins and copies Rider B's power. Is Rider B completely "out of the game" so to speak, or can he/she continue to fight when he/she sufficiently recovers?
Rider B would simply need to recover for some time before he/she could fight again. It could be 12 hours to a week for a full recovery. It could go by much faster with an energy transfusion or if someone uses a healing power on Rider B.

The riders have 4 forms: normal(no suit but the belt appears like in Kuuga)
-Basically this means the human wearing a belt, right? That's not a form dude. Just make it 3 forms: RiderForm (with weapon in Stage 1), WereForm (weapon in Stage 2), and MasterForm (Legendary/Stage 3 form of weapon ).  MUCH simpler that way.
Yeah, your right. So technically only 3 forms for the warriors.

-I don't really get the point of the "long names" vs the "common names". Since the Riders are rarely going to be referred to by the "long names", is it really necessary to have them to begin with? Again, I just ask this because unless it's really needed or serves an actual purpose, it's just another fact that the participants will have to remember, but don't actually need.
Honestly, I wanted some Sentai elements in this. With the introduction speeches given in Deka, Magi, Boken, and Gekiranger I felt it needed something. Plus it sounds cool. Those are the only reasons for the names, they dont serve any greater purpose.

-The idea of having different Rider factions, each with their own agendas is cool.
Thank you, I wanted to make this more realistic.

-There are a LOT of powers you have listed there. On top of that, you're REALLY splitting hairs with some of them. I mean for example, having "ice breath" and "ice slide" as separate powers? That's overdoing it, IMO.
I'm gonna agree with you on the "splitting hairs" issue. How's this: When you get an elemental power(fire, sound, wind, exe.) you can use it for anything, but for tricks like the ones mentioned above you'll need practice.

-The concept of an "Absolute Form" proposed by wordy is interesting. If you're going to use it, I say make it so that it's a form that's ridiculously difficult to get. Maybe even make it so that none of the Riders are even aware of the possibility of it (like how no one knew of the possibility of "Ultimate Form" in Ryukendo).
I like the concept of making the master form almost impossible to get, but let's make it like a legend. That way not everyone will believe it and even try to go for it.

Weapons: You can add an Element slot for the weapons, where the riders can insert the element lenses into, changing it's attack type, but not necessarily initiating the weapon to go to it's 2nd form.

EX. Rider is Fire-primary with ice/wind sub. His weapon is originally flame-powered but when he is against earth-type, it's effectiveness will be greatly reduced. He can use his ice lens and equip it on his sword, changing its attack type to ice, which is more effective against earth-type.
I don't know about this. It has the potential to either even things out too much, or cause too great of an adv./disadv. between Riders. A battle, and more importantly who wins it, should never be a function of the weapon, but rather of the Rider's skill and knowledge of how and when to USE that weapon.
I personally like the lens idea. But even with it the winner would be the warrior who uses their head.

-12010 animals? Why so many? You're bound to have some duplicates/copies or varietals in there (e.g. black bear vs polar bear vs grizzly bear vs koala bear). Unless you're including insects, I don't think there are enough actual species of animal to cover that large of a number.
Duplicates are the idea. Each area has 1201 animals(insects included). The idea is that if you find one animal, say a vampire bat in the ice realm, there will be 9 more. One in each realm. If that sounds stupid please comment.

-Interesting way to bring in the Nightshaders. I like the way you gave them the ability to possess/control humans, it gives them that extra little edge.
Thanks, anyone want to give them more abilities?

The Ten: Basicly they are 10 riders, one from each area, who had won the power of immortality through tragic means. 500 years ago they banded together to try to stop the infighting of the riders and have stayed in touch ever since. They have their main base in the 11th tower, hidden within the energy spire of the core. You can identify them because they wear a decagon necklace or badge in normal form.
So these guys are like the marshalls/referees?  What happens if another Rider (who's not one of The Ten) challenges them? Are these guys "still in the game"?
Sort of. They only deal with major things like wars and handle things secretly, never revealing their id's. As for the second part: If Rider 10 is challenged by Rider B they could win their position in the 10 if they are the same element and are immortal. If Rider B loses they just lose the fight.

I want to use these guys for the 10 Nightshade generals.

Latter I'll add another group. But anyone got a name for the Japanese team?

What about this Kingdom of Nightshade? Do they have riders?

You could make like a five deadly vemoms version

Lila the Black Widow
    Animal Spider (widow/tarantula)
    Hightened speed and uses Webs (unable to be stickied herself)

Honra the White Snake
     Animal - snake (Adder/cobra)
     Hightened Agility and can paralyze opponents

Vakra the Red Scorpion
     Animal - Scorpion (sand/emperor)
     Multi-attacks and can weaken opponents

Kan the Green Toad
    Animal - Frog (Frog/toad)
    Hightened leaping and stamina

Silth the Ochre centipede
     Animal - Centipede/millipede
     Swift movent and secitonalized body armor (breaks away as damaged making him even faster

Craugh the Riding Dead
      Animal - all skeletal versions (nightmare)
      Can withstand tramendous damage from almost any type of attacks. Fire does normal damage, light he takes heavy damage. Most other powers fail to work on him as he is undead.

Gulgarath the Hellion
      animal - Hellhound/demon
      Devistating fire and dark damage and flight. Extreamly weak against light damage.

I myself might like:

Blue Kirin of the skies
 Animal - Kirin (pale blue/chromatic blue)
 Wind/light elements
 weapon: lvl 1 - Poleaxe  Lvl 2 - Naginata
 Powers - whirlwind/weather manipulation, Shower of light/holy beam
« Last Edit: August 14, 2007, 10:14:24 PM by glcorps2002 »

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