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Author Topic: Nanakusa (THE END?!)  (Read 48913 times)

Offline JFC

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Re: Nanakusa (Chapter 3 :: Turtle, Turtle!)
« Reply #20 on: May 29, 2007, 03:29:57 AM »
I see someone isn't falling for my tricks this time.

Or are you!?


So, did you call her or not?”

“… I… I couldn’t… I… blanked out…”
Considering the whole revelation of the whole superpowers thing, that last bit could take on several different meanings.

“You… you didn’t kill someone while I was … out, did you?”

“No… I only slightly mauled him…”


“Oh please… you know better than that… Of course I’m going to hurt someone.”
Okay, that's disconcerting. If this person has some sort of power, but is unable to control it, it can potentially be a big problem.

“We’re gonna hafta do something about the snooper though… she’ll get in the way of our goal.”

“It’s your goal…
Goal? Snooper? This is getting more and more complicated.

“Don’t worry… either I’ll scare her… or I’ll make her death quick and painless…”

“You wouldn’t…”

“Please, she’s not worth my mercy…”

“If you want to be merciful, just leave her alone!”

“But… where’s the fun in that?”
That sounds like Miki.  :grin:  If that's the case, then the other person in the convo should be Aya.   :D

“Oh, don’t give me that Maki! You still like futsal, I know you do! C’mooooooon!”

Now she was whining at me. She never whined, she was Yoshizawa Hitomi, strong leader type.
Either she's dealing with her recent attack in a really weird manner, or she's just acting like a kid for some reason.

he doesn’t exactly base his decisions on singing and dancing talent, if you haven’t noticed.”


I wasn’t entirely sure about the girls before me, but I knew I sure as hell didn’t. Neither did Charmy, Yocchan, Nono, Aibon, Mako, Konkon, Gaki, Ai-chan, Sayumin, Reina, Eri…


“That was… like…”

“A good all of us. Yeah. He chose us… yeah, based on what he thought we could become, but he also chose us based on our special abilities.”

“Like, breaking hula hoop records?”

“Like telekinesis and healing.”

Hey, when did I enter the Twilight Zone? Seriously, sometimes Yocchan was just too much.
Wait, so Tsunku knew or could somehow tell that the girls all had some powers? How the fuck did he know that??? :o

Tsunku says it has to do with the ‘mira’ content in our body. He hasn’t exactly explained it fully
First it's the Twilight Zone, and now Star Wars?

“Each time leaders and subleaders are changed, Tsunku goes over a list of all the Morning Musume members that the they’ve worked with… and points out which powers they have.”

See, it’s easier when you humor her. She’s not so damn confusing.
Strangely enough, that does seem to ring true right now.

“Fine. We have powers… and Tsunku hasn’t told you about it… so you’ve probably gotten zero training on them…”

We were supposed to get training?

“We’re supposed to have training?”
They were supposed to get training? :dunno:

“… Right then… you’ll just have to practice…”

“On what?”

She better not say what I think she was about to say. Instead of saying something right out, she gave me a small kiss on the cheek, then answered.

In the answer I didn’t want her to use.

But if Maki's power is healing, to practice them she'll have to....oh no.  :cry:


Before Eri could reply to the panic in Junjun’s voice, a blunt object struck her in the head.

And the rest was black.
Eri got beaned in the head by one of the turtles?  :P

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

Offline rndmnwierd

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Re: Nanakusa (Chapter 3 :: Turtle, Turtle!)
« Reply #21 on: May 29, 2007, 05:16:30 AM »
Wow, Jun Jun was in this chapter.

Offline whytphyre

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Re: Nanakusa (Chapter 4 :: Ouch. Just Ouch)
« Reply #22 on: June 02, 2007, 01:30:44 AM »
Wheee! I take references from anything that works. You'll see more than Star Wars there ^^. And thanks for still reading.

Chapter 4's gonna be rather long. I'll do it in parts.

Chapter 4 Part 1 :: Ouch. Just Ouch

“Kamei-san… Kamei-san…”

The whispering in her ear jolted her from her slumber, and their foreheads smacked together.



Rubbing her head, Kamei let out a mumble and stared at Junjun, who smiled politely right back, as if she was oblivious as to what was going on.

Kamei knew that was far from the case.

“Junjun… what’s going on?” she asked. The girl smiled for a moment, before looking over her shoulder, at the door that stared right back.

“There were… men… bad… to… house… took,” she finally said after a moment, “They think… my Japanese… bad is.”

Well, the more practice she got, the better off she was, right?

Kamei signed, sitting up and rubbing her temples, while Junjun took a moment to rub her own head of the pain moments before.

Sayumi was always the more optimistic one.

“Kamei-san… they wanted… to…”

She paused a moment, trying to find the words to what she wanted to say.

“… Money… trade… for us!”

Kamei stared for a good moment.

“Oh. Joy.”


There I was, sitting in front of Gocchin… well, Gocchin was sitting, I was standing on the table in front of her, about ready to jump around and actually, purposefully cause injury to myself.

And that look on her face was nothing short of troublesome to me. I wanted to hug her and tell her it was my own sick joke, but it wasn’t.

If Tsunku hadn’t told her anything about her healing powers, then she needed to learn about them!

Sadly, futsal would have to wait, but she owed me big time.

And if it didn’t come in the form of futsal, I knew exactly how to get my payment.

God, I have such a one track mind sometimes.

“Don’t jump off of that!” Gocchin squealed, in a rather panicked manner. I stared at her cluelessly for a moment.

“And here I was thinking if I jumped high enough, I could hit my head hard enough and you’d have to heal a concussion…”

Because I knew she could. She had done it once before, whether she knew it or not. I didn’t know it then either. There were so many people flocking at that point I didn’t even realize there was a concussion to be had.

What with the swirlies dancing around my eyes and all. At least, they were there until Gocchin came around, and made me feel all better. That was why I hated those stupid boots they made me put on for Mr. Moonlight. Make me look taller sure, up until I fell off the damn stage.

Whoever put that ledge there was just stupid.

“No. Just… get down from the table and sit down. Talk to me about it… can’t we start with like a paper cut or something?”

No. That would have been easy.

Sighing, I pouted at her and jumped down from the table, making her squeal again.


“What? I’m fine, aren’t I?”

I put my hands on my hips and gave her a grin. She was never really flighty like this unless she thought something real bad was going to happen.

And unless a ninja came in here and lobbed both of our heads off, I was here to tell her otherwise. She’d just have to accept that.

“… Just stop doing things like… Yocchan, where are you going?”

“I’m gonna make you panic so much that you have to come down and heal me.”

“Come dow- Yocchan?”

I opened the door leading to the balcony… which I didn’t really know I had, but it was convenient for the moment. Leaning my back on the rail, I grinned at Gocchin, who stared right back at me.

“What are you doing?”

“You really need to get out more, don’t you?”

Slipping my butt up onto the rail, I sat there a moment, before deciding that the way I was going about it would not cause enough injury to my person.

So, I stood up on the rail, and stared at her again.

Panic set in. For her, not me.


Giving her a ‘Yeah right’ look, I turned around so that I was facing the grou-oh, hey, there was more than four floors below me. That was high up. Was that a bird making a nest on that tree down there? What was that guy doing? Was that his dog?

Wow, I’m nosy.


I let out a small laugh, glancing back at her.

“Gocchin, you might want to start down the stairs now…”

We stared at each other for a long moment, and it looked like she started getting angry.

If you could call that cute little, half sleepy, pretending-to-be-Miki-but-I-look-closer-to-Koharu look ‘getting angry.’ I only smiled back.

“Gocchin, I trust you to take care of me if I do something stu-“

At about that moment, my wonderful balancing act had taken a turn for the worse, and I fell backwards, hitting the wall behind me.

I could have sworn I heard Gocchin let out a scream, but everything went so blurry and fuzzy for the next few seconds, all I remember was hearing her yell at me at how stupid I was and how I shouldn’t have been out if I wasn’t feeling well (‘cause everyone knows she already thought I was insane.)

After a few more moments, I gained semi-perfect vision back, and I smiled weakly at her from where I was lying on the balcony floor. Her cheeks were flushed red and she decided to perfect the Miki glare at that point.

Didn’t she know? I was immune to the Miki glare.

“See? I’m fine,” I finally said, sitting upright, “No sprains, bruises, cuts, bleeding gashes, or anything. It was a silly concussion at worst…”

She kept glaring.

“You. Are. Going. To. The. Hospital. NOW!”

That, the Miki glare, and the fact that she had started dragging me back into my apartment had me at a sort of loss for words, if you could call it that.

More of, I was angry at her and I didn’t want to make the situation worse.

That stupid place with the stupid white walls. I wasn’t going back there. Doctors were stupid.

Then again, so were stupid drivers who couldn’t see where they were stinkin’ going.


I stood up, and glared at her angrily. This was getting nowhere fast.

“I’m not going to that stupid godforsaken place! Not now, not EVER AGAIN. Now, would you for three damned seconds LISTEN to what I have to say to you?”

I couldn’t tell if she was still angry or if I had scared the anger away so much it went to hide behind that cute pouty face. The one where she looked in the middle of a thought. God, did she have to be adorable?

After a moment of silence, she sighed, showing me that she was in fact still more Miki-angry than anything, and rubbed her temples.

“Fine. But if you die… then it’s not my fault.”


As she entered the elevator, she furiously started pressing buttons again, not caring if anyone else really heard. Her hair was a mess, there were circles under her eyes, and she was wearing clothes that were far from matching, unless it was ‘yellow goes with blah ick purple green’ day.

But it wasn’t.

So it was only natural that everyone stared at Sayumi when she walked into the building. No greetings, no confetti, no ‘I’m ready to work today world!’ None of that.

Just anxiety and frustration.

“Reina, pick up your phone…” she muttered, before snorting and stuffing her phone into her bag, “FINE! Die for all I care!”

“Who are you talking to?”

Offline Kreuz_Asakura

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Re: Nanakusa (Chapter 4, Part 1 :: Ouch. Just Ouch)
« Reply #23 on: June 02, 2007, 04:38:27 AM »

I want more!!! :wriggly:  :wriggly: :wriggly: :wriggly:

An angry Yossie!!! :shock: Why she hate so much the hospital?? :dunno:

And Sayu....mmm...what about her? She's acting very weird  :glasses:

This fic is the only reason for which I visit this section almost every hour hoping find a new chapter!!!!

Your really awesome whytphyre  :farofflook: I love your work and the fact you have Yomaki interaction!!!

Offline whytphyre

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Re: Nanakusa (Chapter 4, Part 1 :: Ouch. Just Ouch)
« Reply #24 on: June 02, 2007, 05:09:11 AM »
Awww, I have a sta-fan! Fan! Yeah, I'll call you a fan!

I meant a fan, I swear.


The only thing I'll let up on this time is Yossi's hospital hatred. It's how I perceive her attitude towards hospitals since her brother's death. I tried to make it obvious, sorry it didn't seem that way ^^;;

And thank you so much! I love egoboosts[/b] the comments!

Offline rndmnwierd

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Re: Nanakusa (Chapter 4, Part 1 :: Ouch. Just Ouch)
« Reply #25 on: June 02, 2007, 04:27:55 PM »
Lol at Yossui and Sayumi! Man that's awesome.

Offline Kreuz_Asakura

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Re: Nanakusa (Chapter 4, Part 1 :: Ouch. Just Ouch)
« Reply #26 on: June 02, 2007, 05:46:36 PM »
Awww, I have a sta-fan! Fan! Yeah, I'll call you a fan!

I meant a fan, I swear.

 :shock: You wanted call me a sta..  I even can't say it   :cool2:  :cool2:

Anyway, I like more the word Fan  :wahaha:

The only thing I'll let up on this time is Yossi's hospital hatred. It's how I perceive her attitude towards hospitals since her brother's death. I tried to make it obvious, sorry it didn't seem that way ^^;;

And thank you so much! I love egoboosts[/b] the comments!

So...that's the reason ...  :glasses: , Ok, now I get it!!!   :bingo:

Well, I'll be waiting for the next part   :stuffed:

I'll try don't visit the site every hour  :on lol:

Offline YoukaiChica

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Re: Nanakusa (Chapter 4, Part 1 :: Ouch. Just Ouch)
« Reply #27 on: June 02, 2007, 06:41:28 PM »
Yay for Yomaki luvin! I was going to skip over this fioc, no offense, but then I started to read it and I just had to keep going. Its fantastic. I love how nothing at the moment makes sense but you can kind of make connections. But I have a feeling you're just playing with us.... And like Kreuz_Asakura  said, I keep checking for an update. Don't keep us waiting!!

Offline JFC

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Re: Nanakusa (Chapter 4, Part 1 :: Ouch. Just Ouch)
« Reply #28 on: June 02, 2007, 07:03:31 PM »
“Kamei-san… Kamei-san…”

The whispering in her ear jolted her from her slumber, and their foreheads smacked together.


Kawaii!  :love:

“Junjun… what’s going on?” she asked. The girl smiled for a moment, before looking over her shoulder, at the door that stared right back.

“There were… men… bad… to… house… took,” she finally said after a moment, “They think… my Japanese… bad is.”


“Kamei-san… they wanted… to…”

She paused a moment, trying to find the words to what she wanted to say.

“… Money… trade… for us!”
So they're looking for a ransom, eh? Kind of relieved, to be honest. It couldn't have been much much worse.  :mon scare:


Sadly, futsal would have to wait, but she owed me big time.

And if it didn’t come in the form of futsal, I knew exactly how to get my payment.
Kinky.  :twisted:

“… Just stop doing things like… Yocchan, where are you going?”

“I’m gonna make you panic so much that you have to come down and heal me.”

“Come dow- Yocchan?”
Nothing like a little "field training". You'd be surprised at the skills you actually have until you actually have to use them.

What was that guy doing? Was that his dog?
Ew.  :mon huh:

After a moment of silence, she sighed, showing me that she was in fact still more Miki-angry than anything, and rubbed her temples.

“Fine. But if you die… then it’s not my fault.”
That sounds sensible.   :D


As she entered the elevator, she furiously started pressing buttons again, not caring if anyone else really heard. Her hair was a mess, there were circles under her eyes, and she was wearing clothes that were far from matching, unless it was ‘yellow goes with blah ick purple green’ day.

But it wasn’t.

So it was only natural that everyone stared at Sayumi when she walked into the building. No greetings, no confetti, no ‘I’m ready to work today world!’ None of that.

Just anxiety and frustration.

“Reina, pick up your phone…” she muttered, before snorting and stuffing her phone into her bag, “FINE! Die for all I care!”
What happened to Sayu? :dunno:

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

Offline whytphyre

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Re: Nanakusa (Chapter 4, Part 2 :: Without Grace)
« Reply #29 on: June 04, 2007, 05:11:49 PM »
Thanks for all your comments, and I'm glad I dragged in another reader too! It'll get confusing, as it usually does, but then it'll make sense the father ya go. ^^

Sorry for the short wait. Part 3's getting planned in my head right now as we speak, so it'll be out within a day or so ^^ Enjoy Part 2!

Chapter 4, Part 2 :: Without Grace

Knock, knock, knock.

Pausing a moment, Reina let out a sigh, before trying again.

“… Didn’t you say Sayumi stayed home?” Miki asked angrily, glaring at the girl. Letting out a meep, Reina nodded. Why did she have to get dragged with Miki? Why did Miki volunteer to go find Sayumi and not like Ai, or Risa? She kept contemplating this for a few moments, until she felt a hand on her bottom.

“MIKITTY!” she shouted, jumping a few inches into the air and landing beside her friend, her own hands on her bottom. Miki stared at her dopily.


Reina glared.

“What do you mean WHAT!? Make it sound like you didn’t know you just touched my butt!”

“… Ya know Reina, sometimes I think it’s you who needs the vacation and not Sayumi…”

Without another word, she pushed Reina out of the way of the door and knocked, hard.

The door swung right open.

“… For the record Mikitty, I weakened the door for you…”


The voice startled Sayumi, and she smacked herself against the elevator wall.

“Miyabi!” she said, registering exactly who the girl was.

“Sorry… couldn’t help it, the whole… yelling thing and all. So who’s dying?”

Sayumi thought a moment.


“Wait… Yoshizawa-senpai’s dying? Is that who you were yelling at?”

“No. I was yelling at Reina.”

“What does that have to do with Yoshizawa-senpai?”

“It.. it doesn’t…”

Miyabi gave Sayumi a strange look.

“So, you were yelling at Reina-san… and you want Yoshizawa-senpai to die.”

The sentence made no sense in either girl’s head, but Sayumi nodded anyways, as they stepped out of the elevator and onto the third floor.

“… Sayumi-san, is something wrong?”


“You’re gonna tell ‘im we’re gonna rape and kill you if they don’t give us money.”

Junjun and Eri were both tied up, back to back, in chairs, each of them staring down a guy. Eri was giving one her impression of Miki’s glare, which failed miserably on the man.

“Go to hell,” she said angrily. The guy glared back, and if Kamei needed to go pee, she would have right there and then.

“Sweetie, here’s the thing. You’re the one tied up. I’m the one giving the orders, quiche?”

Quiche!? Wasn’t that a French delicacy or something?

“… Someone’s hungry!” Junjun called out, eyeing the man Eri was trying to hide from. The man snorted.

“Your Chinese friend is stupid.”


Junjun glared, now at the man in front of her, the one who she had been making faces at.

“You’re stupid!.... Stupidhead!”

Her Japanese was still lacking, but Eri couldn’t help but giggle. She was like a five year old who really didn’t know what was going on.

“What’d you call me, brat?”

“…. Eri-san… what is a brat?”

Eri looked over her shoulder at Junjun.

“Think… Sayumin… but… more selfish…”

Junjun blinked.

“Ah. Brat! Like in… America?”


“Ah…. I AM NOT!”

The man glared, and gave the taller girl a smack.

“Shut up!”

This did in fact shut them both up, though Junjun was on the verge of tears. He started calling her names and now he smacked her? That wasn’t fair, she wanted to smack him too!

Eri felt like doing more than smacking to both of these men, if she could.

“We’ll just have to do it ourselves,” Mr. Controlling said to Mr. Smacks Girls for Fun, “We’ll figure out how to get them to whimper when the time comes.”

Mr. Smacks a Lot snickered.

“Not like that you pervert,” Mr. Controlling said, smacking the other on the head. Junjun giggled.

“… Kid, shut up…”

Without another word, they left, arguing how they were going to make the two whimper.

“They’re brats! Aren’t they Eri-san?”

Eri snickered.

“Yeah… yeah they are.”


Maki was sitting in front of what could be considered Hitomi’s cutlery drawer, hands folded over her chest, glaring at Hitomi, who was trying to get around the woman.

“No. No cutting, bruising, scarring, burning, jumping off things, concussions, or anything else like that,” Maki said stubbornly.

“That leaves …” Hitomi thought a moment.

“Not that either!”

“You didn't even let me finish for you to reject it.”

“That’s not the point…”

Hitomi pouted. She was no fun. Why wouldn’t Maki let her cut herself up so she could get healed?

Wasn’t that the point of Maki’s training? To use her powers?

“I will not have you doing anything to yourself!”

“Then how to you practice!?”

“I guess I don't. See, I don’t see how this is a bad thing, this not practicing.”

“Well… it’s not a good thing! What if like… my insides fall out?”

“They won’t.”

“Well, play hypo-…tomass… no, that’s not it. Gah, Role play with me. If my insides were to start falling out, and here you are, without any training…”

“Then I’ll regret training… but since that’s not likely to happen, seeing as you’re an idol and not… say… someone in a profession that plays with knives for a living, then I’m starting to feel better about this hippopotamus situation already.”

“What if you find me lying on the floor in my last moments of life? Huh, what about that? That could happen again!”

Maki thought. Damn. She got her there.

“Well I could heal you from that, couldn’t I? I’m sure I could pull it off again!”

“You still should train.”

Hitomi took a step towards her, small smirk on her face. If she couldn’t yell Maki away from the cutlery…

“Hitomi, don’t give me a reason to have to injure you.”

The elder woman pouted again.

“Aww, not fair.”

But, before Maki could keep going, Hitomi took the opportunity to get up real close, and wrap an arm around the woman’s waist.

“I’ll just have to give you a reason then…”

Maki thought about this for a moment, finding herself caught in the oceans of her puppy cute eyes, before she realized she had gently been relocated just enough for Hitomi to get a knife out of the drawer.

“Now, we train,” Hitomi said softly, pressing her lips lightly against Maki’s, “Then you can beat up on me about it later… alright?”
« Last Edit: June 04, 2007, 05:12:52 PM by whytphyre »

Offline JFC

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Re: Nanakusa (Chapter 4, Part 2 :: Without Grace)
« Reply #30 on: June 04, 2007, 06:10:03 PM »
Wow, so many story arcs going on at once. :dizzy:  I should probably re-read the past chapters again when I get home after work today.

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

Offline rndmnwierd

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Re: Nanakusa (Chapter 4, Part 2 :: Without Grace)
« Reply #31 on: June 04, 2007, 10:56:24 PM »
I'm only slightly confused about what's going on now, but I can't wait to see the others' powers.

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Re: Nanakusa (Chapter 4, Part 2 :: Without Grace)
« Reply #32 on: June 05, 2007, 12:47:49 AM »
wow sayu is turning :mon cweepy:...she wanted to kill yossi??? :mon scare: oh and it's funny how yossi can get her way with maki so easily :mon inluv: but keep up the good bloody senses are tingling...>_>

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Re: Nanakusa (Chapter 4, Part 2 :: Without Grace)
« Reply #33 on: June 05, 2007, 12:56:53 AM »
Ahaha. Hippopotamus situations...that killed me. Maki and Yossi are so hilarious. Anyways, Sayu is starting to freak me out. Simply because she knows something but nothing at all. Interesting. And Eri and Junjun. That's equallly confusing. It is a coincidence that they were kidnapped or is there something much bigger going on? Oh. And I LOVED when Junjun said "Someone’s hungry!” So funny. Very clever.

Offline Kreuz_Asakura

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Re: Nanakusa (Chapter 4, Part 2 :: Without Grace)
« Reply #34 on: June 05, 2007, 02:13:44 AM »
Hey! You see!  I can keep my promises, don't visit the site every hour  :bingo:

Anyway, I love the fic!!!!!!!!!!  :luvluv1:

Miki and her old habits :wahaha:

Like always I love Yomaki, Yossie is just hilarious and no one can't stop her when she wants something    :mon misch:  not even Maki

And Sayumi... :sweat:  she's really freaking me out

OMG That man just hit Junjun  :shock:

Offline whytphyre

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Re: Nanakusa (Chapter 4, Part 3 :: Sins of Love)
« Reply #35 on: June 05, 2007, 05:55:17 PM »
Sorry about the confusion, I got overzealous. I split the last half of the chapter...

And the bloody senses should be tingling. Heh heh heh...

Chapter 4, Part 3 :: Sins of Love

Well, I felt a little unsafe around Sayumi-san, to be honest. She looked like she was going to flip out at someone, told me she wanted Yoshizawa-senpai dead, and on top of that was wearing clashing, not pink clothing.

Clashing, not pink clothing did not go with Sayumi-san.

However, she said she would have much rather us be in a more private area, away from everyone else. It made sense, especially if she wanted to kill me.

Hey, if Miki-senpai was perpetually angry like that, then I would so not put it past Sayumi-san to have Miki-like tendencies.

Everyone did at some point, right?

Whatever the case, we were sitting in a quaint corner of the building, away from people who had prying ears.

Ears can pry, right?

“Miya-san… I… I think I killed Yossie already…”

Huh… would that be why she looks like a walking disaster? That so couldn’t have been it.

“She… she was…”

“Hold up. Start from the beginning. Much easier to understand.”

We may have never been close, but I think she knew I wasn’t going to go off and rat whatever story she has to Tsunku, or worse, FRIDAY.

God forbid I do that.

“… Hai.”

She took a deep breath, before bursting out into tears. I hesitantly gave her a few pats on the back before she sniffed and smiled weakly at me.

“I… I went over to Yossie’s house. I had to talk to her about something… about… how I felt about someone…”

Sayumi-san had a crush? Oh, who was the lucky guy?!

Bad Miyabi! No time for gossip!

“And… so I asked Yossie for advice on how to go about it… and she launched into this crazy speech about birds and bees…”

Birds and bees?

Raising an eyebrow, I held back a giggle. I had to be mature… but my senpai was bawling like a child, how could I be mature?

“I didn’t want to talk about birds and bees. I wanted to know about how to tell Reina I liked her…”

After another moment, she let out another stream of tears and latched onto my person.

How. Awkward.

Wait, Reina?! Were we thinking the same Reina?

“And… then she started talking about how she could get along so well with Reina… and how it shouldn’t… shouldn’t have been a problem for someone so cute… she made it sound like Reina was easy to get… I… and then I couldn’t help myself anymore… I… I yelled at her…”

Sayumi-san must have been understating something somewhere.

“I told her she should die… and now… now I regret it.”

My other brow slowly followed in the eye raising. Had Tsunku picked her for her powers too? Was that what Morning Musume was?

I mean, Rii-chan had that awfully strange behavior of popping up when we least expected it. At least she was cheery about it.

But Sayumi-san didn’t have the power to turn into a psycho killer and like gouge out hearts or anything, did she?

Because that would be scary.

“Miya-san… I… you won’t tell anyone, will you?”

I’m not too sure anyone would believe me if I went up and told them that Sayumi-san had a crush on Reina-san, and Sayumi-san got horribly offended when Yoshizawa-senpai made it sound like Reina-san was a one hundred yen hooker.

I don’t know if it was because I started to exaggerate this story in my head, or because Sayumi-san was queen of cute, not queen of blood.

Whatever. This was scary.

“Nah… We’ve had enough scandals lately.”

She let out another sob and attached herself to me. How amazingly awkward, but I didn’t say anything about it.

I gave her a few more pats on the back.

“There there, we’ll figure this out…”




Reina was a little more delicate with her searching, but Miki was all over the place, hunting through room and closet, being nosier than a puppy looking for a treat.

“Sayumin, we just wanted to talk…” Reina tried again.

“About how you almost killed Tomo-kun!”

If Reina had no fear in her body, she would have whirled around and glared at Miki, who was now searching through what looked to be the girl’s underwear drawer.

It was more an absent-minded thing to grope while searching about elsewhere.

“Mikitty… I don’t think Sayumin will appreciate it much if you go through her panti- are those black?”

Reina held back from looking over the woman’s shoulder as Miki glanced down at what she was doing.

“Yep… they would  be black panties… why, you interested?”

Reina’s cheeks became red with embarrassment, and she looked away.

“No… it… it just doesn’t seem like Sayumin, that’s all.”

Miki grinned.


Reina was about to make a small rebuttle to that comment, when a loud thud came from inside Sayumi’s clothing closet.

“… I thought I checked that already.”

Miki grumbled lightly, but made her way over to the door, absentmindedly shoving the black panties into Reina’s hands. Reina stared at them a moment, before letting out a yelp and throwing them onto the floor, cheeks still flushed with color.

As Miki’s hand was on the handle, the door burst open, slamming into the woman’s face.

“HEY!” she grunted, rubbing her nose, “What the hell was that for!?”

On the other side of the door was dear little Koharu, who stared at Miki before moving to run back into the closet. Miki grabbed the handle and pulled back, bringing Koharu out into the open.

“DON’T HURT ME!” the girl shouted, “You’ve already hurt me enough!”

“No… I haven’t… Reina, did you hurt Koharu?”

“No! I would never!”

Koharu meeped again, and clung to Miki.

“Thank you…”

After a rather hesitant moment, Miki put an arm around Koharu and gave her a pat on the shoulder.

“ Don’t worry Koharu, I’ll scare her away if Reina doesn’t blind her with her bling-bling.”

Reina snorted at the joke, as Miki grinned at her.

“How about we get you calmed down… and you can tell us where Sayumi is…”

Koharu whimpered at her mentor’s name, causing Miki to quirk her brow.

“Sayumi didn’t do this to you, did she?”

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Re: Nanakusa (Chapter 4, Part 3 :: Sins of Love)
« Reply #36 on: June 05, 2007, 07:02:55 PM »
Sayu as a phsyco killer? Awesome! :rofl:

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Re: Nanakusa (Chapter 4, Part 3 :: Sins of Love)
« Reply #37 on: June 05, 2007, 07:17:20 PM »
Sayu has a split-personality thing going on maybe?

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

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Re: Nanakusa (Chapter 4, Part 3 :: Sins of Love)
« Reply #38 on: June 06, 2007, 01:38:28 AM »
omg...*psychotic screechy music* sayu...a psycho...OMG...haha nice change from innocent girl dressed in pink...but...keeping koharu in a closet...that is creepy.. :OMG: :stoned: :scared: :mon cweepy: :mon scare: :mon closeup: :mon spit: gonna stop with the emotions..omg she's here! *gets butchered by sayu* AHH...*crawling back to computer to finish reply*..okay i'm done with the dramatics.*slaps self*..too much sugar >_>...

Offline raspberrygashes

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Re: Nanakusa (Chapter 4, Part 3 :: Sins of Love)
« Reply #39 on: June 07, 2007, 07:32:07 AM »
Wow...this story is murderous...  :sweat:

I LOVE IT!!  :wahaha: Keep 'em coming.
Look out! Crappy editing and cheap promotion coming through!
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