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Author Topic: 10 x 2 + ∞ Chapters of Pointless, Plotless Fluff  (Read 29543 times)

Offline OTN1

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10 x 2 + ∞ Chapters of Pointless, Plotless Fluff
« on: May 23, 2007, 06:09:46 AM »
Since I wrote two really depressing stories in the past few months, I kind of promised in one of those threads to write ten chapters of pointless fluff to keep readers from totally hating me.

So... here are ten chapters of pointless, plotless, dumb, fluffy fluff.  Read at your own risk, and please feel free to post your honest, death threat-like comments.  In this case, I will understand and fully and accept them. :D

Remember that all stories ("chapters") are unrelated to each other unless I state otherwise.  These chapters can be read in any order and follow no order other than the order I post them in, which is completely random.

(For those of you who know the timeline of events in the Love X 2 series well, you might be able to pick out some sneaky references that I might make, but these stories will not require any knowledge of anything I've written before.  I'll make a special note if any chapter here is related to anything I've written before.)

Enough talk.  One of these days, I have to stop taking myself to seriously!  Let's begin.

Time: Some time after Aya and Miki have graduated from Hello! Project.

Chapter One:

Welcome Home, Aya!

"I ask you to do one thing and you can't even get it right.  God, Miki, I don't even know why I bother to ask," I spit out, throwing my hands up in the air in an irritated fashion.

At first, she doesn't react outwardly in any way, which I can tell means she's really affected by what I've just said.  She looks at me with a hard expression.  It turns into a hurt one, and then quietly, she backs up, slips on her shoes, and walks out of the door, closing it noiselessly behind her.

I'm left standing in my living room, a dead potted plant on the table before me, the sound of raindrops hitting my balcony, and my heart feeling not just a little guilty.

She doesn't call or e-mail me, and I'm too ashamed of what I've said and done to contact her, even though I know I should.  How can it be that I come home from a tour of concerts in the south, and the first thing I do is yell at her for a simple mistake?  Have I lost my ability to be nice to this girl?  Am I turning into a disgruntled old hag?

I go to bed without dinner that night.  I feel terribly lonely as thunder rumbles above my head and the rain continues to fall steadily.  I close my eyes and see her wounded face.  I try to push it out of my mind because it makes me feel upset.  But at least I still have a conscience ...

The next morning I wake up to a sun shining brightly into my room through the cracks in my curtains.  I get up and look outside.  It's a beautiful day.  The storm has blown over, and all that remains are fluffy white clouds in the distance and an otherwise clear and uniformly blue sky.

I still feel glum, though.  How could I have been so awful to Miki?  I didn't even get a chance to thank her for taking care of the rest of my place for two weeks, collecting my mail and dusting the furniture.

I feel even glummer because it's Saturday and I don't have any plans.  On the plus side, I don't have to go to work.  On the minus side, Miki's upset and she won't want to do anything with me.

That's why I'm surprised when my doorbell rings a short time later.  I unlock the door, wondering who's there.

It's Miki.  I blink and take a step back when we make eye contact.

"Come in," I say, wondering what she's doing here.

She walks in and takes off her shoes, stepping up and past the entrance. 

"Here," she says abruptly.

She hands me a potted purple flower that I haven't realised she's holding until now.  I'm not entirely sure, but I think it's an African Violet.

"What's this?" I ask, holding the pot in my hands as she backs up a bit and turns her body to face me, but avoiding eye contact.

"That's to make up for killing your plant.  I'm sorry."

My guilt tears me up, and I'm actually relieved because of it.  There's no way that I've turned into a horrible monster if I feel this bad over something I did.  Or at least I haven't turned into a monster completely.  Not yet.

I put the flower down on the counter in the kitchen.

"No, I'm sorry," I say solidly.

She looks up at me, still wearing her sad, guilty expression.

"I didn't mean to yell at you.  A dead plant isn't a big deal at all."

"No," she says, shaking her head.  "You were right to tell me that yesterday.  I should be less selfish and more responsible.  You asked me for a small favour and I didn't care enough to do it."

I laugh.

"Well, maybe you forgot, but you also did me a whole bunch of other favours these past two weeks."

I remember seeing my mail piled nicely on my table, and not a speck of dust anywhere.

She cracks a smile.

"I guess I did get those other things done well," she says, getting back her joking, overconfident tone back.  "But I'm still sorry."

"No, I'm sorry."

"No, I'm the one who's sorry."

"Miki..." I say in a warning tone to her.

She grins and stops.  She skips over to the couch and lies down on it, making herself feel at home.

"What are you doing today, Aya?" she calls out as I pick up my new African Violet and try to find an appropriate place for it.

"No plans," I reply.

"Yet," she tags on for me.

"Right.  None yet," I laugh, opening the door to the balcony and putting my flower there.

"Okay.  What do you want to do?" asks Miki's voice from right behind me.

I jump in fright, my heart racing.

"I, um," I say as I try to collect myself.  "Whatever you want to do."

She grabs my shoulders and pulls me back inside, giving the sliding glass door a hearty slam and pushing me onto the couch, letting herself hover on top of me.

"You've been gone for two weeks," she says quietly.

"Yes," I agree.

"We have a lot to catch up with."

"We certainly do," I say.

She grins.

"Okay.  Let's start catching up with two week's worth of..." she trails off and smirks at me.

"Two week's worth of..." I echo her expectantly.

"Two week's worth of... tickle torture!!" she squeals suddenly.

Before I realise what's going on, she's attacking me, tickling my sides with those cruel hands of hers.  I start to screech and laugh, and I try to push her off me, but she's too good at this.  Plus she's on top.

"Welcome back home, Aya!" she cheers over my gasps for breath.

Oh, what a welcoming.
« Last Edit: June 21, 2007, 10:00:09 AM by OTN1 »

Offline Mikan

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Re: 10 Chapters of Pointless, Plotless Fluff
« Reply #1 on: May 23, 2007, 07:53:16 AM »
Beautifully warm weather
Half a day at school
A yummy obento
And the promised story from OTN  - Can my day get any better!!!!

(I did manage to get mayonaise in my eye when I read that 'two weeks off..' part. I jerked my hand up too quickly scroll down and read the next part thus there was some chopstick trouble...Anywho!)

We love you. I love you. Thats why you get little, if any at all, critism or how ever you wanna spell the damn word. Im to hungry to care.

Read the complete Doki Doki!!

Offline Estrea

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Re: 10 Chapters of Pointless, Plotless Fluff
« Reply #2 on: May 23, 2007, 08:35:31 AM »
Yay for pointless fluff! We all need fluff in our lives after you brutalised our emotions with your last two stories! Haha. XD

The only death threats here will only be if you don't continue. XD

Oh and Mikan, it's spelled "criticism". :P And I would like to second the "We Love OTN1" resolution. We love you no matter what you do to us. :P Which means you can do anything to us...except for stop writing. In which case we WILL hunt you down and make you write again. :P

Anyway, happy writing! I'll be happily reading! And skiving on my own fic... *cough* You didn't hear me say that. XD Update soon~


Currently writing:
- Lilium-related things. God save my soul.

On Hold:
- Everything Else. Too many to list.

I'm also on AO3!

Offline OTN1

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Re: 10 Chapters of Pointless, Plotless Fluff
« Reply #3 on: May 23, 2007, 09:12:25 AM »
Hahaha!  Aw, thanks.  To avoid those death threats, here's more.  Actually, I have a secret.  I've had a few of these chapters written for some time now.  I just have to read them through and edit them.  I may as well stretch out the posting, though, huh?  Hahaha.  Keep the anticipation levels high, or something, while I think up of the last 5 pointless stories.

Chapter Two


I walk into the room.  She's fallen asleep at her computer.  Open is her e-mail account inbox.  A brief glance tells me she's in the middle of writing to her Irish pen pal.  The one she came across last autumn.  I look at her peaceful face and see lines of exhaustion around her eyes.  If she's not careful she's going to start showing her age.  This calls for some Aya Magic.

I pick up the phone and call her manager.  I leave a message saying Miki has a fever and that she'll be in no shape to go to work tomorrow.  Then I call my own manager and leave the same message, but replacing Miki's name with my own.  Good thing we work at different places, or else I'd get into big trouble for pulling a stunt like that.  No matter, though.  Now we have a day off to relax.

I study the situation and try to decide the best way to get her into her bed.  I finally settle for hooking my arms under her armpits and dragging her to her room.  The beautiful thing about heavy sleepers is that they could sleep through a stampede of wildebeest.  Miki can't even wake herself up with her funny talking and gestures, so my hauling her off to bed is simple.

Once there, I tug off her jeans and unbutton and remove her top in the galaxy's dullest striptease.  I cover her with her blanket, and once I'm satisfied that she's tucked in properly, I help myself to some pyjamas and lie down beside her on top of the covers.  I watch her sleep and let my thoughts wander.

I think I'd be a good mother.  I'm not quite ready to be one yet, but I'm getting there.  Miki's good practice.  Not that that's what she is to me!  I'm just saying.  Sometimes she's just like an infant that wears herself out with all her hyperactivity, and as a result becomes vulnerable to the elements and the hardships of the world.

I start to think about my future.  Will I get married?  I can't exactly do that with Miki around.  But I've always wanted to.

Am I just going through a phase now?  Will I get over this teenaged love?  Is that even what it is?

One look at Miki's face reassures me that it's not, and even if it were, it wouldn't be right to worry about it now.  What is it that Shiba-chan would say?  Go with the flow.  Live for now.  Your happiness now is important!  That's what matters most.

I smile and brush my hair out of my face, followed by brushing a bit of Miki's out of her eyes.  Her face contorts a slight bit, and I marvel at how I can yank her limbs every which way without waking her and then touch her ever so lightly and almost bring her out of her slumber.

That's Miki in a nutshell.  She's got her own way.  Whether it goes against the grain or not, she sticks to it.  It's aggravating at times, but always worth it in the end.  Otherwise, she wouldn't be able to surprise me and keep me interested.   Part of what appeals to me is trying to solve that jigsaw puzzle in her head.  I know that there are so many layers, twists, and turns in her personality that I could spend an entire lifetime trying to identify and figure them all out.  That would be nice.  I think I'll do that.

I roll onto my side so that I can watch her, but the movement causes her eyes to open sleepily.

"Have some cookies," she mumbles, looking right at me.

And here we go.

"Thanks," I say, humouring the sleep-talking Miki.

She sits up and looks down at me.  I just look back up with an amused expression on my face.

"You want a drink, too?"

"No thanks," I say lightly.

"Okay, I'll get you some tea," she says, obviously not having heard me.

She gets up and heads in the opposite direction of the door.  She walks into the wall and stands there for a minute before turning back and walking in an arrow-straight line towards me.  She lies back down on her back.

"We ran out of tea."

"That's okay," I say, holding my laughter in.

"I'm sorry."

"Don't worry," I assure her, and to show the unconscious Miki that I really don't mind that the wall didn't produce any tea for me, I snuggle up to her and put a hand on her stomach.

"Hmmm," she mumbles, and she turns onto her side, letting out an adorable half-yawn, half-growl.  She looks and sounds like baby Simba in the opening scene of The Lion King.

My resolve melts, and I lean in to kiss her carefully.  All she does is lie there and smile, but that's fine by me.  I leave her alone after a few seconds and settle my head back on my pillow.  She's quiet now, back to her deep sleep.  I keep my eyes open for as long as possible until I fall asleep, all the while unable to contain my eagerness to tell her the next morning what she did.
« Last Edit: May 23, 2007, 09:34:34 AM by OTN1 »

Offline Tinnygy

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Re: 10 Chapters of Pointless, Plotless Fluff
« Reply #4 on: May 23, 2007, 09:36:27 AM »
Chapter two is so sweet, You are so great, ONT1, I must say!
GAM= Great Aya and Miki

Offline Estrea

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Re: 10 Chapters of Pointless, Plotless Fluff
« Reply #5 on: May 23, 2007, 10:59:25 AM »
Ohhh sleeptalking Miki <33333
I love how your fluff still ends up introspective somehow. I appreciate your insights into their relationship, they're very enlightening. :)

You've already gotten those written out? :D Well, I'll wait patiently for you to dribble them out...and I really should get back to writing for my own...haha....

*looks around furtively* good, Yuu's not around. *slacks some more*

More please! :D


Currently writing:
- Lilium-related things. God save my soul.

On Hold:
- Everything Else. Too many to list.

I'm also on AO3!

Offline Yuuyami

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Re: 10 Chapters of Pointless, Plotless Fluff
« Reply #6 on: May 23, 2007, 11:04:54 AM »
-stares at Essy- >_____________> You're not on AIM nor MSN? O_O

The stories are so cute <3

Offline Amarghetta

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Re: 10 Chapters of Pointless, Plotless Fluff
« Reply #7 on: May 23, 2007, 06:26:47 PM »
"Okay.  Let's start catching up with two week's worth of..." she trails off and smirks at me.

"Two week's worth of..." I echo her expectantly.

"Two week's worth of... tickle torture!!" she squeals suddenly.
Lol! I love how you write them, it's like reading about me goofing around with my best friend. (But I'd tickle her before she left, and then I'd tickle her more when she returned... :p) Probably that's why I like AM so much, as friends. Although, I have no objection to their more-than-friends fictional versions. :p

« Last Edit: May 23, 2007, 07:20:43 PM by Amarghetta »

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Re: 10 Chapters of Pointless, Plotless Fluff
« Reply #8 on: May 23, 2007, 08:07:33 PM »


JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

Offline len.chan

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Re: 10 Chapters of Pointless, Plotless Fluff
« Reply #9 on: May 23, 2007, 09:07:14 PM »
pointless fluff FTW! XD

Offline rndmnwierd

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Re: 10 Chapters of Pointless, Plotless Fluff
« Reply #10 on: May 24, 2007, 04:42:18 AM »
Fluff Fluff Fluff *chokes on fluff* coughcough More please! coughcough

Offline OTN1

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Re: 10 Chapters of Pointless, Plotless Fluff
« Reply #11 on: May 24, 2007, 06:10:02 AM »
It wouldn't be 10 chapters of fluff without a sleep-talking Miki chapter.  Haha!  I'm glad you're enjoying it so far.  Thank you.

Estrea, yeah, I kind of have that problem of injecting all that character self-reflection into my stories.  Hahah, like, all the time.  I have to remember that this is all light-hearted fun.  And please don't waste your time reading this.  Work on your own story.  I'm looking forward to more!

And now, for a bit of, uh, completely non-instrospective household humour...?

Chapter Three

Lessons in Domesticity

January, 2004
Learning How to Compromise

"Are you kidding me?  That's not white."

"What are you talking about?  It's light enough."

"No it's not.  It's, like, darker than my slippers."

"You have silly slippers," Miki snickered. 

Aya glared at her.

"Stay on topic.  There's no way you're putting that in with the whites."

"Well, I'm not putting it with the dark stuff.  It'll turn black or blue."

"No it won't."

"Yes it will."

"Oh my god.  I'm never doing laundry with you again!" Aya yelled, throwing her hands up in the air.

"Fine.  Then I'll be able to do it the way I want to."

"Arggg!" the aggravated girl yelled.  "Do you want to dye all my clothes pink?!"

Miki shrugged.

"Pink underwear is cute."

There was an awkward silence.

"Just put the shirt down," Aya ordered. 

Miki dropped the shirt on the ground.

"I ask for one favour - one small favour - and I get shot down," Miki muttered with a roll of her eyes. "You're killing me, Aya-chan.  You're killing me."

"Just because you're over here all the time, it doesn't mean you can disrupt my way of doing things." 

Another roll of the eyes from Miki.

"Don't you roll your eyes at me.  It's my laundry.  You might have a few things you need washed, but you're going to do it my way or not at all." 

Frustrated, Miki stood up in a huff and started collecting her things.

"Fine.  I'll go home and waste water just to clean two shirts and a pair of socks.  Then I'll watch TV alone, eat dinner alone, and... ug, whatever." 

Miki headed for the door and started putting on her shoes. 

Aya ran after her and grabbed her by the arm.

"Don't go, you idiot."

"That's really going to make me stay," Miki spat sarcastically.

"Seriously, don't go home just to do laundry."

Miki stopped, but she still didn't look convinced.

"I'm sorry?" Aya tried.

Miki pouted.

"Okay, I'm sorry," she repeated, this time not in a questioning way.

Miki grudgingly took her shoes off.

"You didn't have to get so angry," she said.

Aya opened her mouth to bite back, but she restrained herself.

"I'm just very particular about certain things," she replied firmly.
"I've noticed," Miki muttured, eying Aya's shoes all lined up in painfully neat rows on the rack by the door.

"I have some other pink clothes.  We'll do a separate load for all of them.  All right?" Aya suggested.

Miki nodded happily.

"Sounds good."

They went back to the living room and continued separating whites from colours from pinks.  As Aya threw a pair of black socks into the colour pile, she shot Miki a shifty look and smirked.

"Why do you own a bright pink shirt anyway?"

"Don't start."

Later That Evening, Absent-Mindedness Abounds

"It says to add one cup of water."

"Trust me.  My mom taught me if you replace a quarter of that with milk, the recipe turns out much better."

"And three thousand calories in excess."

"Oh, come on.  Relax.  We can afford to indulge a little."

"Actually no, we can't," Miki replied matter-of-factly.

Aya glared at her and said nothing.

"Okay," Miki gave in after reflecting on this silent treatment.  "Add the milk.  Don't come crying to me when your clothing doesn't fit."

Aya rolled her eyes.

"You exaggerate too much."

They continued working in silence, mumbling the occasional instruction to each other.  They finally finished preparations and Aya held the tray in her hands.

"I name thee all 'Aya'!" she proclaimed to the tray full of small lumps of dough.

Miki hit her lightly.

"You're so full of it," she laughed.

"You know you like it." 

Miki laughed and hit Aya again.

"As if.  Anyway, you can't name cookies 'Aya' because they disappear quickly.  It would suck if you disappeared like a cookie."

"Idol disappears leaving behind a pile of crumbs," Aya announced in a low voice.

"More like... idol Fujimoto Miki falls into a depression."

"Awww, would you really be depressed if I disappeared?" Aya asked, touched.

Miki sighed and rolled her eyes.

"Duh!  Who would I hang out with?  Maki-chan?  We'd kill each other."

"I think you and I already do a pretty good job of doing that to each other."

The two shared a laugh, and Aya popped the tray into the tiny oven.  They went to watch television until the timer went off.

When it was time, Miki took the tray out of the oven (Aya being afraid to do it because of fear of getting burned) and they waited for the cookies to cool down.  Finally, they were able to scoop them onto a plate.  They stood at the kitchen counter and tried the cookies.

"Gah!!" Miki yelled, spitting out the cookie she'd taken a bite of.

It landed on the counter, crumbs spraying out in several directions.  Aya looked at her in horror.

"Miki!" she yelled.  "What are you doing?"

Miki couldn't talk because she was bent under the tap of the kitchen sink, rinsing her mouth out desperately.  She pointed to the cookies and Aya frowned.  She picked one up and took a tentative bite into it.

Her face turned green as she tried to force herself to swallow the fetid thing.  She couldn't manage, so she ran to the sink and pushed Miki out of the way.  She spit the remains of the cookie out and chugged water, rinsing her mouth out thoroughly.  Miki, shoved away violently from the oasis, didn't complain of such violent treatment, but only because she was still in shock.

"See?" she asked, wiping her chin after she'd recovered enough to speak.

"That was..." Aya trailed off weakly.

She couldn't even think of the word to use to describe the monstrosity she'd bitten into.

"What a waste.  Just because you wanted to add a quarter cup of milk."

"It wasn't the milk.  It was supposed to make them taste better!"

"Well, we followed the recipe exactly.  That was the only thing we did differently."

"Are you sure you added the sugar?" Aya asked suspiciously.

"Of course I added the sugar!" Miki yelled back in her own defence.

Aya didn't believe her and started looking through all the ingredients they'd placed on the table.  Everything was still where they'd left it.  Aya could find the flour, the baking soda, the salt, and everything else, but not the sugar.

"It's not here."

"Yes it is," Miki huffed.

She walked over to the table and grabbed a red container, shoving it in front of Aya's face.

"There.  Sugar."

Aya was silent.  She started at the container.  Then she looked at Miki's insolent face.

"You... idiot," she muttered.

"I beg your pardon?"

Aya grabbed the container from Miki's hands and waved it in the girl's face.

"This is salt!!" she cried angrily.  "You put a gazillion tonnes of salt into these cookies.  No wonder they taste like this!"

Miki involuntarily flinched away from the angry girl.  She turned her nose up and refused to look at Aya.

"Those cookies couldn't taste that bad because of too much salt.  There must've been something else wrong with the recipe," she sniffed.

She grabbed the empty milk carton from the table and inspected it.  She read the expiration date and then whacked Aya on the head with the carton, a satisfying "thwack!" echoing throughout the apartment as a result.


"You're the idiot.  This milk expired 2 weeks ago!"

There was a moment of silent reflection.  Then:

"Ewww!" Aya whined loudly, unable to contain herself. 

"Don't you check your food for expiration dates before you buy it?" Miki scolded her.

"The expiration date was fine when, um, I bought it... three weeks ago," Aya said, trailing off nervously.

Miki shook her head in disbelief.

"You... oh, never mind.  Just.... Ugh."

"Well, you also put in almost two cups of salt..."

"Okay, I admit it was a stupid mistake... But you didn't label your containers."

"Oh no.  Don't pin that on me.  Yes, I used expired, rotten milk," and here the two almost gagged as they thought of the foul taste of the cookies, "but no sugar and too much salt is just as bad."

"Okay, so we both screwed up this time."


"Okay, then."

There was a silence as they considered what to do.

"Well, there's a nice family of birds that visits my balcony.  How about we put the cookies outside for them?"

Miki shrugged.

"Sounds good to me."

So they did that and then went to watch more television.

Conclusion: Aya and Miki should not live together.  Ever.

Offline Estrea

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Re: 10 Chapters of Pointless, Plotless Fluff
« Reply #12 on: May 24, 2007, 06:22:35 AM »
Haha! Laundry blues! (I actually dyed all my clothes pink before :x)
Why does Miki own a bright pink shirt anyway? XD

And those cookies....XD They really can't live together, can they? Haha. Miki mistaking salt for sugar. And Aya using expired milk. XD Funny as heck.

I feel sorry for those poor birds who would try those cookies. XD Do they die afterwards? Haha. XD Or suffer terrible indigestion? XD

And yeah I should really be working on my own story. I've got the chapter outline down, but I haven't actually started typing it out yet, so yeah. Looks like another long chapter too. XD I'll probably work faster if Yuu is around to nag me...she does that fairly often. XD

Anyway, these stories are a pleasant distraction. XD I would like to see more soon~ ^___^


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- Lilium-related things. God save my soul.

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- Everything Else. Too many to list.

I'm also on AO3!

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Re: 10 Chapters of Pointless, Plotless Fluff
« Reply #13 on: May 24, 2007, 09:41:24 AM »
Mmm pointless fluff before bed. Awesome!

Thanks for the happy fluff filled story!

Nacchi... kawaii XD

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Re: 10 Chapters of Pointless, Plotless Fluff
« Reply #14 on: May 24, 2007, 12:41:12 PM »
- Is now having second thoughts about moving in with her friend

Read the complete Doki Doki!!

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Re: 10 Chapters of Pointless, Plotless Fluff
« Reply #15 on: May 24, 2007, 03:55:18 PM »
I've dyed clothes pink in the wash, too.  Not fun.

To repent for that bad chapter (I think it's the worst of all the ones I'll post here), here's another stupid piece of writing!

Time: Post-H!P.

Chapter Four

The Shiner

She came to my home with a black eye one evening.  Or it was close enough to a black eye.  Maybe more like a black cheekbone.  Nevertheless, I never expected to see her with a bruised face in my entire life.  It was just one of those impossibilities that I never imagined.  Sure, there was always the risk of her being in a car accident and smashing her face on the dashboard, or being trampled by a crowd in a crowded subway, but those seemed as likely to happen as my winning the lottery.

"Miki, what happened to you?!" I cried out, running to grab some ice and a towel, handing these things to her as I tried to imagine the kinds of accidents she could have gotten into.

She pressed the makeshift ice pack to her cheek and winced as it touched the bruised skin.

"Umm..." was all she said.

Then it struck me that maybe it hadn't been an accident she'd gotten into.

"Did you get into a fight?" I asked, scowling at her disapprovingly.

Of all the things for her to do!  If she had indeed been fighting.  But she was too classy and indifferent to get into a fight.  She wasn't a problem child.  What could ever possess her to start fighting?

"No!" she snapped and then looked guilty for yelling.

"Then what happened?" I demanded.

"Nothing," she mumbled.  "I fell."

I gave her a pissed off look.  We both knew she was lying.  The chances of getting a black eye from falling were quite slim.

She refused to look at me, so I walked off to sit on the couch and resume watching television.  If she was going to screw around with me like that, I didn't have to tolerate it.

I heard her hang around at the entrance, going through her bag and probably checking her phone for messages.

Some time later, she came to join me.  She didn't say anything.  She watched a comedy show with me.  Neither of us laughed.

Thirty minutes later, I saw out of the corner of my eye (not that I was watching her or anything) that the ice pack was melting and water was getting on the couch.

"You're dripping," I muttered.

She got up without saying anything and got two new cloths, one to wrap around the ice and the other to wipe the couch.  She sat back down.  An hour passed.

"Hungry?" I asked.

She nodded.

Wordlessly, we prepared dinner, which was just leftover food I had from the day before.  We sat in front of the TV set and ate.  Again, wordlessly.

After that gruelling thirty minutes of silence, I went off to take a bath and get ready for bed.  She followed a while later.

I got under the covers as she was still finishing up her bath, and I closed my eyes, trying to fall asleep, making sure to wrap myself up in a blanket that I wouldn't have to share with her.

I heard her come in later and slip into bed.  She turned out the light, and then all was dark and quiet.

A few minutes passed.

"What don't you want to tell me what happened?" I asked, finally breaking.

I felt her squirm under the covers.

"It's not important," she replied.

"Not important?  Somebody punched you," I said acidly. "That is what happened, right?"

"Just let it go," she insisted.

I sighed exasperatedly.

"Stop trying to be so... uh, secretive.  Just tell me who did it."

"You stop trying to be all secretive," she threw back at me.

That made no sense whatsoever.

"Was it a guy?  Was it your manager?" I demanded.

"No!" she exclaimed, her tone showing how absurd she thought the idea was.

"Then who was it??" I almost yelled.

"It was Goto, okay?" she yelled back.

That made me pause and re-evaluate.

"Why the hell did she hit you?  What did you say to piss her off?" I asked in astonishment.

"Nothing," she grumbled.

I got up, switched on the light, and then sat on the bed and stared at her.  She was lying on her side, turned away from me.

"Maki-chan doesn't just fly off the handle and hit people," I lectured.

"Actually, she really did this time..." Miki said in a weak way that made me believe her.

"Oh," I said, at a loss.  "But you must've done something."


"Miki..." I warned her.

"Fine," she huffed.  "We argued about you.  Happy?"

I entered a stunned phase.

"Me?" I asked stupidly.

"Yeah.  You."

"What about?"

"Please don't ask," she groaned.

"What was it?" I repeated, voice hard as stone.

"She said some nasty things and I got angry and I-" she cut herself off before she could admit what she had done.

"You tried to attack her?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

Miki looked away guiltily.

"Yeah, but she's been taking those self-defence classes lately, so she, uh..."

"She kicked your ass."

Miki looked offended, but grumbled in the affirmative.

"What did she say?" I asked.

I knew that Maki and I weren't that close anymore (not that we were terribly close to begin with), but we certainly didn't hate each other.  We were just too busy to talk much.  We did send each other the occasional e-mail to touch base, and from time to time we met for coffee.

Miki looked at me slowly.

"Please don't ask me to repeat it," she said, her eyes filled with such sadness that I couldn't repeat my demand.

"That bad, huh?" I asked lightly, trying to brush it off.

Miki didn't nod, but she didn't deny it.

"She felt bad later about saying it.  And she felt bad about this," she said, pointing to her cheek.

I sighed.  Politics.  I was just as guilty as any other girl out there, but I still didn't like it when it became so vicious.  So physical.

"Does she hate me?" I asked.

Maybe I was just fooling myself in thinking that Maki and I were on good terms, but I had a feeling it had to do more with her personal circumstances than her opinion of me.

"No, that's not it," Miki said quickly.  "She was just bitter.  You know, about her career and that lousy ex of hers.  Compared to her life, yours is heaven, or so she thinks.  She just took out her anger on you."

I suspected as much, and I understood what it was like to snap and come down on other people when things weren't going your way.  I wished Miki hadn't tried to get violent about it, though.

"And so you just passed, like, three hours of an evening here with me in silence because you didn't want me to know?"

Miki turned onto her back and looked up at the ceiling.

"I didn't want you to get hurt."

I wriggled out of the blanket I'd wrapped around myself and rearranged the covers on the bed so that we were now sharing them.  I turned onto my side.

"You shouldn't have attacked her," I said gently.

She cracked a smile for the first time that evening.

"That's the real reason why I didn't want to tell you.  I knew you'd get mad at me."

"Ha ha," I said sourly.  "But really, don't put yourself at risk like that."

"But I had to," she insisted.

"And don't get all noble on me," I said with a straight face.  "You know just as well as I do that it's useless to lose your temper about things like that, especially when you know the person throwing out the insults is having a rough time."

I thought of poor Maki with her broken heart and ruined career.  I couldn't be angry with her because the things she'd gone through the past two years filled me with pity.

"Yeah, yeah.  I know," she replied gloomily.  "I guess I've never done that before."


"Tried to get into a fight.  A physical one.  And a fight about someone."

It was kind of sweet for her to do that.

"Well, thank you," I said firmly and with a smile.  "Thank you for protecting my integrity, even though you did a lousy job of it."

I pointed at her bruise, and the corners of her lips turned up again in amusement.

I knew, though, that she'd done much more than that.  Much more than just try to defend me.

"And thank you for not hitting back."

Nobody knew Miki better than I did, and I knew for certain she must have gone crazy with anger once Maki's punch landed on her face.  Despite that, she must have kept a tight reign on her temper and not hit back because she knew she'd be worse off if she did.  She had thought of Maki, who was just distressed, not really angry at me.  She had thought of me and how I'd feel if she had beat Maki up over some meaningless comments.

One could have asked how I knew she hadn't hit back, but I could never have given any concrete evidence.  I'd just have to say that I knew her well.  Besides, if she had hit back, Maki certainly would've hit her again, and then there'd be more evidence than just one bruised cheek.

Miki looked at me gratefully because she could see what I was thinking.  She smiled, and in that smile I could detect a slight amount of pride, which reaffirmed my assumption that she hadn't hit back.  She didn't say anything.

And just as easily as that, everything was okay between us.

An unexplainable tiredness swept over me, and it seemed to come over Miki, too.  She closed her eyes, a trace of a smile still on her lips.  I got up and turned off the light, this time for good that night.  I got back into bed and patted Miki on the arm and then kept my hand there.

"Good night," I said, settling into my pillow, closing my eyes.

"'Night," she echoed.

We slept.
« Last Edit: May 24, 2007, 04:03:10 PM by OTN1 »

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Re: 10 Chapters of Pointless, Plotless Fluff
« Reply #16 on: May 24, 2007, 04:22:35 PM »
Oh, fluff. I feel a little better already. :)

Miki defending Aya's honor makes me happy. :) Fluffy fluff fluff.

...though, poor Maki. I mean, yes, she didn't get hurt (and punched Miki in the process), but she pretty much appears to have had a shitty time. So yeah.

I'm still moping. Can't write. Fluff helps, but it's going to take a while for me to get back on track. Thanks for the sweetness though. It helps. :)


Currently writing:
- Lilium-related things. God save my soul.

On Hold:
- Everything Else. Too many to list.

I'm also on AO3!

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Re: 10 Chapters of Pointless, Plotless Fluff
« Reply #17 on: May 24, 2007, 06:54:57 PM »
As Aya threw a pair of black socks into the colour pile, she shot Miki a shifty look and smirked.

"Why do you own a bright pink shirt anyway?"
I was thinking the exact same thing. :D

"You... idiot," she muttered.

"I beg your pardon?"

Aya grabbed the container from Miki's hands and waved it in the girl's face.

"This is salt!!" she cried angrily.  "You put a gazillion tonnes of salt into these cookies.  No wonder they taste like this!"
Oh crap!

She grabbed the empty milk carton from the table and inspected it.  She read the expiration date and then whacked Aya on the head with the carton, a satisfying "thwack!" echoing throughout the apartment as a result.


"You're the idiot.  This milk expired 2 weeks ago!"

There was a moment of silent reflection.  Then:

"Ewww!" Aya whined loudly, unable to contain herself.
I can picture Aya having a little grossed-out hissyfit while she's doing this! So CUTE!!! :heart:

"Don't you check your food for expiration dates before you buy it?" Miki scolded her.

"The expiration date was fine when, um, I bought it... three weeks ago," Aya said, trailing off nervously.
*trying to contain laughter*

To repent for that bad chapter (I think it's the worst of all the ones I'll post here), here's another stupid piece of writing!
OI! Fluff is not bad NOR is it stupid!

"Then who was it??" I almost yelled.

"It was Goto, okay?" she yelled back.


"Why the hell did she hit you?  What did you say to piss her off?" I asked in astonishment.

"Nothing," she grumbled.
Wha?  ???

"She said some nasty things and I got angry and I-" she cut herself off before she could admit what she had done.

"You tried to attack her?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

Miki looked away guiltily.

"Yeah, but she's been taking those self-defence classes lately, so she, uh..."

"She kicked your ass."

"She was just bitter.  You know, about her career and that lousy ex of hers.  Compared to her life, yours is heaven, or so she thinks.  She just took out her anger on you."
Ah, frustration's a bitch.   :'(
« Last Edit: May 24, 2007, 06:56:25 PM by JFC »

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

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Re: 10 Chapters of Pointless, Plotless Fluff
« Reply #18 on: May 25, 2007, 04:39:59 AM »
What about Maki's lousy ex? When was this?

Offline Mikan

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Re: 10 Chapters of Pointless, Plotless Fluff
« Reply #19 on: May 25, 2007, 07:29:37 AM »
Miki Vs Maki? Now that Id love to see.
Keep it up!

Read the complete Doki Doki!!

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