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Author Topic: Ramblings of a goosefish (updated 29th july~!)  (Read 45909 times)

Offline goosefish

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Ramblings of a goosefish (updated 29th july~!)
« on: May 28, 2007, 01:10:06 PM »
OK, so I disappeared for a LONG while, neglecting the other fic that I started some time ago (and never finished  ;)). I'm not sure if I ever plan to continue it... though I would LIKE to  :P.
In any case, there seems to be A LOT to catch up on around here!

Anyway, this is just a little something that I wrote while painfully bored  :sleepy: Thought I should post it before I either forget or change my mind  XD


"Reina, it's okay."

It's not okay. It's never okay.

Eri's jerking sobs continue to echo in my eardrums.

Is it okay, when you've gone and recklessly crushed a foundation you tried so hard to build?

Is it okay, when that foundation was also built by somebody else? Somebody who trusted you to protect that foundation?

Is it okay, when that said person, obviously destroyed, tells you that "it's okay"?

It's not okay. It's never okay.

I'll never forget the day she handed me her heart.




It was meant to stay that way. I was meant to protect it.

But I couldn't.


Maybe I just didn't.

I tossed it onto a buzzing freeway. I let it get run over a million times by a million speeding cars.

Is that how you treat somebody's heart?

I gave her my heart too. At least I thought I did.

I never realised that I had only given her an almost perfect replica.

She didn't realise either.

And when she watched me give my real heart to Maki, she knew exactly what it was that I had given her.


I gave her nothing.

Because I thought I could give everything to her.

Because I thought I could be happy with her.

Because I thought I could keep my heart in a cage and stop it from finding it's real owner.


Maki unlocked that cage. She gave my heart a home.

She kept it safe, kept it warm.

And at the same time...

She helped to kill Eri's heart. She helped me throw it onto that freeway.

But she doesn't know that.

At least I think she doesn't.

Because surely if she knew, she would throw mine onto that freeway too.

But maybe she isn't like that. Maybe she isn't like me.

There can't be anyone like me.

Me, who stole a heart and murdered it.

Me, who stole pure trust and twisted it for myself.

Me, who would steal anything at all, if asked by that one special person.


A monster.
« Last Edit: July 29, 2008, 05:15:27 AM by goosefish »

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Re: Inhuman
« Reply #1 on: May 28, 2007, 01:58:57 PM »
Well the style certainly grabbed my attention! I liked it. Style, spacing, story. Almost deserves a shizzam if it were the right context to give one

Read the complete Doki Doki!!

Offline orangesocks

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Re: Inhuman
« Reply #2 on: May 28, 2007, 05:26:23 PM »
Ah, sad...!! Heartbreaking Tanakame. Well, I'm glad you've reappeared goosefish! I liked how Tanaka knows exactly what she's done, none of that denial stuff.

Offline YoukaiChica

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Re: Inhuman
« Reply #3 on: May 28, 2007, 05:42:43 PM »
Thank goodness you're back! I missed you and your style of writing so much!! I liked how this was written. It was so simple but the emotions just jumped out at you. And you should continue your other fic. I LOVE that one!

Offline rndmnwierd

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Re: Inhuman
« Reply #4 on: May 28, 2007, 06:10:01 PM »
Wow, poor Eri and poor Reina to a degree. Welcome back! Write more dammit!

Offline JFC

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Re: Inhuman
« Reply #5 on: May 29, 2007, 12:30:17 AM »
Damn provoking, and damn good too.  :)

You better continue the other fic too.  :D

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

Offline iacus

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Re: Inhuman
« Reply #6 on: May 29, 2007, 08:20:41 AM »
Quite nice, and quite sad too.

I also just read through your other fic and it was really, really good. You're a very good writer: even if you don't continue that fic you should still keep writing.

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Re: Inhuman
« Reply #7 on: May 29, 2007, 08:57:21 AM »
You live! O_O

Aww, angsty Tanakamei D: Despite the fact that Reiki was true here, I still felt sad that Reina sorta stomped all over Eri's heart, instead of manipulating it in a good way where no one's hurt :/

I hope to see updates in Sun, I miss the Reiki pairing <3

Offline Sukoshi

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Re: Inhuman
« Reply #8 on: May 30, 2007, 02:02:31 AM »
Welcome back~  :luvuluvu:  Like the one shot, it was short with angst but it's so fitting all the same.

Offline Owaranai_sLaVe

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Re: Inhuman
« Reply #9 on: May 30, 2007, 03:46:01 AM »
Oh, I was feeling like a new ficcie today! Nice to see you're back ^_^

Interesting style, me likes. Write more~

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Re: Inhuman
« Reply #10 on: May 30, 2007, 10:00:22 PM »
Ooooh. o.o Although this was really short, it has caught my attention. I liked your other fic a lot so when I saw this one I couldn't help but to pull it up. I like LOVE your style. :3 <3

Reiki fan too. <3 Poor Eri. ;_; I have mixed feelings about this 'cause I'm a total Reiki and TanaKamei freak.  :banghead: Either way, well written!
[All hail AiButt! Sig by Dinny!]

Offline goosefish

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Re: Inhuman
« Reply #11 on: June 01, 2007, 05:32:08 AM »
Everyone, thankyou very much for the warm comments and welcome back! :wub: It's nice to know that you all liked this style of writing, as I wasn't really to sure on it myself  :P 

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Re: Inhuman
« Reply #12 on: June 01, 2007, 09:41:34 PM »
>_>...o gosh...i'm late for commenting..>_>...anyways what i meant to say was *girly scream* I like...plz write more

Offline goosefish

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Re: Inhuman
« Reply #13 on: January 15, 2008, 11:57:33 AM »
SO...... I'm back from the dead (for the second time :sweatdrop:). But don't get yourself too excited or fooled! I decided to use this thread for any random one-shots and ramblings that I might come up with. I'll probably disappear again after this until I come up with something else to write. So here it is, probably the most stupid thing I've ever written!

In the Mind of the Turtle

Pay attention to me.
Reina playfully hits Junjun on the arm for saying something funny that wasn't meant to be funny, but Junjun got it a little wrong so it ended up being funny, if that made any sense.
Pay attention to me.
She's still laughing at Junjun. Why? Why, oh why dost thou not chortle with I? I've gone insane. I feel like I'm about to explode into a million tiny pieces of sugar, or whatever it is humans explode into, when or if they explode.
Pay attention to me!
Great. She's telling Aichan what Junjun said. Now Aichan is laughing too, the nerve of her! Why don't you tell me? I'm here too! I want to be IN on it and laugh with you! I want to be IN!!
PLEASE pay attention to me?
Oh come on, this is like neglect! Like animal cruelty I say! I pay LOTS of attention to you! ALL THE TIME! Oh my gaaawd, Sayu is talking to me but I'm not listening because I want Reina to PAY ATTENTION TO ME. Help! What should I do?
A: Phone a friend
B: 50:50
C: Ask the audience
Sayu stops talking and says something about finding a washroom. Oh, I know! I'll pick A: Phone a friend.
*ring ring*
"Hey, Sayu. I need your help on something."
"But I was with you less than a minute ago."
"And I'll be back in a few minutes."
"Eri... I need to use the bathroom."
"No you don't."
"What? Yes I do."
"It's in your head."
"Huh? Look, I just need to pee and I"ll be right back out."
"Nah, it's all your imagination."
"Um... have you been smoking something?"
"Then can you PLEASE wait until I come back?"
"What? But I -- "
Pft. Great help Sayu was. I should've called Aichan instead because she probably doesn't need to use the bathroom. Oh, that reminds me: I wonder if Aichan has stopped laughing yet. Maybe then Reina will let me be IN on it and pay attention to me. I like it when she does that. Pay attention to me, I mean. I feel all giggly and silly and bubbly inside. Almost to the point where I feel like I'm going to explode into a million pieces of sugar, or whatever it is humans explode into, when or if they explode.
Whoah! WHOOOOAH! Déjà vu or what?! I get that a lot. Déjà vu, that is.
Oh my gaaawd. Why is Sayu talking to me again?? I thought she was in the bathroom. And if she wanted me to listen to her, then she would've helped me out with that 10 million yen question, rather than insisting that she needed to use the bathroom, when in reality it was all in her head! Geez! Talk about weird!
Oh my! Reina's walking in this direction!! Oh my god! She's looking at me now! She's opening her mouth! She's about to speak!!!
"Hi Eri."
What I said to Reina just then has got to be the coolest thing I've ever said in my life! I beam at her as I feel little sugary particles evaporating from my skin while she woos me with her yankii charm.
Reina laughs and pats me on the head. More sugar particles begin floating up into the air.
Silly Sayu. This is called heaven. I am now in heaven.
"REINA DO SOMETHING! Wait... is that sugar?"
Aha! So I was right! I'm so smart!
"Yeah. It happens all the time."
Oh Reina, how I love it when you pay attention to me.


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Re: Inhuman
« Reply #14 on: January 16, 2008, 06:05:14 AM »
^  That was so wickedly random! XD

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

Offline rndmnwierd

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Re: Inhuman
« Reply #15 on: January 16, 2008, 06:42:20 AM »
Omg epic awesomeness!

Offline YoukaiChica

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Re: Inhuman
« Reply #16 on: January 16, 2008, 06:51:51 AM »
Ah! You tricked me! BUT, I enjoyed it all the same. It was just so out there but I could totally see it actually happening. And please don't disappear! I'll miss you!

Offline Grisours

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Re: Inhuman
« Reply #17 on: January 16, 2008, 06:52:59 AM »
That was so random, so good and so cute! But I guess that's what you get when you enter kamei's mind...  :lol:

Offline Sukoshi

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Re: Inhuman
« Reply #18 on: January 16, 2008, 09:34:20 AM »
lol that was so unexpected and all kinds of crazy XD  It's pure gold! I mean's pure sugar!  :yep:

Offline goosefish

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Re: Inhuman
« Reply #19 on: March 13, 2008, 02:15:58 PM »
HELLO again! I've been floating around reading a few fics here and there  :lol:. I'll get around to commenting on them once I've finished posting this here... uh... bunch of words that I hesitate to call a "fic". But here you have it. *hides*

Unwholesome Bond

This is the fourth time Maki had cancelled our plans.

You put your all into spending time with that one person.

She said she would make it up to me, like she said she would the previous three times.

But that person doesn’t even bother giving you the time of day.

I waited and waited, but she never did.

Even when they continue to hurt you… you always run back to them…

It was always something along the lines of “I can’t get out of work”.

…Only to be thrown off to the sidelines in a never ending cycle of carelessness.

Why does it…

Why does it…

…hurt so much?

…hurt so much?

It wasn’t always like this. When we had a date, she was always there on time. If I had to work overtime, she would stay and wait for me. Had I done something differently, had I tried harder to hold on to her... would we ever have become this screwed up?


Maki had cancelled their plans yet again, promising to make it up to the younger girl another time. Work was always the reason – no – the excuse used to try and explain why she wasn’t able to follow through.

Maki wanted it to somehow be justified that the reason was work. A fellow H!P girl was involved… that was reason enough that it was indeed work, not play.

“Miki, you know I had plans today,”

“Yeah… but you know you like my plans more…”

That was always Morning Musume’s former leader’s rebuttal. It didn’t matter what Maki had planned to do, nor with whom. Merely by fulfilling her request, Maki had proven that nothing was more important, and that was more than enough encouragement for Miki to continue her untamed ways.

Untamed ways which had Maki pinned against a living room wall. Untamed ways which had Maki gasping for breath. Untamed ways which had Maki writhing uncontrollably.

“Miki, not today,” Maki breathed, forcefully pushing Miki away from herself. Miki narrowed her eyes.

“What are you talking about?”

“I already told you. I had plans today.”

In one swift motion Miki had her former Gomattou member roughly pressed against the wall again.

“Don’t come back to me when that wannabe yankii tells you to piss off,” words laced with poison were hissed into Maki’s ear before the other body slinked away.

“You’re scared, aren’t you?” Maki turned the tables on Miki and watched as her shoulders visibly tensed up.

“Excuse me?” Miki replied through gritted teeth.

“You want to be with her, but you’re afraid that she’ll just throw you away.”

“Shut up.”

“That’s why you resort to putting your hands down any other girl’s pants you can.”

“Shut up!”

“You’re hurting, so you want everyone else to hurt as well.”

“I said shut up!!!”

By this time, Miki had turned to face Maki. The girls stood in silence, silently staring each other down.

“Miki, the three of us used to be like this,” Maki held up two crossed fingers in the air. “I know her almost as well as you do. Talk to her.”

“What would you know? You think just because you have someone now, it gives you the right to preach? How dare you tell me what to do when you’ve repeatedly come to me instead of her.”

“There won’t be another time like this. I’m going to her. For good.”

Miki gave Maki a confused look. She felt like she was losing somebody she had grown close to, even if recent events had somehow twisted that closeness. Why was she still treating her like she always had – a friend – after what Miki had done to her?

“You’re still Miki. Nothing’s going to change that.”


“Reina-chan, here,” Maki said as she handed me a glass of water. I had been coughing pretty badly for the past few minutes. I hated being sick but I think I was coming down with something

“Thanks,” I rasped out gratefully and quickly downed the entire glass. Maki laughed as she took the glass from me, brushing my hand. I felt my face slightly colour. As corny as it sounds, every time she touches me I blush. Every single damn time!

“You know, I have some cough drops in my dressing room. I’ll bring them down to you. Be back in a minute!” Before I could reply Maki flew out the door. I breathed a sigh of relief. Well, I don’t know if it’s possible for someone in the midst of a coughing fit to breathe a sigh of relief, but I guess it was close enough.

The girl drove me insane. I wanted to be near her all the time, yet when I was I became incredibly nervous and shy. I just couldn’t figure her out.

“Got them!” Maki burst through the door, holding up a few packets of cough drops. I reached out my hand for them but she wagged a finger at me. “Nah-uh. I’ve got three flavours. Close your eyes and I’ll put one in your mouth. You have to guess what flavour it is!”

What the hell?! That’s got to be the most ridiculous proposition I’ve ever heard. I told her directly.

“That’s ridiculous!”

“Do it!” Maki said with narrowed eyes with that sexy vixen smirk of hers. That did it. I gulped and nodded my head, closing my eyes.

Next thing I knew wasn’t a cough drop being placed in to my mouth. It was another mouth being placed onto my mouth. I coloured about ten shades of red and pink and my eyes shot open to be greeted with Maki’s closed ones. Damn, she was beautiful! And damn, it was getting hot!

“Hey Reina, guess what I ju – WHY HELLO THERE?!” Risa’s voice bellowed as Maki and I tore apart and very obviously sat as far away from each other as possible. I’m not quite sure how many different shades of red and pink I was by now, but it sure as hell was a lot.

“Uh……………………. Hi?” I was at a loss for any form of communication at this point. I glanced at Maki. She was shifting around uncomfortably and looking very intently at her shoes.

“Um. I just. Well. Nice talking to you. Bye!” And with that Risa had slammed the door shut.

“So…” Maki said as she slid closer to me. I gulped.

“Uh. You’ll get sick. I mean – coughing – me – then you…uh… and then…” I trailed off as Maki put a hand mid-way up my thigh.

“Don’t care. Worth it.”

“I… moo…” I moo?! I FREAKING MOO?! Reina does NOT moo, where as a cow DOES. Was I a cow? NO, so why was I moo-ing?!
“You moo?” Maki tried not to laugh. I was close to having a nervous break down. She couldn’t help it any longer and burst out in hysterical laughter. It wasn’t long before I was laughing too. Damn contagious laughter! After some time we had calmed down and I felt like less of a nervous wreck.



“Stay with me.”

"...ou listening to me?" Eri's voice makes its way into my thoughts. Woops... I tuned out...

“Sorry… I always call you every time this happens.”

“It’s okay. This is what friends are for, right?” Eri gave me a comforting squeeze on the shoulder.

“Some friend I am. When was the last time I was there for you?”

“Well… there was that time I tripped and skinned my knee.”

“That was three years ago. I gave you a band-aid and chewing gum and told you to get over it.”

“Haha. Yeah I guess, but it doesn’t mean that you haven’t been there for me.”

“Do you think she’ll call?”

“She always does.”

“Do you think she cares?”

“You ask me this every time. The answer is still yes.”

“But – “

“But nothing. We’ve had this conversation more than a million times. I know you two care about each other. No, I don’t know why she does things like this. Yes, she’s the world’s biggest idiot for standing you up again. Yes, you’re just as big an idiot for being so helplessly hung up over her. And finally no, I don’t think you should give up on her. You chose her so there’s gotta be something that I’m not seeing.”

This has got to be the most dysfunctional relationship to exist. When people hurt you, isn't your natural reaction to stay away from them? I get so angry everytime she bails out on me. Angry to the point of doing violent things to anything that crosses my path. Then why do I keep going back to her? Even after she does all those... things... Even though she seems eternally "busy with work"... Even when I reach out my hand in search of her and can never find her... The moment she calls asking to see me, I can't get over to her fast enough. I've given her everything possible... and she refuses to open up to me and tell me what's going on. No matter how hard I try, I just can't stay mad at her... as soon as I see her face, I just don't want to believe that it was her that made me feel that extremity of anger. I sigh. Why am I so hopelessly in love with her? But Eri's right. If I care about her so much, there must have been something there that's missing now... right?




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