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Author Topic: Restart (Love x ∞ Part II)  (Read 85393 times)

Offline Kei-Br

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Re: Restart (Love x ∞ Part II)
« Reply #100 on: July 09, 2007, 01:54:05 PM »
"No, you won.  My heart!"

when i read this i was like... " AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW    :wub: :wub: :wub:  "
And my mom was walking by and said  'what the hell is wrong with u?'   and i was like 'MOMMMM, THIS IS SO CUTEEE' ...then she tried to read...but she doesnt speak english...and i thank God for that...what would she feel if she realized her beloved daughter was all like that for reading about how cute Miki and Aya(which are 2 girls) are together?
mom is closed minded...  well...i´ll let her know someday xD

u r so brillant  :love:

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Re: Restart (Love x ∞ Part II)
« Reply #101 on: July 09, 2007, 08:20:58 PM »
The next morning, I woke up to Aya groaning.  I opened my eyes to see her lying there holding her head, a look of pure pain etched on her face.
Awwwwwwww...Aya needs taking care of... :love:

"Kill me," she mumbled in a pathetic voice, and I snorted.

"No," I laughed out softly so that I wouldn't cause her head any more grief.

"Let go."

"No," I repeated, and without looking, I brought my hands up and took her hands away from her head, continuing her soothing massage myself.

"Thank you," she mumbled grudgingly, too lazy to bring her hands back down and leaving them up above her head.

I lifted my head to look at the situation and my heart quickened.  It almost looked like I'd tied her hands up that way and she was lying there submissively, eyes closed, waiting for me to do what I wanted.


But her hands were still above her head, wrists crossed over each other.  I carefully moved her arms to her sides so that she no longer looked like she was posing for a dirty magazine.
Miki's finally letting her ecchi-ness come out. It's about damn time, if you ask me.  :twisted:

"If you want to take a shower with me, just tell me.  I didn't think you were serious," she said in a quiet and smiling tone, her hangover seeming to no longer exist.

Hiroshi, I lied.  She totally did seduce me.  Completely.  I don't know how she managed to, but she did, and right now, I've just realised that I have to take advantage of every naughty bone in her body.

She was right.
It's funny how she's realized this after the fact. :lol:  Seduction isn't necessarily outwardly blatant/obvious. In Miki's case, Aya wasn't even really trying and she still managed to do it to her, just by being herself. :twisted:

My phone rang while we were walking to the door.  Impeccable timing.

"Fujimoto-sama!" Fukuda cried out as if the apocalypse was upon us and he was alerting the empress.

"What is it?!" I asked in alarm.

"Hasegawa broke his ankle on the way to work and we can't find a replacement.  Can you please come in?!"
He called her FUJIMOTO-SAMA!!! XD

Can't say I'm entirely displeased to see that Hasegawa injured himself, though it sucks that Miki's meeting Shiba-chan will have to wait (unless Aya brings her to the store :P).

I skipped over to work, giddy as ever.  I had surprised Aya with my forthrightness.  Inviting myself to take a shower with her and then actually carrying through with it.  She'd liked it, and I could tell that things were only going to get more interesting between us.  We had something deeper than I had thought before.
Say it with me's RABU-RABU~!!!  :wub:

While I was wiping up a mess from a spill on the counter (honestly, sometimes customers can be so messy!), a girl walking in slipped and did a faceplant on the floor.  I dropped my cloth and went to help her up.  She was embarrassed as she sat there trying to re-arrange her skirt so that her legs weren't completely exposed.  I looked up at the counter to see where Shiroshita was, and he was staring like a zombie at the girl's legs, the proverbial stream of drool coming from the corner of his mouth.

You perv, I thought, rolling my eyes and helping the girl get up.
My thoughts exactly.  :roll:  Not much details on this Shiroshita guy. I wonder what Kuniko and the others think of him? Was he not invited to the "welcome Miki" party, or was he just unable to make it? If it was the former, the next question is...why?

"There's a party going on next Wednesday at some other club that Koda-kun visits once in a while.  Are you in?"

I sighed.  Was Tokyo going to turn me into a party girl?  Maybe.  I didn't really want to go, but I liked Kuniko and Koda and their group of friends.  Aya was also going to be monstrously busy in the next week, so I may as well distract myself.

"Yeah, give me the details and I'll be there," I said.
And to think, Miki and her family were worried that if she moved to the big city, that (aside from Aya) she'd be stuck all alone, not knowing anyone.  :)

"Don't worry.  We'll just come pick you up at your place."

And see that I live in a trillion-yen condo?  No way...

"It'd be better if you gave me the details," I said, thinking quickly.  "I'm not sure what I'll be doing before, and I might be a bit late."

Vague and not entirely a lie.
Whoa, that was close. Nice save by Miki. :thumbsup  While Kuniko and the others really do seem nice and all, there's no way of knowing how they'd react if they knew Miki was living with Aya. Anything could happen, from trying to meet Aya and her celebrity friends to the tabloids finding out about it. Miki knows to avoid the latter in particular. She knows that it's not her place, and that it would/could ruin what she and Aya have if their "situation" was made known to the public.

"Aren't you supposed to be looking for a real job?" Aya snickered, picking up a piece of cabbage with her chopsticks and sticking it in my mouth.

I obediently took the strip between my teeth and chewed.

"Oh yeah," I chuckled.  "I guess I could always go to that guy's company and be an office lady..."

"What guy's company?" Aya asked curiously.
Ah right, Aya was giggly-drunk when Miki got home, so she never had the chance to tell her about the dude with the card. Maybe Aya knows the company he works for.

The card was still in my wallet, and I took it out to show Aya.  She read what was written, and for some reason, began to smile in awe.

"He said his company needs a secretary?" she asked for confirmation.


"That's perfect.  You have to do it!"

"But Aya," I whined.  "Can you see me as a secretary?"


"Do you realise what kind of company this is?" she asked.


"It's a record label, for crying out loud!" she exclaimed.  "So if you want to have any chance to break into the industry, I suggest you get your butt down to Ikebukuro bright and early on Monday morning and get yourself a job serving coffee to the people that can make your dreams come true."
Nice! Miki definitely needs to try this out! After the disappointment of being sick and unable to complete those auditions when she was younger, this might prove to be that second-chance at becoming a singer that she had been dreaming about.

"You know, last night I met this group of girls," I started tentatively.  "They were saying some pretty rude things about you."


"You defended me?" she asked.

I could practically hear the hearts in her voice!

"Yes," I mumbled shyly.  "And I lost miserably."

"No, you won.  My heart!"
AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!   :heart:  :heart:  :heart: :nya:  :heart:  :heart:  :heart:

You just know that there rabu-rabu when you defend someone like that.  :inlove:

I groaned and pushed her away from me, speeding up my walking pace.

"Don't say things like that.  That's unbearably cheesy and... just... ug!"

She quickened her own pace and was at my side in no time.

"Hey, what happened to the Miki I woke up with this morning?  What'd you do with her?" she teased me, her hand finding mine.

"She's on a seventy-year coffee break," I muttered.  "But seriously, I'm not into mushy crap like that.  I like things cool, not cheesy."

"Oh, you liar!" Aya almost shouted.  "You have a mushy streak longer than the Nile."
It's true. Aya knows it. Miki knows it. We all know it. While she might be cool and badass (which she is), she's also got that softie in her that makes us all fall head over heels for her like how Aya did.   :mon lovelaff:

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

Offline rndmnwierd

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Re: Restart (Love x ∞ Part II)
« Reply #102 on: July 10, 2007, 06:00:19 AM »
Go go Miki powaa!

Offline OTN1

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Re: Restart (Love x ∞ Part II)
« Reply #103 on: July 10, 2007, 01:05:14 PM »
Kei-Br, that's sweet.  Thank you, and I hope I don't get you in trouble one day.  Hahaha!  Close-mindedness can be a pain in the buttocks.

Don't worry about Shiroshita.  Haha, he's just a filler character.

AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!   :heart:  :heart:  :heart: :nya:  :heart:  :heart:  :heart:
That's a nice reaction... but did anyone have this reaction:  :banghead: ?  Because I did.

Offline OTN1

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Re: Restart (Love x ∞ Part II)
« Reply #104 on: July 10, 2007, 01:20:00 PM »
Chapter 13

We both had Sunday free, so we spent the entire morning in bed sleeping, and then the afternoon cleaning up the apartment and making some room for my things.  I'd be staying for at least a few more weeks, and it was becoming bothersome to live mainly out of a bag.  We ended up having an impromptu fashion show as we tried on all of Aya's clothes and tried to see what looked best on each other.

The next morning I woke up at the same time as Aya, and we set about our usual routine. I made sure to look extra good (although Aya assured me that I could have worn a potato sack and looked stunning (I didn't believe her for one second because nobody would look good in a potato sack)), and we caught the train together.

"Are you nervous?" she asked as I sat there falling asleep.

"Eh?" I asked, straightening up.  "No.  Why would I be?"

Getting nervous about a job interview that didn't even exist?  What a waste of energy that would be.  I returned to my snoozing, and received a ferocious jab in the ribs when Ikebukuro station was announced.  With a hasty "bye", I ran out the doors before they closed.

Following the map Aya had printed out from the internet for me that morning, I found the building easily.  I looked in a reflective window and did a brief hair and makeup check before riding the elevator up.

The doors opened and I walked into a moderately-sized reception room, a desk just a few steps away.  I walked to it and saw a head bent down over a book.  It was a boy, and I had no doubt in my mind which boy it was.

"So what were you trying to do?" I asked.  "Quit your job and give it to me?"

The head bounced up in surprise, and sure enough, it was Sekiguchi.

"Uhh..." he said stupidly, his eyes then lighting up in recognition.  "Fujimoto-san!  You actually came!"

"A friend convinced me to give this a go," I shrugged.  "So, am I right?  You're the company monkey boy and you want to pass the job on to me?"

He blushed and stood up so that we were on even ground.

"No.  It's just that I can't work all the time because I've started taking a course at a local college.  I need to find someone else to share the job with," he admitted.  "But yeah, I'm just a secretary here."

At the club he'd sounded like he was a regular employee of some company when he was really the guy who made tea?  Regardless, there was something nice about him that didn't seem stuck up.

"Hey you!" bellowed a voice.  "Stop flirting with your girlfriend and get back to work!"

"Yes, sir!" Sekiguchi cried out, sitting in his chair and starting to type furiously on a computer.

I wouldn't date this baby here in a million years, I thought sourly.  Maybe if he grew up a decade...

I turned around to see who had yelled at him, and I saw a huge man come striding towards the desk.  He was tall and built like a refrigerator.  Absolutely massive and muscular.  He could beat Arnold Schwarzenegger to the ground.  The man took one look at me and stopped dead in his tracks.

"Who are you?" he asked abruptly.

I was so surprised at this man's entrance that I'd lost my voice.  Sekiguchi answered for me by standing up.

"She's here about the secretary job, boss.  Stop scaring her."

"Scaring her?" the man repeated, and then addressing me, asked, "Am I scary?  Do you find me scary?  Am I a scary man?"

It was then that I realised this man wasn't angry and that Sekiguchi wasn't actually afraid of him.  This man was a joker.  Maybe a bit on the gruff side, but not an irate man by far.

"No, you're not scary," I said.

"I like her!" he cried out.  "My god, you simply must work for us."

"But you haven't even asked her for her name yet," Sekiguchi whined.

I wondered whether he really wanted me to get the job.  I supposed it was just part of the playfully argumentative relationship he had with his boss.  The boss pierced Sekiguchi with a glare.

"Would you act your nineteen years of age?  I didn't hire a fifth grade elementary school student."


"You're nineteen?!" I blurted out, glaring at Sekiguchi.

He grimaced, hanging his head down.

"Oh, did the boy play that old 'I'm twenty-eight' crap with you?  He likes to pretend he's so old.  It'll do him no good once he passes thirty.  Right, Tsuyoshi-kun?"

Sekiguchi's head remained bowed.  And as it should have been!  He'd lied to me.

"Anyway, when can you start?" the boss asked, turning serious.

"Uh... Isn't Sekiguchi-kun here right?  You don't even know my name..."

It was my turn to sabotage my own job opportunity.  There must've been something in the air that day.

"I have a good feeling about you, little lady.  I want to see you here smiling every day.  I think you can help a lot around our humble U-Con headquarters."

I was at a loss for words.

"I can start tomorrow," I said simply.

"Great.  Come by at the same time tomorrow.  Tsuyoshi-kun'll show you the ropes."

And with that, the boss turned on his heels to leave.

"Wait!" I called out, and he turned back around.  "My name is Fujimoto.  Can I ask for your name?"

"Just call me 'Boss', and I'm sure our work relationship will be a fruitful one."

He gave me the most enigmatic of looks and then walked off. 

Tokyo people... are so weird.

I turned to face Sekiguchi.

"You little runt.  You lied to me on Friday.  You're not twenty-two.  What's up with that?" I asked, glaring at him.

To his credit, he rose to the challenge.

"Hey, you'd lie to a stranger if you were drinking and smoking underage in an exclusive club like that," he defended himself.

He had an excellent point.

"Since you saved me from getting my eyes scratched out, I'll forgive you this once."

"I knew I could count on you to see the light side!" he cried out happily.

I rolled my eyes, but spared him an approving smile.

And so started a very interesting relationship.

I left soon after finding out the boss' real name from Sekiguchi (or Tsuyoshi, as he boyishly insisted on being called).  It was decided that for the next few weeks, we'd work together, Tsuyoshi passing on his wisdom to me while I got used to the routine.

In the afternoon, I had a shift at 7-Eleven, and I explained to Fukuda that I'd gotten a part-time secretary job, but that I still wanted to work for him.  Being so friendly and helpful, he told me that he'd make sure to arrange my schedule so that there were no conflicts.

That night, I told Aya about what had happened at U-Con, and she was tickled by my tale of the boss.  As we lay in bed later, she reassured me that this was the lucky break I needed.  She told me some things about the label, and I had to admit that it seemed like a nice organisation to work for.

The next morning, we woke up bright and early, a little sleepy because we'd stayed up too late talking, and we repeated the same routine as the previous day.  Aya jabbed me awake at my stop, and I ran out the closing doors of the train.

Tsuyoshi turned out to be a solid, bright fellow.  He was nineteen and yearning to be a music producer, which was why he'd taken up a job at a record label.  He had recently signed up for a course at college to study some sort of musical programming.  I didn't have a clue what he was talking about when he explained it, so I nodded and smiled politely.

By noon, it felt like we were old buddies.  We got along very well and could relax around each other.

During lunch break, we were sitting together at the front desk eating our respective lunches (his mother had gone all out and made him a proper boxed lunch, while I'd had to run out to the convenience store because I'd forgotten to bring my lunch) when I had my first taste of the people who worked at the label.

First to walk by was a woman coincidentally named Kuniko.  I learned her name from Tsuyoshi, not from her, because she took one look at me, sneered, and walked out of the office.

"What's her problem?" I asked Tsuyoshi.

"I don't know," he said with a frown.  "Her name's Kuniko and she's one of the performers on our label.  She's usually not that much of a bitch.  She gives most people at least one chance..."

From what it sounded like, Kuniko wasn't the nicest girl on the block, but she wasn't aggressively rude right off the bat.  Maybe she was having a bad day.

Next came a man name Ohashi, and as if Kuniko giving me a dirty look wasn't enough, Ohashi glared at me.

I put aside my urge to glare back and figured being nice first would make him realise how childish he was being.

"Hi, nice to meet you," I said, standing up and on the verge of telling him my name.

He stopped and faced Tsuyoshi.

"Who's the chick?"

Tsuyoshi stammered for a minute before letting out some noncommittal answer that I was new here, and without any further comment, Ohashi turned his back on us and left the office in the same manner Kuniko had.

"The hell?" I growled.  "Is everyone at this place like those two?  I quit."

I stood up and started packing up my half-eaten lunch when Tsuyoshi grabbed my arm.  I glared at him, and he let go with a thousand apologies about not meaning to touch me inappropriately.

"Really, I don't know what's up with those two, but not everyone's like that.  Please trust me!" he appealed to me desperately.

I sat back down, but I refused to continue eating.

Tsuyoshi was proven right when the next employee walked by.  I didn't notice her because I was studying an event schedule on the computer screen while muttering comments to Tsuyoshi, who was still working on his lunch.

"Oh, a new person," said a voice, and I looked up to see a beautiful foreigner with flawless ebony skin and hair tied neatly in a perfect bun standing there.

"Uh, can I help you with something?" I asked, wondering what this woman was doing here.

"No, not really," she laughed.  "I'm Katherine and I'm working here for the next few months.  I come from the United States."


Well, her Japanese was perfect.  I wouldn't have guessed she wasn't one of us without looking at her.

"Katherine-san is our temporary dance genius.  Her company in Michigan-"

"Washington," she groaned, butting in.

"Washington," Tsuyoshi corrected with a pointed look that made me guess it was some geeky joke between the two, "sent her over to us because we were desperate for some good dance instructors."

Katherine nodded and looked at me.

"Except for the whole 'genius' thing, yeah, he's right.  But I'll be leaving in May, so don't get too attached!"

She winked and I couldn't help but laugh.

"It's nice to meet you," I said.  "I'm Fujimoto."

I stood up and bowed, and she bowed back.

"You're cute," she stated as if it was written on my forehead and she was reading it back to me.  "Are you one of the new ducklings?"

"Ducklings?" I asked, confused and embarrassed.

"Er, one of the new kids signed up on the label?"

I shook my head emphatically.

"No no no.  I'm just here to help this runt with his work.  I'm no singer."

She eyed me carefully, giving my body the whole up-and-down and making me feel a little nervous.

"A little on the lanky side, but you're short, so it looks okay..." she muttered under her breath as if evaluating a cow at the slaughterhouse.

Great.  Tokyo is just one big bucket of judgemental fun, I thought caustically.

"Come down to the training room sometime," she told me.  "I wouldn't be surprised if you could dance as nicely as you look."

What was this woman on?  She must have had too much coffee or chocolate because nobody before in my life had ever looked at me and said "hey, you look like you'd be an okay dancer!"

"Sure," I said casually.  "But you'll probably be disappointed."

She clucked her tongue.

"You've obviously never seen Tsuyoshi-kun trying to shake his stuff," she chuckled, going right through the boy's protests.  "He doesn't have any rhythm or sense of style.  If only he did, he'd have all us girls lined up to marry him."

She gave him a teasing look, and he sat there with a pout, making him look even younger than he already did.

A phone started to ring, saving Tsuyoshi from further humiliation.  Katherine reached into her purse and pulled out her cell phone.

"Hello?" she asked,

A reply came, and she launched into a string of English words that was too fast and too colloquial for me to understand despite having taken several English courses in university.  Katherine gave a quick wave and walked out the office talking non-stop.

"Wow," I said to Tsuyoshi.

"That pretty much sums her up," he agreed with a smile.

Working at U-Con was going to fun.


(ChiruChaCha is the new Coachie Jr.  Good call!)

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Re: Restart (Love x ∞ Part II)
« Reply #105 on: July 10, 2007, 01:57:18 PM »
I'd completely forgotten about Tsuyoshi-kun! Awesome! :grin:

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Re: Restart (Love x ∞ Part II)
« Reply #106 on: July 10, 2007, 03:18:30 PM »
Wow, for once I actually picked up something before it happened.

Ill admit everytime you write a new chapter I get a little nervous wondering if its going to be the beginning of the end. And if anything in this reply doesnt make sense im sorry, its late and Ive drank a lot of tea...

Read the complete Doki Doki!!

Offline JFC

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Re: Restart (Love x ∞ Part II)
« Reply #107 on: July 10, 2007, 09:20:14 PM »
but did anyone have this reaction:  :banghead: ?  Because I did.
Chances are Miki first. :D

We ended up having an impromptu fashion show as we tried on all of Aya's clothes and tried to see what looked best on each other.
Did they change in front of each other? :twisted:

Did they model each other's "unmentionables"??? :pimp: :jerk:

The doors opened and I walked into a moderately-sized reception room, a desk just a few steps away.  I walked to it and saw a head bent down over a book.  It was a boy, and I had no doubt in my mind which boy it was.

"So what were you trying to do?" I asked.  "Quit your job and give it to me?"

The head bounced up in surprise, and sure enough, it was Sekiguchi.
EH? :O

Maybe he was bored and wanted someone pretty to talk to during his shift. :P

"Fujimoto-san!  You actually came!"

"A friend convinced me to give this a go," I shrugged.  "So, am I right?  You're the company monkey boy and you want to pass the job on to me?"

He blushed and stood up so that we were on even ground.

"No.  It's just that I can't work all the time because I've started taking a course at a local college.  I need to find someone else to share the job with," he admitted.  "But yeah, I'm just a secretary here."
Well, in his defence, back at the bar he never claimed to be an executive there or anything like that. Miki just assumed that he was since he had a business card. After all, it's not really that common to find secretaries/receptionists with business cards, is it?

"She's here about the secretary job, boss.  Stop scaring her."

"Scaring her?" the man repeated, and then addressing me, asked, "Am I scary?  Do you find me scary?  Am I a scary man?"

It was then that I realised this man wasn't angry and that Sekiguchi wasn't actually afraid of him.  This man was a joker.  Maybe a bit on the gruff side, but not an irate man by far.

"No, you're not scary," I said.

"I like her!" he cried out.  "My god, you simply must work for us."
Wow, that was easy. Hope this boss isn't some perv or something who's hiring Miki just to try and score.

"Would you act your nineteen years of age?  I didn't hire a fifth grade elementary school student."
OSNAP! Busted!!!  :rofl:

"Oh, did the boy play that old 'I'm twenty-eight' crap with you?  He likes to pretend he's so old.  It'll do him no good once he passes thirty.  Right, Tsuyoshi-kun?"

Sekiguchi's head remained bowed.  And as it should have been!  He'd lied to me.
Tsuyoshi-kun? As in the same Tsuyoshi-kun from WNTBD that "worshipped the ground Miki walked on" Tsuyoshi-kun?

Good job. :thumbsup

"Anyway, when can you start?" the boss asked, turning serious.

"Uh... Isn't Sekiguchi-kun here right?  You don't even know my name..."

It was my turn to sabotage my own job opportunity.  There must've been something in the air that day.

"I have a good feeling about you, little lady.  I want to see you here smiling every day.  I think you can help a lot around our humble U-Con headquarters."

I was at a loss for words.

"I can start tomorrow," I said simply.

"Great.  Come by at the same time tomorrow.  Tsuyoshi-kun'll show you the ropes."
Again, hope the boss isn't some perv or anything when he says that. But it's good ol' U-Con!  :rockon:

I turned to face Sekiguchi.

"You little runt.  You lied to me on Friday.  You're not twenty-two.  What's up with that?" I asked, glaring at him.

To his credit, he rose to the challenge.

"Hey, you'd lie to a stranger if you were drinking and smoking underage in an exclusive club like that," he defended himself.

He had an excellent point.
True dat, true dat. :yep:

In the afternoon, I had a shift at 7-Eleven, and I explained to Fukuda that I'd gotten a part-time secretary job, but that I still wanted to work for him.  Being so friendly and helpful, he told me that he'd make sure to arrange my schedule so that there were no conflicts.
Well that was awfully nice of him to do that. It would suck to lose such a good employee after all considering she'd just recently joined.

The next morning, we woke up bright and early, a little sleepy because we'd stayed up too late talking, and we repeated the same routine as the previous day.  Aya jabbed me awake at my stop, and I ran out the closing doors of the train.
Awwwwwwwwwww. :lol:

Tsuyoshi turned out to be a solid, bright fellow.  He was nineteen and yearning to be a music producer, which was why he'd taken up a job at a record label.  He had recently signed up for a course at college to study some sort of musical programming.
Ah, he's an ambitious one, isn't he? He probably dreams of one day owning and/or running a company like U-Con (with Miki as his main star, no doubt). ;D

During lunch break, we were sitting together at the front desk eating our respective lunches ... when I had my first taste of the people who worked at the label.

First to walk by was a woman coincidentally named Kuniko.  I learned her name from Tsuyoshi, not from her, because she took one look at me, sneered, and walked out of the office.

"What's her problem?" I asked Tsuyoshi.

"I don't know," he said with a frown.  "Her name's Kuniko and she's one of the performers on our label.  She's usually not that much of a bitch.  She gives most people at least one chance..."

From what it sounded like, Kuniko wasn't the nicest girl on the block, but she wasn't aggressively rude right off the bat.  Maybe she was having a bad day.

Next came a man name Ohashi, and as if Kuniko giving me a dirty look wasn't enough, Ohashi glared at me.

I put aside my urge to glare back and figured being nice first would make him realise how childish he was being.

"Hi, nice to meet you," I said, standing up and on the verge of telling him my name.

He stopped and faced Tsuyoshi.

"Who's the chick?"

Tsuyoshi stammered for a minute before letting out some noncommittal answer that I was new here, and without any further comment, Ohashi turned his back on us and left the office in the same manner Kuniko had.
Hmmm...Kuniko could just be thinking that the boss hired some new pretty face who didn't really have any real skill (even though we know that Miki does).  Osashi though...unless he's kind of pissed/jealous that someone as pretty as Miki was hanging with Tsuyoshi (instead of with him, naturally), there doesn't seem to be any reason why he'd be hostile like that towards her.

"The hell?" I growled.  "Is everyone at this place like those two?  I quit."


"Really, I don't know what's up with those two, but not everyone's like that.  Please trust me!" he appealed to me desperately.
As annoying as this must have been for her, Miki needs to stick with it. At most workplaces, there's bound to be a few people with whom you don't get along with (even if the reasons behind it are silly). But for every "bad egg" in the group, there's bound to be several "good eggs" to counter.

"Oh, a new person," said a voice, and I looked up to see a beautiful foreigner with flawless ebony skin and hair tied neatly in a perfect bun standing there.


 "I'm Katherine and I'm working here for the next few months.  I come from the United States."


Well, her Japanese was perfect.  I wouldn't have guessed she wasn't one of us without looking at her.

 But I'll be leaving in May, so don't get too attached!"
That's cute.  :)

"It's nice to meet you," I said.  "I'm Fujimoto."

I stood up and bowed, and she bowed back.

"You're cute," she stated as if it was written on my forehead and she was reading it back to me.  "Are you one of the new ducklings?"

"Ducklings?" I asked, confused and embarrassed.

"Er, one of the new kids signed up on the label?"
U-Con Ducklings?  H!P Eggs? *groans* :wahaha:

"A little on the lanky side, but you're short, so it looks okay..." she muttered under her breath as if evaluating a cow at the slaughterhouse.


"Come down to the training room sometime," she told me.  "I wouldn't be surprised if you could dance as nicely as you look."


"Sure," I said casually.  "But you'll probably be disappointed."
Oh Miki, if only you knew. Well, I guess you will soon enough.  Katherine seems to have an eye for talent, makes you wonder if that might explain the reaction of the boss, Kuniko, and Osashi. The boss might have hired her because he saw potential in her, Kuniko and Oshashi in turn, could have reacted the way they did because they might have seen her as a potential rival if the boss ever decided to give her a shot.

"You've obviously never seen Tsuyoshi-kun trying to shake his stuff," she chuckled, going right through the boy's protests.  "He doesn't have any rhythm or sense of style.  If only he did, he'd have all us girls lined up to marry him."

She gave him a teasing look, and he sat there with a pout, making him look even younger than he already did.
Sounds like Katherine must have a blast teasing Tsuyoshi like that. :lol:

"Wow," I said to Tsuyoshi.

"That pretty much sums her up," he agreed with a smile.

Working at U-Con was going to fun.
When you end chapters like that, why do I feel a big "but" coming in the next one? :cry:

(ChiruChaCha is the new Coachie Jr.  Good call!)
Must be some inside-joke. :dunno:

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

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Re: Restart (Love x ∞ Part II)
« Reply #108 on: July 11, 2007, 05:39:28 AM »
Thanks for clearing up the Nakashima thing. I was curious for some reason . . .

I'll laugh if Miki gets a singing career. :lol: I kind of expected it to come down to this, though.

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Re: Restart (Love x ∞ Part II)
« Reply #109 on: July 11, 2007, 02:15:10 PM »
Hmmmmmmm, so it really was Tsuyoshi. Good, he's cute and seems like a good guy.

Chapter 13

First to walk by was a woman coincidentally named Kuniko.  I learned her name from Tsuyoshi, not from her, because she took one look at me, sneered, and walked out of the office.

"What's her problem?" I asked Tsuyoshi.

"I don't know," he said with a frown.  "Her name's Kuniko and she's one of the performers on our label.  She's usually not that much of a bitch.  She gives most people at least one chance..."

From what it sounded like, Kuniko wasn't the nicest girl on the block, but she wasn't aggressively rude right off the bat.  Maybe she was having a bad day.

Next came a man name Ohashi, and as if Kuniko giving me a dirty look wasn't enough, Ohashi glared at me.

I put aside my urge to glare back and figured being nice first would make him realise how childish he was being.

"Hi, nice to meet you," I said, standing up and on the verge of telling him my name.

He stopped and faced Tsuyoshi.

"Who's the chick?"

Tsuyoshi stammered for a minute before letting out some noncommittal answer that I was new here, and without any further comment, Ohashi turned his back on us and left the office in the same manner Kuniko had.

Expectable jelaousy induced bitchness that I guess won't stop when/if she reaches fame.  But she doesn't seem to have a clue about the effect she has on people, which makes her look even... innocent O.o

So, candidates for making Miki's life a living hell so far(because we all know someone has to do it in OTN's stories): Kuniko and Ohashi (Hasegawa seems to be out already)

Great.  Tokyo is just one big bucket of judgemental fun, I thought caustically.

Be thankful you're pretty and thin, dear, I wouldn't want to know what would they say if you were ugly and fat.
That just reminded me of Ugly Betty... Imagine Ugly Miki, with a record label instead of a model company xDD

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Re: Restart (Love x ∞ Part II)
« Reply #110 on: July 11, 2007, 07:05:59 PM »
That just reminded me of Ugly Betty... Imagine Ugly Miki, with a record label instead of a model company xDD
Ugly Miki? Impossible.  :love:

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

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Re: Restart (Love x ∞ Part II)
« Reply #111 on: July 12, 2007, 10:52:22 AM »
You're all just waiting for the nuclear bomb to detonate or for the world's oceans to rise and drown human civilisation in my story.  Hahaha!

JFC, early in Love x 2 - 1, Coachie guessed what state Aya was in [spoiler (dead) /spoiler], and so this time, ChiruChaCha pretty much predicted what was going to happen in the next few chapters.  Silly joke, yeah.

The next chapter was oodles of fun to write.  However, it's not quite finished yet.  Working hard!

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Re: Restart (Love x ∞ Part II)
« Reply #112 on: July 12, 2007, 12:16:09 PM »
You're all just waiting for the nuclear bomb to detonate or for the world's oceans to rise and drown human civilisation in my story.  Hahaha!

Well, you really haven't given us any other reason to believe that this story will be in a happy, go-lucky, sunny, bright setting based off all the previous stories you've written except for the 20* chapters of lovely, wonderful fluff you have written. :D :heart: :lol:

On a random note: It's raining waaaay too much here.. I need a lot of teru teru bozu dolls. In fact it's pouring at the moment... ugh.

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Re: Restart (Love x ∞ Part II)
« Reply #113 on: July 13, 2007, 03:51:58 AM »
You're all just waiting for the nuclear bomb to detonate or for the world's oceans to rise and drown human civilisation in my story.  Hahaha!
Well, you really haven't given us any other reason to believe that this story will be in a happy, go-lucky, sunny, bright setting based off all the previous stories you've written except for the 20* chapters of lovely, wonderful fluff you have written. :D :heart: :lol:
It would be nice though! ;D

JFC, early in Love x 2 - 1, Coachie guessed what state Aya was in [spoiler (dead) /spoiler], and so this time, ChiruChaCha pretty much predicted what was going to happen in the next few chapters.  Silly joke, yeah.
Ah, I see. Forgot about that. :sweat:

The next chapter was oodles of fun to write.  However, it's not quite finished yet.  Working hard!
Ganbatte! :thumbsup We'll be ready with our praise for your genius :D

On a random note: It's raining waaaay too much here.. I need a lot of teru teru bozu dolls. In fact it's pouring at the moment... ugh.
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww...poor Fen. :(  You know, there's a Miki-brand umbrella for sale in the H!P Joint. :P

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

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Re: Restart (Love x ∞ Part II)
« Reply #114 on: July 13, 2007, 01:24:50 PM »
Oh, ye of little faith.  If I recall correctly, the first story I ever posted here ended quite happily.  As did the second.  And the third.  And the fifth.  In fact, if you look at it, 6 out of 9 (excuse the numbers) have involved no death, and while angsty, have ended happily (or segued into other happy stories)!  Coupled with my 20+ chapters of fluff, I'd have to say I tend to write pretty mushy, happy junk.  Maybe one death is the emotional equivalent of 40 squeal-inducing moments, so it's hard to make readers forget.

That next chapter now just has to be edited.

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Re: Restart (Love x ∞ Part II)
« Reply #115 on: July 13, 2007, 06:41:48 PM »
In fact, if you look at it, 6 out of 9 (excuse the numbers)

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

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Re: Restart (Love x ∞ Part II)
« Reply #116 on: July 13, 2007, 10:22:04 PM »
Chapter 14

After my first day on the job, I went home and told Aya all about it.  I went on and on about Tsuyoshi and Katherine and their wonderfulness, and about Kuniko The Lesser and Ohashi the Ass and their horridness.  Aya told me several times to shut up (in those exact words), but I paid no heed to her and kept talking, resulting in her falling asleep and me getting angry and shaking her awake in a way that could not be described as gentle.

Two weeks passed.  I balanced my convenience store job and my secretary job skilfully.  After the first week and a half, Tsuyoshi cut his work hours in half so that our work times would coincide only three times a week.  On the other hand, Kuniko The Greater and I got to work together a lot, which was nice because she kept me sane.  Sort of.  She'd do and say childish things and I'd ignore her or badmouth her, and then we'd laugh.  If one didn't know, one would think we really were sisters.  She made working at a convenience store not as terrible as it could be.

Back at home, my parents complained about missing me.  They called me and told me the house was quiet without me, and that even Baachan had been around complaining that her new hired help wasn't half as good as I had been.  But they were happy to hear that I was finding my way, although I could hear the disappointment in my father's silence when I told him I was working as a secretary at a record label.  "My daughter can do better than that," he probably thought.

My mother gave me an update about everyone I knew, including Hiroshi, who I surprisingly hadn't thought of in weeks.  His birthday had passed, and I had, as he had requested, not phoned or e-mailed him.  My mom told me he had come by to the house twice just to chat with my parents, and my mother's evaluation was that he missed me like crazy and wanted me to come back.  I stood firmly on my decision, though, and told my mother that if he wanted to contact me, he could go ahead.  I'd be glad to talk to him.  But I wasn't going to go back to the way things had been before.

Several mornings after that phone conversation, I was called in on another emergency shift at the store.  Aya had the morning off and only a meeting to attend at lunch, so we'd slept in a bit and then stayed under the warm blankets, neither one of us daring to brave the cold that had enveloped the apartment overnight.  That was okay.  We kept occupied.  Until, of course, my phone rang.  I grumbled as I rolled over the side of the bed to grab the little machine.

"Don't answer it," Aya whined, trying to pull me back.

But we both knew it could be important.  Although how important it could get for a part-time secretary, part-time convenience store worker was a mystery to both of us.

I checked the display and there was Fukuda's name.

"Boss," I mumbled aloud, clearing my throat and answering.  "Hello!"

"Fujimoto-sama-sama!!" he cried as if the world was ending.

I wonder what part of the body Jerk broke this time, I thought with a laugh.

Hasegawa had returned to work several days after breaking his wrist, although his duties had been limited.  I wish he'd taken a longer break, but such was life.

"Yes, Fuku-chan?" I said cheekily.

I'd learned over the weeks that Fukuda didn't mind joking around, so when he praised him, we lowered his status.  I'd never heard of a boss as easygoing as him, but I thanked my lucky stars.  Fukuda was particularly fond of the double sama, especially when talking to me and Kuniko.  I was pretty sure we were his favourites.  We never made any mistakes.

"Hasegawa-san has caught Avian Influenza.  Can you please come and do his eleven-thirty shift?"

I almost burst out laughing.  Avian flu?!  Since when did Jerk hang around sick poultry?  How the hell had he managed to catch a chicken disease?  Despite the threat to Jerk's life, I couldn't help but be amused.

"Sure thing.  Let me get out of bed and I'll be right over," I said, stifling my laughter.

"Are you with your boyfriend?!" Fukuda demanded suddenly.

He was young, but he seemed more like my father than a jealous suitor.  He was married, after all, and he was extremely loyal to his wife and his one year old daughter.

"No, I am not with my boyfriend," I said loudly and clearly into the phone, looking at Aya pointedly.

She smirked back at me.

"Good.  You're too precious of a girl to go around getting knocked up by random strangers from this city," he huffed defensively.  "Tokyo men are all pigs.  You hear me?  All of them.  So be careful!"

"But aren't you from Tokyo?" I asked sweetly.

There was a stiff silence.

"With a few exceptions," he amended weakly.

I rolled my eyes and laughed.

"Whatever.  I'll be over in an hour.  Okay?"

"Much appreciated.  The shift is until five-thirty.  Thank you!"

We ended our conversation there, and I burst out laughing.

"Jerk got the bird flu and I have to go in to replace him!"

Aya stared at me.

"You're a horrible, horrible person to laugh at something like that," she stated.

"Oh, come on.  This means he'll be away for a while and that I won't have to put up with his rude behaviour.  It's great!  Besides, Hasegawa's a beast.  He'll threaten the virus to get out of him.  He'll live."

Aya decided to agree silently with me.  I could tell because she tugged me back under the covers.

"I have to be there in an hour," I reminded her.

"Come on.  The day I have the most free time, you get called away.  That's not fair."

"Sorry," I said in a cute voice, poking her nose.  "But duty calls."

I slipped out of her hold and out of bed, far too happy for my own good.  My relaxing morning with Aya may have been interrupted, but I'd gotten plenty of sleep and plenty of cuddling (which I still refused to admit that I liked) and was thus in an excellent mood.  As Aya lay in bed occasionally calling out to me, I took a shower and got ready.

Only when I was completely ready to walk out the door did I jump onto the bed to hug her.

"You should get ready, too.  Don't you have that meeting?" I reminded her as I squeezed her tightly.

"Blah," she replied.

"Don't be such a grump," I smiled.  "It's unbecoming."

I let go and left before she could latch on and not let go.

"My shift ends at five-thirty.  I'll be back soon after.  Bye bye!"

I ran out the door before she could entice me to be later than I'd promised Fukuda.

I got to 7-Eleven right at a busy moment at twenty-five past eleven, said hello to a grovelling Fukuda, and then went out to take care of customers.  Kuniko was also working that day, and she had given me a surprised look when I walked in.  When I joined her at the counter, she smiled a hello as she rang up a customer's purchase.

We didn't get a chance to talk for another hour.

"So Fukuda called you, huh?" she asked conversationally as two customers stood at the magazine stands reading.

"Mmhm," I replied.

"I hope Jerk stays in the hospital for twelve years.  I wouldn't mind never seeing him again."

"He's going to hate me even more when he finds out I'm the one covering for him again.  He's not the type to feel like he owes anybody anything, right?" I snickered.

Another hour passed during which we were busy as ever.  It was an unusually active day at our store.

Things quieted down for fifteen minutes, during which I took a quick break, and then everything was busy until three.  After that, the shop became a ghost shop.  No customers entered, and I wondered why they had to come in huge, unmanageable clumps.

Despite how busy we had been, I was perkier than usual.  I stood there stacking containers of salad up in the fridge and almost humming aloud.

"Someone's happy today," Kuniko called out from the counter.  "And I'm sure it has nothing to with lettuce."

I put the salad down and turned to face her.

"You know when you wake up in the morning and you're just in a good mood for no reason?  Like... when you feel like you're on top of the world?"

Kuniko nodded.

"That's how I felt this morning," I told her.

I went back to my job.

"Are you sure nothing else happened?  Like last night or anything?" she pressed on.

I shook my head.

"Life is generally good now.  I have a place to stay and Aya-chan's really easy-going.  She lets me do what I want.  And you guys are all fun to work with - minus Jerk.  And my other job is much better than expected."

"Hey, when am I going to meet this Aya-chan of yours?  You know we love to party.  There are lots of opportunities to bring her along."

I couldn't pretend not to have heard.  I had to answer.

I didn't think Aya would want to hang out with a bunch of part-time convenience store workers.  Her schedule was so full, and she had to think of so many more things.  Consequences.  Hanging out with a group of unknown people, taking pictures, talking openly... These things were all potential risks for her.  One dishonest person and her secrets might be spilled and spread around the city.  It was then when I wondered for the first time how many non entertainment industry friends Aya had made since moving to Tokyo.  How many besides me?

"Ah, maybe sometime.  She's really busy," I replied evasively.

"Okay.  Fine.  Where does she live?  I'll drop by one day," Kuniko insisted.

"Eh?" I asked, surprised, then quickly going into annoyed older sister mode.  "You can't do that without an invite, you rude girl."

"Fine," she said.  "Invite me."

"No!" I exclaimed.

"Why not?" she whined.

"Because," I said, my tone telling her to stop.

"Come on, Fujimocchan," she whimpered like a puppy.

"Welcome!" I called out desperately as a customer walked in.

Kuniko turned around, putting on her professional air and rushing to the counter.

I finished with the salad as Kuniko took care of the customer.  I moved to the back where the drinks were and did some pointless busywork there, arranging the bottles and cans neatly so that the labels all faced forward.

"So how about tomorrow?" Kuniko called out as she closed in on my position again, finished with the customer.

"No!" I barked.

She skipped up right behind me.

"Day after that?"


"And after that?"

"For the last time: no!"

"Oh, come on.  You're being so difficult.  It's like this Aya-chan doesn't even exist."

"She exists!" I cried out defensively.

"Then why won't you let me meet her?"

"Because," I groaned.  "She's busy."

"She's a mirage!" Kuniko sang off-key.  "A mirage!  A hallucination.  An imaginary friend!"

"No she's not," I growled angrily.

"Then prove it.  Show me a picture of her."

"I don't have any," I sighed.

"Come on.  You guys live together and you haven't taken a picture together?  What kind of friends are you?  What's in your mobile?"

"No pictures of her!" I exploded.

"You're no fun," she deadpanned, walking back to the front.

I huffed out a sigh.  I didn't want her to become genuinely angry or anything.

"Maybe next week," I said because I could stop myself.

I was too nice.  Her face lit up brilliantly.

"Really?  You mean it?"

"Maybe," I repeated with a glower.  "She's busy."

"Ahhh, thank you!  Thank you, thank you!" she squealed, running up to me and tackling me with a hug.

"Why do you want to meet her so much anyway?" I grumbled as I tried to shake her off.

"Because she seems really nice, and you seem to get along with her very well.  I want to see what kind of person you look for in a best friend so that I have a shot," she giggled.

Of all the...

How could I be annoyed with her if she thought a sweet thing like that?  The way she worshipped me like her idol was not invisible to me or the people around us, but wanting to be my best friend was just too cute.  My exterior softened tenfold to this girl who I could honestly call my little sister.

"Okay, okay," I conceded.  "You can come over next week and hang out with us."

What am I doing? I thought.  I hope Aya's okay with that.

She probably would be.  Kuniko was a friend of mine, and if I could trust her, then Aya should be able to trust her, too.  Then again, I hadn't known Kuniko that long...

We heard the door open as a customer walked in, and Kuniko detached herself from me (she was still holding me in a very awkward bear hug that had seriously begun to annoy me), and I pushed her away towards the drinks as I made my way down the aisle to go and greet the customer and man the front.

"Welco-" I started and then pulled back in surprise, a huge smile gracing my lips.  "Aya-chan..."

Aya smiled and walked further into the store as I walked up to face her.

"I wanted to see you in action," she laughed.  "And I got hungry and needed a snack."

She began to walk to the display fridge where I'd recently been arranging salad, and I followed her, standing in front of the display area as she tried to look behind me.

"You're a liar.  You just wanted to laugh at me wearing this stupid uniform."

She looked at what I was wearing and raised an amused eyebrow.

"Okay, you got me," she said with an exaggerated defeated air.

"You shouldn't make fun, though.  I'm earning money here.  Money that'll get me out of your hair by next month."

"Aw, but I don't want you to move out.  I'm having too much fun with you around," she said cutely.

I hoped she was being serious because I didn't want to move out either.  Besides moving all my things being a pain in the neck and wanting to avoid that, I had grown enormously fond of living with her even though she was very busy and rarely at home.  I'd be lonely and depressed if I went to live in some shoebox apartment all by myself.

"Thanks," I grinned.  "How was your meeting?"

"I almost fell asleep," she groaned, and I giggled at the mental image of Aya nodding off into a bowl of salad.

"Fujimocchan, friend of yours?" Kuniko asked, suddenly walking up from behind Aya.

"Kuniko," I muttered under my breath.

She had noticed us chatting and had come along being her nosey self.  Aya smirked at the nickname and turned around, making Kuniko stop in her tracks.


She obviously recognised her.

"So you're this Kuniko I've been hearing about every day, non-stop through e-mails, phone calls, and face-to-face conversations," Aya said, smiling pleasantly.

I winced in my head. 

Way to lay it on thick, Aya.

"You're Aya-chan?!" Kuniko blurted out in surprise.

Aya raised an eyebrow and looked at me.  I shrugged.

"On the outside she seems like a quiet, cool girl, but Miki-chan really likes to talk about her friends, doesn't she?" Aya said to Kuniko.

"Oh my god, she doesn't shut up about you!" Kuniko laughed, suddenly seeming to be completely at ease with the megastar.  "Aya-chan this, Aya-chan that."

"And about you, too!" Aya agreed, and they shared a laugh.

I was bewildered, angry, surprised, and delighted.  They got along instantly, but they had bonded over teasing me.  I groaned, hoping that they didn't exchange numbers or anything.

"I bet you have some great stories..." Kuniko hinted.

Oh, don't you dare, I thought, shooting daggers out of my eyes at Aya.

"Did you know Miki-chan simply adores sheep?"

I grabbed her wrist.

"Thanks.  She's heard enough," I interrupted forcefully.

Aya brought a hand up and squeezed my cheeks, making my mouth pucker up like a fish's.

"Look how she gets all shy.  Isn't she adorable?" she asked Kuniko.

I shook her hand off my face.

"Absolutely!  But she's also got a huge mean streak," Kuniko agreed.

"Watch your mouth!" I snapped at the youngest girl.

"Aw, she gets so grumpy when she doesn't get her way," Aya said, beaming at me.  "What a spoiled baby."

"You too.  Quit it," I glared at her sharply.

Her eyes sparkled.  She was enjoying this far too much.  Revenge would be had.

"I thought she just got angry at me, but now that I see the way she glares at you..." Kuniko snickered.

"Yeah, you have to be nice to her once in a while or else-"

"-she'll never smile!"

They burst out laughing as if it was the funniest thing either had ever heard.

"Girl, where have you been my entire life?" Aya asked dramatically.  "Your way of thinking is on par with mine."

"Hello!" I yelled at the two of them.  "I'm right here!"

But they continued to chatter on.  I walked off and they didn't notice.  What a couple of nimrods!!

I went to the back room, picked up my phone, and dialled Aya's number.  Three rings later (and I heard the music from her ringer coming from the store), she picked up.

"You are in so much trouble when we get home, Aya.  I'm going to tie you up and make you scream.  I'm going to drown you next time we take a bath together.  I'll never let you kiss me they way you like to again," I threatened, letting loose before she could say a word.

There was a deathly silence on the line, and I wondered if she'd taken me seriously.

"Um, let me hand you over to her," said Kuniko's quiet voice, all traces of joking gone from it.

Crap, I thought, gripping my phone tightly.

I'd completely blown it.  How come Kuniko had answered Aya's phone?  They must have been trying to annoy me even more.

I bit my lip.

"No, that's okay," I mumbled, ending the call, my finger lingering over the power button and turning the phone off.

I gripped the table hard.  Absolute silence.  The shock created a vacuum in my head.  A big, empty space that hurt my ears.

What in the world had just happened?

What was I going to say to Kuniko by way of explanation?

First I shocked her by living with a celebrity, and then I said things to that celebrity that one didn't say to regular friends.  Even if we were just friends, what I'd just said and the way I'd said it would have been crossing some sort of line.

I couldn't stay in the back.  I had to start some major damage control.  I had to get Aya out of the store and I had to talk to Kuniko.

I walked out of the back room.  Aya was putting away her phone and Kuniko was studying something on the shelf.  Aya saw me and called out.

"Hey, our hero's back.  You hung up on Kuni-chan here," she smirked.

Obviously, Kuniko hadn't told her what I'd said.  I nodded warily and almost kissed the customer that walked in.  Kuniko rushed off to help him as I took Aya aside.

"Listen, things are about to get really busy here.  Maybe we should continue this later," I told her in a serious tone.

She had no clue what had happened.  No clue that I'd essentially let Kuniko in on a lot more than she needed to know.  Aya was going to kill me later unless I found some excuse to make Kuniko believe my words had been a complete joke.

"Are you mad?" she asked in horror, and I shook my head vigorously.

"No!" I reassured her emphatically.  "But I want to talk to you later."

She looked worried, and I mentally slapped myself.  What a frightening thing to hear.

"But no, no, no, I don't hate you.  Love you, etcetera," I told her, and she smiled.  "I'm not moving back to Hokkaido, I'm not pregnant, I'm not sleeping with my bosses, and so on."

She frowned at my words, and I winced again because I wasn't doing such a great job comforting her.  I grabbed her hand.

"Just trust me.  Go home.  I'll catch up with you later."

She smiled in relief and I winked at her.

"You've gotten really weird the past little while.  I love it," she said quietly.

"Go," I ordered her, and I let go of her hand.

I looked back briefly at the counter to see Kuniko looking at us, but she quickly turned her head away when she saw I had noticed.

Aya left, followed by the customer, and then it was just me and Kuniko all alone.  I turned around to head over to her, but she dashed off to go and arrange bread.  I lost my nerve and went to the oden stand, fumbling around with the tongs and counting each piece of food.  Finally, after gathering my courage and with much hesitation, I approached her.

"Listen," I started awkwardly.  "That was-"

"None of my business," Kuniko said curtly, cutting me off and continuing with her task without a single glance at me.

"No.  I mean... it wasn't what it sounded like."

She stopped harassing the bread and looked over at me, slightly bewildered.

"It wasn't?" she asked in disbelief.

I shrugged weakly.

She returned her attention to the bread.

"I don't care what that was about.  I'm just going to forget about it because it was obviously not meant for me to hear."

I wanted to protest and tell her to hear me out, but the problem was I had nothing to say.  There was no point saying "Listen to this great argument!" and then staying silent.  I drew my head up and went back to my task of fixing drinks.  We barely spoke three words to each other over the next few hours.  Things became busy again, and all we did was apologise twice for bumping into each other while scurrying around behind the counter looking for stamps and so on.

My shift ended at five-thirty, and whether she planned it or not, Kuniko was in the back refilling drinks in the fridge, so I didn't see her on my way out.  My replacement had arrived and he had greeted me sleepily, probably having just woken up from a nap.  I said goodbye to him and went home feeling irked.

Why couldn't Kuniko just not freak out?  And why did Aya let her answer the phone?  The more I thought about it, the more the image of those two began to aggravate my mind.  They had gotten along so well by teasing me, and then before I knew it, everything had gone out of control and the entire world had swerved and hit a tree, leaving behind smouldering mess of misshapen metal and a driver in critical condition.

I dragged my feet all the way to Aya's, not wanting to have to face her and tell her about what had happened right in front of her without her knowledge.

Her place was dark when I walked in, and for a moment I feared that she was trying to surprise me somehow.  However, when I turned on the lights, nobody jumped out at me or slinked up behind me, no music started playing, no changes came to the atmosphere of the room.  I was alone.  I was relieved but also curious. 

It was after I put my things down and sat down on the couch with a huge sigh that I noticed a note on the table.

I've had to go to the studio because they messed up my recordings for tomorrow's release.  I'll probably be there until very late, so please don't wait for me.  I tried calling you on your phone, but you've been out of service all afternoon.  Bye bye!

I took my phone out and groaned.  I'd forgotten that I'd cut the power after that dreadful incident.  I turned it back on and read the note again.  It was a godsend because I didn't really want to talk about what had happened, but it was at the same time bad because I had to talk about it.

I fell into a morbid mood all evening, and I shuffled around morosely, fixing myself some dinner, taking a bath, and planting myself in front of the television to watch dramas.  All I could think about was the look on Kuniko's face.  I'd never seen her so serious in front of me.  She'd looked at me as though we'd just met and she was keeping her distance.  I'd managed to completely freak her out.  I guess nobody was as understanding as Nakanoko-chan, who I started to miss dearly.

I got it in my mind to call my friend of eight years, so I spontaneously dialled her up.  Her phone rang eight times until the voice mail picked up. 

"Just calling to say hi.  You don't have to call back or anything.  Just drop me a message some time and tell me how things are going.  See you."

I didn't want to worry her with my problems, although maybe by leaving that kind of message, she'd know something was wrong.  I didn't usually leave messages like that.

Before going to bed, I wrote Aya a little note saying good night and that we'd talk in the morning.  I placed it on the pillow beside me so that she'd see it.  Then by ten-thirty, I was in my pyjamas and trying to fall asleep.

But all I could still see was Kuniko's serious face in my mind.  I could imagine what she was whispering to her friends and our colleagues.  I felt terribly helpless.

An hour later I still hadn't fallen asleep, but I was saved from my mental torture by my phone.  It was ringing.  I shot up and grabbed it, checking the display before answering, hoping it was Aya or Nakanoko.  But it was neither.  It was Kuniko.  I answered it immediately.

"Hello?" I mumbled, my voice a bit foggy from not having been used for several hours.

"Hi, Fujimocchan," came the uncertain greeting from the other end.


I wondered what she was calling about.  Maybe to ask questions.  Maybe to tell me she didn't want to be my friend.

"I'm, uh, sorry for today," she said quietly.

She was sorry?  For teasing me?  For picking up Aya's phone?  Or treating me like she didn't know me afterwards?

"Don't worry about it," I replied automatically.

"No, I kind of, um, freaked out, but I shouldn't have.  You just... uh, you surprised me with what you said."

Well, that was nice.  It was nice of her to call and apologise for treating me like a nobody.  But where did we stand?

"I..." I trailed off, not sure what I was supposed to say.  "I shouldn't have been saying those things while at work."

The hell??  That has nothing to do with it.  But if it helps smooth things over...

"I just didn't think that, er, you were friends with a celebrity," she jumped in again strongly.  "And I didn't think that she and you, uh, would have, like, that kind of, er, association..."

She ended weakly.

"Uh, you know... Kuni-chan.  She and I are just, uh... we're really good friends.  And we kind of took it to another level.  Kind of by accident.  I never even considered it before.  Seriously.  It's this weird thing between us."

I tried to explain, but I couldn't.  It just didn't make any sense.

"No, that's okay.  I mean... yeah, you don't have to explain," she said nervously.

"But I do," I insisted, thinking that by explaining, she wouldn't be so weirded out.  "Like... Imagine your soulmate happens to be your best friend.  That's what it's like."

I couldn't believe I had said something like that.  It was so stupid.  So unbelievable.  Soulmates didn't even exist.

"Yeah, I get it," she said hastily.

I could tell she was uncomfortable talking about it.

"But really... Just think about it," I encouraged her.

"I will.  Um, anyway, that's all I wanted to say.  I'll let you get back to sleep, or, um, whatever," she finished hastily, and I almost felt like rolling my eyes at her.

"Don't worry.  I'm alone right now and I was sleeping," I reassured her unnecessarily.


Awkward pause.  Awkward pause.  What to say...

"Oh, and, uh, you won't, um..." I trailed off.

"I won't go spouting off about the latest gossip, if that's what you're about to ask," she said firmly, reading my mind.

"Thanks, Kuni-chan," I said gratefully.

"It's pretty cool, though.  One of these days you'll have to tell me how you of all people met someone so famous.  I wouldn't have guessed it in a million years."

Things were starting to sound normal again between us, for which I let out a grateful mental sigh.

"A story that's not at all interesting," I confided in her.  "Not one bit."

"Well, one of these days.  Anyway, take care.  Good night."

"'Night.  See you later."

We ended the call.

Somehow, when things in my life started to look down, they'd perk right back up.  A few hours ago, I'd thought I'd lost a friend.  It turned out that it was not so.  Maybe there was something lucky about me deciding to come to Tokyo.  Maybe it was my lucky year.  Either way I looked at it, I was starting to believe more strongly in the power of New Year fortunes.

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Re: Restart (Love x ∞ Part II)
« Reply #117 on: July 14, 2007, 01:08:26 AM »
Meeting of Kuniko and Aya !! Of course they bond by embarrassing Miki. :lol:  I was a bit worried about Miki there, I really enjoyed her threat by the way (hehe), but Kuniko was a good person to talk things over and get the topic cleared between them.

小川麻琴Dance Dance Suru no da!

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Re: Restart (Love x ∞ Part II)
« Reply #118 on: July 14, 2007, 07:31:40 AM »
I went on and on about Tsuyoshi and Katherine and their wonderfulness, and about Kuniko The Lesser and Ohashi the Ass and their horridness.
I love the nicknames she gives the two jerks. :lol:

Kuniko The Greater and I got to work together a lot, which was nice because she kept me sane.  Sort of.  She'd do and say childish things and I'd ignore her or badmouth her, and then we'd laugh.  If one didn't know, one would think we really were sisters.  She made working at a convenience store not as terrible as it could be.
Quite often, it's not just the work itself, but the people that you work with that will really determine whether or not you like your job and do it well. Nice to see that Miki and KunikoTG click well. :)

Back at home, my parents complained about missing me.  They called me and told me the house was quiet without me, and that even Baachan had been around complaining that her new hired help wasn't half as good as I had been.  But they were happy to hear that I was finding my way, although I could hear the disappointment in my father's silence when I told him I was working as a secretary at a record label.  "My daughter can do better than that," he probably thought.

My mother gave me an update about everyone I knew, including Hiroshi, who I surprisingly hadn't thought of in weeks.  His birthday had passed, and I had, as he had requested, not phoned or e-mailed him.  My mom told me he had come by to the house twice just to chat with my parents, and my mother's evaluation was that he missed me like crazy and wanted me to come back.
As is to be expected, everyone back home misses Miki.  Nice to see that Hiroshi still feels comfortable enough to visit Miki's folks, even if they parted badly.

It must be particularly hard for Baachan. She and Miki worked together for so long, they both knew how the other worked so well.  It's hard to no longer have that and to have to get used to a new rhythm with someone completely different (wonder who it was that she hired anyway?).

As for dad...of course she can...and she will, just you wait. :yep:

I stood firmly on my decision, though, and told my mother that if he wanted to contact me, he could go ahead.  I'd be glad to talk to him.  But I wasn't going to go back to the way things had been before.
Miki's doing the right thing by leaving it up to Hiroshi as to whether or not they get in contact again.  Something big like this, no matter how much you may want it to happen, shouldn't be pushed considering how things were when they last spoke to each other. He still needs time to really believe that Miki's doing what she really wants, and that like she said, while she would really like to be friends, that they can never go beyond that.

I checked the display and there was Fukuda's name.

"Boss," I mumbled aloud, clearing my throat and answering.  "Hello!"

"Fujimoto-sama-sama!!" he cried as if the world was ending.
He called her FUJIMOTO-SAMA-SAMA!!! :rofl:

"Yes, Fuku-chan?" I said cheekily.

I'd learned over the weeks that Fukuda didn't mind joking around, so when he praised him, we lowered his status.  I'd never heard of a boss as easygoing as him, but I thanked my lucky stars.
Cool, sounds like Fukuda's not a creep after all. Nice to see that he's not that "stuck-up" type of boss that can make you hate coming in to work.

"Hasegawa-san has caught Avian Influenza.  Can you please come and do his eleven-thirty shift?"

I almost burst out laughing.  Avian flu?! 
How the hell...:dunno: On second thought, nevermind. :lol:

"Sure thing.  Let me get out of bed and I'll be right over," I said, stifling my laughter.

"Are you with your boyfriend?!" Fukuda demanded suddenly.

He was young, but he seemed more like my father than a jealous suitor.  He was married, after all, and he was extremely loyal to his wife and his one year old daughter.

"No, I am not with my boyfriend," I said loudly and clearly into the phone, looking at Aya pointedly.

She smirked back at me.

"Good.  You're too precious of a girl to go around getting knocked up by random strangers from this city," he huffed defensively.  "Tokyo men are all pigs.  You hear me?  All of them.  So be careful!"
Awwww...he feels protective of her?   :oops:  Since Miki says he's a young-ish guy, he probably thinks of her more like she's a younger sister than a daughter.

"But aren't you from Tokyo?" I asked sweetly.

There was a stiff silence.

"With a few exceptions," he amended weakly.
Oops. Point, Miki-sama-sama. XD

My relaxing morning with Aya may have been interrupted, but I'd gotten plenty of sleep and plenty of cuddling (which I still refused to admit that I liked) and was thus in an excellent mood.

"Someone's happy today," Kuniko called out from the counter.  "And I'm sure it has nothing to with lettuce."

I put the salad down and turned to face her.

"You know when you wake up in the morning and you're just in a good mood for no reason?  Like... when you feel like you're on top of the world?"

Kuniko nodded.

"That's how I felt this morning," I told her.

I went back to my job.

"Are you sure nothing else happened?  Like last night or anything?" she pressed on.
Uh-oh...KunikoTG can sense the "rabu-rabu" in the air from Miki.

"Hey, when am I going to meet this Aya-chan of yours?  You know we love to party.  There are lots of opportunities to bring her along."

I couldn't pretend not to have heard.  I had to answer.
Damn, this is going to be tricky/complicated. KunikoTG is just being friendly and just wants to meet some more potential friends. After all, if Miki was friends with her, she can't be all bad, right? But it isn't like Miki can say "Aya-chan can't come because she's at some dinner function for her record-label."

"You're no fun," she deadpanned, walking back to the front.

I huffed out a sigh.  I didn't want her to become genuinely angry or anything.

"Maybe next week," I said because I could stop myself.

I was too nice.  Her face lit up brilliantly.

"Really?  You mean it?"

"Maybe," I repeated with a glower.  "She's busy."
Oh crap, Miki just grabbed a shovel.

"Why do you want to meet her so much anyway?" I grumbled as I tried to shake her off.

"Because she seems really nice, and you seem to get along with her very well.  I want to see what kind of person you look for in a best friend so that I have a shot," she giggled.


"Okay, okay," I conceded.  "You can come over next week and hang out with us."
Miki...put down the shovel. :O

We heard the door open as a customer walked in, and Kuniko detached herself from me (she was still holding me in a very awkward bear hug that had seriously begun to annoy me), and I pushed her away towards the drinks as I made my way down the aisle to go and greet the customer and man the front.

"Welco-" I started and then pulled back in surprise, a huge smile gracing my lips.  "Aya-chan..."
Well, looks like Miki might not have to worry after all, as KunikoTG might just meet Aya right here and now.  Just wondering though, Aya's got her "public" stuff on right? You know, hat & sunglasses so that they don't get recognized? If they do meet right here and now, would KunikoTG realize who she's talking with? If they don't meet, will Miki tell Aya about how they're supposed to have visitors next week?


"Fujimocchan, friend of yours?" Kuniko asked, suddenly walking up from behind Aya.

"Kuniko," I muttered under my breath.

She had noticed us chatting and had come along being her nosey self.  Aya smirked at the nickname and turned around, making Kuniko stop in her tracks.


She obviously recognised her.
And here we go...moment of truth time.  :mon innocent:

"So you're this Kuniko I've been hearing about every day, non-stop through e-mails, phone calls, and face-to-face conversations," Aya said, smiling pleasantly.

I winced in my head.

Way to lay it on thick, Aya.

"You're Aya-chan?!" Kuniko blurted out in surprise.

Aya raised an eyebrow and looked at me.  I shrugged.

"On the outside she seems like a quiet, cool girl, but Miki-chan really likes to talk about her friends, doesn't she?" Aya said to Kuniko.

"Oh my god, she doesn't shut up about you!" Kuniko laughed, suddenly seeming to be completely at ease with the megastar.  "Aya-chan this, Aya-chan that."

"And about you, too!" Aya agreed, and they shared a laugh.

I was bewildered, angry, surprised, and delighted.  They got along instantly, but they had bonded over teasing me.
Wow, they get along. Kuniko's not all starstruck spazzy and Aya's not shying away either. That's a good thing, isn't it?

Well, considering that they're getting along because they're both teasing Miki probably isn't that great for Miki...but oh well, things could be worse. :bigdeal:

I walked off and they didn't notice.  What a couple of nimrods!!

I went to the back room, picked up my phone, and dialled Aya's number.  Three rings later (and I heard the music from her ringer coming from the store), she picked up.

"You are in so much trouble when we get home, Aya.  I'm going to tie you up and make you scream.  I'm going to drown you next time we take a bath together.  I'll never let you kiss me they way you like to again," I threatened, letting loose before she could say a word.

There was a deathly silence on the line, and I wondered if she'd taken me seriously.

"Um, let me hand you over to her," said Kuniko's quiet voice, all traces of joking gone from it.
Remember how I just said things could be worse?  :banghead:

I had to start some major damage control.  I had to get Aya out of the store and I had to talk to Kuniko.

I walked out of the back room.  Aya was putting away her phone and Kuniko was studying something on the shelf.  Aya saw me and called out.

"Hey, our hero's back.  You hung up on Kuni-chan here," she smirked.

Obviously, Kuniko hadn't told her what I'd said.
Kuniko's probably still in shock over what Miki (inadvertently) had told her. It's one thing to find out that one of your friends hangs out with a celebrity, but to find out that they're "more than friends"? That's one mighty big pill to swallow.

Aya left, followed by the customer, and then it was just me and Kuniko all alone. 


"Listen," I started awkwardly.  "That was-"

"None of my business," Kuniko said curtly, cutting me off and continuing with her task without a single glance at me.

"No.  I mean... it wasn't what it sounded like."


"I don't care what that was about.  I'm just going to forget about it because it was obviously not meant for me to hear."
Well...she might not be freakING out, but Kuniko is definitely freaked out by what she just heard. The fact that she knows that she shouldn't have been hearing it in the first place just makes things even more awkward.  Kuniko's just stumbled upon potentially the BIGGEST gossip story of the year...and she actually knows the people involved in it.  What's she going to do?

I've had to go to the studio because they messed up my recordings for tomorrow's release.  I'll probably be there until very late, so please don't wait for me.  I tried calling you on your phone, but you've been out of service all afternoon.  Bye bye!

I took my phone out and groaned.  I'd forgotten that I'd cut the power after that dreadful incident.  I turned it back on and read the note again.  It was a godsend because I didn't really want to talk about what had happened, but it was at the same time bad because I had to talk about it.
Indeed. Aya needs to know what happened, as she's directly involved in this. Hell, it was HER phone that Miki was calling.

Then by ten-thirty, I was in my pyjamas and trying to fall asleep.

But all I could still see was Kuniko's serious face in my mind.  I could imagine what she was whispering to her friends and our colleagues.  I felt terribly helpless.

An hour later I still hadn't fallen asleep, but I was saved from my mental torture by my phone. 


It was Kuniko.  I answered it immediately.

"Hello?" I mumbled, my voice a bit foggy from not having been used for several hours.

"Hi, Fujimocchan," came the uncertain greeting from the other end.


I wondered what she was calling about. 


I kind of, um, freaked out, but I shouldn't have.  You just... uh, you surprised me with what you said."


"I just didn't think that, er, you were friends with a celebrity," she jumped in again strongly.  "And I didn't think that she and you, uh, would have, like, that kind of, er, association..."

She ended weakly.
Strange, during that time they went partying at the clubs Kuniko didn't seem to have trouble with trying to find out details about Miki's personal (aka love) life. Now that she has, she's gotten more than she bargained for.  It's kind of sad, really, when you think about it. If she had met Miki's "boyfriend" she probably wouldn't have batted an eyelash at it. But because it's Miki's "girlfriend"'s like she hit a mental brick wall or was involved in a car wreck or something.  While it's understandable that this is undoubtedly something that requires time for Kuniko to process, she could have tried harder to not treat Miki the way she did.  She pretty much ditched Miki for the remainder of their shift, making Miki feel that much worse/embarrassed and scared that she might have seriously messed up both her own life as well as Aya's life and career.

"Uh, you know... Kuni-chan.  She and I are just, uh... we're really good friends.  And we kind of took it to another level.  Kind of by accident.  I never even considered it before.  Seriously.  It's this weird thing between us."

I tried to explain, but I couldn't.  It just didn't make any sense.

"No, that's okay.  I mean... yeah, you don't have to explain," she said nervously.

"But I do," I insisted, thinking that by explaining, she wouldn't be so weirded out.  "Like... Imagine your soulmate happens to be your best friend.  That's what it's like."
It's not like there's a prescribed response/explanation for a situation like this.  If there was, then love wouldn't have that magical spark that it does, it wouldn't have that power over us that it does.  I've said it before (most likely in response to another one of OTN1's stories), but love isn't always something that can be explained.  When you have it, you know it wholeheartedly. It's a feeling, a state of being, it's not something that can be itemized.  All Miki can do is try her best to convince Kuniko that what she and Aya have is real and hope that somehow, some way, Kuniko "gets it" and is willing to accept it.

"Oh, and, uh, you won't, um..." I trailed off.

"I won't go spouting off about the latest gossip, if that's what you're about to ask," she said firmly, reading my mind.

"Thanks, Kuni-chan," I said gratefully.

"It's pretty cool, though.  One of these days you'll have to tell me how you of all people met someone so famous.  I wouldn't have guessed it in a million years."
Well, this part of the conversation gives some hope.  Miki's asking her if she can trust her with a REALLY big secret. Kuniko must surely know what would happen to both Miki and Aya if this were to become the latest gossip news.  That last part shows Kuniko is at least trying to get past the "weirdness" of the situation and try to go back and continue the friendship that she and Miki share. She obviously considers Miki a pretty close friend and (otherwise she wouldn't have called her at all) and seems to get along splendidly with Aya. I personally really do want to trust and believe that Kuniko will keep her promise and keep this to herself. Regardless of what Miki and Aya do during their alone time together, Kuniko's right, it IS damn cool that Miki's friends with someone famous.

Now let's just hope that Aya doesn't freak out when Miki tells her what happened. :cry:

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

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Re: Restart (Love x ∞ Part II)
« Reply #119 on: July 14, 2007, 02:14:39 PM »
I laughed during the Kuni Aya meeting and then smacked my forehead at the misunderstanding. I really love how it was (mostly) resolved by the end of the chapter. Nice not to have hair tearing cliffhangers.

JPHiP Radio (17/200 @ 128 kbs)     Now playing: Aya Hirano - Monstar