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Author Topic: When Things Turn Gray [Final]  (Read 20945 times)

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Re: When Things Turn Gray [Day 08]
« Reply #40 on: July 06, 2007, 06:51:35 PM »
It's a noir story, people have to die...  Risa was the best choice for the story. 
Yeah, but it still sucks. :(

I parked the car at the beach. Maeda actually went out of the car by herself. She walked down the beach very slowly.
Koji had better not lose sight of her, lest she do something rash like try to drown herself in the ocean or something.

I told her about Maeda and Aichan listened without responding. She just sat herself next to Maeda. Maeda laid her arm around Aichan, although she actually didn't know what happened to her. It looked like it didn't really matter at that time.
Seems they realize that they're both in the same boat, caught up in something where they're just pawns/innocent victims. Under the circumstances, it's nice to know that you're not alone.

I was standing next to them, when suddenly my mobile rang, 'unknown'.


 A strange man was on the other line. 'We have to talk, it's important.', he said and wanted to pick up, but I was able to stop him before.


It could be a trap for all I know, but somehow his voice didn't sound like he was going to send me to a trap. There has been a certain connection I couldn't explain. All I know is that I wanted to meet him. I walked back to the girls and told them that I would have to go somewhere. 'It will probably only take thirteen minutes.', I said. The girls only nodded and continued to stare at the sea.
Maybe there's someone within Yentown and/or P2 who's like Koji, who finds the way that the gangs are using the girls to be distasteful. Koji could have an ally in this person.

Question is though, is it a good idea to leave the girls alone, unguarded like that?

He claimed that he knows why the boss wanted me to disappear. I became interested and asked him for the reason. The man continued and said that there is some kind of document. 'What kind of document?', I asked. 'It connects him with the murder of the former prime minister and that there is a relationship with the current prime minister, too.', the man replied.


 'Those documents, only you know where they are.', the man continued. I never heard of such documents and started to disbelieve him. It all started to sound like a made up story. 'I think I am wasting my time here.', I said and stood up. He grabbed my hand and gave me a sheet of paper. 'Your mother....your mother found the evidence. She gave it to you, Koji.', were his last words before I shook him off. 'Now he even started to bring in my parents', I thought. I went back to my car and drove off.
So the corruption goes all the way to the PM's office? But wait, how did Koji's mom come across these documents? Was she a government employee or something? Was she just "at the right/wrong place at the right/wrong time"?

And so Koji's supposed to know where they are? If she gave them to him, it was probably hidden in something else and he probably never knew that they were there. Of course, that little detail is unknown and to the new boss, it doesn't really matter. All he wants are the documents or Koji's head.

I saw one girl still sitting in the sand. It was Aichan and I ran towards her. The rain was really annoying. I asked her where Maeda went and she replied that she already left earlier to go back home. Aichan said that that Maeda had told her to say 'Thank you' for her.
Not sure if this would be the smartest move on Maeda's part. She should have at least let Koji take her there so that she'd have some protection instead of trying to make the trip on her own.

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

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Re: When Things Turn Gray [Day 08]
« Reply #41 on: July 06, 2007, 10:00:54 PM »
 :cry: :cry:
 :mon waterworks: :mon waterworks: :mon waterworks: :mon waterworks:
Risa!!!   Poor Ai-chan....

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Re: When Things Turn Gray [Day 09]
« Reply #42 on: July 08, 2007, 11:30:15 PM »
Day 9 - On the run

It is night and we are hiding in a cheap motel. I have a few wounds here and there, but nothing serious. Aichan is doing fine. She became really silent after the incident with Risa. I already found out that they were actually really good friends. Must be hard to loose somebody close right in front of your eyes. Anyway, back to what happened. You probably want to know why we are hiding in a motel and what happened over the last two days since the scene at the beach.

The rain stopped while we continued looking at the rising sun. Aichan actually fell asleep on my shoulder, when I suddenly heard some noise behind us. I turned around and saw four men checking my car. It didn't take much time for them to see us at the beach. They look like they want something from me. I laid down Aichan carefully, with the jacket as pillow.

Only two of them were approaching me.
'What do you want?'
One man answered with a punch towards my face, but I was fast enough to dodge. I took his arm, went behind him and kicked into the hollow of his knee to force him on his knees. The other one kicked me into the stomach so that I had to let loose off of him. Another left blow hit me. I dodged the next punch and punched him into the face. He had no cover at all anymore and so I dealt a few blows to his body. The last punch went right into his face again and he went to the ground. The other man wanted to attack me again, but with an aimed kick I was able to finish him quickly. Suddenly a shot hit the sand right next to me. 'Stop it!', one man at the car shouted. I turned my head to Aichan who got awoken by the shot. The man is so stupid enough to look to her, too. I picked my gun and shot him within less than three seconds. The fourth and last man was taking cover behind the car. It was a freshman. He was too scarred to put his head out of the cover. I silently moved towards the car and surprised him when I grabbed his neck. I threw him to the ground, pointing the gun at his head.

'Who are you?', I asked.
- Please don't kill me!
'You better talk then.'
- Okay okay...
'Who are you?'
- We are from Yentown gang.
'Yentown Brothers?'
- Yes.
'Impossible', I pressed the gun at his head.
- Pleas please...I am telling the truth.
'What do you want from me?'
- I don't know the details, but the boss wants you.
- I said I don't know the details.

I put away the gun, giving him his moment of relief and then I knocked him out. 'Sorry, but I can't let you remain on your feed for now.', I said to his unconscious body.

Aichan was confused. I walked to her and calmed her down. There was nothing to worry about anymore. 'We should leave from this place.', I told her. We drove for a while before I had to stop at a gas station. Then we hit the road west. Aichan wanted to go home, but I wasn't really sure whether this was clever or not. Somewhere between Nagano and Gifu I heard something in the radio that worried me.

"Police raided the place of a man who abused Mitsui Aika, a girl from Morning Musume. He also kidnapped another girl of the same group, Takahashi Ai. All traces seem to lead to this one man who's name is Tsukamoto Koji. The suspect is still on the run and any lead will be appreciated."

So now I have three big groups as enemies. The police, Yentown Brothers and P2. Aichan agreed that it would be too dangerous to drive to her family now, since they probably guard it now. In Gifu I decided to turn to Osaka. We made a short stop in Ōgaki to eat. Later we continued towards Osaka. After a second stop in Moriyama we finally reached Osaka. I searched for a cheap motel. All my cards have probably been blocked anyway. We stayed over night and the whole next day. I needed time to think. We need money and some kind of solution to all the mess. There was a really small balcony where nobody could look into and Aichan spent the whole day there. I have been lying on the bed, trying to understand everything. All channels on TV shows a really bad picture of me. With this they won't identify me for sure. I wonder if this has been made up by the boss as well. Anyway, nothing special happened that day.

These were the last two days. You now know why we are hiding in a cheap motel. Aichan has been silent almost the whole time. I wonder what she really is thinking and what is going on in her mind right now.

'Tomorrow I have to come up with something.', I thought.

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Re: When Things Turn Gray [Day 09]
« Reply #43 on: July 09, 2007, 05:36:18 AM »
The rain stopped while we continued looking at the rising sun. Aichan actually fell asleep on my shoulder, when I suddenly heard some noise behind us. I turned around and saw four men checking my car. It didn't take much time for them to see us at the beach. They look like they want something from me.
Considering the circumstances, they're likely to be either from the P2 gang, looking for Maeda, or they're from Yentown. If they're from the latter they could either be under orders from the new boss to either kill or get the info on where that item is from Koji, or they might actually be guys that are going to help him help Aichan. :O

Only two of them were approaching me.
'What do you want?'
One man answered with a punch towards my face, but I was fast enough to dodge.
Well, so much for my theory that they're here to help Koji. :dizzy:

'Who are you?'
- We are from Yentown gang.
'Yentown Brothers?'


- I don't know the details, but the boss wants you.
Hmmm...either the boss is laying out some type of trap...or he's going to try to negotiate with Koji to find that item.  :mon unsure:

Somewhere between Nagano and Gifu I heard something in the radio that worried me.

"Police raided the place of a man who abused Mitsui Aika, a girl from Morning Musume. He also kidnapped another girl of the same group, Takahashi Ai. All traces seem to lead to this one man who's name is Tsukamoto Koji. The suspect is still on the run and any lead will be appreciated."


All channels on TV shows a really bad picture of me. With this they won't identify me for sure. I wonder if this has been made up by the boss as well.
Heh, the boss must have connections in the police and/or the media to be able to get this announced as news. Now all of Japan will be keeping an eye out for the two of them.  Koji seems like a pretty smart guy, but he sure didn't realize one thing. Right now he shouldn't be worried so much about whether the news reports show a good picture of him.  Remember that he's being framed as having kidnapped Aichan, an idol who appears on TV on a daily basis! While the picture of Koji might be bad, they'll still have to try their best to lay low and stay out of sight, considering how well-known Aichan's face is going to be.

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

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Re: When Things Turn Gray [Day 10~1]
« Reply #44 on: July 11, 2007, 12:32:37 PM »
Day 10 - The Basement...

This day started like the last two days. It was around midday and Aichan was still sleeping. I sat at the other half of the bed and tried to come up with a solution. Then I had an idea. There is some old friend here in Osaka. I know it is risky to get in contact with anyone right now, but I have to try my luck or otherwise I would have to hide for a long time. Aichan didn't notice that I was leaving and I also didn't want to wake her up. She understands the whole situation and is clever enough to not talk to anyone.

I drove through Osaka on the search of a certain house. It has been a long time since I have been here. The man I wanted to meet was a Yentown Brother as well. When I was young he played with Kazuaki and me. He was one of the nice people there. Short after the new boss took over the lead, he left the group. All I knew is that he continued doing stuff with gambling and drugs, but nothing big. Soon I found the house.

It looked pretty average and maybe a bit run-down. I didn't know whether he was still there or if I could trust him. This is why I have been careful enough to pick my gun and walk around the house. It looked like nobody lives in this house anymore. 'Damn', I thought, when suddenly the back door opened. I quickly aimed at the person. He was carrying a big box and I couldn't see his face. 'Sho?', I asked. He suddenly stopped and didn't move. Then he threw away the box, pulled his gun and quickly aimed towards my direction. We both were standing in front of each other, with the pistols aimed at each others head. Now I was able to see his face, it was Sho.

'Koji?', he asked. I nodded and the tension started to lower until we both simultaneously put away our guns. It looked like he didn't want catch or kill me. He started to laugh and hugged me. First I was a bit surprised, but quickly lost my last doubts. We went inside and I understood why the house looked like nobody lived there. He lives here, but only in the basement. The whole house is empty. I went downstairs and saw the huge basement. It's bigger than the house. I wondered why he lives in the basement and asked him about his current work. Sho replied that he indeed is doing some stuff in gambling and some business in the drug scene. He said that the gambling scene can be pretty cruel and that he needs to live in the basement to protect himself and his family. 'Family?', I asked. He has a wife and two kids, but I didn't see them anywhere. 'They are not here', he said. Whatever, I didn't really care anyway.

I told him about my situation and he already heard a bit about the mess. He agreed with my actions and couldn't believe what happened to the Yentown Brothers. 'It was good that I left as early as possible', he said, 'but I am sorry that I didn't take you with me.'. I asked him if he knows why the boss would do such a thing. He acted oddly when I asked about it. I told him to be honest, but it looked he doesn't want to answer to this question. Maybe I became a bit aggressive, but I wanted to know the truth.

'Stop it!', somebody else interrupted me. I was surprised. Was this a trap? Did Sho betray me? Suddenly a man walked into the room. It was the old man from the roadhouse a few days ago. I drew my weapon and asked Sho why he betrayed me. He claimed that he didn't betray me. The old man told me to calm down. 'Koji, please. He isn't your enemy.', Sho said. I didn't trust the old man, but I trusted Sho. 'Sho..', I said. Sho repeated the same again, told me to trust him and to calm down. 'Fine', I thought, 'It's only an old man.'. The old man walked towards me. 'Stay there', I told him.

"What are you doing here?", I asked the old man.
- I came here for the same reason you came here. -, he replied.
"I don't understand."
~ Yentown is behind him ~, Sho said.
"Yentown? What is this about?"
- You remember what I told you earlier? -
"Yeah..", I answered in an ignorant way.
- I know it sounded weird, but you have to trust me. -, he said and came closer.
"I don't know why I should trust you.", I told him with a serious look.
- But.. -, he stopped and stepped back.
"You are probably only a spy."
- Koji -
"You have no right to call me by my first name!", I shouted at him.
- You have to trust me or... -
"..or what?", I asked with a doubtful look.
- ..or I don't know what will happen to your sister. -

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Re: When Things Turn Gray [Day 10~1]
« Reply #45 on: July 11, 2007, 06:59:53 PM »
Short after the new boss took over the lead, he left the group. All I knew is that he continued doing stuff with gambling and drugs, but nothing big. Soon I found the house.
I'm somewhat surprised that he was allowed to just leave like that, especially considering that a new boss had just taken over. Usually they wouldn't let anyone leave because it's too big of a risk that they might go to a rival gang. If they were allowed to leave, often they'd wind up dead soon after.  The fact that this guy was allowed to leave and could still possibly be alive might be signs of some type of deal/agreement that he came to with the new boss.

We went inside and I understood why the house looked like nobody lived there. He lives here, but only in the basement. The whole house is empty.
Probably for protection. If he lives up in the actual house, he'd be a potential target for drive-by shootings and the like.

He said that the gambling scene can be pretty cruel and that he needs to live in the basement to protect himself and his family. 'Family?', I asked. He has a wife and two kids, but I didn't see them anywhere. 'They are not here', he said.
They're probably living somewhere else in another part of the country, so that other gangs wouldn't know about their existance. A gangster's family is just one big liability if the wrong people were to find out about them.

Suddenly a man walked into the room. It was the old man from the roadhouse a few days ago.


"What are you doing here?", I asked the old man.
- I came here for the same reason you came here. -, he replied.


- You remember what I told you earlier? -
"Yeah..", I answered in an ignorant way.


- You have to trust me or... -
"..or what?", I asked with a doubtful look.
- ..or I don't know what will happen to your sister. -
WHA? Koji has a sister??? :OMG:

How does the old man know about her? Does/did Koji know know about her? :dunno:
« Last Edit: July 13, 2007, 12:22:55 AM by JFC »

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

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Re: When Things Turn Gray [Day 10~2]
« Reply #46 on: July 12, 2007, 12:03:01 PM »
JFC, my only comment writer  :luvluv2:  :lol:


Day 10 - ...of answers

- You have to trust me or... -
"..or what?", I asked with a doubtful look.
- ..or I don't know what will happen to your sister. -

First I was kind of shocked, but soon started to hate this man for lying to me. Who did he think is to tell much such a bad joke. The conversation turned into a louder argument. He tried to convince me, but I didn't believe any of his words. Sho had been quiet the whole time. I turned to him and asked him who the fuck this old man was. He didn't want to answer and turned towards the man. The old man just nodded and suddenly Sho started to talk. 'The man...., he is your father.', he said. Alright, now what was this. This totally sounded like a movie cliché. First my newly found sister and then my presumed dead father. The whole situation was only a joke. I told Sho to stop messing around with me and tell me the truth. The only odd thing was that I have been the only one laughing. The whole thing freaked me out. I grabbed the old man by the throat and pushed him against a wall. 'You better tell me the truth now.', I told him. He only looked in my eyes and said: 'Koji..'. Suddenly doubts started to fill me. This is impossible, no way this is true. However, I let loose off him. Sho came to me and clapped me on my shoulder. 'It's really true', he told me again. First I only looked to the ground, then I looked at the man again. 'Father?', I silently asked. 'Yes', he answered. Now I was only able to think of one thing: 'I need a drink'. The only problem was that I don't drink.

We all three sat down again. The old man, who said he was my father, tried to calm me down and to explain everything. During the shooting, when I was six, he had been shot as well, but somehow the doctors managed to bring him back and stabilized him. All he heard was that my mother had been dead at the scene already. He couldn't come out of the background, because of the documents he told me some days ago. They both actually have been shot because of those. He continued his explanation, but I interrupted him with the question: 'Who.....who is my sister?'. The man was a bit surprised that I asked this out of the blue, but he understood how I must have felt. 'This is where I am trying to get to, please listen to everything', he replied and continued his explanation. My parents actually lead the Yentown Brothers together with the old boss. They were really good friends. The special thing about their leadership was that they actually only fought against the other criminals. This earned them contacts within the government. The government liked that an organized gang was on their side and fought against the real criminals. They were aware that the police wasn't strong enough and that they couldn't smirch their own hands with illegal acts. Then some years later, the group of our new boss assassinated the prime minister for whatever reasons. Of course, the Yentown Brothers had been told to destroy this gang and find out their motives. My mother actually completely solved the whole mystery. She thought it would be the safest to hide the documents somewhere until they would need them, but was attacked soon afterwards.

'Why didn't you do anything with the documents and what about my sister?', I asked. 'I don't know where the documents are.', he replied. Right, in the roadhouse he already told me about it. My mother supposedly gave them to me, although I never heard of them. The man, my father, told me that it probably is related to something precious to me, some present my mother gave me or something like that. I really tried to think of anything, but I couldn't. 'About your sister', he continued, 'she had been born when you were around two years old.'. 'Two years younger than me? And why did I never get to know her?', I asked. 'She was a girl and your mother thought it would be safer to give her away. She would have been too weak to survive in this milieu.', he answered. They almost did the same with me, but they didn't give me away. All they did was hide me. Up until today I never knew that they have been some kind of criminals. They tried to protect and hide me from this milieu as well. Afterwards he said that my mother regularly visited her with the highest possible caution. Nobody ever found out about her, until after my mothers death. The old boss struggled to keep up the strength of the Yentown Brothers. The new boss now found out about those documents somehow and fought the Yentown Brothers wherever they could.

After they took over the gang, my father tried his best to keep us both out of the mess. My father still had friends in the gang and so he managed to destroy most leads. Soon they got a problem. My sister joined an idol group. This brought her unnecessary attention. The new boss soon found some links between a girl in the group called Morning Musume and my parents. My father wasn't able to hide everything anymore. All they could do was to give one last false lead. This plan worked out, but the new boss found out about that my father was alive a few days ago. Now he was on the run. The new boss was smart enough to consider any false lead or information from him. They went through every detail again. This is how he finally found out about me, the son of the woman who found out the truth behind everything. Since then, the boss tried to catch me or to kill me on the spot.

I almost understood everything, but one thing still bothered me. 'You said something about a false lead.', I said. 'The boss knew it was a girl in this group, but he didn't know which one. We gave him false hints, leading him to the wrong girl.', he replied.

"Now finally tell me, who is my sister?", I became curious.
- Her current name is Kamei Eri. -
"Kamei Eri? I know her."
- I know -
"So, this is my sister?"
- Yes, but neither she nor the boss know. -
"When did he find out about my sister?"
- I think this has been about 2 weeks ago.
"2 weeks ago...."
- Yes, I think this is right. -
"And the false lead leads to?"
- Her name is Takahashi Ai. -
"Takaha...........Takahashi Ai?"
- Exactly.
"Damn, I should have known this."
- Why? Sorry if I ask, but I haven't been able to control everything since I have been on the run. -
"The new boss gave me the order to protect her and Morning Musume, 10 days ago."
- Really?
"This means that P2 found out about the documents and my sister."
- P2? They found out? That's bad.
~ They probably want the documents to take over the Yentown Brothers. ~, Sho mentioned.
- Probably.
"Now almost everything makes sense."
~ You said you are protecting this girl, Takahashi Ai?
"Yes, why?"
~ Then...where is she?

He was right. If the story was true, then she is be in high danger. We left the basement and the house. Sho drove back to Aichan with me, while my father left to get more information.

"I still can't believe the whole thing, my father, my sister....why now all of a sudden...why so fast...", I thought and started the engine.

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Re: When Things Turn Gray [Day 10~2]
« Reply #47 on: July 13, 2007, 02:55:51 AM »
Well, someone has to. :D

Sho had been quiet the whole time. I turned to him and asked him who the fuck this old man was. He didn't want to answer and turned towards the man. The old man just nodded and suddenly Sho started to talk. 'The man...., he is your father.', he said. Alright, now what was this. This totally sounded like a movie cliché. First my newly found sister and then my presumed dead father.

So Koji's father is not dead, AND he has a "long-lost" sister that he just found out about.  I'm having a total Star Wars flashback right now.

Old man/Vader -->    <-- Koji/Luke

During the shooting, when I was six, he had been shot as well, but somehow the doctors managed to bring him back and stabilized him. All he heard was that my mother had been dead at the scene already. He couldn't come out of the background, because of the documents he told me some days ago. They both actually have been shot because of those.
Obvious question now is, does dear old dad know were the documents are? Or might he know of some clue that might help Koji figure out where they are?

My parents actually lead the Yentown Brothers together with the old boss. They were really good friends. The special thing about their leadership was that they actually only fought against the other criminals. This earned them contacts within the government. The government liked that an organized gang was on their side and fought against the real criminals. They were aware that the police wasn't strong enough and that they couldn't smirch their own hands with illegal acts.
Interesting...a "good" group of gangsters. Who'd have thunk it? :bigdeal:  The Prime Minister must have been one of the few actual government connections that they had back then. After all, it would have been a big risk on his part if word were to spread that the government was actually in business with organized gangs (regardless of whatever said gangs were actually doing/not doing).

Then some years later, the group of our new boss assassinated the prime minister for whatever reasons. Of course, the Yentown Brothers had been told to destroy this gang and find out their motives. My mother actually completely solved the whole mystery. She thought it would be the safest to hide the documents somewhere until they would need them, but was attacked soon afterwards.
Well, that explains why they were attacked.

'Why didn't you do anything with the documents and what about my sister?', I asked. 'I don't know where the documents are.', he replied. Right, in the roadhouse he already told me about it. My mother supposedly gave them to me, although I never heard of them. The man, my father, told me that it probably is related to something precious to me, some present my mother gave me or something like that.
Maybe it's in some childhood toy or momento of Koji's.  Of course, if Koji has gotten rid of everything from his youth, then everyone is pretty much screwed.

'About your sister', he continued, 'she had been born when you were around two years old.'. 'Two years younger than me? And why did I never get to know her?', I asked. 'She was a girl and your mother thought it would be safer to give her away. She would have been too weak to survive in this milieu.', he answered. They almost did the same with me, but they didn't give me away. All they did was hide me. Up until today I never knew that they have been some kind of criminals. They tried to protect and hide me from this milieu as well.
Okay, that definitely makes sense, from a parental point of view. Granted, they probably would have had to come up with some type of cover story (like the baby girl had died) if anyone else in the gang or from other gangs knew that Koji's mom was pregnant again.  And this, of course is based on the assumption that other people other than the old boss actually knew that she and Koji's dad were members of Yentown.

My father still had friends in the gang and so he managed to destroy most leads. Soon they got a problem. My sister joined an idol group. This brought her unnecessary attention. The new boss soon found some links between a girl in the group called Morning Musume and my parents.
What the hell, does that mean...Aichan is Koji's sister??? Fuck, he watched her undress too!  :stunned:

My father wasn't able to hide everything anymore. All they could do was to give one last false lead.


I almost understood everything, but one thing still bothered me. 'You said something about a false lead.', I said. 'The boss knew it was a girl in this group, but he didn't know which one. We gave him false hints, leading him to the wrong girl.', he replied.
False lead? The wrong girl?  So that must mean that Aichan is NOT his sister!  Damn that old man!  :angry:  While I can understand a father's wish to protect his daughter, it still doesn't make what he did right. He put deliberately put Aichan in danger KNOWING that she was completely innocent. Question now is, if Aichan isn't Koji's sister, who is? :dunno:

"Now finally tell me, who is my sister?", I became curious.
- Her current name is Kamei Eri. -
EHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH??!?!?!?? :shock: :shock: :shock:

"So, this is my sister?"
- Yes, but neither she nor the boss know. -
"When did he find out about my sister?"
- I think this has been about 2 weeks ago.
"2 weeks ago...."
- Yes, I think this is right. -
That would make it just a few days before Koji was "assigned" to protect Aichan. The new boss might suspect that if Koji knows where the documents are, his sister might too.

"This means that P2 found out about the documents and my sister."
- P2? They found out? That's bad.
~ They probably want the documents to take over the Yentown Brothers. ~, Sho mentioned.
- Probably.
P2's plan must be to capture the two of them together, tell Koji that she was his sister (if he didn't already know), and then threaten her life to get him to reveal where the documents were. :O  Boom, instant blackmail material for a hostile takeover of Yentown.
« Last Edit: July 13, 2007, 02:58:38 AM by JFC »

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

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Re: When Things Turn Gray [Day 10~2]
« Reply #48 on: July 13, 2007, 09:19:06 AM »
I admit it, I have been reading this but have been too lazy to comment. I'll smack myself right now. I promise I'll get off my butt and start commenting :P

Gosh Kamei is Koji's sister????? Man this is really unexpected.

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Re: When Things Turn Gray [Day 11]
« Reply #49 on: July 19, 2007, 10:44:02 PM »
Exams are going on my nerves and this is why there is a lack of updates recently, sorry.

Day 11 - The clever one

There I am, hiding with Sho somewhere in Tokyo. It's five in the morning and we try our best to come up with a plan. You probably want to know for what we need a plan. I have to explain what happened after we drove off from Sho's place to answer this question.

As I already told you, Sho accompanied me back to the motel. I drove into the street of the motel and saw a police car standing in front of it. Something must have went wrong, somehow they found us. Sho told me to calm down. In his opinion it wasn't sure whether the police is there to get him or not. I drove past the motel, but could nothing see inside. We decided to park the car in a side-street. First I wanted to check the situation, but Sho advised me not to do it. Instead he went out of the car and peaked around the corner. The police didn't want him, so it was more safe this way. However, I couldn't just sit in the car. I did't want to sit in the dark while Sho examined the situation. This is the reason why I walked over there, too. Sho was surprised and told me to at least stay in the back.

I was fine with this. The first couple of minutes nothing happened. I decided to call Aichan on her mobile. It took a while until she picked up the phone. She said hello and it sounded like something was wrong. Suddenly Sho pushed me to the side. 'One man looked out of the window', he said. He described me from which window. Now it was clear. The police was there to get me. Aichan was still on the phone, but I covered it so they wouldn't hear Sho and me talking. I took the phone again and tried to sound normal. She asked me where I am and when I would come back. Her voice sounded shaky. I told her to wait a second. 'We have to get her out of there.', I told Sho, but he didn't agree. 'This could be real police men.', he said, 'Do you really want to fight with them?'. He was right. There was no dead certainty that those men belong to Yentown Brothers. Sho came up with a plan to find this out. 'Tell them that you are in Tokyo and can't come back in the next two days.', he said. I didn't get it. Sho quickly explained it to me. The real police would drive her to medical, police station or her parents. They missed their chance to make a trap for me and wouldn't want to let her suffer any longer. This sounded logical to me. I took my mobile again and excused myself for the wait. Then I told her the exact same words Sho told me before. I am in Tokyo and can't come back for the next couple of days. She asked me whether I am sure. After a short dialog I ended the call and hung up. Now we had to wait.

Soon the men walked out together with Aichan. Sho peaked around the corner. They were driving off. We decided to follow them. They were driving out of Osaka, but there was still the possibility of them driving her back home. Later they changed direction towards Tokyo. Fukui is in a complete different direction. Now Sho and me were sure about them. They were on the payroll of the boss. I wanted to do something, but it was too dangerous. An attack on the driving car could put Aichan in danger as well. We had to remain following them. In Tokyo they drove to an area belonging to the Yentown Brothers. I stopped the car a few meters away. So far they didn't spot us. Once again Sho stopped me doing something stupid. I wanted to rush inside and free her, but we had no plan and not that many weapons. It would be a suicide mission. At least we know where they brought her. We drove out of this area and parked somewhere near the warehouses at the harbor.

Sho suggested to call my father, but he didn't have his number. My father actually visited him short before I came. They had no time to trade numbers. I couldn't believe it. How should we get more information then. Suddenly I remembered something. I got his number earlier. He gave it to me in the roadhouse. Where did I put it? I threw it at my backseat. We both checked the back of my car to find his number and we were successful. I dialed it and waited. Soon he picked up the phone. He asked us where we were and I explained him what happened. Unfortunately he didn't have any big information for us. All he had been able to find out was that the boss of P2 and the current boss of the Yentown Brothers were friends a long time ago. This didn't really help us. We tried to come up with a plan the whole night long.

I already told you that's five in the morning now. We are still thinking of how to solve the whole mess. Sho tells me to remember about things related to the documents. Somehow we should at least get them. I can't remember anything special. There is also no way to go back home to check the few things I kept since my childhood.

- So we don't have the documents. -, Sho said.


- But what if me make the others believe that we have? -

"What do you mean?"

- We will lay out a bait. -

My phone rings: "It's him."

- The boss? -
- Tell him you gave the documents to P2. -


- Just do it! -

I take the call: "Yes?"

~ Koji..Koji...Koji.. ~, the boss himself is on the phone.

"What do you want?"

~ We haven't spoken for a while.. ~

"Stop the chitchat!"
"What do you want?"

~ We have your sister. ~


~ Yes. ~
~ Tell us where the documents are and we will release her. ~

"What documents?", I act like I don't know.

~ You know exactly what documents I mean. ~
~ Don't play around or I will hurt her myself. ~

"Alright, alright."
"..but I still can't give them to you."

~ You can't? ~

"I don't have them."

~ Boy, stop fooling around. ~

"I gave them to P2."

~ You didn't. ~
~ You wouldn't. ~

"You should better believe me."

~ Proof it! ~

I turn to Sho: "He wants me to proof it."

- Tell him that I am from P2. -

"I...somebody from P2 is with me right now. He can confirm it."

~ Give him to me. ~

I hand the mobile to Sho: "Here you go."

- Yes? -

~ You are from P2? ~

- Yes -
- Listen, our boss still sees you as a friend. He doesn't want to completely destroy you. Let us meet and we can discuss the details. -

~ Why should I believe that you are from P2? ~

- Believe it or not, but we will meet at the warehouse A37F in the harbor of Tokyo. Tomorrow six in the morning. Be there or not.

Sho hangs up the phone. He was really good. His cleverness is as good as in the old days. As a child I always looked up at him for being so smart, but never really became smart or clever. The warehouse is right there and we check out the inside. It's perfect. He continues to explain the details of the plan to me.

Later we called P2 and told them that we would want to give the documents to them. They had doubts, but the documents were a too good bait. We agreed to meet. The same warehouse and the same time. That was Sho's plan. An unexpected confrontation of the two big gangs of Tokyo, with us as the winners in the end.

'Hopefully it will really work out', I thought.
« Last Edit: July 20, 2007, 12:29:10 PM by HPriest »

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Re: When Things Turn Gray [Day 11]
« Reply #50 on: July 20, 2007, 12:41:20 AM »
>__< Sorry, haven't had much time to comment..only a bit to read the chapters, stupid me -_-" and even now, not going to be able to comment much..

Anyways, O____O KAMEI IS KOJI'S SISTER?!?! It's a good thing that she doesn't know..yet (I'm assuming that she'll find out in  a future chapter). I wonder if Kamei will find out somehow and start looking for her long-lost brother. That would be interesting if she became some intense gangster and just started kicking ASS! =D

O_____O THEY'VE GOT TAKAHASHI?! Koji MUST save her!

I have a weird feeling that in the end, Sho will backstab Koji. X_x Please don't let that happen?

Don't worry HPriest, there's always more than one, just...busy -_- [poofs away in a puff of smoke]

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Re: When Things Turn Gray [Day 11]
« Reply #51 on: July 20, 2007, 01:02:45 AM »
Thanks for the comment.

Don't worry HPriest, there's always more than one, just...busy -_- [poofs away in a puff of smoke]

I guess so....I will just keep on posting new chapters... :)
Last test of my month of exams will be in a week...until then I am not sure how often I will be able to update the fics

Anyway, look forward for the next episodes!  :yep:

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Re: When Things Turn Gray [Day 11]
« Reply #52 on: July 20, 2007, 05:08:59 AM »
Sho accompanied me back to the motel. I drove into the street of the motel and saw a police car standing in front of it. Something must have went wrong, somehow they found us. Sho told me to calm down. In his opinion it wasn't sure whether the police is there to get him or not. I drove past the motel, but could nothing see inside.
It could be that the cops are there for something completely unrelated to Koji. If it turns out that they ARE there for Koji, then the next question is...who sent them, Yentown or P2?

First I wanted to check the situation, but Sho advised me not to do it. Instead he went out of the car and peaked around the corner. The police didn't want him, so it was more safe this way. However, I couldn't just sit in the car. I didn't want to sit in the dark while Sho examined the situation. This is the reason why I walked over there, too. Sho was surprised and told me to at least stay in the back.
Indeed, Koji needs to remember that he needs to lay low. Sho (as far as we know) isn't a target yet for Yentown or P2, so it should be ok for him to look around a bit (so long as he doesn't look too suspicious or otherwise draw attention to himself).

Also, did the cops find Aichan there? :?

I decided to call Aichan on her mobile. It took a while until she picked up the phone. She said hello and it sounded like something was wrong. Suddenly Sho pushed me to the side. 'One man looked out of the window', he said. He described me from which window. Now it was clear. The police was there to get me.
Whoa, someone must've tipped them off that they were there.  They must be there in the room with Aichan, and are trying to get her to get Koji to reveal where he is so that they can apprehend him.  Again the question is, are these cops legit or are they from one of the two gangs?

Sho came up with a plan to find this out. 'Tell them that you are in Tokyo and can't come back in the next two days.', he said. I didn't get it. Sho quickly explained it to me. The real police would drive her to medical, police station or her parents. They missed their chance to make a trap for me and wouldn't want to let her suffer any longer. This sounded logical to me.
Makes sense. If these cops are legit, they would contact their counterparts in Tokyo and tell them to continue their search for him there. Aichan would have done her civic duty and helped a police investigation, and thus they'd proceed to see that she gets medical attention. If, however, these guys are from one of the two gangs, they'll likely go to Tokyo themselves to personally continue to search for him.

Soon the men walked out together with Aichan. Sho peaked around the corner. They were driving off. We decided to follow them. They were driving out of Osaka, but there was still the possibility of them driving her back home. Later they changed direction towards Tokyo. Fukui is in a complete different direction. Now Sho and me were sure about them. They were on the payroll of the boss. I wanted to do something, but it was too dangerous. An attack on the driving car could put Aichan in danger as well. We had to remain following them. In Tokyo they drove to an area belonging to the Yentown Brothers.
Damn. Well, at least now we know who Koji's going to have to deal with.

Sho suggested to call my father, but he didn't have his number.


Unfortunately he didn't have any big information for us. All he had been able to find out was that the boss of P2 and the current boss of the Yentown Brothers were friends a long time ago. This didn't really help us. We tried to come up with a plan the whole night long.
Well it might not be able to help right now, but it could prove to be interesting and maybe even important in the future.

- So we don't have the documents. -, Sho said.


- But what if me make the others believe that we have? -

"What do you mean?"

- We will lay out a bait. -


- Tell him you gave the documents to P2. -
Try to bluff their way through? That's really risky, particularly when they don't even know what the actual documents actually look like. Not really sure about the wisdom about this, especially when they're also risking Aichan's life in this gamble.

~ We have your sister. ~


~ Yes. ~
~ Tell us where the documents are and we will release her. ~
Well, at least they're still under the false impression that Aichan is Koji's sister, that means that Eri's safe so they only have to worry about 1 innocent life.

"I gave them to P2."

~ You didn't. ~
~ You wouldn't. ~
Here it is, will the boss call Koji's bluff?

~ Proof it! ~

I turn to Sho: "He wants me to proof it."

- Tell him that I am from P2. -

"I...somebody from P2 is with me right now. He can confirm it."

~ Give him to me. ~

I hand the mobile to Sho: "Here you go."

- Yes? -

~ You are from P2? ~

- Yes -
- Listen, our boss still sees you as a friend. He doesn't want to completely destroy you. Let us meet and we can discuss the details. -
Ooooooooooooooooooooh, quick thinking on Sho's part. And he used the little trivia bit that they got from Koji's dad too. Nice touch, not everyone's likely to know that the two bosses used to be friends.  :thumbsup

~ Why should I believe that you are from P2? ~

- Believe it or not, but we will meet at the warehouse A37F in the harbor of Tokyo. Tomorrow six in the morning. Be there or not.
If the boss really wants those documents, he doesn't really have much of a choice now, does he? Either way, he'll be at that warehouse.

Later we called P2 and told them that we would want to give the documents to them. They had doubts, but the documents were a too good bait. We agreed to meet. The same warehouse and the same time. That was Sho's plan. An unexpected confrontation of the two big gangs of Tokyo, with us as the winners in the end.

'Hopefully it will really work out', I thought.
Hey, as long as Sho doesn't betray Koji and they get Aichan out of there safely, the Yentowners and P2'ers can blow themselves away for all I care. :yep:

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

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Re: When Things Turn Gray [Day 12]
« Reply #53 on: August 02, 2007, 01:21:09 AM »
Day 12 - The time, our the spectator...

It's almost six in the morning. About one day ago we started to develop the plan. I am actually a bit nervous. There are so many things you can't calculate. Sho has more faith in his plan. Yesterday we tried to erase most of the possible surprises. We made fake documents, thought about stories I could tell them and other things. There was one thing that bothered me the most, the lack of weapons. It's hard for Sho to get nice weapons fast, he is only a small gangster now. I wouldn't be able to get them either. Most of the people I know are working for the boss. I also started to worry about the health of Aichan. Somehow I had to make sure that she would be okay after today. I phoned the only person I could trust, Kazuaki.

He was surprised to hear from me. It was no secret that I am the enemy number one for the boss. Still, I knew that I could trust him. Kazuaki first had to go somewhere more quiet. It would be a risk for him, if somebody found it. Then we could talk. I told him about the plan and he also thought that it was too risky. However, there was no other better alternative, at least not for me. I told him that he would have to be the person, holding Aichan today. He wasn't sure whether he would be able to arrange it or not. Anyway, Kazuaki wouldn't just let me down like this. I knew that he would try everything to get into the position near her. Today will be the day, when I found out whether he was able or not. One of those things that were hard to plan. The whole plan is built on a really shaky basis. In the end it's me who has to do everything. Sho never was a fighter. He will stay in the background, affirming my made up stories. It's almost six...


About thirteen minutes passed. None of them showed up on time. They both try to turn the sides by letting me wait. They both want to be the side, making the conditions. Anyway, I can finally see a couple of cars approaching from the distance. Sho isn't with me anymore. He hides somewhere safe, near the phone. Everything is ready. I become calmer now. It would be bad, if I showed insecurity. I may not let them turn over the situation. I am the game-master, my decisions decide the outcome.


The cars were further away than I thought. It took a couple of minutes for them to arrive.....the Yentown Brothers. There still is no sight of P2 anywhere. They definitely are keeping me waiting. The boss steps out of the car. Stepping out of the last car I see Aichan. Kazuaki is with her, so far it looks good. 'Let's go inside', I tell them. Such things shouldn't be done in public. The warehouse is almost completely empty. A few pillars here and there and two containers. All in all very spacious. Still no P2 in sight.


After a few minutes of silence, the boss finally starts to talk. 'So...where are the documents and where is P2?', he asks. I tell him to wait, but the situations seems weird for him. He probably only thinks that this could be a trap. The situation is still relaxed, but spicy. A couple of minutes pass. 'You didn't give them the documents, am I right?', the boss suddenly asks. I gulp, but stay cool. I tell him that he is wrong, making it clear who the game-master is. Aichan is looking at me with big eyes. They taped her mouth and tied up her hands. She sure is frightened. Next to her is Kazuaki. He looks nervous. I turn my eyes away before somebody else notices. The situation starts to become more uncomfortable. Where the fuck is P2?


More minutes passed and the boss is becoming impatient. It sure looks like a big joke or trap. Suddenly he walks back and grabs Aichan. Kazuaki can't do anything for now. It's too early and he knows this. The boss starts to threaten me. Slowly the sides start to turn. It's exactly what I have been afraid of, but it's still under control.

- "What the hell is this? Why am I here? Where are those fucking documents?", he asks and holds a gun against Aichan's head.

> "Relax..", I answer.

- "Let's test whether you gave the documents to them or not..", he arms the pistol.

> "Wait, you are right.", I answer as planned.

- "I knew it. Where are they?"

> "Not here."

- "Not here?"

> "A friend of me has them. He will give them to the police when he doesn't hear from me."

- "A friend?"

> "Yes."

> "Do you mean him?", he asks.

Another man brings in Sho, seriously beaten up. Alright, now the sides are really turning. I didn't count on him finding Sho. Sho's eyes says 'Sorry', he sure looks bad. 'He had no documents', the boss continues. Now the pressure is on me. He now presses the gun harder against her head, shouting at me.

> "Alright, alright...", I make it sound like I give in.

- "What?"

> "Here they are.", I show him the faked documents.

Those documents are my last trump. He can't see whether they are real or not. I am too far away from him. It's all depending on whether he believes me or not. So far it looks good. His hand that holds gun starts to relax a bit. He wants to see the documents, of course. I am suggesting an exchange. The boss doesn't really like the idea, but he has to consider that they are real. He has more men anyway and agrees to the exchange. Aichan for the documents, we both would let go of them at the same time. Slowly we start to approach each other. His men are nervous and have their hands near their guns. After the exchange I have to be fast and protect Aichan.


We almost reached each other, when suddenly P2 enters the warehouse. 'Stop right there', the leader of P2 interrupts. The whole situation now becomes a powder keg. P2 enters with with their weapons aimed at us. In turn, all men of the boss also draw their weapons. Now both sides are aiming at each other, with me between them. I still have the documents and the boss is too far away to just grab them. The exchange has been canceled. I almost had her. 'I knew this was going to be a trap. I might not know the details, but I know that you will give those documents to us.', P2's leader says in a very confident way. I am a bit confused. Why is he so confident? Is there something I didn't calculate? 'Why do you think so?', the boss asks. He also gives Aichan back to Kazuaki to have a free hand for his weapon. I am relieved and look back to P2, only to be more worried than before.

They really have Eri. I am surprised and shocked at the same time. Did he really find out about my real sister?

~ "Do you recognize her?", he asks me. I can't or don't want to answer.

- "What's with her?", the boss asks.

~ "Unlike you, I have his real sister."

And so it's out now. He really knows and the boss now knows, too. Of course, he first is a bit confused. After all he thinks that he had my sister. Well, he probably still thinks this way and believes that P2 is bluffing. The boss tries to get an affirmation from me, but I don't want to say anything. I am busy with thinking. What now? I am under pressure from two sides and I don't even have the real documents myself. With the real documents I would be able to maybe count on the protection of one of the gangs, but I have nothing to buy me this protection. They probably wouldn't protect me anyway and one girl would suffer this way anyway. I am really in a bad situation right now. The only end I see is a bloody one, but then there would be no security for anyone inside of this hall. Anyway, so far they both still think that I have the real documents.

I look at Kazuaki, asking him with my eyes whether I can trust him or not. He slightly nods. I can see in his eyes that he is with me and ready. Sho is lying on the ground and has no weapon at all. However, he understands the situation and also nods at me when I look at him. Time seems to stand still and seems to look at the whole situation like an excited spectator, loaded with tension. Slowly I turn towards P2. Eri looks extremely scared. She probably doesn't even understand the situation at all. I can't blame her. Step by step I walk towards the leader of P2. The boss becomes angry. He wants to grab Aichan again, but this time Kazuaki doesn't let him take her. The boss is confused, but has no time to do anything. I already reached the leader. He walked towards me as well. I don't have to explain the rules for the exchange to him. He releases Eri and I give him the documents. I grab and drag her to the side. The boss now is more than angry. He aims the gun at the leader of P2. The men of P2 themselves aim at the boss. Of course, the boss' men aim at P2. The powder keg is going to explode. Everyone knows it. It's only a matter of time. The leader still has time to look through the documents. What he sees are a few senseless pages written with "Word" and photocopies of a couple of pages of some idol magazine from a kiosk. Everything may have seemed like a long period of time, but it actually only took seconds from the exchange to the realization that the documents are fake.

Now many things happen at the same time now. The leader of P2 becomes angry at me. I can't see his face, but he probably doesn't look too happy. I look back and see the leader aiming at me. At the same time the boss opens the fire. As a result, the members of P2 start their fire as well. It doesn't take long until the response of the men of Yentown Brothers. The leader shoots at me, but to my luck he got shot short before. The shot still hits me and I fall to the ground together with Eri. It wasn't a deadly hit and so I am still able to draw my gun to protect Eri. Everyone who hasn't been shot yet searches for cover. A couple of men already got shot during the first confrontation. Earlier, Sho had been able to knock out the man close to him and picked up his weapon. I am not able to see Kazuaki or Aichan. Sho helps Eri and me to get cover behind one of those containers. The random shooting is decreasing. The first bloodbath is over and now turns into a static fight. However, it's still hectic.

> "I can't see Kazuaki! Can you see Aichan?", I ask Sho in an extremely worried way.

- "No..", he silently replies. His injuries really look serious now that I am closer to him.

> "Are you okay?", I ask Eri and take of the tape.

~ ".....y....yes.."

- "DAMN!", Sho comments. There are shots everywhere and it's almost impossible to look out of the cover.

~ "Are....are you really my brother?"

> "I...."

- "Do you think it's a good time to discuss this now?", Sho interrupts me.

> "Yes, I am your brother.", I continue.

~ "....really..?!..."

> "I know it's hard to believe.."

- "I think Kazuaki is behind the other container!", Sho says after shooting a couple of times.

> "Really?", I try to peek around the corner.

~ " are bleeding!"

> "Hm? Oh, this. It's nothing, really."

~ "Here, take this.", Eri says.

She is taking out her handkerchief, but I refuse. It's no serious wound, although it's bleeding like hell. It must be the adrenalin that causes me to think this way. However, she surprisingly presses it against the wound to stop the bleeding. I am surprised and stopped shooting. Sho can't understand how she can be so calm in such a situation. I myself only look at her without saying a word. A warm feeling is inside of me I haven't felt for a long time. It's not the same like when I am together with Aichan, more like when my mother were caressing and singing me to the sleep. The shooting around me wasn't important anymore. I started to ignore it and only looked at Eri. 'Wait a minute', I interrupted myself, 'singing me to the sleep? That's it!', I thought, when suddenly Sho gets shot in the shoulder and falls to the ground. I check and ask him whether he is okay or not. Sho can't say much, he has enough strength left to tell me one thing. 'I....called the police....they will arrive soon...they will end this planned..', he says and becomes unconscious. This means that he already started "Plan B". That's no problem, it's actually very smart, but there is one thing I am worried about. How am I going to get Sho,Kazuaki,Aichan,Eri and me out of here before they arrive? Suddenly I hear a female scream and it didn't come from Eri.

"AICHAN?!", I said and jumped up.

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Re: When Things Turn Gray [Day 12]
« Reply #54 on: August 02, 2007, 05:31:38 AM »
There was one thing that bothered me the most, the lack of weapons. It's hard for Sho to get nice weapons fast, he is only a small gangster now.
They also have to be discreet about it. If they make it known that they're looking for weapons, then it'll be easier for them to be found.

I phoned the only person I could trust, Kazuaki.


 I told him that he would have to be the person, holding Aichan today. He wasn't sure whether he would be able to arrange it or not. Anyway, Kazuaki wouldn't just let me down like this. I knew that he would try everything to get into the position near her.
Well, let's hope that his faith in Kazuaki is justified. If things get ugly, Koji might not be able to protect Aichan, he needs to have someone on his side that will get her out of harm's way.

None of them showed up on time. They both try to turn the sides by letting me wait. They both want to be the side, making the conditions. Anyway, I can finally see a couple of cars approaching from the distance. Sho isn't with me anymore. He hides somewhere safe, near the phone. Everything is ready. I become calmer now. It would be bad, if I showed insecurity. I may not let them turn over the situation. I am the game-master, my decisions decide the outcome.
In order for this plan to work, Koji has to portray this air that he's calm and that he knows what he's doing. Any sign of hesitation or nervousness on his part, and both gangs will be able to see right through him.

It took a couple of minutes for them to arrive.....the Yentown Brothers. There still is no sight of P2 anywhere.
If I was P2, I would have my men secretly surround the building, silently observing what's going on inside. That way, none of them have to be out in the open, and if needed, they can catch Koji and Yentown off guard with a surprise ambush.

More minutes passed and the boss is becoming impatient. It sure looks like a big joke or trap. Suddenly he walks back and grabs Aichan. Kazuaki can't do anything for now.


> "A friend of me has them. He will give them to the police when he doesn't hear from me."

- "A friend?"

> "Yes."

> "Do you mean him?", he asks.

Another man brings in Sho, seriously beaten up.
Hmmm...before their arrival Yentown could have been driving around a bit, scouting the area and looking for anything/anyone suspicious. One of them must have spotted Sho (and possibly even recognized him), and put 2 + 2 together.  If that's the case then the boss will believe that it was all a setup and he'll push Koji to give him the documents.

> "Alright, alright...", I make it sound like I give in.

- "What?"

> "Here they are.", I show him the faked documents.

Those documents are my last trump. He can't see whether they are real or not. I am too far away from him. It's all depending on whether he believes me or not. So far it looks good. His hand that holds gun starts to relax a bit. He wants to see the documents, of course. I am suggesting an exchange. The boss doesn't really like the idea, but he has to consider that they are real. He has more men anyway and agrees to the exchange. Aichan for the documents, we both would let go of them at the same time. Slowly we start to approach each other. His men are nervous and have their hands near their guns. After the exchange I have to be fast and protect Aichan.
Koji must realize that the boss will double-cross him the first chance he gets.  Can he really depend on Kazuaki to turn on the gang and protect Aichan?

We almost reached each other, when suddenly P2 enters the warehouse. 'Stop right there', the leader of P2 interrupts. The whole situation now becomes a powder keg.
Either P2 has lousy timing, OR they actually planned it this way. By waiting until the documents were out in the open, if they could hold off everyone else then it would be easy for them to get them, as well as eliminate some of the competition.

They...have Eri. I am surprised and shocked at the same time. Did he really find out about my real sister?

~ "Do you recognize her?", he asks me. I can't or don't want to answer.

- "What's with her?", the boss asks.

~ "Unlike you, I have his real sister."
What? But how did he know? The only people that we know of that knew this fact were Koji, Sho, Koji's dad, and if Koji told him the WHOLE story, Kazuaki.  Does P2 have a mole within Yentown? Have they been able to observe Koji or the others without being discovered?

And so it's out now. He really knows and the boss now knows, too. Of course, he first is a bit confused. After all he thinks that he had my sister. Well, he probably still thinks this way and believes that P2 is bluffing. The boss tries to get an affirmation from me, but I don't want to say anything.
Koji must not "confirm" that Aichan's not his real sister. If he does, she'll instantly become expendable and will likely be shot on the spot since she would no longer be of any use to the boss.

I look at Kazuaki, asking him with my eyes whether I can trust him or not. He slightly nods. I can see in his eyes that he is with me and ready. Sho is lying on the ground and has no weapon at all. However, he understands the situation and also nods at me when I look at him.
Looks like it's "do or die" time.

Step by step I walk towards the leader of P2.


He releases Eri and I give him the documents. I grab and drag her to the side. The boss now is more than angry. He aims the gun at the leader of P2. The men of P2 themselves aim at the boss. Of course, the boss' men aim at P2. The powder keg is going to explode. Everyone knows it. It's only a matter of time.
Question is, who'll start the shooting, and who will they be shooting at?

The leader still has time to look through the documents. What he sees are a few senseless pages written with "Word" and photocopies of a couple of pages of some idol magazine from a kiosk. Everything may have seemed like a long period of time, but it actually only took seconds from the exchange to the realization that the documents are fake.
Oh for fuck's sake. If you're going to cook up some fake documents, at least have the sense to make them look SOMEWHAT realistic.  :banghead:

The longer you can keep the opponent's attention occupied with it, the better it is for you.

The leader of P2 becomes angry at me. I can't see his face, but he probably doesn't look too happy.


The leader shoots at me, but to my luck he got shot short before. The shot still hits me and I fall to the ground together with Eri. It wasn't a deadly hit and so I am still able to draw my gun to protect Eri.
Amongst all of this, I couldn't help but wonder if P2 told Eri before their arrival that Koji was her brother? For her this must undoubtedly be a really bad, confusing dream.

I am not able to see Kazuaki or Aichan.


> "I can't see Kazuaki! Can you see Aichan?", I ask Sho in an extremely worried way.
Thank goodness he didn't let the boss take Aichan that second time. With any luck he got her behind one of those containers or somewhere else where they're protected for the time being.

> "Are you okay?", I ask Eri and take of the tape.

~ ".....y....yes.."


~ "Are....are you really my brother?"

> "I...."

- "Do you think it's a good time to discuss this now?", Sho interrupts me.

> "Yes, I am your brother.", I continue.

~ "....really..?!..."
In one sense, Eri might actually be happy that she now know's she has a brother. But on the other hand, brother or not, what kind of person is he if he's involved in something like this?

A warm feeling is inside of me I haven't felt for a long time. It's not the same like when I am together with Aichan, more like when my mother were caressing and singing me to the sleep. The shooting around me wasn't important anymore. I started to ignore it and only looked at Eri. 'Wait a minute', I interrupted myself, 'singing me to the sleep? That's it!',
The key to finding the documents could be hidden in the lyrics of one of the songs that Koji's mom used when she sung Koji to sleep!!! :o

suddenly Sho gets shot in the shoulder and falls to the ground. I check and ask him whether he is okay or not. Sho can't say much, he has enough strength left to tell me one thing. 'I....called the police....they will arrive soon...they will end this planned..', he says and becomes unconscious. This means that he already started "Plan B".
"Plan B" must be to have the gang members arrested, so they could potentially be charged and put on trial. But if that was "Plan B", then what was "Plan A"???

How am I going to get Sho,Kazuaki,Aichan,Eri and me out of here before they arrive?
It would probably be best if they weren't there when the cops arrive, because with cops, come the press. And if they find out that Eri is Koji's little sister, and they find out what Koji is and what he's done in the will make her life extremely difficult, not to mention the fact that she'll become even MORE of a target for other yakuza/gangs out there in Japan.

Suddenly I hear a female scream and it didn't come from Eri.

"AICHAN?!", I said and jumped up.
Shit, either Kazuaki has double-crossed Koji and is now holding Aichan hostage, or he's somehow been incapacitated by one of the two gangs, who now have Aichan hostage.

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

Offline HPriest

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Re: When Things Turn Gray [Final]
« Reply #55 on: August 13, 2007, 01:40:18 AM »
(Final) End of two Weeks - Part One: Getting Out

Something must have happened, but I don't know what. I have to get to Aichan and Kazuaki as fast as possible. It's still war inside of the warehouse. The container is giving us a good cover. Sho and I have been shot already, but at least Eri seems to be unharmed. I should try to call for Kazuaki. "KAZUAKI?", I shout into the hall, but get no response. "AICHAN?", but no answer as well. I'm getting nervous and Sho notices it. Somehow I have to come up with a plan. I look at the container and spot the wheels. "It has rolls!", I say. Sho is getting curious, "What are you going to do?". My plan is to walk over to the others with the container as moving cover. Sho doesn't seem to be too confident with the plan. Anyway, I check how heavy the container is. It seems to be okay; we should be able to roll it. We would only have to cover the other side where we are not covered. Sho looks like he is still able to use a weapon. Eri would have to stay close behind me to use me as cover. Sho thinks that's too risky, when suddenly a ricochet stripes Eri and hits the container. I quickly pull her to me. Thank god, it's only a little scratch. I look at Sho. He finally agrees with the plan. We both check the clip of our pistols and get ready to roll. Eri will stay in the middle, me being right in front of her. Sho will give the container a quick push and then jump behind it as well. I would have done it, if they didn't shoot in my leg. 3-2-1-PUSH! The container starts rolling. Sho quickly jumps behind the cover. From the side we can push it good enough to keep it rolling; one hand pushing it, one hand to shoot. From the other side we can hear the impacts at the container. We are now without any cover from this side. We are lucky that most aren't able to move out of his cover. *Bang*, I hit one. Sho also shoots a couple of bullets. We are almost there. The plan really worked out. Nobody was able to shoot at us. Sho is the first to jump behind the pillar. He covers us so we can follow him easily. One jump and we are behind the other container where Aichan and Kazuaki are.

This time Sho and I cover so that Eri can jump with out fear. It's longer than the jump before. Sho tells me to go next. I don't jump like Eri. It's too far away with only one person covering. I decide to slowly move and keep shooting. So far it works out. I can hear the bullets flying around me, but nobody is able to hit me. In the corner of my eye, I can see the container. One more step and I am there, but suddenly I get hit by a bullet. It went right through my arm and basically fall behind the container. I was too careless. Sho noticed the hit and asks me whether I am okay. After the first shock, I am okay again. I turn around to check on Aichan and Kazuaki, when I surprisingly notice that Aichan isn't here. Only Kazuaki lies there, but seems to be in big pain. I can see that he got shot multiple of times. Sho interrupts me again. He wants to come behind the container as well. I am confused and nervous about where Aichan could be, but first I have to do this. Eri is completely shaking and I tell her to stay low. I get up again and give Sho the "Okay" sign. Sho starts shooting and do the same to cover him. Unlike myself, he decides to move quickly and doesn't get hit. I move down behind the container again. First wants to make sure that I am alright again, but I tell him that I am okay. The wound definitely is serious, but I don't have the time to care about this now. I look into Eri's eyes and ask here if she got hurt, she shakes her head; good.

Kazuaki is becoming unconscious and I have to tell him to stay with me. I ask him where Aichan is. His voice is very weak. I move my ear close to his mouth..."The boss took here and ran away.". What? He escaped? Kazuaki points at the door a couple of meters away. Damn, what is the boss up to now? Whatever it is, I have to follow him. Somehow we have to get to the door as well, but it's a long distance without any cover. Sho thinks that it's impossible without getting hit. I know he is right, but I have to do it. Do I have to do it? Suddenly I start to question myself. I have to rescue Aichan, but doing this would put my sister and my friends into danger. Staying here also is no option. The shoot out is too dangerous and the police soon will storm the warehouse, but Kazuaki doesn't look like he will be able to move. I can't just let him here. "I....I will cover you....", Kazuaki stutters. "What? You are not even able to stand up.", Sho responds. He is right, but Kazuaki concentrates all his power to get up on his feet. "You are insane.", Sho says. He doesn't only mean Kazuaki, but all of us. Eri doesn't say a word. She probably isn't used to stand-offs. Of course she isn't. Anyway, the plan seems to be settled. Eri will go first and we three build a wall to protect her. "No!", Kazuaki interrupts. I am confused. "You will take Eri and go first. Sho will be close behind you. I'll do all the rest.", he explains. I can't accept this idea. "Look at me", he says, "I won't survive this day anyway." Damn it Kazuaki. You are putting me in one kind of a situation. Kazuaki stays stubborn and doesn't want to discuss about it. He even gets up, reveals his upper body and starts shooting at the others. "GO! NOW!", he orders us. I seriously don't know what to do. "Go now or they will kill us four!". Kazuaki....fine, I'll do as he say. I pick up Eri and wait for the right moment start sprinting, if there is a right moment. "GO!", Kazuaki shouts again and I go. My leg is hurt, but I try to ignore the pain to get us out of here quick. Sho is right behind us, providing a little cover. We reach the door without being hit. "Damn", Sho sighs. I look back and don't see Kazuaki anywhere. He really didn't follow us. I look through the door. He sits on the floor and reloads his pistol. Once again he looks at me and angrily tells me to go. Damn this asshole. Why is he doing this. He could have come with us.

My anger gets interrupted by the engine of a car. One car is driving off the warehouse; the boss. There is no other car around and I don't know what to do. Sho tells me to hurry and follow them. "And Eri?", I ask. "I will take care of her.", you should rescue Aichan. "Don't worry, I will take her somewhere safe.", he continues. I look at Eri. She might not understand everything, but she seems to realize that the life of Aichan is at stake. She looks at me and nods, signaling me that I should go. Alright then, I start to run. My car is at the front entrance and I have to run fast. I may not loose sight of his car or I won't be able to follow them. Quickly I jump into my car. I look back for a second and see that Sho is bringing Eri out of here. You can already hear the police in the distance. They have to hurry. I look back at the street. The car is still driving. I start the engine and follow them. They are still far away, but I was right in time to leave the harbor before the arrival of the police. Now it's only me against the boss.



(Final) End of two Weeks - Part Two: The Chase

I have no doubt that the boss already noticed me driving mirror. The police didn't see us and I can't spot any car following us. However, I don't know what to do. How to force him to stop without putting Aichan in danger? This is what puzzles my mind and we keep on driving this way for a while; me chasing him. We are driving on a long and quiet road. I don't know why, but I decide to put the car next to his. Maybe I only want to check on her condition, whether she is still alive or not. I keep the gun in my hand. Slowly I am getting the car right next to him, always keeping an eye on the street for possible traffic. Through the window I can only see Aichan sitting on the passenger seat. It looks like she is not conscious. The boss looks at me. He rams me, but I am able to maintain control of the car. He draws his gun and points it at me. I also aim at him. Nobody of us shoots, knowing that the other one will shoot back. We have difficulties keeping the car on track and concentrating on the other one. Suddenly I notice Aichan that Aichan looks at me from the passenger seat. I look right into her eyes. The boss doesn't look like he notices that she is awake. Aichan smiles at me and suddenly makes a serious face again. She grabs the steering wheel and quickly turns it to her. The car makes a hard turn and crashes into a parking car. My car is still at high speed. I immediately hit the brakes to make a quick stop.

I push the door open and decide to put the second gun in my pants additional to the one in my holster. After the first meters I can feel my leg again, but I can't stop. I keep hobbling to their car, but very slow. The boss steps out of the car and I quickly decide to hide behind another parking car. I can hear him swearing. He sees my car standing on the street and looks around, but doesn't seem to see me. Aichan is still in the car. I can't see how her condition is. The boss walks to her door and opens it. He pulls her out, she is alive and conscious, but seems to be in a bad condition. The impact must have been hard. Why did she do it? To help me? This is stupid.

"KOJI! I know you are here. Get out or I will kill her!", the boss shouts.

Do I have any other choice? - No.
I decide to show myself. Slowly I walk towards him. I already drew my gun when I was behind the car, but I am not pointing it at him. He presses the gun on her head, but aims at me when he sees me. This probably sounds stupid, but I have no plan. The boss aims the gun back at Aichan. He must have noticed my weapon.

"What now?", I ask him.

"She really isn't your sister?", he asks.

I look at Aichan, "No."

"So she is useless then.", he chokes her harder and places his finger on the trigger.

"You won't do it.", I say. We both know that he needs her to stay alive. I would kill him right after he kills her.

"Those documents were fake, right?", he asks.


"Damn it. I knew it."

I think I am getting tired, probably due to the loss of blood.
"Just release her. She has nothing to do with it."

"Do you think I am stupid?"

I better not answer on this question. It's no use to make him even more angry right now.
"Look, I will throw my gun to you.", I explain to him.

"I don't trust you!", is his reply. I can see the confusion in Aichan's eyes. My decisions don't really sound clever. She probably already realized what I am trying to do and doesn't agree with it at all.

"We both don't like each other, but we both know that we can trust in each others word.", I try it the diplomatic way.
"I'll throw away my gun and you will let her go. I will put my hands in the air so I won't have a chance to do anything."

"And then?", he becomes curious.

"Then you can kill me and with it any connection to the documents.", I answer.

They both are surprised. Aichan must think that I gone insane. I really don't have any intention to trick him. All I want is that he releases her. The thing about trusting his word was true. He is a man who's word you can trust.

"Okay.", he decides. Aichan panics.

I know what he is going to ask. He isn't as stupid as I though. It will be about Eri, my real sister.

"What about Eri?", he asks

See? I knew it. Now I have to act a bit to convince him.
"Eri...Eri is dead.", I say with sorrow and sadness.
I think I was good. Aichan seems to believe it.


"In the warehouse..I wasn't able to get her out of there fast enough. The police stormed it and everyone panicked. It was a mess and.....I wasn't able to....she is dead."

Of course, he takes his time to make a decision. I hope he decides to verify my story later.

"Alright, you have my word. You drop your weapon and I will release her.", he answers.


I prepare to throw it away and notice that his grab also relaxes. He will let her go. Then I throw away my weapon and the boss releases Aichan. She first wants to run to me, but the boss stops her. I look into her eyes and tell her to run. She doesn't want to go away, but she has to. I tell her that I will be fine, although I am full away of that he will kill me. There is the second gun in my pants, but I wouldn't want to put her in danger again. My attempt to kill him with the second gun could fail and then he would probably kill her. Aichan stills stands there between him and me. "GO!", I shout at her. She starts to cry, but I keep on persuading her to leave. She finally listens to my words and slowly starts to walk away.

The boss doesn't make any attempt to kill her like agreed. I look at him, knowing what is going to happen now. He points the gun at me. Bang, bang, bang..three shots, pushing me against the back of a car parking car. I keep on looking at Aichan while I slip down to the ground. She is about a hundred meters away, but stopped when hearing the shots. Everything becomes blurry. My head slides to the side, I am not able see anything anymore. Everything is dark, but I am still alive. People say that your can see your whole life passing, but they lie. You see nothing but black. I hear a voice. It's really low, but it's there. "...what if he lyed to me and this girl is his real sister...", is all I can understand. It's obvious who he means. Damn it. Why can't he just be satisfied with what he did. I can hear a weapon and are afraid of what he is going to do. It's painful like hell, but I concentrate all of what is left, open my eyes and see him aiming his gun at somebody. I try to move my head a bit. My view is slowly becoming clear again. I was right, it's Aichan. She is still standing 100meters away. He aims at her, this bastard. I pull the second weapon with my left hand. You can't imagine the pain I can feel in my body. I actually wish that I would be dead already. There is no way I can raise my arms. I have to aim while lying on the floor, almost unable to move anything. The strength is loosing me again. My tank is empty. Slowly it's becoming blurry again. The boss is asking her something, but I can't understand it anymore. I think I am aiming right at his head, but I am not sure. It doesn't matter. I shoot and everything turns blurry. There was one shot....or two? I don't know whether I was able to shoot him before he shot Aichan. Everything is turning black again. I.....I.....I....................................................... .



[10mins ago...]

*Beep* *Beep*
"Wait a second, I've got a message.", Sho says.
"It, it's from Koji."

"My brother?", Eri asks

#Please make sure they think that Eri is dead. Could you please also take care of Aichan. I don't know where she is. I won't contact you again... I am counting on you, Sho.#

Sho reads the message, "..'I am counting on you, Sho.'"
"What is he.....NO WAY!...He won't.....this stupid asshole!"

"What? Did something happen?", Eri is curious.

"No", Sho looks at Eri and makes a long pause, "no..... Lets get you out of here."

Eri feels that something isn't right, but decides to stay quiet until they are safe.


The End

PS: This was a long one. Please excuse any typos or grammatical mistakes.
The end is not satisfying? - Uh-huh...
« Last Edit: August 13, 2007, 01:42:25 AM by HPriest »

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Re: When Things Turn Gray [Final]
« Reply #56 on: August 14, 2007, 07:31:30 AM »
I look at the container and spot the wheels. "It has rolls!", I say. Sho is getting curious, "What are you going to do?". My plan is to walk over to the others with the container as moving cover. Sho doesn't seem to be too confident with the plan. Anyway, I check how heavy the container is. It seems to be okay; we should be able to roll it.
Question is though, is it strong enough that it will provide sufficient protection?

The plan really worked out. Nobody was able to shoot at us. Sho is the first to jump behind the pillar. He covers us so we can follow him easily. One jump and we are behind the other container where Aichan and Kazuaki are.
So then Kazuaki didn't double-cross them and Aichan's okay, right? But then, why'd she scream like that?

I turn around to check on Aichan and Kazuaki, when I surprisingly notice that Aichan isn't here. Only Kazuaki lies there, but seems to be in big pain. I can see that he got shot multiple of times. Sho interrupts me again. He wants to come behind the container as well. I am confused and nervous about where Aichan could be, but first I have to do this.
Oh shit, so Aichan's NOT there. That means someone from one of the gangs got her, but which one?

Kazuaki is becoming unconscious and I have to tell him to stay with me. I ask him where Aichan is. His voice is very weak. I move my ear close to his mouth..."The boss took here and ran away.". What? He escaped? Kazuaki points at the door a couple of meters away. Damn, what is the boss up to now? Whatever it is, I have to follow him.
The boss must still believe that he can get the documents from Koji and plans on forcing the issue by threatening to kill Aichan right there.

I have to rescue Aichan, but doing this would put my sister and my friends into danger. Staying here also is no option. The shoot out is too dangerous and the police soon will storm the warehouse, but Kazuaki doesn't look like he will be able to move. I can't just let him here. "I....I will cover you....", Kazuaki stutters. "What? You are not even able to stand up.", Sho responds. He is right, but Kazuaki concentrates all his power to get up on his feet. "You are insane.", Sho says. He doesn't only mean Kazuaki, but all of us. Eri doesn't say a word. She probably isn't used to stand-offs. Of course she isn't. Anyway, the plan seems to be settled. Eri will go first and we three build a wall to protect her. "No!", Kazuaki interrupts. I am confused. "You will take Eri and go first. Sho will be close behind you. I'll do all the rest.", he explains. I can't accept this idea. "Look at me", he says, "I won't survive this day anyway." Damn it Kazuaki.
Kazuaki must have pretty severe wounds (chances are he knows it). As much as it sucks, his plan is the best thing that they can do right now. He said it himself, he's likely going to be dead either way before this whole fiasco is done.  By drawing fire and covering their escape, Kazuaki will be doing what he can to protect the three of them as best he can while they make their way to the doorway. 

"GO!", Kazuaki shouts again and I go. My leg is hurt, but I try to ignore the pain to get us out of here quick. Sho is right behind us, providing a little cover. We reach the door without being hit. "Damn", Sho sighs. I look back and don't see Kazuaki anywhere. He really didn't follow us. I look through the door. He sits on the floor and reloads his pistol. Once again he looks at me and angrily tells me to go. Damn this asshole. Why is he doing this. He could have come with us.
If he did, then there'd be no one left to stop the others that are still there from following them through the doorway and ambushing them from behind.  Kazuaki did what needed to be done.

My anger gets interrupted by the engine of a car. One car is driving off the warehouse; the boss. There is no other car around and I don't know what to do. Sho tells me to hurry and follow them. "And Eri?", I ask. "I will take care of her.", you should rescue Aichan. "Don't worry, I will take her somewhere safe.", he continues. I look at Eri. She might not understand everything, but she seems to realize that the life of Aichan is at stake. She looks at me and nods, signaling me that I should go.
It's better if Koji goes and does this alone. If he DOES confront the boss, Eri should NOT be with him as she'd just be another possible target that Koji would have to worry about. Right now the only thing that matters is getting Aichan back unharmed.  He's been able to trust Sho so far, he can trust him to do his best to bring Eri somewhere safe.

I have no doubt that the boss already noticed me driving mirror. The police didn't see us and I can't spot any car following us. However, I don't know what to do. How to force him to stop without putting Aichan in danger? This is what puzzles my mind and we keep on driving this way for a while; me chasing him. We are driving on a long and quiet road.
Regardless of the end result, the boss likely was just trying to get away from the cops. After all, if he and Koji face off it wouldn't do to have them interfering now, would it?

Suddenly I notice Aichan that Aichan looks at me from the passenger seat. I look right into her eyes. The boss doesn't look like he notices that she is awake. Aichan smiles at me and suddenly makes a serious face again. She grabs the steering wheel and quickly turns it to her. The car makes a hard turn and crashes into a parking car. My car is still at high speed. I immediately hit the brakes to make a quick stop.
WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Way to go Aichan!!! :rockon:

"She really isn't your sister?", he asks.

I look at Aichan, "No."

"So she is useless then.", he chokes her harder and places his finger on the trigger.

"You won't do it.", I say. We both know that he needs her to stay alive. I would kill him right after he kills her.
Criminals take hostages to protect themselves. They use them as shields. If there are no hostages, they have no protection, which basically leaves them with a big target on themselves. The boss knows this. If he wants to have a chance to stay alive he won't hurt Aichan.

"We both don't like each other, but we both know that we can trust in each others word.", I try it the diplomatic way.
In a situation like this? Fuck I wouldn't.

"I'll throw away my gun and you will let her go. I will put my hands in the air so I won't have a chance to do anything."

"And then?", he becomes curious.

"Then you can kill me and with it any connection to the documents.", I answer.

They both are surprised.
If I were the boss I'd be confused and/or highly suspicious right now, even though the chance to get rid of the final connection to the documents would be tempting.

"Alright, you have my word. You drop your weapon and I will release her.", he answers.

Question now is, once/if Aichan's out of harm's way, who will be able to pull of the first (or depending on how you look at it, last) shot? The boss? Or will Koji be able to get his hand back to the gun in his pocket?

There is the second gun in my pants, but I wouldn't want to put her in danger again.
That line could be interpreted in...*cough*...other ways. :twisted:

The boss doesn't make any attempt to kill her like agreed. I look at him, knowing what is going to happen now. He points the gun at me. Bang, bang, bang..three shots, pushing me against the back of a car parking car.
Sunnovabitch...Koji let himself be shot!

I hear a voice. It's really low, but it's there. "...what if he lyed to me and this girl is his real sister...", is all I can understand. It's obvious who he means. Damn it. Why can't he just be satisfied with what he did. I can hear a weapon and are afraid of what he is going to do. It's painful like hell, but I concentrate all of what is left, open my eyes and see him aiming his gun at somebody. I try to move my head a bit. My view is slowly becoming clear again. I was right, it's Aichan.
And THIS is why you should NEVER, and I mean NEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEVER, trust a gang member.  You can make deals with one, but once/if they kill you, the deal is off.

I.....I.....I....................................................... .


*Beep* *Beep*
"Wait a second, I've got a message.", Sho says.
"It, it's from Koji."
So Koji barely has enough strength to fire his weapon, nor does he have the ability to determine if he killed the boss or if Aichan was hurt, yet he's able to send Sho a text message?  :roll:

He must have sent it during the car chase.

The end is not satisfying? - Uh-huh...
Well, you DID write it as a "Noir" story, so the open-ended/uncertain nature of it does fit somewhat.

All in all, good job I say. :thumbsup

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

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Re: When Things Turn Gray [Final]
« Reply #57 on: August 14, 2007, 01:33:36 PM »
That line could be interpreted in...*cough*...other ways.

I should have expected this in the JPH!P forum.  :lol:

You like the ending? As long as you like it, I am happy.
It sure is obvious what my plans are with such an ending... *cough*
Anyway, now I should concentrate on the other fanfics first.

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Re: When Things Turn Gray [Final]
« Reply #58 on: August 15, 2007, 03:49:58 AM »
It sure is obvious what my plans are with such an ending... *cough*
Yeah, given the way that you worded it, I kinda figured it was going to be "something like that".  ;D

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

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