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Author Topic: Enemy Territory: Quake Wars  (Read 2115 times)

Offline ebc

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Enemy Territory: Quake Wars
« on: June 24, 2007, 03:49:29 PM »
So who's been playing the Beta?

Any dedicated FPS fans out there? (not that this one is actually super hardcore or anything, but it's fun)

Well I've been playing it for a bit the last few days.
My first impressions were hmmm wtf do I do? So I just ran around and shot everyone which I guess is fine hehe but it doesn't really get you anywhere
The idea of the game is to complete your missions. The missions are actually quite straight forward but if it's your first time playing, you actually have no idea what to do and I found that a bit annoying and cause I'm not very patient I just quit haha.

But I decided well there's not really much else to play right now, Team Fortress 2 isn't out for another 2 months so I may as well just stick with this beta.
So after reading a few guides and strategies of forums I went back in and started playing properly.  O0

The map for the Beta is based on a Sewerage system in Japan. The Strogg has taken over it and are using it to invade the cities. Now you'd think that if aliens attack the earth they just blow everything up with spaceships or something but these ones are more hardcore and like to have evenly matched vehicles and soldier classes in order to give the Humans a chance. >.> It makes for a good game anyway :D

Here's some screenshots. Mostly the game looks good but I think it could have looked better if you compare it to the HL2 engine or something but anyway. It'll do.

So this is the main menu for the beta, they actually limit it to 30fps for whatever reason I think it's something to do with this running on a console as well. :s

So this is the GDF (human) main drop area where you start the round.
As seen in the screenshot, everyone goes a little mad in the warmup and shoots eachother so that's why there is all the bodies etc.

Somehow this dude managed to walk all the way across the map to the GDF base during the warmup and join the killing.

This is a tactical dude he has a hacking tool thingo and cool reflecting head visor thing. You have to be this class to hack the sewer computer and finish the round.

Warmup carnage continues

Some dude shooting me while I take a screenshot

Ok the game has started and here is my Husky ATV :P

This guy gets nailed :D

It wasn't me! it's the Strogg!

Here is the first main bit of the mission, this dude is constructing the shield disrupter so we can get past the Strogg shields to the sewer.

Pretty sun flare

These are the shields, although these ones are always up, strange how the shield disrupter only disrupts some of the shields ohwell.

This is the sewer gates we gotta blow them to get through to the computer.

Me in a tank about to go into the sewer to camp near the Strogg spawn point and shoot them before they can get into the main sewer. Basically their mission is to stop the GDF from hacking the computer so they are constantly defending parts of the map, but they can't do that if I kill them with my tank

But then I got out my tank cause I gotta take more screenshots of different things.

So he kills me and puts a spawn host on me. That's one cool thing about the Strogg when they kill you they can use your body to spawn where you died when and if they die later on.

Ah, I was hacking the computer but then I died and this guy died next to me so I took a screenshot with him.

And a Strogg comes and makes me into a spawn host again. This is a good tactic to do this here cause it's a place where this guy has to defend so if he dies he can just come straight back to this place rather than walking all the way from the main spawn point.

And yeah when you die you respawn usually or you get healed if there's a medic around and you just keep going for the mission.

Now as a Strogg (actually I like being Strogg more in this map)

And this is the reason I like the Strogg :D The Icarus is like a jetpack thing and you can jump/fly around the map dropping an unlimited supply of little bombs on the enemy.
If you get really good at it you can take out tanks and spam bombs on spawn points and take out lots without them even touching you cause it's really hard to hit you when you're flying around unless they lock on to you with a rocket launcher.

Here's me, dieing hehe

This thing is useless, can't shoot unless you have another person in it.

This thing is pretty cool but only cause you can use it to get to the mission objectives quickly.

Here's me driving some thing that shoots some missile thingos it's pretty good.

This thing is good, it's really strong and you can get a lot of points using it although it's kinda slow.

I just turned this guy into a spawn host weee~ another cool thing about Strogg

This is the railgun, unfortunately it completely sucks :( It doesn't do one shot kills unless it's a headshot, which is pointless cause you can just use a machine gun or some rapid firing weapon to take a person down quicker cause this gun has a slow reload time.

A tank just took me out

And that's about it. My ping was bad cause I was uploading HM@ while I was playing lol
« Last Edit: June 24, 2007, 05:13:16 PM by ebc »

Offline StreakInTheSky

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Re: Enemy Territory: Quake Wars
« Reply #1 on: June 24, 2007, 07:33:18 PM »
nice, the game looks pretty sweet. Don't know if I'll play it though, as I suck at team FPS's and piss off my team :lol: Maybe I'll check it out, How big is the install?
« Last Edit: June 24, 2007, 07:34:19 PM by StreakInTheSky »

Offline KMEI

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Re: Enemy Territory: Quake Wars
« Reply #2 on: June 24, 2007, 10:10:47 PM »
From what I've heard, Splash Damage has decided to not include the high-res textures and other eyecandy in this demo, to reduce the size.

Offline ebc

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Re: Enemy Territory: Quake Wars
« Reply #3 on: June 24, 2007, 10:14:41 PM »
Yeah there is definately a lot of limiting factors for this beta, I think even though you can uncap the framerate with some commands, when you are in a gun battle the game gets quite laggy.

It's a beta and atm sits they're handing out the last of the free beta keys on fileplanet so be quick! (you need a fileplanet account)

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