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Author Topic: Scapegoat (Chapter 10/END)  (Read 22522 times)

Offline lil_hamz

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Re: Scapegoat (Chapter 9)
« Reply #40 on: September 26, 2007, 09:44:46 AM »
However, Risa’s thoughts ended on a less than relieved note.

@@, what does that mean?? Cliffhanger??? AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! No I mean EHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! Gotta use Gaki-san's famous words XD

I like this chapter for all the Risa action, she's one tough cookie :)
But still, I also want more TakaGaki :heart: scenes. Yes, I'm a hard reader to please :P

Offline inDeceit

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Re: Scapegoat (Chapter 10)
« Reply #41 on: September 26, 2007, 09:48:26 AM »
It means...


>___< I wanna finish this soon.

edit: God.. horrible ending, lol. But I finally ended my very first fic, so there! >_>
I might do a better story with more interactions someday to make up for the lack of it here. I dunno...

Chapter 10

Morning came when Risa woke up, finding herself still at the peak. She stood up lazily and dusted herself off. Her next destination was returning back to the hospital. It didn’t matter to her that she’s covered in dirt, or that she haven’t changed in a few days.

Back in the white, completely sanitized building, Risa headed for her friend’s ward with a heavy heart. Seems like no one taught her to be optimistic recently. She opened the door to find the room surprisingly empty. Panicking again, she grabbed the nearest nurse outside the room and grilled the poor woman for her friend’s whereabouts. Her mood changing drastically from violent to embarrassed after the nurse told her what she wanted to hear, Risa released her hold and apologized repeatedly before running out of the building and towards the hospital park.

There, she saw Ai sitting on a steel bench with a wheelchair beside her. She seems to be looking at something, but at the same time, there’s some sort of void in her eyes. She didn’t even flinch when a kid nearby accidentally kicked his soccer ball at her direction, missing her head by an inch. Risa swallowed hard as she witnessed all or most of the symptoms of being blind. She hesitated a little, but still managed to gather the courage enough to start walking towards her friend. She quietly sat down beside Ai, her more depressed than someone who appears to have just lost her sight.

She didn’t know what to say, or what to do to comfort her friend. Before she knew it, Risa lowered her head and sniffed quietly. The stress from the past two days started to kick in, breaking her into pieces. She seems to be doing a good job in reacting to the bad news on Ai’s behalf as well because Ai seems to be perfectly fine sitting there, lost in her own thoughts while Risa cried her eyes out silently, thinking that she could get away with being weak in front of her friend.

Unbeknownst to Risa, Ai blinked and turned her head to both sides until she noticed the crouching figure beside her. Not sure why her friend was sobbing to herself, Ai just went ahead and wrapped her arms around Risa, resting her head above the younger’s own. Jerking at the sudden but comforting embrace, Risa sat up, pushing her friend out of the way softly. She then came face to face with Ai, seeing her own reflection in the older girl’s eyes.

“A-Ai… chan?”

She choked on the name, unsure of what to make of the situation.

“Yes? Why were you crying?”

Ai had a gentle smile as she looked at Risa, wiping away the wet trails under her eyes with her thumb. She was looking at her, she’s… she’s not blind? Risa stared at her friend with a dumbfounded expression, her mouth opening and closing but not a word came through. The reaction switch in her flipped upwards.

“But…but… doctor said… you… blind… the ball! Ehhhhhh?!?!?!?!?”

Risa exclaimed, her arms flailing everywhere, pointing at her friend, then at the hospital, and then at a random doctor. She almost poked Ai’s eye out too. Having not much of a clue as to what her friend was going on about, Ai pulled the thief into another hug and patted her head to calm her down. She giggled and pulled away when she felt Risa taking a deep breath, having her sanity back in her possession again.

“You thought I went blind?”

Risa nodded timidly, and looked up at Ai, puzzled.

“Aren’t you?”

“Nope. The doctor said I was lucky to have woken up from such a bad injury so quickly. Even luckier to have avoided becoming blind.”

Risa’s lips quivered from joy. As if being caught crying wasn’t bad enough, she held back on crying for joy and wanting to lunge at Ai and squeeze the life out of her with a bear hug. Maybe another day… in private and when she’s better.

“I’m... glad you’re alright, Aichan.”

“Yes well, I wanted to see you so I told myself to wake up immediately.”

She grinned and Risa turned away to blush, fiddling with the hem of her shirt.

“By the way, where have you been? You smell and look horrible.”

She turned Risa around, wiping off a patch of mud on her cheek and pulled at her dusty shirt, giving her a look of disapproval.

”Just settling some scores.”

Ai looked at her suspiciously, like a mother. The worry started to set in when Risa avoided her gaze.

“Was it dangerous? Is it that guy again? Are you hurt? What did you do?!”

“Not today Aichan, I’m beat.”

“…Fine. I’ll make sure you tell me later.”

They shared a comfortable moment of silence. Risa was still dizzy with joy and the touching things her friend said, and Ai… she’s thinking about something rather seriously. Ai interrupted the silence when she got up on her feet. A little dizzy at first from her head injury, but she steadied herself and pulled Risa up after her. She started leading the younger girl back towards the hospital, ignoring the wheelchair that she didn’t need to begin with.

“I have decided. You need a shower now.”

“Huh? What? But-”

“No buts. You stink.” Ai stuck out her tongue in disgust.

“But not here! We’re still in the hospital. I have no extra clothes!”

Stopping to consider Risa’s protest, Ai shrugged.

“Don’t worry, I’m sure the nurses would let you use the ward’s bathroom. They’re nice.”

“Aichan! You’re not getting the point. Aichan?! Oi! Are you listening?!”

<i>And they lived happily ever after, the end. XD *kicks the ending*</i>
« Last Edit: September 26, 2007, 11:00:05 AM by inDeceit »

Offline Estrea

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Re: Scapegoat (Chapter 10/END)
« Reply #42 on: September 26, 2007, 11:23:14 AM »
Oh, congratulations on finishing something! Even if the ending was sort of abrupt. XD

Well, since I can, I'll add on a mini epilogue for you. XD

"Quit moving around!"
"You got soap in my eyes!"
"Be quiet and stay still already!"
"But you're scalding me! And my clothes, where are my clothes?!"
"You're not wearing something that dirty again."
"But I don't have any clothes with me now! What will I do, go naked?!"
"...why not?"
"Ai-chan, are you sure you just woke up from a concussion? You're not acting like it!"
"Too bad."

Fill in the blanks yourself. XD I didn't feel like writing a full length thing so I just did the dialogue. XD Takagaki yay! <333


Currently writing:
- Lilium-related things. God save my soul.

On Hold:
- Everything Else. Too many to list.

I'm also on AO3!

Offline inDeceit

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Re: Scapegoat (Chapter 10/END)
« Reply #43 on: September 26, 2007, 11:36:31 AM »
XD Thanks, I loved the mini epilogue.
Actually, I had something similar in mind but wasn't up to writing it down :x

Well, leave it to the reader's imagination about what happens after :3

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Re: Scapegoat (Chapter 10/END)
« Reply #44 on: September 26, 2007, 06:06:45 PM »
Well....this is a new pairing for me, but I enjoy it all the same.  :D I was worried at a moment there when Gaki thought Ai was blind, buuuut of course, she was just overreacting and panicky! Anyhow, love the mini epilogue as well. Great fic!

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Re: Scapegoat (Chapter 10/END)
« Reply #45 on: September 27, 2007, 12:38:57 AM »
Tell me why I didn't notice this story earlier. /facepalm.

Congrats on finishing it! :D

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Re: Scapegoat (Chapter 10/END)
« Reply #46 on: September 27, 2007, 04:35:01 AM »
Chapter 9
Niigaki Risa was left stranded up in the mountains, one of the many tourist spots in Japan.


Only an hour ago, the men that brought her here had briefed her on what she had to do as bait. She didn’t know how, but they managed to figure out that this Marukuma guy had recently been living discreetly in a cabin within the area and would more or less appear eventually, especially if he was injured.
But wouldn't Marukuma become suspicious as to why Risa's up there in the first place?  After all, as far as he knows Risa should either be dead, in jail or on the run. It doesn't make sense that she'd somehow be able to find out who he was and make her way up here on her own. 

Yoshio’s men were instructed to hide somewhere, ready to ambush their target anytime. Being only lackeys, these men soon grew lazy and ended up playing poker behind a tree instead of keeping watch.

You just can't get good help these days.  :err:

A large familiar figure soon appeared from the slope, revealing himself to indeed be the man that is currently sending Risa the chills. He looked awful, ragged and pale under the light from the lampposts. The man was clutching onto his bandaged shoulders, breathing heavily until he noticed a feminine figure sitting on the bench.  Curiosity led him to lift his head, only to send a rush of adrenaline and rage into his being.

Well, there he is, and he's taken the bait.

He quickly recovered from the fall and started giving chase. Finding herself closing into a dead end, Risa slapped herself on the forehead. She backed up against the railings surrounding the cliff and could only helplessly watch herself get cornered by her soon-to-be killer.
A cliff? Well, that was smart.


he staggered back without warning, letting go of the girl in his clutches. Lucky for gravity, Risa fell towards the ground instead of backwards into the ocean. She sat on the ground with legs sprawled out and stared at the motionless body in front of her, surprised by his random act of mercy. He laid on the cold ground with eyes wide opened and his mouth agape. He was dead.
Eh? He have a heart attack or something?

A group of men in suits came running towards them not long after. Risa recognized one of them as the guy in the passenger seat this afternoon. He grinned and patted his gun.

“Silencers. Got to love them.
In this case, I'd be inclined to agree. :sweat:

thankfully you screamed, or it could've been too late.”
Now if they had been doing their job, they would have been able to take him out much sooner. If she hadn't screamed, those guys would still probably be up in that tree playing poker right now.

“Well, the young master offers his thanks. I hope your ordeal is over now.”
So like, that's it? Risa no longer has to worry about being a yakuza target?

But...what about Aichan?

Chapter 10
Morning came when Risa woke up, finding herself still at the peak. She stood up lazily and dusted herself off. Her next destination was returning back to the hospital. It didn’t matter to her that she’s covered in dirt, or that she haven’t changed in a few days.
A few days? :O  Risa should at least take a shower. I'm sure Aichan wouldn't mind it since the alternative would be waking up to see someone with horrible B.O.   :bleed eyes:

Back in the white, completely sanitized building, Risa headed for her friend’s ward with a heavy heart. Seems like no one taught her to be optimistic recently. She opened the door to find the room surprisingly empty.
EHHHHHHHHHH??? :o Where's Aichan???

she saw Ai sitting on a steel bench with a wheelchair beside her. She seems to be looking at something, but at the same time, there’s some sort of void in her eyes. She didn’t even flinch when a kid nearby accidentally kicked his soccer ball at her direction, missing her head by an inch. Risa swallowed hard as she witnessed all or most of the symptoms of being blind. She hesitated a little, but still managed to gather the courage enough to start walking towards her friend. She quietly sat down beside Ai, her more depressed than someone who appears to have just lost her sight.
Nooooooooooooooooooooooooo...say it ain't so.  :pleeease:

“A-Ai… chan?”

She choked on the name, unsure of what to make of the situation.

“Yes? Why were you crying?”

Ai had a gentle smile as she looked at Risa, wiping away the wet trails under her eyes with her thumb. She was looking at her, she’s… she’s not blind?
She's not blind? :cry:

SHE'S NOT BLIND!!!  AICHAN CAN SEE!!!  :mon lovelaff: :wriggly:

Risa’s lips quivered from joy. As if being caught crying wasn’t bad enough, she held back on crying for joy and wanting to lunge at Ai and squeeze the life out of her with a bear hug. Maybe another day… in private and when she’s better.

“I’m... glad you’re alright, Aichan.”

“Yes well, I wanted to see you so I told myself to wake up immediately.”

“By the way, where have you been? You smell and look horrible.”

They shared a comfortable moment of silence. Risa was still dizzy with joy and the touching things her friend said, and Ai… she’s thinking about something rather seriously. Ai interrupted the silence when she got up on her feet. A little dizzy at first from her head injury, but she steadied herself and pulled Risa up after her. She started leading the younger girl back towards the hospital, ignoring the wheelchair that she didn’t need to begin with.
Aichan wants some rabu-rabu?  :twisted:

“I have decided. You need a shower now.”

“Huh? What? But-”

“No buts. You stink.” Ai stuck out her tongue in disgust.
BOOYAH! :hiakhiakhiak:

“But not here! We’re still in the hospital. I have no extra clothes!”

Stopping to consider Risa’s protest, Ai shrugged.

“Don’t worry, I’m sure the nurses would let you use the ward’s bathroom. They’re nice.”

“Aichan! You’re not getting the point. Aichan?! Oi! Are you listening?!”
Ah...gotta love TakaGaki.  :heart:

And they lived happily ever after, the end. XD *kicks the ending*
Works for me. :thumbsup

Oh, congratulations on finishing something! Even if the ending was sort of abrupt. XD

Well, since I can, I'll add on a mini epilogue for you. XD

"Quit moving around!"
"You got soap in my eyes!"
"Be quiet and stay still already!"
"But you're scalding me! And my clothes, where are my clothes?!"
"You're not wearing something that dirty again."
"But I don't have any clothes with me now! What will I do, go naked?!"
"...why not?"
"Ai-chan, are you sure you just woke up from a concussion? You're not acting like it!"
"Too bad."

Fill in the blanks yourself. XD I didn't feel like writing a full length thing so I just did the dialogue. XD Takagaki yay! <333
EPILOGUE FTW!!!  :on lol:

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

Offline lil_hamz

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Re: Scapegoat (Chapter 10/END)
« Reply #47 on: September 27, 2007, 09:18:50 AM »
Awwwwwwwww it's over :gyaaah: No more TakaGaki :cry:
But I like how you ended. I'm a sucker for happily-ever-after endings :wahaha:
TakaGaki should take that bath together. It's so rare for Ai to take the initiative, Risa should really enjoy it while it lasts XD

Offline inDeceit

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Re: Scapegoat (Chapter 10/END)
« Reply #48 on: September 27, 2007, 03:08:02 PM »
Heh, it's finally over! I can start something new now  :lol:

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