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Author Topic: (Group) Big Bang (빅뱅)  (Read 116577 times)

Offline Seagull

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Re: [Kor] Big Bang
« Reply #20 on: January 01, 2008, 09:16:26 PM »
I love for the world <3 Their english *dies*  :inlove: Im listening to it right now XD It's a shame only the refrain of Lies is in english, I WANTED THE WHOLE SONG IN ENGLISH.

But I hope G-dragon and T.O.P will feel better soon.

The "How gee" MV, it's fan taken from their latest concert. I want a good version of the MV now >_<

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Offline BigDnm01

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Re: [Kor] Big Bang
« Reply #21 on: January 07, 2008, 02:30:08 AM »
Just curious,....  how did their English mini-album/EP for the Japanese Debut "For the World" did on the charts?

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Re: [Kor] Big Bang
« Reply #22 on: January 07, 2008, 03:08:47 AM »
I checked Oricon's page but it doesn't appears. Idk, its still the same as the past few days....

Offline StreakInTheSky

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Re: [Kor] Big Bang
« Reply #23 on: January 09, 2008, 01:18:33 AM »
They're a relatively unkown group on an independant label in Japan, so I don't think you should get your hopes up in terms of oricon chart rankings. There are a bunch of already established indie groups in Japan who still don't make the charts.

You're best bet is to try your luck in the Oricon Indies Chart which only does weekly rankings. But looking at the artists in that chart, they're unlikely to get anywhere there either.

Edit: Just listened to it, pretty good. "How Gee" is a kick ass breakbeat, great for b-boying too. I've always liked "Lie". The album is pretty much a bunch of hip-hop/r&b styles, but nothing really stands out. And it seems like they don't really have their own sound down yet, but as they're still a new group, that's expected. With better marketing, there would be no reason for them to do conciderably bad. I'm not familiar with their Korean releases so I'm not sure how those are but from what I read it's not much different from the Japanese/Englsh versions. But overall it's a solid Japanese debut, but it was released completely wrong. Having it as a indie release was a mistake. They should've have gone all out with a PV and everything with CM's and posters in shops. Only time will tell how well it will do.
« Last Edit: January 09, 2008, 01:48:30 AM by StreakInTheSky »

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Re: [Kor] Big Bang
« Reply #24 on: January 09, 2008, 02:19:09 AM »
^Yah, I was thinking about that today, since I wasn't sure about their label.

How Gee is pretty nice, but I really hope YG sees this as a failuire and they end their Japanese career, because they have a huge fandom in Korea but not in Japan. I didn't really liked the idea of the Japanese debut, because geeeezzz, there's too many Koreans trying in the Japanese market now and YG doesn't seems to do well with the promotion of they artists in Japan, I asume that by seeing how they promoted Se7en in Japan, it wasn't that succeful like they expected.

Anyways, I hope they get a 2nd Volume this year! Almost a year since their 1st Volume, I need more than a mini-album XD VICTORY SOLO PLZ.

Offline Odango

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Re: [Kor] Big Bang
« Reply #25 on: January 09, 2008, 09:56:22 PM »
^I highly doubt YG will see this as a failure. They went to an indie label for a reason, and they didn't do a bunch of marketing or promotion, so I doubt they expected this to do really well. I think they wanted to test the waters. Besides, every group that is doing well in Korea is going to be looking to branching out in other Asian markets. The Korean music scene just isn't a very good money maker. 50,000 is considered amazing if a group can sell that much. And albums don't give much return on investment if they sell so few. Most musicians make their money appearing on shows, in cf's, or in campaign ads in Korea.

I think Big Bang will continue to try and test the waters out in different markets. Honestly I hope they do~ Maybe they'll try for an American debut in a few years since their English is actually pretty decents, especially in comparison to Rain o.O (Which I love as well, but really his English is awful XD).

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Re: [Kor] Big Bang
« Reply #26 on: January 09, 2008, 10:11:28 PM »
^I didn't say it because of the lack of promotion, I say it becaus the guys are very tired. The reason why most of them  were/are in the hospital is because of their promotion in Korea, is way enough for their bodies and trying new things Japan makes it worse. BB sells good, they have sold like 591,742 cd's (I counted that from the sales that are appearing in their wiki page), counting their 3 singles, the 1st album, the concert album and the two minis. Always sold 70,735 and Hot Issue has sold 41,416 to date so, it seems pretty good. Their first album sold like, 110,000 so I hope their second volume sells more than that. For now, I hope they get a rest because if they not, soon all the members will be in the hospital  :lol: They rly need to sleep! TOP sleeps like 2-3 hours! I hope they get a rest and then start to work on their second volume~  :)

Offline BigDnm01

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Re: [Kor] Big Bang
« Reply #27 on: January 09, 2008, 11:42:13 PM »
I heard on Big Bang's Soompi Forums that they got the 35th spot on Oricon charts.  i dunno know if this is good or bad, but considering they had little to none promotion, i'm guessing good?   If it is, then glad they had a nice japanese debut....

I dunno if they really are serious about debuting in Japan, though ...  especially choosing with an English-song album instead of a japanese one...  i think they're really just "testing out the japanese waters" as stated on one articles.  it just that Japan is like the 2nd or 3rd biggest music market in the world and since japan is so close to korea and with the recent Hallyu wave...they're doing it to get exposure to the international market first.... which isn't really a bad marketing strategy if USA or UK is their main target.  with the English album, they'll get exposure thru Japan into the West... which would eventually help them accomplish their goals, if USA and the west is their main objective in the first place.  
If they were serious about japan, wouldn't u think they'll signed with a major label and actually start promoting their albums before it released or sumthing?  but since T.O.P is injured and that they are tired from the recent performances that would explain why they aren't active yet promotion-wise.  and maybe signing with a major label isn't that easy?
just something to point out.

And no, i'm not an anti-fan, if that's what ur thinking, but I wouldn't say that i'm a huge BB fan, but i do like some of their music.
I like mostly their r&b and pop-ish hip-hop beats. i'm not really a big fan of hardcore rap/hiphop.  just upbeat, fun and sometimes slow, smooth beats in general.

Some of my Big Bangs picks are:
마지막 인사 - (dunno the english translation)
바보 - (dunno the english translation)
거짓말 (Lies) and...
I Don't Understand.

also G-Dragon solo, This love, a cover of Maroon 5 song, is great too.

In the end, Whatever Big Bang and YG is planning, wish them success. they're a talented group. if they really do want to pursue a success career in Japan, i'm sure they'll find success....  although i had no idea how Japan perceive hip-hop music since j-pop and j-rock have been dominating on the charts for a long time...

Offline StreakInTheSky

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Re: [Kor] Big Bang
« Reply #28 on: January 10, 2008, 12:21:54 AM »
^Hip-hop is well and alive among the youth of Japan. Just seeing as there's some hints of Japan's Hip-Hop culture in the west shows that it's pretty strong(though it seems mostly in fashion and lifestyle than music). It just doesn't seem to have as much of a diehard fanbase as j-pop and j-rock.

^^also I say it was a mistake to have them release the album in this way was as it shows how little faith they have in the artists success in Japan. Really, I think the best choice would have been to not try and crossover at all right now as they are doing so much in Korea as it is. If they are planning on bringing them to the US or something, It's not gonna happen... Asian entertainers almost never have success in the states. Especially if it's going to be Big Bang, they really have nothing to offer the western market as of now. Just look at what happened to Rain and Utada, and they were some of the best Japan and Korea had to offer and they were at the prime of their careers.

Offline Odango

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Re: [Kor] Big Bang
« Reply #29 on: January 10, 2008, 01:00:23 AM »
I agree that the guys should have waited a bit so they wouldn't be so overworked, but it was bound to happen eventually. And it seems by nature GD is sort of a workaholic and perfectionist, so I think he's always going to be working hard to improve the group. I hope they get much needed rest though.

As for why they didn't sign with a major record label, my speculation is that they wanted to still have creative control over their sound and what music they produce. If they went with a company like AVEX, they give their artists very little control and overwork them to death if they're popular. So perhaps YG and BB were looking for a company that would allow them to do the music they wanted, and wouldn't exploit them. So with that in mind it's usually better for the artists to go with a smaller company.

As for their numbers selling in Korea, I'm more than aware of how well they're doing XD I was just trying to make a point of how bad the Korean music market is now.

SITS: On the topic of Rain though, he hasn't failed because he hasn't even released anything in the US musically as of yet, so it's too fast to say he's failed. He's coming out in the Speed Racer movie this summer, and is currently working hard on his English Album. He's getting a lot of language training as well. He's been in US Time and US People, recognized for various things, so I think with media backing him, he should do well. It might be a slow start, but I think he can do it.

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Re: [Kor] Big Bang
« Reply #30 on: January 14, 2008, 05:28:15 AM »
My friend got me some ads from their Japanese promotion. She found them on a CD store where she tends to buy her CDs in Hon-Atsugi station. So that means they did promoted but not a huge deal. Well, that kinda makes me feel better  :lol: Though it wasn't a great promotion...XD

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Re: [Kor] Big Bang
« Reply #31 on: January 17, 2008, 12:50:05 AM »

Credits: Bestiz / stardaisy212@soompi /

Offline Pinkosa

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Re: [Kor] Big Bang
« Reply #32 on: January 25, 2008, 12:00:44 AM »
Aparently, they're going to promote their mini album next month! The article from all kpop:

Next month, the group will start promotions for their Japanese album that was released earlier this month. Planned Promotions include solo concerts in March and possibly fan events to put their name out on the market. This seems like a poorly devised plan as their album has had no promotions until this point, possibly a little too much a little too late.

 :lol: since they'll have concerts, let's hope the CD gets decent sales  :)

Offline Odango

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Re: [Kor] Big Bang
« Reply #33 on: February 25, 2008, 10:33:21 PM »
I uploaded their first perf of How Gee in Japan at my music blog here.

It was performed at an HMV store. They also performed So Beautiful~

It's so weird to see them perform in such a small setting XD

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Offline Seagull

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Re: [Kor] Big Bang
« Reply #34 on: February 26, 2008, 06:32:51 PM »

credits: mellowdee@LJ

Will be released 29/2, we haven't got a realese date for the DVD yet. But I have to say they are love live  :heart:. I want to se their first DVD, but I can't find it, do anyone know where I can find it? Preview link :D

How your members ranking?

1. T.O.P
2. DaeSeung
3. TaeYang, G-Dragon and SeungRi (I can't choose XD)

Now I want to see yours XD
« Last Edit: February 26, 2008, 06:35:48 PM by Seagull »

Offline Pinkosa

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Re: [Kor] Big Bang
« Reply #35 on: February 26, 2008, 06:39:01 PM »
DAMN, I SO WANT THE DVD. I'M WAITING, YG. I downloaded the First Concer a while ago in LJ so I'm looking for the post so you can download it~

My ranking:
1. Panda SeungRi  :heart: :heart:
2. Everyone else  :heart:

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Re: [Kor] Big Bang
« Reply #36 on: February 26, 2008, 07:43:21 PM »
Mai ranking:

1: G.Dragon
2: SeungRi

I like guys who make me laugh. And they really do  :lol:

Offline StreakInTheSky

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Re: [Kor] Big Bang
« Reply #37 on: February 27, 2008, 09:40:36 AM »
yeah, they were hilarious on Happy Shares with YoonA and SNSD. though I thought g.dragon was really only the funny one. >_>

If it wasn't for that show, I probably wouldn't care about these guys at all :lol:

I don't care to rank them(I blame tama and sev for actually being able to remember their names), but I have to say I'd probably like them more if they didn't have Sungri or Taeyang >_> They sorta gay up the group a little. <_<

But I'm a guy and not a fangirl so my opinion on this matter really doesn't mean anything...

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Re: [Kor] Big Bang
« Reply #38 on: February 27, 2008, 10:17:25 AM »
WHAT? Taeyang gaying the group?

Your face is gaying up this forum!

How the heck is THIS gay?

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Re: [Kor] Big Bang
« Reply #39 on: February 27, 2008, 10:38:40 AM »
though I thought g.dragon was really only the funny one. >_>

SeungRi was so funny too, but while I was having fun with him, you just were thinking "gay"   :shakeit:

Agree tama. Don´t think Taeyang is gay.  XD

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