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Author Topic: More Than One Story...[111016 Loving You Forever]  (Read 238434 times)

Offline lil_hamz

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Re: More Than One Story ... [Never My Intention]
« Reply #40 on: April 06, 2008, 05:16:31 PM »
Room in My Heart [Sakura Mankai Edition]

It was early morning on a particular day and the sun shone down with rays of the early spring sun. Nonetheless the skies have yet to brighten fully. Having rained the night before, a thin veil of mist hung in the air achieving a foggy atmosphere. Walking along the path weaving through the deserted and tranquil park, Niigaki Risa hummed a Morning Musume song softly as she swung the small paper bag in her hand to be in step with her movements.

It looks to be a beautiful day.

Her thoughts were however interrupted by the melodious chimes emitting from the cell phone buried snugly in her coat pocket.

Who could be calling this early?

Baffled, Risa reached one hand into the said pocket and searched for the gadget among the wades of money she had stuffed in previously. When she finally managed to fish out the small silver object, the picture that lighted on the external screen told her who the person messaging was. Flicking the phone open with one hand, Risa read the short message.

Ne Gaki-san where are you? I’m already at the studio and I’m early! :hee:

Smiling slightly as she imagined Eri’s triumphant grin saying those words, Risa typed a quick reply with her carefully manicured thumb in response to her childish friend.

I was at the studio before and now I’m outside getting our breakfast   :bigdeal: I got you milk bread. Since I’m earlier, you are still considered late Kame :whistle:

Her phone sounded again no sooner after Risa had taken a few more steps along the narrow pebble path.

Why, why, WHY? How could Gaki-san be earlier? It’s not fair! :tantrum: Where are you anyway?

At the park nearby, I’ll be back soon. Don’t get all whiny on me again all right? :mon evillaff:

Shaking her head and laughing, Risa was visibly amused by Eri’s cute and funny messages. Interaction with Eri first thing in the morning could put a person in high spirits. It was amazing how Eri possessed the natural ability to make someone happier just by existing in the same realm. Be it her words, actions or funny expressions, they all had a heartening effect on everyone around. Perhaps this was why Eri was so constantly popular among all members (and ex-members) of the group. Even the notorious Fujimoto Miki loved having Eri around.   

Parallel and across from where Risa was standing, a lone figure was walking towards the same clearing where the sub-leader of Morning Musume was headed. Every park that saw Sakura trees bloom had a special area designated for admiring the flowers. It was unplanned but Takahashi Ai had overheard the morning news on the radio that her mother had left blasting in the kitchen. Listening in to the chirpy voice of the announcer, she was enlightened with the knowledge that the Sakura trees were flowering early this year and today was the highly anticipated first bloom.

Thrilled that it happened to be her day off work, Ai decided it would be befitting to catch the trees in full bloom since it was such a rare occasion. At the unearthly hour, there weren’t many people up and about and Ai knew this. Hence she didn’t bother putting on make-up or drawing her eyebrows painstakingly. All she did was pull a hat low over her eyes to hide her recognizable face from overzealous fans. At last inside the compound, Ai saw a single flower float leisurely pass her eyes.

Ah, it’s starting. The trees are beginning to blossom!

Quickening her steps, Ai hurried towards the center of the park where the strategic clearing lay and prepared herself mentally for getting to soon observe the thousands of Sakura flowers falling simultaneously. However, less than a kilometer away, Ai stopped abruptly in her tracks when she thought she saw someone familiar.


Seeing the image of her long time friend and teammate, Ai at once recalled that Risa had a radio recording to do this morning. And the location was none other than the building in close proximity to this very park. Why didn’t she think of inviting Risa along to watch the first bloom? It made sense since like herself, Risa loved the Sakura and was almost always especially excited when spring rolled around. Except for the fact that she had an adverse allergy to pollen, which required her to wear a mask and carry medication around faithfully.

Yes, she would call out to Risa when she got nearer and they could spend some time alone together taking pleasure from the customary Japanese tradition. Even so, fate seemed resolved to play with the alluring young woman, and unfortunately, Ai didn’t have the slightest inkling that what started out as a cheerful day would end with her feeling much worse that she had in a long time.


Her words came out barely louder than a whisper and the excitement that she had felt earlier before vanished in a matter of seconds when Ai saw the sequence of events unfolding before her eyes. She didn’t know why but her first reaction was to dart behind the nearest Sakura tree and hide herself from the unsuspecting pair further ahead.

“Ne, Ne Gaki-san!!”

Her eyes wide with surprise, Risa twirled around rapidly when she heard a voice she had become highly accustomed to.

“Kame?! What are you doing here?” 

“To accompany you of course. It’s not very fun watching the first bloom by yourself is it?”

Latching herself onto Risa’s free arm, Eri snuggled up closer to feel the warmth of her newest best friend. The chilly morning air could get pretty cold even during this time of the year.

“Kame being considerate, that’s a first.”

Raising her head to gaze at the tiny flowers that had began to flutter in the soft breeze, Risa closed her eyes to savor the moment. It wasn’t every day that you could be lucky enough to observe the first bloom.

With one of her senses inactive, naturally the rest would be put on high alert. Beside her, Risa could feel Eri shivering. It was just like Eri to not wear thicker clothing to keep herself warm. She was reaching twenty years of age and yet she was still behaving like a child most of the time. No one would have guessed that the two were of the exact same age.

Freeing herself from Eri’s hold, Risa spread open both arms to wrap the younger in an affectionate embrace, after which she proceeded to rub her down in an attempt to keep Eri warm.

“Ne, Gaki-san this feels nice.”

Closing her eyes and inching to eliminate all and any distance between them, Eri smiled contentedly into the front of Risa’s down-filled coat. The early morning, cool surroundings and lying in the arms of a warm huggy bean was the perfect environment for falling asleep. Sensing her eyelids growing heavy with each passing second, Eri didn’t try to resist the drowsiness that was creeping up upon her.

“Don’t even think of falling asleep Kame. We have to get back to the studio in a bit.”


The lazy turtle girl didn’t try replying much, she was enjoying tremendously every instant of this wondrous feeling to bother with anything else.

Away from the two, Ai witnessed the entire turn of events. She didn’t want to think that way or admit it but nevertheless, she felt her stomach twist into tiny little knots and her breathing relegate into short sharp gasps. Risa was aware of their similar interests and the fact that she had a day off today. Why didn’t she ask her along to watch the Sakura? Instead she had come with Eri, ERI!.

Staring at the oldest Rokkie who had by now undoubtedly fallen asleep in Risa’s arms, Ai inadvertently started to grind her teeth.

It should’ve been me! Perhaps if I had been quicker to confess…

Casting her eyes downwards, Ai stared hard at the ground until the numerous pebbles started blending into each other to form a blurry mesh of gray. The tears rolling down her face stung with each draft of the bitter wind and the resulting smarting pain on her cheeks echoed what she felt in her heart.

Fill the room in my heart soon, Gaki-san. Don’t let me forget how much I love you.


inDeceit: You don't really know if Risa died in the other fic. Heck, I don't even know myself XD But she's definitely hale and hearty in this one :P

AmberSan: Do you still feel sorry for Eri now? :lol:

JFC: Another of your epic and lovely comments. Love it! :)
« Last Edit: April 06, 2008, 05:24:08 PM by lil_hamz »

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Re: More Than One Story... [Room in My Heart ~ Sakura Mankai Edition]
« Reply #41 on: April 06, 2008, 06:23:13 PM »
This last story was so bittersweet... The GakiKame bit was so very cute, but I wish Ai wouldn't end heartbroken. This triangle's always interesting to read! Loved it!  :grin:

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Re: More Than One Story ... [Never My Intention]
« Reply #42 on: April 07, 2008, 12:51:16 AM »

Even the notorious Fujimoto Miki loved having Eri around.
Well, Miki had specific reasons for liking having Eri around.  :roll:

Quickening her steps, Ai hurried towards the center of the park where the strategic clearing lay and prepared herself mentally for getting to soon observe the thousands of Sakura flowers falling simultaneously. However, less than a kilometer away, Ai stopped abruptly in her tracks when she thought she saw someone familiar.

Awwwwwww...they can watch the Sakura blooming together!  :wub:


Her words came out barely louder than a whisper and the excitement that she had felt earlier before vanished in a matter of seconds when Ai saw the sequence of events unfolding before her eyes. She didn’t know why but her first reaction was to dart behind the nearest Sakura tree and hide herself from the unsuspecting pair further ahead.

“Ne, Ne Gaki-san!!”

Her eyes wide with surprise, Risa twirled around rapidly when she heard a voice she had become highly accustomed to.

“Kame?! What are you doing here?”

“To accompany you of course. It’s not very fun watching the first bloom by yourself is it?”
Uh-oh. :O

Beside her, Risa could feel Eri shivering. It was just like Eri to not wear thicker clothing to keep herself warm. She was reaching twenty years of age and yet she was still behaving like a child most of the time. No one would have guessed that the two were of the exact same age.

Freeing herself from Eri’s hold, Risa spread open both arms to wrap the younger in an affectionate embrace, after which she proceeded to rub her down in an attempt to keep Eri warm.
Aichan? You ok?  :cry:

Away from the two, Ai witnessed the entire turn of events. She didn’t want to think that way or admit it but nevertheless, she felt her stomach twist into tiny little knots and her breathing relegate into short sharp gasps. Risa was aware of their similar interests and the fact that she had a day off today. Why didn’t she ask her along to watch the Sakura? Instead she had come with Eri, ERI!.

Staring at the oldest Rokkie who had by now undoubtedly fallen asleep in Risa’s arms, Ai inadvertently started to grind her teeth.

It should’ve been me! Perhaps if I had been quicker to confess…
Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh crap.  :hip cry:

Casting her eyes downwards, Ai stared hard at the ground until the numerous pebbles started blending into each other to form a blurry mesh of gray. The tears rolling down her face stung with each draft of the bitter wind and the resulting smarting pain on her cheeks echoed what she felt in her heart.

Fill the room in my heart soon, Gaki-san. Don’t let me forget how much I love you.
:mon runcry:

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

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Re: More Than One Story... [Room in My Heart ~ Sakura Mankai Edition]
« Reply #43 on: April 07, 2008, 01:52:00 AM »
Awww Ai-chan..... :cry:
i mean, Gakikame is cute and all, but poor Ai-chan!!!
Great story though, really captures her emotions! :wub:

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Re: More Than One Story... [Room in My Heart ~ Sakura Mankai Edition]
« Reply #44 on: April 07, 2008, 04:24:21 AM »
Aww Gaki-san why'd you have to be such a nice person! Don't you know you'd go around breaking more hearts by being so caring! :gyaaah: Now Ai-chans heartbroken, go find her, quick!

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Re: More Than One Story... [Room in My Heart ~ Sakura Mankai Edition]
« Reply #45 on: April 07, 2008, 07:01:31 AM »
Never My Intention

*GASP*  What's with you and cars and taxis and scary accidents!!  First with Reina and now with Gaki san!  *shakes fist* darn you and your addictive writing!  I was on the edge of my seat hoping that Gaki san was alright.  I was so relieved to find that Gaki san made it this time :gmon tears: 

sigh..the end left me all conflicted since I was all happy with the adorable TakaGaki moment but poor Eri

Room in My Heart

Oooo you combined their radio show talk and Q and A in one =D  Great idea!

I really like how you reversed the outcome of the two stories.  I would like to think that the two stories happened during the same time period.  poor Ai chan and Eri, both depressed over not being with Gaki san, though it's funny to think that while they are both feeling envious of each other Gaki san is probably clueless over the situation XD

anyways love your love triangles more than ever!  (you leave me more conflicted than ever but it's all goodness~)

(btw are you more of a TakaGaki or GakiKame lover?)

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Re: More Than One Story... [Room in My Heart ~ Sakura Mankai Edition]
« Reply #46 on: April 07, 2008, 08:34:29 AM »
Yeah, we don't know if Gaki-san died in that one, but she's not jumping and smiling either >_<

Room in my heart-
The last line was depressing  :cry: *emos in a corner*
Can't blame gaki-san for being oblivious sometimes... Aichan's slow too XD

I love your triangles too. It creates love/hate feelings in me lol.

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Re: More Than One Story... [Room in My Heart ~ Sakura Mankai Edition]
« Reply #47 on: April 11, 2008, 01:16:39 PM »
Do I smell a GAKIKAME reference...?

now i feel sorry for Ai-chan...  :( ... Gaki can be so clueless (like a certain leader :roll:).
Still, Kame on Gaki's lap= :wub: :inlove: :heart:     

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Re: More Than One Story... [Room in My Heart ~ Sakura Mankai Edition]
« Reply #48 on: April 11, 2008, 04:35:34 PM »
Why is everyone calling Gaki sama clueless?  Its not like she knew Ai was watching her and didnt realise that she was jealous. She had no clue and besides, she and her sound like they drifted apart. So how is she supposed to know that she was gonna take a walk on that day to that particular park, at that particular time. And besides, she didn't know she was gonna be there, she said it was unexpected. So she isnt cluuless, she just hapened to be at the right place at the right time, but sadly with the wrong person (?).
I have a porcupine called zazoom, he leaves his scent on peoples' graves.

Offline lil_hamz

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Re: More Than One Story... [My Guardian Angel]
« Reply #49 on: May 08, 2008, 09:07:20 AM »
Hi all, it's been long. How have you all been? Well, this current story will break free from focusing on my usual pairings. And it will be more complicated. Most of their relationships I have decided on except for one. I will see how it goes. Do let me know what you think after reading the prologue :)


Michishige Sayumi was punching at the buttons of her new keitai with rapid accuracy. The concert had just ended minutes before and the roar of the crowd was fresh in her ears. With the adrenaline still pumping within her veins, she felt the need to thank the ever-supportive crowd with a quick message. Fans who had subscribed to the mobile service should receive her memo soon. Maybe even before all of them have filed out of the county’s auditorium.

It's Michishige Sayumi! Usa-chan PEACE! :usagiii: The concert has just ended and everyone is feeling really high. Leader, sub-leader, Eririn and myself have decided to go buy ice cream. I know it will be delicious :mon noodle: Thank you for coming tonight everyone :heart:, and see you again at the next concert :tama-bye:

"Sayu! We're leaving!"

"Hai!" Gathering all her belongings from the dresser that she had occupied during the duration of the concert, Sayumi shouted a reply to Eri who was standing in the corridor before nodding hurriedly at Reina and flashing her a smile. She noticed that Reina was preoccupied with something as she had been sitting on the chair at the dresser next to hers in a daze immediately after the concert ended. Up till now, she still hasn’t removed her make-up or changed out of the concert outfit. However, knowing her friend for almost five whole years, she knew Reina wasn’t going to tell her what was bothering her even if she asked. It was best to let the girl sort out her own problems. 

"I'll call you later tonight Reina. Have a good rest."

Watching her retreating back, Reina heaved a silent sigh. Then letting her field of vision trail upwards to focus on a single spot on the ceiling, she rested her head on the back of the chair and let her body sink further down onto its cold hard surface. She was left all alone again. Now it wasn't that Sayumi didn't try to make her feel better by inviting her to go along with the rest of them. It was she herself who didn’t feel like she should tag along. The reason for this was that Reina never did feel totally at ease when the whole group of 5th and 6th generations was together. Well, what was left of these two generations anyway with Makoto, Asami and Miki all leaving one after another.

She and their current leader and sub-leader got alone well enough and in recent times had spent far more time talking and just hanging out. But it just wasn't the same with them around as it was with only the Rokkies alone. Sayumi and Eri were both special people in her heart and it was going to take some time and a lot of effort to change that. Besides, one taxi could only sit four passengers and Reina didn't want to be the one to cause trouble and result in them having to take 2 separate taxis. Furthermore, she wasn't even that big a fan of ice cream. Yeah, it was fully reasonable that she didn't go along. She was feeling a little tired anyway. Making up numerous excuses for herself, Reina made herself believe that it was for the best. She knew she was running away and not facing up to her problems. But the Reina of today is no longer as yankii or headstrong as she once was. She didn’t have the strength and knew she couldn't afford to cause ripples in the stable relationships that she had so painstakingly forged with her fellow generation members. Hence she had settled on the decision long ago to not let anyone discover the deep shocking secret that she has kept buried away in her heart ever since 2002.   


"If I knew that the ice cream was so far away I wouldn’t have wanted to eat it."

The high-pitched voice resonating to the backseat from the front passenger seat belonged to a certain Kamei Eri who was now fidgeting with the safety belt strapped across her chest. She had always been somewhat of a restless person who couldn’t sit still without squirming. In addition, she didn't like to sit by herself and the long journey only amplified her need to move around.

"Mou Kame, stop being such a baby. I think we might be reaching soon."

Slapping at the back of the front seat teasingly, Risa chided her slightly younger junior in a mock serious tone. She knew Eri would start feeling impatient soon and she was already proven right after such a short traveling period.

"Eririn you lost the janken battle. Of course you would have to sit in front. And like Gaki-san said, we should be arriving anytime soon."

"Excuse me mister, how long more is it going to take before we reach the supermarket?"

The silent Ai who had been quiet since the start of their trip sat up abruptly and enquired with the driver. She had obliged Sayumi's request to head out and buy some junk food with ice cream as the top priority in view of the fact that everyone seemed to be in good spirits and it being their first performance of their current tour in this town. Nevertheless, as the night drew darker and the streets quieter, an ominous feeling began to build within her. The perplexing fear she felt made Ai want to get to the supermarket, which she presumed would be safe ground as soon as possible.

"We should be arriving in next to no time Miss. It really is such a coincidence that the closest supermarket is shut for renovation. Or else we wouldn’t have to travel by this mountain route to get to the next nearest supermarket."

The cab driver's reassurances did not do much to alleviate the uneasiness Ai was feeling in her heart but as she didn't want to worry the others unduly, she kept her anxieties to herself. Next to her, Sayumi was again making fun of Eri and breaking into fits of laughter with Risa joining in with glee. Seeing their happy faces, she told herself to stop being paranoid. Nothing bad was going to happen, the new and unfamiliar scenery was probably making her feel this way.

"The supermarket is located a little further off after turning around this bend."

No sooner had the driver announced their position when a sudden strong beam of white light poured into the tiny vehicle and blinded all of them in the same instant. The screeching of tires and the sudden veering of the taxi flung all the girls to one side and as the automobile ferrying them tumbled like a toy car down the side of the mountain, screams erupted in the black of the night as three girls in the backseat clung onto each other tightly and prayed that they would survive.


It wasn't certain how much timed had passed before Ai opened her eyes, but when she did, she couldn't hear a single sound around her. Everything was quiet, deadly quiet. The silence and the pictch darkness of her surroundings made a chill run down her spine. Slowing regaining her senses, Ai managed to push herself up from the position where she was previously lying flat on her back. Taking some time to adjust to the dim lighting provided only by the forlorn moon hanging in the sky, Ai came to the realization that she was some distance away from the taxi. She must have somehow been flung out during the impact. Running her hands and fingers slowly down her body, she carefully checked herself for any signs of broken bones. Miraculously, there seemed to be was none. In fact, all she suffered were some minor scrapes. Satisfied that she had no problems moving, she started looking around frantically for the other girls. Except that even after squinting as far as she could, she didn’t see any sign of her friends. Where were they? And were they still alive? She couldn’t be the only one who survived…could she?

Getting on her hands and knees, she crawled slowly inching her way forward assisted only by the feeling of the ground beneath her to keep away from foreign bodies like broken shards of glass or other debris from the wrecked vehicle. By now her fingers were covered with mud and grass of the damp ground from the day’s early evening shower. Expecting it to be some time before she would located anyone, the texture of a hair like substance tangled between her fingers shot a jolt of joy through Ai. 


Ai’s first thought was of Sayumi and her hair extensions. She remembered vividly the image of the lanky rokkie with her newly fitted extensions as the foursome had gone to get their hair done at the salon together. Expanding the circumference of the area she was feeling around, Ai successfully made contact with a body. Gripping onto what she believed was Sayumi’s shoulders, Ai shook her hard with a mixture of gladness and trepidation. If this was Sayumi, she would be alive, right?

“Sayumi! Is that you? Speak to me!”


Thanks so much for reading and commenting everyone :mon lovelaff: I love reading your comments. Yep, I used stuff that the girls themselves said, either on radio shows or other appearances. So if you guys want me to include more of such "real life" stuff into the stories, please translate more of them :P And about the taxis and accidents, I wasn't meaning to have one in this story too. Honest! But it still happened XD I think taxi companies must hate me. :mon fyeah: I can't decide between GakiKame or TakaGaki really, they are both so addictive and cute in their own ways. I'm also rather into GakiSayu now :gmon love2:
« Last Edit: June 12, 2008, 03:26:08 PM by lil_hamz »

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Re: More Than One Story... [The Wrong Angel - Prologue]
« Reply #50 on: May 08, 2008, 12:52:43 PM »

 i liked it. I hate how its another accident one, and I assure you its not just taxi companies that hate you, there are many other vehicles as well XD

 I like it so far, I hope all the girls are and stay alive and that you dont kill anyone! I feel sory for Reina because not only is she alone and lonely but she also will feel hella guilty for not being there if something really bad happened or soething. Like if one of them dies (knock on wood) she will feel angry and guilty that it wasn't her or that she wasn't with her at her last moments.

     THose are some of my thoughts so far. And did you forget about that other story????? With Reina and Eri and RIsa? and alll the runaways and stuff? and the horrible parents, one was sold and etc.

     Or the one after that? Ai & Risa and etc.
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Re: More Than One Story... [The Wrong Angel - Prologue]
« Reply #51 on: May 08, 2008, 01:07:17 PM »
!!!! AGAUB!  I mean AGAIN!...(I typoed again 3 times so I left it XD)  But back on topic!  !!!  I knew it!!  The moment I figured out that they were sitting in a cab I think I stopped breathing!  They better be okay or else you know what will happen  :temper:  okay..okay scary yankii mode off for now XD

time to go back to the beginning....poor Reina...(it's okay Reina, hammy san will write you into a lovely love triangle or something  :wub:)  As for Reina's secret, I think it must be that she's in love with one of them.  If it's 2002...I wonder if it has anything to do with Ai chan or Risa.  2002 was the year Maki graduated but guessing that it has something to do with Maki would be too out there for this story right?  :?

oh wait before the poor Reina part...I loved the Sayu text emoti I saw the pictures before totally got my attention XD

anyways...on to the crash...*tries not to go back into scary mode*  I sure hope Ai chan found Sayu...but eep what if it's a total stranger?!  :O  but then again I'm thinking it's either Gaki or Sayu...or Eri...*just realized they all have long curled hair during concerts XD*  but yeah I'm guessing it could be any of them but the first thing Ai chan thought of was Sayu so maybe we'll see our first AiSayu pairing?....okay I'm rambling now so I'll stop.

Can you tell I'm already addicted?   :heart:

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Re: More Than One Story... [The Wrong Angel - Prologue]
« Reply #52 on: May 08, 2008, 05:30:27 PM »

So Reina's got a secret, eh? Why do I get the feeling that it's more than just your typical "raburabu" secret?

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

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Re: More Than One Story... [The Wrong Angel - Prologue]
« Reply #53 on: May 09, 2008, 06:27:28 AM »
OMG!!! My face was like  :gyaaah:
Noooo, I hope everyone is alright! Don't wanna lose them! :cry:
Reina, the lone wolf. I like being alone too but sometimes it's better to talk...... :(
Love this, though! :heart:

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Re: More Than One Story... [The Wrong Angel - Prologue]
« Reply #54 on: May 09, 2008, 11:17:23 AM »
woo! cant waittt!
car accidents and lonely things...!!  :yep:
moarrrr... :twisted:

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Re: More Than One Story... [The Wrong Angel - Prologue]
« Reply #55 on: May 09, 2008, 07:18:38 PM »
NOOOO! :mon whine:
Stop trying to kill the girls in car crashes you big meanie!  :pig realmad: :P

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Re: More Than One Story... [My Guardian Angel - Prologue]
« Reply #56 on: May 16, 2008, 03:43:55 PM »
Chapter 1 - Don't Go Away


Sayumi's voice was obviously groggy voice as she let herself be helped up by her leader.

"Sayumi are you alright?"

A concerned Ai in a slightly mothering mode attempted to check her junior all over to make sure she wan't seriously hurt.

"I think so. At least I don't feel a lot of pain."

"Are you sure?"

Nodding her head slightly, Sayumi confirmed she was feeling fine at the moment. She still could not believe what had happened or that she was still alive.

"Eririn and Gaki-san?"

As if suddenly realizing that Ai was alone, Sayumi became aware that they were two short of their original entourage. Shaking her head, Ai's face was grim.

"I found you first. I don't know where they are or if..."

"Don't! I'm sure they are fine."

Eririn will be fine.

Sayumi willed herself to think that her best friend was safe. She had to be. They were best friends and wouldn't go anywhere without the other. She was worried about Gaki-san too as they had become closer recently but in her mind, all she could see was Eri's smiling face.

"If we were flung out of the taxi, do you think they could be trapped inside?"

"Gaki-san! Eri!"

Waiting for some time after calling each name, Ai and Sayumi waited with bated breath for the two girls to reply them. In the darkness of the night, they weren't sure where they were or if they were headed in the right direction towards the taxi. Everything could only be dictated by faith. At least in the current circumstances, it was all they had to keep them going. It was only a matter of time before they found the others. After all, they couldn't have been the only ones to survive. Could they?


"Sayumin? Sayu?"

The air was still and smelt of burnt rubber, scrunching her nose, Eri tried to get up from the cramped space she was trapped in. While she liked the feeling of being squeezed in tight corners, she didn't like her current situation. It was pitch dark but in a way she was glad she couldn't see anything for she knew it couldn't be a pretty sight.

"Sayu are you there?"

Trying again to call out to her best friend, Eri was sure the only reason Sayumi wasn't replying was because she couldn't hear her. She never doubted that Sayumi was anything but fine. Inching sideways, Eri struggled to crawl out of the wreckage but a sharp intense pain that shot through her right leg halted her actions immediately. Reaching her hand to feel for her leg, her fingers came into contact with a sticky dampness that felt all too familiar. Blood? Was she bleeding? But why couldn't she feel any sensation in her left leg? She only knew the pain that was searing through her entire right leg was too painful to bear. Struggling some more, it finally hit Eri that she was trapped. Both of her legs were caught beneath the collasped front portion of the crushed vehicle. There was no way she was going to get out of here without help. And Sayumi wasn't nearby. Nobody was around. Feeling alone and frightened, Eri started to cry. How did a fun trip out to town end up in this dire state. She wanted to be back in her room, snuggled under the warm blankets and knowing that there were people close by whom she could rely on. She didn't want to be out in the wilderness alone, she wanted Sayumi. Where was she when she needed her the most?

"Sayu! Sayu! Where are you Sayumi?!"

I need you Sayu, I'm scared.    


She slapped one hand across her nose at the irritating source that was annoying her. And in doing so, Risa gave herself a slap by mistake.


Opening her eyes, Risa found herself lying face down on the ground with her mouth slightly open. The unmistakeable taste of grass and maybe mud laced the tastebuds located at the tip of her tongue. A particularly tall strip of grass was swaying near her face and that was the cause of the ealier irritation. Sticking out her tongue, Risa spat hard to get rid of whatever grass she had left inside her mouth. Failing to succeed in achieving that, she resorted to wiping her mouth on her shirt sleeve. Now she found herself sitting up. Looking around, she couldn't see anything further than two metres in front even with her accurate eyesight. Moving her arms and legs to check for injuries, she was fortunate to only feel a numbing pain in her left shoulder. She probably suffered a bruise when she fell out of the tumbling taxi. The last thing she remembered was the door on her side swinging open and she herself falling out of it and crashing onto the ground speeding past outside. Suddenly automatic car doors didn't seem such a great invention after all.

"Sayu! Sayu!"

Picking up her ears, Risa turned her head around and strained to hear the feeble voice that was shouting. Was that Eri? It sure sounded like her. And it was obvious she had been or still is crying. Scrambling to her feet, Risa ran in the darkness towards the voice. She tripped and fell a few times but luckily she didn't hurt herself further. The most important thing in her mind right now was getting to Eri and making sure she was alright. Her deep worries for Ai would have to take a backseat for now.

"Kame, Kame!"

"Gaki-san! Is that you! Help me!"

She was beginning to lose all hope but suddenly hearing Risa's voice filled Eri with renewed faith. Someone was coming for her. Risa was coming for her. In no time, Risa was by Eri's side and trying her best to free Eri without hurting her.

"Can you get out? Maybe we should stop, I'll go get help and come back for you."

Getting into a half kneeling position, Risa was going to stand up when Eri grabbed onto her arm and pulled her back down.

"No! Don't leave me by myself Gaki-san. Please!"

"But you're bleeding. If I go, I might be able to find someone to help us and get you to a hospital sooner."

Placing her hand over Eri's, Risa patted and gave her a comforting squeeze. She knew it was terrible to be hurt and alone but it was for the best for her to seek help. Maybe she could find Ai and Sayumi faster that way too if a search party or police squad was dispatched.

"Is that you Gaki-san?"

She wasn't sure if she was hallucinating but Risa thought she heard Ai's apprehensive voice. Taking a chance, she called out a reply.

"Ai-chan! We're over here!"


By this time the four were finally reunited. After an analysis of their state and injuries, it was decided that two of the girls would go look for help while one would stay behind to accompany Eri.

"I guess I'll be going with Ai-chan. Take good care of Kame Sayu, we'll be back soon."

Taking Ai's hand, Risa slipped her fingers into Ai's and held them tightly, she wasn't going to leave her side again. It was fortunate that she managed to escaped unscathed  but Risa wasn't going to take that chance of something else happening without her being there for Ai again.

"Wait. I would like to go with Ai-chan. Could you stay with Eri, Gaki-san?"

The request was sudden and surprising. Caught by surprise, Risa didn't know what to say except to agree. Seeing the retreating figures of Ai and Sayumi, Risa scolded herself internally for agreeing so readily to stay behind. She had wanted to be with Ai so badly. Sighing softly, Risa went to sit down where Eri was. There was nothing else she could do except make Eri feel as comfortable as possible. Putting her hand on Eri's head, Risa brushed the younger's hair to the side and touched her gently. It was going to be alright. They were all going to get out of this in one piece. On closer inspection of her friend, Risa noticed that the ends of Eri's beautiful eyes were wet. She was crying.

Biting her lip, Eri tried hard to not let the tears she was holding in fall, but the crystal clear droplets fell in a sad steady stream.

"Why did she leave me behind Gaki-san? Does Sayu find me a burden now? Does she hate me?"


sweeety: Hmmm, all those pairings you named, I could make some or even all of them happen in some way or another. As for the other stories, I kinda came up against a stone wall cuz I'm stuck so I won't be updating those as quickly as this one (Though this one isn't really updated that quickly either :P) But since you asked, that means you still wanna read them. Which means I have a purpose to continue writing them. I'll try my best to.

Sukoshi: Awww, you commented. *hugs* I totally burst out laughing when you said what if the person Ai found was a stranger. It would be like a horror flick if that happened wouldn't it :lol:

JFC: Well, as to whether it's more than the Raburabu, you'll just have to wait and see :P Man, I love when they say rabu instead of love. It's too adorable :heart:

strawb3rrykream: I think your name is really cute and cool. How did you think of it? I know I haven't been commenting in your thread, but I really like what you are doing. Please keep writing and thanks for the quick updates :)

ringo-hime: You like this? I'm so glad. I love it when readers like what I'm writing :D

lollipopgirl: The girls are still alive, for now XD

« Last Edit: June 12, 2008, 03:26:28 PM by lil_hamz »

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Re: More Than One Story... [The Wrong Angel - Chapter 1: Don't Go Away]
« Reply #57 on: May 16, 2008, 03:53:15 PM »
My name comes from the first SN I made with my friend. But I don't remember why I picked it at the time. I'm glad you like my fics. I'll keep writing too! Ganbarimasu!

On to your fic, YOKATTA! They all found each other! But why are Ai and Sayu all being weird towards their bffs?  :? Poor Eri and Gaki! Can't wait for update!

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Re: More Than One Story... [The Wrong Angel - Chapter 1: Don't Go Away]
« Reply #58 on: May 16, 2008, 06:14:46 PM »

Sayumi's voice was obviously groggy voice as she let herself be helped up by her leader.
YAAAAAAAAAY! Sayu's not dead!  :muffin:

"If we were flung out of the taxi, do you think they could be trapped inside?"

"Gaki-san! Eri!"
If that's the case, then what they need to do next is find the taxi. :yep:

The air was still and smelt of burnt rubber, scrunching her nose, Eri tried to get up from the cramped space she was trapped in. While she liked the feeling of being squeezed in tight corners, she didn't like her current situation.
Eri! She's alive!

That just leaves Risa as the only unknown.

Inching sideways, Eri struggled to crawl out of the wreckage but a sharp intense pain that shot through her right leg halted her actions immediately. Reaching her hand to feel for her leg, her fingers came into contact with a sticky dampness that felt all too familiar. Blood? Was she bleeding? But why couldn't she feel any sensation in her left leg? She only knew the pain that was searing through her entire right leg was too painful to bear. Struggling some more, it finally hit Eri that she was trapped. Both of her legs were caught beneath the collasped front portion of the crushed vehicle
Oh crap, her legs are broken!  :shocked:

Opening her eyes, Risa found herself lying face down on the ground with her mouth slightly open.


Moving her arms and legs to check for injuries, she was fortunate to only feel a numbing pain in her left shoulder. She probably suffered a bruise when she fell out of the tumbling taxi. The last thing she remembered was the door on her side swinging open and she herself falling out of it and crashing onto the ground speeding past outside. Suddenly automatic car doors didn't seem such a great invention after all.
Damn, that must have been one hell of a slope if they were all so scattered afterwards.

"Sayu! Sayu!"

Picking up her ears, Risa turned her head around and strained to hear the feeble voice that was shouting. Was that Eri?


"Kame, Kame!"

"Gaki-san! Is that you! Help me!"
Whew, nice to hear that these two were somewhat near each other.
* JFC wonders if this will be a "tarumatic-experience-brings-Risa-and-Eri-closer-in-an-unexpected-way" type of deal. 

"Is that you Gaki-san?"

She wasn't sure if she was hallucinating but Risa thought she heard Ai's apprehensive voice. Taking a chance, she called out a reply.

"Ai-chan! We're over here!"


By this time the four were finally reunited.

After an analysis of their state and injuries, it was decided that two of the girls would go look for help while one would stay behind to accompany Eri.
Logical, and under the circumstances, the best thing that they could do at the moment.



So driver...dead?

"I guess I'll be going with Ai-chan. Take good care of Kame Sayu, we'll be back soon."

Taking Ai's hand, Risa slipped her fingers into Ai's and held them tightly, she wasn't going to leave her side again. It was fortunate that she managed to escaped unscathed  but Risa wasn't going to take that chance of something else happening without her being there for Ai again.

"Wait. I would like to go with Ai-chan. Could you stay with Eri, Gaki-san?"
EH? :dunno:

That was...unexpected.  Eri was calling for Sayu when she came to...this could make things...awkward to say the least.

Or maybe it's just that Sayu's scared to see/can't handle seeing Eri in so much pain?

Risa noticed that the ends of Eri's beautiful eyes were wet. She was crying.

Biting her lip, Eri tried hard to not let the tears she was holding in fall, but the crystal clear droplets fell in a sad steady stream.

"Why did she leave me behind Gaki-san? Does Sayu find me a burden now? Does she hate me?"
Aw fuck.

Somehow you knew this was going to happen the moment Sayu said she wanted to go with Aichan. 
:mon waterworks:

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

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Re: More Than One Story... [The Wrong Angel - Chapter 1: Don't Go Away]
« Reply #59 on: May 17, 2008, 12:58:22 AM »
OMG! ERI!   :frustrated:

well at least they are all alive...well all alive except for the taxi driver I guess...but it's okay if you kill off unimport characters...ONLY unimportant characters...

I don't know if it's the hot weather or if it's the story but I sure had to sweat it out while reading this  :sweat:

the last part made me want to cry too~  but I think Sayu wanted to go with Ai chan because she's determined to get help for Eri as quickly as possible instead of being useless.  I really wished she stayed with Eri though but then again...there wouldn't be any misunderstands/angst/story if that happened XD

okay now that I've commented here...I think a comment somewhere else in hammy land is well due....*pitter patters over to the other thread*

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