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Author Topic: More Than One Story...[111016 Loving You Forever]  (Read 238581 times)

Offline Sukoshi

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Re: More Than One Story... [Guardian Angel: Chapter 6 - Polar Blackout]
« Reply #280 on: December 14, 2008, 11:13:23 AM »
SAYU's AWAKE!!!!!!!!!! yaaay~~~~~~~~~!

but wait...what?....eeep!  She's blind now?  OMG! ! ! :OMG: 
Hammy!  coma...blindness...speech problems...suicidal...ditched by the turtle in two stories! owe Sayu big time!
poor poor Sayu....but have no fear...Hammy san will restore your vision in 10 chapters or so!  she has to!  :sweat:
on the bright side Sayu's alive! and therefore hammy's just pure awesome =D

Sayu talking  :cry:  that was so brought tears to my eyes.   Reina better take this chance to tell her she's been visiting her...I'd be crushed if she lied and said it was Eri all along.  wait...must not give hammy evil ideas XD  Risa better not go into a coma places is a no no  :farofflook:

Now that i think about it..this is so bad for Eri...if she wants to be Sayu then that would hurt Reina and being with Risa is already causing her all sorts of guilt.  and she certainly can't be with Ai cause that's another fic all together XD  being everyone's love interest sure is hard.   :sweat:

Need more~ always need more~  :nya:

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Re: More Than One Story... [Guardian Angel: Chapter 6 - Polar Blackout]
« Reply #281 on: December 14, 2008, 06:23:33 PM »
I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack~~~~~~~!  :gmon peakaboo: :gmon twirl: :gmon hi:
I bet you thought I had up and left you and given up on reading your magnificently addictive fics, right?
Well you would be wrong! Very, very wrong... I just got behind and never had time to catch up, which meant i got even further behind so I need even more free time to catch up blah blah blah and it turned into a vicious, evil, cycle! It'll take me a while to get caught up with everything, but you're the first writer that lucky enough to be spammed by my comments so YAY for you  :otomerika:
It feels soooo damn good to be 1) reading your fics again, oh how I have honestly missed them :( 2) freakin' posting in this thread again... I've felt terrible seeing all the updates and knowing that I wasn't gonna be joining in the fun coz I refuse to not comment on ur fics!!!

Ok on to the comments, sorry about the lame/crappiness of them :oops:

So Much – Hare Ame Nochi Suki Edition [Part 1]
Oh my, I don’t feel like I understand anything of what’s going on… I guess that’s how Eri feels too surely none of it would be making sense to her either.
Risa acting all weird like that really worries me :( Initially I thought there was some psychological problem with Gaki-san that only Ai knows about and she was trying to help her (argh, too much uni :P)… and then I quickly changed to Ai just being jealous and the crazy one confusing Risa and now all I can think is death death death death death, I think the mention of the cab just kinda brings that out in people now :P
But yet so darn intrigued to see what is really going on :o

So Much – Hare Ame Nochi Suki Edition [Part 2]
After the first paragraph my brain is still screaming DEEEATH at me… I wonder if I should seek professional help? :-\
Awww Gaki stole Eri’s first kiss :heart: Dammit! I think I’m falling for the GakiKame charm :angry: :oops:
Wait an Ambulance!?  :pleeease: Maybe I’m not crazy! First thought = SAYYYUUU, she just kinda disappeared when Eri went back inside… not her again puhlease! :cry:
Right so HOLY SHIT, it wasn’t Sayu but instead you killed TWO of them… two…of…them! OMG! You evil evil woman! :O
 Cjhwlshnclijar;inhnGUIBGbvnbfcIUBELNsdn, mcxmnm!~@#!` Ok needed to get that out coz my thoughts were all confuzzled XD
What an intense and awesome fic missy~ And so bittersweet at the end… Thank god they had enough time to confess to each other but waaaaaaaaah, why must you kill people all the time… Maybe you should seek the professional help :P
Maybe I shouldn’t say I’m starting to like GakiKame, it could be a jinx :lol:

Water Drop
Oh wow! And Hammy-sama strikes me once again with her Cupid arrow full of TakaGakiness! :wub:
If I’m to drown in anything, I want to drown in there love :mon inluv: I love this one sooo much coz it feels so honest and real… I suppose if we won’t to get technical and boring, there is a chance (albeit a tiny one) that Ai & Risa aren’t actually doing it like we all hope, but even if that (unfortunately) is the case, this fic still fits their friendship perfectly! :heart: Someone like Ai really needs a Risa to keep them strong and together when they feel like its all falling apart, no denying how they compliment each other, making their friendship solid… Ah, so refreshing to read after the double murder you committed in the last one!

Ok so I admit, I did read this one on Gaki’s b’day coz I had to drop everything and be a good fan girl, but I’m weird and couldn’t comment then coz I stupidly have to do things in order… anyway, I got to read it again just now, so it worked out great!
Maaaaaaaan, I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again… probably my fave TakaGaki fic, twas just perfect :heart: Poor Gaki at the start though, even when its her birthday and she should be the one having fun and the other taking care of her, she’s gotta think of how to look after the troublesome rokkies… Glad Ai just made sure she left it and let them figure it out XD
Such an awesome present as well :cry: I hope you and Ai actually planned this out before hard the hoodie Risa said she gave her was just a decoy :P
“Sapphire isn’t alone, Nouveau is here.”
AWWWWWWWWW, That was so beautiful :mon inluv:

“You are a part of me and I cannot envision spending a day without you. Stay by my side, complete me forever.”
OMG, perfect way to say how you feel Aichan, so full of honesty and sincerity  :mon lovelaff:

And after all that brilliant, soppy, fluffy goodness comes hot make out time… I like that idea :w00t: You should like add that to the end of every fic, maybe even extend it a little *cough* :drool: :twisted:

Wow, still so much to go, but I gotta get to bed now so I can go make some moneyz in a few hours... I'll be back soon sometime and edit this post or make another, whatever happens, I shall return... promise! :heart:

:gmon heartu: I feel like I have so much more to say about 2010 but my brain is too tired to tell me what, sorry my comment on it so short, but pretend its super long, lol!

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Re: More Than One Story... [Guardian Angel: Chapter 6 - Polar Blackout]
« Reply #282 on: December 15, 2008, 07:57:27 PM »
Guardian Angel
Chapter 6: Polar Blackout

It was fortunate she had set the device to vibration alert or the ringtone of some popular Japanese song would have filled the air throughout the entire twenty minutes of its insistent ringing.
Can't help but wonder what song she has as her ringtone now. :D

In a somewhat breathless voice, she said into the mouthpiece and waited impatiently for the caller to respond.
"Miss Tanaka? This is the hospital..."
Hospital?!? :shocked:

SAYU!!! :scared:

"Did something happen to Sayu?"
A smile lit up on his wrinkled face but it quickly transformed into a resigned one. Reina wasn't sure if the change in expression was a good thing or not.
"Miss Michishige has regained conscoiusness."
Reina didn't respond to the heartening news immediately. Standing there with her mouth slightly parted, her tired mind took some time to registered the information. Morning Musume did just run though more than 12 hours of filming for a certain variety programme.
"Sayu is awake? She's awake!??!"
I wanna be all ":w00t:" right now, yet I can't help but expect to hear a "but" come from the doctor's mouth any second.  :sweatdrop:

She had missed out on confessing her feelings towards her fellow Rokkies once, she wasn't going to let that chance slip by again. Even though she knew fully well that Sayumi had always been in love with Eri and there was a big possibility that the raven haired one might reject her, it was still Reina's wish to let her know how she had felt for the past seven years. Seven years of secrets, seven years of pretending nothing was out of the ordinary. She would reveal everything at a suitable time.
Oh jeez...helluva thing for Sayu to wake up to.
* JFC still awaits the "but" from the doctor.

SAYU CAN'T SEE?!?!??!!?
:mon scare: :mon scare: :mon scare:

Shocked at hearing Sayumi speak, Reina stared wide eyed at the young woman, the person she had been pining for from the day she first laid eyes on her at the 6th member auditions back in 2003.
"Wakkkkke up,...youuuu...seeee..."
Sayu... :cry:

A neverending flow of water drops dripped from Reina's eyes. Sayumi's face was becoming blurry from the sheer amount of tears that kept emerging from her brownish orbs.
I love you. I've always loved you.
:mon waterworks:

It was a Friday evening, a night where most places down town would be filled with crowds seeking a place to let their hair down or have fun in preparation for the weekend. Strolling leisurely by herself towards the supermarket she always went to for stocking up on groceries, Risa randomly watched the people who passed her by. She was trying to take her mind off how distant Eri was treating her by distracting herself.
Risa still doesn't know that Aichan's coming back, does she? If not, it's really odd that the two of them wouldn't have been keeping in touch, unless that's part of the reason why Eri's so mad at Aichan. :O

A burly woman juggling a laptop bag, her purse and some files bumped into her and the sudden jolt snapped Risa out of her thoughts. Refocusing on the masses of people around her, Risa caught sight of the fleeting view of a familiar figure out of the corner of her eye.
Something inside her told her she knew that young woman but no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't recall her name at this moment.

Somehow, I doubt it's Aichan (you can't be that sadistic, can you? :P )

A throbbing ache that appeared without warning affected her vision and Risa brought her hands up to hold her hurting head. Trying to block out the searing pain that was escalating by the second, she glanced around wildly to locate the petite lady dressed in a long black coat. Her outfit was simliar in both design and material to her own except for the drastically opposing colors. Risa herself was clad in a white leather coat.
What's wrong with Risa?!?!?   :(

Why did she feel the need to catch up with that person? Why was there a sense of familarity at seeing her? Why did she feel a burning pain as soon as she laid eyes on her? Why? WHY?!?! The numerous questions invading her mind was too much to take and the pain had intensified to an excruciating level. A sea of white engulfed the image of the busy street scene she was seeing and soon Risa felt herself falling. The final sound she heard was a concerned voice calling her name. The world and everything else along with it became pitch-black and silent after that.

Oh god...can it be that...[bgcolor=#000000]Risa doesn't remember Aichan? Her mind suppressed all her memories of Aichan?[/bgcolor]

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

Offline lil_hamz

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Re: More Than One Story... [Guardian Angel: Chapter 6 - Polar Blackout]
« Reply #283 on: December 16, 2008, 01:05:44 PM »
Glass Slipper
Chapter 5: Enchanted (Part 2)

@SxY: I see we have the same tastes :D

@Sukoshi: I originally didn't plan for Taka x Reina's path to be so bumpy. But then again not everyone can have a smooth flowing way :cry:

@KonaKaga: You know what, that's an awesome statement. Gotta make it my new mantra. Erm...should I give it away right now? Oh alright. It's foreshadowing. I wondered if anyone would pick it up and you did! 95% is really high! So you're not juz a hot-shot now, you're a genius too :)

@SBK: Ahhh haaaa, so you like guys dressed this way? Or is it purely the Ai-chan effect? :lol:

@KizuRai: Really? You thought it was fluffy? Yay, I'm glad I was able to convey that feeling :oops:

@ringo-hime: Thank you for commmenting so faithfully *hugs* :heart:

@JFC: Oooohh bare-skinned back eh? Now you got me thinking XD

Guardian Angel
Chapter 6: Polar Blackout

@ringo-hime: Poor blind Sayu. Was I too evil to her? XD

@SxY: I'm very tempted to get a iTouch after seeing you talk so much about it. Do you recommend I do? Why am I asking about that here? :lol: I wanna beat your writer's block away. Cuz that meanie cube is hampering us readers from getting more of your awesome fics

@Sukoshi: I only realized I've how much bad stuff I've written Sayu into after you listed them down *gasps* It looks like she has taken over Risa's no.1 spot of suffering in my fics XD

@LLPG: You're back!! :O I thought you disappeared for good. I'm SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO happy that wasn't true. What have you been busy with recently? And yes, I
do feel very honoured to get your comment. Such a long one too :muffin:

LOL, if anyone needs prefessional help its me. I think I get depressed too often. I didn't want to kill them both at first. It just happened as I wrote. Did you just ask me to seek professional help after I said I should be the one getting it? XD

Noooo, don't say that the TakaGaki love ain't true *covers ears*

The hoodie was probably given to Risa since she had nothing decent to wear after a night over at Ai's place :P

@JFC: I hate to admit it, but I can be that sadistic :twisted:

Offline ShikyoxYaiba

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Re: More Than One Story... [Guardian Angel: Chapter 6 - Polar Blackout]
« Reply #284 on: December 17, 2008, 01:44:00 AM »
Haha. If I ever comment via iTouch, it's either early morning (6am~ish) or really, really, early...earliER morning. Like around one or two in the morning. xD I just don't want my parents to catch me staying up late and such. So iTouch + home wifi = Happy me. XD But that's the only reason why I ever really use the internet on it. *shrug*

I'm fighting it right now. The cursed three dimensional quadrilateral is confusing me on how I should write my fic. I wanted to change the pairing, but now that I'm changing the pairing, the ending makes no sense, and it screws stuff up. I'm trying to work my way around it right now. :doh: Oh but get this - I already have another fic idea after I write the one I was just talking about! xD

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Re: More Than One Story... [Guardian Angel: Chapter 6 - Polar Blackout]
« Reply #285 on: December 22, 2008, 03:12:30 AM »
OMFG, SAYU WOKE UP!?!?!?!! :w00t: :w00t: :w00t: But she's blind now... :cry: But she's awake~~~ :grin: I swear, that's what my brain was doing when I read this! Whoa, so Reina is in love with Sayu? And she's not gonna call Eri, even though she knows she should. Eri's gonna be pissed, even more pissed than she is at Reina already! And poor Gaki, kinda left out of all of this. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, I FREAKIN BET IT'S AI-CHAN!!!!!! XD How can Gaki forget who she is though????? :P

Offline lil_hamz

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Re: More Than One Story... [Guardian Angel: Chapter 6 - Polar Blackout]
« Reply #286 on: December 24, 2008, 11:57:59 AM »
I apologize for not replying to comments with the new chapter *bows* I'll get on that during the weekend, hopefully :D

Glass Slipper
Chapter 6 - Noble
"Why is Taka's bowl filled with more rice than mine?!"
The somewhat high pitched sounding voice belonging to a minor barely out of his teens pierced though the eardrums of all those seated around him.

"Stop yelling into my ear Kuu!!"

Rubbing his ear with the hand clutching onto a pair of wooden chopsticks, Gaki grumbled at the overly excited tallest member of the foursome occupying the cramped living room area.

"But it's not fair!"

Reaching over the low table where dishes of the night's dinner were laid out in varying quantities on separate plates, the childish Kuu tried to grab at the bowl of steaming white rice that the young girl with a china doll hairstyle was scooping.

"Because Taka-sama is the best. If you want a bigger helping you can jolly well get it yourself."

Sticking her tongue out at Kuu with a big scowl on her face, the only female retorted loudly. Directing a shy smile at Taka as she handed him his portion of rice, she blushed hard when he smiled back while thanking her.

Noticing how awkward his little sister was acting around his best buddy, Gaki commented.

"Don't take it personally Kuu, I have to help myself even though I'm her brother."


Turning her rapidly reddening face away from Taka, Aika lowered her head to hide the flush staining her chubby cheeks.

"It's true isn't it? You're always so biased when it involves Taka."

Tucking into the food and swallowing the delicious cooking with gigantic mouthfuls, Gaki teased as he lightly nudged the adolescent seated beside him.


When every single morsel was emptied from the ceramic dishes, Taka patted his bloated tummy with a satisfied sigh.

"Your cooking skills have improved yet again Aika."

"It's only because you're eating over that we get such a spread. You should come more frequently!"

In a serious tone, Kuu remarked only to have a semi wet dish cloth hurled at his face. Shaking his head at the pair who has taken to chasing each other around the sink area of the small kitchen, Gaki motioned for Taka to come sit by the heater. Offering him a cup of freshly poured Sake, he said hesitantly.

"I've heard news that the company isn't doing well Young Master. I think it's time you took it back."

"How many times have I told you not to call me that? Besides, the matter is out of my hands."

Gulping down the liquor that Gaki refilled in his cup, Taka replied with a soft sigh.

"I only promised not to address you in that manner when we're outside. But behind closed doors, the fact remains that you're my young master." 

Running one hand through his messy hair, Taka lamented despondently.

"That was all in the past. My uncle is the one controlling the business now."

Setting down the bottle of Japanese wine in his hand, Gaki clammed a strong grip on Taka's shoulder.

"Stand up to your uncle, take back what the Master and Madame so painstakingly built up. I'll help you."

Shaking his lowered head then gazing up at his friend with resigned eyes, Taka muttered weakly.

"It's too late. I probably can't run it well anyway."

"But Young Master..."

Not believing that Taka would give up so easily and bow down to the unfair fate thrust upon him, Gaki persisted, reminding him of how as a young boy he was dauntless as he stood up against bullies to defend the siblings. Nevertheless, Taka was too discouraged to resist the powerful forces of his evil uncle. He assumed no one would support him in his quest to reclaim what rightfully belonged to him. Drowning his sorrows in more of the potent Sake, Taka downed every drop within the clear glass bottle. Sadly, he knew he would not become drunk from it. He had cultivated a high threshold for alcohol after working as a host for so many years. As Taka's childhood friend and playmate, Gaki was determined to assist Taka in regaining control of his family business.   
No matter what it takes, I'll help you get the company back.


It was late. The streets were deserted as Taka left the small flat which Gaki and Aika shared with Kuu. Home for the twenty two year old young man was in the form of a sparsely decorated single bedroom studio apartment in the working class district of town. His slightly more comfortable living conditions was attributed to the savings account his mother had opened in his name before she was killed in a freak automobile accident. The lives of his father and Gaki and Aika's only parent were seized in the same mishap that stormy night. Uncle Niigaki was the family's chauffeur. And though he came from a lowly background, Taka's father never saw him as a mere servant. 

"It wasn't an accident. Father once overheard your uncle talking to someone connected with shady dealings."

"My uncle may be greedy but I don't think he would harm his own brother."
Gaki's startling revelation stunned Taka and while he didn't agree with the younger's view, he couldn't help but wonder if there was any ounce of truth in those words. Uncle Niigaki was an honest man. He would never spin tales. If he had indeed spoken the truth, that would mean that his only living relative was a killer, a person who was heinous enough to murder his own family.
The ringing tone of his mobile phone shattered the silence of the night. Answering the call stiffly, he was both surprised and angered to hear the voice on the line.
"What do you want?"
Taka fought to keep his voice steady as his fury surged after recognizing the identity of the unexpected caller.
"Is this how you speak to an elder? Aren't you going to greet your dear uncle?"
"Don't give me that crap!"
Removing the phone from his ear, Taka was about to end the call when the older man's voice boomed through the speaker.
"You're regret it if you hang up."
Grudgingly bringing the earpiece back to press against the side of his head, the crinkles between Taka's brows increased as he listened to what the man had to say.
"Eri-chan, is there somewhere you would like to go?"
The stern looking elderly woman asked her granddaughter who kept glancing at the decade old grandfather clock chiming periodically.
Clearly not paying attention to the conversation at the dining table, Eri's thoughts were completely on the date she had exactly an hour later. Her mother had to repeat the sentence for her daughter to reply the matriarch. It was only after reassuring the two women that she had no plans that night and was going straight to bed after the meal did she get let off with no further questions. 
The seconds which ticked past as Eri waited impatiently for the household to turn in dragged on like hours. When she was certain no one was still awake or walking about in the sprawling mansion, she gathered a thin cardigan and a pair of flat shoes in her arms before creeping down the long and wide stairway. Turning slowly the lock of the heavy oak door, she was careful not to be too noisy. Standing at a distance away from her main gate, Eri fished out her mobile phone and speed dialed the newly inputted contact. 
"Gaki? I'll be arriving in twenty minutes."
« Last Edit: December 24, 2008, 12:27:38 PM by lil_hamz »

Offline Sukoshi

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Re: More Than One Story... [Glass Slipper: Chapter 6 - Noble]
« Reply #287 on: December 24, 2008, 01:06:34 PM »
wow the story just gained a lot of depth.  I can now see how the girls might end up with their guys in the long run (couldn't see them being together if they remained hosts).  I wonder if Gaki knows about Eri's background...I wonder if she can help Taka in any way...or maybe Reina's family could help.  I have a lot of ideas and questions now XD  Somehow when a story deals with Ai chan and some great evil, I feel there should be a sword fight.  ho ho maybe the Taka family is Yakuza related (oh wait that's Reina's family) and then there can be sword fighting!  Hehe clearly I'm not thinking straight.  *hugs and runs* 

Offline ShikyoxYaiba

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Re: More Than One Story... [Glass Slipper: Chapter 6 - Noble]
« Reply #288 on: December 24, 2008, 03:39:48 PM »
If I weren't for the fact that it's still too early in the morning for me (I'm gonna go back to sleep for a bit) I'd totally leave a good comment. I'll come back and edit this later. Gomen. m(_ _)m

Nyehehe... Here's the edit... Um... *looks at clock* ...Five hours later. :sweatdrop: But at least I came back, right? :D Onto the commenting!

Oh gosh... This is a horrible analogy, but it's kinda like swimming to the deep end of a pool - all fun and games, and then now you actually have to try/work to stay afloat. o-o I'm really worried about Taka now... Not to mention Eri. But a secret Eri and Gaki meeting? Now that I like. But something is bothering me... Taka's from a big company, and his uncle just called him (which obviously bothers/frustrates the poor guy. Eri already has an arranged marriage for herself...but she doesn't know who it is. I really hope I'm just forgetting something from the previous chapters. :banghead: I really hope I am just over thinking this. *runs back to previous chapters to see if she missed any important details*
« Last Edit: December 24, 2008, 08:41:20 PM by ShikyoxYaiba »

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Re: More Than One Story... [Glass Slipper: Chapter 6 - Noble]
« Reply #289 on: December 25, 2008, 10:17:07 AM »
Glass Slipper
Chapter 6 - Noble

*AIKA LIKES TAKA* cute. :lol:

Gaki motioned for Taka to come sit by the heater. Offering him a cup of freshly poured Sake, he said hesitantly.

"I've heard news that the company isn't doing well Young Master. I think it's time you took it back."
Took it back? You mean Taka is (or was) the owner of the host bar? Or are they talking about another business? If it's the latter, then why is Taka working at a host bar instead of running what's presumably his company? :O

"How many times have I told you not to call me that? Besides, the matter is out of my hands."

Gulping down the liquor that Gaki refilled in his cup, Taka replied with a soft sigh.

"I only promised not to address you in that manner when we're outside. But behind closed doors, the fact remains that you're my young master."
So then...Gaki's like, his bodyguard/personal assistant or something?

Taka lamented despondently.

"That was all in the past. My uncle is the one controlling the business now."


"Stand up to your uncle, take back what the Master and Madame so painstakingly built up. I'll help you."


"It's too late. I probably can't run it well anyway."
Uh-oh. Sounds like Taka ran into a streak of bad luck or something, and had little or no choice but to give it up.   :sweatdrop:

Taka was too discouraged to resist the powerful forces of his evil uncle. He assumed no one would support him in his quest to reclaim what rightfully belonged to him.
Evil uncle? Great.  Taka was probably slated to take over the company and the uncle was no doubt jealous/angry at having his nephew hoisted up above him on the corporate ladder.  Something tells me it must have been some type of secret hostile takeover or something. At the time, Taka probably never saw it coming.  :shocked:

The streets were deserted as Taka left the small flat which Gaki and Aika shared with Kuu. Home for the twenty two year old young man was in the form of a sparsely decorated single bedroom studio apartment in the working class district of town. His slightly more comfortable living conditions was attributed to the savings account his mother had opened in his name before she was killed in a freak automobile accident.
An accident? After finding out about the "evil uncle", it's highly unlikely that I'm going to believe that.  :angry:

The lives of his father and Gaki and Aika's only parent were seized in the same mishap that stormy night. Uncle Niigaki was the family's chauffeur. And though he came from a lowly background, Taka's father never saw him as a mere servant.
WTF?!?!? So then..."uncle" isn't actually related to Taka, but rather, to Gaki?!? :stunned:

Would have thought that he would have already been an executive member of the company at least. But to rise to the head of the company from just being the chauffeur of the previous head???? That's just nuts!

"It wasn't an accident. Father once overheard your uncle talking to someone connected with shady dealings."

"My uncle may be greedy but I don't think he would harm his own brother."
Oh that's even better. Now we've got potential yakuza involvement. :banghead:

This can't be good.  :thumbdown:

"Gaki? I'll be arriving in twenty minutes."
SECRET DATE!!!  :inlove:

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

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Re: More Than One Story... [Glass Slipper: Chapter 6 - Noble]
« Reply #290 on: December 26, 2008, 01:26:44 AM »
Kuu is such a whiny kid~~~ XD Aww, Aika's got a crush on Taka!!!!!! :P Whoa, so this definitely changes the story a lot. I'm pretty interested though, makes it A LOT more interesting. Nice to see that TakaGaki are still....well, TakaGaki for the most part. BFFs~~~ :heart: Ack, family danger is never nice business. :( Aiya, once again, I'd DIE if I ever had a life like Eri-chan. :sweatdrop:

Oh and to answer your question from before, I wouldn't complain if a guy dressed like that but b/c it's Ai-chan, I'm more inclined to like it. :lol: She couldn't be wearing anything and I'd still love her. She could even wear nothing.... :halo: :gmon shy:

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Re: More Than One Story... [Glass Slipper: Chapter 6 - Noble]
« Reply #291 on: December 26, 2008, 05:29:38 AM »
Oh snap, you got Unwilling Master x Mature Servant relationship!!!! My favorite kind of relationship!! -SWOONS-

xDDD... Anywho...

Interesting to see how everyone else has their own troubles that they have to endure outside of the work they do, it gives the story a few herbs and spices xDDDD And you know, I thought it was going to be centered entirely on Gakikame, but with the recent chapters, that clearly isn't the case, so I'm glad you're going to work on everyone xDDDD... But man, Taka and evil uncle... Lion King / Hamlet!? O-O; -bricked- I'm interested to see more of Taka and Gaki's chemistry, being that Careless Master x Loyal Servant fan I am... xDD...

But I am looking forward to how each couple truly gets together in the end~... if they do

And uh, yeah... o-o;

-zaps moar anti-writers' block powers into your hardhat- A-wee-muh-weh A-wee-muh-weh A-wee-muh-weh... In the jungle, the mighty jungle, the lion sleeps tonight~ -is shot-

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Re: More Than One Story... [Glass Slipper: Chapter 6 - Noble]
« Reply #292 on: December 26, 2008, 05:40:42 AM »
^hahaha. Yuri turned to Yaoi! XD

i've been waiting!!  :heart:

OHH boii! i like this chapter!

ohhh.. Moar about Taka-sama's background.  :w00t:

SOSAM. so he's a young masterrr.wooo. :D

Eri-chan and Gaki-san secret date!ahhhhh~  :wub: :wub:

moar moar moar moarmoar ~~ woooooooo..

i feel spammie.. nyahaha. :D

oh yea! Aika! kawaii~ has a crush on Taka-sama! XD

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Re: More Than One Story... [Glass Slipper: Chapter 6 - Noble]
« Reply #293 on: January 13, 2009, 05:13:51 AM »
Glass Slipper: Chapter 6 - Noble

@Sukoshi: Your comment made me laugh :D I always enjoy reading your replies :wub:

@Shiichan: Wow, I think you're getting really close to home with that line of thought :O

@JFC: Oops, I guess I wasn't clear enough in my writing. The evil uncle is Taka's uncle. Uncle Niigaki is Gaki's dad who is the family chauffeur :yep:

@SBK: Risa didn't know she forgot about Ai. Hmm maybe I shouldn't let on too much now :-X Ai-chan not wearing anything? Woah...*noes bleeds*

@Yuuyami: Oh yes, everyone is gonna get featured. In fact, a character who appeared earlier will be featured more later :grin:

@ringo-hime: Heyho *waves* How have you been doing? I see you're becoming a regular here and I really appreciate it *glomps back* :muffin:

There will be an update at the end of the week. I hope I don't forget to post then ;)

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Re: More Than One Story... [Glass Slipper: Chapter 6 - Noble]
« Reply #294 on: January 13, 2009, 05:26:48 AM »
@Shiichan: Wow, I think you're getting really close to home with that line of thought

:grr: ...Hello, drama. *braces self* Of course, that's what always makes a fic good. ;)

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Re: More Than One Story... [Glass Slipper: Chapter 6 - Noble]
« Reply #295 on: January 14, 2009, 02:13:14 PM »
@ Haammmmzzz. YOU BETTER NOOOT!  XD

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Re: More Than One Story... [Glass Slipper: Chapter 6 - Noble]
« Reply #296 on: January 14, 2009, 09:39:26 PM »
Like it a lot xD

TakaGaki RulZ <3~

God!! She knows she's HOT!

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Re: More Than One Story... [Glass Slipper: Chapter 6 - Noble]
« Reply #297 on: January 16, 2009, 01:41:12 PM »
I see new comments. Will reply to them soon. And here is the next chapter :)

Glass Slipper
Chapter 7 – Queen
Eri was glad she picked out a pair of flat shoes on this cold winter night. The lack of heels facilitated her need for speed as she raced with all her strength towards the venue she was supposed to be at roughly two hours ago. The taxi she had flagged down had dropped her off at the next street as the lane on which the cinema was located at was closed off to cars at certain times of the day. Regrettably, the early hours of this weekday morning fell exactly onto that period. Flipping open her cell phone with the intention of calling her date to inform him of her impending arrival, she realized to her dismay that the icon representing the battery level was at a single bar. In such a state, calls could not be made nor received.
Stupid, stupid STUPID! How could I have forgotten to charge it?
Groaning miserably at her forgetfulness, Eri dumped the device back into her purse and continued sprinting. She could only hope Gaki hadn't departed. The faint glimmer of hope which Eri harbored faded rapidly when she arrived at an empty cinema lobby. Not a single soul was in sight. Not even the ticketing booth was occupied. In fact, the lights inside the selling cubicles were already turned low.
How could he possibly still be waiting?  
With a downcast expression, Eri trudged with slack shoulders back outside the deserted complex.
Her ears pricked up at the all too familiar voice and Eri spun around just in time to see Gaki slide off the railings situated at the side of the building.
"I thought you left!"
Running to meet him halfway, Eri hugged him tight. Almost a whole week had passed since the last time they saw each other and Eri couldn't describe the immense loneliness she had gone through without being able to see him on a regular basis. The pair had been secretly dating for the past three months and these ninety plus days have been peppered with as many meetings as they could afford. Juggling her demanding school schedule and the intense training under her grandmother in the art of Ikebana left her barely any spare time of her own.
"The movie…"
"… ends in twenty minutes."
Replying her question before she could say it in full, Gaki uttered a resigned sigh along with his glum answer. It wasn't the first time they had missed viewing a film due to Eri's inability to be punctual.
"We could see the next one. Any genre is fine."
Swinging their entwined hands while suggesting the idea in a hopeful tone to the person whom she had daringly sneaked out to meet, Eri subsequently pointed to a random poster being advertised on one of the many billboards. Producing a small stack of tickets from his jeans pocket, Gaki fanned them out with one hand.
"I bought tickets to every show hoping you would make it in time for at least one. Unfortunately…I'm going to have to add these to the collection of tickets at home."
"I'm sorry."
Hanging her head in shame, Eri bit hard on her lower lip. She had lost count of how many times she had subjected Gaki to aimless waiting or skipping their appointment completely. Ridden with guilt for her numerous no-shows, Eri couldn't prevent a lone tear from rolling down her cheek.
"Hey, it's okay. Just seeing you is good enough for me."
Tucking a stray lock of hair behind her ear, Gaki smiled reassuringly at the woman he loved. He would do anything for her if she asked him to. What was spending a little bit of time waiting for her appearance?
"Thank you."
Returning his gentle gaze gratefully, Eri instinctively tiptoed to peck him on the lips. Her unexpected action stunned even herself, not to mention the lad who has by now grown accustomed to her apprehensive ways. Having taken the initiative, Eri's gesture was akin to an unspoken declaration affirming her readiness to take their relationship one step further from the innocent act of hand holding. Gawking at Eri's perfect features and how beautiful she looked while being surrounded by the sparkling Christmas decorations lining the street, Gaki held his breath and gingerly brought one hand up to caress her face.
"No. Thank you, for choosing me."
Lowering his head to plant his mouth over Eri's, Gaki deepened the intensity of the kiss when she didn't resist his advances. Snaking his free arm around her slender waist, he pulled her in to eliminate any inch of space separating them. The transient breezes this December night failed to induce shuddering from the duo. Truth be told, a burst of warmth was surging throughout Eri's thinly clothed body and it resulted in her experiencing a tingling sensation from the very end of her toes to the tips of her fingers. Permitting the entry of Gaki's tongue through her parted lips, Eri relished the untried sensation of having his hands roam her back and being connected to another human through her orifice. Eri wished that the kiss would never end as she had developed an obsession for the addicting excitement of speculating where his hands will next materialize and the pleasurizing taste of his lips.
Throwing both arms around his neck, Eri clung onto Gaki like a baby koala bear. In her alacrity, her fingernails accidently scratched his ear. Nevertheless, Gaki didn't even flinch. His lack of a reaction was obviously due to being too caught up in the moment, of being overly preoccupied with her. For some unknown reason, simply thinking about the huge effect her presence had on him brought a satisfied smirk onto her pretty face. Gaining a newfound boldness, Eri removed her arms from encircling his neck and slithered her hands beneath his shirt, tracing her fingers over the bare skin of his well toned abs. Their intimate actions were in full view of vehicles cruising pass on the road adjacent to the sideway they were standing on. However, that little detail was far from the minds of the young couple who were excessively engrossed in each other. For Eri, what was of paramount importance at the current moment was savoring the feeling of having Gaki nibbling on her ear.       
"She's here again."
At hearing his colleague's words, Taka increased his grip on the brandy glass in his hand. It was only after noticing Jun's concerned expression did he release his tightly clenched fist to allow blood to return to his whitish knuckles.
"Do you want to see her?"
"No. Tell her I'm booked for the night. Just like all those other times."
Whirling back to face the bar counter, Taka recommenced drinking from a bottle his previous customer left behind. It was clear from his reluctance to talk that this conversation was finished. At seeing Taka's adamant resolve, Jun could only oblige by his friend's wishes. He didn't desire the post as a bringer of bad news except that there was no one else who could be allocated with this dreaded task.
The petite and fairly scrawny female sat in the middle of the pumpkin shaped couch, her legs dangling lazily from the seat. Placed on the low table in front of her were half a dozen empty tequila glasses.
"How many shots have you drunk?!"
Speaking in accented Japanese, the tall and good-looking host with a set of approachable features demanded whilst he snatched away the drained glass in her hand.
"Don't wo-wo-rrry bbout pay-ment.... My credit card has EEE---NOOOOOOOOOOR-MOUS limit."
Stretching her arms wide apart to demonstrate the size of her bank account, she announced through slurred words and hysteric laughter.
"That's enough. ENOUGH!"
Grabbing onto her wrists, Jun shook her hard, he wished there was some way he could snap her out of her negative wayward conduct. Three whole months had passed and on every one of these nights, she had visited the club faithfully merely to be coldly rejected. On one hand he should be thankful for his morose coworker's determination at pushing away the young woman. This presented the opportunity for himself to become her replacement host. Nonetheless, it pained him to see her being hurt by the callous Taka. Jun was no simpleton and the street smart immigrant to Japan knew from first glance that the lady with copper-red tresses was as strong-willed as she was willful. Hence he hadn't anticipated her to be so unwavering in her affections towards the most admired escort of 'Glass Slipper'.
"Do you know why I was named Reina?"
The abrupt question caught him off guard and Jun hemmed and hawed while struggling to think of an appropriate reply. Fortunately, none was needed as Reina answered her own query.
"It means queen in Spanish. My parents hoped I would be treated like a queen. And I have indeed been enjoying this privilege. Everyone worships the ground I tread on, everyone but him."
The sudden confession spoken in a calm and collected manner surprised the foreign twenty year old. Leaning nearer to pick up her exceedingly soft voice, Jun listened intently as he watched her eyes glaze over with tears.
"Why doesn't he want me around? Why does he hate me?"
The rush of anger pulsating through his veins at seeing Reina weep made Jun's blood boil. No one should be made to undergo such coldhearted treatment, especially not someone as lovely as Reina. If Taka wasn't going to treasure her, then he would step in to envelope her with all the love he could possibly muster. He would show Reina what it was like to be cherished.
The earliest train of the morning was anything but packed. Unlike the hours prior to and following the stipulated rush hour, empty seats were abounding. Riding in the high speed bullet train with an entire carriage to themselves, were Gaki and Eri. The foolish girl had insisted on taking the train instead of opting for a shorter taxi commute citing the reason of wanting to spend more time with him. On the contrary of clinging onto Gaki to chat for the duration of the journey, she had fallen asleep barely seconds after sitting down. Shifting Eri's body carefully so she could lie comfortably on his lap, Gaki re-adjusted the scarf he had untied from his neckline to ensure it was positioned properly on top of her.
"I promise we'll get to see the movie next time."
She twitched slightly after mumbling that statement and soon her soft regulated snoring resumed. Grinning as he watched her comical antics, Gaki bent down to whisper a pledge tenderly into her ear. 
"I'll always protect you. I won't let anything hurt the queen of my heart."

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Re: More Than One Story... [Glass Slipper: Chapter 7 - Queen]
« Reply #298 on: January 16, 2009, 04:40:52 PM »
Eri never changes. :lol: But it's cute and I'm so happy at how understanding Gaki is. Not that I didn't think he would be. :D Ugh, Taka!!!! :doh: Why are you hating on Reina? I think I know why....b/c Taka is so serious about his job and he thinks of Reina as nothing more than a client, unlike the relationship that has bloomed between Gaki and Eri. AWWWW JUN!!! :wub:

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Re: More Than One Story... [Glass Slipper: Chapter 7 - Queen]
« Reply #299 on: January 16, 2009, 07:36:20 PM »
I read this when it was first posted, but I wasn't able to make a post. Anyway...

OMG, Reina!! :cry: Poor girl. Will you be playing off of Reina's recent closer relationship to Junjun? Here come the love shapes... I loved this chapter, though. So three months have passed, hm? I’m glad that they’re secretly dating. *squeals* Very, very cute. Although I can’t help but wonder how Sayu and Kuu are doing…

So much for Eri being innocent. She seems to be enjoying her time with Gaki. *nudge nudge*

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