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Author Topic: Nanakusa 2.0 (Chapter 4 :: Enter the Chippy Girl)  (Read 8262 times)

Offline whytphyre

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Nanakusa 2.0 (Chapter 4 :: Enter the Chippy Girl)
« on: September 12, 2007, 12:55:55 PM »
Still confusing! Personal philosophy? I'd rather write a bunch of crap and one bestseller to develop my skills than write one bestseller. At least I know what crap is when I see it ^^;;

So, those who read the first Nanakusa, you'll notice that about fifty billion million people were involved and there were fifty billion million storylines. There are currently only 6 right now. I don't think that's going to change. They'll end up intertwining all over the whazoo anyways.

Yes, this is mostly Morning Musume related. Momusu (And when I say Momusu, I include Hitomi/Miki in that mix too), Aya, and Miyabi. No more. I'm afraid JFC will come at me with the KISS bat again if I even think about it. I lied. I just couldn't avoid adding a few more.

Besides, I can be confusing enough with just them.

So, instead of delving right into the story for the Prologue, I'm going to put up a bit of backstory, THEN start off by confusing the lot of you.

You'll see. Most of these chapters will end up in large parts anyways. It'll be fun.


Morning Musume

Junjun - Teleportation
Kamei Eri (Currently in comatose) - Power Augmentation
Michishige Sayumi - Fireworks
Mitsui Aika - No Powers
Niigaki Risa - Powers Unknown
Takahashi Ai - Powers Unknown
Tanaka Reina - Unknown, whenever she uses it she kills people


Ishikawa Rika - Power Mimicry
Miyoshi Erika - Shield Generation
Okada Yui - Water Generation/Manipulation


Fujimoto Miki (Currently zombified?) - Unknown
Goto Maki - Healing
Matsuura Aya - None ???
Yoshizawa Hitomi - Telekinesis, Empathy
Ogawa Makoto????

Table of Contents

Prologue - Below
Chapter 1 :: Let's Try Again
Chapter 2 :: It's Not That Bad
Chapter 3 :: This is Unmei
Chapter 4 :: Enter the Chippy Girl


There was a time where people used magic. It was a long time ago, when everyone was peaceful towards each other and there were no wars. The earliest record of war is merely a fabrication, a story woven to make the children afraid of abusing the gifts they were given from the gods.

When man’s first war came about, magic had been long gone, manifesting only in children who believed. Eventually, magic died out, along with it went innocence and the desire to be at peace.

And then there was the Nanakusa. Three men, who began their quest for magic, thinking it had long gone, when, really, it was there all that time. In their children, and in everyone else’s children.

With innocence came magic. With magic came abilities. With those abilities came learning, and responsibility.

And, in today’s world, with responsibility and learning, the innocence would slowly die away. However, the magic would stay, if the children (who, by all accounts, at that point were not children) believed in their abilities enough.

One man was named Tsunku. He was part of a band called Sharan Q. He had a very neutral stand on his quest for magic. He did not want to either harness it or let it run free. He just wanted to monitor it, and make sure it was not used for evil.

Or, for that matter, for good. Magic was to be left alone. Not let run free, by any means. Magic is chaos, after all, and chaos does not bring happiness. However, if magic is harnessed, a short order is restored, before the chaos, of a much different kind, reigns supreme.

This man, Tsunku, was strict in his belief, like his two Nanakusa colleagues, one who wanted magic for himself, to harness it, and use it to create order. The other wanted it to run free, to let it govern itself and make its own rules.

The men started to tear themselves apart, after discovering that the other two had different agendas.

Tsunku went off to create a group named Morning Musume.

Under the guise of a normal pop group, the girls of Morning Musume could learn how to use the abilities they had developed as children, and use them to help him in his cause. Soon, his numbers grew. They grew so large, that he had very little control over what happened.

Soon, his former colleagues rebelled.

One went off to start a tabloid magazine, solely to tear down all that Tsunku had created. This man started FRIDAY.

The other went into recluse. He was not a businessman by any means, and had no other wish than to study magic.

Tsunku saw these men as rivals now, and their struggle a game. His girls had turned from the many he cared for deeply, like his own children, to his pawns, soldiers he could use to strike against FRIDAY, against the other men.

He lost his cause in his efforts.

One of his many girls discovered the story. She kept it to herself, as she kept many other secrets to herself. She waited, and planned, for the day to come when she could stop it all, and go back to the peaceful life she originally planned on living, with or without being part of Hello! Project.

She was destined to die.

Yet she still lives.

Her day passed, everything is at peace.

Or is it?


You see that Narihajimeta Koi no Bell? In commemoration of YesAsia finally sending my copy out, I'm gonna go stare at Hitomi's thighs the PV some more.
« Last Edit: October 29, 2007, 11:41:58 AM by whytphyre »

Offline JFC

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Re: Nanakusa 2.0 (Prologue)
« Reply #1 on: September 12, 2007, 06:53:15 PM »
One thing for sure, I like the way you've done the Prologue. It's mysterious and draws you into it; gets you asking questions like "Who's the 3rd Nankusa collegue (the one who became a recluse)?", "Why did the second guy want to destroy what Tsunku had started?" and "Which girl found out/is gonna die?"

I'm going to put up a bit of backstory, THEN start off by confusing the lot of you.
Nice touch going with the backstory first.  Even if you start messing with us (the readers), at least we'll have something to fall back on.

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

Offline Kreuz_Asakura

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Re: Nanakusa 2.0 (Prologue)
« Reply #2 on: September 12, 2007, 07:30:56 PM »
One went off to start a tabloid magazine, solely to tear down all that Tsunku had created. This man started FRIDAY.

 :wahaha: :wahaha: :wahaha: :wahaha:
I like the prologue...
It could be Yossie the girl who' going to die? I think I read something about this in the first story...  :dunno:
So this is going to be about Momusu with Miki and Yossie include, Aya and Miyabi... what about Maki? :mon huh:
I like this fic... so I'm going to keep following it closer  :mon star:

Offline whytphyre

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Re: Nanakusa 2.0 (Prologue)
« Reply #3 on: September 13, 2007, 02:27:33 AM »
Oh gee, look at that I forgot one. It's sad that I forgot her too... 'cause she's like a main player and stuff... Maki's in there, don't worry, I didn't kill her.

Not yet anyways. If I kill her, her death will be long drawn out. ^^;;

And I'm glad you two decided to stick with it. Thanks.

(Also, yes, the girl who was going to die is in the first story... I'm just not going to outright say who even though it's very blatant because I want some people in suspense >.>;;)

Offline whytphyre

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Re: Nanakusa 2.0 (Chapter 1 :: Let's Try Again...)
« Reply #4 on: September 19, 2007, 03:26:29 AM »
Sorry it took so long to get this up. You guys were on my mind all week, and I couldn't do anything about it.

That's okay, it's up now. I hope to get the other one up sooner. Until then, enjoy! I literally cried when I got to the end of this chapter.

So sad.

Chapter 1 :: Let's Try Again

She had taken to looking out the window a lot, staring at the sky, as if it was going to fall down and crush us all.

I had taken to making sure that her sitting out on the balcony was completely innocent and she hadn’t gone into a total depression, and decided that taking a closer examination of the ground was a better idea.

She didn’t talk much anymore, except if she was in a press conference or something like that. She vocalized her anger towards Nono and Aibon once. There was another time where she decided it was alright to go out and be captain of the futsal team again. Periodically I would see glances of her old self peeking through the semi-mute woman who lived in the confines of her own apartment.

She still sang. It was the only thing she could do without me holding her hand half the time. She went back to her old self then. I could see it. We had one together coming up, which was good. Maybe I could keep a better eye of where she runs off to after an UtaDoki anyways.

Normally she scurries right back to wherever I am, and holds me all protective-like. I don’t mind that. She and I seem to get that the love is still there, even if we couldn’t vocalize it to each other.

Other times it takes her hours to finally come back to lounge where I usually sit and wait for her. She mumbles of things like death and despair.

She scared off Mitsui one time, when I was telling the girl about the problems we had been having, so the small eighth generation girl wouldn’t slip up like she had only a few hours before. Apparently she didn’t like anyone else but me touching her, and she certainly didn’t like it when people were around me.

It was the only other time she was vocal. When she wanted to make sure I was safe, like my safety was key in her survival or something.


Her voice startled me, her arms around my waist startled me even more out of my daze. She wasn’t out staring at the sky, like she usually did. She wanted attention.

“I want a bagel…”

She was so simple these days. I liked it, but I missed the old her.

“Yocchan… you wanted a bagel three hours ago,” I whispered back, not annoyed, but in a caring mother voice, asking if that was what she indeed had wanted. I could feel her chin knock a couple of times into my right shoulder, telling me that she knew that already.

“… But… you take so long…”

I was cooking, if one could call making peanut butter and jelly sandwiches cooking. She seemed to like these a lot too. Crusts cut off, I learned that early on. Even with her mother on my speed dial I had a problem taking care of her, but she was worth it.

“It’ll only be a few more minutes,” I said, in the same tone. She held me closer, trying to stop me from finishing my triangle shaped sandwiches.


It was soft, but I could hear it. She was whining. She never whined, not even now. Not unless she really wanted something.

“Yocchan, it’s okay… I have to go out to the store to get you bagels again…”

Telekinetics made temperamental ‘shellshock’ victims, and when they got all grumpy, food products are usually their first target.

“… But that could take… forever.”

And she hated being alone at home for any length of time.

“Then let’s just settle for these, and we can pick bagels up on the way back from work tomorrow, okay?”

Sometimes she needed time before she responded. Sometimes that time took a few seconds.

Sometimes it took hours.

I was lucky this time.


She rested her chin on my shoulder and nuzzled her face into my neck.

“Yocchan…” I whispered, holding up one of the triangles to her mouth. Almost on an infantile instinct, she opened her mouth and took a bite of the food in front of her.

“Strawberry,” she mused happily, after a good swallow of the bite in her mouth, and before she took another. Soon enough, Hitomi’s attention was on the sandwich and not on me.

I weaseled out of her grasp and gave her the object to focus on. She was content, and I was happy that she felt better.

I watched while she ate, making sure she took her time, remembered to chew. Sometimes I was too afraid for her.

She was like a little child these days. No care in the world except to enjoy what was in front of her.

Laugh when she was happy.

Eat when she was hungry.

Cry when she was sad.

She must have noticed me crying before I did. I felt her wipe my tears away and wrap her arms around me again in a comforting gesture. Out of instinct, I ruffled her black hair a little for comfort.

“I’m still here…”

Sometimes I wondered if she hid secrets from me. If she had more mind powers than she let on.

Like telepathy.

“I won’t leave…”

Then again, sometimes I wonder if she knows what she’s looking at, even if she had telepathy.

“Yocchan… It’s alright… I know you’re here…”

She seemed to take that for an answer.

“No crying then.”

I nodded.

“Alright. No crying.”

I tried to smile, but she shook her head and snorted angrily at me.

“No hiding. I know.”

Of course she knew. She had that … emotional detection thing.

“I love you.”

This caught me off guard, her saying that. Usually when she said it, there was a big goofy grin, and she completed it by bapping me on the nose.

Oh, there’s the grin.

But no nose bapping. Her thoughts must have been preoccupied with keeping me sane. It probably would have worked much better if her hands weren’t groping my butt.

“I… I love you too…”

She smiled.

“I know. I always know.”


“Don’t worry ‘bout me Ayaya… it’s not like I’ll be in a lot of pain anyways…”

Miki rustled the younger woman’s hair and grinned.

“It’ll be alright Ayaya… honestly. Stop cryin’ like that.”

“But… I won’t see you again…”

“Yes you will. You might be old and wrinkled by the time you get there, but you know I don’t care… I told ya to stop cryin’!”

A small tap on the cheek was enough to merit a laugh, though it was small and weak.


“Don’t you ‘Mikitty’ me. That’s lame. You’re not lame. That’s Ishikawa, remember?”


“I mean it Ayaya. You worry about me too much, and I’ll come back from the dead and haunt you for the rest of your life.”

There wasn’t anything else to be said. Miki just leaned in and planted a small kiss, on the lips. It was enough.

Then she left. She was gone.

Gone forever.


Natsumi stared blankly at the girl, and ruffled her hair.

“Ayaya, we can’t do this without you, and you know that!”

“Hmm? Oh… yeah… the… concert thing?”

“Ayaya, let’s just get going… it’s a rehearsal and you know better! Yocchan’s been getting all strange and anxious again… can’t go anywhere without Gocchin these days, I swear. Quiet until singing! What’s up with that?”

Aya looked down, shaking her head.

“I don’t know. Yocchan’s just weird like that I guess.”

The younger girl held back a sob, and Natsumi seemed to not notice at all. She just kept right on going, vacant grin and all.

“So… Yocchan’s ready, we should get going too! I don’t understand this ‘High School Lullaby’ song, but I have a feeling if we don’t get out their soon, we’re gonna have an angry little Ai-chan on our hands!”

Aya didn’t seem to listen until she stood up and smiled lightly.

“That’s the spirit! Let’s go! Rehearse time!”

Without another word, Natsumi started marching for the door. Aya finally let a single tear fall from her cheek.

“… I’m sorry Mikitty… I can’t let you go…”

Offline JFC

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Re: Nanakusa 2.0 (Chapter 1 :: Let's Try Again)
« Reply #5 on: September 19, 2007, 05:04:14 AM »

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

Offline g4rfield

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Re: Nanakusa 2.0 (Chapter 1 :: Let's Try Again)
« Reply #6 on: September 19, 2007, 04:27:28 PM »
I hope you're planning to bring Miki back from the dead.  You will, won't you.  :pleeease:

Offline Kreuz_Asakura

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Re: Nanakusa 2.0 (Chapter 1 :: Let's Try Again)
« Reply #7 on: September 19, 2007, 06:08:14 PM »
Yochan is really weird, what's going on with her?  :mon huh:
“I love you.”

This caught me off guard, her saying that. Usually when she said it, there was a big goofy grin, and she completed it by bapping me on the nose.

Oh, there’s the grin.

But no nose bapping. Her thoughts must have been preoccupied with keeping me sane. It probably would have worked much better if her hands weren’t groping my butt.
:wahaha: :wahaha: :wahaha:
“I… I love you too…”

She smiled.

“I know. I always know.
This is really suspicious!!! :smoke: Maybe Gocchin is right and Yossie have more mental powers

Miki... :pleeease: :pleeease: :pleeease: Aya-chan  :mon waterworks: :mon waterworks:
You really make me cry with this chapter, yossie acting like that make me feel that something is wrong and then Miki and Aya  :fainted:

Offline YoukaiChica

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Re: Nanakusa 2.0 (Chapter 1 :: Let's Try Again)
« Reply #8 on: September 20, 2007, 03:34:40 AM »
You know, I truly enjoyed the first chapter. I really, really did. At first, when you said there wasn't going to be any Maki I thought "What?!?!" and I decided to skip this. But then, after thinking about it I decided to give this one a chance since I enjoyed your writing style. And now I shudder to think about what I could have missed out on!! I'm so excited to see where this goes.

And I really wish that if you ever clear up the first Nanakusa in your mind then it would wonderful on paper. I enjoyed the first one as it was. It wasn't too confusing when you read it from the beginning. Oh well. At least you didn't quit completely. Now good luck and bring me the next chapter!!

Offline whytphyre

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Re: Nanakusa 2.0 (Chapter 1 :: Let's Try Again)
« Reply #9 on: September 20, 2007, 12:39:49 PM »
Let's be a little more responsive to the readers! (You know when someone says something like that, it either means 'yay confetti' or 'NOES GO THE OTHER WAY! NO STOP KISSING MY ASS! STOP DOING THAT FOR THE MONEY!'

Since I'm not making anything, we're gonna say it's 'yay confetti.'

JFC Just the reaction I expected.

G4rfield Oh, she comes back alright. What, you thought I'd kill her off forever? The other one I killed off'll get some banners waving... but you'll find out next chapter.

However, there's a reason the dead stay dead.

Kreuz What's going on with Yocchan? Unanswered question?! WHAT?!

And yes, I agree on the Miki/Aya thing. I told you I cried when writing ^^;;

Youkai Who said I wasn't gonna continue the first one? You'll see bits and pieces of what I meant to write here, but it's not like I can't rewrite the whole thing ^^

On to chapter 2! (Eventually)... now I'm gonna try one of these wedge... callie thingies... see what happens.

*leaves Rika behind*


Offline whytphyre

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Re: Nanakusa 2.0 (Chapter 2 :: It's Not That Bad)
« Reply #10 on: October 01, 2007, 08:11:48 PM »
Chapter 2 :: It's Not That Bad

“You aren’t going fast enough.”

“Fast enough!? Ai-chan, I can’t go any faster!”

“Those fireworks do not make themselves! You have to go faster!”



They were all in the dance studio, doing anything but dancing. Junjun had teleported in and out, giving her other members sweets and nourishment when they needed it, to make up for the slave driving Ai was giving them.

Then she was caught. That had quickly ended.

Risa wasn’t sure how to take the whole scene, watching her old friend stand there and command the other girls like they were her troops that were going to go into war. Part of her was positive that this was wrong, and the other girls should have started training when they felt ready.

Part of her wanted this to keep going.


“Sayumin, for the last time, JUST KEEP TRYING! IT WILL HAPPEN!”


Reina, who had taken a breather from her own abusive session with their leader only minutes ago (Which was why Sayumi was getting it now), had finally decided to speak up.

And she decided to prove her worth as the Yankee member.

“Takahashi-san, it’s not fair. The only reason you’re doing this is ‘cause you almost lost Gaki-chan to something none of us could prevent anyways! Kaorin’s got the future sight abilities, and she’s about as reliable as… as…”

She had a hard time getting the last of her statement out, but everyone knew what she meant. Ever since that fatal moment for their dear former leader, no one was even remotely trying to lighten the situation.

“Yocchan lost that battle because she didn’t train her powers,” Ai stated adamantly, “Mikitty lost her life because she didn’t know about her powers. Don’t you get it!? The more you train, the better off you’ll be.”

“Unless your powers blow people up.”

Aika stared in Reina’s direction as she said it, which shut Ai up, and caused the sixth generation girl Aika’s comment was referring to, to stare at the younger girl a moment.

“That was a low blow,” she snorted. Aika shrugged.

“It’s also the truth.”

“Like you have any powers…”

“The point still stands Reina-chan. Your powers aren’t training worthy. They’re destructive, and no amount of training can change that right now. Who are you going to blow up, Ai-chan? That’ll be effective…”

“If it shuts her up long enough…”


Now Risa spoke. She shot Reina a harsh glare, that basically said ‘shut up or else.’ Aika went on.

“Ai-chan, the point I’m trying to make is that we need to calm down a bit. If someone wanted to attack, they would have already, when we were training. Maybe you’re going too hard on people…”

“Well we should take this opportunity to train…”

“I’m not saying ‘no training’ Ai-chan. I’m saying ‘You’re training them too hard.’ Ai-chan, would you at least tell us what’s going on!? And where is Eri-chan!?”

Another silence. Eyes instinctively fixed themselves on Junjun, who just stared back at Aika, anger in her expression.

“Just. Practice,” the elder girl said, “We might not agree with it… but she is our leader… not Mikitty… not Yocchan… Ai-chan. We have to put… some trust in our leader…”

Before anyone could respond, Junjun was gone. Aika snorted.

“Whatever. I’m gonna go get some lunch… I don’t have powers to train…” she muttered, turning to leave. Risa pointedly cleared her throat, causing Aika to pause at the doorway.

“Bring Junjun back with you… She’s at the hospital.”

Aika raised her brow at Risa.


“Just go. Maybe you’ll get the answer you need…”

Watching the small, eighth gen member walk away, Ai snorted, and glared at Risa.


“She deserves to know. They all do eventually…”

Risa eyed Sayumi and Reina, who held each other protectively, the latter more so than the former. She let out a sigh, and gave Ai a look of disappointment.

“What? You can’t expect them to be sheltered forever…” the leader grumbled, “They need to learn some time…”

“If you only realized how hypocritical you sounded right now…”


“Yocchan, the bagels are over here…”

It was definitely a long day for the both of them. UtaDoki hadn’t worn them out, but Natsumi had started to make a big deal over Hitomi’s existence as a slightly more coherent being. She had started to use bigger words today. There was much more thought behind what she was saying.

As bad as it sounded, Maki was disappointed it started to happen so late.

“I know,” the elder girl said happily, “But the pocky’s over here. Natsuyaki said you liked green tea pocky.”

Maki raised her brow.

“When were you talking to Miyabi-san?”

“… Before we went into UtaDoki. She wanted to talk to me about Sugaya.”

She smiled at Maki, oblivious of the girl’s reaction, or so it seemed.

“Gocchin… hug?”

She held out her arms to the younger woman, bug Maki just shrugged Hitomi off and shook her head.

“Yocchan… I… why do you go wandering off like that?”

“Like what?”

She had a completely oblivious look on her face. Maki smiled lightly, but shook her head.

“You just disappear before an UtaDoki… and then after one too…”

“What are you talking about?... I’m always right next to you.”

Oblivious look again, it went with the obliviousness in her voice.


“I do not know what you are talking about,” Hitomi insisted. Maki snorted angrily, as Hitomi passed her and went right for the pocky, as if it was going to fix everything.

“Yocchan, do you even pay attention to yourself when you say things like that?”

Hitomi stopped, her hand resting on a green box of pocky. She stared at Maki a moment, a smile plastered on her lips.

“Like what?”

“Stop saying that! Yocchan, stop keeping me in the dark!”

Hitomi pouted.

“What are you talking about?”

“What do you think I’m talking about Yocchan?! You’re confusing, and I can never follow you!”

Hitomi stared innocently at Maki, who looked on the verge of tears. Her pout turned into a concerned frown, and she tried to hug Maki, but was pushed away.

“… Gocchin…”

“No. Yocchan, I’m sick of it…”

Maki paused, and let a tear escape her eye.

“Yocchan... I didn’t mean it like that… you probably don’t even understand half the stuff you’re talking about these days…”

Hitomi was on the verge of tears herself. Maki never pushed her away, this was a first.

“It’s alright Gocchin,” she said, “Let’s just get food and then we can talk about it… at home.”

She sheepishly eyed the convenience store’s patrons, who were staring at the couple, as if gossip was seeping from the pores. It made them both feel a little awkward, but they weren’t about to leave yet.

“Ah… sure.”

Maki smiled, half heartedly, and nodded.

“And Gocchin…”

Maki blinked.


“… I do understand. I understand everything. It’s her that doesn’t understand anymore. Your little lover…”

Maki blinked again.

“… What?”

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Re: Nanakusa 2.0 (Chapter 1 :: Let's Try Again)
« Reply #11 on: October 01, 2007, 11:29:18 PM »
“You aren’t going fast enough.”

“Fast enough!? Ai-chan, I can’t go any faster!”

“Those fireworks do not make themselves! You have to go faster!”


Damn double-entendres.  :lol:

“Yocchan lost that battle because she didn’t train her powers,” Ai stated adamantly, “Mikitty lost her life because she didn’t know about her powers. Don’t you get it!? The more you train, the better off you’ll be.”
Aichan does have a point here, though by the sound of how she was pushing Sayu, she might be doing it a little too hard/intensely.

And where is Eri-chan!?”

Another silence. Eyes instinctively fixed themselves on Junjun, who just stared back at Aika, anger in her expression.

“Just. Practice,” the elder girl said, “We might not agree with it… but she is our leader… not Mikitty… not Yocchan… Ai-chan. We have to put… some trust in our leader…”

Before anyone could respond, Junjun was gone.
Hmmm...seems like somethings up with Junjun. She's right in that they need to have more trust in Aichan and they have to start looking to her as their leader, because that's what she is now.  Whether they like it or not, it's how things are now, and they have to accept it.

“Bring Junjun back with you… She’s at the hospital.”

Aika raised her brow at Risa.


“Just go. Maybe you’ll get the answer you need…”
The hospital? Is she going there for herself or is she visiting someone? :O


“She deserves to know. They all do eventually…”
There's going to be something big revealed here, isn't there?

“And Gocchin…”

Maki blinked.


“… I do understand. I understand everything. It’s her that doesn’t understand anymore. Your little lover…”

Maki blinked again.

“… What?”
I concur with Maki, Yossi's behaviour there in the store is pretty confusing, if not at the very least, evasive.

In that last part though, it almost seemed like Yossi was jealous of someone. It was like she suspected Maki of cheating on her and she "found out" about it.  :?
« Last Edit: October 01, 2007, 11:30:02 PM by JFC »

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

Offline whytphyre

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Re: Nanakusa 2.0 (Chapter 1 :: Let's Try Again)
« Reply #12 on: October 02, 2007, 12:42:47 AM »
All I'll say in response:

Yossie's not jealous.

Hint: split personalities /end hint

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Re: Nanakusa 2.0 (Chapter 2 :: It's Not That Bad)
« Reply #13 on: October 02, 2007, 12:57:09 AM »
“And Gocchin…”

Maki blinked.


“… I do understand. I understand everything. It’s her that doesn’t understand anymore. Your little lover…”

Maki blinked again.

“… What?”

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Re: Nanakusa 2.0 (Chapter 1 :: Let's Try Again)
« Reply #14 on: October 02, 2007, 02:52:37 AM »
Something happened with Matsuura and now is Yossie who split personalities? It is Saki? What's her relation with Miyabe?
Poor Maki, she must be feeling really frustrated when not knowing anything about Yossie

Offline JFC

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Re: Nanakusa 2.0 (Chapter 1 :: Let's Try Again)
« Reply #15 on: October 02, 2007, 11:36:02 PM »
You sure love pulling the "split personalities" card, don't you? :o

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

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Re: Nanakusa 2.0 (Chapter 3 :: This is Unmei)
« Reply #16 on: October 09, 2007, 01:24:55 PM »
To answer questions:

JFC: Now that I'm reading the last chapter, I didn't even realize how suggestive that first part was ^^;;

Oh, and yes, I do like playing the split personalities card a lot. I'll tone it down a tiny teeny bit after this though.

GL/Kreuz: This one's not Saki, though she does make an appearance. ^^

And now on to Chapter 3 (it's long. And I couldn't help but to add Viyuuden in the mix. I'm sorry, I'm always going to be a Charmy fan at heart)

Chapter 3 :: This is Unmei

“Ugh, not again.”

“They always make things worse.”

“I think they’re just in it for the glory…”

“Rika-chan… I think we should go.”

“Nonsense! We’re fixing the problems the evil Hatsugarasu have caused! Let’s go!”

Letting out a sigh, Erika rubbed her temples and followed after her Viyuuden leader, Yui in tow behind them, oblivious to what was going on. Sometimes she felt like a mother to their endearing former Morning Musume friend, but sometimes Rika just got excited, and that was why she was the way she was… right?

“Rika-chan, I don’t think the public likes it when we go to save the world…”

“They do too! Look at them!”

Erika raised her brow, and stared at the public, who was growling and glaring back.

“You can’t call yourselves super heroes if you make more messes for the real heroes to clean up!”

“Yeah, where’s 8th generation? Even Mittsi’s better than they are!”

Rika paid no heed, striding past the crowd to the ‘scene of the crime,’ if one could call it that.

It was more like there was an angry mutant monster thing on the loose. Whatever it was, it had scaly blue skin and looked like something out of an Alien movie with larger eyes and more spikes.

And it was munching on television sets.

Erika sighed again.

“Rika-chan, really, before they throw rocks at us again.”

“Let’s go Viyuuden!”

Instead of getting the cheers that they were all used to hearing in their many concerts (they still had fans, go figure), a loud roaring of ‘boo!’ shot through their ears. Rika stopped, and pouted a moment, before grinning, and going on.

“They’re telling the beast to leave town!”

“I swear Rika-chan, you’re in denial…” Erika muttered, grabbing Yui’s arm and going after Rika, who had gone right up to the beast.

“Hey you! Yeah, I’m talking to you!” she shouted angrily. The beast paid no heed.

“HEY! Don’t you know who I am!? I’m Ishikawa Rika, leader of Viyuuden! If you don't clear out now, I’m gonna hafta beat you up!”

Still, the beast munched and crunched, leaving Rika ignored. The woman snorted, and wound up a kick. Erika let out a noise, letting go of her friend and lunging forward, towards their leader.

Too late.

There was now an angry mutant beast, not munching on televisions, and glaring in Rika’s direction.

He had a very sore tooshie.

“Rika-chan, get outta there!”

“No! I have a bone or ten to pick with this thing!”

Rika wound up a kick again, but the beast reacted this time, lunging for the oblivious leader. Erika let out a noise, and was about to respond, when a large water spout shot past her, hitting the beast square in the face.

Yui grinned.

“Is it time to play?” she asked, cocking her head to one side. Erika groaned.

“Only if I don’t have to clean everything up later,” she mumbled. Neither woman paid heed to the eldest member of Viyuuden. Yui made her way past, and started to help Rika in the beating up of the monster. Maybe they’d run it out of town instead of into the sewers this time.

Erika, on the other hand, took to smacking her head against the nearest wall, trying to drown out the sounds of the crowd complaining and her bandmates beating up on a probably helpless beast.

If it blew fire out of it’s butt, maybe then she’d help, but until then…


Erika stopped slamming the wall for a moment, and looked down. A small girl stared back up at her.

“Shouldn’t you be running away from the chaos?” she asked. The girl shook her head.

“Hi-hi’s my pet. Why are your friends beating up on my pet? He was just hungry.”

Erika blinked, and stared back over at where her friends were actually beating up the monster, rather successfully.

Usually when they went after evil villains, they failed to beat them up, or even get a hit on them, even the petty robbers.

So this was strange indeed, let alone the fact that this was actually the first big, blue mutant thing they’d faced since the incident. Rika and Yui must have missed that.

“Hi-hi wouldn’t hurt anyone. Make them stop!”

Erika wasn’t sure what to do. If there wasn’t a problem to begin with, then they would not have been there. This creature had to have hurt someone.


Or maybe the owner of the television store just had a panic attack and called Tsunku, and Tsunku sent his failure of a super hero team. Morning Musume was more useful, and they had lost two leaders in the span of a month, their current leader was a drill sergeant, and they were more disorganized than a kindergarten class without a teacher.

The point still stood. Why them, why not someone else?

“I said make them stop!”

“I heard you. Hold on.”

Erika still had no idea what was going on, but she knew one thing. If this kid was so damn persistent, then it was time to give her what she wanted.

“Rika-chan, Yui-chan, stop beating on Hi-hi!”

 As Erika made her way over, Rika and Yui eventually stopped, and the beast, Hi-hi, stared at the new arrival.

“Hi-hi was just hungry,” Erika explained. The two stared at her strangely. Erika shrugged, and pointed over at where the child was.

“… Hi-hi is that girl’s pet.”

“What girl?”

Yui and Rika craned over Erika to try to find the child she was speaking of, and found no child. Erika looked over her shoulder, blinked, and raised her brow.

“… She was right there, I swear she was.”

“Suuure Erika-chan. Sure…”

Yui gave her friend a pat on the shoulder for comfort, but then remembered they had a beast to take care of.

“Now let’s take care of this infernal thing…”

When they all turned, it was gone.

“… Waaaait!” Rika whined, “I wanted to kick it’s butt!”



Junjun gave her best pout as she brushed the stray locks out of Eri’s face. She smiled half heartedly as she sat next to her senpai’s bedside, a sentry that would let no one through.

“I’m sorry I couldn’t save you in time…”

She hadn’t even realized someone had snuck in after her, watching the scene.


Letting out a yelp, Junjun whipped around and stared at the small 8th generation member, effectively her senpai as well, but only because she was added first.


“Don’t try bein’ all Yocchan-like about it. That’s Yocchan’s job.”

Junjun kept the emotionless expression on her face. Aika folded her arms against her chest.

“At least shed a tear…”

“Yoshizawa-sama told me not to cry.”

Aika raised her brow, and nodded in understandment. It made sense to her.

Well, everything but the whole ‘Yoshizawa-sama’ thing. That confused her.

“That doesn’t mean you have to adopt her mannerisms…” Aika said. Junjun stared at her, a little confused.

“… Sorry, I keep forgetting you don’t speak Japanese all that well.”

Junjun snorted, but didn’t say anything. If Aika was supposed to be Hitomi’s little sister, then why didn’t the girl figure out that Junjun could understand every word she said?

“Mitsui… get out.”

Aika stared at Junjun a moment. She had never shown a lot of anger before, so this was different out of the elder panda girl.

“What… what are you talking about?”

“Go away. Takahashi-san told me to keep you all from this…”

Aika snorted, in quite a similar manner to Junjun.

“I don't agree with Ai-chan, remember?” she grunted, “So I wanna know what’s going on… is Eririn okay?”

Junjun didn’t respond.

“Fine, I’ll just have to find out myse-”

“She’s in a coma.”


The two eighth generation members stared each other down, unsure of how to deal with the other’s existence.

“She. Is. In. A. Coma.”

“I got that. How?!”

Junjun was silent, but not because she didn’t want to tell Aika, and the younger girl didn’t push it.

“I… I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be. You didn’t do it. You aren’t FRIDAY.”

Aika gave Junjun a pout, and tried for a hug.

Junjun returned the sentiment.

“I’m still sorry.”


“Yoshizawa isn’t here right now, I don’t see why you keep trying to call her.”

It might have been because whoever now had control of Hitomi’s body was currently … well, in Hitomi’s body. Maki had of course, started to freak out.

She totally disregarded the fact that the convenience store’s crowd was still staring at them both.

“Get out of her then!”

“Why? She’s so easy to inhabit. Such a vulnerable mind.”

Maki let out a sob, and Hitomi… or whoever it was, snorted distastefully.

“She never really liked you anyways. You’re imperfect, even in her mind. You’ve ruined your body… your eyes are, and always have been, ugly. Your breasts are too big, out of proportion. You have no personality. I don’t know why she kept around you for so long. Maybe it was this ‘love’ thing she thought she kept feeling, but I doubt it. Considering she doesn’t love you.”

“Stop it!” Maki shouted angrily, “Stop it and get out of her!”

“Demanding little brat, aren’t we?”

“… Who are you?”

“Oh. Right. Yeah, names and stuff… gah… what do I call me…”

“Saki? If that’s you Saki, I swear to god…”

“Saki!? That witless twat!? No. I don’t even know why she even bothered getting out. No, no, that thing in Matsuura was merely a ploy to get you all into a false sense of security. Despite being a complete moron, Saki actually managed to beat this one down enough for me to get through… funny how that works, isn’t it?”

She paused, and stared at the younger woman, who was on the verge of tears. Grinning, she went on.

“You can call me Tori if you want. Short for Hatsutori. I’m a spirit, if you wanna call me that…”

Maki stared for a few more moments, before answering.


“Look, kid. I’ve been alive a lot longer than you and your ‘lover,’ or whatever stupid name you want to call her, put together and then some. Just bare with me, ‘kay kid?”

“Stop calling me that.”

“I hit a tough spot? Kid, you ain’t got nutin’ on what I can do. I get to call you what I want to call you.”

Maki snorted, and she probably would have done more if Hitomi wasn’t on the other end of the argument.

Or Tori.

Or whatever the hell her name was.

“Look, Kid… Maki… Goto, Gocchin, whatever…” Tori went on, “She doesn’t love you, get over her before I let her back in.”

Maki glared.

“You’re lying.”

“Think I’m lying? I’m stuck in her head. I’ve been stuck in her head since her little groping friend died… and I think I’d know if she loved someone or not.”

“You’re lying to get me to give up on her!”

“… That’s what I want you to think? Blah blah blah… god, you all are so optimistic. What has Tsunku taught you? He’s such a hopeless romantic… guess I’ll just have to go show him what his romanticism made one of his favorite members.”

Maki had heard enough. Tears were already streaming down her cheeks as she made to smack Tori.

The elder woman/spirit grabbed Maki’s hand and bent it backwards just far enough to cause Maki to scream out in pain.

“I told you. Older than you. I can even blow you to the next dimension if I felt the need to. I do what I want, say what I want, to whomever I want… Now, if you ever want to talk to the stupid idiot in my head again, you’ll shut up and follow along.”

Maki did as she was told, allowing a whimper to escape her lips. Tori grinned, and kept her hold.

“Good. Now, you’re gonna let me get going, ‘cause if I don’t get to go find the Destined 8th, we’re gonna have a problem.”

Maki blinked, and stared.

“Destined 8th?”

“Yeah. Ya know, like… someone who’s destined to do some big stuff? She’s the 8th one destined to do this… god, did you transplant brain matter into your boobs? Is that what the problem is?”

“Stop… just stop…”

“No. It has to be done. Someone, who was meant to die, isn’t dead. I have to fix it.”

“… Who are you… you mean…”

“No, I don’t mean Yoshizawa. She actually did a right by living. First time she ever did something right… Nah. Fujimoto’s wanderin’ about… and I gotta go kill her again. No one is gonna like anyone after this, I swear…”

Maki blinked, and let a couple of incoherent mumbles escape her lips.

And the patrons of the poor store were still staring. None of this made sense. Why would it? An idol was talking like she was going to destroy the world… or commit mass murder, whichever was easier.

“Wait, Miki’s…”

“Was dead. Someone had to go cry on her and play necromancer with her body… she’s after someone, I can’t figure out who… it’s obviously not her necromancer master… or you’d be dead by now.”

Staring, rather stupidly at that, Maki tried to make sense of what she was saying.

“Yeah. You apparently have tears of the phoenix or whatever. God, I never believed in spirits and crap… which is kinda silly, ain’t it? I’m a spirit myself…”

Tori whipped out Hitomi’s cellphone and stared down at the time a moment.

“Oops, I’m late for a very important date. Down the rabbit hole I go… coming with me kid?”

More incoherent mumbles. Tori made a noise.

“Tch, fine. I’ll just go on my own and leave you to clean the publicity mess, neh?”

It was then that Maki noticed the poor patrons, who kept gawking at the scene. None had said anything, unsure of what to make of the situation. Maki turned her head again, to speak with the spirit.

But she was gone.

“… She went that way, Go-go!”

A little girl had the courage to speak, showing Maki the way Tori went. Maki smiled halfheartedly in thanks.

“Go get the mean spirit lady!”

Maki nodded, and followed after the spirit, but not before speaking to the child.

“Don’t worry, I’ll get her…”

As Maki’s form disappeared into the streets, the girl grinned.

“I know you will. You have to… it’s part of your destiny.”
« Last Edit: October 09, 2007, 01:25:50 PM by whytphyre »

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Re: Nanakusa 2.0 (Chapter 3 :: This is Unmei)
« Reply #17 on: October 09, 2007, 04:54:45 PM »
“I don't agree with Ai-chan, remember?” she grunted, “So I wanna know what’s going on… is Eririn okay?”

Junjun didn’t respond.

“Fine, I’ll just have to find out myse-”

“She’s in a coma.”


The two eighth generation members stared each other down, unsure of how to deal with the other’s existence.

“She. Is. In. A. Coma.”

“I got that. How?!”

Junjun was silent, but not because she didn’t want to tell Aika, and the younger girl didn’t push it.

“I… I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be. You didn’t do it. You aren’t FRIDAY.”
:cry: Kame!

god, did you transplant brain matter into your boobs? Is that what the problem is?”
This was hilarious!  :lol:
And the Biyuuden part too. Looking forward to more updates  :)

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Re: Nanakusa 2.0 (Chapter 3 :: This is Unmei)
« Reply #18 on: October 09, 2007, 07:22:03 PM »
Poor Viyuden, Erika seems to be the only one who can realistically think straight.


Junjun gave her best pout as she brushed the stray locks out of Eri’s face. She smiled half heartedly as she sat next to her senpai’s bedside, a sentry that would let no one through.

“I’m sorry I couldn’t save you in time…”


“She’s in a coma.”

“I got that. How?!”

Junjun was silent, but not because she didn’t want to tell Aika, and the younger girl didn’t push it.

“I… I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be. You didn’t do it. You aren’t FRIDAY.” it's FRIDAY'S fault that Eri's like this?  Could it be that they're the ones that the girls are fighting?

Wonder who this "Destined 8th" is.

WTF Miki has to be killed "again"?

“… She went that way, Go-go!”


“Don’t worry, I’ll get her…”

As Maki’s form disappeared into the streets, the girl grinned.

“I know you will. You have to… it’s part of your destiny.”
The puppet-master?

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

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Re: Nanakusa 2.0 (Chapter 4 :: Enter the Chippy Girl)
« Reply #19 on: October 29, 2007, 11:38:15 AM »
Okie day. I should get one more chapter up before Nanowrimo, and then for the whole month of November, I'll be on another story vein. Don't worry, I'll come back to my stuff, but don't expect me to do so during November. If you wanna rant at me, AIM exists, I do have it... I should probably put that up somewhere...

Chapter 4 :: Enter the Chippy Girl

“Aika-chan, we should have picked up sweet cakes for Linlin…”

The two of them had stopped by a store to pick up some munchies before returning to the others, this time by walking. Junjun had spent a lot of their time in the hospital room crying, and she didn’t feel up to teleporting them around to anywhere.

“She gonna have a fit if we don’t? We’ll just get Ayaka-san to go get some… she has connections from those English lessons…”

Aika looked confident in her response, which caused Junjun’s eyes to brighten a little from her depressed mood.

“She might.”

“… Well then we’ll deal with it. Ai-chan’s been off her rocker lately, it’ll be someone else to vent on, neh?”

Junjun giggled. Despite their views, the two of them had to admit that Ai was a little bit of a tyrant with training.

“I dunno if I want Linlin all upset though… she gets grumpy when she’s upset.”

Junjun gave the younger girl a look, but was greeted with a small shrug.

“Ah well… it’s no-hey!”

Letting out a noise as she fell on her butt, Aika growled, and stared upwards.

“Watch where you-oh! Yocchan!”

Aika immediately stood up and smiled at her senpai, who seemed to have her gaze rather transfixed on the girl.

“… Yoshizawa-senpai?”

Junjun stared at the woman, a sheepish smile on her face. The woman paid no heed, stare still on Aika.

“Yocchan… is everything alright?”

“… It’s fine… Mitsui…”

Aika’s eyes narrowed suspiciously at her senpai’s behavior. This was strange for her to act like this.

Junjun noticed it too.

“Get out of Yoshizawa-sama’s head.”

“Tch… I knew one of you’d pick it out…”

The woman sauntered over to the taller but younger girl, and grinned.

“Honestly though, she knows your little secret… she’s not that dense.”

Junjun was quiet, but held her ground.

“Let her go,” she insisted.

“Oh, rash too, aren’t we? Well, why don’t we play a little game of ‘Let’s see how far the Panda-Gi-… HEY!”

As the two eighth generation girls watched on, they noted that their senpai’s hair was being pulled by a slightly… unfamiliar face.

“You heard the slightly tall Chinese gal, let Yocchan go!”



”I just want you to realize that there’s little chance that she’ll go back to normal… before you take on this kind of responsibility…”

The doctor smiled warmly at Maki, who had quite a few pamphlets in her arms.

“I’m willing to take that chance. She’s worth it.”

As they were talking, Hitomi started yelling at a nurse, who was trying to give her a shot of some sort. Maki glanced over.

“Yocchan, it’s okay…” she tried, in a reassuring voice, “The nurse won’t hurt you…”

“Nooo! NOOO! Get that away!” the elder woman insisted, swatting at the nurse, who was trying her hardest not to hurt her. Maki sighed, and held out her arms.

“Yocchan, come here…”

Instantly, the woman responded, running over into Maki’s outstretched arms and clinging for dear life. The nurse let out a sigh, but followed, determined to give the woman her shot.

“Yocchan, let her give it to you… it’s supposed to help…”

“Nooo… They hurt…”

“Just for a little bit… Here, I won’t let her hurt you that much, I promise, okay?”

Hitomi thought about it for a moment, before slowly nodding, and holding out her arm for the nurse, who quickly administered the shot.

“That should sedate her for at least the car ride home,” she explained to Maki, as if Hitomi couldn’t understand what the woman was saying. The elder woman snorted.

“I understand you fine!”

It was like she was an overgrown child, but Maki didn’t seem to mind it much.

“Oh shush,” she said, batting the woman’s shoulder lightly, “Now just because she gave you that doesn’t mean you get to be grumpy at her…”

Hitomi stuck her tongue out at the nurse, before cuddling into Maki, who smiled back over at the doctor.

“I’ll take care of her. I promise.”

“It’s not me you have to promise. It’s her mother.”

Maki ran down the street, unsure of where to really go. She just knew that her beloved Hitomi was taken captive by some spirit thing, and it needed to stop.

She promised the woman’s mother that she would take care of her, and she wasn’t going to break that promise.

Not even if lives depended on it.


“Let’s go!”

Up to FRIDAY HQ. There were days where I wanted to shoot Rika-chan with a tranquilizer and hope she stayed asleep all day.

However, I couldn’t find a dart gun. Or a bar. I’d have to settle for making sure she didn’t kill herself.

And/or take Yui-chan with her.

“Erika-chan, you’re grumpy! C’mon! We can’t save the world without our smiles!” Rika-chan stated, turning to face me with her hands on her hips. I sighed.

“Yes I can. Watch me.”

I frowned, to show my point. Rika-chan snorted, and grabbed my arm, dragging me off. Yui-chan, of course, followed behind.

I sighed.

“Rika-chan… why don’t we think about this first?”

“No! If we think, then they’ll get away with everything! We saw that monster run in here, and I bet this is the breeding ground for them all!”

And it was times like this where I wished Rika-chan’s eldest group member was Yuuchan. At least then no one would die.

… Maybe.


“Rika-chan, let’s give this a moment…”

“No! I said we’re going, and I’m the leader!”

Good. Our leader was going to lead us into our doom.

Yui-chan just followed behind. I hadn’t the slightest idea what she was thinking about, but it probably wasn’t anything relevant.

“Rika-chan, we could get killed…”

“That’s part of the risk, Erika-chan! If we go in and die, then people will know of our great feats!”

And rejoice that we weren’t destroying Tokyo anymore.

“Rika-chan, why’re we going into this building?”

She looked back at me like I had three heads.

“Didn’t Tsunku-chan tell you?”

I didn’t like her pet name for the man (mainly because it was as creative as every other name she had for everyone else), it made him seem like a pervert…

That, and no, I probably hadn’t been told. Tsunku didn’t like talking to people who weren’t in Morning Musume at one point or another. I have no idea why.


“Well, FRIDAY’s got the Hatsugarasu boss man in it! That’s why we’re goin’ in!”

This merited a blank look out of me.

“Okay, Rika-chan, level with me,” I started, “Hatsugarasu? Please tell me you’re joking…”

“Nope! Lesgo!”

Sighing once more, I let Rika drag me inside. It was the only way to shut her up.

Then, finally, Yui piped in.

“… Does this shirt make my boobs look small?”

We were doomed.

JPHiP Radio (12/200 @ 128 kbs)     Now playing: Going Under Ground - Diary