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Author Topic: Estrea's Sandbox [6/4 - Treat]  (Read 203864 times)

Offline Estrea

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [3/3 - Night Fever]
« Reply #680 on: March 05, 2013, 06:27:52 PM »


Eye of the Tiger

Welcome to Actor's School Hiroshima!

They might as well have written "Welcome to Hell" up there. It would have made no practical difference, all things considered. Not that it would have deterred the hopeful faces. Young girls of varying sizes, all determined to be the next big thing in showbiz, assembled at that place.

Sayashi Riho was one of them. At age 9, she was still small, tinier than those her age, and only those who were even younger were smaller. It didn't matter. Only those who had real talent, real skill, could remain. Would be allowed to remain.

That was the first day. There were 50 of them. At the end of the session, only 20 were left. And though their faces were red and puffing with exertion, not a single one expressed any complaint. The ones who were sent away could not make it through the gruelling physical tests. And all this before the actual lessons even began.

Eyes forward. Focus. No slip ups. Keep going. All you really needed was brass bands and uniforms and this would look no different from a military training camp.

"You want to be the best? Prove it! Only the best of the best will be chosen! Only the elite will get to perform! Only those who are better than everyone else will be scouted! Everyone here is your rival! You must be the best! Show it!"

Competition was fierce. You want to be front and center? You had to earn it. Otherwise you get relegated to the back of group performances. Never chosen for small unit performances at the ASH demonstrations. And only the top of the class get the coveted solo spots.

It was idol training hell. The original 20 halved after a year. More girls came in later batches, keeping the competition fresh. Dance, singing, everything in its place. Girls picked their specializations, lived it, breathed it, half-killed themselves over it, all for a shot at the limelight. They had a dream, they all wanted to live it. And even though it was the same dream, it was not something you could share. Fame was not so generous.

I have no friends here. Sayashi realized this very quickly. She had to. Naivety had no place in the tireless idol training machine. This was the real world. The strong overtook the weak. She could not afford to fall behind, and she could not stand being anything less than the best. Dance was her life, and more than once she found herself practising late into the night in front of the mirror. She might love sleep, but she loved dance more, and hated it when she failed in front of everyone else. Tears of frustration at every screw-up was swallowed in front of her ASH-mates -- she could not afford to show weakness. Only when she was home did she allow herself to cry. Her mother would have let her pull out, soft-hearted as she was, but her father sat her down once and told her this.

"Riho. If you really want something, you have to work for it, no matter how hard it is. If it is something worth working for, then you cannot give up. Is this what you really want?"

And yes. It was. She loved dancing. It was more than just being on stage, or merely moving her body. It was expression, it was her soul. The harsh criticisms levelled at her in ASH hardened her determination. She would not fail. She would not quit. She would never give up. Through every triumph and every mistake, she progressed, learning through experience every nuance of her own body, felt the rhythm of the music as part of herself. It was more than routine and choreography. Anyone could mimic the movements given time. She had to feel it, and live it. She learned what she could and could not do, and worked twice as hard on what she could not. There was no other way, if she wanted to be the best.

She moved forward in the internal rankings. Looks of scorn gradually shifted to faint approval. She got more performances at the ASH demonstrations. The audience was starting to know her. Things were still difficult, but always the sensation of performing gave her the best thrill.

She still had no friends in ASH. Older girls, more experienced, resented her competence. They were skilled as well, but the new kid's rapid rise was threatening. They didn't outright bully her, of course, save for the occasional catty remark, but it made her cautious. She was shy to begin with, but this just made her warier. More closed off. She affected a blank look, not wanting to give away anything to her rivals. She could not relax, never let her guard down. She was only 11.

Perhaps it was because of that, seeing how his eldest daughter was withdrawing into herself, that Papa Sayashi lowered his newspaper one evening and looked over at her.

"Why don't you audition for Morning Musume?"

Auditions. There had been rumors of talent scouts who had been watching their last major demonstration. The ASH students were all pumped up, of course, and she was no exception. It would be a chance, an opportunity...and an escape. Since when did she view ASH as something she had to escape from?

It had built her up. It had given her the technical skills she needed. The confidence to be on stage. Taught her the ugly side of idol business, cut her teeth on the reality of fame (or the potentiality of it?). ASH molded Sayashi Riho into potential star material. It was what they did. What people paid for. To have true skill, true talent, fired through the forges of ASH...

It was also a den of tigers. Putting that much excellence (after the chaff had fallen away/dropped out) together in one place resulted in, no, guaranteed bloodshed. Figurative, of course, though there was that one time where Sayashi fell down a flight of stairs and ended up with a painful gash near her lip. She had gritted her teeth and continued stubbornly through lessons afterwards, and the scar would stay with her long after it. It was a blemish, but she took it as a reminder never to trust anyone with her back unless she wanted them to stab it.

Sayashi Riho felt like she couldn't just stand around waiting to be spotted any longer. If she wanted something, she had to go for it. And so she went. Made it past the first few rounds without a hitch, though when she cleared the second round she had to go to ASH and inform them of the situation. She was surprised, then, when her instructors told her that scouts from another company had approached them about her.

"But finish the audition process for Morning Musume first, and we'll discuss what happens from there."

It was the first time her instructors showed so much kindness and consideration towards her. They were usually uniformly harsh and critical in front of everyone, to breed a competitive spirit and prevent the students from getting complacent. It was only fair, that way.

She got through to the final round. Her parents and instructors met up to discuss the possible paths for her future. She, however, already knew what she wanted.

Sayashi Riho graduated from ASH in 2011, with blessings from her instructors, and joined Morning Musume as part of the 9th generation. There would be no looking back.

The future was ahead for her to grasp.


A little something about Riho's time in ASH. My interpretation, after seeing some discussion on 2ch about ASH's reputation as idol training hell. XD They literally do call it a "den of tigers", and the dropout rate is famously high. Of course, recruitment from their ranks is also high, being that Perfume was formerly of ASH, as well as two in the -48 groups, 2 more in Sakura Gakuin, and a few others. Not to forget, Riho herself. Standards are notoriously high, and apparently if you couldn't do the physical exercises, you get kicked out, no questions asked. Only the best, the ones who had real potential, real skill, real talent, could stay (this was quoted from another ex-ASH trainee, now also a celeb XD). I think Riho's time in ASH really impacted her not only as a performer (polishing her dance skills, thank you), but also in her initial personality -- super polite, super reserved...and how the hell did she know keigo at 12 years old? They don't use it in elementary, much less teach it. Conclusion: ASH taught her these things. I just included Riho's scar (on her right cheek, a little away from her lip) for kicks, a possible reason for how she suffered that injury leading to it....but yeah, that's just me making shit up again. XD There should be a follow up for this....I have something very specific in mind...but it's getting late and I should sleep!

Oh, additional note, Riho's dad really did tell her to go audition for Momusu. I invented his reason why here, but yeah...seems like it could happen. Riho really doesn't cry in front of other people (still haven't seen her actually bawl through 2 graduations so's like her tear ducts don't work right. apparently sobbing but very few tears...), but she says that she usually cries at home out of frustration at her own mistakes/failures (source: Riho deli). Riho is also totally a daddy's girl. XD Oh, and she really does stay up late to practice dancing. Odd, when you remember she also loves to sleep, but I guess dancing is more important to her. It really shows how much she loves it, and she admitted on Riho Deli that she was like a "dance baka" back then...which she regrets because she felt like she should have worked more on her singing as well. Oh well, no one's perfect (unless you're Aichan, but well...there can only be one Aichan).

Anyway, enough Riho info dump! Hope everyone appreciates this! Ta!

EDIT: This is just hearsay and some speculation on my part, but it's possible that Riho might have ended up in either Sakura Gakuin or one of the -48 groups if she hadn't picked Momusu first. Someone overheard the talent scouts in the audience of one of ASH's demonstrations, and when Riho was performing, he heard them whispering between themselves about how "the rumors were true (about there being a strong talent)" and that "this was the one they're after". Of course, there's no guarantee that it's actually true, but it's fun to think about. There's also leaked info about how when Perfume went back to ASH, their alma mater, on a visit for a TV program in '09, they actually looked over the training for the elite class of ASH students for a few days, and came away with the thought that there were only two stand-outs from that batch (Riho and another girl). There actually was a video where they captured part of the one-on-one interview chibi!Riho had with the Perfume girls. XD She was so tiny back then :lol: And she took the front and center spot for the dance performance the elite class of ASH (40 were specially picked) put up specially for their returning Perfume senpai.  It's fun to see that she was among the elite even back then, and it sometimes makes me wonder WHY she picked Momusu...this girl could have easily ended up elsewhere. >_>; Lol. I am grateful though. What would I do without my oshi? XD
« Last Edit: March 06, 2013, 05:12:45 AM by Estrea »


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Offline rndmnwierd

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [6/3 - Eye of the Tiger]
« Reply #681 on: March 06, 2013, 08:50:28 AM »
And what would we do without your constant information and subsequent take on the situations presented to you? Probably be unbearably bored and less full of Riho-goodness!

EDIT:Hey, found something you might like!

Edit: Fixed it. Still sleepy. Thanks resop2

Offline Estrea

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [6/3 - Eye of the Tiger]
« Reply #682 on: March 06, 2013, 09:45:41 AM »
This took a slightly different turn than I expected. Still works though.


Never Walk Alone

"Will the new members be alright?"
"The concert's starting in little over a month..."
"Rehearsals aren't going that well..."
"At least Sayashi's keeping up."
"Her singing's still weak though."
"That kid's competent, she can do it."
"Yeah, at least that's one less to worry about. Now, about Ikuta..."

Another halt in rehearsals. Riho stood alone in a corner, clutching her notes and practising quietly. There were so many things to remember, more than what she was used to from ASH. Then again, this was a full concert, and she was expected to pull her weight as a member. A new member, but a part of the group nevertheless.

Formation changes weren't difficult for her to comprehend, the stage markings and where to go when was just on a larger scale and somewhat more complex at parts, but it wasn't unfamiliar. It was having to sing AND dance at the same time while remembering where to go and what to do next while making sure she didn't foul up the rest of the group's movements that was challenging. She and the rest of 9th gen had already been yelled at countless times by the stage director, so much so that she could already feel the pricking of frustrated tears at her eyes. But crying wouldn't solve their problems, and Riho on her part wanted to make sure that at least SHE wouldn't be the one making mistakes.

Close by, Fukumura was going over the choreography with Suzuki, while Niigaki-san and the leader, Takahashi-san, were coaching Ikuta during that so-called break. Riho went through the motions on her own, her senpai more or less trusting her enough to get the choreography right. "Sayashi can handle it" was the general sentiment, and usually only Mitsui-san and Niigaki-san would come by to check on her and make sure that she was fine. Michishige-san and Tanaka-san were completely serious during rehearsal time, and generally left her alone unless she made mistakes they could correct. Which wasn't as much as the rest of her generation-mates, so she ended up being left to her own devices during the rehearsal breaks.

"It's better if you snap your wrist forward like this during the move. It looks cooler." Leader's voice came from behind her as she was dancing, and Riho froze in her tracks for the merest of moments, before repeating the move as instructed. It did look better, and Riho was fully aware of eyes on her as she completed the rest of the routine, with occasional tips from the watching Takahashi.

"Thank you very much for your advice." Riho said as she stopped, bowing formally to her senpai. She dabbed at her face with a towel, and was surprised when Takahashi-san handed her a bottle of water as she looked up.

"You're very good at dancing. Just keep working at it, you'll be able to bring your own expression to the stage soon." Takahashi smiled at her, ruffling the 12 year old's hair fondly. Riho squinted at the gesture, not sure whether to give in to the action or pull back -- she didn't want to be treated like a kid...but it was kind of nice. Nice to have senpai who took care of her, instead of always watching her own back. It was tempting to relax and not worry about anything.

But she couldn't. She had to work hard to catch up. Riho had assumed that she had the skills, but it wasn't until after she saw her Morning Musume senpai at work that she realized the real difference between a real professional and an untested rookie like herself. She had the basics down, yes, but there was so much more to being on stage than simply knowing how to dance, and she was desperate to live up to those standards.

She wished for the reassurance of being near her generation-mates. There was something indefinable about having suffered through the nerves of the same audition process (not that she showed any, but that didn't mean that they weren't there), the shared elation of being chosen together, and being scolded together? Somehow? She wasn't sure how to open up properly around them yet, but it was easier when she was with the other new members. At least they could all be rookies together. Her damnable shyness was a bit of a problem, but Kanon-chan was good at making her laugh, and that was a start. You tend to like people who make you laugh. It was easier being around them.

Misreading the conflicted expression on Riho's face, Ai frowned, wondering if she'd upset the kid somehow. It was a little painful to see the children suffer, but she knew it was due process for anyone wanting to become a true professional. She would be no less hard on them than her own senpai were, because she wanted them to improve and be able to stand on their own feet. Time was flowing like sand through her fingers, she had so little time left in which to help them with. More than 6 months still to the end of her graduation, but it felt like each day was slipping by too quickly.

"Sayashi? Ai-chan?" Niigaki Risa moved up to flank the two of them, clueing in easily to the cues of the situation. She had known Ai-chan for a decade, and could read the stubborn woman easily. As for Sayashi, it was like seeing a miniature version of Ai-chan in some way. Equally reserved, and very determined. It was a good trait, but sometimes...

"Niigaki-san." Riho greeted instantly, again with another formal bow. It was a little endearing to see how proper the kid was, but the stiffness in her shoulders was an unspoken sign of nervousness in front of her senpai. Risa sighed inwardly. It was going to be one of those.

"You know, if you have any concerns, you can come talk to us." Risa very deliberately linked arms with Ai to include the leader in the equation, and the statement prompted the leader to nod too, smiling reassuringly at their kouhai. Ai appeared to be at a loss with how best to deal with someone who didn't seem to need them. Which was a fallacy, Risa observed. Sayashi asked questions when it came to work, but kept everything else to herself. While it was encouragingly independent of the kid, Risa was sure the 12 year old had her own problems. Ai was trying, Risa knew. It wasn't like helping Ikuta or Suzuki, where rapport could be struck up by helping them with their performance issues. In a way, Ai was doing things the only way she knew how, by value-adding on top of the regular choreography, and it was ironic how Sayashi soaked everything up like a sponge and often watched Ai-chan with something akin to worship when they were rehearsing, even though Ai often worried if Sayashi was afraid of her. Tanakacchi was right, Risa decided. Sayashi was just simply terrible at approaching people. And Ai-chan worried too damn much.

So they had to approach her instead. Risa and Aika had been taking turns to watch over the kid while babysitting 9th generation as a whole, and it helped to see how her generation-mate, Suzuki Kanon, was helping to draw the girl out of her shell. It was endearing to see her act her age, rather than the ultra-formal and proper idol-in-training she appeared to be.

"We're all part of the same group. We take care of each other. I hope you'll come to be comfortable around us. Morning Musume is family to me, I hope it will be family for you too."

And sometimes, Ai just says the right things without even knowing what to say. Risa watched as a sudden emotion flooded Sayashi's eyes, and for a moment she thought the girl was going to burst into tears just like a miniature Ai-chan would have, at that age, but no tears came, and the moment passed as if nothing had happened. The girl was remarkable, Risa decided. Remarkably stubborn, remarkably tough, and...perhaps Ai-chan did have a reason to worry after all.

The two 5th gen exchanged glances, let the moment pass, and rustled Sayashi into practising their joint routine. It wasn't something that could be solved overnight, but they certainly were going to try.

Morning Musume was home to them, and no one would be left behind.


We will never walk aloneeeeeeeeee~


In the same 'verse as the one before, set during the Fantasy DX tour rehearsals (spring 2011). Little Riho has issues. XD Too serious, too reserved, too "dark". She broods. XD It shows. She's been getting better of late, and that's a good thing. She's learning to trust the others, and open up to them, so she's becoming brighter and more cheerful. This is a good thing. :D

@rndy: I saw it! Haha Riho so cute <3

EDIT: I feel like I'm in the process of creating a "Sayashi Legend", chronicling her from her early days and tracking her development. It's a strangely fulfilling process and the fun part of supporting someone all the way from the start. I think this was what I was missing with Ai-chan. I came into the fandom late, so Ai was already kind of there and I had to reverse-engineer her proto-personality. With Riho, it really feels like I'm watching her grow up step by step, so there's more investment in the whole process. Am I a bigger wota for Riho than for Ai? Yes, I would agree so. It's really a matter of timing. If I had the opportunity to watch Ai grow up real time the way I am doing now for Riho, I have no doubt I would love Ai even more. XD But the past is past, and now there's only the future! Can't wait to see how things turn out. :3

EDIT 2: Riho really did get left alone during practice a lot, because the rest really didn't have to worry about her screwing up quite as much. 鞘師ならできる -- Sayashi can do it. That was what the other members felt like. I think Sayu mentioned how they didn't worry about her as much on her radio, and that only Aichan would be the one instructing her at anything at all. I always wondered what it would be like if Aichan had had more time in the group to coach the rest -- Riho would definitely be a better singer in that case. Right now Riho sounds like Reina the Second, and I don't doubt that's because she has been taking her cue off Reina. Not that it's a really bad thing, but it's going to take some time to educate her out of the nasal tone that Reina in her early days used to fall back on way too often. Reina now can sing a lot better, but she has had the benefit of 10 years of singing experience. not quite there yet. >_> Oh well.
« Last Edit: March 06, 2013, 09:57:58 AM by Estrea »


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- Lilium-related things. God save my soul.

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- Everything Else. Too many to list.

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Offline rndmnwierd

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [6/3 - Eye of the Tiger; Never Walk Alone]
« Reply #683 on: March 07, 2013, 12:42:43 AM »
I got super happy at this last one for some reason. I dunno, maybe seeing the group as they were(could have been?), caring about each other and helping the new kids out kinda brings a tear to me wee eye. Especially the Ai/Riho interaction with Risa's thoughts on things. You know how I feel about my oshi XD

Offline Shiawase_Honoo

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [6/3 - Eye of the Tiger; Never Walk Alone]
« Reply #684 on: March 08, 2013, 02:38:14 PM »
RihoRiho's legend :thumbsup

Fun to read, as always :lol:

ASH, a den of tigers.
Another girl with Riho who was aftered is Nakamoto Suzuka or Suu-Metal.
If Riho and Suu-chan still being in ASH, they will end up like eternally rival. I confirm this. :)

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [6/3 - Eye of the Tiger; Never Walk Alone]
« Reply #685 on: March 08, 2013, 04:28:49 PM »
subscribes to thread...   :)

awesome work, Estrea!  :twothumbs

Offline Estrea

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [6/3 - Eye of the Tiger; Never Walk Alone]
« Reply #686 on: March 16, 2013, 08:30:43 PM »
Back! After staring for WAY too long at the Aisaretai no ni performance from the Colorful Character tour, this was born...



"Looking good, Kanon-chan! You've gotten a lot better!"

Fukumura Mizuki, the eldest of the 9th generation members, praised the youngest of their generation. Suzuki Kanon smiled up at the 16 year old Mizuki.

"It's all thanks to you, Mizuki-chan. And Riho-chan too."

Kanon looked over to her fellow 14 year old generation-mate, who was helping the fourth member of their generation, Ikuta Erina, with the dance routine for their song. Currently, the two girls were on the floor laughing over something or other, and it did not take much effort for them to overhear the following part of the conversation.

"...counting on you, Riho! I'm at my limit!"

"Aw come on Eripon! Just one more round? I'm sure you'll get it!"

"Time out, time out~ I give, Riho! You're too strong!"

Mizuki and Kanon drifted closer to overhear the 14 year old ace mutter "but you're the one with all the muscles" under her breath as she stood up. Erina lay flat on her back where she had fallen earlier, arms spread out dramatically as she closed her eyes to rest.

"Riho-chan! I think I got that move you showed me earlier down!" Kanon exclaimed excitedly, demonstrating for Riho's inspection. The dancer watched intently, eyes taking in every detail. She stepped in once or twice to correct a few angles, but nodded approval as Kanon huffed to a stop. Mizuki, who was next to Kanon and also dancing along just to provide company, was also smiling at Kanon's attempt. To think that when they first started Kanon could barely keep up with the rest of them, but now the youngest of them was doing quite a fine job.

"You're really lucky, Fuku-chan..." Riho said suddenly, as she shifted her gaze over to the 16 year old. "Your bodyline is beautifully suited for this routine. I don't have the chest to make that move look quite as good..."

"Riho. Where are you looking at?" Erina drawled, opening one eye from the floor. Riho blinked innocently at her, before glancing back at Mizuki.

"I'm just observing Fuku-chan's dance...what are you saying?"

Mizuki giggled, the faint blush on her cheeks already fading. It was amazing how completely oblivious yet observant Riho could be at times. Once the ace got into her 'dancer' mode, it was as if everything else faded into the background. Some of her comments could be easily miscontrued, and Mizuki was beginning to wonder if they were confusing the girl by always calling Riho out on her unintentional verbal slips. The poor thing seemed to be feeling quite defensive over being called a hentai, which only made them want to tease her more, of course. It was fun watching Riho work herself up and get all flustered. Mizuki could see why Michishige-san, their beloved leader, so enjoyed teasing the young ace. Riho-chan was very cute when caught off-guard, after all...

"Gee, I could have sworn you were staring at Mizuki's chest." The KY of the group grinned. Riho twitched, then stared at the aforementioned bodypart on reflex, making Erina and Kanon burst out laughing as Mizuki crossed her arms self-consciously over her chest and turned away with a blush. Riho pouted.

"You're all terrible. Fuku-chan, I really wasn't staring!"

"I know, Riho-chan. You just can't help where your eyes go." Mizuki teased lightly. "Just like how they always end up on someone's lips."

"That's right! I'm always watching everyone and my eyes just get drawn...Fuku-chan!!!" Riho hopped around in frustration, puffing out her cheeks as she realized the trap she had walked right into. "Mou! I'm not a hentai!"

"We didn't say it this time." Kanon grinned at the injured expression on Riho's face. "You know we still love you, Riho-chan. Even if you're kinda silly at times."

"And a hentai." Erina added, sitting up with a smirk. Riho pouted, putting her hands on her hips and trying to look indignant.

"Hmph, I'll go practice some more..." Out of the corner of her eye she spotted her 10th generation juniors in a cluster. "Ayumi-chan and I need to work on Crazy About You anyway."

"Don't get distracted by her lips." Mizuki teased. "And I'll need a turn with Ayumi-chan myself, so don't wear her out~"

Riho coloured, and Erina choked on her laughter, pounding on the floor with one closed fist as she bent double from the hysterics. Kanon laughed a bit nervously, eyeing Mizuki and Riho with a skeptical gaze while trying to decide how serious they were actually being.

"I...I don't know what you're talking about!"

Riho declared, then zipped away with all the speed of a roadrunner on steroids. Erina recovered from her laughing fit, wiping away tears from her eyes.

"I couldn't have done that better myself, Mizuki."

"Why thank you Eripon." Mizuki had a saint-like smile on her face.

Kanon shook her head. She loved her generation-mates dearly, but sometimes they were all a little crazy. Oh well, it made life interesting!


Oh Riho, you make it so easy to pick on you. XD

I can always see Fukuchan and Riho being the ones teaching the rest. They know what they're doing most of the time anyway. XD

Set during the rehearsal period for Colorful Character, obviously. Crazy About You was Riho and Ayumi's duet during the shuffle corner where the setlist changes at every concert. It featured a dance battle AND WAS NOT ON THE DVD, CURSES. But the DVD magazine appears to have it. >_>

Reason why Fukuchan said she needed a turn with Ayumi as well: Fukuchan and Ayumi also have a duet, Daisuki 100 Manten for the shuffle corner. XD Which also wasn't on the DVD. >_> *snerk* I couldn't let go of the opportunity when it came up....I guess I'm the biggest troll around. :lol:

And now I sleep!


Currently writing:
- Lilium-related things. God save my soul.

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- Everything Else. Too many to list.

I'm also on AO3!

Offline rndmnwierd

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [17/3 - Practice]
« Reply #687 on: March 17, 2013, 01:39:44 AM »
Lollitrollolol XD I love the behind the scenes stuff so much, words can't describe.

Offline Estrea

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [17/3 - Practice]
« Reply #688 on: March 31, 2013, 09:01:55 PM »
Trying very hard to break the block. I wrote about 5k worth of words for Tokyo Runner, trashed it, and restarted again. Yeah. Sorry for the wait. Here's something for lulz because I need the distraction while working on something serious~

Warning: Much insanity ahead.


The Route to Love

It all started one innocent day in the dressing room that the 9th generation members of Morning Musume shared...

"I have decided."

Ikuta Erina, otherwise known as Eripon, declared suddenly while gazing into her phone. Her generation-mates were in the same room, all going about their own business while idly chatting. The oldest of them, Fukumura Mizuki, glanced over.

"Decided what, Eripon?"

There was a dramatic pause as Erina lowered her phone and returned the gaze levelly.

"I want Michishige-san."

Someone choked on a snack. A phone clattered to the floor. Muffled cursing as a knee smacked against the edge of a table. 3 pairs of eyes trained themselves on the oblivious Erina, trying to comprehend what their generation-mate just said.

"Are you joking?"

"What do you mean, you want her?"

"Michishige-san is very pretty."

The first two speakers, the younger half of 9th gen, immediately stared at the third. Mizuki smiled benignly, and continued brushing her hair as if nothing major had happened. Erina grinned the other half of the PonPon combi. She knew Mizuki would understand!

"Are you running a fever? Maybe you should go to the hospital?"

Sayashi Riho, resident ace, had limped over despite her scuffed knee to rest the back of a hand against her generation-mate's forehead. The star dancer was so distraught by Erina's seemingly insane statement that she completely forgot that her phone was still on the floor where she had dropped it in her shock earlier.

"I'm fine! Oh by the way Riho, I hope you don't mind coming with me to go look for Michishige-san later? I figure she'll stick around longer if you're with me. I want to ask her out for a date!"

"You're...serious?" Riho stared at Erina like the girl had just sprouted two heads and was breathing fire. Suzuki Kanon, who was in the process of drinking water to wash down the snack she had choked on earlier, dissolved into great hacking coughs as liquid ran down the wrong pipe. Mizuki was the only one who look completely unfazed, only idly asking what plans Erina had for a date with their senior.

"But this...this is Michishige-san! She...she's..." Riho flailed helplessly, arms all over the place as she hopped from one foot to another, unsure how best to express her inner agitation and shock. Kanon recovered from her second choking fit and was taking deep breaths before finally asking.

"What about Niigaki-san? Are you actually oshihen-ing?"

Mizuki made a small 'ooh' sound to herself, grinning eagerly as she watched Erina's face turn inexplicably serious. Then again, the KY of the group was always serious about being the Number 1 fan of their former leader.

"Niigaki-san will always be my oshimen. My feelings for Michishige-san are completely different. It's love! This could only be the frustration of love!**"

Riho and Kanon were staring at her with their mouths in small 'o's. Kanon recovered first, blinking rapidly as she processed what her generation-mate just said.

"That's...a line from Mr Moonlight?" Mizuki was already cracking up in the background, wiping tears of merriment from her eyes with the back of her hand. Riho seemed to still be in shock, her jaw working soundlessly as she tried to process what was going on. Kanon was torn between laughing hysterically or laughing ruefully. She settled for something in between, her chuckles alternating between high sobs and low rumbles as her eyes focused on something far off into the distance. You could only suffer so many shocks in a limited period of time.

Meanwhile, Erina decided on a plan of action to snare their leader, the ichiban kawaii idol, Michishige Sayumi!

"Yosh~ Ganbatte-ikuta!"


Don't ask how this happened. I was on 2ch. And then Kuji sent me a photo of Eripon and Sayu looking gorgeous together. Stress and lack of sleep combined to produce this. :lol: Basically, Eripon just happened in my head. XD

** Sore wa koi, koi zurai sa! That's the spoken line in Mr Moonlight. I love misquoting songs for my purposes hahaha. And apparently 9th gen does it a lot too in their free time. :P

And now I  :ph43r: away~


Currently writing:
- Lilium-related things. God save my soul.

On Hold:
- Everything Else. Too many to list.

I'm also on AO3!

Offline Kuji

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [1/4 - The Route to Love]
« Reply #689 on: March 31, 2013, 09:09:22 PM »
I love being a part of your insanity. :peace:

Pics will keep coming. <:

Offline AmberSan

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [1/4 - The Route to Love]
« Reply #690 on: March 31, 2013, 10:04:35 PM »
Eripon's randomness is the best crack ...

another great kyuukies shortfic by you.

also belated Happy Birthday  :yossi:

Offline H!PShipper

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [1/4 - The Route to Love]
« Reply #691 on: March 31, 2013, 11:08:31 PM »
9 gen craziness is the best! It seems It's usually Eripon who starts it. This is awesome, maybe a look into sayu and reinas reaction to eripons date request could surface?

Offline Estrea

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@Kuji: You are the cause of too many instances of my insanity!
@AmberSan: Thanks! Haha I love 9ki crack. :D
@H!PShipper: Well Eripon's my favourite for drumming up crazy things, so yeah. XD And as requested, the SayuReina reaction!

Obligatory warning: more insanity ahead.


Love on a Highway

"Michishige-san! Do you know..."

"Michishige-san! I really like what you're wearing today!"

"Michishige-san! Are you free later?"

"Michishige-san, do you like spaghetti?"

"Michishige-san! I love you!"


After a whole day of being pestered by her junior, Michishige Sayumi was almost ready to throw in the towel. 10 years in Morning Musume had never prepared her for this!

"I wonder if this was how Gaki-san felt like...?"

Sayumi had made a last minute escape back to the dressing room she shared with Tanaka Reina, her fellow 6th gen member. The pint-sized idol had been drinking carrot juice while flipping through a magazine when Sayumi burst in and locked the door behind her, making the cat-like girl raise an eyebrow.

"Sayu? What's wrong?"

Another first. Well, less shocking considering their recent thaw in relations. Reina had become more solicitous of Sayumi's well-being ever since Sayumi became leader and they were the only two Rokkies left at the top. The old Reina would have made a scathing comment about Sayumi barging in before, or more likely, simply ignored it. They didn't used to be close until now, and Sayumi was really grateful for the support her generation-mate was finally stepping up to provide.


The echo from that voice reverbrated through the hallways, and the thin walls were no protection against it. Sayumi shivered involuntarily, a hunted look in her eyes. Reina took one look at her, and laughed.


"Mou Reina, it's not funny! How did Gaki-san deal with this?"

Reina gave it all of two seconds of thought, then shrugged.

"I think she just gave in at the end."

Sayumi pouted, then heaved a great sigh as she flopped down on a chair next to Reina.

"I don't know what's up with Ikuta, I mean, usually she's always extremely chatty, but she talks to everyone all the time so that's fine..."

"I always just ignore her." Reina chirped in (un)helpfully. Sayumi shot her a sideways glare.

"You think I don't? Well today she's been latched on to me the way she used to follow Gaki-san around like a lost puppy. I thought she was just being Ikuta at first, but when she won't leave me alone at all throughout the day..."

"Maybe she just got interested in you. You know, like with Gaki-san." Reina seemed amused by the whole situation, but was trying to say something to assure her nervous generation-mate. Sayumi looked uncomfortable.

"She asked me out for a date!"


"I know! I thought she was just kidding at first, but then she kept pestering me about it and asking me what I liked, so I just tried to blow her off by being really vague and stuff, and now she seems to think I've said yes and won't leave me alone!"

Sayumi finished her rant and grabbed a bottle of water off the table, chugging it as she tried to calm her nerves. Reina recovered from her stunned state, patting the distraught Sayumi on the shoulder awkwardly.

"You could always just pull rank on her and tell her off..."

"But she didn't actually do anything? Speaking of which, I did tell her off for being a pest. She didn't seem to notice..."

Reina pursed her lips thoughtfully.

"You could just limit it to a meal right? Just humour her a couple of times and she might just lose interest. You could always call Gaki-san for advice."

The two Rokkies stared at each other for a long moment, then Sayumi raised an eyebrow.

"You do know that Gaki-san was hopeless against Ikuta right?"

"I know." Reina grinned impishly. "Good luck, Sayu."

Sayumi threw a cushion at her generation-mate, who ducked, and then they both burst out laughing. That was when a knock at the door froze both of them up. Or well, froze Sayumi up. Reina just took another look at her and continued laughing.

Sayumi swatted her unhelpful fellow Rokkie and reverted to her bad childhood habit of gnawing on her nails for a moment, then remembered she was an idol and probably shouldn't do so. She was contemplating plucking at her eyebrows when a hesitant voice called through the door.

"Michishige-san? Do you have a moment?"

Sayumi lit up like a lantern. That voice was...!

Reina raised an eyebrow as Sayumi rushed to the door and unlocked it. Then she shrugged. It was Sayashi, after all. Sayu's favourite junior. Reina was quite fond of the brat herself, though not quite to the extent of her probably obsessed generation-mate. Reina watched with some amusement as a visibly nervous Sayashi was led into the room like a lamb to the slaughter. She nodded in acknowledgement when the kid greeted her politely -- Sayashi never missed a beat when it came to etiquette -- and settled back with a grin on her face as she watched Sayu fawn over the girl. This could be fun, Reina thought as she sipped at her juice.

She choked about 10 seconds later when Ikuta burst in through the now unlocked door as her designated bait cringed (subtly) away from the attentions of the leader.

"Michishige-san~ Your schedule's open this evening right? Let's go have some Italian food~"


Reina was still hacking on her carrot juice when someone handed her a napkin. When she was done cleaning up the mess, she glanced over and saw Riho hovering stealthily at her side. Clearly, the kid had taken the chance to crawl away from Sayu in the ensuing confusion. Reina snorted at the ingenuity of her juniors.

"Ikuta put you up to this, right?"

"Well, I couldn't say no..." Riho demurred, cleverly hiding behind Reina and eyeing the door wistfully. Unfortunately, because of the way Sayumi and Erina were positioned, she had no clear shot for escape at the moment. Reina chuckled.

"Can't tell if you're really brave or really dumb, kid."

Riho shrugged in response, wondering how the hell she was going to get out of the situation. At least Tanaka-san was agreeable enough to let her stick around!


Meanwhile, in another dressing room...

"What do you mean, Riho-chan went to help Eri-chan? Is Riho-chan going to be ok?"

"Well...Riho-chan's just there to create a distraction, it should be alright?"

"But this is Michishige-san we're talking about!"

At that moment, her phone beeped.

Kanon-chan, I'm trapped (・ω・);;;
Tanaka-san's with me now so I'm safe for the moment, but Eripon seems to be getting shoved out soon...

"Oh dear." Mizuki's unhelpful comment came from over Kanon's shoulder. The youngest of 9th gen resisted the urge to facepalm and typed a quick reply back.

Don't worry, I'll send in help. Just hang on for now!

The reply came back instantly.

Kanon-chan thank youuuuuu! I'm...hiiiiiiiiiiiii

The message trailed off there. Silence in the room. Kanon leapt to her feet.

"10th gen should be next door, right?"

Mizuki nodded, and then hid a giggle to herself as Kanon dashed out of the door. This was getting entertaining!


"Mou, Ikuta you're annoying! Get out of here!"

"I'll pick you up at 7 later!"

"Get lost!"

Sayumi finally managed to drive her persistent junior out of the door, and locked it again for peace of mind. The nerve of that girl! And where was RihoRiho in all this?

Ah, there she was! The girl had grown too big to properly hide behind Reina. While Sayumi mourned on some level that RihoRiho was no longer all tiny and cute like she was when she first joined, there was no doubt that the girl was slowly growing into a woman...and to her surprise she found that she liked the metamorphosis. Not that it made the girl any less cute in the process. Case in point: RihoRiho still looked very much like a hamster with her cheeks puffed up as she huddled close to Reina, who was chatting with her.

"RihoRiho~ ♥"

Riho dropped her phone again for the second time that day. Reina whistled in amusement and reached for a pack of chips. What? Snacking was a perfectly legitimate activity!

As Riho was pulled away from Reina's side by a very persistent Sayumi, there was a sudden pounding at the door as the doorknob rattled.


"Ah, it's Sato." Reina paused in mid-munch. "Come in...ah, the door's locked." She crossed the short distance to the door and unlocked it, and was promptly greeted with a flying tackle from the 13 year old.

"Good afternoon, Tanaka-san." Came a husky voice from behind the high pitched squeals of the hyperactive Sato Masaki, who was latched on to Reina like a baby seal. Reina bore it with much grace -- it's amazing how one could get used to anything. She nodded at Kudou, while patting Sato on the head like she was hushing an overgrown puppy.

"Is Sayashi-san around?"

Reina glanced over her shoulder while Masaki stole her bag of chips. She flicked a finger into the kid's forehead, and Masaki made a face back at her.

"Should be somewhere around there. Oi Sato! My chips! Mine!"

Kudou Haruka skirted her favourite senior and her partner-in-crime, intent on her current target: Sayashi Riho. Who was currently looking too freaked out to even bend over to pick up her phone. And who was somehow still managing to smile as their leader wrangled her into a two-shot photo. Several shots, actually.

"Um, Michishige-san? Can I borrow Sayashi-san for a moment?" Haruka cleared her throat self-consciously. Sayumi turned.

"Oh? What for?"

"Well, we have voice training lessons..."

Behind Sayumi, Riho mouthed 'we do?', but was wise enough to not say anything out loud. Haruka was at her earnest best. Sayumi, ever the consummate professional at work, let out a sigh and let Riho go. The frazzled ace scooped up her phone and all but ran out of the door with Haruka in tow. They left Masaki exactly where she was. God knows Maa-chan would love nothing more than spending time with her beloved Tanasa-tan.

"Thank god you came." Riho breathed. "Did Kanon-chan send you? I'm pretty sure our voice training lessons aren't until tomorrow..."

"You looked like you could use the help. But yes, Suzuki-san dropped by to ask us for help." Haruka shoved her hands into her pockets. Riho beamed up at her.

"Thank you." A pause as they continued down the corridor. "You're free now right?"

"Well, the event's over already, so yup. Spring holidays are great!"

"Wanna go grab a drink? My treat. Since you saved me and all." Riho looked over at Haruka, who grinned back just as enthusiastically.

"Yosha! Free drinks~"

"I hope you don't mind Starbucks."

"Uwahhh, Sayashi-san likes adult drinks!"

"I'm sure they have ice cream too."

"Yay! Should we call Suzuki-san along?"

"Nah, she's got a recording later with Iikubo-chan I think."

"Cool. It's a date then!"

Riho paused in her tracks, eyeing Haruka dubiously. The boyish girl cocked her head questioningly.

"Did I say something wrong?"

"I was just thinking what Ayumi-chan would say if I stole her ikemen from her for the day."

"Ahahahaha! Ayumin isn't like that! Plus she's like a little sister to me! Even though she's older than me..."

"Ah, I get that! You know the other day..."

They continued walking. Back in 10th gen's dressing room, Ayumi sneezed, then rubbed at her nose. Hay fever?, she wondered.

Spring was a time of change, after all...


Currently writing:
- Lilium-related things. God save my soul.

On Hold:
- Everything Else. Too many to list.

I'm also on AO3!

Offline Kuji

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Now if Sayu were more like Harunan and actually memorized Rihoriho's schedule... she wouldn't have been fooled. Too bad for her. :P

This was crack-filled but somehow cute.  :thumbsup

Offline rndmnwierd

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Omg, I'm dying over here! This crack is so awesome, plus the fact that the forum is back on April Fools pranks just makes this all the better! XD XD

Offline MsSmigge

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Damn this was hilarious!  :lol:

It's quite hard for me to read about the 9th and 10th generation, because I know so little about them (Don't know why it affects my reading so much....). But I just decided to have a go when I noticed this update and I really enjoyed this crack. This indeed made me want to learn more about them!  XD

And, lol, Sayu's and Reina's chat before, Riho came in. Reina is so evil~

Knowing is not enough, we must apply. Willing is not enough, we must do.

Offline H!PShipper

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Waking up to this is the best, thank you for granting my request lol.
I've now gotten my daily dose of 6Ki, 9ki, Tanasato and maaharu lol this was great!

Offline Dreamcato

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Hey! Soooo much lol today. :lol:

And I just woke up

Rihoriho is a Kamikaze!  XD And I agree, Kuji!  Sayu should memorize the Rihoriho's agenda.  :grin: And I love ReiSaki pair, so much cute!  :love:

More crack, please!  :cow:

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Hey guys! I wrote a little something on AO3 here:

It's a one shot based on ANOTHER Japanese fanfic...the ending was too horrifying in the original and I simply had to do something about it. This is mostly for Kuji's (and my) sanity's sake.

Ok now I really ought to sleep. x__x


Currently writing:
- Lilium-related things. God save my soul.

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- Everything Else. Too many to list.

I'm also on AO3!

Offline H!PShipper

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@Dreamcato lmao sorry it was 6:40 am on my way to school. I guess my phone auto corrected it or something I did not notice Laughing Out Loud

Edit: or not. It seems like the site changes it on it's own cause it appears as l o l when I write it but as soon as I save it becomes lol o.o

Anyway I do not know what the original was like exactly but I am guessing that kudo stayed with Ayumi and Riho was left to regret her choices? And most likely not as we'll written? Right? I fully and truly embrace and cherishd your alternate ending though, much angst! Angst is the best, Laughing Out Loud jk anyway good job. ^^

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