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Author Topic: Estrea's Sandbox [6/4 - Treat]  (Read 203823 times)

Offline Sukoshi

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [06/13 - Devil's Deal]
« Reply #180 on: June 13, 2008, 12:23:59 PM »
oh no!  I think you left me with more questions!  Like what Ai chan actually had to sacrifice..guess it wasn't her actual life...since the ceremony must have already happened (during the time line of the first 3 parts) but she was still there to guard the tower.. Makes me wonder if she had to sacrifice her humanity or maybe she's now a spirit!  :dizzy:  and where in the world did Risa run off to!  What if she never did leave the tower!  :O  and Eri!...and...and the bad demon thingies...I wonder if they are collecting souls or some type of life many can tell that I'm dying to find out the answers =D  *has a feeling that Ai chan is going to be killed off by Reina but hopes that's not the case*  Can't wait for the grand finale! 

Offline Estrea

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [06/13 - Devil's Deal]
« Reply #181 on: June 13, 2008, 10:05:35 PM »
Ok finally...after 8 long hours of is the grand finale.

I am so fricking tired. And so damn drained.

Warning: SAD ahead. Ok, prepared? Let's go.

P.S. The title doesn't mean anything, I just liked how it sounded.


Le Grand Retour

Eri didn't know what to expect, as she mounted the spiral stairway up to the arena, that strange sense of vertigo haunting her every step as she went still higher.

Castles in the air...and a damsel in distress.... Eri smiled grimly. What is this, a fairytale?

More like a nightmare given form. The sun had already set, but yet time felt somehow irrelevant when one was within these grounds. It was as if the arena and the Tower were on a different dimension of existence entirely. Eri shivered, feeling the evening chill set in, the mournful dirge of the wind whispering, siren-like, into her ear.

I'll defeat you, Ai. I have to. For Gaki-san, for Sayu... Eri refused to contemplate the fact that it was entirely possible that Gaki-san was already dead, clinging to the belief that no matter how much Ai had changed, she would not be gone as far as to kill Risa.

The stairway was interminably long, but Eri finally found herself at the top, framed in the arched entrance to the grand arena. A few forlorn petals swept across that broad circular space, and Eri once again contemplated the intricate designs carved into the floor of the arena itself. The patterns were beguiling, compelling even, when one looked too long at it, and Eri had to tear her gaze away even as her mind begin to spin. The whole place gave her the creeps.

There was no Ai waiting for her on the other side. According to Reina, Ai had already been there and waiting when she came, as if she had known long beforehand that they were coming. Eri felt a sense of foreboding, a chill that ran down her spine. There was something terribly wrong here. It felt almost too quiet, even though the winds continued to draw the petals scattered all over the arena into some kind of ancient dance.

As if the thought had summoned it though, a doorway opened, a portal-like entrance that Reina had described earlier. Eri steeled herself and walked down into the arena proper, one hand on the hilt of her sheathed rapier and eyes alert. She did not want to be caught unawares.

The person that stumbled through was not Ai though.

"Gaki-san?" Eri breathed out shallowly, not believing her eyes. So Risa was alive? And...from the Tower? The portal had closed immediately the moment Risa had been, for lack of a better term, ejected from within, since the older girl had ended up on her butt, before falling backwards to lie on her back.

"Gaki-san!" Eri abandoned all caution and rushed over, kneeling by Risa's side and gently supporting her senpai to sit upright again. "Are you alright? Are you hurt? What happened?" The questions came out in a confused blur, since Eri was herself rather baffled by the whole turn of events. Risa squeezed her eyes shut, putting her hands to her ears as if to cover them.

"Kame, one question at a time!" She cried out, opening one accusing eye reproachfully to look at the abashed Eri. Eri slowed down, giving Risa a quick once over and noting wordlessly the tear-stained face and reddened eye. There were no obvious wounds or injuries, which relieved the turtle girl.

"What happened to you?" Eri blurted out, even as Risa started to try and stand up again with Eri's help. The older girl leaned on Eri, one arm thrown over Eri's shoulder for support, still feeling dizzy from her run out of that nightmare Tower.

"Ai...Ai-chan...she..." Risa mumbled, her eyes filling with tears again. "She..." Images flashed in her head, of Ai bowing to that living presence on that altar, that indifferent figure as she yelled at her. Risa gritted her teeth, still not wanting to believe, but yet her heart ached painfully at the memory, of hurt and betrayal.

"Did she hurt you? I found your sword. There was...blood on it." Eri babbled, halfway between elated that Risa was alright, and still very worried about her condition as they limped slowly across the arena.

"No...not really..." Risa felt like her mind and heart were separating, the heart that wanted to believe, and the mind that struggled with the overwhelming evidence that Ai had chosen her own path. "She...the blood...that was hers..."

"You managed to wound her?" Eri asked a tad incredulously. Risa nodded slowly, then just as quickly, shook her head.

"" Walked right onto my blade. Risa didn't understand why Ai did that. In between one breath and the next, before the darkness had claimed her, she had seen, or felt, Ai-chan catching her and whispering something to her.

I'm sorry. Forgive me. Was that what she said? Risa couldn't remember clearly. Just the lips moving. I'm sorry. And then, darkness.

The steps were difficult to navigate. Risa kept feeling like she was going to trip and roll down the rest of the way. Given how crappy she felt, she was beginning to find that an attractive alternative. Beside her, Eri was also struggling, more with her own mind than the terrain. There were so many things she wanted to ask, but didn't dare to. Risa's eyes frightened her. So haunted, so hurt, so full of despair.

What on earth happened in there, Gaki-san?


Ai was sleeping. Or not. It was difficult to separate dream and reality in the realm of the Tower. She was merely...differently aware in this particular state.

Her eyes opened slowly, the room shifting around her, rearranging itself to suit her perception. This was a very strange place, Ai reflected not for the first time. Nothing was ever as it seemed in here, and not everything was permanent or even substantial. Her environment seemed to change according to how her mind was ordered, and Ai had learned very early on in her stay here to school her thoughts carefully. If she went on too much of a mental tangent, things tended to get confusing.

Perception shapes reality. She echoed in her mind, and the room solidified as she grew more alert. That was the first thing she learned during her sessions with the spirits of the Tower. That line had a very profound significance in this dimension.

Everything was in a dark tone now, in her room. Jet black, blood red, like a scene right out of a gothic novel. Ai smiled mirthlessly. Apparently her choice in reading material, back when she had a normal life, had played no small part in forging this state. Of course, her less than bright mood probably contributed to it as well.

There was something bright and shimmering in a corner. Something that didn't belong. Ai stood, her feet touching the shadowy "floor", feeling it bounce a little under her step. A few steps, and she was there by it, touching the fabric.

And time slowed around her as she absorbed the psychic memory invested within the garments. Ai shuddered, staggering back as her hand snapped back as if jolted by the contact. She knew now, instinctively, that she would have to wear that for the ceremony. As the Vessel, she would have to be properly attired.

Somehow, that amused her. Turning around, she wondered how much time she had left until the ceremony. A series of flashing numbers appeared on a wall in response to her unspoken thought, answering her question. She had slept longer than she had thought, but then again, she had barely slept much since entering the Tower. Time passed differently here, or so it would seem. Ai already felt significantly aged despite knowing intellectually that it really hadn't been all that long since she was in here.

A few more hours. Already, darker thoughts were beginning to encroach on her own mind, shadows of her own making beginning to lengthen in the room. She pushed the melancholia away, as best as she could. She had no time for regrets now. Instinctively, her hands sought the hilt of her katana, that familiar, reassuring grip in her hand reminding her of better times.

She banished those thoughts as well, drawing her katana so swiftly that it was barely more than a blur, cutting the suddenly materialized shadow that she had allowed to emerge from her mind. Oni, the manifestation of a human's negative thoughts and emotions. In this place between worlds, the spiritual energy needed to give it form were in abundance, and Ai needed an outlet to kill her thoughts and focus on nothing except the rigors of her katas.

Within seconds, she had managed to shred the dark creature into little bits, and the strange floor absorbed the remains even as her blade found its way into her sheath again, her breath coming out in time to match the motion. The focus she needed to perform that move required a clear mind, and it helped to ward off any unwanted memories. Clenching her teeth tightly together, she continued, fighting against shadows of her own making, a dance of death as her blade sliced through everything in its path.

She was unaware of how much time had passed, only focusing on the moment, of the intricacies of the sword movements, on her footwork as she moved all ghost-like to match even the true ghosts in agility. But there was no mistaking the call when it came.

It is almost time. Prepare. No question at all. Ai slowed, banishing the shades with a single thought as she resheathed her katana in a single smooth move. She was panting, sweating hard, but the touch of the spirits removed her fatigue, and she felt refreshed and more clearheaded than when she had first begun. Her workout had its benefits, after all.

Wordlessly, she shed her clothes and put on the shimmering robes, feeling them fit her as neatly as if it had been made for her --- which it had been. She tied on her katana to the silken belt at her waist, not wanting to leave it behind even though there was no need for it where she was going. That done, she looked out of the window, at a sky painted red with the setting sun.

My last sunset. One last, grim look. Then she turned, drawing the hood of the outer robe over her head, putting her face in shadow.

She walked out of the door. There was no hurry. She would get there in plenty of time.


Eri had been fiercely protective of Risa when they returned to the dorms, keeping a hawk-like watch on the exhausted girl, as if afraid that the moment she took her eyes away, Risa would disappear. It was bad enough that Reina had to physically drag the taller girl away just to make sure Risa got to shower in peace.

Reina, on her part, had been greatly relieved to see Risa back, even if she didn't say much about it. However, even she knew well enough to give Risa space to recover, after taking one look into her senpai's eyes. Eri had taken much longer to convince, and Reina had to resort to locking the door again.

Of course, this time she locked herself in with Eri so that the girl wouldn't have to be alone. Reina might be blunt and straightforward in her speech, but she wasn't completely insensitive. She knew Eri had been rendered quite insecure after Sayu's unfortunate accident, since the lack of someone who kept clinging to her managed to unsettle her, no matter how much she complained about Sayu never leaving her alone all the time before.

Reina also knew that Risa needed time alone, being herself in need of copious amounts of alone time every so often, which was why she had made Eri bunk over in her room (since Eri busted the door on her own).

It had been a long night, but somehow they made it through intact, if somewhat fuzzy-brained in the morning. It was an uncharacteristically quiet breakfast at the mess hall, given that there weren't many students left around, and the 3 of them were all huddled together in their own corner, poking at their food. Even Reina, who usually always had something to say, no matter what the situation, was silent, chewing on her food contemplatively, her mind elsewhere.

Finally, Risa was the one who broke the silence.

"I guess you guys want to know what happened." Reina snorted, rolling her wonky eyes.

"Took you long enough. So spill. Why did you disappear?" Eri kicked Reina under the table. Reina kicked right back. Eri winced and pouted. Reina stuck her tongue out at Eri. Risa pretended not to know what was going on, gathering her thoughts.

"I think...I fainted after the fight with Ai-chan." She wanted to stop referring to Ai so affectionately, but old habits die hard. Resigned, she continued.

"She brought me into the Tower..." At the mention of it, she shuddered again, remembering the chaos she had woken up to, the shifting reality giving her a pounding headache wherever she looked. "It was...scary. That place..." She rubbed her hands together before clutching her coffee cup tightly.

"Get to the point." Reina said bluntly, unwrapping a bar of chocolate she took from her pocket. "Did you find out anything useful? Like, how can we get Ai-chan out of that bloody place?" She snapped a section off the chocolate bar and handed it to Eri, who had been eying it the moment Reina started unwrapping it. Eri mumbled a thank you and munched happily on the chocolate, finishing it before directing her attention back to Risa.

Risa ignored Reina's words and continued, detailing what she saw and heard in that place, right down to when she had stumbled on the chamber where Ai had been. She had heard Ai's voice, as if she were talking to herself, and had moved closer, only to hear those fatal words that had shattered her confidence in Ai.

"No...way..." Eri said slowly, uncomprehendingly, as if unable to process what Risa had just said. But one look at the pained expression on Gaki-san's face told her that the older girl had not been lying at all. Reina's face was unreadable, although her eyes burned with a mix of emotions.

"She chose it huh...what the fuck..." Reina muttered, half to herself, the chocolate suddenly a lot more bitter in her mouth. She swallowed, then gulped down her cooling tea, eyes hard. Her hand gripped the cup tightly, as if trying to shatter it in her hand, even as her jaw worked silently, teeth grinding together.

Risa closed her eyes, looking very old in that instant. "I don't know why she's doing this...I just don't...I don't want to believe, but that's what I heard." Risa bowed her head, feeling the tears burning in her eyes and the back of her throat. She felt sick. Sick at heart, at this betrayal.

Eri was thinking. She had a distant expression on her face, as if she wasn't quite there. She felt like they were missing something, somehow. Despite everything, she still wanted to believe in Ai. The Ai she knew...even if she chose to do this, there had to be a reason for it. A reason that must have convinced Ai to do so. They just didn't know what.

"Didn't you say..." Eri started hesitantly, processing Risa's account of what happened. "...that Ai-chan was talking about some ceremony?" The gears in her head worked in vain for some plausible answer, but coming up empty. "That would be important, wouldn't it?"

Risa too, felt as Eri did, even though her own private pain was making it difficult to focus on the matter at hand. She nodded slowly, trying to think, but Reina cut in.

"Does it matter?" Reina slammed her fist down on the table, making everyone in the vicinity jump in their seats at the loud bang. "There's some major hoodoo happening, I don't know what, but I'm gonna stop it cos it can't be anything good." Her face was grim as she announced that, never mind that everyone in the cafeteria was staring at her.

"What the fuck are you looking at?!" Reina yelled, making everyone at the other tables quickly look down again. Risa looked at her reproachfully.

"Tanakacchi, cool it. We can't just go charging in like that. Whatever's happening, it's big, and it's happening tonight, so we still have a little time to prepare." Risa managed to state coolly, in a way Ai would have been proud. In Ai's absence, she had to be strong and level-headed, and not give in to her instincts to hide somewhere and cry. Beside her, Eri also nodded, trying to come up with something that made sense.

"Bah, whatever." But she did sit down, staring at the table blankly. It was difficult, putting up a gruff exterior, but she managed it, scowling at nothing in particular, if only to hide the fact that she was hurting inside. She felt the need to smash things, just to let out the pent up frustration, but restrained herself. No need to act like a brat right now.

They kept talking, Gaki-san and Eri, and it was driving Reina mad inside. She wanted to just go to the Tower, drag Ai-chan out, and kick some sense into her. Reina didn't like feeling so powerless, so at a loss, and just helpless in general. It made her feel useless, and she hated that.

"You know," she found herself cutting in. "Why don't we just go to the Tower and ask if we don't know anything?" Better than just sitting here and grumping. Reina favored constructive action over this kind of useless inaction. Risa and Eri looked at each other, then back at Reina, who was tapping her foot impatiently.

"Alright, fine, we go, we find out what happen, and we fix it!" Risa declared as if it had been her own idea to begin with. Reina sighed and bounced to her feet.

"Come on, slowpokes. We're wasting time here."

They went. Who knew what lay ahead? They certainly didn't, but they were going to find out, one way or another.


The sky was darkening overhead, the absence of the moon robbing the encroaching night of its luminiscence. Storm clouds were brewing, hanging low and pregnant across threatening skies. In the distance, the faint rumble of thunder made itself heard.

Ai stood in the middle of the arena, her hood still drawn over her head, in the precise middle of the grounds where the designs intersected. Waiting, watching. She raised her head, gazing at the incoming storm. Lightning crashed across like an accident waiting to happen. She closed her eyes, taking in the scent of approaching rain on the wind, letting her senses reach out and absorb everything around her.

She could feel them, her friends, trying in vain to gain access to the arena grounds. She smiled, feeling their frustration, remembering.

They will come, because I am here. She had said that to the spirits, at the beginning of the formal duels. Once again, they have come. For her.

She tilted her head skywards, letting the hood slip back just a little, her face angled to the skies as she spread her arms. No regrets. She promised herself that.

And knowing that they would come, despite what she had done to them, perhaps that was reward enough. It was worth it, to protect this world with her sacrifice.


"Fucking door, open already!" Reina kicked at the unyielding door, only succeeding in bruising her foot. She yelped and grabbed at it in pain.

"I don't like this." Eri said nervously, glancing at the threatening skies above. "Something's happening...something..." She shuddered.

Risa was staring at the door, as if it would open by sheer force of will. "It's sealed...Ai-chan...what are you doing inside?" She was shoved aside by a growling Reina.

"If it won't open the regular way, then we'll just make our own way." The tiny rebel was interrupted by Eri handing her an axe. She blinked at the normally reserved turtle girl, who flushed slightly and scratched at her head.

"Um, I kinda took this from the store earlier..." Eri confessed sheepishly. Reina, however, let a savage grin creep onto her lips.

"I like how you think, Eri." Reina turned back to the heavy door blocking their path.

"Let's get this party started." And swung.


The seal will come into alignment soon. Prepare yourself, Vessel. Ai nodded, drawing the ceremonial dagger and raising it and her other arm high.

"One last boon, will you hear it?" Ai requested on dry lips, licking them as her hands wavered in the air.

The wish is yours, as the victor. Name it, and we will accomplish it if it is within our power.

Ai spoke. The skies rumbled, along with the assent of the spirits that guarded this place. She closed her eyes, nodding in acceptance. She heard voices in the distance, and steeled herself. She cut, a deep gash across her palm, and let it fall.

Forgive me. Ai cast a final, desperate glance at the horrified expressions on the faces of her friends in the distance. Somehow, they had managed to make it up to the arena's gates, but the barrier surrounding the grounds kept them from entering. And now they were watching as her blood dripped from her hand, down...

...touching the grooves of the carved design on the ground. Instantly, it flared up, glowing with an eerie light. More of Ai's blood dripped down, filling the little crevice where Ai stood, even as the sky above her started to rumble even more loudly, flickers of lightning illuminating the night sky.


They raced up the stairs faster than they ever had, knowing, instinctively somehow, that they had to hurry. When they reached the top, Eri leading the pack, there was a collective gasp (minus Reina, who was still a little behind).

"AI-CHAN!!!" Risa screamed, trying to barge into the arena, but an invisible force prevented her from entering. She could only watch, helplessly, as Ai cut her palm, the blood gushing out like a fountain.

Reina pushed her way past to gape at the scene, shocked as well. If she screamed something, it did not register in her mind. She had lost the axe somewhere in the mad scramble upwards, so she started pounding at the barrier with her bare hands, ignoring the sizzle whenever she made contact with the barrier. Her fists began to bleed at some point, but she did not care. All she knew was that she had to get in, some way, somehow.

Eri had sunk to her knees, mostly in terror. She was the most sensitive to the force building in the place, and the overwhelming pressure forced her to her knees. She clutched at her head, trying to push the feeling out. She was shaking so bad, she barely knew what was happening around her.

They cried, wept, pounded, screamed and shook. A variety of responses, all in vain. They could only watch. Only that, and nothing more.


The design begin to glow more brightly, even as the blood spread out from the center, snaking across the grooves and filling them with that blood red glow. The pattern seemed to come to life, lighting up wherever the blood touched, and Ai's hand continued to bleed, far more than was normal for a cut that size at that location. The knife dropped from her hand with a clatter, and she clutched at her arm, gasping as her blood seemed to be drawn from her more and more quickly.

The circle took her blood and began to power up, the rings of blood beginning to throb with a steady beat, and Ai sank to her knees, unable to stand upright anymore. Around her, the magical design rose in strength, driven by her lifeblood. Above, the sky began to open up, the dark black of night bleeding to crimson, the exact replica of the pattern that was carved into the arena grounds.

The seal is ready. Commencing energy transfer. If Ai heard it, she did not respond. She could not. It was all she could do to stay conscious already.

She would regret that decision shortly.

The first ray that came down was gentle, almost soothing, and Ai found herself bathed in light and lifted off the ground, floating a few feet off the floor, her body angled at a slight incline, her hood falling off so she could see into the heart of the seal she was going to power. She saw it, and felt no fear. She was past fear at that point.

But not past pain, when the next bolt came down.

Ai choked, a strangled cry escaping her lips as a blood red spike impaled her right through the left wrist. Before she could even register the pain, the next one pinned her right wrist, and so on with both her ankles.

Crucified. She coughed, and blood dribbled from her lips. She threw back her head and screamed as the final spike went through her abdomen, the pain white hot, searing her every nerve as her eyes bulged. Her body spasmed involuntarily, and her vision almost blacked out at the shock.

She vaguely registered that she was still suspended in the air, this time by the spikes, which had been driven straight through into the holes in the pattern below her. She thought it would hurt more, but the pain was so intense that it didn't really hurt anymore. She was, thankfully, almost numb at this point.

Then she felt it. Great power, flowing through her, and upwards. Powering the seal. She smiled, laughed, cried, shouted. She did not know what she was doing, reliving all the emotions that had been taken, the purity and intensity of the feelings directed at her during the duels.

And then she wept, silently, because she never realized how much they loved her, and she them. And now it would all be too late.

Forgive...and if you cannot, forget. Ai closed her eyes. My last gift. Forget.

The seal took everything she had to offer, waxing in strength to last another few hundred years. And its guardians were content, their duty performed for yet another generation.

The sky flashed, brilliantly, lighting everything in the immediate vicinity and blinding everyone with eyes to see. And then it was all over, and faded to darkness absolute.

Only the spirits remained, watching what they had wrought. They would keep faith, as they always have done.

Done, and done. It is finished.

And then it was over, at long last. The spirits saw what they had done, and were content.

Let no one claim that they had broken their promises, for they had done as promised.

In every end, a new beginning...


Eri woke with a start, in her own bed, thrashing about violently at first as she looked about wildly, terror coursing through her veins. The last vestiges of her nightmare faded out of recent memory as she calmed down. She was alone in her room. Where was Sayu?

Then she remembered that Sayu had fallen ill and was in the medical wing. Seized by a sudden urge, she dashed out of her room, the door flying open on contact (I thought I locked the door, she thought vaguely), skidding round the corner and running helter skelter down to the medical wing, bursting into the room panting hard.

Sayumi was sitting up, propped up by numerous pillows and startled by Eri's sudden entrance.

"Eririn! Why are you...mmphf!" Sayumi found herself cut off by a huge bear hug from her best friend, who was...sobbing into her shoulder?

"I thought you were gone for good..." Eri wailed, not knowing exactly why but feeling a strong urge to cry. Which she did, with great vigor. Sayumi patted Eri awkwardly on the back, hugging her back.

"I'm fine, it's just a bad cold..." The self proclaimed cutest girl in the world chuckled. "No need to act like I died."

"I was so scared..." Eri mumbled, managing to sit up next to Sayu on the bed and snuggling up to her best friend. Reaching out, she took Sayu's hands in hers and squeezed them firmly. "Don't you ever disappear on me, you hear?"

Sayu smiled at Eri warmly. "Never." Then she sneezed. "Darn cold..." She grumbled, and Eri laughed, freeing her right hand to reach for the box of tissues by the bed, handing them to Sayumi, who blew her nose loudly after taking a wad of tissues. Eri watched her, idly toying with her own fingers as if to play with the ring there, but finding nothing on her hand. She looked at her hands.

"What is it, Eri?" Sayu also looked down after she had cleared her breathing passages. Eri was staring at her own hands, at the lighter patch of skin in a ring around one of her fingers. Sayu prodded at the same spot, a confused expression on her face.

"Were you wearing a ring?" Eri slowly shook her head, the sense of unease growing within her.

"I don't know, Sayu...I don't know..." Sayu shrugged, snuggling up to Eri and distracting her with other topics of conversation. Eri also ignored her hands and returned her attention to Sayu, although that nagging feeling continued on in her mind, even as she made idle conversation with Sayu.

Am I forgetting something...?


Risa was straightening her hair in her room, struggling with the task in front of the mirror and resenting her hair dreadfully at the moment. Her hair wasn't completely untameable, but it could be a handful at times. Like right now.

She could have used a little help, but she wasn't rooming with anyone else, so she couldn't beg the help of a roommate. It was strange, living in a double room on her own, but the extra space wasn't so bad. felt a little empty at times. Too empty, even.

I should ask for a roommate...or just transfer to a single room... She mused, overcoming a tangle with a triumphant grin. "Yay~"

Then she caught sight of the clock. "Oh no, I'm running late!" She half-shrieked in panic, scrambling around for her things, finally reaching for the sword lying in a corner of her room. She missed a step though, falling to the floor with a clatter and knocking the sword over, sending it out of its scabbard.

"Ouch..." She winced, rubbing her nose where she had hit it on the ground. Climbing up to her feet, she reached for the fallen sword, ready to shove it back into the scabbard, and then froze.

Blood...? What was blood doing on her blade? Confused and curious, Risa drew her sword fully, holding it to the light. No doubt, there were dark crimson stains on it, especially around the tip.

"Why..." Her throat tightened for reasons unknown to her, and tears began to flow from her eyes. She just stood there, staring at the bloodstains, and weeping.

"Why am I crying...?" She whispered aloud, not knowing the reason, but feeling indescribably sad, little stabbing pains in her heart as she looked on at the blood.

Why do I feel so alone?


Reina woke up with something very similar to a hangover, if the pounding headache threatening to drill its way out of her skull was any indication. Her hand throbbed painfully, matching the pain in her skull. Blearily, she opened her eyes, raising one hand to shade her face from the sun.

Ugh...too bright... Reina rolled over, burying her face into the pillow in some hope that the evil sunshine would leave her alone. The headache was not helping. Neither was the pain in her knuckles. What was the pain in her hands? Frustrated, the little yankii opened one wonky eye and looked at one hand.

The other eye snapped open very quickly after the first glimpse.

"What. The. Fuck." Reina intoned with genuine confusion as she stared at her bruised and bleeding hands. Did she beat someone up with her bare hands the night before? What happened the night before? Did she get drunk or something? Reina groaned and let her head fall back into her pillow.

Then she looked up suddenly, groping for the clock by her bedside. One look at the time confirmed her suspicions.

"Great..." She was already late for practice. Whatever. The only thing she ever did there was break the wooden practice swords. Niigaki-senpai did try to teach her stuff, and those things were even useful sometimes, but Reina wanted a truly strong opponent to cut her teeth against. It was boring, and the only other person she could really fight against was Eri, but Eri was such an annoying pacifist. Pity, since Eri was fairly skilled.

"Bah, practice can go to hell." Reina muttered grouchily. Besides, she had a good excuse this time. Her hands hurt, and they were obviously in no condition to be wielding a sword at the moment. Besides, more sleep sounded like a good idea.

If only she didn't have a headache, and better still if that damned sunshine would just leave her alone.

"Ugh, screw sleep." Reina rolled up to a sitting position, rubbing at her eyes with her wrists since her hands were still sore. She felt warm and sticky all over. A shower would be a good idea.

With that in mind, Reina stood up, stumbling over to her closet and opening it with a yawn. Idly, she picked out some casual clothes. It was a weekend, so she was free to go down to town and walk around or something. Fault her for as many things if you would, but one could never accuse Tanaka Reina of having lousy fashion sense.

She was about to head out of her room towards the showers when something caught her eye in the corner. Curiously, Reina draped her clothes over a nearby stool and put down her other things on top of the dresser, crouching down to paw at the mess of stuff in that corner. She had seen the glint of metal...

There. She pulled it out of the pile of books and magazines. One eyebrow raised high as she stared at the object in her hands.

"A sword...?" A steel one. A fine shortsword, the heavy weight of which felt really...familiar in her hands. Comfortable, like taking hold of an old friend.

"I have this...?" There was an annoying blank in her mind as she tried to figure out how she had come by such a thing. She stood up, still holding it between her hands, ignoring the pain from the cuts and bruises.

She drew it, and it whispered out of the sheath smoothly. Reina fell into a fighting stance with it, feeling the balance and weight of the weapon she held, marveling at how perfect it was for her. She swung around with it carefully, pleased by the weapon, but still baffled as to how it came to be in her possession.

Returning it to the sheath, she examined it carefully, her fingers probing curiously across the surface. She raised another eyebrow when her thumb caught on something, and she sprung the hidden compartment in the hilt of the sword.

"What's this?" Surprise, certainly, as she pulled out the tightly rolled up piece of paper tucked inside. Curious, she set the sword aside and unrolled the paper.


If you've found this, that means you've been paying attention to your sword. That's good. You should always care for your weapon, and know it well.

I hope you like the sword, I had it made for you. Do take good care of it.

I look forward to the day when you can give me a good fight with it.

No need to rush, I'll be waiting.

--- Ai

Something wet fell onto the paper, then another, and another. Reina gripped the paper tightly, her shoulders shaking as tears fell from her eyes, unbidden.

"Ai..." The name rolled off her lips, barely above a whisper. It set off tremors right through her soul.

So close. She knew that name. She just knew she did. But what...?

"Ai..." Her tears continued to fall, her heart aching within her. The note was half crushed in her fist.


I'll be waiting. Reina laughed, a high, wild, shaky laugh. Her hands shook, almost tearing the note apart.

"Liar." She whispered at the note. "You lied."

I remember now. How could I forget?
You're so cruel, Ai-chan. So damn cruel.
I won't ever forgive you, or forget what you've done.


It is done! I am finished! -collapses-

Hope you liked it. XD
« Last Edit: June 14, 2008, 06:58:00 AM by Estrea »


Currently writing:
- Lilium-related things. God save my soul.

On Hold:
- Everything Else. Too many to list.

I'm also on AO3!

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [06/14 - Le Grande Retour]
« Reply #182 on: June 13, 2008, 10:24:11 PM »
WAHHHHH! Yeah, that's the sound of me bawling my eyes out! So Ai really did sacrifice herself? For them? For mankind? And she made them forget? They were still injured but had no recollection of why. That was a great story, really. On a happier note, I can totally picture Eri munching on the chocolate bar, like a little squirrel or something. And Reina waking up with a hangover-like headache cracked me up!
Thanks for writing this. I really enjoyed it. Please write some more soon!

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [06/14 - Le Grand Retour]
« Reply #183 on: June 14, 2008, 08:43:04 AM »
Damn you la, you made me cry :cry: This was too awesome for words. As always you did a phenomenal job. The detailing in the ceremony was so good. My heart went out to Ai-chan then. I think it was also the same time I started crying. Anyone who saw me probably thought someone died. Well Ai-chan did! (says indignantly) In this fic anyway. I couldn't stop crying till the very end. The only good thing was Sayu waking up at the back. The ring disappearing was a little sad since Sayu would now not know how Eri felt for her. Still can't stomach that you killed Ai la, damnit. You better make up for this with that RnK fic :P Yes, I didn't forget about that XD

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [06/14 - Le Grand Retour]
« Reply #184 on: June 14, 2008, 09:06:48 AM »
shit. made me cry.. TT^TT
i love youuuuu!!  :cow:
Damn.. Reina remembered.. XD
and HOORAH FOR AI!..HERO!  :otomerika:

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [06/14 - Le Grand Retour]
« Reply #185 on: June 14, 2008, 09:36:23 AM »
Eri didn't know what to expect, as she mounted the spiral stairway up to the arena, that strange sense of vertigo haunting her every step as she went still higher.
I can't help but think that Eri doesn't stand a chance here.
 :hip aww:

Eri once again contemplated the intricate designs carved into the floor of the arena itself. The patterns were beguiling, compelling even, when one looked too long at it, and Eri had to tear her gaze away even as her mind begin to spin. The whole place gave her the creeps.
So like, is the arena part of the tower that mysteriously showed up, or was it there already and it's just being used now for these duels?

The person that stumbled through was not Ai though.

"Gaki-san?" Eri breathed out shallowly, not believing her eyes.
Oh please say Risa's not being made to fight Eri!

The portal had closed immediately the moment Risa had been, for lack of a better term, ejected from within, since the older girl had ended up on her butt, before falling backwards to lie on her back.
Hmmm...guess not. :O

"Did she hurt you? I found your sword. There was...blood on it." Eri babbled, halfway between elated that Risa was alright, and still very worried about her condition as they limped slowly across the arena.

"No...not really..." Risa felt like her mind and heart were separating, the heart that wanted to believe, and the mind that struggled with the overwhelming evidence that Ai had chosen her own path. "She...the blood...that was hers..."

"You managed to wound her?" Eri asked a tad incredulously.
Holy crap! Considering Aichan's supposed to be the elite of the elite, if Risa wounded her then it either means Risa got really lucky, or something's fishy.

"" Walked right onto my blade. Risa didn't understand why Ai did that.
:mon wtf:

In between one breath and the next, before the darkness had claimed her, she had seen, or felt, Ai-chan catching her and whispering something to her.

I'm sorry. Forgive me. Was that what she said? Risa couldn't remember clearly. Just the lips moving. I'm sorry. And then, darkness.
The demon's made Aichan impervious to injury or something? :?

Perception shapes reality. She echoed in her mind, and the room solidified as she grew more alert. That was the first thing she learned during her sessions with the spirits of the Tower. That line had a very profound significance in this dimension.
Other dimension? So...Aichan has been given the ability, or this place has the ability to make things appear as one wishes them to?

And time slowed around her as she absorbed the psychic memory invested within the garments. Ai shuddered, staggering back as her hand snapped back as if jolted by the contact. She knew now, instinctively, that she would have to wear that for the ceremony. As the Vessel, she would have to be properly attired.

Somehow, that amused her. Turning around, she wondered how much time she had left until the ceremony.
It's pretty obvious that Aichan's going to be the focus of it, but I still can't help but worry about what exactly this ceremony is supposed to be and what's specifically going to happen.

It is almost time. Prepare.


My last sunset. One last, grim look. Then she turned, drawing the hood of the outer robe over her head, putting her face in shadow.

She walked out of the door. There was no hurry. She would get there in plenty of time.
:gmon tears:

Eri had been fiercely protective of Risa when they returned to the dorms, keeping a hawk-like watch on the exhausted girl, as if afraid that the moment she took her eyes away, Risa would disappear. It was bad enough that Reina had to physically drag the taller girl away just to make sure Risa got to shower in peace.

"I guess you guys want to know what happened." Reina snorted, rolling her wonky eyes.

"Took you long enough.


"I think...I fainted after the fight with Ai-chan." She wanted to stop referring to Ai so affectionately, but old habits die hard. Resigned, she continued.
I guess it would be rather shocking to see your opponent (let alone a friend) intentionally walk into your blade. Then again, if Aichan IS impervious to physical injury like I surmised, it could be that she only did that because she wanted to get close enough to Risa to render her unconscious. If she was out cold, then Aichan wouldn't have to fight (and thus possibly seriously injure, or even kill her).

Reina didn't like feeling so powerless, so at a loss, and just helpless in general. It made her feel useless, and she hated that.

"You know," she found herself cutting in. "Why don't we just go to the Tower and ask if we don't know anything?" Better than just sitting here and grumping. Reina favored constructive action over this kind of useless inaction. Risa and Eri looked at each other, then back at Reina, who was tapping her foot impatiently.
Reina =  :mon annoy:
Risa/Eri = :mon huh:

"Alright, fine, we go, we find out what happen, and we fix it!" Risa declared as if it had been her own idea to begin with. Reina sighed and bounced to her feet.
Even if they're not able to fix it, they would/should at least be able to find out (hopefully) what the deal was with Aichan.

They will come, because I am here. She had said that to the spirits, at the beginning of the formal duels. Once again, they have come. For her.
Damn, she knew that they wouldn't just leave things be, didn't she? Could it be that they're destined to bear witness, or even take part in the ceremony?

"Fucking door, open already!" Reina kicked at the unyielding door, only succeeding in bruising her foot. She yelped and grabbed at it in pain.
Reina =  :mon woo:


The seal will come into alignment soon. Prepare yourself, Vessel. Ai nodded, drawing the ceremonial dagger and raising it and her other arm high.

"One last boon, will you hear it?" Ai requested on dry lips, licking them as her hands wavered in the air.

The wish is yours, as the victor. Name it, and we will accomplish it if it is within our power.

Ai spoke. The skies rumbled, along with the assent of the spirits that guarded this place. She closed her eyes, nodding in acceptance. She heard voices in the distance, and steeled herself. She cut, a deep gash across her palm, and let it fall.

They raced up the stairs faster than they ever had, knowing, instinctively somehow, that they had to hurry. When they reached the top, Eri leading the pack, there was a collective gasp (minus Reina, who was still a little behind).
Poor Reina, she always did admit that she sucks at running.  :cow:

"AI-CHAN!!!" Risa screamed, trying to barge into the arena, but an invisible force prevented her from entering. She could only watch, helplessly, as Ai cut her palm, the blood gushing out like a fountain.
Oh shit...Aichan's last wish was for the room to be shielded so that the others couldn't stop her, wasn't it? :cry:

 :pleeease: :pleeease: :pleeease:

The seal took everything she had to offer, waxing in strength to last another few hundred years. And its guardians were content, their duty performed for yet another generation.
Fuck... so the purpose of it all was to seal in some evil force to protect everyone.

I called it.  :banghead:

Eri woke with a start, in her own bed, thrashing about violently at first as she looked about wildly, terror coursing through her veins. The last vestiges of her nightmare faded out of recent memory as she calmed down. She was alone in her room. Where was Sayu?


Sayumi was sitting up, propped up by numerous pillows and startled by Eri's sudden entrance.

"Eririn! Why are you...mmphf!" Sayumi found herself cut off by a huge bear hug from her best friend, who was...sobbing into her shoulder?
Well, at least Sayu's ok.  :cow:

Eri watched her, idly toying with her own fingers as if to play with the ring there, but finding nothing on her hand. She looked at her hands.

"What is it, Eri?" Sayu also looked down after she had cleared her breathing passages. Eri was staring at her own hands, at the lighter patch of skin in a ring around one of her fingers. Sayu prodded at the same spot, a confused expression on her face.

"Were you wearing a ring?" Eri slowly shook her head, the sense of unease growing within her.
Well, the rings were magical, weren't they? Perhaps they disappeared when the seal was fixed.

Am I forgetting something...?


Risa was straightening her hair in her room, struggling with the task in front of the mirror and resenting her hair dreadfully at the moment. Her hair wasn't completely untameable, but it could be a handful at times. Like right now.

She could have used a little help, but she wasn't rooming with anyone else, so she couldn't beg the help of a roommate. It was strange, living in a double room on her own, but the extra space wasn't so bad. felt a little empty at times. Too empty, even.

I should ask for a roommate...or just transfer to a single room...


Why do I feel so alone?


Reina rolled over, burying her face into the pillow in some hope that the evil sunshine would leave her alone. The headache was not helping. Neither was the pain in her knuckles. What was the pain in her hands? Frustrated, the little yankii opened one wonky eye and looked at one hand.

The other eye snapped open very quickly after the first glimpse.

"What. The. Fuck." Reina intoned with genuine confusion as she stared at her bruised and bleeding hands. Did she beat someone up with her bare hands the night before? What happened the night before? Did she get drunk or something? Reina groaned and let her head fall back into her pillow.
Oh no. It's as if she never existed. They've lost all their memories of Aichan, didn't they?   :pen_cry:

She was about to head out of her room towards the showers when something caught her eye in the corner. Curiously, Reina draped her clothes over a nearby stool and put down her other things on top of the dresser, crouching down to paw at the mess of stuff in that corner. She had seen the glint of metal...

There. She pulled it out of the pile of books and magazines. One eyebrow raised high as she stared at the object in her hands.

"A sword...?" A steel one. A fine shortsword, the heavy weight of which felt really...familiar in her hands. Comfortable, like taking hold of an old friend.

"I have this...?" There was an annoying blank in her mind as she tried to figure out how she had come by such a thing.
Don't tell me it's Aichan's sword? 
:gmon tears:

"What's this?" Surprise, certainly, as she pulled out the tightly rolled up piece of paper tucked inside. Curious, she set the sword aside and unrolled the paper.


If you've found this, that means you've been paying attention to your sword. That's good. You should always care for your weapon, and know it well.

I hope you like the sword, I had it made for you. Do take good care of it.

I look forward to the day when you can give me a good fight with it.

No need to rush, I'll be waiting.

--- Ai
Oh man...the saddest thing is that Reina doesn't have a clue who Aichan is here.  In a previous chapter Reina said she would get good enough so Aichan would be proud of her, looks like she already was, but just never got to tell her in person.
:mon waterworks:

"Ai..." The name rolled off her lips, barely above a whisper. It set off tremors right through her soul.

So close. She knew that name. She just knew she did. But what...?

"Ai..." Her tears continued to fall, her heart aching within her. The note was half crushed in her fist.


I'll be waiting. Reina laughed, a high, wild, shaky laugh. Her hands shook, almost tearing the note apart.

"Liar." She whispered at the note. "You lied."

I remember now. How could I forget?
You're so cruel, Ai-chan. So damn cruel.
I won't ever forgive you, or forget what you've done.
Oh fuck she DOES remember! 
:pig cry:

One can't help but wonder now...just when did Aichan write that letter and have that sword made?  Was it part of that final request that she made during the ceremony? Was it prior to the events of the story, before she became "their vessel"?

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [06/14 - Le Grand Retour]
« Reply #186 on: June 14, 2008, 12:12:52 PM »
Oh, lookie at all the people crying. XD My work here is done. -bows-

Ok, Q&A time, since so many people have questions. XD

1) Ai's final request.
-- Actually, her final request was fairly obvious, I thought. o_O She wanted them to forget about her, because if they don't remember her, then they won't have to mourn her. It's a way to spare them the grief, I guess. XD

2) The sacrifice.
-- Yup, JFC, you were right, they were sealing something evil away. They required the blood to open the link, and no human has ever survived the transfer process for the energy used to power the seal. Aichan knew it had to be done, since the seal was weakening at the time when she approached the spirits (well she asked why they were there, and they told her), so she came up with the idea of collecting the emotional energy of the duelists that came to fight her, because all of them had a personal connection to her, so the emotions were magnified. XD

Now, to JFC's speculations, since you deserve a section to yourself. XD

1) Aichan wasn't impervious to injury, but the spirits could heal any physical wound as long as it wasn't fatal. She walked onto Gaki-san's blade as an apology for everything she's done and everything's she gonna do next. Aichan felt guilty about doing this without telling them about it, which was why she felt like she should suffer that wound to make some amends.

2) The Tower, and the Arena, are part of the world of spirits, or rather, the world between the one they were sealing and the human world. It can exist anywhere and everywhere at the same time, but it takes energy to fully materialize in the human world. That's why Sayu and the others were drained of their energy at first, they needed a starting source to anchor it to the human world.

3) The sword that Reina found. In case you don't remember, I point you back to one of the earlier parts, Will to Battle. Reina received that sword from Aichan some time prior to the story events here, and she's been using it without realizing that the message existed in the hilt. Aichan saw potential in the younger Reina, and wanted to motivate her to get better. It's a pity things turned out this way though. XD

I think that's about it. I'll take more questions if anyone wants to know about anything else. XD


Currently writing:
- Lilium-related things. God save my soul.

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- Everything Else. Too many to list.

I'm also on AO3!

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [06/14 - Le Grand Retour]
« Reply #187 on: June 14, 2008, 01:35:52 PM »
Thank you for the warning...I prepared myself and was able to hold out for sometime but gosh darn it!!...when Risa asked herself why she was crying..I couldn't hold back anymore!   :pleeease:  your readers would surely be a sight for sore eyes, with everyone curled up in a ball crying XD

but the tears were worth it!  Everything in this beautiful story was worth it!  It was so good, so much emotion  :farofflook:

Gokurosama deshita!  :farofflook:

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [06/14 - Le Grand Retour]
« Reply #188 on: June 14, 2008, 04:08:14 PM »
Just wanted to thank you for a creating a great fic. Always look for something to read in the morning, this is definitely a good read. Cant wait for your other projects, if any are planned of course  :)

Note: This reminds me of "Kannazuki no Miko." Sad that Ai had to die and that the girls didn't get to know the real reason.   

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [06/14 - Le Grand Retour]
« Reply #189 on: June 19, 2008, 10:20:39 PM »
Tralala~ I'm back! XD With new story! XDDD

@Sukoshi: Teehee I made you cry too. *marks to scoresheet* Lol. Thanks, I'm glad you liked it. :)
@mads: Thanks for commenting. <3 Kannazuki no Miko? I watched that! Oh yeah, I can see where that comparison came from, what with Ai pulling a Chikane and going "evil" but actually trying to sacrifice herself for the greater good. Yeah the girls never knew why, so in that sense I was really evil in doing so. Oh well. XD

Alright. New story. NEW PAIRING. NEVER BEEN DONE. I'm serious. XD

...most of you might not even know who one half of this pairing is. XD

But well, this is set during the 5th gen auditions. That's all I'll say for now.

I hope you'll enjoy it. XD


The Night Before

1, 2, 3, 4...step...5, 6, 7, 8...slide... Takahashi Ai, age 14, chanted to herself as she clapped her hands and moved across the darkened corridor as Natsu-sensei had instructed, rolling her shoulders and striking a pose for the dance steps. Her bangs fell into her face, still slightly damp from her shower earlier, but mostly resoaked again by her own sweat, and she breathed hard but steadily, holding the pose while mentally rechecking her moves.

I think I was off a few beats somewhere... Her eyebrows knitted together into a barely perceptible frown as she relaxed, straightening up and stretching her neck and back muscles to settle back into her starting position. Humming under her breath to get the beat of the song, she closed her eyes as her body started to sway, letting muscle memory take over while her mind focused on the insistent counts of the rhythm.

A step on the hardwood floor, just out of beat with her own, cracked her intense concentration, and she frowned. Her final slide was just a little off, sending waves of dissatisfaction through her as she opened her eyes. Peering across the shadows of her own stretch of corridor, Ai squinted through the splash of muted light from the dusty bulb set high in the ceiling, the relative brightness blinding her more than the dark itself.

However, there was no mistaking the outline in the shadows beyond the light that separated them. No one else was that tall among the finalists, and certainly not with the same broad shoulders she had come to recognize.

"Yukina-chan?" Ai's voice was barely over a whisper, mindful of their surroundings. Then again, she had never been one to speak that loudly, not with someone she wasn't all that close with...yet. There wasn't yet enough time to be truly familiar with any of the finalists, not when they were all this busy with trying to polish their performances in order to shine in the audition. Ai had a feeling that she would have time enough to get more familiar with one Kinoshita Yukina though, younger though the other may be, but who held herself with a confidence that Ai could only envy.

"Ai-chan?" Yukina's voice was similarly hushed, as if reluctant to break the serenity of the encroaching night. The taller girl stepped closer, out of the shadows, and winced as the light hit her eyes, quickly crossing the lighted patch to join Ai in the calming darkness. She blinked, getting the spots out of her eyes, even as she turned to face the much shorter and smaller Ai.

"You're out here too." Yukina murmured, and Ai could read the smile in her words, being unable to see the younger's face in the dark. She nodded reflexively and shifted around on her feet as Yukina continued. "I ran into some of the others in the hallway too." The basketball player sounded amused. "Everyone seems on edge, huh?"

"You don't seem nervous." Ai replied frankly, just the slightest twinge of envy creeping back into her voice at Yukina's seemingly easy confidence. Her words managed to coax a short, low chuckle that sounded so boyish for a girl.

"I am, I just hide it better." Yukina whispered with a faintly conspiratorial air, as if letting Ai in on some great secret. Despite herself, Ai giggled softly, feeling the edges of her tension ease off at the act. Yukina grinned, stepping back to regard Ai more completely in the dim light.

"That's much better. Try to relax." Yukina's voice was a husky rumble that was strangely soothing to Ai, and she found herself smiling back unreservedly, doe-like eyes still soft and shy with the innocence of youth. It was difficult for Ai to remember that she was the older one here when hanging out with Yukina. Sometimes she wondered if she would ever really grow up and be anything like that, with the same confidence and reassuring exterior.

"What are you doing here?" Ai found herself asking, making conversation for once. Too often she found herself tongue-tied in the presence of relative strangers. Of course, the past few days of training together had helped, but it was still a significant step for someone as socially challenged as she was. It always did take her a longer time to open up to others.

"Couldn't sleep." Yukina admitted, brushing her hair back over her shoulder. "And the rest are all hard at work, so I would feel kinda bad if I had fallen asleep." Yukina grinned again, and Ai laughed softly at the honesty in her words.

"So you're just walking around looking at what we're doing?" Ai prodded back tentatively in a mildly teasing tone, surprised by her own initiative but in no way displeased. Yukina chuckled, rolling her shoulders around as she fidgeted on the spot, her legs moving around restlessly.

"Naw, well, I was looking for a place to practice too, then I came across you dancing..." The younger girl trailed off, that harsh twang of her dialect almost muted with a peculiar embarrassment at having been caught looking by Ai earlier.

"It's alright, I needed a break when you came by anyway." Ai assured her instantly, not wanting the other to feel bad for interrupting. Yukina chuckled just a bit awkwardly, although she was glad that Ai hadn't completely gotten the point. In this case, it was definitely a good thing.

"So, why didn't you practice with the others?" Ai asked curiously, adding with a thoughtful expression. "I've seen you guide some of the others before lessons." Ai couldn't think of why Yukina had come all the way over here if all the younger girl had wanted to do was to find a spot to practice.

For one thing, Yukina was rooming with Ogawa Makoto (whom Ai considered a rival, although she could just barely remember her name) and another girl in a different room, and would have had to cross several hallways to even come to this side where Ai had escaped to in order to practice alone.

For another, well, Ai would have thought that Yukina would practice with those rooming with her since they were all together to begin with.

"Er..." Yukina seemed momentarily at a loss for words. "Well...I could try and help them...but I thought I should...try and do some work for myself?" Her voice grew lower in tone, still colored with that selfsame embarrassed air. "I can't do that if I have to keep coddling others."

"Oh." Now that was something Ai could sort of understand. Ai hadn't been quite as social as Yukina had been over the past few days, although she had found herself staying fairly close to the taller girl whenever the opportunity presented itself, not deliberately of course. It just sort of turned out like that, and then again Yukina had this reliable air about her that made Ai feel somewhat more secure in the other's presence.

Ai was about to think of something to say when Yukina went on, shuffling her feet around even more obviously than before.

"And well...I wanted to look for you." Yukina confessed, scratching at her head awkwardly. Ai blinked up at the taller girl, confused. Yukina gave a lopsided grin at the smaller girl, gathering her own courage to continue.

"You're good, I've seen you dance before. The set we had to learn was for a group, wasn't it?" Ai nodded, and Yukina went on, her voice getting stronger and more certain.

"I need someone who won't hold me back, and with whom I can push myself to compete with." Yukina inclined her head briefly in Ai's direction. "You were the best choice." She smiled, no hint of either flattery or malice in her statement.

"That's why I said you were my rival." Yukina added, almost as an afterthought.

"I..." Ai's cheeks were flushed at the compliments, and she was never gladder that the shadows hid her reddened cheeks. "I'm not that good." She murmured modestly, eyes downcast as she kneaded her own fingers, surprised that Yukina had such high opinions of her when she herself was still so unsure if she were actually good enough.

A warm hand covered her own, and Ai looked up, startled not only by the contact, but by the fact that Yukina had stepped closer as well. If Ai had felt that Yukina was more mature before, it definitely hit home now.

"Don't say that." Yukina sounded surprisingly intent, her voice deadly serious yet reassuring at the same time. "The Ai-chan I know is definitely worth it. I won't just call anyone my rival, you know." Here Yukina's voice softened, though still bearing that characteristic huskiness as she rumbled on.

"You can do this. We can do this. It's the last day tomorrow, and we gotta give it our all, no?" Her voice was insistent, but strangely hypnotic in cadence as Ai nodded, entranced by Yukina's sudden transformation.

Then Yukina smiled, squeezing Ai's hands in her own briefly, clinging on for a moment longer before letting go. Ai stood there dumbly for a moment, already missing the warmth that had enveloped her hands, and had traveled straight to her heart with the obvious regard that Yukina accorded her with.

She was broken out of her reverie by that same low voice that had put her in that state to begin with.

"Can we practice together?" Yukina asked almost shyly, quite the reversal from her forward attitude just a few seconds ago. Ai smiled, recollecting her senses as she nodded back without hesitation at the younger girl facing her.

"Sure." Both girls smiled warmly at each other, their bodies already moving to a ready position without further prompting, and after a few exchanged mutters, they began, moving in sync despite having no music to synchronize their steps, at least none they could hear with their ears.

Ai had no trouble "hearing" it the other way though.

I, 2, 3, 4... The rhythm that had so eluded her before, she finally found in the resonance she shared with the other heart beating in time with hers.

5, 6, 7, 8... They danced, with each other, around each other. In step, in beat, in the music they shared. No words were needed.

They danced.


There. Ai x Yukina. XDDD Or just TakaYuki. :P

Blame stefy. She was the one who pointed me in this direction!

Kinoshita Yukina was one of the finalists in the 5th gen auditions, and is currently a gravure model, as well as being in Pabo with Satoda Mai and Suzanne. She reminds me of Yossi...a lot. Seriously. It's her attitude. Oh wait, her attitude is like a mix of Miki and Yossi combined. She's yankii too, which adds awesome points. For more info about her, consult wiki. And watch some of the videos with her in it, she's cool. XD

Ai and Yukina were close in the auditions and still keep in contact, which is why I felt motivated to write about them after watching the 5th gen auditions with stefy today. It seems about right. I hope I got Young!Aichan and Young!Yukina right. XD

There, I hope I convinced some people. :P
« Last Edit: June 20, 2008, 07:44:58 PM by Estrea »


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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [06/14 - Le Grand Retour]
« Reply #190 on: June 19, 2008, 10:34:01 PM »
You just won the internets for pulling out a completely random pairing from nowhere (okay, maybe SOMEwhere, but eh XD...)

It's late for me to make constructive comments, but this is a pretty good read.

A spawn of mix of Miki and Yossy is definitely made of win. -watching a bunch of videos now-

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [06/20 - The Night Before]
« Reply #191 on: June 19, 2008, 11:18:04 PM »
I liked it. I was a little suprised when I read the name though. For a split second, I read "Yurina" and I was like whoa, Ai-chan and a kid? Then I remembered how it said Ai-chan was 14 and I was like :O. But it was refreshing to see a totally new pairing. I think I will have to look her up now...

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [06/20 - The Night Before]
« Reply #192 on: June 20, 2008, 12:58:02 AM »
HOLY CRAP!!! It's YukinAi!!!  :w00t: :w00t: :w00t:

Man, totally makes you wonder "what if"... doesn't it? Personally, I think she would have been AWESOME in the H!M skits. :D

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [06/20 - The Night Before]
« Reply #193 on: June 20, 2008, 01:51:27 AM »
Niiiice job estrea, I knew Yukina was in the auditions... had no clue she and Ai got along so well during them though.

HOLY CRAP!!! It's YukinAi!!!  :w00t: :w00t: :w00t:

Man, totally makes you wonder "what if"... doesn't it? Personally, I think she would have been AWESOME in the H!M skits. :D

TOTALLY!!! but maybe it was for the best. I can see major rivalry between her and yossy and major head budding between her and  Miki. Nonetheless.... that would've been really interesting. Gokkie dynamic would be beyond diff XD.

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [06/20 - The Night Before]
« Reply #194 on: June 20, 2008, 03:05:47 AM »
Yay!!! You wrote it!~ Boy that was fast...

*good thing I ranted about Yukina to you*

Wellz eh.. as much as I'd want to read it (BADLY), gtg for work now. Comment later!

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [06/20 - The Night Before]
« Reply #195 on: June 20, 2008, 10:03:36 AM »
Well, you already know what I think about this Yukina fic. :inlove: Now, deal with the fad you've just started...  :lol:

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [06/20 - The Night Before]
« Reply #196 on: June 20, 2008, 10:54:52 AM »
great story as always ^^
I just love it how you can make a story from just about anything... and any pairing ...  :heart:

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [06/20 - The Night Before]
« Reply #197 on: June 22, 2008, 12:56:57 PM »
*takes a bow* Thank you everyone for the kind words!

Lol, yeah, that pairing came out of like...stefy's pesterings of me. XD But she just showed me stuff and rambled, and I was like just sitting there, and then my brain went *CLICK* and idea! Yeah. XD

I also think that had Yukina made it into MM, it would have been so very different now...I feel like writing an "alternate timeline" MM where Yukina eventually gets in (one way or another >_> <_< >_>) XD. I also have another idea where it continues in "present timeline" where Ai and Yukina are still friends (basically nothing has deviated from the history we know).  Then there's also another idea I have that's not related, well not quite, so yeah.

Options time, people!

1) Aichan and Yukina in present time, still friends. No alterations to timeline at all, just my interpretation of how their grown up selves would interact now.

2) Alternate timeline MM. There are two suboptions to this particular option.
  a) Yukina enters as one of the Gokkies in the auditions.
  b) Yukina enters as part of 6th gen instead, Miki never enters MM.
So pick your poison! XDDD

3) Alternative universe. Estrea writes vampires! I can so make blood and sex go together, I swear. XD Oops, did I just say that? XD Characters that will be appearing are the regular suspects, like Aichan (what story do I write that doesn't involve her somehow?!), Reina, Miki, Maki etc...the rest of the gorokkies will also be involved (I'm a gorokkies fan, in case it ain't obvious enough XD).

Option 1 is a one shot, obviously. 2 and 3 are both longer stories, and its actually a lot easier for me to do 3 than 2, since I need to seriously do my research if I do 2. XDDD

Right-o. Time for a shower, and then I'll get cracking. Tell me what you guys want in the meantime! ^_^


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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [06/20 - The Night Before]
« Reply #198 on: June 22, 2008, 01:47:37 PM »
Ok, i'm sorry, i couldn't control my excitement there... That would be sooo incredibly awesome, especially with those characters... The others sound great too and I'd still be interested in reading them, but I'm a total sucker for vampires :drool: (pun intended ;) )
And oh yes, I have no doubt you can make blood and sex go together... wait did I just say that too :o :P

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [06/20 - The Night Before]
« Reply #199 on: June 22, 2008, 06:31:54 PM »
I vote for 1. Because I don't really wanna see Yukina in MM. But that's just me. And I'm not a vampire person.
But I will probably read anything you write.

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