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Author Topic: Estrea's Sandbox [6/4 - Treat]  (Read 203858 times)

Offline ShikyoxYaiba

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [10/21 - Hot, Just You]
« Reply #280 on: October 22, 2008, 12:40:15 AM »
Egads, that's cute! <3 I can totally see them discussing this. Aww...  :wub:

Offline strawb3rrykream

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [10/21 - Hot, Just You]
« Reply #281 on: October 22, 2008, 06:39:00 AM »
AWWWW~~ They were both extremely sweet~ :heart:
Love your stories, even if they are written super quickly. I wish I could do that!! Instead, it takes me a month to write one stupid chapter!! :lol:

Offline JFC

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [10/21 - Hot, Just You]
« Reply #282 on: October 22, 2008, 07:51:57 AM »

Awwww... :oops:

Sometimes all you need is that one little gesture to turn your day around. :yep:

Just You

I had long since given up on trying to understand you, preferring to sit back and watch your little antics instead.
Quite often, just watching is the more entertaining option anyway. :P

Your smile was like the sun coming up. How could I bear to take that away from you?
Yeah, her smile is totally capable of making one melt.

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

Offline Fenrir

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [10/21 - Hot, Just You]
« Reply #283 on: October 22, 2008, 08:31:49 AM »
All your constant writings of adorable Ai-chan made me make a sig. Congrats :lol:

I want moar!!! :heart:

Look at that. My first comment on your fics. All because of Ai. lol

Offline Estrea

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [10/21 - Hot, Just You]
« Reply #284 on: October 22, 2008, 09:31:52 AM »

Muahahaha. The things we do for Ai... >D

So does this mean that if I write more Ai-related things, you'll pop up? XD *somehow thought of whack-a-mole* XDDDDDDDD

Glad you guys think that it was cute, I feel fulfilled! Haha. Now I wanna write ReinAi. I just need some ideas...

*sits down and meditates*


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- Everything Else. Too many to list.

I'm also on AO3!

Offline lollipopgirl

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [10/21 - Hot, Just You]
« Reply #285 on: October 22, 2008, 09:54:13 AM »
I'm super glad you wrote those, there was so much material in that short 5 and a something mins it was crazy... I love them both of course (considering its TakaGaki) but I especially enjoyed 'Just You' and not just coz it was even fluffier :P When you write, we always get to see Ai's thoughts from her perspective really, be able to enjoy the weirdness of her speech and see into how Gaki interprets enjoys it was lots of fun this time and a nice change :)
*snaps for Essy-chan*

I'm so not gonna help you meditate and get ReinAi ideas *pouts* I want moar TakaGaki  :onionwhip: Still a long way to go till you get me over to that dark side, although I am one step closer now... damn you! :P

Offline Sukoshi

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [10/21 - Hot, Just You]
« Reply #286 on: October 22, 2008, 10:56:51 AM »
Watching the futarigoto extra made me all melty.  Reading Hot and Just You melted me some more and now I think I'm a puddle  :oops:

Offline ringo-hime

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [10/21 - Hot, Just You]
« Reply #287 on: October 22, 2008, 01:07:53 PM »
ah kawaii~ <3

"Don't laugh at me, this is serious!" You protested, slapping my arm in gesture of mock offense, but I knew you well enough to know that you weren't really upset, just trying to get my attention.

 :on woohoo:

Offline lil_hamz

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [10/21 - Hot, Just You]
« Reply #288 on: October 25, 2008, 08:32:47 AM »
2 Takagaki shots!! Short by your standards but like I always say, any TakaGaki is better than none :)

I finally got around to watching that unaired Futarigoto clip. It was too adorable!!! There was this moment that Risa would have accidentally kissed the side of Ai's face if she didn't draw back. Awww Gaki-san, why did you have to go do that *pouts* XD

Offline Estrea

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [10/21 - Hot, Just You]
« Reply #289 on: October 28, 2008, 03:00:30 PM »
I kept my promise (?) and wrote ReinAi! Kinda. XD

Inspired by Sukoshi's comment in the Reina thread about Reina's room. Hehe. XD



I Don't Get It

"Sorry for intruding..."

"I'm home!"

The second voice sounded a lot more confident, dutifully removing her shoes and placing them on the rack before stepping in. Her guest followed along obediently, looking around the place curiously.

"Mom went out shopping with her friends, but she said she'll be back in time to make dinner." Her guest nodded, still peering around the place with avid curiosity.

"Will you be staying for dinner?" No reply. Seems like her guest was spacing out again.

"Hello~" A hand waved around that blank face seemed to do the trick.

"Huh? You were saying?" An innocent blink was followed by an exasperated sigh.

"Ai-chan, why don't you ever pay attention?" The petite figure turned around abruptly, stomping away from the leader. "Reina doesn't like it when you don't listen!"

"Um...I'm sorry..." Takahashi Ai, 22 year old, leader of Morning Musume. Looking exactly like a 15 year old. It couldn't be helped though, she just came off filming. "I was just tired..."

"Huh." Was all the reply she got, as Reina removed her coat and hung it up. "You should take care of yourself." It sounded a lot like a grumble, but Ai smiled anyway, looking around the living room.

"This is the first time I've been to Reina's house in a long time...are those new curtains?" Easily distracted by certain things, Ai drifted over to said curtains, running a hand across the fabric.

"Soft..." Without warning, Reina appeared right at her elbow, a peculiar expression on her face.

"Ai-chan..." She started, then trailed off, as if unable to grasp what exactly to say. Shaking her head, Reina shrugged, a switch within her seeming to shut off with the gesture.

Almost as if someone had changed the setting, Tanaka Reina, super-idol, seemed to morph right back to a normal teenage girl. A tiny, haggard, sleepy-looking girl who seemed almost like a cat.

Ai, as usual, didn't bat an eye. Whether she noticed the change or not, that could certainly be a matter for debate. She merely turned to the curtains again, fingering the fabric.

"Zebra curtains, Reina?" A hint of a smile. A pause.

"...what of it? I like them." Eyes averted, falling back into casual street language without a second thought. Reina huffed slightly, turning away and beginning to walk off.

"Does Ai-chan want to see Reina's room?" The question lacked the abrupt tone the yankii was famous for. It sounded almost gentle, uncertain, even. Ai glanced at Reina's back. The younger girl's shoulders seemed very small without her coat in the way.

"Ok!" The burst of energy seemed to surprise them both, but Ai pushed away any doubt by catching up to Reina and indeed, striding just half a step ahead of her. Reina blinked, caught off guard, but recovered instantly and matched her steps to her suddenly enthusiastic leader.

"It's this way..." The door clicked open, and both girls stopped at the entrance. Reina looked down at her toes, picking at a strand of her hair nervously.

Silence. With every passing nanosecond, Reina felt like she might throw up from the tension.

Then, inexplicably, Ai began to giggle. Softly at first, then chuckling aloud. Reina's head snapped up, eyes narrowed as she stared at her leader. She couldn't decide if the older woman was making fun of her or something, such was the unpredictability of one Takahashi Ai.

"What? What is it?" Reina's eyes looked doubly crossed as she started tapping her foot, arms folded. Ai grinned broadly, stifling her chuckles.

"As I thought, Reina is really very girly after all~" Reina's face colored instantly.

"Huh?!" Ai swept her gaze around Reina's surprisingly neat room again.

"Everything's pink, Reina..." Reina mumbled something under her breath, turning her head away.

"Oh, there a problem?" The last part sounded almost like a threat, the way Reina was saying it. A normal person would have backed off immediately, but Ai merely shook her head and chuckled some more.

"No...just that, not even Sayu's room is anything like that." Ai continued to smirk just a bit as she took a step in. "Maybe Ishikawa-san though..."

Reina sighed as she followed her senpai in, idly removing her accessories and setting them down on the dressing table. Ai seemed almost like a kid in a candy store, looking around everywhere, but never touching anything. Seems like she did know her manners after all.

"Aika said the same thing when she was over the other time..." Reina muttered as she flounced onto her bed, staring at the ceiling for a moment before sitting back upright again.

"Mittsi did? She's a good girl, isn't she?" Ai smiled fondly at the mention of her youngest junior. Reina huffed slightly again, nodding in acquiescence when Ai looked mutely at her for permission to sit down on the bed.

"Feh, I suppose she is." Despite herself, Reina couldn't keep up that gruff tone for long. "She's fun to hang out with. Good kid, that one."

"Reina's being a good senpai to her too." Ai beamed at her, swinging her legs back and forth like a schoolgirl. Reina couldn't help but wonder if acting in Q.E.D was warping the leader's personality entirely.

"I'm happy that you have someone to hang out with at last, Reina." It was more her tone of voice, even more than what she had said, that made the Rokkie turn to her with raised eyebrows. Ai was still smiling peacefully, although her eyes were a bit distant.

"I'm happy for you, Reina. Let's do our best together on stage again, alright? Now that you have someone with you off it too..." Ai was staring into space again.

Reina stared at her. Contemplated if hitting her on the head would work. She wanted to yell: Pay attention to me, baka! but experience told her that it wouldn't last for long. Not to mention that she wouldn't get away with it at all. No matter how Ai let her get away with things sometimes.

She's easygoing, but I shouldn't push it too much... Reina gripped her sheets tightly, trying to figure out just what her incomprehensible leader meant with those words.

"Why don't you ever get angry with me?" The question slipped out without much thought. Reina froze, biting her tongue as she directed a panicked glance at Ai.

One second passed. Then two. And a third.

Reina couldn't believe it. She just couldn't. She thought Eri was bad, but she sure didn't expect Ai to be the same!

Asleep. Huh. Eyes closed, mouth half open, a very un-idollike face. Not really something you'd expect from the gorgeous, poised Takahashi on stage. Entirely expected from the occasionally fumbling, awkward Ai-chan off it though.

It was a good thing they were of similar size. Sort of. Ai's weight on her shoulder wasn't entirely uncomfortable, but that angle would be bad for her neck when she woke up. Sensibly, Reina moved Ai to rest on her bed; gently, carefully, as if afraid that she would break.

"You shouldn't overdo it." Reina scolded the sleeping leader as she squatted next to the bed, staring at the peaceful, ordinary face. The face that had never gotten upset with her.

"You get upset with Gaki-san all the time. Why can you show that face to her, and no one else?" Reina sat down on her floor, glaring at the unconscious form on her bed.

"Do our best together. Huh. We always do. No need to repeat it again." Leaning her head against the side of the bed, Reina could feel Ai's breath tickle her hair. In, out. Warm.

"Why can't you just say whatever you want to say?" Reina grumbled, closing her eyes, listening to the even breathing above her. Soon, her own matched it.


When the door clicked open again, all Tanaka-mama saw were two very ordinary girls sleeping, lightly illuminated by rays of a dying sun. She smiled and closed the door.

No need to interrupt a much needed rest, especially not with their hands joined in sleep.

When we wake up, let's do our best together again.


No particular reason, I just felt like doing fluff. Heh.

-hides in little corner to twiddle thumbs again-


Currently writing:
- Lilium-related things. God save my soul.

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- Everything Else. Too many to list.

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [10/28 - I Don't Get It]
« Reply #290 on: October 28, 2008, 03:30:20 PM »
Yum, fluffy goodness!!! :lol: Reina has a badass place! :P I love the way to describe them as turning back into regular ppl instead of idols. Just gives me a happy feeling! :grin: Tanaka mama!! :lol:

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [10/28 - I Don't Get It]
« Reply #291 on: October 28, 2008, 08:32:28 PM »
So much sugary fluff xDDDD

I had the exact same reaction as Aichan when I heard about Reina's pink room and zebra + leopard print curtains xDDDDD Yuko in the making!? Anywho, I really liked their interaction this time around. Aichan isn't up to her emo-ness (In YOUR story!? OMG xDDD) as usual and Reina's all casual, yaaay xD

The image of Aichan falling asleep so suddenly is so adorable~! Poor Angst-chan is so tired xDDDD I actually saw it coming with the way you wrote her more spacious than usual xDD.

I adore the part where Reina was chiding Aichan softly; I can just picture her solemn face as she says everything <3333


Write moooar <3

Offline ShikyoxYaiba

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [10/28 - I Don't Get It]
« Reply #292 on: October 29, 2008, 12:11:13 AM »
Aw... I love how you kinda made them "normal" for a moment. So much fluffy goodness! <3

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [10/28 - I Don't Get It]
« Reply #293 on: October 29, 2008, 02:43:59 AM »
I like how the story felt cute and funny in the beginning and ended up being very adorable...well more than adorable, it felt very precious. 

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [10/28 - I Don't Get It]
« Reply #294 on: October 29, 2008, 06:09:09 AM »
I Don't Get It

"Everything's pink, Reina..." Reina mumbled something under her breath, turning her head away.

"Oh, there a problem?" The last part sounded almost like a threat, the way Reina was saying it. A normal person would have backed off immediately, but Ai merely shook her head and chuckled some more.

"No...just that, not even Sayu's room is anything like that." Ai continued to smirk just a bit as she took a step in. "Maybe Ishikawa-san though..."
Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo... :lol:

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [10/28 - I Don't Get It]
« Reply #295 on: November 14, 2008, 08:36:09 PM »
Everyone, I'm back! It's 3 in the morning but I just HAD to write this after seeing the article about the QED press conference. Thank goodness I understand Japanese. XD

So, here we go~


That Which Was To Be Demonstrated

"Ah~ Leader's finally here~ We can start practice now!" Tanaka Reina announced as the leader of Morning Musume, one Takahashi Ai, stepped into the room.

"Ah, sorry I'm late everyone! My manager called me for something." Apologizing profusely, obviously embarrassed by being the last one in, she set her bag down and hurried over as everyone gathered round to start.

A few hours of gruelling practice later, the girls of Morning Musume were finally allowed a break, and they scattered around to rest. The leader and subleader quite naturally sat down next to each other, Risa passing Ai a cup of water that the latter accepted gratefully.

"So, what did your manager call you in for this morning?" Risa asked after sipping from her own cup.

Ai, who was chugging down the whole cup, almost choked trying to answer before all the water had gone down. Risa rubbed her back as the leader recovered from the slight mishap.

"Mou...Ai-chan, be more careful with yourself..." Risa scolded gently. "Don't make me worry about you all the time."

"Thanks Gaki-san." Ai smiled gratefully back at her ever-reliable subleader.

"So, what were you going to say?" Risa asked curiously, her hand still on Ai's back. The older girl shrugged, looking around the room at the other members.

"I guess I should tell everyone, this is kind of important news actually..." Ai admitted, brushing her hair from her face. It was already getting longer, but now, she couldn't even cut it.

"Oh?" Risa was curious, but waited agreeably as Ai called for the others to come over. It took a while; it always did. Ai wasn't the type to go around barking orders, and the other girls usually took their time to respond to her, unless it was actually urgent.

"So wassup, leader?" Reina asked lazily as she plopped down on the floor near her two senpais. "Break ain't already over, is it?"

"No, not yet. I just have something important to tell you guys..." Ai started, but was cut off by a wide-eyed Sayumi, who exclaimed.

"They're not going to graduate you, are they?" Sayu clung to Ai's side. "They can't do that, can they?"

"Does that mean I get to be lead?" Reina mused out loud, but Aika jabbed her playfully in the side, teasing.

"No way! Takahashi-san's way better~" Reina turned with a mock growl and pretended to lunge at Aika, who laughed and sidestepped. In any case, Reina only flicked a finger at Aika's forehead.

"No disrepecting your senpai." Aika grinned at Reina (who was unsuccessfully trying to glower at her junior), answering with a flippant "hai~".

"Brat." Reina muttered, although there was no malice in it. Next to her, Eri giggled out loud.

"No, that's Gaki-san!" Everybody looked at her.

"Well...that's Kame for you..." The aforementioned Gaki shook her head. "Always so KY..."

"Gaki-saaaaaaaaaan..." Eri whined, puffing out her cheeks indignantly. The rest of them laughed.

"Alright guys, listen, I have something important to say." Ai tried to get back to the point. After a few more moments, they finally settled down enough for her to get a word in.

"I've been slated to act in a drama."

That was it. A simple declaration worthy of the usually taciturn leader. A moment of silence passed.





"That's great!"

"What drama is it?"

Were the assorted reactions, as expected. Ai waited for the noise to die down again. It was easier than trying to shout over the excited babbles of the girls anyway.

"It's called Q.E.D Shoumei Shuuryou. Apparently, it's kind of like Conan."

Blank stares. Except from, well, Sayu, who burst out excitedly.

"Ah, I love detective stories! This will be so cool!" Sayu's gushing helped to clear up the confusion for the non-otaku members.

"Detective story?"


"Good for you, leader!"

Ai waited for the ruckus to die down again. Being leader of Morning Musume could be hard work at times.

"So what's your role gonna be like?" Risa asked curiously. Ai pursed her lips, thinking.

"Well, apparently I'm going to be acting as the female lead..."

Again, she was cut off by assorted "uso!"s and "maji de???". Ai waited patiently. If nothing else, she was really learning how to be patient with people.

"Yeah, although the character's a high school girl..." Ai finished uncertainly, looking at the other members. As she had half-expected, the other Gorokkies were all looking at her wide-eyed.

"High school girl???" Yeah... Ai thought to herself.

"But you're already 22!" You don't need to remind me...

"Will you be alright?" Thanks Eri...

"Are you sure you can do this?" Gee, thanks for the vote of confidence...

She had thought that the worst of over, but no, apparently she had forgotten about the 'Miracle'.

"Aren't you already an obachan?"

Dead silence. One could most likely hear a pin drop in that room, it was that bad.

Thankfully, one Mitsui Aika, wise beyond her years, clapped a hand over Koharu's mouth and hauled her away before their pint-sized leader could kill with the icy daggers coming from her eyes. Desperate to raise the suddenly cold atmosphere, Risa exclaimed with forced cheeriness.

"Well I'm sure Ai-chan can do it!" Opposite them, Linlin nodded vigorously.

"Takahashi-san can surely do it!" Beside her, Junjun also added her agreement.

"Leader definitely looks young enough!" Sayu shot Junjun a 'be careful what you say' look before adding her own two cents.

"Ai-chan can definitely handle something like this. Right, Ai-chan?"

Ai smiled weakly at the other girls. They were all genuinely concerned for her. What more could she hope for, with friends and colleagues like this?

"Thanks everyone...I'll do my best." She smiled bravely. "I won't let anyone down."



The article was fun. Apparently the members actually asked "daijoubu?" to Ai because her character's a high school girl, and someone even said said she was an obachan (or old lady). XDDD Poor Ai-chan.

Ok, so. Now I sleep. <3

P.S. That Which Was To Be Demonstrated is actually the English translation of the Latin term Q.E.D, or quod erat demonstratum. I thought it would be appropriate lol.


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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [11/15 - That Which Was To Be Demonstrated]
« Reply #296 on: November 15, 2008, 01:06:31 AM »
That was so funny!!! :mon XD: Really brought my mood up. TakaGaki at the beginning~ :mon thumb: I can so imagine Gaki saying that, as well as the Reina/Aika thing. Hehe, otaku Sayu!! :mon mischief: Jeez, Koha is so KY, it's more painful than funny. :mon noprob: Gotta love the POSITIVE PANDAS~ :pandaaa:
For the record, Ai-chan can pull off a high-school girl like no one's business!!! No offense to her or anything but there are girls at my school that look older than her. :lol:

Offline ShikyoxYaiba

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [11/15 - That Which Was To Be Demonstrated]
« Reply #297 on: November 15, 2008, 01:42:01 AM »
GAAAAH. I saw this story up two mintues before my digital photography class ended (I sneak on) and had no time to read it. T_T I swear, it was no more than 5 minutes after you posted it. But I couldn't read 'til now (I'm home) and I kept thinking about it the rest of the day. xD Anyway...

...It's great. I absolutely love it. XD It's very cute and made me feel happier... Ai-chan can easily pull off a high school girl. I showed her picture to a friend recently, and my friend thought she was 18/19. xD

"Brat." Reina muttered, although there was no malice in it. Next to her, Eri giggled out loud.

"No, that's Gaki-san!" Everybody looked at her.

"Well...that's Kame for you..." The aforementioned Gaki shook her head. "Always so KY..."

"Gaki-saaaaaaaaaan..." Eri whined, puffing out her cheeks indignantly. The rest of them laughed.

...I can totally imagine Eri doing that. XD

"Will you be alright?" Thanks Eri...

^LOL. Bad choice of question, Eri.

...Poor KY Koharu...

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [11/15 - That Which Was To Be Demonstrated]
« Reply #298 on: November 15, 2008, 08:25:28 AM »
hahah!! :]]
that was funny ~ <3

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [10/28 - I Don't Get It]
« Reply #299 on: November 16, 2008, 12:27:55 AM »
"So, what did your manager call you in for this morning?" Risa asked after sipping from her own cup.

Ai, who was chugging down the whole cup, almost choked trying to answer before all the water had gone down.
K, I"ve got to be pretty messed up to think the idea of Aichan chugging her drink is hot.

Come to think of it, yeah, I'm pretty twisted.
:mon sweat:

I just have something important to tell you guys..." Ai started, but was cut off by a wide-eyed Sayumi, who exclaimed.

"They're not going to graduate you, are they?" Sayu clung to Ai's side. "They can't do that, can they?"

"Does that mean I get to be lead?" Reina mused out loud, but Aika jabbed her playfully in the side, teasing.
Aichan = :bingo:
Sayu = :scared:
Reina = :on asmo:

"Brat." Reina muttered, although there was no malice in it. Next to her, Eri giggled out loud.

"No, that's Gaki-san!" Everybody looked at her.

"Well...that's Kame for you..." The aforementioned Gaki shook her head. "Always so KY..."
:on lol:

"I've been slated to act in a drama."

That was it. A simple declaration worthy of the usually taciturn leader. A moment of silence passed.
Aichan = :)





"That's great!"
Other members = :onioncheer:

"It's called Q.E.D Shoumei Shuuryou. Apparently, it's kind of like Conan."

Blank stares. Except from, well, Sayu, who burst out excitedly.

"Ah, I love detective stories! This will be so cool!" Sayu's gushing helped to clear up the confusion for the non-otaku members.
Aichan = :hee:
Other members = :mon huh2:
Sayu = :mon lovelaff:

"High school girl???" Yeah... Ai thought to herself.


"Aren't you already an obachan?"

Dead silence. One could most likely hear a pin drop in that room, it was that bad.
:mon speechless:

Thankfully, one Mitsui Aika, wise beyond her years, clapped a hand over Koharu's mouth and hauled her away before their pint-sized leader could kill with the icy daggers coming from her eyes.
Good thinking Aika. :thumbsup

The article was fun. Apparently the members actually asked "daijoubu?" to Ai because her character's a high school girl, and someone even said said she was an obachan (or old lady). XDDD Poor Ai-chan.
For anyone who hasn't seen it yet, the articles in question have been translated over at H!O.

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

JPHiP Radio (14/200 @ 128 kbs)     Now playing: So Nyuh Shi Dae - Chocolate Love (Retro Pop Ver.)