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Author Topic: Estrea's Sandbox [6/4 - Treat]  (Read 203874 times)

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [04/26 - Inside Looking Out]
« Reply #360 on: April 26, 2009, 06:49:39 AM »
I have to say this sorry
She has a motherly air to her, I notice. And what does that make me?
that makes you the father ai-chan  :twothumbs *imagines takagaki scene from Alone Time  :w00t:*. okay I will go back to lurking

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [04/26 - Inside Looking Out]
« Reply #361 on: April 26, 2009, 07:12:35 AM »
Inside Looking Out
I did not turn around, instead staring at Reina's reflection in the mirror. She had one arm thrown casually around Aika's shoulders, the two of them looking like old time pals from way back. Somehow, the thought of Aika being a yankii in any shape or form at one point or another made me want to giggle and shrink in horror at the same time.
Ooooooooooo...mystery POV (though after reading the narrator's initial observations of the other members, it narrows the possibilities down pretty quickly).

I did not turn around, instead staring at Reina's reflection in the mirror. She had one arm thrown casually around Aika's shoulders, the two of them looking like old time pals from way back. Somehow, the thought of Aika being a yankii in any shape or form at one point or another made me want to giggle and shrink in horror at the same time.
Dang, that would be interesting, to say the least. :lol:

I chuckle to myself, drawing strange looks from more than one person. Sometimes I wonder what is wrong with the rest of them. Can't they see the obvious? Hmm. How strange.
That pretty much cements who the narrator is. After all, who else but Aichan would get this type of reaction from the others? :P

"Ai-chan! Don't just sit there~" Sayu hops over to my side, spinning me on my chair to face outwards, positioning herself next to me as she held her phone up.

"Say cheese~" Before I could even think up a response, I am staring blankly up with bemusement, one hand still clutching my other earring, and the other in an instinctive peace sign next to my cheek. Camera-trained, I guess. It's for work, after all.
It's like a reflex now for her. :yep:

A click and whirr, then Sayu detaches herself from me with a grin, showing me the shot she just took. Hmm, I suppose I look alright...could be better though. Sigh. I wish I looked better in photos...
Oh Aichan...can't help but be her own worst critic.

If only she could see what we could see... that she's one of the more naturally photogenic (and generally speaking, more naturally pretty) members. :oops:

I run one hand through my hair. It's getting longer, but the higher-ups would have a fit if I cut it off again without consulting with them. I sigh. Back to having to deal with hair sticking to my neck during concerts again, I guess. How annoying.
Might be annoying for her...but it's a MAJOR turn-on for the rest of us. :drool:

I laugh at them, then shake my head helplessly as I open the door, leaving them behind as I step outside.

Closing it behind me, I lean briefly against it, my back covering the sign that says "Morning Musume" on it. Head bowed, I am still smiling.

It's nice to be noticed. Still smiling, I straighten up and walk off.

Time to get down to work.
Why do I get the feeling that this was somewhat inspired by Aichan's recent talks/confessions on that Bijo Houdan show?

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

Offline lil_hamz

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [04/26 - Inside Looking Out]
« Reply #362 on: April 27, 2009, 02:42:54 PM »
I read! *whew* As I said yesterday but the commenting bit...hee hee. Cut me some slack ok? Pretty please? I'll get to it after the day. Which is 2 days after yours?

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [04/26 - Inside Looking Out]
« Reply #363 on: May 02, 2009, 12:22:09 AM »
ah, the contrast. :lol:  Mitsui's story is all shiney and happy while Ai chan's story is quite the opposite.  Ai chan's pov is more murky and somewhat depressing XD  but the ending makes up for everything (and the thought of yankii Aika  :lol:).  It's so cute that through all the second guessing and whatnot, all she wanted was to be notice.  Makes you smiles and want to give her a hug. :wub:

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [04/26 - Inside Looking Out]
« Reply #364 on: May 10, 2009, 10:28:02 AM »
OKay, I finally got to commenting. I read through this again. Though this fic is about a normal day in their not so normal lives with nothing really big happening, I enjoyed it. Cuz it's nice to see them just being themselves and being the fantastic writer you are, you always make it so believable and real.

*sigh* And this is why I never what writer's block to hit you. Your fics bring so much joy and entertainment to fans everywhere :)

Offline Estrea

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [04/26 - Inside Looking Out]
« Reply #365 on: May 11, 2009, 07:48:16 PM »
Lmao, I come bearing a random fic that came out of a random conversation with rokun. Not for the first time the topic has been broached though.

And now, I present you with...


The Problem With Hat

"I'm telling you there's something off with that thing!"

"Ha? What do you mean, Tanakacchi?"

Exasperated, Reina fussed at her own hair for a bit, flailing around for a good way to express herself. For someone used to speaking her mind frankly, being at a loss for words was something entirely uncomfortable for the straight-talking Fukuoka girl.   

"Just, don't you think that she becomes all weird with that thing on?" Reina gesticulated some more, leaving a very puzzled Risa staring at her in confusion.

"What are you talking about? I don't get it..."

Just as Reina was about to tear her own hair out (or Gaki-san's throat, who knew), the object of their discussion happened to pass by. Not one to miss an opportunity, Reina immediately seized hold of a bewildered Takahashi Ai's arm and pulled her to her side.

"Ai-chan, already changed huh? That's quick!" Risa commented. Ai grinned sheepishly, glancing around furtively for cameras. There were none. She relaxed.

"Well there are still a few more songs before my performance, but I figured I'd change early so I won't be in the way of the others..." Her attention was completely focused on Risa, so much so that she was completely unaware to the fact that her arm was still being held captive by a zealous Reina.

"See! She's normal now!" Reina pointed vigorously at an oblivious Ai, who gave her a blank stare in response. Risa gave Ai a once over.

"Ai-chan is still Ai-chan." Risa said affirmatively, reaching out to pat Reina on the head. "You're thinking too much, Tanakacchi."

"Me?" Ai was still confused. Reina deftly stole the hat from the crook of her arm, and Ai protested weakly, awkwardly adjusting the tie of her outfit. "Ara..."

"I'll prove it to you Gaki-san. Right now!" Reina said determinedly. Turning to the still utterly bemused Ai, Reina advanced on her leader with a flinty look in her eye.

One of the staff called out to Risa, drawing her attention away just as Reina jammed the hat onto Ai's head. Ai blinked and adjusted the hat, making sure her hair was in place and not messed up under it. Reina half turned around.

"See, Gaki-san... Gaki-san?"

"Tell me later, I'm up next on stage!" Risa called from around the corner before disappearing completely. Reina stared at the empty air where her senpai had once been.

"Right..." About to turn around to address Ai, Reina suddenly found herself pulled further into the narrow service corridor where few people came by and fewer even noticed that it existed as they hurried past to their assorted duties. Before she knew it, her back was to a wall and an arm propped itself up against the wall next to her face, preventing her from running off.

"Ai...chan...?" Reina swallowed nervously, pressing herself even further back into the wall. The rim of the hat sat low on her forehead, lending an ominous shadow to the suddenly suave expression on Ai's face. Or should one say, Mr. Moonlight...?

"You've messed up your hair...let me help..."

Why does even her voice sound different?! Reina was panicking inside as Ai's face came almost too close for comfort. She could feel Ai's breath brush her cheeks as tender fingers gently coaxed her mussed hair back into place, almost caressing each strand.

The closeness was making her nervous. This wasn't on stage, in front of a cheering audience where tensions ran high and she could get caught up in the atmosphere and be all touchy feely with the other members. This somehow felt very different, charged yes, but a different kind of tension compared to the stage. This almost felt...erotic...?

The outfit definitely wasn't helping. Ai's slender frame was neatly wrapped up in that yellow plaid suit, the silver tie sparkling on her chest. Normally she would laugh if she saw something like that on the street, but the effect it had while on Ai was entirely different.

I guess the person wearing it really matters... Reina thought faintly as Ai's fingers brushed lingeringly across her cheek, as if reluctant to let go. Wait, when did she start touching my face?! Reina blinked out of her bemusement and noticed quite belatedly that Ai had moved still closer during the time she had been spacing out.

Yabai. That was the only response Reina could come up with at the moment. This wasn't exactly the first time this had happened. Back during High-King, not even poor Yuukarin had been spared the attention of this...transformed...Ai. Oddly, Maimi and Saki had escaped it. Maimi probably because she was too tall, and Saki was just too slippery to be cornered. Not for nothing was she the Berryz's Captain, after all.

"Reina, you're blushing." Matter-of-fact, with a hint of a laugh underlying the words. That only served to make the blood rise higher on her cheeks, and Reina stuttered stupidly for a bit.

"I hate to cut this short, but I'll have to go soon." A touch of elegant regret in both tone and feature. Ai was really getting into character. Reina found herself able to breath properly again the moment Ai pushed away from the wall, giving her what little space there was to herself.

Before she could even blink though, Ai darted in to drop a quick kiss on Reina's forehead, her lips barely grazing the surface of the skin, but Reina definitely felt it like someone had burned a searing brand into her flesh.

"There, I'll be going now." Ai ran her thumb and forefinger along the rim of her hat, smirking naughtily as she touched a finger to her lips. She waved over her shoulder as she disappeared around the corner. "Later~"

For the second time in a few minutes, Reina stared at the empty spot near the corner, this time with one hand on her face where Ai's lips had made contact. Her cheeks were still burning a bright crimson.

Gritting her teeth, Reina's hands closed into fists as she bit out savagely.

"It's that damn hat!"

No one paid any attention as Tanaka Reina stomped out, muttering to herself all the while. Moments later, the familiar strains of a tune echoed in the hallways, mirroring the performance outside.

Ai wo kudasai...



I've discussed this with several people before, ever since High-King came out and all. Somehow, Ai seems to subtly shift personalities with and without the hat. It's weird. Lol. This in particular is set in the 2009 Wonderful Hearts tour where Ai was Mr Moonlight, complete with hat...which makes all the difference. Heh.

Note the backstage where Ai was in full Mr Moonlight regalia but having yet to put on the hat. Her attitude was totally different then. Stick the hat on and voila! Fic idea. :lol:

Oh and extra scene for everyone just because.


That Day, The Hat

The moment they stepped off the stage after the MC, Reina reached over and all but tore the hat off Ai's head. Ai blinked, her hands flying protectively to shield her head a little belatedly.

"You are not wearing this off-stage." Reina said emphatically, clutching the evil (to her) hat close to her chest. Ai looked at her confusedly, scratching at her dripping hair awkwardly.

"If you say so..." Next to her, Risa shared a look with her fellow Gokkie, an identical sentiment of utter bewilderment mirrored in leader and sub-leader. They shrugged. Who knew what the little yankii was thinking?

Reina was secretly triumphant about her little victory, cradling the offending item in her arms as they continued down the corridor. She didn't even notice that she had fallen behind until one arm snaked around her shoulders comfortably, a cheeky grin aimed right at her.

"You're not red anymore."

With a laugh, Ai let her go and quickly jogged up to match Risa's pace. Reina gaped at their backs, or more specifically, at Ai's.

Looking down at the innocent-looking hat in her hands, Reina glared at it as if it was the source of all her troubles.

"Damn it..."


Hehe. That was fun. :D
« Last Edit: May 11, 2009, 08:19:53 PM by Estrea »


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- Lilium-related things. God save my soul.

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [05/12 - The Problem With Hat]
« Reply #366 on: May 11, 2009, 08:17:08 PM »
!! I think we've had this discussion about the MC they had during WH before. How her Mr. Moonlight persona carried over from her performance. The way Ai talked and her body language was just like a boy. Seriously, just stick her in whatever outfit and she'll just switch on.

So, when's the gang gonna do some shoplifting? :D

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [05/12 - The Problem With Hat]
« Reply #367 on: May 11, 2009, 08:23:53 PM »
Now this. Is win. I've always said that Ai with a hat is pimpin' Ai. :P She needs to wear that hat more often if you ask me. :kekeke:

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [05/12 - The Problem With Hat]
« Reply #368 on: May 11, 2009, 09:17:07 PM »
The Problem With Hat

As soon as I figured out who the topic of the conversation was, my first thought was "Yossi's left one powerful aura in that hat." :pimp:


JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [05/12 - The Problem With Hat]
« Reply #369 on: May 11, 2009, 09:44:43 PM »
lmfao this was great! Ai being the player again.  :D She does seem to be extra confident when playing the Mr. Moonlight role. Reina cracks me up in this too. I like all your one-shots. =)

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [05/12 - The Problem With Hat]
« Reply #370 on: May 11, 2009, 10:40:39 PM »
Ahahahha! We had this convo too >D Ai + hat = WIN.

Love how Reina's the victim (don't I always?) Also love the end where it is discovered that it isn't the hat's complete fault. XD

Short but lovely :B

-wants moar-
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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [05/12 - The Problem With Hat]
« Reply #371 on: May 12, 2009, 02:02:31 AM »
i love u~ XD i was also talking to some of my friends about how ai kinda changes when she ges into mr. moonlight mode XD*swoons* poor reina, she just gets attacked so easily, but then again,that's ai da playa for u XD it's cute how reina thought that the hat caused all of it when it only helped in .5% out of the 100 XD i cant wait for the next one~ keep it up! X3
please visit kawaii-chan's avie's and siggies!

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [05/12 - The Problem With Hat]
« Reply #372 on: May 12, 2009, 02:19:14 AM »

Pimpin' Ai! :heart:

She does change when in her Mr. Moonlight mode. :D

Poor Reina~ XD It's not all the hat's fault. XD

One week... I will wait one week for the other one. lol j/k... take your time...

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [05/12 - The Problem With Hat]
« Reply #373 on: May 12, 2009, 04:55:56 AM »
LOL you're a comic genius!  I think you already know that though  :on lol:

Reina and her simple ideas, so perfect!  So cute~!  I love the girl to bits  :lol:

All along I had a feeling Ai chan was just being mischievous....
hehe I can see Reina being the perfect victim when she's in innocent kitten mode XD
Ai chan probably wouldn't dare pull this on Sayu or Risa since she usually shies away from doing things with certain "consequences" XD

The ending bit rules!  lol it would also be funny if there was a cat in the hat chapter XD  Say if Ai chan didn't reveal the secret...I could see the kitty cat having a little fun of her own and taking no responsibility for what the "hat" makes her do XD

As always with your skills, this was brilliantly funny XD  I also liked how it was really..and you didn't even have to go down that cookie path I tend to avoid :sweat:

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [05/12 - The Problem With Hat]
« Reply #374 on: May 12, 2009, 06:27:01 AM »
Oh wow, that hat certainly is something. XD It's entirely true though, fedoras transform Ai-chan into :drool: It's funny that only Reina seems to notice this "change". Poor girl~ :lol:MMM, but hey, I can't say I'd complain if I was being seduced by Mr. Moonlight.

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [05/12 - The Problem With Hat]
« Reply #375 on: May 12, 2009, 10:00:57 AM »
LOL, Reina noticing this change. XD hahaha.

AI is so sly~  :P

Ai is teh ultimate seme~  :cow:

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [05/12 - The Problem With Hat]
« Reply #376 on: May 20, 2009, 10:18:48 AM »
Estrea and I were chatting and randomly came up with this lovely story for you. Presenting a true crack fic to go. XD

It all started with some nuns. Not your ordinary nuns though. No. They were extraordinary nuns. They were jazz-singing, gun-wielding, assassinating vampire nuns that live on a boat. Missionary nuns on an evangelical trip, out to convert the world and spread the message of Love and Peace (tm) using their love machine to resonate the dreams of people who chase after them so much that they just might cry after a happy summer wedding; in which they wear naked smiles and head out to catch fish on an instinct because they are ambitious and have manpower and even if their tears don't stop, they will keep on walking until they achieve a girl's victory because they know one day everything will be alright as long as they do it now on the unexpected contradiction island where soap bubbles and oranges are plentiful and in their hometown where lights of summer shine down all day and night; a special summer night town where Mr. Moonlight dances to the big band filled with sexy impatience and cheered by noisy girls who are nestled by the gentle breeze, wishing that their dear boy would hold on to them at the love revolution 21 dance site, but this was a young memory, a light of their youth, because of a detective pepper, who always need a cup of morning coffee, came to cast a sorrowful twillight upon the town forcing the nuns to go find the osaka love song, a song about the seeds of love and peace, to free their town and the world because they know they are alive right here and now, so may girls' good luck always travel with the not so ordinary missionary nuns sailing around the world on a boat.
« Last Edit: May 21, 2009, 03:22:25 AM by Fenrir »

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [05/12 - The Problem With Hat]
« Reply #377 on: May 20, 2009, 10:21:31 AM »
Yay Fenrir! She came up with most of the bottom half, really. I only contributed a few lines. XD

That was fun! ;D


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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [05/12 - The Problem With Hat]
« Reply #378 on: May 20, 2009, 10:46:47 AM »
Wow that was fun~!!!!  XD

Crack-a-liciousss~!!  :lol:

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [05/12 - The Problem With Hat]
« Reply #379 on: May 20, 2009, 01:28:49 PM »
lol my "gun-wielding vampire nuns that live on a boat" line made it into crack  :lol:
LOL So crack-a-licious~ XD  I can't stop laughing! :mon lmao:

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