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Author Topic: 2:44 pm  (Read 4497 times)

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2:44 pm
« on: September 15, 2007, 04:15:44 PM »
Now for something COMPLETELY different.

This is a one-shot. But it's sugary sweet fluffy crap, so it didn't really go well with my other one-shot thread. So. yes.

Oh, and shocker. It's not YoMiki. (Hint. 2:44 pm = 14:44)


-2:44 PM-

I smiled to myself and surveyed my apartment. The massive cleaning I'd undertaken this morning was almost done. The only thing left was...

"That stupid bookcase," I muttered. When I'd moved in, there was a perfect little nook near the door just right for a bookcase. Unfortunately, that also meant it was just right for everything else to eventually end up on it. It was now to the point where "bookcase" was a loose term that apparently meant "giant bookcase-shaped pile of miscellany." I sighed and started taking everything down and sorting it into piles.

I was trying not to get sucked into anything - which was especially hard with the books and mementos scattered throughout - but I managed to... until I found the photo album. I smiled to myself, sat down cross-legged on the floor, and began flipping through the pages.

"I can't believe it's already been two years," I murmured, running my fingers gently over a photograph of my final "The Peace!" performance on Hello! Morning. I laughed a little at Yocchan's hair before turning the page. An envelope fell out from between the pages and into my lap. I picked it up and stared at it in confusion for a moment.

"Rika-chan!" Yossi called out. I turned around, wiping the sweat off of my face with a towel. She handed me a black envelope.

"What's this?" I asked, flipping the envelope over and starting to slide my finger underneath the flap.

"Don't open that here!" Yossi exclaimed. I drew my hand back swiftly and glanced up at her in confusion. "Um, I mean, it's the photos... for that album we gave you, remember?"

"Oh! Right... for the graduation" I trailed off with a sad smile. "I'd forgotten for a second there." I bit my lower lip.

Yossi pulled me into a tight hug. I closed my eyes and tried to fight back the tears. Abruptly, she exhaled sharply and pulled away from me. She smiled, laughing a bit, and fixed her gaze on the wall behind me.

"Are you ok?" I asked, feeling a bit concerned. Yossi shook her head.

"No, yeah, I'm fine," she said, sounding unconvinced herself. "I, well... just be sure to put those photos in when you get home, ok?" I nodded. "Seriously."

"I will!" I protested, laughing a little. She looked at me suspiciously.

"You're going to forget, aren't you?"

"No!" I laughed, swatting her with my sweaty towel.

"EEWWW!" she mock-squealed. "Ishikawa sweat!" She ran off down the hallway. I shook my head and went to get changed, clutching the envelope in my hand.

"...whoops," I laughed. She was right. When I'd gotten home, I was so exhausted from the concerts and press conferences and so emotionally drained that I just shoved the envelope in the back of the book and completely forgot about it until now.

I slid my finger under the flap and opened the envelope. Smiling, I pulled out the polaroids that had been placed there so long ago. I gazed nostalgically at the smiling faces, the camera-ready poses, the skimpy over-the-top costumes. I started to get up and find some glue to paste the photos in when the stark contrast of the white paper still in the black envelope caught my eye.

I pulled the paper out and stared at my name in familiar handwriting for a moment before unfolding the note to read.

Rika-chan -

When we were on that music program and they asked if I had anything to apologize to you for, I realized that I have everything to apologize to you for.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry for how I treated you. For how I suddenly pushed you aside, putting you down at every chance. For turning away from your confused face. For making it difficult for you to put on your everyday happy expression. For avoiding your questions. For being relieved when you finally accepted the change in my actions and persisted on being my friend anyway.

I'm sorry I was such a coward. "Was"... still am, I guess. Why else would I be writing this instead of saying it to your face?

But, I don't think you'd let me say it. You'd just smile and say "It's ok!" and I wouldn't be able to continue. I need to explain it to you. I've wanted to for a while now, but I couldn't - not with you still in the group with me. I've already made your time in Morning awkward enough.

I guess... I'm not sure when it started. It's pretty common knowledge that I'm not exactly the straightest Hello Pro member, but figuring that out yourself, while cameras are on you, while the entire country's watching you... it's difficult to say the least.

It's jarring when you realize that you're thinking differently than everyone around you. I really had no idea for a very long time. Kaorin finally pulled me aside one day and kindly told me to watch what I was saying in public a bit more carefully. I was floored. I didn't know what to think anymore. ...but, you know all this and I'm just rambling now. I guess I should just come out with it already.

I quickly found myself having feelings for you. Even writing those words down seems so strange, but... I wanted to be near you constantly. I wanted to laugh with you, talk to you, hold you... kiss you.

It scared me. I couldn't look at you without thinking about it. So, I shut you away from me as best I could. Like a coward, I hid from it.

I'm sorry. I never told you why I couldn't be around you anymore. I know I hurt you, and I never wanted to. I just didn't know what else to do.

I'm so sorry.

There were times that I almost thought you felt the same way. And if that's true, I'm more sorry than you could ever know. ...if that's true, please tell me.

I hope this doesn't ruin the tentative friendship we've managed to rebuild. I hope everything can stay the same. I think I've more than shown I can control myself around you - ha ha.

If it can't, though, I understand. And that's why I waited to tell you. Because I've hurt you enough as it is.

Congratulations again on your graduation.


I stared at the paper in disbelief. Abruptly, I got to my feet, spilling the pictures onto the floor. I stuffed her confession back into the envelope, grabbed my keys, and headed out into the bright sunlight.

Clenching the envelope in my hand, I stood nervously on her doorstep and waited for her to answer my knock. I wasn't sure what I was going to do. I didn't know what to say anymore. 'Hi, can we talk? I just read your heart-bearing letter from two years ago.'


I glanced up when I heard the door unlock. She opened the door and smiled down at me, brushing a stray lock of blonde hair out of her face.

"Hey!" Yossi grinned, leaning against the doorway. "This is a surprise!"

"I got your letter," I blurted out. She tilted her head to one side in confusion.

"What letter? I didn't write you a letter," she replied.

"I... can I come in?"

"Oh! Yeah, sure," she moved aside to let me pass. I walked into her apartment.

"I was cleaning and I..." I trailed off as Miki, sitting comfortably on the couch, glanced up at me from her magazine.

"Hey," she said casually, giving me a once-over. Her gaze fell on the envelope clutched in my hand and she raised an eyebrow, glancing back up at my face.

"I'm sorry," I apologized. "I didn't realize you had company." Yossi laughed.

"It's just Mikitty. She's always here when - "

"Yeah, but I'm leaving," Miki interrupted, standing up.

"What? I thought we were going to that movie," Yossi said, confused.

"Changed my mind," Fujimoto shrugged, walking over to Yossi's side.

"You mean I got dressed for nothing?" the blonde complained, gesturing at her fitted collared shirt and surprisingly stylish jeans. Miki grinned and smoothed down Yossi's collar.

"Tell you what. Next time I come over, you can stay naked," the tiny brunette grinned. I watched in shock as she grabbed the shirt collar and pulled Yossi's lips down to meet her own. Miki started to tip backwards and I thought for a moment they would fall over, but Yossi put her arm around Miki's waist and pulled her upright. She pulled away from Miki with an unreadable expression on her face.

How stupid of me, I thought. Did I really think she was just waiting at home for me? Now that I thought about it, her letter never said anything about waiting for me at all. What was I doing here...

Miki rubbed her index finger along her lips thoughtfully and grinned at Yossi.

"You're so strange," Yossi sighed, shaking her head. Miki sauntered over to me and suddenly pressed her finger to my lips.

"Indirect kiss," she laughed. I turned my head and stared at her. She winked at me and walked out the front door. "Have fuuuun!" she sang out with a wave before shutting the door behind her. I turned back to Yossi.

"What was that?" I blurted out. Yossi sighed.

"That was Fujimoto Miki. You either go along for the ride or get run over by it." She stared at the door thoughtfully for a moment before shaking her head and turning her gaze back to me. "So, what's up?"

"I, um... you know, never mind. I just - it's stupid." I laughed and started to leave. Her hand on my arm stopped me and I turned to face her. I suddenly found myself aware of how close she was to me. How easily and swiftly the distance could be closed between us.

"You wouldn't have come all the way over here if it wasn't important," she smiled softly at me. I let her lead me over to the couch and sat down on it. Yossi sat crosslegged on the couch and turned so she was facing me. She rested her elbow on her knee and leaned her chin on her hand, looking up at me expectantly.

"I can't believe you're wearing actual clothes outside of work," I teased, pulling on the hem of her shirt.

"Ishikawa!" she scolded.

I looked down at my lap and wordlessly handed the envelope over. She looked at it curiously and opened the flap, pulling out the note. She skimmed the note quickly and handed it back to me.

"What about it?" she asked, looking confused.

"I... I only just read it today. I'm sorry," I apologized. Her eyes widened and she placed a hand over her gaping mouth.

"You only read it today?!" she exclaimed. I nodded silently. "That explains why you never mentioned it," she laughed a little and stood up. She restlessly swung her arms around a little. "Well, this visit suddenly became awkward, huh?"

"I'm sor-"

"Why are you apologizing?" Yossi cut me off. "You haven't done anything."

"I did!" I looked up at her. "I didn't read it! You asked me to and I didn't. "

"It doesn't matter," she shrugged. "I just worried that things would change if you knew. As long as - "

"No! I wouldn't - I mean, I'm not going to..." I trailed off helplessly. "I'm sorry I ruined your date."


"Your movie plans," I replied.

" mean Mikitty!?" Yossi leaned her head back and started laughing. "We're not together! She just gets bored and harasses me when Ayaya's not around."

"B-but she kissed you!"

"Yeah, it's Fujimoto Miki. She gets bored and harasses me when Ayaya's not around," she repeated matter-of-factly.

"So... you're not dating her," I said quietly to myself.

"Nope. What, are you jealous or something?" she laughed. I felt my face color a little and I avoided her eyes. Yossi abruptly stopped laughing and sat back down next to me. "...are you?"

I could feel her eyes on me, studying me. I wanted to reply, to say something, to do something... but I was suddenly unable to move or speak under her penetrating gaze. She gently touched my chin with her index finger and turned my face towards her. Her questioning eyes searched mine for answers.

I suddenly became aware of her slowly moving her face towards mine, closing the distance between us. Stopping just short of touching them, she looked down at my lips and then back up into my eyes. Without thinking, I licked my dry lips. She smiled and softly pressed her lips to mine.

As the kiss deepened and she pulled my body closer, I found myself wishing that time would stop right then and there. That we could stay in that moment, on that day, in that minute. 2:44 pm.


« Last Edit: September 15, 2007, 04:17:25 PM by almond »

Offline len.chan

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Re: 2:44 pm
« Reply #1 on: September 15, 2007, 04:55:38 PM »
oh, first here? XD
you know what? I love sugary sweet fluffy crap XDDD But, although I love the sweet scene between Yossi and Rika, I have to say that this:

"Tell you what. Next time I come over, you can stay naked," the tiny brunette grinned. I watched in shock as she grabbed the shirt collar and pulled Yossi's lips down to meet her own. Miki started to tip backwards and I thought for a moment they would fall over, but Yossi put her arm around Miki's waist and pulled her upright. She pulled away from Miki with an unreadable expression on her face.

How stupid of me, I thought. Did I really think she was just waiting at home for me? Now that I thought about it, her letter never said anything about waiting for me at all. What was I doing here...

Miki rubbed her index finger along her lips thoughtfully and grinned at Yossi.

"You're so strange," Yossi sighed, shaking her head. Miki sauntered over to me and suddenly pressed her finger to my lips.

"Indirect kiss," she laughed. I turned my head and stared at her. She winked at me and walked out the front door. "Have fuuuun!" she sang out with a wave before shutting the door behind her. I turned back to Yossi.

is the best part XDDD Miki :heart:  :on lol:

Offline MyDearYossi

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Re: 2:44 pm
« Reply #2 on: September 15, 2007, 05:22:53 PM »
Aaaah. What can I say? Great fic :heart: As always XD

Ishiyoshi :mon inluv:

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Re: 2:44 pm
« Reply #3 on: September 15, 2007, 05:33:28 PM »
 :fainted: Rika-chan, 2 years?  She's a workaholic but someone who's sentimental so I can forgive her for forgetting the envelope. I'm happy they got it resolved in the end. :wub: Miki was so evil, she knew what the conversation would be about and made Rika feel so bad. :mon waterworks:

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Re: 2:44 pm
« Reply #4 on: September 15, 2007, 08:27:38 PM »
 :nya: I melted...
« Last Edit: September 15, 2007, 08:28:30 PM by jafeijai »

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Re: 2:44 pm
« Reply #5 on: September 15, 2007, 11:17:40 PM »
(Hint. 2:44 pm = 14:44)

When I'd moved in, there was a perfect little nook near the door just right for a bookcase. Unfortunately, that also meant it was just right for everything else to eventually end up on it. It was now to the point where "bookcase" was a loose term that apparently meant "giant bookcase-shaped pile of miscellany."
I can attest that this happens more often with more people than what one may believe. :P

I was trying not to get sucked into anything - which was especially hard with the books and mementos scattered throughout - but I managed to... until I found the photo album.
Ah...time for some nostagia.  :hee:

An envelope fell out from between the pages and into my lap. I picked it up and stared at it in confusion for a moment.

"Rika-chan!" Yossi called out. I turned around, wiping the sweat off of my face with a towel. She handed me a black envelope.

"What's this?" I asked, flipping the envelope over and starting to slide my finger underneath the flap.

"Don't open that here!" Yossi exclaimed. I drew my hand back swiftly and glanced up at her in confusion. "Um, I mean, it's the photos... for that album we gave you, remember?"


 just be sure to put those photos in when you get home, ok?" I nodded.

"...whoops," I laughed. She was right. When I'd gotten home, I was so exhausted from the concerts and press conferences and so emotionally drained that I just shoved the envelope in the back of the book and completely forgot about it until now. Rika hasn't seen these pics before?  10 bucks says there's some type of lovey-dovey confession note/message from Yossi in that envelope. :D

I started to get up and find some glue to paste the photos in when the stark contrast of the white paper still in the black envelope caught my eye.

I pulled the paper out and stared at my name in familiar handwriting for a moment before unfolding the note to read.

HOT DAMN I'M GOOD! :rockon:

Clenching the envelope in my hand, I stood nervously on her doorstep and waited for her to answer my knock.


"Hey!" Yossi grinned, leaning against the doorway. "This is a surprise!"

"I got your letter," I blurted out. She tilted her head to one side in confusion.

"What letter? I didn't write you a letter," she replied.
Well, it HAS been two years. Wouldn't really be that surprising if Yossi had forgotten about it.

"I... can I come in?"

"Oh! Yeah, sure," she moved aside to let me pass. I walked into her apartment.

"I was cleaning and I..." I trailed off as Miki, sitting comfortably on the couch, glanced up at me from her magazine.
Oshit, Rika's too late! :o

"Hey," she said casually, giving me a once-over. Her gaze fell on the envelope clutched in my hand and she raised an eyebrow, glancing back up at my face.
Miki noticed the envelope? :dunno:


Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaait a sec here...don't tell me...Miki didn't know about it...did she?  :pig huh:

"It's just Mikitty. She's always here when - "

"Yeah, but I'm leaving," Miki interrupted, standing up.

"What? I thought we were going to that movie," Yossi said, confused.

"Changed my mind," Fujimoto shrugged, walking over to Yossi's side.
*cough cough* setup *cough cough*

I watched in shock as she grabbed the shirt collar and pulled Yossi's lips down to meet her own. Miki started to tip backwards and I thought for a moment they would fall over, but Yossi put her arm around Miki's waist and pulled her upright. She pulled away from Miki with an unreadable expression on her face.
Or maybe not?  :OMG:

How stupid of me, I thought. Did I really think she was just waiting at home for me? Now that I thought about it, her letter never said anything about waiting for me at all. What was I doing here...
But what's up with Yossi's "unreadable expression"? No smile? No "love you too" type of expression? Nothing to indicate that she and Miki are dating?

Miki rubbed her index finger along her lips thoughtfully and grinned at Yossi.

"You're so strange," Yossi sighed, shaking her head. Miki sauntered over to me and suddenly pressed her finger to my lips.

"Indirect kiss," she laughed.
Okay, there are two ways to look at this, either Miki's trying to "indirect kiss" Rika herself, or she's "passing it on" from Yossi to Rika!


Maybe I was on the right track after all.  O0

"I can't believe you're wearing actual clothes outside of work," I teased, pulling on the hem of her shirt.
The jinbei must still be in the laundry or something! XD

"I... I only just read it today. I'm sorry," I apologized. Her eyes widened and she placed a hand over her gaping mouth.

"You only read it today?!" she exclaimed. I nodded silently. "That explains why you never mentioned it," she laughed a little and stood up. She restlessly swung her arms around a little. "Well, this visit suddenly became awkward, huh?"
Question now does Rika feel about Yossi? Also, does Yossi still feel the same way about Rika?

"I'm sorry I ruined your date."


" mean Mikitty!?" Yossi leaned her head back and started laughing. "We're not together! She just gets bored and harasses me when Ayaya's not around."

"B-but she kissed you!"

"Yeah, it's Fujimoto Miki. She gets bored and harasses me when Ayaya's not around," she repeated matter-of-factly.

So Yossi's NOT dating Miki. Miki must have known about the letter Yossi wrote (maybe she helped her write it or maybe Yossi confided in her about it back then), and when she saw Rika holding it, realized why she was there!  :k-thrilled:

"So... you're not dating her," I said quietly to myself.

"Nope. What, are you jealous or something?" she laughed. I felt my face color a little and I avoided her eyes. Yossi abruptly stopped laughing and sat back down next to me. "...are you?"
I guess for Rika it's one of those "not realizing what you have/feel until you actually stop and think about it" type of thing.

I suddenly became aware of her slowly moving her face towards mine, closing the distance between us. Stopping just short of touching them, she looked down at my lips and then back up into my eyes. Without thinking, I licked my dry lips. She smiled and softly pressed her lips to mine.

Guess that answers the question about if Yossi still felt the same way.  :mon thumb:

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

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Re: 2:44 pm
« Reply #6 on: September 16, 2007, 05:05:19 AM »
KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!  :luvluv1: :luvluv1: :luvluv1:
This is so made of win! I demand you write more Ishiyoshi! ..Pretty pretty pleeeease?  :hee:


Offline Kreuz_Asakura

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Re: 2:44 pm
« Reply #7 on: September 16, 2007, 09:01:40 PM »
ok, I'm fan of Yomiki but this Ishiyoshi was really good  :luvluv1: Miki's so evil :wahaha: Wow...two years, that' was long

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Re: 2:44 pm
« Reply #8 on: September 20, 2007, 03:48:00 AM »
"Yeah, it's Fujimoto Miki. She gets bored and harasses me when Ayaya's not around," she repeated matter-of-factly.

 :on lol: only Miki can do that whenever she's bored.

i like the story. wow, two years of waiting. I salute Yossie for waiting that long!  :mon cigar:

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Re: 2:44 pm
« Reply #9 on: September 20, 2007, 04:51:33 AM »
Wow classic ishiyoshi!  I remember reading a lot of ishiyoshi in the past.  It's great to have a new story on them.  It was a really good read  :rikabunny

Offline Arcadia Victis

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Re: 2:44 pm
« Reply #10 on: September 21, 2007, 02:07:18 AM »
Aaaah. What can I say? Great fic :heart: As always XD

Ishiyoshi :mon inluv:

Quoted because I have nothing to add 8)
Rika <3

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