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Author Topic: The Circle of Three [CONCLUSION: 28: Ascension]  (Read 84946 times)

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Re: The Circle of Three [15: The Icy Hand of Friendship]
« Reply #100 on: February 15, 2008, 02:41:19 AM »
Thanks for the wonderful comments everyone!!! :nya: It seems like the most popular topics are Miya/Airi cuteness and the Risako-ness. XD Hmm, interesting. ;) Well I can guarantee there will be more of all of that to come!!

One more thing - mode: Yay for the egg-spotter! :D Let's see what you think of this chapter. ;) I'm trying to give voice to those who have... well, little at this point. :) Keep it up please!!!

There's a lot that happens in this chapter! It took a little while, but I hope you'll give me a break for what went into it... I think it's fun, and I hope it'll give you a bit of a roller coaster feeling as well. :) As always, enjoy~

Chapter 15 – The Icy Hand of Friendship

“So what do we do now?” Airi asked, glancing over at Miyabi as the two of them along with Chisato stood together just inside the entrance of the cave, peering out at the rest of the girls now a part of their rebellious number who were socializing in hushed tones. They were up to eighteen strong now, so it was almost as if they were just members of a class, if one that included very diverse ages as well as students.

Miyabi was leaning lazily against the wall as she looked on, one foot crossed in front of the other, and she responded, “Well we have to do something. Standing around here isn’t going to fix anything.”

With that, the older girl brought herself up and walked over to the two eldest senpai, Airi and Chisato trailing behind, and stopped just in front of Mari to look down into her face. “We should do something,” she told the woman. “I can’t imagine the Circle is sitting back on their heels like this, and we have the disadvantage right now.” She flourished an arm behind her. “I mean, we’re in a cave!”

“I completely agree,” Mari said, looking her steadily in the eye. Miyabi stared back, frustrated at the lack of elaboration in the response she received, before spinning around to Airi. “Well these two are gonna be no use. I guess we’ve just got ourselves.”

“What’s up?” Reina asked, walking up with a couple of younger girls. Airi smiled at Konatsu, who was a fourth year and one of the few of the gathering from her own House.

“Your assistant here is getting impatient,” Fujimoto said with a grin, and Miyabi gave her a short glare, to which she responded with an innocent roll of her eyes.

“I’m just getting tired of sitting here doing nothing!” the Goto girl retorted in defense of herself.

“I thought you would be enjoying your free time with your little girlfriend,” Reina chided the slightly younger girl, now drawing her glare as well.

Throughout the whole exchange, Airi had been staring up into the dusky sky. This was perhaps a good thing, because otherwise she might have started glaring at Reina too after her last comment. “I don’t like this…” she said ambiguously.

The others stared at her, and in her peaceful obliviousness she didn’t notice that everyone else around the cave entrance was beginning to stare at them too. “You don’t like what?” Fujimoto asked with a frown.

Miyabi followed Airi’s eyes up toward the sky and the canopy of gently swaying trees. “Are you talking about whatever it is that’s making it dark?”

“Yes,” Airi responded ethereally. She nearly became detached from her surroundings as she tried to feel what lie within the magic that enveloped them. “It’s blocking out the Sun and I…” She felt a chill ripple through her, and shivered slightly. Miyabi was quickly at her side to wrap arms around her, and the touch brought her back to the cave, where she blinked around at the attention she received. “I have a bad feeling about it.”

As if her senses were amplified by the chill she received at the thought of the dome around them, she felt her already bad feeling amplified suddenly and darted her eyes around into the trees. She could have sworn she just noticed something within them, but nothing was there now except for the restlessly swaying brush.

“Are you… quite all right?” Reina asked, raising the eyebrow above her wonky eye at Airi.

“Yes,” Airi responded, now beginning to be slightly miffed. “I’d like to see the Sun again, though.”

“Well that does it!” Miyabi pronounced, keeping at Airi’s side with one arm around her slim waist. “That’s what we can do – go see what we can do about this dome of darkness!”

“‘Dome of Darkness’...” Koharu repeated, giggling as she joined the other Skulls along with Chisato and her sister, who was still looking in awe all around her and didn’t seem to want to come any nearer Reina and Miyabi at least.

Everyone stared at the giggling girl until she dropped off into silence, looking around at them self-consciously. “What? It’s funny! It sounds like some scary movie or something…” The sound of crickets chirping their unintelligible symphonies surrounded them.

“…Yeah,” Miyabi said finally, and Airi felt a tug as she was pulled along by the girl toward the woods. “All right, we’re going! I need to make my girl happy, after all,” she said with a grin and a wink over to Airi, who blushed profusely.

The two of them walked in their mutual intimate awkwardness until they reached a path in the woods, catching it in the direction of the road away from Seishin. Eventually they fell back to just holding hands while walking since it was rather uncomfortable doing so while embracing, and a short while later Airi felt suddenly pre-occupied and looked behind her, coming to a stop and dragging Miyabi with her.

Behind them were arrayed all of the girls that had been at the cave, with Miki, Mari and Reina at the front. Some of the non-Skulls looked around uncertainly, though showed no signs of anything out of the ordinary.

“You’re all coming too?” Miyabi said with a frown as she turned too and scanned the small crowd.

“If I’m leaving the school, I have to go this way eventually,” Mari responded, smiling.

“What, you two think you’re so special you don’t need me?” Reina grumbled.

Miyabi gave them a level look. “…You know you’re not who I’m talking about.”

“If we’re going to… rebel… against the school, we have a right to know the intentions of who we decided to follow instead!” explained Kamei in a frantic voice, apparently terrified at the words she was daring to use once again.

Airi smiled sentimentally. She supposed she was like that too. After all, they were the best and brightest and of course most well-behaved students, and doing something like rebelling against school leaders was very near to sacrilege to many of them.

Then she got involved with Miyabi…

She blushed again. Well, they couldn’t all be that well-behaved could they? After all, there were the Skulls. Suddenly Mari’s explanation held a much stronger meaning for her as she peered from face to face of the delinquent girls.

Miyabi stared at the now diverse crowd of students a few seconds before responding. “Fine, whatever… Like I care about what you do. Just keep your chins up. This could be dangerous.”

There were murmurs of laughter that Miyabi didn’t seem to notice as she turned back forward, and a few of the girls leaned toward each other whispering through their giggles. Airi smiled herself at the ironic comment by her girlfriend, feeling her own chin self-consciously, but before turning back to join her shook her head and mouthed to the rest, “She didn’t mean any of that… She really cares about you! Really!”

She received many raised eyebrows in return, including very sardonic ones from Miki and Reina. Turning the corners of her mouth in a pout, she widened her eyes. If she could, she would have stomped on both of their feet right there!!! But then she was quickly whisked away back down the path by the girl who still held her hand tightly.

It was a quiet trip through the woods, made even eerier by the sense that it was getting even darker the closer they thought they were getting to the border. At one point, when she thought they were very near the main road, Airi wondered why there wasn’t even thunder and lightning crackling just within the trees above their heads.

It certainly felt like a storm. At least, Airi felt something malevolent all around her just like one. It became so bad that she was holding onto Miyabi even tighter than the girl was to her now, and she did her best to stay shoulder-to-shoulder. Taking a few nervous glances behind from time to time, she noticed the other girls were comforting each other just the same, except for the three “leaders” of course. Still, Airi thought they too walked just that much closer together…

“Miya…” she whispered from right next to the girl’s ear, using her contracted name without a thought in her fear. “Something’s not right…”

“Just a little farther,” Miyabi responded, squeezing Airi’s hand consolingly. Airi wasn’t fooled though. She knew the older girl was terrified too. Her eyes darted to and fro along the path ahead of them that now seemed to disappear into darkness not far up.

Suddenly the Goto girl’s face brightened, and she pointed over to the side. “See! There’s the other path that comes straight from the school. Ours will meet up with it soon, and that means the road’s just up ahead!”

Airi squinted through the dark fog and the trees in the direction she indicated but could barely make out anything. She thought she detected a slight gap in the trees where another path could have split them, but couldn’t be sure of it. As they walked a few more, quicker steps toward the looming veil of darkness, she began to see the gap more clearly… but then someone screamed.

Airi jumped what she felt must have been a meter off the ground, and when she could finally regain her senses spun around to see the people behind her recovering from what must have been similar jolts. As she felt the tight grip of the sweaty hand of her girlfriend, she realized even Fujimoto and Reina had reacted to it.

“What the HELL was that for?!” Reina scolded, nearly screaming at the top of her lungs at a young girl who was somehow now nearly right behind her. “I swear, it sounded like someone…”

She trailed off when she noticed her words were having no effect on Risako, who was gaping with her eyes wide as saucers at a spot slightly ahead of them and in the direction Airi had just been looking in order to track the path beside theirs. The girl normally had a pale face, but now it didn’t seem as if there was any blood left in it. Airi, along with everyone else, followed the girl’s eyes into the trees. She didn’t see anything at first, but gasps from behind as well as girls who suddenly began crying and falling down to the ground to cower close together made her realize she must just have been missing something. She was really going to have to get glasses one of these days…

Walking toward the trees in order to get a better look, and finally being able to identify what appeared to be a few large mounds scattered among them, she felt a hand on her shirt attempting to tug her back.

“Don’t go over there!” Miyabi hissed, fright no longer concealed in her voice.

Airi shook the girl’s hand off though and started forward again. She wanted to see for herself what was causing such chaos among the others. When she reached the side of the path and started into the trees, she tripped over something and fell to the ground, to renewed wailing by one or two of the other younger girls with them. Rising to her knees, wincing with the pain, she looked back at what had tripped her and froze.

Now that she was close, she could make out a small body in seifuku lying amid the packed leaves. The girl’s face was fixed in an expression of horror, and stared out through wide open, lifeless eyes. There were bloody marks all over her as if she’d been tossed around like a sack of garbage, and an arm and a leg were each twisted at horrible angles. As her own wide eyes adjusted more and returned to the girl’s face, she gasped in recognition.

“Nakki…?” she managed to choke out disbelievingly. She didn’t know the girl well, but she was from her own House – just a year ahead of her and Chisato – so she of course knew her.

In a daze, still kneeling in the leaves next to the cold body, she looked around and noticed other, similarly abused fellow students. Now knowing Saki Nakajima was there, she was able to recognize the others as students the other Matsuura girl normally hung out with – Morisaki was there as well as Kanna, both lying haphazardly within the trees and leaves that now seemed to induce harsh chills with their rustling.

Further toward the other path she saw another form, and yet another actually on the path itself, just before it seemed to completely wind into the pitch darkness. She couldn’t tell for sure, but she thought the last looked even blacker than the others… Maybe the darkness itself was enveloping it somehow. The thought sent chills down her spine.

As she looked on in her horror, pinpricks of light caught her attention from the trees on the other side of that path, and for a moment she stared into eyes that were bright yet as cold as the darkness they pierced.

She lost the connection suddenly though when Miyabi, who had slowly been edging her way forward this whole time, grabbed her arm and pulled her quickly back onto the path with the other girls, most of whom sat in small groups still huddling together and crying.

“…You shouldn’t have had to see that,” Miyabi grated in a hoarse and hollow-sounding whisper.

Airi turned her face from the woods the apparition had now disappeared into and toward Miyabi’s own, unblinking and with her eyes fixed wide.

“I know…” She swallowed, looking longingly into the warm features of her delinquent girlfriend. “I knew those girls…” she said weakly, amazed she wasn’t shivering. Despite that, Miyabi still brought her into a tight hug. “What happened…?”

“I would guess they tried to get away,” Mari said solemnly, giving a look up the path that was almost as dark as the blackness beyond. “Whatever the Circle has set up, it’s not meant to let anyone through… A harsh price to pay for those whose loyalty couldn’t be ensured with an iron fist.”

“They did this because they wouldn’t follow the Circle?” exclaimed Erina, rising up from her spot next to Kamei and Michishige, who still huddled together, the raven-haired one sobbing heavily and the shorter-haired girl expressing only a fixed look of terror. “B-but… How could they?! Ai-chan would never…” She now seemed to only be reassuring herself.

“I would imagine you have nothing to worry about… yet,” Fujimoto said, now frowning ahead of them along with Mari. “This is only meant to keep anyone from running and telling anyone what was happening in here. I don’t think they counted on a rebellion acting from the inside.”

“But…” Erina continued, but now seeming at a loss for words.

“If they would do this, they would surely come after you just as strong,” Li Chun said, stepping up to lay a hand on Erina’s quivering shoulder. She was shaken, but somehow not as badly as the rest. Then again, she was one of the eldest ones here aside from Mari and Fujimoto. “And that means us, too.”

“No!” Michishige suddenly said in a squeaky, tear-roughened voice, jumping up and making Kamei fall back and flat on the ground for a moment before she also jumped up just as quickly to her side as if she’d fallen on a bed of needles. “Ai-chan wouldn’t do this!” She looked desperately around all of them, then through the trees at the bodies. “I mean, look at that! I know those girls on the path! Even the b…” Her voice broke in her sobbing. “…the burned one next to the darkness. It was Kikk…” She couldn’t say any more through her choking tears, but after a moment swallowed and cast a heated gaze back at the girls standing around her, so much so that Kamei even fell back from her slightly. “Ai-chan just couldn’t!

“Yajima would,” Chisato said in a low voice, her tear-streaked face turning into one of fury. Airi darted a scandalized glance her way. “Fire is her trademark after all, isn’t it?” she continued challengingly. Airi stared at her friend, mildly impressed at her focus and composure despite what she had to say about a girl she still couldn’t hate.

“I don’t think they actually know…” Mari cut in quickly to quell the budding arguments, now stepping cautiously forward and peering curiously into the blackness. “This is old magic… the kind of thing I’ve heard tell of from my ancestors. I don’t think they’d know how to do something like this.”

“How do we know that?” Miyabi said, fury quickly painting her own features. “Do we really know anything about what they can or can’t do?!”

“I don’t think they could…” Airi said thoughtfully, finally losing some of her own fear. “I mean, we were able to beat them before, and we certainly don’t know anything about this.”

“You mean you were able to beat them.” Fujimoto grinned before catching the hot glares of both Miyabi and Reina and clearing her throat. She now studiously watched Mari, who looked like she was treading on thin ice as she made her way tediously down the path. “But you’re right. I don’t think they could do this either.” She was now studying the older woman, who raised a hand in front of her.

“Airi,” she said, gesturing her forward. Airi blinked. “Come have a look at this with me.” Automatically Airi began walking forward, of course with Miyabi right at her side. “Stop,” Mari said, throwing her arm out in front of them as they were nearly to her.

Airi joined her in peering up. Now that she was closer, she saw something too. The darkness wasn’t solid; it was as if a thick roiling mist just blocked their way. “This was set here…”

“I knew they had something to do with it!” Miyabi suddenly growled, and she broke away from Airi to march back toward the others. “Look!” she said, gesturing vaguely to the dead girls lying in the trees and the blackness behind them. “This is the kind of thing they do to those who don’t agree with them! I know you may not trust me all that much either, but do you really want to ally yourselves with people like that?”

“Ai-chan wouldn’t…” Michishige sniffed again, clutching Kamei tightly.

“Are you sure about that?” Miyabi shouted back at her. She looked around at the others. “Would you bet your lives on that?!” Uncomfortable silence was all that greeted her this time, even from the older women.

Chisato stepped forward out of a small group also consisting of her sister, Risako, and Koharu, half of whom were still on the ground. “I think they’ve showed their true selves and intentions by what just happened here,” she said in a rough, sober voice. “I may not be able to do much against them myself, but I think those of us who can, should.” Airi’s eyes widened at the intensity of the gaze the other second year Matsuura girl then held on Reina, Miyabi, and even herself. She knew Chisato was braver than she led herself on to be – although she definitely knew it as it was a large reason she joined the Skulls – but still, she’d never heard her friend talk in a way quite this resolute and grave before.

Feeling the dark mist behind her as if through a sixth sense, she was going to respond that she thought that should still be their main concern, but looking into the young girl’s determined eyes gave her pause, and so Miyabi voiced her agreement instead.

“She’s right, you know,” she warned everyone. “Do you want this to happen to any more of your friends?” She gestured back toward the trees and the dark shapes within as she spoke.

Nobody else opened their mouths for anything other than continuing sobs, but no few of the small company shook their heads slowly. “All right then,” Miyabi said in response to her own question, and Airi noticed slight resignation in her voice. Miyabi then looked at both her and Reina in turn, and Airi knew why. They were asking these girls to support them, but they would be the ones doing the fighting, and that was quite a burden for the three of them no matter how just it might be. Swallowing again, Airi gave her girlfriend a nod.

“We might as well get started then,” Reina said, starting back down the path away from the wall of mist. “They’ve probably already retreated to the Ivory Tower with whatever idiot students followed them, so I’d say that’s a place to start.”

Feeling a squeeze on her hand and seeing a reassuring grimace and nod from Miyabi, the two of them started after the Captain. Miki and Mari followed a short ways behind, and then the rest, all of whom finally managed to come to their feet.

No one looked back at the darkness, shed tears, and lost friends they left behind.

“They’re coming,” Saki said from her shadowy perch next to the window of a small meeting room in a very old, austere structure bleached through the long years to the point that some called it the ‘Ivory Tower’.

“Aww, and we were just starting to have some fun! Weren’t we, Ume-chan?” Maimi asked the girl perched on her lap with a devilish grin. The other fifth year Matsuura girl giggled in response and laid her head on Maimi’s shoulder to watch the other occupants of the room.

Ai couldn’t help a slight sickly twist to her face. They’d left the other wide-eyed members of their “army” down in one of the large halls to have whatever fun they maybe still could while the Circle members came upstairs to plan their next moves. However, since she was apparently the Matsuura head’s new “conquest”, Maimi had brought Umeda up with them and hardly even paid attention to what the others were saying in between short make out sessions with the girl on her lap.

Then again, Ai supposed she wasn’t in a position to say too much about that, since she had a Risa Niigaki glued to her side as well. At least they didn’t make such a blatant show of their affections though. She looked at the girl next to her, and Risa rolled her eyes. It didn’t take much to discern that she had a similar opinion of the two as Ai did.

Saki, the only one of them alone at the moment, didn’t turn from the window at the playfulness from behind her. “They’ll still be a while, but we’ll need to be prepared.” The small Goto girl herself had only just joined them after wandering off who knew where. Ai still didn’t have down what the girl did in those times outside by herself, but felt that for some reason she didn’t like it one bit.

“How many did you say joined them?” Ai asked. Upon returning, Saki was a fountain of knowledge about the small rebellion that was going on, and even though she was beginning to reclaim and decipher some memories from another time of women who they apparently shared much in common with, Ai wondered how she was able to learn all that she seemed to know.

“There are no more than twenty,” Saki responded. “But not much fewer. Of course, not all of them are worth our attention.”

“A mutiny!” Maimi cried out suddenly, brandishing a bony fist in the air. “That’s what it is! Rotten disloyal traitors, the lot of them.” Her furious face right beside Umeda’s smugly grinning one offered quite a contrast.

“I wasn’t aware we had become the crew of a pirate ship,” Ai commented wryly, eliciting a soft coughing laugh from Risa beside her.

Saki finally turned around and faced the others, although it was still hard to see her face through the shadows. “You are once again acting in a way that does not befit your station, Matsuura,” she warned coldly, catching even Ai off-guard. She hoped the girl was referring to the school Maimi came from. Otherwise…

Not for the first time, she began worrying for the girl’s sanity. After another thoughtful moment and observation of the disdain Saki was showing her comrade, she acquired another worry. Maybe the relationship of the two heads really had been as close as Ai suspected.

“Calm down, Saki-chan,” Ai cooed, and the small girl’s eyes flickered toward her. She didn’t seem to fully realize that Ai was talking to her. Taking a deep breath, she continued. “We’ve already discussed what will happen if they come here, because we expected they would. I think it’s… rather odd that they’re doing it so quickly, knowing that we must be waiting for them, but all the better for us. Maybe we’ll be able to quell their little uprising before it even really begins.”

“I don’t see why you’re so confident,” Maimi said in a tight voice, glowering at nothing in particular. Umeda apparently could sense her mood, and started tracing lines along her collarbone in a soothing motion. “Then again, nobody tried to rip your soul apart either.”

Ai watched her carefully. The bitterness and anger in her eyes seemed to extend beyond whatever physical torture she’d felt, and Ai noticed she was barely even paying heed to the girl on her lap. There was something much deeper that was bothering her, and as most things she couldn’t understand did, that made Ai curious.

She thought back to the first assault on this building. Those reprehensible girls had come to save their slippery sleazeball of a “friend”, and despite some flashy fireworks Ai knew they weren’t in any trouble… At least, until that innocent-looking young Matsuura girl stepped to the front and faced Maimi down. The odd thing was that Maimi had seemed overly concerned with her as if she held an old grudge over something.

The next moment though, when Saki tried to “convince” her to step aside and let the adults play, all hell broke loose. Before Ai knew it both Saki and Maimi were on the ground, the Matsuura head screaming in pain, and so coming out from her position next to Risa, she scrambled to do something to stop them.

Somehow she managed to knock the young girl out of the battle, although obviously not disable her permanently. That was something that she was quite relieved by though, because she didn’t want any more people getting hurt than she could help. However, the surprising girl was doing something that was hurting her friends, so she had to do something. Unfortunately, it had taken her a while to explain that to Risa. With the young girl gone, the Skulls’ assault ceased and it allowed Risa and Ai to care for the other two with relative ease.

“Do you guys really need to fight them again?” Risa asked, and not for the first time. “I’m sure there’s some way you could talk this out. Tell them about your history; I’m sure they’d understand then. You’re more than just high school students.” She looked around at each of the Circle members as she spoke, her eyes finally coming to rest with pride on Ai, who smiled warmly back at her.

“You don’t know those girls,” Maimi said, waggling a finger at her. Upon seeing the slim appendage dangling in front of her, Umeda grabbed the girl’s wrist and brought it toward her before kissing and suckling lightly at one of the fingers. Maimi blinked in surprise as if just realizing there was a sizable girl on her lap, but quickly her expression turned playful, and she watched the girl contentedly.

For her own part suppressing a surge of bile that suddenly began rising within her stomach, Ai hurriedly turned her attention back on Risa and agreed, “She’s right, Nii-chan. Don’t you remember what Natsuyaki did to me in the hallway? They’re not going to listen to a word we have to say. I wish it wouldn’t… come to that myself, but I’m afraid we have no choice. You do believe in us, right?” she asked, beginning to smile again at her friend, who she now supposed was more than that. “…in me?”

“Of course I do, Ai-chan,” Risa admitted softly, lowering her face in embarrassment. “I just worry…”

“Well,” Ai said reassuringly, laying a finger below the girl’s chin to lift her head again. “There’s no need for that. They’re making a mistake already by coming here right now. See? It won’t be long before this is all settled.”

“Come ooon…” Maimi crowed teasingly in their direction. “Kiss her! You’ve got no excuse not to now.”

Ai turned to her quickly to see both pairs of Matsuura eyes watching them in anticipation, and she grinned. Then she leaned forward and planted her lips on those of a surprised, but definitely not reluctant, Niigaki.

“Yatta!!!” she heard twin voices yell, and she thought Umeda might even have been clapping, but then Saki’s voice cut through the excitement like a cold knife.

“They’re here.”

“We’re there,” Miyabi said, glowering at the large structure that suddenly loomed out of the trees in front of them. Airi knew her last memories of the place couldn’t have been the best, although she never told her exactly what had gone on.

“I don’t see anyone…” Koharu said hopefully, peeking around Reina. “Maybe they left already?”

“And where would they go?” Reina asked skeptically. The reminder of what they’d just left made the younger Nakazawa girl slip back beside Risako. Airi sighed as she looked at her friend, who seemed to still be trying her best to ignore her. She would definitely have to try and talk to her once all this was over with.

After deflating all of her kouhai’s hopes, Reina turned to Airi and Miyabi. “Should I ring the doorbell like I did before?” she asked.

“No need,” Miyabi responded, still staring at the structure. “They know we’re here.”

The gloomy pronouncement caused a stir in the girls behind them, probably because the new arrivals hadn’t witnessed any of their “special abilities” yet and so were a little scared at why Miyabi would have known that.

“Well then,” Reina said in a too-sweet voice. “I guess we’ll march up to the door and ask nicely for them to let us in.”

“No,” Miyabi commanded with an outstretched arm, eliciting narrowed eyes from her senpai. “That’s what she wants. She’d hit you before you knew what happened, and then we’d all be served up on a platter to their whims.”

“That’s what who wants?” Kamei asked. Despite their growing knowledge of their enemies, the other girls still weren’t fully sure of their allies.

“Airi…” Miyabi said reluctantly, turning to her. Airi smiled at her keenly. “…You’re the only one that’s really been able to beat them. I can only protect all of us for a time. What do you think?”

Seeing the concern in her girlfriend’s long features, Airi kept her comforting smile as she turned toward the building. “Well…” she began. She heard a cough from behind that she figured was from Li Chun, who still very visibly doubted her credibility in making any decisions on things as important as this. “Knocking on the door probably isn’t a bad idea. I’m not sure what I can do if I can’t see who’s attacking me.”

“I’ll go with you,” Miyabi said quickly, taking her wrist. “I think I can keep her out of your mind.” Airi nodded, and started forward.

“Osuzu!” Chisato shouted as they embarked, and Airi turned to see her friend stepping out of her sister’s tight grasp. “Are you sure you’ll be okay?”

“I’ll be fine,” Airi responded reassuringly.

Then, surprisingly, Risako stepped up next to the other Matsuura girl and gave her a strong look of support, although Airi noticed she carefully ignored Miyabi next to her. “Take care… okay?” she said quietly. Airi nodded again, her smile even wider now, and turned back around.

The walk up the last meters of the path to the bastion of the Circle seemed to get harder with every step, but with her hand tightly entwined in Miyabi’s, the large and somehow already repaired door became closer and closer. The darkness that surrounded them as well as the newfound knowledge of the mist that lay above and around all of it made Airi think she was walking up to some witches’ castle from out of any one of many fantasy mangas she’d read, although this was very, very real. It seemed very much darker, too.

They finally reached the big doors, and Miyabi looked to her inquisitively. Airi just shrugged in response and raised her free hand to knock at the door. Miyabi twitched as if surprised Airi actually did what she told her she was going to do, but then both girls stood still as they waited for some response.

“…I don’t think anyone’s coming, Airi,” Miyabi said after a moment. “Can’t you like, blast your way in or something?” Airi gave her a very level look in response, to which the older girl grinned nervously and scratched at the back of her neck.

However, just as they spoke, something clicked and the door swung open barely wide enough for someone’s head to stick out. They heard whispers coming from inside, although there was definitely also someone peering cautiously out at them.

“Who is it, Momo?” came an excited whisper from within. “Is it one of THEM?”

“Let me see!” cried another voice. “I’m older than you!”

There was the sound of a bit of scuffling, which caused Miyabi and Airi to look at each other with raised eyebrows, but eventually the small head of an apparently short Goto girl popped out to peer at them. She looked a little strained as if she was holding somebody back from the door, as well as trying to keep it cracked open only so much, but she suddenly gave them a too-bright smile.

“Hello!” she squeaked. Airi couldn’t have thought of another way to describe her almost forced shrillness. “What can I do for you?”

After exchanging another skeptical glance with Airi, Miyabi looked at her. “Don’t act like you don’t know who I am, Tsugunaga,” she drawled lazily, hunching down a bit as if trying to appear unimpressed and unconcerned. Airi widened her eyes. There was a lot she could learn from her girlfriend.

“Why, Miyabi!” the girl in the doorway piped, as if suddenly remembering her. “What a pleasant surprise!”

“I’m sure it is…” Miyabi grumbled. “So are you going to let us in or do I have to stuff you into the trash can I passed just a little ways back? It’s small and square; seems like a perfect fit.”

This… Tsugunaga’s… smile faltered a little at that, and suddenly another face appeared in the doorway as it widened just a bit more. This girl seemed much bigger, as well as older, and blond highlights in her brownish hair framed a round and slightly pudgy face. She was definitely still handsome, though.

“I can’t believe you even dare to come here!” she scolded Miyabi. “I knew you Skulls were no good, but this really is crossing the line! Not even showing up to the assembly?! The Circle has been so good to you to even let you stay here and not be expelled, but now you just turn your backs on them when they need us most!”

After giving the new arrival a wide, toothy grin, Miyabi tightened her grip on Airi’s arm and dragged her in front of her, to where she now was staring right into the faces in the doorway. “Who’s this?” the blond-highlighted girl asked. “She’s not a Skull. Looks like a runty little first year to me.” Airi felt her face grow redder as the girl looked her up and down appraisingly.

“Actually…” came a voice from within, but Airi had had enough.

“I am most certainly not a first year!” she roared. “And you let us in right now or I’ll… I’ll…” Her hot gaze fell to the door, and she was just about to bash into it when it swung open fully, causing the two girls inside who’d already spoken to stumble over each other and fall to the floor. Surprisingly, it was the younger Tsugunaga who was able to overpower the other and get to her feet first.

“Airi!” she heard a familiar voice cry in greeting. With the door now opened she noticed many students were gathered in the entryway, but couldn’t identify too many of them before one jumped forward to hug her.

After a second though, her assailant pulled back and looked anxiously at a smirking Miyabi before smiling back at Airi. “I was so worried about you! Where have you been? You missed the assembly!” Airi stared into the face of the Nakazawa third year, Aika Mitsui, who until lately was one of her closest friends.

“Isn’t it obvious where she’s been?” the round-faced girl growled, getting up finally and dusting herself off with a glare toward Tsugunaga and then Miyabi. “Apparently hanging out with Skulls.” She almost spat the last word.

“That’s what I was trying to tell you, Ogawa-san,” Aika explained patiently and yet a little nervously. “I think she’s joined them actually.” She peered up into Airi’s face, and Airi thought she hoped the girl would deny the allegation. “Didn’t you?”

Airi looked up at Miyabi for a moment, who nodded, before turning back to her friend. “Yes I did, Mittsi.” The slightly older girl’s eyes widened. “And we’re here for a reason.”

“Well if that’s the case,” announced another older girl from further back. “We need to take them to see the Circle. Don’t any of you remember what they said if any Skulls happened to drop by?” She glared challengingly around at the others as if she was trying to assert some kind of haughty authority, but Airi nearly almost giggled since it was hard for her to think the glare looked like anything other than a pout. Then her eyes inadvertently fell to the girl’s chest, and they opened wide. She had never seen… anything… like that before!”

After a second or two of staring she was blinded by a hand in front of her eyes, and she felt Miyabi slide an arm around her waist and pull her tightly to her side. “H-hey…!”

“We’d love to see the Circle,” Miyabi demurred, and after futilely struggling for a moment Airi’s eyes were finally uncovered only to see the busty girl turned around and walking away from them, as if expecting them to follow. They did so at urging from her girlfriend that Airi did not need, and as they walked they passed through a veritable sea of blank-faced girls who obviously didn’t care one whit what happened to the two of them. There were a few exceptions of course, such as small smiles from Kanon Fukuda and Akari Saho, Airi’s classmates from House Matsuura, as well as Mia Sainen, who was a good friend of Aika’s. She and Aika actually followed them for a good ways as if offering unspoken and possibly taboo support.

“Are you sure this is a good idea?” Airi whispered up to Miyabi, looking cautiously ahead as another girl who was likely also a seventh year joined their chauffeur.

“Don’t worry,” Miyabi whispered back from the side of her mouth. “I told you, I’m protecting you. It’ll take them a bit to figure out how to get past that, and by then I hope you’ll have it all under control.”

Airi stared at her girlfriend. Oh, she would just have it all under control, would she? The girl made it sound so simple.

“Right through here,” their leader said evenly, gesturing to a door at the end of the hall before them, and Airi did her best not to let her eyes stray back to the girl’s chest.

As the two of them started walking forward, she heard a sound behind her and looked back to see Aika raising a fist. “Ganbatte!” her friend whispered, appearing as if she was trying not to be worried. Airi’s heart sank just a little more. Whatever she was going to face beyond this door, it couldn’t be half as hard as that just was.

The next thing she knew, she and Miyabi were passing through it into a large, comfortable-looking fire lit room, and when she caught sight of Ai Takahashi standing smiling just inside beside another unfamiliar seventh-year, she felt Miyabi’s arm tighten around her waist just a little bit more. She knew there were others in the room, but there was so much furniture she couldn’t see them. They must have all been sitting.

“Natsuyaki-san,” Takahashi said in a sweet and warm voice, although with a wry twist to one corner of her mouth. “Welcome back.” Then her attention shifted slightly. “And you must be Airi Suzuki. I’ve heard so much about you.”

Airi stared back into those eyes that seemed friendly on the surface, but upon closer inspection appeared dark as a harsh winter’s night, as the door they just entered creaked shut behind them. However, it wasn’t ice she saw in them, but the far superior abrasiveness of raw and incredible power.

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Re: The Circle of Three [15: The Icy Hand of Friendship]
« Reply #101 on: February 15, 2008, 05:19:13 AM »
Ahh!! So much tension! So much drama! The suspense is killing me!! Next chapter please! :lol:

But really, another great chapter. Enjoyed the light hearted Miya/Airi moments that were squeezed between all the craziness of this chapter.
“Are you… quite all right?” Reina asked, raising the eyebrow above her wonky eye at Airi.

“Yes,” Airi responded, now beginning to be slightly miffed. “I’d like to see the Sun again, though.”

“Well that does it!” Miyabi pronounced, keeping at Airi’s side with one arm around her slim waist. “That’s what we can do – go see what we can do about this dome of darkness!”
“…Yeah,” Miyabi said finally, and Airi felt a tug as she was pulled along by the girl toward the woods. “All right, we’re going! I need to make my girl happy, after all,” she said with a grin and a wink over to Airi, who blushed profusely.
Sooooo cute!! :mon inluv:

Miyabi stared at the now diverse crowd of students a few seconds before responding. “Fine, whatever… Like I care about what you do. Just keep your chins up. This could be dangerous.”

There were murmurs of laughter that Miyabi didn’t seem to notice as she turned back forward, and a few of the girls leaned toward each other whispering through their giggles. Airi smiled herself at the ironic comment by her girlfriend, feeling her own chin self-consciously, but before turning back to join her shook her head and mouthed to the rest, “She didn’t mean any of that… She really cares about you! Really!”
Ah... a Miya chin joke. XD I love Miyabi's chin. It adds to her charm :) But I LOLed at Airi's reassurances to the others.  :lol:

“Nakki…?” she managed to choke out disbelievingly. She didn’t know the girl well, but she was from her own House – just a year ahead of her and Chisato – so she of course knew her.
AHHH!!! You killed Nakasaki!! And Kanna! Well, not you, but your creative self, through Captain Saki, if I'm assuming correctly... :mon ref: So sad...

Chisato stepped forward out of a small group also consisting of her sister, Risako, and Koharu, half of whom were still on the ground. “I think they’ve showed their true selves and intentions by what just happened here,” she said in a rough, sober voice. “I may not be able to do much against them myself, but I think those of us who can, should.” Airi’s eyes widened at the intensity of the gaze the other second year Matsuura girl then held on Reina, Miyabi, and even herself. She knew Chisato was braver than she led herself on to be – although she definitely knew it as it was a large reason she joined the Skulls – but still, she’d never heard her friend talk in a way quite this resolute and grave before.
I really like Chisa in this fic. She's got such a strong character, it's really fun to see her develop. She's got so many dimensions to her that we've caught glimpses of through the chapters. I like the determination, confidence and conviction she shows here.

Saki finally turned around and faced the others, although it was still hard to see her face through the shadows. “You are once again acting in a way that does not befit your station, Matsuura,” she warned coldly, catching even Ai off-guard. She hoped the girl was referring to the school Maimi came from. Otherwise…

Not for the first time, she began worrying for the girl’s sanity. After another thoughtful moment and observation of the disdain Saki was showing her comrade, she acquired another worry. Maybe the relationship of the two heads really had been as close as Ai suspected.
Were Captain and Leader more than just associates as heads of their houses? I wouldn't have assumed so, since Captain seems so against the others as they chase after girls. I'm wondering who's been a head of house longer? Does Saki have a year or 2 over Maimi? 'Cause if so, that may explain why she's freakier than the other two girls. Goto's spirit has had more time to infiltrate Saki's (or something like that).

“I don’t see why you’re so confident,” Maimi said in a tight voice, glowering at nothing in particular. Umeda apparently could sense her mood, and started tracing lines along her collarbone in a soothing motion. “Then again, nobody tried to rip your soul apart either.”

Ai watched her carefully. The bitterness and anger in her eyes seemed to extend beyond whatever physical torture she’d felt, and Ai noticed she was barely even paying heed to the girl on her lap. There was something much deeper that was bothering her, and as most things she couldn’t understand did, that made Ai curious.
I wonder if Ai is going to find out about Maimi's chasing after Airi....

For her own part suppressing a surge of bile that suddenly began rising within her stomach, Ai hurriedly turned her attention back on Risa and agreed, “She’s right, Nii-chan. Don’t you remember what Natsuyaki did to me in the hallway? They’re not going to listen to a word we have to say. I wish it wouldn’t… come to that myself, but I’m afraid we have no choice. You do believe in us, right?” she asked, beginning to smile again at her friend, who she now supposed was more than that. “…in me?”

“Of course I do, Ai-chan,” Risa admitted softly, lowering her face in embarrassment. “I just worry…”
Follow that gut feeling Risa!! Run away!!! (But not too far or Captain will come get you too...) You need to worry more! Something's not right! Stop being blinded by your love for Ai-chan! Bring Ai-chan back to the light and get her to join the Skulls in fighting the crazy ones.

“Osuzu!” Chisato shouted as they embarked, and Airi turned to see her friend stepping out of her sister’s tight grasp. “Are you sure you’ll be okay?”

“I’ll be fine,” Airi responded reassuringly.

Then, surprisingly, Risako stepped up next to the other Matsuura girl and gave her a strong look of support, although Airi noticed she carefully ignored Miyabi next to her. “Take care… okay?” she said quietly. Airi nodded again, her smile even wider now, and turned back around.
Yay for more Chisato screen time! She's such a good, loyal friend! And yay for Risako finally acknowledging Airi's existence again (though it's sad that only a possible life-threatening situation made her approach Airi... But her "carefully ignor[ing] Miyabi" is curious... Still can't gather if she's jealous because she wants Airi or Miya to herself... Or maybe a little something something (wink wink nudge nudge) went on between her and Miya at some point, and she was too shy or afraid to tell Airi and Chisa. And now she's peeved... I mean, Miya was originally more interested in Risako.

Okay... Long comment. :) Now I'm tired. I can barely keep my eyes open. Can't wait for the next chapter! I shall sit on pins and needles until then! XD

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Re: The Circle of Three [15: The Icy Hand of Friendship]
« Reply #102 on: February 15, 2008, 06:04:10 AM »
Interesting chapter it looks as though it's almost war time lol and kanna dead?!! but i like kanna... anyway i just find the whole risako ignoring airi and miya oh so tempting and really wish to know why and then there was that miya slightly fascinated by risako in the beginning also but its good risako just acknowledged airi again i want that talk airi is planing with risako soon XD anyway thanks for the update!

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Re: The Circle of Three [15: The Icy Hand of Friendship]
« Reply #103 on: February 15, 2008, 06:10:14 PM »
Yey for new chapter!  :muffin:
Wow, the story just got a little bit darker. I mean, girls dying? I wasn't expecting them to be really dead, maybe hurt or something...
So Maimi was trying to get over Airi by hooking up with Umeda? That bit was interesting, and I like the way Takahashi keeps connecting Maimi to Saki. Maybe they had something in the past. The takagaki bit was cute, too.
And in every chapter Airi pays attention to a different girl! First Michishige, now Okada (I think?).  :lol:
I want to know what's going to happen next. A fight? Some verbal discussion? Keep up with the good job!!  :yep:

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Re: The Circle of Three [15: The Icy Hand of Friendship]
« Reply #104 on: February 15, 2008, 09:53:37 PM »
And in every chapter Airi pays attention to a different girl! First Michishige, now Okada (I think?).  :lol:
Yui!!! She sooo could be the busty girl. I was so  :doh:  :? trying to figure out who that was...  XD However, now that that's been mentioned, I realized I missed one of my other favourite parts in this chapter:

Airi nearly almost giggled since it was hard for her to think the glare looked like anything other than a pout. Then her eyes inadvertently fell to the girl’s chest, and they opened wide. She had never seen… anything… like that before!”

After a second or two of staring she was blinded by a hand in front of her eyes, and she felt Miyabi slide an arm around her waist and pull her tightly to her side. “H-hey…!”

“We’d love to see the Circle,” Miyabi demurred, and after futilely struggling for a moment Airi’s eyes were finally uncovered only to see the busty girl turned around and walking away from them
:lol: It's like Airi's a little kid who walked into the room during an intimate scene in a movie, and Miya's the overprotective parent who wants to keep the little one innocent a little while longer. But since they're dating, I probably shouldn't use a parental-type analogy.  XD

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Re: The Circle of Three [15: The Icy Hand of Friendship]
« Reply #105 on: February 15, 2008, 10:44:15 PM »
:lol: It's like Airi's a little kid who walked into the room during an intimate scene in a movie, and Miya's the overprotective parent who wants to keep the little one innocent a little while longer. But since they're dating, I probably shouldn't use a parental-type analogy.  XD
LoL, I think Miya's finally starting to catch on to her young girlfriend's wandering eyes... but really wants her all to herself. ;) Airi'd better be careful with that, or it might cause real problems in the future! Yes, Airi's quite the dorky bookish girl, and now that she's suddenly thrust into a romance with a more er... experienced partner, she's noticing many things for the first time. ;)

And yes, that was Yui. :lol: I bet you can guess who the other seventh year that joined her as she led them up to the Circle is too... not that it seems to be too big of a deal atm. :lol:

わあ~!  溢れてる きゃぴきゃぴ! XD (Wow! Overflowing cuteness! XD)

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Re: The Circle of Three [15: The Icy Hand of Friendship]
« Reply #106 on: February 16, 2008, 03:51:34 AM »
Wow, now I knew the circle could be 'crazy' but never thought we would go to the point of killing students that wouldn't join them.  Nakki, Kanna, and Morisaki  :cry:

Even the b…” Her voice broke in her sobbing. “…the burned one next to the darkness.
I knew that was Maimi's work even before Chisato's line. That's a horrible site for them to see, but on the other hand,...  Evil Maimi!  :rockon:

I knew a MaimiXErika was going to happen! I sensed it when Erika was mentioned earlier in the story and then came to a conclusion when the AiriXMaimi didn't work out

Reina turned to Airi and Miyabi. “Should I ring the doorbell like I did before?” she asked.
I really lol'd at that part. I just found it funny

and for the Risako part, I didn't think it was weird of her or anything to ignore Miya, cuz she doesn't really know Miya yet.

She had never seen… anything… like that before!”

I knew that girl was Yui. That was my first thought, and then I was like "Maybe not, Yui might have graduated by now.'' But then I saw your post and knew I was right  ^-^
"Under the beautiful blue sky"

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Re: The Circle of Three [15: The Icy Hand of Friendship]
« Reply #107 on: February 16, 2008, 08:57:44 AM »
Great chapter. I like that it's starting to get really dark now.

Miyabi and Airi are :heart: (I'm not sure which pairing I like more -MiyaxAiri or MiyaxSaki in Berry Beautiful).

I wanna say more, but I'm starting to sort of forget whats going on a bit (if you catch my drift)......update faster!
(yeah I know I'm being selfish)

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Re: The Circle of Three [15: The Icy Hand of Friendship]
« Reply #108 on: February 17, 2008, 06:52:00 AM »
“So what do we do now?” Airi asked, glancing over at Miyabi as the two of them along with Chisato stood together just inside the entrance of the cave, peering out at the rest of the girls now a part of their rebellious number who were socializing in hushed tones. They were up to eighteen strong now, so it was almost as if they were just members of a class, if one that included very diverse ages as well as students.
The real problem here is, aside from the actual Skull members, in all likelihood none of these girls have had any experience fighting, nevermind the fact that they don't have any special powers like how Reina and MiyAiri do.  When the shit hits the fan, I seriously question if the others are going to actually be of any use.  If anything, their presence might actually be a detriment as come fight time, The Circle might actually use their presence AGAINST The Skulls.

Airi had been staring up into the dusky sky. This was perhaps a good thing, because otherwise she might have started glaring at Reina too after her last comment. “I don’t like this…” she said ambiguously.

The others stared at her, and in her peaceful obliviousness she didn’t notice that everyone else around the cave entrance was beginning to stare at them too. “You don’t like what?” Fujimoto asked with a frown.

Miyabi followed Airi’s eyes up toward the sky and the canopy of gently swaying trees. “Are you talking about whatever it is that’s making it dark?”
Uh-oh...The Circle launching a preemptive strike?

“Well that does it!” Miyabi pronounced, keeping at Airi’s side with one arm around her slim waist. “That’s what we can do – go see what we can do about this dome of darkness!”

“‘Dome of Darkness’...” Koharu repeated, giggling as she joined the other Skulls along with Chisato and her sister, who was still looking in awe all around her and didn’t seem to want to come any nearer Reina and Miyabi at least.

Everyone stared at the giggling girl until she dropped off into silence, looking around at them self-consciously. “What? It’s funny! It sounds like some scary movie or something…” The sound of crickets chirping their unintelligible symphonies surrounded them.
Koharu = :lol:

Everyone else =  :mon suspect:

Koharu =  :mon sweat:

“…Yeah,” Miyabi said finally, and Airi felt a tug as she was pulled along by the girl toward the woods. “All right, we’re going! I need to make my girl happy, after all,” she said with a grin and a wink over to Airi, who blushed profusely.
Woooo!  :pimp:

The two of them walked in their mutual intimate awkwardness until they reached a path in the woods, catching it in the direction of the road away from Seishin. Eventually they fell back to just holding hands while walking since it was rather uncomfortable doing so while embracing, and a short while later Airi felt suddenly pre-occupied and looked behind her, coming to a stop and dragging Miyabi with her.

Behind them were arrayed all of the girls that had been at the cave, with Miki, Mari and Reina at the front. Some of the non-Skulls looked around uncertainly, though showed no signs of anything out of the ordinary.
So much for their little romantic interlude. XD

“If we’re going to… rebel… against the school, we have a right to know the intentions of who we decided to follow instead!” explained Kamei in a frantic voice, apparently terrified at the words she was daring to use once again.
Good point. Going on your gut feeling is just a starting point. It's only fair that they know why it is that they're doing what they're doing.

Miyabi stared at the now diverse crowd of students a few seconds before responding. “Fine, whatever… Like I care about what you do. Just keep your chins up. This could be dangerous.”
:mon lol:

She trailed off when she noticed her words were having no effect on Risako, who was gaping with her eyes wide as saucers at a spot slightly ahead of them and in the direction Airi had just been looking in order to track the path beside theirs. The girl normally had a pale face, but now it didn’t seem as if there was any blood left in it. Airi, along with everyone else, followed the girl’s eyes into the trees. She didn’t see anything at first, but gasps from behind as well as girls who suddenly began crying and falling down to the ground to cower close together made her realize she must just have been missing something. She was really going to have to get glasses one of these days…

Walking toward the trees in order to get a better look, and finally being able to identify what appeared to be a few large mounds scattered among them, she felt a hand on her shirt attempting to tug her back.
Oh please don't say that those mounds are what I think they are.   :cry:

Now that she was close, she could make out a small body in seifuku lying amid the packed leaves. The girl’s face was fixed in an expression of horror, and stared out through wide open, lifeless eyes. There were bloody marks all over her as if she’d been tossed around like a sack of garbage, and an arm and a leg were each twisted at horrible angles. As her own wide eyes adjusted more and returned to the girl’s face, she gasped in recognition.

“Nakki…?” she managed to choke out disbelievingly. She didn’t know the girl well, but she was from her own House – just a year ahead of her and Chisato – so she of course knew her.
Damn I hate it when I'm right. Question is, was this done by The Circle? Would they be this vicious before the big battle?  Or was this by the same beast that attacked Miyabi earlier?

As she looked on in her horror, pinpricks of light caught her attention from the trees on the other side of that path, and for a moment she stared into eyes that were bright yet as cold as the darkness they pierced.


Airi turned her face from the woods the apparition had now disappeared into and toward Miyabi’s own, unblinking and with her eyes fixed wide.
Looks like it might have been the beast. But then why were these girls targeted? Were they not immediately swayed by what The Circle had proposed and thus were made an example for any others who were on the fence?

“I would guess they tried to get away,” Mari said solemnly, giving a look up the path that was almost as dark as the blackness beyond. “Whatever the Circle has set up, it’s not meant to let anyone through… A harsh price to pay for those whose loyalty couldn’t be ensured with an iron fist.”
But then, how were these other girls able to escape unscathed? Did they just skip the meeting and come straight to the cave?

“No!” Michishige suddenly said in a squeaky, tear-roughened voice, jumping up and making Kamei fall back and flat on the ground for a moment before she also jumped up just as quickly to her side as if she’d fallen on a bed of needles. “Ai-chan wouldn’t do this!” She looked desperately around all of them, then through the trees at the bodies. “I mean, look at that! I know those girls on the path! Even the b…” Her voice broke in her sobbing. “…the burned one next to the darkness. It was Kikk…” She couldn’t say any more through her choking tears, but after a moment swallowed and cast a heated gaze back at the girls standing around her, so much so that Kamei even fell back from her slightly. “Ai-chan just couldn’t!

“Yajima would,” Chisato said in a low voice, her tear-streaked face turning into one of fury. Airi darted a scandalized glance her way. “Fire is her trademark after all, isn’t it?” she continued challengingly. Airi stared at her friend, mildly impressed at her focus and composure despite what she had to say about a girl she still couldn’t hate.
The Aichan that they knew probably couldn't have even thought of doing anything like that. But in all likelihood that Aichan is gone now, replaced by a being that has been corrupted by the power given to her as Captain and Maimi have been. 

And WTF...poor Kikkawa-chan.  :k-sad:

“I don’t think they actually know…” Mari cut in quickly to quell the budding arguments, now stepping cautiously forward and peering curiously into the blackness. “This is old magic… the kind of thing I’ve heard tell of from my ancestors. I don’t think they’d know how to do something like this.”

“How do we know that?” Miyabi said, fury quickly painting her own features. “Do we really know anything about what they can or can’t do?!”
Miyabi's right.  Right now, there's no way of knowing for sure, since we probably haven't seen the full extent of their powers.

However if Mari's suspicions are right, then it means that there's yet ANOTHER person out there that has these powers, and for all we know it might be THEM that's behind a lot of what's been going on here.

Airi joined her in peering up. Now that she was closer, she saw something too. The darkness wasn’t solid; it was as if a thick roiling mist just blocked their way. “This was set here…”
That means it was a trap meant to take out anyone who tried to leave.  :bleed eyes:

“We might as well get started then,” Reina said, starting back down the path away from the wall of mist. “They’ve probably already retreated to the Ivory Tower with whatever idiot students followed them, so I’d say that’s a place to start.”
Indeed. Right now their options are either to wait or to take action. If they wait they're only giving The Circle time to get stronger and build up their forces. They need to end this, and end it now.

“They’re coming,” Saki said from her shadowy perch next to the window of a small meeting room in a very old, austere structure bleached through the long years to the point that some called it the ‘Ivory Tower’.
Man, how the hell does Captain know these things?

“Aww, and we were just starting to have some fun! Weren’t we, Ume-chan?” Maimi asked the girl perched on her lap with a devilish grin. The other fifth year Matsuura girl giggled in response and laid her head on Maimi’s shoulder to watch the other occupants of the room.

Ai couldn’t help a slight sickly twist to her face.


Then again, Ai supposed she wasn’t in a position to say too much about that, since she had a Risa Niigaki glued to her side as well. At least they didn’t make such a blatant show of their affections though. She looked at the girl next to her, and Risa rolled her eyes. It didn’t take much to discern that she had a similar opinion of the two as Ai did.
Awwwwwwwwwwwww...Risa...not you too.

Saki finally turned around and faced the others, although it was still hard to see her face through the shadows. “You are once again acting in a way that does not befit your station, Matsuura,” she warned coldly, catching even Ai off-guard. She hoped the girl was referring to the school Maimi came from. Otherwise…
Otherwise...that's not really Captain. :o

“We’re there,” Miyabi said, glowering at the large structure that suddenly loomed out of the trees in front of them. Airi knew her last memories of the place couldn’t have been the best, although she never told her exactly what had gone on.


Reina turned to Airi and Miyabi. “Should I ring the doorbell like I did before?” she asked.

“No need,” Miyabi responded, still staring at the structure. “They know we’re here.”
Yeah, at this point it's probably useless to expect that they were going to get here without their presence being detected.

“Airi…” Miyabi said reluctantly, turning to her. Airi smiled at her keenly. “…You’re the only one that’s really been able to beat them. I can only protect all of us for a time. What do you think?”

Seeing the concern in her girlfriend’s long features, Airi kept her comforting smile as she turned toward the building. “Well…” she began. She heard a cough from behind that she figured was from Li Chun, who still very visibly doubted her credibility in making any decisions on things as important as this. “Knocking on the door probably isn’t a bad idea. I’m not sure what I can do if I can’t see who’s attacking me.”

“I’ll go with you,” Miyabi said quickly, taking her wrist. “I think I can keep her out of your mind.” Airi nodded, and started forward.
Pretty obvious by now that their biggest fight is going to be against Captain. If she starts getting in and messing with their can be over quicker than they realize.

“I can’t believe you even dare to come here!” she scolded Miyabi. “I knew you Skulls were no good, but this really is crossing the line! Not even showing up to the assembly?! The Circle has been so good to you to even let you stay here and not be expelled, but now you just turn your backs on them when they need us most!”
Damn. They really have these girls hook, line, and sinker.

“Well if that’s the case,” announced another older girl from further back. “We need to take them to see the Circle. Don’t any of you remember what they said if any Skulls happened to drop by?” She glared challengingly around at the others as if she was trying to assert some kind of haughty authority, but Airi nearly almost giggled since it was hard for her to think the glare looked like anything other than a pout. Then her eyes inadvertently fell to the girl’s chest, and they opened wide. She had never seen… anything… like that before!”
What...Airi hasn't seen a girl with boobs before? :P

“Natsuyaki-san,” Takahashi said in a sweet and warm voice, although with a wry twist to one corner of her mouth. “Welcome back.” Then her attention shifted slightly. “And you must be Airi Suzuki. I’ve heard so much about you.”

Airi stared back into those eyes that seemed friendly on the surface, but upon closer inspection appeared dark as a harsh winter’s night, as the door they just entered creaked shut behind them. However, it wasn’t ice she saw in them, but the far superior abrasiveness of raw and incredible power.
Oh begins.

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

Offline Yukari

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Re: The Circle of Three [15: The Icy Hand of Friendship]
« Reply #109 on: February 27, 2008, 10:57:23 PM »
fight! fight! fight!  :scolding:

ganbare~~ skulls  :ding:

*waiting the next chapter with popcorn*  :tntrm:

Offline goosefish

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Re: The Circle of Three [15: The Icy Hand of Friendship]
« Reply #110 on: April 09, 2008, 05:32:15 PM »

I just spent the past few days reading your ENTIRE fic  :bleed eyes: *dies* It's official, you've turned me into a raving mad Miya X Airi fan!  :heart: And I absolutely love the way you portray Reina :heart: Come to think of it, I never really paid any attention to Berryz or C-ute until I started reading The Circle of Three  :oops: There are too many chapters for me to go through and coment on everything, but I just want to say that I really admire the amount of fine detail that goes in to your writing  :yep: And I can only ever dream of writing with as much flair as you do. It's been a while since your last update (uh... I'm not really one who should be talking) but I'm eagerly awaiting your next update, whenever it is!  :P

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Re: The Circle of Three [16: The Essence of Hatred]
« Reply #111 on: April 15, 2008, 12:36:18 AM »
Hey goosefish! Welcome back! :D I'm gonna have to catch up with your story too... Oh, and :oops: to your comments. ^^;;; At least you managed to draw me back too...

Sorry for the extremely long wait, but finally here's the next update! This was supposed to be for Airi's birthday, and though it's a couple days late, that's still partly why I wrote it. :) So without anything further, let the action commence! Good luck trying to keep up with it lol, but I hope you manage to enjoy...

Chapter 16 – The Essence of Hatred

Ai did her best to smile at the two rogue girls as if she had not a care in the world. This was despite her utter disgust at how they clung to each other – how anybody could even stand being in the same room as Natsuyaki she could hardly fathom, much less this innocent-looking young girl… She felt momentary sadness for her. If half of what she heard was true, this Suzuki might have had so much promise if her talents were put to use in a decent cause.

This was also, of course, despite her complete mistrust that these girls had dared to rebel against the school any other girl in Japan would do almost anything to get into. Maimi was right about that part, although she didn’t know if she would put it in such… crass terms.

She almost jumped when she felt a hand grab her own, and looked down to see a serious and supportive Risa looking up strongly at her. This time she smiled for real before turning back slowly to the traitors.

“So what can I do for you?” she asked them in her best strained cheerful voice. “Have you come to join your fellow students and school leaders? I hear you met some of your friends down below, is that right?”

Natsuyaki barked a laugh at that, and Ai lost part of her smile before she could help herself. “I don’t have any friends here…” she said uncaringly.

“Oh…” Ai responded, trying to keep the repulsion out of her voice. “How sad for you.” She looked at Suzuki, and her expression lightened slightly at the hesitation in the young girl’s face. “But you do… don’t you?”

Her attention caught, Suzuki looked up to her, and her eyes focused sharply. Ai widened her eyes at the transformation and hardness she noticed in them. “Yes, I do. And I’m going to do my best to make sure they come to see you as the monsters you really are.”

A brisk laugh from another part of the room interrupted the exchange, and Ai glanced over at Maimi, who rose, causing Umeda to slide off her lap. However, upon standing they hardly parted. Ai’s smile faltered even more. They nearly made as much of a show as the Skulls. How mature and ladylike…

“Yeah we’re monsters all right… BOO!” she said, jumping forward and throwing her arms toward them, causing the two younger girls to jerk back, their attention now completely focused on Ai’s Matsuura counterpart.

Maimi’s expression suddenly changed from her crooked smile to a harsh glare. “You’re the ones who parents are going to be scaring their children with stories of in the future, if you last that long of course… After all, you are the Skulls.” She waggled her fingers at the last word as if it was somehow magical or spooky.

Suzuki and Natsuyaki exchanged glances. “So what do you want with us?” the elder spoke with a glare. “If you’re going to keep teasing us, I might as well let Airi here rip your souls apart…”

Ai suddenly adopted a defensive posture, shielding Risa with her body as if that would do any good. Maimi automatically clutched her chest as if the pain from earlier suddenly came back. Now, all pretenses at pleasantries had been thrown by the wayside.

Maimi glared at the two girls, her eyes furious in rage. Umeda looked among all three of them, confused and slightly scared at something apparently going on that she hadn’t really bargained for. Ai sighed at Maimi’s next words.

“To think…” she grated out in a hoarse voice through her anger. “After everything that’s happened to us, everything I’ve done for you… You’d actually try to kill me…”

Suzuki set her chin defensively. “I wasn’t trying to kill you,” she stated. “There’s something inside you that shouldn’t be there. I was trying to remove it so that it wouldn’t harm you anymore.” She glanced at Natsuyaki, and continued in a voice tinged with sadness. “…I’m not sure which Maimi Yajima I came to like, but I know you’re not it.”

The room was suddenly quiet as Maimi stared at her younger Housemate. Natsuyaki even visibly tried to keep herself from glancing at her. Ai’s eyes only widened though as things suddenly started coming together in her mind. However, her attention was soon completely diverted.

“Would you like to know what is inside her?” spoke a soft voice from the shadows near a window. The traitors looked over to it with eyes widened slightly in surprise as Saki stepped slowly into the light. The smallest girl in the room gave them a calm gaze, but her eyes were unflinchingly focused. Ai had wondered when she would speak up, but now became a bit worried about what the girl might do. She felt an inexplicable trust in her, but nearly everything her eyes actually saw seemed to tell her otherwise.

Natsuyaki stepped protectively just in front of Suzuki, both girls adopting a wary posture, as the Circle of Three looked on. If she didn’t know anything about them, Ai would have almost thought the act was cute.

“You’ve been trying to protect her quite well since coming near this building,” the head of House Goto commented. “Apparently you’ve discovered a bit more of your own hidden secrets.”

Ai blinked and looked between her comrade and their foes. Her own hidden secrets? Her eyes narrowed at Natsuyaki as she became wary herself. What was Saki talking about?

“But,” the small girl continued. “You don’t know everything about us.” Her arm suddenly shook visibly, and her fist balled tightly as if it was in some pain. “Maybe it began with what was inside us, but now it’s beyond that.”

“Yes,” Maimi announced, straightening and staring haughtily down at the Skulls, though still obviously in hot anger. “After all, we are the heirs of the Founders of Seishin.”

Natsuyaki leaned down to whisper something into Suzuki’s ear, and the younger girl nodded hesitantly. “So that’s it then?” the vile girl asked. “You’re all big and bad now and you’re gonna kill us or something?” As she spoke to Maimi she couldn’t hide another glance at Saki, who now had both fists balled and looked to be almost hunched over in pain.

“Are you all right?” Ai asked her, concern and burgeoning trepidation now creeping into her. She felt Risa squeeze her hand tighter.

“You… ask what’s in us…” Saki grated out, seeming to have trouble with speech. If it could be possible, her eyes seemed to be deepening more and more into darkness. The shadows from near the window now seemed to be crawling out toward her.

“There’s… nothing in them but that which gave them power…” she continued. Ai glanced over at Maimi, who was looking on at Saki with a quickening breath and a triumphant smile as if she was witnessing something monumental. “And now… just them… heirs of goddesses…”

Saki now fell completely forward onto the floor as her clothes began to tear above roiling and swelling skin. Ai took a half step toward her before Risa caught her, and Saki threw up a hand to halt her as well – a hand which while in the air splayed, fingers and fingernails lengthening while hair began to sprout out of seemingly every pore. Natsuyaki and Suzuki stared frozen in horror, the elder Skull still with a protective arm spread before her lover.

“You have… no idea what you’re up against…” Saki growled, in a voice that was quickly lowering to where it was almost guttural. “Your feeble barriers would have only stopped me for so long… but I have a better idea since you so kindly came right here to see us… I…”

Seeming to suddenly lose the power of speech, the rest of Saki’s clothes fell off as a much larger version of the girl, as well as one covered with hair and looking like some grotesque dog, emerged. The face snapped up as a set of fanged jaws at the end of a long snout fell open to howl beneath glowing yellow eyes.

Suzuki gasped, and Ai thought she might as well. What is this…?! she thought in her own horror. This girl and comrade whom she trusted more and more as time went on… was she some sort of monster…? She felt Risa pressing tightly to her side as she stared on dumbly. She now had no idea what to do. She moved her open-mouthed gaze to Maimi, who kept staring on proudly with that smug smile. Had she known? Of course she would have… the two had been close… how close…?

“You were there!” Suzuki cried, pointing past Natsuyaki at the thing that used to be Saki. “With those poor girls! I thought that was… Did you do that…?”

“I did nothing…” the creature growled in a harsh, inhuman voice. “But now you can start thinking about what you did to your friends by leaving them alone.” And with that, it turned fluidly with its lithe and seemingly perfectly honed muscles, and with one jump sailed through the window through a crash of glass.

“No!” Natsuyaki shouted desperately, and she lunged toward the window herself. However, she was met halfway there by a charging Maimi, whose ramming blow knocked the Skull sailing across the room and into the wall, where she crumpled to the floor.

Maimi, having halted herself from the jolt of the impact, turned with a sneer toward Suzuki, who now stood alone in front of the door. “Now let’s see how you do without your fallen prince,” she taunted snidely, and Ai’s ears began to ring with the young girl’s anguished screams.

“Do you think they’re all right in there?” Koharu asked for what must have been the hundredth time. “I mean, they’re all alone with who knows how many…”

“They can handle themselves well enough,” Reina broke in impatiently. The current Captain of the Skulls did have faith in them, but she was also frustrated that she was stuck out here doing little more than babysitting a bunch of children. As Captain she should be leading the charge, if there was any charge to be led.

She felt someone step up next to her, and Miki leaned close to murmur into her ear, her hand dangerously set on Reina’s thigh, “Sometimes a Captain’s duty is to stay back while those under her do the fighting. An army’s no good with its head chopped off after all.”

Despite the rather grotesque imagery, Reina grudgingly accepted Miki’s point and stood her ground. She turned and looked around at her “elite escort”. Several of the younger girls, as well as some of the older ones, had sunk down to the grass to chat in tight circles.

The five other Nakazawa girls huddled together whispering to each other, one or the other casting surreptitious glances at the rest of the party from time to time. The older Chinese transfer student especially seemed suspicious as always.

Okacchan sat with her sister and the other tiny Matsuura first year, with that other friend of Suzuki’s not far. Furukawa, the remaining and eldest Matsuura girl, gave them longing glances from her perch next to the two mid-year Goto girls. Reina noticed she knew one and smiled at her. She had a fondness for others who shared her family name.

Mari and Miki also stood of course, not far from Reina. Mari for one seemed to be slightly impatient as well. “You that eager to leave us stranded here?” Reina asked the short elder girl.

Mari stared at her before donning a winning smile. “Of course not. In fact, I thought there were even a few more things I could tell you.”

“That would be helpful,” Reina responded through a forced smile of her own. She thought she heard Miki snicker and elbowed her in the ribs, dodging away quickly to avoid a retaliating grope.

If Mari was going to say anything further though, all the girls were distracted by a shrill, high-pitched noise that seemed to come from the building in front of them. The Nakazawas jumped quickly to their feet as they all stared at the looming tower.

“W-what d’you think that was?” Koharu asked in a shaking voice.

“It sounded like a howl…” Kamei chimed in fearfully.

“Like from some scary ghost!” Michishige cried, clinging to her friend’s arm.

“Don’t be silly, there are no such things as ghosts,” Li Chun stated plainly, trying unsuccessfully to appear cool and calm.

“In Japan there are!” Kamei responded with wide eyes. Then she looked back nervously at the building. “I don’t know why one would be in there though…”

“It’s an old building,” Erina said, squinting toward it. “Who knows what kind of history it’s seen.”

“I think it sounded more like a wolf myself…” Airi’s friend interjected, and everyone stared at her until she drew herself in. “Not that it would be any more likely for one of those to be in there…” she continued meekly.

“Osuzu…” Chisato worried, the two younger Matsuura girls clutched tightly to her sides.

“D’you think it’s started?” Miki asked no one in particular.

“It would be a fitting opening battle cry,” Mari agreed.

Reina stared hard with concern at the bleached structure. Damn it Miya, don’t get yourself and the girl killed in there…

Her thought was cut short as the sound of shattering glass caused the girls clinging to Chisato to scream, and they saw a dark shape burst out from one of the windows and fall to the ground.

“AIRI!” Chisato cried, jerking forward so quickly that the girls holding her fell to the ground clutching now only at her heels.

“That’s not your friend…” Miki said in a dark voice as the form seemed to orient itself and then suddenly and quickly come bounding toward them. Reina could feel her tense guardedly.

“Everyone get back into the trees!” Reina shouted, but her command fell only on the deaf ears of girls who were shocked stiff. Noting this, she stepped forward herself. The… whatever it was… was already halfway to them, and it raised its maw for a howl that mixed with a less audible high scream from back at the building. Well, they now knew where that sound came from.

She felt someone come up beside her, and saw Miki and Mari out of the corners of her eyes. “You guys stay back,” she warned through clenched teeth. “I’m the only one that might be able to stop this.”

“I can hold my own in a fight pretty well, if you remember…” Miki responded with an almost amused voice and a smirk.

“Whatever this is,” Reina responded quietly, “I think it’s going to be different from a normal fight.”

She closed her eyes and felt out to the sky like she had before, trying to find something that might help her against the charging foe. She couldn’t find anything though before she heard someone shout “REINA!!!” and a brick wall with many sharp teeth slammed into her.

“All I wanted was you…” Airi heard through pain as if a thousand burning hot needless were boring into her skin. She fell to the ground, amazed that she managed to stay conscious. “What did that witch do to you that made you ignore everything I had to offer?”

The pain quickly dulled into only a very warm sensation throughout Airi’s body. She felt her cheeks flush both from the heat as well as what the new sensation was doing to her. Finally she managed to open her eyes, and she saw Maimi peering curiously at her. She tried to open her mouth, but her voice couldn’t come as it felt like her throat was dry and hoarse from something. Was I screaming…?

“What are you talking about, Maimi-chan?” came a huskier voice from another part of the room. “Do you… like… this girl?” Whoever it was, Maimi seemed to ignore her as she stepped cautiously closer to Airi.

“Let’s just deal with them and move on,” Takahashi said in a tight voice, glancing anxiously from time to time out the broken window where another howl pierced the late morning air. Was it late morning already? Airi couldn’t tell… With the Sun gone it seemed as if she was losing her sense of everything.

“You’re not gonna hold me back this time, Ai-chan,” Maimi warned, her eyes not leaving Airi. “I want to have some fun with this one first…”

“Maimi-chan…” whined the plaintive voice from before again, and Airi heard someone burst into tears before apparently running out of the room.

For her part, Airi struggled to get to her feet and regain her senses so she could retaliate against the older and more athletic head of her House, but couldn’t seem to manage it. Maimi, eyes sparkling, had almost reached her before she was suddenly jolted out of Airi’s vision by another body flying in from the side.

“Don’t you dare touch her!” she heard Miyabi growl as the two older girls collapsed to the floor in a tangle of limbs, and all hell broke loose.

Sudden howls and screams from outside mixed with Miyabi’s own cries as Maimi apparently tried attacking her somehow rang through Airi’s head. She tried to shake it away, and apparently Miyabi was at least making progress since Airi heard her shout, “That’s enough of that, Yajima!” followed by the sound of the Matsuura girl being slammed against a wall.

It was when Takahashi moved finally as if to join in that Airi clung onto her focus and stood up. “Don’t move!” she commanded in a weak voice, and Takahashi halted to glance over at her.

She tried to speak, but the other seventh year stepped between them and she instead cried, “Nii-chan, don’t!”

“Stay away from her!” the long-haired girl warned in a very dangerous voice, balling her fists. Airi swayed as she stared back, her vision swimming slightly still from whatever Maimi had done to her. She still felt very uncomfortably warm…

“I may not know anything about what’s happened here the last few minutes…” the determined girl continued, “But when it comes to someone threatening Ai-chan, that’s where I draw the line.”

“Nii-chan, don’t…” Takahashi cried desperately again, and she lunged forward toward her apparent friend.

However, time suddenly seemed to drop to a crawl for Airi. It felt like something had burst within her head, and now a blinding illumination was filling her vision. It reminded her of the feeling she had before when the Sun seemed to join with her, be in her, and even though it was beyond some magical barrier, she could feel its raw burning power seethe through her.

Out of the corner of her eye she saw Miyabi holding Maimi against a wall, forearm pressed to her throat and choking her, but Airi’s attention was focused on the girls directly in front of her. Takahashi seemed to be hurtling in slow-motion toward the other girl, still standing resolutely before Airi, and lifting her arm, Airi spoke.

“You may go,” she offered in a voice colored with a very warm, very grand tone, much different from her normal little girl’s voice. Risa’s eyes widened in puzzlement, and Miyabi turned from a now nearly asphyxiated Maimi. Her and Airi’s eyes met, and somehow they came to an understanding. “Our grievance is not with you.” She then nodded to Miyabi, who adopted a look of intense concentration, and the resolute but surprised girl vanished.

“NOOOOO!” Takahashi screamed, and there was suddenly a peal of thunder so tremendous that the ancient building shook to its core.

As time resumed its normal course, Miyabi collapsed to the floor as if faint. Maimi also slid down the wall behind her, clutching her throat and gasping in an attempt to regain her oxygen. Airi blinked at the scene, with Takahashi also kneeling on the floor and trembling, her head bowed as she shook, the thunder cracking what seemed right outside their surrounding walls.

Airi’s eyes held worriedly on Miyabi. Maybe she’d miscalculated the girl’s capability with her power at this early juncture; she’d tried to share some of her own, but now was sure the girl wouldn’t even have managed her task if Airi hadn’t done so.

“Nii-chan…” Takahashi grated. “What have you…” Her body shook harder as it tensed further, and the volume of thunder increased. Airi tried to answer before yelping at an earsplitting lightning strike that shattered the stone wall next to the already shattered window, and fell once again to the floor, her first thought of Miyabi, who was groggily trying to come to her senses along with Maimi near the wall. She had a feeling it was too late for explanations.

She crawled over toward her, fearful of the rumbling that shook everything beneath them every few seconds. “Miya…” she whispered as she reached her, trying to lift her head up. “Come on, we need to get out of here.”

“Ai…ri…” Miyabi moaned, trying to focus onto her eyes. “What did I…?”

“We’ll talk later,” Airi shushed. “Come on!” And she tried dragging the girl over toward the window, not that she knew what they’d do once there since they had to be at least two floors up.

Unfortunately, Maimi also finally seemed to regain her sense, and she dove for Airi. Airi rose quickly to meet her and, in a display of a combat move she had no idea how she’d learned, grabbed the girl’s arms and rolled onto her back, her momentum giving her legs just the push they needed to connect with Maimi’s stomach and vault her across the room, where she crashed into Takahashi. With the newly temperamental Nakazawa Head’s disorientation, the thunder died off somewhat.

“Now’s our chance!” Airi told her girlfriend, and she began once again dragging her to the gaping hole in the wall. After just a short time Miyabi was able to start pushing herself under her own power as well, and they arrived at the edge to find it had started raining. Airi peered out into the blinding darkness, now silent but for the rain and thunder, but was unable to tell if anyone was still there. “We’ll have to deal with that later…” she admitted to herself reluctantly, and stared down at the three floor drop below them.

“There’s no way…” Miyabi groaned, just before some furious shouts from behind them.

“Come on,” Airi said. “It’ll be okay.” Then she hugged Miyabi to her side and lurched forward, pulling her along.

She felt air rushing past her ears as they fell, and almost before she knew it they splashed into the mud below. She drew herself tightly into a ball to ward off the pain, but strangely she didn’t feel any despite the fall and Miyabi even falling on top of her.

Her girlfriend groaned, and Airi forced herself up, dragging Miyabi with her. “You’re crazy…” Miyabi stated in a hollow voice, seeming amazed they were both still alive. “You know I’m never gonna be able to go anywhere above ground level with you again…”

“You don’t look too bad…” Airi said, grinning and appraising her girlfriend’s mud-covered blouse and skirt, before renewed clashing of thunder and shouts from above brought her back to the moment.

“Too bad I can’t say the same for you…” Miyabi responded, looking her up and down as well, not seeming to notice anything else at the moment.

“Come on!” Airi cried frantically, and taking Miyabi’s hand, pulled her into a run away from the building.

“Get them!!” she heard Maimi yell from behind as they ran. Airi stole a glance back to see Maimi standing furiously in the hole in the wall, a glance which she immediately regretted as she stumbled and nearly fell, though thankfully Miyabi kept her steady.

“Careful now,” Miyabi said smiling smugly at her. Airi almost huffed. This was no time for childish games about who was saving who!

“I don’t know!” she heard Maimi yell in response to something she couldn’t hear. “Hit them with a bolt of lightning or something! That’s what you do, isn’t it?” The two fleeing girls ducked and cast their eyes to the sky warily. Her voice was getting fainter though as they gained more and more distance from the tower. “What do you mean ‘that’s not how it works’?!” That was the last they heard before they reached the trees.

When they were just inside, strong hands caught their arms and pulled them off the path. Airi squealed in protest before she could think until a hand covered her mouth.

“Shhh!” Reina hissed. “Now that you’re in here they’re not going to know where we are, at least if you don’t go announcing our presence with something like that.”

Airi’s eyes wide, she looked around frantically before seeing Miyabi sagging in Miki’s arms. “Man,” the ex-Captain said to Airi, “What’d you do to this poor girl? She can hardly stand. You just can’t keep your hands off her, can you?”

As Airi’s blush became increasingly dark, Reina said flatly, “Well that’s something you should know quite enough about, isn’t it? And in case you’ve somehow forgotten our present situation, we need to get far away from here as quickly as possible!”

“I agree with the Captain…” Airi heard Mari say, and she glanced over to see the woman staring hard at something within the trees. The rest of the girls were huddled behind her, staring in terror at it as well. For the first time, Airi noticed that Reina had blood all over her and was favoring her left leg, and Miki wasn’t the cleanest either.

“What happened here…?” Miyabi asked slowly, scanning the trees as if danger could jump out at them at any moment.

For her part, Airi pulled away from Reina and walked toward what all the girls were staring at, which turned out to be a very dense batch of foliage nestled within a few trees. She jumped slightly when the whole thing shook as if something was trapped inside and trying to get out.

“Did you…?” she began, and Reina limped up beside her.

“There’s time to talk about that later,” she said quietly, considering Airi’s own ruffled and muddy appearance. “There’ll be time to talk about everything. But for now, we need to get out of here.” The brush shook again as if to accentuate her words.

“I think you’re right…” Airi agreed, and they gathered up all the fearful girls, some of whom who were also spotted with blood seeming almost prideful despite their continuing fright, and began a slow march down the path into the woods amid the lightening rain and thunder.

“…Do you think she’ll find out soon?” Miyabi asked Airi quietly as they walked closely together.

“I’d bet on it,” Airi responded, “Although finding her knocked out on her bed probably won’t make her all that much less angry.”

“And I thought she was even coming to doubt the others a little…” Miyabi pondered.

Miki walked up to them and cuffed them both on the side of the head. “Keep your conspiring to yourself until we can all talk about it somewhere. Unless you’re going to start holding out on us,” she finished with a grin. “…which won’t happen for me at least. I’ll make sure to find out all the yummy details…” she finished with a lewd glance at their mud-covered clothes. Airi and Miyabi both flushed darkly this time.

“So where are we headed?” Chisato asked hollowly from just behind Airi. Since she noticed the two girls had returned, her friend didn’t seem to want to be any farther from her than Miyabi was.

“Back to the cave?” Miki asked, raising an eyebrow to Reina, who nodded.

“No,” Airi said plainly, and everybody stared at her. “We’ll go back to the wall.”

“Um… Airin?” Reina asked tentatively and patiently. “We’ve already been there and couldn’t do anything…”

Airi just kept smiling and walking back down the way they came earlier that morning, Miyabi eventually taking her hand and smiling too. And for some reason, everyone else followed.

The tangle of brush at the woods’ edge shook one last time before a claw ripped through the side and wolf Saki bounded through it. She jerked her maw from side to side, but found no one remaining in the area.

She growled in rage. Who would have known that damned Nakazawa girl could do something like that? She thought she had it down that the powers of the Chosen were mere reflections of their own – and lesser ones in fact that they could now easily surmount – but something new like this troubled her.

Then she remembered the other ability her Housemate seemed to employ. She thought that was just a fluke of some kind. No more. She knew that the girl had somehow blocked her attempts at forcing entry into the young whelp’s mind, but her powers seemed just as mysterious as the others’.

She turned her thoughts back to the house. Takahashi and Yajima were involved in a heated argument, one which she didn’t care to join at the moment and that might just very well destroy the ancient structure. The important point though was: the rebels got away.

Sighing in what was probably more a rough pant in her present state, she began padding back toward the house. She would have to get the others focused back on the task at hand, although Takahashi at least seemed to be on her way to claiming her due place. She would have to work harder to slide herself into the girl’s good graces; she knew she’d already begun to doubt. She wished she could have foreseen the effect revealing herself tonight seemed to have.

It wouldn’t be long though; she’d let Yajima continue with the chaos she seemed to cause wherever she went, and before long she’d win Takahashi over completely. The corners of her mouth turned up in the closest thing a monster wolf had to a smile. She’d succeed, just as Goto had thousands of years ago, but also wouldn’t make the same mistake in granting her power to every new generation of random girl that happened to lead some ambiguous society she’d created. That line had run its course; it would now end with her, and the world would be theirs.

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Re: The Circle of Three [16: The Essence of Hatred]
« Reply #112 on: April 15, 2008, 12:47:48 AM »
This is me seeing an e-mail notification last week, when goosefish posted with a "Can't wait for the next chapter" message:
"OMGWTF?! The Circle of Three's been updated?!?!" :O :D XD ... rushes over to JPH!P and checks ... *dies* "Nope... not a new chapter... T_T"

This is me seeing an e-mail notification just now:
"OMGWTF?! The Circle of Three's been updated?!?!" :O :D XD ... rushes over to JPH!P and checks ... *dies* "IT'S BEEN UPDATED!!! IT'S BEEN UPDATED!!! YES! YES! YES YES YES YES!"

Now that that's out of my system, I'll actually go and read the update... and then update this post with my thoughts... XD Can you tell I'm excited?!
« Last Edit: April 15, 2008, 01:00:41 AM by maize042 »

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Re: The Circle of Three [16: The Essence of Hatred]
« Reply #113 on: April 15, 2008, 01:29:56 AM »
This update made my day... actually, it made my week better, and it just started!!  :D
I still feel pity for Maimi. I mean, looks like she really liked Airi. And the Risa/Ai moment was very intense!
Captain scares me in this story  XD
Miki and Reina are awesome, though. Airi/Miya is so much rabu too!
I wonder what Airi is planning by going to the wall. This girl's always a surprise!
Looking forward to the next chapter!  :yep:

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Re: The Circle of Three [16: The Essence of Hatred]
« Reply #114 on: April 15, 2008, 03:35:57 AM »
Ai did her best to smile at the two rogue girls as if she had not a care in the world. This was despite her utter disgust at how they clung to each other
* JFC looks at Risa clinging to Aichan.



Yeah, she's one to talk.

If half of what she heard was true, this Suzuki might have had so much promise if her talents were put to use in a decent cause.
That cause, of course, being the cause of The Circle.
 :pig realmad:

“So what can I do for you?” she asked them in her best strained cheerful voice. “Have you come to join your fellow students and school leaders? I hear you met some of your friends down below, is that right?”

Natsuyaki barked a laugh at that, and Ai lost part of her smile before she could help herself. “I don’t have any friends here…” she said uncaringly.
Wow. If anyone actually believed that she was being sincere just

Miyabi's got guts, considering she just verbally smacked Aichan's "politeness".

“Oh…” Ai responded, trying to keep the repulsion out of her voice. “How sad for you.” She looked at Suzuki, and her expression lightened slightly at the hesitation in the young girl’s face. “But you do… don’t you?”

Her attention caught, Suzuki looked up to her, and her eyes focused sharply. Ai widened her eyes at the transformation and hardness she noticed in them. “Yes, I do. And I’m going to do my best to make sure they come to see you as the monsters you really are.”
Ladies and gents, the gauntlet has been thrown.

“To think…” she grated out in a hoarse voice through her anger. “After everything that’s happened to us, everything I’ve done for you… You’d actually try to kill me…”

Suzuki set her chin defensively. “I wasn’t trying to kill you,” she stated. “There’s something inside you that shouldn’t be there. I was trying to remove it so that it wouldn’t harm you anymore.” She glanced at Natsuyaki, and continued in a voice tinged with sadness. “…I’m not sure which Maimi Yajima I came to like, but I know you’re not it.”
Undoubtedly in Maimi's mind, taking away her power may as well be the same as literally/actually killing her.

“Would you like to know what is inside her?” spoke a soft voice from the shadows near a window. The traitors looked over to it with eyes widened slightly in surprise as Saki stepped slowly into the light.
Okay, I don't care who's side she said she was one before. Right now, Captain's a wildcard, a potential loose cannon.

“You don’t know everything about us.” Her arm suddenly shook visibly, and her fist balled tightly as if it was in some pain. “Maybe it began with what was inside us, but now it’s beyond that.”

“Yes,” Maimi announced, straightening and staring haughtily down at the Skulls, though still obviously in hot anger. “After all, we are the heirs of the Founders of Seishin.”
At this point, it would NOT surprise me at all if the spirits of the original Circle suddenly manifested themselves within the current Circle members.  :shocked:

Saki now fell completely forward onto the floor as her clothes began to tear above roiling and swelling skin. Ai took a half step toward her before Risa caught her, and Saki threw up a hand to halt her as well – a hand which while in the air splayed, fingers and fingernails lengthening while hair began to sprout out of seemingly every pore. Natsuyaki and Suzuki stared frozen in horror
Shit, Captain WAS the beast, wasn't she? :OMG:

Seeming to suddenly lose the power of speech, the rest of Saki’s clothes fell off as a much larger version of the girl, as well as one covered with hair and looking like some grotesque dog, emerged. The face snapped up as a set of fanged jaws at the end of a long snout fell open to howl beneath glowing yellow eyes.

Suzuki gasped, and Ai thought she might as well. What is this…?! she thought in her own horror.
Aichan didn't know...did she? Is this because of the ceremony they performed to bring her into The Circle? Was part of it to place that seed of the beast within her?  :mon scare:

“You were there!” Suzuki cried, pointing past Natsuyaki at the thing that used to be Saki. “With those poor girls! I thought that was… Did you do that…?”

“I did nothing…”
the creature growled in a harsh, inhuman voice.
Assuming that she's not lying about this, then we still don't know what killed the other girls.

“But now you can start thinking about what you did to your friends by leaving them alone.” And with that, it turned fluidly with its lithe and seemingly perfectly honed muscles, and with one jump sailed through the window through a crash of glass.
ONOES!!!  :mon wtf:

“Do you think they’re all right in there?” Koharu asked for what must have been the hundredth time. “I mean, they’re all alone with who knows how many…”

“They can handle themselves well enough,” Reina broke in impatiently. The current Captain of the Skulls did have faith in them, but she was also frustrated that she was stuck out here doing little more than babysitting a bunch of children. As Captain she should be leading the charge, if there was any charge to be led.

She felt someone step up next to her, and Miki leaned close to murmur into her ear, her hand dangerously set on Reina’s thigh, “Sometimes a Captain’s duty is to stay back while those under her do the fighting. An army’s no good with its head chopped off after all.”

Despite the rather grotesque imagery, Reina grudgingly accepted Miki’s point and stood her ground.
Leader's can't help but want to be in on the action, particularly since it's usually their plans/orders/strategy being executed.  Miki does have a good point though.  Reina's no good to any of them if she's captured/killed/incapacitated.  They best chances at victory come with her staying alive.

The five other Nakazawa girls huddled together whispering to each other, one or the other casting surreptitious glances at the rest of the party from time to time. The older Chinese transfer student especially seemed suspicious as always.
They suspect Junjun?  :'(

If Mari was going to say anything further though, all the girls were distracted by a shrill, high-pitched noise that seemed to come from the building in front of them. The Nakazawas jumped quickly to their feet as they all stared at the looming tower.

“W-what d’you think that was?” Koharu asked in a shaking voice.

“It sounded like a howl…” Kamei chimed in fearfully.


“Everyone get back into the trees!” Reina shouted, but her command fell only on the deaf ears of girls who were shocked stiff.
Girls, you gotta take cover!  :gmon tears:

Noting this, she stepped forward herself. The… whatever it was… was already halfway to them, and it raised its maw for a howl that mixed with a less audible high scream from back at the building.
While I can understand what Reina's reasoning is right now (i.e. distract/delay the beast long enough for the others to escape), I can't see how she can possibly stand a chance against it.  :o

“All I wanted was you…” Airi heard through pain as if a thousand burning hot needless were boring into her skin. She fell to the ground, amazed that she managed to stay conscious. “What did that witch do to you that made you ignore everything I had to offer?”


“What are you talking about, Maimi-chan?” came a huskier voice from another part of the room. “Do you… like… this girl?” Whoever it was, Maimi seemed to ignore her as she stepped cautiously closer to Airi.

“Let’s just deal with them and move on,” Takahashi said in a tight voice,


“You’re not gonna hold me back this time, Ai-chan,” Maimi warned, her eyes not leaving Airi. “I want to have some fun with this one first…”
The whole question of if Maimi liked Airi, you have to ask, was it that she truly liked?  Airi herself, or her power?

“Maimi-chan…” whined the plaintive voice from before again, and Airi heard someone burst into tears before apparently running out of the room.
Oh right...poor Umeda.

It was when Takahashi moved finally as if to join in that Airi clung onto her focus and stood up. “Don’t move!” she commanded in a weak voice, and Takahashi halted to glance over at her.
Airi's finally ready to get into the ballgame?

She tried to speak, but the other seventh year stepped between them and she instead cried, “Nii-chan, don’t!”

“Stay away from her!” the long-haired girl warned in a very dangerous voice, balling her fists. Airi swayed as she stared back, her vision swimming slightly still from whatever Maimi had done to her. She still felt very uncomfortably warm…

“I may not know anything about what’s happened here the last few minutes…” the determined girl continued, “But when it comes to someone threatening Ai-chan, that’s where I draw the line.”

“Nii-chan, don’t…” Takahashi cried desperately again, and she lunged forward toward her apparent friend.

However, time suddenly seemed to drop to a crawl for Airi. It felt like something had burst within her head, and now a blinding illumination was filling her vision. It reminded her of the feeling she had before when the Sun seemed to join with her, be in her, and even though it was beyond some magical barrier, she could feel its raw burning power seethe through her.
Oh please no...poor Risa's just there for Aichan. She's not actually doing anything for The Circle! 

Takahashi seemed to be hurtling in slow-motion toward the other girl, still standing resolutely before Airi, and lifting her arm, Airi spoke.

“You may go,” she offered in a voice colored with a very warm, very grand tone, much different from her normal little girl’s voice. Risa’s eyes widened in puzzlement, and Miyabi turned from a now nearly asphyxiated Maimi. Her and Airi’s eyes met, and somehow they came to an understanding. “Our grievance is not with you.” She then nodded to Miyabi, who adopted a look of intense concentration, and the resolute but surprised girl vanished.

“NOOOOO!” Takahashi screamed, and there was suddenly a peal of thunder so tremendous that the ancient building shook to its core.
WHERE'D SHE GO?!?!??! Please say Airi didn't vapourize her! PLEASE say she just teleported her somewhere safe.  :k-crazy:

“Nii-chan…” Takahashi grated. “What have you…” Her body shook harder as it tensed further, and the volume of thunder increased. Airi tried to answer before yelping at an earsplitting lightning strike that shattered the stone wall next to the already shattered window, and fell once again to the floor, her first thought of Miyabi, who was groggily trying to come to her senses along with Maimi near the wall. She had a feeling it was too late for explanations.
Shit, now Aichan's on a rampage (she probably thinks that Airi just killed Risa).

“Get them!!” she heard Maimi yell from behind as they ran. Airi stole a glance back to see Maimi standing furiously in the hole in the wall, a glance which she immediately regretted as she stumbled and nearly fell, though thankfully Miyabi kept her steady.

“Careful now,” Miyabi said smiling smugly at her. Airi almost huffed. This was no time for childish games about who was saving who!

“I don’t know!” she heard Maimi yell in response to something she couldn’t hear. “Hit them with a bolt of lightning or something! That’s what you do, isn’t it?” The two fleeing girls ducked and cast their eyes to the sky warily. Her voice was getting fainter though as they gained more and more distance from the tower. “What do you mean ‘that’s not how it works’?!” That was the last they heard before they reached the trees.
Fortunately for them Aichan, for all her raw power, still isn't as skilled as Maimi or Captain are at weilding it.  Well, looks like they're safe from the worst of it for now (though the fact that they're going to have to eventually face a smolderingly pissed-off Aichan isn't any good).

When they were just inside, strong hands caught their arms and pulled them off the path. Airi squealed in protest before she could think until a hand covered her mouth.

“Shhh!” Reina hissed. “Now that you’re in here they’re not going to know where we are, at least if you don’t go announcing our presence with something like that.”

Airi’s eyes wide, she looked around frantically before seeing Miyabi sagging in Miki’s arms.
So the others all made it into the trees? Thank :dunno:

“What happened here…?” Miyabi asked slowly, scanning the trees as if danger could jump out at them at any moment.

For her part, Airi pulled away from Reina and walked toward what all the girls were staring at, which turned out to be a very dense batch of foliage nestled within a few trees. She jumped slightly when the whole thing shook as if something was trapped inside and trying to get out.
They managed to beat (or at least temporarily hold back) the beast???  :stunned:

“…Do you think she’ll find out soon?” Miyabi asked Airi quietly as they walked closely together.

“I’d bet on it,” Airi responded, “Although finding her knocked out on her bed probably won’t make her all that much less angry.”
So they sent Risa back to her room? That's a relief to hear, but Airi's right. Aichan's still going to be pissed about it.

“And I thought she was even coming to doubt the others a little…” Miyabi pondered.
It DID seem that way, didn't it? Talk about timing.  :banghead:

“So where are we headed?” Chisato asked hollowly from just behind Airi. Since she noticed the two girls had returned, her friend didn’t seem to want to be any farther from her than Miyabi was.

“Back to the cave?” Miki asked, raising an eyebrow to Reina, who nodded.

“No,” Airi said plainly, and everybody stared at her. “We’ll go back to the wall.”

“Um… Airin?” Reina asked tentatively and patiently. “We’ve already been there and couldn’t do anything…”

Airi just kept smiling and walking back down the way they came earlier that morning, Miyabi eventually taking her hand and smiling too. And for some reason, everyone else followed.
Is this a "last place they'd think to look" (i.e. back in the proverbial wolf's den) type of thing or does MiyAiri have a plan?

What happened? Who did what? How did they subdue her?

Aichan claiming her due place? Does this mean that it's really her, and not Maimi, that's supposed to lead The Circle? Does Maimi know about this?  If she doesn't it's going to be REAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALLY interesting to see how she reacts when she realizes she's been deposed.

What exactly are you up to Captain? 

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

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Re: The Circle of Three [16: The Essence of Hatred]
« Reply #115 on: April 15, 2008, 04:12:08 AM »
ejrgkhre;hhewu;  You updated!! :w00t: I really missed this story, and the other one

Saki was that wolf who bit Miyabi ?!  :shocked:  I always thought her special ability was more on the psychic side and not a
physical transformation.. or maybe she has both..?

The Airi/Miya is sweet, but it's like I almost want the Airi/Maimi to happen, even if it's a little one-sided at the moment :lol:

and dammit, I had something else in mind to add to this but my brother just pissed me off  :angry:
"Under the beautiful blue sky"

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Re: The Circle of Three [16: The Essence of Hatred]
« Reply #116 on: April 16, 2008, 07:38:32 AM »
Wow! That was one hectic chapter (again XD)! But definitely worth the wait! You said this was for Airi's birthday, but I'm taking it as a birthday present to me too! It's the best one I've received so far (however, it's also the only one I've received so far as well... XD).

“All I wanted was you…” Airi heard through pain as if a thousand burning hot needless were boring into her skin. She fell to the ground, amazed that she managed to stay conscious. “What did that witch do to you that made you ignore everything I had to offer?”
My heart goes out to Maimi, 'cause it seems like she really was interested in Airi (I don't think at the time she was after Airi's ability 'cause they all seemed really surprised when Airi started showing her powers). However, at the same time, Maimi's just scary and while it's not really her fault (it's the spirit of Matsuura that makes her scary from what I can gather) she's still scary...

Natsuyaki and Suzuki stared frozen in horror, the elder Skull still with a protective arm spread before her lover.

“Don’t you dare touch her!” she heard Miyabi growl as the two older girls collapsed to the floor in a tangle of limbs, and all hell broke loose.
Miya protecting Airi was the sweetest thing EVER! It made my insides go all mushy.  :mon inluv:

I'm too lazy to quote other things... But I'm wondering what in the WORLD Reina did to subdue Saki. And Ai should be THANKFUL that Airi and Miya didn't do anything to Risa (though, really they had no reason to do anything to her, for like Airi said, they had no quarrel with her).

Saki's crazy... And scary... And Maimi's scary too for thinking that crazy, scary Captain is cool.

I wonder what's going to happen at the wall and why that's where Airi and Miya are leading the group. I'm too tired to speculate on that. XD

I can't wait for the next chapter!! But really, I'll wait however long I must, because this fanfic is FTW! I'm so in love with everything about it! And I'm eagerly anticipating some Airi/Miya fluffyness. PLEASE tell me there will be at least a little fluff in the next chapter... :D

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Re: The Circle of Three [16: The Essence of Hatred]
« Reply #117 on: April 16, 2008, 12:39:58 PM »

Man, we've all been waiting so long for this. Thank you Rokun :heart:  :heart:  :heart:

Saki is the werewolf type thingy...I already thought that was the case but it's been confirmed now. But what the heck did Reina do to her to make her stop??? Hmm...

Miya x Airi :heart: I'm still really loving that pairing. Even though I also love the Miya x Saki pairing in Berry Beautiful. Now I have a new found love for Risa it made me go all wibbly when she was trying to protect Ai. I really hope she doesn't get hurt (or killed) somewhere in the story. No-one's mentioned about Erika...poor Erika. Having to see Maimi get all angry emotional over Airi (well that's all I'm gonna say on that because I don't really like Erika outside of the story so). Bit mean of Maimi though.

I'm glad that Airi and Miya are understanding enough to not hurt the people who arn't really involved in it all. Not like Maimi and Saki. Maybe Ai will realise this soon and maybe change sides :D

or not!

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Re: The Circle of Three [16: The Essence of Hatred]
« Reply #118 on: April 17, 2008, 07:48:39 AM »
Yay! Update and I finally got time to read it!  :cow:

Miyabi being all protective of Airi made me all gushy inside  :wub: :wub:

Ai seems to be more out of loop than ever when Saki transformed and Maimi was beyond excited about the fact. It seems like she felt like she really had been kept in the dark about a lot of things despite her position amongst them.  :O

The way Maimi puts her feelings into words about Airi makes it seem to go beyond normality, almost like an unhealthy obsession  ;) But that’s just my observation!  :sweatdrop:

Airi jumping from at least two floors up and not feeling any pain? Tough girl!  8)

Wow, this chapter is so packed. I’m really eager to find out how the hell Reina managed to subdue Saki when she was in that form  :?   And also what Airi and Miyabi have in plan in leading them to the wall.

Btw, Miyabi/Airi = WIN!   :wub: :heart:

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Re: The Circle of Three [16: The Essence of Hatred]
« Reply #119 on: April 18, 2008, 09:28:41 PM »
Maimi kinda scares me sometimes  :lol:

This CHAPTER was ichiban.

The reactions to SAKI transforming were as expected... but i'd be more scared of Saki any day if compared to maimi.

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