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Author Topic: The Circle of Three [CONCLUSION: 28: Ascension]  (Read 84941 times)

Offline rokun

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Re: The Circle of Three [16: The Essence of Hatred]
« Reply #120 on: April 18, 2008, 10:56:05 PM »
Wow so many different views and impressions of what's going on! Good! :) I hope to create a pretty rich world and set of characters, and I'm glad people are enjoying so many different aspects. ^_^ It seems like one thing most people do agree on though... that Maimi and Saki are getting scary! Yay for that too! It started off almost too calmly, but I'm glad I've finally been able to inject some horror-type stuff into it. :P

goosefish, welcome back again and thanks for your comments! I wanted to respond to a couple of the insightful things you mentioned. :)

The way Maimi puts her feelings into words about Airi makes it seem to go beyond normality, almost like an unhealthy obsession  ;) But that’s just my observation!  :sweatdrop:
Maimi does seem rather obsessed... doesn't she? mode also talked about almost wanting the Airi/Maimi to happen... Whenever they interact, it is rather hot and spicy, isn't it?  :twisted:

Airi jumping from at least two floors up and not feeling any pain? Tough girl!  8)
Glad you noticed that. ;) I wouldn't think any normal 14-year old girl would be able to do that... Though if you've noticed some things about some of the girls so far, maybe it makes some sense to you... and maybe that's why it wasn't mentioned much. XD

Hmm, and people (like JFC :P) seem to be suspicious of Junjun. now why on earth would she be suspicious? :roll: There might be something to that, but it'll likely be a long time until you find out (like in the sequel XD).

I'll try to not take so long for next time!!! Next week is the last of classes for the semester, so more freetime should theoretically open up. XD
« Last Edit: April 19, 2008, 12:45:26 AM by rokun »

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Re: The Circle of Three [16: The Essence of Hatred]
« Reply #121 on: April 19, 2008, 04:39:56 AM »
Hmm, and people (like JFC :P) seem to be suspicious of Junjun. now why on earth would she be suspicious? :roll: There might be something to that, but it'll likely be a long time until you find out (like in the sequel XD).

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

Offline maiZe

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Re: The Circle of Three [16: The Essence of Hatred]
« Reply #122 on: April 19, 2008, 04:44:19 AM »
Hmm, and people (like JFC :P) seem to be suspicious of Junjun. now why on earth would she be suspicious? :roll: There might be something to that, but it'll likely be a long time until you find out (like in the sequel XD).
I second that :shock:

Sequel?! OMG!! SQUEE!!  :cow: :mon inluv: :mon angel:

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Re: The Circle of Three [16: The Essence of Hatred]
« Reply #123 on: April 20, 2008, 11:26:49 PM »
I love the action in this chapter and Saki as the wolf very cool but I kinda already knew this from the previous chapter  :) and the Maimi and Airi thing is very sad I actually feel bad for Maimi....  almost want them together too but all is good (: BERRY BEAUTIFUL UPDATE PLEASE! T-T I'm dying for that one...

Offline Maimi_Yajima

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Re: The Circle of Three [16: The Essence of Hatred]
« Reply #124 on: April 22, 2008, 12:41:22 AM »
The truth that would be more attractive to view Airi love with Maimi.
The story is incredible truth.
But ...
It looks better Airi and Maimi.
Or I guess to Aya loves Maimi and apoyandola throughout.
I would like to see jealous Airi and Airi this love of Maimi.
I do not like the character of this Maimi obsessed with Airi.
Please do not do this in Maimi character!  :cry: :cry: :cry: :( :( :( :cry: :(
Maimi not deserves IT!  :cry: :cry:
Maimi deserves be loved and reciprocated!  :cry: :cry: :cry:
Please! :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
" a look can say more than words" and " a look can even denude the heart"

Offline rokun

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Re: The Circle of Three [17: The Battle for Seishin]
« Reply #125 on: April 28, 2008, 01:06:50 AM »
Ok so umm... yeah. Wow. I hope you guys can get excited about this from the title, because I'm sure excited having written it. It sets a few records again - in it is the longest straight narrative (without breaks or changes in perspective) that I think I've ever written, and this is also the longest chapter in general I've ever written coming in just shy of 10k words. So, it's not the longest ever for jphip, but that's not a record I'm trying that hard to break. XD So keep that in mind and take a break or two while reading if you need. Otherwise, I've put a lot into it, and I think there's a lot to be taken from it, so I hope everyone enjoys...

Warning for violence and a bit of PG-13 style language and sexual innuendo.

Chapter 17 – The Battle for Seishin

“So uh… what’s the plan, fearless leader?” Reina asked in a very sardonic tone.

Airi walked ahead with her hand clasped tightly in Miyabi’s as their surroundings became murkier the closer they came to the wall. Knowing what they did now, it almost seemed as if it was also getting colder with a chill that likely had very little to do with the temperature. Oddly, at least perhaps if one didn’t know the cause, the darker it got the more the storm lightened up as well until it had even stopped raining.

Reina’s question came from just behind the two of them where she walked with Fujimoto and Mari, but Airi heard the soft and tentative footfalls of the other girls as well only a bit further back. Her plans and visions didn’t really include them, but they still followed nonetheless. She pondered on it as she walked. Well, the Circle was gathering students to themselves, right? They even had that big assembly about it. There must have been some reason for it…

When no one answered her question, Reina huffed audibly, causing Miyabi to give a short glance back. “Just give it up for now. Do you think she’d be taking us back here if she didn’t have some kind of plan?”

“I’m just saying it seems like you’re putting an awful lot of blind trust in her. I mean hell, she’s not even a real Skull.”

“She’s my girlfriend,” Miyabi growled, eliciting a chuckling response from Fujimoto, and Airi felt the hand entwined in hers tighten. “And from what I’m seeing, a mite more of a Skull than you are right now.” For some reason, as she caught Miyabi’s face out of the corner of an eye that was painstakingly kept forward, Airi thought the girl was actually looking beyond Reina at something.

“Just remember,” Reina retorted darkly. “About everything that being a Skull entails.”

Airi felt her companion tense at that in a different way, and for the first time she let her head turn sideways to give the girl a questioning look. Miyabi caught it after a second and stared back before shrugging it off and focusing forward herself, looking to the ground as if a fallen branch they were stepping over needed her full attention.

Airi’s mouth tightened. Please let them get along… she thought. Not now… This is not the time for one of your famous scuffles! If she had somehow not noticed the two almost co-captains’ propensity for them, Koharu and Chisa were more than willing to share stories of the… entertaining encounters.

To tell the truth though, she was still troubled herself about what had led them out here again. As she looked around her into the now darker and darker reaches of the woods, and even thought she could almost see the deadly swirling fog of the wall ahead, she wondered if this was really a good idea. What was she, as a thirteen year old girl, supposed to do about something like that anyway? But then, there were the oddities…

Coming back to herself, just before they passed it she noticed a fork in the path, one being the way to the road they’d taken before, and the other being one that just goes further into the wood, but still toward her target. She quickly changed direction to go down the new path.

“How can we be sure she knows where she’s going?” she heard the older Chinese transfer student whisper huskily a short way behind. “It doesn’t seem like it…”

“Don’t you remember where that way leads?” another of the girls hissed. Airi was still having trouble recognizing the voices of all the new arrivals, but she thought this one was that Erina girl, also from the Nakazawa group. “She just probably didn’t realize it until the last second… you know how that can happen.” The voice hesitated. “At least I hope that was the case…”

Airi clenched her hands again, her left one now fully in a fist. Her right probably would have been too if there hadn’t been something soft and warm obstructing it. “You’re a very brave and determined girl…” she heard Miyabi whisper warmly into her ear. “Especially surprising for your age. If only Kusumi could have half of that, or Reina even…” The girl leaned in closer until Airi could feel her breath hot against her lobe. “If we ever get some time alone I’ll have to find out how mature you are in other ways too…”

Her girlfriend clutched her arm as Airi stumbled, having apparently missed another tree limb for some reason on this more difficult path, as she even more pointedly tried to keep her face forward to hide as much of the redness as possible.

“Is our girl all right up there?” Fujimoto called.

“She’s fine,” Miyabi said, smiling back reassuringly. “We’re just almost there. Right?” she asked, looking again at Airi, who cleared her throat.

“Right!” she said, trying to keep her mind on the task at hand in hope of bringing some of the paleness back into her features.

She peered ahead of her into the blackness. They must be close – surely it wouldn’t be this dark further back. Unless… was the thing growing? Her face very quickly cleared up completely at the sobering thought. That was even more of a reason why they had to do this now. Plus, Mari needed to go home, right? Then again, didn’t they all really at this point?

Her worries were momentarily alleviated though when the blackness faded into the swirling fog they knew to be the wall, cutting off the path ahead of them. She stopped only a few meters away, staring up at it.

“So what’s the plan?” Miyabi asked slowly and quietly.

Airi swallowed into her suddenly dry throat. “We take it down,” she said simply.

“By ‘we’,” she heard Fujimoto say from behind. “You mean you, right?”

“The three of us,” Airi responded, turning around and looking at a slouching Reina.

“What’s up?” the Captain asked neutrally.

“I realized what our problem was before. Aside from the shock of finding our friends there and all of course… I can’t do this alone. Neither can Miyabi and neither can you. We have to work together.”

“And how exactly is that supposed to work?” Reina asked, sounding bored. “We’ve all been pretty independent in what we’ve been able to do so far.”

“You mean you have been,” Miyabi retorted in an even voice.

Reina widened her eyes as if in innocence. “Yes I have. What, do you think you’re sharing something doing whatever it is you are to protect your little red riding hood from the big bad wolf? Getting all close and snuggly with her in a… well, a very disturbing sense.”

“Reina, be careful…” Mari warned from the other side of Fujimoto. She looked like she wanted to step in, but Fujimoto threw out an arm to hold her back, her face expressionless.

The younger girls further back stared at the exchange with wide eyes, and Airi realized they weren’t exactly accustomed to how things went down with the Skulls. Or rather, this was more like the side they were accustomed to, and perhaps it was bringing back uncomfortable memories. Truthfully, Airi didn’t know if she exactly liked it all either.

“But bringing Yajima and Shimizu to their knees… Did you have anything to do with that? What have you two really done together?”

“Did you just see us escape from the Ivory Tower through a storm, leaving the Circle in chaos behind?” Airi asked quickly and loudly, trying to break up the atmosphere that was building between the two longtime rivals. Miyabi had released her hand not long after Reina’s first shots, and now had her fists clenched tightly as if she was preparing for a fight, which was something Airi did not want to see right now.

Blank faces turned to her, visibly irritated at the interruption, although Miyabi’s warmed quickly. Airi felt she had no choice but to continue on. “We got out of there together. I had… I don’t know what to call it, but something happened inside me and lots of things suddenly made sense. One was how we could resonate with each other, focusing our abilities and using them in a stronger way than any of us could by ourselves, or at least with what we know of our abilities now. So we were able to protect someone who was innocent in all this. I wouldn’t have guessed it would have had so many side effects though…”

Reina responded quickly. “So I’m supposed to trust this… feeling… that you had? What? Do I have to give you complete control of myself? Following you is one thing, but this…”

“Do you have a problem with following her?” Miyabi asked quietly, seeming calmer though still obviously very alert.

Reina swung her gaze over to her once again. “Are you telling me you don’t? You’ve always had enough trouble following me.”

“Please…” Airi implored, nearly at tears. “If we’re going to do this we all have to be united, and have full trust in each other… We can’t be fighting like this. Why can’t you believe me? Do you think I want all of this to be happening to me? Do you think I liked the feeling of… of… curiosity that I had when I almost ripped Maimi’s soul apart? Until Chisa joined I positively hated the Skulls, and now…” She looked pleadingly into Miyabi’s eyes. “And now…”

She suddenly felt weak, and sagged slightly as if to fall to the ground, but Miyabi caught her in her arms, looking strongly into her eyes. “I’m with you through whatever. You know that, right?” She glanced over at Reina. “It’s true I may not be crazy about playing second fiddle to you lately, but I think there must be a reason for it, right? I mean,” she continued, looking now at the roiling wall. “Like you were saying, this is bigger than all of us, isn’t it?”

“It might be worth listening to those girls,” Fujimoto said, studying Airi and Miyabi. “You know I never gave in one bit while I was in your position, but now I understand where the need is. You’re the Captain – you know what the Skulls stand for, right?”

“Yes,” Reina responded, looking carefully between her mentor and Miyabi. “Yes, I do.” Apparently coming to some decision, she turned to Airi, who was still shaky and partly held up by her girlfriend. “So how does this whole… mind meld thing… work?”

Airi blinked her damp eyes, still uncertain whether Reina was truly on board, but figuring it at least had to be worth a try. Right now, she thought she’d accept a plan that had any sort of hope in it whatsoever.

“All right,” she responded in a broken voice. “It involves a resonance of our power and… what we are. I apologize, but I should take the lead since I’m the only one who’s really done it before. Even so I’m also not in quite the same… condition I was then.”

“You’ll be okay,” Miyabi cooed, and Airi looked up into her mud streaked face. She nearly giggled. Reina nodded quickly in acceptance of her plan.

“Come on,” she said, getting fully to her own two feet and stumbling toward the fog. Miyabi kept her hands out, ready to pull her back if she tripped again. She smiled. That was something she wasn’t going to do now.

The other girls with the exception of Fujimoto and Mari sat down to watch, many with skeptical faces. Airi was glad to at least see Chisato and even Risako smiling their support at her. After Miyabi came to her side and Reina to her other, face impassive, Airi looked hard into the mist to study it once again. She closed her eyes, trying to feel the free air and the Sun beyond.

“So…” Reina asked, seeming to try her best to be patient. “What happens now?”

Still with eyes closed, Airi replied, “Even though I’ll be trying to… help you along… it’s your element that we’ll need to use, just like what happened with Miya and I back at the tower. There is something very similar to a dense storm inside this wall, and you know how to order the weather.”

“Okay,” Reina responded simply. “I’m not sure I’m that great with it yet though… I still can’t control it well. I’ve felt much more comfortable since I started using—“

“You’ll do fine,” Airi reassured. “The skill is inside you. This is where you have to trust me.”

With that, she opened her eyes and turned to look hard into Reina’s own. This was much more difficult because the two of them didn’t share the same connection she and Miyabi did, but she tried to look deep inside her for what she knew was there. After a few seconds of Reina just blinking at her and becoming more confused, she felt a hand on her arm which broke her focus as she looked over to Miyabi.

“I think I might know what you’re trying to do now…” Miyabi said. “Let me try?” After a glance over at Reina, who was gazing at Miyabi with a conflicted expression, Airi nodded. However, she also felt a little troubled. Here was yet another reminder of the connection Miyabi and Reina shared, however stormy and turbulent it may be at times.

She grasped Miyabi’s hand to at least have some of her own contact with the girl, as she gazed into Reina’s face too. “I don’t know what you’re trying to do…” Reina said in a tight voice. “But I’m having a hard time not breaking out into giggles…”

Airi blinked. “Reina! You have to take this seriously! Do you want to stay trapped in here by this wall of death or not?”

Instead of a response from Reina though, she felt Miyabi squeeze her hand. “It’s okay,” she said, and very quickly, Reina’s expression changed.

The two now shared a connection in their deep look, and Reina’s face relaxed as her eyes widened. “What are you…” she began to ask.

Suddenly Airi felt something tingle, similar to what she’d felt with Miyabi earlier, and she knew her girlfriend had succeeded. “This is…” Reina said, her voice becoming awed, which was a very strange tone to hear coming from her.

“All right,” Miyabi said, still holding Reina’s eyes. “What do we do now?” she asked.

However, Airi just closed her eyes in response, reaching out to the power she felt around her as she felt her own rise within her, from a source that felt somehow so ancient within her young body. After a moment, she could even feel the Sun again. “We don’t do anything,” She responded ethereally. “While the daughters of the Sun, the Moon and the Tempest may be one, for the task at hand…”

She didn’t continue though as she felt a slight disturbance, and she opened her eyes to look through the darkness that was now eerily alight with a red glow in her vision to see Reina now turned from Miyabi, her eyes scanning carefully up the wall. Eventually, those eyes somehow seemed to become moist.

“There is so much evil within this structure,” she said, still in that strange and now somber voice. “I would say it was carelessly constructed if I didn’t think it was intended to breed chaos. Still,” she said, reaching a hand out to it as if twisting something. The wall seemed to roil more violently, strands of mist lashing out from it, but none daring to touch the three girls standing before it. Airi heard some worried whispers break out from behind her, but right now that seemed as if it was another world.

“Even for its intended purpose, it seems very worn. It might have been solid one time, but this is old, bursting at the seams as if it has just been released from an ages-long slumber. Some of the knots holding it together are…”

She jerked her hand back as if pulling at one, and the structure visibly shuddered, now roiling violently in and out as it seemed to lose density in spots. She tugged at another one to even more instability from the wall before them. Her face suddenly became troubled. “I can’t understand it all though. This was made to be chaotic yes, but also with a quick mind…” She glanced over at Miyabi, who stepped toward the wall now also.

“This was not done by the three from the tower,” she stated in a much plainer voice than Reina used. “It does not have Shimizu’s mark.” She closed her eyes and lifted her chin, and Airi could feel a dangerous power emanate from her. Dangerous it might be, but it made her feel joyful at the same time. She couldn’t help but smile.

“Maybe there’s hope then,” Airi said, now gazing with rising excitement at the wall that was now hissing and spitting angrily. At times she thought she could even see a point of light shine through from the other side. “If this was just given to them, perhaps they’re not as strong yet as they seem. Especially…” She felt her own power surge within her as the desire to be once again reunited with the Sun enflamed in her soul. “…Now that we have discovered our own potential!” she finished with a rising tone. Not able to bear it any longer, she flung out her arms to release the radiance that was building up inside her and yearned to rejoin with its complement just beyond the barricade.

She could feel nothing, could sense nothing except the light that was invading her. She felt so alive, so overjoyed, that it seemed something like darkness could never exist. She felt the light burn away what was left of the foggy darkness before her, and it spread out in all directions as if it was made of black oil that had caught aflame, and afterward she fell to her knees in elation.

Once again she felt the Sun beating down on her, infusing within her, the clarity of the air giving her what felt like the first fresh breath she’d had in days. A bit of the power seemed to fade, though the elation didn’t, and she almost trembled in awe. Was this what heaven felt like? It seemed as if nothing could ever be bad again.

After basking in her experience for what really was likely no more than a few seconds, she felt a presence next to her and an arm drape around her shoulder. She opened her eyes to the trees of the wood still spread out before her, the Sun shining fitfully through them, and turned to see Miyabi, who stared into her face as if it was really as bright as the Sun she felt.

“Um…” Miyabi hesitated. “Are you okay?”

Airi’s smile widened. “I’m fabulous,” she responded, and she dove in to hug the older girl as tightly as she could. After a moment Miyabi returned it, and even tried to pull her head back for a kiss, but Airi broke away and stood before she could do so, leaving the Skull sitting stunned on the ground with her knees bent and legs splayed beneath her now muddy and tattered skirt that seemed to sparkle in the sunlight.

Airi looked smiling around at her friends. Reina was also smiling over at the two of them, appearing the happiest she’d seen her in perhaps ever. Fujimoto and Mari were blinking, but doing their best to view the three girls as well. The others in the back, most still seated on the ground, were in various stages of getting accustomed to the sudden brightness.

“You could have given us some warning at least, Osuzu…” Chisato said, rubbing her eyes.

“I’m sorry,” Airi said quickly. “Did it really happen that quickly?”

“Well the wall burning away was one thing, but you glowing like that… That was the shock, especially for someone like me who was staring at just you the whole time,” her friend responded.

“And me too…” Risako grumbled from beside her, seeming a little embarrassed. Despite her embarrassment though, when she wasn’t blinking at the light she was still staring at Airi, apparently impressed enough to override any other issues that might still be going on.

“Glowing…?” Airi asked, puzzled.

“Yeah,” Miyabi said, finally rising and snaking an arm around her waist, this time with a strong grip as if she wasn’t going to let her get away again. “After I started fighting against that magic that was similar to Shimizu’s, you just suddenly became like a ball of blinding white light that I couldn’t even see you through. Of course after that I… and apparently the rest of us… couldn’t see anything else either. But you stayed like that until the wall was gone. You always have to show us up, don’t you?” she finished with a grin.

Airi blushed. “I didn’t mean to…” she said meekly. “I was just trying to…”

“Shut up,” Miyabi said, still grinning, and leaned in for a kiss that this time she wasn’t going to let Airi escape.

“Well then,” Fujimoto said, clearing her throat. The other girls were finally getting used to the brightness and standing up, playing with each other happily as their courage grew from the destruction of the wall. Airi was trying to avoid losing all trace of rational thought under her girlfriend’s assault. “I’d say that’s a job well done, girls.”

“Most definitely,” Mari said, smiling warmly at them. “I can see now that you don’t need my help any more. Mikitty, where does this path lead?”

Fujimoto squinted down it. “I think if, when it forks, you take the right path, it’ll eventually wind back around to the road.”

“That sounds like a plan then,” Mari responded, and she started down it.

Miyabi extricated herself from Airi’s mouth in order to shout after her, “Hey! You going already?”

The older woman turned back to consider them and nodded. “I have urgent business elsewhere that those accursed girls have already made me late for. I’m sure this won’t be the last I see of you though. And like I said, you three definitely don’t seem to need me anymore. I can’t even begin to imagine what just transpired. And even though I have to go, I’ll leave you… Mikitty. She can give you any more assistance you’d need, I’m sure.”

“Hey!” Fujimoto responded angrily. “What if I wanted to go too?! Huh? I was really considering it you know!” The other girls laughed as Mari just smiled, and with a wave disappeared down the path.

“Stupid woman…” Fujimoto grumbled, walking to the edge of the path and dropping to sit there sulkily. “Who does she think she is?”

As Miyabi and Airi exchanged amused looks, the group of Nakazawa girls came up to them, a few of them looking around in amazement as if they still couldn’t believe what happened. After a moment Lin Lin seemed to realize just where they were and frowned, poking her Chinese companion, who seemed to be having trouble speaking. Airi and Miyabi looked at them expectantly.

“I…” Li Chun began finally. “I’m sorry for doubting you. You obviously do know what you are doing…” Even though she apologized, it was still with a grudging voice as she looked down at the ground, fidgeting. “Although,” she continued, and darted her eyes up to theirs. Lin Lin sighed. “I would like to point out that even though I complained, I was still here along with my friends!”

“Oh give it a rest, Jun Jun,” Michishige said, and Airi felt her heart flutter slightly as she looked at the dark-haired girl. Miyabi apparently reflexively clutched her waist tighter, but Airi just smiled and snuggled into her side. For some reason, it was no longer quite the same as when she’d first met the girl.

“You’re only here because Lin Lin wanted to come and we’re the only friends you have in this place. It had absolutely nothing to do with believing in these… in Suzuki and Natsuyaki here.” Airi noticed she caught herself before saying ‘these Skulls’, and she grimaced at Miyabi, who gave her a very innocent look. Apparently they still weren’t comfortable with thinking of their new leaders in that way.

The Chinese girl mumbled something unintelligible, but Kamei spoke next, still gazing in wonder at where the wall used to be. “That was incredible! You guys really are something! When we saw Reina capture that wolf it was one thing, but this…”

“That’s right,” Miyabi said suddenly, glancing over at Reina, who walked toward them at the sound of her name. “What exactly happened there anyway? When we saw Shimizu transform and jump out the window we thought you all would surely be eaten.”

“Transform…?” Erina asked in a worried voice.

Reina stared at Miyabi evenly. “Thanks. I’m glad to see how much faith you have in me…”

“Well it’s different now…” Miyabi said, shifting her eyes in her attempt to recover. Airi stifled a giggle.

Reina continued looking at her for a moment before clearing her throat, and was about to speak when Koharu came up to them and interrupted her. “Oh it was really cool! You should have seen it, Miyakko! It was—“

“Excuse me~!” Reina interrupted herself, as Chisato and Risako came up next to the other Skull. “I believe this is my story?”

“Yeah!” Chisato said, carefully avoiding Reina’s gaze, which was quickly becoming darker. “It started with her and Fujimoto starting to fight it hand-to-hand – where Reina was doing a much better job, I might add—” There was a huff from the side of the path at that remark. “But it was still tearing into them, and we were all like ‘ahhhh!’ and the two of them were like ‘grrr!’ and…”

“If you don’t let me talk soon, you’ll find that Miyakko’s not the only one I’m willing to give a beat down to…” Reina said, glowering, her arms crossed dangerously at her chest. However, Chisato just ignored her and continued on with her tale.

“…So there was getting to be blood all over the place! But then somehow Reina got in a good kick on its belly…” She was punching her fists into the air and kicking as if to act out that part of the story, something that made Airi happy. It was enjoyable to see her friend so in her element. This was beginning to be quite a wonderful day.

“…And it fell by itself into a copse of a few trees. And that’s when Reina got all completely serious—” which she of course acted out with a serious face— “and started doing funky things with her hands—” she waved her hands around like a maniac at this point—“and things suddenly started sprouting from the ground and the trees! They came up so quickly that the wolf didn’t have time to react. It tried ripping through them, but they thickened even quicker until it was completely trapped…”

By this time Reina had apparently had enough and came up and bonked the impetuous girl on the head. “I think that’s quite enough from you,” she said warningly as Chisato rubbed her head, looking up at her with a pout. Airi smiled as Risako even seemed about to giggle at the encounter. “If you’re going to tell the story, you at least need to tell it well!” And then she turned to Miyabi and Airi.

“Most of what the brat said is true. Well okay all of it is, but she left out things that she just couldn’t have known. You see, you both know my connection with the weather, right?” Airi and Miyabi nodded. “And of course I can heal too…” she admitted grudgingly. “But apparently I can also make things grow. I was just so angry and desperate at that point that something came over me, and I could feel the plants, that they wanted to help me. And so, I talked to them, and they did,” she finished, baring her palms as if it was as simple as that.

Airi exchanged a smile with Miyabi. “Reina, I know exactly what you mean…”

However, she didn’t say any more before her head started ringing and she fell to the ground. She wanted to scream, but found that her body didn’t want to respond to her. “Didn’t your mother ever tell you it isn’t nice to have fun at someone else’s expense?” a voice reverberating throughout her head said. Then it suddenly seemed to get more serious. “The dome was the last straw. This time we will show no mercy, and all of you who stand in our way will pay…”

Finally the ringing faded and stopped and Airi came to, holding her head tightly and finding Miyabi crouched next to her looking very frightened. “I’m sorry,” her girlfriend said. “It happened so quickly I couldn’t respond right away, and then it was more difficult getting her out. Are you okay?”

“Yeah…” Airi responded, shaking her head. “I’m all right.” She opened her eyes to see all of the girls around her having fallen to the ground as well, most still holding their heads too. “All of us?” she asked, and Miyabi nodded.

Fujimoto strode up to them, no longer seeming petulant in her dead seriousness. “What do you think it is?” she asked.

“It sounded like they’re sore about us taking care of their little wall,” Reina growled, massaging her forehead. “They sure are crabby about it.”

“What did she say?” Miyabi asked, looking between Reina and Airi. When no one spoke right away, she followed, “It didn’t happen to me. Apparently she’s too afraid to try to get into my mind like that too.”

“They would show no mercy…” Risako said, and looked at Airi. “Airin, I’m scared. What if they come for us?”

Airi’s eyes widened. “That’s what they’re doing,” she said. “We’d almost ignored them after leaving them in disarray earlier, but do you think they’ve really just sat back and done nothing? They probably reorganized, and as she said, getting rid of the dome was the last straw…”

Miyabi, suddenly alert, stood quickly, and Airi unsteadily joined her. “You’re right,” she said, frowning, obviously angry with herself. “I’ve not been keeping alert enough since we were celebrating about taking care of the wall.” She closed her eyes briefly before opening them and appealing to Airi. “They’re coming. All of them. And quickly.”

“What are we gonna do?” Kamei asked, appearing terrified once again.

“You are going to stay back and out of the way,” Reina said, stepping forward to look hard down the path. “We don’t know what their plan of attack is going to be.”

“But we want to help,” Lin Lin said, and after a slight hesitation Jun Jun nodded, along with Michishige and Erina.

“We’re going to fight Ai-chan…” Erina mourned.

“No,” Reina said. “We’re going to. If anything, I want you guys to only be worried about the rest of the girls.” She turned to Miyabi. “Do you think they’ll be armed?”

“I can’t tell,” Miyabi said, gazing off into nowhere.

“If they’re bringing them, I’d guess they would be,” Fujimoto interjected.

“Armed with what?” Jun Jun asked. “This is a school. There are no weapons here…”

“I don’t know,” Reina said, and looked to her old captain. “You stay back with the others for now too, okay?” Fujimoto stared a moment before nodding and joining the other Nakazawa girls. Then Reina considered Airi and Miyabi. “Well?”

The three of them gathered to the center of the path and sat, looking worriedly at each other. “Without knowing exactly what their plan is, I’m not sure how we can prepare,” Miyabi said. “She won’t let me anywhere near any of them to try and find that out…” she added grudgingly.

“It’s okay,” Airi reassured. “I’m sure—”

“SUZUKI!!!” they heard Takahashi shout from down the path, and their attention snapped that direction to see two of the three Circle members leading a fairly large group of girls down the path. Takahashi seemed to be at the head, looking like a storm cloud, and at that time Airi also noticed the Sun fall behind some actual ones as low, black clouds seemed to follow in the wake of the advancing group. Shimizu was nowhere to be seen, but by the announcement in their heads just a few minutes ago, Airi knew she couldn’t be far.

“I’d guess she hasn’t found her friend yet,” Miyabi whispered out of the corner of her mouth, and Airi silently agreed as the three stood to face the arrivals. Behind them, Fujimoto, Chisato and Risako stood at the head of their own loyal party. Reina gestured them to back further away.

When they were close enough that they could all see each others’ eyes, Takahashi and Maimi stopped, the others coming to a slower halt behind them. “First my best friend…” Takahashi ground out in a voice just loud enough to carry. “And now you’ve destroyed our protective barrier…” Thunder seemed to accentuate her every word. Airi glanced over to see Reina curiously studying the sky. “Are you going to keep on until I have nothing left?” She shook her head. “No… It ends here.”

“Your friend hasn’t been harmed!” Miyabi shouted, visibly affronted. “I merely sent her back to your—“

“Lies!!” Maimi shouted, stepping forward with an arm stretched out toward them. Airi hunched down warily. The Matsuura head shifted her always-intense gaze between herself and Miyabi. “Everything the two of you said has always been lies! Nothing more!” However, Takahashi had quieted as if she was considering their words.

“Don’t listen to her, Ai-chan!” Erina shouted from behind Airi, and the girl stepped up just to the side of the three of them. “I don’t know what exactly went on, but I know Natsuyaki-san and Suzuki-san don’t lie! The Skulls may not be well-liked but… they have good hearts!”

Airi felt herself smile at the friendship and loyalty that the girl portrayed, especially since it was in such contrast to her apparent idolizing of Takahashi before any of this happened. It was short-lived though, as she heard something whistle past them and a dull thud from beside her.

Erina, whom she’d just been looking at with pride, now held her mouth and eyes wide as she glanced down at a long, thin object that protruded from her chest. Blood began to form around it, and her legs wobbled before she fell to the ground, trying her best to stay up.

“No!” Reina exclaimed, and knelt down next to her.

Airi darted a look at the group across from them to see a tall and thin, but young, wide-eyed girl behind the Circle members with a bow that she was just lowering. She also noticed, after at first being distracted by the Circle members, that the students arrayed across the path all had some kind of ancient weapon. Some had bows or katanas, while others had things that even looked like clubs or flails. She also noticed that the storm clouds were rising again, and lightning was beginning to strike around them.

“Reina!” she cried, looking over to the Captain who looked helpless, torn between their fallen comrade and the looming threat around them. With one last look of regret, she rose and ran toward a tree.

“Take cover!” she said, and the terrified girls behind them scattered as Airi and Miyabi lunged for the side of the path opposite where Reina went. It was just in time too, as not a second later a large fireball whizzed through their prior positions, illuminating the fallen Nakazawa girl before flying off down the path.

“We’ll take them from inside the trees!” they heard Reina call from the other side. “It’ll be our only chance against their weapons!”

“Come on,” Miyabi said, and she pulled Airi after her deeper into the wood, through in a general direction toward the Circle’s army.

“Right,” Airi said, face still flush with the thought of the girl they’d left on the path with an arrow sticking out of her. “We’re the only ones that can stop any more innocent girls from being hurt…” Without responding, Miyabi kept pulling her on through the trees.

Before long they hunched down as a group of students, most with katanas or short swords and one with a hesitantly raised bow, walked through the trees while looking all around for any movement. “We need to take care of them before they find some of the others,” Miyabi whispered hoarsely. After a moment of nothing happening as they continued walking past, she continued, “We meaning you in this case.”

Airi, her attention distracted by a member of the group, blinked at her. “Oh…” she mouthed, and looked back at them. The member that had distracted her was Aika, holding a short sword tentatively as if unsure or even scared at the possibility of using it. What could she do? Mittsi… she thought sadly.

Suddenly she turned to Miyabi. “Cover me,” she said simply, and stood up before her companion could respond, catching the attention of the entire group.

As if terrified at finding not one of the helpless groups of students but the one that had apparently caused their leaders so much grief, the pack of students, with the exception of Aika, stared at her. The one with the bow – Kanon, Airi realized it was, from her own House – let an arrow fly that seemingly bounced off the air right in front of Airi, as Miyabi came up beside her with a grim expression.

Airi smiled. “Mittsi, Kanon, how are you?” she asked, apparently ignoring that one of the girls she greeted had just tried to put an arrow through her. “It’s a beautiful day, isn’t it?” she asked, as it began raining. The girls looked among each other, confusion now seeping in with their fright. “There’s no need for this, is there? I mean, are you really trying to kill us?”

“But you’re fighting against the Circle!” shouted Akari Saho, one of Kanon’s friends and also a member of Airi’s House.

“And you killed Gaki-san,” an older girl stated solemnly. Airi recognized her as the round-faced one from when they entered the tower. “Not to mention you’re Skulls, and it’s time to clean up this school!” she continued, spitting out the name of their group as if it was a curse word

“Airi, what are you doing…?” Miyabi mumbled out of the corner of her mouth. “We don’t exactly have all the time in the world here.” In response Airi just patted her arm.

“But Airin’s not a Skull…” Aika said, lowering her sword. “Right? You’re still a good person!”

“Of course I am,” Airi smiled.

“That still doesn’t explain—” the older one and apparent leader of the group began.

“I’ve already responded to that,” Airi said darkly. “It’s your choice whether to believe me or not.”

“We don’t believe you!” Mia Sainen yelled. She was Aika’s friend being from the same year and House, and for some reason had never been fond of Airi. The other girls aside from Aika nodded their agreement, and Airi sighed.

“Then I’m sorry,” she said. “I have no choice…” She straightened up as if preparing to do something, and the girls started looking at each other nervously, obviously worried about what she might do to them.

Then suddenly, she flung out her arms in front of her and shouted in an angry-sounding voice, “Abra cadabra!” A branch of a tree burst into flame above them, and most of the girls jumped back as if wanting to run. “Oogy boogy! Allakhazam!” she shouted again, waving her arms even more dramatically. This time a couple of the younger girls screamed, and they dropped their weapons and began running as fast as they could in the other direction. Aika was the last to go, giving Airi a wide-eyed look, before allowing Mia to pull her along as well.

After they disappeared, Airi and Miyabi both straightened, Airi feeling a bit sad and Miyabi staring after them. “Well,” Miyabi said wryly. “That’s one way of taking care of them…”

Their moment didn’t last though as it suddenly seemed to become darker, and Miyabi drew in a breath. “What?” Airi whispered. “What is it?” Miyabi though did nothing but stare into the trees across from them, as wary as Airi had ever seen her. Airi quickly followed her girlfriend’s gaze, but didn’t see anything for a minute until a small girl walked casually out from behind some brush. Airi froze, but the girl just stood there in the softly falling rain, looking in their direction as if waiting for something.

“Come on,” Miyabi said after a while, and pulled Airi forward before she could utter a complaint. Soon the two of them were facing the other silently, and Airi tried to keep her fright in check from being so close to the Head of House Goto.

“I didn’t know if you’d come,” she said quietly. A blast sounded off in another part of the wood, along with some screams, and the rain had a sudden, fitful hard burst. The two lovers’ eyes were fixed on the girl in front of them though. “It was genius really, how you made those girls run. Try as hard as I could, I couldn’t even make them come back. Your work, I take it?” she asked Miyabi, who after a hesitation slowly shook her head. “Oh.” Then she glanced over at Airi. “Yet again the one who seems to cause us all this trouble. How interesting, also. You’re far different from Matsuura.”

“Wh-what are you talking about?” asked Airi, upset with herself at letting her fear show in her stutter.

The other girl smiled a smile that held no mirth, the rain seeming to envelop her in shadow. “So now what? Are you going to try that with me? I think you’ll find me a somewhat harder quarry to outwit.”

“No,” Miyabi growled. “I’ll fight you if I can.”

Shimizu’s gaze lingered on her again. “Oh? Well do your best then,” she continued in that irritatingly quiet voice.

“As you wish…” Miyabi hissed in response, and broke free from Airi to lunge at the girl.

“Miya, no!” Airi cried, but Miyabi had already reached her. At least, it looked like she had. When it appeared she was going to plow right into the smaller girl, her form vanished into shadow and Miyabi just stumbled along the ground.

“Where are you!” Miyabi shouted, spinning around as if the girl could be anywhere. “I’m so tired of constantly fighting you off, so let’s just end it right here and now!”

“But why?” the girl’s voice responded, sounding as if it reverberated all around them. “The fun’s just beginning!”

With that, the two girls heard a loud roar as something jumped into the clearing. Airi stared, wide-eyed. A “thing” was about the only word she could use to describe it. The roar came from the head of a lion, but it was set on what looked like the body of a horse covered in long but smooth white fur, beneath wings of a similar but less pure color.

“What the…” Miyabi exclaimed, and the head swiveled toward her before the beast lunged at her.

“No!” Airi shouted, jumping forward herself and trying to call upon whatever she could. She threw out her hands, one palm against the back of the other, that palm facing toward the monster, and a ray of light shot out from her. Upon contact with the creature it fell apart into shadow once again.

Miyabi was breathing heavily, staring terrified at what had seemingly been about to maul her, bad memories perhaps rearing once again, and Airi lowered her hands. “What is this?!” she complained, now looking around herself. “Is none of this real?” She walked up to Miyabi and held her arm tightly.

“No…” Miyabi said. “She’s around here somewhere…” She too was now looking around again, still breathing hard, but now seemingly with more focus.

A bear crashed through some brush toward them, rearing on its hind legs, but this time Miyabi just lurched forward and jumped toward it with a flying kick. Again, upon her contact the image dissipated into shadow. “How many of these things are you going to make us fight!” she shouted in no specific direction.

Then, a girl in seifuku wandered into the small clearing holding a club tightly in both of her hands. Airi recognized her as the girl Maimi had been with in the tower earlier. “All right, that’s enough of your illusions!” she shouted as she raised her hands once again.

“Airi, no!” Miyabi shouted suddenly, and lunged toward her, but it was too late.

Airi shot the bright beam of light once again from her hands, and it connected with the girl’s midsection. This time though her form didn’t disappear into shadow; instead, Airi’s beam burned a hole a few centimeters in diameter just above her stomach, and her face adopted a look of surprise before she dropped her club and fell to the ground, shaking and unable to catch a breath.

Airi stared wide-eyed at the result of her action as Miyabi reached her and clutched her tight. “What… what have I done?” she asked, as the girl gave a last half-cough before becoming still. Despite Miyabi’s support, she fell to her knees in horror. “What…” Her mind was numb; she could no longer think of anything rationally, so she hardly even noticed that Miyabi was shaking while holding her.

“You…” Miyabi began harshly. “You evil bitch!” she finished, yelling in fury. Airi felt her let go of her hold, dropping Airi into only the cold chill of despair. Miyabi looked once again from side to side around them, letting her fury take her over, until she focused on one spot ahead and slightly to the right, darting toward it and into the trees.

Airi couldn’t help but stare at the girl she’d killed in cold blood. Her mouth opened finally, but no words came out. She tried again and again before finally a whisper escaped her lips. “Miya…” With that word, it seemed like she managed to regain a bit of herself again, and she raised her head to look off in the direction her girlfriend had gone, hearing muffled noises coming from it.

“Miya!” she said more strongly this time, and she rose unsteadily, walking in the direction she’d gone, doing her best to ignore the girl lying unmoving just meters away.

Trying to hang onto her new focus, she broke through the trees and brush, the sounds harder to hear now that she was making so much of her own, but she knew she was headed in the right direction. “Miya!” she called again, but before long she jerked to a stop, finding Miyabi straddling a girl whom she was apparently beating to a pulp.

“Miya!” she cried once more, leaning forward and trying to grab at her arm to pull her away. “Stop it!”

“No, Airi!” Miyabi responded through clenched teeth as she continued her assault. “She needs to pay for what she’s done to you! Everything she’s done!”

Airi could tell that her girlfriend was just lost to her emotion now, just as she was just a short time ago. “It’s not worth this though!” she pleaded to her. “I’m okay, really! Please… just stop…” She did her best to hang onto the girl’s arm as it continued pummeling the small form on the ground, until it slowed and eventually did stop.

By that time Airi was crying and trying to bury her face into Miyabi’s arm, and Miyabi appeared as exhausted as Airi had ever seen her too. “…You’re okay?” Miyabi asked finally, and Airi nodded her tear-streaked face against her arm. Then Miyabi quickly dismounted her victim and pulled Airi off to the side, holding her tightly in her arms as she continued crying into her shoulder. “I’m sorry…” she said, stroking Airi’s hair. “I just couldn’t protect you, so I felt I had to do something… I needed to do something…”

As her sobbing slowed, Airi peered through her tears over Miyabi’s shoulder at the bruised and bloodied form of House Goto’s head lying motionlessly in the tall grass.”Do…” she began, choking a little in her sobs. “Do you think you killed her?”

“I don’t know,” Miyabi replied, not diverting her attention from comforting her girlfriend. “I almost hope so. I just wish…” She trailed off before finishing her thought though, and the two held each other in silence as Airi couldn’t take her eyes from their fallen enemy.

Reina watched from a bush as the girl swinging a long-chained flail above her head approached two others from her own group. She’d thought about interfering, but the others seemed able and prepared to defend themselves even though they only carried thick sticks as weapons. Also, since one was Chisato, Reina thought that she at least should be given an opportunity to prove herself. Her eyes fixed on the newly initiated Skull, she felt her heart speed up as she silently cheered from the sideline.

“What’s the matter, Sugaya?” the girl leered at Chisato’s companion, the whoosh of the mace-head buzzing past each ear as it swung. “Are you scared of something?”

“I’m not scared of you, Tsugunaga!” Sugaya shouted from her crouch next to Chisato as she cluched her stick protectively before her. “I feel sorry for you though…”

The other girl laughed. “Sorry for what? With the Circle in authority over everything, I’ll be one of the top generals in the world! Who would argue with something like that?” She started waving her flail menacingly further ahead of her.

“Now!” Chisato cried to her friend, and Sugaya jumped quickly out forward and to the side, Tsugunaga whipping the flail out toward her. The younger girl dodged desperately to the side as it smashed into the ground just beside her, and Reina smiled at what happened next.

Apparently that was exactly what Chisato wanted, because the second the girl threw her flail at Sugaya, she dove toward her, and she couldn’t react in time before Chisato slid between her legs on her back and, looking up at her, said pleasantly, “Hello there!” before whipping her long and until now not so dangerous-looking branch up hard to crack along her whole body, up to her face.

The shock of the blow made the Circle’s lackey drop her weapon, which Sugaya quickly collected, if with some trouble since it was so heavy, and she stumbled back with a cry, holding her hands to her now scraped face and stinging midsection. Chisato jumped to her feet, tossing the stick aside, and lunged toward the girl.

“Do not…!” she said, punching the girl in the gut to make her double over, “…insult my friend…!” Another blow, this time an uppercut to the chin. “…in front of me!” she finally finished in her exertion, this time kicking out at the girl’s chest to send her flying into a bush.

Reina continued smiling the whole time. Yes, she will make an excellent Skull. Her eyes lingered on the young Matsuura girl for another moment before she turned from the battle whose result had obviously been decided and continued on her hunt for the source of the rain that’d been pelting her this whole time. In her own sense of the weather, she’d been able to divine Takahashi’s general direction, and had been heading toward it ever since the battle started. She’d run into a few of the Circle’s loyalists that she’d dispatched – she smiled again fondly at the memory of those confrontations – and now knew she was close.

And just as the thought came to her, there her quarry was, stalking through the trees as if on a hunt of her own, flanked by the younger tall girl that had shot Erina at the beginning and another one that Reina thought was also from House Goto.

Seeing it was only the three of them, she stepped out of the trees into their sight. Takahashi’s eyes widened, and the tall girl quickly but more sure of herself this time again drew her bow and fired an arrow toward Reina. With a look though, Reina caused a tendril to shoot out from a tree near its path and snatch the arrow out of the air.

“So,” Takahashi said in a voice of finality. “It’s you. I suppose it was fate that we should be the ones to meet first.”

Reina yawned. “And I’ll be the last one you meet too.”

Takahashi twisted the corner of her mouth. “So confident,” she said, and gestured toward the girl holding a katana next to her, who charged forward toward Reina.

Keeping a careful eye on the weather to make sure Takahashi didn’t try something through the diversion, Reina waited patiently for the girl to near her and raise her katana before jumping deftly forward, feinting to the side at the last moment before shoving her elbow into the girl’s gut, knocking her completely off the path and into the brush at the side. For good measure, she snatched the dropped katana out of the air as well and in one movement threw it toward the remaining two, Takahashi dodging out of the way before it ran through archer girl’s shoulder, causing her to shriek and drop the bow from her now limp arm, falling to the ground and crying in pain.

Takahashi gave a quick look to her fallen guard before darting a scathing glare in Reina’s direction. “Oh give it a rest, will you?” Reina complained lazily. “You’re not gonna win.”

“For Nii-chan!” Takahashi yelled, the thunder and rain getting louder and harder, as she dashed down the path toward Reina, who now crouched in preparation for the encounter. Finally they collided, and the two girls rolled from side to side across the narrow path, each throwing punches that the other generally avoided.

“You realize…” Reina grunted, rolling to her feet and throwing Takahashi into a tree. As the older girl lunged back at her, she fell back in another roll and kicked up, making contact with the girl’s stomach and making her fly the other direction into another tree. “That your friend…” She jumped at Takahashi and finally managed to pin her somewhat and get some good blows in at her face. “Is fine and dandy in her bed…” As Takahashi pushed her away, she backed off a ways down the path. “Right…?” she wheezed through her heavy breathing.

She heard something rustle behind her, and Takahashi’s eyes looked past her for a moment before the Head of House Nakazawa responded. “She’s more than a friend…” she growled. “More of the type that you would know, right Mikitty?” she asked, and Reina turned to see the former Captain coming up behind her and looking cautiously at Takahashi. “Then again, unlike some, she hasn’t been spoiled by your corruption…”

Her eyes never leaving Takahashi, Miki gave a quick whispered report to Reina. “Yajima has a few girls up to the north, but they’re being given a hard time by a group of our own. Those Chinese girls are surprisingly quite comfortable with fighting, and Okai’s not doing a bad job herself leading some of the younger ones. I’m not sure where her friend got that huge chain-thing, but she somehow is able to use it quite well… The trees are cancelling out some of Yajima’s power advantage. I think they’ll even be pushed back before long.” She hesitated before continuing. “I have no idea where Miyabi and Airi are.”

Reina nodded and turned back to Takahashi, who was grinning at them. “What?” the girl taunted again. “Don’t have anything to say to your old pillow friend?”

“Only you would say it that way,” Miki teased her back. “You always were the soft one. I’m surprised you even had it in you to try and lead this attack.”

“Miki…” Reina warned through clenched teeth, and Takahashi’s face fell into a glower.

“Is that so?” she asked quietly, and she became still. Despite her docile appearance, Reina didn’t like the situation at all, and became very worried as the thunder and clouds roiled worse and worse above them.

“I think it’s time to show you what the power of an heir is all about…” she said finally.

“Miki,” Reina repeated, “I think we need to get out of here…”

Before they could make a move though, a now eerily glowing Takahashi flung out her hand and a wide bolt of lightning shot forward from it, only sideswiping Reina but still blasting her into a tree to the side hard enough to break the trunk in half, but also coming into contact with Miki head-on, throwing her back several meters down the path.

“Mikitty!” Reina yelled at the now smoking form down the path. She wanted to get to her before it was too late, but knew she had no chance with Takahashi operating on this level.

“Come out!” she yelled to Reina. “It’s your turn! One slut down, and the baby makes two!”

“No!!!” Reina screamed, and jumped back out into the path to see Takahashi, who now glowed almost white-hot, glaring furiously at her. Taking a quick, deep breath, Reina charged her once again, and for the last time.
« Last Edit: April 28, 2008, 01:22:56 AM by rokun »

Offline Grisours

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Re: The Circle of Three [17: The Battle for Seishin]
« Reply #126 on: April 28, 2008, 03:03:12 AM »
New chapter!!!  :cow:
So Airi's instinct was right, they should have gone to the wall. Now that it's broken, at least they can leave, like Mari did.
The Airi/Miya interaction is luv  :wub: (even if it is a little ecchi, at least because of Miya XD)
I just wish the other girls didn't have to get involved, it's sad seeing them fight and get hurt.
And the end got me a little (a lot?) worried  :(
Loving the story!  :yep:

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Re: The Circle of Three [17: The Battle for Seishin]
« Reply #127 on: April 28, 2008, 05:29:50 AM »
"Holy....." is what I said just now when I finished reading! :lol:
I love this story! It's so addicting!
« Last Edit: April 29, 2008, 05:53:03 AM by strawb3rrykream »

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Re: The Circle of Three [17: The Battle for Seishin]
« Reply #128 on: April 28, 2008, 07:01:24 AM »
The ending of this chapter is gonna be on my mind for a while lol
and yes it was exciting this story is awesome :muffin:
Miyabi sure is touchy in this story haha and yes MiyaxAiri is ecchi XD

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Re: The Circle of Three [17: The Battle for Seishin]
« Reply #129 on: April 28, 2008, 06:49:37 PM »
“If we ever get some time alone I’ll have to find out how mature you are in other ways too…”

= WIN!!  :wub: Oh Miyabi!  XD


On a more serious note, we get fed so much action in this chapter! I enjoyed every moment of it, especially when it came down to the face off between Reina and Ai. Ai still thinks that Miyabi and Airi killed Risa!  :sweatdrop: If only she would calm down and listen. But then again, if someone I cherished that much suddenly disappeared before my eyes by the doing of my apparent enemy, I wouldn't so much as trust a single breath out of their mouths either. I guess each character and their reactions has to be thought about from their perspectives, as opposed to what we think.

And *gasp!* Airi killed Erika?! I can't even begin to imagine what kind of pain or anguish she would have felt at the realisation that it was by her own hands that an innocent person had lost their life. *sigh* I think the way you wrote it out captures very precisely what would have been going on through her mind at that time.

Once again good job of keeping me hooked as always! Can't wait to see when it gets down to the REAL fight between Ai and Reina.

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Re: The Circle of Three [17: The Battle for Seishin]
« Reply #130 on: April 28, 2008, 10:15:02 PM »
a question.
Airi even feel something for Maimi?
Because Airi even blush and intimidated with Maimi.
" a look can say more than words" and " a look can even denude the heart"

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Re: The Circle of Three [17: The Battle for Seishin]
« Reply #131 on: April 29, 2008, 05:43:13 AM »
“So uh… what’s the plan, fearless leader?” Reina asked in a very sardonic tone.
That's awesome that she said that.  :grin:

“I’m just saying it seems like you’re putting an awful lot of blind trust in her. I mean hell, she’s not even a real Skull.”
Well, she might not be a "real Skull", but she's still got more raw power than either of the two of them have put together.

“Just remember,” Reina retorted darkly. “About everything that being a Skull entails.”
Why does this part give me a sense of foreboding?   :-X

Airi clenched her hands again, her left one now fully in a fist. Her right probably would have been too if there hadn’t been something soft and warm obstructing it. “You’re a very brave and determined girl…” she heard Miyabi whisper warmly into her ear. “Especially surprising for your age. If only Kusumi could have half of that, or Reina even…” The girl leaned in closer until Airi could feel her breath hot against her lobe. “If we ever get some time alone I’ll have to find out how mature you are in other ways too…”
Wooooooo... :pimp:

“We’re just almost there. Right?” she asked, looking again at Airi, who cleared her throat.


Her worries were momentarily alleviated though when the blackness faded into the swirling fog they knew to be the wall, cutting off the path ahead of them. She stopped only a few meters away, staring up at it.

“So what’s the plan?” Miyabi asked slowly and quietly.

Airi swallowed into her suddenly dry throat. “We take it down,” she said simply.
Take it down? What for? It must have been put up for a reason (like, to keep something in or out of someplace). Besides, how are they supposed to take it down if they don't have any tools?

“By ‘we’,” she heard Fujimoto say from behind. “You mean you, right?”

“The three of us,” Airi responded, turning around and looking at a slouching Reina.
Oh...right. Their powers.  :mon sweat:

“I realized what our problem was before. Aside from the shock of finding our friends there and all of course… I can’t do this alone. Neither can Miyabi and neither can you. We have to work together.”

“And how exactly is that supposed to work?” Reina asked, sounding bored. “We’ve all been pretty independent in what we’ve been able to do so far.”
Aaaaaaaaaaaaah I see. She's saying that they'd be better/more effective if they worked together and played off of one another's strengths and powers.  Up until this point they've just been proceeding as individuals against The Circle. What they have to do in order to beat them is work as a group against them.  :yep:

I had… I don’t know what to call it, but something happened inside me and lots of things suddenly made sense. One was how we could resonate with each other, focusing our abilities and using them in a stronger way than any of us could by ourselves, or at least with what we know of our abilities now. So we were able to protect someone who was innocent in all this. I wouldn’t have guessed it would have had so many side effects though…
She must mean Risa.

Wait, side effects?

Apparently coming to some decision, she turned to Airi, who was still shaky and partly held up by her girlfriend. “So how does this whole… mind meld thing… work?”
Fascinating. XD

“So…” Reina asked, seeming to try her best to be patient. “What happens now?”

Still with eyes closed, Airi replied, “Even though I’ll be trying to… help you along… it’s your element that we’ll need to use, just like what happened with Miya and I back at the tower. There is something very similar to a dense storm inside this wall, and you know how to order the weather.”
So the three of them are going to amplify Reina's powers, which the latter will then channel towards the order to...release something?

“There is so much evil within this structure,” she said, still in that strange and now somber voice. “I would say it was carelessly constructed if I didn’t think it was intended to breed chaos. Still,” she said, reaching a hand out to it as if twisting something. The wall seemed to roil more violently, strands of mist lashing out from it, but none daring to touch the three girls standing before it. Airi heard some worried whispers break out from behind her, but right now that seemed as if it was another world.
Man, what IS it that's been kept within that wall? And can they control it when they release it?

“I can’t understand it all though. This was made to be chaotic yes, but also with a quick mind…” She glanced over at Miyabi, who stepped toward the wall now also.

“This was not done by the three from the tower,” she stated in a much plainer voice than Reina used. “It does not have Shimizu’s mark.”
Shimizu's mark? Shouldn't that be the mark of one of the houses?  Captain's not old enough to have made something as ancient as this evidently is.

“Maybe there’s hope then,” Airi said, now gazing with rising excitement at the wall that was now hissing and spitting angrily. At times she thought she could even see a point of light shine through from the other side. “If this was just given to them, perhaps they’re not as strong yet as they seem. Especially…” She felt her own power surge within her as the desire to be once again reunited with the Sun enflamed in her soul. “…Now that we have discovered our own potential!” she finished with a rising tone. Not able to bear it any longer, she flung out her arms to release the radiance that was building up inside her and yearned to rejoin with its complement just beyond the barricade.
Wait...the sun? As in...literally?

OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH!!! They're at the dome that The Circle made to seal off/enclose the school and surrounding area in darkness. Then, could it be that it's the sun itself that actually gives The Skulls their strength? 

Once again she felt the Sun beating down on her, infusing within her, the clarity of the air giving her what felt like the first fresh breath she’d had in days.
Well...whaddaya know. :O

Gonna be interesting to see how The Circle reacts to THIS development. They wanted the darkness (probably because it strengthens them like how the sun strengthens The Skulls), but now it's gone.

Mikitty, where does this path lead?”

Fujimoto squinted down it. “I think if, when it forks, you take the right path, it’ll eventually wind back around to the road.”

“That sounds like a plan then,” Mari responded, and she started down it.

Miyabi extricated herself from Airi’s mouth in order to shout after her, “Hey! You going already?”

The older woman turned back to consider them and nodded. “I have urgent business elsewhere that those accursed girls have already made me late for. I’m sure this won’t be the last I see of you though. And like I said, you three definitely don’t seem to need me anymore.
What's Mari up to now?  Going off on her own, is she going to be safe? Are The Circle members even aware of her presence and who/what she is? They might try to stop her from doing...whatever it is she's planning on doing.
 :mon one:

“I…” Li Chun began finally. “I’m sorry for doubting you. You obviously do know what you are doing…” Even though she apologized, it was still with a grudging voice as she looked down at the ground, fidgeting. “Although,” she continued, and darted her eyes up to theirs. Lin Lin sighed. “I would like to point out that even though I complained, I was still here along with my friends!”
Oh Junjun.  :oops:

“Oh give it a rest, Jun Jun,” Michishige said, and Airi felt her heart flutter slightly as she looked at the dark-haired girl. Miyabi apparently reflexively clutched her waist tighter, but Airi just smiled and snuggled into her side. For some reason, it was no longer quite the same as when she’d first met the girl.
Eh?  :dunno:

Kamei spoke next, still gazing in wonder at where the wall used to be. “That was incredible! You guys really are something! When we saw Reina capture that wolf it was one thing, but this…”

“That’s right,” Miyabi said suddenly, glancing over at Reina, who walked toward them at the sound of her name. “What exactly happened there anyway? When we saw Shimizu transform and jump out the window we thought you all would surely be eaten.”

“Transform…?” Erina asked in a worried voice.
Now the others know that the beast is Captain.

Reina continued looking at her for a moment before clearing her throat, and was about to speak when Koharu came up to them and interrupted her. “Oh it was really cool! You should have seen it, Miyakko! It was—“

“Excuse me~!” Reina interrupted herself, as Chisato and Risako came up next to the other Skull. “I believe this is my story?”

“Yeah!” Chisato said, carefully avoiding Reina’s gaze, which was quickly becoming darker. “It started with her and Fujimoto starting to fight it hand-to-hand – where Reina was doing a much better job, I might add—” There was a huff from the side of the path at that remark. “But it was still tearing into them, and we were all like ‘ahhhh!’ and the two of them were like ‘grrr!’ and…”

“If you don’t let me talk soon, you’ll find that Miyakko’s not the only one I’m willing to give a beat down to…” Reina said, glowering, her arms crossed dangerously at her chest. However, Chisato just ignored her and continued on with her tale.
Oh the kids. So excitable. :lol:

So she's also been able to find that she's got some power of nature itself.

Coolness. If she stays aware of her surroundings, that could come in handy.  8)

However, she didn’t say any more before her head started ringing and she fell to the ground. She wanted to scream, but found that her body didn’t want to respond to her. “Didn’t your mother ever tell you it isn’t nice to have fun at someone else’s expense?” a voice reverberating throughout her head said. Then it suddenly seemed to get more serious. “The dome was the last straw. This time we will show no mercy, and all of you who stand in our way will pay…”

Finally the ringing faded and stopped and Airi came to, holding her head tightly and finding Miyabi crouched next to her looking very frightened. “I’m sorry,” her girlfriend said. “It happened so quickly I couldn’t respond right away, and then it was more difficult getting her out. Are you okay?”
Oh crap, Captain got into Airi's head.



Double-crap, now she might be able to pinpoint/figure out where they're located! :OMG:

Miyabi, suddenly alert, stood quickly, and Airi unsteadily joined her. “You’re right,” she said, frowning, obviously angry with herself. “I’ve not been keeping alert enough since we were celebrating about taking care of the wall.” She closed her eyes briefly before opening them and appealing to Airi. “They’re coming. All of them. And quickly.”

“What are we gonna do?” Kamei asked, appearing terrified once again.

“You are going to stay back and out of the way,” Reina said, stepping forward to look hard down the path. “We don’t know what their plan of attack is going to be.”

“But we want to help,” Lin Lin said, and after a slight hesitation Jun Jun nodded, along with Michishige and Erina.
While it's nice that the others want to help, as I said in a previous post there isn't much, if anything that they'll be able to do against The Circle. And considering Captain's statement to make "all" of those who stand in their way pay...they're the most vulnerable right now. Their presence isn't exactly helpful right now.  If anything it's a liability, considering that The Skulls are supposed to be protecting them.

We’re going to fight Ai-chan…” Erina mourned.

“No,” Reina said. “We’re going to. If anything, I want you guys to only be worried about the rest of the girls.”
Right, totally forgot about the other "regular" students that have chosen to follow The Circle.  They've got them believing in their cause, it makes sense that they'd use them for their own gain at a time like this.

“Do you think they’ll be armed?”

“I can’t tell,” Miyabi said, gazing off into nowhere.

“If they’re bringing them, I’d guess they would be,” Fujimoto interjected.

“Armed with what?” Jun Jun asked. “This is a school. There are no weapons here…”
Considering how long The Circle's plan has been laying in wait, it totally would not surprise me at all to find out that there are some old, SECRET stashes of weapons from early on when the school was first built during/shortly after the time of the original Circle members.

“I don’t know,” Reina said, and looked to her old captain. “You stay back with the others for now too, okay?” Fujimoto stared a moment before nodding and joining the other Nakazawa girls.
Yeah, it's a smart move for Miki to stay with the others. Considering they don't know what they're up against, they're going to need a leader-type figure to tell them what to do when the shit starts to fly.

“It’s okay,” Airi reassured. “I’m sure—”

“SUZUKI!!!” they heard Takahashi shout from down the path, and their attention snapped that direction to see two of the three Circle members leading a fairly large group of girls down the path. Takahashi seemed to be at the head, looking like a storm cloud, and at that time Airi also noticed the Sun fall behind some actual ones as low, black clouds seemed to follow in the wake of the advancing group. Shimizu was nowhere to be seen, but by the announcement in their heads just a few minutes ago, Airi knew she couldn’t be far.

“I’d guess she hasn’t found her friend yet,” Miyabi whispered out of the corner of her mouth, and Airi silently agreed as the three stood to face the arrivals.
Oh boy.   :mon scare:

Where's Risa when you really need her?

“First my best friend…” Takahashi ground out in a voice just loud enough to carry. “And now you’ve destroyed our protective barrier…” Thunder seemed to accentuate her every word. Airi glanced over to see Reina curiously studying the sky. “Are you going to keep on until I have nothing left?” She shook her head. “No… It ends here.”

“Your friend hasn’t been harmed!” Miyabi shouted, visibly affronted. “I merely sent her back to your—“

“Lies!!” Maimi shouted, stepping forward with an arm stretched out toward them. Airi hunched down warily. The Matsuura head shifted her always-intense gaze between herself and Miyabi. “Everything the two of you said has always been lies! Nothing more!” However, Takahashi had quieted as if she was considering their words.
Yeah, the last thing Maimi wants right now is for Aichan to calm down. But then, does Maimi know that Risa's alive and unharmed, and is deliberately keeping that information from Aichan?

“Don’t listen to her, Ai-chan!” Erina shouted from behind Airi, and the girl stepped up just to the side of the three of them. “I don’t know what exactly went on, but I know Natsuyaki-san and Suzuki-san don’t lie! The Skulls may not be well-liked but… they have good hearts!”

Airi felt herself smile at the friendship and loyalty that the girl portrayed, especially since it was in such contrast to her apparent idolizing of Takahashi before any of this happened. It was short-lived though, as she heard something whistle past them and a dull thud from beside her.

Erina, whom she’d just been looking at with pride, now held her mouth and eyes wide as she glanced down at a long, thin object that protruded from her chest. Blood began to form around it, and her legs wobbled before she fell to the ground, trying her best to stay up.
MANOERI!!!  :shock:

Airi darted a look at the group across from them to see a tall and thin, but young, wide-eyed girl behind the Circle members with a bow that she was just lowering. She also noticed, after at first being distracted by the Circle members, that the students arrayed across the path all had some kind of ancient weapon. Some had bows or katanas, while others had things that even looked like clubs or flails. She also noticed that the storm clouds were rising again, and lightning was beginning to strike around them.
Oh sometimes I really HATE being right.  :banghead:

“We’ll take them from inside the trees!” they heard Reina call from the other side. “It’ll be our only chance against their weapons!”
Hopefully Reina put her new botanical powers to good use here.

Airi smiled. “Mittsi, Kanon, how are you?” she asked, apparently ignoring that one of the girls she greeted had just tried to put an arrow through her. “It’s a beautiful day, isn’t it?” she asked, as it began raining. The girls looked among each other, confusion now seeping in with their fright. “There’s no need for this, is there? I mean, are you really trying to kill us?”
Airi's trying to reason with them? Assuming that The Circle hasn't placed some brainwashing spell over them, is this really a good idea?

“I have no choice…” She straightened up as if preparing to do something, and the girls started looking at each other nervously, obviously worried about what she might do to them.

Then suddenly, she flung out her arms in front of her and shouted in an angry-sounding voice, “Abra cadabra!” A branch of a tree burst into flame above them, and most of the girls jumped back as if wanting to run. “Oogy boogy! Allakhazam!” she shouted again, waving her arms even more dramatically. This time a couple of the younger girls screamed, and they dropped their weapons and began running as fast as they could in the other direction. Aika was the last to go, giving Airi a wide-eyed look, before allowing Mia to pull her along as well.

After they disappeared, Airi and Miyabi both straightened, Airi feeling a bit sad and Miyabi staring after them. “Well,” Miyabi said wryly. “That’s one way of taking care of them…”

With that, the two girls heard a loud roar as something jumped into the clearing. Airi stared, wide-eyed. A “thing” was about the only word she could use to describe it. The roar came from the head of a lion, but it was set on what looked like the body of a horse covered in long but smooth white fur, beneath wings of a similar but less pure color.

“What the…” Miyabi exclaimed, and the head swiveled toward her before the beast lunged at her.

“No!” Airi shouted, jumping forward herself and trying to call upon whatever she could. She threw out her hands, one palm against the back of the other, that palm facing toward the monster, and a ray of light shot out from her. Upon contact with the creature it fell apart into shadow once again.
More of Captain's mind games. MiyAiri need to be especially careful here. 

Then, a girl in seifuku wandered into the small clearing holding a club tightly in both of her hands. Airi recognized her as the girl Maimi had been with in the tower earlier. “All right, that’s enough of your illusions!” she shouted as she raised her hands once again.

“Airi, no!” Miyabi shouted suddenly, and lunged toward her, but it was too late.

Airi shot the bright beam of light once again from her hands, and it connected with the girl’s midsection. This time though her form didn’t disappear into shadow; instead, Airi’s beam burned a hole a few centimeters in diameter just above her stomach, and her face adopted a look of surprise before she dropped her club and fell to the ground, shaking and unable to catch a breath.


Umeda?   :mon wtf:

“Miya!” she said more strongly this time, and she rose unsteadily, walking in the direction she’d gone, doing her best to ignore the girl lying unmoving just meters away.

Trying to hang onto her new focus, she broke through the trees and brush, the sounds harder to hear now that she was making so much of her own, but she knew she was headed in the right direction. “Miya!” she called again, but before long she jerked to a stop, finding Miyabi straddling a girl whom she was apparently beating to a pulp.

“Miya!” she cried once more, leaning forward and trying to grab at her arm to pull her away. “Stop it!”

“No, Airi!” Miyabi responded through clenched teeth as she continued her assault. “She needs to pay for what she’s done to you! Everything she’s done!”
But...who exactly did Miyabi find?  :gmon tears:

If the other Circle followers see this, it's only going to strengthen their resolve and belief that their side is the right side.

As her sobbing slowed, Airi peered through her tears over Miyabi’s shoulder at the bruised and bloodied form of House Goto’s head lying motionlessly in the tall grass.”Do…” she began, choking a little in her sobs. “Do you think you killed her?”

“I don’t know,” Miyabi replied, not diverting her attention from comforting her girlfriend. “I almost hope so. I just wish…” She trailed off before finishing her thought though, and the two held each other in silence as Airi couldn’t take her eyes from their fallen enemy.
So...she really did catch Captain?  :bleed eyes:

Nicely done, I must say.  :muffin:

“So,” Takahashi said in a voice of finality. “It’s you. I suppose it was fate that we should be the ones to meet first.”

Reina yawned. “And I’ll be the last one you meet too.”
Elemental VS Elemental.   :shocked:


This is going to be big.

She heard something rustle behind her, and Takahashi’s eyes looked past her for a moment before the Head of House Nakazawa responded. “She’s more than a friend…” she growled. “More of the type that you would know, right Mikitty?” she asked, and Reina turned to see the former Captain coming up behind her and looking cautiously at Takahashi.


“What?” the girl taunted again. “Don’t have anything to say to your old pillow friend?”

“Only you would say it that way,” Miki teased her back. “You always were the soft one. I’m surprised you even had it in you to try and lead this attack.”

“Miki…” Reina warned through clenched teeth, and Takahashi’s face fell into a glower.
Miki...and Aichan?  :stunned:

“I think it’s time to show you what the power of an heir is all about…” she said finally.

“Miki,” Reina repeated, “I think we need to get out of here…”

Before they could make a move though, a now eerily glowing Takahashi flung out her hand and a wide bolt of lightning shot forward from it, only sideswiping Reina but still blasting her into a tree to the side hard enough to break the trunk in half, but also coming into contact with Miki head-on, throwing her back several meters down the path.

Why do I get the feeling that THIS is what Mari & Miki meant when they were talking about "what it means to be a Skull"?   :cry:

“No!!!” Reina screamed, and jumped back out into the path to see Takahashi, who now glowed almost white-hot, glaring furiously at her. Taking a quick, deep breath, Reina charged her once again, and for the last time.
REINA!!!  :frustrated:

Ok, I'm calling final fights between Miyabi and Maimi (probably somehow involving how Maimi's jealous that Miyabi got Airi instead of her), and between Airi and Aichan (because they've both been glowing...litereally...with immense amounts of power).

 :mon blowhorn:
« Last Edit: April 29, 2008, 05:46:26 AM by JFC »

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

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Re: The Circle of Three [17: The Battle for Seishin]
« Reply #132 on: April 29, 2008, 09:10:22 PM »
Man, what's up with you people? :P Everything that happens in this chapter, and many of you just focus on Miyabi's ecchiness... lol. Just in case, I thought I'd clear up something. Hopefully I've not been too subtle about what Miya, Reina (and Miki when she was there) are like, have I? Maybe I've been buttering them up too much lately as they've gotten involved with Airi & co, but remember they're the Skulls. They're the bad girls of the school... You know the girls in your high school that seem trashy and might even belong to some gang, and even though they may not be popular otherwise seem like they've been with every guy around? That's who they are. After all, the Skulls is as far as they knew (until Mari came along and all this bigger stuff and their history started coming out) just a gang of students trying to be the cool badasses of the school.

I think I was clearer about that in the beginning but then they seemed to become more "reformed" somehow. Even though that might be what it looks like, they're mainly just complex characters that before this nobody outside the gang really ever got close enough to in order to find out these things. You saw a bit of those roots in this chapter (Reina going at Miya like she did, and Miya just beating the crap out of Saki), and now that things might be serious awhile, it's going to continue. So... in other words... things like that are really rather expected out of someone like Miyabi, and Airi, if she really wants to remain pure, might have to watch herself. Unfortunately she's just come to a very vulnerable state, and she has accepted Miya as her girlfriend...

So anyway, that's my spiel on that. :P

Grisours, anonymousdowner and strawb3rrykream へ,

Thanks so much for your praise and loving of the story! As I've said many times before, it makes me so happy to see people enjoying it at least somewhat as much as I do. :) Hopefully the above addressed your Miya/Airi concerns somewhat XD, and otherwise, glad I'm getting the right mood into you it seems. ;)

goosefish: Again, I'm loving that you're so insightful in some of your comments. I'm glad to see that some of the perhaps subtler things I'm trying to convey are coming across :) mostly about how you're thinking of the characters, because it's mostly right on target with how I'm thinking about them. My boss just complimented me today on my apparent ability to stand back from what's going on at times when she and maybe others in the office just hear something and jump to getting upset about it. She says I don't get as worked up about things since I can look at both sides of an issue and see where a party that's perhaps not in my in-group (to use a fun Japanese social studies term XD) is coming from.

Anyway, what this has to do with my writing is that is what I'm trying to do with these characters too, and your impressions of them seem to confirm that I'm getting some of it across. Reasons why people do things are all based on their perceptions. Ai, Maimi and Saki are the leaders of the school that (most) students all look up to, and the Skulls have always been to them the unmentionables that they wish there was some way they could even get rid of from the school. They're the gang that bullies the other good, hardworking students and rebels against the Circle's (and the school's) authority. They're the "sluts" as they put it that they try to protect the other students from getting involved with because they'll only be corrupted. Aichan even has a connection from her personal history with this aspect (Miki, which by the way, JFC, don't you remember that from early on? :P It was only about 80,000 words ago... lol).

And what this has to do with goosefish's comments (lol), is that I like your thoughts on the characters, like I said. Ai already has a very suspicious eye (no pun intended) on the Skulls (which now includes Airi), and something like what happened with Risa definitely doesn't make it better. Let's hope she does find out that she's okay soon. But then, do Miya and Airi really know for sure that she's all right to begin with? ;) Also, glad you could sympathize with poor Airi.  :yep:

And before I get into JFC's (glorious) novel, @ Maimi_Yajima: !

Your love of Maimi really touches me. :) It strikes me as how I feel sometimes when bad things are happening to those I idolize too, such as Reina... That first story of mine troubled me so much it made me write all these others... XD That said, please don't feel like I'm attacking Maimi here. Even though she may not be right at the top of my list, I still :heart: her, but in a horror/drama story such as this, horrible and dramatic things unfortunately happen. Don't be bummed out - keep the faith in her, read on once I get more up, and I bet you might feel better. :)

As to your question right now - it's nice to see someone so attentive to Airi and Maimi's interactions. It does look like Airi's had some intriguing thoughts about her throughout  the story, doesn't it? A lot of people have been getting right in Maimi's face, but Airi's generally not been one of them. There was that little matter of her trying to rip her soul apart, but what was she really trying to do there? Then again, you may not be able to answer that yet. :)

I had… I don’t know what to call it, but something happened inside me and lots of things suddenly made sense. One was how we could resonate with each other, focusing our abilities and using them in a stronger way than any of us could by ourselves, or at least with what we know of our abilities now. So we were able to protect someone who was innocent in all this. I wouldn’t have guessed it would have had so many side effects though…
She must mean Risa.

Wait, side effects?
The unintended side effects being making Aichan pretty much go crazy and no longer trust a thing they might say. ;)

*stuff about the Dome of Darkness*
I'm glad you reasoned your way through what was going on. :lol: Sorry if it might have been a bit confusing with the terms I used. Also remember how it came to be (Tsunku funnelling the Circle's power through himself). It's not something the Circle exactly did on purpose, and they may not have even realized its true purpose (which you have some interesting thoughts on ;)). Maybe it being gone now will give them a few hints about it.

“Oh give it a rest, Jun Jun,” Michishige said, and Airi felt her heart flutter slightly as she looked at the dark-haired girl. Miyabi apparently reflexively clutched her waist tighter, but Airi just smiled and snuggled into her side. For some reason, it was no longer quite the same as when she’d first met the girl.
Eh?  :dunno:
Remember some of Airi's previous encounters with the devilishly charming Sayu? :lol: Maybe a bit more of the burgeoning "maturity" of Airi showing through.

...maybe. :mon determined:

Nicely done, I must say.  :muffin:
Thank you! XD Did everyone get the obvious reference here?  :yep:

Ok, I'm calling final fights between Miyabi and Maimi (probably somehow involving how Maimi's jealous that Miyabi got Airi instead of her), and between Airi and Aichan (because they've both been glowing...litereally...with immense amounts of power).

Hmm, those do sound rather fun, don't they? :twisted: Keep tuned, because there's still much to come in the epic clash of the Circle and the Skulls. ;) (that sounds like some greek mythological movie, doesn't it? XD)

Also... sorry everyone for not giving wonderful responses to all your even more wonderful comments all the time! Honestly I'm amazed I even have the time to write this stuff... but I want you to know I :heart: every single one of them like you couldn't believe, so keep them coming!!! :muffin:

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Re: The Circle of Three [17: The Battle for Seishin]
« Reply #133 on: April 30, 2008, 04:15:44 AM »
An update :w00t:
Ok, so with everything that has been happening up to this point, I'm kinda sensing this chapter is like the rising climax, (or at least nearing it) which is also telling me this story might come to an end soon  :cry:  but all stories have ends, yeah
I hope Reina survives that attack againist Takahashi at the end. I don't wanna see her leave the skulls just yet.  It would be interesting seeing Miyabi be the leader though.  I'm sure she could handle the position.
I'm so sidetracked by the new GTA game :lol:  But I'll be sure to check for updates
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Re: The Circle of Three [17: The Battle for Seishin]
« Reply #134 on: April 30, 2008, 05:35:37 AM »
Aichan even has a connection from her personal history with this aspect (Miki, which by the way, JFC, don't you remember that from early on? :P It was only about 80,000 words ago... lol).
Cut me some slack. The ol' memory ain't what she used to be. :P :lol:

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

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Re: The Circle of Three [17: The Battle for Seishin]
« Reply #135 on: April 30, 2008, 09:04:00 AM »
Man, what's up with you people? :P Everything that happens in this chapter, and many of you just focus on Miyabi's ecchiness... lol. Just in case, I thought I'd clear up something. Hopefully I've not been too subtle about what Miya, Reina (and Miki when she was there) are like, have I? Maybe I've been buttering them up too much lately as they've gotten involved with Airi & co, but remember they're the Skulls. They're the bad girls of the school... You know the girls in your high school that seem trashy and might even belong to some gang, and even though they may not be popular otherwise seem like they've been with every guy around? That's who they are. After all, the Skulls is as far as they knew (until Mari came along and all this bigger stuff and their history started coming out) just a gang of students trying to be the cool badasses of the school.

I think I was clearer about that in the beginning but then they seemed to become more "reformed" somehow. Even though that might be what it looks like, they're mainly just complex characters that before this nobody outside the gang really ever got close enough to in order to find out these things. You saw a bit of those roots in this chapter (Reina going at Miya like she did, and Miya just beating the crap out of Saki), and now that things might be serious awhile, it's going to continue. So... in other words... things like that are really rather expected out of someone like Miyabi, and Airi, if she really wants to remain pure, might have to watch herself. Unfortunately she's just come to a very vulnerable state, and she has accepted Miya as her girlfriend...

So anyway, that's my spiel on that. :P

Grisours, anonymousdowner and strawb3rrykream へ,

Thanks so much for your praise and loving of the story! As I've said many times before, it makes me so happy to see people enjoying it at least somewhat as much as I do. :) Hopefully the above addressed your Miya/Airi concerns somewhat XD, and otherwise, glad I'm getting the right mood into you it seems. ;)

goosefish: Again, I'm loving that you're so insightful in some of your comments. I'm glad to see that some of the perhaps subtler things I'm trying to convey are coming across :) mostly about how you're thinking of the characters, because it's mostly right on target with how I'm thinking about them. My boss just complimented me today on my apparent ability to stand back from what's going on at times when she and maybe others in the office just hear something and jump to getting upset about it. She says I don't get as worked up about things since I can look at both sides of an issue and see where a party that's perhaps not in my in-group (to use a fun Japanese social studies term XD) is coming from.

Anyway, what this has to do with my writing is that is what I'm trying to do with these characters too, and your impressions of them seem to confirm that I'm getting some of it across. Reasons why people do things are all based on their perceptions. Ai, Maimi and Saki are the leaders of the school that (most) students all look up to, and the Skulls have always been to them the unmentionables that they wish there was some way they could even get rid of from the school. They're the gang that bullies the other good, hardworking students and rebels against the Circle's (and the school's) authority. They're the "sluts" as they put it that they try to protect the other students from getting involved with because they'll only be corrupted. Aichan even has a connection from her personal history with this aspect (Miki, which by the way, JFC, don't you remember that from early on? :P It was only about 80,000 words ago... lol).

And what this has to do with goosefish's comments (lol), is that I like your thoughts on the characters, like I said. Ai already has a very suspicious eye (no pun intended) on the Skulls (which now includes Airi), and something like what happened with Risa definitely doesn't make it better. Let's hope she does find out that she's okay soon. But then, do Miya and Airi really know for sure that she's all right to begin with? ;) Also, glad you could sympathize with poor Airi.  :yep:

I knew I had forgotten to say something! In your reply you reminded me about it! I think I should probably start taking notes while reading your fics, because there's always so much packed in to each chapter that by the time I'm done and go to respond, I've already forgotton half of what I want to say!!  :banghead: :sweatdrop:

Regarding the Skulls and Miyabi and whatnot: they ARE Skulls. I think that regardless of how much we don't get to see of them, they still have those qualities that make them who they are. Like you said, Miyabi beating Saki up like there was no tomorrow is something that shouldn't have surprised us. I think in accordance to the events that just took place (Airi killing Erika), Miyabi might have snapped. As in being with Airi may have softened her up a little, or she might have felt the need to suppress parts about herself that she thought Airi might not like/approve of. When you hold back parts of yourself for too long and something big like that happens, it's really hard to stop the inevitable reaction that bursts out.

Miyabi may have felt that she failed to protect Airi from doing what she just did, leading to her violent outburst. Old habbits die hard.

THEN AGAIN. I may be just over-analysing  :sweatdrop: :oops:

*sneaks away and goes into hiding*

Offline Maimi_Yajima

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Re: The Circle of Three [17: The Battle for Seishin]
« Reply #136 on: May 01, 2008, 01:47:10 AM »
I have another question:
How does Airi whenever this touches Maimi spend the strange things or Maimi do they remain hurt?
One notices that Airi feels the attraction for Maimi.
Whenever Maimi and Airi are together some raisin and both feel strange sensations.
The Airi sees that protégée feels with Miyabi, but really this is a love what Airi feels for Miyabi.
Airi or confused by this feeling of Miyabi?
Because Miyabi kiss to Airi, but Airi  I try to dodge the kiss of Miyabi.
And is Maimi a too mysterious personage, who exists in the past of Maimi so that this has this behavior?
The Airi that he sees in Maimi when they have this union between them two.
Here are things hidden.
I hope we have more about the history of Maimi.
I am intrigued too.
There is something, something hidden between Airi and Maimi.
It will be a bad thing?   
something terrible?       
or a good thing after all.   
:) :lol: :heart: :?
" a look can say more than words" and " a look can even denude the heart"

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Re: The Circle of Three [18: Recovery and Retreat]
« Reply #137 on: May 04, 2008, 06:00:23 PM »
*Ahem* I'm glad you all enjoyed the action of the last chapter. :) There's a little bit more in this, and I wonder if anyone may be... a little worried after it...

I was originally going to post this and what has now become chapter 19 together, but this was quite long enough (if not near one of my longest), and relates things that I'd like to see you guys comment on. If I'd posted the rest now too, I have a feeling that's about all you'd be talking about. ;) So, even though that's relatively short, it will be coming up within the next few days. Maybe that can just serve as a little break to all the intensity going on (you'll know what I mean when you read it). For now, I hope you enjoy Recovery and Retreat. :)

Chapter 18 – Recovery and Retreat

Reina stood up from the deceptively lightly burned body of her ex-captain, and stared down at her otherwise peaceful-looking form solemnly. “Rest in peace, Mikitty…” she said with a slight bow of her head, and began limping off in the direction she thought the path lay.

After Takahashi fled with her injured archer “escort” in tow, the wood had actually been fairly quiet with no sounds of continuing battle, and the sun was even peeking out from time to time between the clouds. Reina thought it would be out in full before too long as Takahashi became weaker and left the area further behind.

Reina wasn’t sure what exactly happened, but when she charged the last time – she thought to her death – Takahashi was hardly more competitive than a ragdoll. Reina had even had her cornered before that archer had somehow extricated the katana from her shoulder and thrown it at Reina, only narrowly missing her but causing enough of a distraction for the two of them to escape. She shrugged. Perhaps the head of her House had bit off more than she could chew with that lightning blast. It was just too bad she even got that far…

Carefully skulking through the wood in her now-brooding mood, Reina didn’t get too far before she heard a slight rustling in a bush to her right side and froze to observe it. After a bit more rustling, a leg popped out of it followed by a relatively tall, lanky girl who was wincing while holding her side and trying to brush off debris and thorns that had stuck to her skin and clothes.

“Well what do we have here?” Reina asked, causing the girl to stumble and stare wide-eyed over at her in terror.

Despite herself, the girl fell to her knobby knees, whether because of the stumble or her fright Reina couldn’t tell. Still, her eyes were fixed on Reina. “P-please don’t kill me…!” the girl pleaded, trying not to groan at the obvious pain from her side.

“Kill you?” Reina wondered, taking a step forward. The pitiful student trembled as if Reina was about to drop the axe right that second. “Why would I do that?”

“B-because you’re a Sk-skull…” the girl explained, appearing somewhat confused.

“Of course,” Reina responded, fists on her hips. “So I must be a murderous evil lunatic then, right?”

The girl looked down, unable to meet Reina’s eyes any longer. Reina relaxed a bit at the movement too. If the girl dared to take her eyes off her, she must have accepted the possibility that she wouldn’t be dying at any moment. “You… you beat up Konacchan once…” she admitted finally. It looked like she was about to cry. “She had a black eye for days afterward.”

Reina studied her calmly. “But I didn’t kill her, did I?” The girl looked up at her again, sniffing though managing not to cry, but didn’t say anything in response. “What’s your name?” Reina asked, stepping forward to offer her a hand.

The Circle army member stared at it as if it was a viper, but when it didn’t strike out at her she tentatively took it and struggled to her feet. “Tokunaga,” she responded, looking curiously into Reina’s face. “Chinami. I’m in House Goto.”

“Well, Tokunaga Chinami,” Reina said, not letting go of her hand. “How about we look about and see if there’s anyone else still around, ne?” The girl gulped. Apparently by what she saw in Reina’s eyes, she could obviously tell that this was an offer she quite literally couldn’t refuse.

As the two made their way through the woods Reina kept a tight hold on what she supposed was her captive, though the girl didn’t show any sign of a desire to escape as she just looked around herself curiously, apparently just happy to still be alive. Reina actually felt herself smile as she almost had to keep the girl in check from skipping ahead of her with her own sore leg slowing her up. Chinami from House Goto didn’t even seem to realize that her side was suddenly not hurting any more.

The two girls didn’t notice any other sign of life until they found the wet and somewhat muddy path which, broken away from the trees, sparkled brightly in the late afternoon sunshine. Reina almost laughed at its deceptive cheery appearance.

“Reina!” a girl called from a ways down the path away from the school, and she turned to see Sayumi running breathless up to her. “You have to come! It’s… she’s all right! But we don’t know for how much longer…”

Reina squinted down the path to see some figures hunched near the ground, and quickly looked questioningly to the older member of her House, who nodded. “All right,” she said, pulling Tokunaga forward. “Take care of her, and I’ll be right there.” She looked at her captive. “Sayu, this is Chinami Tokunaga. Chinami, this is Sayumi. She’s going to be your new best friend.” Then, leaving the puzzled girls behind her, she jogged the best she could toward the others.

Upon reaching them she noticed Eri and Anri Tanaka were leaned over Erina, poking cautiously at the arrow that still stuck out of her chest. “I… I’m sorry Reina,” the badly injured girl told her in a weak voice. “I just wanted Ai-chan to understand…”

“It’s okay,” Reina said in a gentle voice. “Don’t talk.” Amazed that the girl had managed to last this long, though now seeing the leaves that had been pressed to the wound around the arrow and had managed to seal it apparently just enough, she grasped the arrow at the spot it entered her chest, her other hand gripping the girl’s arm. “This might hurt more for a second.”

Then, trying to reach into her and feel the girl’s life essence, Reina let her power soak into her, and with a quick breath tugged hard at the arrow, paying special attention as it tried to rip her insides on the way out. Erina moaned in pain, but just as quickly it was over, and Reina felt the wound knitting itself up as she tossed the bloody arrow aside.

Eri and Anri both had very worried faces at the girl’s moan and when Reina pulled the arrow out, and Reina also noticed the girls she’d left behind had walked up and rejoined them, but when she took her hands away, Erina straightened up slowly, a look of amazement on her face.

She felt the bloody mark on her chest where the arrow had been and stared at Reina wide-eyed. “It’s completely gone!” she said in a voice that was gaining strength. Reina smiled softly, and before she knew it the girl attacked her, hugging her tightly. “Oh thank you, thank you!!” she cried, as Reina struggled to get a breath. “I don’t know what you did, but… but… you saved my life!”

“Come on now,” Reina nearly squeaked. “Stop it.” She finally managed to push her away brushing at her jacket and pulling it closer around her. Looking around at the other girls staring at her in various stages of amazement and curiosity, she mumbled meekly, “I don’t like to be hugged…”

“Besides,” she continued, now in a more normal but serious voice. “I can’t save everyone…” Trying to dodge the requisite further questioning glances after that, Reina stood and looked both ways down the path. “Are you the only ones here? Have you seen any of the others?”

“We haven’t seen anyone since JunJun and LinLin ran off after some of the Circle’s girls,” Eri said, looking around nervously now at the reminder of their current situation. “We’ve just been running and trying our best to hide ever since.” Sayu nodded vigorously as she held Chinami tightly to her side, something that seemed to make the young Goto girl conflicted between being nervous at their proximity and flushed at exactly the same… with a quite attractive girl.

“Well at least some of you listened to me…” Reina muttered under her breath.

“What’d you say?” Sayumi asked, then seeming to forget what they were talking about turned to the girl at her side. “Who are you, by the way?”

“Chi… Chi…” the girl began, not able to look away from Sayumi’s deep eyes.

“Ohh-kay then!” Eri said, and reached out to grab Sayumi and pull her away from the stuttering girl. Keeping the other Nakazawa sixth year firmly next to her, she peered suspiciously at Chinami. “Don’t I know you from somewhere?” she asked. Reina felt that she was completely losing control of the situation. This was precisely why she lived her antisocial life to the fullest.

“Hey guys!” a voice called from the trees, and soon Chisato emerged at the head of a tattered and muddy set of young girls, including her sister and the other small Matsuura first year as well as two girls that Reina thought were from Chinami’s year. Reina sighed as Maasa Sudou gave their new companion an intense look of some conflicting emotion she couldn’t begin to wonder at, then stared at Sugaya who was dragging the flail she’d taken from the girl Reina had watched her and Chisato defeat. Koharu followed in her wake, no longer seeming clueless as usual. The young Matsuura girl herself was now sporting a Yankees ball cap that Reina couldn’t imagine how she came across.

When everyone joined up, Chisato gave Chinami an odd look before turning to Reina. “Do you think they’re still around?” she asked.

Reina’s eyes scanned the young Skull’s little crew. Sugaya tightly clutched the handle of the weapon that was nearly the size of her, studying their surroundings but with calculation instead of fear. The other two older girls were doing the same, Konatsu holding one arm with the other as if there was something wrong with it. Even Mai and Asuna seemed to be looking at things in a new light. Then her eyes fell on their leader.

“I don’t know where they went, but it seems they’re gone,” she responded in a quiet voice. “Haven’t heard a thing since I fought Takahashi, and I can’t imagine they’d just let us chill here without trying something otherwise. Where’d you get that cap?” she finished, squinting at Chisato.

“You fought Ai-chan?” she heard Erina ask timidly, pre-empting a response from Chisato, but Reina just ignored her all the same.

Chisato just nodded, apparently also not hearing Reina’s question, and looked back into the wood. “And Osuzu and Miyabi?”

Reina only shook her head in response, but even as they spoke, four more girls walked slowly out from the trees, the two in the back seeming to be holding each other close as they walked.

Walking into the sunlight on the path made Airi feel warmer on the outside, but she still felt chilled to the bone on the inside and as if she was only keeping the most tenuous touch on the world around her. She barely even heard Chisato’s call of “Osuzu!” as the girl ran toward her. She tried to take in what she saw. What was Risako carrying?

JunJun and LinLin, having found them still huddled next to the battered Goto head, led them toward the others. Chisato arrived at Airi’s side, trying to coax out some kind of response as Miyabi pulled her on, but didn’t succeed by the time they reached Reina.

“Mikitty’s dead,” Reina woodenly informed Miyabi, and there were a few gasps from the other girls.

Miyabi just stared at her for a time before responding. “Yeah,” she said in a low voice. “This hasn’t been the greatest day for any of us.”

“But it was even worse for them,” JunJun stated, looking carefully at her charges who were less than forthcoming about what had led to the situation they were found in. Airi choked and shivered again.

“Are you okay?” Chisato asked, worried concern now etching her features.

“We need to get back to somewhere comfortable,” Miyabi directed.

Reina just studied the two of them closely, but Kamei responded, “Wh-what if they went back there? They could be setting a trap and waiting for us!”

“If they dare to hang around here still, it won’t be for long,” Miyabi said in a dangerous voice. Then she caught sight of the girl who didn’t seem to belong in the group. After tensing a second, she offered Airi to Chisato, who uncertainly took her arm, before asking, “Who are you?”

Apparently seeing how Miyabi was acting at the moment, the girl in seifuku pocked with debris that appeared to come from some kind of bush swallowed and opened her mouth, but didn’t get any words out before Miyabi shot toward her and gave her a hook to the stomach, dropping her to her knees as she lost her breath.

“Miyabi!” Chisato gasped.

“Why did you do it!?” Miyabi demanded, almost shouting at the breathless girl. Then she shin kicked her in the chest, knocking her back and causing her to sprawl out in the drying mud.

“Miyabi, stop it!” Chisato cried again, and Airi fell to her knees as well as the girl let her go to go after her suddenly insane girlfriend. For her part, Airi hugged herself tightly, looking on with widening eyes.

“Why did you get it into your stupid little head to help them!?” Miyabi yelled again, and dove atop the girl to straddle her and press her forearm to her throat. Her pitiful victim choked as she tried to speak. Chisato reached her and tried to pull her arm away, but it seemed to be like trying to move a boulder.

“That’s enough, Miya,” Reina said finally in a calm, low voice, looking on seemingly impassively. “Chinami-chan’s been nothing but cooperative since I found her, and I think even coming around to our point of view.” She paused a moment. “At least she was.”

“Don’t you care for what they did, Reina?” Miyabi asked rigidly, unmoving, seeming to be trying to keep herself even from breaking down at this point. “I mean… Miki! I didn’t see her. Are you just going to leave her out here wherever they left her? Who was it, by the way?” she finished, though sounding as if the answer was nothing but meaningless.

“It was Takahashi,” Reina said quietly, to some moans from the girls behind her. “And I don’t intend to leave her here. Now that we’re free, once we get back I’ll do my best to contact her family.”

“Someone from the Circle was always more than willing to do that whenever I or one of my friends got sick or something,” Michishige said suddenly, before cutting off quickly. “I mean… oh…”

“And then…” Miyabi ground out, clearly losing the struggle to keep herself together. “What they did to Airi…”

At that, Reina turned to Airi and considered her for perhaps the first time since they’d arrived. Airi blinked up at her with watery eyes, and Reina walked over to kneel down as well in front of her.

“What happened?” Reina asked, looking hard into her eyes. Try as hard as she could in her effort not to connect with anyone, Airi couldn’t make herself look away. She heard Miyabi curse and roll off her victim to hug her knees to herself at the side. Chisato and for some reason Maasa as well took the opportunity to jump in and tend to the battered girl.

“Airi, it’s going to be okay,” Reina continued. “Just tell me what happened.”

Looking into those eyes, images flashed through Airi’s mind of a lion-headed horse, bright beams of light, and a girl twitching on the ground. “I…” she began hoarsely. “I killed her…”

“You killed someone,” Reina repeated, to murmurs from all around. “Was she attacking you?” Airi shook her head, but Reina didn’t seem fazed. “What else was going on? Did you just find her and it happened?”

“No…” Airi said. “I thought… I thought she was another hallucination.”

“Hallucination?” Reina repeated again. “There were others?”

Airi nodded. “Shimizu-san, she… she was making them, like she was playing with us.”

“Ah,” Reina said finally, and this time reached out and clutched Airi’s shoulders tightly. “Airi, listen to me. It wasn’t your fault. It was hers. She did this to you on purpose, messing with your mind, likely hoping that this would turn out exactly how you’re letting it.”

“But…” Airi protested. “I was the one who—”

“That doesn’t matter!” Reina cut in, holding her face now close to Airi’s, who was transfixed by the girl’s words. “It was her fault!” She paused a second as if thinking of another tack. “Tell me, would you have done it if you’d just come across this girl when you were just, say, walking down this path?”

“No!” Airi cried desperately, and Reina’s body seemed to heave with relief.

“Then see? It’s all about her. She made the situation into what it was where nobody could have done anything different. We all know she has the power to play around in our heads, but it’s what she’s apparently capable of beyond her power that’s the most dangerous. Now we know that, we won’t let ourselves take her so lightly again. Right?”

Airi swallowed. For the first time since it happened, something was making a little bit of sense to her. After all, it was all Shimizu’s fault, wasn’t it? She was just doing her best to defend herself and Miyabi. Miyabi…

She darted her eyes quickly over to the girl still hugging her knees tightly to her chest and peering over at them with moist eyes. The unfortunate captive was up and listening to something Chisato was saying to her, but she carefully kept her distance from Miyabi and stared at her with the utmost caution as she held her apparently still quite sore midsection.

She had to protect Miyabi. “Miya…” she said, coughing to try and clear her voice, and she pushed herself up to amble over to her girlfriend. “It’s gonna be okay, Miya,” she said, falling down to her knees again and hugging the girl tightly to her. “It’s gonna be okay…”

Miyabi seemed to suddenly pull herself together somehow, and pulled Airi up again to her feet. “We need to get somewhere more comfortable,” she said again, then gave Reina an intense look. “Thank you…” she mouthed, but Reina just shrugged it off.

“You’re right,” the Captain agreed. “Come on.”

“I’m still worried about Chii-chan…” Yurina commented cautiously, holding a loose bandage on her shoulder as she and Ai now came within sight of the buildings of Seishin’s campus. “It didn’t look like Tanaka hurt her that badly, and with… everything that happened, I don’t think there was anyone else in that area she might have been able to find.” She wisely hesitated in her comment on the encounter in the woods, as Ai was very touchy about it considering the result.

For her own part, Ai wanted to hold a hand to her stomach on every step she took since each seemed to hurt more than the last. That damnable girl had fists that must have been as hard as iron. “We can’t go back there,” Ai responded dismissively. “I’m not strong enough to face… people who we might come across, and I take it you don’t want to take another sword, do you? This time it’d probably be through your stomach.”

However, Ai’s progress was impeded when the tall but young girl suddenly jumped in front of her, causing her to jerk to a halt to keep from running into her. She almost winced in the pain.

“But she’s my friend!” the girl pleaded. “I’ve known her since I started at Seishin! I…” She began to splutter. “We…” Her face fell into a dark blush.

Instead of getting even more furious, Ai felt herself staring calmly at the girl blocking her path. She was very brave to stand up to her like this, especially having just seen what she could do, and she was about to try something again, before… “Was she special to you?” Yurina nodded, her face tight with strain. “I wish we could go back for her,” she continued honestly, to a surprised reaction from the girl who seemed to have thought she was going to die right there. “But it really is far too dangerous. You know what those girls are capable of, and even if someone like you appeared alone they’d just squash you like a bug.” She lurched a little in her pain to remind Yurina of exactly what they were capable of.

“B-but…” Yurina tried, hope seeming to begin to flee her.

“Hope she died out there,” Ai advised softly. “Else, if she fell into their hands…”

Yurina gasped, giving Ai a look of horror. “You don’t think…?” she breathed.

“Of course not,” Ai responded, lurching forward again and putting her arm around the girl’s midsection to pull her along as she began to cry. “But I’m afraid you need to start thinking about how to move on.”

Despite the advice, the girl cried visibly as they walked on, but this time in a different direction. Ai was thinking back once again to something that those wretched girls had said, but she dared not listen to. Still, she had to take any chance there might be while she still had it.

Upon reaching House Nakazawa, Ai left the young girl in the lounge, directing her to try to get comfortable and care for her bandage while watching for any others who might arrive, as she strenuously made her way up the stairs herself. Despite it all, Risa had to be here. She just had to be! Contrary to her own advice to the pitiful girl, Ai did not want to move on, especially this soon after…

When she reached the door to their room she nearly kicked it open, though that didn’t wake the girl seeming to be sleeping peacefully atop the covers of her bed. She stared for perhaps a full minute, not really believing her eyes. “Nii-chan…?” she whispered hoarsely, her own eyes moistening now.

She stumbled over to the slumbering girl and fell next to her on the bed, looking down at how beautiful and serene she seemed – a far cry from Ai’s pummeled and disheveled current appearance. Her seifuku was even torn in places and losing some of the gold trim that marked her office. Then suddenly she let herself fall atop and hug the girl as if there would be no tomorrow. She wasn’t all that sure there would be.

“Nii-chan!” she cried. “I can’t believe you’re all right! And not a mark on you! You are… you…” She lost anything further she might have wanted to say as she buried her face into the girl’s shoulder, weeping uncontrollably. Despite her slumber, Risa showed unmistakably normal signs of breathing and heartbeat.

“Ai… Ai-chan?” a voice asked after a time. Ai rose up, rubbing her eyes to see her dear friend’s eyes fluttering open. “Wh-where are we?”

Ai couldn’t help herself but break into a smile. “We’re in our room,” she said as if a mountainous burden had suddenly left her shoulders. “Our real room. In Nakazawa.”

“What are we doing here?” Risa asked, gaining strength enough to blink around at their surroundings. “Last thing I knew I was in your tower trying to…” As her words faded, Ai’s smile faded also as her thoughts suddenly became sober and very much back to reality. Then she rose up a bit more, looking around the room as if something would jump out at them at any second.

“We have to get out of here,” she said quickly. How much time had passed already? Time was not a luxury they had right now. “I’ll explain later,” she said at Risa’s opening mouth. “It’s just not safe for us here anymore.”

Despite herself, Ai couldn’t take her eyes away from those lips that slowly closed after her quick response. Before they sealed, she leaned forward to meet them with her own, kissing her best friend who was now her girlfriend with as much passion as she could manage at this point, and after a moment’s shock Risa tiredly responded.

A short time later, they were headed back down the stairs to the lounge, a deluge of conflicting thoughts dancing through Ai’s worn and bruised head. Nii-chan was okay!!!

That thought pervaded them all, but along with that came a few other nagging ones as well. So those girls were telling the truth… she was just lying in her bed the whole time… Then why didn’t they try harder to make sure I listened? Her rational sense told her they did, and that she just wouldn’t have any of it, but she struggled with the idea of it since it felt so much easier just to blame them and hate them. After all, they had terrified her by the act, hadn’t they? And Tanaka had nearly pummeled her to death. She wouldn’t listen to the voice that told her she was trying to do the same thing to Tanaka, but it was becoming weaker anyway as the pain in her head pounded away at her ability to reason.

When they reached the lobby again, the two Nakazawa seventh years came across a flustered Yurina standing meekly in front of Maimi, who had apparently been interrogating her quite harshly. A few beleaguered-looking girls stood behind her and in the doorway as if they were bodyguards. “Leave her alone,” Ai said wearily, and Maimi cut off her tirade to shoot a glance over to Ai.

“What are you doing?” she asked in a brusque voice, giving just a quick glance to Risa at her side. “Is this really the time to cuddle and romance?” Ai felt Risa blush beside her, and pulled her closer with the hand she had laced tightly in her own.

“I was just picking her up,” Ai responded with a glower. “I thought you would be happy to see her alive and well.”

“Oh,” Maimi said, squinting as if to get a better look. “Yes, my apologies. Welcome back. Glad you’re not dead.” She darted her eyes back to Ai. “I’d be a little more sentimental if I didn’t just get chased off by a bunch of little girls.”

“What are you talking about?” Ai asked, pulling Risa with her as she walked toward the door herself, closing her eyes as she began to feel a splitting headache.

I’m talking about those damn girls that joined up with the Skulls!” Maimi responded. “They were seemingly led by that short new Skull “recruit” and a girl with the flail that Tsugunaga took from our stash. I don’t know how she managed to get that, but they were quite effective in their guerilla attacks at knocking us back. It made my power virtually useless. All I managed to do was fry a few trees.”

“Wait…” Ai said, turning when she was almost to the door. “You’re telling me that two second years with a ball and chain and who knows who else even less special drove you and your guard out of the wood?” Maimi gave a curt nod in response, folding her arms and leaving her glare on Yurina, who was now beginning to cower. “I’m leaving,” she finished resignedly, and holding her hand to her ever more throbbing head, walked with Risa through the door, the girls blocking it wisely not daring to impede her progress.

After she walked a few steps out of the door, she saw another small group of girls crouched down next to what looked like the smallest of them who was lying motionless on the ground. Recognizing the unconscious girl, she stopped and stared.

“Is that…?” Risa asked.

“It really wasn’t as bad as it sounds,” Maimi protested as she ran up behind them to fall in at their side. “I just couldn’t see where they were in the trees and bushes…”

“What happened to Saki-chan?” Ai asked quietly, interrupting the other Head’s pitiful excuses.

Maimi looked over at the focus of Ai’s attention with a tight face. “I don’t know,” she responded. “One of them must have gotten to her. No one else could have done that.”

Ai felt the gnaw of fear rising within the pit of her own stomach as well. What Reina had done to her suddenly seemed like nothing, a trifle, no matter how her stomach or head felt now. But that they could do this to Saki, who seemed to be the most invincible of them all…

“Where’s your other guard?” Maimi asked, frowning once again over at Yurina, who had also now run up to stand stolidly on the other side of Risa.

“We aren’t going to accomplish anything with the numbers and strength we have right now,” she said, ignoring Maimi’s question and pulling Risa’s hand up to press against her chest as if joining with her in prayer. “Not to mention our current motivation and communication skills.” She turned to look her sister straight in the eye. “With the dome gone, we have absolutely no protection here. We need to find somewhere else we can work out of, heal and regroup.”

“Leave?” Maimi asked, dumbfounded. “You’re saying to just leave the school to them?” She nearly growled the last word.

“I’m saying we’ve already lost Seishin,” Ai responded, and she noticed the other girls around them looking nervously amongst each other. “Look at yourself. As you are right now you can’t even take on a few little girls hiding behind some trees.” Maimi nearly staggered at that, opening and closing her mouth, speechless. Ai put her hand to her head again, sagging slightly to where Risa gratefully supported her. “I obviously couldn’t fight a mouse, and Saki-chan isn’t even conscious. We don’t even know if she’ll ever wake up again, do we? The Three would be turning in their graves if they could see our sorry lot now.”

“But…” Yurina asked, gaining confidence at Ai’s chastisement of Maimi. “Where will we go? To our parents?”

Ai gave her a level look, but she also felt sadness take hold of her. “I’m afraid you may never see your parents again.”

Offline Maimi_Yajima

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Re: The Circle of Three [18: Recovery and Retreat]
« Reply #138 on: May 04, 2008, 08:04:12 PM »
I would be eternally happy, that soon write the next chapter!
This is intense!
Poor Maimi and Ai.
They are strong and have completely lost.
Maimi Because I can not beat Tsugunaga, because their attacks did little?
Miya showed its dark side, was cruel.

The truth that makes you Airi Suzuki, Queen Tanaka, Ai Takahashi and Maimi Yajima excellent characters!
They are my four favorite characters!
Ai Takahashi, Queen Tanaka, Airi Suzuki and Maimi Yajima!
Please do not be too late to put another chapter!
Soportare Not so long!
It is becoming more and more interesting questions I have!
Many doubts!

Congratulations for his excellent history.
" a look can say more than words" and " a look can even denude the heart"

Offline Grisours

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Re: The Circle of Three [18: Recovery and Retreat]
« Reply #139 on: May 05, 2008, 02:41:49 AM »
I get so happy with each update!  :muffin:
I'm glad to see some girls that I thought were dead in the last chapter being actually alive, even if in bad condition.
It's also good that Ai found Risa, after all.
Maimi telling how she lost to Ai was kinda funny
I hope Miya and Airi confort each other, considering all that happened to them!
Poor Yurina! She looks like a brave girl, though. Chinami and her would be great "soldiers" if they joined the Skulls!
Some girls are getting more though, like Chisato and Risako. It's interesting to see this development, even if they still are little girls that shouldn't be suffering all this.
I'm wondering where the Circle is going, so I'm already waiting for the next chapter!  :cow:

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