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Author Topic: [END] memoir III: memory (I SLAYED THE BEAST!)  (Read 157883 times)

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Re: [part 24!] memoir III: memory
« Reply #240 on: March 02, 2008, 04:47:05 PM »
 :gmon peakaboo:

NAKAZAWA AGAIN HALARIAS :on lol: me wants more Yuko-sama, like, at least one each chapter prz.
I swear I wrote the next chapter before reading this  :lol:

Hmmm...Mayaki. Me likes it. :)
Thanks! I actually just named my brand new shiny car IshiYoMiki Mayaki Blue MAYo III. I call it Yomi because who wants to write all that out?

...have I said to much?
 :gmon twirl:

Wait a sec, Yossi and Miki were already together at this point, right? one else knows, right?

* JFC watches intently.

:mon wtf:

Oh...crap. That's got to be painful to see.
Yossy =  :mon bleed2:
Maki =  :gmon tears:
Me =  :gmon fry:

I like where it's going, with Maki and Aya finding solace (?) in each other and Miki and Yoshi still being together! YeY!I hope you updatwe again soon you rule! I luv all your stories and hope you keep writing.......... FOREVER! mwahahahahahahahhahaha
Uh... thank you?  :sweat:

Maki totally slipped off Yossy's mind.. Its full of Mikitty I tells yah  :shy1:
Not slipped exactly, she just moved on and assumed Maki had done so as well. Seldom in life are people on the same page with feelings.
...why did I go all Yoda?  :mon huh:

Poor Maki... but I'm still thinking that she lied
Oh, now, you know I can only respond to guesses and predictions one way!


Firstly, you're doing great job writing this fic :kneelbow:

Secondly, great chap XD Although it's sad :cry: Poor Maki :pleeease: But I hope that eventually she will find her happiness :hee:
Awww, thank you!

And, I know everyone dislikes the angsty stuff after the semi-hated SuperAngst arc, but I have to throw it in sometimes  :sweatdrop:

oh poor Maki

i hope that she can found someone that make her happy (AYA AYA AYA) :kekeke:

this is one of the best yomiki that i have been reading  :w00t:

Thanks so much! I heart me some YoMiki, but I'm finding more and more that I understand Maki's POV. My beta Kue and I decided I was Miki and Maki's bastard child. XD

Anyway, great story! I smile whenever I see an update. Poor maki-chan but YoMiki ftw!!!
Time to smile then!  :lol:

New chapter coming up!

Narrator is....!

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Re: [part 25] memoir III: memory
« Reply #241 on: March 02, 2008, 04:50:25 PM »

You don't get to where I am without learning a few things. Like never mention the word "album" around Maeda Yuki. And if you walk into a bar and see Yasuda Kei sitting alone at a table, turn around and walk right out or you'll never escape.

Oh! And never ever call Saitou Hitomi dowdy... too bad Miyoshi Chinatsu had to learn that the hard way...

But most importantly, if you walk into a room and Nakazawa Yuko grins and waves you over, you're screwed.

I sighed and resigned myself to my fate.

"Nakazawa! What a nice surprise!" I lied through my grinning teeth as I walked over and sat down across the table from her.

"Don't lie, Maki, you're terrible at it," she replied. "I need to talk to you."

"Ma'am, yes, ma'am!" I exclaimed, saluting.

"Don't make me hurt you," Nakazawa shot back.


"Gocchin, I'm afraid I've been thinking,"

"A dangerous pastime," I half-sang.

"I know." Nakazawa paused, realized what we'd just said, and glared at me.

"Sorry," I apologized again.

"You need to get laid."

"What!?" I exclaimed. "Are you drunk!?"

"A little, but that's not the point. The point is that the insane Yossy fiasco made me realize something."

"That Yoshizawa Hitomi has a perverted mind and overactive imagination?" I asked.

"Besides that!" Yuko sighed and leaned back in her chair. "Maki, when's the last time you even kissed someone?" I bit my lip and looked away. "Exactly," Yuko continued. "I mean, there are 17 gay or bi women in Hello! Project! Just pick one!"


"And that's not even COUNTING the Eggs or any of the jailbait!" she continued. "And I think I know why you can't get a date."

"Oh really."

"You suck at flirting," she said simply.

"What!?" I exclaimed.

"Now don't get defensive! It's true."

"And what, you're going to teach me? Why are you being so nice?" I looked at her suspiciously.

"Because I've had just enough to drink to be pleasant. Now..." she trailed off as her cell phone rang. "Ok, I've got to get this, but YOU are going to flirt with and pick up the next girl that comes in here."

"But - !"

"And you better do it before the pleasantness wears off. Got it?" she snapped before flipping open her cell phone. "Hellooo?" she said sweetly. I glanced around the empty cafeteria, hoping everyone was at some big rehearsal I didn't know about.

The door swung open. My heart skipped a beat.

The sunlight streaming through the hallway windows backlit the curvy figure. Clutching a can of iced tea, she ran her fingers through her short hair and glanced around before striding confidently over to the first table and sitting down. The door swung shut, cutting off the source of fierce afternoon sun, finally giving me a clear look at my apparent target.

I almost fell over in sheer relief.

Winking at Nakazawa, who was now yelling at someone on the phone, I got up from my chair and sauntered over to the other table. She glanced up at me and set her tea down on the table.


"I need a huge favor," I grinned flirtatiously, sitting down across from the idol's idol.

"Well, I definitely owe you one," Aya smiled back. "What's up?"

"Nakazawa demanded that I pick up the next woman who walked in here," I replied, reaching out and touching her arm. Aya looked down at my hand on her arm and then back up at my smirking lips and pleading eyes.

"Do you always do everything Nakazawa tells you to?" she smiled shyly and looked away.

"When she's being disturbingly nice, yes," I replied, leaning closer. "Thank you so much."

"Yeah, yeah," she looked down at the table before glancing up at me. "So, why is your former leader making you hit on people?"

"Why is your best friend setting you up on blind dates with a barely-legal narcissist?" I retorted, raising an eyebrow. Aya leaned her head back and laughed just as my cell phone vibrated in my pocket. I reached down and pulled it out.

"youll need to do better than that
aya likes the charmers

I glanced over my shoulder at Nakazawa, who simply raised her mysterious looking "water" bottle at me in a toast.

"What?" Aya asked, trying to grab my phone from me. I whisked it out of her hands, wagged my finger at her playfully, and shoved the phone back in my pocket.

"Yuuchan just told me that I need to try harder because you like charmers," I explained, reaching across the table to tuck a stray piece of hair behind Aya's ear. Aya glanced away and flushed a little. I raised an eyebrow. "Hmm? Is there someone I should know about?"

"No!" Aya sighed and shook her head. "God, why won't everyone just leave it the hell alone?"

"What's wrong?" I asked, dropping all pretenses and looking at her in concern.

"Nothing." She wouldn't meet my gaze.

"Oh, don't give me that." I reached out and touched her chin, turning her face back towards me. "What's wrong?"

"I have - had - a stupid little crush on someone. And then Miki, and I guess Nakazawa, found out about it and now everyone's blowing it out of proportion, acting like I'm in love. And I keep telling them it's just a crush and I'll get over it and please stop mentioning it, but..." she sighed.

My mind was whirling. Charmer. Crush. Miki found out instead of being told.


"You got Yossy'd!" I laughed.

"Oh, like you're one to talk," she snapped.

"True," I admitted, leaning back in my chair.

"And you're proof that you CAN get over Ms Yoshizawa, no matter what these crazies think, right?" she continued, rolling her eyes a little.

"When did this happen anyway?" I asked, ignoring the question.

"Oh, last year sometime. When she kissed me."

"When she WHAT?" I sat bolt upright.

"Yossy walked in on me and Miki rehearsing the Melodies kiss and, well..."

"Oh my God, tell me you did not have a threesome with - "

"WHAT!? NO!" Aya looked horrified and amused. "Miki was being an ass about it, so Yossy kissed me right there as revenge."

"Man, they're weird..." I muttered.

"You have no idea. She grabbed me and... It was... well, I probably don't have to tell you." Aya giggled.

"Wait. She didn't Mr Moonlight you, did she?"


"Come here," I said, standing up. Aya looked a bit confused, but stood up and walked over to me. I grabbed Aya by the waist and pulled her to me before dipping her backwards and leaning into her.


"Did she do this?" I asked, my face only centimeters from hers. Wow, I never noticed she has a mole on her upper lip before...

"Pretty much, yeah," she confirmed, her face turning pink. I set her back upright and shook my head.

"Stealing my moves," I grumbled, flopping back down in my chair.


"I used to do that to her as a joke back when she, Abe, and I were vying for the lead in Mr Moonlight," I complained.

"Huh..." Aya shook her head a little.

"Are you ok?" I asked.

"Yeah... sorry, I'm leaving tomorrow, so I'm a little distracted," she replied.

"Leaving? Oh! That's right, your Hawaii thing."

"Yeah... I really need to finish packing, so, I guess I'll talk to you later," Aya stood up to leave.

"But Nakazawa..." I turned around to find the cafeteria empty.

"Oh, she got bored and left when you were in the middle of, uh, Mr Moonlight-ing me," she explained. I laughed sheepishly.

"I'm sorry. Did that make you uncomfortable?" I glanced away. "Sometimes I don't know what gets in to me these days..."

"What? No, not uncomfortable... not at all..." she trailed off thoughtfully. "Oh well. See you around, Maki." She turned and sauntered out.

It might have been my imagination, but I swear she was swinging her hips a little more as she walked. At any rate, I was somehow mesmerized by them. She paused in the door way and turned around.

"Good thing she didn't tell you to sleep with the next girl who came in, huh?" she winked and pushed the door open, blinding me again with the bright sunlight.

"Right, good thing..." I muttered, grabbing her abandoned iced tea off the table and downing it in one gulp.


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Re: [part 25] memoir III: memory
« Reply #242 on: March 02, 2008, 09:55:05 PM »
I actually just named my brand new shiny car IshiYoMiki Mayaki Blue MAYo III. I call it Yomi because who wants to write all that out?

...have I said to much?  :gmon twirl:
Where'd the "Blue MAYo" part come from?

Not slipped exactly, she just moved on and assumed Maki had done so as well. Seldom in life are people on the same page with feelings.
...why did I go all Yoda? :mon huh:
I think that was my doing. :P

You don't get to where I am without learning a few things. Like never mention the word "album" around Maeda Yuki. And if you walk into a bar and see Yasuda Kei sitting alone at a table, turn around and walk right out or you'll never escape.

Oh! And never ever call Saitou Hitomi dowdy... too bad Miyoshi Chinatsu had to learn that the hard way...

But most importantly, if you walk into a room and Nakazawa Yuko grins and waves you over, you're screwed.
This is especially true if she's pissed drunk......or just pissed.  :roll:

"Nakazawa! What a nice surprise!" I lied through my grinning teeth as I walked over and sat down across the table from her.

"Don't lie, Maki, you're terrible at it," she replied. "I need to talk to you."

"Ma'am, yes, ma'am!" I exclaimed, saluting.

"Don't make me hurt you," Nakazawa shot back.


"Gocchin, I'm afraid I've been thinking,"

"A dangerous pastime," I half-sang.

"I know." Nakazawa paused, realized what we'd just said, and glared at me.

"Sorry," I apologized again.
Boy, Maki sure is lucky that Yuko wubs her.  :oops:

"You need to get laid."

"What!?" I exclaimed.

"Maki, when's the last time you even kissed someone?" I bit my lip and looked away. "Exactly," Yuko continued. "I mean, there are 17 gay or bi women in Hello! Project! Just pick one!"
Hot dayum!  :muffin:

"And I think I know why you can't get a date."

"Oh really."

"You suck at flirting," she said simply.

"What!?" I exclaimed.

"Now don't get defensive! It's true."
I guess when they were dating Yossi did all the flirting.  :pimp:

"And what, you're going to teach me? Why are you being so nice?" I looked at her suspiciously.

"Because I've had just enough to drink to be pleasant. Now..." she trailed off as her cell phone rang. "Ok, I've got to get this, but YOU are going to flirt with and pick up the next girl that comes in here."

"But - !"
Ooooooooooooooooh I think I know where this is going! :w00t:

The door swung open. My heart skipped a beat.

The sunlight streaming through the hallway windows backlit the curvy figure. Clutching a can of iced tea, she ran her fingers through her short hair and glanced around before striding confidently over to the first table and sitting down.
SCORE!!! :rockon:

Can't help but wonder how much planning this took to set up.   O0

"I need a huge favor," I grinned flirtatiously, sitting down across from the idol's idol.

"Well, I definitely owe you one," Aya smiled back. "What's up?"

"Nakazawa demanded that I pick up the next woman who walked in here," I replied, reaching out and touching her arm. Aya looked down at my hand on her arm and then back up at my smirking lips and pleading eyes.

"Do you always do everything Nakazawa tells you to?" she smiled shyly and looked away.

"When she's being disturbingly nice, yes," I replied, leaning closer. "Thank you so much."
Ah, so Maki thinks she's going to get Aya to "play along" to get Yuko to stop bugging her.

"Yeah, yeah," she looked down at the table before glancing up at me. "So, why is your former leader making you hit on people?"

"Why is your best friend setting you up on blind dates with a barely-legal narcissist?" I retorted, raising an eyebrow.
Thing is, she might not realize it, but right now...Maki IS flirting with Aya!

"Yuuchan just told me that I need to try harder because you like charmers," I explained, reaching across the table to tuck a stray piece of hair behind Aya's ear. Aya glanced away and flushed a little. I raised an eyebrow. "Hmm? Is there someone I should know about?"

"No!" Aya sighed and shook her head. "God, why won't everyone just leave it the hell alone?"

"What's wrong?" I asked, dropping all pretenses and looking at her in concern.

"Nothing." She wouldn't meet my gaze.
Uh oh. Maki doesn't know about Aya's crush on Yossi. This could get awkward.

My mind was whirling. Charmer. Crush. Miki found out instead of being told.


"You got Yossy'd!" I laughed.
Osnap! :lol:

"Oh, like you're one to talk," she snapped.

"True," I admitted, leaning back in my chair.

"When did this happen anyway?" I asked, ignoring the question.

"Oh, last year sometime. When she kissed me."

"When she WHAT?" I sat bolt upright.
Maki =  :mon wtf:

"Miki was being an ass about it, so Yossy kissed me right there as revenge."

"Man, they're weird..." I muttered.
That's part of why we wub them and why they rulz!  :wub:

"Wait. She didn't Mr Moonlight you, did she?"


"Come here," I said, standing up. Aya looked a bit confused, but stood up and walked over to me. I grabbed Aya by the waist and pulled her to me before dipping her backwards and leaning into her.


"Did she do this?" I asked, my face only centimeters from hers.

Wow, I never noticed she has a mole on her upper lip before...
Lusciously-tempting, isn't it?  :drool:

"Pretty much, yeah," she confirmed, her face turning pink.
BTW, Maki's STILL flirting here! :yep:

"Stealing my moves," I grumbled, flopping back down in my chair.


"I used to do that to her as a joke back when she, Abe, and I were vying for the lead in Mr Moonlight," I complained.
Huh. Go figure.

Yossi obviously recognizes a good thing when she sees it.  8)

"Huh..." Aya shook her head a little.

"Are you ok?" I asked.

"Yeah... sorry, I'm leaving tomorrow, so I'm a little distracted," she replied.

"Leaving? Oh! That's right, your Hawaii thing."
Yeah...distracted by her Hawaii trip with Miki...riiiiiiiiight.  :shy1:

"But Nakazawa..." I turned around to find the cafeteria empty.

"Oh, she got bored and left when you were in the middle of, uh, Mr Moonlight-ing me," she explained. I laughed sheepishly.

"I'm sorry. Did that make you uncomfortable?" I glanced away. "Sometimes I don't know what gets in to me these days..."

"What? No, not uncomfortable... not at all..." she trailed off thoughtfully.
K, hopefully Maki's not as dense as Yossi is when it comes to reading "signals"  Aya could have told her as soon as Yuko left that she could stop, but she didn't. Aya let her go on.....:angry:

"Oh well. See you around, Maki." She turned and sauntered out.

It might have been my imagination, but I swear she was swinging her hips a little more as she walked. At any rate, I was somehow mesmerized by them. She paused in the door way and turned around.

"Good thing she didn't tell you to sleep with the next girl who came in, huh?" she winked and pushed the door open, blinding me again with the bright sunlight.
Aw hell...Aya's flirting back!!!  :shakeit:

'scuse please... :jerk: :jerk: :jerk: :jerk: :jerk:

"Right, good thing..." I muttered, grabbing her abandoned iced tea off the table and downing it in one gulp.

EDIT: How the hell could I have not commented on this?
"Yossy walked in on me and Miki rehearsing the Melodies kiss and, well..."

"Oh my God, tell me you did not have a threesome with - "

"WHAT!? NO!" Aya looked horrified and amused.
Oh, the fantasies, the possibilities.
« Last Edit: March 03, 2008, 02:16:37 AM by JFC »

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

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Re: [part 25] memoir III: memory
« Reply #243 on: March 02, 2008, 10:18:19 PM »
BAD THING! BAAAD THIIIIIIING! Poor Maki! She no get no rabu rabu! :'(
yey update! thank u thank u thank u thank uthank u! I luv u so much! Yey they are slowly hooking up! come on Maki, go after Aya and tell her that Yuko told u to take her on a date! Or just ask her on a date! Or say something like 'As a thank u for saving me, can I pleaeaaaaaaaaaase take u on a date *cute puppy face*'. YEY FIRST POST! This makes a crappy Monday less crappy!correction second post! And YEY @ Nakazawa! she rockz! keep up the great work! Do it for the children! Us poor Australian children who are forced into taking school photos again today  :cry: WHY? WHY DO I NEED A NEW CARD? WHY? WHY ARE THE FATES PLAYING THIS CRUEL TRICK ON ME?
I have a porcupine called zazoom, he leaves his scent on peoples' graves.

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Re: [part 25] memoir III: memory
« Reply #244 on: March 02, 2008, 10:56:12 PM »
The Moment you read "Nakazawa" in a Almond ch. You know! it's gonna be a good ass chapter!

"Do you always do everything Nakazawa tells you to?" she smiled shyly and looked away.

"When she's being disturbingly nice, yes," I replied, leaning closer.

Laiyah!(read: Liar)... every one does what Nakazawa wants, even Miki.

And awww Cafeteria Nakazawa reminds me of those short stories you would write were Miki became Naka's apprentice <3, but that's another time another story XD.

Mayaki interaction... always so smooth. In all honesty Maki's so much more smoother than Yossy  :lol:. You know what it always reminds me of... 007 seven movies where James Bond (Maki) flirts with the smart witty female spy of the movie (Aya), even when they argue the sparks fly.  It's one of those things that makes you giggle and want them to JUST HOOK UP ALREADY! cause if not the anticipation will kill you.

Through out this whole scene we see Maki's thoughts pretty clearly... but i'm curious as to how Aya took it in... i mean she did leave with her hips swaying a bit more <3.

and bejebus Maki! You just INDIRECTLY KISSED AYAYA!! XD
Rika <3 So funneh

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Re: [part 25] memoir III: memory
« Reply #245 on: March 02, 2008, 11:24:21 PM »
NAKAZAWA AGAIN HALARIAS :on lol: me wants more Yuko-sama, like, at least one each chapter prz.
I swear I wrote the next chapter before reading this  :lol:
YAY! Can we keep her, pls?  :farofflook:
never mention the word "album" around Maeda Yuki.
  :on lol:

But most importantly, if you walk into a room and Nakazawa Yuko grins and waves you over, you're screwed.
HERE WE GO  :nya:
"Gocchin, I'm afraid I've been thinking,"
"You need to get laid."
:on lol: Gold, I tell you! Nakazawa knows all it's useless to try to hide/never mention/try to forget, she NEVER FORGETS
"And that's not even COUNTING the Eggs or any of the jailbait!"
LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL [invisible] :drool:[/invisible]

"I need a huge favor," I grinned flirtatiously, sitting down across from the idol's idol.

"Well, I definitely owe you one," Aya smiled back. "What's up?"
Well, that's a start, good thing Maki wasted this favor on this simple thing, it'd be too degrading if she asked for it in another time... ................ say when...................  :ding:

"Nakazawa demanded that I pick up the next woman who walked in here,"
That's right  :bingo:
"Yeah, yeah," she looked down at the table before glancing up at me. "So, why is your former leader making you hit on people?"

"Why is your best friend setting you up on blind dates with a barely-legal narcissist?"
Maki 1 X 0 Ayaya

"You got Yossy'd!" I laughed.

"Oh, like you're one to talk," she snapped.
Maki 1 X 1 Ayaya :pimp:
"And you're proof that you CAN get over Ms Yoshizawa, no matter what these crazies think, right?"
Can you? :wahaha: Maki certainly isn't the one to tell... YET.
"Oh my God, tell me you did not have a threesome with - "
Brain ............ Working .............. Imagination Activated......... Picturing.............

Diagnosis: HOT

"Wait. She didn't Mr Moonlight you, did she?"


"Come here," I said, standing up.
Oh here we go :ding:
Aya looked a bit confused, but stood up and walked over to me. I grabbed Aya by the waist and pulled her to me before dipping her backwards and leaning into her.


"Did she do this?" I asked, my face only centimeters from hers. Wow, I never noticed she has a mole on her upper lip before...
It'd be hot if it wasn't so damn cute  :shy1:

"But Nakazawa..." I turned around to find the cafeteria empty.

"Oh, she got bored and left when you were in the middle of, uh, Mr Moonlight-ing me,"
What, she thought her work there was done...
"I'm sorry. Did that make you uncomfortable?"
YEAH. RIGHT :roll:

"Right, good thing..." I muttered, grabbing her abandoned iced tea off the table and downing it in one gulp.
Yossi <3 Rika <3 Timu Ke <3

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Re: [part 25] memoir III: memory
« Reply #246 on: March 03, 2008, 10:08:01 AM »
One word: AWESOME!
That chapter kept me glued to the monitor. Yuko's powers amazes me. Maki didn't even put up a good fight with what Yuko wanted her to do or maybe it's just that Maki is willing to do it anyway.
Lol Maki said 'You got Yossy'd!' to Ayaya. xDDD
I guess Ayaya has a little something on Maki.
Gaaah.. Maki just lost a great chance with Ayaya.

"Good thing she didn't tell you to sleep with the next girl who came in, huh?" she winked and pushed the door open, blinding me again with the bright sunlight.

"Right, good thing..." I muttered, grabbing her abandoned iced tea off the table and downing it in one gulp.
Woops was that a hint from Ayaya or what?? and yea.. there goes an indirect kiss!
When I realised that that was the end of the chapter I yelled " Aiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!!!" (I really did) I'm getting famous for my huge reactions with my friends xD...

Keep it up Almond-san!! Gambatte ne!

Ishiyoshi~ DEF.DIVA~ GAM~ hANGRY&ANGRY <33

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Re: [part 25] memoir III: memory
« Reply #247 on: March 03, 2008, 11:51:14 AM »
^ No she's not! But she did just spend the entire day laughing @ something we will never talk about! NEVER! and yeah indirect kiss, I thought I'd let someone else call u on that one, I felt kinda guilty for taking the 2nd place from other ppl so I thought Id let some things be said by other people......... Like the fact that u rock and that Im adic Im adicted to u-r fics. SO please update again soon. Do it for the bunnies. The fluffy bunnies that live in agony because people torture them. They torture them to get their kicks. But if a new chapter of your story went up soon then they wouldnt torture them. They would have something else to do (read your story) and they poor bunnies wouldnt have to be afraid that half hour (if theyre slow readers). They might even sleep safely that night. I have an idea. You create a distraction (like maybe a few new chapters in quick succesion) and I will sneak them out! But be quick I dont know how much longer these little guys can last. (reminds me of that time that cult slaughtered all the animals at our school. And I walked to school that day *shiver* next to where they kept the animals *shudder* and no power on the earth can make me finish that story..................Those poor animals :'( ) So lets do it for them! U post and I carry those little balls of cuteness out and I'll even use my body as a human shield for u if I have to! Deal?
I have a porcupine called zazoom, he leaves his scent on peoples' graves.

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Re: [part 25] memoir III: memory
« Reply #248 on: March 03, 2008, 04:13:51 PM »
"Besides that!" Yuko sighed and leaned back in her chair. "Maki, when's the last time you even kissed someone?" I bit my lip and looked away. "Exactly," Yuko continued. "I mean, there are 17 gay or bi women in Hello! Project! Just pick one!"
I will be expecting to hear the list your perverted mind has thought up :P

What a great length chapter  :w00t: The Maki and Aya flirting is so innocent and yet still so far from actually being innocent, but surely Maki can't be THAT blind and dumb XD Maki and Aya are so sweet together  :mon lovelaff: and they will always have Yossy in common if they run out of things to talk about :hee:

I so totally want this chapter in Aya POV, PLLLLLLLLLLLLLEAAAAAASE!!!!!  :pleeease:

I was gonna say other stuff but as usual, i forgot what  :lol: Although i don't think i got a chance to comment on ur Sayumi date chapter, but WOW, what PURE GENIUS... Classic comedic moment right there  ;)
I'm hoping with the new Maki/Aya scenerio, this fic will have a lot more chapters to come  :gmon twirl:

Do it for the bunnies. The fluffy bunnies that live in agony because people torture them. They torture them to get their kicks. But if a new chapter of your story went up soon then they wouldnt torture them. They would have something else to do (read your story) and they poor bunnies wouldnt have to be afraid that half hour (if theyre slow readers). They might even sleep safely that night. I have an idea. You create a distraction (like maybe a few new chapters in quick succesion) and I will sneak them out! But be quick I dont know how much longer these little guys can last. (reminds me of that time that cult slaughtered all the animals at our school. And I walked to school that day *shiver* next to where they kept the animals *shudder* and no power on the earth can make me finish that story..................Those poor animals :'( ) So lets do it for them! U post and I carry those little balls of cuteness out and I'll even use my body as a human shield for u if I have to! Deal?
:dizzy: :mon huh: Dude, you are so totally random and weird, its amusing though  8)
Where are u in Australia btw?

@strawb3rrykream: OMG best avatar and sig ever!  :mon inluv: :hip drool2:  :heart: (almond, I miss Miki POVs a lot now :cry: )

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Re: [part 25] memoir III: memory
« Reply #249 on: March 03, 2008, 04:52:18 PM »
Wow, I liked this last chapter a lot. I mean, a (almost) drunk Nakazawa appearance, a flirting Maki, a flirting-back Aya and funny Yossi/Miki moments mentioned. I liked everything in it! But I'm also extremely curious about the Aya/Maki situation. They reeeeeeally need to get together! Keep it up!  :grin:

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Re: [part 25] memoir III: memory
« Reply #250 on: March 03, 2008, 05:44:34 PM »
I'm speechless...



Ok I'm back XD I just wanted to say that this chapter was totally awesome... :luvluv2:

Yuu-chan... :farofflook:

Maki and Aya... :wriggly:

I want more Nakazawa and even more Maki and Aya moments... :pleeease:

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Re: [part 25] memoir III: memory
« Reply #251 on: March 09, 2008, 04:31:23 AM »
Ok, I honestly spent about 2 hours trying to reply like normal, but I kept getting distracted by something.  :sweatdrop:

So, I love you all for your comments and if anyone ever leaves me a story about dead bunnies again, I quit. :badluck:

New chap in a sec.

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Re: [part 26] memoir III: memory
« Reply #252 on: March 09, 2008, 04:34:09 AM »

"Oh, come ON, you little piece of..." Miki's mumbled threat was my only warning. I glanced up from my  script just in time to be smacked across the face by a navy blue bikini top.

"Miki, what the hell?" I exclaimed, grabbing the wayward swimsuit piece off of my face and throwing it at my giggling girlfriend.

"I'm sorry! The strap got caught in the drawer!" she laughed, neatly catching the top in her hand and tossing it in the open suitcase by her feet. "It's not my fault it attacked you when I finally pulled it free!"

"And you couldn't open the drawer like a normal person?" I asked with a grin.

"And you can't study your script at a table like a normal person?" she countered, turning back to look at her side of the closet. I sat up from leaning against the pillows on our bed and placed my glasses on the bedside table.

"Can I help it if I like watching your ass?" I asked innocently, rolling onto my stomach and propping myself up on my elbows.

"No, I suppose not," she replied, shaking her butt.

"Hey, Miki?" I said quietly. She turned around, her concerned eyes searching mine.


"I'm going to miss you."

"Yocchan..." she sighed and squatted down in front of me, leaning her chin on the edge of the mattress. "You promised..."

"I knoooow," I whined, reaching out and touching her face. "But... I will."

"Excuse me, but, who trotted off to Spain to declare her love for a soccer player?" Miki demanded, raising an eyebrow.

"I knoooow."

"So, don't make me feel guilty for this, ok? You know I'm going to miss you just as much."


"'Hmm'?" she repeated, blinking several times.

"I'm just wondering..." I trailed off, looking away.

"Wondering what exactly?" Miki asked, a look of annoyance beginning to color her features. I pushed off on my elbows and tackled my girlfriend to the ground as she shrieked with laughter.

"I was just wondering if I should give you something to miss," I grinned.

"Oh, really?"

"Yeah. Really." I leaned down to kiss her.

Just then someone knocked loudly our front door. I collapsed groaning onto her, burying my face into her hair.

"Oh, you've gotta be kidding me," Miki muttered. I sighed, pushed myself off of her, and stood up, reaching my hand down to help her up.

"We're coming!" I shouted as our guest knocked again.

"Apparently not," Miki muttered, giving me a kiss on the cheek as she wrenched the door open. "What!?" she demanded.

"Where's your cell phone?" Aya snapped, brushing past Miki and marching into our apartment. "Oh, hey, Yossy."

"Uh, hi, Aya..." I replied, looking bewildered as she started rummaging through Miki's purse.

"Aya, what the hell?" Miki exclaimed as Aya pulled the phone out and flipped it open.

"I KNEW IT!" Aya yelled, snapping the phone shut and stalking back over to Miki. "So you get off the phone with me and immediately call a certain Nakazawa who then demands that a certain Goto Maki hit on me?"

"You did what!?" I turned to see Miki avoiding my eye. "Mikiiiii"

"Ok, fine! I'm just trying to get you laid, ok?" Miki sighed. "But, I didn't know she was there with freaking Maki. Ugh."

"...what's wrong with Maki?" Aya asked in an odd voice.

"She got my poor drunk Yocchan naked!" Miki snapped. "Not to mention she slapped me once."

"Miki! It was completely innocent!" I groaned. "I thought we'd gone over this already..."

"We have, but she asked," Miki shrugged.

"That was completely out of line," Aya stated, ignoring the two of us. She shoved the phone at Miki. "Setting me up on dates is one thing. Using innocent people as your pawns is another."

"I wouldn't call Maki innocent," Miki muttered. "Not after the way she treated Yo - "

"Miki!" I glared at her.


"I don't know what you guys are talking about, but... Miki, don't you ever pull that again, ok?"

"Ok," Miki sighed.

"Ok?!" Aya repeated.

"Ok!!" Miki glared at Aya.

"Good," Aya sighed. "Now, give me a damn hug so I can stop being so pissed and get back to packing!" They both started laughing and hugged.

I just stood there, once again in awe of how truly strange their friendship was. I watched them pull apart and smile. Miki opened the door for Aya and playfully smacked the soloist's butt. She shut the front door and leaned against it.

"I am so good," she grinned. I laughed and shook my head a little, walking towards her.

"That you are," I admitted. She reached out and grabbed my collar, pulling me towards her.

"I am what?" she asked coyly, running her fingers up along the lapel of my shirt before begriming to slowly unbutton it.

"You are..." Coherent thoughts left my brain as she pressed her lips to my neck.

"I'm what?" she murmured into my skin as she began a slow path downwards.

"Absolutely. Fantastic."


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Re: [part 26] memoir III: memory
« Reply #253 on: March 09, 2008, 04:38:39 AM »
absolutely.  :)

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Re: [part 26] memoir III: memory
« Reply #254 on: March 09, 2008, 06:28:22 AM »
Ok, I honestly spent about 2 hours trying to reply like normal, but I kept getting distracted by something.  :sweatdrop:
10 bucks says that "something" starts with "Yo-" and ends with "-ssi". :P

So, I love you all for your comments and if anyone ever leaves me a story about dead bunnies again, I quit. :badluck:
Yeah...I read that and went all :dizzy:.

"Oh, come ON, you little piece of..." Miki's mumbled threat was my only warning. I glanced up from my  script just in time to be smacked across the face by a navy blue bikini top.
This one?  I always thought it looked a bit more purple than navy blue, but meh, close enough.  :grin:

"And you can't study your script at a table like a normal person?" she countered, turning back to look at her side of the closet.
But if Yossi did that, she wouldn't be able to watch Miki. :inlove:

I sat up from leaning against the pillows on our bed and placed my glasses on the bedside table.

"Can I help it if I like watching your ass?" I asked innocently, rolling onto my stomach and propping myself up on my elbows.
See? :D

"No, I suppose not," she replied, shaking her butt.
Miki =  :shakeit:

"Hey, Miki?" I said quietly. She turned around, her concerned eyes searching mine.


"I'm going to miss you."

"Yocchan..." she sighed and squatted down in front of me, leaning her chin on the edge of the mattress. "You promised..."

"I knoooow," I whined, reaching out and touching her face. "But... I will."

"Excuse me, but, who trotted off to Spain to declare her love for a soccer player?" Miki demanded, raising an eyebrow.

"I knoooow."

"So, don't make me feel guilty for this, ok? You know I'm going to miss you just as much."

Just then someone knocked loudly our front door. I collapsed groaning onto her, burying my face into her hair.

"Oh, you've gotta be kidding me," Miki muttered.
Stupid lousy timing. :thumbdown:

Whoever it is better be on good terms with Miki, 'cuz you know they'll be facing a major death glare when that door is opened. :lol:

I sighed, pushed myself off of her, and stood up, reaching my hand down to help her up.

"We're coming!" I shouted as our guest knocked again.

"Apparently not," Miki muttered, giving me a kiss on the cheek as she wrenched the door open. "What!?" she demanded.
:on lol:

"Where's your cell phone?" Aya snapped, brushing past Miki and marching into our apartment. "Oh, hey, Yossy."

"Uh, hi, Aya..." I replied, looking bewildered as she started rummaging through Miki's purse.
Miki's cell phone? Uh-oh...


don't tell me Aya suspects?  :O

"Aya, what the hell?" Miki exclaimed as Aya pulled the phone out and flipped it open.

"I KNEW IT!" Aya yelled, snapping the phone shut and stalking back over to Miki. "So you get off the phone with me and immediately call a certain Nakazawa who then demands that a certain Goto Maki hit on me?"

"You did what!?" I turned to see Miki avoiding my eye. "Mikiiiii"
Oh shit. :OMG:

Secret's out.

"Ok, fine! I'm just trying to get you laid, ok?" Miki sighed. "But, I didn't know she was there with freaking Maki. Ugh."

"...what's wrong with Maki?" Aya asked in an odd voice.
Oh, Aya's concerned here? If so, is it just in a friendly manner...or perhaps... 8)

"That was completely out of line," Aya stated, ignoring the two of us. She shoved the phone at Miki. "Setting me up on dates is one thing. Using innocent people as your pawns is another."
Well, still...Miki did it for Aya's sake (as lovably warped as her thinking might be).

"Good," Aya sighed. "Now, give me a damn hug so I can stop being so pissed and get back to packing!" They both started laughing and hugged.
Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...GAM hugging. :drool:

I just stood there, once again in awe of how truly strange their friendship was. I watched them pull apart and smile. Miki opened the door for Aya and playfully smacked the soloist's butt.
It's part of why we love them.  :k-inlove:

Oh, and butt-smacking = HAWT!!!  :heart:

"I am so good," she grinned. I laughed and shook my head a little, walking towards her.

"That you are," I admitted.
OH SHIT! That whole bit was an act, wasn't it! Aya thinks she figured out Miki's plan, but really, Miki only let her THINK she did! And even if she didn't, she's still gotten Aya and Maki all thinking about each other in a new (and hopefully hot) sort of way!!!  BRILLIANT!!!

Oh, and the YoMiki raburabu part at the end = :jerk:

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

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Re: [part 26] memoir III: memory
« Reply #255 on: March 09, 2008, 07:30:43 AM »
oh and sory for the bunnie thing, I was majorly sleep deprived last week (basically everyday lately). Saad story I know. Sory for bringing that up. I just have trouble locking away my imagination, it always breaks loose. Like those people in westerns. You know, how they;re in jail one minute then they break out using a nail file hidden in a cake someone gave them? Sorta like that. Except it's in a bowl of spaghetti... I luv the new chapter! It had YoMiki, sommething we almost forgot about... And Aya's obviously interested in Maki, that chapter just confirmed all my suspicions, because IF Aya didn't care she wouldn't have cared enough to check if it was a setup, she would have just not bothered about it, and gone to pack up. I hope there is sum rabu rabu in Hawaiiii   :wub: :heart:  :muffin:
rofl @ Miki going  :shakeit: and YoMiki alone time being interrupted  :bleed eyes:  :rofl:
Yoshi: :drool:
Miki:  :shakeit:
Yoshi and Miki :  :wub:  :wub:  :heart:  :heart:
Aya:  :angry:
Yoshi:  :bleed eyes:
Miki:  :doh:
Aya:  :angry:
Miki:  :sweatdrop:
then Aya:  :)
Miki :  :rofl:
Yoshi:  :w00t:
And YoMiki:  :heart:   :heart:  :heart:  :heart:  :heart:  :heart:  :heart:  :heart:  :heart:  :heart:
I have a porcupine called zazoom, he leaves his scent on peoples' graves.

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Re: [part 26] memoir III: memory
« Reply #256 on: March 09, 2008, 02:56:22 PM »
I missed the Yomiki moments... But the appearance of a new couple (aya and maki) is so interesting too! As you see, I'm divided. I guess I can like both, ne? Keep it up!  :grin:

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Re: [part 26] memoir III: memory
« Reply #257 on: March 09, 2008, 09:01:34 PM »
Now are SayuEri back together or Sayu is still hanging out with junx2?
Yossi <3 Rika <3 Timu Ke <3

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Re: [part 26] memoir III: memory
« Reply #258 on: March 10, 2008, 12:59:59 AM »
i love the bikini part. idk about you but i'd be happy to be hit in the face with it~!

@lollipopgirl:thanks! i have to make a smaller version now because my stupidness made it too big!! and your sig's adorable! love GAM!

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Re: [part 26] memoir III: memory
« Reply #259 on: March 10, 2008, 12:02:19 PM »
Thank god Miki and Yossy aren't normal, how bored we all would be if they were, its more fun this way!   XD
Poor Aya, she must have so much going through her head atm: How she really feels for Maki, is Maki just acting on an order from Yuko/Miki or does she really care, what to do with Miki in Hawaii  ;) and hell does she even still feel for Yossy... So much for her to ponder, what a long trip  it will be for her.

Its kinda weird that there isn't more Aya/Maki pairings, I can totally see the chemistry there  :heart:
Mako will be so proud of Miki, coming up with this plan and carrying it through without her help  :P

Poor Yossy, all alone for so long... but wait till Miki gets back  :w00t: (especially if I haven't got a Miki POV by then  :()

i@lollipopgirl:thanks! i have to make a smaller version now because my stupidness made it too big!! and your sig's adorable! love GAM!
I Still love your new one too  :wub:  :inlove:

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