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Author Topic: THREE MONTHS (EPILOGUE) UPDATE!!!  (Read 37185 times)

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« Reply #20 on: April 05, 2008, 02:48:13 AM »
I like MiGaki but, I hope she gets Eri (Gaki not Miki). And although Miki wants Maki, I think her and Yoshi have some great chemistry together, and I would like them to be together. And as for Maki, maybe she already gets a little on the side, could even be Yuko (that would explain a lot). And the rest will eventually (maybe) hook up with each other..... But I already potentially spoiled enough of the storyline, so I wont go any further.
I have a porcupine called zazoom, he leaves his scent on peoples' graves.

Offline JFC

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« Reply #21 on: April 05, 2008, 03:13:20 AM »
“Gaki was on the phone?” Yossy made sure

“Yeah it was her. I wasn’t sure it was her at first though. I sat up on my bed but quickly fell back on it. I had the biggest headache of life.” Miki winced at the memory.
Stuff like that will likely happen when you sneak off with some of Yuko's secret stash. Chances are Yuko's the only one who can handle it. :P

“Right, well as I stumbled on to the kitchen I ran out of things to hold on to. Thankfully she had just hung up the phone. I started to fall forward when she turned around and caught me. It was…. Needless to say… an unusual position for me and her” Miki uncomfortably shifted.

“What position were you guys in?”

“Probably one I should’ve taken advantage. I would have to, if it hadn’t been for that hang over” Miki grinded her teeth.

Yossy sighed “What position was it Miki?” she repeated.

“My arms were draped over her shoulders. She was holding me up from my waist. Her chin was just above my shoulder” Miki’s eyes turned dreamy, I smile crept on to her face. Yossy only shook her head, all the years she had known her sub-leader that was one thing about her that would never change. She couldn’t help it, Miki was a groper.
Should anyone be surprised at this?  Nope. :D

That must have been one HELL of a hangover if Miki didn't take advantage of that and get her grope on. :O

“After a few hours Miki was feeling a lot better. So much better she started with her groping antics again” Risa took a moment to inhale.

“Did you expect any different?” Ai-chan asked.

“honestly?… no” Gaki frowned.

“Now that you ask I think I can see where it all started.” She bit her upper lip. “I told her it was Kamei and she snorted in an all knowing way. She then stated we were both dumb. I of course was offended, I asked her why. She flicked my nose and said that we both should just admit that we like each other. I was taken back by her comment. I denied that I had any romantic feelings for Eri at all. Then she looked at me right square in the eye and said in a low voice. ‘I can see turtles in your pupils’.” Konkon had to laugh.
Dear child, don't you get it? You can try hiding things like that all you want but in the end it likely won't matter, because Miki-sama knows! :rockon:

Gaki sighed “She laughed at me too. She said she couldn’t believe I fell for it. She called me gullible and some other stuff. After releasing all her giggles she became dead quiet and had a distant look in her eyes. A distant sad look, naturally I became worried and asked if there was anything wrong.”

“I wonder what Goto did” Ai muttered under her breath.

“Goto?” Konkon looked puzzled. “Why would you think Goto?”
So now Aichan knows that Miki likes Maki? Hmmmm...wonder how....and why? :?

“Goto?” Konkon looked puzzled. “Why would you think Goto?”

“… um…” Ai-chan’s eyes darted back and forth trying to desperately find how to get out of this one now. “Wasn’t she singing about Goto?” Ai had found her escape.
Oh c'mon, she might be able to fool the girls with that, but there's got to be something more to it.

“After I asked her what was wrong” Gaki’s voice was starting to crack “she silently sat back into the couch and said in once clean sentence ‘The hardest thing in life is to find requited love and the most painful is to loose it’, back then I thought I understood what she meant by those words. It’s not until now that I can truly appreciate her warning… sadly it’s to late” Gaki sniffed. Ai-chan and Konkon seemed to be on the verge of tears as well.
Poor Miki-sama.  :cry:

Suddenly I saw her lift her head and sniff the air. I looked at her perplexed but I did the same. Stuck my nose out and inhaled. Who would’ve of guessed it. Something was burning…
Oh crap, she left the food on the stove! XD

“What can I say, Gaki has a naturally aptitude to make me laugh. She’s like Mako but less extreme… like Eri but less random.” Miki shook her head at the memory. “Around 3 in the afternoon she went home. After that morning in my apartment, my opinion of Gaki slightly started to change. There were many things about her I started to notice. In fact I think we both became more aware of each others existence.”


I started paying attention to her more. Noticing things I really liked her smile, her gentleness, her sense of humor, things that got her ticked off” Miki went on and on with the list “All those amazing things about her I started to notice. After a week of just studying her I had to ask her out.” The long haired girl was interrupted.

“You asked her out on a date?” Yossy slightly choked.
Oh man, so Risa was...Miki's attempt to get over Maki? She was a...rebound? :o

“So Miki-san did the first move?” Konkon asked.

“Pretty much” Gaki rubbed her face with her hands.

“Chotto matte” Ai raised her hand “Pass that by me again” Gaki looked at her in disbelief. “I’m serious, I blanked out. I’m sorry” Ai was embarrassed.
Oh Aichan.  :oops:

“We got out of the arcade and got on the last the train to my house. She was taking me home and being a good sempai. As we reached my housed I noticed she started to get closer and quieter. Suddenly she stopped me two houses away from my house. She scanned the area and found a very tight alley, only one body could fit in it at width length. I was freaking out and asking what’s wrong what’s wrong. She placed her hand over my mouth and said we were being followed by paparazzi. I’m pretty sure she was lying but back then I believed her. After a few second she removed her hand from my mouth and turned to face me.” Gaki ran her hand through her hair“She stared at me with intense eyes and began to lean in. I…I didn’t know what to do so I pushed her. Her body went backwards and fell on the floor. I felt HORRIBLE for doing that. I quickly jumped out and offered her my hand. Till this day I wonder if that was the best or worse decision of my life because next thing I remember I had been pulled by my hand and landed right on top of her. She encircled her arms around me and had my face centimeters away from hers. At that point my mind shut down. With a quick and swift movement from her head I had her lips on mine. My brain blew up.”

Eri’s voice was starting to increase in volume “I know it’s not your fault but you DON’T understand. What Gaki and Me have… HAD… was special, innocent, clean and pure. Fujimoto tainted it all… Fujimoto-san ruined me and Gaki” grip on Eri’s throat became tighter and tighter. It caused turtles voice to become higher pitched and finally the tears that were refusing to fall began to slid their way down her cheeks, quietly jumping off her chin. “Because of that damn kiss everything went upside down.” Eri kicked the chair in front of her.
Okay, sure Eri's hurt and all, but it's not THE absolute end of the world.  At the very least, she shouldn't be shutting out Risa right now. After all, Risa was straight-up honest with her about it all. That should be a pretty clear sign for Eri as far as how Risa feels about her.

“For the next two days she avoided me at all costs.” Miki grinned.

“Why do you grin?” Yossy leaned forward and poked Miki’s cheeks.

“Because I -“

“You like the chase” Yossy concluded
That's why she's "da playa".  :twisted:

Miki’s grinned grew wider “Yocchan you know me to well. Why aren’t we together again?” she entered flirt mode.

“Because we both fought over Maki and developed the inability to romantically like each other” Yossy swiftly explained.

“Hmmm… true… but don’t forget Rika-chan either”

“Allow me to fix that then” Yossy cleared her throat “Because you, Rika and I fought over Maki and developed the inability to romantically like one another, happy?”
WTF, Rika was pining for Maki too?  :shocked:

Hmmm...YoMaki, or IshiGoto, or GoMiki.... :-X

“While you all were leaving for lunch I waited for her to pass by. I quickly grabbed her by the arm and walked away with her. Poor Ai-chan… she tried to say something but was too stunned to.”


“Come to think of it Ai-chan… why didn’t you do anything?” Gaki pouted to her friend.

“I would of… but 1. It was Fujimoto who just came and grabbed you; 2. Remember I said I had to meet up with someone; 3. It was FUJIMOTO who grabbed you.”
In other words, Aichan probably would have done something, but the instinct for "self-preservation" just kicked in.  :sweatdrop:

“Daijoubu” Gaki patted her friends head “Anyways, she grabbed me by the hand and led me to the south wing stairs”

“THE SOLITARY STAIRS” Konkon jumped in her seat.

“Yup…” the cheater nodded. “She dragged me in there and pushed me against the wall” Ai gasped at the sound of that.

“So hot” Konkon breathed

“Really ho… WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY?” Gaki and Ai turned to Konkon… who was now a deep color purple from the embarrassment.
Holy shit, Konkon! 
:hip blink:

“Did you tell her then?” Reina asked.

“You don’t know the story?” Sayu and Mako said at the same time.

“N-no…” Reina pouted “no one told me” She glared at Eri.

“Reina…. You were there with Sayu when I told you” Eri blinked.

“Oh! That day I was staring at…. I mean my mind was somewhere else” Reina smiled sheepishly.
Oh? Reina too? Man, looks like we've got one heck of a web of rabu-rabu.


“Later that day she came to my apartment, determined to tell me that she held no feelings for me. I didn’t know it back then, so I took this visit from the opposite perspective. Nonetheless I was shocked to see her at my front door” Miki continued “As I opened the door she burst right in…. as if she lived there. With out even looking at me she said “Fujimoto-san we need to set things staright” she twirled around and saw me rubbing my head. “Did I hit you with the door when I came in” her face had changed from determined to concern is less that 0.1 seconds”

“Did she hit your forehead?” Yossy stared at her warily.

“No” the storyteller smiled once more “but one must never miss an opportunity my dear Yocchan”
Very slick Miki. Very slick indeed.  8)

Now I think she was starting a sentence but I really wasn’t in the mood of talking. I pounced on her and gave her a kiss. She quickly backed away from me and said “dame” I stared at her and quickly pretended I was going to lean in and kiss her. Had she said no to me again I would of back off but to my fortunate surprise when she noticed I didn’t continue forward…. SHE kissed ME… and very well if I may say so.”

“You are definitely NOT innocent in this story” Ai-chan stared at her friend in disbelief.  “Why in the world did you kiss her back?!?”
Indeed. Considering how she felt for Eri...:dunno:

“Have you EVER been kissed by Miki?” Gaki asked half exasperatedly. Ai shook her head . “Then don’t judge”
Point taken.



* JFC is jealous of Risa.  :farofflook:

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

Offline loveshadow

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« Reply #22 on: April 07, 2008, 05:49:47 AM »
“Well, once the room stopped spinning. I finally concentrated on whose voice it was. It was hard to make out the words because she was talking so fast. I realized it was Gaki, no one can talk that fast besides her. Once I decided that a wobbly room was easier to walk in than a spinning room I stood up once more. I had to keep holding on to the wall….” Miki abruptly became quiet.

“W-what’s wrong?”

“Nothing, I just keep thinking that Yuko spikes the front drinks to teach people a lesson”

Yossy snapped her fingers in front Miki’s face “Fujimoto! Focus!”

LOL... FOCUS!!! But Miki might be up to something there.
“My arms were draped over her shoulders. She was holding me up from my waist. Her chin was just above my shoulder” Miki’s eyes turned dreamy, I smile crept on to her face. Yossy only shook her head, all the years she had known her sub-leader that was one thing about her that would never change. She couldn’t help it, Miki was a groper.

That's is like the best position ever

“I still can’t believe Gaki would do this to me” Eri’s tears slid down her face. “Guys?” She looked at all of them. “Do you think Gaki’s in love with Fujimoto?”

They all fell silent. They themselves were unsure of how they felt about it, let alone what Gaki felt.

 :'(, Aww Eri... Do you need a hug?

“After a few hours Miki was feeling a lot better. So much better she started with her groping antics again” Risa took a moment to inhale.

“Did you expect any different?” Ai-chan asked.

“honestly?… no” Gaki frowned.

 :on lol:

“Sono toori” Gaki nodded “You know there were moments when we were together that she would have that same sad distant look in her eyes. I always asked my self what caused it. Sometimes my goal was to try and erase that sadness from her eyes. Now though… I think I’ve only increased it” tears were renewing themselves in Gaki’s eyes. “After I asked her what was wrong” Gaki’s voice was starting to crack “she silently sat back into the couch and said in once clean sentence ‘The hardest thing in life is to find requited love and the most painful is to loose it’, back then I thought I understood what she meant by those words. It’s not until now that I can truly appreciate her warning… sadly it’s to late” Gaki sniffed. Ai-chan and Konkon seemed to be on the verge of tears as well.

Wow...  :fainted: Poets that depressed me

“After a few moments of silence she asked me what I saw in Kamei again. This time around, I don’t know why, but I decided to tell her in full detail what I like about Kamei. After I was down with my speech she seemed a bit sadden by it all. Again I got worried and asked her what was wrong. At first she just shook her head and said nothing. In fact I believe I bothered her about it three times and still got the same answer. Suddenly I saw her lift her head and sniff the air. I looked at her perplexed but I did the same. Stuck my nose out and inhaled. Who would’ve of guessed it. Something was burning… that’s when I realized my food was either ruined or on the verge of being ruined. I ran as quickly as possible and was able to salvage some of the food. In between my wails of disappointment I could hear Miki cackling in the background. I was feeling a bit bad for making her all serious and depressed with all my talk about Eri, I was glad to see her laughing.”

And that cheered me up  :lol:

“I just realized, wasn’t it Gaki who chose the plastic bug to scare you during the game?” The younger one asked.

“Oooohhhhh” Mikitty finally understood “Yeah it was. Didn’t it mean something along the lines of ‘great admiration’?”

“Yup” Yossy bit her lip “You should’ve recognized it back then”

“You’re not serious” the sub-leader cocked her eyebrow.

“Of course not” Yossy shook her head.

OMG XD I remember that H!M Episode

I quickly jumped out and offered her my hand. Till this day I wonder if that was the best or worse decision of my life because next thing I remember I had been pulled by my hand and landed right on top of her. She encircled her arms around me and had my face centimeters away from hers. At that point my mind shut down. With a quick and swift movement from her head I had her lips on mine. My brain blew up.”

My brain just blew up too  :inlove:

“So when she realized that Fujimoto was genuinely attracted to her she started playing around with the idea of hooking up with Fujimoto?” Reina laid it down frankly and with out Vaseline.

“REINA!” Sayu glared at her fellow Rokkie. 

Dayum Reina CHILL!  :shocked:

Miki’s grinned grew wider “Yocchan you know me to well. Why aren’t we together again?” she entered flirt mode.

“Because we both fought over Maki and developed the inability to romantically like each other” Yossy swiftly explained.

“Hmmm… true… but don’t forget Rika-chan either”

“Allow me to fix that then” Yossy cleared her throat “Because you, Rika and I fought over Maki and developed the inability to romantically like one another, happy?”

“You got that last part wrong” Fujimoto glared.


“It’s HAAA~PPPY” Miki spread her arms. Yossy quickly pushed the long haired girl’s feet off of her and jumped to a stand.

“WHOA… Miki… are you okay?” The Captain of Gatas placed a hand on her sub-captains forehead to check for a fever.

“I’m fine” Miki gently slapped the hand off her forehead. “Tell anyone I EVER did that and you’re dead, k?” She gave the most pleasant smile she could muster. That made it extra frightening for Yossy. “Now sit down, I need to put my feet up again and finish this story” the Captain did as told.


“OH MY GOD” Reina burst out laughing “You were saying your thoughts OUT LOUD” she clapped her hands.

I <3  :love:

SHE kissed ME… and very well if I may say so.”


“You are definitely NOT innocent in this story” Ai-chan stared at her friend in disbelief.  “Why in the world did you kiss her back?!?”

Nope... definitely NOT :yep:

“Have you EVER been kissed by Miki?” Gaki asked half exasperatedly. Ai shook her head . “Then don’t judge” Gaki was getting angry “I know I’m not innocent… if I were do you think I’d be here wishing I could just disappear or go back in time and change everything. NO I wouldn’t” Ai-backed away a little. She had hit a nerve and a big one.

Gaki... you wanted Miki really badly... but I fully understand you.

I would like to quickly note something though:
“Your instincts still amaze me” Yossy clapped her hands “And they say I’m a player”

“No Yocchan… you’re The Pimp… I’m The Player” Mikitty winked at her Leader.

“Aa..sou desu” Yossy agreed.

“I tell you her eyes seemed to have fireworks in them. She was in disbelief and in utter bliss at the same time. If she didn’t like me before, then that was the defining moment” Miki’s glee could be sensed miles away

Did anyone else notice Poets reference to her other story  XD,  anyone? Don't worry I did notice!

Offline KonaKaga

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« Reply #23 on: May 28, 2008, 12:49:06 PM »
Oh, I can't wait for the last chapter! PART 3! X3
I wonder what Reina was staring at... :dunno:
I hope Eri ends up with Gaki, they are so cute together, hopefully they can work it out  :cry:

Credit to Clamy-san!
Visit my blog!

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« Reply #24 on: May 28, 2008, 03:24:18 PM »
 :w00t: just read the story so far and very nice!! never expected a Gaki and Miki pairing!
i hope Eri get her back though  :wub:

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« Reply #25 on: May 28, 2008, 09:37:51 PM »
I miss this fic :roll:
Yossi <3 Rika <3 Timu Ke <3

Offline heyyouhiya

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« Reply #26 on: May 29, 2008, 04:30:13 AM »
So I really REALLY want to know the end to this...
It's so good

Offline sweeety

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« Reply #27 on: May 29, 2008, 09:54:51 AM »
me tooooooooo plus I came up with a new word for the pairing! FujiGakI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Awesome ne? Anyway plz update soon! I was starting to forget this thanx for bumping you!
I have a porcupine called zazoom, he leaves his scent on peoples' graves.

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« Reply #28 on: May 29, 2008, 06:13:20 PM »
I miss this one too :cry:

Poets, come back to usssss~! :otomerika:

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« Reply #29 on: June 07, 2008, 11:09:05 AM »
This story is freaking awesome... I love how the points of views are changing  XD But I have one problem I don't know who I like better GakixMiki or GakixEri  XD On one hand Gaki and Eri are so damn cute but on the other hand I like the idea of Gaki not being so innocent as everyone would think  :twisted:
Yeah I don't who I like better too ^^;...

yay an update!  I really like how this story is being told.  it's serious yet there are so many funny moments.  I wonder what's up with Ai chan and Reina...something tells me that it might be Miki, Rika, Yossi plus Ai chan and Reina fighting for Maki XD  I'm sad that there's only one more chapter but I'm dying to find out how this all goes down~  :heart:

I wonder just how accurate your guess is *whistles* ... very good guess non the less ;)

yeeey for update!
I love the chapters, they have their drama, their romance and the fun!!
keep it up! :grin:
Thanx I WILL!!

*dies* this story is so good
but so suspenseful! Can't wait for the last part =]
Thanx *^^*

whoa, this story is awesome!!!
really love the way the story is being told through 3 ppl
and for the record, i think gakixmiki is kinda hot!  :oops: I mean, who would have thought?  :D
Yeah who would have thought... all I know is that one day I just thought "what would take EVERYONE by surprise if it something crazy happen" and this concept was born XD

I like MiGaki but, I hope she gets Eri (Gaki not Miki). And although Miki wants Maki, I think her and Yoshi have some great chemistry together, and I would like them to be together. And as for Maki, maybe she already gets a little on the side, could even be Yuko (that would explain a lot). And the rest will eventually (maybe) hook up with each other..... But I already potentially spoiled enough of the storyline, so I wont go any further.
You are really observant sweeety

Stuff like that will likely happen when you sneak off with some of Yuko's secret stash. Chances are Yuko's the only one who can handle it. :P
Not so sure about that XD

Dear child, don't you get it? You can try hiding things like that all you want but in the end it likely won't matter, because Miki-sama knows! :rockon:


Okay, sure Eri's hurt and all, but it's not THE absolute end of the world.  At the very least, she shouldn't be shutting out Risa right now. After all, Risa was straight-up honest with her about it all. That should be a pretty clear sign for Eri as far as how Risa feels about her.
Idunno, I understand Eri here... i wouldn't want to look at Risa either.

That's why she's "da playa".  :twisted:

WTF, Rika was pining for Maki too?  :shocked:

Hmmm...YoMaki, or IshiGoto, or GoMiki.... :-X
Come on, what else would expect from me?

Oh? Reina too? Man, looks like we've got one heck of a web of rabu-rabu.
I repeat: Come on, what else would expect from me?

Point taken.



* JFC is jealous of Risa.  :farofflook:

I knew you'd get that one JFC

“Your instincts still amaze me” Yossy clapped her hands “And they say I’m a player”

“No Yocchan… you’re The Pimp… I’m The Player” Mikitty winked at her Leader.

“Aa..sou desu” Yossy agreed.

“I tell you her eyes seemed to have fireworks in them. She was in disbelief and in utter bliss at the same time. If she didn’t like me before, then that was the defining moment” Miki’s glee could be sensed miles away

Did anyone else notice Poets reference to her other story  XD,  anyone? Don't worry I did notice!

*claps* :cow: YAY someone notice <3

Oh, I can't wait for the last chapter! PART 3! X3
I wonder what Reina was staring at... :dunno:
I hope Eri ends up with Gaki, they are so cute together, hopefully they can work it out  :cry:
We'll see if they can :'(

:w00t: just read the story so far and very nice!! never expected a Gaki and Miki pairing!
i hope Eri get her back though  :wub:
Gaki and Miki...i know crazy XD

I miss this fic :roll:
HAH!.... XD

So I really REALLY want to know the end to this...
It's so good
me tooooooooo plus I came up with a new word for the pairing! FujiGakI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Awesome ne? Anyway plz update soon! I was starting to forget this thanx for bumping you!
I miss this one too :cry:

Poets, come back to usssss~! :otomerika:

Ok i'm back with a new chapter FRESH out of the oven.
Rika <3 So funneh

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« Reply #30 on: June 07, 2008, 11:18:56 AM »
A/N: GUYS I'M SOOO SORRRY!!!!!!  :cry: I never thought I would take this long to Update. ;_________; again my humbe apologies... alot of things happen... my HDD got misplaced then I decided to rewrite alot of parts and school kicked in and ect ect ect  I'M SOOOOOO SORRY... but i'm back

I have PART 3 here and then there will be an epilogue that will wrap things up for us all.

For those of you who read "Tears, Kisses, the cowardly and the brave" (my other story, if you haven't read it... then you should check it out when you have time) that should be updated soon.

So the LONG AWAITED PART 3 is now here


“It was…” she took a deep breath in “Amazing” she exhaled “Till this day, I don’t think I’ve ever had so much fun making out” 

“Really?” Yossy asked.

“Yes… of course. Not once when we kissed was it boring, she would become a completely different person. It’s very rare when I can honestly say that “I completely loose my self” with someone. Gaki’s intimate personality with me was… simply amazing” Miki studied Yossy’s expression “Why do you seem so shocked?”

“I don’t know, I just never expected little Gaki to be very skilled when it came to kissing, much less impress you so much” Yossy answered honestly.

“Tisk tisk Yocchan” She placed a mocking hand on Yoshizawa’s shoulder “See this is why we can never be. You just don’t get it” the leader thinned her eyes defiantly.

“You need to quit with your jokes Miki” she was getting visibly annoyed. “and for the sake of it, what exactly do I not get?”

“Aww did I hurt your ego?” The sub picked. At that point a smile of realization broke out on Yossy’s face.

“You’re doing it again?” she said.

“Doing what again?” the older girl tilted her head.

“Your defense mechanism is kicking in” she stated frankly.
“My Defense Mechanism?” her body shifted back a bit “What the hell are you talking about, Yoshizawa?”

“Tisk tisk, Mikitty. See this is why we can never be” Yocchan decided to pick back. “You just don’t see it” she laughed.

“Cut the crap Yocchan” she jerked her shoulder away from the teasing hand.

“Okay okay… so back to the kiss. It was amazing?”

Miki sighed “Yeah it was. We made out for a long time. For some reason we just didn’t want to stop. It just seemed, no it felt right… actually it felt really really good” she unconsciously licked her lips “It would’ve continued if I hadn’t stopped her”

“Stopped her!?!” Yossy was shocked. “Of all people who are proper and have great will power, you are not one of them Miki. Gaki is… what the hell happen? And why the hell did you stop it?” this was all very off.

“I have no clue. If I hadn’t stopped her I think she would’ve gone the whole way too but there was something that was slightly disturbing.”


“She cried” Yossy furrowed her eyebrows.

“She cried? Did you do something to her Miki?”

“NO!” the groper found that offensive “I wouldn’t do anything to physically hurt Gaki… ever.”

“Then what happen?”

“I’m not sure…  She didn’t cry a lot, it was just for a moment. To be specific, it was at the beginning.”

“I wonder if she was thinking of Eri”

“Don’t wonder” Miki’s sad look once again made an appearance on her face. “She was… after getting to know Gaki the way I did, I can guarantee you she was”

“Excuse me girls” the driver lowered his privacy window “I know I said you girls could take your time but…. I’m very sorry, but I do need to return home.” The kind old driver tried his best to politely tell the girls ‘GET THE HELL OFF’.

“Ah… sumimasen” All three bowed in apology, slightly embarrassed for their inconsideration towards the driver. They quickly got off of the car and to show how grateful they were they gave the man a tip and waved good bye as he drove off.

“Should we go in?” Ai looked at the front door of the house hesitantly.

“Aren’t your parents on vacation Gaki?” Konkon linked her arm with Risa’s.

“Yup, if my family was here I can guarantee you we’d be staying at a hotel tonight.” She lay her head on Konkon’s shoulder “I wouldn’t want to deal with them asking me a bunch of questions.” she took out the keys to the gate door and inserted it into the keyhole. With an informative clank, the gate effortlessly opened inwardly. The annoying screaming hinges made sure to remind Gaki that they needed to be oiled soon.

“In Hawaii again?” Ai closed the door behind her.

“Yup” she opened her front door next and her guests walked in, quickly settling themselves in the living room area. Making sure to leave their coat with their hostess, they sat and waited for their authoress to finish her story.

“Do you guys want anything?” Gaki graciously asked.

“Yeah… for you to finish” Ai-chan smiled weakly.

“So after the kiss what happen?” Konkon asked. Gaki looked at her friend and slightly shook her head. “Listen, don’t take it wrong okay?” Konkon sweetly stated “We’d just like to know what’s going on, after being in the dark for so long”

“I know” Risa nodded “Thanks guys” she whispered “I thought after you guys found out....” tears were quickly forming “I thought you’d hate me and never talk to me” she started to cry once more. Takahashi and Konkon quickly stood up and rushed to the friend.

“Noooooo, we could never do that” Ai grabbed the nearest tissue box and started to dry Gaki’s tears.

“Gaki, you’re our friend… our best friend” Konkon held Risa’s hand. “We’re all best friends here, remember… we’re all gokkies” Konkon gave the hand a tight squeeze. Gaki, overwhelmed by the feeling of gratitude, reached over and hugged both of them. Suddenly she felt her phone vibrating in her back pocket. She quickly released her friends and reached for her phone. Flipping it open she could see that the missing gokkie could sense the love. Mako had sent her a small phrase text, one small phrase, one simple small phrase that made her feel a whole lot better.

Daijoubu da yo! :)

After reading the text she gave a quick a sniff and then smiled brightly at her friends. She had just realized that it didn’t matter how bad things were around her, they’d always be there. Her world could be coming to an end in an apocalyptic matter… but as long as her friends were there everything would be Daijoubu. Quickly wiping away her tears she grabbed both her friends’ hands and pulled them over to the sofa. “So where were we?”

“What happen after?” Konkon rephrased her question.

“Well after we kissed we talked a lot. About things we liked and things we didn’t like. Our opinions on different subjects… our previous heart breaks. Well it was mostly her and her previous heart breaks” Gaki blushed a bit.

“Wait…her heartbreaks?” Ai-chan took a sudden interest “Who were they?”

“Ano ne… well, she never said names” Gaki half smiled. “That was one of our agreements. We could talk about anything but if we didn’t feel comfortable saying the name… well, we wouldn’t. No questions asked.”

“So it was all just physical?”  Reina’s anger slightly boiled in her. It made no sense to her why Gaki would do that after such an awesome person just confessed her love for her. That was when Reina made her decision, if Gaki slept with Miki, she would then reintroduce her self to Gaki… with her fist. 

“I’m not sure….” Eri whispered.

“So, that’s it?” Sayu was resting her head on her arms, which were being supported by her legs.

“Pretty much” Eri nodded.

“Nothing else happen?” Reina asked.

“After that encounter… they would secretly meet up and be together. That was in private though, public they were as distant as possible. They wanted to make sure no one would notice.

“They did a pretty damn good job” Mako said out loud.

“They freaking did” Reina gritted her teeth.

“Interestingly enough, my relationship with Gaki, though slow, was persistent” Kame grimaced “There were moments she would approach me so full of life. She would come by and hug and tell me nice things. Other times she would just be friendly and not show any romantic inclination towards me. It was so weird… but that’s the way the story went for a months till finally one day we just started going out” Eri frowned, she knew now the most hurtful side of the story had to be told.

“Basically, that was the kiss that sealed the deal” Sayu sadly sighed.

“She stayed three hours more at her house” Eri spoke. “After a good make out session, where I’m pretty sure they released all that pent up tension, they finally stopped choking each other with their tongues and had a serious conversation.” She rolled her eyes.

“You don’t have to be strong Eri” Makoto sympathetically stated. “I know it hurts, especially when in the same day you two finally confessed, she runs off and does this.” Makoto looked embarrassed. Gaki was a Gokkie and it was somewhat shameful that out of all the generations a Gokkie would pull this stunt.

“Arigatou” Eri thanked. “But the rest is pretty much history. It wouldn’t hurt anymore or any less to repeat it. So unless you guys wanna stop, I’d like to continue. I feel a bit wrong dropping the story at it’s climax” she attempted a smile.

“We understand” Reina nodded “So how did you two end up going out?”
“Now, I’m not clear on the details, just how did those two end up going out?” Yoshizawa, who was tired of sitting on the couch, was now sprawled across the floor next to the couch. She comfortably had her hands behind her head and left foot crossed over right. All you needed was the sun and a certain H!P pimp to be in a bikini and you would think she was at the beach.

“Eri asked her out” Fujimoto laid on her side, slightly imitating fetal position. Her hair spread all over the couch that was moments ago abandoned by Yossy. 

“Usooo” Yossy said calmly with a hint of alarm.

“Dead serious, the turtle actually had it in her”

“Do you know the story?” she asked cautiously, not wanting to annoy her 

“I really don’t know, the only part of that story I can really give you details on is about that night. When she came to visit me.”

“She visited you? On the same day Eri asked her out”

“Did she ever” the sad sentence escaped Miki’s lips.

The feeling of nothingness engulfed her stomach. She felt her soul slip out of her body and just stare at her from a higher level in the room. If there was a way to avoid having to tell what she now had to tell, she’d take it. The one part of the story she had been dreading to explain was now here. “It was in the morning” dryness in throat could be heard.

“She did?” Ai passed a glass of ice water, which was served to her not too long ago, to Gaki

“Yes, thank you” She took a sip. She made sure to enjoy the cool and refreshing feeling it offered. It was probably the last happy emotion she would have for a while now. “I had made it a habit to pick her up in the morning and go to work with her”

“I see, in the day Eri but at night Miki” Konkon innocently noted. The feeling of nothingness now spread to her legs and forearms. Had Gaki not looked down at her own torso, she could’ve sworn she was disappearing.

“I-I guess that’s a way to look at it” Gaki pulled on her ear instinctively. “Well that morning she was awkwardly quiet and no matter how much I tried to strike up conversation she just wouldn’t talk”

“Awkwardly quiet?” Ai-chan question “Risa, that sounds just like Eri.”

“Noooo I mean worse”

“Worse?” Konkon’s eyes widened. 

“Is that even possible” Ai-chan was in disbelief.

“Apparently so” Gaki nodded “We finally made it to the building and Eri still refused to tell me anything. I started to get worried and became quiet myself. We got off and approached the elevator. When randomly she said to me “Let’s take the stairs” I looked at her a bit perplexed “But Eri, that’s six floors up we have to take” I protested. She smiled at me and winked “Just come with me” she grabbed my hand and led me to the stairs. By the second flight of stairs she turned around and hugged me. She was standing on a stair higher than mine. “Risa, I love you” she whispered in my ear. I couldn’t believe it, a rush of happiness surged through all my body. I felt like crying at the sound of those words. I grabbed on to her arms and pulled her away. I stared at her eyes and tucked her stray hairs behind her ears. Then, the instincts I had been putting into use for the past month or so kicked in. I stood on the tip of my toes and finally kissed her. It was soft and tender… completely innocent but quickly it became rough. I leveled my self with her and stood up on the stair she was on. Finally, finding the space between us annoying I pushed my self on her and her back crashed against the railing. As I made sure not to leave one inch of her neck and face un-kissed she said the next best thing “Gaki, be my girlfriend” it halted my kisses. I looked up at her and smiled as broad as I could. I told her yes about 10 times. We were going to pick up from where we left off but we realized it was running late and decided to go back down stairs and take the elevator anyways” Gaki scratched the back of her head. After laughing at the irony, she realized her friends looked frozen. “Are you guys okay?” She asked the two stunned gokkies. Konkon finally reacted.

“No… it’s just” she cleared her throat “You have a lot of information and details there” she slightly blushed.

“Yeah Gakisan~” Ai finally regained motion “I mean that was A LOT of details there. More than the necessary”

“What do you mean more than the necessary…? I thought that was quite satisfying actually” Konkon smiled

“You liked knowing that she pushed Eri up against a rail from a hormonal rush?” Ai looked at Konkon quizzically.

“Well… When you say it like that you just make me sound-”

“Gossipy?” Ai finished Konkon’s sentence.

“Oh wow” they both turned to look at Gaki “I did say too much didn’t I?” so much blood rushed to Gaki’s face that it was purple.

“No, no, no” Ai felt bad for embarrassing her friend “It’s fine… believe me. It’s perfectly fine”
“Well, what happen that day, then?” Yossy and Miki were still in the same position. She was on the floor while The Sama was on the couch.

“She had been acting a bit cold and distant through out the day. I just read it as her trying to keep our front. Didn’t think much about it, yah know?”


“But that night when she came to visit me she looked different. I opened the door went to greet her with a kiss but she stopped me. “Miki, we need to talk” she said in a really sad voice. I nodded and let her walk into the living room. I closed the door and sat on the opposite side of the couch. She stared at me for a long time not saying a word. I got irritated and told her to spill what ever she had to say. “We can’t see each other anymore” she stated firmly “Eri asked me to be her girlfriend and I said yes” at first I was shocked then I was a bit sad but at no point did I intend on stopping her. This was, after all, just something we both did to pass the time.” The storyteller stood up from the couch where she had been spilling her guts out and laid down next to Yossy. Relaxing her head on the leader’s arm, she cuddled up with her “Sorry, the couch got annoying and I got slightly cold”

“It’s okay, I don’t mind” she hugged her sub-leader with the arm that was now a pillow. “So continue”

“I told her it was fine and that I understood. I stood up and walked her to the door. As my hand went to turn the knob she stopped it. “Miki…” she said in a low, low, low voice “I want you to know that I do care about you… a lot” she lowered her head and hid her eyes from me. I grabbed on to her chin and lightly lifted her face upward, Gaki was basically being Gaki again” Miki snorted.

“She was crying, huh?” the boyish one giggled too.

“You guessed it” Miki confirmed “I told her to please not cry. That I honestly wasn’t hurt, then I went to open the door again but she stopped me once more. “Can I kiss you?” she asked. I couldn’t believe it, out of all the times she’d kissed me NOW she asks.” The Glare queen exaggeratingly waved her arms.

“What did you answer?”

“I said yes, of course” Miki grinned from ear to ear “She slowly approached me until her lips met mine. We entered our make out mode almost instantly but that day it was different, she was different. She completely took control of the situation. I lost my self with her. I had no idea where I was or what time it was. All I knew is that she wanted me and I wanted her just as badly. Call me competitive or selfish, but before Eri got Gaki… I wanted her first and if you ask me… the same went for Gaki. Before she had Eri she wanted me first.”

“So basically a goodbye kiss turned into hot sex?” Yossy simplified.

“You could say that, but I’m not 100% sure it was accidental. I do think Gaki feels something for me.”

“And you feel something for her”

“Please, what kind of question is that? No, I don’t” she rolled her eyes.

“I wasn’t asking, Fujimoto, I was stating” Yossy looked down at her.

Fujimoto lifted her self up to her elbows “No, I don’t!” she said a bit more forceful.

“Yes you do, now continue” Yossy demanded.

“No I don’t and that was pretty much it” Miki returned to cuddling Yossy.

“That’s it?!?!?!?”

“That night was amazing. The morning after was the complete opposite though” the sad distant look took over her eyes. Feeling the sadness that sprang forth from Miki, Yossy did the only thing she could do, hug her.

“I’m assuming it wasn’t worth it”

“It gets worse Yossy, much worse” Miki hugged her back 

“Eri….” Mako couldn’t say anything else. She was leaning against the wall and could barely look at her crying kohai straight in the eye. It was embarrassing, to a level, to see how much someone was affected by the betrayal of her friend.

“And on the SAME DAY she said “yes” to me” the inconsolable tears had returned. Eri closed her eyes tight in a sad attempt

“Nee, Eri… at least it was once” Sayumi tried to make the situation better. Eri’s heart stopped beating at the sound of those words.

“It. Was. Not. Just once” she informed the room through gritted teeth. 

“I can’t believe this!” Reina abruptly stood up. “I REFUSE!” She shouted.

“Are you okay?” Mako pushed her self of the wall. Ignoring the question, Reina walked up to Eri and lifted her up by the shoulders. With every beat that her heart made, more and more anger made its self present in Reina body.

“So they did?” Reina’s anger had reached its limit. She knows what it feels to be helpless and have no one stand up for her. Reina was now determined to make Gaki feel it too.

“They did” Makoto confirmed. 

“She’s nothing but a little…” 

“REINA!” Sayu again jumped to calm down her rokkie yankie counter part. 

“Don’t worry, Kamei” Reina nodded. “She’ll know what it feels to be hurt” she let go of Kamei and strode off to the door. 

“Reina don’t” Makoto took a few steps forward. ‘What the hell got into this one?’

“Listen Mako, I understand Gaki is your friend and up to a point she’s mine too. But Eri is also my friend.” She slightly turned her head to look at Mako.

“Tanaka!” Mako spoke sternly. “Don’t assume this issue is about friendship or loyalty. We have nothing to do with it… so don’t introduce yourself into a story that doesn’t have a role for you.” Reina stared at her senior slightly offended. She had never seen Mako get this serious. “Don’t be selfish” that hit a sensitive spot. 

“What the HELL are you talking about?” Reina all but screamed at her superior. 

“Don’t go out and do something just because you feel it’s the right thing to do or because you just want to feel better about this whole issue. This is not about you… this is about Gaki, Eri-chan and Miki-san.” The energy of Makoto’s eyes focusing in on Reina could’ve burned a whole through the younger member. “Why don’t you ask Eri what she wants you to do instead?” Reina turned to look at the turtle. 

“Well?” the wonky member asked. 

“Reina…” one could see Eri’s internal struggle “don’t” she softly answered.

“But Eri…” an appeal was made.

“DON’T” she glanced up and looked straight at the Wonky one. This good look into Eri’s cried out eyes caused a revelation to dawn on the yankii. She began to understand what the others had been trying to communicate to her. As her heart wrenched, she tried to identify the emotions that beamed as they swirled their way through the windows of Eri’s soul. It was as plain as the nose on her face, Eri was undeniably heartbroken. She was angry, jealous, vengeful and slightly dying a little inside; but above all that, Reina could tell Eri was madly, deeply and uncontrollably in love with Gaki.   
 She took a few steps back, feeling that her own emotions were starting to stir inside. “why?” she said barely audible. “Out of everyone you have accessible to you… why Gaki? Why fall for her and not for someone else? Why be that dedicatingly in love with someone who obviously didn’t appreciate your feelings enough over someone who did?” Reina swallowed hard. Sayu, Eri and Mako stood there slightly at a lost.

‘Is Reina out of her mind’ Mako thought ‘she almost looks like if she’s in -’ Mako’s exhaling momentarily ceased. Her eyes slightly enlarged when she finally comprehended the reasons behind Reina’s odd behavior, the motivation that encouraged her actions.
It seemed that Eri also had the same realization. She opened her mouth to speak, but Reina cut her off “Forget it” she whispered “don’t say anything; there’s nothing for you to say. I’m sorry” she apologized “I guess Mako was right” She looked over at her Sempai “I was being selfish. You’re here in an emotional mess and I’m just thinking about myself” She turned on her heal and walked back to the door from which she entered earlier. “I’m leaving”.

The audible click of the door closing was heard and Reina made her way down the now empty corridors. Her steps were slow and hesitant at first but the more she thought about things, the more they raced in her mind and the more her legs attempted to run away from her thoughts. Soon she was at a full sprint rushing for the doors; finally reaching her goal she pushed opened the wood and metal barriers and stepped out side into the chilling cold. There she stood for a good while, letting the cold winds cut through her. Deciding that being immobile had more pros than cons, she hoped the cold would be merciful and not only freeze her physically but emotionally too. Aside from that, she simply just had no idea where to go from there. Yet, pathetically, all she had in her mind was a scenario where Eri realized that her emotions were being wasted on a fool and decided that she, Reina, was much more worthwhile. Coming to that conclusion she would run after her and once she had caught up, she would walk up behind her and place a hand on her shoulder. That scenario was so real to Reina that she could literally feel warmth on her shoulder. “I would never make you cry, Eri” she would voice out to the owner of the hand. Suddenly the imaginary grip on her shoulder became tighter.

“I guess Eririn isn’t the only one who thinks out loud” a familiar voice rang in the runaway’s ear. Quickly Reina jerked around and was met by the paled skinned, dark eyed, fake narcissist of the group. “I’m sure you wouldn’t hurt her too”

“What do you want? Can’t you see I wanna be alone” Reina venomously spat, Sayu’s expression slightly darkened, she didn’t appreciate Reina’s tone “Icame to bring you your coat” she extended her hand forward offering the jacket back to it’s owner.

Reina stared stupidly at the coat for a moment “…oh” She embarrassingly shifted and quickly yanked the jacket away.
 “Listen Rei-”

“Sayu, I don’t wanna talk about it!” she put on her warm jacket

“-na” She finished the interrupted sentence. “I know it must be hard on you, but one day you’ll be able to accept it.”

“I said I didn’t wanna talk about it” she ferociously zipped up the jacket. 

“I know. I’m going to go back in now, you should go home.” Sayu placed her hand on Reina shoulder again.

“heh, where else am I gonna go?” she mockingly questioned.

“I don’t know, Gaki’s place?” Sayu shrugged “Meh, whatever… maybe it would be good idea if you did go. Knocking some sense into Gaki has always seemed logical to me but no one would ever listen to the cute girl” Sayu winked at Reina and walked back to the door. “See you later” her presence disappeared behind the door. A mischievous smile crept over Reina’s face.

“Sayu, you’re just plain evil” Reina’s body finally found a reason to walk away from the post it had rooted its self to. Flipping out her self phone she dialed the number of the local cab station “Hope you’re home, Risa, I’m gonna make sure I just didn’t make a fool of my self for nothing”

 “Did you hear that?” Yossy asked, lifting her head up like meerkat.

“A door closing” Miki shrugged.

“What about that?”

“Obviously if someone just closed the door, you’re gonna hear their footsteps” Miki stared at her leading counterpart worryingly. Subsequently, the sudden quickening of the steps caught her attention. She quickly stood up and opened the door, sticking her head out to see who it was. Shortly after Yossy’s head popped out too, a few inches above Miki’s.

“What do you think happen?” Yossy tried balancing herself on her tippy toes.

“I’m not sure” Miki answered. They heard the door knob turning once more and both 20-something-year-olds ducked back in trying to hide. 
 “Eri” they heard Michishige’s voice call out. “Pass me Reina’s coat please”

“Here” Eri answered back “Sayu, if you get the chance… apologize to Reina for me. I didn’t know”

 “Don’t worry about it” were the parting words of Sayumi as they heard the door close. Believing it to be safe Yossy and Miki once again tried picking over the side ledge of the door, they saw as Sayumi ran in the same direction the other steps had ran off too. Realizing there was nothing more to see there, Miki quickly backed up again. She accidentally crashed against Yossy’s jaw, causing her leader to unsuccessfully stifle a groan.

“You made me bite my tongue” Yossy quietly hissed.

“I’m sorry” Fujimoto gave her apologies. “So are you ready for the rest of the story?”

“Like how Eri found out?” Yossy moved aside, letting Miki walk back to the couch. After closing the door she too returned to it.

“You want the long end of it or the short end of it?” Miki sighed, throwing herself back into the couch taxingly.

“Please, short… I’m tired of long” Yossy slapped the side of Miki’s leg, asking her to slightly move more to the left.

“Gaki told her” the cheating accomplice plainly stated.

She told her?!” Yossy chocked.

“Yup” Miki nodded.

“Is she insane?”

“More like dumb” Miki smiled. “Dumb and honest”

“Her conscience was starting to beat her up” she made jabbing motions.

“Well, yesterday night, Gaki was out on a date with Eri. Gaki’s parents aren’t home this week, so they ended up going back to her place. As expected things started to get a little…well... intimate and as irony would have it, Gaki whispered my name and everything basically went to shit from there. Eri left home crying that night, not giving Gaki a chance to explain. Today, before rehearsal, Gaki came to talk to me. She told me what had happen and asked me what to do. I told her, that if she really loved Eri she would go tell Eri everything. She stared at me as if I were insane. I told her it’d be alright and to go just go. Once she had left, I sat on my chair thinking about everything very carefully. The first night we spent together was great but that morning when we woke up… I woke up to her crying. Actually every time we would end up together in bed she’d cry at the end. As I sat there thinking about everything it finally sunk in… I finally understood just how much of a bad mess I had ended up in. I started to feel bad, ashamed and very, very sorry towards Eri.” Miki covered her eyes with one hand “I’m a horrible person Yossy”

“Don’t say that, you’re not… you are not a horrible person. If you were horrible you wouldn’t feel as regretful as you feel now” the youngest patted the older one’s head.

“If I were a good person… I would’ve stopped Gaki that night she came to my house to break it off” At that statement Yossy couldn’t find anything to counter point it. Miki did have a point there. “then when Eri came to me and I saw just how hurt she was… my conscience suddenly decided to fully awaken it self.”

“Yeah, I could tell” Yossy agreed


“And that’s how they hooked up” Ai finished the story.

“…” Maki was dumbfounded.

“Crazy huh?”

“Pure insanity” She was finally able to speak.

“I really don’t know who to feel worse for”

“Me either” Maki agreed

“Maki, you’re basically the source of this whole problem” Ai’s voice became little.

“What? Babe, how can you say that?” Maki spoke into the mic of her cell phone.

“You should have never played with those three the way you did. Poor Fujimoto-san, Ishikawa-san and Yoshizawa-san” Ai scolded.

Maki exhaled “That, my little worrier, was a while back. You know well I stopped right around the time you and I started getting serious. If Miki refused to understand it, it’s not my fault. Rika-chan and Yossy backed off. Why not Miki?”

“But Maki, Rika found someone… now she and Korenaga are happy. Yoshizawa-san… well she understood and accepted your feelings. You knew how Miki-chan is.”

“For the record, Yossy lost interest in me. She told me, very frankly yet politely, that she had found someone else who now catches her attention. Now on the Miki thing, I can accept being blamed for Miki’s momentarily lapse of logic but I have nothing to do with the decisions that Niigaki makes” the Some Boys Touch singer defended herself.

“True… nonetheless...Oh! wait, someone’s at Gaki’s door.” One could hear the movement and rustling of Ai’s surrounding as she walked up to the door. “Um, Maki-chan” she said monotonously “I’ll call you back”

“Call me back? Are you okay? You sound off… did something happen?” Maki asked.

“I’ll just call you back, bye” Ai hung up her mobile. She cautiously opened the door. “Hey Reina-chan”

“Wassup, Ai?” Reina walked in and dusted off the snow that had collected on her shoulders. “I came here to talk to with Nigaki-san” the stern looked that shocked Ai earlier was still there. “She’s home right?” 

“Yeah, she’s here. Let me go get her. Just take off your shoes and wait in the living room” the eldest instructed. 

“Are her parents home too? It seems pretty empty in here.”

“No, they’re not. They’re on vacation right now.”

“Oh...” the unexpected visitor nodded. “Alright, you said in the living room right?”

“Yeah, I’ll be right back”

Reina heard her sempai’s foot steps echo up the stairs as she took off her shoes and jacket. She could tell they had been here for a while. The house was warm and comfortable with the occasional cold air sneaking underneath the small gap of the door. Doing as told she walked into the living room but not wanting to be a complete conformist she stayed standing. Moments later three girls walked up to the entrance of the living room. Reina’s eyes only looked at one. “Reina” Gaki breathed. She ran up to the newcomer “Tell me, how’s Eri?” Reina stared at her incredulously.

“Well that’s a stupid question” the wonky one answered. “I need to talk to you” Reina looked over at the other two still waiting in the hallway “In private, if you don’t mind”

Konkon walked up to Gaki “We won’t go if you want us to stay”

“No, it’s fine. Please wait for me in my room” Gaki requested from her friends. Acknowledging Gaki’s request both Konkon and Ai went up stairs to wait for their friend.

Making sure they were alone, Reina walked up to the stairs and waited to hear Gaki’s room door close.

“So what do you need to talk to me about?” Gaki asked. Reina ignored her question, still waiting to hear the confirming click.


“Good, they can’t hear us anymore” Reina walked back to the entrance of the living room. An awkward silence came over the two. Finally deciding that now was to time to act, she advanced towards Gaki with great speed. Before the Gokkie had time to react she felt crash of a tight fist as it collided against her left cheek bone, throwing her off balance.

“That’s for cheating on her!” Reina gently caressed her now throbbing knuckles and starred at a barely standing opponent. Gaki’s face was looking downward, her hair covering most of her face while her hand was protectively covering the punched cheek. Supporting her self with one knee and one foot on the ground, while hand holding on to the wall she had basically been thrown too.

“Get up” the impatient minor demanded. Still no reaction from the reaction queen “I said get up” she walked up to the stunned Gaki and picked her up by the collar of the shirt, forcing her to stand once more. There she stood face to face with her rival, the desire to hit her once more crept over her still hurting fist but the memory of Eri kept her from realizing her desire. Instead she opted for pushing Gaki back onto the wall.

“konkon, You have to call her” Ai threw her self on Gaki’s bed.

“Demo, Ai… maybe we should wait before calling Mako” she advised.

“We need to find out why Reina’s here… and with a pissed off face” Ai urged.

“Why don’t you call her?” Konkon asked.

“She’s your girlfriend” Lovely teased.

“That’s not an excuse Ai-chan” Konkon pouted “Why don’t you admit you’re just being lazy”

“Gah, fine… we’ll wait” the future leader of Momusu covered her face with a pillow.


“Is that what you came for?” Gaki at last reacted “To beat the crap out of me?” her eyes indicating the honesty behind her words.

“No… but don’t think I don’t want to” Reina let her go.

“Don’t think I’ll stop you” Gaki adjusted her shirt and fell back into the embrace of the wall. “I know well I deserve it. So what did you come here for?”

“To make you decide” Reina walked up to the couch and sat down. She spotted a half drank cup of water, picked it up and took a sip from it.

“Decide?” Gaki asked.

“Decide over who you’re going to stay with” she placed the cup down on table. “Cause we all know you’re incapable of deciding on your on” she smiled at Gaki. “Why don’t’ you take a seat. It is your house” she pointed at the empty seat in front of her. Reina studied Risa as she cautiously walked to the chair and sat down.
“Before anything, I need to know how she is?” Risa insisted.

“How do you think she is, Gaki?” the younger girl rolled her eyes “She’s broken” a sad undertone wavered in her words. “Broken, sad, angry, hurt, confused… I could go on, but you know”

Silence was all you could hear from Risa, she made several attempts to say something but nothing she wanted to say seemed right for this situation. In frustration she lifted her hands up and buried her head in them, voicing the only thing she could say “I’m an idiot. What have I done” she shook her head. The feeling of a cold solid object hitting her head made her look back up. Reina was shaking her hand.

“Baka!” Reina shook off the excess water from the ice cube she had just thrown “you have lost all right to self pity in front of me…. And who the hell drinks ice water on a snowing day?”

“Tanakachi” Gaki whispered “I don’t think I can ever go back to Eri or Miki for that matter”

“If it were up to me, I’d prevent you from ever hooking up with someone again” Reina declared “But just out of curiosity, why do you say that?”

“Eri doesn’t deserve to be with someone that has made her cry this much. She deserves to be with someone who would treat her tears as the most precious thing in the world. So precious that the world, it self, has no right to see them be shed.” Her own tears were starting to build up.

“You got that right” Reina agreed, ignoring the apparent teary gleam from Niigaki.

“To be completely honest, I don’t think she even wants me back” Gaki slouched down “I understand why, though”

A violent sigh escaped from Reina’s lungs “You make it reeeeaaallly hard to dislike you, Risa” she shook her head. “Listen” she demanded “I’m going to make this really clear. If it’s her you wanna stay with, then right now… right this moment get dressed and start fixing this mess you did. Cause if you don’t, I’ll personally make sure to pick up the pieces of the heart you just broke” she stared at her sternly

Gaki slightly giggled from the irony “So you do have a thing for her?” She nodded knowingly “Go ahead, then” Gaki shrugged “Like I said, I don’t think she wants me. Plus, I’m sure you’d be a better girlfriend” another cold lump was thrown at her head. “Itai” she rubbed the sore spot “Can we please stop using me as target practice?”

“Who said anything about you being practice?” Reina tilted her head “Dear God, Gaki you’re an idiot. Do you think I’d be here talking to you if I knew she didn’t want you. Do you think I want her to want you? If she had no interest in you at this point, you can bet your cheating ass I’d be trying everything to make her redirect her feelings towards me” a cheerless expression substituted her stern one “She wants you. Even after all the shit you’ve done… she wants you. That’s why I came here too.”

“To see how I feel?” Gaki guessed.

“Pretty much” Reina nodded.

“Aside from feeling like the worse person in the world… I’m very thankful to her. To both of them actually, I wish there was something I could do to show that I’m grateful”

“Man, are you dense” Reina shook her head “How is it that you get two girls with that type of mentality… seriously”

“What are you talking about?”

“Listen clearly Gaki, this thing called “love” isn’t something you say “Aa~ Arigatiou gozaimasu” too. Love is an action so important that a simple “thanks” is not enough to respond to it. Love, isn’t thanked… it’s reciprocated”

Gaki was shocked at just how right Reina was but even more shocked that it came from Reina “Wow” she breathed.

“What?.. why are you looking at me like that?” she became self-conscious.

“Nothing, I’m just realizing how sensitive you actually are. It’s quite… refreshing to be honest”

“Whatever… change the subject… I don’t like talking about myself” 

“Okay” Gaki smiled at her blushing kohai “So… she still loves me?” hope beamed through.

“Unfortunately… yes” the heart broken reject answered. “So this leads me to the next question” she stood up for dramatic effect "did you make a decision?" the question was finally asked.
"There was never a decision to make" her eyes stared off into the distance, focus and determination shinning through them.
"So who are you going to go talk to now?"
"Fujimoto Miki" she stated firmly.
"I see, do you know where she is?” Reina asked.


“She’s in the leaders quarters, back at the building”

“Wakatta” Gaki nodded


“Mako, I think your phone is ringing” Sayu pointed out.

“Oh, mine is the one ringing?” she looked shocked. “Who the heck would be calling me?” She flipped open her phone and pressed talk.

“Mako-chan” Konkon’s voice fluttered through the speaker.

“Heeeeey” Mako greeted. She looked around her to make sure Eri and Sayu weren’t at an audible range “how are things on your end?” she said in a semi whisper.

“I’m not sure… you see….um”

“What? Speak louder Konkon”

“Well, ano…”

“Konkon, maybe I should explain it… you’re taking a bit long” Ai’s voice was far away but still at hearing range.

“What? I can explain jus-” Konkon’s voice suddenly got cut off.

“Gaki just left to go over there with Reina. She’s going to talk to Miki first and then to Eri” Ai-chan’s voice now boomed through Mako’s phone.

“WHAT?!?!?! Reina was over there?!” Mako bellowed out “and Gaki’s now coming over here?!?!?”

“Reina went to Gaki’s?!” Eri joined in the “question shouting” trend. Shige smiled inwardly.

“Ai… I’ll call you back. Tell Konkon I love her. Bye” she clicked her phone. “Yes, Reina went to Gaki’s… it seems that they’re both now coming over here”

“Gaki and Reina?” Sayu asked.


“I have to go” Eri stood up “I have to leave now!”

“No, you’re staying” a familiar voice now rejoined them.

“Reina, you’re back?” Mako greeted her.

“That… was fast” Sayu grinned

“How could you?” Eri furrowed her eyebrows.

“It’s for your own good, babe” Reina locked the door behind her. “It’s better to get things done and over with now than later. We have a concert coming up you know. Being depressed isn’t really a luxury we idols get. So regardless of what happens, after today… everyone better get over what ever they need to get over and back to smiling”

“I agree with Reina” Sayu stated “if things don’t get settled now, I’m scared a graduation will be announced this upcoming concert” the room fell silent at that comment..


“Well, I guess that’s enough excitement for today” Yossy stood up. “I think it’d be best if we all go home and rest now”

“That is a grand idea… but I have a better one in mind” an activity involving alcohol popped into her head

“Oh?... Guess what.” Yossy riddled.


“I don’t care” she smiled broadly “I’m taking you to your house and making sure you get enough rest for tomorrow.”

“Ugh, sometimes you’re so boring Yoshizawa.” Miki complained.

“I’m not boring, I’m just precautious, believe me, tomorrow when this all gets worse… you’ll thank me”

“Thank you my a-”

knock knock knock

“Was that the door?” Yossy questioned.

“Miki, it’s me Gaki… can I come in?” a muffled voice vibrated itself through the thick door.

“Oh snap it’s Gaki” Miki stood up.

“Should I leave?” Yossy pointed to the door.

“Nuuuuu, don’t!” Miki pleaded “Stay… no HIDE!”


“Yes, hide… hide in the closet… pleeeeaaasse” Miki began to push Yossy towards the closet.

“But… Miki… wait!” Yossy tried to bargain.

*Knock knock knock knock*

“Miki? Are you there?” Gaki asked wiggling the knob, she made sure it wasn’t opened.

“I’m gooOOooooiiIinng~… one miiiIIIiinuuUuuTe~” she answered back to Gaki in a sing-song voice. With a final shove then closing of the door Miki threw Yossy into the closet. She then galloped to the door and opened it widely. There in a mid-knock stood a puffy red eyed girl who evidently was in need of sleep. “Gaki…” she said, just as she had said so many times before. She examined her lover carefully, her messy hair, her dripping make-up, her shabby attire… a random bruise appearing on her cheek?

“Um…Hi” Gaki tried to smile.

“What happen to your cheek?” Miki grabbed a hold of her, bring her closer.

“My cheek? Oh!!! My cheek! Well… you can say, logic hit me hard” she gave a side smile.

“Have you done anything to help heal it?” Miki closed the door and dragged Gaki back to the couch she had been on for the pass few hours. Quickly sitting down the “injured” girl, she ran to the tiny refrigerator to take out something cold. “Here” she ran back handing a beer to Gaki.

“Miki I can’t… I’m under aged” she stared at the alcoholic beverage in her hand” and remember what happen last time we decided to ignore that tiny detail” she gave a slight giggle.

Miki giggled as well but not because she was reminiscing “if I had ice, I’d throw it at you”

“You’d throw ice at me?” Gaki gawked. “What is it with you yankiis and throwing ice at people’s heads. Particularly my head”


“Nevermind” the younger one gave a wave motion with her hand.

“Risa… the cool beer is for you to place it on your face. Where the bruise is starting to show, here…” Miki grabbed the beer back “I’ll show you”

“SAMUIII!!” Risa screeched “Mou… Mikitty”

“Don’t whine… just heal” Fujimoto grabbed the whining girls hand and made it hold on to the can.

“Arigatou” Niigaki gave a slight bow “you’ve always been really sweet to me… I’m very grateful” 

The smile that was plastered on Miki’s face was now dimming down to a slight frown. She quickly noticed the change in atmosphere; Gaki didn’t come here just to have a cold beer pressed up against her cheek. She came here to talk. “you are… very welcomed” she bowed back. Gaki realized that Miki had now too caught on to the atmosphere as well. An overwhelming silence fell upon them both. Both wanting to say something, but both wanting to stay quiet as well. For the past three months they had been with each other, shared with each other, understood each other… accepted each other and never had they experienced this type of involuntary silence.  They found it heartbreaking and on top of that, deafening.

“Gaki I-”

“Fujimoto-san” they both said at the same time.

“Did you just call me Fujimoto-san?” Miki looked surprised.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to… Miki, I came here because we need to talk”

“You don’t need to explain that to me. I’ve very aware of that fact” Miki laid back into the soft fabric of the couch spreading her arms outward so that they rested on the head board. She stretched her hand and was met by Gaki’s hair. Instinctively she started to caress and massage Risa’s head. “Gaki, we don’t really need to talk. We both know where this is going and what has to happen.” She leaned her head back, closed her eyes and took in a deep breath.

“Miki…. No” the sternness in Risa’s voice could be heard. “We need to talk about this… if not, we’ll run circles around each other trying to end it in silence. I need an end for our story.” 

“I see… so you want us to go through the heart wrenching break up talk” she lifted her head up defiantly.

“No, not like that… but I do want us to talk” Niigaki cast her eyes downward.

“Gaki, this is all very nice of you… but news flash… you can’t break something you never had. You and me were never a couple. We were just nothi-”

“We were something!” Her eyes looked up once more “I don’t know if in your head were nothing… but in mine were something and if something was created then that something can be destroyed. I want to make sure, that at least for me, it’s destroyed properly. Because at least to me… it was important… you were important… you are important” her eyes filled the room with her tenacity.
Miki looked at her carefully; it was that exact type of emotion that made Gaki so incredible to her. How something so confident could come from some one so weak. It was something she’d always liked, enjoyed, and wanted. A sarcastic laugh stemmed it self out of Miki. “It’s sooo funny, at first glance… you are seriously not my type Niigaki.” She scratched the back of her head “but your surprises are really my kind of surprises” she smiled “Life, why am I the one always getting screwed over by you?” she made a poetic comment.

“Miki, I’m sorry” Gaki gave an apology.

“Sorry for what? It’s not your fault… it’s more mine than anything.” She sighed “Okay, you want to do this correctly right?”

Gaki nodded.

“Okay… what do you want to tell me? Just say it straight out, with out hitting around the bush” Miki instructed.

“We… can’t see each other anymore.” She stated blandly.

“I think that now I’m supposed to ask why, right?” Miki confirmed.

“I believe so” Gaki nodded.

“Okay, here I go…why?” she laughed at herself. 

"I just don't see my self in a relationship with you"
"Heh... You’ve said that before. It's not a secret" realizing there was nothing more to say, they both fell quiet again. “I think that brings us to the end Niigaki. You and me will never be together romantically… which is fine. Now, I hope you can win Eri back…I really do”

“We’ll see about that… I’m not sure what’ll happen between her and me but… I’m gonna try my best to make it up to her”

“Come on, I’ll walk you to the door” the two girls stood up and took a slow paced walk to the door but before reaching it… Miki wished there was something she could do to make this a proper good bye. Finally, she realized there was only one thing she could do "Gaki" she said softly, grabbing, then pressing her lips against the younger one, trying to express all her emotion through this single action. "Thank you" she whispered once she released the captive lips.
Gaki blinked from the shock "F-For what?"
"For loving me" Miki smiled weakly.

Gaki blushed but knew exactly how to answer “Love is not something you thank, it’s something you reciprocate” She gave Fujimoto one last embrace, one last feel and one last sniff. Though Fujimoto was not the love of her life, she would always hold a special place in Gaki’s heart. “Sayonara” She whispered into her ex-lover’s ear and with that she parted away never looking back. After hearing the closing click of the door, Yoshizawa came out from her hiding place. She opened her arms and was met with a bawling Fujimoto. 


“LET ME OUT OF HERE!!!!” Eri banged on the door that leads to her freedom.

“NO!!! You CAN’T LEAVE!!” Mako, Sayu and Reina blocked the door that lead to Eri’s freedom.

“You guys SUCK!!!” She screamed louder.

“Thank you!!” Mako answered back “I’ve been told I’m pretty good at it too” she snickered. Reina and Sayu froze and looked at her disgusted.

“Mako that’s just…” Reina started

“Ew” Sayu concluded.

“Sorry” she apologized. Suddenly the door opened a bit, showing just how hard Eri was trying to open the door. “Crap! Pull pull pull…damn she’s strong”

“I know!” Reina pulled.

“I’m shocked she can handle the three of us” Sayu expressed.

“What the hell are you three doing?” Gaki looked at them all in aw. She would have laughed at how comical they all looked, with Mako pulling on the door knob, Reina pulling on Mako and Sayu pulling on Reina.

“What does it look like we’re doing? We’re trying to keep your girlfriend from fleeing the country” Mako answered.

“So she doesn’t want to see me?” Gaki pouted.

“Well, what did you expect?” Reina asked.

“A welcoming party, with balloons that say “Welcome back Risa, you cheated on me but I still love you and forgive you” then have her coming out doing the “honey pie” dance for you?” Sayu elaborately retorted.

“I can hear Gaki and I’ve stopped pulling” Eri spoke up. The three blockers looked at each other and decided to let go. The door opened and Eri walked out. She locked eyes with her girlfriend. “Gaki, I know you’re here to talk and I have a pretty good idea about what it is.”

“Eri…” Niigaki said.

“Wait, let me finish. I want to talk to you to…. But right now… I can’t. I need you to give me time… in fact… I need all of you” she looked at everyone who was currently in the room “to give me time” Every one looked down except Gaki… who was still staring at her. “Do you understand, Risa?”

“Yes, I do…. Take all the time you need” She nodded.

“Good, now I’m going to go back in the room and pack my stuff up then go home. I’ll see you all tomorrow” she said walking back into the room.


Later that night, Yossy had decided that maybe it would be better to let Fujimoto do what she wanted to do that night. Going to the bar, with Fujimoto crying at arm, was actually the easy part. Returning home with a drunk Fujimoto was a mission all of its own.

“I hate women… I hate good looking women” Miki Fujimoto stumbled side to side in the streets, with a gloom looking Hitomi Yoshizawa tagging close behind. “I hate good looking women that I work with! Bunch of teases!” she belted out.

“mmhmm” Yossy has soon discovered that the best way to hold a conversation with a drunk Fujimoto was the same way you held one with a drunk Nakazawa. All you had to do was constantly nod you head and say some form of “yes”.

"AND YOU!" she stared five foot long sharp swords into Yoshizawa, who could only stare back wide eyed. Did I do something wrong, I said yes right? Did I nod in a wrong way Yossy worried. "You and your charming personality and boyish good looks"
Yossy furrowed her eyebrows "... but… I’m a girl"
"Do you THINK the Fujimoto CARES if she called you the right gender or not?" Yossy was dumbfounded by the direction the conversation was going. “EXACTLY!" Miki waved her stilettos in the air. "I bet you're the worse out of bunch" she narrowed her eyes on her leader. Sadly, such a simple task as focusing on something would show to be too difficult to perform in her drunken state. She quickly got dizzy and fell forward on Yossy.
"And how do you know that?" Now that the shock of a falling sub-leader was subsiding Yossy decided to take a risk and ask a question. Suddenly Yossy senses jolted. She felt a very cold nose stick itself in the crook of her neck.
"Because" Miki spoke into the neck "You always smell good." the exhaled words made themselves present on Yossy's skin "Even after an exhausting game or training session. You always" Miki violently inhaled "Smell good"
Yossy was unsure of how to answer back. She helped Miki back on to her own to feet.
"Do you think I’m ugly?" Fujimoto once again lifted her head
" what?!?" Yossy nervously wail her arms around.
"No no no" Fujimoto sloppily waved her finger around "that was the wrong question.. tee hee" her unorganized smile was slapped on her face. "anyways, yooooouuuUuur reaction just told me everything" her voices interchanged into low tones and high tones. "You like me! You like me" she started to chant. She pushed Yossy out of the way and continued to walk on ward, sadly for Yossy, Miki once again fell forward and became acquainted with the floor.
"Miki!!" Yossy ran to aid her friend. "I think…"
"PPFFFT BWAHHAHAH" Miki entered an uncontrollable laugh. "Oh My God... Oh God... Yocchan" she waved her hand in a come hither motion.
"What?" Yossy bent down
"The freaking floor JUST MOVED! AHAHAHAHA" Miki threw her self back and hit her head on the pavement "Ooowwww" She said in a small baby voice. Yossy just stared at her in disbelief. She looked around for any possible taxies but didn't see any in sight. She quickly scanned the area and realized where they were. She zipped up her jacket and put her cap on.
"Alright Miki, get up."
"Are you insane!?! I don't know how you're doing it but I can't stand on a floor that's constantly shifting" she playfully slapped Yossy’s calves.
"Don’t worry about it, i'll carry you on my back. There's only about two more blocks." She extended her hand.
"Two more blocks to where?" she grabbed a hold of Yossy’s hand and stood up. She slightly spread her legs and arms to the side, waiting to be carried.
"To my house" Yossy turned around and bent her knees. "Come on jump on me." Miki did as told and with one cleanly executed jump Miki completely… missed Yossy's back and ended up on the floor again. Once again Yossy’s face just couldn’t react to the current situation. It was just too much. "O...k" she sighed. "Let’s try this again" she walked up to Miki and stood her up once more. This time when she turned around she made sure to be right in front of miki. "okay try again"
"Yocchan~" miki childishly called out. “come closeeer" Yossy did as told and took a few steps back. Out of the blue she felt two warm hands go under her shirt and encircle her waist.
"MIKI!!" she scolded out loud.
"Maybe we should just walk like this. I'll get in sync with your step and you lead the way" Miki suggested, snuggling up to the taller girls back. Yossy thought it through for a few moments.
"I don't think you're capable of getting in sync. You're too drunk"
"My best performances were when i was drunk. Try me" the ex soloist giggled into the younger one's shirt.
"Good point" Yossy took a few steps forward. At first she went slow, skeptical of Fujimoto's ability, but to her surprise Miki could keep up with her in a slow jog. Of course this short walk back to Yossy's apartment was full of rebuffed advances to Fujimoto's wondering hands.
Yossy pushed open her door and walked in with the leached on Fujimoto. "TADAIMA" Fujimoto screamed as she walked in. No one answered. "I SAID TADAIMA!!" she screamed once more.
"Miki shush! I live alone" Yossy placed her index finger over her lips.
"Oh okay." Miki did an uh-oh face, then a mad face "Then why are you being so rude to me. You might be the leader, as you like to flaunt around... BUT I am OLDER!"
"What are you talking about?" Yossy scratched the back of her head infuriatingly.
"TADAIMA TADAIMA TADAIMA" Miki shouted over and over again. Thankfully, right before Yossy had finally decided that punching her would be the only way to shut her up she fell from the tree and understood what the drunk wanted.
"Oh!... okairi" her eyes thinned. The older just giggled.
"So Yocchan" Miki stumblingly walked up to the other "You think I'm attractive" she smiled devilishly as she ran her finger up and down the border of the zipper on Yossy's jacket.
"I never said that" Yossy dominatingly grabbed on to Miki's hands. A pout suddenly made its self known on the drunk. Her eyes welded up with tears. "So you don't like me?!?... I KNEW IT" she ran into Yossy room and slammed the door.

“What the hell…” Yossy shook her head “Why did I agree to taking her out” she shook her fist. She then sighed and looked at the recently slammed door. “Might as well go check on her” she walked up to the door and opened it… only to be met with a pillow slapping her across the face.

“Hidoi!!!” Miki shouted with. “You’re mean!” the pillow smacked her again “You’re cruel” it landed another hit “You flirt with every girl except me” another hit “Am I that ugly to you” and another hit.

“MIKI!!!!” Yossy ripped the pillow from Miki’s hands and threw in the opposite direction. “I THINK YOU ARE ONE OF THE MOST BEAUTIFUL GIRLS I’VE EVER SEEN!!!! NOW SHUT THE HELL UP AND GO TO BED” she took several breaths to regulate her heart rate. She had been driven up the wall and pinned against the ceiling with that last antic Miki pulled. A giggle made her look up at Miki once more.

“See... silly… you should have just admitted it” Miki walked up to the Yossy bed and stripped down to her under garments. Then threw her self on the bed quickly, drifting into sleep. Yossy, still standing at the entrance of the room, couldn’t believe what just happened. She looked at the angelic looking creature sleeping on her bed and all she wanted to do was get a bat and wake her up with it. She leaned against the door and slid down to the floor.

“Ridiculous” she uttered. Finally deciding it was time for her to go to sleep too, she stood up and pulled out a futon. Quickly changing into her pjs something caught her eyes. A gleam appeared on Miki’s face. She took a few steps closer to Miki and noticed it was a tear. “Poor Miki” she sat down on the bed and wiped the tear away. Staring at the sleeping girl made a warm familiar feeling appear in Yossy, she raised her hand once more and caressed the others hair. “Miki” she said in a barely audible tone “one day, when I think you’re ready… I’ll tell you the truth about my opinion on you. I’ll even explain why I lost interest in Maki.” She leaned forward and kissed Miki’s forehead. “Goodnight” she turned to the light and turned it off.


A/N: Don't freak out... this isn't then ending... we still need the epilogue that will wrap this all up in a nice ribbon and all  :cow:
« Last Edit: June 09, 2008, 07:49:54 PM by poets »
Rika <3 So funneh

Offline ringo-hime

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« Reply #31 on: June 07, 2008, 12:48:30 PM »
WOW... :badluck: :fainted: :farofflook: :frustrated: :pleeease: :mon waterworks: :mon POd: :mon nwei: :mon runcry: :pen_cry:

seriously made me cry...  :cry:

thanks.. and cant wait for the last part...

Offline sweeety

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« Reply #32 on: June 07, 2008, 04:41:15 PM »
I cannot wait for the next bit!!!!!!!!!! loved this! and i somehow knew those two would end up together! yey! great chap! worth the painfully long wait!  my fave part is this:

 “one day, when I think you’re ready… I’ll tell you the truth about my opinion on you. I’ll even explain why I lost interest in Maki.” She leaned forward and kissed Miki’s forehead. “Goodnight” she turned to the light and turned it off.
I have a porcupine called zazoom, he leaves his scent on peoples' graves.

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« Reply #33 on: June 07, 2008, 05:10:54 PM »
Absolutely amazing :) This chapter was very  :cry: but in the end it became very :lol:. Drunken Miki is hilarious. Can't wait to see what happens next time. Hopefully there can be happy endings o Miki Yossie Risa and Eri.

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« Reply #34 on: June 07, 2008, 05:53:02 PM »
one word  -->  awesome!

Offline heyyouhiya

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« Reply #35 on: June 07, 2008, 05:58:26 PM »
I loved it
Poor Miki though...
and poor Gaki
and Eri
wahhh Eri don't take too long (even though I'm a believer in once they've cheated, let them go...but with Eri/Gaki...I want them to be okay!)

YoMiki yesssss

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« Reply #36 on: June 07, 2008, 06:36:25 PM »
This definitely goes on my top stories list. I just couldn't stop! I've never read a story where Miki is so weak and helpless. Acutally, she was like that kinda in the Love x 2 series. Which if you haven't read, you should. But I think it's refreshing to see our dominatrix showing real emotion. I was actually freaking out out loud when Reina was going to see Gaki. I was like "Don't punch her! NO NO NO NO NO!!!!" It was quite comical.
Thanks for writing this and I am patiently awaiting the epilogue and the continuation of your other story! :inlove:

Offline kinbari

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« Reply #37 on: June 07, 2008, 07:01:38 PM »
ahhh~!! I just love this story.. reina does HAVE a feeling for Eri, but she just never said it out, until she cannot stand anymore .. its so hard on her.. =|


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« Reply #38 on: June 07, 2008, 08:18:33 PM »
Its almost 4am here and I just re-read the other two parts before reading this one (not that I forgot them, just that for things like this I like to have them flowing in my mind :) ) so i apologise for the inability of commenting properly... That and you left me (almost) speechless :o

Wow just wow wow... Gosh I love your writing to death! :heart: I totally get lost in it and relate with the characters really well and thus i cannot wait till you get your butt back to work on the other story :P

 :mon cry: I like almost completely lost it when Miki cried after Gaki broke it off, my eyes were so full of tears, thank god for screaming Kame distracting them! I always maintain that behind it all, Miki is a huge softie! :wub: :mon inluv:

Drunk Miki is just the best thing to read (along with random Kame) and the floor moving thing sounds somewhat familiar... strawb3rrykream, did you write a short with a drunk Miki? I can't remember who it was! :cry: (I apologise to whoever it was!)... Anyway, I did a whole 'happy Reina hand clap' laugh at that part  :mon lmao: Even better seeing I have a friend who is similar to that when drunk eg, whilst laying on the ground: "WOOOOOOOW, look at all the stars move!" :doh:

Now that was the good parts of your AMAZING writing and one of the top fics ever, time for the bad ;)
WHY GAKI, WHY!?!? :mon waterworks:  :pleeease:
I usually don't like Gaki with anyone but Ai coz I just don't 'feel it', but that Miki/Gaki pairing of yours was just the best! It was so raw and honest and magical and perfect  :mon lovelaff: and BEFORE GakiKame (go to Reina, Kame!) and I was sooo hoping the would end up together, but noooo~! :(  :mon whine:
And I love YoMiki as much as the next person, but it still doesn't feel right here when Miki should be with Gaki, awww.:mon nwei:

Oh another good bit... Loved the Maki/Ai moment :heart: :wub: And going against everything I just said :lol:, I hope Yossy finally gets her Mikitty... she's so good to her and your not gonna give me the MiGaki that I want anyway! :mon pissed:  :mon annoy: :mon headbang:

Now moving away from the fabulously, fantastic fanfic to something equally important... I've misssssssed youuuuuuuuuuu~! :cry: Not just your lovely writing, but your posts around here in general, without them i didn't get a chance to just stare at your sig for a while like i usually do. (I did actually go to like this thread sometimes just to look at CharMikitty :oops: )

Btw, yes this is me being somewhat speechless :oops:
« Last Edit: June 08, 2008, 06:05:31 AM by lollipopgirl »

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« Reply #39 on: June 08, 2008, 03:42:51 AM »
wow im in a lost for words!
i love it!!! :wub: excellent job!!! :cow:

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