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Author Topic: THREE MONTHS (EPILOGUE) UPDATE!!!  (Read 37242 times)

Offline Sukoshi

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« Reply #40 on: June 08, 2008, 10:40:51 AM »'ve completed this story!  Thank you so much!!   :k-thrilled: :k-inlove:

I'm actually commenting late on this because...I along with the other crazy people here read it really really late last night...well not so much late...rather it was pretty early...the birds were chirping...and the sun was making an appearance....  anyways I used my better judgment and waited until I got some sleep before leaving you a know..didn't want to leave a message that sounded insane last I was at a loss of words

BUT after several hours I'm still kind of lost.  There just aren't enough words to tell you how great the last chapter was!! 

your story is just AWESOME!! I mean wow!! really wow!!  The last chapter was sooo worth the wait!  I mean it was like a billion good chapters all in one!   :nya: :nya: :nya:

I like all the added couples.  Mako and Konkon are cute =)  Maki and Ai? *shock*...and wow at the Maki secret....she really messed Fujimoto up XD  not as messed up as Gaki though...because O M G that girl and her actions  :farofflook:  Though I can't hate her...everyone in your story has their redeeming qualities..darn them for being lovable...even when you want to throw things at them....

lol speaking of throwing things, I was so rooting for Reina!  Didn't see that coming but I really really liked the whole Reina secretly liking Kamei part!  Reina punching Risa made me happy XD  (even though I was still rooting for GakiKame at the same time XD)  Softie Fujimoto and sensitive Reina made me all mushy  :luvluv2:  and even though Sayu only had a small evil Sayu hinting at Reina to go over to Gaki's was a real highlight for me XD

You had me cracking up and weepy throughout the whole thing!   I can't wait for the epilogue!

Offline Kreuz_Asakura

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« Reply #41 on: June 08, 2008, 11:46:03 PM »
wow! that was long :shocked: but I love that kind of chapters :w00t:
meh... what a problem with these girls... :doh:
 :cry: Miki-chan... I feel so sorry for her, but I'm happy that Yossy is there for her :wub: Aw... Yossy, even if she's in love with Miki she wants to wait for her to be ready :heart:
Rika and Korekore XD for some reason the image of Korekore taking Rika's leg as a guitar comes to my mind :lol:
Gaki can be so innocent sometimes... the part when she's breaking with Miki is soooo hilarious hahaha
poor Eri, I hope things get better between her and Gaki ;)
waiting the epilogue

Offline peti-chan

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« Reply #42 on: June 09, 2008, 04:19:25 PM »
Sankyu poets :cry: It was amazing :farofflook: I love absolutely everything about this story :heart:

MakixAi  :drool:  RikaxKore :lol: (you are awesome  XD ) Reina hiting Gaki was like wow... :O but gosh I felt bad for Tanakachin :( at some point I thought "ok so let it be Reina with Eri and Gaki with Miki " but when I reached YoMiki part I changed my mind :roll: and somehow I feel that some cute devil is right there for Reina so there's no need to worry about her :twisted:

Anyway, although I hope that Kame and Risa will end up together again cos they love each other and that's unquestionable, I still wonder how it would be if Gaki chose to stay with Miki  :mon dunno: cos to tell the truth I don't care who is with whom as long as the story is well written... :mon sweat:

Offline lollipopgirl

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« Reply #43 on: June 09, 2008, 04:21:44 PM »
Anyway, although I hope that Kame and Risa will end up together again cos they love each other and that's unquestionable, I still wonder how it would be if Gaki chose to stay with Miki  :mon dunno: cos to tell the truth I don't care who is with whom as long as the story is well written... :mon sweat:

Oh oh oh, bring on the alternative ending! :D
Please write one poets dear :heart:

Offline peti-chan

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« Reply #44 on: June 09, 2008, 04:32:46 PM »
Great idea XD it would be very interesting....

Nee, onegai poets~~ :hee:

Offline poets

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« Reply #45 on: June 09, 2008, 07:17:23 PM »
Great idea XD it would be very interesting....

Nee, onegai poets~~ :hee:
Anyway, although I hope that Kame and Risa will end up together again cos they love each other and that's unquestionable, I still wonder how it would be if Gaki chose to stay with Miki  :mon dunno: cos to tell the truth I don't care who is with whom as long as the story is well written... :mon sweat:

Oh oh oh, bring on the alternative ending! :D
Please write one poets dear :heart:

you guys are bad :lol: ... i was thinking about doing that actually. But seeing as some peeps do want it I guess instead of just thinking about doing it i'm doing gonna do ahead and do it. I'll do an alternative ending... but after the epilogue, since the current ending is the real one.   
Rika <3 So funneh

Offline peti-chan

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« Reply #46 on: June 09, 2008, 07:25:12 PM »
Yay! There will be an alternative ending! :onioncheer:

Arigatou poets  :kneelbow: love ya *hugs* :mon inluv:

Offline lollipopgirl

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« Reply #47 on: June 09, 2008, 07:43:34 PM »
Peti-chan, you and JFC are gonna kill me with ur new sigs (and ur avatar) :wub: :heart:

Ohhhh poets, I heart you!
MiGaki have potential to make into my top pairings... if someone would write more of them *bats eyelashes at poets*

Offline JFC

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« Reply #48 on: June 09, 2008, 08:27:28 PM »
“It was…” she took a deep breath in “Amazing” she exhaled “Till this day, I don’t think I’ve ever had so much fun making out” 

“Really?” Yossy asked.

“Yes… of course. Not once when we kissed was it boring, she would become a completely different person. It’s very rare when I can honestly say that “I completely loose my self” with someone. Gaki’s intimate personality with me was… simply amazing” Miki studied Yossy’s expression “Why do you seem so shocked?”

“I don’t know, I just never expected little Gaki to be very skilled when it came to kissing, much less impress you so much” Yossy answered honestly.
They gettin' jealous of Eri now? :P

Miki sighed “Yeah it was. We made out for a long time. For some reason we just didn’t want to stop. It just seemed, no it felt right… actually it felt really really good” she unconsciously licked her lips “It would’ve continued if I hadn’t stopped her”

“Stopped her!?!” Yossy was shocked.
Miki...stopped it? :O

THAT'S a surprise.

“She cried” Yossy furrowed her eyebrows.

“She cried? Did you do something to her Miki?”

“NO!” the groper found that offensive “I wouldn’t do anything to physically hurt Gaki… ever.”


“I wonder if she was thinking of Eri”
She probably was. They HAD just recently gotten together after all. While what they were doing undoubtedly felt good, she likely felt guilty since she was basically cheating on Eri. :(

“She was… after getting to know Gaki the way I did, I can guarantee you she was”


“I-I don’t know” Miki stated blandly. “I wish I knew too”
Eeeeeeeeeeh? :o

“Do you guys want anything?” Gaki graciously asked.

“Yeah… for you to finish” Ai-chan smiled weakly.
Don't want to be rude... but yeah, we need the rest of the details please.

“Well after we kissed we talked a lot. About things we liked and things we didn’t like. Our opinions on different subjects… our previous heart breaks. Well it was mostly her and her previous heart breaks” Gaki blushed a bit.

“Wait…her heartbreaks?” Ai-chan took a sudden interest “Who were they?”
And how many of them are/were in H!P? ;D

“Ano ne… well, she never said names” Gaki half smiled. “That was one of our agreements. We could talk about anything but if we didn’t feel comfortable saying the name… well, we wouldn’t. No questions asked.”
Ah...well...okay then. -.-

“So it was all just physical?”  Reina’s anger slightly boiled in her. It made no sense to her why Gaki would do that after such an awesome person just confessed her love for her. That was when Reina made her decision, if Gaki slept with Miki, she would then reintroduce her self to Gaki… with her fist.
Crap, Risa better hope that this all gets straightened out soon or she's gonna be on the wrong end of a Wonky ass-whuppin.

“After that encounter… they would secretly meet up and be together. That was in private though, public they were as distant as possible. They wanted to make sure no one would notice.
Crud, so it wasn't just the one time? There were others?
 :mon scare:

“She visited you? On the same day Eri asked her out”

“Did she ever” the sad sentence escaped Miki’s lips.
Did they at least try to break it off between them (Miki and Risa I mean) once Eri had confessed and asked Risa out?


“But that night when she came to visit me she looked different. I opened the door went to greet her with a kiss but she stopped me. “Miki, we need to talk” she said in a really sad voice. I nodded and let her walk into the living room. I closed the door and sat on the opposite side of the couch. She stared at me for a long time not saying a word. I got irritated and told her to spill what ever she had to say. “We can’t see each other anymore” she stated firmly “Eri asked me to be her girlfriend and I said yes” at first I was shocked then I was a bit sad but at no point did I intend on stopping her.
Ah so they DID try and end things.

So what went wrong?

“She was crying, huh?” the boyish one giggled too.

“You guessed it” Miki confirmed “I told her to please not cry. That I honestly wasn’t hurt, then I went to open the door again but she stopped me once more. “Can I kiss you?” she asked.


I lost my self with her. I had no idea where I was or what time it was. All I knew is that she wanted me and I wanted her just as badly. Call me competitive or selfish, but before Eri got Gaki… I wanted her first and if you ask me… the same went for Gaki. Before she had Eri she wanted me first.”

“So basically a goodbye kiss turned into hot sex?” Yossy simplified.
I had a bad feeling it was something like this. :dizzy:

I do think Gaki feels something for me.”

“And you feel something for her”

“Please, what kind of question is that? No, I don’t” she rolled her eyes.
Oh yes she does. If she didn't she wouldn't be bothered by all of this so much. :yep:

“Don’t worry, Kamei” Reina nodded. “She’ll know what it feels to be hurt” she let go of Kamei and strode off to the door. 

“Reina don’t” Makoto took a few steps forward. ‘What the hell got into this one?’
Reina has been a lot angrier about all of this compared to the others (even Eri). Can't help but wonder if there's a reason behind it.

“Reina…” one could see Eri’s internal struggle “don’t” she softly answered.

“But Eri…” an appeal was made.

“DON’T” she glanced up and looked straight at the Wonky one.
Yeah, it wouldn't do anyone any good anyway. Eri's undoubtedly hurt/upset by what Risa did, but it doesn't mean that she wants any harm to come to her.

'Is Reina out of her mind’ Mako thought ‘she almost looks like if she’s in -’ Mako’s exhaling momentarily ceased. Her eyes slightly enlarged when she finally comprehended the reasons behind Reina’s odd behavior, the motivation that encouraged her actions.
Ah, of course Reina's in love with Eri, and as such was hurt that she was hurt.

“I don’t know, Gaki’s place?” Sayu shrugged “Meh, whatever… maybe it would be good idea if you did go. Knocking some sense into Gaki has always seemed logical to me but no one would ever listen to the cute girl” Sayu winked at Reina and walked back to the door. “See you later” her presence disappeared behind the door. A mischievous smile crept over Reina’s face.

“Sayu, you’re just plain evil” Reina’s body finally found a reason to walk away from the post it had rooted its self to. Flipping out her self phone she dialed the number of the local cab station “Hope you’re home, Risa, I’m gonna make sure I just didn’t make a fool of my self for nothing”
Uh-oh. Does Sayu realize what she just did? :shocked:

“Gaki told her” the cheating accomplice plainly stated.

She told her?!” Yossy chocked.

“Yup” Miki nodded.

“Is she insane?”

“More like dumb” Miki smiled. “Dumb and honest”

“Her conscience was starting to beat her up” she made jabbing motions.
Damn annoying when that happens, isn't it?

Well, yesterday night, Gaki was out on a date with Eri. Gaki’s parents aren’t home this week, so they ended up going back to her place. As expected things started to get a little…well... intimate and as irony would have it, Gaki whispered my name and everything basically went to shit from there.

Today, before rehearsal, Gaki came to talk to me. She told me what had happen and asked me what to do. I told her, that if she really loved Eri she would go tell Eri everything.
Well, it's not like she could have made things any worse by telling. At least this way Eri would have all the facts straight.

“And that’s how they hooked up” Ai finished the story.

“…” Maki was dumbfounded.
Wait, wait, wait....why is Aichan telling Maki this?

“Maki, you’re basically the source of this whole problem” Ai’s voice became little.

“What? Babe, how can you say that?” Maki spoke into the mic of her cell phone.

“You should have never played with those three the way you did. Poor Fujimoto-san, Ishikawa-san and Yoshizawa-san” Ai scolded.

Maki called Aichan "babe"!!!:hip blink:

Maki exhaled “That, my little worrier, was a while back. You know well I stopped right around the time you and I started getting serious. If Miki refused to understand it, it’s not my fault. Rika-chan and Yossy backed off. Why not Miki?”
HOLY SHIT!!! MakiAi!!!  :stunned:

Maki was dating all of them at once?!?!?! Dayum. O0

But Maki, Rika found someone… now she and Korenaga are happy.
RikaKore???  :gmon blonde:

“For the record, Yossy lost interest in me. She told me, very frankly yet politely, that she had found someone else who now catches her attention.



Oh wait, wrong story. :P 

2 guesses as to who the "someone else" is. :D

“Wassup, Ai?” Reina walked in and dusted off the snow that had collected on her shoulders. “I came here to talk to with Nigaki-san” the stern looked that shocked Ai earlier was still there. “She’s home right?” 

“Yeah, she’s here. Let me go get her. Just take off your shoes and wait in the living room” the eldest instructed. 

“Are her parents home too? It seems pretty empty in here.”

“No, they’re not. They’re on vacation right now.”

“Oh...” the unexpected visitor nodded. “Alright, you said in the living room right?”
Oh this could get ugly.
 :mon cry:

*REINA HITS RISA*'s ugly.  :mon ghost:

“You make it reeeeaaallly hard to dislike you, Risa” she shook her head. “Listen” she demanded “I’m going to make this really clear. If it’s her you wanna stay with, then right now… right this moment get dressed and start fixing this mess you did.
Reina has a point. Nothing's going to get any better unless someone actually gets up and DOES something to try and fix things.

“Dear God, Gaki you’re an idiot. Do you think I’d be here talking to you if I knew she didn’t want you. Do you think I want her to want you? If she had no interest in you at this point, you can bet your cheating ass I’d be trying everything to make her redirect her feelings towards me” a cheerless expression substituted her stern one “She wants you. Even after all the shit you’ve done… she wants you.
Despite all her self-wallowing and beating herself up (nevermind Reina's contributions with the latter), Risa still has a chance, a BIG chance, to make things right again.

“So… she still loves me?” hope beamed through.

“Unfortunately… yes” the heart broken reject answered. “So this leads me to the next question” she stood up for dramatic effect "did you make a decision?" the question was finally asked.
"There was never a decision to make" her eyes stared off into the distance, focus and determination shinning through them.
:gmon love2:

"So who are you going to go talk to now?"
"Fujimoto Miki" she stated firmly.
:mon wtf:

If Risa's going to try breaking things off again with Miki, she should bring along a chaperone...just in case.

“Was that the door?” Yossy questioned.

“Miki, it’s me Gaki… can I come in?” a muffled voice vibrated itself through the thick door.

“Oh snap it’s Gaki” Miki stood up.

“Should I leave?” Yossy pointed to the door.

“Nuuuuu, don’t!” Miki pleaded “Stay… no HIDE!”


“Yes, hide… hide in the closet… pleeeeaaasse” Miki began to push Yossy towards the closet.
Yeah, Miki needs to be careful of what she does too.

Yossi's in the closet. :lol:

:mon waterworks:

“LET ME OUT OF HERE!!!!” Eri banged on the door that leads to her freedom.

“NO!!! You CAN’T LEAVE!!” Mako, Sayu and Reina blocked the door that lead to Eri’s freedom.
Eri'll thank them later, I'm sure.
 :mon determined:

“You guys SUCK!!!” She screamed louder.

“Thank you!!” Mako answered back “I’ve been told I’m pretty good at it too” she snickered. Reina and Sayu froze and looked at her disgusted.

“Mako that’s just…” Reina started

“Ew” Sayu concluded.

“Sorry” she apologized.
Damn Konkon's lucky.

“So she doesn’t want to see me?” Gaki pouted.

“Well, what did you expect?” Reina asked.

“A welcoming party, with balloons that say “Welcome back Risa, you cheated on me but I still love you and forgive you” then have her coming out doing the “honey pie” dance for you?” Sayu elaborately retorted.
Oh how I love the vicious sarcasm!

Later that night, Yossy had decided that maybe it would be better to let Fujimoto do what she wanted to do that night. Going to the bar, with Fujimoto crying at arm, was actually the easy part. Returning home with a drunk Fujimoto was a mission all of its own.

“I hate women… I hate good looking women” Miki Fujimoto stumbled side to side in the streets, with a gloom looking Hitomi Yoshizawa tagging close behind.
Whenever you have a buzzed Miki (or any H!P member for that matter), you know something worth seeing is going to happen. 

Yossy furrowed her eyebrows "... but… I’m a girl"
"Do you THINK the Fujimoto CARES if she called you the right gender or not?" Yossy was dumbfounded by the direction the conversation was going.
See? Miki referring to herself in the third person! That alone makes it worth it!

:on lol:

"So Yocchan" Miki stumblingly walked up to the other "You think I'm attractive" she smiled devilishly as she ran her finger up and down the border of the zipper on Yossy's jacket.
"I never said that"
Ah, but she never denied it either!  :D

A pout suddenly made its self known on the drunk. Her eyes welded up with tears. "So you don't like me?!?... I KNEW IT" she ran into Yossy room and slammed the door.

“What the hell…” Yossy shook her head “Why did I agree to taking her out” she shook her fist. She then sighed and looked at the recently slammed door. “Might as well go check on her” she walked up to the door and opened it… only to be met with a pillow slapping her across the face.

“Hidoi!!!” Miki shouted with. “You’re mean!” the pillow smacked her again “You’re cruel” it landed another hit “You flirt with every girl except me” another hit “Am I that ugly to you” and another hit.
Man, even if Yossi doesn't like Miki in that way, she sure is dense. What else does Miki have to do to get her to realize?

“Ridiculous” she uttered. Finally deciding it was time for her to go to sleep too, she stood up and pulled out a futon. Quickly changing into her pjs something caught her eyes. A gleam appeared on Miki’s face. She took a few steps closer to Miki and noticed it was a tear. “Poor Miki” she sat down on the bed and wiped the tear away. Staring at the sleeping girl made a warm familiar feeling appear in Yossy, she raised her hand once more and caressed the others hair. “Miki” she said in a barely audible tone “one day, when I think you’re ready… I’ll tell you the truth about my opinion on you. I’ll even explain why I lost interest in Maki.” She leaned forward and kissed Miki’s forehead. “Goodnight” she turned to the light and turned it off.
AH HAH!!! YOSSI DOES raburabu Miki!!! :cow:

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

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« Reply #49 on: July 01, 2008, 07:00:15 PM »
I cannot wait for the next bit!!!!!!!!!! loved this! and i somehow knew those two would end up together! yey! great chap! worth the painfully long wait!  my fave part is this:

 “one day, when I think you’re ready… I’ll tell you the truth about my opinion on you. I’ll even explain why I lost interest in Maki.” She leaned forward and kissed Miki’s forehead. “Goodnight” she turned to the light and turned it off.

Oh wow, that's your fave part. I'm glad, i was a bit worried people might think it was a bit weird. Super glad you liked it sweeety. ^_^

WOW... :badluck: :fainted: :farofflook: :frustrated: :pleeease: :mon waterworks: :mon POd: :mon nwei: :mon runcry: :pen_cry:

seriously made me cry...  :cry:

thanks.. and cant wait for the last part...

Awwww, if I had a tissue i'd give you one... I'm sorry ;_;

Absolutely amazing :) This chapter was very  :cry: but in the end it became very :lol:. Drunken Miki is hilarious. Can't wait to see what happens next time. Hopefully there can be happy endings o Miki Yossie Risa and Eri.

Happy endings is what H!P is all about, if you ask me.

one word  -->  awesome!

Wow, all it took was one word... glad you thought it was awesome.

I loved it
Poor Miki though...
and poor Gaki
and Eri
wahhh Eri don't take too long (even though I'm a believer in once they've cheated, let them go...but with Eri/Gaki...I want them to be okay!)

YoMiki yesssss

I know, I like to torture them don't I =(... in reference to Eri

This definitely goes on my top stories list. I just couldn't stop! I've never read a story where Miki is so weak and helpless. Acutally, she was like that kinda in the Love x 2 series. Which if you haven't read, you should. But I think it's refreshing to see our dominatrix showing real emotion. I was actually freaking out out loud when Reina was going to see Gaki. I was like "Don't punch her! NO NO NO NO NO!!!!" It was quite comical.
Thanks for writing this and I am patiently awaiting the epilogue and the continuation of your other story! :inlove:

To me, Miki's always been more bark and than bite. And yes i have read Love X 2 ^_^ i likes it very much actually!

You were rooting for Reina not to punch her :lol: that's funny. Considering the EXACT opposite happen.

Thanx for waiting ^_^

ahhh~!! I just love this story.. reina does HAVE a feeling for Eri, but she just never said it out, until she cannot stand anymore .. its so hard on her.. =|


I'm relieved that i was able to communicate Reina's feelings well enough for you and other to understand them.  And yes, it is very hard on Reina =(

Its almost 4am here and I just re-read the other two parts before reading this one (not that I forgot them, just that for things like this I like to have them flowing in my mind :) ) so i apologise for the inability of commenting properly... That and you left me (almost) speechless :o
Are you serious? Dude you guys are awesomely crazy XD … staying up that late to read my story is an honor!

Wow just wow wow... Gosh I love your writing to death! :heart: I totally get lost in it and relate with the characters really well and thus i cannot wait till you get your butt back to work on the other story :P
Geesh you guys are your compliments  :oops:  they're beyond nice and really do breath the "KEEP GOING" spirit in me.

:mon cry: I like almost completely lost it when Miki cried after Gaki broke it off, my eyes were so full of tears, thank god for screaming Kame distracting them! I always maintain that behind it all, Miki is a huge softie! :wub: :mon inluv:
Yeeep I agree, Miki = bark no bite

Drunk Miki is just the best thing to read (along with random Kame) and the floor moving thing sounds somewhat familiar... strawb3rrykream, did you write a short with a drunk Miki? I can't remember who it was! :cry: (I apologise to whoever it was!)... Anyway, I did a whole 'happy Reina hand clap' laugh at that part  :mon lmao: Even better seeing I have a friend who is similar to that when drunk eg, whilst laying on the ground: "WOOOOOOOW, look at all the stars move!" :doh:

Drunk Miki = WIN, Random Kame = WIN, Dark Shige = WIN, Angry Nakazawa = WIN, Freaking out Gaki = WIN

These are top necessities in ANY H!P fic XD

Now that was the good parts of your AMAZING writing and one of the top fics ever, time for the bad ;)
WHY GAKI, WHY!?!? :mon waterworks:  :pleeease:
I usually don't like Gaki with anyone but Ai coz I just don't 'feel it', but that Miki/Gaki pairing of yours was just the best! It was so raw and honest and magical and perfect  :mon lovelaff: and BEFORE GakiKame (go to Reina, Kame!) and I was sooo hoping the would end up together, but noooo~! :(  :mon whine:
And I love YoMiki as much as the next person, but it still doesn't feel right here when Miki should be with Gaki, awww.:mon nwei:
Wow, i'm honored that you accept FujiGaki pair. To b honest i'm shocked that so many of you acutally liked it

in reference to the other stuff  :cry: I'm sorry

Oh another good bit... Loved the Maki/Ai moment :heart: :wub: And going against everything I just said :lol:, I hope Yossy finally gets her Mikitty... she's so good to her and your not gonna give me the MiGaki that I want anyway! :mon pissed:  :mon annoy: :mon headbang:
I already promised the Alternative, so no worries

Now moving away from the fabulously, fantastic fanfic to something equally important... I've misssssssed youuuuuuuuuuu~! :cry: Not just your lovely writing, but your posts around here in general, without them i didn't get a chance to just stare at your sig for a while like i usually do. (I did actually go to like this thread sometimes just to look at CharMikitty :oops: )
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww, I never thought I'd be missed :') ... btw I'm missing you too XD hope your withdrawl isn't going to bad

Btw, yes this is me being somewhat speechless :oops:
Yeah, I noticed :lol:

wow im in a lost for words!
i love it!!! :wub: excellent job!!! :cow:

DOMO ARIGATOU GOZAIMASU!'ve completed this story!  Thank you so much!!   :k-thrilled: :k-inlove:
I still got the epilogue and the alternative to go... but other than that, yeah I'm done WOO!

I'm actually commenting late on this because...I along with the other crazy people here read it really really late last night...well not so much late...rather it was pretty early...the birds were chirping...and the sun was making an appearance....  anyways I used my better judgment and waited until I got some sleep before leaving you a know..didn't want to leave a message that sounded insane last I was at a loss of words
You guys are ridiculously awesome for reading this so late  :oops:

BUT after several hours I'm still kind of lost.  There just aren't enough words to tell you how great the last chapter was!! 

your story is just AWESOME!! I mean wow!! really wow!!  The last chapter was sooo worth the wait!  I mean it was like a billion good chapters all in one!   :nya: :nya: :nya:

You guys and you "wows" XD they make me go all  :oops:

I like all the added couples.  Mako and Konkon are cute =)  Maki and Ai? *shock*...and wow at the Maki secret....she really messed Fujimoto up XD  not as messed up as Gaki though...because O M G that girl and her actions  :farofflook:  Though I can't hate her...everyone in your story has their redeeming qualities..darn them for being lovable...even when you want to throw things at them....
Makon are cute ^_^, they were a last minute add in. And yeah... so true about  Maki messing with Fujimoto, just messed up. Hmmm i just noticed i like to make Maki a "somewhat" bad guy in alot of my stories :lol:

lol speaking of throwing things, I was so rooting for Reina!  Didn't see that coming but I really really liked the whole Reina secretly liking Kamei part!  Reina punching Risa made me happy XD  (even though I was still rooting for GakiKame at the same time XD)  Softie Fujimoto and sensitive Reina made me all mushy  :luvluv2:  and even though Sayu only had a small evil Sayu hinting at Reina to go over to Gaki's was a real highlight for me XD

I really gotta say, Reina turned out to be my favorite character in this whole story. She did what all of us wanted to do to gaki (well at least me XD). Reina = teh awesomeness here and for teh record Reina is not one of my fave MOmusu members... believe me she's not -.-

As for Sayu, she was the best plot device in this story XD!!

wow! that was long :shocked: but I love that kind of chapters :w00t:
meh... what a problem with these girls... :doh:
 :cry: Miki-chan... I feel so sorry for her, but I'm happy that Yossy is there for her :wub: Aw... Yossy, even if she's in love with Miki she wants to wait for her to be ready :heart:
Rika and Korekore XD for some reason the image of Korekore taking Rika's leg as a guitar comes to my mind :lol:
Gaki can be so innocent sometimes... the part when she's breaking with Miki is soooo hilarious hahaha
poor Eri, I hope things get better between her and Gaki ;)
waiting the epilogue

Yep I agree, when i think of RikaXkore i think of that EXACT moments in gatas :lol:

Sankyu poets :cry: It was amazing :farofflook: I love absolutely everything about this story :heart:

MakixAi  :drool:  RikaxKore :lol: (you are awesome  XD ) Reina hiting Gaki was like wow... :O but gosh I felt bad for Tanakachin :( at some point I thought "ok so let it be Reina with Eri and Gaki with Miki " but when I reached YoMiki part I changed my mind :roll: and somehow I feel that some cute devil is right there for Reina so there's no need to worry about her :twisted:

You calling my RikaXkore awesome is a HUGE compliment... because it comes from the writer of KohaXGaki

She probably was. They HAD just recently gotten together after all. While what they were doing undoubtedly felt good, she likely felt guilty since she was basically cheating on Eri. :(
physical goodness  vs. Emotional turmoil  an old battle

Crap, Risa better hope that this all gets straightened out soon or she's gonna be on the wrong end of a Wonky ass-whuppin.
Oh so true!

Reina has been a lot angrier about all of this compared to the others (even Eri). Can't help but wonder if there's a reason behind it.

She was wasn't she.

Maki was dating all of them at once?!?!?! Dayum. O0




Oh wait, wrong story. :P 

2 guesses as to who the "someone else" is. :D

Rika <3 So funneh

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  • The forgotten Writer
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« Reply #50 on: July 01, 2008, 07:49:41 PM »

The perception of time is something that can alter from individual to individual. It can also have different definitions depending on said perception. Most humans, though, go by the typical given explanation of it: An indefinite and continuous duration regarded as that in which events have a nonspatial continuum in an apparent irreversible sequential order. But had those who decided on this most logical definition asked Niigaki Risa for her interpretation on the subject, we can rest assured it would be much bleaker. Her opinion on said theme was simple and direct. For this particular Morning Musume, time was an inescapable prison set up to torture souls who had committed transgressions against those they loved. Time was the obstacle that teased and gave a constant reminder that there was nothing she could do to change the past. Time was what gave proof that she could never undo what she had done. Thankfully though, time had proven to not be a merciless master.

Three months had passed since that emotional rollercoaster of a night took place. Six months since the night Niigaki took Fujimoto home. Half a year that had oddly passed by quickly, in a way, too quickly. So much had happened from then to now that memories had now started to feel a bit numb, cold, and distant. Throughout the passing days, a shared feeling of nervousness had spread through the group. It almost felt like they were new members all over again, that feeling of anxiety, the uncontrollable facial expressions, the random laughs, the morning stomach aches, the nausea, the fidgeting and the sped up heartbeats were all mix and match feelings they all experienced when they stepped on to the work van. This morning, of course, was no different.

“Risa, did you eat your breakfast?” her younger sister asked. 

“No, I’ll eat at work” Gaki slipped into her awaiting shoes and opened the front door.
“Risa! You really need to stop that! You’ve been having horrible eating habits for a couple of months now” her sister shouted. Suddenly the door shut close. “Risa?” her sister stood up and walked to the door, no one was there. “What the… be like that!” the younger of the Niigaki family huffed and stomped her way back to her breakfast.

Humidity hit Gaki like a tidal wave the moment she stepped out. It was barely 8 in the morning and already it was turning out to be a crappy day. She sprinted from her front door, through her gate door and jumped into the work van. “I’m really sorry!” she exclaimed landing beautifully in it. Everyone just starred at her slightly freaked .

“That’s fine” Yossy called out “Just close the door so we can get moving” Gaki quickly turned and closed it and making sure it was secure. She made her way to the back of the van, where the members she regarded the closest sat at. 

“Here, I brought you some breakfast” Konkon handed a bagel to the late girl.

“Ha? How did you know?” Gaki took the food into her hand.

“Your sister text us all about a minute ago, complaining you haven’t been eating right” Mako answered. “Konkon made four bagels this morning, two for her and two for me. When we read the message we decided to share” she bit into her own warm, toasted delight.

“Just make sure to eat it quickly” Ai warned “Yoshizawa-san smelled it the moment Konkon got on and out of blue got cranky. It seems she might be going through bagel withdrawal.” Ai looked slightly scared. Gaki quickly glanced up to were Yoshizawa sat and two big eyes with a sniffing nose stared back at her.

“WHAT?! You also brought bagels?” Yossy almost stood up from her seat. “THAT’S IT! New rule! No one is allowed to bring bagels if you’re riding on the work van!”

“Yocchan” a voice that still gave Gaki nightmares spoke up. “Don’t be getting all pissy attitude with the kids just ‘cause your manager said you can’t eat bagels anymore” she pulled the leader closer to her. “Just turn around and let them eat” Miki quickly looked over at Gaki, giving a reassuring wink and smile.

“No, it’s not fair” the taller girl argued. .

“Yocchan, if you handle these first few days without bagels I promise to…” she leaned into the others ear and whispered something. Apparently going through withdrawal suddenly seemed worth it, a smile bigger than the Grand Canyon spread on Yossy’s face.

After that affectionate display between the leaders, the car ride went into to its typical awkward silent mode. It never failed to happen, especially if both Gaki and Eri were on the work van that day.

‘Funny how things change’ the youngest of 5th gen thought to herself. She leaned forward and took a bite of the charity food that was given to her. She rhythmically chewed the mass of food in her mouth and her observant eyes looked around the cabin-like sitting area of the van. It was a typical morning indeed. Yossy and Miki were sitting up in the front whispering to each other. For a couple of months now, Gaki had noticed an increase in their quality time. As expected, at first it had irked her. Seeing Miki flirt shamelessly with another in the exact same way she did with you would naturally annoy anyone. Soon though, Gaki saw how a naturally light smile would show up on Miki, a smile that she had always wanted to see on her. Seeing as Yossy was the only one to giver her such a carefree grin, made Gaki silently give her blessing over the developing relationship. Even if they did deny fact that they were a “something”. Suddenly, there it appeared, once more, that smile that convinced Gaki that she had indeed made the right decision.

A burning sensation over her right cheek caused Gaki to quickly glance over to that area of the van. A very familiar stare was observing her, it was Eri. Gaki’s stomach gave way as if it had either shrunk five times its normal size or it completely disappeared. Realizing that she had been caught, Eri quickly looked away. Gaki, though, did the opposite. The bagel eater leaned back in her seat and took another bite from her food. She crossed her arms, slouched down in the seat and continued starring. This morning, as every other recent morning, Eri was sitting next to Sayu. In front of the two, Reina was talking to them while Koharu leaned against the window trying to catch a few Z’s before the work day started.

The past three months had been very awkward between Gaki and Eri. At least with Miki, both the Rokkie and Gokkie could still communicate a bit more normally with but when it came to each other it was a different story. There was a large gaping hole between them and the more they stayed quiet, the more distant they felt from one another and the harder it became to try and patch it up.

Though it was willing, the time Eri had asked for was the most excruciating event Gaki had ever lived by. Had it been up to the senior, she and her kohai would’ve been reunited once and for all. Yet she was more than willing to comply and give time. All the time Eri needed, no matter how long, even if years passed, Gaki promised herself to wait. Such was the love she held for Kamei.


“1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, 6, 7, 8” the choreographer counted off. “Konkon, you’re slacking!” she called out. “And 1, 2, 3, 4” she clapped her hands in sync with the beat. “Miki, stop groping! 7, 8” she stalkingly walked up and down the hard wood floor, eyeing the kinetically charged bodies from head to toe. Making sure everyone was moving as perfect as possible. “Risa! For the last time, left to right! LEFT to RIGHT! Not right to left.”

“Mou~ Sensei…” the somewhat breathless Gaki-san spoke “I don’t understand what you mean by left to right” she bent over, placing her hands over her thighs for support.

“Niigaki, you really don’t understand? You know what, everyone stop!” The dance instructor ordered. Making her way back to the front of the room, calling out two names “Niigaki-san, Kamei-san come to the front” the two girls stiffen at hearing their names be said in sequence. Instinctively, they glanced at one another, waiting to see who would move first. “Any time now…” the choreographer was looking annoyed.

“Hai” Gaki nodded and walked up to her.

“Kamei-san, now!” She bellowed. Quickly Eri ran up to the front as well.

“Niigaki-san, start from the first chorus, I’ll count you off. Kamei-san, study her carefully and spot her mistake” a panicked looked flickered across everyone’s faces, especially Eri’s.

“Sensei, I don’t know if I can” Eri tried to weasel her self out of it.

“Seno! 1, 2, 3, 4 and” the instructor ignored Eri’s remark. “Spot it, Kamei-san! 7, 8, 1, 2, 3…” Eri nervously examined the way Gaki moved, twirled and shifted her feet. Then, immediately, she spotted it.

“Your torso!” she exclaimed. The dance instructor stopped her count.

“Good job” she nodded at Eri “Niigaki-san, your torso needs to move accordingly. This is what you’re doing” the teacher demonstrated “this is what I want you to do, Kamei-san, now you start dancing at my count. 1, 2, 3, 4, and…” Eri quickly found her step; she closed her eyes and moved with the voiced beat. Gaki studied intently, every muscle flex, each foot stomp, arm wail, the sway of her hair, the head’s sharp movements. It had been almost an eternity since she had laid eyes on Eri, let alone have to study her dance at such close proximity. Unsurprisingly, she soon was captivated by poetry in motion that was Kamei’s dancing. Finding it hard to learn from it, when all she wanted to do was admire it “and stop” the choreographer instructed. “Did you get it?” she turned and faced Gaki. “Niigaki-san, daijoubu?” Eri fluttered her eyes open and spotted a randomly crying Gaki. Filled with concern rather than logic she went up to her ex.

“Gaki, what’s wrong?” she worryingly asked. Gaki took a few steps away from Eri, the proximity was a bit to much for her right now.

“I-I need a break” the teary girl voiced as she ran to the door and out of it. Eri stayed starring after her.

“Niigaki-san!” The choreographer called out “NIIGAKI-SAN!!!” she sighed deeply and shook her head. “Everyone, we’re taking an hour break and NOT because Niigaki-san needs one… I need one.” She strolled to the door and placed her hand on the knob “I’ll be in the lounge if anyone needs me.”

“Don’t worry Sensei, we got it” Yossy called out.

“Whatever” as the dancer was about to leave the room someone called her once again.

“Sensei!” Koharu piped. “Sensei, I have a few questions, do you think I can go with you?” she innocently requested. The choreographer gave her a once over and shrugged. “Sure, let’s go” and both figures exited the room. 

Before allowing the room to go into awkward silence, Miki clapped her hands and hollered orders. “Alright ALRIGHT” she shouted “You all get an hour break, take advantage of it. Leader and I have a few things… to… um… discuss” she walked over to Yossy, grabbed her hand and ran for the door. It was the same routine they had been pulling for the past few months during break

“Pfft, can you believe Miki?” Reina walked up to Eri, who was still motionless and staring at the door through which Risa had left.

“Beilieve what?” Sayu joined them. They were currently the only three in the room. Konkon and Mako had left to eat, while Takahashi had her ear attached to her phone. Ever since everyone found out about her relationship with Goto, she hadn’t been very shy about it.

“Gaki, whom she was ‘involved’ with” she made air quotations with her fingers “just ran out the door crying her eyes out and she, uncaringly, left the room to go have some private time with Yoshizawa-san” she shook her head.

“Reina!” Sayu reprimanded, discreetly pointing at Eri. “Don’t say stuff like that”

“Oh, sorry” she scratched the back of her head “didn’t mean to bring that up”

“I have to go after her” Eri finally came alive.

“What the…? Eri, are you paying attention?” Reina looked at her off handedly.

“I have to go after her now” she proclaimed, glass eyed and with determined features.

“A-are you sure?” Sayu asked.

“I have to go, I have to move” Eri stated.

“Then move” Reina suggested.

“But… my feet… won’t move” her muscles flexed with intention to shift but they just wouldn’t budge.

“I said MOVE” Reina rammed into Eri and shoved her body into motion. The turtle ran towards the door, opened it ferociously and sprinted away. Sayu and Reina just turned to look at each other.

“So, do you think she finally decided?” A knowing smirk morphed on Reina’s lips.

“She did, actually. Today is the day” Sayu nodded.

“Why are you so sure?” Reina started to walk towards the mirror.

“She told me today, in the van” Sayu followed Reina and faced the mirror, they both starred back at their reflections. “Should we practice the dance?” Sayu stood in position.

“Mmhmm” Reina answered “So she told you on our way to work?” she took a few steps to the left then to the right.

“Yep, she said that after thinking through things, letting time pass, wounds heal and experiencing different things, she now feels confident enough to talk to her.” Sayu moved in unison with Reina.

“What do you mean ‘experiencing different things’?” Reina gyrated to the left.

“Well, let’s just say she proved to herself that revenge isn’t the best option to make yourself feel better” Sayu then gyrated to the right. A slight scowl was now appearing on Reina’s face.

“What, she tried to physically hurt Gaki?” Reina asked.

“Mmmm, not physically… emotionally. She tried hooking up with someone else.” They now placed their hands on their back while swaying to the counted beat in their heads.

“Really?” and edge of discontent coated the young yankee’s voice. “Did she…. kiss them?”

Sayu stopped in mid-motion “You heard us on the van today, didn’t you?” She placed her hands on her hips.

“Of course I did!” Reina also ceased to move. “Kitty cats have good ears and can hear everything that bunnies and turtles say” her eyebrows furrowed. “Why hadn’t you two told me about your kiss?” she was getting more upset by the minute.

“Because” Sayu thinned her eyes “It was none of your business” she turned her back on Reina and crossed her arms.

“What are you talking about?” The younger girl walked around to face the other’s eyes. “I know you and Eri are closer to each other than to me but I thought we were in this together. I thought that at least, when it came to this subject, we would talk to each other about it. Now, I repeat, WHY THE HELL DIDN’T YOU TELL ME THAT YOU KISSED ERI?” the sound of a phone clicking startled both girls. They turned to the side to catch a mouth gaping Takahashi Ai starring at them. They had completely forgotten that their senior was still in the room. Ai slowly stood up feeling the shocked powerful gaze of the two on her.

“I… didn’t hear anything” She dashed for the door and left.

“Great” Sayu sighed.

“Don’t think you’re off the hook, you owe me details” Reina poked Sayu’s shoulder.

“I owe you nothing” Sayu stated dully

“Yes, you do. You need to tell me why you kissed Eri? Are you into her, too?” Reina stomped her foot.

“First of all, stop saying I kissed Eri. She was the one that kissed me”

“SUuuuuUUre” Reina stated sarcastically “Did you think I forgot who I’m talking too? You’re almost as bad as Fujimoto when it comes to groping. On top of that, you really like to randomly kiss people.”

“The fact that I like to randomly kiss people to show my affection is very different from purposely kissing someone to demonstrate I have romantic feelings for them” Sayu glower. A puzzled expression came over Reina.

“D-Don’t be using those big words on me!” she hollered. “and if you weren’t the one that started it, then, why did she kiss you?” she pointed an accusing finger.

“Ugh” Sayu rolled her eyes. “Do you really wanna know?” she softened her tone. Reina pouted innocently and nodded. “Fine” she bent her knees and sat on the floor. “It happened about two months ago. She and I were in her room conversing about random things. The topic of Gaki came up and she just went off on a rant. She was soooo angry and if you ask me...” Sayu looked around the room “She might have been a bit off her rocker at that point. She kept on going about how she hated being the only one betrayed and so on. She wanted to hurt Gaki back just as bad as Gaki had hurt her. I clearly pointed out that she couldn’t just randomly pick someone and sleep with them and that’s where it got weird” she shook her head.

“Yeah, I can see how that would” Reina joined her on the floor.

“She looked at me funny, it scared the hell out of me. I was about to ask her something when she suddenly jumps on me and forcefully kisses me. I slapped her off of me and she fell to the floor. I guess that’s when some sense finally proccessed in her.”

“Dammit!!” Reina slammed her fist into her hand.

“What the hell is wrong with you now?” Sayu stood abruptly. “Pissed that it wasn’t you she kissed?” she dusted off her pants.

“No, it’s not that” Reina also stood up, ignoring the dust on her pants.

“What do you mean it’s not that? Aren’t you mad that she finally decided to execute her revenge and instead of going to you, she kissed me?” Sayu had a come-on-now face.

“When you say it like that, it’s just insulting, but no” Reina answered.

“Right, well anyways… today on the van she got a TEXT from Gaki’s sister, saying that Gaki’s been having horrible eating habits lately and that again today she didn’t even touch her breakfast. The moment Gaki got on she didn’t take her eyes off of her. It wasn’t until Gaki starred back that she freaked. Finally, as we were reaching work she told me she was gonna talk to Gaki today. She shocked me. That’s when she started telling me about what gave her this change of heart” Sayu shrugged. “So, I’m assuming that’s where you heard us.”

“Yeah” Reina nodded.

“Well, that’s it, I don’t have anything else to tell you” Sayu started walking towards the door. “I guess I’ll just go have lunch”

“Hey, Sayu” Reina stopped her. “Did you like her kiss?” she asked.

“Oh my God” Sayu rolled her eyes “No!” she proclaimed loudly. “Are you sure it doesn’t bother you? You’re not mad that she didn’t kiss you?” Sayu opened the door.

“I’m mad at who she kissed but not because it wasn’t me” Reina shifted slightly uncomfortably.

“Ha?” The bunny was lost “…Listen, you’ll have to explain that to me later. I’m too tired to figure it out right now” she took a step for the door.

“Wait!” Reina shouted as she ran to where Sayumi stood “you’re not really going to the cafeteria, are you?” she smirked. “You’re going to go spy on them… aren’t you?” she took a step closer to her 6th gen counter part.

“Um… ME? Go spy?” The fake innocence that Sayumi Michishige could sometimes produce was so amazingly well acted, that if there was such a thing as an award for it, she’d win every year. Luckily, Reina could see right through it. “Ok, yes you caught me. What are you going to do, stop me?” she stood in a “trying” position.

“Nope” Reina lifted her hands behind her back. “I’m going to join you” she paraded out of the room. “Plus” she spun around and winked “I know where they’re at”

“You do?” Sayu exclaimed.

“Yep, but if you want to know… you’ll have to keep up” Suddenly Reina took off like a bullet that had just been released from its chamber. Sayu had to act quickly; she took off just as quickly, following the girl that would lead her to her desired destination.

The vibration climbed up her legs every time she stomped on the floor for propulsion, drowning out the beat of her heart and reminding her self that she needed to take the next step to keep on moving. She couldn’t allow her body to stop, at least, not until she reached Risa. She lifted the next leg and prepared it to pound on the floor, pushing her close to her goal. The foot, though, never got to land. Instead a powerful sharp pain spread through Eri’s body and unexpectedly found her self on the floor. The sound of someone shouting from the pain snapped her out of her daze.

“Itai!” a voice that still caused her nightmares fluttered in the air. She opened her eyes and confirmed to whom it belonged. Miki Fujimoto stared up at her from the floor. Eri found herself basically sprawled on top of Miki. She slightly lifted her self up and supporting herself on her hands and knees.

“Aa, Fujimoto-san” She stated with surprised at the irony. Miki was the last person she wanted to see. “Gomenasai” she nodded.

“Gah, it’s okay” ther older rubbed her head “Next time, watch where you’re going” she raised an eyebrow “Damn you’re in hurry. Thank goodness you’re not in a car. I’d be dead.” She laughed. Eri just smiled back courteously. “Where are you heading for?” Miki asked nonchalantly, placing her hands behind her head. Completely ignoring the fact they both were on the floor. 

“Um… I was heading for the roof of the building… but to be honest I’m not sure where the door that leads up is” she winced.

“I see” Miki smiled “Any particular reason why you’re going to the roof?” she asked. Eri was now getting slightly annoyed. She was on a mission and all this empty chit-chat was delaying her.

“Fujimoto-san, I don’t have time for this” realizing they were still on the floor, Eri started to lift her self up.

“Whoa, there” Miki slid her hands around Eri’s hips, forcing her to stay in place. “I need to talk to you”

“Could you please let me go?! I don’t have time to talk to you, I need to go find Gaki” she tried to push her self up once more but instead found her self being pulled down once more by Miki.

“So it is Gaki after all” She laughed out loud. Eri mentally kicked herself.

“Yeah, so what?” She scowled. “I’ve decided it’s finally time to talk to her. Even if the two of you ruined our relationship.” she venomously stated.

“And you still hold a grudge against me” Miki successfully noted. “This pretty much proves it” she wrapped one arm around Eri, making sure to make it impossible for the younger to get up. “You and I gotta talk”

“I can’t talk with you right now” Eri all but screamed. “I need to go find the girl that you don’t give a crap about anymore. Now that you’ve climbed up the Morning Musume latter and bagged yourself the leader” she glared at the person that in more ways than others was very similar to her.

“I guess I can’t get mad at you for thinking that way, which is what I’ve been trying to play across” Miki shook her head. “Eri, I want you to know something” she gazed into the other girl’s eyes “You were always the epitome of what she wanted” she spoke in reference to Gaki. “What she and I did together was more of a substitution thing. I…I never really wanted her” she lied “and I know for a fact that she never really wanted me.” She exhaled “I hope that one day, you can finally forget all this mishap and we all can go back to how we should get along.” She placed her hand on Eri’s head and ruffled it up “I know you don’t like me right now” she gave a brilliant smile “But I like you and I know one day we can be friends again. I recognize that…in my heart… I won’t be at easy until we can again. It was never my intention to hurt you and I can guarantee you it was never Gaki’s either.” She released the girl she was holding hostage. Eri slowly pushed her self off Fujimoto and stood once more. “Help me up, nee” Miki extended her hand. Eri hesitantly looked at it, she then extended her hand and grabbed a hold of Miki’s. As the cheating accomplice stood, she said something a bit shocking to Eri “For what it’s worth. Even though I know you were really hurt, I think the one that came out completely losing wasn’t you or me. It was Gaki.” She leaned back into a wall.

Eri felt a warm sensation develop itself in her. It was the first time in a long time since she and Fujimoto had a sincere heart to heart conversation. In ways it made her rejoice, in others it made her bitter. But facts were facts and this was the first step to them salvaging what little friendship they had. In the past, Fujimoto had been someone she admired greatly. Even now, after all that had happened, she was still someone who exhibited admirable traits. Deep down in her emotional essence, she wanted things to be okay with Fujimoto but she didn’t deny the fact that it would be a process, in which both would have to work at it. “Fujimoto-san” Eri looked up at her with sincere eyes “I hope one day we will”.

“Good” the groper smiled. “If we both hope for it, then I don’t see why it wouldn’t happen” she pushed herself off the wall and started walking back to the rehearsal room.

“Demo, matte!” Eri shouted “Where is the door?”

“Look at where I was leaning on” she cracked a smiled. Eri quickly flipped around and spotted the door that she had not noticed before. She took a few steps forward and placed her hand on its knob. Taking a few deep breathes, she finally turned it and pushed door open. She was met with cold crispy air and the sight of stairs that lead to the roof floor. Not closing the door behind her, she slowly crept up the slacks of concrete that took her to a higher elevation with every step she took. As she continued onward, she started to catch a glimpse of a girl leaning against the safety rail, just staring out into the open.

“Gaki-san?” the girl called startled spun around.

“Eri” she breathed.
“CHOTTO!!!” Sayu screamed “Slow down, will you?” she demanded.

“Hold up!” A taller girl lifted her hand in front of the running two “Where are you two going? “

“What’s it to you, home wrecker?” Reina got into a yankee stance. Miki’s left eyebrow twitched.

“I’ll show you home WRECKER” She pushed up the sleeve on her right arm. Reina hadn’t expected this reaction and quickly her true colors showed. She freaked and ran back towards Sayu. Quickly, Sayu lifted her arms defensively, trying to protect herself and the scaredy cat behind her (no pun intended). All of a sudden, a phone chimed, Fujimoto snapped back to her non-berserk mode. “Oh, It’s Yossy… she’s waiting for me” a stupid smile was plastered on her face. “I have to go…. But Reina” her voice went low and deadly “Next time you say something as stupid as that… you’re dead” She flipped around and skipped back to where she was being waited for.

“Phew” Reina sighed

“That was close” Reina stated “Too close of a brush with Death herself!  Reina, next time you’re facing her wrath alone” Sayu argued.

“Right… heeeheee gomen” the Scaredy cat yankee nervously laughed. “Okay so where is that door?”

“Actually, before that… could you let go of my back please”

“Oh right” Reina released Sayu.

“Better, as for the door” She quickly looked around “It’s there” she pointed at an opened door. Both of them ran towards it, suddenly coming to a halt as they heard the voices that belonged to those they were looking for.


Gaki was shocked to see Eri. She was sure that no one knew about her hiding spot.

“H-how did you find me?” She slowly turned and completely faced Eri. The air around them blew softly, simultaneously coursing itself on both girls’ skin and gently throwing about Niigaki Risa’s hair. The set sun caused a blue tinge to fall upon the area but it wasn’t enough to cover up the redness from her puffy crying eyes. The scenery of the city behind her made the moment simply breathtaking. Never had Eri been so taken by a moment. Gaki was sweaty, with messy hair and tear streaks running down her cheek, but she had never been more beautiful to Eri. Everything moved as if it were in slow motion and now it was Eri’s turn to stare admiringly.

“I knew where you were” Eri’s voice was breathless. Gaki kind of smirked and looked around diffidently.

“Um… how did you know I was here? That’s what I meant” A rouge color climbed up in Eri’s cheeks.

“Right… that… I’m not sure if you know but everyone else knows your hiding space” she side smiled.

“USO~” the Reaction Queen… well, reacted. “How?” keeping her shocked face.

“Ai-chan let it slip one day” Eri shrugged.

“Geesh, should’ve figured” she slightly giggled. “Well, I’m really shocked to see you here. I’d be shocked if it were anyone else, but I’m extra shocked that it’s you. Know what I mean?” Gaki mumbled through.

“Yeah… at least I think I got most of what you meant” she laughed.

“Kame” Gaki softly said out loud. “Why are you here?”

“I-I needed to talk to you” Eri repeated for the hundredth time. At the sound of those words, Gaki was filled with anxious energy and ran up and down.

“You’re ready? You’re really ready?”

“Yeah, I’m ready to talk… finally” Eri joked.

Gaki gave a little twirl to demonstrate her happiness “It can be here, right now, right?”

“Yes, it can” Eri laughed.

“What do you need to tell me?” Gaki looked at her with expectant eyes. A feeling was bubbling up in Eri. She raised her hand and hesitantly reached for Gaki’s cheek.

“I know that you realize the wrong you did. I also know that, in its own logic, you were probably hurt the most, but I want you to know that… thanks to the time you’ve patiently given me” Eri bit her lip “I reflected enough and realized how much I need you and how much I was missing you. What you did was wrong, but I can tell you’ve been really trying to redeem yourself” she spoke straight form the heart, lisp and all. “With that said, do you think your heart can ever take me back?” Gaki’s body, mind and soul filled with exuberating happiness.

“Kame” she lifted her hand and placed it over Eri’s “You never left.” Tears of joy build up in the slightly younger girl.   


 “Kamei, before I met you I didn't know about grief, suffering, tears. I was very happy. Kindness and tenderness were what I was familiar with. I lived very well. When I met you, those things I already knew just became brighter and better. When I met you, they became something beautiful, something so divine and full of happiness. You filled my life with joys I never thought imaginable. When you left, though…” Gaki became silent and looked away. Eri slowly turned Gaki’s face so that they looked at each other.

“When I left, what?”

“When you left I learned the true meaning of solitude. Life without you is painful and almost unbearable. Nothing has its same shine or worth.  You may not be my everything, but everything is meaningless without you.”

“Risa, I want us to try again. Please, let’s try again.”

“Eri” she grabbed a hold of the figure in front of her, enveloping it into an inescapable hug. “Eri… Eri” her voice cracked and her eyes stung with the sudden rush of tears. “Eri, my love” she lightly gripped the homebody member’s head, reassuring herself that she was actually hugging her. The sudden overwhelming burst of emotion that originated from her chest and spread out to her limbs could be seen beaming out of each tear drop her eyes expelled, in each relieving exhale, in every syllable she enunciated.

The familiar feel of Eri in her arms was the most gratifying sense she had ever experienced. It was a feeling she never wanted to stop living with. Finally, the person she had been longing for, the person she had and had lost, was once again by her side. And never again was she going to allow her to leave. Eri was hers once more, and this time around, she wasn’t going to make the same mistake she did again.

“Gaki… I” Eri too was holding on to her with the same vigor. The slightly older girl gripped on to the other’s shoulders, releasing her just enough to look her in the eye.

“It’s okay” she freed one of her hands and with its back caressed Eri’s moist check. “You don’t need to say anything else. I love you too” and with that she slid her hand behind Eri’s head and brought it closer to hers. The kiss, to be honest, was not the best… it was warm, salty, wet and a bit hard to breath, but… it was true.

They finally released each other “My love, my love” Gaki repeated “Watashi no ai” she squeezed Eri tightly. Abruptly Eri stiffened in her arms.

“Excuse me?” Eri slid her hands upward and slightly pushed Gaki back. “What, are you making it a trend to call me other members’ names now?”

“no, No, NO”  Gaki’s worry-o-meter went in over drive. She couldn’t believe she had screwed things up so fast. “I didn’t mean it as the name, I meant it as the noun. Like love, you’re my love” cold sweat now pricked her back. To her relief Eri started to giggle teasingly at her.

“It better be” she smirked sexily, grabbing Gaki’s shirt and pulling her in for another quick kiss.

“You’re mean” Gaki smiled and hugged Eri once more. “But… seriously Reina”

A/N: So here's the epilogue... I already started on the alternative ending. Though this is the real ending... I'm kinda liking the alternative more. :lol:

Anywho, there's a deleted scene from this post. I didn't add it in cause it would ruin the flow of the story. But for those of you who want to read it (which I suggest you do!) here's the link: DELTED SCENE: Nakazawa's Stash

Rika <3 So funneh

Offline heyyouhiya

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« Reply #51 on: July 01, 2008, 10:41:39 PM »
That was awesome
this whole story was awesome
haha wow I can't think of a better word than awesome ^^;

I have a strange feeling that I will like the alternative ending more as well...

But anyways, I really loved the part when reina got all scared of Miki XD
and yossui not being able to eat bagels! that was pretty damn amusing...

Offline JFC

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« Reply #52 on: July 02, 2008, 12:05:26 AM »
Yossi forbidden from eating bagels???
:mon wtf:

“What, are you making it a trend to call me other members’ names now?”

“no, No, NO” 


“It better be”


” Gaki smiled and hugged Eri once more. “But… seriously Reina"
 :on lol:

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

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« Reply #53 on: July 02, 2008, 01:38:44 AM »
“Of course I did!” Reina also ceased to move. “Kitty cats have good ears and can hear everything that bunnies and turtles say”

lol best line ever!  XD

ah so it really did turn into 6 months! :lol:

awesome ending!  It makes everything warm and happy =D

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« Reply #54 on: July 02, 2008, 06:45:29 AM »
Aww, poets! You got me tearing up a bit! :lol: Love the work van! Poor Yossy and her bagel withdrawl. But I can guarantee whatver Miki offered was a billion times better! :twisted: It's nice that Miki and the two made up, even if they couldn't make up with each other. I smirked when the teacher told Miki to stop groping! Picking Eri to help Gaki was all kinds of wrong! I really liked Reina and Sayu's conversation. I was shocked that Eri was trying to hurt Gaki back. For some reason, I cannot see that. But I guess it's something logical. Really really love the heartfelt conversation between Eri and Miki. As much as I like bitchy evil Miki, I think I like nicey nice Miki more. Don't know why though. And the ending.... :wub: Last line, though.... XD
GREAT JOB!!!! :heart:

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« Reply #55 on: July 02, 2008, 02:13:46 PM »
yay~ finally.  :wub:

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« Reply #56 on: July 02, 2008, 05:16:03 PM »
OOMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG I LOve LOVE LOVE this!!! *hops around with goofy grin* You made eveything end in a sweet manner and had closure :) I especially loved the last part with Risa muttering "...Reina" XD You know, you amaze me with how you mange to weave tenderness, suspense, humor and sweetness all into one fic. Everything is in this and I adore this fic to bits!! *hugs monitor with ya fic on the screen* Now I just need to figure out where you live so I can go steal all your other fics (if you have some) and take a peek at the in-process one :P
« Last Edit: July 02, 2008, 05:18:54 PM by lil_hamz »

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« Reply #57 on: July 03, 2008, 10:39:14 AM »
Awwww~~GakiKame  :luvluv1: How I love happy endings  XD So... of course it's great and all but...I wonder with what you've came up in the alternative ending and this epilogue made me even more curious about that :D

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« Reply #58 on: July 04, 2008, 08:14:30 PM »
I must admit, now that you have made me a MiGaki fangirl, I was really nervous reading this :lol:
I'm glad it was sweet but I'm still bitter and thus hanging out for the next part :twisted:
Don't get me wrong, I still loved it, after all, you were the one who wrote it :heart:
Oh and this isn't gonna be a long comment, once again its 4am :oops: and I'm saving myself for the next comment :P

Poor Gaki's been hurting so much for so long while everyone else gets to sort themselves out... she could only wait :cry: I'm glad she finally cracked like that though and it really was the last sign Kame needed... I loved how she couldn't move but wanted to and Reina just went all, well, Reina on her and pushed her to the door :D

Speaking of Reina, why must Sayu have been too tired to figure it out then and told her to explain later... Where is our explanation? :( Please do elaborate on that so I know if my imagination is right or not! :lol:

The reunion on the rooftop, how romantic! :wub: The soft touches of cheeks, the sweet exchange of words, the hilarious teasing from Eri and then Risa at the end, ahhhh all of its gold!

I'm glad Miki is finally getting a chance to be happy with Yossy, after falling for Maki the player (she better be looking after my Ai-chan... you really didn't write enough of those two :P ) and then Gaki the jailbait (well she would have been if Mako and Konkon were still in MM, so naughty Mikitty!). Miki deserves all the happiness in the world coz call me bias, but I see her as the good guy throughout this whole fic, I think she always wanted to do the right thing by Gaki, awww :cry: :heart:

But my favourite part :twisted: I loved that Risa was 'annoyed' as she puts it (or jealous) of Miki and Yossy's flirting at first... I just wished it stayed that way :P

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« Reply #59 on: July 13, 2008, 01:02:44 AM »
Aww, this story is so amazing!~~~~~ :wub:
I love how you manage to fit so many emotions so well into each chapter.
My brain isn't working today but can someone explain the last line to me? I think I get it but I think I'm wrong XD

Credit to Clamy-san!
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