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Author Topic: Gomattou [END]  (Read 47762 times)

Offline tito

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Re: Gomattou
« Reply #20 on: March 29, 2008, 07:08:32 AM »
Next chapter...

Chapter 5

Magnificent Gift

“Ding-dong!” Aya walked unhappily towards the door after spending a boring day on her own doing practically nothing at home. However, her frown turned into a smile when she saw the visitor. It was Miki.

“Hi, Mikitty,” Aya greeted Miki politely.

“Ayaya, I know you’re bored because today is your free day and yet the weather for the most of the day was…”

“Miki, it is getting late. I prefer to spend the rest of the day at home,” Aya interrupted.

“Yeah, that’s what I am driving at. See,” Miki pointed to the plastic bags in her right hand, “Today, I shall cook for you.”

Aya’s face gleamed with delight. “Come in first.”

As Miki entered the apartment, Aya noticed water dripping down from Miki’s hair and clothes. Obviously, Miki was caught in the rain. Miki placed her translucent umbrella by the door as she apologized, “Sorry for making your place wet, Ayaya.”

Aya laughed. “No, it is fine.”

“The rain was too heavy this morning.”

“Morning? You went out in the morning?”

“Yes, to buy the food. It will not be so fresh in the afternoon.”

“But, how do you know I am in? What if I have a hang-over or something?”

There was a short silence before Miki whispered slowly, “If that happens, I will…wait for you.”

After dinner, Miki took out a nicely decorated small parcel from her bag and handed it to Aya. Miki said, “This is for you, Ayaya. Happy birthday to you.”

Aya gave an awkward expression. “Thanks, Mikitty. But if I did not remember wrongly, my birthday is tomorrow. Wait…what’s the date today? Uh, yesterday was…”

“Yes, Ayaya, you are correct. I’m celebrating with you earlier so that we can count down together.”

“Oh…there’s no need for that, Mikitty.”

Miki took Aya’s hand in hers and whispered into her ears. “I want this to be your most memorable birthday.”

“3, 2, 1, happy birthday Ayaya-hime!” Miki exclaimed with joy as she gave Aya a kiss on her cheek. Aya was bewildered.

After Miki had settled down, Aya looked relentlessly into Miki’s eyes. “You know something, Miki?”


“That,” Aya touched the exact spot on her cheek where Miki had planted a kiss a few moments ago, “is the best gift I have received in my lifetime.”


“Yes,” Aya glanced at the clock and remarked, “Mikitty, thanks for everything you’ve done for me. It is getting late now so do you want to spend the night here?” Miki nodded. “Huh, my apartment is pretty small and I don’t have a spare bed…”

“Never mind, I can sleep here,” Miki said in a lilt voice as she pointed to the red sofa. Miki could see that Aya was unconvinced so immediately, Miki lay down on the red sofa. “See, this is really comfortable.”

“Really? Anyway, I will fetch you a drink in case you become thirsty in the night. You will not be comfortable at all finding your way to the kitchen in the dark because of the mess.” Aya ended off with a slight laugh as she headed for the kitchen. When she came back with a drink, Miki appeared to have fallen asleep. Her eyes were shut and she was cuddling on the sofa. Aya shook her head and giggled to herself at the sight of her best friend. She sat beside Miki and unknowingly, began to sip the drink in her hand. Upon realizing her mistake, she quickly placed the drink on the coffee table. She heard some giggling.

“Mikitty, aren’t you sleeping?” Aya questioned as she blushed.

“No one sleeps as fast as you, Ayaya.” Miki replied. Her voice sounded exhausted. Miki sat up and placed her head on Aya’s shoulder.

“Ah~, this is ticklish! Your hair is disturbing me!” Aya remarked as she swept Miki’s long hair away from her bare arms.

Miki pretended not to have heard anything and even moved her head gently on Aya’s shoulder. Aya continued to shriek and gently removed Miki’s hair from her exposed arms. In the end, Aya gave up and placed a pillow which was supported by Miki’s head on her upper arm. Aya smiled to herself and touched her cheek again before she closed her eyes and fell asleep.

For some time, Miki did not sleep. Miki waited for Aya to say something subconsciously but at the same time, Miki was afraid. She prayed for Aya to whisper “Mikitty” but she was afraid of hearing what she had heard the last time. Nothing was heard except for Aya’s harmonious breathing. Following its rhythm, Miki soon fell asleep.

The sun rays were flowing into the room when Miki opened her eyes. Strangely, there was no one beside her. Aya had left. When did she leave? On the coffee table, there was a note placed underneath a cup. Miki took the note and read it. It was written:

“Dearest Mikitty, I have something on today so I have to leave early. I know you’re disappointed now but sorry, I really can’t do anything about it. Thanks for the gift.

^_^. Ayaya”

Miki shook her head with a smile glued to her face. She allowed herself to sink onto the sofa before she felt a bump. She looked for the object and recognized it as the parcel that she had given Aya. She thought, “Ayaya, why do you thank me as though you’ve already opened it?”

“Aya, happy birthday!” Nozomi exclaimed.

“Happy 20th birthday, Matsuura-san!” Tsunku and the staff congratulated her.

“Happy birthday, Aya! Peace!” Sayu, Eri and Reina screamed in unison.

Aya smiled and acknowledged them as she worked her way towards the cafeteria with Maki beside her. When that happened, Maki just stood there, in silence. After a long time, they finally entered the cafeteria and ordered their breakfast and morning drinks.

Maki smiled delightfully at Aya and asked, “How was the morning rehearsal?”

“Quite okay. But I felt a bit rusty.”

“Oh, I understand. I felt the same way a few months ago when I was hospitalized.”

“You were in hospital?”

“Uh. I had acute appendicitis.”

“Why didn’t I know that?”

“No idea.” Maki paused for a while before saying, “Happy birthday Ayaya.” She placed a small gift on the table and shifted it towards Aya.

“Thanks Maki,” Aya said as she took the present.

“Open it, Ayaya.” Aya nodded as she began tearing the decorative paper wrapped around the gift. It was a splendid looking white watch which glittered against the natural light.

“Wow, how much did you pay for this?”

Maki grinned. “It doesn’t matter how much it costs. Nothing is too expensive for Ayaya.”

“Thanks.” Aya smiled as she took out the new watch and wore it on her left wrist. “This looks good on me.”

“Miki, why are you still here?” Reina asked surprisingly.

“Where should I be then?” Miki placed her hands on her hips and smirked.

“I thought…I thought you were in the café with Aya.”

“What? I just came, you know.”

Reina shrugged and walked off with the rest of the 6th generation. Miki stood there for a while before stomping off in the direction of the café. As she went past the café, she saw Aya with Maki in the café through the transparent glass. She stopped. She thought angrily, “So this is why she rushed off this morning.” She frowned and a tear prickled the back of her eyes. Although she was a distance away, she could see the new watch on her wrist. “That must be from her! Why, Ayaya?” She dropped the parcel in her hand.

She felt a hand being placed on her shoulder. It was the police officer. “Fujimoto-san, I have something to ask you.”

“Go away.”

“This is very important-”

“I say go away.”

“It concerns Matsuura-san-”


He took a step back. “I have an idea who attacked Matsuura-san.”

“Why do you tell me? Tell her!” she pointed to the direction where Maki and Aya were dining.

“Listen, okay, do you know who spent the day with Aya before the accident?” he persisted although Miki pushed him away and started running away from him. “Just answer my question!”

“Goto Maki!” Miki hollered as she disappeared from sight.

He bent down, picked up the parcel on the ground, opened it and had a look at the content. Then he took out the blue watch, scrutinized it before wearing it. He repeated to himself, “Goto Maki…”

Enjoy! :w00t:

'Separation is the beginning of a meeting. Fear not of it.'

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Re: Gomattou
« Reply #21 on: March 29, 2008, 07:13:24 AM »
Yey new chap! poor Miki! but I thought that Aya and Maki weren't that close before the accident. So then, how come they spent the previous day together? hmm. It still confuses me. But the whole Miki and Aya thing at the start was sooo sweet! I was like omg, they are in the same house, having a romantic evening, omg, I hope they kiss! and then get together! But nothing hapened! But its still good cause it raises suspense and confuses us!
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Re: Gomattou
« Reply #22 on: March 29, 2008, 12:32:10 PM »
! but I thought that Aya and Maki weren't that close before the accident. So then, how come they spent the previous day together? hmm. It still confuses me.

Actually, the last part when Miki said that Aya spent the day with Maki wasn't true but rather spoken in the heat of anger because she's really very upset about it. Haha, guess it was kind of confusing though XD

'Separation is the beginning of a meeting. Fear not of it.'

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Re: Gomattou
« Reply #23 on: March 29, 2008, 01:58:33 PM »
AWW POOR mIKI! She thinks (and is probably right) that Maki is evil and wants to steal her Ayaya away from her! aww! So she said it to put the blame on her! Which may be right! She does look/act kinda shifty. I don't blame Miki. And I guess that got her some time alone with Aya *wink*.
I have a porcupine called zazoom, he leaves his scent on peoples' graves.

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Re: Gomattou
« Reply #24 on: March 30, 2008, 07:38:34 AM »
Aw man, seeing Aya wear the watch that Maki bought her, when Miki bought her one too...that's just painful. :cry:

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

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Re: Gomattou
« Reply #25 on: March 30, 2008, 07:52:50 AM »
But the upside was that Aya did not care if she got a prezzie from Miki, she simply cared about Miki. She didnot do something typical like run for the gift, instead she chose to spend her time with Miki, being happy in her presence. To Aya, Miki was the gift. Does that make sense? That's what I think..... I think that she was so close to Miki, that she was not interested in the superficiall aspect of it all, she was simply touched by all the effort Miki put into their evening. She simply enjoyed spending that time with her and I see the not even opening the present thing not as a sign of negligence, but as proof of Ayas love for Miki, or something like that with longer words that escape my mind at the moment.... Where are all the English teachers when you need them?
I have a porcupine called zazoom, he leaves his scent on peoples' graves.

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Re: Gomattou
« Reply #26 on: March 30, 2008, 08:04:09 AM »
But the upside was that Aya did not care if she got a prezzie from Miki, she simply cared about Miki. She didnot do something typical like run for the gift, instead she chose to spend her time with Miki, being happy in her presence. To Aya, Miki was the gift. Does that make sense? That's what I think..... I think that she was so close to Miki, that she was not interested in the superficiall aspect of it all, she was simply touched by all the effort Miki put into their evening. She simply enjoyed spending that time with her and I see the not even opening the present thing not as a sign of negligence, but as proof of Ayas love for Miki, or something like that with longer words that escape my mind at the moment....
Well of course. The problem here is, that while it's obvious to US READERS that Miki is more important to Aya than the present is, it's not what Miki sees. Miki doesn't know that Aya cares more about her than the present itself. 

Think of how Miki feels. She must have taken a lot of time to pick out that watch and get the groceries so that she could cook for Aya the previous night. Now she sees Aya wearing a watch that Maki gave her as a present.  Miki could be (and it wouldn't surprise me if she was) thinking that the reason why Aya had to leave so early in the morning was because she wanted to be with Maki (when in reality the two of them had just met up a few minutes earlier at the studio), and it's not surprising that Miki's upset. It isn't because Aya did anything specific to piss her off, it's just because Miki doesn't know all the facts and is thus confused.

Where are all the English teachers when you need them?
Right here. :wave:

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

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Re: Gomattou
« Reply #27 on: March 30, 2008, 08:37:09 AM »
I know, I thought you didn't so I was trying to kinda spell it out for you but without giving too much away, I was gonna leave something for you to figure out n\by yourself. I only wrote that cause I thought you were confused XD< I thought you didn't quite get it, because you left such a tiny post when you suually leave huge ones, so I thought I'd fill in the missing pieces XD. Poor Miki, it's just one big misunderstanding but she is getting the raw end of the deal, and getting heartbroken over nothing. Next chapter:very angsty, bring out the tissues.....
 I think that Maki really likes Aya but not necessarily as more than a friend. It's obvious she is trying to break them two up, but it doesn't seem like she is doing it because she is interested in getting with either one of them, because if she was she wouldn't be like this to Miki and I think she would be a little different with Aya too, so one of my MANY theories is that she is doing it because the person bossing her around wants Miki. If they wanted Aya they wouldn't have made Maki stick to her like glue instead of them because that would be risking her falling for maki instead. So even if its not about Aya, Miki still plays a KEY role in this..... See where Im going with this? It's not about Aya at all, it's about Miki. I have many different theories though, and I have no idea if any of them are on fact true..... But even if this one isn't the ones contradicting this theory still have a high chance of being proven right, so I just have to sit tight and wait for the next updates to see if I am right.
I have a porcupine called zazoom, he leaves his scent on peoples' graves.

Offline tito

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Re: Gomattou
« Reply #28 on: March 30, 2008, 02:34:38 PM »
Next chapter :D

Chapter 6

Mixed agendas

“Are you done yet?”

“Wait, be a bit more patient,” Maki answered.

Yossie sighed loudly which broke the silence in the toilet. “Hey, Maki, what is the situation now?”

“Uh…it is going on as planned.”

“Good, we can carry out Plan B.”



“Is it ok to change the plan? I feel…”

“What? Don’t tell me you’ve already fallen for her!”

“No! It is just that…I am kind of attracted to her…do you get me?”

“Attracted? I think it’s just purely guilt. After all, you only felt like this after that incident, right?”

Maki paused for a while before replying, “Maybe but I can’t help myself especially when she-”

Yossie interrupted, “Come on, Maki, it is not like you to be like that. You’re just spoiling things.”

Maki came out of the cubicle and spoke softly, “I won’t stand for it. It will hurt her.”

Yossie shook her head and showed Maki a message on her phone. “She had already carried out the plan already.”

Maki took the phone from Yossie, scrutinized the message before remarking, “Yossie, I don’t really like the way she works.”

Yossie laughed out as she was certain that there was no one in the toilet other than the two of them. “She is a bit more desperate than me. But surely, it’s not correct for you to be so at ease with Aya.”

Aya sat on the floor of the dance room as she gazed blankly at herself in the gigantic mirror on the wall. Tonight was her first concert ever since her accident. She was obviously not confident at all. She picked up her hand phone which was lying beside her and scanned through the messages. A couple of “good luck” messages were sent to her but they failed to encourage her. She was waiting for a reply which would give her confidence.

3 hours had passed and she had already reached the concert hall. Yet, the reply did not come. She felt weak and somehow distracted by it. All of a sudden, her phone vibrated. Frantically, she took out her phone from the pocket on her jacket. “Hello, Matsuura Aya here,” Aya greeted the caller politely as, in her hurry, she had forgotten to see who the caller was.

“Ayaya, it’s me.”

Immediately, Aya recognized the caller’s voice. “Ah, Maki…” Aya allowed her voice to trail off.

“Why do you sound so unhappy? Are you too excited about it?” Maki enquired.

Aya heaved in a deep breath and said, “Somehow, you know I have not been performing for a long time and I feel very rusty…”

Maki interrupted, “Aya, believe in yourself. I am always behind you.”

“Will you…be there? I really need moral support.”

There was a silence before Maki began giggling to herself. Somehow, her giggle seemed to be mingled with sadness. “Yes,” she made herself sound calm but she barely managed to hold back another tear which prickle her cheeks.

“Today is my first concert in a long, long while. I feel lucky and happy to see all of you again. Tonight had been successful and I am very pleased with myself. Thank you for your continuous support.” Aya stopped and bowed sincerely as she allowed the roaring crowd to settle down before continuing, “I think everyone should know about this by now. But I am too excited about it and love to announce it again. I, Matsuura Aya, and my best friend, Fujimoto Miki, are going to form a duo.” The crowd cheered enthusiastically and Aya revealed a pure and wide smile on her face.

“The first single is going to be released on September 13. Please continue to show your support.” She paused again. “I am very happy to be working with my best friend. This has been my dream.” She stopped abruptly and scanned the crowd for Miki. She could not find her. It would have made her first concert perfect if Miki could make her appearance on the stage and advertise their first single with her at this moment. She saw Maki standing alone at a corner. Perhaps that was one of the reasons why Aya preferred a small and short concert for a new beginning so that she would have an easier job finding her friend. Of course, she did not intend to find Maki.

“Reina, Sayumi! This is not singing at all! You know you do not have the best and strongest voice in the band so please put in more effort to practice! And, Reina, please don’t daydream when I am talking!” Miki admonished her fellow 6th generation. “Eri, don’t think that you did great because I did not remark on your voice! Your dancing is horrible today!”

Reina, Sayumi and Eri shook their heads in unison. Miki had been in a foul mood ever since that day. They felt agitated but none dared to raise their voice against the sub-leader, Miki. In spite of her arrogance, cold and clinical attitude, no one, including Tsunku, had the courage to criticize her because it was a known fact that her self-centered character was the main reason for her popularity.

Finally, Reina plucked up her courage and said in a voice of defiance, “Fujimoto, what are you to say that to us? Do you really think that you’re good? You were distracted during the practices and rehearsals! And who are you to scream like that when Asami is leaving tonight!”

Miki grabbed Reina’s T-shirt and pulled Reina towards her. Reina and Miki stared relentlessly into each other’s eyes for some time before Miki used all her might and pushed Reina to the ground. Sayumi and Eri hurried towards Reina. “Don’t try to go against me!” Miki shouted before leaving.

Reina picked herself up from the ground and murmured to herself, “Game…over.”

Aya and Maki were in a local restaurant which was well-known for its ramen. Strangely, Maki as a Tokyo native, ordered sushi instead. It was quite late in the night so there was not much revelers in the restaurant. Aya seemed to be famished after the small concert as she dined without speaking to her companion. When she was satisfied with her dinner, she stared into Maki’s eyes which were gazing in another direction. Although they had been together for some time, this was the first time Aya could silently glance at her. Tonight, Maki’s distracted eyes seemed apologetic, as if she had done something sinful against her own wishes.

All of a sudden, Maki shifted her eyes and caught Aya staring at her. She let out a soft laugh and commented, “Why are you staring at me like that?”

Aya smiled. “Maki, I have a small little request.”

Maki rested her arms lazily on the table as she stared at Aya's beautiful facial features. “Shoot it.”

“From now on, I want to know more about you.”

Maki leaned back on her chair and allowed a short silence to descend while her eyes looked in a faraway direction once more. “Why?”

“Maki, I just feel that I don’t know you well enough. And I think that it is not very fair to you if we continue like this. You had been kind to me during my hospitalized days and even now but I only have surface knowledge about you.”

Maki stared at the table for a few seconds before she smiled at Aya and whispered gently, “Okay, what do you want to know first?”

“I want to know why you are looking so sad tonight,” Aya enquired. Maki looked away and covered her face with her hand. When she finally turned back, her eyes were watery.

“Aya, do you mind asking another question?”

“No, I want to know the answer. At least, allow me to know some surface details.”

“You’ll know about it tomorrow.”

“Why can’t I know it now?”


“Because she is not free to answer it, Matsuura-san,” someone interrupted the conversation. It was a well-built man, immaculately dressed in office suit. His wrist wore a white watch which looked strangely similar, in fact exactly the same, to the one Aya wore. “Goto-san, you’re suspected to be involved in a case so please follow me…”

“Who are you?” Maki raised her voice and a frown was visible on her forehead.

“Oh yes, I’d forgotten to introduce myself,” he said while he took out a card from his shirt pocket,” I am Officer Heita and this is my position.” He pointed at the card with a smile which revealed his self-satisfaction and handed it over to Maki who just glare at it as though it was some insignificant object.

“Okay,” she turned to Aya, “Sorry Ayaya, I have to leave now.” Maki said it with such calmness as though this was something that happened very frequently. Aya, who was dumbfounded, stared blankly at the verbal exchanges between Maki and the officer. She nodded her head although she was unclear of what had just happened before her very eyes. Her famous friend who was dining with her was arrested by a police officer. Had this incident that had just taken place before her had a connection with Maki’s sadness tonight?

“You’ve seen what happened earlier, Aya is my best friend. How can I harm her?” Maki said in an annoyed tone.

Officer Heita took out a stack of documents and threw them on the interrogation table. He said seriously, “On the day of the accident, there were a futsal practice and several rehearsals going on. If you are interested to find out who was involved in the rehearsals, feel free to look through all these documents. Sadly, you were not involved in any of those. And, stop your nonsense about Aya being your best friend. It is just a sense of guilt.”

“So you are implying that I took care of Aya because of my guilt? And what are you to think that Hello Project members will harm each other?”

He smirked and took out another set of documents from the drawers. “How do you account for this? You loaned a black Toyota car on that day and this is the evidence against you!”

Maki stood up and snarled, “What is with the black car?”

“Stop being pretentious! It was a black car with no headlights on which hit Aya!”

Maki sank back on the chair and was speechless. She wanted to cry but she knew that, from all the movies which she had acted in, this was the worst time to cry. It would just tell others that she did it. Using her superb acting skills, she put on a calm and composed façade while the officer who was interrogating her went to answer a call.

When he came back, Maki was all ready to debate for herself. However, instead of the stern look that he had earlier, he looked apologetic and sincere. “Goto-san, sorry for taking up your time.” He bowed and continued while Maki stared in wonder, “Just now,
someone called and told us that you were with her at that time. You had an alibi. I am sorry once again.”

Maki stood up and smiled. “It is good that it is cleared up now. May I go now?”

Officer Heita led her out of the room into the dark corridors, then out of the building. He then flagged a taxi for the popular idol before apologizing again and leaving her in the taxi. Maki sat on the back seat of the taxi and wondered, “Who was the caller? It must be someone on my side. Yossie? No, it can’t be her. So, it must be that person! I can’t detest her anymore now that she had helped me. I guess I can only follow the way she does things as long as it does not directly affect Aya.”

As she was thinking, she felt her phone vibrating. A message was sent to her from Aya.

“Maki, how was it? You are alright, aren’t you? Tell me you are fine, Maki. I know you’re innocent. No matter what happened, I will believe in you. Reply ASAP.”

Maki smiled and a line continuously repeated itself inside her mind. "She must not be hurt, no matter what that person wishes to do even though the trump card is in her hands."

'Separation is the beginning of a meeting. Fear not of it.'

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Re: Gomattou
« Reply #29 on: March 30, 2008, 03:03:17 PM »
ooooooooooooh what will happen next? I wonder? ;)
Great chap there sweety, I hope you keep up with the awesomeness. Getting so close, I can already smell the future chap, I can almost touch it, but it is still so far frromm my reach :(
Great job again, I hope the new chaps will be up before long. I can't wait to read them. Im just dying to know what the truth behind all this is.
I have a porcupine called zazoom, he leaves his scent on peoples' graves.

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Re: Gomattou
« Reply #30 on: March 31, 2008, 01:39:18 PM »
oh oh! i've seen this fic somewhere else i think.. is it the same?? i just love this!!  :heart:
anyway.. i'll reread this again!! so i can get more spirit of 'Gomattou'! Ganbare!  :D

Ishiyoshi~ DEF.DIVA~ GAM~ hANGRY&ANGRY <33

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Re: Gomattou
« Reply #31 on: March 31, 2008, 02:39:06 PM »
You probably have seen this at JPM under G~A~M..don't worry I'm the same person :P

Next chapter (this is one of my fav chapters :D)


She stirred a cup of latte placed in front of her while staring affectionately at the girl seated across her in silence. Listening to her voice and taking note of every word which she had kindly chosen was a great pleasure to Maki. As usual, Aya narrated incidents and rehearsals which had taken place in her short career happily to Maki. Maki did not see the point of interrupting as she seemed more than delighted to talk about herself. Normally, Maki would listen to someone’s rambling subconsciously by allowing the words to flow out of her ears. Somehow, that day, she felt annoyed at her old habit.

“Do you know that time when Nochiura Natsumi-” Aya said in her typical soothing voice. Finally, something that Maki might understand. She nodded her head several consecutive times but kept her gaze on Aya. “After one of those concerts, I can’t remember exactly which one, I felt so tired and took a short nap before leaving the concert hall. And then, I was kind of disappointed when I woke up and saw no one there.” Maki was frowning, trying to recall a similar incident. “I was so touched when I saw Miki waiting for me outside the concert hall. It was a raining night and she was smiling.”

Aya was grinned nostalgically, allowing her mind to drift back to those days. Maki thought for a while before saying gently, “Miki was a nice girl.”

“Yes.” Aya said with a sigh. A brief silence fell between them before Aya held Maki’s hands in hers and said softly, “Maki, are you still angry with Miki for that slap?”

Maki was slightly taken aback. She did not think that Aya would remember that incident. “No, I don’t, of course.” Trying to sound more convinced, she added, “Sometimes, I think I do understand why that happened. Perhaps, it was because of you, Ayaya. Maybe she was been too possessive of you.”

“You mean she was jealous?”

“I think so. I can’t think of another reason, can you?”

Aya tilted her head slightly to the left and furrows appeared on her forehead. “Maybe you’re right about it. Maki, sometimes, I really hope that the 3 of us can come here over coffee. I don’t understand why Miki avoids us like that.”

“No idea. Ah, speak of the devil.” Maki pointed towards the direction of the glass panel of the cafeteria. Miki was standing there, glaring menacingly at the 2 of them. Once Aya turned to look at her, she immediately avoided her glance. Although they were separated by a glass panel, they were actually merely less than a meter apart. “I go and get her,” Maki said as she rushed off as fast as she could.

“Fujimoto-san, what are you trying to do?” Maki shouted wearily when she was approximately several meters away from her. “Ayaya is inside now. You don’t have a good reason to avoid her like that, do you? She is-”

Miki stomped angrily towards her and she hollered, “Stop acting as though you’re a good person! You have no rights to comment on our relationship!”

“You make it sound so nice, but in reality, it is slumping down!”

“Shut up!” Miki roared. The amplitude of her voice was mingled with a wave of sadness and remorse.

“I know you…well…dislike me but you can’t take it out on Ayaya.”

“Stop calling her Ayaya!”

Throughout the entire conversation between Miki and Maki, Aya was standing there listening. What Maki mentioned earlier came back to her once more. Perhaps, it was because of you, Ayaya. Maybe she was been too possessive of you. She shook her head sadly and moved swiftly towards the 2 women. As she walked past Maki, she dropped a glance and said nothing and continued towards Miki.

“Stay away from me!” Miki shouted.

“Miki, what’s wrong with you?”

“I don’t want to-” She crouched down and covered her face with her hands. She wanted to say “I don’t want to break down here” but did not want to appear in front of her enemy as a weakling. She mumbled something to herself and stood up. Her puffy and swollen eyes looked straight into Aya’s. The hatred seen earlier in her eyes was gone and was replaced by longing and affection.

Aya seemed to understand what Miki wanted. She spoke in a delicate voice, “Miki, let’s get in.” She placed her arms around Miki’s shoulders and led her back into the cafe. When they went past Maki, Miki scowled at Maki mockingly while Aya nodded at Maki’s direction, telling her that she was being apologetic but the girl beside her needed her attention just like a spoiled teenager.

When they sat back at the seats, Aya immediately ordered two cups of coffee. Then, she gazed at Miki who was scorning for a few seconds before beginning, “Okay, I lose. What happened between us?”

“You mean you don’t know?” Aya shook her head. “It was nothing between us actually. It was my own damn problem.”

Aya knew Miki too well to believe a tale like that. Maki’s earlier line flooded her mind. “Are you…angry with Maki?” Miki looked away. “Miki, I need my own circle of friends and in H!P, it is nothing wrong hanging out with anyone in it.”

“Aya, you’re selfish.”


“Did you realise that I gave everything to our relationship that I, in the past or future, will not give anyone else?”

“Miki, you’re thinking too complicatedly.”

“No, I’m not.”

The waiter interrupted their little argument by placing the cups of coffee on the glass table. It gave Aya some time to think through what she should say.

After the waiter left, Aya continued, “Just like coffee, you can’t have too much sugar or it will be too sweet. You can’t have too much milk either. Too much of either will make the coffee lose its flavor.”

“You know I hate sugary things and prefer adding more milk. I hate to proportionate my coffee that nicely. You know that, don’t you?” Miki admonished.

Aya shook her head and tension hung lowly over the two of them. “I understand, Miki. But, you can’t expect me to just ignore Maki. During the period when I felt empty and lonely, she was right there with me. I had not even questioned your presence. Do you understand? Miki, I really enjoy our friendship so I don’t want it to go down because of this.”

Miki nodded her head in silence like a subdued rebellious child. Friendship. Better than nothing. Should I apologize now? But-

“Miki, do you still remember that day when you waited for me under the rain after Nochiura Natsumi’s concert? That was a few years back, I think…”

“Yes, I was drenched while you were in dreamland. I scowled at you, remember? And you said that I looked cute when I scowled.”

“I still think that way. I shall make you annoyed more often.”

“Remember that dance rehearsal when you cut your finger? That was DEF DIVA, I think. How did you cut it, blur Ayaya-hime?”

“I don’t know. I did something and it was bleeding when I saw it.”

Maki sat at the other side of the backrest behind Aya and listened to the conversation. Her eyes were filled with tears for the first time since she graduated from Morning Musume. The treatment that she received from Aya was not friendship. It was more of sympathy, guilt and perhaps some empathy.

Why did the two of them have so much to say even though they hardly worked together?
She, herself, failed to recall the ‘finger-cutting’ incident that Aya had just mentioned. Why didn’t she take note of all those small details? She only had herself to blame. She had resented Aya for so many years until that day when she realized she needed a friend, and Aya, to her, was the perfect choice. Not knowing what to do, she shut her eyes tight and foresaw the ‘tragedy’ that was about to take place.

The analog clock just struck twelve noon. On cue, she entered the cafeteria with some paper documents in hand. As she neared the table, she slowed down and Maki could hear her own heart thumping. Yossie announced in a solemn, serious tone, “Aya, Miki, Tsunku wants to see both of you in his office now for some urgent matters.”

'Separation is the beginning of a meeting. Fear not of it.'

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Re: Gomattou
« Reply #32 on: March 31, 2008, 11:17:09 PM »
 :O :O :O :O
Noooooooooo!!!! I want to keep reading :(
Damn!!! WTH is going on?!  :banghead: I want to know

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Re: Gomattou
« Reply #33 on: April 01, 2008, 12:27:39 AM »
I know, I thought you didn't so I was trying to kinda spell it out for you but without giving too much away, I was gonna leave something for you to figure out n\by yourself. I only wrote that cause I thought you were confused XD< I thought you didn't quite get it, because you left such a tiny post when you suually leave huge ones, so I thought I'd fill in the missing pieces XD.
No need. I sometimes deliberately leave small/short comments instead of the massive ones I usually do because, quite frankly, why should I have to do all the big analyses? Other readers should be contributing comments to, you know. :yep:

Chapter 6
“Are you done yet?”

“Wait, be a bit more patient,” Maki answered.

Yossie sighed loudly which broke the silence in the toilet. “Hey, Maki, what is the situation now?”

“Uh…it is going on as planned.”
The fact that you set this dialogue in a toilet gives it a funny double-entendre. :lol:

Yet, at the same time it's worrisome because now it looks like Yossi and Maki are in cahoots, trying to break up GAM! :o

“Is it ok to change the plan? I feel…”

“What? Don’t tell me you’ve already fallen for her!”

“No! It is just that…I am kind of attracted to her…do you get me?”
Hmmmm...okay. So by the looks of this, Maki didn't initially have a thing for Aya, but now she does? Was she trying to get Aya to fall for her instead of Miki? What then, is the reasoning/purpose for her and Yossi trying to do whatever it is that they're trying to do?

Yossie shook her head and showed Maki a message on her phone. “She had already carried out the plan already.”

Maki took the phone from Yossie, scrutinized the message before remarking, “Yossie, I don’t really like the way she works.”
A third person in involved in this? :stunned:

“Today is my first concert in a long, long while. I feel lucky and happy to see all of you again. Tonight had been successful and I am very pleased with myself. Thank you for your continuous support.” Aya stopped and bowed sincerely as she allowed the roaring crowd to settle down before continuing, “I think everyone should know about this by now. But I am too excited about it and love to announce it again. I, Matsuura Aya, and my best friend, Fujimoto Miki, are going to form a duo.” The crowd cheered enthusiastically and Aya revealed a pure and wide smile on her face.

“The first single is going to be released on September 13. Please continue to show your support.” She paused again. “I am very happy to be working with my best friend. This has been my dream.” She stopped abruptly and scanned the crowd for Miki. She could not find her. It would have made her first concert perfect if Miki could make her appearance on the stage and advertise their first single with her at this moment. She saw Maki standing alone at a corner. Perhaps that was one of the reasons why Aya preferred a small and short concert for a new beginning so that she would have an easier job finding her friend. Of course, she did not intend to find Maki.
Why do I get the feeling that there's something more behind Miki's absence?

It's almost like the plan is to make Miki seem undesirable/unfavourable/unreliable in Aya's eyes, so that she would then turn to Maki to fill that "supportive best friend" role. :dunno:

“Reina, Sayumi! This is not singing at all! You know you do not have the best and strongest voice in the band so please put in more effort to practice! And, Reina, please don’t daydream when I am talking!” Miki admonished her fellow 6th generation.


Finally, Reina plucked up her courage and said in a voice of defiance, “Fujimoto, what are you to say that to us? Do you really think that you’re good? You were distracted during the practices and rehearsals! And who are you to scream like that when Asami is leaving tonight!”

Miki grabbed Reina’s T-shirt and pulled Reina towards her. Reina and Miki stared relentlessly into each other’s eyes for some time before Miki used all her might and pushed Reina to the ground. Sayumi and Eri hurried towards Reina. “Don’t try to go against me!” Miki shouted before leaving.

Reina picked herself up from the ground and murmured to herself, “Game…over.”
3rd person = Reina ?

“I want to know why you are looking so sad tonight,” Aya enquired. Maki looked away and covered her face with her hand. When she finally turned back, her eyes were watery.

“Aya, do you mind asking another question?”

“No, I want to know the answer. At least, allow me to know some surface details.”

“You’ll know about it tomorrow.”
Perhaps a little guilt/shame over what she, Yossi, and the mystery 3rd person is doing?

“Why can’t I know it now?”


“Because she is not free to answer it, Matsuura-san,” someone interrupted the conversation. It was a well-built man, immaculately dressed in office suit. His wrist wore a white watch which looked strangely similar, in fact exactly the same, to the one Aya wore. “Goto-san, you’re suspected to be involved in a case so please follow me…”
The same cop/detective that spoke with Miki when she saw Aya and Maki in the cafeteria?

Strange that he has the same watch as Aya (it must be a unisex design).

“So you are implying that I took care of Aya because of my guilt? And what are you to think that Hello Project members will harm each other?”

He smirked and took out another set of documents from the drawers. “How do you account for this? You loaned a black Toyota car on that day and this is the evidence against you!”

Maki stood up and snarled, “What is with the black car?”

“Stop being pretentious! It was a black car with no headlights on which hit Aya!”
Surely there must be people other than Maki that rented out a black car that day/week.

When he came back, Maki was all ready to debate for herself. However, instead of the stern look that he had earlier, he looked apologetic and sincere. “Goto-san, sorry for taking up your time.” He bowed and continued while Maki stared in wonder, “Just now, someone called and told us that you were with her at that time. You had an alibi. I am sorry once again.”
Hmmm...that was...rather convenient timing.  Wonder who it was?  :mon dunno:

Someone's done some detailed planning/preparations for situations like this.

As she was thinking, she felt her phone vibrating. A message was sent to her from Aya.

“Maki, how was it? You are alright, aren’t you? Tell me you are fine, Maki. I know you’re innocent. No matter what happened, I will believe in you. Reply ASAP.”

Maki smiled and a line continuously repeated itself inside her mind. "She must not be hurt, no matter what that person wishes to do even though the trump card is in her hands."
So then, is Aya even the main/intended target of this scheme, or was her incident just a cog in a bigger machine?  Maki now seems set on protecting Aya here. It's almost as if she wasn't supposed to be involved in the first place.

Next chapter (this is one of my fav chapters  :D)
Good, they're all talking. Maybe now we can get some answers and try to make sense of things.

“I understand, Miki. But, you can’t expect me to just ignore Maki. During the period when I felt empty and lonely, she was right there with me. I had not even questioned your presence. Do you understand? Miki, I really enjoy our friendship so I don’t want it to go down because of this.”

Miki nodded her head in silence like a subdued rebellious child. Friendship.
Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuch.  :badluck:

Aya does have a point in that Miki can't expect her to not be friends with anyone else other than her. But then again, Aya still doesn't realize the depth of how Miki feels and how it hurts to see her with Maki after what happened after her accident at the hospital.

Maki sat at the other side of the backrest behind Aya and listened to the conversation.


Not knowing what to do, she shut her eyes tight and foresaw the ‘tragedy’ that was about to take place.  The analog clock just struck twelve noon. On cue, she entered the cafeteria with some paper documents in hand. As she neared the table, she slowed down and Maki could hear her own heart thumping. Yossie announced in a solemn, serious tone, “Aya, Miki, Tsunku wants to see both of you in his office now for some urgent matters.”
Okay, DEFINITELY something has been in the works for a while for the plan to have been set to the minute.

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

Offline tito

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Re: Gomattou
« Reply #34 on: April 02, 2008, 02:19:51 PM »
This chapter onwards the story will become a real mind-teaser which you need to read slowly to catch it so sit tight and enjoy!
Chapter 8

Great Ayaya Mikitty

They stood still outside Tsunku’s office with a thin air of tension clouding above them. They could see Tsunku reading something off his computer through the translucent glass door. He was obviously holding back a smile. Miki threw Aya a glance but quickly turned back when she realized that Yossie was just behind them. Yossie shook her head and proceeded to lean forward to knock on the door.

“Miki, make this fast, we still have some rehearsals to do. We can’t start without you. Don’t make the entire Morning Musume wait for you, Miki,” Yossie warned gently with a smirk on her face.

“I know,” Miki smiled and turned the door knot. She felt a slight jolt on her hand which was on the door knot. Upon sudden realization that she turned the wrong way, she snarled and turned the other way. While doing so, she felt a soft hand resting firmly on her hand. She was used to the tenderness and completely enjoyed the familiar touch. They turned the knot together and then simultaneously entered the room.

Tsunku took his eyes off his computer when he heard the door knot jolting. He smiled coldly and said, “Good afternoon, Miki, Aya.”

“Good afternoon,” they greeted together as they walked towards the table and stood closely beside each other.

“Do you know why I call you in?”

“No,” Miki answered.

“Yoshizawa didn’t say anything about it?”

“You mean you told her what you want to tell us now?” Miki questioned rudely. She felt an uneasiness growing in her and did not like it at all.

“Tsunku, is it something to do with GAM?” Aya asked nervously. She felt Miki jerking due to their close distance.

“Apparently yes. What do you think of GAM’s upcoming single “Thanks”?”

There was a slight pause before Miki took a step forward and answered crudely, “I don’t think we are in the correct position to comment on that.” Tsunku let out a short laugh. Miki waited for the laughter to subside before adding, “There is absolutely nothing funny with it.”

Tsunku nodded his head several times at Miki before turning to ask Aya, “What about you?”

“I think,” Aya peeked at Miki before continuing, “The fans are rather excited about this so I think it should sell rather well in stores.”

The silence settled in nicely for a while before Tsunku announced firmly, “Okay, I think I should inform two of you first before making this official. GAM is going to be a special unit.”

“What?” Aya hollered. This was the first time Aya raised her voice in this office. Tears were welling up in her eyes. As if she was afraid that she would not be able to say anything once the tears fall out of her eyes, she added softly, “Why?” She turned and stared emotionally at Miki and she felt tears trickling down her cheeks.

Miki, on the other hand, was staring blankly into space. In her mind, the earlier incident at the café flashed past. Just like coffee, you can’t have too much sugar or it will be too sweet. You can’t have too much milk either. Too much of either will make the coffee lose its flavor. She thought, “All over, she must have seen me as a selfish weakling because of some rubbish that damn Goto must have said to her. Now, the only thing left between us is going to be taken away. Why? Am I going to be alone again?”

The intensity of Aya’s stare eventually brought her back to reality. Looking at Aya and Tsunku in the same frame, she felt her heart shattering into pieces until such tiny pieces that were nearing invisibility. She could tell that Aya wanted her to say something, rebuke anything to change the situation. However, at this crucial moment, the ‘fighter’ in Miki seemed to have vanished into thin air and all she wanted to do then was to admit that she was weak to an extreme point that she could even hardly protect herself.

Tsunku looked at the two girls and said seriously, “Aya, you’ve a successful career with you. Don’t let this GAM thing get to you. You won’t have adequate time to work on your career and GAM at the same time. It is impossible.” He stopped and waited for his words to take their effect on the crying girl in front of him.

Aya shook her head vigorously but kept her glance on Miki. She begged softly, in a voice hardly even audible to herself, “Miki, please say something now. Please use your reassuring strength to give me courage to go through the next second. Onegai..”

Tsunku seemed to have heard Aya’s pleading as he stared at Miki for a few seconds before saying gently, “Aya, I will like to have a private word with Miki. Could you please leave the room?”

A bolt of shock hit Aya upon those words. She suddenly recalled the earlier incidents and how much they had affected Miki. The effect was so strong that Miki spoke to her in a rather critical tone. Aya, you’re selfish. She thought, “What will Tsunku say to Miki and what will Miki say to him? Miki might not be thinking the same way as I do. This might be what she wished for. Perhaps, she was so affected by it that she wanted to give up our friendship. If GAM is a short-term band, we will not be working together in the future anymore, our friend-, no, we will be over. Did I hurt Miki by saying that we will remain friends forever to her in that lilt voice? Sorry, Miki. Please don’t end this. You’re right about it, I’m selfish. I want to be with you more, forever. Don’t..”

She moved slowly out of the room and closed the door behind her. Something inside her told her to stay and hide behind the most opaque portion of the door to eavesdrop the upcoming conversation. Even so, she was feeling too afraid at that moment, too afraid to face up to reality, to hear the reality. She took a step forward and slowly, she was walking down the corridor at snail’s pace.

“Miki, do you know what’s happening?” Tsunku spoke in a tone of sarcasm.


“GAM is a short-term band.”

“I know.”

“Do you want to know the reason for my decision?”


“Aya is a good and successful soloist in H!P. I don’t want her career to flop because of GAM. And, you’re essential in MM, I don’t want you to lose your place in MM because of GAM. The members will not respect you so much.”

“I can-”

“No, you can’t,” Tsunku interrupted abruptly, “Do you think I am oblivious of the happenings in MM? Even though you scold the members, I can see that you’re proud to be a part of it. You’ve a leadership quality in you, that’s why you do that and others don’t. I don’t need an answer now so you’ve time to think about it. I will call you in another time next week.”

“Ok.” Miki felt too tired and strained to counter-argue. She knew that Tsunku had just hit the nail. She loved Morning Musume and adored the role of sub-leader there which was not much of a difference from being the leader as Yossie gave her a lot of freedom to scream around. She always thought that Yossie would leave MM before her and she could set some new rules to control the bunch of playful girls in MM. During her free time when she was doing nothing, she would think of things that she could do as the leader and who was the best candidate to be the sub-leader. She did not want to get out of it. However, the GAM that she looked forward to would be gone in a flash. She wanted to have full control over MM but at that same time, she wanted to spend more time with Aya openly in H!P. Her thoughts was blurring as she felt a headache growing in her mind.

“Just to add something, you can say this to Aya as well.” Miki shook at the mention of her name. “You two are a rather unique pair of friends and the song was written to accentuate this particular fact. I think you’re intelligent and should be aware of the fact that if GAM has a second single, it will not be that special after all. I had been thinking of how to say this for some time already and I suppose I had said it in the best possible manner.”

“Ok,” Miki answered in a rather weak voice, “Can I leave now?”

“Yes, you may. I will call you in about a week’s time. Pass this message to Aya as well.” As Tsunku spoke, he wrote something on a piece of paper and handed it to Miki. “Think about it again.”

Miki read the message which wrote: You’re the best Morning Musume’s sub-leader. You’re both intelligent and pretty, MM needs you.

Miki nodded her head absently and left the room. She thought of what Tsunku had mentioned while taking in a deep breath. She didn’t like to be placed in this spot. Why couldn’t things just go on as they were before? She walked down the same corridor that Aya walked a few moments ago and thought, “How am I supposed to tell you what Tsunku said just now? I feel so embarrassed to look at your face after everything that had happened today. I had portrayed my weakest side to you today twice. In your eyes, I must be seen as a weakling who can’t even protect myself, not to mention you. Ayaya, you won’t like me like that, will you? I don’t like it too but this is a Mikitty without the fighting soul and I don’t think you will see the old Mikitty again. Sorry, Ayaya, I am really sorry about it. I am not seeking for your forgiveness, in fact, I don’t know how to face you.” Tears went down her face and she crouched down, shivering for the second time in the day.

After Miki left the room, Tsunku continued to stare relentlessly at the computer screen. He read the message in front of him again before starting a new message: I had completed my task already. Are you happy now?

'Separation is the beginning of a meeting. Fear not of it.'

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Re: Gomattou
« Reply #35 on: April 02, 2008, 03:04:10 PM »
Oooh.. This was the last chap i read in the other site and then i couldn't follow it anymore.. I didnt read it in order..  :banghead:

After Miki left the room, Tsunku continued to stare relentlessly at the computer screen. He read the message in front of him again before starting a new message: I had completed my task already. Are you happy now?
The last sentences kept repeating in my head... I wonder who he's sending it to..  :?

Ishiyoshi~ DEF.DIVA~ GAM~ hANGRY&ANGRY <33

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Re: Gomattou
« Reply #36 on: April 03, 2008, 03:45:52 AM »
Sunnovabitch, Tsunku's in on this plot too? :o

So the "tragedy" is that GAM is only a temp unit. I guess we're to believe that Aya and Miki thought it was going to be a permanent one?  And what's the deal with Aya and Miki's reactions? They keep flip-flopping from being pretty self-assured to apparently being on the verge of a nervous breakdown. :?

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

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Re: Gomattou
« Reply #37 on: April 03, 2008, 07:01:45 AM »
And what's the deal with Aya and Miki's reactions? They keep flip-flopping from being pretty self-assured to apparently being on the verge of a nervous breakdown. :?

 My money is on Miki cracking. She is gonna take this really, really hard. Especially if you notice all her thoughts when she is in there listening to him talk, and how she talks about herself. She is gonna be really crushed. I remember the first few thousand times I read this and cried. I hope you update soon, but I think I finally found the next chapter on the other site..... Either way, I hope you keep up the great work. mwah, hope you get better, he he, I got sick too!
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Re: Gomattou
« Reply #38 on: April 03, 2008, 03:30:29 PM »
After reading the next chapter(up very soon), I think this chapter contains the highest number of ironies in this entire fanfic. Haha, nevertheless, just enjoy reading this! :D

Chapter 9


“Watarasebashi de miru yuuhi wo…”

“Storey 2”, the automated device of the elevator sounded. This, together with the footsteps, brought her back to reality.

“Maki, why are you in a daze? You were looking like that,” Risa commented as she tried to impersonate Maki’s expression a few moments ago.

Sayumi said rather agitatedly, “No, Gaki-san, that’s wrong. Let me try.” Sayumi then exaggerated Maki’s dazed look.

“Nothing, I was just thinking,” Maki replied with a gentle smile.

“Oh, Yoshizawa-san, where were we just now? Oh yes, what should I do after Ai-chan appeared in the scene? Should I bend down or…Yoshizawa-san?” Risa shook Yossie vigorously with a confused look on her face.

“Huh, that’s a hard one,” She remarked with a frown on her forehead as she rested her chin on her hands. As if a bolt of lightning had struck her, she turned instantly to face her ‘comrade’. “Maki, what is the song you are humming away?”

“Huh? It is ‘Watarasebashi’.”

Yossie shot her an annoyed glance, took in a deep breath before proceeding to hold Maki’s shoulders with a grip so tight that made Maki flinch. “You are really-”

“Storey 8,” the recorder went off in the nick of time. Yossie shook her head and without looking at Maki, she moved out of lift with her fellow MM mate. Maki stared blankly at the disappearing silhouettes while she allowed her mind to drift off again to a world of her own. Before long, the elevator door opened again with a “Ting” sound and a familiar figure appeared.

Their eyes met for a few seconds but neither said anything as they were too engrossed in their thoughts. Aya took a look up at the lift status display before murmuring, “Sorry, I thought this is going down…”

“Aya, it’s me. What happened?” Maki whispered softly while tears began to accumulate in her eyes. Even though she was aware of what had happened, she had to put on pretence. She didn’t like to be a hypocrite in front of Aya but this was the best option.


Maki pressed the “Door open” button and said in a warm voice, “Come in.”

Aya took a step into the elevator and stared blankly into space for a few seconds before saying, “Maki, GAM is going to be gone. It is going to be a special unit. Now what should I do?” She kept her head down while tears streamed down her cheeks.

“How did…Miki react?”

Aya shook her head. “I don’t know and that’s the trouble. I bet Miki think that GAM is better off as a special unit. We weren’t on the best of terms today…”

Maki felt her heart scattering into pieces from a combination of sadness and pain. She had always hoped for the formation of GAM and that was the sole reason why she joined forces with Yossie and the rest. But now, things weren’t the same. She hated GAM and began to feel for Aya. Aya certainly desired for the formation of GAM but if GAM is formed, the plan will be able to proceed accordingly and Aya will…

“Aya, you know sometimes you can’t allow your emotions to control the happenings. See, for example-”

“Storey 16,” the recorder went off. Maki took a look at her watch before exclaiming, “My god! I am late! Aya, let’s meet later at around 6 or something at the pavilion in the garden, okay?” Before Aya could reply, Maki had already dashed out of the elevator.

Miki stood in a corner of the corridor. “Miki, hurry up, it’s now time for futsal training. Where is your stuff? Oh god, don’t tell me you’re sick again?” Yossie asked. The group of futsal players was standing beside her and she was holding a net filled with footballs.

“Sorry, I’m feeling sick today. This is for real.” She gave a constipated look for a second before saying in a sulky tone, “You should know the reason, don’t you?”

Yossie shrugged her shoulders before turning towards the rest of the team. “Hey, I’ve something to settle now, so see you downstairs! I will not take long, promise!”

“Your nose will grow long, Yossie. You are always taking very long, especially with-” Rika gave an impatient look and allowed the rest of the words to fade off.

“I promise, dearie, I won’t make you wait long.”

With that, the group of players walked down the corridor. After they had disappeared from view, Miki murmured, “Why didn’t you tell me?”

“He wanted to say it. Anyway, it won’t change a thing, will it?”


“So, have you made up your mind?”

“I don’t know, Yossie, what should I do? I can’t bear to leave MM but I don’t want to lose Aya. What should I do?”

Yossie recalled the earlier incident with Maki for a moment before surmising, “I think you don’t want Maki to become closer to Aya, right? That’s why you want GAM, right?”

“Not quite but…okay, you’re right about it.”

“You need to think hard, real hard about this. What is more important to you?”

“I don’t know…Aya just admitted that we are friends so-”

“Make it more than friends then. I think you’re able to do it. Sorry, I shouldn’t force you to a decision. Anyway, I better go before Rika slaps me or something.”

“So lucky.”


“Rika cares for you. She is getting jealous.”

“Yep. Relax, Aya still cares for you. I can see it.”

“Before the bastard Goto entered the scene…sorry, I’ve forgotten that you two are good friends, sorry.”

Yossie moved a step closer to Miki. “Never mind, I prefer you like that. Be natural, Miki, don’t hold anything back in front of me.”

Miki let out a laugh. “Okay, off you go before Rika slaps me.”

“I dare her to do that.”

“She won’t?”

“She will. I swear she will do that to you if you keep skipping training and make me talk to you in private.”

“I get your point. Okay, I will go for the next training, promise.”

“Good girl, think hard about that, okay? See you tomorrow.”

“Bye, MM leader.”

“Bye, MM sub-leader.”

Yossie dashed down the corridor, leaving Miki on her own. Miki thought of their conversation and smiled to herself. In Morning Musume, the only girl who approached Miki and accepted her from the start was Yossie. Sometimes, when she was on her own, she would wonder, “Perhaps, without Aya and Rika, Yossie and I can become a pair. She accepted me as what I am and I had accepted her as a rough yet hilarious girl.” She always believes that Yossie is her best pal in MM and she feels comfortable talking to her than to anyone else. With Aya, she had to watch her words so that she won’t say anything wrong. She didn’t want Aya to have the wrong idea of her.

As she thought of these, she felt lighter suddenly and the GAM issue doesn’t trouble her that much. Perhaps, Yossie was one of the reasons why she didn’t want to leave MM. She didn’t like to admit that but Yossie had somehow changed her navigation in life. She had allowed her to take charge of ‘disciplinary matters’ in MM and had constantly reminded her to stay natural. ‘Stay natural’ simply means that she can scream, scold, shout, giggle, smile or laugh whenever she feels like. At least, that’s what they had agreed on. “Will life be the same if I’m in GAM but not MM? Will it be the same if I am with Aya but not Yossie?”


The sun was disappearing down the horizon which was smeared with different shades of orange, red and blue and blurred by the drizzle. Maki stared out of the window while she gathered her thoughts. “Why does a beautiful sky look so forlorn?” she wondered to herself. All of a sudden, she realized that Aya might be waiting for her in the pavilion. She dashed out of the studio, building as fast as she could while her mind began to re-collect the earlier happenings.

When she reached the ground storey, she realized that it wasn’t a drizzle. Moderate rain would be a better description of the weather. She hurried in to reception to borrow an umbrella. Without a ‘thank you’, she dashed towards the garden.

As arranged, Aya was sitting in the pavilion and her shoulders were trembling. When she saw Maki, she stood up and attempted to walk towards Maki. However, she wasn’t in the best condition to move and immediately, she fell back on the bench. Once Maki caught sight of Aya’s drenched state, she frantically reached for her pocket to take out a packet of tissue paper. “Aya, what happened? Why didn’t you take an umbrella? You don’t have to come out here anyway. We can meet at the ground storey. I mean-”

“Maki,” Aya’s voice was a faint whisper, “I really feel like getting wet. At least, it can hide my tears.”

While wiping Aya’s face, Maki remarked, “No, you will fall sick. Being sick is bad, you know?”

Aya reached for Maki’s hands and held them tight. “Maki, I thought you will not come. Thanks for coming.”

“What rubbish. I was the one who suggested meeting here.” Maki let out a faint laughter before falling into silence with her eyes wide open in shock. She was stunned by the fact that someone in this world smelt so great without perfume. She moved an inch closer to Aya so that she would not notice her movements that much and at the same time, she could smell the beautiful fragrance.

“You know, I don’t mind giving up my career for Miki. I don’t. It is up to her now,” Aya interrupted her train of thoughts.

“Anata ga suki da to itta kono machinami ga kyou mo kurete yukimasu…”

“Hiroi sora to tooku no yamayama futari de aruita machi…Watarasebashi, it is a nice song.” Aya continued.

“Yes. It is the only song of yours that I had my own version of.”

Aya giggled before saying nostalgically, “I think you sang it better than me.”

“No, original is always the best.”

“Stop being humble…do you remember that time we performed it together?”

“Yes. Do you want to sing it again?”

“Huh…let’s get out of this place first. You can’t even speak properly in this state.” Maki held Aya up and together, they walked under the same umbrella, towards the town where they walked together with a beautiful sunset and the life that they grew up in. Under Maki’s lips, she murmured a prayer to herself, “Aya, please don’t give up on your career for Miki. If one wish would just come true, I want us to stay like this forever."

'Separation is the beginning of a meeting. Fear not of it.'

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Re: Gomattou
« Reply #39 on: April 04, 2008, 12:22:34 AM »
Maki felt her heart scattering into pieces from a combination of sadness and pain. She had always hoped for the formation of GAM and that was the sole reason why she joined forces with Yossie and the rest.
Wait...the scheme that they (Maki and Yossi) was so that GAM could be created?   :mon huh:

If they wanted GAM to be formed, they probably didn't need to hit Aya with a car (which gave her amnesia, which would have kept GAM from being created).

Too much flip-flopping in the story here with people's attitude's and perceived intentions. Makes commenting a headache.

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

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