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Author Topic: Gomattou [END]  (Read 47706 times)

Offline sweeety

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Re: Gomattou
« Reply #40 on: April 04, 2008, 08:43:02 AM »
Me is confused? I think I get it though ;) But Im not gonna spoil it so I wont write anymore about it. Hope you're feeling up to updating again soon, but don't wear yourself out, cause noone wants you to oget worse! Hope you get better, and thanx for the update. I actually found this chap on the other site, a few hours before you put it up here XD But that's ok! Keep up the awesome work, I'm here if you need me for anything.....
I have a porcupine called zazoom, he leaves his scent on peoples' graves.

Offline tito

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Re: Gomattou
« Reply #41 on: April 04, 2008, 12:41:54 PM »
Well I guess this part is confusing to a certain extent and I can understand that. This chapter should make things clearer because these 2 chapters are closely linked. The flip-flopping parts are meant to sort of involve the readers as well as to which character you trust in the story. And that will really determine how you perceive this fanfic. =P
@sweeety: Thanks, I'm feeling better. I guess sometimes flu does get a little draggy especially with these rainy days..

Chapter 10


2 months ago

“Hey, Maki, long time no see! How’re you doing?” Yossie threw her arms around Maki’s shoulders, bent down and looked into her eyes. “Hey, don’t ignore me like that?”

Maki placed her phone back to her black exquisite leather handbag and looked up at Yossie from her seat at the bus-stop. She spoke monotonously, “Sorry, I was thinking about some things…”

“Is this what a soloist always does? You seem to be always trapped in your own tiny little world and oblivious everything taking place around you.”

“Do I?”

“Yes. It is fine, though. Miki always seems to be like that. Aya-”

“Don’t mention that name in front of me!” Maki bellowed and stood up suddenly.

Yossie placed her arms on Maki’s shoulders and looked at her affectionately, “What’s wrong? Chill it, Gocchin.”

Maki looked away. “Nothing, just that I don’t really like her.”

“Don’t like? It seems to me that is more than dislike.”

“What do you think it is then?”

“Hatred? I don’t know.”

“Probably…” Maki whispered under her lips. “The bus is here, bye Yossie.” Maki proceeded to move closer towards the edge of the pavement. Suddenly, she felt a tuck on her sleeves.

“I am not leaving you now. We need to talk, Gocchin,” Yossie said seriously.

There were only a couple of students indulging themselves in idle chat on the bus which was otherwise relatively empty. After they had sat down, Maki looked at Yossie strangely and questioned, “What do you want to talk about?” It was not like Yossie to speak to her that seriously.

“Let’s talk about that lady,” Yossie let out a sigh of relief before continuing, “Why do you dislike her?”

All of a sudden, Maki’s expression changed from uncertainty to anger. “Do you happen to know the song Watarasebashi?”

“Watarasebashi…yes, why?”

“I have a version of that song. She is a soloist in Hello Project. So am I. Why do I have to sing a song that she has already sung before? It’s not like that song has any real significance in H!P annals.”

Yossie nodded her head understandingly.

“Why is it that I need to try so hard to gain fame but all she needs to do is to stand there to sing lullaby? And what happens in the end? Her CDs are totally outselling mine! What rubbish! It is so unfair! Tell me, Yossie, why is life like that? Tsunku isn’t fair! The fans aren’t fair! Yossie, does she sing better than me? Tell me honestly.” There were tears welling in her eyes.

Yossie shrugged before placing Maki’s hands in hers. “Senpai, are you interested to work with me on a small project?”

Maki was rather taken aback by the word “senpai”. The only period of time when Yossie addressed her as that was when Yossie first joined Morning Musume. And soon after that, they became close friends and that formality was dropped and abolished.

Yossie continued, “Actually, to be honest, I don’t really fancy her at all. Her friend, her only friend, is also beginning to annoy the fellow Morning Musume members already. I don’t want the future generations to suffer under her hands after I leave the band. I mean, it is quite logical for me to leave the band earlier than her, right? She is too authoritarian, demanding and had terrible mood swings. Please, Gocchin.”

“Why me?”

“This is a chance for you to get back. I need your help and together, we will create a better future for the upcoming generations.”

Maki hesitated for a moment before nodding her head. “Okay then. I am pleased to be working with you again.”

“Me too. I have something in mind now. Do you wish to hear me out?”

“Feel free to say.”

“From what I had previously gathered of her, she liked to have morning walks on her off days. That district is kind of dark in the early hours and we can capitalize on that. Either you or I will loan a car, preferably a black one, and we will run her down. The only pedestrians at that hour are students and they probably cannot do anything about it because we will be zooming past.”

“Are you going or am I?”

“Do you wish to carry out the act?”


Aya woke up in the morning, finding herself in an unknown place. The theme of the house was white as most of the furniture, walls, flooring and lightings were white. There was a gigantic brown bear lying beside her. Aya attempted to sit up but after realizing that her head was spinning at great speed, she laid back again.

“Are you awake, Aya?” a voice came from outside of the room.


“Can I come in?”

The familiarity of the voice struck Aya. It was not Miki. It was the person whom she was with when she was last conscious. “Sure.”

Maki entered the room with an apron around her neck. “I had just made breakfast for us, Aya. Do you want to eat now? Are you feeling better?”

“My head is still spinning but I am better now. Breakfast is fine with me. Thanks Maki.”

“Don’t mention it. You scared me yesterday.” Maki placed herself gently on the bed. “You just faint like that on me while we were in the taxi. I didn’t know what to do so I decided to bring you to my house. Is this what...Miki usually does?”

Aya gave a faint smile. “I don’t always faint like that and I think Miki will probably do the same thing as well.”

“Oh, you probably had a shock when you woke up, hadn’t you?”


“I think I should bring the breakfast into the room since you are still feeling unwell. Do you mind eating here?”

“No. Thanks.” Just as Maki was about to leave the room, Aya asked, “Maki, did you design the interior of your house?”

“Yes, I like this concept. Why?”

“Nothing. I feel that you’re very talented not just in the areas of singing and dancing.”

“Thanks, I feel flattered. Wait, I will be back very soon.”

After Maki left the room, Aya grinned to herself. She thought to herself, “Maki is such a nice girl, I hate to lose her. What does she think of me?” Her train of thoughts was disrupted by a sudden vibration on the bed. She lifted up the blanket and saw an unfamiliar phone lying on the bed. Could it be Maki’s phone? She believed it was and proceeded to pick up the phone. There was a new message.

“Could I read the message?” she thought to herself. “I need to know her better, right? Sometimes, she just behaves a bit too mysteriously to my personal liking.” She clicked on the ‘Read’ button and sighed as the sender was Yossie. “It must be just a reminder for rehearsals or something.” She decided not to read the message but her own name caught her eye. The message started with, “Is Aya with-”

Seeing her own name appearing strangely on a message from Yossie to Maki, she proceeded to read the whole message. The message was:

Is Aya with you now? Hey, have you fallen for you? I knew it! Didn’t we agree to finish her and Miki earlier on? You’ve spoilt Plan A so please don’t ruin Plan B! Do you want to break your promise to me and to her? Better give me a satisfactory answer!

Aya had a surge of mixed emotions after reading the message. “Atrocious!” she murmured to herself. Looking down at the bed, she realized that Maki had lain on this very place thinking of her. Perhaps, Maki fantasized about her. But most probably, Maki thought about how to finish her. Finish. Did the promise between Maki and Yossie have anything to do with the accident she had had? Otherwise, what was that suppose to imply? Where did Miki fit in the picture? The accident that she had together with the events which had taken place in the hospital as well as after her recovery came back to her. As tears streamed down her cheeks, she heard the door knot turning.

“Aya-sama, room service. Today’s menu is a plate of omelette and a special soup made by Chef Goto. Enjoy!” Maki announced proudly as she pushed the trolley with the food on it into the room. As she entered the room, she saw Aya’s beautiful face covered with tears. “What happened, Aya?”

Aya shot Maki an intense glare. She had no idea what to say. Everything seemed so beautiful before she knew about this. The first part of the message caused an adrenaline surge in her. It was too good to be true. But the next part of it was too horrible to be true. Was she supposed to treasure or hate her? Most likely, Maki’s sudden appearance in her life was powered by evil intentions or at the very best guilt but not anything else that Aya used to believe it to be.

“Aya, please tell me what’s wrong! Does the food look horrible? Sorry, I haven’t been cooking for a long time.”

“Maki, why did you lie to me?”


Aya threw her phone in Maki’s direction and said disgustfully, “Explain this.”

Maki was thrown into a state of horror and shock. “Aya, I believe you should respect privacy-”

“If I did, then I will never know this! How long do you plan to keep this up?”

“Aya, Yossie was kidding about all these.”

“If so, you wouldn’t look that horrified just now. Do you know that your expression just now justified everything Yossie wrote?”

Maki moved closer to Aya. “No, listen to me-”

“I have been listening to you for so long and what do I get? Deception!”


“Listen, I don’t know why you hate Miki and I so much but I’m not going to tolerate this any longer,” Aya paused, looked away from Maki before saying, “Please don’t tell me breaking up GAM is part of your plan as well.”

“No, I mean, yes-”

Aya punched the bed hard with her fists which contrasted her fragile outlook. “I can’t stand this! You approached me because of the killing plan or guilt? Please tell me it’s the latter.”

“Aya, I-”

“I’m leaving. Don’t look for me again. This will be the last time I am in this apartment.”

“I approach you because-”


“I like you!” Maki literally screamed it out. Aya stopped in her tracks. Seeing that her words had effects on Aya, she shifted nearer to Aya and held her hands. “I really like you, Aya. Don’t leave me like that!”

Aya, after a moment of hesitation, shoved Maki aside and left the apartment. Her eyes were swollen and she swept her fringe down to cover the traces of tears. She grumbled to herself, “God, why must you give me everything and take them all away at the same time? Just last night, we were…Now everything is over.”

'Separation is the beginning of a meeting. Fear not of it.'

Offline sweeety

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Re: Gomattou
« Reply #42 on: April 04, 2008, 01:05:22 PM »
OMGOMGOMGOMGOMG NEW UPDATE! Yey! I will leave a more commenty comment when I read it, but untill then (and after then) get pleny of rest and don't overdo it. If you start to feel any sort of pain, you should lie down, and try to catch some z's! I hope you get better soon, and thank you for the update again. Hope it's not too long before the next chap is up. :) Get healthy though!
I have a porcupine called zazoom, he leaves his scent on peoples' graves.

Offline sweeety

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Re: Gomattou
« Reply #43 on: April 04, 2008, 01:30:07 PM »
Wowowowowowoowoowowoowoowoowowowoowoowow! Awesome! So far I was right..... I wander what else will be revealed.....hmm..... But I'm not saying what I was right about, so as not to ruin it..... ;) I think I know where this is going, but I expect some twistage in the future..... Awesome *Twenty thumbs up(I'll  make my friends stick their thumbs up too! Maybe even some strangers)*
I have a porcupine called zazoom, he leaves his scent on peoples' graves.

Offline tito

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Re: Gomattou
« Reply #44 on: April 06, 2008, 05:32:31 AM »
Chapter 11 (a.k.a. cold Aya chap) enjoy! :D

Friend or Foe?

Aya had spent the entire morning recalling the earlier incident which unfolded at Maki's apartment and fixing all the events that had occurred over the past few months like a jigsaw puzzle. The result was fruitless as there were too many pieces and no picture for reference. She had serious doubts over her own analysis and the part that she was certain about was the fact that Maki had attempted to run her down. Why did Maki do that? But if she did not do so, surely, they would not have become so close. Was it destiny or just a  well-judged plan?

Arriving late at the studio, Aya's eyes were swollen from the tears that defiantly ran down her cheeks earlier. Her face was pale from the light make-up that she applied hurriedly in the morning. Morning Musume were just about to take a break when Aya hurried past the corridor which had rooms lined neatly at both sides. Upon seeing Aya's silhouette zooming past, Miki immediately shoved Eri and Reina to the side and dashed out of the room.

She had no idea why there was a sudden surge of adrenaline when she saw Aya and she dismissed it as yet another of her queer habits. She eventually caught up with Aya. Before she realized, she was barely three feets away from Aya and even then, she did not know what she should say or do to her. The lines that she had been rehearsing since that fateful day had vanished into some unknown black holes.

As she was debating with herself, she heard footsteps rushing towards her from behind. "I need to appear relaxed," she repeated this line to herself. She followed behind Aya from a safe distance. Soon, she felt a gush of wind and saw a familiar figure appearing in front of her. "Aya," the figure spoke in a tender voice, "we need to talk."

Aya turned back and frowned at the figure with apprehension. When she saw Miki, there was a slight sign of surprise on her face. When the figure followed Aya's glance and looked at Miki, Miki realised that the person was no other than the detested Goto Maki. Aya scurried towards Miki, grabbed her hand and dragged Miki to the end of the corridor hurriedly.

As she was about to round the corner, Aya stopped abruptly, turned her head back and spoke bluntly, "We have nothing to talk about."

Maki, who was still rooted on the same spot, defended, "Aya, you need to empathize with me and-"

"Maki, I'd spent a night trying to understand but really, I don't think I'm smart enough to comprehend, let alone empathize."

"Everything started because of you, Aya. Initially-"

"Stop it, Maki," Aya's voice had turned gentler and tears began to well up in her eyes, "You're at the wrong. You hurt me. Don't shrug your responsibilities as though they never existed before. If you continue like this, I don't think I'm able to talk to you as a person anymore."


"You've no need to defend yourself because to me, this is a clear and simple picture," she paused to sniff before continuing, "I'll not pursue that accident if that is your main concern." At that, Aya pulled Miki and ran into the elevator.

In the elevator, there was silence except for the girls' puffing for air. Miki was taken aback by the conversation that took place earlier and therefore, was left speechless. The girl whimpering beside her was her best friend and some months ago, Miki had known everything of her. But ever since that accident, the tiny gap between them had been expanding and at this moment, Miki felt that she was unable to reach Aya. Finally managing to summon up her courage, Miki stretched out her hand and asked politely with a gentle smile, "Do you want to have lunch with me?"


"I need to appear relaxed," Miki repeated the line in her mind once more. Staring at Aya who was stirring the coffee in a complete daze, Miki placed her elbows on the table and unknowingly, imitated Aya's action. Despite her wits, she was unable to figure out what exactly had happened between Aya and Maki. The only clear conclusion she could deduce was the friendship between them had ended. She grinned.

"Are you sure you don't want any food?" Miki broke the silence. Aya shook her head. Surely, whatever Maki had done had caused some immense damage to Aya. "Aya, I thought over this for some time already."

"What?" this was the first word Aya had uttered to Miki in the cafeteria.

"GAM. I think I will quit Morning Musume for GAM. This is what I'd decided over the past few days." Miki rushed through her words; something she always does when she is lying.

"Are you certain?" Aya enquired. Finally, she was showing some signs of interest in the conversation.

"Yes, Mikitty doesn't spend days thinking and ending up regretting her decision!" Miki giggled towards the end. Usually, Aya would be the one doing this.

Aya stopped stirring her cup of coffee, tilted her head slightly to the right and stared straight into Miki's eyes. "Miki, you're lying."

"I'm not!"

"I'd just seen a professional liar yesterday and this morning and so I can't be sensing this wrongly. Do you happen to realize that I'm your close friend? This cannot escape me."

Miki smiled as an indication of conceded defeat. "You really know me."

"Of course. Tell me, honestly, Morning Musume or GAM? I'll not blame you."

Miki twisted her lips before rushing through her words, "Actually, I'm rather neutral about this. GAM and MM are different to me but I like both of them equally much. What about you?"

Aya picked up the small spoon and started stirring the cup of coffee in front of her. "Miki, you're so strange. You can't even stay neutral over the amount of sugar and milk in your coffee. You're so particular about such things. Don't treat me like an idiot." Miki wanted to rebuke Aya but chose to stay silent as she recalled the earlier incident that took place in the same cafeteria days ago. Aya continued, "If you had asked me this question earlier, I would have said GAM but not now. Not that I enjoy been a soloist, but I can't stand someone lying to me the whole day just because she thinks that I'll be hurt if the truth is to be said. This is simply unacceptable especially if that someone happens to be my best friend."

"Aya, I really love GAM. You should know that clearer than me, right? After all, I really enjoy working with you."

Aya stirred her cup of coffee with such momentum that some of it spilled onto the table. "You can't even find an appropriate topic to speak about at a time like this when I just had a quarrel with someone. And you end up talking about an issue that you're not even certain about. It really shows something. Do you know what it is?" Aya paused and stared at Miki who shook her head in silence. "It shows the weakness in our friendship. You are uncertain about our relationship, friendship, GAM and whatever else that involves the two of us."

Miki was a little upset that Aya hit the nail. Either something drastic took place in the space of 2 days or Aya had been acting dumb for the whole duration of their friendship. The former had a higher probability of taking place. She plucked up her courage and spoke slowly, "Maki, what had she done? Don't hide anything from me, Aya."

For the next hour, Aya narrated to Miki everything that took place and Miki listened attentively. Aya did not mention about Yossie being the accomplice, Maki confessing to her and her mix of emotions for Maki. Even without these parts, Miki seemed to be astonished by the facts. As Aya spoke, the gap between them had narrowed down considerably.


"This is it for today! Everyone had worked hard!" the dance instructor shouted. A sigh of relief could be audibly heard. "Kusumi, Sayumi and Reina, you're improving!" Screeches of happiness were echoed in the sound-proof room. Yossie shook her head with a tiny smile glued on her sweaty face before she was led to one dark corner by her senpai. Interested to discover some new facts, Miki followed them and hid behind a pillar.

"Why did you do that? Didn't you promise that everything regarding the plan should be in the form of verbal communication?"

"I couldn't find you and to be honest, I'm disgusted by your affection for that girl, Maki." Yossie said matter-of-factly.

"Now, I am in deep shit."

"Just because that girl knows about all these?"

"No, she said she will not pursue that accident."

"That is all you should be concerned about. So what else?" Yossie spoke sarcastically.

"In these past few months, for the first time, I’ve treated someone so dearly and I’ve experienced something that I’ve never had the chance to experience before – close friendship. She has given something that no one has ever given me before and now it’s all gone because of your one message."

"Where is your sense of responsibility, senpai?" Maki's eyes widened as this sounded uncomfortably similar to what Aya had spoken earlier on. "I understand how you feel. But do you remember yourself agreeing to the plan some months ago? It wasn't my decision. I'm no fortune teller. At that time, I was unable to foresee your love for Aya. I thought you detested her then." Maki remained silent. “Listen, it's good that she doesn't want to pursue. Even so, I believe 'she' will like to close this case on a high-note and therefore, the plan will continue to be executed. Now we can only hope that Aya and Miki will agree to form a full-term band before the deadline that Tsunku issued them some days ago. If not, we would need to carry out Plan C which I don't think you will fancy very much because your beloved Aya will certainly cry again. Therefore please don’t do anything silly to ruin the plan again. Remember you're there to make Miki jealous of the Aya and your friendship so that GAM will be formed." Yossie grinned to herself.

"You're despicable! Do you know what my plan is? It is to surrender myself and tell the whole truth to the higher authorities!" Maki pushed Yossie away with all her might.

"You mean police, huh?" Yossie glared at her menacingly, twisted her lips and slapped her hard. "I hate to use violence but I really feel that some senses need to be knocked into your head." Yossie pulled Maki towards her and squeezed her shoulder blades hard. "I hate to say this but your career is at stake at this moment. You enjoy singing, don’t you? You're not doing anyone good, not even yourself, by backstabbing us. Get it?" Maki turned silence. Yossie let out a laugh before she walked off. "Remember don’t try anything funny," she said, back facing Maki without a slightest trace of sincerity in her tone. Maki was left watching the disappearing figure and tears that had been holding up since the early morning began to stream down her cheeks. Thinking back, yesterday Aya was lying onto her at this time. Why did everything change in the space of 24 hours? There was no one she could trust or rely in H!P now. No more good, comforting Yossie or lovely, sweet Aya.

As she watched the epilogue of the drama-like scene, tears unknowingly found their paths to her eyes. She found herself sympathizing with her enemy, Goto Maki. In her mind, the conversation ran through her head once more. All she was sure about were Maki liked Aya and regretted her actions and Yossie and someone else planned the entire meeting in Tsunku's office and GAM issue. Yossie…why did Yossie work with Maki and that someone else to hurt Aya and form GAM? What was their agenda in doing so? The accident and GAM did not seem to be connected in any ways. Was it because Aya did not die and manage to recover that GAM came into the picture? Or were they part of a bigger plan? The former seemed more plausible. Who would have authority over Tsunku? Wasn't Tsunku that god-like and untouchable? She looked at the girl who was kneeling down on the marble flooring once more. For the first time, she noticed that girl’s loneliness. So the jealousy she had felt all these while was planned. There was this overwhelming urge to comfort her as she felt her heart softening. Yet, her pride and ego resisted her as she remembered the open quarrels that they had in the past few months. She walked off slowly with her legs feeling as heavy as her heart.
« Last Edit: April 06, 2008, 02:12:53 PM by tito »

'Separation is the beginning of a meeting. Fear not of it.'

Offline sweeety

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Re: Gomattou (Next chapter up! friend or foe)
« Reply #45 on: April 06, 2008, 06:04:03 AM »
Yey Update! (this is becoming a pattern.....) I hope you update again soon..... And get better..... I'm heading for a shower now, but I'll read it the second I get out.....Unless someone takes the PC, in which case Im dead because I haven't even started my homework yet.....
I have a porcupine called zazoom, he leaves his scent on peoples' graves.

Offline tito

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Re: Gomattou (Next chapter up! friend or foe)
« Reply #46 on: April 13, 2008, 09:56:37 AM »
Sorry to keep you waiting! My comp is down with a series of problems so I can't update regularly. Anyway, enjoy! :D

Chapter 12

Decision Time

The sound of the noisy engine rang in her ears, disrupting all her thoughts. She closed her tired eyes as she tried to focus on the disturbing issue. However, the forlorn image of the girl crouching with tears in her eyes was etched in her mind which resulted in a dilemma. She hated her but she couldn’t help but to pity her at the same time. She smiled sadly as though she had conceded defeat because she was well aware that that particular image was hitting her soft spot which was inducing her to forgive the girl whom she had for months for that girl bit by bit. She requested politely which was pretty unusual, “Sir, I will like to head back to the studio.”

The taxi driver tilted his head back and replied, “Okay, Fujimoto-san.”

Aya sat on the white sofa and stretched. How long had she not been here? She had no idea why Miki invited her to her apartment suddenly after rehearsal. Normally, they would have decided the day before. But nevertheless, she enjoyed coming back to this apartment which reeked of nothing but Miki. As Miki walked steadily out from the kitchen, carrying two sodas on her hands, Aya readjusted herself and tried her best not to look overly-excited.

“This is for you, Ayaya,” Miki handed her the soda and sat comfortably beside Aya. Sometimes, Aya believed that Miki added some secret potion into the drinks which made her feel weirdly relaxed and peaceful, especially when they were sitting together side by side like this. Miki stopped smiling after several seconds, frowned and appeared to be in deep thoughts. She wasn’t very eager in giving Aya little surprises and shocks here and there but she was unable to think of a better plan. A few minutes ago when she was alone in the kitchen, she had those lines rehearsing in her head but now, she could not find a good starter in this ambience.

Soon, Aya broke the awkward silence by suggesting, “I like this portrait on Hokkaidou on the wall in front of us.” There was a tiny smile on her face as she completed the sentence.

Miki took in a deep breath and decided to go straight into the main topic. Beating around the bush wasn’t Miki’s style. She spoke without making eye contact with Aya, “The deadline is nearing.” Instantaneously, Aya’s lips curled downwards. “GAM sales are doing well. The single is selling better than anyone has expected.”

“Thanks! is a fabulous song. I feel that it signifies our friendship and how much we thank each other for being in the other’s life. It shows our gratitude towards each other. But like Tsunku said Thanks! should be special,” Aya spoke in a rather too-relaxed manner.

“But, Aya, you can’t say that! GAM can be special but not as a one-time unit. We can come up with something else more special than Thanks! ”

“Like what? Nude on bed?”

“No, that’s not what I meant. I mean, all these are up to Tsunku and UFA so now the main point is whether we should stay together as a unit.”

Aya took in a deep breath before she said matter-of-factly, “If we stay together, you will be out of Morning Musume sooner or later and perhaps even from the futsal team. And I will lose my solo career as well. Is that what you want deep in your heart?”

"We just have to give up all these unimportant things if we wish to stay together. Frankly speaking, if GAM becomes extinct, Morning Musume will lose its meaning to me.” Miki paused to allow the effects of her words to sink in. “Since it was given to us, let’s hold on to it. All the loneliness that you felt as a soloist had found a way out through GAM, right? I’m sure you don’t want to be lonely again, do you? Please, Aya,” Miki pleaded.

Aya closed her eyes as silence befell once more. She asked herself, “What is it exactly that is holding me back from agreeing with Miki? Why am I so keen to be a soloist? My singles and albums weren’t selling very well. Why? I’ll still be in H!P and I’ll be able to meet…who do I want to see? Other than Miki, I hardly spend time with the rest of the H!P members. Don’t tell me…she lied to me. She wanted to harm and finish Miki and I. But she did say that she liked me. No, that must be part of a big fraud.”

She tilted her head towards the earnest-looking Miki, opened her eyes, held Miki’s shoulders and answered, “Ok, GAM over career.”

A wide grin spread over Miki’s face and she hugged Aya tightly. “Let’s tell Tsunku tomorrow,” she whispered excitedly. Aya returned her hug and placed her hands around her waist. However, she wasn’t as much delighted as Miki over the GAM issue or the fact that they were touching again after such a long time.

After some time, Aya finally shoved Miki lightly away from her and stood up. As she checked her watch, Miki held her back and spoke gently, “Sit down. I have something else to tell you.” Aya obeyed and sat. “Now that the GAM issue is settled, I feel assured that if I say this to you, nothing will backfire.” Aya looked intently at her but her thoughts had wandered off.

“Actually, Yossie was also involved in the plot. Just now during rehearsal, I saw Maki,” she felt awkward addressing Maki by her name, “and her were having a confrontation. It seemed to me that Yossie and someone else made use of Maki. Maki was feeling guilty and…”

Miki paused and waited for Aya to give the cue to continue. Aya felt uncomfortable over the abrupt pause and muttered, “Continue, Miki.”

“From their conversation, I can tell that Maki…likes you and protects you. She was very upset over the entire thing and Yossie slapped her and threatened her with violence and her career because she wanted to quit whatever they plan to do to us. GAM seems to be what they wanted but I don’t care because that’s what I want and I can’t see what harm would come out of GAM. Anyway Maki was crying very badly and I think it’s very raw emotions…”

Aya interrupted rudely, “Why didn’t you tell me earlier?”

“You know Maki and I weren’t on very good terms. It is because of sympathy that I told you all these. I don’t want this information to affect your decision on GAM because I somehow feel that it would.”

Aya took in a deep breath and exhaled. “Sorry, Miki. I had a long day today and I feel unwell now. Let’s meet at Tsunku’s office at 9am tomorrow.” Aya stood up, hesitated a moment before she bent down and planted a kiss on Miki’s cheek. Miki could feel moisture on her face upon contact with Aya’s. Before she realized that those were tears on her face, Aya had already left the apartment.

Miki rested against the sofa as she recalled the happenings once more. She was certain that Aya would have some form of reaction after hearing about the confrontation between Maki and Yossie. Did she make the correct decision to inform Aya of all these? Would she lose Aya because of that? Did Maki worth more than her in Aya’s heart? What do Yossie and Maki want to get out of GAM’s formation? All these questions rang repeatedly as though they were part of a rap until Miki eventually entered her dreamland.

She strolled down the empty beach alone towards the beautiful ocean on her bare feet watching the reddish sun descended the horizon steadily. The rustle of the leaves, the ripples produced by the waves and the songs sang by the birds were part of the repetitive nature which she had very much neglected because of the hectic lifestyle. But now, everything was different. Somehow, she did not enjoy the frantic life that much as before. Why? Auditions, dancing in Budoukan, singing and performing were once declared as the main component of her life. Now, they seemed to be losing their essence and she could feel her life deteriorating rapidly even before she could proclaim herself as an adult. Was it part of her childish dream that led her into all these mess?

“Nee-chan, why are you alone?” a young voice asked curiously from behind. The stranger repeated his question before she recognized his presence. She could feel the water caressing her shins as she turned around and saw a small adorable boy about half her height holding a volleyball in his hands.

Seeing no one was beside him, she stopped, shrugged and replied, “Same reason as why you are alone here.” She let out a short laughter towards the end as she thought of the lonely life that she was leading. Where were all her friends? Should she walk forward towards the comfort of the ocean or should she retreat back to her own life?

“I came here to play. Do you want to play?” The boy asked hopefully. She nodded, stood up and caught the ball from the boy. She hadn’t played on the beach for a long time and this brought back lots of memories of days before she joined Hello Project. As she became nostalgic midway through the little game, she lost focus and lost to the boy. Now, the boy’s shirt was completely drenched from sweat and he thanked her, “Thanks, nee-chan! I think you are good at this but you just need more practice. Oh yes, what is your name, nee-chan? I hardly see you around.”

She took a stick which was lying on the beach and engraved her name slowly and neatly on the beach even though she was well aware that the waves would wipe them off at high tide. The boy, who apparently was struggling with his kanji, read each character slowly, “Go-to Ma-ki. Nice name. So are you coming back tomorrow?” She didn’t reply but only placed the stick in the boy’s hands and strode of in the direction of the main road as she was very sure she wouldn’t be back. At least not in the near future. This place wasn’t for her. The raw happiness she felt with the little boy didn’t belong to her.

'Separation is the beginning of a meeting. Fear not of it.'

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Re: Gomattou (Chapter 12 Decision time)
« Reply #47 on: April 13, 2008, 10:53:28 AM »

omgomgomgomgomg I am talking to you right now on msn, this is so cooool! XD>_< love the story, love the chapter, up to your usual standards, hope the probs with your computer get solved soon and that new chaps will be up soon!
I luved how Miki appears to have made up her mind now, even though Aya is still reluctant and has not. I loved the Maki bit in the end, and the lil boy sounds adorable, I imagined my lil 4 year old cousin who is the cutest thing Ive ever seen and pretty much a spitting image of me when I was a baby too..... Umm what else? forgeting again.....
 poor miki, I can tell she will be tortured again in the near future..... and Aya too, but things look like they will get brighter for Maki! I thought Yoshi was good :'( WHY?????

So tito and I wuz talking about the story so far and this might help unconfuse some:

but with the way they have been drifting away lately it must have been weird
I've been looking in the mirror for so long, that I've come to believe my soul's on the other side. says:
it seems like Miki is desperately trying to keep Aya while Aya just needs the truth and is busy trying to sort it all out.....
I've been looking in the mirror for so long, that I've come to believe my soul's on the other side. says:
so while Aya is like whatever about them two Miki is trying her best to help Aya
I've been looking in the mirror for so long, that I've come to believe my soul's on the other side. says:
and she is being neglected because of Maki
I've been looking in the mirror for so long, that I've come to believe my soul's on the other side. says:
and she is causing this rift to get bigger because since the revelation of some of her ploy Aya has been focusing on that instead of her dillema
I've been looking in the mirror for so long, that I've come to believe my soul's on the other side. says:
which is GAM
I've been looking in the mirror for so long, that I've come to believe my soul's on the other side. says:
and she probably hasnt thought of what she wants on that professional sector of her life due to her thoughts on the Great Maki debate
I've been looking in the mirror for so long, that I've come to believe my soul's on the other side. says:
and therefore she was unsure when she was talking to Miki
I've been looking in the mirror for so long, that I've come to believe my soul's on the other side. says:
*eagerly waits for cookie for having figured it out* 
I've been looking in the mirror for so long, that I've come to believe my soul's on the other side. says:
tito says:
ya its quite true. In the previous chap (friend or foe), Aya was been quite skeptical of what Miki said but in this chap, initially (the nude on bed part) she was skeptical too but she was kinda touched/swayed by what Miki said and agreed. So you were right abt being unsure when she was talking to Miki
tito says:
but then again, deep inside, Aya wanted this to happen
tito says:
haha i really enjoy writing this fic although i myself do get confused by it sometimes
tito says:
oh ya btw, which part is weird?
I've been looking in the mirror for so long, that I've come to believe my soul's on the other side. says:
lol, that's sweet
I've been looking in the mirror for so long, that I've come to believe my soul's on the other side. says:
I've been looking in the mirror for so long, that I've come to believe my soul's on the other side. says:
bah, typo!
I've been looking in the mirror for so long, that I've come to believe my soul's on the other side. says:
mmm leftover burger time! (Should have probably finished this two days ago when I bought it but was full.....)
I've been looking in the mirror for so long, that I've come to believe my soul's on the other side. says:
so so far we are sure of many things, among them the fact that both Miki and Maki love Aya, and another being that she is confused as heck about her feelings for both of them
I've been looking in the mirror for so long, that I've come to believe my soul's on the other side. says:
except she does know what she feels deep down, but doesnt know what to do
I've been looking in the mirror for so long, that I've come to believe my soul's on the other side. says:
for example she can tell she feels something for Miki but is afraid of pursuing her
I've been looking in the mirror for so long, that I've come to believe my soul's on the other side. says:
and she feels something for Maki and isn't qite sure what it is but knows that she can procrastinate that with the "She hurt me" excuse
I've been looking in the mirror for so long, that I've come to believe my soul's on the other side. says:
soo Aya has GOTto make up her mind about who she wants to choose and stop procrastinating.....
This abstract from our lil interview is followed by chat in a more personal nature that is....well personal and has nothing to do with the story. Except for the part where she asks me to post this.... Anyway, I hope this unconfuses ppl, and just for the record I am the other person (I've been looking.......yadaa yada yada) and yeah, thats it. So to sum up, and add a bit of my thoughts = Aya is confused, Maki is not making it better, because of the Maki thing she has been too busy contemplating it instead of thinking over the GAM issue, so when Miki did make her decision she just went along with it instead of having come to a desicion on her own, so she might in the future regret this..... But we wont know untill it happens. Now Maki is hurt as well as Aya, but Aya doesnt know if it is genuine or the feelings she has for Aya are just a lie or something. But her neglecting Miki will probably have a bad side effect of some sort. hmm, lots to think about. Also who is the mysterious third baddie? (Now Im thinking Rika). But Miki loves Aya and Aya loves Miki. They just wont admit it to themselves or each other yet. hope that makes sense, and that its not inaccurate and that i dont get sued by anyone. I also hope for world peace, the death of the Simpson sisters and destruction of all "Friends" footage that way that horrible show never gets aired again, that Miki and Aya get together in real life and the story, that the HP girls and Trunku will finally come out of the closet, that Yoshi will come to Australia and fall in love with me, resulting in her stealing me away in the heat of the moment and running off together to live in.......hmm England maybe... Or Miki... or Makoto........or all of them XD jksjks *not reallY* oooh also hope I lose weight, become a famous actress and get mucho mucho awards while continuing leading my double life as an undercover fanfic writer...........and many more things that I should keep in my head. Sory, sometimes the door to my brain is left open and ideas fly out and onto some creative outlet. THis was not one of those times XD. Anyway, Great job, hope you keep it up!  :wub:
« Last Edit: April 13, 2008, 04:46:45 PM by sweeety »
I have a porcupine called zazoom, he leaves his scent on peoples' graves.

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Re: Gomattou (Chapter 12 Decision time)
« Reply #48 on: April 14, 2008, 04:49:49 AM »
^ Damn, someone must have had some ice cream, eh? :P

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

Offline tito

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Re: Gomattou (Chapter 12 Decision time)
« Reply #49 on: April 19, 2008, 10:15:24 AM »
sweeety, the last bit was kinda random  XD thanks for your help! :) Hope it does help the other readers. Feel free to shoot any comments here. JFC, are you still catching the story? Hope you are and what sweeety posted and the subsequent chapters have made you less confused  :) 
Next chapter!!

Chapter 13


“Arigatoo gozaimasu!”

The annual Hello Project winter concert came to an end minutes ago and everyone was both exhausted and delighted. No matter how many times one performs on the big stage, stage frights, together with pride and joy, still exist. The difference between a newbie and a professional is the thickness of the façade put up. Usually, after a big concert like this, most of the older H!P members would gather for a or two of drinks and the younger ones either watched at the side or had their own tiny gatherings. However, this year was an exception.

“Sorry, Kaori, Morning Musume will not be joining you,” Yossie told the previous MM leader with a slight hint of respect in her voice. “Aiko just joined us and we have quite a number of underage girls with us like Kusumi and Sayu. And I think Aiko will feel much more at ease in a smaller group.”

Kaori and Nacchi eyed Yossie suspiciously. Nacchi chided, “Don’t be like that, Yossie. Kusumi and all joined us last year, remember? All of us are such nice people so Aiko shouldn’t feel left out or anything like that.”

“No thank you,” Miki rebated, “The truth is I’m giving Morning Musume a special treat tonight so please excuse us this time round, senpai.”

Nacchi’s eyes widened. “Miki is throwing a feast? That’s something very rare; I guess today must be something of an occasion. Guess tonight we will have to go without MM,” Nacchi said sulkily as she placed her arm around Kaori’s shoulder and the pair of close friends walked away together.

Miki winked cheekily at Yossie and said haughtily, “This is the way to get rid of those irritating people.”

Yossie twisted her lips queerly to a side and questioned, “So is the treat still on? If it is, we better leave soon before the crowd starts cramming the high-end restaurants.”

“High-end restaurant? Come on, I’m not that rich, friend but the treat is on,” Miki gave a wide grin. She scanned the room and questioned, “Where is Aya? She is so slow today.”

“Maybe for once, we should have a MM feast without GAM. Come on, Miki, everyone is hungry now. Anyway, Aya likes to join the seniors for drinks, right?”

Miki nodded her head reluctantly. Before she left with her fellow members, she hastily wrote a note and left it on Aya’s messy dressing table.

“Gocchin, we are leaving in a few minutes time so hurry up!” Rika exclaimed across the dressing room.

“Rika-chan, I’d a hangover last night so I’ll give this a miss. Sorry,” Maki apologized as she watched the seniors, Bi-yuden and Melon Kinenbi leaving the room hurriedly. Obviously, Rika asked her just out of courtesy. No one was waiting for her; she did not make a difference in the gathering. She stood in the empty room for a while, waiting for something or someone to appear.

Nothing happened. As Maki was making her way out of the room, she habitually paused and stared at Aya’s dressing table. The lid of the make-up powder was still open and the lipsticks were lying on the table untidily except for one. It was standing firmly above a tiny slip of paper lying on the table. Spotting the trademark heart-shaped signature at the end of the note, Maki immediately knew who the writer was.

In blue ink, the message was written as followed:
“Sorry Aya, I don’t have much time left in Momusu so tonight I’m going to spend some precious time with the other 8 members as a sub-leader. Please forgive me for not informing you earlier. Sorry Aya once again.

Upon reading the message, Maki fell into a dilemma. This was a rare opportunity to spend time with Aya. But considering the strain in their relationship, a dinner would be more or less impossible. Closing her eyes, Maki tried to plan her next move. “Invite her over to my house? That is impossible,” Maki thought aloud to herself. Even though others always chided her for speaking to herself, she couldn’t help but to do so whenever she was nervous. “I should apologize to her first but how should I put it? I’d tried my best to convince her but Aya is still angry at me. That can’t be helped. What should I do?”

Frustrated that she couldn’t think of a good solution and that she was about to miss a golden chance, she picked up the note from Miki and tore it out of anger and confusion. Miki was that haughty girl who couldn’t appreciate Aya, who disturbed the Maki-Aya relationship, who chose Morning Musume over Aya tonight.

When Maki was just about to crush the paper into tiny pieces, Aya entered the room. Hunching forward, her right hand over her abdomen, she appeared to be in pain. When she approached her personal dressing table, she saw Maki staring at the table top.

“Why are you here?” Aya questioned as firmly as she could despite the pain.

“Aya, are you okay? You look ill to me,” Maki asked out of concern.

“I don’t need your crocodile tears! This is my body and this is my life. Step out of my life, please. I know it is rather impossible but please try your best.” Aya bent her head, allowing her fringes to cover her eyes. However, the fringes failed to hide the tears.

“I know you don’t believe me-”

“I was too gullible in the past. Now, I already know your true colors.”

“I don’t think I’m allowed to explain myself further. Goodbye,” Maki murmured as she headed towards the exit. When she did so, a slip of the torn paper fell from her hand. She didn’t think of going back. She didn’t want to go back.

Aya noticed the tiny piece of paper fell from Maki’s hand and crouched to pick it up. It was obviously tore up and wrote as followed:
“Sorry Aya once again.

Suddenly, Aya felt warmth enveloping her weak body. She wanted to go back to the past where she spent days with or waiting for Maki on the hospital bed. She didn’t want to know why she ended up there or how Maki felt for her. Everything was beautiful in the colorless memories. She hated scolding Maki and crying afterwards. This cycle was sucking away her energy. She thought about the intended message for her and fantasized. She imagined the way Maki sat down, thought and wrote the note for her before tearing it apart. She visualized Maki’s facial expression, especially that pair of penetrating eyes, when she verbalised the words written on the note to her. Till eternity, she wished she could stay in dreamland and never return back to the hurt reality again.

She was the only one left in the dressing room. No one waited for her, not even Miki. Where was Miki? She felt as if she weren’t needed in those drinks gatherings and that fate arranged the 2 of them to have a chat and perhaps dinner together. Her earlier actions disappointed her. Why was she being so harsh to her? She knew how Maki felt towards her but she couldn’t find that courage to forgive her and confess her feelings to Maki.  That was a missed chance. She vowed not to miss another chance if there is to be one to herself. Would Maki turn back? The frustrating thoughts drowned her and eventually, she fainted.

When she tried to open her eyes, Aya felt the intensity of the light shining on her. Everything was blurred just like the next stage of her career and more so in her relationship with Maki.

“Don’t open your eyes if it is too painful,” a soothing voice calmed her. Her hands wiggled around to locate the position of the concerned person who sat beside her. A hand held her hands tightly. “I’m here, don’t worry.”

The urge to confirm the person’s identity was so strong that she forced herself to withstand the glare of the light. A smile appeared on her lips. Dreamland or reality? She had no idea but she wished this moment would stretch to eternity.

Maki tightened her grip and spoke softly, “You said you had seen my true colors earlier. I know that’s not your favorite color. I’m willing to dye myself into any colors just for you until you’re satisfied, until you’re willing to forgive me.”

 In a weak voice, Aya said, “Maki, don’t say anymore. I’m tired of putting up a tough front. I know how you feel towards me. Let’s start all over again. Remember the beautiful moments and let’s forget the angry, confused and sad times.” These words came out of her mouth as though they had been rehearsed a million times before.

Maki’s eyes widened. “I’ll not hurt you again and I’ll not allow anyone to hurt you. Friends mean protection, right?”

Aya sat up slowly with the help of Maki, stared straight into Maki’s eyes and whispered, “Maki, I like you. ‘Friends’ and ‘like’ don’t go along,” she paused to allow the effect to sink in before she continued, “Let’s start a real relationship.”

Maki looked away from Aya for some time before she nodded.


In the restaurant, when the rest of Morning Musume was enjoying the sumptuous dinner, Miki stared blankly at her handphone and wondered, “Did Aya get the message?”

'Separation is the beginning of a meeting. Fear not of it.'

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Re: Gomattou (Chapter 13 Coincidence)
« Reply #50 on: April 19, 2008, 10:39:08 AM »
Wooh Chap13!!  :cow:
Lol, Miki treating Momusu. Priceless  XD. That's sweet of Miki to write Aya a letter though.
But then again bad idea, cause Maki saw it.  :O and ripped it.  :banghead:
Then Aya appeared, appeared in pain  :cry:. Pushed Maki away. Maki left and dropped a bit of the letter.  :w00t:
Aya saw it, thought it was Maki's. Poor thing fainted. An angel came to save her. Maki!
Maki tightened her grip and spoke softly, “You said you had seen my true colors earlier. I know that’s not your favorite color. I’m willing to dye myself into any colors just for you until you’re satisfied, until you’re willing to forgive me.”
^I love this part!  :heart:
And they made up! Yay! Did I miss the kiss?! Wait there wasn't any..  :cry: MY stupid imagination getting a hold of me..
And in another place where Miki is located she wonder's if Aya got her message. She did! Just didn't know it was hers..  :lol:
The funny thing about this is.... She could've messaged Aya with her phone or something like that..  :P or maybe she didn't have one.   :?
Sorry I think i just made a summary of this Chap.. Its pretty cute though..  :wub: except when Aya fainted.. that was terrible! Could've hit her head and got amnesia again  :(

Ishiyoshi~ DEF.DIVA~ GAM~ hANGRY&ANGRY <33

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Re: Gomattou (Chapter 13 Coincidence)
« Reply #51 on: April 20, 2008, 11:49:25 AM »

Maki tightened her grip and spoke softly, “You said you had seen my true colors earlier. I know that’s not your favorite color. I’m willing to dye myself into any colors just for you until you’re satisfied, until you’re willing to forgive me.”
^I love this part!  :heart:
And they made up! Yay! Did I miss the kiss?! Wait there wasn't any..  :cry: MY stupid imagination getting a hold of me..
And in another place where Miki is located she wonder's if Aya got her message. She did! Just didn't know it was hers..  :lol:
The funny thing about this is.... She could've messaged Aya with her phone or something like that..  :P or maybe she didn't have one.   :?
Sorry I think i just made a summary of this Chap.. Its pretty cute though..  :wub: except when Aya fainted.. that was terrible! Could've hit her head and got amnesia again  :(
That was inspired by Mushoku Toumei na Mama de :wub: I thought it will be more romantic to have Miki staring at her phone and not messaging. I think that if she messaged or something, the implied meaning behind the note will be lost. Just my personal opinion  ;)

'Separation is the beginning of a meeting. Fear not of it.'

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Re: Gomattou (Chapter 13 Coincidence)
« Reply #52 on: April 20, 2008, 01:13:17 PM »
^Aah.. I get it now..   Sorry about that. I don't really know that song that well.. :sweatdrop:

Ishiyoshi~ DEF.DIVA~ GAM~ hANGRY&ANGRY <33

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Re: Gomattou (Chapter 13 Coincidence)
« Reply #53 on: April 21, 2008, 10:34:23 AM »
That was inspired by Mushoku Toumei na Mama de :wub: I thought it will be more romantic to have Miki staring at her phone and not messaging. I think that if she messaged or something, the implied meaning behind the note will be lost. Just my personal opinion  ;)
Yeah, so sweet. And plus, she might have thought that there was a reason why she didn't call her or something. Maybe she thought that Aya was just going to leave her alone for that time. But having that low self esteem that she secretly has in all these stories she also could have thought "hmm, maybe she just doesn't care or something". Long story short she didn't indicate in the message that she should call her back, but she was hoping she would just so she knows how she feels, because she cares about Aya's feelings. Because she loves her! Hot dang, why wont Aya get a clue? I mean, when Tsunku gave them the ultimatum she had realised she loved her and decided to tell her! If it wasn't for Maki stuffing it all up for them, then she would have been with Miki now!

So.....................the last bit...................whose dream was it? lol! Please tell me this isn't a Great Ayaya Maki movie. Seriously! She hit her with a frikkin car, how the heck is it possible to forgive her for it! She should be in freakin jail! And we still don't know who the other baddie/s are although I am having a feeling it could go either way between most older members of MM and god knows who..... I would be very very surprised if it's someone like Asuka Fukuda! Ha, who would've thought of that? * tito opens her word doco and changes the name of the baddie lol*
hmmm *considers changing name to "toto"* XD
Anyway, lotsa GAM goodness to be had, thought I feel really really sory for Miki, it's like the start all over again, where she is dogged by Aya, and its just like the watch thing! She gave her a thing, Aya didnt see it and Maki gave her the same thing! Its just not fair! WAAAAAAAAAAAH! POOR MIKI! WHY? WHY? WHYYYYYYYYYY? WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!
I have a porcupine called zazoom, he leaves his scent on peoples' graves.

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Re: Gomattou (Chapter 13 Coincidence)
« Reply #54 on: April 21, 2008, 03:42:26 PM »
So.....................the last bit...................whose dream was it? lol! Please tell me this isn't a Great Ayaya Maki movie. Seriously! She hit her with a frikkin car, how the heck is it possible to forgive her for it! She should be in freakin jail! And we still don't know who the other baddie/s are although I am having a feeling it could go either way between most older members of MM and god knows who..... I would be very very surprised if it's someone like Asuka Fukuda! Ha, who would've thought of that? * tito opens her word doco and changes the name of the baddie lol*
hmmm *considers changing name to "toto"* XD
Anyway, lotsa GAM goodness to be had, thought I feel really really sory for Miki, it's like the start all over again, where she is dogged by Aya, and its just like the watch thing! She gave her a thing, Aya didnt see it and Maki gave her the same thing! Its just not fair! WAAAAAAAAAAAH! POOR MIKI! WHY? WHY? WHYYYYYYYYYY? WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!

I think I was feeling quite sadistic while writing this, I mean if it is bad, might as well make it very very bad :angry: As to who's the baddie, be a little more patient about it :) I think Aya can forgive Maki because she likes her too and sort of think that Maki knows she is wrong and regrets her actions but it's something like LOVE over RATIONAL (Haha I hope this doesn't spoil anything ;) ) I'll try to update soon and as for Miki, oh well...

'Separation is the beginning of a meeting. Fear not of it.'

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Re: Gomattou (Chapter 13 Coincidence)
« Reply #55 on: April 21, 2008, 04:52:11 PM »
Oh crap. I just realised what you have been trying to tell me. And boy, you are as sick and twisted as I am! Cool! But I so do not like what is going to happen! I would go on with the whole "WHY?" thing again but I already know, you sneaky sneaky fox! I can't believe I didn't see it before! I mean, seriously how blind could I have been? I'm not gonna say what I have figured out because of the lil uns that dont like to be spoiled, but next time I talk to you or something I'll try to remember it and bring it up. But ooooooooooh dayum, that is so good! So sick and twisted! I love it! (PS Check  it out, my first ciggy!)
I have a porcupine called zazoom, he leaves his scent on peoples' graves.

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Re: Gomattou (Chapter 13 Coincidence)
« Reply #56 on: April 26, 2008, 01:46:18 PM »
Yeah! Weekend arrives and this is the next chapter of Gomattou.
Warning: It is confusing with the colour codes and contains yuri or shoujo-ai (whatever you call that) materials. :D enjoy!
(colour codes: Blue for Maki's thoughts and red for Aya's thoughts)

Chapter 14

Special night

“That was a stomachache?” Maki asked nonchalantly.

“Yes, I hope I won’t have a second round after eating the noodles,” Aya said delightfully as she pointed at the bowl of noodles placed in front of her.

“Of course, you won’t. It is hand-made by Goto Maki. Be grateful, Aya. The number of people dreaming of this meal can stretch from Himeji to Edogawa.” Their hometowns' names

“To be honest, the noodles taste rather fine.”

“Okay, you can go to Himeji to tell them not to queue for this ‘fine’ meal.” Maki giggled over her own joke.

“Maki, you don’t joke a lot, do you?” Maki nodded. “I like it when you do rare things in front of me. It makes me feel special.”

“This gives me an easier job to please you. Okay, let’s focus on the noodles and stop talking.”

Aya nodded in agreement. This is the first time I taste Maki’s hand-made food. I can’t believe she can cook so well and at the same time, be so humble about it. I didn’t know this earlier. Guess I have a lot to learn about this mysterious girl. Last time round, I left hastily before tasting the breakfast. How am I supposed to focus on the noodles when the girl I adore is sitting across the table? She smiled to herself as she analyzed the situation once more. A day ago, I still resented Maki and was in a fearful state where I couldn’t trust anyone – except Miki. Now, the fear still exists but I don’t care if I would be harmed or even killed the next moment. Nothing mattered because I am willing to risk anything for this dinner with Maki, the most special person in my life, in her private apartment.

Maki stared at the beautiful girl who was smiling to herself. Yesterday, we were still enemies. Today, we are not only close friends but in the middle of a ‘relationship’. What did Aya mean by that? That is surely a big question to ponder on but it is certainly not huge enough to dissolve this dinner. All that happened today just reflected the point that life is nothing but a test of determination. I tried so hard in the past to win Aya’s trust and forgiveness and nothing paid off. But I didn’t give up and in the end, a night of waiting beside the unconscious Aya gave me success – bonus as well.

“Maki,” Aya interrupted Maki’s train of thoughts softly.

Maki placed her utensils down on the table top and spoke in an interested voice, “Yes?”

Aya frowned and looked serious for the first time in the night. “What do you mean by ‘you like me’?” Maki fell into silence. “I mean, is it idolization or attraction?”

Maki pursed her lips before answering confidently, “It is definitely not idolization. Fans are never close to their idols.”

“Is it friendship or is it love?”

Maki didn’t even pause to think before answering, “Love, Aya, it is love.” Friends won’t attempt to knock you down and then long to stay beside you after that.

“So it is attraction because of love?” Maki nodded. Aya stared straight into that pair of penetrating eyes. There was simply no point diverting the topic anymore. Although time was with her, beating around the bush was definitely not Aya’s style. She asked as firmly as she could, “Which part of me attracts you?” Maki shifted her eyes away from Aya’s relentless glance so that she could think of a proper answer. Aya grinned happily and continued in a tone that sounded as though she had planned this since a long time ago, “For me, what attract me to Maki is Maki’s beautiful eyes and Maki’s gentle and soft voice. Those features are not only the attractive ones but they are the main ones.”

Maki looked dumbfounded. What was going through Aya’s mind when she said that? ‘Part’ meant appearance. Why didn’t I think of an answer to that question earlier? Come on, I need to think of an answer. If not, I would look like nothing but a dummy.

Come on, Maki. Your answer doesn’t really matter a lot to me. Just say anything and allow me to bring on the next stage of the night.

Maki looked into Aya’s eyes for some time. Her facial expression looked like one of a schoolgirl coming up with an excuse to explain why she came late to school to the discipline mistress. She blurted out, “I like…your lips.”

Aya was perplexed and her eyes widened. This was not part of the plan. What did Maki mean by that? I might not be the one in control tonight. Lips mean…

Was that answer right? It is true that her lips are rather unique but her lips are certainly not the real reason why I like her. Why do I like her? Why can’t I think of a simple answer? Why can’t I put it in words?

Aya touched her own chin as though she were solving a complicated arithmetic sum. She frowned and confessed, “Maki, the last time when I was in this house, I was really upset. I know, we made a promise not to think about the bad times but I believe I need to make this clear. Do you know why?” Without waiting for Maki to come up with a reply, Aya continued, “In the past, I trusted you as my good friend and I felt that I was betrayed. I was hurt, I couldn’t trust you but on the other hand, I wanted to be with you too. I was confused. During the times when I avoided you, I knew that it wasn’t friendship between us. Friends come and go but I don’t want to let you go even though you tried to kill me. Today, I decided to start a relationship with you and now, in the middle of a relationship, I feel that even if you still want to murder me, I would be more than willing to die under your hands. I risk everything for you because I love you.”


Aya interrupted, “No, listen to me first. I think you understand what I mean by a relationship from the movie you acted in earlier this year. I’ve dreamt of and waited for this for quite some time and I hope you can turn my dream into reality. You won’t think of me the same way as you do after tonight. Be it negative or positive, tonight only or forever, I want it to happen.” There was a short silence before Aya spoke again, “I give you 2 choices. If you don’t want it, I would leave and we would promise each other not to deliberately step into each other’s path like what you did last night. If you want, of course, we would have a different set of promises. Now I leave the ball in your hand, it’s all up to you.”

For real? Why did it happen so fast? Does ‘that person’ permit this? I’ll still be achieving the objective of making Miki jealous so it should be fine. But that’s not the main point. Since when did she start to have this idea in her mind?  I want to be with Aya, I don’t want to go back to yesterday but…it is just a little too fast. I don’t think Aya gave me any options to choose from.

Aya stared blankly at the miso soup. Did I miss out anything? Was I clear enough? What if Maki choose the other option? Am I strong enough to withstand the pain from it?

Maki nodded her head. Aya grinned.


They lay beside each other. The room was lit by a flickering bedroom lamp which was just bright enough for them to see the other’s face. Both were inexperienced and they didn’t know what to expect.

Aya inched herself closer to Maki and whispered, “It feels weird to look at you from such close range.” Pointing to Maki’s lips, she said, “It’s lips’ time.” Pulling Maki towards her, their lips touched for the first time. They could feel each other’s body as they kissed softly in the dim light.

Pushing Aya slowly away from her, Maki confessed in embarrassment, “That was my first.” There was a short silence. “You had a few rounds with Miki before, right?”

“No, that was my second. First being the one in Melodies,” Aya giggled as she lied. After another short period of silence, Aya murmured, “Love machine really belongs to you, Maki. You really have a super body.” She then moved herself closer to Maki and moved her hands placed at Maki’s waist slowly up her body.

“I don’t want to own love machine; I want to own Matsuura Aya,” Maki smiled as she said cheekily. “I love you.” Another round of kissing began and this time, it was longer and more passionate. “To be honest, I don’t really remember how to do it. That movie is already antique.”

Aya placed her arms around Maki and hugged her tightly. I don’t want to lose her; if one wish could come true, I wish for this moment to stretch to eternity. Her warmth is penetrating into my body. I’m now head over heels in love with her. I feel so…fragile.


“Huh?” Maki opened her eyes and stared ahead. Why does her voice sound so weak when her hug is so strong? I didn’t make the wrong choice after all. Maybe from now on, I will not suffer under the hands of loneliness. Happiness…how long had I not felt this way?

“Please promise me…”


“From now on, I will have a shoulder to lie on when I need to cry or when I am tired.”

“I’ll always be here for you; you are my dearest.” A short silence descended. “Now, your turn to promise me…”


“Please don’t shove me away from your life.” Aya nodded her head.

The promises were hanging in the air above them, covering the two girls with love, bliss and support. Comfortably, they slept together in peace.


The following day, there was a scheduled radio interview for GAM. Aya arrived late but no one asked for the reason, not even Miki because Aya looked as though she had a hangover last night with her darkened eye bags. They took their seats and the interviewer started bombarding them with questions. Tsunku had told them beforehand not to say too much and to prevent that, he instructed them to answer the questions alternately.

“Firstly, what do you think of Melodies?”
Miki went first, “It is a beautiful song and it reveals another side of our friendship. I mean, not all close friends dare to do that!”

“What do you think of the background effects?”

Aya answered, “Nothing much, they were made to fit into the PV.”

“What do you think of the bed scene?”

Miki said, “We took some time to film it because we giggled a lot. It was hard to film, really.”

“What about the kissing scene?”

Aya replied, “It was a symbol of our friendship and that was our first time.”

“Do you think this PV has affected your friendship?”

Miki shook her head. “I don’t think so. The whole thing was professionally done and Aya and I understand that. We are still as close as before and filming that just gives us another topic to talk about.”

“Will GAM continue to release singles?”

Aya nodded. “Yes.”

“Finally, anything to add to GAM 2nd single’s Melodies?”

Miki said, “I hope fans can continue to support this pair of close friends, Mikitan and Ayachan and buy GAM’s singles. Thank you to everyone who has been supporting us.”

'Separation is the beginning of a meeting. Fear not of it.'

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Re: Chapter 14 (Special Night) GoMaTTou
« Reply #57 on: April 26, 2008, 06:24:00 PM »
I was right ish! I thought this wouldn't happen as soon as it did but......... Oh well. GJ again, I hope you keep it up, now if you'll excuse me I have to go throw up (but that has nothing to do with the story, I promise). Great work keep it up! (My eyes are killing me now!). Sweeeeety caught a cold, or gastroenderitis or god knows what. Owwwwwwwwwwww my stomach is killing me. Hmm where will I nag tomoz??
Btw the bed thing was sweet, they didn't move too fast. Sounds like Maki has a few more surprises up her sleave, we'll have to wait and zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
I have a porcupine called zazoom, he leaves his scent on peoples' graves.

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Re: Chapter 14 (Special Night) GoMaTTou
« Reply #58 on: April 27, 2008, 04:23:25 AM »
Yeah! I'm updating faster than the comments! :D

Chapter 15


On an ordinary Hello! Morning episode filming day, Yossie dragged ‘her’ during a long break to one side for a conversation. During the hour of lame kindergarten games, both intelligently escaped from the ‘bitter tea’ punishment.

“Congratulations, you didn’t drink the bitter tea today. That’s a big improvement,” Yossie praised.

“Cut the crap, what do you want?” ‘She’ asked defiantly.

 Yossie shook her head before she remarked, “This is not the right way to speak to your senpai. Like this, even Sayu will be able to see through our relationship soon.” ‘She’ rolled her eyes and ignored the comment. “I heard the GAM interview on the radio today. Aya said that there will be a 3rd single.”

‘She’ nodded and placed her hand on the taller girl’s shoulder. “Good, everything is going more or less according to our plan.”

“No, there is something going way out of the plan.”

“You mean Goto?”

“Wow, you’re fast.”

“I heard from Tsunku that on the concert day, Matsuura and her spent the whole night in the dressing room and left together hand in hand the following morning. One of Matsuura’s staff mentioned that she had a stomachache that day and that’s the reason why she didn’t join the celebrations. Because they are girls, no one suspects anything but I can see that there’s something fishy about that. If this persists, I’m afraid that the jealousy effect might backfire. I don’t want the 3 of them to become best of friends and gang up against us and Fujimoto dropping GAM and opting for MM. It’s dangerous and defeats my main objective.”

“Ah, how I wish I stayed there that night to watch how they spent the night.” Yossie paused before commenting, “But it is nice to have that much insider news. Being Tsunku’s-”

‘She’ covered Yossie’s mouth with her hand quickly. “Are you nuts? Do you want everybody to know that? Our entire plan will be ruined!” Yossie gestured her apologies with her hands. “Anyway, I have decided what we should do with Goto already.”

“I can silence her for you.”

“No, leader, I just want her to get into trouble with the law.”

“You mean reveal her crimes?” Yossie’s facial expression revealed her astonishment at the devil in the younger girl.

“Yes, that’s the safest move. Shh, someone is coming over.”

Rika swaggered past in a weird pink blouse and winked at Yossie. ‘She’ gave Yossie a look which asked a question, “Is she involved? Did she eavesdrop the conversation?” Yossie shrugged her shoulders and walked away.

-------------------------------------------------   ------------------------------------------------------

“Sorry, I’m late,” Aya apologized as she took her seat beside her best friend in the Italian restaurant. “I was caught in a traffic jam,” Aya added in a tone which signaled the absence of further explanation.

Miki nodded duly and replied, “I should be the one apologizing. That night, I left without you.”

“Oh, there is no need to feel sorry,” Aya comforted Miki. Aya understood that because she was alone with Maki that night, things took a better turn.

“Guess so, I left you a note explaining everything.” Aya looked puzzled. What note? There was nothing. Miki elaborated, “Yossie was being so impatient that day and she wanted Morning Musume to have a quiet dinner on our own. I agreed only because I knew my MM days are numbered.” Aya nodded and she grinned widely to herself. Miki twisted her neck to one side and questioned, “Aya, from that expression of yours, I can see that you are hiding something from me. Didn’t we promise not to hide anything from each other?”

Promise…Silence dominated the table for some time before Aya spoke softly, “Miki, you won’t believe what I am about to tell you.”

“Serious?” Miki’s eyes widened.

“Yes, you know, some days ago, on Wednesday, I did something bizarre.”

Miki appeared bored. “In this year itself, you have done a zillion bizarre actions.”

“No, this time round, I…fell in love.”

Miki’s eyes grew wide. “You have a lover?”

“Not until a few days ago.”

“Who is it?’ Miki sounded more anxious than interested.


“How far have you gone with that lover of yours?”

“We did something that was similar to…Melodies.”

Miki remained calm. “Who did you feed?”

“No, I meant it was similar to the bed scene.” Miki dropped her utensils at once. Her hands felt weak from the shock. Aya smiled delightfully and sang softly, “Kisu ga tomaranai anata no sei ne…”

Miki spoke seriously for the first time that afternoon, “Who is that ‘anata’?” Aya fell silent as she recalled what Maki had said about Miki. She is a little too possessive of Aya…Miki became annoyed and chided, “I told you that we need to be honest with one another because we are close friends. Come on; finish that little tale of yours.”

Aya turned pale. How would Miki react? Would she harm Maki? She had said the wrong thing and now she had no choice but to complete the story. Aya shut her eyes as she murmured a short prayer. Finally, she whispered softly but still loud enough for Miki to hear the name, “Maki.”

Miki didn’t have the desired reaction which was bursting into flames. Instead, she sat still and gave a stern look. Nothing from her face or her posture suggested her emotions. In fact, she wasn’t certain how she felt then. Was it shock or anger? Should she scream and curse or should she just burst into tears like any weak girl will? She hated herself for pressing Aya for an answer. Did she feel happier now after knowing the person’s identity?

Finally, Miki spoke in a flat voice, “I’m going to the ladies.” When Aya stood up, Miki gave her a hand gesture indicating to Aya that she would not need her company to the washroom.

As she made her way alone away from the table, her eyes reddened. “Even the strongest girl cries at times,” she recalled the line spoken by Yossie on the day when the futsal team lost in the finals because of a missed penalty by Miki. Miki apologized and everyone said that they forgave her. She had an empty look that day which was similar to the one she had today. In the dressing room, Yossie took her to a corner and hugged her and whispered that line into her ear. Miki cried while she pressed her body against Yossie. Miki cried just like a little girl who scored a mark short from perfect score in her first mathematics test. Like an infection, the line rang continually in her ears again today. She wanted to cry but she didn’t anyone to see. Where was the tall, slender body when she needed it so badly? Being a very practical person, Miki didn’t believe in superstition or prayers but now, she prayed that Yossie could appear before her and pacify her softly.

She scolded herself in the cubicle for not telling Aya how she felt towards her. She had the chances but she was afraid of rejection. Should she be delighted that Aya wasn’t straight or should she be annoyed that Aya didn’t feel the same way towards her as she felt towards Aya? Love is so strange. Which part did she lose out to Maki? She knew Aya better and longer and in terms of appearance, Miki certainly didn’t lose out. She couldn’t forgive herself for helping Maki to win Aya’s trust. Why was she so soft-hearted to tell Aya of what she had seen that day? Wasn’t she the most sadistic member Morning Musume ever had?

She closed her eyes and allowed her mind to wander. The first image that flew through her mind was Mr. Moonlight - Yossie. She remembered the way Yossie sang the song in the typical boyish style and the way she flirted around with the girls on stage. She recalled the time when she pretended as a fan girl on stage in love with Yossie and Yossie just shoved her away like what a popular guy would do. A smile crept to her face. Those were the fun days.

Opening her eyes, she knew she had to move back to reality and to Aya. “Should I appear disturbed?” Miki thought, “No, Aya would think that I am straight and she won’t tell me their progress. Should I appear upset? No, Aya would think that there is something suspicious and she might not be my close friend. I think I should appear happy after all. Then Aya would know that I’m not really straight and rather supportive of her love affair and she would trust me more and we would be closer. And then, perhaps, I would even…There is no point thinking so far ahead. Miki is an actress; I should be able to fake my happiness properly.”

Leaving seclusion, Miki went back to the table with a smile on her face as she spoke as cheerfully as she could, “Sorry, I had constipation.” Aya’s face reflected Miki’s smile. Miki certainly wasn’t satisfied to be a close friend but that was better than nothing. At least, Aya still smiled at her. But now, Miki knew that Aya would smile widely and lovelier at the girl she liked. God was unfair. Miki stirred the cup of coffee as she thought, “Maybe, one day, when I am not afraid of showing my tears and emotions openly, I will let you know how I feel towards you. Until that day when Maki becomes history, we will remain the same way as we do now.”

'Separation is the beginning of a meeting. Fear not of it.'

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Re: Chapter 15 (Status) GoMaTTou
« Reply #59 on: April 27, 2008, 04:51:05 AM »
Oh man, another mystery person is thrown into the mix. :dizzy:

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

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