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Author Topic: Settling (chapter 38-FIN)  (Read 59846 times)

Offline heyyouhiya

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Re: Settling (chapter 13)
« Reply #60 on: April 16, 2008, 06:24:20 AM »
So what would an H!P fanfiction be without a drunk scene?

But sorry guys this chapter totally sucks
I'm in such a pissy mood xD but I wrote it anyways

Chapter fourteen: Ishikawa Rika

Note to self: next time I decide to invite a bunch of friends out to dinner, do not under any circumstances invite Nakazawa Yuko.

What I saw before me was complete and utter chaos. Somehow a simple dinner had turned into us renting a karaoke room for a night and then had turned into some weird frenzy of hell of I don’t know what.

All I know is I think Nakazawa brought a little too much alcohol with her and then I think she went around the room pouring it in everyone’s drinks. Because I swear iced tea does not taste or smell like alcohol normally. Plus, everyone was being a little…either handsy or we’re falling on the floor and then laughing about it.

Not to mention how badly everyone was singing. I mean we are idols…shouldn’t we sound betters than owls with a throat infection?

I think the only two people who weren’t drunk yet were I and little Kamei Eri, but boy did she have her hands full. She was trying to pull the microphone away from a drunk and staggering Michishige Sayumi who seemed to be making up her own song about how cute she was (cute my ass, I totally trump her) while trying to hold a conversation with little Reina who was currently sitting on the floor next to her leaning on her leg in order to not fall on the ground completely.

I will NEVER again plan an outing for us again. Well at least not with the older members. As soon as Nakazawa had presumably spiked all the drinks she left with basically everyone but the fourth through sixth generation. Leaving me to be the oldest and try and calm everyone down. I’m getting such a headache.

I stood up from my observing position and went over to help Kamei who was now falling over as Reina tried to drag her down to the floor so she could talk to her better. But I was interrupted by a loud crash.

I turned around to see Tsuji and Kago had jumped on top of one of the tables and knocked it and all the food over. Alright, that’s it. “WHAT THE HELL?!” I yelled at them both.

They turned to face me startled before nodding at each other and running out the door. I was going to chase after them but it seems Sayu had finally gotten the mic taken away from her because I then heard all of the 5th generation singing Suki ni Senpai, very…very badly.

 I rubbed my temples, the noise was unbearable. I looked up at the four girls. Takahashi and Risa were using each other as stabilizers in order to stay standing, Ogawa was sitting on the floor singing with her drink still in her hand as she continued to gulp it down, while Konno had her eyes closed and was spinning in circles…while singing.

I hate being the oldest and having a conscious. I know I’ll feel bad if I let anything happen to these girls.

I walked over to Takahashi who was holding the mic. I’m going to send these girls home now. Fun is over; everyone is already going to have a headache of a life time tomorrow. Might as well get them to bed as soon as possible.

As I struggled with Takahashi for the microphone, and damn she was strong, I noticed the sixth generation again. Sayumi was pouting in the corner, most likely about losing the microphone while Reina was now standing up hanging off of Kamei like a monkey.

She then proceeded to climb on top of Kameis back and rested her hands directly on Kameis breast. I saw Eri turn as bright as a tomato. Okay I give up with Takahashi, Eri needs way more help.

But as I started over to them I tripped over Ogawa and landed full on my face. Both the fifth and sixth generation members all stopped what they were doing and started laughing hysterically.


Silence, then laughter again. I’m going to kill them all.


I turned to the source of the noise, “WHAT!?” I asked smoke almost coming out of my ears. It was Miki who had called my name. She was completely red in the face and completely smashed.

“Rika,” she started to giggle. “You need to…haha…you need to,” stop laughing and spit it out. “Chill out.”

I breathed in deeply and was about to respond when I finally noticed what exactly Miki position was, in the process I also spotted my lovely Hitomi who was also just as wasted as the rest of the girls.

Yoshizawa was sitting at a bench leaning back and sipping at her now alcoholic tea and Miki was basically laying on top of her. She even had her head nuzzled into Yoshizawas neck and they were both laughing and enjoying themselves to no end.

“Yea, come on Rika. Chill out and enjoy yourself!” Yossui piped in, smiling broadly at me before wrapping her arms around Miki to keep her from falling off her lap.

I was fuming on the inside, but…oh fuck this.

I walked to the other side of the room and started downing my drink.

I know I can’t be mad at Yoshizawa tomorrow, hell none of them will probably remember any of this happening. But I sure as hell can enjoy myself and forget responsibility for tonight if both Miki and Hitomi were going to do the same.

Anyways, sorry its so random and just like retarded xD It really doesn't even come back into context in the rest of the story
but I wanted to include this scene anyways.

enjoy it...I guess

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Re: Settling (chapter 14)
« Reply #61 on: April 16, 2008, 06:50:10 AM »
 :hiakhiakhiak: some reason i can really imaging this happening! everyone was hilarious!
poor rika....being put in charge and then losing it in the end. Seeing Miki over Yossie like that must have pushed ther final button on her.
i wondered what happen to Eri when Rika decided to drink?
lol kinda like it how Renia was hanging onto Eri  :hehehe:
can't wait for more! keep it up with the great work!! :luvluv1:

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Re: Settling (chapter 14)
« Reply #62 on: April 17, 2008, 02:43:57 AM »
:on lol: :wahaha: :lol:  :hiakhiakhiak: :pig laugh:  :tama-apeshit: XD

Best part was DEFINIELY Konkon spinning on the floor!  :rofl:

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

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Re: Settling (chapter 14)
« Reply #63 on: April 17, 2008, 02:54:28 AM »
I think I like drunk idols!  :on lol:
Yes, Rika, have some iced tea.... :lol:

Offline heyyouhiya

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Re: Settling (chapter 14)
« Reply #64 on: April 17, 2008, 06:55:34 AM »
So I totally forgot it does have context to the plot lol well a little
it has Eri/Reina context =]

So yea, not a great chapter. Kind of sad at the ened.

The next one I'm really looking forward to writing. (But its also going to be pretty sad as well =[ )

Chapter fifteen: Kamei Eri

I am going to kill Rika.

Seriously, first she acts like she’s going to help, then she starts downing drinks like she will die unless she consumes every drop on liquid in the room.

Rika you are now number one on my hit list.

Thank god for Natsumi Abe though. I have never been so happy to see anyone in my life more than I am right now. She just happened to be leaving a restaurant in the area when I had chased Makoto out of the karaoke bar as she, and I quote, “escaped from the room of screeching owls.” Which I couldn’t blame her, everyone sucked and singing right now. Plus Miki had started to sing Boogie Train and my god was she drunk, stumbling and kept forgetting the words.

“Kamei-san?” Abe asked as I clung to Makoto who had stopped yelling and resisting. Instead she dropped to the ground and sat down so neither one of us could move from our positions on the sidewalk.

“Abe!” I looked at her pleadingly.

“What the hell happened?”

Then of course Makoto piped in, “Tea happened!”

She looked over at me oddly and so I clarified, “More like Nakazawa happened.”

Then it seemed to all come together in Abes brain and she smiled. “I get it now. Do you need a hand?”

I smiled, “Yea I really could. The rest of them are still inside.”

She assisted me in picking up Makoto under the arms and beginning to drag her back inside. “Why haven’t you sent any of them home yet?”

“Because I don’t think they remember where they live.” I replied honestly.

Nacchi laughed and we pushed open the door to the private room. Which had gotten much worse since I had left chasing Makoto: Rika and Miki were fighting over the microphone, Yossui was in the corner completely passed out, Sayu, Konno and Risa had taken the cushions off the couches and proceeded to have a cushion fight, while Ai, Tsuji, Kago and Reina had used ketchup to craft hop-scotch onto the floor (at least I think that’s what its supposed to be).

Makoto quickly got up and ran into the room joining the cushion fight. I looked over at Abe who was surprisingly calm. “I’ve seen scenarios like this millions of times before.” She laughed and walked over to Yossui and examined her. “Yep, shes out cold for the rest of the night.”

I heard an angry yell and looked over to see Miki had finally won the microphone fight, but then…Rika had jumped on top of her and they proceeded to wrestle on the ground.

I turned to Abe with a panicked expression on my face, “What do we do?”

“First, you calm down,” she smiled at me. “Second, we get them home. Do you know where they all live?”

I nodded my head.

“Okay, well, I’ll take all the girls in a cab who live closer to my house and you take the others, sound good?”


After figuring out everything Abe was taking: Yossui, Rika, Tsuji, Kago, Ogawa and Sayu. I had to take home: Miki, Konno, Ai, Risa and Reina.

Abe returned from calling the cabs, “You think you can handle them?”

I nodded and tried to smile, but I was tired and aggravated so I don’t really know how ready I was for this. But within the next ten minutes I was piled in a cab with five drunken girls and a taxi driver.


I struggled to push Miki into her house, “No no no no no! I don’t want to go home yet!” She was whining like a little girl. We had managed to get everyone but her and Reina home so far without a hitch. But now Miki was making things difficult. She was holding onto her door frame so I couldn’t get her inside.

I am not in the mood anymore, “Miki I swear I will just leave you on the front porch if you don’t go inside.”

She didn’t move. So I left.

She’ll be okay, won’t she? Yea she’s Miki. Even if she’s drunk she won’t let anyone mess with her.

I got back into the cab and told our thoroughly amused taxi driver the next stop. Sighing I leaned back in the seat and closed my eyes. After a moment I felt someone on my shoulder.

When I opened my eyes Reina was now leaning against me and looking up at me with the silliest grin on her face. “Whatcha doin’ Eri?”


“You’re cute when you relax,” she giggled and sat up, but was still sitting right up next to me, almost on top of me.

“Uhmm…thank you?”

“You’re welcome,” she smiled and then looked up at the ceiling in a daze.

I stared at Reina, even when she was completely red in the face she was beautiful. I stared at her for quiet some time before she finally spoke again.

“I love you Eri.”

This caught me completely off guard. Reina loves me? No, no she can’t. It’s probably just the alcohol talking. But I couldn’t help it, “What?”

“I love you Eri,” she repeated smiling at me.

It was then that all other sounds cut out except for my heart beating so loudly Reina could surly hear it. Those were the words I’ve been wanting to here for over a year now. But no, no Eri you are being ridiculous. Get a hold on yourself. Reina is drunk she probably doesn’t mean it.

But still…I should say it. I breathed in deeply trying to muster up the courage to say what I’ve felt for a long time now.

I opened my mouth but no sound came out. I took another breath and tried again.

Still nothing.

Damnit Eri you may not get another chance!

“Reina, I love you.” It was said very quickly but Reina must have comprehended it for she smiled brightly and then basically pounced on me.

“I knew you felt the same way!” It was then that I felt her soft lips on my own. It was better than I had ever imagined it would be, I thought my brain would explode.

Too bad we got to her house just then and she pulled away. I wished for just one more second, but Reina had already left the car.

“I’ll see you tomorrow Eri!” She said as she closed the door and proceeded to try and stumble up to her front door. “I love you!” I heard her yell as the car pulled away and off to its final destination.


I don’t think I slept at all last night. All I could do was lie in my bed and replay over and over what I am going to say to Reina.

Reina, I love you. I've loved you forever. Be my girlfriend?

I know, I had all night and that’s all I could think of.

When I arrived at work not only was the group I had been stuck with at the karaoke bar dying from headaches, but everyone who had left with Nakazawa was also grabbing there heads and groaning whenever they moved.

But when I saw Nakazawa, she was unfazed and look she had a drink with her…at eight in the morning. She’s crazy.

I noticed Rika was sitting with Yossuis head in her lap as they both looked sicker than hell. It seems Rika had forgiven Yossui for letting Miki climb all over her the night before (which is what I assume prompted Rikas drinking).


I smiled, I knew that voice. I turned around to see Reina walking up to me with an ice pack on her head. “Hey Reina, your head hurt?”

“Yea like a bitch!” She cringed. “Hey, can you tell me what the hell happened last night?”

My face fell. She doesn’t remember. She doesn’t remember anything.

She doesn’t love me…

“Hey Eri? Earth to Eri!” She waved her free hand in front of my face. “Try not to space out so much okay?”

“Oh uhmm yea okay.” I looked away.

"So come on Eri, what happened last night? Did I do anything embarrassing?"

“Nothing really happened last night except really bad singing. Nothing exciting.” I paused, “You sure you don’t remember anything?”

She shook her head but immediately stopped, cringing once again in pain. “Nope, not a thing.”


Poor little Eri =[
« Last Edit: April 17, 2008, 07:06:52 AM by heyyouhiya »

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Re: Settling (chapter 15)
« Reply #65 on: April 17, 2008, 07:08:15 AM »
 :gyaaah:........NO!! Reina, how could you forget!?! damn alcohol   :angry1:
Poor Eri....this is a sad ending to this chapter....
Don't worry Eri! it will be ok!!  :omamori:

Offline JFC

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Re: Settling (chapter 14)
« Reply #66 on: April 17, 2008, 07:31:09 AM »
Thank god for Natsumi Abe though. I have never been so happy to see anyone in my life more than I am right now. She just happened to be leaving a restaurant in the area when I had chased Makoto out of the karaoke bar as she, and I quote, “escaped from the room of screeching owls.” Which I couldn’t blame her, everyone sucked and singing right now.
Nacchi to the rescue! :rockon:

“Okay, well, I’ll take all the girls in a cab who live closer to my house and you take the others, sound good?”


After figuring out everything Abe was taking: Yossui, Rika, Tsuji, Kago, Ogawa and Sayu. I had to take home: Miki, Konno, Ai, Risa and Reina.
Eri has to take Miki home? Oh that'll be "fun". :lol:

I struggled to push Miki into her house, “No no no no no! I don’t want to go home yet!” She was whining like a little girl. We had managed to get everyone but her and Reina home so far without a hitch. But now Miki was making things difficult. She was holding onto her door frame so I couldn’t get her inside.

I am not in the mood anymore, “Miki I swear I will just leave you on the front porch if you don’t go inside.”

She didn’t move. So I left.

She’ll be okay, won’t she? Yea she’s Miki. Even if she’s drunk she won’t let anyone mess with her.
She's probably right. XD

I got back into the cab and told our thoroughly amused taxi driver the next stop. Sighing I leaned back in the seat and closed my eyes. After a moment I felt someone on my shoulder.

When I opened my eyes Reina was now leaning against me and looking up at me with the silliest grin on her face.


I stared at Reina, even when she was completely red in the face she was beautiful. I stared at her for quiet some time before she finally spoke again.

“I love you Eri.”

This caught me completely off guard. Reina loves me? No, no she can’t. It’s probably just the alcohol talking. But I couldn’t help it, “What?”

“I love you Eri,” she repeated smiling at me.


Damnit Eri you may not get another chance!

“Reina, I love you.” It was said very quickly but Reina must have comprehended it for she smiled brightly and then basically pounced on me.

“I knew you felt the same way!” It was then that I felt her soft lips on my own. It was better than I had ever imagined it would be, I thought my brain would explode.

Too bad we got to her house just then and she pulled away. I wished for just one more second, but Reina had already left the car.

“I’ll see you tomorrow Eri!” She said as she closed the door and proceeded to try and stumble up to her front door. “I love you!” I heard her yell as the car pulled away and off to its final destination.
Omgass!!! TanaKamei!!!  :w00t: :w00t: :w00t:

When I arrived at work not only was the group I had been stuck with at the karaoke bar dying from headaches, but everyone who had left with Nakazawa was also grabbing there heads and groaning whenever they moved.

But when I saw Nakazawa, she was unfazed and look she had a drink with her…at eight in the morning. She’s crazy.
That's Yuko! :wahaha:

"So come on Eri, what happened last night? Did I do anything embarrassing?"

“Nothing really happened last night except really bad singing. Nothing exciting.” I paused, “You sure you don’t remember anything?”

She shook her head but immediately stopped, cringing once again in pain. “Nope, not a thing.”

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! :pleeease: :gmon tears: :gyaaah:  :mon waterworks: :pig cry:

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

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Re: Settling (chapter 14)
« Reply #67 on: April 17, 2008, 10:24:15 PM »
Then of course Makoto piped in, “Tea happened!”
That was funny!
and yeah, poor Eri... I do hope Reina wasn't lying, just a little more honest with herself (because she was drunk)
great chapter!

Offline heyyouhiya

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Re: Settling (chapter 15)
« Reply #68 on: April 18, 2008, 06:04:18 AM »
So this is the longest one I have written so far =]

Chapter sixteen: Yoshizawa Hitomi

“Hey, do you want to hang out tonight?” I said sitting up from my laying position on the bench in the lobby of the UFA building.

Miki looked up at me from the book she was reading with a slightly puzzled expression. “Aren’t you going on a date with Rika tonight?” She looked back down at her book and continued reading. I couldn’t read her expression.

I looked away from her and out the big glass windows, “Oh yea.”

We both sat there in silence for a while. The only noise was Miki shifting slightly as she crossed her legs up onto the bench and flipped the pages in her book.

I sighed and leaned back against the seat. Why was I so unexcited about this date?

I would much rather hang out with Miki like we’ve been doing a lot. Lately almost everyday we’ve been doing fun stuff like Mario Cart, movies, one on one Futsal and sometimes just sitting at home talking. I think Rika is getting jealous though…

That’s why I can’t break another date. Besides she said this one was special. I wonder why it is.

Boy did I get in trouble when I ran up to her apologizing because Miki had invited me over to watch a movie on the same day Rika had asked if we could go have dinner together. Well, I did make plans with Miki first…But that was probably still a bad move on my part. Rika had looked really upset…

“If I had known you wanted to hang out I wouldn’t have made a date with Aya.” I jumped slightly when Miki spoke. I had been so lost in my thoughts I had forgotten she was still sitting next to me. But when I looked over it seemed as though she had never moved, she was still reading her book.

“Oh, you and Aya are going out too?” I asked. Maybe if I strike up a conversation my mind won’t wander as much.

She laughed lightly, “Well I’m not waiting around for you am I?” She was still reading her book. “But we’re not going out. Aya just wants to have dinner at her place. I don’t think she’s that good of a cook though so I had a big lunch.” She smiled amused, but she seemed really happy. “I’m glad she tries though, its sweet.”

I smiled lightly and looked away and out the window. There is that silence again. Why can’t I seem to want to keep this conversation going with Miki? Maybe it’s because she seems too happy. What am I saying; shouldn’t I want her to be happy?

But the silence wasn’t awkward, it was never awkward. When it was Miki and I we could be silent for a whole hour and it would still feel like a warm and friendly atmosphere was around us. This didn’t happen when I spoke to anyone else.


I quickly scrambled off the bench and took a couple of steps away from Miki. Why was I being so paranoid, Rika can’t say anything for us just sitting together talking.

Rika walked out into the lobby and smiled at me. “You ready to go?” She looked really excited, she was almost bouncing. I couldn’t help but smile, it was too cute.

She walked over and gave me a quick kiss on the cheek but then she noticed Miki who was still reading her book.

“Oh hi Miki,” she said nicely, but I could hear a bit of edge in her voice.

“Hey Rika. How are you?” She replied still not looking up from her book.

“I’m fine thanks.” Rika then grabbed me by the arm, “Come on Yocchan.” She practically squealed as we left the room and Miki behind us.

* * * * *

Rika had taken us to some really expensive western restaurant. I had told her a little while ago I’d wanted to try some more western food and I guess she remembered. But boy the prices on these meals!

“So what are you going to have?” I asked as I set down my menu finally deciding on a delicious sounding steak.

“Uhmm,” Rika still had her nose buried in her menu. “I was thinking about…” She puffed out her cheeks in annoyance. “Oh I don’t know! Pick for me,” she said looking over at me pleadingly.

I picked my menu back up. “Well…what if you got a salad and then I can give you part of my steak?” Because the only thing I could think about when I looked at the menu was that steak…it sounded so good. Weird because I’m not usually that big of a meat lover, well not to Reinas level anyways.

She smiled, “Okay sounds good.”

When the waited came back we ordered and then sat there awkwardly in silence until Rika spoke. “So Hitomiiii…” She drew out my name.

I looked at her expectantly. She just batted her eyes at me and smiled. Finally I was too confused, “So whatttt?” I replied in the same drawn out fashion.

She looked a little offended. “Do you have any idea what day it is?”


“It’s our anniversary!” She pouted and sulked down into her chair. “I can’t believe you forgot.”

Shit. Okay, think of something quickly Yoshizawa…oh I know.

She was looking down at the floor and I snuck up from my seat and walked around the table. I took off my pendent I had around my neck that I wore under everything, it was something I cherished a lot and Rika knew it. What Rika didn’t know is that Miki and I had bought them together as friendship necklaces. What she doesn’t know won’t hurt her.

I softly placed it around her neck, “Now why would I forget something like that?”

She looked at the pendent for a moment stunned, and then smiled again. Good one Yoshizawa, quick thinking. Although, I’m going to miss that pendent…I wonder what Miki is going to say when she finds out.

I went and sat back down in my chair my mind occupied by new thoughts. Namely: Fujimoto Miki. She was on my mind more and more frequently. But I guess that’s expected because we’re really good friends and work together everyday. But I-

I was brought back from reality when Rika placed a wrapped gift in front of me. I looked at it and then Rika, “whats this?”

“Your present silly,” She giggled. Now open it up,” Rika looked really pleased with herself. I hope it isn’t expensive. I’ll feel bad if it is.

I tore off the wrapping and set it next to my plate. It was a black box and when I opened it up a beautiful silver watch was in it. Yea, that definitely cost a lot of money.

I carefully lifted it out of its box and looked at it completely stunned. “You got this for me?” I asked holding it up. I couldn’t hide the shock that was still on my face.

She nodded and blushed deeply. “Yea, well I really wanted to give you something special. You mean so much to me Hitomi…”

* * * * *

We ended up going back to my place. After our dates we almost always would go to one of our apartments to hang out and sometime sleep over. Although we had always just slept. But tonight Rika was acting kind of strange.

Usually when she got to my house the first thing she would do is turn on the TV to some romantic movie and demand in the cutest way that I sit there next to her so she can cuddle and cry on my shoulder when a sad part happens. But today she just went and sat down on my couch looking around the room blushing even though nothing was happening.

I walked into my kitchen and got out a couple of glasses. “What would you like to drink Rika?”

“Uhmm, just water,” I heard her reply softly from the other room. This is strange.

I poured us both a glass of water. Mine with ice, Rikas without; I know that’s how she likes her water.

I walked back into the living room and handed Rika her water before sitting down next to her. “Thank you,” was all she said as she sipped lightly at the cold liquid.

I set my glass down on the table and played with my hands trying to think of something to say.

“Rika, are you mad at me?”

“No why?”

Well…I noticed she was now fiddling with the pendent I gave her. “You’re just acting strangely. Is there anything I did?”

She stayed silent for a little while and I looked away. I didn’t like her with that pendent, it just didn’t seem right. But I can’t take it back now. I bit my lip, maybe I should just ask her to go home.


“Yea,” I didn’t look at her. But that was quickly changed because she lightly grabbed my face with her hand and turned me to face her.

Our eyes lock and the look she was giving me was pure raw emotion. I couldn’t even tell what the emotion was, all I knew is it was deep and sincere. Rika had never looked more vulnerable and beautiful before.

She started to lean in until our lips were millimeters apart and then I quickly completed the gesture locking her lips to my own.

It was sweet like it always was, but there was more passion there then I was used to. It was like Rika was putting all her emotion and care into that one kiss. I suddenly felt guilty for a reason I cannot explain.

After another moment she slowly broke the kiss and looked at me with that same raw emotion as before. I didn’t know what to do, say or even think. That had been so much…just so much more than before. I can’t put it really into words.

Rika then stood up and offered her hand to me. I was confused again but didn’t say anything. I let her help me up from the couch unsure of where we were going, but my questions were soon answered. She was leading us over to my room.

As we approached the doorway I suddenly became very unsure and I think Rika noticed because she stopped and turned to me. She was worrying about me, I can always tell when she is. But she didn’t say any comforting words, she just gave me a short kiss. But in that kiss she was able to communicate that it was going to be okay. How could she be so sure about this?

But then she said it. She’d said it so many times before. This time though, I knew it. She meant it so much more.

“I love you Yoshizawa Hitomi.”

I took a deep breath in. My heart wouldn’t stop beating and I had a weird feeling in my stomach. Was this all love? It had to be, it was too foreign and powerful for it not to be.

I leaned in and kissed her trying to match the passion she had given to me earlier.

As I wrapped my arms around her I lifted her a little above the ground. Our lips still locked I carried her into my room and set her down right next to the bed. She was running her hands across the bottom lining of my shirt.

Slowly she pulled me down on top of her as she laid down on the bed.

We broke our kiss but only for a moment to look into each others eyes. There was reassurance there.

She began to speak, “I lo-“but I cut her off with another  kiss. I slowly crawled on top her, beginning to unbutton her shirt in the process. I knew it would be okay now, I knew this was right.

But then again, how often am I really right?

* * * * *

I grabbed one of the blankets off of my bed and wrapped it around my body so I wouldn’t be cold as I got up from the bed. I looked back and Rika was laying there sleeping, the sheets twisted around her body.

I don’t believe either of us have ever done that before.

I turned to look out my window at the city lights. They were so beautiful. Kind of like…I turned around and looked at Rika again.

What had just happened was finally starting to settle in. Rika stirred a little in her sleep, she was so cute when she was sleeping. I was really lucky. I was really truly lucky. “Rika, I love…”

The moon was shinning into the window and I saw something shinning in the reflection of the moon near Rika. When I stepped forward to inspect, I noticed it was the pendent…

and my heart fell.


And also my saddest...
Sorry Ishiyoshi fans =]
It's not going to get better for a while...or it may never? idk read a find out lol I sound like a commercial
« Last Edit: April 18, 2008, 06:45:42 AM by heyyouhiya »

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Re: Settling (chapter 16)
« Reply #69 on: April 18, 2008, 06:26:04 AM »
 :mon closeup: i swear ur chapters get better and BETTER!!! have to say very excellent work!!!  :mon cigar:

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Re: Settling (chapter 16)
« Reply #70 on: April 18, 2008, 06:42:22 AM »
I heard an angry yell and looked over to see Miki had finally won the microphone fight, but then…Rika had jumped on top of her and they proceeded to wrestle on the ground.

Charmikitty will always be Charmikitty, even in cases like this...  :lol:

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Re: Settling (chapter 16)
« Reply #71 on: April 18, 2008, 08:41:27 PM »
“Hey, do you want to hang out tonight?” I said sitting up from my laying position on the bench in the lobby of the UFA building.

Miki looked up at me from the book she was reading with a slightly puzzled expression. “Aren’t you going on a date with Rika tonight?” She looked back down at her book and continued reading. I couldn’t read her expression.

I looked away from her and out the big glass windows, “Oh yea.”
Forgetting a date with Rika? Rika's not gonna like that.  :O

Why was I so unexcited about this date?

I would much rather hang out with Miki like we’ve been doing a lot. Lately almost everyday we’ve been doing fun stuff like Mario Cart, movies, one on one Futsal and sometimes just sitting at home talking. I think Rika is getting jealous though
Oh crud, that's not a good sign.

“If I had known you wanted to hang out I wouldn’t have made a date with Aya.” I jumped slightly when Miki spoke.


“Oh, you and Aya are going out too?” I asked. Maybe if I strike up a conversation my mind won’t wander as much.
Hopefully this is just simple curiousity on Yossi's part, and not a sign of something deeper that Yossi's just not aware of yet.

“Well I’m not waiting around for you am I?” She was still reading her book. “But we’re not going out. Aya just wants to have dinner at her place. I don’t think she’s that good of a cook though so I had a big lunch.” She smiled amused, but she seemed really happy. “I’m glad she tries though, its sweet.”

I smiled lightly and looked away and out the window. There is that silence again. Why can’t I seem to want to keep this conversation going with Miki? Maybe it’s because she seems too happy. What am I saying; shouldn’t I want her to be happy?
Perhaps it's not a question of Miki being happy, but rather, the person with whom she's being happy.

Rika had taken us to some really expensive western restaurant. I had told her a little while ago I’d wanted to try some more western food and I guess she remembered. But boy the prices on these meals!
Fancy restaurant? Rika must have something pretty big/significant planned.

When the waited came back we ordered and then sat there awkwardly in silence until Rika spoke. “So Hitomiiii…” She drew out my name.

I looked at her expectantly. She just batted her eyes at me and smiled. Finally I was too confused, “So whatttt?” I replied in the same drawn out fashion.

She looked a little offended. “Do you have any idea what day it is?”


“It’s our anniversary!” She pouted and sulked down into her chair. “I can’t believe you forgot.”
Their anniversary?



Shit, Yossi forgot.

Okay, think of something quickly Yoshizawa…oh I know.

She was looking down at the floor and I snuck up from my seat and walked around the table. I took off my pendent I had around my neck that I wore under everything, it was something I cherished a lot and Rika knew it. What Rika didn’t know is that Miki and I had bought them together as friendship necklaces. What she doesn’t know won’t hurt her.
Nice, but the problem is, knowing Rika, she'll probably go around showing it off, and Miki will see and be all "How come you're wearing Yossi's pendant?". :scared:

Gonna need some shelter/umbrellas when that happens.

I went and sat back down in my chair my mind occupied by new thoughts. Namely: Fujimoto Miki. She was on my mind more and more frequently. But I guess that’s expected because we’re really good friends and work together everyday. But I-
Oh yeah, this is bound to turn ugly sooner or later.

I was brought back from reality when Rika placed a wrapped gift in front of me. I looked at it and then Rika, “whats this?”

“Your present silly,” She giggled. Now open it up,” Rika looked really pleased with herself. I hope it isn’t expensive. I’ll feel bad if it is.

I tore off the wrapping and set it next to my plate. It was a black box and when I opened it up a beautiful silver watch was in it. Yea, that definitely cost a lot of money.


“Yea, well I really wanted to give you something special. You mean so much to me Hitomi…”
And Rika doing stuff like this isn't really helping matters either.

We ended up going back to my place. After our dates we almost always would go to one of our apartments to hang out and sometime sleep over. Although we had always just slept. But tonight Rika was acting kind of strange.
Oooooooooooooooooooooooh man. :o

If Yossi was surprised by the watch, she's going to absolutely FLIP when Rika tells her what her "other present" is.

Our eyes lock and the look she was giving me was pure raw emotion. I couldn’t even tell what the emotion was, all I knew is it was deep and sincere. Rika had never looked more vulnerable and beautiful before.

She started to lean in until our lips were millimeters apart and then I quickly completed the gesture locking her lips to my own.

It was sweet like it always was, but there was more passion there then I was used to. It was like Rika was putting all her emotion and care into that one kiss. I suddenly felt guilty for a reason I cannot explain.


Rika then stood up and offered her hand to me. I was confused again but didn’t say anything. I let her help me up from the couch unsure of where we were going, but my questions were soon answered. She was leading us over to my room.
Geez Yossi, haven't you figured it out yet?  :sweatdrop:

She began to speak, “I lo-“but I cut her off with another  kiss. I slowly crawled on top her, beginning to unbutton her shirt in the process. I knew it would be okay now, I knew this was right.

But then again, how often am I really right?
Especially considering Yossi's recent doubts/musings.  :shocked:

What had just happened was finally starting to settle in. Rika stirred a little in her sleep, she was so cute when she was sleeping. I was really lucky. I was really truly lucky. “Rika, I love…”

The moon was shinning into the window and I saw something shinning in the reflection of the moon near Rika. When I stepped forward to inspect, I noticed it was the pendent…

and my heart fell.
Ooooooooooooooooooooooh the heartbreaky-angst. :mon waterworks:

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

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Re: Settling (chapter 16)
« Reply #72 on: April 18, 2008, 09:17:48 PM »
Eri's chapter was BEYOND funny! Really good job. I think it's my favorite one to date.

The Yossui one was sad. I'm more of a YOMAKI fan so i'm okay with her doing this to Rika  :twisted: Can't wait till miki vs rika thing starts taking place.

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Re: Settling (chapter 16)
« Reply #73 on: April 19, 2008, 05:47:26 AM »
Another sad one...


Chapter seventeen: Fujimoto Miki

“Hey, do you want to hang out tonight?” I looked up from my book so see Yossui staring at me with an almost pleading look on her face.

Did she really forget and I remembered? “Aren’t you going on a date with Rika tonight?” I said with a slight edge in my voice as I looked back down at my book.

 I heard Yossui sigh, “Oh yea.” Oh yea? That’s all you have to say? Are you really that unhappy Yossui? I frowned as I stared at the pages to the book I had been reading. But now I couldn’t focus on the words.

I sighed lightly and pulled my feet up on the bench crossing my legs in the process. We sat there for a while and I flipped the pages of my book without really reading it. What was wrong with Yossui?

 “If I had known you wanted to hang out I wouldn’t have made a date with Aya.”

“Oh, you and Aya are going out too?” I was surprised at Yossuis response. I hadn’t meant to say that out loud. Oh well.

“Well I’m not waiting around for you am I?” I laughed, that’s what I do when I’m unsure of things. Sarcasm is my number on ally in this world. “But we’re not going out.” I continued telling Yossui about my plans for a reason I cannot explain. “Aya just wants to have dinner at her place. I don’t think she’s that good of a cook though so I had a big lunch. I’m glad she tries though,” I scoffed on the inside. She could be so weird sometimes, she even knows I don’t like her cooking that much. I always make fun of her for it. Yossui didn’t say anything so maybe she sensed the edge in my voice so I quickly added, “its sweet.”

Yossui didn’t say anything after that. It was a silence I for some unknown reason learned to love. Shes been like this a lot lately, stopping conversations when it turned to Aya…I can’t blame her. I don’t particularly like talking about-

“Hitomi-chan~” ughh…speak of the devil. I could feel Yossui get up from the bench quickly and go away from me like I had the black plague.

I tried to keep my eyes on the book in my lap, but my curiosity peaked and I looked up to see Rika give Yossui a kiss on the cheek. I don’t understand your choices Yossui, She can be so needy. But I guess she’s a decent person, I think I’m the only one who really despises her.

But if she makes you happy….I looked back down at my book and continued to pretend to read.

“You ready to go?” I heard a paused and then was surprised when I was addressed by that girl. “Oh hi Miki.” You’re just being polite, I can hear the annoyance in your voice. That’s okay, I don’t like you either.

“Hey Rika. How are you?” I said politely. Don’t let this make you think I like you. I just don’t want to cause trouble for Yossui. I can’t control the people she chooses to love.

The girl Yossui loves…

“I’m fine thanks,” she paused for a slight moment. “Come on Yocchan.” I heard there footsteps slowly getting softer as she led Yossui away from the room and off to there special date.

I scoffed, “How can it be so special if Yossui forgot about it?” I looked up and set my book down next to me. I have a bad habit of talking to myself when no one is around, whatever I’m not crazy.

I walked over to the big glass windows. The sun was beginning to set beautifully. It reminded me a lot of Yossui and the color of her hair. Well not her current hair. But earlier it was a nice red orange color. I swear she changes the color of her hair a lot, plus who cuts there own hair?

I remember teasing her about it one time.

“You really need to get in professionally cut more,” I laughed at how random it was.

She had just gotten out of being scolded by Tsunku for her hair. It looked ridiculous and he wasn’t going to stand for it.

“He says I have to go get it done.”

“Are you going to dye it as well?”

”Yea I think its time for another change,” she smiled and ran her hand through her hair.

I smirked, “Yossui you’ve changed your hair five times in the last half year. When are you going to settle on something for at least a couple months?”

“But that would be boring,” she complained.

“Come with me to get it done? We can go shopping or to dinner after,” she asked smiling at me with that goofy smile she had.

“Mikitty there you are!” I turned around to see Aya jogging up to me.

“Here I am? What took you so long?” I said poking her in the forehead as she stopped in front of me. “You can be so slow.”

She blushed and grabbed my hand, “So you ready to go? I’m making something extra special.”

I laughed and wrapped my arm around her waist as we walked out of the building to hail a cab.

* * * * *

Aya set down a plate full of food in front of me and sat down on the other side of her table in her apartment. She looked extremely pleased with herself and looked at me smiling. “Go on try it.”

I hesitantly picked up my chopsticks and bit into a mouthful. “Aya this food,” I paused and picked up my glass of water. “Is awful,” I laughed before drinking down the water to get rid of the taste.

She pouted and picked up her own chopsticks trying it for herself. After a moment she picked up her own water and sighed, “You’re right.”

I laughed and put my hand on hers, “I’m glad you try though. It’s,” I paused. “Sweet,” I pulled back my hand. Why was my mind now going back to Yossui? Oh that’s right because I told her the same thing earlier today.

Aya looked up at me a little confused but I just smiled comfortingly.

“I’m going to order pizza,” she laughed as she picked up the plates and took them into the kitchen to wash them off. “You can put in a movie or something,” she yelled from the other room.

I picked a random movie and tried to focus on it. But now my mind was on Yossui.

“You’re hair appointment took forever,” I scolded. She had changed her mind in the middle of the dying about five times. “Just choose a color and stick to it. The barber looked like she was going to shoot herself if you changed your mind again.”

She blushed and twirled her freshly dyed red hair in her fingers. “But it looks really good now.”

I rolled my eyes at her and we walked down the street. Suddenly Yossui stopped and looked over into the window of a jewelry shop. “Aren’t those cool looking!” she said pointing to a matching pair of pendants in the shop.

She pressed her nose against the glass and I laughed. “Well why don’t you buy one?”

She frowned, and thought about it. Then suddenly she smiled at me and ran into the shop, ‘wait here.” She yelled back at me.

I sighed and leaned against the wall of the shop. After five minutes she came back out of the shop with a bag in her hand. “Get it?”

She smiled mischievously, “Close your eyes.”

“What? Yos-“

“Just close them please?” She looked really pleased with herself.

I obeyed and closed my eyes. What is she doing? Soon I felt something being placed around my neck.

“Okay, open your eyes.”

I looked over at Yossui and she had a pendent around her neck. I reached around my neck and then looked down to see the other one on me. “What?”

“Friendship pendants!” She smiled.

Aya came back into the room and sat down next to me. “what movie did you pick?”

I broke my trance, “Uhmm…” Crap what did I pick?

“Oh wait I know which one it is.” She stared at the TV screen. “I thought you said this movie was too sappy for your taste?”

I laughed and scratched the back of my head.

“You can be so weird,” she teased and leaned back against the couch.

* * * * *

When the movie ended I got up and headed over to the door. “Well I had fun Aya.”

“You’re leaving already?”

I looked over at her confused. “Uhmm…well yea. I do have to sleep you know.”

She frowned and looked down at the floor. Crap what did I do?

“Aya?” I asked setting my shoes down and walking over to her. “What’s the matter?”

“I don’t want you to leave…”

I was startled. “I don’t understand.”

Suddenly Aya practically pounced on my and kissed me on the lips, hard. This was strange because usually I was the initiator. What’s she up to?

After a moment she pulled away and looked at me with pure lust in her eyes. “Miki I…”

I stood there with Aya in my arms. Was she going to say what I think she is?

She bit her bottom lip. “Miki, I love you. I want you.”

Was this really happening? On today of all days?

She grabbed my hand and led me to her room, closing the door behind us. She pushed me up against the door and kissed me again. What’s going on with Aya? She’s usually doesn’t take control like this.

Her lips still on mine she lead us back to the bed. Soon I found myself being pushed backwards onto it. She paused and looked me in the eyes. Then she smirked in a very un-Aya way and began to unbutton my jeans.

I’ve tried to get Aya to do this before…but she’s always said she wasn’t ready. Why today…

Why when I can’t forget her…

* * * * *

I woke up around eight in the morning with a peaceful sleeping Aya next to me. She shivered slightly and I pulled the covers onto her more.

I grabbed my shirt off of the ground and pulled it over my head. Did that really just happen?

I felt guilty as I watched my lover sleeping peacefully completely unaware of my thoughts. My thoughts about…

Damn Miki stop. Stop thinking about her. “I love you Aya.” I paused and looked out the window, “I have to.”

Subconsciously I began to run my fingers along the pendent Yossui gave me.

“Miki?” I heard a groggy Aya behind me.

I turned and smiled to her. “Good morning.”

She smiled and rubbed her eyes. “Morning, how long have you been awake?” she asked looking over at the clock next to her bedside.

“Not long,” I leaned back and kissed her lightly on the cheek.

“I love you Miki.”

I smiled and ran my hand through her hair smiling down at her, “I’ll make breakfast.”


I know cheesy that its on the same day lol
« Last Edit: April 19, 2008, 06:29:28 AM by heyyouhiya »

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Re: Settling (chapter 17)
« Reply #74 on: April 19, 2008, 07:05:35 AM »
I LOVE YOUR FANFIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

yomiki 4ever, i like ishiyoshi too but... yomiki leades  :luvluv1:

i want new chapters!! (ok i know that a few minutes before was posted a new one  :cry:)

Tanakamei is great too i really love the part that reina says "i love you eri" but... she doesn't remember!!! that couldn't be  :tantrum:

YOMIKI YOMIKI!!  :muffin:


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Re: Settling (chapter 17)
« Reply #75 on: April 19, 2008, 07:18:39 AM »
Chapter seventeen: Fujimoto Miki

“Hey, do you want to hang out tonight?” I looked up from my book so see Yossui staring at me with an almost pleading look on her face.

Did she really forget and I remembered? “Aren’t you going on a date with Rika tonight?” I said with a slight edge in my voice as I looked back down at my book.
Ooooooooooooh...Miki POV from the previous chapter. Maybe we'll get to see some inkling as to whether she's picking up on what Yossi's going through.

“If I had known you wanted to hang out I wouldn’t have made a date with Aya.”

“Oh, you and Aya are going out too?” I was surprised at Yossuis response. I hadn’t meant to say that out loud. Oh well.

“Well I’m not waiting around for you am I?” I laughed, that’s what I do when I’m unsure of things. Sarcasm is my number on ally in this world. “But we’re not going out.” I continued telling Yossui about my plans for a reason I cannot explain. “Aya just wants to have dinner at her place. I don’t think she’s that good of a cook though so I had a big lunch. I’m glad she tries though,” I scoffed on the inside. She could be so weird sometimes, she even knows I don’t like her cooking that much. I always make fun of her for it. Yossui didn’t say anything so maybe she sensed the edge in my voice so I quickly added, “its sweet.”

Yossui didn’t say anything after that. It was a silence I for some unknown reason learned to love. Shes been like this a lot lately, stopping conversations when it turned to Aya…I can’t blame her. I don’t particularly like talking about-
Hmmmmmmmmmmm...maybe it's more than what I thought. Could it possibly be that Miki's unknowingly pining for Yossi the same way that Yossi seems to be unknowingly pining for Miki? :O

“Mikitty there you are!” I turned around to see Aya jogging up to me.

“Here I am? What took you so long?” I said poking her in the forehead as she stopped in front of me. “You can be so slow.”

She blushed and grabbed my hand, “So you ready to go? I’m making something extra special.”

I laughed and wrapped my arm around her waist as we walked out of the building to hail a cab.
Well, we know about the IshiYoshi situation, but what about these two? What does Miki feel for Aya, and what does Aya feel for Miki?

Oh yeah, I'd say it's a safe bet there's some (unconscious) pining going on here. :yep:

“You’re leaving already?”

I looked over at her confused. “Uhmm…well yea. I do have to sleep you know.”

She frowned and looked down at the floor. Crap what did I do?

“Aya?” I asked setting my shoes down and walking over to her. “What’s the matter?”

“I don’t want you to leave…”

I was startled. “I don’t understand.”

Suddenly Aya practically pounced on my and kissed me on the lips, hard. This was strange because usually I was the initiator. What’s she up to?

After a moment she pulled away and looked at me with pure lust in her eyes. “Miki I…”

I stood there with Aya in my arms. Was she going to say what I think she is?

She bit her bottom lip. “Miki, I love you. I want you.”


Of course, how predictable.  It wouldn't be fair to Yossi after all, if Miki weren't in a similar situation where someone's in love with her but she's pining for someone else.  :doh:

I know cheesy that its on the same day lol
The cheese factor I could take, but the fact that Miki and Yossi pretty much went through EXACTLY the same "dates"....ugh....

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

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Re: Settling (chapter 17)
« Reply #76 on: April 19, 2008, 07:41:07 AM »
Nice!! Loved reading bout Miki POV :wub:

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Re: Settling (chapter 17)
« Reply #77 on: April 19, 2008, 07:51:07 AM »
I know cheesy that its on the same day lol
The cheese factor I could take, but the fact that Miki and Yossi pretty much went through EXACTLY the same "dates"....ugh....

(kind of a message for everyone...) I know sorry =/ it bothered me too...but at the same time I'm a total sucker for something like that...the romantic idea of being linked by such a simple thing as a pendent =] Besides I don't see it as implasable for something like this to happen on the same night

And they weren't Exactly the same lol
Aya cooked while Rika took them out to dinner....
plus it wasn't both there anniversaries lol

Oh plus I'm curious as to why no one has really thought about this in context with the title...

i want new chapters!! (ok i know that a few minutes before was posted a new one  :cry:)

lol well sorry it won't be until monday...
« Last Edit: April 19, 2008, 08:13:21 AM by heyyouhiya »

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Re: Settling (chapter 17)
« Reply #78 on: April 22, 2008, 04:25:41 AM »
hey! nice fic, i just browse it for a while. I'll read it at home.  :P
keep on writing more chapters.  :cow:

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Re: Settling (chapter 17)
« Reply #79 on: April 23, 2008, 06:59:07 AM »
Sorry there wasn't a chapter yesterday. I was really sick =/
But I've got one now.

Oh also, I rewrote the first if you want to go back and check that out you can
I just made it more detailed and overall better
main concept hasn't changed...but I like it much better


Chapter eighteen: Matsuura Aya

I squealed as I felt that funny tingly sensation spread through my body, “Miki!”

She just smirked down at me and continued her assault of me on the floor of the dressing room. Miki was stratteling me so I couldn’t get up from the floor as she used one hand to pin my arms above my head and she used the other to work her torture. Well, some may call it torture…but it was very amusing.

“Come on Miki!” I laughed as she continued to tickle me. I couldn’t breath I was laughing so hard. Miki seemed pretty pleased with herself as she continued to smirk. “Miki,” I could barely talk. “Mi…haha…Miki!...Miki stop really!”

Miki just laughed as she got off of me and stood up staring down at me with the biggest grin I’ve ever seen.

“You’re so annoying when you do that,” not really Miki. I just really love to pout at you.

She raised an eyebrow at me, “Oh really?”

I crossed my arms in front of my chest as I sat up. “Yes, really. I hate you,” I teased.

She licked her lips…in a very sexy…and seductive way if I may add. She slowly got back down on the ground and seemed to crawl on the floor towards me. “I know something else you hate,” she purred.

I inhaled sharply; she was practically on top of me again. I put my hands behind myself to keep from falling on the ground; mainly because I was having trouble focusing.

I opened my mouth to reply, but no words came out. She bit her bottom lip as her mouth curved into one of her patent smirks. She was enjoying the effect she currently had on me.

Suddenly, she pushed herself up against me and I fell backwards onto the floor. Luckily Miki had been prepared for my reaction and had her hands behind my head so I didn’t crack it open on the hard floor.

I felt her soft kisses on my neck as her mouth started a small trail up to my chin and then my lips. She stopped for a moment and winked at me. “So how much do you really hate me?”

I couldn’t reply.

She leaned back down and continued to kiss me when I felt her hands reaching all over my body and then…

“Miki!” I squealed once again. “Stop tickling me!” I laughed and tried to push her off me.

Our small wrestling continued for quiet some time, Miki was winning because I found myself incapable to really push her off with much strength while she was tickling me, when there was a loud knock on the door.

Damn. And we were actually getting along a lot better than usual. Who in the world would be ruining this moment?

We both stood up and tried to look as innocent as possible before I yelled, “Yes?”

No one opened the door but I heard my manager’s voice, “Aya! We have a photo shoot, like now! Go to wardrobe and hair please.”

“Ok,” I sighed and turned to Miki. “Sorry about this Tan.”

She just shrugged, “What can you do? It’s work.”

I smiled and walked over to the door before I heard, “Hey Aya?”

I turned around, “Yea Tan?”

She smiled mischievously, “Lets finish this later.”

* * * * *

I want to kill that photographer. How can you have no idea how to use your camera? Yes, you can use the excuse that you are new to a certain extent. But for that to have taken as long as it did was ridiculous. Finally I guess my manager sensed my impatience and asked if we could finish it later. He’s really an awesome manager.

Walking down the hallway I hoped Tan was in the dressing room. I knew she had other things to do but she promised we would meet there at a quarter past five when both of us should have been well done with working for the day. But of course it wasn’t until six that I got out of that stupid shoot.

As I approached the door it was slightly open. Maybe I could sneak up on her and get her back for all that tickling…and teasing. I peered into the room.

Yep, there was Tan…and Yoshizawa. Whats she doing there? Wait, no. Stop it Matsuura. Tan is allowed to have friends, don’t be so suspicious.

But…they were sitting really close. Did Miki have her hand on Yoshizawas thigh?!

I shook my head to calm myself down. I have to relax, Miki harasses everyone. It’s just what she does.

But for some reason I couldn’t bring myself to go into that room. The atmosphere just seemed…well I can’t describe it. They we’re laughing and having so much fun, I can’t disturb that.

Without meaning to I overheard a bit of there conversation.

“So what are you doing right now?”

Miki didn’t respond for a moment. “Well I’m supposed to hang out with Ay-“ She stopped, and I think my heart did as well. She was reconsidering. “But no, wait I think that’s tomorrow.” What? Tan…no its today. Come on you have never once forgotten anything we’ve planned to do…been late yes. But forgotten, never! “I don’t have anything planned for right now.” No…

But, Yoshizawa seemed to smile a lot brighter at that. “Want to hang out then?”

I took a few steps back from the door. Miki actually forgot? That’s really unlike her. No, I can’t get so suspicious! People forget things and they’re really good friends. They can go out together.

I took one last look into the room and now…and now they we’re holding hands.

I couldn’t help it, I guess I’m just overly jealous. But the atmosphere I can feel coming from the room…its just so happy…so loving. I just started to tear up as I walked away from the room.

I passed by Rika on my way down the hall. We exchanged glances and she must have noticed I was upset.

“Aya?” She asked almost as if she was unsure that it was me.


“What’s the matter?”

I didn’t move. We stood in silence as I thought about it. But as soon as I thought about it I could feel the tears building up more. Stop being so jealous…it’s going to be okay.

“Nothing, I’m fine.”


So I don't really like it...I don't think I conveyed the intimacy between Miki and Yossui as much as I would have liked. But I guess thats enough to set someone off. I didn't want them to like be making out or something xD

Anyways, I also made like a video trailer for this series xD because I get bored on the weekends and sometimes don't feel like writing. so I guess if someone wants to see it I'll upload it
« Last Edit: April 23, 2008, 07:22:08 AM by heyyouhiya »

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