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Author Topic: Settling (chapter 38-FIN)  (Read 60428 times)

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Re: Settling (chapter 18)
« Reply #80 on: April 23, 2008, 07:44:14 PM »
trailer?!?!?! umm yes please upload!!!  :cow: btw i kinda like this chapter, it was nice seein things from aya's POV.

Offline Yukari

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Re: Settling (chapter 18)
« Reply #81 on: April 24, 2008, 03:22:37 AM »
YOMIKIIIIII!!!!!!!! I'M HAPPY!!  :mon angel:

poor ayaya, she is nice but... muajajajaj yossy is nicer  :wahaha:

i want to see the trailer too  :cow:

Offline heyyouhiya

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Re: Settling (chapter 18)
« Reply #82 on: April 24, 2008, 03:57:37 AM »
So ok thats where the video is...
uhmm probably watch it before reading this chapter I guess
oh and you should probably read the description of the video


Chapter Nineteen: Ishikawa Rika

I glanced over at the digital clock on the kitchen counter. It was already past midnight.

Sighing I turned back to the TV. There was some late night music program on, but I’m not really paying attention to it. Hell I don’t even know the name of the show.

I glanced back at the clock, where was she?

I know, I know. I’m not her mom and she’s a grown woman. But…when we decided she would move in here I didn’t think I would be spending my nights alone while she was out with Miki.

I scoffed slightly at the thought. I never liked that girl. She was too touchy, too harsh, and just plain too bitchy.

Maybe I’m getting ahead of myself, I didn’t really know her really now that I thought about it. I just know what I observe of her…but we’ve only really talked one or two times. Besides, Yossui likes her a lot and she usually has pretty good taste in a good or bad person.

But I always see her and my Hitomi being…intimate. I’ve always heard she does that to everyone, and maybe she does, but it just seems so much more deliberate or something with Yossui. Plus she plays along with it!

I sat for I don’t know how long staring at that glowing stupid box letting myself just get more and more frustrated at the thought of Miki and Yossui. I guess I’m just getting afraid because of…

I jumped slightly as I heard the front door creak open and then was immediately blinded when the lights were turned on. I blinked a couple of times adjusting to the brightness, but I didn’t turn to see who it was. I already knew, I mean who else could it be?

“Rika?” Yep, I know that voice. “What are you still doing up? I thought you would be in bed by now?”

She asks me this every time she comes home late like this. I’m always awake. “I couldn’t sleep,” I reply as I’ve done many other times. Finally I turned around and looked over the back of the couch at her.

Yossui bent down and set her shoes by the front door, flinging her bag down with them. As she stood up she said with slight concern, “You know it’s getting more and more frequent that you can’t sleep. Maybe you should see a doctor or something?”

You’re right, it’s also getting more and more frequent that you’re out until one in the morning or later. I wonder if you can spot the pattern. Okay, I admit I’m angry. I let myself sit here and get frustrated, but we’ve had this conversation one too many times.

Because of her…

I didn’t respond as I turned back around to sit properly on the couch. I felt the cushions sink a little as she sat down next to me, also draping her arm across the back of the couch in a very relaxed position.

I looked away sulking slightly, as you watched TV next to me. I know I shouldn’t, but I want you to know I’m upset. Come on Hitomi, ask me if I’m alright like you used to.

I remember when I couldn’t even be slightly annoyed at something and you would use all your energy to fix whatever had happened. Lately, though I can’t even get you to really care. You tell me you love me and you’ll still hold me gently, but you don’t seem to really care as much as you used to. It’s like you’re minds somewhere else.

No…its like your heart is somewhere else.

And then I always see you running off with that Fujimoto girl. I wrinkled up my nose, theres that girl in the picture again. You spend more time with her than with me. I can’t remember the last time we went out together, just the two of us. I think the last time we went out it was with Aya and Miki and all you did was pay attention to her.

Then how she touches you. She touches you Hitomi and you just embrace it. The other day you even…I saw you two. You’re always together and you’re always…acting like a couple.

I could feel the tears starting to gather, but my anger was holding them back. Why should I be angry? You say you love me…isn’t that enough. Stop it Rika, you’re just upset because of…

“It’s because I’m graduating isn’t it?” I asked as a lone tear traveled down my cheek.

“Huh?” She asked perplexed as she finally looked over at me from the TV. She didn’t even seem worried.

I crossed my arms in front of my chest and stared at my lap. “That’s why you’re staying out so late and avoiding me, isn’t it?”

I could feel Hitomis stare and I could even see the confused look she gets all the time that is just so cute. But I can’t look at her, not right now. I’m too angry. I don’t want to yell at her. I don’t want to make her tell me the truth.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” sheu finally said like this whole conversation was no big deal. I looked up at her; Yossuis attention was back on the television.

Alright, Rika is angry. I grabbed the remote that was sitting next to me on the couch and turned off the TV. She looked startled over at me.

“What the?”

I stared at her trying to look angry; although I’m sure it turned out to be more of a pleading look than angry one. “You have to know what I’m talking about.”

I still got no real reaction, just the same confused stare.

“Don’t tell me you haven’t noticed?” If you haven’t its worse than I thought. “You’re spending all your time with Miki. I think you’ve come home at a decent hour maybe twice this week.” I searched her eyes for answers. The expression on her face now seemed so empty; not confused, not upset, not even bored.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” she repeated.

I couldn’t help myself, it just kind of came out on its own accord. “Just admit you have feelings for Miki already! If you do I won’t care. Just tell me it’s a crush that will go away!” Crap, I don’t want you to answer that. But if you lie you’ll hurt me and if you tell me the truth I think I’ll hurt more.

She looked shocked for a moment, and then that turned into almost a look of guilt. Oh no, oh please just no. Finally she just shook her head and said almost annoyed, “I don’t have feelings for Miki.” Don’t lie to me. “You’re paranoid.”

Paranoid? “Okay, yea I admit it I’m jealous. But paranoid is a little over board.” Yossui shifted slightly in her seat as if she was uncomfortable. I guess she didn’t really mean to say that just like I hadn’t meant to ask for it.

After a short while I watched her get up and start rummaging in the kitchen. I could feel myself calming down. If she loves me as much as I love her she will respect this request.

“Hitomi-chan?” I asked very softly. Immediately she stopped looking through the cupboards, but didn’t look over at me.


“Can you…please for me. Just be home more.” I looked away, I need to finish this thought before I start crying completely. “Maybe even spend some less time with Miki and more with me. I know she’s your friend so I’m not going to ask you to stop hanging out with her. But if you could just please come home sooner and spend some more time with me. We’re already going to be seeing a lot less of each other because of my graduation so I just-“

“You want me to stop going out with Miki?” She cut me off. Is that all you heard from that Hitomi?

“Not stop,” I paused. “Just see her less.”

I looked up, she was now facing me but looking away at the floor deep in though as if she was making a big decision. “I don’t think I can do that Rika.”

I was shocked, I asked nicely didn’t I? I was diplomatic wasn’t I? I mean, I didn’t ask her to stay away from Miki completely…just be home more. Why can’t you do that Yoshizawa?

“Why?” Again something I didn’t want her to reply to.

And again there was a pause as she had to think about her answer. “Because I just…” She stopped seeming to reconsider. “She’s my best friend Rika. I really love spending time with her.” She went back to the cupboards but then after finding nothing, even though we couldn’t have more food if we had tried, she sighed and leaned against the kitchen counter facing away from me.

“I don’t believe you,” I said quietly.

“What?” She asked looking over at me.

I sighed, “Nothing.” And then I went into our bedroom and laid down. Maybe I am being paranoid?

After another minute I heard Yossui enter the room and open the closet. Opening my eyes I saw her pulling out a couple of blankets and then she walked over to the bed and grabbed her pillow. “Where are you going?” I asked not getting up.

“I’m going to sleep out in the living room tonight…I uhh…I want to watch TV. Theres a late show I want to catch.” I closed my eyes and didn’t ask anymore even though I knew she was lying to me. Soon I heard the door close and then there I was alone in our bedroom.

I got up and threw on some pajamas before crawling under the covers. I’m not going to be able to sleep tonight.

What do you want Yoshizawa Hitomi?...I don’t think I ever heard the TV turn back on.


Have I mentioned I really like sad and cheesy things?

Offline lonewind

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Re: Settling (chapter 19)
« Reply #83 on: April 24, 2008, 05:34:09 AM »
 :shocked: wow! i can just feel the angst in the air!!! poor Rika, i kinda feel sorrie for her even though im not a big fan of her...Great work though! how many chapters are you writing? im just curious  :)

Offline JFC

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Re: Settling (chapter 19)
« Reply #84 on: April 24, 2008, 06:26:07 AM »
Pretty good job with the trailer. :thumbsup

Oh, and Yossi's completely in denial. :yep:

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

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Re: Settling (chapter 19)
« Reply #85 on: April 24, 2008, 05:57:41 PM »
Nice trailer, I liked it. :yep:
Yossi and Miki are a little confused about their relationship. It's so sad that Rika and Aya have to suffer while they try to figure things out...

Offline CrypticShadow8

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Re: Settling (chapter 19)
« Reply #86 on: April 24, 2008, 09:31:30 PM »
After watching the trailer and reading this chapter I almost cried. It's so sad to see Aya and Rika suffer as their relationships fall apart. And Yossie and Miki are so confused they're not sure what they want. Can't wait for the next chapter.

Offline Kreuz_Asakura

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Re: Settling (chapter 19)
« Reply #87 on: April 25, 2008, 12:48:55 AM »
the trailer was pretty good... and so sad!!! :cry: just like the story
I'm a Yomiki fan so I'm happy about Yossy and Miki interaction... but yeah... they're making suffer Rika and Aya and I don't like that, specially because they seem to love them a lot
mmm... and I really want to see more of Kamei and Reina
Keep the good work!!!

Offline heyyouhiya

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Re: Settling (chapter 19)
« Reply #88 on: April 25, 2008, 01:22:05 AM »
how many chapters are you writing? im just curious  :)

Well currently my outline says its going to be 45 chapters (although the last is very epilogue-like)
Especially since the time gaps between chapters are getting smaller
but some of it seems pretty just filler like so I might cut it a little...

mmm... and I really want to see more of Kamei and Reina

I'm putting in more of them soon...I think the next chapter is a Kamei one but idk I'd have to check haha

Anyways, newest chapter =]


Chapter twenty: Fujimoto Miki

I scratched at the back of my head, this is…I don’t want to say awkward. But it’s defiantly different. Well, Aya really wanted to go out even though she knows I prefer to stay at home. Going out can just be so weird. Being at home, or even at Ayas home, is just so much more comfortable because I can be as strange and unlady-like as I want to be.

I looked over at Aya, she seems really happy to be here. She keeps looking around the restaurant, then at me, and then she will blush and stare down at her food like she was embarrassed. It’s really adorable. I honestly have to wonder what she was thinking when she made reservations for us here. I even had to dress up nice just to get in the door.

Aya looks really pretty in her dress.

I guess she’s trying to get us to get along better than we have been. Things have been rocky lately between us; I can’t figure out why.

Come to think of it, if that’s what she is trying to accomplish I don’t think its working. We’ve barley said more than a few sentences to each other since we got here. It’s mainly just been us sitting her silently and looking around at the fancy room. We only had one small conversation about what to get to eat. Usually Aya has trouble finding something to not talk about.

We’d both finished eating ten minutes ago, but Aya has insisted she isn’t finished whenever the waiter comes by to get her plate. Now she’s just sitting there moving her food around with her fork pretending she’s still going to finish it

Alright this dinner is no longer just different, but it’s completely awkward. I can’t move without feeling like shes watching and judging me. What’s up with her?

Ugh…I can’t take this silence anymore. “Aya,” she glanced up from her plate with a hopeful look on her face. “Are you doing okay? I mean, is everything alright?” I didn’t ask the last question lingering in my head. Is there something you want to talk to me about specifically?

She paused and bit her bottom lip. After a couple of moments of us staring at each other, but not really because we both kept glancing away slightly when our eyes met, she finally sighed.

“I’m not really sure.”

I tried to keep the conversation away from our relationship for obvious reasons, “Is everything okay at work?”

She nodded.

“How’s your family?”

“There fine. Although,” I perked up. Maybe it was about her family and not me. “My mother says she wishes you would come visit them with me more often.”

Oh…Well, “Tell her I’m sorry. I’ll go up with you soon okay? I’ve just been busy.” Why did I just lie? Last time when she invited me up I said I was busy and I wasn’t…and the time before…

Maybe I just don’t want to be around Ayas family so much anymore. They really like me…so wait! Why don’t I like visiting them?

“Ok, I’ll let you know when I go up next,” she spoke quietly. Like she wasn’t sure about what she was saying.

Or maybe she just isn’t sure about who she is talking to?

I shuddered inwardly at the thought. She can’t possibly doubt I love her, can she?



“…I love you,” she didn’t speak. I don’t think she was even breathing. I reached across the table and cupped her one of her cheeks in my hand, she instinctively leaned into it. “You know that right?” There was a very obvious amount of concern in my voice. My little Ayaya was upset and I can’t help but feel it’s my fault. I want to know how to fix this.

She nodded and I think I finally saw a smile spread across her face. It was a little one, but a smile none-the-less.

“I love you too, Tan.” Her voice didn’t waver, she meant it. But I could still see in her eyes she didn’t believe me.

My hand was still resting on her face and I gently caressed her cheek bone with my thumb. Why do you still doubt me Aya?

I pulled back my hand and rested them both in my lap. Aya seemed slightly disappointed but didn’t say anything. After all we are still in public and we are still famous idols…although when has this ever stopped us before?

The waiter brought the check and I quickly grabbed it so Aya couldn’t pay even though she had set up this whole thing. My wallets going to hurt…oh well it’s completely worth it for Aya.

While we sat and waited for my change that awkward silence came back. I watched Aya carefully; she wouldn’t look me in the eye.

Fine if you don’t want to look at me she can stare at the floor the whole time because I won’t take my eyes off of you.

Talk to me Aya. Tell me what’s wrong so I can make it better.

* * * * *

We took the same taxi home and even though it would have made much more sense to go to my house first I wanted to make sure Aya got home safely. Plus maybe in this car ride she can finally say what she’s been holding in all night.

It’s been a good fifteen minutes and still nothing. All she’s doing is staring out the cab window and every once and a while she will shift in her seat slightly. I guess she won’t talk.

I sighed and leaned my forehead against the window of the car leaving a slight print on it. Suddenly I heard a slight murmur behind me. I think it was Aya saying something…but I couldn’t make it out.

“Did you say something Aya?” I asked without moving.

“Do you really love me?” Again it was still very softly spoken. Like she didn’t want me to really hear her.

Of course I took no hesitation in answering. “Yes, Aya. I love you.” Stop questioning me.

She didn’t speak again. I glanced over at her and she just kept on staring out the window like her life would end if she took a chance and looked over at me. What’s that really the only thing bothering you?

We arrived at her apartment and I started to get out of the cab to walk her to her door but she stopped me by shutting the door quickly behind me. I rolled down the window mildly confused.

“I love you Tan,” she said as she kissed me on the cheek through the window. She glanced at the driver to make sure he didn’t see; he wasn’t paying attention to us because he was texting someone.

“Love you too,” I replied out of habit and then watched her walk away to her building. I told the driver where I lived and he started off in the direction of my apartment.

For some reason those last words I said were still lingering in my mind.

I love Aya. My god, do I love Aya with all of my heart. I know it; I know I’m in love with her. I’ve never been more certain.

However, whenever I say those words I can’t help but think that they’re something missing. Like I should be more in love…or like…I love someone more. I know I’m not lying to her, but I still feel like I’m being deceitful.

“I love you Aya. I really do.”
« Last Edit: April 25, 2008, 03:14:22 AM by heyyouhiya »

Offline CrypticShadow8

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Re: Settling (chapter 20)
« Reply #89 on: April 25, 2008, 05:46:17 AM »
Poor Miki she's so confused. And poor Aya she doesn't know what to believe anymore.  :cry:

Still a great story and can't wait to find out what happens next. I think I'll go watch the trailer again now.

Offline Yukari

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Re: Settling (chapter 20)
« Reply #90 on: April 25, 2008, 06:18:17 AM »
maujajajajjaja  :ding: yes miki, you are having doubts... it make me happy

btw... poor ayaya, really... she is in the same position that rika... that's so sad  :pleeease:

but... in my heart yomiki win  :wriggly:

waiting next chapter

oh right, lovely trailer... i have it in my favorites xD

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Re: Settling (chapter 20)
« Reply #91 on: April 26, 2008, 05:50:41 AM »
Chapter twenty-one: Kamei Eri

I really need to stop spacing out so much. Filming ended a half hour ago and everyone had already gone and I was still staring at the wall completely out of it. I vaguely remember Reina trying to get me to go with her to lunch. I guess I wasn’t paying enough attention to notice she was talking to me.

Damn another missed opportunity.

Oh well, I sighed as I stood up and stretching slightly before walking out of the room in search for something to eat, or even just someone to sit with. I wasn’t really all that hungry.

Oh hey! Look its Yoshizawa.

Wait, should I go talk to her? I may space out, but I can always tell when someone is upset. She has a right to be though…Rika did just graduate last week and I know they we’re together. Does she like to talk to people when she’s upset?

I wonder how she is handling it. I smiled to myself, maybe she just needs a friend to talk to and I’m just the perfect person to do that.

I skipped over to where Yoshizawa was sitting out in the lobby and noticed no one else was around. Weird, usually this place has a couple of bodies in it during lunch. I just shrugged it off and plopped down next to Yossui.

I sat there for a second waiting for her to notice me. But one minute passed…

And then two…

Then three and she was still just sitting there staring out the window.

Okay, come on. I know your girlfriend isn’t in the same group as you anymore, but it can’t be bothering you that much.

“HI YOSSUI!” I yelled cheerfully.

That seemed to wake her up because she almost fell of the couch when she jumped. She faced me like she was about to get really angry. But I just smiled and she seemed to drop the anger and smiled slightly at me.

“Hey Eri, what’s up?”

“You okay?” I asked.

“No,” she then looked surprised that she had answered me so bluntly. I’ve learned that the best way to get information from someone was to go straight to the point.

“You want to talk about it?”

“It’s Rika.” I knew it.

“About her graduating?”

“Yea,” she paused. “Well, actually no not really.”

“Then you mean this is about Miki.”

I saw Yoshizawa turn slightly pink, “What? Miki?”

“Oh you two are so obvious! Always hanging off of each other.” I paused, I know what I’m about to say next is going to make her super red. “It’s really adorable how you two interact.” Yep, red as a tomato.

But ooops…I guess I crossed a line because she was about to get complete pay back.

“You’re one to talk Kamei. What about your constant staring at Reina? Like that isn’t obvious.” Crap, now I was the red one.

“Hey hey hey. This is about you and Rika. Not how I feel about Reina.”

“So you do feel something?” She smirked. Crap.

“That’s not what I meant!” I have to say something quick to say otherwise this conversation is going to go where I don’t want it to. Not right now anyways. “So if this isn’t about Fujimoto then what’s the problem with Rika?”

She looked down at her lap with a solemn expression on her face. Sad Yoshizawa isn’t something you see that often. “We’ve been fighting with each other a lot lately.”

“About what?”

“Well, I’ve just been home less and stuff.” Home less? Oh that’s right you two moved into Rikas apartment together. It’s kind of funny that you have to keep paying for yours though so UFA doesn’t think you two are involved anymore than they do. Ok wait, she’s still talking; Focus. “She always ends up bringing Miki up too. Then I feel really guilty…” she trailed off but I didn’t say anything. There is still more to this story. “But I don’t think I should.” For a moment it looked like Yossui was going to cry. “Last night the fight was really bad. She won’t talk to me today.”



“I’m just having trouble understanding. You love Rika right?”

“Yea, I guess.”

You guess? Oh boy…Mikis got you bad. “You should tell her you know.”

“Huh? Who?”

“Miki,” I paused. “You should tell her.”

Yoshizawa got very silent and almost stone stiff. It was like she was finally starting to understand what I was saying. I can understand that though, I can have a strange way of explaining myself. Personally, I think it’s overall more effective.

She stood up and began to walk away.

But then she stopped and turned with a mischievous look in her eye. She winked, “So should you,” before turning back away from me and walking down the hallway.

My eyes opened wide in surprise and I turned a nice shade of red once again.


Normally because I missed monday I would post on the weekend
But I'm feeling a little under the weather so I don't think I will

Keep on reading everyone! =]
« Last Edit: April 27, 2008, 11:57:18 PM by heyyouhiya »

Offline Yukari

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Re: Settling (chapter 21)
« Reply #92 on: April 26, 2008, 06:34:44 AM »
eri, just lovely all the time  :hee:

yossy, you have to tell miki about your... feelings? don't know xD :kekeke:

waiting next chapter like always :shy2:

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Re: Settling (chapter 21)
« Reply #93 on: April 26, 2008, 06:53:29 AM »
 :wub: you gotta love eri! lol

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Re: Settling (chapter 21)
« Reply #94 on: April 26, 2008, 05:54:41 PM »
I read it. From the start. No. Why is this happening to Rika and Aya? The poor girls..   :( You're a Yomiki fan aren't you? Yea, it seems like it...
Darn I knew i shouldn't have read this. But I got hooked. and now I feel terrible. Ishiyoshi and GAM are falling apart.. naww..  :cry:
Saw the trailer by the way. It was great! Huh? I'm confused..
Anyway I'll be watching your fic closely. Very closely.
Wow, i think i've gone crazy i should go to sleep more.  :doh:
I'll be watching..  :yep:

Ishiyoshi~ DEF.DIVA~ GAM~ hANGRY&ANGRY <33

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Re: Settling (chapter 21)
« Reply #95 on: April 27, 2008, 04:31:05 AM »
Yeah, Eri should follow her own advice. :D

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

Offline Yukari

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Re: Settling (chapter 21)
« Reply #96 on: April 28, 2008, 10:04:26 PM »
please i need a new chapter *addict*  :pleeease:

Offline heyyouhiya

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Re: Settling (chapter 21)
« Reply #97 on: April 29, 2008, 03:35:06 AM »
Happy monday all! I guess I should tell you I might not post one on thursday because its May Day! And I'm going to celebrate haha


Chapter Twenty-two: Yoshizawa Hitomi

I stood outside her…no wait, our apartment for a good twenty minutes. I just can’t bring myself to go inside. These last few weeks I’ve slept out on the couch. Yes it was on my own accord, but these last few days…

These last few days Rika has barley said more than a couple of sentences to me. Completely ignoring me when we were at the same place at work, then at home she might ask how my day is and then proceed to act as if I’m not there.

Part of me really wants to be angry at her for all of this. She’s just being to paranoid about Miki and I. At the same time I can’t help but feel guilty. I know I haven’t been coming home and I know I’ve also been avoiding her a bit. But…she has to know I love her.

Then again what Eri said the other day hasn’t left my mind since. I love Rika, I know I do. But I also can’t help feeling something towards Miki. I’ve tried convincing myself that I’m just bored from being in the same relationship for so long and it will go away.

I doubt that will happen considering it has been two years since Miki joined and I still can’t get her out of my head.

I’m happy with Rika and I could probably live the rest of my life with her being completely content if I could just let Miki go and have it be as we we’re before. But now it just feels like there is something constantly missing; like I should be in love more.

Stop it Yoshizawa you’re acting ridiculous. You love Rika and she loves you. Not many people can be so lucky to have someone that loves them as Rika does.

I’m a lucky person. I gently smiled to myself as I opened the front door and stepped inside. The TV was blaring and I set down my shoes at the side of the door looking around. Where was Rika?

After a moment my question was answered when she popped up from behind the kitchen counter. “Oh Hitomi-chan…” she said hesitantly as she began to clean the counter with a rag. She looked awful, like she hadn’t been sleeping lately. Weird why was this the first time I’ve noticed…my thoughts were interrupted when she spoke again, “What are you doing here?”

“Huh? I do live here,” or do you really not want me here anymore.

She sighed and stopped cleaning looking up at me in all seriousness, “That’s not what I meant.” Rika then threw the rag into the sink and walked passed me to the couch where she sat down and proceeded to watch TV. What was this a guessing game? What is Rika talking about this time show!

“Well, then could you elaborate on what you did mean?” I asked sitting down on the couch next to her, but not too close. I wasn’t sure how close Rika would let me be. She seemed pretty upset.

“It’s just the first time you’ve been home at a decent hour in weeks. It’s surprising.”

“And that means?”

She cut me off a little, “It doesn’t really mean anything.”


“Yea and? At least I don’t lie about my feelings.” There was a slight bit of agitation in her voice, but it was still calm. Almost like this was something she was used to by now.

“What are you talking about this time?” Stop being so confusing Rika and just talk to me already! I was actually starting to get frustrated at her.

She stood up and manually turned off the TV. “I just don’t understand what you want Hitomi.” She bit her bottom lip and looked down at the floor hugging her arms close to her chest. She looked so defenseless. “You tell me you love me, but I can’t be sure you mean it anymore.”

I stood up and embraced her in my arms. “But I do love you Rika. Why can’t you believe me?”

She sniffled slightly and looked up at me her eyes filled with tears. “Because you don’t show it anymore.”

What? I guess she could tell from my puzzled expression that I didn’t understand. She pulled away from me and walked over to the window. “We don’t go out anymore and you’re never even home.” She sniffled again shaking slightly like this was all something she couldn’t bear to say. “You don’t even sleep in the same bed with me anymore. It’s like we’re a married couple and we can’t even be married if we wanted to!”

I stood there having absolutely no idea what I should do. I want to comfort you Rika, I really do. But I’m so confused. I love you. I don’t believe it possible to care for someone more than I do at this moment. Yet my heart keeps telling me there should be more.

“It’s all since she came into the picture…” I heard Rika say from her same position of standing at the window.

“Rika,” I walked over and hugged her from behind. Maybe this can all go away if I just keep holding her. I want to make it go away... “I’m sorry.”

She seemed content with my apology for a moment before suddenly pulling away from me like it pained her for me to touch her. “Stop lying to me,” she stated fiercely. “You’re no good at it.”

“Rika I love you and I’m sorry for hurting you. What more can I say to make this better?” I want us to be okay. I wish with every fiber in my being that we can go back to what it was like when we we’re so happy.

She wouldn’t look at me. Her eyes darted everywhere around me avoiding my gaze. But when our eyes finally locked her look was so pleading and sincere. “Just tell me we can work this out.”

With that look, I could tell if I lied to her again it would break her more than the truth. All she wanted was to be with me completely and I don’t think I know how to do that yet. I sighed having finally made up my decision.

“I can’t do this right now Rika. It’s complicated.”

She smiled lightly almost relieved at my answer. But at the same time I could see her starting to cry. “What are you saying?”

“I don’t know,” I replied honestly.

“Then why don’t you figure that out.” She turned away from me once again and stared out the window.

“I’m sorry Rika,” I mumbled as I went over and slipped on my shoes. I opened the front door grabbing my stuff with my other hand and glanced back one more time at Rika. She was still standing there staring out into nothing.

I guess this was it. It’s a good thing I had to keep my apartment when I moved in here so UFA didn’t suspect anything weird.

“I’ll come by later when you’re not here to pack up my stuff,” I said assuming she wanted to be left alone right now. Hell I even wanted time to cry. I just might have lost my one love, forever.

I need to talk to Maki. But as I set out to go hail a cab, I found myself dialing a different number than hers on my cell phone.
« Last Edit: April 29, 2008, 04:02:38 AM by heyyouhiya »

Offline CrypticShadow8

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Re: Settling (chapter 22)
« Reply #98 on: April 29, 2008, 04:30:14 AM »
No Yossie don't go!! :pleeease:
Poor Rika-chan poor Yossie. I wonder if they'll ever work out their problems or will Yossie and Miki end up together. We know that's the person who Yossie went to call.
Once again great job! Can't wait for the next chapter.

Offline Kreuz_Asakura

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Re: Settling (chapter 22)
« Reply #99 on: April 29, 2008, 04:52:09 AM »
 :( :( :( :(
Man... Yossy is so lost, I really feel bad for Rika, and I don't know, but I think in the next chapter, I'll feel bad for Aya :cry:

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