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Author Topic: strawb3rrykream's notebook (Aki Urara - updated 8/17)  (Read 145100 times)

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Re: strawb3rrykream's notebook (Hitorijime - updated 8/7)
« Reply #400 on: August 08, 2008, 11:07:42 PM »
charmikittty ... hmm
its like ayaxai ...
unusual but still quite interesting

it was a good story though =D

@ peti-chan, thanks for the translation (even though it wasn't for me xD)
takagaki = <3 (:

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Re: strawb3rrykream's notebook (Hitorijime - updated 8/7)
« Reply #401 on: August 09, 2008, 03:23:25 PM »
that was sad  :(

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Re: strawb3rrykream's notebook (Hitorijime - updated 8/7)
« Reply #402 on: August 10, 2008, 04:55:38 AM »
It's true that these things don't always work out as we would like them to. It's at least a nice relief that they're able to part on good terms (and the little thing Aichan did for Aya at the end was nice too. Shows that she still is important to her).

Dang...that was powerful. :O

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Offline lollipopgirl

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Re: strawb3rrykream's notebook (Hitorijime - updated 8/7)
« Reply #403 on: August 13, 2008, 05:37:28 PM »
Wow at Hitorijime!!! Your CharMikitty's are always so different, whether it be mushy or angsty like this one... Poor Rika, of course she can't help but fall for Miki, despite her 'flaws', but man it must hurt... If I were her, I would feel so dirty :(
:heart:ing Miki as much as I do, I wanna see the best in her so I try to believe that she really does love Rika but she is making my job hard by not showing any of it through her actions, sex isn't love :angry:
I'm loving your writing more and more :heart: :wub:

Also deary, I know I owe you a whole heap of LJ comments and they are coming I promise, I've just had some hectic times lately, hence my mini absence from here too... Hell I even had 11 hours at uni today *dies* Anyway, I shall give your LJ loooots of love soon!!! :D

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Re: strawb3rrykream's notebook (Future Fantasy - updated 8/13)
« Reply #404 on: August 13, 2008, 07:09:33 PM »
@tru_harmony: Thank you, girl! Your feedback always makes me happy! Your prayers shall be answered!! :D
@lil_hamz: Nope, I was feeling like some angsty Charmikitty! I should have put the translation at the bottom, huh? :doh: :lol: Aww, but the angst that comes with cutting is to write! But I would never make them die from it, I wouldn't be able to forgive myself. On a second thought......that'd be a little interesting. Sayu and Ai-chan... :wub:
@peti-chan: Glad you liked it! Thanks for translating for me, btw! :wub:
@x_sleepyhead: I like Charmikitty! If you read poets-san's sig, that quote is from me! :lol: Obscure pairings are teh shit!!!
@kRisZ: Yeah, sad, huh? :cry:
@JFC: Aya and Ai-chan :inlove: I just can't make them hate each other! As for Hitorijime, it just proves that Rika isn't gonna let Miki get away with her crap anymore.
@lollipopgirl: Hisashiburi ne?! (Long time no see!) I like to explore Charmikitty's potential. Rika just wants to be loved and Miki was willing to give her those feelings, real or not. And it's just a bonus for Miki that Rika's hot and willing to have sex with her. (I feel so vulgar, saying these things about them!) I reeeeally love Miki too and I love to portray her as this great person on the inside but sometimes, I have to succumb to the temptation of bad Miki! I noticed that you weren't around lately. I got a little worried. But I'm glad you're okay. And so is sakura_iro!! It's not totally done yet because I'm a lazy bum but there are some pics now!!!

Hmmm, this strange! I'm not sure it came out the way it was in my mind but I'm fairly satisfied with it! This is dedicated to tru_harmony, the girl who makes Ishiyoshi so damn love!!!! I hope I wrote them ok for you! :heart:

Future Fantasy

   “Hey, baby?”, Yoshizawa Hitomi called to her girlfriend from dining table. She was reading a futsal magazine until her black cellphone began to vibrate, signaling a text message. She flipped it open and found a message from Sugiura Nozomi, their fellow 4th generation member. It was an invitation to the Sugiura home for dinner. “Huh?”, Ishikawa Rika yelled back over the sound of running water. She was washing some dishes from earlier in the day. “Nono just invited us over for dinner tonight at 7”, Hitomi answered, entering the kitchen and proceeding to wrap her arms around Rika’s waist possessively. “Tell her we’d love to come”, the older girl smiled, “I can’t wait to see Noa-chan” Hitomi simply nodded and RSVP’d to the invite. “I wonder what it’s like, to be married”, Rika mused, drying her hands off on a pink dish towel. “Aw, that’s what every girl wants to hear”, the blond pouted, “That her girlfriend wants to go off and get married to some guy.” She turned around and started for the kitchen door, head hung. “No, baka!”, the tanned woman ran towards her, “I want to be married to you!” “Thought so”, Hitomi smirked as she turned around and lifted her girl up into her arms. “You did that on purpose!!”, Rika accused, yet wrapped her arms around Hitomi’s neck. “So what if I did?”, the other retorted, as the pair ended up in the bedroom.
     “Mmmm…stop!”, Rika giggled as Hitomi gently laid her on the bed and began kissing her neck playfully. “That’s new. Usually it’s don’t stop”, the younger teased, making good use of her tongue on the lightly bronzed flesh. Sometimes she felt bad about making such comments to the love of her life but she knew somewhere inside, Rika liked it. She liked being teased, in more ways than one. “Really, we have to get ready to go”, the girl lying on the bed said, finally pushing her girlfriend off of her and heading towards the bedroom. “No, you can’t take a shower with me”, she smirked over her shoulder. “Damn it”, Hitomi mumbled, slumping onto the bed. Rika always knew what she was thinking, dirty thoughts and normal ones. But that was part of what made her so special. If Hitomi didn’t feel like talking, it was ok because she had her own personal mind-reader. “Sweetie, can you go out and get something to take over to their house?”, Rika chimed, her head sticking out from behind the bathroom door. “Only if you let me see that body”, the blond grinned, waggling her eyebrows suggestively. “Later tonight”, was the reply and the door was pulled firmly shut. Hitomi sighed and got up to go out to buy something nice for Nono and her family.
      20 minutes later, both women were bathed and dressed. “Rika-chan, time to go!”, Hitomi called from the front door. “I’m coming, I’m coming”, the older grumbled, coming to the door. After putting on her shoes, she was surprised when her body suddenly swung to one side and her lips were captured. “Hitomi-chan! What if someone saw?!”, Rika scolded, breaking away and peering out the open door. “You worry too much”, Hitomi chuckled, yanking her lover by the waist out into the hallway. The pair walked arm in arm to the train station. “Does Taiyou know about us?”, Rika asked unexpectedly, panic flashing across her face. “I don’t know but if he doesn’t, he’ll find out tonight”, her girlfriend responded, swiftly squeezing Rika’s butt and avoiding any physical injuries in one fluid movement. The older just rolled her eyes and hurried to catch up. No use scolding her for something that was quite pleasing for both parties.
      Ringing the doorbell, Rika and Hitomi stood waiting outside the front door of the Sugiura Family’s apartment. A moment later, the door opened and there stood Taiyou, Nozomi’s husband. “Welcome! It’s great to see you guys”, he smiled, gesturing them to come in. He gave both of them small hugs and led them into the living room. “I forgot that Nono designed your place”, Hitomi laughed, the abundance of pink and Disney characters making it quite evident. “Yeah, but what can you do?”, he blushed, rubbing the back of his head sheepishly. He reached down into the little play pen and lifted 8-month-old Noa into his arms. “Say hi to Auntie Rika and Auntie Hitomi”, he cooed, waving her chubby arm at the couple. “Awww! She’s so big now!”, Rika squealed, taking the baby into her arms and cuddling her. She sat on the couch and bounced Noa on her lap. Hitomi sat next to her, watching her girlfriend play with the little kid. Her heart melted at the sight. “Hey, you guys!”, Nozomi grinned, coming out of the kitchen in a pink Hello Kitty apron. “Nono!”, both girls cheered, standing and hugging their friend. “Well, dinner’s ready so we might as well eat”, the shortest woman said as she retreated to the kitchen to bring out the food. Noa was placed in her high chair and the adults began to eat.
     “Wow, Non, I’m impressed!”, Hitomi said as she devoured her third piece of shrimp tempura. “I remember the days when she couldn’t even boil water”, she continued, causing everyone else to laugh. “Well, now that I have a family to feed”, Nozomi replied, squeezing Taiyou’s hand tenderly. “You guys are so cute!”, Rika giggled, “It’s great to see married couples still being affectionate.”  “What about you guys?!”, the youngest smirked, “Ta-kun said you guys were holding hands when he answered the door.” Taiyou looked a bit embarrassed that his observation had been mentioned. Instead, he turned his attention to feeding little Noa some pureed pumpkin. She babbled cutely and ate every bite. As the conversation went on, Hitomi couldn’t help but notice Rika watching the baby with a warm expression. She seemed so engrossed in every sound or movement the little girl made.
     Suddenly, Noa began crying, her previously joyous expression turning into one of unrest. A worried look crossed Rika’s face as she lifted the baby onto her lap and tried to calm her. But the unhappy infant clearly wanted one of her own parents, as she squirmed around. Both of the Sugiuras had left the room and only Rika and Hitomi remained. “Shh, Noa-chan”, the eldest Yonki member nervously whispered, attempting to rock the tot. She looked at Hitomi desperately, obviously panicking. The blond stepped over and took the crying kid into her arms. She gently bounced Noa, rubbing her little back. The cries began to slow and finally, stopped altogether. Rika stared at her girlfriend in awe, shocked that the baby quieted that easily. “Hey, Nono”, Hitomi called, “I think Noa is down for the night.” The young mother scurried in and laid her sleeping daughter’s head on her shoulder. “It’s early for her but she didn’t take a nap today”, Nozomi said knowingly, “Sorry I couldn’t get in here in time to stop the crying.” Hitomi just smiled as if it was an everyday occurrence. While Nozomi put Noa in her crib, Rika looked at her lover with an expectant look. “How did you freakin do that?”, she asked. “I have no idea”, was the reply, accompanied by a shoulder shrug.
      All four adults moved into the living room, chatting about everything from the old H!P days to Taiyou’s recent projects to cooking tips. Nozomi sat in her husband’s arms, looking relaxed and content. Taiyou appeared pretty happy himself, stroking her leg softly. Rika seemed a little envious to Hitomi, like she wanted what they had. To remind her, the Ongaku Gatas leader snuck an arm around her waist, cuddling her close. The other didn’t respond but any sign of jealousy had vanished. “So when are you gonna come back?”, Rika asked Nozomi, “Because All for One & One for All is getting a little sad.” Hitomi snickered because she too had noticed that particular song was lacking in the population department. “Well, I wanted to wait until Noa gets older but I really want to come back”, the 21-year-old fantasized. The two couples talked a little longer before Rika and Hitomi decided to head home. “Let’s do this again soon!”, Nozomi chortled as her guests put on their shoes to leave. “See you soon”, Taiyou smiled before giving both the women hugs. They waved and left for home.
    “Ah, tonight was fun, huh?”, Hitomi thought out loud as she unlocked the front door. “It was”, Rika replied, throwing her purse onto a chair and flinging her body face first onto the couch. The former Morning Musume leader leaped on top of her, landing with a slight thud and an “AHHHH!!” from the girl under her. “Let’s get married”, Hitomi whispered, “A huge wedding, all pink and white” Rika tried to speak up, but her lungs were slowly being crushed so all she could do was groan pitifully. “And then, on our wedding night”, the younger continued, moving to straddle the area right above her girlfriend’s perfect butt, “I’ll lay you down on the bed and take off your gorgeous dress and…” The last part was carefully murmured into the older girl’s ear. Rika’s face turned bright red and her whole body heated up. Hitomi laughed before whispering more dirty things into the crimson-flushed ear. “Hitomi-chan!!”, the tanned girl managed to croak out in a shocked yet slightly intrigued voice. “And then, we’ll have 6 kids”, the blond woman resumed her fantasy, “3 boys and 3 girls, and they’ll all be ridiculously attractive.” “Get off!!”, Rika whined and the other surprisingly complied. She took a few deep breaths before replying, “But we don’t have the right…equipment to have babies together.” “But it’s so fun to try”, was the response as a giggling Rika was scooped up and carried into the bedroom.

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Re: strawb3rrykream's notebook (Future Fantasy - updated 8/13)
« Reply #405 on: August 13, 2008, 09:25:14 PM »
... are you psychic?

that was, like, a microcosm of my life... XD


they didn't conserve water! :lol:

Yossui wants to get married... 6 kids?!?!

thanks for making my wish come tru... :lol:

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Re: strawb3rrykream's notebook (Future Fantasy - updated 8/13)
« Reply #406 on: August 14, 2008, 12:49:38 AM »
Oh Ishiyoshi...they always make my heart melt, such a perfect pair for each other.

I love it.

Yay for another great ishiyoshi!!!!

good job keep it up!

(Image of absolute awesome provided by Gloopip Graphix)

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Re: strawb3rrykream's notebook (Future Fantasy - updated 8/13)
« Reply #407 on: August 14, 2008, 02:18:09 AM »
6 kids? Dayum. :lol:

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

Offline Yankii Heart

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Re: strawb3rrykream's notebook (Future Fantasy - updated 8/13)
« Reply #408 on: August 14, 2008, 07:17:29 AM »

Future Fantasy
  :rofl: too cute and too funny

“Say hi to Auntie Rika and Auntie Hitomi”

Taiyou understands the Ishiyoshi  :lol:

Code: [Select]
“And then, we’ll have 6 kids, 3 boys and 3 girls, and they’ll all be ridiculously attractive.” :on lol: Yossy

“But we don’t have the right…equipment to have babies together.” “But it’s so fun to try”

Rika:  :dunno:

Yossy:  :hehehe:

Me: (*loving this fic too much*)  :k-thrilled:

Rika is soooo CUTE and Yossy is WAY too cheeky

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Re: strawb3rrykream's notebook (Future Fantasy - updated 8/13)
« Reply #409 on: August 14, 2008, 05:12:39 PM »
It was cute and funny :wub: but 6 kids? :O Yossy wants her own futsal team? XD 

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Re: strawb3rrykream's notebook (Future Fantasy - updated 8/13)
« Reply #410 on: August 14, 2008, 06:36:54 PM »
Awww that was so cute... YAY for the return of the fluff!!!
IshiYoshi, for sure two of the best future mothers in H!P :heart: Even with Miki's 'plans' (if you can call them that) I'm sure she'll be calling for help many a time. :P

And NONOOOOO, how nice it is to have her back in a fic too :wub:
Now, can I request something please :mon innocent: ... Care to continue this one after Rika gets swept up onto Yossy arms *cough*  :mon sweat:  :mon misch:
Oh and also, do you feel like trying anothe obscure pairing, the last one worked so well you see ;)

That's right, I'm demanding, get use to it  :gmon hot: :gmon sweet: :onionwhip:

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Re: strawb3rrykream's notebook (Waiting - updated 8/14)
« Reply #411 on: August 14, 2008, 11:28:48 PM »
@tru_harmony: I'm glad you like it! They could have conserved water, but Rika was too concerned about being late! :lol: I know, it's a lot of kids and a little far-fetched!
@maverickpanda: They really are the perfect couple! :wub:
@JFC: You do know what they have to do to "make" all those kids, right? :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
@Yankii Heart: Taiyou doesn't need to be told that they're a couple, he can see it! Hey, when you mix those two, you gotta know their kids are gonna be gorgeous!
@peti-chan: Please refer to my comment to JFC. :twisted: I never thought about them having their own futsal team but that's a great idea! That's what they'll do with all of those kids!
@lollipopgirl: Yup, after all that angst! I can definitely see both of them as moms. Miki'll be like, "I can't take it anymore!! Why are they crying!?!?!?" :lol: The whole idea for this story started with Nono. I check Taiyou's blog everyday and I remember the entry about Ishiyoshi coming over for dinner. I started from there. Continuing, huh? I'll have to think about that. As for obscure pairing, I'll have to think about that too! XD

So I've been bored not having any new pervs to read. So I wrote my own.
It's at Renai Revolution on LJ. I'd post a link, but I'm too lazy! I posted one earlier in my thread so get it from there if necessary. It's called Waiting, btw.
Comments can be posted either here or there. Or both!!

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Re: strawb3rrykream's notebook (Waiting - updated 8/14)
« Reply #412 on: August 15, 2008, 12:12:13 AM »
So I've been bored not having any new pervs to read. So I wrote my own.
It's at Renai Revolution on LJ. I'd post a link, but I'm too lazy! I posted one earlier in my thread so get it from there if necessary. It's called Waiting, btw.
Comments can be posted either here or there. Or both!!
You could add a link to your LJ in your Sig for easy access. :yep:

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

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Re: strawb3rrykream's notebook (Waiting - updated 8/14)
« Reply #413 on: August 15, 2008, 12:54:19 AM »
Yeah, I should do that.

BUT...I have a link to my LJ on my profile! Or click on the little globe-looking thing under my avatar! So everyone, use that to find renairev!

Offline lollipopgirl

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Re: strawb3rrykream's notebook (Waiting - updated 8/14)
« Reply #414 on: August 15, 2008, 03:46:43 AM »
Why do you post a new fic everytime I finally catch up and comment on the previous one? :angry:
No I'm kidding :P I love that you write so much, but now I gotta bloody go find my way to LJ, god I'm lazy :lol:

I'll edit this after ;)

Where is Ambersan, she will love this :P
YAY, twice, Hellz Yeah! :mon crazyinlove:
I saw the pairing and was like "EXCUSE YOU!!!" though XD
Damn these people turning u to the dark side :lol:
That was fun though... teasing Kame is hot  :drool:
« Last Edit: August 15, 2008, 05:09:13 AM by lollipopgirl »

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Re: strawb3rrykream's notebook (Waiting - updated 8/14)
« Reply #415 on: August 15, 2008, 11:19:39 AM »
Anyone who thinks Mikitty is the Groping Queen hasn’t seen my Kame in action.... :mon blood:

Kame showed her true cloros, huh? :mon misch:

It was hot and naughty and I liked it~ :mon mischief:

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Re: strawb3rrykream's notebook (Waiting - updated 8/14)
« Reply #416 on: August 15, 2008, 02:21:01 PM »
Where is Ambersan, she will love this :P
*Raises hand* right here  :roll:
hmm.. decided to turn off my lurking mode.
First i want to congratulate you for writing the first(at least to my knowledge) English GakiKame perv. :rockon:
Also i noticed you've realy improved from the last perv ... keep going :thumbsup:
Anyway i realy liked it.. Teasing Kame was hot as usual and that "interruption" was very funny..

is there a chance for the occurences of the next day ?  :twisted:
« Last Edit: August 15, 2008, 10:12:49 PM by AmberSan »

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Re: strawb3rrykream's notebook (Not That Girl - updated 8/16)
« Reply #417 on: August 16, 2008, 07:38:07 PM »
A little tidbit about Waiting. I was originally gonna write about them being so gentle during their first time but I realized it was a little boring. :grin: So instead, it wasn't their first time and it wasn't so gentle!
@lollipopgirl: My bad! XD Kame just kept on going! :lol: Yeah, that my first time writing a positive Gakikame relationship. It was strange because I'm used to writing them breaking up or something like that! I know really!! KonaKaga!! :D Kame can be such a tease!!!
@peti-chan: I think Kame became a groper at the influence of Mikitty though. She got tired of being the victim! XD
@AmberSan: Really? I had no idea Gakikame pervs didn't exist (maybe) in English. Thanks for the compliments! I hope I'm improving, even with pervs. I want to write Kame's turn! But I really have to think about it so it's not too similar.

I'm trying to write as much as possible because school starts the week after next for me. And I won't have too much time to do anything besides schoolwork.


Not That Girl

“Uhhh”, groaned Takahashi Ai as she attempted to open her sleepy eyes. But the sun was shining on her, making her pounding headache even worse. She used what little energy she had to pull the covers back over her and curled into a ball. Rocking lightly to ease the pain, Ai tried to recall the events of the previous night. She came up with absolutely nothing. Letting her hands slip down her naked sides….wait. She moved her hands back up, feeling nothing but her own smooth skin. Why the hell was she naked? And in a bed that wasn’t hers? A horrified expression crash landed on her face and her head shot out from beneath the blanket. Ai’s terrified eyes darted about the room, looking for any sign of familiarity.
    “Finally, you’re up”, a voice Ai would know anywhere chuckled. The woman sat on the bed, a glass of water in one hand and a bottle of aspirin in the other. “Why am I naked?”, the younger girl asked, eying her company suspiciously. “Don’t worry, I didn’t touch anywhere special”, Fujimoto Miki rolled her eyes. She took two pills out of the bottle and handed them to Ai, who was still looking at her funny. The girl under the covers took the medicine and accepted the water. “You never answered my question”, she stated after gulping down the first liquid she had in many hours. “Well, I couldn’t let you sleep in your own puke”, Miki replied, smiling at her, “And it’s not like you have anything I haven’t seen.” For some reason, Ai blushed but quickly recovered. “What happened last night?”, she asked, wrapping the covers tightly around her chest and sitting up. “Long story short, you drank too much and I brought you here.”, Miki answered, getting up from the bed and taking the empty water glass to the sink.
     Ai just sat there, naked in Miki’s apartment. She never, ever thought she’d be in this situation. She had heard the things other girls were saying about Miki. How she’s slept with tons of people, men and women. How she dumps people like trash once she’s gotten what she wants. Ai never really paid attention to any of them, though. Miki was nice enough, so she never saw why some of their co-workers talked so badly about her. But this somehow made her see the older girl in a different light. Was she telling the truth when she said she didn’t touch her? Ai always thought it would hurt when that happened but she felt fine down there. There was just something strange about Miki’s behavior. She seemed more cheery than Ai had ever seen her before.
     “So are you just gonna sit there all day?”, Miki grinned, returning to the bedroom. “I’d get up but it seems my clothing is still missing”, she retorted, shooting a slightly annoyed look at her friend. “Someone’s still cranky, even after all that sleep”, was all the older woman said as she retrieved a neatly folded stack Ai recognized as hers. “Are you sure all you did was clean me up last night?”, the short haired woman asked, taking the clothes from Miki’s arms. “Isn’t that what I told you?”, she replied, looking into Ai’s eyes. “Just confirming”, Ai murmured, as she broke the other’s gaze.
     Suddenly, Miki banged her hand on the nightstand, startling the other woman. “You’ve heard what they say about me and you believe it, don’t you?”, she snarled, her tone turning from kind to steely. Ai wanted so badly to tell her no, but the words just wouldn’t leave her lips. “Just so you know, none of that is true”, Miki whispered, her voice less angry and more hurt, “I’ve only slept with a few people and I cared about them.” Ai just sat there, both amazed and terrified of the other. “I’m not a fucking slut! I’m not that girl”, Miki shouted, “And I thought you’d see that.” “But I guess you’re no different from the rest of them”, she continued, leaving the room.
    Ai had never felt so guilty in her life. She didn’t mean to make Miki cry and feel bad. She never wanted to do that to anyone. But of all people, it was scariest to do it to Miki. When the toughest girl in Hello! Project cried, there was something wrong in the world. Ai was able to dress herself and leave the neat and sunny bedroom. Walking into the living room, she caught a glance of Miki on the balcony. Her back was facing Ai but the younger could tell she was crying by the slight shaking of her body. It broke Ai’s heart to see her friend in pain, all because of her. Making her way outside, she stood next to Miki and placed her hand over the older girl’s on the railing. “I’m sorry, Miki-chan”, she breathed, “I have never believed any of those rumors.” “It’s okay”, the older girl sniffled, “I guess I let them get to my head.” “But I do have one question”, Miki said, her voice sounding surprisingly clear, “Did you really think I raped you?”
     “No, I trust you”, Ai replied, giving Miki a silly smile, “I know you wouldn’t do that” “Good”, the soloist said, holding Ai’s hand. “Now I have a question”, the Morning Musume leader spoke up, “If all those rumors bother you, why don’t you say something?” Miki was silent for a couple seconds, as if hesitating to answer the inquiry. “Because I have an image to keep up”, she finally answered, “I don’t want everyone to know that the rumors hurt, you know?” Ai simply nodded, becoming lost in her thoughts. Somewhere in her heart, she had always known Miki had a soft side, a vulnerable side. But seeing it firsthand was a little unnerving. “I have practice soon”, Ai said, “But let’s hang out again, ok?” She gave Miki’s hand one last comforting squeeze and headed towards the front door.

But before she left, Ai turned to face Miki and said, “Your secret is safe with me.”

Offline kinbari

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Re: strawb3rrykream's notebook (Not That Girl - updated 8/16)
« Reply #418 on: August 16, 2008, 07:54:39 PM »
Your "Waiting" fanfic is in your LJ?? somewhere or another, i just cant find it..
Your "Not That Girl" has so much emotion in it.. nice.. somehow i like how miki feels.. lolx


Offline strawb3rrykream

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Re: strawb3rrykream's notebook (Not That Girl - updated 8/16)
« Reply #419 on: August 16, 2008, 08:01:18 PM »
Here you go:
I use the name sakura_iro.

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