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Author Topic: Runaway from the Past  (Read 318210 times)

Offline sweeety

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Re: Runaway from the Past
« Reply #780 on: August 19, 2008, 08:50:53 AM »
I'm proud of you kowagata! You rock! Even in stories! Mikitty prevails! I love you Miki! Marry me... I mean awesome chapter, she totally kicked ass there, I hope she keeps it up.... she seems a bit nostalgic about her and YOshi....hmm do you think this will turn into a YoMiki fic ? ;) I wont blame you, they're both equally sexy.....and Rika although is not that annoying in this fic I'm still kinda angry at her for being such a dousche and going to Pedro's hospital room and stuff... still angry at her being so dumb..... anyway, update again soon please =3

 still here :)
I have a porcupine called zazoom, he leaves his scent on peoples' graves.

Offline kRisZ

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Re: Runaway from the Past
« Reply #781 on: August 19, 2008, 02:05:20 PM »
 :muffin:  :muffin:  :muffin: whoooha! miki rulz :muffin: :muffin: :muffin:

Kabutomushi would've been proud of me if she saw me kick his ass

love is in there somewhere  :cow:

Offline sweeety

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Re: Runaway from the Past
« Reply #782 on: August 19, 2008, 03:02:03 PM »
research has proven that IshiYoshi fics fare better after a round of rabu rabu.....
studies show us that rabu rabu in fics is vital......

readers who read this story think a bit of rabu rabu is overdue......
63.8% of readers think they should shower together to conserve water.....
25.5% of readers don't know what's going on or do not speak english or something.....
the rest of these people are horrible environment hating anti hippy liberals such as Cartman and Hitler.....

 you wouldn't side with Hitler..... would you? =3
I have a porcupine called zazoom, he leaves his scent on peoples' graves.

Offline tru_harmony

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Re: Runaway from the Past
« Reply #783 on: August 19, 2008, 03:25:35 PM »
OH YEAH!!!! :farofflook: MIKI-SAMA!!! She kicks ass, it's just that simple!!! I just love how she calls her own dad and all that! Kabutomushi isn't the only one whose proud of you!! :mon inluv:
Love you tru!! :heart:
i'm proud of her too... if yossui knew how she pwned jin with her phone, yossui would've given a new one
Love you too :heart:

wow... a super strong career girl... well done miki...  :k-great:
deserve those old goats right... jus get them all out from the board... haha... :hiakhiakhiak:
tru_harmony u're a veri good writer... keep it up...  :luvuluvu:
... thank you! miki-sama's out to punish evil old goats....

Our Miki-sama kicked his ass  :hiakhiakhiak: :hiakhiakhiak:
Totally in love with this side of her  :luvluv1:

Kabutomushi would've been proud of me if she saw me kick his ass Miki smiled to herself as she watched Jin walk away
Awww, Miki isn't as cold hearted to Yossy as she seemed to be before :heart:
I love how strong & determined Miki is in this  :mon inluv:
I waiting for the doom to kick in seeing you  keep saying be prepared, so each time I read an update I'm holding my breath hoping that it's not in this one and every little thing that happens I think maybe it will turn out to be a bad thing... Like now, I'm thinking Miki and Yossy get a little something something on again... Despite that being unlikely coz of ur IshiYoshiness XD

I think I'm going insane with this impending doom :lol:
... i miss you and Yuki (YoMiki people :lol: ) ... i think what she did was what Ayaya would've wanted her to do... which makes me wonder? where is Ayaya in the midst of all this action?
anyway... there are many impending dooms here and there... i just want you guys to be ready for them... some are easier to solve than the others... i can only wonder which one is going to break IshiYoshi up...  no something somethings... that's for sure... because i love ayaya...

@JFC: your comment's another zooper one again... i wanted to comment on each of your comments but that would eat up half of the page... anyway... i think Jin has issues... or he has a severe personality disorder...

love is in there somewhere  :cow:
depends on what kind of love you're talking about...

research has proven that IshiYoshi fics fare better after a round of rabu rabu.....
studies show us that rabu rabu in fics is vital......

readers who read this story think a bit of rabu rabu is overdue......
63.8% of readers think they should shower together to conserve water.....
25.5% of readers don't know what's going on or do not speak english or something.....
the rest of these people are horrible environment hating anti hippy liberals such as Cartman and Hitler.....

 you wouldn't side with Hitler..... would you? =3
i wouldn't side with him, sweeety... but... if it happens, it happens... if it doesn't, it doesn't...

:: i just noticed that i've talked about the pin/needle/impending doom a hundred updates back... and after all that, it still hasnt' happened... insane, ne? well... there's a lot of build up required to doom this one, dear readers, patience is a virtue... doom has been planned out...


"Ohayou, Hito-chan, Nee-chan..." Ken bowed respectfully to Hitomi and Rika.

Rika smiled at Ken. "Ohayou, Ken..." He looked so professional wearing a suit. One cannot deny his resemblance to Hitomi.

Hitomi sat beside Rika on the couch in the office, "Ken, wherever did you learn to call Rika-chan that?"

"Ah! ... Matsuura Ayaya-san told me that the two of you...'re together now" Ken lied. He just remembered Hitomi didn't know about that the conversation he had with Rika before.

"You've really grown close with Ayaya, huh?"

Surprised at Hitomi's remark, Ken scratched his head. "Eh? What do you mean, Hito-chan?"

"I mean you talk to her more than you talk to me... It's like she's your sibling and not me..."

"Well... You didn't tell me right away when you two got together, Hito-chan. She just beat you to it... And we only spoke about you in passing" Shit. I better call Ayaya later.

"Anyway, do you have any idea what's up with her?"

Ken shrugged his shoulders, "No... I haven't spoken with her in days..."

"Hmm... I wonder why she didn't attend the meeting... I think it was better that it was Miki who was in charge at Matsuura's... I didn't know To-san flew back today..."

"Yeah... I have no idea either... but enough about business, Hito-chan..." Ken noticed how Rika was just sitting there silently watching them talk. "Can't you see you're leaving Nee-chan out of the conversation?"

Hitomi quickly turned to look at Rika, "Gomen, Ka-chan..."

"So... that's what you call her, huh? How does she call you? To-chan?" Ken stuck out his tongue, teasing his elder sister.

Hitomi was partially annoyed but she didn't want to grant Ken the satisfaction. "Yeah... As a matter of fact, she cooked me breakfast this morning and she did my tie..." She bragged to her brother, raising an eyebrow.

Ken felt Hitomi's challenge. Someone's gonna come out of this smelling blood. "Oh... I bet she made you a wonderful breakfast--"

"You should find yourself a girl like her... You can marry now, you know..."

"Well, if you didn't beat me to it, I'd love to be her boyfriend..."

"Too bad for you... I'd marry her if I could..."

Hitomi's last sentence sent Rika's face blushing to a bright red. The sudden change in color couldn't go unnoticed for long

"Aww... Onee-chan's blushing!" Ken pointed at Rika's reddening face.

Rika quickly covered her face with her hands as Hitomi turned to look. She didn't want Hitomi to see.

"Awww... don't you want to get married, Ka-chan? We'll have the grandest ceremony, and you'll get to wear five different gowns, and we'll get a ten layer cake, and we'll have a thousand guests, you'll be the most beautiful bride in this century! ... and the best part is... your gonna get married to me!"

Ken found another point to tease Hitomi about. "Well, Hito-chan... I can't say that would be the best part... I mean, you're lucky to have her but i'm not sure if she's lucky to have you!"

"I know one thing for sure. You're lucky you're not here." Hitomi raised a fist to Ken.

Rika took Hitomi's fist in her hands, trying to 'calm' Hitomi down. "To-chan~ ... you don't have to sock him for saying that... He's probably just kidding..."

"So... you're on his side?!" Hitomi snappily pulled her fist out of Rika's grasp.


"You're defending him!"

"Well, he is younger than you... and well... boys will be boys..."

Hitomi resigned from the argument. "Tch. Fine. ... anyway... Oi, Ken, did you bring him along?"

"Hai!" And just like last time, Ken disappeared from the screen only to return with Wei who was doing his best acting as if it was the first time he has seen Rika.

"Are you... ... Mistress Rika?"

Hitomi took Rika's hand and showed Wei the ring. "Yes. Wei, this is Ishikawa Rika. Ka-chan, this is Wei. He was my mother's personal butler when she was still alive. He's the one who looked out for me while growing up. He kinda became my personal butler..."

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Wei..." Rika attempted at and miserably failed in winking at him.

Wei smiled at Rika, getting the message despite the fact that she failed to send it correctly. "... You have made a good choice, Master Hitomi... She has some resemblance to Mistress Tsukiko... Oh, how I miss her so..." Wei wiped the tears that 'formed' in his eyes.

"I know Wei... I miss her too... Anyway... I'm glad that you find her a praise-worthy choice..."

"Well, Master Hitomi, she does strike me as a lady of refinement... unlike someone we know..." Wei stroked a bushy eyebrow, hinting at Hitomi who he was referring to.

"I know... you didn't like Miki, Wei... but it's not nice to compare... Mama wouldn't like that, you know..."

"... We are entitled to our opinions, aren't we?"

"Yes, we are. We are..."

"Do you like tea, Mistress Rika?"

"Oh, yes! I prefer tea over coffee anyday..."

Wei crossed his arms victoriously, proud of Rika. "See what I mean? Only a real lady would choose tea over coffee..."

Hitomi sighed. Wei was really bent in driving a point here. "Wei... We've talked about this before, haven't we?"

Ken, craving for attention, butted in. "It seems Wei just couldn't get over the coffee incident back home!"

"Master Ken, It is not proper for you to suddenly join in other people's conversations when you are uninvited. Please do not be rude to me or to the young master." Wei quickly chastised Ken for butting in.


"Anyway... Mistress Rika... is there anything you miss from here? Anything at all? We can probably have something shipped for you if you wish..."

"Oh, no... I don't really have anything there anymore... I don't wish to bother you further..."

"But, my lady, I insist. There must be something... Anything. Absoulutely anything."

Hitomi nudged Rika and whispered. "You better ask for something. He's not going to quit until you say something."

Rika thought hard. Something I miss? well, we already have tanpopo at home...

Hitomi watched Rika think. Knowing how hard it is to think of anything to satisfy Wei's persistence Hitomi leaned closer to Rika's ear and whispered a suggestion. "What's the most important thing from your old house?"

"But... He probably won't be able to find it..."

"Just tell him... just so he'd stop asking..."

Rika looked up and told Wei what she wanted. "I want you to find me my bag of letters. It's heart-shaped and pink... I don't know if it's still around because I left it a our house in Kanagawa five years ago..."

Wei wore a satisfied look on his face. "Letters? Have you actually mailed these letters?"

"Yes, but they were returned to me... The addressee moved house during our correspondence and she didn't tell me where she moved... All the letters have 'return to sender' stamped on them..."

"May I know who the addressee is?"

"I don't even remember... I was very young when I wrote those letters... and I haven't seen these letters in years... if you find them, please send them over..."

"You can count on me, Mistress Rika... Good day to you and the young master..."

Rika and Hitomi bade him farewell. "Good day to you too..."

Wei walked out of the frame, his expression, full of determination.

"Letters? I can't believe you, Onee-chan... We can send you absolutely anything you wish and you ask for old letters?!"

"Oi." Hitomi wanted to smack her brother's head with a frying pan. "A superficial boy like you wouldn't understand..."

Ken took an agressive stance. "Hey, who are you calling superficial?"


"I'm not."

"You are"

"I'm not"

"You are.

"I'm not"

"You--" Rika grasped Hitomi's arm and made a pleading face. To-chan, let it slide

Hitomi understood what Rika meant to say. Although she didn't want to end this argument in Ken's victory, it is apparent that she had to. "Fine... But only because Ka-chan said so."

"Arigatou, Rika-onee-chan!"

Hitomi smiled. It was good that her lover and her family got along pretty well. It was a big plus that Wei liked Rika. I might be breaking tradition here... but I don't care...
« Last Edit: August 21, 2008, 10:52:32 PM by tru_harmony »

Offline maverickpanda

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Re: Runaway from the Past
« Reply #784 on: August 19, 2008, 03:38:41 PM »
im just going to go on record and say that wei is the third coolest kid on the block

Keep up with the awesome fic

(Image of absolute awesome provided by Gloopip Graphix)

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Re: Runaway from the Past
« Reply #785 on: August 19, 2008, 11:16:06 PM »
Yossie and her brother are really similar   :sweat:

...but Yossie is still more kakkoi  :luvluv2:

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Re: Runaway from the Past
« Reply #786 on: August 20, 2008, 12:10:12 AM »
aw so sweet, only rika can stop yossie from arguing haha, dont tell me those old letters were meant for yossie?

Offline CrypticShadow8

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Re: Runaway from the Past
« Reply #787 on: August 20, 2008, 12:38:33 AM »
Letter huh? These wouldn't happen to have been letter to Yossie from back when they were kids would they? Guess we'll have to see where you're taking us huh?

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Re: Runaway from the Past
« Reply #788 on: August 20, 2008, 01:29:21 AM »
Awww, family time!!!!!!!!!!! :inlove: I guess Wei really didn't like Miki. Who were these letters written to? :?

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Re: Runaway from the Past
« Reply #789 on: August 20, 2008, 04:17:48 AM »
Definitely love the dynamic between Yossi, Rika, and Ken. It's obvious that the 3 of them fit very well together (each in their own way). :)

Knowing how hard it is to think of anything to satisfy Wei's persistence Hitomi leaned closer to Rika's ear and whispered a suggestion. "What's the most important thing from your old house?"

"But... He probably won't be able to find it..."

"Just tell him... just so he'd stop asking..."

Rika looked up and told Wei what she wanted. "I want you to find me my bag of letters. It's heart-shaped and pink... I don't know if it's still around because I left it a our house in Kanagawa five years ago..."

Wei wore a satisfied look on his face. "Letters? Have you actually mailed these letters?"

"Yes, but they were returned to me... The addressee moved house during our correspondence and she didn't tell me where she moved... All the letters have 'return to sender' stamped on them..."

"May I know who the addressee is?"

"I don't even remember... I was very young when I wrote those letters... and I haven't seen these letters in years... if you find them, please send them over..."
Omgass, letters that young Rika wrote to young Yossi!!! :o

Ooooooooooooooo this is going to REALLY get interesting now. :yep:

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

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Re: Runaway from the Past
« Reply #790 on: August 20, 2008, 04:34:31 AM »
wow... Wei and Ken did like Rika alot from those conversation... it's a good thing...

all of them are approving their relationship...  :omamori:

can feel tat Rika will be a veri good mother... haha... see how she protect Ken during the coversation... haha...  :on lol:
1st: (^^) Yomiki (^^)
2nd: >< Yomaki ><
3rd: D: Charmikkity :D
4th: (: Ishiyoshi :)

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Re: Runaway from the Past
« Reply #791 on: August 20, 2008, 04:48:21 AM »
I'm glad Miki was able to give Jin a good boot to the @ss cause it looks like it was a long time in comming!  Atta girl, Ms. Vice President!   :mon fyeah:

hehe! Rika blushing at Hitomi's teasing about getting married is soo adorable!  :shy2: and Ken is awsome!  He's such a good guy.  lol, Hitomi better watch out it looks like she has some playful competition for Rika's heart  ;)

I esp. love how when Hitomi was bickering with Ken Rika was able to soothe her and keep her under control...Ahhhh~  :heart:  someone's got it ba-ad~   :wub:

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Re: Runaway from the Past
« Reply #792 on: August 20, 2008, 08:00:02 AM »
ooh letters gonna get revealed! i bet its chimu's letter for yocchan! :w00t:

Offline sweeety

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Re: Runaway from the Past
« Reply #793 on: August 20, 2008, 10:15:05 AM »
May I state the obvious?

Rika wrote letters to Yossui when she was young <3

and sadly Yoshi had moved.....

So I'ma go ahead and guess....

 Yoshi and Rika met when they were children probably through their parents when they were making that deal. They got along well and all but after a while the thing with Yoshi's mum happened and her dad took her away. Unless this happened before they met. Either way Yoshi had to move because of teh thing with her mum as if it wasn't when it happened it was when she had to move and go to bussiness school to manage the company. So Rika couldn't contact her and although she wrote to her she never got those letters cause she was far away.

 After that the deal with the dads fell through. Yoshi in High School became friends with Ayaka and Mai and stuff. She went to bussiness school and stuff and started working in the company.

 Rika went to school in Japan while her dad was alive and then when he died she moved to the Philipines and that.

 Yoshi was forced onto Miki. They fell in love but were both too stubborn to admit it. Neither of them wanted their parents to be right so they pretended to have problems and fights. Yoshi pretended to sleep around and Aya bought it. Although it was all supposed to be fake and no one was supposed to get hurt it was in fact real and both girls were heart broken when the joke of a breakup became reality. Miki was hurt when Yoshi ignored her and cheated to get back at her dad and Yoshi was hurt in turn when Miki moved on to Aya who loved her. That is not to say Miki had healed yet as she still has feelings for Yoshi and vice versa, but they are concealed.

 Meanwhile Rika had moved with her stepmum to Philys cause they was running out of dough and they needed some help. They moved in with those pplz and shit and were fine untill her stepma got a new bo. Then his drunk horny ass tried to hit on Rika who was repulsed by this vile piece of shit and turned him down. He tried to force her but his drunk ass was stopped luckilly. Anywayz her smum still thought she put the moved on that dickhead and went out for blood, selling her to a shitty pimp.

 She used up the money and as Rika was being transported to him she was released by our resident knight in shinning armour Yoshi. Yoshi fell for her and they are suddenly realising that this nostalgic feeling they get is because they did in fact meet before.

 I can't wait for whatshisname to bring over the letters and for both of them to read them or rather as Rika reads them and tries to stop Yoshi from reading them, she realises they were meant for her aanyway and gives them back to her XD

 anyway, I just hope that Yoshi doesn't buy Rika back after she's been sold and been around the block a few times if you catch me drift.

 Sory I took so long to reply.. I had a life XD

still here.
I have a porcupine called zazoom, he leaves his scent on peoples' graves.

Offline tru_harmony

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Runaway from the Past (Reply to Comments...)
« Reply #794 on: August 20, 2008, 10:58:02 AM »
im just going to go on record and say that wei is the third coolest kid on the block
and the coolest thing about this kid is that he's older than yossui's dad!

Yossie and her brother are really similar   :sweat: ...but Yossie is still more kakkoi  :luvluv2:
Yossui did raise the boy... what else is there to expect?

aw so sweet, only rika can stop yossie from arguing haha,
rika has no idea how powerful a woman she is...

Letter huh? Guess we'll have to see where you're taking us huh?
yeah... guess so...

Awww, family time!!!!!!!!!!! :inlove: I guess Wei really didn't like Miki.
family means a lot to both yossui and rika...  :yep: ... in a manner of speaking, wei didn't...

Definitely love the dynamic between Yossi, Rika, and Ken. It's obvious that the 3 of them fit very well together (each in their own way). :)

Omgass, letters that young Rika wrote to young Yossi!!! :o

Ooooooooooooooo this is going to REALLY get interesting now. :yep:
... depends on when and how these letters will find themselves in yossui's possession...

wow... Wei and Ken did like Rika alot from those conversation... it's a good thing...

all of them are approving their relationship...  :omamori:

can feel tat Rika will be a veri good mother... haha... see how she protect Ken during the coversation... haha...  :on lol:
rika's really the nurturing type... yossui's the protective type...  :inlove: so perfect together!!!  :inlove:

hehe! Rika blushing at Hitomi's teasing about getting married is soo adorable!  :shy2: and Ken is awsome!  He's such a good guy.  lol, Hitomi better watch out it looks like she has some playful competition for Rika's heart  ;)

I esp. love how when Hitomi was bickering with Ken Rika was able to soothe her and keep her under control...Ahhhh~  :heart:  someone's got it ba-ad~   :wub:

ooh letters gonna get revealed! i bet its chimu's letter for yocchan! :w00t:
no need for bets... but it's a bit early for revelations regarding those letters...

May I state the obvious?
no need to ask for pemission... you stated the obvious anyway
Rika wrote letters to Yossui when she was young <3
and sadly Yoshi had moved.....
yeah... you got that right...
Yoshi and Rika met when they were children probably through their parents when they were making that deal.
They got along well and all
but after a while the thing with Yoshi's mum happened and her dad took her away.
Either way Yoshi had to move because of teh thing with her mum as if it wasn't when it happened it was when she had to move and go to bussiness school to manage the company.
Yossui's house burnt down...
Yoshi in High School became friends with Ayaka and Mai and stuff.
middle school...
Yoshi was forced onto Miki. They fell in love but were both too stubborn to admit it. Neither of them wanted their parents to be right so they pretended to have problems and fights.
Yoshi pretended to sleep around and Aya bought it.
Miki pretended to get hurt... Yossui... sometimes pretended...
Although it was all supposed to be fake and no one was supposed to get hurt it was in fact real and both girls were heart broken when the joke of a breakup became reality. Miki was hurt when Yoshi ignored her and cheated to get back at her dad and Yoshi was hurt in turn when Miki moved on to Aya who loved her. That is not to say Miki had healed yet as she still has feelings for Yoshi and vice versa, but they are concealed.
Meanwhile Rika had moved with her stepmum to Philys cause they was running out of dough and they needed some help.
in a manner of speaking, yes...
They moved in with those pplz and shit and were fine untill her stepma got a new bo. Then his drunk horny ass tried to hit on Rika who was repulsed by this vile piece of shit and turned him down. He tried to force her but his drunk ass was stopped luckilly. Anywayz her smum still thought she put the moved on that dickhead and went out for blood, selling her to a shitty pimp.
She used up the money and as Rika was being transported to him she was released by our resident knight in shinning armour Yoshi. Yoshi fell for her

right on...
and they are suddenly realising that this nostalgic feeling they get is because they did in fact meet before.
plus the circumstances in which they met... and some similarities between Rika and the mom...
I can't wait for whatshisname to bring over the letters and for both of them to read them or rather as Rika reads them and tries to stop Yoshi from reading them, she realises they were meant for her aanyway and gives them back to her XD
is that what will happen?
anyway, I just hope that Yoshi doesn't buy Rika back after she's been sold and been around the block a few times if you catch me drift.
i agree...
Sory I took so long to reply.. I had a life XD
and i don't... :lol:
still here.

Offline sweeety

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Re: Runaway from the Past
« Reply #795 on: August 20, 2008, 11:11:13 AM »
YOu have a life!
also you is gimme many hints... but I'll only work mention a few so as  not to spoil the rest for everyone else... andyeah I went ahead and wrote it anyway but I would've maybe deleted it if you said so.....

 OMG! How cuuuuuuuuuute! Im guessing that Yoshi rescued Rika when she was being bullied in shool! And I can tell they played together (Im talking music) so I'm guessing they wrote that song they were playing together so when they were wondering how the other person knew the song is when I actually got that bit but I thought it was too soon and I needed to clarify something that's been clariified just now.....

 Also I'm starting to think (as Lemoni's series has tought me to) that some things mentioned above are interconnected..... I will explain in msg.....

I have a porcupine called zazoom, he leaves his scent on peoples' graves.

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Re: Runaway from the Past
« Reply #796 on: August 20, 2008, 11:14:52 AM »
well, everything you said in that zooper post of yours has been mentioned in the story so don't worry about spoiling people... it really is just stating the obvious... :lol: ...

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Re: Runaway from the Past
« Reply #797 on: August 21, 2008, 11:42:11 PM »
hi everyone, the tru+h is back... OMG i haven't updated in days!!! and i'm wasn't even physically away from my computer! ... anyway, thanks for the positive feedback from all of you... ...

for those who are wondering... RFP and Holiness are the only fics i have here... hopefully, i can write some more...

if you have theories and hypotheses about how the story will turn out, just post them here... i'd love to know where you think this is heading... :lol:

thanks to all of you, the past months that i've spent writing this fic have been awesome... and that's mainly due to my love for IshiYoshi and your support... I LOVE YOU ALL...  :heart:


Hitomi was bummed. She had wanted Rika to stay until after lunch but the stubborn girl insisted that she leaves almost right after their meeting with Ken and Wei.

"To-chan, you promised Jo that I'll be A BIT late!"

Hitomi smacked herself on the head. I should've told him Rika wasn't coming over... Damn. She walked out of her office, heading to the cafeteria where doom awaits her in the hands of Mai. Too bad she didn't have any helmets in her office today. Alone in the lift, she thought of the reason behind the impending doom. Why is she even angry at me. I don't recall anything I've done that could upset her... Oh well... At this point, all she can do is brace herself.

The lift reached it's destination. As the doors opened, Hitomi took a deep breath before stepping closer to the door and to the doom. Even before the doors have fully opened, she can hear Mai's voice. Here goes nothing


Of course, the ruckus was bound to catch the attention of their rank-and-file employees. Ayaka tried to calm Mai down but the latter just wouldn't let up.

"Maichin, please keep it down... The rest of the office doesn't need to know..."

"I DON'T GIVE A HOOT ABOUT YOSHIKO'S MINIONS!!!!!" Mai quickly grabbed Hitomi by the arm and dragged her to their appointed table.

A dazed Hitomi could only ask, "Uh... Mai, What's... up?"

"Well, Yoshiko... You are!"

Ayaka placed a hand on Mai's shoulder. "Mai, please. The office does not need to hear this... just keep it low..."

"Tch, fine. Well, you, Yoshiko are one thoughtless lover."


"You heard me... It took you a month to get Ayumi to get Rika her credit cards and cash?! I don't believe you!"

"Ah~ ... That's what this is all about?"

"Don't you be simplifying this, Yoshiko!"

"What's the big deal? She did get the cards and some cash..."

"10,000 pesos? You know you can do better than that! And... we have an idea of what you did with her last night!"


"Now, don't try escaping this one with your 'eh?!' ! If I remember correctly, you made ME get Miki a shopping spree after your first *ehem* with her!"

Hitomi blushed. She remembered that one. But apparently, now, things need some clarification. "Uh... Mai..."

Mai wouldn't let anyone interupt her ranting speech to the company president. "That's not such a big deal since Ayaka and I are, like, your representative in everything. But to let Ayumi, HER bestfriend to get everything ready?!? That's like asking Rika herself to get things done!"

"Um... Mai..."


"... Nothing happened last night..."

"I knew you'd admit right awa-- WHAT DO YOU MEAN NOTHING HAPPENED LAST NIGHT?!?"

"I mean nothing happened last night..."

"I don't believe you... I know you, Yoshiko... She smelled like your room..."

"Well, we share the room now... but really, Mai... Nothing happened last night."

"You shared a bed with her... ... and nothing happened?!"

"That's what I said..."

"Are you hearing this, Ayaka?"

"What? Mai? ... wait a second, I thought I was hearing things..."

"Guys, I didn't have sex with Rika last night!"

In a duet, her friends can only look at each other and exclaim. "RIKA-CHAN IS A LIVING MIRACLE!"

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~CHARMY PREVAILS!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Offline heyyouhiya

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Re: Runaway from the Past
« Reply #798 on: August 22, 2008, 12:17:20 AM »
It's so funny that they didn't believe that nothing happened XD
Although...I probably wouldn't believe nothing happened either

Offline strawb3rrykream

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Re: Runaway from the Past
« Reply #799 on: August 22, 2008, 01:58:03 AM »
Hahahaha!! Mai!!! She thought they had sex!!! XD Hmm, Yossy had Ayaka and Mai buy stuff for her first time with Miki? Ok, that's weird! :P Hell yeah, Rika-chan's a miracle!!! :wub:

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