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Author Topic: Gegenschein [Ch.18: Open] - 16/5  (Read 68374 times)

Offline Estrea

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Re: Gegenschein [Ch.4: Wake]
« Reply #60 on: August 03, 2008, 08:47:50 PM »
Well hey look, I'm back! Sorry for the delay, I was arranging my class schedule for school, it was nerve wracking. >_>

But I finally buckled down to finish writing in the past two days (after discarding two prior versions of this chapter), as poe-chan can testify...hopefully it won't disappoint. XD

Anyway, comment replies first!

Ichigo-chan: I wanna see Eri and Sayu as kids too! Maybe I'll work it in, if possible. XD There's at least one flashback I have planned for their childhood though, somewhere in the future. As for Reina, she's just being paranoid, but she doesn't know that for sure. XD No guidance, so she doesn't know her limits sometimes. As for Ai-chan...her role will increase in time. Patience!

poets: Haha, poe-chan~ <3 Hey you got previews while I was writing! No one else did! XD Of course there'll be vampire hunters, they make life (or unlife XD) interesting. Tanakame? Hmmm. I dunno. XD Things are complicated here, relationship-wise. Glad you liked Reina there, she gets a nice big chunk of airtime to herself again in this chapter. XD

takagakifan: And it won't be the end of the Batman references! Cos I did it again~

JFC: *nods* Eri's mom is awesome. She has her reasons for not setting up shop in a more glamorous place, trust me. All will be explained in time. As for that inside joke, just wait and see. You'll understand eventually. XD All in good time.

Grisours: Prepare for lifechanging shock (for Risa anyway XD). Hope to see you around more too! ^_^

Sukoshi: Glad you like the horror movie vibe. I know I liked it. XD Gaki is more or less normal right now, but then again, who really knows? (well except me, cos I'm writing the whole darn thing XD) This chapter should feed into more speculation, I believe. Haha. Have fun guessing!

Regent: Firstly, let me thank you for your kind words. I was very touched by what you said. ^_^ Your speculations reveal a lot of thought, and I'm glad someone pays attention to detail. It makes writing all that in worth my trouble. ^_^ This chapter should answer a few questions and raise still more, I hope. I hope I won't disappoint...

lollipopgirl: Haha. XD Hard to fit in with the weirdness, Gaki-san~ But yeah, I agree, vampire Reina is sexy in general. Even more so when feral...hehe. Yay for reacting! Thanks. XD

rokun: Holy shit longass comment. XD Sorry the chapter wasn't any longer (this one isn't much longer than the last either). But hey, I'm trying to keep it at reasonable levels for my own sanity! XD Moving on, your analysis makes me happy cos you think a lot and show it to me. XD I feel appreciated. As for your speculations, you know I talked to you over AIM already, so I won't repeat them here. Haha. And your challenge is accepted, cos I will find new nicknames to refer to the trio with. Lol.

peti-chan: Yes our dear golden trio all have a very good reason for being in the story, you'll just have to wait and see. Gaki in particular gets a partial revelation here, so look forward to it!

mads: Hi! Long time no see! XD Is that book you're reading good? Anyway, glad to see you are enjoying my story as well. ^_^ Hope to see you around too!

kRisZ: Me likes you for commenting too. Haha. Thanks for reading!

Okie. XD Here we go~


Currently writing:
- Lilium-related things. God save my soul.

On Hold:
- Everything Else. Too many to list.

I'm also on AO3!

Offline Estrea

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Re: Gegenschein [Ch.4: Wake]
« Reply #61 on: August 03, 2008, 08:59:32 PM »
Chapter 5 - Nexus

The windchimes at the entrance clinked as the door was slammed open with excessive force, the silvery tinkle drawing at most a couple of raised eyebrows and furtive glances, but the majority of the patrons otherwise ignored it.

Eyes the color of fine wine absorbed the scene laid out before them, studying the motley crew lounging around low tables, an odd assortment of the well-heeled and a tougher crowd. It had a subtle undercurrent of calm here, this place. Quiet conversation appeared to be the standard, with a couple of discreet and civilized looking poker games taking place in the shadowy booths on the far side.

The last fact might not have been obvious to the average observer from the vantage point at the entrance, but this was no ordinary person. Or really, a person at all.

Reina clucked her tongue impatiently as she shoved past the bouncer at the entrance. Well, attempted to. The man was about as yielding as a stone wall. Granted, Reina wasn't using all of her strength, which would have been more than enough for any stone wall, but she couldn't very well flaunt her vampiric nature out in public.

It was the first rule that had been stuck in her head when she had first awoken to her new state of existence. She could grudgingly see the point of such a rule, especially after her own run in with those over-enthusiastic vampire hunters, but it could be so bloody inconvenient at times. Growling, she checked herself and scowled up at the much, much taller bouncer in her way.

"Got any ID, kid?" A nervous tic throbbed heavily on Reina's face, her off center eyes crossing even more violently at the blocky man who was currently eying her suspiciously. Reina scowled at him, grudgingly taking her old driving license and holding it out at him. The man squinted at the faded picture and then up at her.

"What?" Reina grumbled discontentedly, not really wanting to pick a fight no matter what her instincts said. This place was supposed to be a neutral spot for people on both sides of the law, and if Reina's senses were leading her right, for things beyond the regular world as well. Such as herself, she thought ironically.

"You sure you're 28?" The bouncer didn't look very convinced. Reina sighed.

"Look buddy, it's rude to ask a girl's age. And to your question, yes, that is my age. I just look young!" Reina jabbed a finger insistently at his rock hard chest, hard enough to leave a bruise. The man gave her another quick look, then nodded slowly, his eyes gaining a modicum of understanding as he stood aside. Reina swiped her card back and stalked in, looking around as if to dare anyone to comment on what just happened. No one even bothered to glance in her direction, much less acknowledge her presence. Reina just shrugged and moved on.

Odd place, but the last guy I terrorized said that the info came from here... Slouching over to the bar, she flopped down in the nearest available seat, next to an emo-goth poet wannabe dressed mostly in black. On her left, two seats away, a heavily tattooed man glanced in her direction as she shifted around on the stool, the runic prints on his skin standing out starkly even in the dim light. When she returned the gaze, he turned away almost in slow motion, but the rest of him was already shifting sinuously off his seat and moving at least 5 more places away from her.

Smirking triumphantly, Reina turned back to look up at the ominously tall bartender standing ramrod straight behind the counter. Slender, wrinkled hands polished a glass with a cloth, and grey, almost colorless, eyes regarded her with a neutral expression. Reina couldn't quite shake the feeling that the man belonged more inside a mansion as a butler than as a bartender in a place like this. Particularly a very specific mansion with even more specific duties. He certainly looked like it.

"May I get you something?" The voice was polite and unassuming, just on this side of bored but respectful enough not to show it. There was no mistaking the caution in that weary old voice, even though it was mostly masked as a natural reticence. Reina grunted, sensing his mild unease as he put down one glass and picked up another to clean.

"Er..." Reina was about to refuse, given her stomach with regards to human food, but somehow felt bad about turning the kindly old man down. She hadn't felt quite so obliging, not ever since she was turned. Besides, she reasoned, it wouldn't hurt to order a drink just to justify her presence here instead of her usual threatening-for-information method. Perhaps a little subtlety was in order for this place, she decided.

"Well I want a drink..." Reina started, unsure of what to choose at first. Alfred, as she had christened him in her head, nodded sagely.

"Might I suggest a Bloody Mary? We have a special variant for you that you might enjoy." Reina raised an eyebrow at that, but didn't object. Taking her silence as agreement, the bartender moved smoothly away to prepare her drink.

The young vampire twitched on her stool, eyes darting around again. No one was really looking at her, but she couldn't help but feel hyperaware of her surroundings. This place set her on edge, despite the relaxed ambience, and her threat level felt unreasonably high for a place like this. This was supposed to be neutral ground, so she was technically safe here, even if she were just a little...unusual.

Maybe I'm just being paranoid... Trying her best to look cool, Reina glanced around in a more reserved way, only to be startled as the person on her right moved, her arms tensing in readiness for a fight at the sudden unexpected gesture. However, Emo Poet was only picking up his...or was it her...mug and drinking quietly from it.

With a puff of unneeded breath, Reina forced herself to relax, gritting her teeth and accidentally flashing a fang for all of two seconds before she regained her composure. She had momentarily forgotten that the goth wannabe next to her still existed. Given how silent and unmoving that gender-unspecific person was, Reina could have been forgiven for that little slip.

Taking a quick breath just to maintain her human pose, Reina briefly caught a whiff of what seemed like blood, and her irises contracted slightly at the scent. It wasn't exactly fresh though, the blood-scent, but it was definitely her kind of food. About to sniff around for the source, Reina was surprised again when a tall glass was set in front of her with a heavy sounding thud.

"Enjoy." The bartender smiled a smile that didn't quite reach his eyes, and moved to serve the customer adjacent to the vampire. Reina, however, was barely aware of whatever Emo Poet was ordering, her attention wholly focused on the rich red liquid in the glass before her.

This smells...strange... Cautiously, she took the glass and held it close to her face, sniffing the liquid discreetly. Dark eyes flashed red for a single instant, the unmistakable scent of old blood blended into the drink triggering the brief flare of her true side. Without hesitation now, she placed the glass to her lips and drank, feeling the rich texture of blood and brandy caress her tongue and tingle down her throat.

"That's the Bloody Baron, compliments from another guest. I gather it is to your taste, Blood-Born?" The last words were whispered, and Reina looked up sharply at the knowing glint in the bartender's eye. Next to them, the goth wannabe turned a page in the little book clasped in his (or her, Reina stlll couldn't tell, what with the hair cut short and the shaded profile) hands, to all intents and purposes oblivious to the larger world beyond that tiny sphere.

"Very." Reina managed a somewhat dignified reply despite her surprise. Clearly, this kindly looking butler turned bartender was not unused to serving vampires. The mode of address was a little strange to her, but Reina assumed that it was a formal, if archaic, title. It wasn't like she had the opportunity to get into contact with vampire society, if there was one. Reina didn't know the first place to look, since those who walked the shadows could be pretty elusive at times.

"I'm glad, then." 'Alfred' nodded. "How else may I serve you?"

Reina couldn't decide between being flattered at the VIP treatment, or being instantly suspicious. She settled on somewhere in between, eyes narrowing cautiously as she nursed the drink between her palms.

"Yes...well..." The youthful vampire started slowly, framing the question in her mind. Some deep instinct warned her to tread carefully, cautioning that help could not simply be bullied out of this delicate-seeming old man. Again she cursed her absent master for conveniently forgetting to teach her about the proper customs and traditions of the darker world she had been reborn into. If only they had had more time together...!

"I need some information. I've been...advised...that I would be able to receive an answer here." A small smirk curved the side of Reina's lips, as she remembered the means with which she had obtained said 'advice'. Violence might not always be the answer, but it did feel good...especially when you were on the right side of it.

After all, was not giving better than receiving?

"I will do my best." The bartender replied diffidently, picking up another glass to compulsively clean it. Reina wondered if the man had OCD. After a moment of staring, he cleared his throat to get her attention, and the vampire blinked, having been distracted by shiny things (namely, lights playing off that pretty glass) in the meantime.

"I'm looking for someone. A DJ. Goes by the name Seirei." Reina shot off a little curtly, still somewhat embarrassed by her own inattention. The bartender put that already gleamingly clean glass down and picked up another, but not before pulling on his cuffs and shaking out his wrists, eyes glinting in the dim light.

"Ah yes, Seirei-sama." He rubbed hard at a non-existent spot on the glass. "And what would you want with her, Blood-Born?"

"None of your business." Reina replied abruptly, feeling her senses tingle slightly with annoyance. She gripped the glass she held, taking another quick gulp to calm her nerves. The blood helped. It always did. Sort of.

'Alfred' nodded. "Certainly it is none of mine," he agreed calmly. "However, Seirei-sama is a busy person, and will not entertain unannounced guests. She is, how shall I put it, selective." He smiled, a touch of irony on that wrinkled face. "I will need to forward your request should you desire a meeting. That is all I can do."

"Can't you just tell me where to find her?" Reina muttered grouchily, staring just a little sulkily at the bartender. Her eyes narrowed as she put a few things together. " know about her being...this, 'Blood-Born' as well?" Pointless question, but Reina just had to make sure. It would explain a lot, and confirm her suspicions that yes, Seirei was indeed that vampire she sought.

His answer was abrupt, even chillingly formal. "Seirei-sama is FAR beyond mere Kindred, tyro. Not even the Nobles will cross such a one. Do not presume that your immortality in any way preserves you from the wrath of an Ancient."

The way he said it ticked her off, it did. Reina did not like being forbidden to do things. It just made it more of a challenge for her to accomplish them. Bad habit, perhaps, but that was just the way she was. She scowled up at him, finishing the last of her drink.

"So you're not gonna help?" At least, she reflected, she had pretty much confirmed that this Seirei was basically the strong vampire she was looking for. It didn't even occur to her that given how 'Alfred' appeared to be connected to the vampiric underworld, she could easily have asked for help on looking for a better mentor to approach.

But no, once Reina had gotten an idea into her head, she would stubbornly stick to it until the very end. Much could be said and commended upon her single-mindedness of purpose, where devotion to a single goal could indeed be a laudable achievement in a day and age of short attention spans (otherwise known as the IT Age).

Or one could just be mean and say that she was pig-headed. Truth, after all, ran relative to circumstance.

Regardless, she had already made up her mind, and she would look for this mysterious Seirei, come heaven, hell, or a host of vampire hunters...ok, scratch that last bit. Vampire hunters sucked, not literally, but they were still annoying pain-in-the-asses. Reina still had a 'souvenir' from that last encounter. She swore she would tear that little bitch a few new holes to match with those creepy eyes of hers the next time she ran into her...

"I am merely warning you about rash action against forces I suspect you do not fully understand, child." His eyes were piercing as he met her gaze, completely unafraid despite knowing that she was a vampire. "I can still forward your request, but any meeting will only be on Seirei-sama's terms. Can you accept that?"

She knew she shouldn't have said it. She knew she should have been less impulsive, more careful, more tactful. But to hell with it all, she was pissed off.

"No I do NOT." Eyes flared a dangerous shade of red as she stood, fangs barely concealed as she hissed her reply.

"I don't care if she's God, or even a fanged version of Jesus fucking Christ. No one, and I mean no one tells Reina what to do!" The novice vampire growled, baring her fangs threateningly. "You can take your warning and shove it up your ass."

And with that, she walked out. Or stomped away. Same difference.

The windchimes did not tinkle this time. They clanged.

Silence. Then a wry voice cut through it, dry and amused.

"Spirited, isn't she?" A soft rustle of paper on paper, slender white hands stark against a black cover. Lips pressed into a thin smile. "Youth these days..."

"Does my lady pass judgment? I can make the necessary arrangements..." If he bowed his head any lower, he'd be kissing the counter. A throaty chuckle.

"That is not needful. The Covenant can keep their hands off my territory. I will take care of it should it become a problem." A smile. "Lord knows I need the diversion, it's a slow decade."

"As you wish, my lady. Is there anything else my humble self can do to aid you?"

"No, there is nothing else. Thank you, Raimond." A whisper of movement, then darkness.

He didn't even get the chance to grovel. Damn Ancients and their disappearing tricks. Unconsciously, he started cleaning off another glass, noting the book left behind.

Sunshine. At least someone had a sense of humor. Lord help him, he needed one just to survive the day. Shaking his head, he realized his hand was the one that was shaking.

He sighed, putting down the glass and reaching for another. Damn vampires.


The future, no matter what Determinists have to say about it, is hardly if ever fixed, or even static. The flow of time, hardly discernable to mere humans who were no more than insignificant specks buffeted within its relentless currents, was ever changing, mutating with every single factor that made the slightest shift.

After all, is it not said that when a butterfly flaps its wings on one side of the world, a hurricane could result on the other end?

So it was with cause and effect in the aegis of time, with incalculable factors subject to change on the merest whim. Humans did, after all, have some form of free will. And they exercised it with a pathetically low awareness of the role they played in the greater scheme of things beyond their own puny existences.

Thus, fortune telling by a true Seer could be annoyingly vague. There was no such thing as a settled timeline, merely infinite possibilities. Without proper training, attempting to decipher the chaos of endless probabilities could potentially damage the mind beyond repair.

Even then, it was all just a game of probability. Events took place due to a combination of factors, and the removal or mutation of one or more of the factors could potentially alter the course of events. And given the element of uncertainty with the complication of free will, it can be said that future sight is hazy at best.

Kamei Yuriko, formerly Hikusei Yuriko prior to marriage, was well used to seeing all sorts of possible future paths. In her line of work, coming into contact with people from all walks of life, it exposed her to any number of possibilities. Promotions, betrayals, laughter, tears. Birth and death. All a part of life.

You just got used to it after a while.

However, once in a while, she still got visions that shook her to the very core of her soul. Like right now.

Delving into that endless void where past, present and future intersected in a wild tangle of antecedent and aftermath, Yuriko felt that familiar spiraling sensation as ego parted ways from the trinity of self to coast through the corridors of fate. It was easy to get lost here, wrenched out of your mind rather literally.

It was the unfamiliar sense of nausea in this vulnerable state that woke her to the reality of what she was truly witnessing.

Most ordinary humans, leading ordinary lives, generally had a set number of regular experiences that are most likely to occur. Even their trials and tragedies were not exempt from this rule. There were only so many things that could happen to a person in one lifetime, and in the many lifetimes of countless people all over the world, certainly some events were more common than others.

Yuriko had seen her fair share of 'death by violent agency', as she classified it in her own mind, but the sheer brutality of some of the possible paths chilled her. No stranger to witnessing possible violent deaths in her patrons, she was nevertheless shaken by the carnage in every single scene.

She always tried to nudge them to safety, her conscience not being able to condone silence after witnessing a tragic end.In one of her cases, there had been a possibility for rape and murder, and her succeeding advice had been for the girl in question to 'avoid going outside tonight'. Yet another one had been caught at the wrong place and time, possible victim of a car accident; she ended up warning him to stick to public transport for the next few days.

Sometimes her advice was heeded, and disaster barely averted, since after all, the human factor for unpredictability could still alter the course of events. Other times, greater causes had overshadowed any possible remedial effects, sending events hurtling along at breakneck speed for the inevitable.

There was no helping such cases, naturally. Some things were just too big to deal with, at her current position. She had learned to accept that.

Right now though, 'acceptance' was pretty much a difficult state to achieve. It was difficult to accept that one's own daughter had come into contact, and was in the process of intertwining their fates together, with an individual with a bloodsoaked past. And a high possibility for a short, brutal future.

Flashes of past, present and possible futures, in a complex snarl. Death ran down many routes, beginning and ending. A life born in violence, ending in violence.

Darkness. Flash. Warm, red, comfort. Flash. The seed of death. Flash. From one to two, and back to one again.

The Past was the foundation stone for Futurity. There was no escaping it. None at all.

One path, a torn throat! bloodkillfight Another, mauled and broken! fleshtearrip A hand, tattered and bleeding, raised in supplication, abandoned in defeat.

So many paths, so much blood. She recoiled, horrified, afeared. Such a cruel fate!

And then she saw it. The Nexus. The point where everything tipped in the balance. The hand of Fate itself.

The obscuring mists of time made it all so vague, yet so starkly real. She saw so much, yet so much more remained beyond imagination.

Yuriko was a Seer, but she was also human and therefore vulnerable to emotion. She pushed further, wanting, no, needing to see more. For the sake of her daughter, who had become so involved. For the sake of that poor child before her, who sat unawares of the storm ready to devour her.

Time was not amused. With a wrenching snap, she fell backwards, forcibly evicted from the Garden of Destiny. Her vision reeled, muscles straining across every inch of her flesh as her eyes widened even more, seeing and unseeing at the same time.

Locking with the startled gaze of her little Eri's new best friend, Yuriko could only gasp out one last warning before the pain overtook her, erasing that forbidden image she sought and taken.

"Beware your blood...the hand..." Her eyes rolled upwards into her eyelids, whites showing clearly as she slumped over.



Yes I know I'm evil. :D
« Last Edit: August 03, 2008, 09:44:34 PM by Estrea »


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- Lilium-related things. God save my soul.

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- Everything Else. Too many to list.

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Re: Gegenschein [Ch.5: Nexus]
« Reply #62 on: August 03, 2008, 11:17:04 PM »
I suspected Emo-goth poet from the beginning... When Reina started paying too much attention to him/her, I figured she would be someone important, even if it is minor... I guess we'll see  :lol:
And with such a bloody future going on, I assume Risa is going to meet Seirei (or maybe even Reina) in the near future. Again, that's something we'll see, so keep it up!  :grin:

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Re: Gegenschein [Ch.5: Nexus]
« Reply #63 on: August 04, 2008, 12:32:57 AM »
Alfred huh XD

Nooo! What's gonna happen to Risa!!! :(
No one on the corner got swagga like us!

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Re: Gegenschein [Ch.5: Nexus]
« Reply #64 on: August 04, 2008, 01:25:23 AM »
Yay, update! :D
So the reason Reina looks so young is because vampires don't age, right? They stay the same way they were when they died? Ah, so the Emo-goth poet person was Ai-chan/Seirei, huh? Whoa. Why does Reina even want to meet Ai-chan? Eri's mom....has a difficult job. But at least she can try and help save ppl from horrible fates, if they choose to listen to her. Oshit, Risa.... :OMG: As for all the blood, may I predict an encounter with vampires (the ones we know of and more evil ones), along with a little love connection between DJ Seirei and Gaki?
I'm not sure about the whole ability of love between vampires and humans but one can hope, right? :mon pray2: Or possibly a Gaki vampire? :mon dunno:
« Last Edit: August 05, 2008, 05:36:22 AM by strawb3rrykream »

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Re: Gegenschein [Ch.5: Nexus]
« Reply #65 on: August 04, 2008, 01:35:52 AM »
good story ^____^
haha just started reading a couple of days ago ..

keep writing & update soon~
vampire momusu = <3 -^_^-
takagaki = <3 (:

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Re: Gegenschein [Ch.5: Nexus]
« Reply #66 on: August 04, 2008, 04:11:14 AM »
Whee...the bar part was oddly funny XD  I just love how Reina comes across as this tough lonely kid that's looking for some kind of guidance.  The Alfred part made me laugh cause that's who I was instantly thinking of too and the emo poet...well you know  :lol: 

but had me laughing at one point but that sure went away once I read the fortune telling part....

*shivers a little* that was chilling even though it's hot in my room and the sun is at maximum melty mode. much for Risa being normal...from the warning..I wonder if she has special blood that makes her desired among vampires.

Darkness. Flash. Warm, red, comfort. Flash. The seed of death. Flash. From one to two, and back to one again.

hmmm...this makes me think she's going to be turned into a vampire in the the part about a life born in violence.  I wonder if it's really about the past.  You have me really wanting to know her past as much as her future. 

Now that Eri's mom has forgotten everything...I wonder what crazy interruptions Sayu and Eri are going to come up with in regards to the warning  :dizzy:

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Re: Gegenschein [Ch.5: Nexus]
« Reply #67 on: August 04, 2008, 10:28:06 AM »
"I don't care if she's God, or even a fanged version of Jesus fucking Christ. No one, and I mean no one tells Reina what to do!" The novice vampire growled, baring her fangs threateningly. "You can take your warning and shove it up your ass."

Awesome line :on lol: Reina being such a badass is hilarious XD

I wonder who was the emo girl(I'm guessing she was a girl cos Raimond aka Alfred called her lady XD ) It could be Ai-chan but who knows :mon dunno:

And geez Kamei's mom vision was damn creepy.... :scared: I'm supposing that sooner or later Risa'll encounter either Ai-chan or Reina which is inevitable, and it may be a very close encounter... And it seems that Eri will also play a very important role in this....In short...I can't wait for the next chapters! XD

Oh and one more thing

One path, a torn throat! bloodkillfight Another, mauled and broken! fleshtearrip A hand, tattered and bleeding, raised in supplication, abandoned in defeat.

I'm a Dir en Grey fan and this sounded like a line taken from one of theirs songs XD I really, really liked it  :hee:

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Re: Gegenschein [Ch.5: Nexus]
« Reply #68 on: August 04, 2008, 02:42:32 PM »
FINALLY I've caught up with this!  :sweatdrop:

Good stuff! The range of your vocabulary never ceases to amaze me! (and put me to shame!  :P)

I love how Reina's temper so easily flares, even if at times she thinks it would have been better if she had kept her cool. And sneaky Ai! Sitting there and listening in to the entire conversation, and Reina didn't even realise that the one she was searching for was right under her nose.

Gah, Risa! Can't wait to see how much of the future that Eri's mum saw will actually happen, or how much of it the girls may be able to change before it happens.  :O

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Re: Gegenschein [Ch.5: Nexus]
« Reply #69 on: August 04, 2008, 10:21:32 PM »
XD Emo-goth poet wannabe... How cute! :heart:
'Alfred', perfect.
Oh I love badass Reina, that's right dear, you tell him where to stick it  :gmon bang:
Ai-chan's character just keeps on getting sexier and sexier with how mysterious she is... now she better be a good vamp and wear some form of leather :drool:
Am I the only one not scared by all the blood in Gaki's future, but more extremely excited by it?  :mon huh2:

@strawb3rrykream: I get the feeling you haven't read many vampire novels or anything? :P Shame on you!!! I have plenty laying around, let me know if you need to borrow any :lol:

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Re: Gegenschein [Ch.5: Nexus]
« Reply #70 on: August 04, 2008, 11:11:46 PM »
All that hard work you dedicated to this story was worth those sleepless nights. It paid off nicely, didn't it? XD

On another note!


So THAT's Reina's real age o.o??? She really is a noob vamp, that's cute. No wonder she has absolutely no idea what Alfred is talking about. Something that was ABSOLUTELY adorable was the bloody Mary moment<3... she got so excited about it ^_^. All of Reina's part was fun to read XD... then again you had a lot of fun writing it LOL.


Ai-chan's a really interesting character, I desperately want to know more. I feel for Alfred though, poor guy... OCD + ancient vamps + plus noob vamps = STRESSFUL ass hell job


Now for the EPICNESS of the fortune telling part...DUUUUUUUUUUDDEE that was good! I'm not lying when I say "I got goosebumps".
It was that good! Description was top notch.... kind of scary that you have that all in your head O_O ...


*waits for next chapter*
Rika <3 So funneh

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Re: Gegenschein [Ch.5: Nexus]
« Reply #71 on: August 05, 2008, 05:14:52 AM »
Estrea: Hey, I know its been awhile  :)  I have to say, I'm really enjoying reading it, especially since I dont normally read books that has a vampire theme to it. I haven't gotten that far into it tho since I got sidetrack and ended up reading "The Secret" due to a friend of mines and work has been busy.

Can't wait for the next chapter. I'm not sure where you are going with this one. Definitely, want to learn more about Aichan. Also, so was that "ancient" at the bar?

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Re: Gegenschein [Ch.5: Nexus]
« Reply #72 on: August 10, 2008, 01:48:15 AM »
So the "emo-goth poet" was actually Aichan/Seirei incognito, right? :?

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

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Re: Gegenschein [Ch.5: Nexus]
« Reply #73 on: September 09, 2008, 06:22:54 PM »
Sorry about the delay, but yeah, I'm back with new chapter! Work and school are a bitch. >_>

Comment replies first though.

Grisours: Yeah I'm predictable like that. XD As for Risa, her future is well...gonna be interesting, as if no one can guess that. Lol. Stay tuned for updates!

takagakifan: Yeah, me and my Batman references. XD Noooo Risa! Yeah, wait and see what happens to her. >D

Ichigo-chan: Haha, so many questions. Reina's a curious cat, is why. As for Risa...well, you really want Takagaki, don't you? XD You'll have to see what happens then~

x_sleepyhead: Hey there new reader! Glad to have you! ^_^ Vampire Momusu <3 XD

Sukoshi: Haha at least I made you laugh. The blood running cold part was necessary though. Lol. At least I've got you interested. XD

peti-chan: Interesting observations, and I'm glad you liked the parts enough to quote them. XD You like Dir en Grey? Cool! ^_^

goosefish: Thanks! ^_^ Yeah Reina's cutely oblivious sometimes. XD As for the future-seeing, well, anything can happen. Hehe.

lollipopgirl: Just for you, I'll make sure Aichan wears leather somewhere in the future for whatever reason. XD Does that make you happy~? Haha. Nah you're not weird for being excited, I think it's cool. Lol.

poets: Haha I have all sorts of weird stuff in my head. Comes with the job. You already have the privilege of me telling you stuff on MSN. Lol.

mads: Ah, I totally get the being sidetracked part. I do it all the time. Lol. Which is why this chapter took so long too. :x Hope you haven't forgotten this story already! ^_^;

JFC: What do you think? XD

Okie. Story time~


Currently writing:
- Lilium-related things. God save my soul.

On Hold:
- Everything Else. Too many to list.

I'm also on AO3!

Offline Estrea

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Re: Gegenschein [Ch.5: Nexus]
« Reply #74 on: September 09, 2008, 06:25:21 PM »
Chapter 6 - Vortex

She thought she would have a situation like this, where something apparently momentous was supposedly happening. I mean, it doesn't get much bigger than having your future told to you, after all.

But all that possessed her was a strange sense of disappointment, and...emptiness? There was a strange sensation of nothingness as those eyes seemed to pierce into her very soul, as if she had nothing and everything to hide, almost a sense of being incorporeal. She resisted the urge to move her hand, pinch herself, assuring that she really was there, and not just a figment of her own imagination.

Moments ticked by palpably, and Risa found her eyes trailing that bead of sweat that had formed on Yuriko's forehead, following its path as it slid down past her temple and again down her cheek, finally hanging heavily at the edge of her chin, frozen, wavering. Her hand in Yuriko's was being squeezed, almost too tightly, and the rest of her arm tensed, shifting uncomfortably.

Tension slipped first into boredom, then back towards vague unease. What could possibly take so long? Risa couldn't fathom what could be so complicated about the future of a normal person like her. She wasn't even particularly remarkable in any one field, nor in possession of anything that would take her down odd paths.

Frankly, her future seemed boring to her. More likely than not she would end up in some dead end office job if she were any less careful. Or maybe get married to some reasonable guy that she may or may not meet in the future. Set up a family, have kids. Then die at a ripe old age surrounded by grandchildren. You know, that kind of normal, boring, and utterly predictable lifestyle.

Niigaki Risa wasn't really expecting all that much out of her own life. She was a decent person, helpful to her friends and people around her generally, and was a filial child. She wasn't seeking any kind of momentous exploit to mark her passing through this world, although at times she found herself wishing that her life was just a tad more exciting, just once.

She found herself inexplicably thinking of that once more, as she watched the expression on Yuriko's face shift from unease to fear. Her senses seemed remarkably detached from the situation, taking in the look in the older woman's eyes, the heave of her chest as her breathing tightened into little gasps, the grip of bony fingers cutting off her own circulation.

Risa's vision seemed to narrow, her consciousness separating to different levels. On one hand, her normal self was protesting the excessively tight grip, wanting to pull away, but afraid to offend her friend's mother. Doubt, unease, discomfort. As expected out of the situation.

On the other hand, her meditative self was unruffled, unemotional, continually taking in information, reading the situation, telling her things. Like how Yuriko's pupils had dilated, how sweat was gathering on the older's palms, the near invisible trembling of intense concentration. The sharp angle of her jawline, the rippling motion of tightly clenched muscles evident across it.

She had barely enough time to knit the pieces together before nails dug painfully into her skin, carving into her flesh. Almost.

"Beware your blood..." A choked gasp, shrinking pupils and ragged breaths. "...the hand..."

The lights went out, both in Yuriko's eyes and the room, the candle snuffed as Yuriko collapsed.

"Mom!" Eri cried out, immediately rushing to support her mother's limp form. In the shadows, the room dimly illuminated by the glow of dusty old bulbs filtering through the entrance, there was a messy scuffle as arms and legs scrambled around trying to do a hundred things at the same time.

A few knocks, bruises, and lots of confusion later, order was partially restored by dint of Sayumi finally finding another candle and somehow managing to light it without setting anything else on fire. Risa and Eri were by Yuriko's side, the latter of the pair panicking and near tears; while Risa, though still slightly shocked by what had taken place, had set aside her personal unease to deal with the current crisis.

As for the current moment, Risa was alternating between reassuring the panicked daughter and trying to get the comatose mother into a comfortable position. Sayumi carefully set down the lit candle and trotted over, taking over the duty of calming Eri down by the simple expedient of wrapping her arms around her hysterical best friend, thus freeing Risa's attention towards caring for Yuriko.

"It's ok, Eririn, everything's gonna be ok..." Sayu spoke soothingly into Eri's ear, patting her comfortingly and continuing to talk Eri out of frightened mode. Eri, for her part, was still very much twitchy, her eyes darting around like rabbits in spring, trying to verify that her mother was indeed fine and not permanently disabled or worse.

Risa was rubbing Yuriko's temples in an effort to wake the older woman, and her efforts paid off as Yuriko's eyelids fluttered, albeit briefly. Eri seemed to calm down at the sight, moving forward to kneel by her mother's side and inadvertently dragging Sayu along with her.

"Mom?" Eri sounded very vulnerable as she stared, wide-eyed, up at her mother's face. Yuriko's forehead creased as she winced, groaning. Risa, who had left briefly to look for some water, returned with a glass.

"Yuriko-san? Here's some water if you're up to it." The oldest of the trio coaxed gently, placing the glass close to Yuriko's lips and tilting it gently after the woman had nodded ever so slightly, the grimace still on her face. Eri seemed much relieved as her mother drank, patting her on the back when Yuriko coughed, gagging slightly on the water.

"Are you alright, Yuriko-obaasan?" Sayumi asked a little anxiously, concern written all over her face. She had not let go of Eri the whole time, but had now raised one hand to hold Yuriko's in a comforting grip.

"Mother...of all...headaches..." The Seer groaned, using her free hand to shade her eyes. Her voice was weak, but otherwise steady as she continued.

"Did I...say anything?" Her voice lowered to a whisper. "Felt like I saw something...important...can't remember..."

Sayumi exchanged a long glance with Risa. The words remained with them still, but Risa made the decision for both of them in an instant.

"No, it was nothing." Risa set the glass down firmly, matching the note in her own voice. "Nothing at all."

"You should rest." Sayumi carried on, an unreadable look in the glance she spared Risa before directing a concerned gaze at Yuriko. The older woman closed her eyes, her free hand reaching down to pat her daughter on the head, as if to reassure her. Eri simply hugged her mother around the waist, laying her head in her lap.

"Maybe you should bring her home...?" Risa suggested, looking directly at Sayu again. The devil bunny nodded, releasing her hold on Eri and tapping her best friend on the shoulder.

"We should get your mother back home, Eririn." Eri looked back up, seeming to get a better hold of herself as she glanced quickly at her mother, who still looked more than a little pale. Slowly, she nodded, rising to her feet but never losing contact with her mother.

"Do you need my help? I could..." Risa started, but Sayu was already shaking her head.

"No, Eri and I should be able to manage." Sayumi smiled, but it seemed a little less bright than usual. Risa couldn't help but get the feeling that the younger girl was looking more closely at her than usual. Eri, for her part, was carefully trying to support her mother to her feet, and Sayu rushed to take the other side.

"Are you sure?" Risa wrung her hands together unconsciously, feeling a strong urge to do something to help but not knowing what to do.

"It's really out of the way for you, Gaki-san, we wouldn't want to keep you out late for two nights in a row." Sayu's smile still failed to reach her eyes. Those eyes. Risa felt like they were dissecting her, cross-examining her somehow. It was disturbing.

"Sayu lives next door, so it's alright. We'll see you soon Gaki-san. Don't worry so much!" Eri's smile though, was completely unfettered, the same goofy turtle girl she was the first time Risa had met her. The whole world might change, but Eri remained herself. That was the kind of feeling she got whenever she looked at Eri. It was comforting, too. Somehow.

"Alright, I'll see you guys soon then." Risa gave in reluctantly, standing aside as the pair helped Yuriko out. Risa stared after them for a moment, the lengthening shadows stained with shades of red and green and orange. Carnival lights, but old and faded. Just as the place was. Just as she felt, aged and washed out.

Alone. The room seemed a lot smaller. The small blots of shadow, the outlines of her friends, in the distance. Her own, thrown in crazy angles by a wavering flame. She stared, reflecting on herself, the world, nothing at all.

"Nothing at all. Nothing happened." She whispered into the flame. The shadows flickered, puppetry without a guiding hand, mocking her.

She exhaled. The flame sighed with it, pooling darkness reaching out with ebony fingers, caressing her cheeks, threading through her hair. Shades under her eyes. The light was so very small.

"It doesn't matter." I don't mind. I don't care. It doesn't hurt.

The light went out. And all that was left was...



A single candle burned weakly in the middle of a huge table. The sheer massive structure of that table seemed to consume the entirety of the room, dwarfing the breadth and width of the cold stone room, though the ceiling arched high into unfathomable darkness.

Drip. Wax bled red, thicker than blood, coagulating into an unsightly blob. Froze there, the only movement being that wavering flame.

A lack of sound. The space seemed hollow, empty, despite the rich carpeting, the heavy drapes, that ostentatiously large table. Upholstered chairs, spaced evenly at intervals. So much territory occupied, but still that transience lingered.

When sound came, it seemed ethereal, echoing without substance to ricochet across bleak stone. Emotion, it did not wield. Merely a detached observation.

"The Hunters appear to be moving."

Soundless rustle, no more than shadow on shadow. The flame continue to illuminate that weak halo, barely enough to see beyond that pathetic circle of light.

"The Sanguini are disturbed." The new voice was richer in tone, modulated in frequencies that hinted at iron within a velvet fist. "They do not appreciate the breach on their territory." The last note was delivered neutrally, a fact stated, but there was no mistaking the displeasure lacing those words.

"The Watchers are looking into it, Radu." Another replied; this one a raspy hiss resembling the sibilant whisper of a serpent. "Apparently the Hunters have been culling the Thin Bloods more aggressively in the past few months."

"That's one problem solved." A monosyllabic grunt followed that roughhewn voice. "Damn trash don't even deserve to be called Nosferatu."

"Indeed." The first voice laid no particular weight on that agreement. "Though there are some who appear to be a little above their base instincts."

A brief pause. Snake Voice was the first to contribute.

"There are...rumors...of an underground movement. A coalition against the purebred clans." A sneer. "Hardly a threat."

"Perhaps." First Speaker withheld any judgment, and another void moment passed.

"What of the Ancients?" A slow, deliberate voice entered the discussion. "They may yet take a hand in our affairs."

"Not those who are active." Snake Voice deterred. "They no longer worry themselves over mortal concerns."

"Especially not the Daywalker." The rough voice growled lowly. "The sun must have baked her brains out a few eons ago."

"Careful of who you speak ill of, Ferrus. You are far from being able to handle a Blood Royal." The slow voice cautioned, although there was some thinly veiled amusement held to it.

Ferrus snarled softly, but made no further protest. "You know it's a bad idea to let her and that spawn of hers run around unchecked, Petrov."

"I agree that it's a risk. Their bloodline is precious. But who are we to stop our Princess?" A touch of irony colored First Speaker's words.

"She is as cold to us as ever, is she not?" Petrov observed archly. "Raimond's last report was characteristic of her."

"The Ancient can wait for now." Radu interjected. "At any rate, that hellspawn of hers is causing far more of a stir."

First Speaker spoke. "Baran?"

"My Watchers have gathered that our Cainite brethren are less than pleased by her free reign in that region." Baran's slithery voice continued with a tinge of displeasure. "The Hunters have already been drawn there."

"The Hunters know better than to touch the Nobles and those above. They can't spare so many to take down just one." Petrov noted clinically.

"The Hunters' Association knows their place. The secrecy statutes bind both sides, and we all know what is at stake." First Speaker stated, and a lull followed that statement. Ferrus was the one to break it.

"Child of a Blood Royal or not, we cannot let something like that run wild in Clan-territory. It would set a bad precedent."

"I will dispatch a Watcher to deliver the message. Traditional courtesies must be observed." Baran coughed, his voice lowering to a gurgle. "Meanwhile, there are other infractions to be dealt with..."

"And there is also the Gathering to be organized..."

"The Archives too...bloodlines to be updated..."

"We need to speak to the Ordo Dracul again..."

"Also, the matter of ascension..."

And throughout the whole discussion, not a single breath had been taken. Silent as the grave, the room bore witness to the deliberations of those without breath nor life, cold as the stone that comprised the chamber.

The candle flickered.


The sun cast long shadows across the barren land, dotted here and there by fields of hardy poppy plants. Mountains clawed up at the clouds, their backs making a jagged outline across the sky's basin.

Near the foot of those mountains, a tiny settlement hid in the shadows of those great giants, barely visible from high above, and unmarked on most maps. Brown on brown, it melted almost perfectly into the landscape. Darkness would soon envelop it, and it would escape detection for yet another day.

Black-robed figures busied themselves within that little settlement. Too small to be a real village, but bigger than a campsite. The heavy veils remained in place despite the blistering heat of a day which was drawing to a close, and the long fringes of their robes raised little dust clouds as they did their chores, often pausing to usher the many children at play indoors into the crude little mud huts that sheltered them.

The children laughingly dodged their attempts, whooping and cheering as they chased each other. A boisterous pair tackled each other, tumbling in the dirt as they wrestled each other. The other children, no older than 13 or 14, settled into a loose ring to watch, bright eyes watching eagerly.

A darker shadow ghosted over, and a sharp voiced command halted them immediately. Despite the edged tone, there was no mistaking the concern, nor the hint of femininity in that husky voice. The children, boys all, nodded, eyes wide, but with reverent faces as they gazed at the robed and veiled woman who towered over them.

"Run along now, it's getting late." The tongue of the desert nomads made her already husky voice sound harsher in using it, and the boys responded to the command without protest, scattering off to the respective huts.

The tall figure watched them with a distinct air of approval, before turning her attention to sweep across the edges of their little settlement. Keen eyes seemed to see far further than they let on, before sweeping upwards to glance at the setting sun. It would be dark soon, yet not quite soon enough for her tastes.

The dry, grainy wind shifted, the unmistakable scent of blood hitting her nose. It was no more than a whiff, but she wasted no time in action.

"Everyone, hide! Don't come out until I say it's safe!" Her voice echoed with authority, and all the other robed women around the settlement reacted, scurrying towards the dubious safety of the mud huts. The older children had to be dragged in, despite their willingness to stand their ground.

Within a minute, the whole settlement had been swept clean of human presence. Only that lone figure remained, all wrapped up in that heavy black robe that covered her from head to toe. The wind picked up its pace, kicking up clouds of dust.

She stood still in the precise middle of the encampment, eyes focused intently on one spot in the dust clouds. Flexing her fingers in the voluminous sleeves of her robe, she tasted the air with her tongue. It was heavy with hostility, and she lowered her head, her expression lost within the folds of her hood.

One, two, three...there's a lot of them out there. Dusky eyes flicked upwards to gauge the sun's passage. It seemed to be moving at a crawl.

"Well, damn." She muttered in her native tongue. "This is really pissing me off."

"There! There's the witch!" A voice laced with hatred shouted, ending with a grunt of pain. Again, the smell of blood, sharper and closer.

She tossed her head, amused as she figured out what had led trouble to her door. She knew she should have been more thorough with the last raid..

"That's more than a mere witch..." Another voice, strangely accented in a way she thought she could recognize. "That's a vampire."

"Upyri?" The native man whispered fearfully, eyes wide. He muttered some prayer to his god, backing away hurriedly before turning tail and making a run for it.

He didn't make it very far though. A rock, accurately hurled, smashed the back of his skull open. He dropped like a squashed fly. The woman flexed her fingers, shaking the dust off them. She waited, knowing that those who hunted her would soon show themselves.

She wasn't disappointed. A lone figure emerged in dramatic fashion out of the swirling dust, his shadow stretching almost far enough to reach her. The sun was at his back, meaning it was practically right in her eyes. She growled, cracking her knuckles ominously. Around her, curious eyes peered from crude windows, anxious.

"Vampire." That single word was filled with loathing. There was no question that the man in front of her despised her very existence. She snorted.

"Hunter." She returned the acknowledgment, watching the sun continue its annoyingly slow descent beneath the horizon. He seemed to catch the action, and smirked.

"Your robes won't protect you much longer!" That was all the warning she received as he lunged at her, blades flashing. She sighed, jumping back as one slash ripped through the front of her robe. The hunter was a frenzy of dancing swords and muttered curses, and the air sang as he slashed relentlessly at her.

The robes were a hindrance, she recognized that. Allowing him to cut her, or well, her clothes, she surprised him by hurling a fistful of sand into his eyes, ducking and rolling as she yanked off the heavy black burqa that had served to protect her from the harsh solar rays.

Beneath that cumbersome disguise lay a lithe figure clad in utilitarian combat fatigues. Her long hair came free of the loose bun she had tied it into, and it settled onto her shoulders as she came back up to her feet, pulling a combat knife from her boot.

He had recovered quickly after her little sand surprise, but this act managed to stun him for a split second. "What...but..." His head whirled around quickly to check that yes, the sun was indeed still in the sky, spilling the rays of death to any vampire.

Any vampire but this one, who stood and stretched, bathed in the orange glow and showing no signs of either falling over or burning into ash. The serrated edge of her knife glinted ominously, and he lost sight of it for a moment before well-honed reflexes reacted in time to throw his blades into self-defense.

"Pay attention, Hunter." The woman hissed, her shorter blade parried by the thrumming swords of the hunter. "I am not your usual riffraff."

His eyes narrowed, sweat beading his forehead as he muttered the incantation under his breath. The runes inscribed on his swords flared, blasting the vampire squarely with flame. She narrowly dodged, leaping and skidding around, crouched low like a panther, her eyes alert with dreadful intent.

"Not bad." She commented offhandedly. "That almost hurt." Burnt wisps of her hair floated by. Her eyes narrowed into slits.

"I don't like people messing with my hair." He had barely time to take a breath before she was on to him again, forcing him to use every bit of his skill to even keep up with the force and speed of her strikes. He was loath to admit it, but every time he parried, his arms grew numb from the staggering force he had to stop.

Something clicked in his mind, and he quickly bounded backward, eyes wide as he gave the female vampire a once over.

"Daywalker?" He said out loud. She laughed, pushing her hair out of her face.

"Nah, that's my Master." She grinned savagely. "You're not even good enough to kiss the ground she walks on, filthy Hunter."

"That accursed bloodline..." He spat, eyes flashing. "It will be my blade that cleanses you off our world!"

"Sorry, but I kinda want to live long enough to see my Master again. The likes of you won't be able to stop me." She had barely finished before he called out in his native language, and the shock of recognition, given that it was her native language as well, almost did her in.

Instinct was what saved her as her body threw itself away from where she stood, before a hail of bullets spattered into the space where she had just previously occupied. She rolled, coming back upright in a crouch again. Saw the sizzling ground where she had last been.

"Well, about time you folks got a tech upgrade. 21st century and all..." Her eyes scanned around for the hidden snipers, mentally mapping their locations. They pretty much had her surrounded. "But bullets aren't going to work, you know."

"Only if they're normal bullets, vampire." His eyes glowed with a disturbing kind of fanaticism. She sighed and bunched her muscles, zigzagging around to make it difficult for the snipers to hit her, heading for the annoying hunter under the assumption that his comrades would not open fire on one of their own.

"Quit calling me vampire. I have a name too, you know." She complained in her own language, taking satisfaction from his surprise as she swung at him.

"Yeah, I'm Japanese too. Baka." She kicked at his midsection, knocking the wind out of him. He managed to get a return cut in though, the gash burning painfully. Magicked weapons were a royal pain in the ass. She really didn't like hunters very much.

Then a hail of bullets raining down on her reminded just how much she hated those self-important bastards.

"Shit." Bullets might not be able to kill her, but being riddled with holes wasn't her idea of a fun time. What made things worse was that the bullets hurt a lot more than usual. They seemed to burn her from inside out, a stunning sensation. She fell, writhing from the shock and pain.

"How'd you like that, vampire?" The hunter wheezed as he came over. "That's our new weapon. Burns, doesn't it? Specially for you vampire scum." He ground out between clenched teeth, raising his sword to aim at her unprotected neck, ready to finish her off.

The runed blade came down with shocking speed, halting abruptly at her neck. Was halted, actually.

One pale hand had closed around it, blood trickling down the blade from her palm. He couldn't even make the sword budge at all, even with his augmented strength.

A long tongue flicked out to catch the droplets of blood from the blade. Eyes burning with inhuman glee pierced him, and she spoke.

"Night time, buddy." She grinned, flashing her fangs for the first time since the fight started. His eyes widened, realizing a little too late that the sun had finally   set.

The sword was twisted out of his hands with shocking ease, his wrist cracking from the force. He hissed in pain, his own eyes flashing with a hint of red as he retreated from the awakened demon before him.

"That hurt." She growled, her form seeming to merge into shadow. "But it's nothing compared to what I'm gonna give you."

"Good night. It was fun knowing you."

They never even knew what hit them.


The moon lit her path as she left the station, walking down well worn paths to her modest home. It was some distance, but not so far that she had to take any other transport to reach it. Besides, walking wasn't so bad. It helped to clear her thoughts.

There weren't many people around, except for some individuals lurking around alleys and other pedestrians that were headed either to or from the station she had just exited. It was not the best part of town, but it wasn't the dumps at least. Still, not always the safest for a girl to be out alone.

Well, she should be safe enough along the main road at least. Risa did not slow her steps as she followed that familiar route home, head down and minding her own business. She had learned that minding her own business was a good thing to do when outside.

The night seemed very quiet and cold, with far fewer people on the streets than she would have expected. Well, it did look like it was going to rain. Perhaps it was pure sensibility that kept people off the streets. Still, it made her feel isolated. Alone.

"Mou...stop thinking like that!" She scolded herself out loud, sticking her hands into the pockets of her coat. Her face seemed to vanish further into her collar as she ducked her head down further, and she wasn't paying much attention to what her feet was doing as her mind decided that it would be a fine time to wander.

It wasn't a good time to be woolgathering though.

"Ow." She winced as her shoulder collided painfully with someone else. "Sorry." She apologized reflexively, her eyes coming up to meet those of the person she had accidentally run into.

"It's ok." A smile that was not quite a smile was directed at her, but Risa wasn't looking at that. Those eyes...she had to shake herself before she got utterly lost in them.

"Uh I..." She stuttered, but the stranger had already moved on, brushing past her. Risa stood still for a moment, wondering. Those eyes had seemed so familiar, so...mesmerizing. She half turned, wanting to take another look at the beautiful stranger.

But she was gone. No trace of her, just other normal civilians on their way home.

Risa shook her head again, trying to rid it of extraneous thoughts. "None of my business." She muttered, starting to walk again.


It had been a short, ugly fight. She grinned, a blood-spattered one. Fangs gleamed in the moonlight, now unobscured by the clouds.

"That was fun." She licked her hand clean after having ripped the heart out of one of hunters just moments ago. She had managed to take the worst of the actual fight away from the little settlement she had been residing in, not wanting the children to see just how savage she could get.

It had just been a matter of picking the morons off one by one after that, taking advantage of the darkness before the moon showed itself. She was wary of hunters, but not a bunch like these. She had seen worse, faced more dangerous hunters with her Master. The ones today weren't so bad, but they just weren't up to taking on something like her.

Still, being injured sucks. She hissed in pain as her fingers dug into her shoulder to remove a bullet that had been lodged in there. It hurt far more than bullets should have. She would know, she had been shot before. World War II had been a very enlightening experience.

"Ugh." She growled, pulling the annoying bullet out. Her shoulder almost sighed in relief from the light burning sensation that it had been causing. She glared at the offending thing in her palm.

"Stupid hunters." She muttered, noting the runes carved onto the spent shell. "Hmm."

Her eyes flicked to an abandoned rifle on the ground. Two steps and a few experienced motions snapped the half-empty cartridge out. The bullets inside seemed to gleam with a strange aura. She didn't like the feeling.

"Well this looks interesting." She took the cartridge with her. "I guess its time to get outta here." She looked around, stepping carefully around discarded guns, limbs, and smashed heads.

She kicked an eyeball, watched it roll, before smashing it with her heel. Her grin was feral as she took off into the night.

"Time to go see what these pesky Hunters are really up to."


"Tadaima." She called out, taking off her shoes and stepping in.

"Okaeri." A warm voice greeted almost instantly, and the smiling face of her mother appeared at the entrance to the kitchen. "How was your day, Risa-chan?"

"It was alright, mother." Risa answered with a tired little smile, removing her coat as she padded towards her room. She paused at a little tablet in the main hall, inclining her head and as per her usual habit, murmured a quiet little "I'm back" at the forlorn tablet on the altar.

Her mother watched her for a moment, then went back into the kitchen. "Remember to put your dirty laundry into the basket after you shower."

"Yes mother." Risa replied automatically, heading back into her room.

The door clicked shut behind her. She dropped her bag in the corner, then dropped herself onto her bed, staring at the ceiling. It was bare, much like the rest of her personal space. There was some personal clutter on her table, but she never bothered to leave more of herself lying around the room. Not much point in excessive decoration when she never knew when she was going to have to move again.

Sitting up, her gaze fell on the framed picture on her desk. Just a little family picture. Her father, her mother. And her.

She stared at it from a distance. Couldn't help but feel that something was missing from that picture. She knew what it was too. She had just paid her respects to it just minutes ago.

I wonder what it would have been like to have a sister? Risa mused, not for the first time. She had had one, but she never remembered it. Couldn't have, not when her sister, her twin, had been dead for as long as she had been born.

Stillborn. Risa had never known her twin for the precise fact that she had never been able to grow up with her. To this day, it was as if a piece of her was missing, in some strange, psychic sort of way. Or maybe it was just emotional, since she hadn't had many friends growing up. Hadn't been able to, not with the constant moving.

"I wish..." She said out loud, her voice sounding very loud in the silence. Moonlight filtered in through her window, pooling at her feet.

She wriggled her toes. The shadows followed. She sighed.

"Never mind." The picture stared back at her. She ignored it.

"Doesn't matter."

Moonlight in her eyes. The ceiling was still too bare as she laid on her back.

"I don't want to care..." She whispered. Her vision blurred, soaking her pillow.

And no one noticed.

They never did.


Well that was a long chapter. @_@

Hope it was worth the wait. ^^;

Read and comment everyone~
« Last Edit: September 09, 2008, 07:54:58 PM by Estrea »


Currently writing:
- Lilium-related things. God save my soul.

On Hold:
- Everything Else. Too many to list.

I'm also on AO3!

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Re: Gegenschein [Ch.6: Vortex]
« Reply #75 on: September 09, 2008, 10:10:33 PM »
JFC: What do you think? XD
How'd I know you were going to say that? 

Niigaki Risa wasn't really expecting all that much out of her own life. She was a decent person, helpful to her friends and people around her generally, and was a filial child. She wasn't seeking any kind of momentous exploit to mark her passing through this world, although at times she found herself wishing that her life was just a tad more exciting, just once.
A situation and sentiment shared by many people, no doubt.

"Beware your blood..." A choked gasp, shrinking pupils and ragged breaths. "...the hand..."

The lights went out, both in Yuriko's eyes and the room, the candle snuffed as Yuriko collapsed.

This can't be good.

"Mother...of all...headaches..." The Seer groaned, using her free hand to shade her eyes. Her voice was weak, but otherwise steady as she continued.

"Did I...say anything?" Her voice lowered to a whisper. "Felt like I saw something...important...can't remember..."
She can't remember? That's not exactly comforting either.

"No, it was nothing." Risa set the glass down firmly, matching the note in her own voice. "Nothing at all."
Is Risa sure that she wants to not mention what she said? She might not remember it now, but seeing as how she is knowledgeable in it, Yuriko might be able to give an interpretation/hint/idea as to what it could have meant.

"Do you need my help? I could..." Risa started, but Sayu was already shaking her head.

"No, Eri and I should be able to manage." Sayumi smiled, but it seemed a little less bright than usual. Risa couldn't help but get the feeling that the younger girl was looking more closely at her than usual. Eri, for her part, was carefully trying to support her mother to her feet, and Sayu rushed to take the other side.
Man, of all the times for Sayu to get jealous. :doh:

Dang, sounds like we're bound to have a multi-sided war on our hands. Purebred vamprires, dhampirs, hunters...this can get ugly fast.  :O

From the description...Miki?

I wonder what it would have been like to have a sister? Risa mused, not for the first time. She had had one, but she never remembered it. Couldn't have, not when her sister, her twin, had been dead for as long as she had been born.

Stillborn. Risa had never known her twin for the precise fact that she had never been able to grow up with her.
Hmmm...makes me wonder.
:pig huh:

Considering what the previous quoted part of the story said, along WITH what Eri's mom said...something tells me we probably should pay attention to Risa. :yep:

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

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Re: Gegenschein [Ch.5: Nexus]
« Reply #76 on: September 10, 2008, 02:57:12 AM »
Ichigo-chan: Haha, so many questions. Reina's a curious cat, is why. As for Risa...well, you really want Takagaki, don't you? XD You'll have to see what happens then~
Hey, I'm a curious one too. :lol: Hell yeah, I want TakaGaki!!! XD

Eri's mom = :shocked: Something's in Gaki's future. I feel so bad for her, all alone. Unfortunately, I know that feeling all too well. Those ppl were talking about Ai-chan and her kid, huh? I the vampire who killed all the Hunters Ai-chan's kid? :? But damn, she kicked ass!!! :inlove: I wonder if Gaki's twin sister has anything do with the vision or vampires or something? Knowing you, it does. :D

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Re: Gegenschein [Ch.6: Vortex]
« Reply #77 on: September 10, 2008, 10:41:11 AM »
Wow an update and what an update !  :w00t:  My brain is still trying to process everything...there's just so much of it that I liked!  I liked the action and the feel of loneliness in the chapter.  poor Risa....

oh! Devil bunny! I'm going to have to steal that from you =D

I'm intrigued at what the council have in mind...I'm also wondering who the child is.  If I had to guess...I'd say it's Koharu?  She's pretty I can easily picture her as a pyro....XD  unless it's Risa's clone twin. 

hmm...I wonder what's Ai's view on bumping into Risa.  Wonder if she sensed anything from her.  I'm so curious...share your brain with me please~ XD

ah I just realized this chapter lacked Reina...can't wait for her next's fun when she shows up =D

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Re: Gegenschein [Ch.6: Vortex]
« Reply #78 on: September 10, 2008, 11:38:29 AM »
^ I know who the child is. I don't think I should say it out just in case Essy kills me. But I can say it's not Koharu.

I think I should be thankful for Tuesdays since it allows you more time to write? I know I told you before and I'll say it again, reading your fics takes up soooooooooo much of my brain power. There's so many things to process!! I should probably stick to telling you my comments face to face since I don't know where to start.

The thing that I wanna say though is, you have to finish writing this. I wanna read it to the end before I die XD

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Re: Gegenschein [Ch.6: Vortex]
« Reply #79 on: September 10, 2008, 05:32:04 PM »
With Eri's mom scene and the information about her sister, I feel like Risa's going to be very important later on. And that her life will get a little more exciting, too  XD
That reunion-like part was interesting too, but it will take some time till I process all the information there, lol. I'm kinda sleepy, so yeah (*coughexcusescough*)
I won't guess who the child is and stuff, cause it could be anybody and I really don't have a clue...

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