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Author Topic: Anti-Intellectual trends in pop culture  (Read 8065 times)

Offline meowchi

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Anti-Intellectual trends in pop culture
« on: July 11, 2008, 09:36:16 PM »
It seems to me that there has been a trend towards 'dumbing' things down in popular culture. The obsessions with celebrities (Lindsay Lohan, Paris Hilton, Jessica Simpson), scripted "reality" shows, over-produced Top40 music (performed by people with little musical ability outside of singing and sometimes thats even suspect), increasingly formulaic movies from the major studios, etc.

I know I'm probably coming off as an old woman (i'm 23) ranting, but lately I am finding that nothing that any of the major studios/labels/networks are putting out are interesting at all to me. They are all just so formulaic and shallow. I understand the nature of the game is making money, but come on. Why are people eating this stuff up?

It just feels like we are cultivating a 'culture of stupid' among the youth/masses. I don't know, just an observation I've noticed in our society. What say you?

Offline Rina the Robot

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Re: Anti-Intellectual trends in pop culture
« Reply #1 on: July 11, 2008, 10:41:02 PM »
I'll be the first to admit that the lack of original thinking in the film industry these days bugs me to death. It feels like they're incapable of coming up with their own stories, so they just remake Asian horror movies in hopes of a hit. Even though I complain about the lack of original stories, I can't get enough of comic book movies!  :sweatdrop: I suppose things won't change unless people stop going to see the crappy romantic comedies and horror movies they're making, so it's up to the people to determine how things are made.

As for the stars without any talent, I don't get the obsession with them at all. All I know is that I'm getting tired of catchy phrases coming from them ("That's hot", anyone?)
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Offline StreakInTheSky

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Re: Anti-Intellectual trends in pop culture
« Reply #2 on: July 11, 2008, 11:47:07 PM »
This is why I got into more obscure indie stuff years ago. But then even that stuff is following that trend or just getting too bizarre for my tastes. But I think I've adapted to it in that my tastes change every once in a while and I come to accept stupid stuff so I don't die of boredom. :lol:

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Buck$ for lolos!
« Reply #3 on: July 12, 2008, 12:44:39 AM »
I understand the nature of the game is making money, but come on. Why are people eating this stuff up?

Tastes great, fills you up AND it gets you insane in the membrane.

Offline reina's eyes

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Re: Anti-Intellectual trends in pop culture
« Reply #4 on: July 12, 2008, 01:14:32 AM »
I too feel like there's a downward trend yet looking back I couldn't name a time that was any better.

It's lame to do lazy remakes of old movies, and lousy old ones at that. But there's the point: a lot of older films from previous eras sucked and were unwatchable.

It's all part of why I've turned to the intellectual heights of jpop. ;-)

Offline Tuffty

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Re: Anti-Intellectual trends in pop culture
« Reply #5 on: July 12, 2008, 01:51:22 AM »
Ugh don't get me started on reality shows (well, most of them). They're what lead to Firefly being cancelled, a huge mistake IMO. Most reality shows are scripted anyway. Never watched A Shot At Love 2 but heard the ending. You suspect me to believe the chosen winner suddenly decides she likes men instead? If she stepped down, why wasn't the award given to the runner up? No that's right, cause there has to be some reason to justify the upcoming Shot At Love 3 :roll:

And the 'stars' are worse. Hilton, Ritchie, Lohan, Katona, Allen. They could all crawl under a rock and die for all I care. I'm sick of hearing whether or not Lohan might or might not be a lesbian or Hilton got paid $10mil to show up at a party and I certainly don't need to read Katona's advice on kids when she's been caught smoking and taking cocaine during pregnancy.

Offline bgstak69

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Re: Anti-Intellectual trends in pop culture
« Reply #6 on: February 02, 2013, 05:22:01 AM »
This is true. It seems like it gets worse as time passes by!

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