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Author Topic: Mabinogi - Fantasy Life  (Read 1544 times)

Offline StreakInTheSky

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Mabinogi - Fantasy Life
« on: July 19, 2008, 08:52:30 AM »

It's an MMORPG from Nexon, the people who released Maple Story, so it's completely free, unless you want some extras of course. But it's different from maple as in it's 3-D, but keeps with the Anime loli theme. :lol: Doesn't seem to take up much resources either.

I started playing yesterday and found it kind of fun... but I'm not really the kind of guy to make friends through the game so was looking for people to join me since I'm playing by myself...

But the game seems really cool, with lots of customizations. I don't think there are any class systems, so it's basically up to you on how your character develops depending on how you interact with the people around you. You can take lessons on magic and fighting, and also cooking as you need to eat, as well as learn music to play instruments. You can also eventually design your own clothes. Then there's a part time job system that helps you earn extra money.

As well as the main quests you get from talking to people. There are also a bunch of side quests that owls randomly fly and give you.

If anyone is interested or already playing, you'll find me on the Mari server, Ch 2 as Bakiya.

JPHiP Radio (19/200 @ 128 kbs)     Now playing: The Gospellers - Shin Osaka