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Author Topic: One Week [Epilogue - One Night]  (Read 45169 times)

Offline chibilolli

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Re: One Week [Day One]
« Reply #20 on: August 16, 2008, 02:14:29 AM »
How did I miss this story??? too many things going on at the minute I think

I really enjoyed these two chapters. Gaki confessing to Kame was so sweet. But Kame is also sweet for being a 'trial' girlfriend for a week. Although I thought that she'd make Risa do all the work, yet she's doing the most of it :lol:

I kinda hope there's not gonna be a love triangle, I hates them...

But I am eagerly awaiting the next chapter :D

Offline KonaKaga

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Re: One Week [Day One]
« Reply #21 on: August 17, 2008, 02:57:25 AM »
Ok! I have an excuse! First of all, I apologize for not updating yesterday! I was planning to, but life is unfair :( Our old router was sort of dying on us, so we got a new one. So, I didn't have internet because the first time my brother tried the new router, he didn't do it right. So my dad did it today and it worked >_> So, here's day 2! I'll probably get day 3 & 4 out tomorrow. Agh, and I wanted this to be done a chapter a day :bleed eyes: Oh woe is me. And to add to my 'luck' I have an ear infection which I've had for around 10 days and I went to the doctor about 4 days ago and apparently I've got "swimmer's ear" or something O_o I don't even swim... Owie my ear. Anyways, I shall stop blabbering about my boring life :)

@strawb3rrykream - Yes, underpants XD LOL I love that joke!
@ShikyoxYaiba - Who knows what those pants could bring :roll: ROFL where'd that calender come from?!
@JFC - Since you reply to my fic in emotes I'll speak to you in emotes! XD *Hands cracker* JFC wanna cracker?
@Sukoshi -  :w00t: OMG! SUKOSHI~!!!!( lol sorry about that fangirling) Hmm, I wonder if that piece of paper really does mean anything... :roll: I guess you'll have to wait and see....
@ringo-hime - Not much longer to wait :D
@AmberSan - Thanks~ LOL about Risa and blurting! (That sentence sounds weird when you read it XD)
@anuskyna - Aww, thank-you! Ganbaruzo!
@Lolli - I agree about love triangles! Well, I don't hate them, but they're not really my cup of tea :doh: But who knows, it might be fun to add a twist :P


Day Two

I was definitely more confident than yesterday but the anxiety was still there, at the back of my mind. I suppose there isn’t much reason for me to worry about today, me and Eri have already done this loads of times. Yes, today we are going to an amusement park. I think that I won’t wear my lucky muffin pants today… you know, just in case we go on that new ride that’s very high…and…it’s high.
Anyways! I’m hoping that we can go into the haunted house; It’ll be my chance to prove myself to Eri.

I arrived at the entrance to the park 10 minutes early. Looking around, I saw no sign of Eri. Leaning against the entrance gates I again went over my mental list.
Tickets– check
Purse with everything I need – check
Tight but comfortable jeans – check
Stylish t-shirt – check

I was ready. Now just to wait for Eri…I glanced at my watch. It was our agreed meeting time.
“Now, just to wait thirty more minutes,” I breathed out to myself.
“I always thought that the main attraction was inside the park.”
My eyes shot open. I slowly turned around and was greeted to a beautiful sight of Eri. Her hair was down, waves playing at the bottom. She wore a sky blue tank top that was decorated lightly with English words and a few flowers, and denim short shorts that showed off her wonderful thighs. I could feel blood rushing to my head. Was she trying to make me have a nose bleed?!
“Can we stay here? I just found the main attraction.”
Her face flushed. I’m pretty sure not because of the heat.
“Risa-chan, I may be the main attraction to you, but you can’t ride me,” Eri remarked teasingly.
She grabbed the tickets from my hand, winked, and began walking into the park. I gawked at her for several moments. I think she’s been hanging out with Miki and Reina a bit too much lately. But then again, I like a sassy Eri as well. I wiped my nose. Okay, no nose bleed. I ran after Eri. I better be careful today.

Eri and I both screamed at the top of our lungs as we dropped to the ground at a frightening speed. We may have been strapped into our seats, but we still held onto each other. We were both inside a small ball that was fashioned to work like bungee jumping. The ball dropped and bounced back up by the stretchy rope that held it. I managed to persuade Eri to come on it with me. I wonder why I even wanted to get on this thing. IT’S SCARY!
After bouncing several more times, we dismounted (more like stumbled) off of the ride. Sitting down on the nearest bench, we both tried to calm down our racing hearts.
“I’ll be back in a minute,” I said to Eri. She nodded. I got up and went to go get a slushie for her.
“Here.” I handed her the drink, and she gladly took it. After several sips she seemed to have calmed down.
“I am never doing that again!” Eri exclaimed. I smiled at her.
“But you’ve got to admit, it was fun.”
“Risa-chan, is your idea of fun having a heart attack?”
I smirked. “Not exactly.”
We decided to do a less strenuous activity next. Walking hand in hand, she took me to a shooting stall. She squealed.
“It’s so cute! Nee, nee, nee, Risa-chan! Will you win that for me?” she asked me, pointing to a turtle plushie.
“Sure. I’ll always get you anything that you want,” I replied. Eri smiled at me sweetly. I handed over money to the man at the stall, and received a cork gun.
“You get 5 shots,” he said.
I aimed the gun straight at the turtle and fired. Miss. Four shots left. Fire. Miss. Fire. Hit! But it only nudged the plushie. Fire. Hit. It moved more than before.
“It’s your last shot, missy,” the man informed me.
I licked my lips nervously. My last shot. My finger danced over the trigger for a couple of seconds. Please let me get it! For Eri! I pulled the trigger. A direct hit. The plushie swayed and wavered over the edge of the shelf. Fall, please! It feel backwards back onto its bottom. I looked away and let out an annoyed hiss.
“Congratulations, missy. That was a close one!” the man exclaimed. I felt Eri’s arms wrap around me.
“Thank-you, Risa-chan!”
Huh? I looked back and saw the plushie lying on the ground. The man picked it up and handed it to Eri. She gladly took it and squeezed it. Then I realised how I won it. After it had fallen backwards onto its butt, the force continued to push it backwards so it fell over and off the shelf. I mentally laughed. I guess you could call that a backwards victory.
“Thanks for playing! I hope you young ladies have a great day.” the man said to us. We nodded our thanks and began to walk away, searching for our next activity. I looked at Eri who was walking to me; she tightly holding the toy.
“You really like that plushie, don’t you?” I asked, amused. She nodded enthusiastically.
“It’s so cute. But now I’m going to make sure nothing happens to it.”
“Oh, why’s that?” I asked.
“Because Risa-chan worked hard to get it for me,” she explained. I felt my face heat up.
“I’m going to name it Risa,” she stated, smiling at me sweetly.
God, wasn’t there any part of this girl that wasn’t cute?!

We got lunch after visiting a few more stalls. Eri absolutely insisted on buying lunch since I had already bought everything else. I tried to pay but she demanded that she would. I gave up; after all, she puffed up her cheeks and everything. We happily ate away at our crepes. Mine was lemon and sugar, hers was strawberries and cream. She was so cute when she was eating. She would take a bite out of her crepe, cream covering her lips. Then she would proceed to lick the cream off, and that would take at least three licks. We took a bite of each others before finishing them and moving on to find more rides. Much to my disappointment, the haunted house was closed for reconstruction. Eri seemed slightly disappointed as well.
“I didn’t realise that you liked the feeling of your heart racing a lot, Risa-chan,” she said to me.
“What do you mean?” I asked, tilting my head to the side. She tilted her head as well.
“Well, usually when you go on rides you get really scared and start screaming to get off. But today you seem to really be enjoying the rides,” she commented. I tilted my head back upright.
“They still scare me; it’s just that they’re not as scary when I’m with you. When I’m with you, it’s fun,” I stated. It was true as well, but not only that; it wasn’t so much the rides that made my heart race, but her. Eri slightly leaned her head down, trying to cover the blush that had appeared.
“It’s the same for me,” she whispered out. A huge grin appeared on my face.
“That’s good, I don’t want you to not be having fun.”
She nodded her head. I gave her hand a gentle, reassuring squeeze. She was getting shyer now that I was being more open about my feelings. Kamei Eri is cuteness itself.

The sun was starting to set, tinting the sky a beautiful orange. The park was going to close soon, and there was one ride that I wanted to take Eri on. Taking her hand, I lead her to the short line that was waiting to ride the Ferris wheel. I was surprised at how few people there were, but I was glad that we wouldn’t have to wait long to get on. I was nervous that she might take me wanting to go on this the wrong way. The Ferris wheel is one of the most used rides by couples. I just wanted to show her the view. Our turn to board came and we both stepped into the car. I felt my arm rub against hers as I sat down next to her. The car shifted as the wheel began turning. Neither of us spoke. The atmosphere wasn’t an uncomfortable one, more of an unsure one. Several times I tried to take her hand which lay next to mine, but each time I would pull my hand back. Maybe I should just take her hand, relax the atmosphere a bit… but maybe it’ll make the atmosphere turn awkward… I suddenly let out a scream and jumped up when the car shook. I could hear Eri giggling next to me.
“You really are a reaction queen. The car only stopped you know,” she said. I swear my ears turned red from embarrassment. I sat back down next to Eri.
“The view is amazing,” she breathed out, gazing across the city.
While she gazed at the city, I gazed at her. She looked so beautiful. It seemed as if the evening light was hugging her, making her glow. I wrapped my hands around Eri’s which were on her legs.
“This is what I wanted to show you,” I said. I felt her hands tighten around mine. She turned and looked me in the eyes, smiling.
I couldn’t help but lean and kiss her. Not on the lips but on her cheek. I couldn’t tell if she was blushing because of the light, but I’m pretty sure she was, I could tell by the shy expression in her eyes. I pulled her into my arms and felt her head lie against my shoulder. We both watched the scenery.
“Eri, about this week-“ I started, but was cut off by her fingers against my lips.
“Shh, that doesn’t matter at the moment. I’m your girlfriend, right?”
“Right,” I said.
Several more moments passed. Only the sound of my heartbeat, Eri’s breathing and some seagulls flying by filled my ears. If only I could have stayed there forever.
“Are you happy?” she asked. I leaned my head against hers.
“Definitely,” I replied. “Are you?” I asked back.
“I’m happy. Very happy,” she answered. I smiled.
I felt the car move again; we were going back down. When we were near the bottom, Eri sat back up. We both smiled at each other before getting off of the car and walking arm in arm to the main gates. We both got into a taxi and headed to Eri’s house first. Of course, I escorted Eri to her front door. Much to my delight, she was still guarding her new turtle plushie. As a present, I got a good night and a good night kiss on the forehead. I paid the taxi driver once I arrived back at my house, and happily floated in.
Today was a good day indeed. I can only wait eagerly for the rest of the week.

Credit to Clamy-san!
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Re: One Week [Day One]
« Reply #22 on: August 17, 2008, 03:11:33 AM »

This was very cute~! Kamegaki~ <3

The "you can't ride me" comment made me roffle xDD. Got to love them good comebacks. I'm surprised that it was Eri of all people who said that though o_o I would have thought she'd blush and pretend to flee xDDD

Anywho, Eri seems to be sinking in to this too, they better have a happy ending after the week's over xDDD.

-gives you... another hardhat?- ¦D

Offline kawaii beam

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Re: One Week [Day One]
« Reply #23 on: August 17, 2008, 03:52:37 AM »
so good! my 1st reply goes to you!
please visit kawaii-chan's avie's and siggies!

Offline Grisours

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Re: One Week [Day One]
« Reply #24 on: August 17, 2008, 03:54:51 AM »
I guess I forgot to comment on the last chapter... sorry! But I did read it, though... And I liked it!
The same happened with this chapter... So cute! Just like a date should be like! It's a pity they didn't went to the haunted house, Gakikame are always funny on those...  XD
Keep it up with the cuteness!

Offline wings4dreams

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Re: One Week [Day One]
« Reply #25 on: August 17, 2008, 03:57:59 AM »
Sooo cute!  :wriggly:  I really like this concept that Risa gets a week to prove her love, Eri was really smart to think of this.  :heart:

Offline ShikyoxYaiba

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Re: One Week [Day One]
« Reply #26 on: August 17, 2008, 07:58:58 AM »
@ShikyoxYaiba - Who knows what those pants could bring :roll: ROFL where'd that calender come from?!
From the back pocket of Gaki-san's lucky muffin pants, of course! XD

“Risa-chan, I may be the main attraction to you, but you can’t ride me,” Eri remarked teasingly.
Or can she? :hehehe:

I couldn’t help but lean and kiss her. Not on the lips but on her cheek. I couldn’t tell if she was blushing because of the light, but I’m pretty sure she was, I could tell by the shy expression in her eyes. I pulled her into my arms and felt her head lie against my shoulder. We both watched the scenery.
“Eri, about this week-“ I started, but was cut off by her fingers against my lips.
“Shh, that doesn’t matter at the moment. I’m your girlfriend, right?”
“Right,” I said.
AWWW. *grabs calendar and scribbles "success" all over Day Two as well* XD

Offline chibilolli

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Re: One Week [Day One]
« Reply #27 on: August 17, 2008, 08:10:53 AM »
“Risa-chan, I may be the main attraction to you, but you can’t ride me,” Eri remarked teasingly.
Or can she? :hehehe:
My thoughts as well :ding:

I loved this new chapter. Risa, Eri and theme parks go together like things that umm... go together *shrug* I really hope that Risa doesn't get her heart broken at the end of the week. But I just don't understand why Eri would want to trail the relationship for seven days, if she feels the way that she acts towards Risa. If that makes sense...

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Re: One Week [Day One]
« Reply #28 on: August 17, 2008, 08:46:06 AM »
Ohohoho, Day 2 = success too!!! Damn, they are just unbelievably cute!!! :inlove: Aw, no riding the Kame Thunder Thighs ride??? :( :rofl: Guess no action for Gaki!! The turtle plushie!! :w00t: Gaki is using her prince training!!! XD
Love it!!!!

Offline ringo-hime

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Re: One Week [Day One]
« Reply #29 on: August 18, 2008, 04:49:04 AM »
“Risa-chan, I may be the main attraction to you, but you can’t ride me,” Eri remarked teasingly.
Or can she? :hehehe:
My thoughts as well :ding:

HAHAHA.  :twisted: we shall wait... :shifty: :onionwhip:

Kamei Eri is cuteness itself.
damn, this is something i really have to agree with!!!  :farofflook:

Kame Thunder Thighs ride
exactly!  :hehehe:

YAY for her Goodnight Kiss~ woohoo!..  :nya:
EVerything is so cute!.....

Offline lollipopgirl

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Re: One Week [Day One]
« Reply #30 on: August 18, 2008, 10:44:55 AM »
Oh man, what are you doing to me!?  :mon duh:
I looove this so far... Kame-chan is so cute coming up with a one week trail (or you are seeing u were the one who actually came up with it :P ).

So far it's going mighty smoothly, I can't see Eri rejecting Gaki-san at the end of this, she obviously has a liking for the smexy younger gokkie, on a more than friends kinda level! :heart:

OMG OMG OMG A FERRIS WHEEL!!! I love that, so romantic :wub: :mon inluv:

Oh, I must say, I totally love the fact that you added Risa's coming out bit too and she wasn't just suddenly like "Guess what, I'm in love with you!"... It's very common to skip that "I'm Gay" part in fics, hell so would I, but it's nice and realistic to have it there... Good job!
I heart your writing style and you got my laughing along and enjoying the GakiKame very much :heart:
Keep em' coming kiddo! :)

@strawb3rrykream: *slaps you for you little perverted mind that won't stop with it's pervyness* You're still underage, stop with the naughty thoughts   :gmon hot:

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Re: One Week [Day One]
« Reply #31 on: August 18, 2008, 11:21:24 AM »
God, wasn’t there any part of this girl that wasn’t cute?!
Hmm... NO!

Honestly speaking, I can't picture Gaki-san acting THIS charming. But then, THIS FIC OF URS IS JUST TOO CUTE! heh.

-waits patiently for next update-

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Re: One Week [Day One]
« Reply #32 on: August 18, 2008, 03:46:48 PM »
@strawb3rrykream: *slaps you for you little perverted mind that won't stop with it's pervyness* You're still underage, stop with the naughty thoughts   :gmon hot:
Ehehehehe!!! :mon XD: Are you talking about the little TanaShige joke (cuz that one was too damn easy!! :mon misch: ) or the thunder thighs one (cuz that one was hella fun! :mon thumb: )
Hey, there's no rule against us jailbait doing that!!!! :mon blblbl:

Offline lollipopgirl

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Re: One Week [Day One]
« Reply #33 on: August 18, 2008, 09:06:32 PM »
^ All of it! This place is a bad influence on your little innocent mind and soul  :monk gboy:
Plus, any reason to slap you, I'll take  :mon evil:

Offline strawb3rrykream

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Re: One Week [Day One]
« Reply #34 on: August 18, 2008, 10:01:31 PM »
But...but...but.....I'm still such an angel! :mon angel:
Oh, it's on!!! :mon kungfu: :mon trannie:

Sorry, KonaKaga for kinda taking over your thread! :mon pray2:

Offline KonaKaga

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Re: One Week [Day One]
« Reply #35 on: August 19, 2008, 12:04:05 AM »
@Yuuyami - lol, it seems like Eri's getting bolder.
@kawaii beam - Thanks! Seems like I'm taking a few newbies virginity...Btw, great name!  :yep:
@Grisours - Thanks it's great to know that you liked them!
@wings4dreams - Yes, she was  :D
@ShikyoxYaiba - Success indeed :wub:
@strawb3rrykream - I wish I could ride that... :shy1:
@ringo-hime - I take everything being cute is good? :D
@lollipopgirl - Heheh, I'm making you a GakiKame fan. Woo! Wait a minute, does that mean I'm cute?! :shocked:(j/k) Thanks, I usually skip when people come out(if they do at all) but I thought that it'd be nice to write it for a change ^_^
@stefy - I guess with a time constraint of only a week, Risa's going all out XD

Sorry, KonaKaga for kinda taking over your thread!
LOL it's okay, it's entertaining.
You're still underage, stop with the naughty thoughts
I was rolling on the floor when I read this. I'm younger than you and my friends say that I'm the biggest perv they know XD
This place is a bad influence on your little innocent mind and soul
I take it you mean JPH!P. That would be so random if you meant my thread XD

Day Three

I decided to wear my lucky muffin pants today. Eri chose where we were going today. She said that there was a dance lesson that she wanted to try. It was one day lesson and you would be taught all different types of dances. I agreed to go. It sounded interesting, and I would be with her, so that would make it even more fun. I styled my hair this way and that before finally deciding to just wear it down. It would be more convenient for tying up into a pony tail when we were dancing. I packed my dance clothes and towel into a small bag. I suddenly heard my mobile ringing, the ringtone playing the instrumental of ‘Haru Beautiful Everyday’. It was Eri.
“Ohayo, Eri,” I greeted.
“Ohayo, Risa-chan.”
Her voice sounded slightly different…worried maybe?
“What’s wrong?” I asked.
“I’m really sorry, Risa-chan, but I have to cancel our date today,” she said. I took a breath. Ok, I was a bit depressed, but since it was Eri, I’m sure she had a good reason.
“Well, I don’t really mind,” I lied “what happened?”
“My sister suddenly came down with something, and it seems really bad, so I’m going to take her to the doctor,” she explained.
“Ahh, that’s not good. Well, I hope that it’s nothing serious,” I said.
“Risa-chan, I really am sorry. I’ll make it up to you. Do you want me to add an extra day to the week? I don-“
I cut Eri off.
“It’s ok, Eri, really. You don’t need to add an extra day. You gave me seven days, and I’m only going to use those seven days, no more. I don’t want you to feel sorry or guilty. If anything I feel sorry for you. Your sister is ill and you’re missing a dance lesson that you’ve wanted to do for ages.”
A short silence followed.
“You’re so selfless, Risa-chan. I’m surprised that you’ve not been in a relationship yet,” she complimented. I let out a small laugh.
“That’s because I’m stuck on you,” I stated.
How long have you liked me?
I froze. How was I meant to answer that? I’ve liked you since forever? I don’t think so!
“I-I don’t want to hold you back from taking your sister to the doctor. Tell your sister that I hope she gets well soon,” I said, changing subject.
“…I will. I’ll call you, okay?”
“Okay. Bye.”
Beep beep beep
I lowered my phone before staring at the background that I had of me and her.
I can’t tell her…. not if this week is the only week.

I sat up and looked at the clock sitting on my desk. 2:32. I sighed and fell backwards back onto my bed. I never realised how boring it was when I wasn’t with Eri. I would usually talk with my mum if I felt like talking, but she was at work.
Ding dong
I rolled off of my bed at the sound of the doorbell. Arriving at the front door, I straightened out my clothes before opening it. I didn’t want to look like a mess, even if I would only be talking to this person for a few minutes.
“Eri!?”I exclaimed, looking at the girl. She smiled
“What are you doing here?” I asked confused.
“Visiting my girlfriend?”
“That’s not what I meant. I thought that you took your sister to the doctor?”
“I did, and now I’m back,” she explained. “Turns out that all she had was the cold.”
“That’s good news.”
“Eri smiled and nodded. I stood back and let her in.
“So, what have you been doing?” she asked.
“Nothing, pretty much. It’s boring when you’re not around.”
“You’re welcome.” I smiled at her.
“Have you got any ideas of what we can do?”
“Not really, sorry,” I apologised.
“I know what we can do! Let’s cook!” she exclaimed.
“Well, I don’t mind, but what are we going to cook?”
“Something sweet,” she replied. Her mouth hung open. Seems as if she was imagining the food already. I laughed before grabbing her hand and leading her through the kitchen.
“Let’s start cooking before you start chewing on the couch,” I teased. Eri shut her mouth and blushed. She nodded and gave a small ‘unn’ in agreement.

Me and Eri let out a sigh after we closed the over door. We had managed to successfully make muffin mix and get them in the oven without anything coming alive or spilling. I felt Eri’s fingers run along my cheek.
“You’re so silly, Risa-chan, how did you get muffin mix on your face?” she asked. I watched her as she slowly licked the mixture of her fingers. I swear if I was a guy, I would have died at that sight.
“I-I must ha-have been distracted…”
She giggled, before beginning to clean up. I shook my head and began to help her. After tidying up we took off our aprons and sitting down at the kitchen table. I began to play with her feet with my own in an open flirt and smiled when she began to play back.
We both got up and together took the muffins out of the oven, placing them on a cooling tray. We waited for the muffins to cool before we began to design them. We designed the icing in all sorts of ways. Things like turtles, beans, names and random items were drawn. One had our names in kanji with hearts surrounding them. Grabbing that muffin, me and Eri took it over to the couch. She leaned over with her mouth open, and I held up the treat. She licked her lips, trying to catch a few stray crumbs. I never knew I could see someone eating a muffin as so perverted. Eri was right in front of me, eating my moist, warm muffin. No, I’m not referring to my lucky muffin pants! Not at all! But, these pants really are lucky... Eri eating my muffin…

After safely finishing the rest of the muffin together, Eri had to leave. I gave her four of the muffins in a bag, so that she could take some home.
“I hope your sister gets better. Make sure to keep safe when going home. Don’t forget to look both ways before crossing the road and-“
I felt her lips place a kiss on my nose. My words caught in my throat.
“Risa-chan, I’m flattered that you’re worried but I’m not an eight year old,” she said, smiling. “I’m going to go now, I’ll call you later.” She began to walk away.
“Oh, and if you’re wondering why I kissed you’re nose, it’s because that’s the only place where there’s a mole on your face!”
I watched as she ran off. I closed the door after she disappeared from sight.
If only I had Yossie’s face…

Credit to Clamy-san!
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Re: One Week [Day One]
« Reply #36 on: August 19, 2008, 12:20:20 AM »
I'm glad you find us amusing! You are the perfect proof that it's not only me!!!! :hiakhiakhiak: Awww, no dance lessons but at least we get to see what a great sister Kame is!! So cute~~ Wait, so exactly how long has Gaki been in love??? And the muffin making = :mon star: But Gaki, you don't have to be a guy to die at the sight of Kame licking muffin mix of her fingers. Cuz it hottt!!! God, everytime she said:
Eri was right in front of me, eating my moist, warm muffin.
Eri eating my muffin…
I was like :mon blood: :mon blood:

Yeah, right Gaki! I totally believe that you weren't thinking about Kame eating your.....muffin :mon innocent:

Offline ShikyoxYaiba

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Re: One Week [Day One]
« Reply #37 on: August 19, 2008, 01:30:42 AM »
Eri was right in front of me, eating my moist, warm muffin.

I told you that's what the pants are for! :mon mischief:

No, I’m not referring to my lucky muffin pants! Not at all! But, these pants really are lucky...
Gaki-san, stop denyyyyyyying it. :mon geek:

Eri eating my muffin…
:mon blood:

I felt her lips place a kiss on my nose.


My words caught in my throat.
If only I had Yossie’s face…


Overall another great day! :3 I love how considerate Gaki-san is. *doodles muffins on top of Day 3* xD

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Re: One Week [Day Three]
« Reply #38 on: August 19, 2008, 01:47:06 AM »
xD Well if she had Aya's face, she'd get a kiss on the lips... >_>.... <_<...

Anywho xD Yet another cute chapter~ Yaaay~

Indeed, Eri is getting bolder as the days come xD. Poor Gaki-san, she thinks too much (but not as much as a certain angsty leader) but it's all so funny how she tries to be as rational as she could but fails when Eri does something questionable adorable xDDD.

Lookin' forward to day four~ ¦3

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Re: One Week [Day Three]
« Reply #39 on: August 19, 2008, 01:52:21 AM »
lol i loved it!  :pig cute:
lol i liked the last lineXD
i can't wait to read day four! keep it up!  :gmon sing:
please visit kawaii-chan's avie's and siggies!

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