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Author Topic: 99% Don't Make It This Far  (Read 5419 times)

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99% Don't Make It This Far
« on: August 17, 2008, 11:19:02 PM »
A couple of things to point out before I start writing:

Firstly thanks to tito for the initial diea behind this story, even if it was unwittingly! XD It isn’t going to be remotely related to tito’s story in any way but after struggling to think of any sort of idea for a fanfic it got my thoughts buzzing.

Secondly I know I’m terrible at sticking to stories and I write this every time I start a new one so instead I’m not going to say anything stupid like “I’m sticking with this one!” because knowing me, I won’t. Hopefully I will be motivated to carry on with this as I’ve got the basis for pretty much the whole story down and I don’t fancy throwing yet another one away. I was actually happier with my last one (Jade Dragon) than I had expected to be but I guess it’s been a long time since I wrote anything for that on here.

Lastly I have already noticed that this fic isn’t exactly what you’d call a “nice” story and I know that some people do like their light fluffy stuff more than the kind of story this is going to be. For that reason I’m already thinking I should right a fic alongside this that is completely unrelated but should be written in tandem to appeal to a few more people. I don’t have an idea down yet for my second idea but I’m working on it at the same time I’m working on this.

Now, very few people, if anybody at all was interested in hearing that but I feel better myself for saying it so there you go. Hope somebody can enjoy this...including me.



“How long do you think you’ll have to wait now?” she asked nestling her head closer to Fujimoto’s lap and wrapping her arms around her even tighter.

“Shh,” Fujimoto whispered patting her on the head, “don’t let it worry you just yet; it could be a while.”

“But I am worried; I mean what if something happens to you?”

Fujimoto let out a small false laugh.

“What’s going to happen to me? The worst that can happen is that they throw me straight back in here.”

There didn’t seem to be much sign of an answer coming from the girl clinging onto her and Fujimoto gave a quick look down at her head. She’d completely buried her face from view but there was a soft sobbing coming from deep down. Fujimoto gently stroked her hair and showed a glimpse of a smile, albeit a forced one.

“So you’re crying now are you?” she said as she felt herself having to hold back her own tears. “Well don’t worry about me okay? You need to be more worried about yourself once you’re in here alone.”

Fujimoto’s eye started to sting a little from trying to stop the tears from forming in her eyes and she bit down on her lip.

“You’re listening to me right? You know better than I do how dangerous some of the girls in here are, they’ll eat you alive given half the chance, some of them literally.”

There was a louder noise emitted from the figure pushed into Fujimoto’s chest but it was hard to tell whether it was an attempt at a laugh or a more exaggerated whimper.

They sat there for a while, almost motionless and almost silent, completely ignorant of the goings on around them. Fujimoto simply hung her head and seemed deep in thought, contemplating whatever it was she was waiting for. While the other girl simply kept herself embraced by Fujimoto; looking as content to stay there as she possibly could without being able to see her face.

“Alright,” Fujimoto said eventually, “go wash your face and use the toilet if you need to.”

The girl slowly got to her feet, her hair a complete mess and almost completely covering he face; just enough was visible to see her cheeks were bright red and stained with tears.
She shuffled away across to the other side off the room and disappeared into another. Fujimoto watched her as she went and let out a sigh; the other girls in the room were silent and most seemed to be hanging their heads in depression as well. It was a sorry sight to look at Fujimoto though, every one of them wearing the same orange uniforms and same blank expressions.

“Alright that’s it for today ladies.” A voice came from beyond the bars and startled Fujimoto as the guards keys started to rattle. “Hey don’t look at me like that Fujimoto; I’ve given you guys an extra three minutes out here with your buddies.” One of them said with a wry grin.

“Whatever...” mumbled Fujimoto.

“Oh dear, have a bit of an accident did we?” the guard said pointing downward.

Fujimoto looked down to see her pants were damp with tears.
« Last Edit: August 18, 2008, 12:05:09 AM by meowchi »

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Re: 99% Don't Make It This Far
« Reply #1 on: August 18, 2008, 12:29:57 AM »
 I'm fascinated by Miki being in the slammer and having all these girls sad because she's going free.  For some reason this seems strange yet also makes perfect sense, depending on how long she was in there she probably did make many close relationships. 

I can't help but feel bad for the girlfriend  :mon cry: I'm really curious to see where your going with this.

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Re: 99% Don't Make It This Far
« Reply #2 on: August 18, 2008, 02:38:20 AM »
Oh, a prison story, eh? :lol: I started writing one earlier this summer, as a result of taking a trip to Alcatraz. But I am not fully happy with it yet. So it's nice to see someone else with a similar idea, kinda. Can't wait to know who the girlfriend is!!! So Miki's gonna break out? I kinda hope she makes it! And I want back-stories!!!! :grin:
“Oh dear, have a bit of an accident did we?” the guard said pointing downward.
XD I chuckled a bit at this line!

Can't wait for more!

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Re: 99% Don't Make It This Far
« Reply #3 on: August 18, 2008, 11:12:46 PM »
Not many responses, but I'm not really surpised :lol: Thanks nonetheless guys!


Subject Name: Fujimoto, Miki
Date of Birth: 85/02/26

Jurisdiction / Location: Toukyou

Result: Hit

Case Number: 99T03AME
Charge 1: 23745ADE (Murder)  -(M) Dispo: Guilty. Charge 1 Sentence: 15 years jail

Charge 2: 23152AME – (Breaking & Entering) (M) Dispo: Guilty. Charge 1 Sentence:  45 days in jail; 6 months probation
Offense Date: 08/03/15
Arrest Date: 08/03/15
File Date: 08/03/22
Disposition Date: 08/06/11

The bars slammed shut behind Fujimoto as she slinked back into her cell; her roommate was already lay on the bottom bunk of the bed.

“Potty training again were you?” the girl asked staring into the roof of the bed above her as she threw a juggling ball into the air.

“None of your business” replied Fujimoto plainly.

The girl sat up from her bed and a smile spread across her face as she looked at Fujimoto.

“Oh, looks like some of Niigaki’s traits are rubbing off on you eh? Then again, I suppose that’s not the only thing she’s been rubbing on you is it?”

“Shut the fuck up Konno.”  Fujimoto snapped, “I’m not in the mood to put up with your shit.”

She climbed up onto her own bunk and threw herself down violently onto the pillow.

“You mean that sometimes you are in the mood? Well, you could have fooled me.”

It’s true that Fujimoto had never really given much time to Konno but then the same could be said for most of the girls in the prison; Niigaki being one notable exception.

“So...did she declare her undying love for you again?” chirped an amused Konno.

“Not this time.”

“Shame, you two seem closer every time I see you...I could put in a request to switch cells if you like?” Konno laughed; but there wasn’t a sound from Fujimoto. “Oh I know what you’re thinking, don’t worry; they’re no cells are they? They’re “rooms”. Sorry, I always forget that. Sounds a bit more homely don’t you think? I suppose that’s the feeling they were going for y’know, pain, miser, depression? A typical homely feel.”

Konno found herself amusing, but Fujimoto less so. The fact that where they were forced to live were referred to as room rather than cells didn’t amuse her in the slightest. The girls were being held in an asylum deemed to be for the “criminally insane” and so the government thought it was only right to allow the girls feel as at home as was possible, after all they didn’t want any of the girls getting angry or worked up and end up with them doing something silly...again.

Fujimoto continued to lie in silence while Konno babbled on, but Fujimoto didn’t take any of it in. She was too busy thinking about the repercussions that would come about from her getting herself free. She was worried about Niigaki not herself, but she also knew that staying put would probably be more damaging to the young girl.

Fujimoto’s feelings for Niigaki were more that of a big sister than a lover, well perhaps more than that, Fujimoto wasn’t even sure of her thoughts herself. Still, Fujimoto felt sorry for her and was inclined to help and stay with her whenever she could. She was one of the most normal girls that Fujimoto had in her three months inside but with that she was also one of the most vulnerable. Some of the characters Fujimoto had met were horror stories in themselves and a lot of the crimes didn’t bear repeating. Niigaki was naive to a lot of the goings on around her and it was Fujimoto who had kept her this way so as to protect her from the others. What worried Fujimoto most was who was going to look after Niigaki once she was gone?

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Re: 99% Don't Make It This Far
« Reply #4 on: August 18, 2008, 11:42:17 PM »
Oooooh so the girl who was crying on Fujimoto was Niigaki?
haha Konno...its just funny that she is there

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Re: 99% Don't Make It This Far
« Reply #5 on: August 19, 2008, 12:09:37 AM »
Dude, Kon Kon is :mon XD: She is damn hilarious!! Her pervy mind may rival mine!! Whoa, girlfriend = Gaki?!?!?! :mon closeup: But I'm a FujiGaki shipper so :mon inluv:

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Re: 99% Don't Make It This Far
« Reply #6 on: August 19, 2008, 12:54:40 AM »
So not only is this a prison, but it's an asylum/prison? :O

Damn, makes me curious about the details that lead to Miki (and the others) winding up in here.

Badass/smartass Konkon FTW! :rockon:

And awwwwwwwwww, MiGaki! = :heart:

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

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Re: 99% Don't Make It This Far
« Reply #7 on: August 19, 2008, 04:03:06 AM »
Ooo, I'm already hooked to this story! Although, I wonder why they're all in jail...
Konno is hilarious! XD
So do Risa and Miki like each other as more than friends?
What worried Fujimoto most was who was going to look after Niigaki once she was gone?
A new girl comes in (Like Eri for example :roll:) and become good friends with Risa?
I'm actually pretty interested to see who's already in this asylum thingy and why they're there.

Credit to Clamy-san!
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Re: 99% Don't Make It This Far
« Reply #8 on: August 19, 2008, 06:53:32 PM »
 :dunno: i really cant picture kon kon  to be like was like the total opposite of her,,,,but miki being inside the cell,,,,hmm....i guess its not new, hehehhe  :hiakhiakhiak:...... oh, i love fujimoto, .... the pairing is very unusual but i like it....erase that,,,,,love it,.,,,,  :luvluv2:

though i really want Ai and Miki for a change......... :hehehe:

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Re: 99% Don't Make It This Far
« Reply #9 on: August 20, 2008, 01:01:18 AM »
Erm, I feel I have to write something rather than going straight into the fic simply because people might only realise it's actully the fic ratehr than just me posting until they've finished the first sentnce or two. :lol:

So, thanks for the comments as always guys, always great to see. I can ssure people that Konno is far from the only wacko who's going to be making an appearance. XD


The morning runs around the field were pretty much considered to be the worst part of the day by most of the prisoners, but for Fujimoto it was a good chance to see how and where exactly she could plan her quickest escape route. It was usually a pretty depressing affair with two or three of the girls usually been taken away by some guards to be “searched”. Searched for needles apparently, because these girls were intent in drugging themselves up...apparently. It was also a pretty sobering activity as the beatings and often sheer humiliations they received were harsh, just as often from each other as they were from the guards.

Today’s weather suited the mood perfectly as buckets of rain feel heavily from the sky, the girls drooping their heads even more than usual as they went around the track.

“How’re things going with your little plan Miki?” came a familiar voice catching up from behind.

“You still talking about that Ishikawa?” Fujimoto replied keeping her eyes firmly in front of her.

“Oh come on Miki no need to treat me like a little kid. I’m just making sure everything’s alright you know? The last thing I want is you doing something silly that gets someone hurt, especially not you.” Ishikawa had a grin on her face that suggested otherwise.

Fujimoto’s only answer was to speed up her running to get away from the girl. Ishikawa had overheard her talking with Niigaki about what she was planning, she knew she’d been carless to discuss it in the open especially with the likes of Ishikawa around who seemed to know everyone’s little secrets even if they’d never even been mentioned before.

Ishikawa stepped up the pace as well and quickly caught up with Fujimoto again; it was hard for the girls to communicate without having to shout since the rain was beating down so heavily.

“Come on now Miki, don’t go running away from me just because I said something you didn’t like. You know I’m not as bad as you seem to think, you’ve had it in for me ever since you were brought in here haven’t you?”

“Shouldn’t that be that you had it in for me?” Fujimoto retorted angrily.

“Now, now, I know we didn’t exactly get off to the best of starts but I’m sure we can still be friends right. After all if you’re planning on going back out to the big wide world you could use a few friends couldn’t you?”

“I could use a few friends yeah, but unfortunately this place is full of people more like you than friends.”

Fujimoto stepped up the pace yet again so that she was almost sprinting but once again Ishikawa caught up pretty quickly.

“Okay then Miki, you win. No more acting childish, no more silly little squabbles eh? We’ll be friends from now on; how does that sound?” Ishikawa said with a beaming smile and stretching out a hand for Fujimoto to take.

“Do you really think I’m that stupid?”

“I know that you’re stupid enough not to take my hand.” Ishikawa said with her tone suddenly changing, “If you honestly think you’re getting out of here anytime soon you’re going to get a nasty surprise.”

The silent reply from Fujimoto only seemed to anger Ishikawa more.

“I’m going to be watching you every step off the way Miki, and not just me, I’m going to have everyone on your back and you’re not gonna know what’s hit you. I’ve dealt with plenty of others like you in her before and they’ve all been stronger, smarter and hell even better looking than you are, so before you go acting clever; don’t. ‘Cause you’re only gonna end up looking stupid, or with any luck, dead.”

Fujimoto had heard enough; she tilted her head forward slightly and set off as fast as she possibly could. They still had another two laps to go before they could stop but she didn’t care, it wasn’t the first time she’d been riled by Ishikawa and she knew that she was right about one thing; she didn’t want to do something she’d end up regretting.

But sure enough, there again was Ishikawa by her side, this time the girls didn’t have extra energy to give to talking though as they dedicated every last ounce of energy into their sprinting.

They’d already passed most of the girls anyway since they were only travelling at a slow jog but by the time they were on to their last lap they were passing the girls again. Neither of them were even looking at each other now, they were determined just to get to the finish first no matter what. Fujimoto felt as though her lungs were about to explode but she could see the guard stood with his stopwatch at the finishing line; just one more straight to go.

She refused to slow down and a satisfied grin started to spread across her face as she came ever closer. But a look of shock soon followed as she saw Ishikawa passing her from the corner of her eye. She ordered her legs to go faster but they refused, she pushed with every ounce of strength she had left before feeling something give way.

She crumpled to the floor in agony holding her knee, watching Ishikawa as she finished the race about twenty metres ahead of her. It was obvious she was completely tired out from the way she too almost threw herself to the floor, but she still found the time to throw back a triumphant smile at her. That was all the inspiration Fujimoto needed, she hauled herself up again, still in excruciating pain but she did manage to hobble over the finishing line before collapsing once again.

“Very impressive girls, very impressive indeed,” said the guard looking intently at his stopwatch, “a bit too interesting for my tastes.”

He walked away from the girls still staring at his stopwatch as he went, heading over to another group of guards. Fujimoto expected a torrent of abuse and to have Ishikawa’s victory rubbed in her face but it seemed that for once Ishikawa didn’t have anything to say, or at least she couldn’t find the energy to say anything as she sat on the wet grass panting.

The guard returned moments later with a couple more men and simply pointed at the two girls.

“Look at this, “He stated, “All those other girls are only just getting to the last lap. A bit worrying don’t you think?”

“Yes indeed, such a clear difference in fitness levels is definitely something to worry about, “piped in a second guard.

Fujimoto was quite surprised, this sounded about as close to a compliment as she was ever going to get while she was here.

“Well these girls are clearly well above the usual fitness levels for these women and so we’ll have to find out why that is.”

“I think I know exactly why.”

“I fear that we all do.”

“Drug abusers” they said in unison.

“Well they’re just going to have to be searched.”

“Well they have to be.”

“It’s the right thing to do.”

“Then it’s settled, a nice thorough cavity search for both these ladies, and I feel that it’s my duty to do it.”

“I think you’ll require some assistance too.”

“Quite a bit of assistance.” The third guard said finally speaking up.

Fujimoto couldn’t believe what she was hearing, she simply sat there open mouthed, in complete agony. Ishikawa was sick all over her running shorts.

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Re: 99% Don't Make It This Far
« Reply #10 on: August 20, 2008, 01:18:54 AM »
Damn, this prison kinda sucks! :lol: Beatings and humiliation...... :cry: Sounds just perfect. :tama-mad: Rika-chan's the busybody!! I can totally see that! :grin: Noooooo!!! No cavity searches! :angry: That's nasty!!! Poor Rika threw up. :(
Wow, this is totally depressing me. I hope Miki makes it out and is able to get Gaki out with her!!! 8)

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Re: 99% Don't Make It This Far
« Reply #11 on: August 20, 2008, 01:38:29 AM »
Well, well, this is... different :sweat: but that doesn't mean is bad :bingo: on the contrary, I think this could be an interesting story.
Wonder if all the girls are going to have a role in the story :dunno:
Poor Miki :gyaaah:

for some reason, this story kind of remind me of a fic about the girls dealing with drugs, I think the fic was broken, something like that... sad it's incomplete
The name is Break XD

« Last Edit: August 20, 2008, 01:41:05 AM by Kreuz_Asakura »

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Re: 99% Don't Make It This Far
« Reply #12 on: August 20, 2008, 01:42:47 AM »
It was usually a pretty depressing affair with two or three of the girls usually been taken away by some guards to be “searched”. Searched for needles apparently, because these girls were intent in drugging themselves up...apparently. It was also a pretty sobering activity as the beatings and often sheer humiliations they received were harsh, just as often from each other as they were from the guards.
Mistreatment or prisoners? Can't say that surprises me. Still sucks though.

“How’re things going with your little plan Miki?” came a familiar voice catching up from behind.

“You still talking about that Ishikawa?” Fujimoto replied keeping her eyes firmly in front of her.

“Oh come on Miki no need to treat me like a little kid. I’m just making sure everything’s alright you know? The last thing I want is you doing something silly that gets someone hurt, especially not you.” Ishikawa had a grin on her face that suggested otherwise.
Uh-oh. Rika knows about Miki's plan, AND the two of them don't exactly get along. That could be trouble, as in she could blackmail Miki into taking her with her (which would make the attempt riskier as having more people increases the likelihood of getting caught) or she might just rat Miki out if she doesn't play ball with her.

Fujimoto had heard enough; she tilted her head forward slightly and set off as fast as she possibly could. They still had another two laps to go before they could stop but she didn’t care, it wasn’t the first time she’d been riled by Ishikawa and she knew that she was right about one thing; she didn’t want to do something she’d end up regretting.
Miki would undoubtedly just love to give Rika one HELL of a shot right now. Unfortunately if she did, in all likelihood SHE would be the one to get in trouble for it, while Rika, at most, would probably get off with a proverbial slap on the wrist.

The guard returned moments later with a couple more men and simply pointed at the two girls.

“Look at this, “He stated, “All those other girls are only just getting to the last lap. A bit worrying don’t you think?”

“Yes indeed, such a clear difference in fitness levels is definitely something to worry about, “piped in a second guard.
Oh crap, the guards think they're on steroids or some other type of dope.  :doh:

“Drug abusers” they said in unison.

“Well they’re just going to have to be searched.”
Yeah...male guards at a female prison..."searching" the prisoners? Like anyone would believe that.  :angry:

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

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Re: 99% Don't Make It This Far
« Reply #13 on: August 20, 2008, 05:06:05 AM »
 :angry1: Those damn guards!!!!! cavity search?! Those pervy bastards!!! :mon fire:   I seriously was almost --> :computer:

Whoo~ *counts to ten and back*  anyways now that I have that out of my system, I really was blown away by the Miki/Gaki relationship.  I love unusual pairings, and I love the bad@ss Konno a lot!  So far I really like where your going with this.

And of course I love the Miki/Rika anti-relationship. This story's a lot of fun!

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