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Author Topic: Your Weirdest Dream with the H!P Girls  (Read 57982 times)

Offline xepher416

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Re: Your Weirdest Dream with the H!P Girls
« Reply #120 on: March 21, 2013, 12:43:08 AM »
Risako was apparantly my cousin :shocked and she invited me to her birthday party. Then she locked me in her room because she was embarassed to introduce me to the other berryz girls :thumbdown:. Then I ditched her party for another party (What was I thinking?!) It was also weird that everyone was speaking english.

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Re: Your Weirdest Dream with the H!P Girls
« Reply #121 on: March 24, 2013, 01:34:05 AM »
Had this dream last night lol. I was with Dawa and Kanon in a room. While Kanon was busy blogging with her laptop, Dawa started asking me why there aren't girls asking me out. Can't remember clearly what my answer was but then she started teasing me why I can't ask girls out. Her teasing slowly started to get out of control so out of the blue I asked her if she wants to go out for lunch on the next day. She blushed then kept quiet and now it was my turn pestering her for an answer. Kanon just lol'd.

I think it's more of an OOBE and my consciousness was in Harunan's body :lol: That's what I get for watching some JoJo's Bizarre Adventure eps before going to sleep.

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Re: Your Weirdest Dream with the H!P Girls
« Reply #122 on: March 31, 2013, 10:27:34 PM »
I dreamt that I was backstage during a momusu concert and I went to point to something, and as I did riho walks by and I ended up scratching her cheek  :doh: so i'm freaking out and stuff cuz at first I thought I poked her in the eye &  i'm thinking about all the pictures they take and all that stuff, and then some of the other girls start gathering around to see what the fudge is going on, and she's trying to calm me down since it didn't leave a mark or anything... and to make it worse my mom's there talking shit to me the whole time over this wtf

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Re: Your Weirdest Dream with the H!P Girls
« Reply #123 on: May 11, 2013, 01:29:23 PM »
i saw a turtle with a kame eri head that is eating an edamame with a gaki face on it....
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Re: Your Weirdest Dream with the H!P Girls
« Reply #124 on: May 21, 2013, 09:56:02 PM »
I had another Berryz-related dream this morning. It was a short part of a longer dream that I don't remember the rest of...all I know was I was at some kind of convention and Miyabi and Momo were at a table selling opportunities to take a photo with either of them. I can't remember if I was concerned about being able to afford both of them; all I know is that since I like Miya more I went with her. But when I stepped into the enclosed area the scene kinda transitioned from a photo op to some other kind of setup that I can't first she was just standing next to me and smiling while waiting for the setup to finish, but eventually she kinda just disappeared and the next part of the dream began.

Later on in the dream I found myself looking at something related to Morning Musume...again, I don't remember much but it had something to do with trying to compare something "fake" with something "real". Then I woke up at 9:30 to the sound of my building's maintenance workers using gas-powered hedge trimmers right outside my window. :banghead:
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Offline xepher416

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Your Weirdest Dream with the H!P Girls
« Reply #125 on: May 30, 2013, 03:50:37 AM »
I went to a momusu handshake event and when I entered the booth, no one was there -.-

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Re: Your Weirdest Dream with the H!P Girls
« Reply #126 on: June 24, 2013, 03:43:38 AM »
I had this dream where the police just busted an illegal racing syndicate, Momo was identified as the ringleader while Meimei and Rinapuu were among the arrested racers/drivers. Rinapuu of all people?! :lol:

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Re: Your Weirdest Dream with the H!P Girls
« Reply #127 on: July 13, 2013, 11:27:08 AM »
Maa-chan was drawing rainbows and dinosaurs on a bathroom wall, while bragging to her manager about how one day she'll be able to fly and see the world like a bird...

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Re: Your Weirdest Dream with the H!P Girls
« Reply #128 on: September 08, 2013, 11:54:38 AM »
I kept having dreams about being in a walking dead type scenario, and all of a sudden captain was there with the rest of us survivors in the shelter we had found...she had obvious injuries from being bitten or attacked or however you end up as a zombie but hadn't started to show any symptoms yet. luckily I woke up before she became a zombie  :sweatdrop:

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Re: Your Weirdest Dream with the H!P Girls
« Reply #129 on: September 15, 2013, 07:13:43 AM »
since i am aya fan..i have dreamt about her recently!! :D
in this beautiful 6 hrs of the dreamland we (me and aya) riding to somewhere by bus and she felt asleep and lay her head on my shoulder. i got to held her,smell and touch her hair..i got stunned even in the dream i realize she is the one i adore so much..there's no pervy things instead,it just pure and honest moment where i  quitely enjoy the moment i had with her without realizing it just a dream.
for a second i wake up feel energized and happy and sad in the same time

anyway she not coming ever since.....image
dreaming about aya doesnt give any boost to me on keep going for the next day..but it feel nice to know how it feel to hold her when there is no chance of doing that in a real life. image
powerful mind job is powerfu

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Re: Your Weirdest Dream with the H!P Girls
« Reply #130 on: February 05, 2014, 09:37:39 PM »
Weird I dreamed that Airi was sliced to pieces   :huhuh
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Re: Your Weirdest Dream with the H!P Girls
« Reply #131 on: February 20, 2014, 08:00:21 AM »
I had a dream where a coworker introduced his niece who happened to be Kanatomo. :lol:

She was exactly what I had imagined: girlfriend material but the high-maintenance type, sharp-tongued and condescending.(dunno why these qualities are such a turn on for me) She was as hot as it could get and the looks she was giving me were obvious signals that she was DTF. :O

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Re: Your Weirdest Dream with the H!P Girls
« Reply #132 on: November 05, 2014, 10:04:22 PM »
Alas, I've found this thread after searching for it. :lol: I had a weird this morning, it's been exactly a year since my last MM dream that I had posted on another forum.

I had a weird dream this morning. I was with a group of people, including my husband and we ended up at an auditorium near the front of a stage. And I realized that I was at a Morning Musume concert, but it wasn't the current MM lineup, it was my favorite lineup from the LA concert in 2009 because I saw Kamei Eri on stage with the rest of the group. I called her name and she looked down into the audience and spotted me and waved. :inlove: But it was a bit awkward because they were up on stage doing nothing. For whatever reason there was no backstage so they had to stand around and just wait. And all of a sudden the front row of the audience where I was became a fan panel and we were told to talk into mics and introduce ourselves. So I listened as everyone introduced themselves one by one, including a black guy who has KARA's Gyuri's name tattooed on his back (lol random). But right before it was my turn, they (staff ppl, I guess) skipped me! And instead started some VTR. Then I heard some people in the audience yelling at them that they had skipped me, but I was brushing it off like whatever, it's ok. But after the VTR was over I kinda just took the mic and started talking. I ended up making a speech of how I used to be a well known Eri fan, and plugged my old fansite, and said this is my 3rd MM concert (which wasn't, I've only seen them once) And then I remembered seeing at one end of the stage was Makoto and Nacchi. I freaked out cuz I never saw them in person. And Nacchi comes up to Sayu and hands her this stick, and Sayu looks at it perplexed and then realizes what it is. It was those pregnancy test sticks, and from the look at Nacchi's face, I couldn't tell if those were tears of happiness or sadness. I don't even know whose test it was. Awkward....  :?

But then, it was about almost time for the concert to start but first, everyone threw flowers toward the stage and Nacchi and some other girl (who was swinging from stunt wires) were gathering up all the flowers like those people who collect flowers and gifts thrown in the ice rink after a figure skater has performed. But right before the concert was going to start, I felt myself waking up but I forced myself back to sleep cuz I didn't want to wake up and realized I had 5 mins left before my alarm's supposed to go off. LoL So I just laid in bed with my eyes closed trying to remember the dream and realized that I had dreamt of Eri again. And I'm thinking how does she still have this effect on me after all these years? There was this feeling of longing and sadness and deep inside I wished she came back, even if she wasn't a singer, at least make her presence known.

I guess I must've woken up an hour before I was suppose to wake because I went back to sleep, and I never got to see the concert in my dream, except I'm pretty sure "The Peace" was playing. What's so strange is that I can't remember any other dream but if it's H!P related I can remember the majority of it. :lol:

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Re: Your Weirdest Dream with the H!P Girls
« Reply #133 on: December 01, 2014, 11:32:00 PM »
Glad i'm not the only one experiencing Idol Dreams.. happens to me quite often. @_@

Last night i had a dream where i was having snacks with MoMosu's 6th Generation outside a Japanese 7-11. :shocked:
The dream was a bit fuzzy, but for some reason Miki kept laughing histerically at whatever i did. :?
When i went to get some Pringles, Kamei-chan said "Aww, so cute" at me.. :wub: while Miki kept laughing :smhid
When we got up and left, i experienced some kind of Triptocaine spasm attack (Lmao). When they asked what was wrong, i just replied "Heh, must be the wind".. (lolwut?)..

Kamei-chan was worried, Michishige & Reina ignored me, while Miki-chan.... kept laughing..
Then the 3 crossed the street while Kamei-chan stayed to try & comfort me.

After that my nose started to bleed for "WhIcHeVeR ReAsOn j00 aRe ThInKiNg Of".. then i woke up... :angry:
So far, that was the strangest MoMosu dream i ever had. Only because of playing too much Nahman Jayden and receiving a Tripto spasm...

My Eri... :(

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Re: Your Weirdest Dream with the H!P Girls
« Reply #134 on: June 21, 2015, 12:05:16 AM »
Been awhile since I've had a dream about a J-Idol, but last night I dreamt that I met Sayumi in some production room and she was editing a Morning Musume MV or something. I went over to her and asked what she was up to and she asked me to check it out. She lent me one of the earphones she was using and I was like wow this is really good! Yeah so while I was praising her, suddenly fucking Tsunku shows up and ruins my moment! He ended up standing between Sayumi and me and moments later I woke up T-T

Offline J-Triumf

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Re: Your Weirdest Dream with the H!P Girls
« Reply #135 on: November 07, 2015, 07:56:29 PM »
Just had a dream that Morning Musume were starring in a brand new remade version of the old Nickelodeon TV show Roundhouse. XD The theme song remained unchanged, and the opening sequence was stylized in the same way except showing the girls at a beach...but unfortunately I didn't get to see the rest of the show play out, as I woke up right as things were starting.

Considering how H!P could really use a brand new variety show, Roundhouse being a show I watched a lot when I was a kid, and my own tendency to combine H!P with my non-H!P interests, these kinds of dreams are inevitable for me (like dreaming of Ai Takahashi playing for the Utah Jazz five years ago :lol: ).

Here's a sample of the actual TV show for those who missed out:
« Last Edit: November 07, 2015, 08:15:08 PM by J-Triumf »
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Re: Your Weirdest Dream with the H!P Girls
« Reply #136 on: November 08, 2015, 09:43:07 PM »
A few nights ago I dreamt that Bitter & Sweet were breaking up.

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