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Your Weirdest Dream with the H!P Girls
« on: September 01, 2008, 04:35:43 PM »
I don't know lol.

I've seen people discuss their dreams with them in their respective threads and all here and there..
So, I thought why not make a thread out of it.
I'm not sure if someone already made it or if I posted this in the right section
If not, then the mod's can do w/e they want.

But anyway, in dreams with the H!P girls I mean weird dreams.
Not the whole, I dreamed that they were with me and I suddenly became their best friend/boyfriend/girlfriend.
And No Pervy dreams dudes and duddettes >_>

I mean really weird, not your usual dreams..
Like a nightmare but for some reason they were there with ya' or they were like the good guys running from the bad guys and you were just watching because you weren't part of what was happening..

I'll start things off with a dream I just had a couple of minutes ago haha;;
I just woke up lol


The berryz girls were in my dream, they were all part of an action/sci-fi, horror movie like dream of mine.
Where I just watched the whole thing as if it were a movie and I couldn't partake in it.
It was set in the desert and for some reason they were part of this great war.
They weren't all together, some were enemies with each other..

and then like the fighting scene changed to like this restaurant with a couple of the berryz girls..
I guess the berryz in the restaurants were the good guys or something..

There was this old shifty looking guy talking about magics and how it was a powerful thing.
But it was incredibly dangerous to the user as it would kill the user slowly like a cancer..
Each time the user used magics of any form it would slowly rot them from the inside.
Thus, the reason why they never really use magic in the war their in...
At least that's what I remember..

Anyway, Chinami was a magic user but only used it to try and defend herself and maybe goof off now and then
She was unique too, she had the ability to extract whatever was rotting her from the inside out of her body and either destroy it or inflict it on someone else to keep herself going.
But her being super nice she just destroyed it.

But once that old shifty looking guy found out about Chinami's abilities,
he lied and set up this 'ritual' kind of thing on her to extract this ability..
I guess he was on the good guy's side as a double agent kind of thing..

Anyway he like told Chinami what she was doing was like killing everyone else
And that every time she extracted whatever was rotting and 'destroyed' it
She was really just 'inflicting' someone else.

So she went along with him, him saying he knew how to take the rotting out properly or whatnot.
Came out looking like a beheading ritual...
Which...Was the point, the guy wanted to behead Chinami
Apparently to know the secrets of a magic user you gotta' take their blood or something

She went along with it without knowing she was gonna be killed
and Momoko, Saki and Miyabi watched in fear, I think they sorta' knew something was off...
And once they figured out what was happening they attacked anyone and everyone who got in their way.
Chinami was saved and taken to safety.

Sarah michelle gellar was there for some

She was somehow the main villain..

Apparently she was a magics user too in the past but she never died...
Instead of rotting from the inside and just dying like some ill-person she like modified her body
and she became this...scorpion king like monster.
She was after Chinami's abilities and both Momoko and Maasa was there facing her..

Momoko and Maasa were talking about something, like "oh, you'll never get her we'll kill you first!" or something like that..
and Sarah Michelle Gellar was just watching half- amused and half-sympathetic..

They had this long banter at each other for a while which I can not remember

But At the end she asked, "Are we really going to do this?"

And it ended in like a cliff-hanger like way..

So that was my weirdest dream with the H!P girls..
It was definitely epic and I woke up sorta' in a daze from it lmao!
I know I didn't watch anything that involved Sarah Michelle Gellar or the scorpion king movie..
So, I don't know why they made that sorta' appearance lol.

anyway share your weirdest dream yo!
« Last Edit: September 01, 2008, 04:49:29 PM by Loser87 »

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Re: Your Weirdest Dream with the H!P Girls
« Reply #1 on: September 01, 2008, 06:26:10 PM »
Posted this in the old Mikitty thread in May
Man, I had a Miki dream last night!   Chisato and Maimai were doing that thing where they come wake you up in your hotel room. They went to Miki and woke her up. She was pissed and they were hella scared! Then she was like, "I won't tell your leader if you do something for me." She told them to dance and sing to one of her solo songs. They were singing Aenai Nagai Nichiyoubi. When she didn't like parts of it, she started throwing jellybeans at them. Then all of a sudden, all those kids from the kindergarten episode came in. They started doing the Miki-sama wota dance! Then I woke up.

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Re: Your Weirdest Dream with the H!P Girls
« Reply #2 on: September 01, 2008, 08:39:38 PM »
This is the right section, GJ with the new thread o/

(Not sure if we once had a dream thread before, but I can't find it with search so this one's good :D )

I haven't had many H!P-related dreams lately :/ But I guess the ones I'll never forget were the ones where Maki waved at me cutely and the one where I huggled Nacchi XD I've had other cute dreams like this too, but these are the two I can remember.

EDIT: Also my H!P dream sections are rarely long stories, they were mostly just short scenes before jumping on to a whole different scene (or waking up)
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Re: Your Weirdest Dream with the H!P Girls
« Reply #3 on: September 01, 2008, 08:54:57 PM »
hmm posted this some time ago at H!O .. dreamt that after watching Angel Hearts the night before :P

had a cute dream last night ^^ :

I was at MM or H!P concert, dunno which, and there were country musume and W .. or at least that's what i remember. I was on one side where i couldn't hear them very well, it was very crowded there so i moved to another place where, for some reason,there were no people.
Then Kago saw me, well , since i was basically the only one there, and got of the stage. She came to me and hugged me while singing.she was so cute and i kissed her on the cheek  ... and then a photographer took a picture of us

that's about it..

has more but i can barely remember them..   :sweatdrop:

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Re: Your Weirdest Dream with the H!P Girls
« Reply #4 on: September 01, 2008, 09:03:07 PM »
Erika and Maimi told me to help look for Airi in this weird school.  Think I found Kappa-Airi in a field near  a cliff. XD

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Re: Your Weirdest Dream with the H!P Girls
« Reply #5 on: September 01, 2008, 09:42:28 PM »
two or three days ago I dreamed Momoko was standing on the sidewalk giving flyer or something to people. I saw her 3 times but didn't talk to her, just passed her. Then I was in a shop that sold some older H!P goods but I was trying to find Momoko herself there because I decided I wanted to talk to her finally.
A break again and I found myself with a another (unknown) person and Momoko lying somewhere. The third person was lying between Momo and me. Momoko showed the third person her keitai and after some seconds decided to give me her keitai as well so I can see it better. What Momoko actually wanted to show was a message (sms prolly) that was written in German which she got from some befriended person or family. Her Keitai had some wheel on the back with which you were able to scroll the message vertically... (it was just one line on the display).

I woke up right after that and was feeling too happy+wanted to write down some parts of the dream before I would forget it all that I wasn't able to fall asleep again and eventually continue the dream :/
I dunno how weird that is, having H!P related dreams is weird enough I guess though. First time I had a Momoko only dream.
« Last Edit: September 01, 2008, 09:45:17 PM by nachdenki »
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Re: Your Weirdest Dream with the H!P Girls
« Reply #6 on: September 01, 2008, 10:26:46 PM »

It doesn't start out with H!P girls, but it leads into it later. lol. And I feel like I go into detail here..
Ok, so it started out with me, my mom, and my aunt walking with bags in our hands(I think we just did some shopping) and when we turned the corner, they saw this sauna place, so they wanted to check it out and went inside. I decided to head for the car. On my way there (Two things here; the scenery got a little weird because I was in my neighborhood, but it wasn’t “my” neighborhood, and the sauna place and my car were almost in the same area….ya) I came across three boys, who were playing, but when they saw me, they started verbally harassing me. I shouted so loud at them that I made them cry (at least one) and they ran to tell their dad. Later the dad and his eldest son came up to me, all angry and stuff, and I was telling the dad that his sons started it first, but he didn’t wanna listen. We argued more, and then the dad and son were chasing me, I was in the middle (think of the monkey in the middle game) and they were passing a….I wanna say squishy peach, that it they threw it at my face (which is what they were trying to do) it would just get really messy, as if they were throwing a pie at my face. So anways, they were tossing it back and forth between me, while we were all running, I was running to my house. And the son threw it at his dad, and the dad could have hit me, but he dropped it, and he disappointed ( he had like a “oooo, maybe next time” look on his face with a smile.) They were walking back home and I was like “I’m calling the cops!

So later, I dial the police number in my car (my mom's car actually), (this takes place during the afternoon, when the sun is still out) I tell them my address, and I wait. Well, a few hours later,(late afternoon, when the sun is going down, sunset) they still haven’t come, and I’m like “wtf!” It doesn’t take this long for the police to come. The women operator called me back and said “ did you say your address is ***********LN, and I was like, “No, I said it was *********** Lane” (I didn’t get that part in the dream) So now its night time (like 9 pm) and then I hear “ Sakura Chirari, and I get out of the car, look up at the hill, and it’s C-ute(minus Chisato, Erika, and Airi) coming down it! Maimai is leading the group (as in being in front of the line) , Maimi has big pigtails, and they were dressed in those white dresses Maimai and Koharu wore for that Futari ns song. They…were really glowing, they lit up the night. So I guess they were the police force that was sent.

So I talked to them for a bit, I forgot what we talked about, and then I lead them up the hill, showing them my good neighbors’ house. But it got a bit funny because the angle of my dream changed and now I was with C-ute, Yossi, Ayaka, and Posh Spice. And I pointed to my good neighbors’ house (I’ll just say GN, I know my GN in real life too,  they don’t appear in the dream though) saying to Yossi and Posh “ this is where David Beckham’s half brothers live (they are not related, and I don’t even live in the UK) but anways, the scene changed again and now we were inside my GN’s house , eating dinner, and at the dinner table is Yossi, Ayaka ,Tsunku, C-ute, and myself (Posh is gone) at the head of the table. (Tsunku was at the opposite end.) I think my GN prepared the dinner, btw, whatever. So we were just eating, talking, enjoying dinner together, and I started to talk, getting all serious, and said “I had originally called you here because…

And then my dream ended!!
« Last Edit: September 14, 2013, 01:59:58 AM by mode107 »
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Re: Your Weirdest Dream with the H!P Girls
« Reply #7 on: September 05, 2008, 05:04:12 PM »
All H!P dreams I've had are weird. XD 'Cept maybe the one where Maki was at my school (speaking English), but that was basically it. Most of the ones I've had are really short, too. Just a small appearance by an H!P member.

Some of the weird ones were: (These were posted on different forums)

- Yuko was overprotective of the 10 commandments and I tried to beat her up because of it, then I chickened out.
- Yossie was apart of Minimoni.
- Miki got Yossie pregnant. (I was reading "Memoir" the night before, and I think that's how I had this dream. XD)
- Maimi won an Oscar.  She entered the stage from above on a platform or something. She was also wearing the outfit she had in Edo no Temari Uta II. She gave a short acceptance speech (in Japanese, so I had no idea what she was saying) and was about to sing Tokaikko Junjou, then I woke up.
- A dream that involved Risa trying to stop Reina's romantic relationship with Sayu (or something like that) and then she was kicked out of the group because they said she "went insane". Risa said that Rika did the exact same thing with Yossie and someone else, but she never got kicked out of the group. So anyway, then the evil lady from Enchanted (played by Susan Sarandon, but I can't remember the character's name at the moment - okay, after checking, it's Queen Narissa. Thaaat's right.) threatened to kill Morning Musume, so I decided to go and find Risa because she was the one that Narissa hated the most and was the only person who could stop her. In the end, Narissa died/went away and Risa saved Morning Musume. Yay!
-  Miki, Maki, Nacchi, Aya, Britney Spears, and some other Western singer were transfered over to a new music label while Morning Musume, C-ute, Berryz Koubou (and I think AKB48 was there, but I only saw Akimoto Sayaka in my dream) were transfered to another one. I got mad because Yossie wasn't on a new label because she wasn't "releasing anything".
- Another one I had invovled a bunch of H!P members and they were in a room playing a bunch of games. The only part I really remember was Ishikawa Rika and Shibata Ayumi playing some sort of traffic game (Where you pretend to drive in a car) with a chair.


And I've had two dreams about Miyabi dying, but those aren't exactly "weird".
« Last Edit: September 05, 2008, 05:06:36 PM by Naomi »

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Re: Your Weirdest Dream with the H!P Girls
« Reply #8 on: September 06, 2008, 06:54:22 AM »
- Miki got Yossie pregnant. (I was reading "Memoir" the night before, and I think that's how I had this dream. XD)

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Re: Your Weirdest Dream with the H!P Girls
« Reply #9 on: September 17, 2008, 04:36:20 AM »
^^ that would count as a nightmare to me... XD

but that's just me...

i had a dream that IshiYoshi did get together in the end and lives in a house by the sea with their 5 kids... kawaii~~


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Re: Your Weirdest Dream with the H!P Girls
« Reply #10 on: September 20, 2008, 04:29:51 AM »
The only problem with the dream was that it was really short (Like most of my dreams are. It's really annoying, to be honest. XD). Only about a second. From what I remember, Yossie looked cute pregnant. :lol:

I've had several more H!P dreams, but none of them are weird, unfortunately. :P

i had a dream that IshiYoshi did get together in the end and lives in a house by the sea with their 5 kids... kawaii~~
That's so cute. :lol:
« Last Edit: September 20, 2008, 04:32:02 AM by Naomi »

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Re: Your Weirdest Dream with the H!P Girls
« Reply #11 on: September 20, 2008, 05:18:10 PM »
I've never had a full H!P dream, usually I drift from a scene and then somehow dream of H!P but then I would skip to another place altogether XD

like there's this one time when I dreamt that me and my friends were in some kind of hall (like those used for sport, tennis and such). but we were watching someone on trial for murder (weird...) but then somehow I decided I was bored and went out of the hall... and suddenly the scene skips to a morning, and I was walking to some kind of breakfast hall. apparently I'm in some kind of MM fanclub tour, and we're having breakfast with the MM girls. however the weird thing is the only thing they gave us for breakfast is 2 packs of instant noodle XD and the girls get the same thing too, hahaha. and then after cooking my noodle and looking at a place to sit, I noticed Ai-chan sitting alone in one of the table, so I sat in front of her and we started chatting (in english). I've only chatted for a while when the scene skips again and I got to my cousin's house for a party or something, and not long after that I woke up.

there's also another dream where I was travelling to some old town, and when I visited this old run-down school somehow I stumbled upon members of Berryz doing a PV recording in the school yard XD so random...

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Re: Your Weirdest Dream with the H!P Girls
« Reply #12 on: October 18, 2008, 09:53:05 AM »
I r.a.r.e.l.y. dream of H!P girls, even during my prime H!P fandom times I'd have a dream like every few months and they only played small parts in a bigger dream, but last night I had probably the first exclusively H!P dream and to top it off: about MIKI!!!!!

I was in a building that looked exactly like the community hall of my hometown only that this was Japan. I was there with three other girls. We were sitting in the first row right in front of the stage and were waiting for something. To my left sat "the biggest Miki fangirl of JPH!P, who got her letter read on DMN and has been to several of her concerts before" (now who could that be?  XD), next to her sat a girl I didn't know, for a while I thought she looked like Ogawa, next to her sat a girl who looked like Ami from SM Live Action.

Suddenly out of nowhere Miki was there in front of us, she wore a dark gray suit with a skirt and white blouse underneath, she looked like the hottest OL.
I don't know where she came from. She didn't even go on stage but stayed there on audience level like 3 meters in front of us. Without further introduction music started and she started singing her new song.
The song sounded not like enka at all, more like Namie Amuro xD And I thought "wow, she finally fulfilled her dream of becoming like Namie"
She was kind of dancing along to her tune, but it looked more awkward and funny, like she was too lazy to even move her feet.
Then she looked at the biggest Miki fangirl *cough*Fenrir*cough* and smiled at her like she was recognising her. In the middle of the song Miki came over and hugged her and I was like O_O and reached out my hand to touch one hairstrand that had fallen on her arm all the while thinking "please don't notice, I'll look like a pervert", but she did notice, because I still held the strand when she pulled away from Fen xD
Then she walked around the rows of seats and I turned in my seat to follow her with my eyes. The audience was completely mixed, male, female, from 14-60 years, just how it should be. But they looked straight forward like robots.
When she was back to the front I thought "you must have noticed the gaijin sitting next to your NO1 fangirl, please I came all this way, I want a hug, too" and like she read my mind she came over and ... touched my right hand, she didn't smile, but it wasn't a death glare either, a strange mixture XD Then she went over to "Ami" and did the same.
The song was coming to an end and Miki made a gesture at Fen and she and the unknown girl next to her went forward to her and she signed some stuff for them.
Ami and I were looking at each other clueless and I said "do you think she ment us as well? but we haven't brought anything to sign"
Then Ami jumped up, pointed to the front and exclaimed "Promo CD!"
I looked to the stage and there was a long table with goods (how did they put up all that in a mere few seconds? XD) Photobooks, DVD's I had never seen before and a staple CD's with a big sign stating "Promo CD 500 Yen" Ami was already there buying one, so was the rest of the audience.
But I didn't have any japanese money with me!!!! DUH!  :banghead:
I saw Miki, Fen and Ami disappear behind the stage, I wanted to get up and follow them but I was clued to my chair. I wanted to shout "please, think of me and let her sign somehting for me!" but that didn't work either.
Suddenly there came a voice over the speakers saying something like: this song was by Leona Lewis.
I looked around but no one else seemed to have noticed. I was completely bewildered, this was Miki's song, I had heard her voice, how could it be by Leona Lewis? Maybe she wrote it for her?
I started wandering around the venue a bit then went outside to wait for my "friends"

Then I woke up! My right hand was so hard cramped into a fist that it hurt! And my heart was beating really hard in my chest, like I just had a nightmare. This dream was so intense and detailed, phew.

By the way the song Miki sang was this one:

I was sleeping next to the radio  XD

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Re: Your Weirdest Dream with the H!P Girls
« Reply #13 on: October 18, 2008, 10:26:01 AM »
To my left sat "the biggest Miki fangirl of JPH!P, who got her letter read on DMN and has been to several of her concerts before" (now who could that be?  XD)

>.>      <.<

That can't possibly be me, right????  :O

Then she looked at the biggest Miki fangirl *cough*Fenrir*cough* and smiled at her like she was recognising her. In the middle of the song Miki came over and hugged her

It is me!!!  :shock: :shock: :wahaha: Of course Miki should recognize me!  :cool1:

The song was coming to an end and Miki made a gesture at Fen and she and the unknown girl next to her went forward to her and she signed some stuff for them.

Woot!!! :heart: :heart:

I saw Miki, Fen and Ami disappear behind the stage

 :ding: :kekeke: :on GJ:

That was a really weird dream Coachie! This is the first time I have heard somebody dream of me in their dreams!!!  :O
« Last Edit: October 18, 2008, 10:29:34 AM by Fenrir »

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Re: Your Weirdest Dream with the H!P Girls
« Reply #14 on: October 18, 2008, 05:14:09 PM »
I just had a dream this morning. 

I was with Kamei Eri and 2 other unknown people in my living room, it seems they were playing a game involving asian celebrity(?) and I was just sitting on the sides, but once in a while I would help Eri out. 
then the settings changed to a different scene, where both Eri and I arrived at a party and there was also Gaki-san.  there was no air of Morning Musume around them, It's like in my dream they're not MM, but rather just normal girls.
anyway, It seems that that even in the dream, I'd have a crush on Eri (of course) and had tried to confess to her, but she didn't seem to acknowledge it and left the party eagerly to meet with a "friend,"  much to my dismay...
While I was depressed and heartbroken, trying to drink it away, Reina appeared and consoled me.  She was very kind and gentle and helped healed my broken heart.  Think we just click and I knew in my dream that I was "with" Reina and I was happy again.  although I still remember the love I have for Eri, but I left it behind and started my new love for Reina.  In the dream, it's like me and Reina did hook up and were really happy.

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Re: Your Weirdest Dream with the H!P Girls
« Reply #15 on: October 18, 2008, 07:51:01 PM »
That was a really weird dream Coachie! This is the first time I have heard somebody dream of me in their dreams!!!  :O


hehe, and I have no idea what you look like in rl, in my dream you looked like a girl from another forum I frequent, but still I knew it was you from the "description" you gave me in my dream xD

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Re: Your Weirdest Dream with the H!P Girls
« Reply #16 on: October 19, 2008, 07:30:56 AM »
I've had a few dreams involving certain H!P girls. The dreams weren't exactly about them, but they were there...

Once I dreamed about Miyabi being my young sister. She wanted to get into my room, and I kept trying to close the door in her face. She wanted to know with whom I was making out, and I refused to let her who it was.  :lol:

Also, I've dreamed about Ayaya. Three times...
Two of them were X-rated, and in the other one she was wearing the uniform from the high school I attended.  :P

The most recent involved a young Goto Maki, who found an abandoned baby girl in a zoo. She decided to take her home, and later discovered that she had been recently kidnapped, that she was Chinese, and that her name was Ye Jin (Chinese baby with a Korean name?). The dream ended when Maki noticed the baby had pooped in her cloth diaper, and she was ready to wash her... in the laundry room of my house. XD


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Re: Your Weirdest Dream with the H!P Girls
« Reply #17 on: October 19, 2008, 09:12:09 AM »
wow, a lot of weir dreams with the H!P girls lol.

Well, I had a dream with them a few weeks ago and it was I guess..
Quite epic..

I don't know why I always seem to dream these epic adventure/action or horror like dreams..
With the H!P people involved..
(I suppose I can sorta' guess how I come up with my stories lol)

Anyway, I guess my latest dream involved this lake somewhere in like Asia..
I was out with my friends and a couple of the H!P girls happen to be there..
But not a lot of people go to this lake, largely due to a rumor that there were breeds of these carnivorous ancient fishies and a huge sea serpent in this lake..

But in my dream we ignored the several warnings
And jumped into this lake  having a party and blah, blah, blah...

Then..the sea serpent appears first as this huge shadow under water
And just attacks trying to devour us.
A couple managed to escape, apparently it couldn't get us if we were on some form of land..
even if the land was just a piece of float wood as long as we stood on it and not be in the water we were okay.
And that's where the giant carnivorous ancient fish come in..
flying out of the water chomping its jaws at whoever it can clamp it's jaw on and take down.

Uh...a lot of us got eaten..>_>;;
I just remember like...Nakazawa, maiha, Aya, Yaguchi, Makoto and Nacchi were there..
I don't remember which one of them got eaten though I remember Nakazawa went crazy and killed the sea serpent..>_>;;

yeah...i wonder if I'll ever have a nice..decent 'normal' dream with them involved..

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Re: Your Weirdest Dream with the H!P Girls
« Reply #18 on: October 19, 2008, 07:39:18 PM »
Not necessary a weird dream but oh well.
Last night I had a dream where Yossi was taking a bath. She was in soap water and sometimes I was able to see her whole naked body. That have to be the hottest thing/dream I have ever seen :drool:  And it’s one of my favorite dream right now XD
When my alarm clock woke me up I almost throw it on the wall!!! :angry:

I have also been shopping toys with Yossi. Don’t know why and for whom but that was pretty interesting dream also XD
She seemed to be kind a experienced in that issue :ph43r:

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Re: Your Weirdest Dream with the H!P Girls
« Reply #19 on: October 20, 2008, 02:00:36 AM »
I don't think I should saying these but... I fucking dreamt of THE END of H!P...

In my dream I was doing my ussually hunting rounds for some news in H!P and when entering in a particular website, the news of THE END was like just minutes published. In the news Tsunku was shutting down the whole project.

And now with the news of the elders graduating... :cry:
« Last Edit: October 20, 2008, 03:18:42 AM by Yankii Heart »

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