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Author Topic: Hero (Chapter 4 - 12/24)  (Read 13885 times)

Offline peti-chan

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« Reply #20 on: August 21, 2008, 01:54:44 PM »
Geez, surely it was a traumatic experience for Koha :on cloudeye: Poor kid :cry:

But seems like everyone are the most curious about who, beside Koharu, was Yossy's victim :sweatdrop: And since Kaori said that Koharu was actually "lucky" then I also wonder what Yossy had done to others....were they also "lucky" or had less luck?...:badluck:

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« Reply #21 on: August 22, 2008, 03:58:25 AM »
It's kind of hard to say this without sounding like a sadist or morbid bastard but I'm really enjoying this story. :lol:

I always like the changes in perspective as it always keeps you guessing as to who's POV may be next. I would be saying Yossie would be a pretty firm contender for that but if you think that  Koharu's thoughts were translated to scattered writing then you'll probably just have to fill it up with loads of typos. XD

Like others said I'm curious to see who else has had to go through with this, but tbh I'm actually more interested in seeing how the two of them go about getting back to "normal" again. I'm not too sure this'll be the last time Yossie will attempt something like this.

Oh, and again I want to thank you for wirting something more risqué as it's great to see. Well, err, as great to see as it can be....You get what I mean...

Offline zay05ohayou

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« Reply #22 on: August 22, 2008, 12:33:59 PM »
Oooh. Now you know what 'Maternity' can do to Yossie. You've been warned.  :D That was pretty tight. How sad, Yossie has this sex addiction. Tsk. and I thought she was a big enough pimp. She was actually holding back.  :O The poor 'others'.  :( They must've stayed quiet for a while.

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« Reply #23 on: August 29, 2008, 08:56:36 PM »
So Yossy was drunk as well... for some reason that actually makes me angry at her now... I wasn't before but if she knows alcohol increases the chances she should be more careful, or at least have someone with her (like Miki) when she goes drinking :angry: Although I guess if she hasn't had an 'attack' for a while she would want to live her life without worrying about it.

Koha :cry: It was kinda creepy reading that from her perspective, it must have been even creepier to write it! And you shouldn't have any problems writing as a 13 yr old, you're close enough to that age... Oh yeah,  I went there lil' one  :gmon hot: :mon slapass:
Koha's POV makes Miki look even more awesome then she did from the first part... KOha is so cute when she talks about her, I don't think Miki will be able to get rid of her now :P
I hope she can rebuild her relationship with Yossy but after reading part 2, it really emphasizes just how hard that will be to do!  :mon cry: Oh and I almost cried in this one, mainly at the moments when Koha would just collapse into Miki's arms :cry:

Sorry I took so long to comment on this one too hun, I did read it when it was posted but I gotta get out of this bad habit of commenting later and then not having time to :sweatdrop:

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« Reply #24 on: August 30, 2008, 07:50:23 AM »
@tru: Yossy's other victims' identities will be revealed eventually. I'm pretty sure I won't make Rika a victim. They are too close and it just doesn't seem right.
@JFC: Alcohol is fun, until someone gets hurt. Ah, I never really thought of that. Smart!! :lol: They will be fixed....I think.
@wings4dreams: Yeah, it was more challenging to write from the victim's POV.
@peti-chan: Koharu is scared but she's a strong kid. Unfortunately, some of the others are less lucky... :(
@redux: No worries, I don't think you're morbid. Unless I'm a freak for writing this in the first place. I'm actually looking forward to writing the mending process. It's going to be hard, which is good practice! You're welcome and thanks to you for your support! :heart:
@zay05ohayou: Hehehe, maternity. That was funny! The others didn't really stay quiet exactly. Actually, I don't know yet. XD
@Nee-chan: Don't be too mad!! Cuz it's not totally Yossy's fault. It was creepy-ish but not really. To me, it was just getting into a character's head. Oh heeeeeell naw, you did not just go there!!! LOL but yeah, I am still that youngish. Koharu really relies on Miki now. She's her hero, the one who saves her from bad things. Personally, I don't know if I'd ever be able to forgive someone who did that to me. But perhaps Koharu will when she is able to see how sorry Yossy really is. It's ok, really. You have a life. (I think... :P)

Enjoy the next update!!

Hero: Part 3

Why did I do this?  I’ve ruined yet another life.

    I shouldn’t have drank that much. I know what it does to me, but I let those stupid Melons convince me I could do it. It didn’t help that everyone else was encouraging them. “Tomorrow’s back to work so enjoy it now!!”, was Nakazawa’s tipsy statement, I believe. But it’s not their fault, you know? I’m pretty sure they don’t know about my condition and Nakazawa selectively forgets things when she’s drunk. So after who knows how many rounds of “Who can drink the most tequila shots?”, I stumbled my way back to my room. I’m lucky that Miki acted like a real adult and went to bed instead of drinking like an idiot. I kept telling myself, “Just ride the elevator all the way to the top and your room is up there.” But somehow, my feet carried my wasted body onto the 15th floor, where the rest of the girls’ rooms were.

Oh, shit. That feeling was coming back.
    “Shake it off, Yoshizawa”, I snapped, trying to ward off the premonition of my disorder. But my thoughts fell deaf, as my body moved down the hallway. I stopped in front of one door, steadying myself on the frame before knocking loudly. The door slowly opened and there stood a sleepy Koharu. “Um, Yoshizawa-senpai?”, she asked in an adorable voice. “Hey Koha!”, I bellowed before slowly pushing past her. When I was successfully inside, I slumped onto her bed. “Get your ass out of here before you touch her!”, my mind screamed but the alcohol clouded my judgment, as well as increasing the power of my sickness. “Are you ok?”, she whispered, looking at me fearfully. It was as if she knew what was going to happen to her. I would give anything to have stopped it. “I think I need to call Fujimoto-senpai”, she mumbled, moving towards the phone. I couldn’t let Miki see me like this. I didn’t want her to scold me and see my bad side. I yelled and grabbed her wrist just as she was about to pick up the phone. I shouldn’t have done that. As soon as I felt her skin on my palm, it was over. I could feel the change in my body and my grip on her wrist tightened until she cried for me to stop. Soon, I was stroking her arm and holding her in my lap. Her body stiffened with every touch. When she tried to speak, I covered up her mouth and my other hand slipped up her shirt. Her budding breasts were soft and tender. She gasped and cried when I squeezed and prodded them. “You’re still developing, aren’t you?”, I sighed, “But they’re so beautiful already.” I caught a glimpse of her face and saw that she was crying and looking very scared. “Maybe you’d be more comfortable in my room”, I told her. I picked her up into my arms and we headed to the suite.
     But I hit a problem when we were standing outside. I was still drunk so my hand-eye coordination was pretty non-existent. I couldn’t get the damn card into the slot. I decided to hand it to Koharu who fearfully unlocked the door and I gave it a good shove. It hit the wall and startled the already scared girl in my arms. I soothed her nerves and carefully laid her on the couch before straddling her hips and pinning her arms down. She stared at me as I peeled her thin tank top from her body and felt all of the skin normally hidden under it. I kissed her hard, groaning into her mouth. My hands moved down to rest on her hips and fiddled with the waistband of her shorts. Thumbs slipping under the elastic, I slowly lowered them until a pool of green terry cloth lay on the end of the couch. “Yoshizawa-senpai…”, her tiny voice croaked, “Please stop” Suddenly, I felt someone’s eyes on my back. “Yocchan, get off of her!!!”, Miki-chan screamed, reaching for my hands which were keeping the other girl in place. I whacked them away and turned back to Koharu. My only warning was Miki’s hands gripping my wrist before I was thrown onto the floor. I jumped up to face Miki, growling with anger. Who does she think she is?! I mean, we’re close but no one has the right to toss me onto the floor like a damn doll. Unless it’s foreplay but this was definitely not the case. “What the hell are you doing?!”, I sneered. “Keeping you from making a big mistake”, she replied after a short pause. I swung at her head with my fist because I just couldn’t take her saying that. Somewhere in my head, far from the tobacco-like invasion, I knew she was right. But I was in no position to properly comprehend anything rational. She dodged it and planted a good one right on my left eye. I stumbled backwards and was upright until Miki’s foot rammed into my rib cage. I clutched my torso as my body made a beeline for the floor. The last thing I saw was the tan carpet.
   “Uhhh”, were the first sounds from parched lips. My head was pounding and it hurt to move. The bed on which I was lying felt strangely familiar as I struggled to open my eyes. I managed my right side but shut it immediately to block out the evil sunlight. My left eye, though, wouldn’t open and it was sore as hell. Then all the memories from the previous night came flooding back. All the drinking, the bad things I did, the fighting and yelling that had gone on. “Nice to see you up”, Kaori’s voice resonated in my ears. I cracked my right eye open to see her smiling at me. I tried to speak but I coughed instead, which made it known to me that my stomach was also sensitive. Pain rushed from my gut all over my body and I groaned loudly. “You have a few broken ribs and a fairly nasty black eye”, she informed me, pouring some water from a pink pitcher on the tray and handing the plastic cup to me, “Miki can certainly take care of herself.” I grabbed it and greedily poured the liquid into my dry mouth. The cold substance ran down my sore throat, soothing and moisturizing it. I set the cup back down and Kaori refilled it, knowing I was dehydrated. We repeated the process a total of 4 times, before I covered the open top with my hand. “How is…she?”, I asked quietly. I couldn’t bring myself to further stain her name by saying it. “Well, she was sleeping when I saw her yesterday”, my doctor replied, “And she and Miki should be on their way.” I started to feel a bit anxious, wanting to see them but at the same time, I wanted them to stay as far away from me as possible.
    Kaori’s pager buzzed, signaling that they had arrived. She gave me a quick smile and scurried back to her office, closing the door as she exited. I was left alone once again, alone with my thoughts. Those awful thoughts of what I did to her. And to the others before her. There aren’t too many, only 4 others but I know they’ve all suffered too. I was caught off guard when the door opened and Miki appeared. I could tell that she was disturbed my injured appearance. “Hey”, she called to me. I replied, smiling as normally as I could. She asked me how I was and I told her in a joking way that thanks to her, I had broken ribs and a black eye. The tension was crazy because she looked a little uncomfortable, even though it was perfectly clear that I was kidding around. I could tell she felt bad and she really shouldn’t. Miki only did what was necessary to save Koharu. “I forgive you”, I spoke up, “It’s all my fault and I deserve it all.” She seemed a bit relieved and even more perplexed that I knew what she was thinking. It was written all over her face. I asked about Koharu and was told that she was afraid to go into the hotel living room and that she wouldn’t leave her hero’s side. “Shit”, I groaned, burying my face in my hands. I ruined two relationships in one stupid, drunken night. Miki tried to make me feel better and let me tell you, it worked. “You shoulda seen the look I gave everyone this morning when I came down with Koharu”, she giggled, “I swear I could see into their minds” I laughed as she described her latest adventure with her death glare. “I’m sorry to interrupt but Koharu wants you, Miki”, Kaori said as she pushed open the door and poked her head in. Miki smiled at me and got up.
     My mind seemed to ease a bit after talking to Miki. She always knows what to say and how to say it. No bullshit and no sweet talk. Just straightforward facts. I felt that she forgave me for what had happened. But the one girl who I needed to be forgiven by was broken. Poor little, innocent Koharu was probably scarred. She’s the youngest and I was supposed to take care of her. I promised Tsunku and her parents and the rest of the members. A good leader isn’t supposed to touch their kouhai that way. I have failed everyone: my group, my boss, myself. I lay down and stared at the spotted ceiling. I tried to count the pock-marks in the panels but I kept getting lost. “Arrh”, I grumbled, slowly propping myself back up. I winced at the stabbing pang in my abdomen, my ribs shifting painfully. I heard a noise outside of the door that sounded like deep breathing and whispers. But nothing could have prepared me for who came through it.

It was Koharu. Miki was leading her in, attempting to look sure of herself.

    “Yocchan, Koharu-chan wants to speak to you”, she announced, giving the young teen a little nudge towards me. Her pale face looked at me in fear as she tried to retreat. But our sub-leader wouldn’t allow it. So Koharu cautiously walked closer to the bed, her skinny frame shaking slightly. “I forgive you for last night, senpai”, she whispered, her tears dripping down steadily. I was astonished by the words that left her 13-year-old mouth. She was forgiving me?! Perhaps she was more mature than I gave her credit for. “Thank you, Koharu-chan”, I beamed as long-overdue drops slipped from my eyes, “I’m so sorry this happened” I lifted my hands up and went to grab hers, to show her that everything would be ok. But as soon as I began to move towards her, that look of apprehension flashed in her pupils. She shuffled backwards, away from me. I dropped my arms down, trying to play off this awkward and agonizing moment.

It is going to be very hard to regain her trust. But I am willing to do anything and everything in my power to get this little girl to believe in me again.

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« Reply #25 on: August 30, 2008, 08:13:04 AM »
Being an addict is hard enough when you don't think that you are...but it's even harder when you are like Yossi, where ARE aware of your problem, yet have trouble controlling it.  When you're the latter, the guilt and self-loathing tortures you more than any physical discomfort could ever do.


JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

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« Reply #26 on: August 30, 2008, 04:56:55 PM »
woo~ this was worth the wait!

i kinda feel bad for yossui now... it must be heart wrenching knowing that your compulsion kicks in and you end up hurting the people who least deserve to get hurt... and you can't help it...

... rika's not a victim? ... hmm... 

i don't know if i should be happy or not...

anyway... thanks for the update! keep it up!

Offline lollipopgirl

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« Reply #27 on: August 30, 2008, 06:59:56 PM »
Aaand now I'm back to not being mad at Yossy and feeling sorry for her again :lol:
Hey look, she did have people with her, just they don't know about it :(
It's hard enough for Yossy to think about what it is she did in the first place, but to then here the poor young victim say she wants to forgive her and yet she can still see how scared of her Koha is, it must break her heart :cry: I wouldn't be surprised if she feels she doesn't deserve it... she must hate herself, hurting people like this and not really being able to help it :cry:

@tru: You should be happy Rika isn't a victim... Just coz she wasn't a victim doesn't mean she hasn't reaped the benefits from Yossy's condition like Miki has :twisted: And at least then she can enjoy it and have a choice :P

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« Reply #28 on: August 30, 2008, 07:12:42 PM »
So I read this last night but didn't get around until today to comment XD I was so tired when I read it
I feel really bad for Yossy because she was completely aware of what she was doing but she couldn't stop herself
that would so suck
You know you are doing something completely wrong but you can't help it
It's horrible

Stupid melons making Yossy drink...


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« Reply #29 on: August 30, 2008, 07:17:20 PM »
aww  :(

Offline ringo-hime

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« Reply #30 on: August 30, 2008, 07:56:05 PM »
oh, Koha and Yossies POV. cool. XD
moar stalking to be done~  :lol: :twisted:

Offline zay05ohayou

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« Reply #31 on: August 31, 2008, 03:38:23 AM »
“You shoulda seen the look I gave everyone this morning when I came down with Koharu”, she giggled, “I swear I could see into their minds” I laughed as she described her latest adventure with her death glare.
Ah.. Miki.   :lol:

I dropped my arms down, trying to play off this awkward and agonizing moment.
Poor Yossie. It must be really hard for her. The others she hurt would've surely felt terrible, but I bet she'd be the one most in pain. Doing those stuff and having consciousness while doing it but not having control. Ah. Tis sucks.

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« Reply #32 on: September 01, 2008, 03:53:53 PM »
Ok just quick rep since I'm at my friends home due to renovation at my house XD

Yeah...well...Yossy shouldn't drink that's for sure and that's basically the biggest mistake she did :mon nyah: She knew what she was huge minus for her...yet  I hope her relationship with Koha will get back to normal cos surely she regrets what she has done :)

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« Reply #33 on: September 03, 2008, 02:54:52 PM »
After reading parts 2 and 3 of Hero I really don't know what I would do if I were in Koharu's situation. I bet you're thinking why in the whole I would think of myself in your fic's premise XD Well, I just felt that the writing is so good I can imagine it happening in real life. All in all, this fic is quite heavy but I'm glad you wrote it. GJ! :)

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Re: Hero (HIATUS~)
« Reply #34 on: October 22, 2008, 06:53:35 AM »
@JFC: I feel so bad about making Yossy the bad guy now!! :lol: But I will work on making her better.
@tru_harmony: Trust me, you should be happy. :P  Because no one should have to go through this.
@lollipopgirl: I must admit, Yossy is kinda going through the whole self-loathing thing. It pains me to do this but gotta keep up the story! :P
@heyyouhiya: Yeah, it's tough. But they will get through it, eventually. Yeah, damn those Melons!! :lol: But they didn't know so we can't blame them too much....but it's fun to say "DAMN MELONS~" XD
@kRisZ: Indeed. :(
@ringo-hime: XD
@zay05ohayou: Miki will always be Miki. :lol: I agree that Yossy probably feels the worst.
@peti-chan: Yeah, she is kinda at fault too. She does have the strength, however, to work towards mending the broken bond between her and Koha.
@lil_hamz: Personally, I don't know either. :lol: It's still a mystery to me how I even came up with this idea.... :P Thank you!!! :heart:

OK, I'm sorry to my readers...but I'm putting Hero on hiatus. I promise I will finish it eventually but school and my other fics are hindering both my time and ideas. I don't know when I'll get back to this. But I'm personally hoping it's soon. I'm having trouble thinking of what to do with this now. :lol: What's going to happen???? I have no idea!!
So, please wait for me and Hero!! It'll be back~ :heart:

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Re: Hero (HIATUS~)
« Reply #35 on: October 22, 2008, 08:34:41 AM »
....but it's fun to say "DAMN MELONS~" XD
hmm, I say that all the time XD... wait, what!? :P

Ganbarimasu Hero! :heart:
« Last Edit: October 24, 2008, 10:44:43 AM by lollipopgirl »

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Re: Hero (HIATUS~)
« Reply #36 on: October 24, 2008, 08:31:39 AM »
wow! just wow! this story was sad, and yet very well written!

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Re: Hero (Chapter 4 - 12/24)
« Reply #37 on: December 25, 2008, 12:39:01 AM »
@Nee-chan: Excuse me? XD
@shadowolf8: Aww, thank you so much!!! :heart:

OMFG, it's a Christmas miracle! Yup, I finally got the inspiration to continue this. So for now, hiatus is over. Not sure how long it'll last though. :P
Merry Christmas to all and enjoy! :heart:

Hero: Part 4

“Please stop…”, whimpered Koharu, her body curling like a shrimp in the bed next to me. She rolled back and forth, attempting to escape the phantom hands that tortured her. It was only the second time tonight, which meant that she was slowly but surely recovering. It was still heart-wrenching and a little scary to watch her and I wanted to calm her down but making any sort of physical contact while she’s in this state was the last thing I’d do.

So I simply slid out of the bed, crouching on the floor until she stopped thrashing around. By now, she had woken herself up. I could tell because her little hands gripped the sheets tightly and the faint sound of labored breathing and sobs flowed from her dry lips. “Koharu-chan, it’s ok now”, I mumbled, slowly approaching her shaking form. Her hold on the blankets loosened, my voice allowing her feeling of fear to dissipate, bit by bit.

Her skinny arms reached up towards me and I embraced her, allowing her head to rest on my shoulder. “I…I’m sorry for w-w-waking you up a-again”, she whimpered into my neck, her breath tickling my skin. “Don’t be sorry”, I consoled her, “it’s no one’s fault.” I rocked her tenderly for a few more minutes before carefully lowering her onto the mattress. “Go back to sleep, ok?”, I smiled, cupping her cheek in my hand. That small smile worked its way onto her tired face. “Night-night”, she murmured before letting her eyelids slip down.   

“She’s getting better”, I declared to myself, in my living room where I sat. I didn’t want to bother Koharu after she had just gotten to sleep and I wasn’t very tired in the first place. My mind was racing, jumping back and forth between the possibilities of Koharu’s future.

Would she ever recover enough to go home or would she end up living with me forever?

Her and Yocchan’s relationship was severely broken….could it ever be repaired?

“This is just the beginning”, I sighed, running my fingers through my hair. Flinging myself further onto the couch, I grabbed a throw pillow and pulled it to my chest. “Do your best, Koharu”, I prayed, squeezing my eyes shut to keep the tears from slipping out.
I awoke to the sun shining onto my face and it took a second for me to remember where I was. Slowly rising from the couch, I stretched my arms over my head and yawned. I made a beeline for the bedroom, adjusting my pants on the way.

When I peered into the sunlit room, I was blown away by how gorgeous the young girl lying there looked. Sun caressed her pale skin, making it look like a shot right out of a photobook. I just stood there in awe for a few moments, taking in her youth and effortless beauty.

But in those same few seconds, I made an important decision about Koharu’s future: I was going to call Yocchan’s other “victims” and have them talk to her.

She desperately needed to see that she wasn’t alone. So as I walked into the roomy kitchen of my apartment, I grabbed my cell phone off the counter and dialed four familiar numbers. 

“Fujimoto-senpai?”, I heard her small, groggy voice mumble as I got off the phone. “I’m in here”, I replied, secretly not so happy that she woke up. I was really starting to regret my decision. What if she resented me for doing this? Then who will take care of her? But as she sleepily made her way towards me, I violently shoved any doubts into a drawer and locked it deep in my mind.

“Morning, Koharu”, I grinned uneasily, “I’m having some people over after work and I’d like you to meet them”
It's pretty short but I hope it's ok~ :lol:

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Re: Hero (Chapter 4 - 12/24)
« Reply #38 on: December 25, 2008, 10:23:18 AM »
Hero: Part 4

Damn, it's got to be hard to Koharu to keep going through it over and over again each night. :( :cry:

I made an important decision about Koharu’s future: I was going to call Yocchan’s other “victims” and have them talk to her.
That's a big step, one that could have a couple of possible outcomes (possibly good, possibly VERY bad), depending on who these "other victims" are.

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

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Re: Hero (Chapter 4 - 12/24)
« Reply #39 on: December 25, 2008, 04:43:23 PM »
4 victims, that's kinda a lot ne  *wonders who are the 4*

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