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Author Topic: Factory Girl - Team A VS Team B  (Read 30851 times)

Offline Owaranai_sLaVe

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Factory Girl - Team A VS Team B
« on: October 10, 2008, 05:53:20 AM »
(A.K.A.) Mobsta Factory

Okay, if you didn't get the joke on the poll then you're probably not a Kpop fan.

But anywho, I know someone (Tama unni?) was supposed to make a Factory Girl thread, but she took forever. So now I'm making it because I seriously think Team A is gonna win it. Though I hate splitting the girls apart, I think Team A has members that make great competitors and contribute some great aspects into what a winning team needs.

Just to (briefly) justify my reasons:
jessica is totally a leader, so with tae gone for other schedules, it was going to be okay. yuri is a hard worker and can get creative sometimes, sunny is very creative and isn't afraid to do somethi, and you can ask yona to do anything (or for her opinion) and she'll do it (consider it).

Though Jessica was totally against it, it's a good thing sunny's got good persistence with her creativity. Choosing the snake- another symbol for strong, stealthy, sly, and everything else in some women- was a good idea because it's totally ELLE and it's totally fashion. Though the pig idea was cute, it didn't turn out so great...I don't think enough effort was put into it and it didn't help that it wasn't the best idea either.

« Last Edit: July 05, 2009, 07:28:53 AM by Owaranai_sLaVe »
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Re: Factory Girl - Team A VS Team B
« Reply #1 on: October 10, 2008, 06:16:07 AM »
Hey don't blame me! Your oppa said we'd have too many threads!!!

Judging from the 1st ep alone, it's all about Team A. They have everything. Like you said, Sunny can do everything, despite being scaredy cats, Yusica can really get in control, Tae can just be there to calm them down. She's so laid back XD. Their only disadvantage is that they have 2 very busy members and might have to work with just the 3 of them most of the time.

My hope isn't all lost yet for Team B.Their engine hasn't kicked in yet. Sooyoung should have crazy ideas, Tiff should know some about fashion, and Seohyun and Hyoyeon seem really eager. Hopefully, they'll make it more competitive in future episodes. But from ep1? It was a landslide.

Oh, when it comes to names, Candy Girls sucks.

Goddammit, I was typing a longass post then my comp froze. :tama-mad:

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Re: Factory Girl - Team A VS Team B
« Reply #2 on: October 10, 2008, 06:21:21 AM »
I win cause this show is awesome. :P

But what you guys said.

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Re: Factory Girl - Team A VS Team B
« Reply #3 on: October 10, 2008, 07:18:12 AM »
I'm a bit biased since Team A has my favorite members (Taeyeon, Sica, Yuri).

First of all, I think Team A has a lot more diversity in terms of style, but that may just be a consequence of having the most members.

Jessica alternates between princess and cool/sexy girl styles on a regular basis. She's also hands down the most feminine of the group, and probably wears dresses and accessories much more frequently than the other members. I think she'll be the go-to girl for Team A when it comes to more glamorous, glitzy, or lady-like styles. And not that Jess usually wears much makeup, but based on my instinct and the packed counter in her room, Jess is probably the most knowledge in the group when it comes to makeup.

Taeyeon seems to have the cute/dorky girl next door style down pat. Hmm.. like the editor said, Taeyeon's style isn't very memorable. But based on pics of candids of Taeyeon the girl does know how to dress herself, so we can assume she knows the basics of color and pattern matching. Taeyeon also has incredible pure skin, which means she is either highly knowledgeable about skin care or is just naturally gifted (probably the latter).

Yuri has the more active girl next door style around her. Problem is, I don't think Yuri's fashion style is very unique either. It's occasionally different from the other girls in the group but it's not very consistent and defined. On the plus side, Yuri will be an excellent model if they ever have to use one of their own members to show something off.

Yoona is pro at the pretty tomboy kind of look; it looked like her clothes were all button downs and jeans. But once again that's kind of a boring look if you think about it and doesn't seem sophisticated enough for a fashion magazine. Like Yuri, she'd be the top pick for a model if the group ever needs one, though.

And Sunny seems to have a distinctly cute and girly aesthetic (did I mention she has  HOT body? Christ, it's hard to believe she's the shortest when you see her legs). No offense to Sunny, but since her face isn't so stunning, I'm sure she's used to putting a lot of thought and consideration into her style of dress. Some of the best dressed girls I know aren't really THAT pretty, and it's probably because they felt the need need to compensate for lack of natural gifts with fashion sense.

Not only that, Team A also has the right mesh of personalities, as everyone has mentioned, to get things done.

Jessica seems to be the slave-driver, perfectionist type who'll push the group to maintain high standards. I like to think her suggestion that they "come out hard" and refusal to let Sunny use the Bunny was key in getting the group to take a chance with the snake. Also, due to Sica's very polite and careful way of speaking, she'll be capable of acting as the group's representative for formal communication. Only cons is I think Jess might come across as too bossy and her prissiness will probably result in "delegating" (passing off) tasks she doesn't like to everyone else. Oh, and although she works hard in general, Sica always seems very fragile and low in stamina. Falling asleep during tasks could be a real danger, haha.

Sunny, as demonstrated earlier with the snake suggestion, has the ability to come up with unique ideas (maybe that's due to all the games she plays, who knows?) and has shown that she's willing to bite the bullet and put herself on the line for the team. She handled the snake without complaining, even while admitting she was frightened, and was basically the MVP for Team A this time around. Great asset to the team as a whole, and I think Sunny is going to gain a lot of fans during this show if she keeps showing this strong, creative side to her. Hmmm... based on my previous impressions of her personality, I think possible problems with Sunny would be that she's probably someone who's easily distracted, play around, and take it easy.

As for Yuri, I hate to say it but I don't see her being much of a direct asset in the creative process. I was also surprised that she was too scared to help Sunny with the snake. I think Yuri will be important as a mood-maker for the group, to keep people's spirits up (particularly Sica's) and handle any task that requires lots of energy, athleticism, and/or talking to others. I've always felt that Yuri, despite her jokester nature, has a strong sense of responsibility and pride. I think that at some point in this show we're going to see Yuri's serious nature. Possible cons are that Yuri can be pretty stubborn about certain, specific things, though she's never really bad natured about it. And I don't see her as someone afraid to speak her mind when she has an opinion. She may clash with Sica in the future.

Now for Yoona. Everybody likes and misses Yoona as she's never really with the girls anymore (absence makes the heart grow fonder, after all). Don't think Yoona will contribute much to planning/designing since she's so quiet and doesn't seem to have a strong concept of style. I don't think that anything spectacularly good or bad will come from Yoona's presence; she's really just there as a pretty face and a possible model.

Okay, now Taeyeon... If Taeyeon keeps shuttling in and out of missions like the first episode, we're going to see Sica taking over as leader pretty much all the time (this would make me happy). This won't be a problem as Taeyeon is very modest, and she doesn't feel a need to arbitrarily lead the girls in every affair. If her schedule prevents her from being there and following what's going on, Taeyeon is more than happy to let the other girls clue her into the situation, and even order her around as it's probably for the best. Plus, I think Taeyeon appreciates the chance to relax and let someone else take over the reins of leadership. Furthermore, I think Taeyeon's built-in sense of responsibility for all the girls is still going to play a role. If there's something dirty/scary/difficult that the other girls don't want to do, Umma will be responsible and take over without (much) complaint. I don't think that there will be any problems with Taeyeon as she is very laid back, and because I think she's probably the most beloved by all the other members of SNSD. Seriously, there was so much love for her from BOTH teams when she came in to help finish the shooting.

I guess I'll write up something about Team B later, haha. This is like an essay by itself >_<.

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Re: Factory Girl - Team A VS Team B
« Reply #4 on: October 10, 2008, 08:46:22 AM »
wow pen pen said it all for my choice of team A  :lol:

Seriously team A will win it because of the better mix of members and style. All 5 have totally different styles and they can give a better unbiased opinion in that sense for whatever fashion items they are reviewing.

Team B would have done a better job if they vote someone immediately to take charge as leader. I would vote Fany for that since she looked quite calm in the 1st episode unlike her usual self.

PS: Pen Pen nice description of Sica!

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Offline StreakInTheSky

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Re: Factory Girl - Team A VS Team B
« Reply #5 on: October 10, 2008, 10:27:14 AM »
Instead of reading all that I skimmed through and will just say I agree with you. :lol:

But in Taeyeon's defense, her resume says she's into make-up and I remember her saying somewhere she likes to collect perfumes. So you can't count her out completely cause her style is plain. :P

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Re: Factory Girl - Team A VS Team B
« Reply #6 on: October 10, 2008, 10:39:26 AM »
I love Yuri and Jess so much ^_^

Offline tamatron

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Re: Factory Girl - Team A VS Team B
« Reply #7 on: October 10, 2008, 11:14:08 AM »
Hey! No spam!
* tama-chan bans ebc.

I actually think Yuri's personal style is pretty consistent. For 90% of them time, it's all vest, vest and more vest XD. You just have to look at rehearsals or backstage stuff. Those are pretty much the only time they dress themselves, I think.

Offline Owaranai_sLaVe

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Re: Factory Girl - Team A VS Team B
« Reply #8 on: October 10, 2008, 10:06:08 PM »
Oh, don't worry unni, I'll gladly blame oppa :on voodoo:

And yes, Tae is the calm one xD the best TaeYeon part was:

Speaking of Tae...Was it just me, or were TaeSun together quite a lot?

I just wanted to say... I've handled a pig before, in the summer of 2006 when I was in the PI and my aunt's pig gave birth to 11 piglettes. I held each lil cute piggy while my aunt cliped it's teeth and nails. It is not that serious, calm down Team B.
And then the smell of reptiles/serpents... I mean come on, they do not smell that bad! My brother had snakes, tarantulas, and scorpions in his room and I used to play and feed them all the time. He kept the mice and grasshoppers (the food for his pets) in the garage and they weren't that bad either.
Then again, I think they're doing what Morning Musume used to do and just over react for the sake of our enjoyment...

I also thought the editor boss lady would go harder on them. The girls were late, I was waiting for some whips to be cracked :( haha jk  :whip:. But I didn't think she'd take it that lightly. And are the girls considered editors? I'd consider them interns (newbies) with the kind of work they're doing. Shiz, I'd like to start right away as an editor if/when i work for a magazine!

I thought it was cute when maknae wanted to play with Tae but she wasn't allowed to. aww

I think Yuri will be important as a mood-maker for the group, to keep people's spirits up (particularly Sica's) and handle any task that requires lots of energy, athleticism, and/or talking to others.
And to translate what Pen said: "Yuri will be the one keeping Jess happy with sexy time."  :hip bleh:
After reading more of what Pen has to say, does anyone else get the feeling that there will be a Part II of Jessica's wrath in GIRLS GO TO SCHOOL? I mean, she is modest and when that whole situation between Hyo and Jess was goin down, she didn't know what to say to stop it. I feel like Sexica might do something mean again :(
And I think YoonA (which by the way I think has more of a child-like sense of style than tomboy) and Yuri will be able to give good ideas to Sunny, after Sunny comes up with it first hahaha. Jess will just be there to boss everyone around... and I hope there's no conflict between the brains and the boss >.>

Because this is a fashion show, I just gotta point out: there is a significantly big difference in their casual wear style and  the style they wear when they're going out (even if it's just going out to eat), and the style they wear when they're having an occassion (like being on camera for a tv show/documentary/interview). AND, you don't need to dress in the fashion to have the sense in fashion. ALSO, ELLE is definitely not all about dressing and modeling, it's makeup, skin care, hair, shoes, etc.
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Re: Factory Girl - Team A VS Team B
« Reply #9 on: October 11, 2008, 12:01:51 AM »
They obviously dressed for the occasion when they went out and filmed this show. It wasn't really that dissimilar from what the real staff was wearing, except for Jessica's hotpants in the end. :P

But about the scared thing. It could have been overacting, but you haven't met the females of my family. They're deathly scared of reptiles and rodents. I couldn't even have any toys that resembled a snake when I was younger cause my mom hated them. :( And just seeing them on tv makes them squirm. So if people can be like that, I'd believe their reactions. :lol:

But lets bring on the mean Jessica! It's been a while :twisted:

Like I said in the other thread. I want to see some sweat and tears!!!
The fact that they're so easy on the girls makes me think that they have low expectations on them anyway

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Re: Factory Girl - Team A VS Team B
« Reply #10 on: October 11, 2008, 04:54:15 AM »
To be honest, I think that it's for the best that the editors aren't too hard on them. Filming Factory Girl is huge for SNSD, but they're still preparing for their comeback and doing their usual promotions. The editors can't work them as hard as normal interns because SNSD are fundamentally not normal interns; they already have a full time job that requires them to work their asses off already.

Under normal conditions, I'm sure all the girls could handle the full stress of being a magazine intern, but stacked on top of rehearsing and performing I think we'd end up seeing them just get really stressed out at being unable to meet their own personal standards, as well as those that the editors have for them.

Plus, Factory Girl is meant to generate hype for the girls. If SNSD start failing at all their tasks left and right and we spend half the time watching them get scolded, it's just going to bring the antis out full force and give the girls a bad prologue to their sophomore album. SM fundamentally won't let that happen, and I'm sure they and Elle Girl have already worked this out.

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Re: Factory Girl - Team A VS Team B
« Reply #11 on: October 11, 2008, 08:45:11 AM »
ALSO, ELLE is definitely not all about dressing and modeling, it's makeup, skin care, hair, shoes, etc.

Yeah. If you compare Elle to, say, Vogue, Elle focuses more on the "Beauty" and health, while Vogue usually focuses more on trends. Elle covers more on lifestyles.

Anout the pg...I was thinking, couldn't they just hold it close to their bodies and pet it a bit? Ain't that work for everything? Do like Tae did "Calm down~". :lol:

One question, where should we talk about the show from the next ep on? Should we move everything to this thread?

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Re: Factory Girl - Team A VS Team B
« Reply #12 on: October 11, 2008, 12:10:49 PM »
Yeah we should probably just make this the general thread for the show.

And I'm not that serious about the sweat and tears thing. It would make things more interesting, but I know how hard these girls are working outside of this show. But I do still think they should be a little harder on them, they did miss the deadline and not even a little talk... It was like, "You fucked up, but that's okay we don't need your stuff anyways!" They built it up in the beginning on how they were gonna make them work, but nothing really happened. :lol:

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Re: Factory Girl - Team A VS Team B
« Reply #13 on: October 11, 2008, 08:05:46 PM »
I think what MIGHT happen to show the girls "blood, sweat, and tears" is something disastrous happening that's just completely out of their control. Like they have to do another photo shoot thing, but the machine printing comes out all wrong, or they order some kind of material and delivery gets fucked up.

Then we could see the girls flipping out, having to deal with some setbacks and disappointment, and possibly seeing the girls get scolded by a hard-assed editor or two WITHOUT it being the girl's "fault" so to speak. It'd allow us fans to see the girls vulnerable side while denying the antis the chance to run their mouths and say the girls are just getting what they deserve.

Haha, and I totally agree with what you're saying SiTS. They totally want to give off that "Devil Wears Prada" vibe, but I have yet to see the Devil in any of their supervisors so far. I think they have to make it a bit more hardcore if they're hoping to make a memorable show. GGTS was excellent because it had some pretty dramatic moments and made us feel like we really got to see the girls from all sides. If the editors don't even TRY to hold Soshi accountable then it won't be possible for Factory Girl to have the same kind of impact or success. So I think they'll do it, it'll just be tightly scripted from the production side (at least).

Speaking of which, how much of the show do you guys think is scripted? Do you think SM, Elle Girl, and the film crew have everything entirely planned out already? Are the girls basically being given scripts and are just engaging in acting every week? Did they really choose the snake and pig on their own?

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Re: Factory Girl - Team A VS Team B
« Reply #14 on: October 11, 2008, 08:30:22 PM »
It's a reality show, less variety imo. The girls are given the task, they do the mission to the best of their ability but of course the staff is there to help them with things, like contacting the stores and making sure they know that the girls are coming imo. But the things the girls say probably aren't scripted, just because a lot of the stuff they say in general is too random. Esp Kwon Yuri. haha
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Re: Factory Girl - Team A VS Team B
« Reply #15 on: October 12, 2008, 12:54:28 AM »
The only thing I think is not really "scripted" is the ideas they come up with. And as soy said, lots of what they say is probably ad libbed. 'You can't write this stuff.' But I'm pretty sure the director sometimes tells them to do certain things or act a certain way. That's generally the way "reality" shows go. :P

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Re: Factory Girl - Team A VS Team B
« Reply #16 on: October 12, 2008, 02:41:29 PM »
Taeyeon will win this all by herself with one reason only: She's so tripping on her drugs that she won't care what tasks is up and work for weeks without sleeping. -"Taeyeon will handle the snake" or whatever they said - but yeah i bet she handles 'em all the time :|.

At first i was like: "Why are they so over excited about all the make up and stuff?!" It's not like they haven't seen things like that before. Then I imagined their "office" but with sneakers and caps instead and i realized what they're going through.

I don't wanna comment much on the first ep, y'all pretty much have done that already, but it looks like this can be a fun show.

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Re: Factory Girl - Team A VS Team B
« Reply #17 on: October 13, 2008, 09:16:42 AM »
Seems like the 2nd ep will only be 30 mins long. Well, I guess the 1st ep was just special.

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Re: Factory Girl - Team A VS Team B
« Reply #18 on: October 13, 2008, 06:45:08 PM »
when will be the broadcast of the 2nd episode?
I hope a lot of TaeNy and YulSic  :wub:

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Re: Factory Girl - Team A VS Team B
« Reply #19 on: October 13, 2008, 06:48:50 PM »
Kitten was unbelievably cute when she was spying on the other teams set up. I FAINTED OK?! :inlove:

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