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Author Topic: One shots collection - Because I love you (22/11)  (Read 5942 times)

Offline lollipopgirl

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One shots collection - Because I love you (22/11)
« on: October 19, 2008, 07:26:56 PM »
So after months of preparation to make a TakaGaki OPV for Gaki's birthday that idea was squished last week when I realised it was too hard XD So think since then I've been trying to think of a fic idea instead and nothing was coming so I gave up... What did that mean? At the very last minute something finally struck me :rolleye: So I apologise for this, it's really rushed and not thought through very well so try to um, ignore that?
It's not how I went to enter the fanfic world, but oh well, it's Gaki's birthday, and a special one at that, so exceptions can be made, right? :P
Oh and sorry about the lame title, I'm rushed for time (I need sleep) and suck at titles at the best of times XD

Sooo, Happy Birthday Gaki-san this is for you :heart: :wub:


A Memorable Gift

The crisp air of an autumn night in Tokyo swirled around the four beautiful women heading towards the seclusive bar, popular among Hello!Project members. Their laughter and words of excitement drifted in the breeze, carrying to the ears of those passing by, many of which briefly stopping, taking in the site of the recognisable faces.
Finally the time had come for the last of the close friends to reach the stage of adulthood and what better way to celebrate than experiencing her first drink with those who meant the most to her.

“You ready Gaki-san?” Mako grinned as the four girls stopped outside the entrance of a small building, the bright neon light, indicating that they had reached their destination, flickered above the group.

With wide eyes, the birthday girl studied the door before her, not wanting to forget any details of this special night, “I guess so…”. Before another thought was able to cross her mind, Mako clasped her hand around Risa’s wrist and dragged her over the threshold “Ahhh, stop stalling, come ooooon~!”. Giggling to each other, Ai and Konkon joined hands and followed the pair through the entrance, as Risa sent a pleading look to Ai over her shoulder.

The quiet bar soon filled with chants and the clinking of glasses as Morning Musume members, past and present, welcomed their newest drinking buddy with a sea of ‘Happy Birthday’s ringing throughout the small room. “Get yourself over here Niigaki, time to initiate your arse with some solid sake!” A slightly drunken Yuko waved a dark bottle in the direction of the now petrified Risa who had already quickly become overwhelmed by the new, and very rowdy, atmosphere before her.

“Um… We’ll make sure she gets the proper welcoming Yuko… You just stay there, enjoying that bottle… and the chicken breasts.” As always Ai swooped to Risa’s rescue, quickly leading her to a much quieter corner where the other two gokkies were ready and waiting.

Ai sat the still stiff from shock Risa down and slid into the booth beside her as a gentle feeling of calm rushed through the youngest member in the bar; being with these three always made her relax. Konkon grinned proudly and placed a bright green box, decorated with a shimmering silver bow, in front of Risa, “Happy birthday! I wanted to get you something that reminded you of our past together as well as our future”. Now completely at ease, the smiling birthday girl pulled at the ribbon and gently removed the lid from the box, her eyes began to water and her mouth dropped once she saw the contents inside. A photo album stripped in four special colours of green, pink, yellow and blue sat inside, with a photo tightly stuck to the front. As she lifted the album, Risa was able to see the cover more clearly and a lone tear began to leave a wet trail down the soft skin on her cheek. She recognised the photo as the first picture the four had taken together when they all gathered after the announcement of the 5th generation members, pledging to remain together forever.

“I’ve put some of our best memories in there already, but it’s only the beginning, there are still plenty of pages to be filled in that album. Let’s make sure we do, ok?” With those sweet words of explanation from Konkon, Risa jumped to her feet and reached across the table hugging the food loving gokkie tightly, while thanking her for the most thoughtful present she had ever received. Breaking free from the embrace, Risa’s tears began to fall at a faster pace, causing the girl sitting next to her to well up with tears also.

“That’s it… Drinks time you cry-babies!” Mako grinned at the sight before her as a now sobbing Ai tried to wipe away the tears of her best friend, who was becoming slightly concerned at the blubbering mess her leader had become in such a short space of time.

“Order whatever you want Gaki-san, your drinks are on me tonight. Totally tops Konkon’s present, ne?” Mako began to call over the service by waving both arms, causing Konno to slap her while attempting to calm the ever excited gokkie down. Risa was enjoying the entertainment of her favourite couple bickering when she felt the warmth beside her disappear as Ai tried to discreetly sneak off towards the bathroom. Excusing herself to the other pair at the table, who were too immersed in their own little world to notice, Risa headed after her dearest friend.

As she lent forward on the door to the women’s bathroom and pushed it open with her body weight, she noticed Ai leaning against the basin, wiping at her tears while staring blankly into the mirror. “Hey…are you alright?” Risa slowly walked over to the mirror and checked her own make-up, thank god for waterproof mascara. Slow in reacting, Ai gradually looked over towards her only company “Oh, yeah… I’m fine… Just got a little choked up thinking about everything.”

“Thinking about what?” happy that her make-up was still in place, Risa turned to face Ai, leaning her left side on the cool, white marble of the sink. “Do you think we will really be friends forever?” Ai dropped her head, unsure of where to look as the site of her sub-leader was hurting more than it should at that moment. “Don’t be silly, of course we will be! You won’t be able to get rid of me that easily Ai-chan… Besides, this is my birthday, we’re meant to be having fun!” relieved that it wasn’t something too serious concerning her Ai-chan, Risa grinned as she saw the other’s head rise, “You’re right, this is your day. Time to celebrate!”

“Hey! What did you get me anyway?”
Ai stiffened at Risa’s question, was this really the time, or place, to give her the only present Ai thought could really express how much Risa meant to her? Was she even ready to let the younger know? Suddenly seven years didn’t seem long enough...

With Risa’s curious eyes still searching hers, Ai couldn’t resist the cute expression spread across the face of the birthday girl before her, or the lips that had now curved up slightly into a cheeky smirk, “This…”

Lust filled Ai’s eyes as she stepped closer to Risa, it felt like time had slowed down and everything was moving in slow motion. Risa turned, pressing her lower back against the sink as Ai closed in further, uncertainty taking over her body as her heart quickened it’s pace. Standing only inches away from the younger, Ai stared sincerely into the large brown orbs before her and when Risa’s tongue unconsciously slipped out ever so slightly to moisten her lips, Ai took this as an invitation and closed the small gap between the two.

As Risa felt the warmth of perfectly soft lips press against her own, her knees buckled slightly, partially from shock yet also from pleasure. She felt Ai’s hands cautiously move to her hips, holding her tightly in case her body decided to stupidly give way yet again, but she could still feel the stiffness of her leader as her lips didn’t move. To reassure the one she had been yearning for that this was what she wanted, Risa placed her hands over those holding her close and ran her fingers over the soft skin of Ai’s arms before pulling her closer by snaking her hands around the initiators neck.

Ai felt a jolt of excitement throughout her body from knowing that she had been accepted, and her lips began to caress the plump masterpieces they were connected to. Everything felt so right, as if both their bodies were created for this very moment, to be linked together in this blissful position with Ai’s arms fitting perfectly around Risa’s waist and the latter’s fingers tracing circles on the back of Ai’s neck as their lips moved in a rhythmic motion together.

Time seemed to stop for the pair, yet at the same time it moved too quickly and before Risa had fully comprehended what was happening, Ai pulled away, panting lightly.

Ai took the opportunity to escape when a stunned Risa’s arms fell limp to her sides, leaving the birthday girl alone as the door shut behind the eldest of the gokkies. Bemused by what had just happened, Risa stared at the exit Ai had just taken, but was still unable to move her feet and chase after the one she loved. Slowly her mind began to clear and she was able to control her muscles again, everything felt so surreal yet perfect.

Bringing her fingers up to lightly trace the lips that were just blessed with pure bliss, she whispered to herself breathlessly, “Sorry Makocchin, that tops any... other... present!”
« Last Edit: November 22, 2008, 09:39:14 AM by lollipopgirl »

Offline strawb3rrykream

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Re: A Memorable Gift
« Reply #1 on: October 19, 2008, 08:13:13 PM »
DIBS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :lol:

Ahhhhh!! *tears up* That was beautiful. Perhaps you're cut out for things other than perv after all.... :P J/K, btw. *avoids Nee-chan's slapping hands* But really, if Gaki could see this, I'm sure she'd melt with love. (Well, that's a long shot but I believe it!!) Gah, I feel so warm and mushy inside now! But now, it's time for me to post my fic!!! *runs off smiling widely*
Oh, and you should definitely try and write more!!! :yep:
« Last Edit: October 19, 2008, 08:21:20 PM by strawb3rrykream »

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Re: A Memorable Gift
« Reply #2 on: October 19, 2008, 10:29:51 PM »


JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

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Re: A Memorable Gift
« Reply #3 on: October 20, 2008, 03:00:54 AM »
 :w00t: whoa that was good!!!
ahh takagaki love on risa's birthday!!!  :wub: :wub: :wub:

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Re: A Memorable Gift
« Reply #4 on: October 20, 2008, 07:52:55 AM »
^^ nice fic! lol mako-chan's present totally got beaten by ai-chan's! lol

+Happy Birthday Gaki-san~

Offline lil_hamz

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Re: A Memorable Gift
« Reply #5 on: October 21, 2008, 06:56:15 AM »
YOU MADE IT!! See, that wasn't so bad was it, venturing into the big wide world of normal fics XD I would've liked to see the OPV you were planning but anything written by you is great imo so getting to read this still made me happy :w00t:

Awwww the 5kkies together. I missed them :cry:  But it was really cute and made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside reading how they behaved around each other. When Ai-chan left so suddenly it made me worried for a moment.

Suddenly seven years didn’t seem long enough...

I really like this line :oops:

“Sorry Makocchin, that tops any... other... present!”

I wholeheartedly agree.

Now that you have officially entered this domain, I'll be expecting to see more of your works around. And no, that wasn't a threat :lol:

Offline lollipopgirl

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Re: A Memorable Gift
« Reply #6 on: October 21, 2008, 08:24:07 AM »
@ Kream of Strawb3rry: Come here you little brat *slaps you across the back of the head* I know said you didn't want me to write non-perv but I don't listen to you very often :P And thank you for the nice things you eventually said :lol: I'm glad you liked it lil' one!

@ JFC: Yeah that sounds about the reaction I was after, especially with the first part :)

@ shadowolf8: You know it's hard to avoid writing two 'w's in your name XD What better way to celebrate her b'day than with TakaGaki love ;)

@ WinterAir: Just don't tell Mako, who knows what she would do  :twisted:

@ Hammy-sama: Kyaaa~! :heart: *blushes at you commenting* Yes... yes it was that bad, I must retreat back into my shell now, too scary out here I tellz ya! Hopefully I get the OPV done one of these days, I don't wanna waste whatever I've already done.
I took me forever to be able to say 5kkies  :? I couldn't get my head around saying gokkies,  i was even trying to make it gorokkies first  :sweatdrop: ANYWAY, thank you for reading as always, brings a smile to my lips everytime :w00t:
Hmmm, don't expect anything more from me for another... hmmm 3 weeks and 6 days, at the very least and even then, don't expect anything :P I doubt I will be writing any time in the near to distant future. Btw, 2010 was the best TakaGaki oneshot ever written... duuuuude.... I'll comment soon after I read the other one's of your's that I've missed
« Last Edit: October 21, 2008, 08:32:37 AM by lollipopgirl »

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Re: A Memorable Gift
« Reply #7 on: October 21, 2008, 11:30:36 AM »
awwww...this story has me going all  :shy2: 

I really like how you included KonKon and Mako plus all that TakaGaki goodness =D

now hopefully you'll finish your opv.  I'm sure it'll turn out awesome  :on GJ:

Offline lollipopgirl

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Re: One shots collection - Because I love you (22/11)
« Reply #8 on: November 22, 2008, 09:51:48 AM »
@ Sukoshi: Well it can't be a 5th gen b'day without the whole gang ;) Glad you liked it though, you're one of those people I have my fingers crossed to enjoy it :lol: :oops:

Ok so whatever, I said I wouldn't write another one like this but who cares, a certain special, precious little sibling of mine needed some cheering up and even though I am running late right now it's worth it if it makes her smile :heart: I'm so sorry I haven't been there and can't do more for you atm my dear, but this is totally for you, sorry it's so crap too, lol!
Just excuse any (or all) mistakes in this, it's written in a super short time and I don't have time to check it properly but again, whatever XD
Be warned, fluff ahead!!!


Because I love you...

“Sooo, what should we get?” The young subleader held out her hand, directed towards her older companion seated in front of her. 

“Food.” Was the short and simple reply as a thick book on Japanese history was placed carefully on to the coffee table. Ai slipped her hand into Risa’s as she smiled lovingly, admiring the beauty of her girlfriend, still in awe of the perfection she woke up to each day.

“Ai-chan~, that doesn’t help at all! Why do I always have to decide, I’m not your mother!” A pout soon appeared on the luscious lips of the younger as she moaned her complaint to a now smirking Ai, who slowly made her way up from the comfy couch to stand but inches away from Risa.

“I’m glad, coz that would be a little wrong!” A soft breath of air tickled across Risa’s lips sending a shiver down her spine, reminding her of wrong this really would be if that were the case.

She had struggled with her feelings toward her leader for years, afraid of scaring the other off if she let slip the way she dreamt of her each night and watched her during the day; something she kept secret from everyone.

However, everything changed one night while in Hawaii for work. The two were sharing a room and suddenly it seemed as if a faucet of emotions was turned on in Ai’s mind, as she began to open up to Risa and couldn’t seem to stop. Although the latter thought she knew most of what went on with her long time friend, during that hot night away from home, she discovered so much more, including why sometimes Ai seemed so distant to her.

“… Because I love you!”

Brought back to the current moment, Risa felt warm lips press against her own and squealed as familiar arms wrapped around her waist holding her tightly against the woman she wished to never be parted from. Without requiring permission from her brain, Risa’s body reacted by what was now a reflex signal, wrapping her own arms around the others shoulders, knotting her fingers into her hair, which only added to the passion of an already heated kiss.

Risa’s knees buckled slightly as the adventurous lips left her own and traced a path of kisses along her jaw line, while she felt fingers sneak under her shirt and tickle against the soft skin of her waist, increasing the number of goosebumps across her body.

“Ai-chan…” The words were softly spoken, almost inaudible and were followed by a gulp, “…what about the food?”.

“Mmm, suddenly not so hungry for that” Ai-chan’s reply was less than subtle and the way she nibbled on the neck of the younger emphasised what she was now wishing to eat.

As they both tried to adjust to the rising heat in the room, Ai turned the pair around and gently laid Risa on to the lounge, while she knelt down beside her, taking the others hand in her own, “You’re are so beautiful…”.

Risa looked over at the girl next to her confused and upset by the lack of contact that her body was so desperately aching for. Her eyebrows rose and she turned her body slightly to face the other more directly as she recognised the look in Ai’s eyes. So much longing and need penetrated from the large, perfectly shaped orbs, something Risa had only seen from Ai one other time; one time that changed both their lives.

This was not just a look of love, it was more than that, Risa knew it meant Ai needed to talk and let things flow from her heart that she had been holding in for too long. Beyond that, she knew all that was meant for her to do was listen.

“I love you so much… I don’t tell you that enough… but… sometimes I’m scared that if I come on too strong… you’ll leave…” Ai’s voice cracked as she spoke, signifying that she was on the verge of tears; not really a rare occurrence for her however. Risa noticed a shine streak down the older’s cheek and reached out her thumb to wipe away the escaped tear as concern rushed through her body.

“Oh Ai-chan, don’t think li-” Risa was silenced by a slender finger that pressed lightly against her lips, it wasn’t her turn to speak just yet.

“I know, but shhh, if I don’t finish now I’ll never get this out” Ai sighed and raised her head with a new confidence to continue. “I want to be with you forever Risa… I want to support you and protect you and never leave your side… When your sad, I want to be the one to bring that smile back… Sometimes I feel like I can’t do these things, but even then, I know you still love me and that’s all I need!”

Seeing tears begin to well in her lover’s eyes and a smile creep across her face, Ai knew these were the words she needed to hear to reassure her that nothing else meant more to Ai than their relationship, “…and you know what else I want? I want to grow old with you and watch our kids grow up…”

Risa’s heart skipped a beat at Ai’s last confession. She had thought about children many times, being such a motherly character it was inevitable, but she never imagined Ai would feel the same way; to Risa, having children with Ai would make her life complete. “But Ai-chan, we can’t get pregnant together”, Risa giggled as she poked her girlfriend in the forehead, but that slight laughter covered the break in her heart from such a realisation.

Ai smirked and the hunger from earlier quickly reappeared in her eyes, so intense that it almost shocked her other half. She rose from her kneeling position and slowly approached the figure laying stiff on the lounge; like a wild animal stalking it’s prey. A toothy grin appeared across her face and she positioned herself on top of the younger, straddling her hips, “Yeah, but that doesn’t mean we can’t try!”.

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Re: One shots collection - Because I love you (22/11)
« Reply #9 on: November 22, 2008, 04:06:59 PM »
OMG! I missed the first of these fics... How the hell did I manage to do that?!?! I enjoyed reading both of them, and now I'm gonna be feeling all warm and fluffy in work :shy2:

Write more!!!

Offline strawb3rrykream

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Re: One shots collection - Because I love you (22/11)
« Reply #10 on: November 22, 2008, 05:26:25 PM »
For me??!?!?! :w00t: You are the best Nee-chan ever, seriously!!! :heart: :heart: :heart: I smiled like :grin: when I read it. So mission accomplished.It's ok, you do what you gotta do. Imouto will be ok.
Dammit. You've definitely convinced me that you can write non-perv. :lol: This was so fluffy and sweet. Like cotton candy. :grin:
« Last Edit: November 22, 2008, 06:31:59 PM by strawb3rrykream »

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Re: One shots collection - Because I love you (22/11)
« Reply #11 on: November 22, 2008, 05:37:19 PM »
ah kawaii~ <3
hehehe, so cute wen Ai was crying and all... then turned back into AI!!!!!  XD

Offline lil_hamz

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Re: One shots collection - Because I love you (22/11)
« Reply #12 on: November 22, 2008, 08:01:11 PM »
Ahhhhhhhhhhh nothing like some good old TakaGaki. Keep up the good work gal. I need my regular TakaGaki doses :D

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Re: One shots collection - Because I love you (22/11)
« Reply #13 on: November 22, 2008, 09:58:17 PM »
Awwww, TakaGaki~ <3 Good work! :)

Offline JFC

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Re: One shots collection - Because I love you (22/11)
« Reply #14 on: November 23, 2008, 06:20:25 AM »
“But Ai-chan, we can’t get pregnant together”, Risa giggled as she poked her girlfriend in the forehead, but that slight laughter covered the break in her heart from such a realisation.

Ai smirked and the hunger from earlier quickly reappeared in her eyes, so intense that it almost shocked her other half. She rose from her kneeling position and slowly approached the figure laying stiff on the lounge; like a wild animal stalking it’s prey. A toothy grin appeared across her face and she positioned herself on top of the younger, straddling her hips, “Yeah, but that doesn’t mean we can’t try!”.

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

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Re: One shots collection - Because I love you (22/11)
« Reply #15 on: November 23, 2008, 09:13:19 AM »
 XD i love the last line of that story after ai-chan mention wanting kids!!
another great one-shot!!!
Takigaki FTW!!!

Offline Sukoshi

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Re: One shots collection - Because I love you (22/11)
« Reply #16 on: November 23, 2008, 12:34:19 PM »
:shy1:  imagines little clones of Ai chan and Risa running around

*brain overwhelmed*  :stunned:

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Re: One shots collection - Because I love you (22/11)
« Reply #17 on: November 24, 2008, 10:04:54 AM »
[A Memorable Gift]
Ouu.. Gokkie fic! Been awhile since I've read all 4 of em tgt in a fic. Kawaii~

[Because I love you]
Awwwwwwwwwww! They want kids together... O-O .... they can go ahead and keep trying till someone smart comes up with a solution. In the mean time, HAVE FUN.

I like the way you write btw. Hope ta read moreee~

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