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Author Topic: Nocturne [13/02 - Epilogue (END)]  (Read 113797 times)

Offline Estrea

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Nocturne [13/02 - Epilogue (END)]
« on: November 02, 2008, 06:13:03 PM »
Alright I know I shouldn't even be starting new stories, but I couldn't resist the urge. So here it is, something else for me to finish whenever I have spare time. It's just for fun though, so it's gonna be a little crazy and weird and possibly over the top, but well, it will be fun! Haha.

Warning to everyone, craziness shall ensue. In good or bad ways...well, that's subjective, ain't it? XD

So, presenting my new story, Nocturne.


File #01

The sound of water running in the bathroom was making him more excited than he already was, pacing around the luxurious hotel room in nothing but a bathrobe.

The lights were already dimmed in anticipation of what was to come, and he could barely resist the urge to simply charge into the bathroom and take the girl there and then; the only thing stopping him was the fact that he wanted to fully enjoy her in more comfortable surroundings.

That and, he was a gentleman, after all. The lady had asked for time to prepare, and he would graciously grant her that time. After all, they had the whole night to themselves.

Stopping by the large mirror at the dresser, he gave himself a once over. A bit pale, though fairly buff as the result of regular gym workouts. Plain looks, rather unremarkable, but not ugly by any means.

He did not look particularly impressive, that much he acknowledged, but he held himself with a certain cockiness that a mixture of breeding and wealth had cultivated. He had social standing, and a trust fund that could feed a 3rd world nation for a year.

Looks were secondary to all the material possessions he had. And naturally, he could afford the best of women, such as the delectable sample currently taking her time in the bathroom.

The sound of water trickled to a stop, halting his steps as he looked expectantly towards the door.

He was not disappointed. His breath seemed to stop as his goddess stepped out in a loosely tied bathrobe, her wet hair glistening in a way that seemed to entice his very soul to touch it. Her skin had a faint flush to it, and the tiny face that seemed so innocently childlike was contrasted with the naughty grin gracing her lips, topped off with a dangerously predatory look in those deceptively doe-like eyes.

"Sorry to keep you waiting." How could anyone sound so innocent yet so seductive at the same time? He had certainly struck gold this time.

Smirking in what he believed to be a charming way, he moved closer to his angel, leaning in to kiss her...but was stopped by a soft finger to his lips.

"Patience." Her breath was soft, like a spring breeze. As she glided past him, the sleeve of her bathrobe seemed to accidentally (not) slip down one shoulder, revealing tender white flesh that seemed ripe for ravishing. He swallowed, trying to discreetly pick his jaw up from the floor.

He was not entirely certain how long it was in between trailing hopelessly behind her and him finally snapping and pushing her back onto the bed, hungrily devouring her lips and tearing at the flimsy bathrobe. He wanted to feel her, taste her, take her...

In between throes of ecstasy and exquisite agony , he found a new heaven in the angel's arms...


She flicked her damp hair away from her face, rolling her naked form easily out of the fluffy bed. Fluffy beds weren't her thing, it gave her a backache. Among other things, of course.

"Fu~" She puffed out a quick breath, walking unashamedly naked around the hotel room to pick up her clothes. Slipping into her outfit took mere moments; she had long since mastered the art of dressing quickly.

Pulling on her leather gloves, she shook her head, letting her hair scatter out messily as she walked around the room, arranging a few things in choice ways and scattering a few other things around. Once down, she pulled off her gloves and tucked them in her handbag, moving into the bathroom to briefly recheck her appearance, as well as redoing her makeup...or should I say, disguise?

Another deep breath, a calculated glance brushing coolly through the orchestrated chaos. The setup was perfect, her mind running through the scenario even as her body copied the motions.

Here, I realized. Frightened, I push him away. She walked herself through the whole thing, even tearing her clothes a little at choice areas to heighten the impression of panic.

And now, I flee. Directionlessly. Yanking the door open, running haphazardly with a horrified look on her face. Deliberately looking full into a camera during her messy escape, creating the image she sought.

Orchestrated chaos. The haphazard run down the streets, into a dark alley. And then, the perfect end. Trip, fall, and impaled. End of story.

Down to the last detail.


"And on other news, Haruna Ichiro, the son of respected politician Haruna Junichi was found dead in Hotel Grand Central from suspected overdose of an unidentified drug, believed to be an underground aphrodisiac. Police are investigating the matter..."

Click. The screen shut off into blank grey.

On cue, the phone rang. Delicate fingers picked up the receiver. "Yes?"

"Good job. Your account will be credited with the remaining balance as we speak."

"Excellent. Now if you'll leave me be, I'm due for a manicure in about a half hour."

A pause. Then a chuckle.

"Same as always eh? My beautiful, deadly butterfly."

"I'm hardly yours, old man." Amusement. "Go screw those pretty boys you always have around you and leave me alone."

"Touche. Is that how you speak to your sensei?"

"Later, Ta-kun."



The dapper man in his early 30s stared at his phone for all of two seconds, then turned away with a shrug. His thin lips were pressed into a tight smirk as he contemplated the metropolitan skyline of downtown Tokyo.

Somewhere out there, his protege, his pride, was out there. The daughter he never had, the daughter he never would have. Beautiful, and deadly, as he had named her earlier.

"Don't be too reckless now, my dear..." He murmured, tracing a slender finger on the glass. Bulletproof and shatterproof. A hazard of the business, but necessary.

A beep. He turned, sparing a glance at his computer. Orders from the top again, it would seem. He sat down in his plush leather chair, scanning the information with practiced ease.

"Seems like we have a job again, my Lovely..."


If there's anyone to blame for me writing this, blame poe-chan. XD She inspired me to do this. Haha.

So. Read and comment. Please? XD
« Last Edit: February 12, 2013, 11:17:24 PM by Estrea »


Currently writing:
- Lilium-related things. God save my soul.

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- Everything Else. Too many to list.

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Re: Nocturne [File #01]
« Reply #1 on: November 02, 2008, 06:20:50 PM »
I KNEW Emofag wouldn't dare allow herself to be taken by a man xD!!!!!

Anywho. o___o

Yay, Aichan's an assassin? Woo! Deadly and Angsty, who woulda thought xDDDD. Interesting way to plan an assassination, nearly had me scared there, but I knew a death would come sooner or later xDDD. I was actually expecting a gun in a towel but then again, Emofag's all about finesse and covert operation, not letting the whole world know "Hay, I is an assassin and I has a skillz" xDDDD

Can't wait to read the rest <3

Offline Saikami

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Re: Nocturne [File #01]
« Reply #2 on: November 02, 2008, 06:34:22 PM »
OMFG! The return of Ta-kun! (at least, the return of him for those that knew him o_O)

Nonetheless, how is it that you always pull me out from under my rock and get me to want to post a reply to your fics?! XD; damn you. Anyway. Evil!Ai makes me happy, but I was mildly horrified about the situation of her doing that to some dude :O At least he died, that made me smile (um...I didn't mean for that to sound creepy fyi)

I like this so far. <3 Write moar plzkthx.
[All hail AiButt! Sig by Dinny!]

Offline ringo-hime

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Re: Nocturne [File #01]
« Reply #3 on: November 02, 2008, 07:27:35 PM »
wow. i cnt seriously wait wats gonna happen next.
hehe. Ai-sama as an assassin is cool!!!
ahehe. wonder who this next victim is...
next~next next~

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Re: Nocturne [File #01]
« Reply #4 on: November 02, 2008, 10:41:52 PM »
His breath seemed to stop as his goddess stepped out in a loosely tied bathrobe, her wet hair glistening in a way that seemed to entice his very soul to touch it. Her skin had a faint flush to it, and the tiny face that seemed so innocently childlike was contrasted with the naughty grin gracing her lips, topped off with a dangerously predatory look in those deceptively doe-like eyes.
:mon bleed2: Sounds so damn hot!!!

Hah, Ai-chan don't swing that way!!! Of course she just kills him!!! :mon evillaff: This is all kinds of awesome!!! Can't wait to read more!! :mon mischief:

Offline lollipopgirl

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Re: Nocturne [File #01]
« Reply #5 on: November 03, 2008, 12:48:37 AM »
I couldn't stop laughing at the first line coz I knew what was gonna happen XD
From then on, each time you said how excited her was I started giggling again :P

Damn you didn't go with my castration idea... Oh well, this is better *Essy-chan nods head vigorously*
Sadly I feel sorry for the poor guy... You think your gonna get a piece of Ai-chan and instead, she kills you... That's pretty damn badass!
Oh and I too was slightly creeped out with it being a guy... It's like we're heterophobes in this forum XD

Glad you had fun with your Mafia!Ai :D
Now chuck us a File #02... or something else juicy to read :w00t:

Offline poets

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Re: Nocturne [File #01]
« Reply #6 on: November 03, 2008, 12:58:02 AM »
Wholly spanking freaking DAMN... this was GOOD i'm so impressed XD. You did a real good job Es  :inlove: ... I LIKE IT ALOT ALOT ALOT ALOT...  liked it so much i read it out loud to my sister and she liked it as well. You got her right on target to what I had in mind but even better  :wub:.... ofcourse it's better... it has the Es touch (es touch... S Touch... ESSU TOCHU... i like the sound of that for some reason)

I dunno why but i'm so proud ROFL

Give me more badass suave ai PURISS  :heart:

Again... this was GREAT <3<3<3 GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!

P.S. goo jobu!
Rika <3 So funneh

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Re: Nocturne [File #01]
« Reply #7 on: November 03, 2008, 07:55:01 AM »
Ooo...Assassin Ai chan, me like~

it'd be cool if Ai chan was some kind of double 0
or it'd be really cool if she just likes doing evil things for fun XD

in any case, I'm really excited =D  Can't wait for more~!

Offline Fenrir

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Re: Nocturne [File #01]
« Reply #8 on: November 03, 2008, 08:22:00 AM »
Sexy, assassin Ai-chan.  :heart: Nice  :on GJ:

Go kill moar!  :twisted:

Offline Estrea

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Re: Nocturne [File #01]
« Reply #9 on: November 03, 2008, 04:37:57 PM »
Glad everyone seems to like this! XD Guess I can't go wrong with sexy assassin Ai-chan. XD

Comment replies then~

Yuuyami: Are you sure she didn't really do it? XD Stop calling her Emofag, she won't be angsty here, damnit. XD

Saikami: Panda-chan! XD Yeah the return of Ta-kun rocks! We love the guy lol. And hope you like this. Oh hell, you'll like this, I just know it. :P

ringo-hime: It's not all killing with Ai-sama. XD She's gotta have a social life too. And you'll get to see what she does in her free time. Hehehehe.

Ichigo-chan: Yesh, it is very much hawtness in action. Come on, it's Ai-chan, what did you expect? XD

lollipopgirl: Aww I'll make your heterophobic feelings go right away with this chapter. Really. XD Glad you were amused. :P

poets: Poe-chan~ <3 XD Your spazzy self is so adorable, I lav yew. XD And yes, you will love this chapter too, I swear. XD

Sukoshi: So you wanna see good girls gone wild? Well, what best than to take the best goody two shoes and turn her all ebil? Ah, it's always the quiet ones. Ehehehehe.

Fenrir: You really love Ai-chan. XD In all her sexy incarnations. Can't blame you, I do too. Muahahahaha.

Alrighty, File #02 coming up soon~


Currently writing:
- Lilium-related things. God save my soul.

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- Everything Else. Too many to list.

I'm also on AO3!

Offline Estrea

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Re: Nocturne [File #01]
« Reply #10 on: November 03, 2008, 04:40:41 PM »
File #02

After a full manicure and pedicure treatment, what naturally followed after was some well deserved retail therapy. It was almost habitual by now, a post-mission ritual.

That and she needed a new outfit for that inane gathering she didn't even want to show up for. Had her sponsor not insisted that she had to make an appearance, she would rather be doing some reconnaissance for her next mission. And watching DVDs. Why the hell not?!

Two hours and many shopping bags later, she managed to find something that might just suit her fancy. With a relaxed air, she strolled to a nearby cafe and took a seat, looking just like any other young woman with too much time and money on her hands.

Perusing the menu with lazy-looking eyes, she did not fail to keep a close watch on her surroundings. One could never be too careful.

Placing her order, she leaned back in her chair, contemplating her purchases. She had her outfit, but something else was still missing...

Ah yes, her most favored accessory for such occasions. A tiny smirk played on her lips as she hit the speed dial for a familiar number.

"Ah, Sayu, are you free tonight? I'll need a partner for another of those damned parties..."


Michishige Sayumi, age 18. First year college student, the perfect cheerleader type. Pretty, popular, and outgoing. Someone that anyone could love and fall in love with.

Always dressed in the trendiest fashions, she was a beacon on the campus grounds. That is, when she was actually there. Not that she didn't study, just that she didn't stay any longer than she absolutely had to.

With good reason. She could hardly afford her lifestyle as it, and had to take on other jobs to support her college fees in conjunction with all her shopping bills.

The ichiban kawaii of Todai was a completely different creature by night. Still pretty, still outgoing, but charging for her company by the hour. That was how she managed to get along with her life so far.

Not that her family knew. They weren't even in Tokyo with her in the first place.

Carefully checking her makeup for one last time in her precious mirror, Sayumi quickly slipped into her strappy heels and grabbed her purse off the dresser before exiting her modest single-room apartment.

Once out on the streets, she had to resist a shiver as the cool night breeze cut into her. Her dress was beautiful, clinging to her figure in all the ways that accentuated it best. She had not picked out this dress entirely on her own. Actually, her patron had stated what exactly she was to wear.

Not that it surprised her. If anything, that one and only Takahashi Ai knew her wardrobe better than she did. They did go shopping together a few times before, all expenses paid for by her charming "prince".

It was not a particularly safe neighborhood she lived in, but she never did have to wait long when it came to Ai. Within minutes of her actually stepping out of the apartment, a sleek Jaguar pulled to a smooth halt right before her.

Sayumi unconsciously held her breath as her prince emerged from the sleek machine, her heart doing a hard double-thump at how gorgeously cool the woman looked. Yes, woman. And no, it didn't bother her at all. Why should it?

Dark shades came off, revealing that mysteriously piercing gaze that never failed to nail Sayumi in place. A playful grin topped off the whole look, part sexy and all playboy.

Oh god, she's in a suit. Sayumi didn't think she could blush after being in the business this long, but apparently she still hadn't lost that ability. Especially when Ai came right up to her and took her hand, kissing it like the perfect gentleman. The perfect gentleman with a predatory gleam in dark eyes. Sayumi shivered again, and this time it was not because of the cold.

"Shall we go then, my princess?" A lowered voice, deliberately husky, whispered almost right into her ear. Sayumi found herself obeying the unspoken command to enter the car, the door opened courtesy of her gallant patron next to her.

Moments passed before she regained her better senses, and they were already on their way, zooming through the streets with a reckless abandon. A reckless abandon made more deliciously dangerous by the fact that her driver had one eye fixated on her the whole time.

"You look gorgeous tonight, Sayu." The otherwise innocent compliment was shaded with darker overtones that the experienced escort could not fail to notice.

"I know." One could never fault Sayumi for a lack of confidence. She met Ai's gaze head on with a proud tilt to her head. "You wouldn't take me out if I weren't."

"That's true." A pause. "Damn, I'm tempted to skip the party entirely and just take you home now."

She knew Ai wasn't joking. In fact, the woman had done that before. There was no mistaking that tone of voice. Or that particular look in her eye.

"You're the boss." Sayumi said coolly, although she couldn't quite completely suppress the twinge of excited anticipation rising in her at the suggestion. She always enjoyed her time with Ai, one way or another. Always.

"Too bad this party's mandatory. Straight from the old man." An exasperated sigh, and Sayu almost giggled at the frustrated pout on her prince's lips.

"Then you'll just have to wait then." Practical as always. Ai arched an eyebrow at her partner, a naughty smirk on her lips.

"Who said anything about waiting?" Sayu blinked in surprise as Ai suddenly swerved down a few back alleys and stopped at a deserted lot. Her 'eep' of shock was swiftly cut off by another pair of warm lips pressed against her own.

As they came apart for a breath, Sayu stared at the mischievous eyes reflected in her own.

"What about the party?" Ai licked her lips aggressively, already running possessive hands over her chosen prey.

"Those old geezers can wait." Another breath-stealing kiss.

"We'll..." The strap of her dress came loose.

"...just..." Questing fingers nimbly raking across heated flesh.

"" A trail of wet kisses from neck to collarbone.

"Fashionably late." Sayu squealed softly as Ai bit down, marking her as her own. Dark eyes reflected each other in a heated glance, before closing any remaining distance between them.

Not for the first time, Sayumi was glad that the Jaguar had tinted windows. And soundproofing.

And yes, they were late for the party again. As usual.
« Last Edit: November 03, 2008, 05:29:39 PM by Estrea »


Currently writing:
- Lilium-related things. God save my soul.

On Hold:
- Everything Else. Too many to list.

I'm also on AO3!

Offline Fenrir

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Re: Nocturne [File #02]
« Reply #11 on: November 03, 2008, 06:46:31 PM »
Fenrir: You really love Ai-chan. XD In all her sexy incarnations. Can't blame you, I do too. Muahahahaha.

It slowly grew, starting from probably Sexy 8 Beat. The Cinderella musical sealed it. XD It helps to see her live. Her and her sexy dance moves.  :heart:
Of course, she still has a way to go to beat Miki. :lol:

Hmm... that playboy line made me think of Ai singing Mr. Moonlight at the recent concert. Playboy indeed! XD

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Re: Nocturne [File #02]
« Reply #12 on: November 03, 2008, 06:54:37 PM »

Since when did you start writing Ai in a non-emo manner?!

nyahahahah! god you made Ai so hot... I'm beginning to see her in a different way now.. and if I get weird dreams about her later it'll be all your fault!

-wanders off to bed-

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Re: Nocturne [File #02]
« Reply #13 on: November 04, 2008, 01:13:35 AM »
Man..I totally forgot today's a cold winter day because that was just hot!  hot and a lot of fun~  :on roll:

Ooo...Sayu's the first bond girl~  perfect choice =D  !oh!  Eeep...I hope this doesn't mean she'll get killed off?!
Can't wait to see who else will show up in the mix =D

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Re: Nocturne [File #02]
« Reply #14 on: November 04, 2008, 04:00:07 AM »
*stares like a dumbfounded idiot* *lack of words due to pure amazement* Badass Ai-chan, and now we see Sayu's involved too. Despite my horrible reviews, I'll still post here. ^^; I wonder who else will be coming 'round the corner... Can't wait to find out. ^^

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Re: Nocturne [File #02]
« Reply #15 on: November 04, 2008, 09:23:01 AM »
^ I know who's around the corner *hee hee* Unless the author decides to change the plan. One tidbit I can say, IT"S GONNA BE HELLA GOOD!!!!!!

Let's see, I told Essy that I imagine Ai to be in a full leather outfit as I was reading the first chapter. No idea why but that image just popped into my head.

Deliberately looking full into a camera during her messy escape, creating the image she sought.

I don't know why I laughed at this bit. I guess imagining Ai doing that was kinda funny :P

The 2nd chapter was all sorts of win la.. Oops, did I just use la?? XD Anyway, I loved every sentence from when Ai and Sayu met. I always did like these 2 together. Apparently...there will be....nah, I better not let too much out of the bag.

PS: Please Essy, write more so I can read this to the end before I die and reincarnate twice :lol:

Offline Saikami

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Re: Nocturne [File #02]
« Reply #16 on: November 04, 2008, 12:43:02 PM »
Wow. That certianly woke me up LOL. I was just like "blah...-crawls out of bed, turns on computer- ooh, update <3 -reads- ......O_O :drool: :w00t: :O :twisted:" XD;;

Sayu, eh? Well, I'll admit, I wasn't completely expecting her, of all people. But it fits really well XD! And, Es, I love you for putting Ai in a suit! :onioncheer: :on bleed:

Jaguar, eh? Niiiice <3 Though, Ai would look better in a '69 Camaro, methinks. XD -biased about cars- Hmm, then again, the Jaguar is more slick...-ponders- Bah, now I'm babbling. XD;

Good chapter, quick update. <3 Now quick, update again. XD
[All hail AiButt! Sig by Dinny!]

Offline ringo-hime

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Re: Nocturne [File #02]
« Reply #17 on: November 04, 2008, 02:24:56 PM »
OMG. Prince Takahashi~ kyaaaa~ *faints*
so naughty. XD

AixSayu XD hahaha. cool, but Prince Takahashi in a suit and a cool car is better.
well...i'll go for Porsche 911 turbo XD..nyeeehehe.

watching dvd's XD hahaha.

cant get over with the hotness yet,...  :lol:

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Re: Nocturne [File #01]
« Reply #18 on: November 05, 2008, 08:55:10 AM »
Michishige Sayumi, age 18. First year college student, the perfect cheerleader type. Pretty, popular, and outgoing. Someone that anyone could love and fall in love with.


Sayumi unconsciously held her breath as her prince emerged from the sleek machine, her heart doing a hard double-thump at how gorgeously cool the woman looked. Yes, woman. And no, it didn't bother her at all. Why should it?

Dark shades came off, revealing that mysteriously piercing gaze that never failed to nail Sayumi in place. A playful grin topped off the whole look, part sexy and all playboy.

 :inlove: omgah omgah, prince AI  :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

Oh god, she's in a suit. Sayumi didn't think she could blush after being in the business this long, but apparently she still hadn't lost that ability. Especially when Ai came right up to her and took her hand, kissing it like the perfect gentleman. The perfect gentleman with a predatory gleam in dark eyes. Sayumi shivered again, and this time it was not because of the cold.


"I know." One could never fault Sayumi for a lack of confidence. She met Ai's gaze head on with a proud tilt to her head. "You wouldn't take me out if I weren't."

"That's true." A pause. "Damn, I'm tempted to skip the party entirely and just take you home now."
I love how sayu is almost at par with Ai here... so damn sexy!

"Who said anything about waiting?" Sayu blinked in surprise as Ai suddenly swerved down a few back alleys and stopped at a deserted lot. Her 'eep' of shock was swiftly cut off by another pair of warm lips pressed against her own.

As they came apart for a breath, Sayu stared at the mischievous eyes reflected in her own.

"What about the party?" Ai licked her lips aggressively, already running possessive hands over her chosen prey.

"Those old geezers can wait." Another breath-stealing kiss.

"We'll..." The strap of her dress came loose.

"...just..." Questing fingers nimbly raking across heated flesh.

"" A trail of wet kisses from neck to collarbone.

"Fashionably late." Sayu squealed softly as Ai bit down, marking her as her own. Dark eyes reflected each other in a heated glance, before closing any remaining distance between them.

O___________O *blew up from hawtness overload*

Sayu and Ai are so naughty here XD

Dude... I know i've said it alot lately.. but I LOOOOOOOOOVVVVVEEEEEEEeee this story  :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: it has so much win... from the characters to the way it's written to how they're portrayed... it's just pure WIN

can't get enough of it... i really like how it's light and how it's written... gah i just love it *huggles*  :heart: :heart:

Rika <3 So funneh

Offline Estrea

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Re: Nocturne [File #02]
« Reply #19 on: November 05, 2008, 12:06:22 PM »
Woohoo, I'm back!

Nyahahaha. Comment replies first. ^_^

Fenrir: Yes, I agree, Miki-sama is in her own category, but Ai-chan is something else too. XD But they can't really be compared, can they? XD

stefy: Oi! Tell me about the dream you had!

Sukoshi: Hehe, Sayu a bond girl...yup, its hot. Naw, she's not going down so easily. XD

SxY: Don't worry, you don't have to be super eloquent to comment. ^_^ I like it whenever anyone replies at all. ^_^

lil_hamz: Oi hammy...please stop making fun of my lack of updating. XD But at least you know better than to let spoilers go. Lol. Sorry, the scene you wanted got pushed back, but hey, it's still good, I swear!

Saikami: lalala, I'm glad I could help wake you up. Hehe. Ai in a Jaguar is just me making fun of her being born in the year of the know, big cats! That and the Jaguar XJ220 is plain sexy. XD hehehe...

ringo-hime: Yup, prince Takahashi yaaaaay. XD

poets: poe-chan~ I love you too. :D You know how I feel about you. ;)

And oooon with the chapter. XD


Currently writing:
- Lilium-related things. God save my soul.

On Hold:
- Everything Else. Too many to list.

I'm also on AO3!

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