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Author Topic: Nocturne [13/02 - Epilogue (END)]  (Read 113826 times)

Offline lollipopgirl

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Re: Nocturne [File #02]
« Reply #20 on: November 05, 2008, 12:08:20 PM »
Wedge baby :shakeit: I'm getting good at this :P

Offline Estrea

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Re: Nocturne [File #02]
« Reply #21 on: November 05, 2008, 12:09:43 PM »
File #03

It might have been the soreness in her muscles that woke her up, but more than likely it was the bright rays of the morning sun that first shocked her to wakefulness.

For morning meant that she had classes, and given that she had not woken up in her own apartment, it meant that more time would be wasted getting back and getting a change of clothes and all that other nonsense.

"Nngh..." She really didn't feel like moving. Burying her face in the pillows, feeling the returning of sensation through her body. Tangled limbs and even more tangled bedsheets, and the soft, even breathing of the warm form entwined with her own.

Sayumi opened one eye, taking in the welcome sight of her lover, or would that be patron? Sayu was an escort, not really a whore, and while she didn't make a habit of sleeping with whoever she went out with, she had certainly blurred the lines between a professional relationship and an intimate one with this person.

That's not good... She chided herself, willing her eyes to move away from the deceptively innocent face not inches from her own. She was almost getting used to waking up like this. That wasn't good at all. She shouldn't be getting attached to her.

Especially not someone like you. There were too many things that she didn't know about Takahashi; too many dark, dirty secrets hidden behind ebony eyes. There was a certain element of mystery to this woman, an intoxicating combination of danger and wildness that left her reeling with each encounter.

Fear and desire formed a potent black hole that drew her irresistably to this woman. There was no avoiding the truth: she was afraid of Ai. In the dark of the nights where they met and came together, she had seen the viciousness well up unchecked, lighting dark fires in the depths of unreadable eyes. It was frightening, seductively so, and the instinct to run always fought with the instinct to submit at each critical moment. Little guess to which won out most of the time.

Closing her eyes, Sayumi stretched lazily, wincing when her muscles gave a protesting screech. Ai had sure worked her over well last night, it had been even more spectacular than usual. Sayu was sure she hadn't just seen stars last night; the whole damn Milky Way had made a guest appearance. Ai must have had a great deal of stress to work through, Sayu concluded wryly.

Fighting the urge to just stay in bed for the rest of the day, Sayumi grudgingly acknowledged the voice of responsibility that was currently giving her a headache at the back of her mind. Reluctantly, she detached herself from the possessive grip of one Takahashi Ai, turning to crawl out of bed...

Only to be restrained by an iron grip on her wrist. A startled backwards glance revealed piercing eyes staring straight at her. An involuntary chill ran down her spine, and it served to wake her up even more.

"I have class..." The excuse came weakly from her lips, but the facts seemed to cringe away under the dominating aura coming from a pretty much naked, still groggy Takahashi, who was...pouting?

"Skip it." Was the blunt reply, and Sayu quite suddenly found herself being hauled back into bed with surprising strength. Before she even knew left from right, she was once again pinned under a still sleepy-eyed, but now naughtily smirking Takahashi who looked like she had no intention of letting the college student go any time soon.

Sayumi looked up helplessly at the predator on top of her. No escape, it seemed. With a sigh, she surrendered once more, body and soul, to the relentless force atop her.

Needless to say, she did not make it to class. Not the morning one anyway.

Oh well, she could live without 2 hours of listening to a shriveled up old professor reading off his notes. Not to mention that passing the time in bed with Ai was more enjoyable.

Far, far more enjoyable.


She did make it to her afternoon lecture though. Somehow, the demon otherwise known as Ai had allowed her to leave, a lot more sore and with even more marks than she had started out with this morning. Small price to pay for having a mind-blowing time though.

Haggard, pale and exhausted, Sayumi stumbled into class looking like she had just pulled an all-nighter...which she had. Of course, she couldn't quite reveal just what kind of all-nighter she had pulled. Some people would never understand, let alone accept it.

"Ah, Sayumin, are you ok? You look so tired!" A familiar voice called out, shining almost annoyingly bright through the fog of her exhaustion. She put on her best face and returned the greeting, taking a seat next to her classmate.

"Yeah I'm fine. Sorry for worrying you." She apologized to her classmate, remembering belatedly that they shared the morning class that she had missed earlier.

"No problem. Here are the notes for the class you missed, I thought you might want them." A tone of voice so filled with motherly concern, it almost made Sayu cry. But of course, she didn't. She was made of sterner stuff than that.

"Thanks Gaki-san, you're awesome!" A genuine smile, from the heart.

19 year old Niigaki Risa smiled back. Sayu grinned and tucked the notes into her folder, whispering under her breath as the lecturer stepped into the auditorium.

"Wanna have ice cream later? As a thank you for the notes."

A whisper back. "Sorry, maybe another time? I'm meeting an old friend later."

"Sure. Another time then."

And then it was back to another 2 hours of mind numbing droning. Thank goodness for note passing. And tic tac toe.


"So you're meeting your friend here huh, Gaki-san?" Sayu had tagged along with Risa for a bit since the metro station was in the same direction where she was heading.

"Yup. You should go home and get some rest, Sayumin, you look like a ghost." Risa, as usual, was being her dependable self. Sayumi nodded ruefully, suppressing another yawn.

"I'll see you next week then!" Turning towards the station, Sayumi was about to leave when another voice cut in.

"Risa, I'm here." Sayu blinked, halting in midstep. That voice...

Sayumi turned around slowly to see a smiling Takahashi Ai jog up to a just as radiant Niigaki Risa, who seemed to beam even brighter at the sight of the older girl. The world had a terrible sense of humor, of that Sayumi was firmly convinced. Sometimes, it really seemed as if the world was out to get her. Surely, it couldn't be the same person? Maybe they just looked kind of alike? Because for good reason, Sayumi did not want her night life to cross over into the day.

Then Ai looked up, and their eyes met. A familiar shadow ghosted across dark eyes, and the beginnings of an all too familiar smirk tugged at the edges of those full lips.

Oh boy... Sayumi smiled weakly back as a completely oblivious Risa latched on to a completely calm Ai. The look in Ai's eyes...Sayu was sure she was not getting away so easy this time round. Perhaps she could slip away before anything else happened...

"Why don't you introduce me to your friend?"

Damn that woman. Ai had blocked her escape route. Sayu was sure she did it on purpose. One look at the mischief glittering in those dark eyes confirmed her suspicion.

"Ai-chan, this is Sayumin, we have a few classes together..." Risa went through the obligatory introductory babble, even as Sayu and Ai were conducting a whole another conversation with their eyes. Amazing what could be said by smirks and glares alone.

"Pleased to meet you." May all of your teeth fall out, you insufferable liar. Sayu narrowed her eyes at a still smiling Takahashi, who was doing an excellent job at pretending that they had never met.

"Why don't you join us for some ice cream? It's nearby." Ai added smoothly. Sayu didn't know if she wanted to strangle the woman for taking this so calmly while her own nerves were so rattled.

"Good idea Ai-chan! I guess you get to treat me to ice cream after all, Sayumin." Risa was completely oblivious to the undercurrent of tension running between Ai and Sayumi.

"Why would she have to treat you to ice cream?" Sayu wondered how Ai managed to sound so normal, so ordinary like this. A complete contrast to the demon in bed she had experienced scant hours ago.

"Oh, she missed class this morning, and I took notes for her. She said she wanted to treat me to ice cream, so there we are."

Sayu pinned Ai with a stare. Oh no you don't. A lazy smile was playing across those devilish lips. Sayu felt a sense of impending doom looming over her.

"Oh dear. Skipping class is bad. You shouldn't have done it."

Inwardly, Sayu pictured herself strangling the smug-looking Ai and screaming at how it was all her fault to begin with, but outwardly she showed no sign of even being ruffled by the comment.

"I'll try harder next time. I had such a horrible time trying to sleep last night, and then I had a bad run in with a rabid dog this morning, so I really couldn't have made it anyway."

Direct hit. Ai narrowed her eyes. Sayumi smiled benignly.

Bring it on, baby. Bring it on.


Lol Katie, good job at wedging. =P

Ehehehehe...enter a new character!

Comment lots, people. XD
« Last Edit: November 05, 2008, 12:13:32 PM by Estrea »


Currently writing:
- Lilium-related things. God save my soul.

On Hold:
- Everything Else. Too many to list.

I'm also on AO3!

Offline Sukoshi

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Re: Nocturne [File #03]
« Reply #22 on: November 05, 2008, 12:33:21 PM »
lol the grin on my face must be a mile wide! ^______________^!

that was hilarious!  man they seem like such the perfect match now XD  both of them are so devilish!  it's a lot of fun!  It's kind of bad but I'm actually rooting for AiShige to prevail instead of TakaGaki.   Gaki's so adorable when she's oblivious...poor thing will probably have melt down if she ever figured out what both her friends are up to.  I think it's gonna be awesome XD 

oh btw...I think it's funny how i have a hard time imagining Ai chan in the day time now.  I think I'm too used to the idea that she's a vampire or a creature of the night XD  oh how well my mind has been taken over =D

Offline Saikami

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Re: Nocturne [File #03]
« Reply #23 on: November 05, 2008, 12:34:05 PM »
Hehehehee~ Oh how I love Ai. XD She's so effing cruel...but amazingly hot and cool at the same time. XD!

So Gaki and Aichan are friends? But is Ai hiding what she...does for work from Gaki? o_O She seems sweet and innocent, but I can picture the Chibi!Ai in her head snickering like a little devil. XD

But go Sayu for the rabid dog comment. XD Buuurn. Hehe.
[All hail AiButt! Sig by Dinny!]

Offline lollipopgirl

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Re: Nocturne [File #03]
« Reply #24 on: November 05, 2008, 12:42:10 PM »
Oh that was all so epic gold! Poor oblivious Gaki-san, how could you miss all the sexual tension around you, especially when it's so... hot! :P
Smart arse Ai-chan is incredibly :drool:worthy, makes me not want to feel sorry for Sayu, but more jealous of her.
I'ma thinking Ai-chan shall be getting some interesting punishments later :twisted:

So where does Risa stand in all of this? Hows does she know Ai & does she know about her job... oh is she an assassin too :O? I like this Ai/Sayu hotness, is Gaki gonna get in the way? Rhetorical questioning is fun, but it kinda makes it obvious that I have no theories :sweatdrop:
I'm loving this though :heart: and it's seems you're addicted to it Essy-chan, fast updating like WOAH! It's making some very happy readers :w00t:

Now let the games begin... :otomerika:

Offline ringo-hime

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Re: Nocturne [File #03]
« Reply #25 on: November 05, 2008, 07:55:45 PM »
Oh God. LOL. this is funny~:]]
Ai is so eviil!! >:]]
wnder wats gonna happen next..ahihihi. :]]
We want Aiscream. We all scream for Aiscream~  :cow: :cow:

more burning?! :]

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Re: Nocturne [File #03]
« Reply #26 on: November 05, 2008, 09:42:44 PM »
I couldve sworn I posted a reply but I guess I was to distracted by a certain lil es-chan who kept me up all night lol. I really think thus far this is my fav chapter ireally enjoy ai's and sayu's interaction.   Sayu was a little late on the firing back but its understandable... she was nrvs....demo... she totally made it up with that awesome burn she gave in the end <3. this also makes me  look forward to future conversations.  gaki being clueless lol xD
« Last Edit: November 05, 2008, 09:46:48 PM by poets »
Rika <3 So funneh

Offline Estrea

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Re: Nocturne [File #03]
« Reply #27 on: November 05, 2008, 10:59:53 PM »
CHAPTER 4!!! O_O!!!!

I felt so bad writing this. Really. I did. XD

Ok, no, really. REALLY.

Never mind. Comment replies first.

Sukoshi: Yay AiShige. You'll see how Gaki figures into the whole picture right here. Hehehehe.

Saikami: You love cruel Ai, don't you? Well, you'll get it here in spades. SPADES.

lollipopgirl: You'll see what really happened and happens in this chapter. Hehehhehe.

ringo-hime: Sorry I didn't do the ice cream scene. I wanted to, but then this chapter said no. You know how the muse goes. >.>

poets: Aww poe-chan, I do love you. You rock. <3 Now I hope you will like the next chapter. XD



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- Lilium-related things. God save my soul.

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- Everything Else. Too many to list.

I'm also on AO3!

Offline Estrea

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Re: Nocturne [File #03]
« Reply #28 on: November 05, 2008, 11:02:54 PM »
File #04

"So what are we watching tonight?"

A slim figure was sprawled out all over the couch, with an almost boyish set to her shoulders as she channel-surfed restlessly, waiting for her companion to join her.

"Um...a Disney film?" Her companion suggested, handing her a glass and settling herself into the couch next to her friend. The first girl grinned.

"That's so like you, Risa. Disney it is, then." Niigaki Risa grinned back, skipping over to the DVD player and inserting Beauty and the Beast. She had just about all the classic Disney fiilms in her collection, being a great fan. It was something her friend had never failed to tease her for.

Her friend. One Takahashi Ai, still lounging in the couch like she owned the place. Risa returned back to the couch, snuggling up to Ai. With the way Ai was occupying the couch, she had no choice but to do so. Or sit on Ai's lap. Risa wasn't sure if she wanted to deal with that.

It was a normal fortnightly ritual for them, movie night. Normally, they took turns to pick what to watch for the night, and it was almost always held at Risa's house.

For whatever reason, Ai had never brought Risa to her house, ever. Risa had never insisted either...she didn't want Ai to feel pressured to do so in any case. If Ai wanted to show her her house, she would do so eventually. That was what the 19 year old believed.

We've known each other for years but I can never tell what she's really thinking. Risa thought to herself, her face an open book to anyone who cared to look. Ai, for her part, appeared to be staring at the screen. Or zoning out. It was hard to tell sometimes.

They watched the movie. Well, half-watching. Despite the fact that she loved the movie to bits and would watch it raptly on any other occasion, Risa couldn't help but let her attention get drawn to Ai.

Her friend. Her best friend, even. They had been friends since forever, it seemed. Ever since the orphanage, as children. Even after Ai was adopted by a stern-looking old man, she still came back to visit Risa secretly, until Risa herself was adopted by the kind Niigaki family.

Despite being apart, they still kept in contact, although the phone calls became increasing sporadic as time went by. And Risa couldn't help but notice a growing change in her friend.

Ai's face, which had always been so adorably determined and serious whenever she was trying to do something, slowly became completely unreadable to her childhood friend. The tendency to say exactly what she was thinking also vanished, and was replaced by a more deliberate, controlled manner.

Still, Ai never forgot about her, so Risa just ignored all these changes. Ai-chan would always be her Ai-chan, even if she was no longer quite the same person as before.

And so they grew up. Risa was always grateful to her adoptive family, glad that she got such supportive and kind parents to live with. She never knew what kind of a family Ai got stuck with, since Ai never seemed inclined to talk about them, although she did speak well of her adoptive brother. It didn't bother Risa though. Ai-chan was still her Ai-chan.

Adolescence sure did a number on them though. For one thing, Risa was convinced that no words could do Ai any justice in trying to describe her. Ai was pretty as a child; but she was gorgeous as she developed into a woman. Risa couldn't help but feel very ordinary next to Ai, given that her own physical development took a little longer to show up.

It was also during that time that Risa's feelings about her best friend began to change. Ai was beautiful, but it was not merely her physical appearance that drew Risa to look at her best friend in a different light. No, it was how Ai was always kind to her, and the smile that Risa was sure that Ai only gave to her, and no one else. It made her feel...special.

Of course, hormones might have had a great deal to do with the whole fiasco, but Risa was sure that her attachment to Ai was far beyond the chemical chaos her body was bent on inflicting on her. It just seemed so natural to love Ai; the center of her universe ever since the orphanage where they first met had always been her. There was no one else who held that special place in her heart, or even come close to reach the kind of standing Ai had in her life.

She had been 16 when she first blurted out her feelings to a then 18 year old Ai, one cold winter night where Ai had been given one of her rare allowances to sleep over at Risa's place. Ai had been so ethereal, so unreal in the dim light of her lava lamp, that Risa simply blurted out a confession before processing it through her mind.

The moments that followed had been nerve-wracking for her. Ai simply looked at her expressionlessly, dark eyes unreadable, and Risa was almost sure that the older girl was going to laugh at her.

But she hadn't. Risa could still remember the exact feeling as Ai moved closer to her, pressing her soft lips against her forehead. She had blushed an almost neon red at the gesture, heart holding out a fragile hope that maybe, just maybe, her love would be returned.

Her heart had almost burst with happiness when Ai whispered back.

"I like you too, Risa."

On hindsight now, Risa sighed at her younger self's naivety. Ai's choice of words had been very clear from the get-go. Risa had used daisuki, but Ai had replied with a very neutral suki. Even the tone was different, but a 16 year old lovesick teenager could hardly be considered the best of judges at the time, she supposed.

Risa flushed unconsciously at the memory of what happened next, snuggling closer to Ai next to her on the couch, although her brows knit together at the same time, knowing what would happen.

"Do you really love me, Risa?"

" you, Ai-chan."

"Really? No matter what I do, you will still feel the same?"

"...yes. Because I have always loved Ai-chan."

Ai had kissed her not long after that, pushing her back onto the bed, and asked the same question of her again while still on top of her. A blushing young Risa had still replied in the affirmative then, heart racing so fast that it had almost burst from her chest.

Ai continued to repeat that question as she went further, step by step. Each time, Risa had allowed her to continue, despite being just a bit frightened by the increasingly dangerous glimmer in Ai's eyes. Love really was blind, she guessed. She had never even considered that stopping Ai might have been a good idea at the time.

She never did stop Ai that night. And so it was that night, in the dead of winter in her 16th year, on her own bed, with her adoptive parents in the next room, that Niigaki Risa lost her virginity to her best friend.

Ai had been very gentle with her, although her eyes had glittered like fiery opals throughout, lending an almost demonic aura to her Ai-chan. She should have been frightened, but she hadn't been. No matter how dangerous, how demonic Ai appeared to be, her hands on Risa had always been so very gentle. And Risa took comfort in that fact.

The morning after had been, for lack of better adjectives, strange. Ai had been next to indifferent, although she at least had the decency to stay and wait until Risa woke up. It had been strange, waking up naked and held by someone else who was fully dressed.

Yes, Risa had fallen asleep not long after Ai had given her her first orgasm in her young life. Ai had never even taken off a single article of her own clothing during the whole encounter. On hindsight, Risa supposed that she should have expected the worst from all the myriad clues along the way.

But no, of course young Risa hadn't even considered that. She had, after all, had a fantasy fulfilled, her love confession apparently succeeding and having the object of her affections give her sensations that she had never felt before. Thus, the shock of what came after hit all the more harder.


"Mm...yes Ai-chan?"

"...this is all I can give you."


"We can't be together, Risa. I like you, but I don't love you. It wouldn't work."


"Because I wanted to. And you wanted it too, didn't you?"

Risa had come very close to hating Ai at that very moment, naked and vulnerable in her sheets with Ai's back turned to her. She had wanted to scream, to cry, to beg Ai to reconsider, but all that she could manage at the time was a mute, disbelieving silence.

To this day, Risa still couldn't believe how callous Ai had been about the whole matter. The girl had even had the nerve to tell her to "find a decent guy and forget about her". Had the girl believed that Risa would be able to get through something like that so easily?

Then again, Risa still couldn't believe what she actually did do at the time though. No, she didn't try to kill Ai, or even try to chase her out. No, despite Ai's rejection, she still loved the older girl. And love makes one do irrational things.

"Until I find that guy, you can always come here."


"I don't want you to go away, Ai-chan. Stay with me, even if you can't love me that way."

"Risa, you..."

Yup, Risa was sure that her 16 year old self had been clinically insane. What had she been thinking? Then again, perhaps it wasn't so difficult to understand. She hadn't wanted to lose Ai. If given the same situation now, she would most likely have done the same thing.

And Ai was still here, anyway. She had kept her promise, being a normal best friend and never mentioning anything about that night ever again. Still too distant, still too unreadable, but at least she still took time to hang out with Risa.

Risa wondered why she did all this to herself. Continuing to love someone who only considered her a friend, and keeping her close even after what happened that night...surely, she had to be severely imbalanced. Was she so emotionally dependent on Ai?

It wasn't a question she really wanted to answer. To tell the truth, she was afraid of it.

The movie wound to a close. The Beast who was really a prince, together with his princess. Happily ever afters could only exist in fantasy after all, Risa mused sadly, her head still resting on Ai's shoulder.



"Are you ok? You were zoning out a lot."

So Ai did pay attention to her after all. Risa tore her blank stare at the space before the screen away, lifting her eyes to meet Ai's cool ones.

Perhaps it was an after effect of reminscing about the past, or even a result of jealousy --- how could she have not noticed the kind of looks Ai and Sayumi had been throwing at each other earlier? She might be a bit slow at times, but she wasn't stupid. Even a block of wood could have picked up the very nearly sexual tension between those two.

"Make love to me." She blurted out without really thinking, for the second time in her life.

Ai blinked.

Risa held her breath. Stupid, stupid me! Ai looked almost incredulous, before her eyes shifted back to that guarded mask of hers. Completely impenetrable.

"Why?" Ai was regarding her with an intensity that a hawk would eye its prey. It gave Risa the shivers, with good reason.

"Because I want you to." Risa threw those familiar words back at Ai, one part of her still gaping at her own audacity. Did she really just make that request?

Ai was silent for a moment, then her demeanour seemed to shift all of a sudden. Smooth, fluid, like a panther stalking prey, Risa quite suddenly found herself flat on her back and breathless with an excited trepidation.

Was it just her, or did Ai get even more desirable since the last time they had been in such a position? Risa was sure it was the latter, but any and all thought vanished when Ai's lips found her own with a swift motion. There was none of the old tenderness, just a fierce, predatory hunger.

Risa was gasping for breath when Ai pulled away roughly, eyes blazing like that of a demon awakened. Pinning Risa's wrists to either side of her head, Ai leaned down and licked the outer curve of her ear teasingly, making Risa shiver with anticipation.

Ai's voice was a low growl as she spoke, rasping into her ear.

"I can't make love to you, Risa." That felt like a splash of cold water. But Ai hadn't finished, not quite yet.

"But...I can fuck you." Her voice was husky, dripping with danger and edged with a malicious fury. "I'll make you scream for me, beg for more, again and again." Ai moved closer, breathing right into her ear.

"I'll fuck you so hard, Risa, you'll forget your own name."

Risa was shaking. From fear or desire, it was hard to separate the two. Undoubtedly, she was scared to death by not only what Ai was saying, but more by the way she was saying it. There was no gentleness, none of the softness and consideration the Ai of 3 years ago had given her.

But yet. Yet. She had still asked.

Beyond the fear, beyond the danger, beyond the demon that was straddling her, Risa suddenly saw very clearly one fact. Ai had still given her a choice. She could still say no, and Ai would let go of her, and it would be as if nothing had happened. Of that she was certain.

Risa stared up at the eyes of a hunter. Where others saw a demon, she looked past and remembered the Ai she had first given herself too. Same eyes, same shield, the same darkness.

There really was no question about her decision, was there? She had already decided 3 years ago, and her feelings had never changed, even after all this time.

"I still love you, Ai-chan."

Apart from that, there really was nothing more to add, was there?


Only one thing to add here: I suffered like hell writing that last bit. Damn you Ai. Damn you Risa. Damn it.

« Last Edit: November 05, 2008, 11:16:41 PM by Estrea »


Currently writing:
- Lilium-related things. God save my soul.

On Hold:
- Everything Else. Too many to list.

I'm also on AO3!

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Re: Nocturne [File #03]
« Reply #29 on: November 05, 2008, 11:21:13 PM »
Dammit, soooooooooooooooo close to wedge!!!! XD
I apologize for not catching up sooner. :(

File 2: Ohohohohoho~~~ Sayu?? :twisted: Sounds hot!! OMG bishie Ai-chan....*dies*
File 3: *dies again* Was hot!!!! :lol: Sayu's hustling!!! I guess we all do what we have to. Besides she said herself she's not a whore~ :yep: Aww, Gaki's such a sweet girl, as always. Ai...Ai-chan????? :w00t: This is going to be interesting~~ :yep: *puts on sunglasses, leans back and enjoys the ride* 8)
File 4: Awww!! Gaki+Disney= :wriggly: Ah, so I take it Gaki doesn't know what Ai-chan does for a living? *nods slowly* Whoa, they were orphans?! :stunned: The reason Ai-chan started becoming rather emotionless is because of her training, I'm sure. But damn.....I can't believe Ai-chan did THAT to Gaki and then just said she didn't love her. :mon wtf: I was wondering if Gaki could sense that Sayu and Ai-chan knew each other. Gaki said WHAT?!?!?!?!?! :mon spit: And then Ai-chan said WHAT?!?!?! :stoned: Aiya..... :smoke:

I enjoyed this so much though. :mon lol:

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Re: Nocturne [File #04]
« Reply #30 on: November 06, 2008, 12:45:07 AM »
ah good old disney...

ah good old flashbacks...   :stoned:

ah what the heck just happened?!   :shock:  what a way to end the chapter  :mon spit:

Innocent, oblivious Risa has become something else entirely...ah jealousy does wonders~
lol the more "wrong" this story gets the more exciting and fun it becomes XD   

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Re: Nocturne [File #04]
« Reply #31 on: November 06, 2008, 01:33:48 AM »
Eh?! Two updates while I was gone?!

File 03:  Oh dang little devil. xD And...oh dang. Devils butt heads. o-o;; Yikes.

File 04:  Aw... Risa and Ai-chan! Disney!


:stoned: EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEH?! WTF JUST HAPPENED?! Ai-chan?! :mon curtain: :OMG:

Gosh darnit, the wronger (<--purposely spelled wrong) this story gets, the more I wanna read it. o-o

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Re: Nocturne [File #04]
« Reply #32 on: November 06, 2008, 02:01:25 AM »
love readin ur fan fic..^^

i tink tat ai have encounter something bad tat cause e change in her..=x..

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Re: Nocturne [File #04]
« Reply #33 on: November 06, 2008, 02:25:18 AM »
Their fan fic are great and excellent!! is a story of the most fun. :D  ai-chan, her is too attractive!^^
I would like that you to make a love story of Maimi and Airi.^^

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Re: Nocturne [File #04]
« Reply #34 on: November 06, 2008, 06:29:47 AM »
Wee! Two updates! I had to try very hard not to burst out while reading at work. XD

Love Triangle! Bring on the drama!

Matsuura's Zutto Suki de Ii desuka totally reminded me of Gaki's position. Poor Gaki.

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Re: Nocturne [File #04]
« Reply #35 on: November 06, 2008, 06:50:12 AM »

-minutes pass before brain kicks in again-

Essy!!!! did great. XD Did you imagine I was gonna go ballistic and kill you?? If I were a normal Gaki fan I probably would since you subjected the poor girl to such agony.

"Until I find that guy, you can always come here."

That line was the ultimate. I think something inside of me shattered along with it. But hell you write so good I can't risk physically hurting you in case you can't write anymore. That and I would probably have your fans beating down my door attempting to take my life :P

Let's see, how should I continue with my comment? You know how stressed out I've been recently so I know I'm not making much sense. Just know that reading your fics has always been the highlight of my day so please continue writing incredible stories. Okay, why am I sounding so weird?? I should stop now before I write even more strange stuff.

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Re: Nocturne [File #04]
« Reply #36 on: November 06, 2008, 11:20:27 AM »
Dang, this is getting much more interesting.  :twisted:

the last part made me laugh, not in a bad way, NOO. hehe, so fun to read~

Ai is soooo..mysteriously sexy and scary ..hhihih.

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Re: Nocturne [File #04]
« Reply #37 on: November 07, 2008, 05:08:32 AM »
File #01

File #02
DOUBLE OMGASS! SAYU'S A PROFESSIONAL ESCORT (possibly even a "call girl") AND AICHAN'S A HOT BISHIE!!!  :shocked:


TAKASHIGE!!! :cow:

Not for the first time, Sayumi was glad that the Jaguar had tinted windows. And soundproofing.

And yes, they were late for the party again. As usual.
Lucky Sayu. :drool:

File #03
Fear and desire formed a potent black hole that drew her irresistably to this woman. There was no avoiding the truth: she was afraid of Ai. In the dark of the nights where they met and came together, she had seen the viciousness well up unchecked, lighting dark fires in the depths of unreadable eyes. It was frightening, seductively so, and the instinct to run always fought with the instinct to submit at each critical moment. Little guess to which won out most of the time.
Shouldn't be that surprising. Psychologically, it's not that uncommon for women to be attracted to partners with that hint of "danger" in their personalities.

Needless to say, she did not make it to class. Not the morning one anyway.

Oh well, she could live without 2 hours of listening to a shriveled up old professor reading off his notes. Not to mention that passing the time in bed with Ai was more enjoyable.

Far, far more enjoyable.
No duh. :lol:

Here are the notes for the class you missed, I thought you might want them." A tone of voice so filled with motherly concern, it almost made Sayu cry. But of course, she didn't. She was made of sterner stuff than that.

"Thanks Gaki-san, you're awesome!" A genuine smile, from the heart.


"Wanna have ice cream later? As a thank you for the notes."

A whisper back. "Sorry, maybe another time? I'm meeting an old friend later."
Risa? "Old friend"? Oh boy, already I'm thinking up plot twists and rabu-rabu toraianguru's.

Sayumi was about to leave when another voice cut in.

"Risa, I'm here." Sayu blinked, halting in midstep. That voice...

Sayumi turned around slowly to see a smiling Takahashi Ai jog up to a just as radiant Niigaki Risa, who seemed to beam even brighter at the sight of the older girl.

"Why don't you join us for some ice cream? It's nearby." Ai added smoothly. Sayu didn't know if she wanted to strangle the woman for taking this so calmly while her own nerves were so rattled.
Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo...something tells me Aichan's gonna have a little fun. :twisted:

"Oh, she missed class this morning, and I took notes for her. She said she wanted to treat me to ice cream, so there we are."

Sayu pinned Ai with a stare. Oh no you don't. A lazy smile was playing across those devilish lips. Sayu felt a sense of impending doom looming over her.

"Oh dear. Skipping class is bad. You shouldn't have done it."

Inwardly, Sayu pictured herself strangling the smug-looking Ai and screaming at how it was all her fault to begin with, but outwardly she showed no sign of even being ruffled by the comment.

"I'll try harder next time. I had such a horrible time trying to sleep last night, and then I had a bad run in with a rabid dog this morning, so I really couldn't have made it anyway."

Direct hit. Ai narrowed her eyes. Sayumi smiled benignly.

Bring it on, baby. Bring it on.

File #04
For whatever reason, Ai had never brought Risa to her house, ever. Risa had never insisted either...she didn't want Ai to feel pressured to do so in any case.
Assuming Aichan even has a "regular" house of her own, there's no way that she'd likely bring anyone over, considering how much of a security risk (not to mention the potential for becoming pawns to be used against her) they would be.

Her friend. Her best friend, even. They had been friends since forever, it seemed. Ever since the orphanage, as children. Even after Ai was adopted by a stern-looking old man, she still came back to visit Risa secretly, until Risa herself was adopted by the kind Niigaki family.
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah, so Aichan had been brought into her world at very early age then.

She never knew what kind of a family Ai got stuck with, since Ai never seemed inclined to talk about them, although she did speak well of her adoptive brother.
Brother? The "sensei" that she spoke to on the phone in the first chapter?

It was also during that time that Risa's feelings about her best friend began to change. Ai was beautiful, but it was not merely her physical appearance that drew Risa to look at her best friend in a different light. No, it was how Ai was always kind to her, and the smile that Risa was sure that Ai only gave to her, and no one else. It made her feel...special.
* JFC sees something with 3 sides and 3 points.

Damn I called it. Can't help but wonder how Aichan's going to react when she finds out (b/c we all know that sooner or later she probably will, if she doesn't already suspect it herself ;D ).

She had been 16 when she first blurted out her feelings to a then 18 year old Ai, one cold winter night where Ai had been given one of her rare allowances to sleep over at Risa's place. Ai had been so ethereal, so unreal in the dim light of her lava lamp, that Risa simply blurted out a confession before processing it through her mind.

The moments that followed had been nerve-wracking for her. Ai simply looked at her expressionlessly, dark eyes unreadable, and Risa was almost sure that the older girl was going to laugh at her.

But she hadn't. Risa could still remember the exact feeling as Ai moved closer to her, pressing her soft lips against her forehead. She had blushed an almost neon red at the gesture, heart holding out a fragile hope that maybe, just maybe, her love would be returned.

Her heart had almost burst with happiness when Ai whispered back.

"I like you too, Risa."
Oh...well then. Hmmmmmmmm...:?

"Do you really love me, Risa?"

" you, Ai-chan."

"Really? No matter what I do, you will still feel the same?"

"...yes. Because I have always loved Ai-chan."
It's like she's scared to lose Risa should she find out what Aichan does.  Risa's the one consistent factor that has always been in Aichan's life. She's quite possibly her proverbial rock, her safe port in the storm.

:mon blood:

Aw crap...:cry:

Something tells me this is largely Aichan's training. Similarly to not bringing anyone to wherever she calls home, she can't allow herself to get too attached to anyone (as well as vice versa) as that would definitely prove potentially dangerous for both.

Yup, Risa was sure that her 16 year old self had been clinically insane. What had she been thinking? Then again, perhaps it wasn't so difficult to understand. She hadn't wanted to lose Ai. If given the same situation now, she would most likely have done the same thing.
Raburabu will do that sort of thing to ya. :yep:

Perhaps it was an after effect of reminscing about the past, or even a result of jealousy --- how could she have not noticed the kind of looks Ai and Sayumi had been throwing at each other earlier? She might be a bit slow at times, but she wasn't stupid. Even a block of wood could have picked up the very nearly sexual tension between those two.
Oh shit.

:mon blood:

There really was no question about her decision, was there? She had already decided 3 years ago, and her feelings had never changed, even after all this time.

"I still love you, Ai-chan."

Apart from that, there really was nothing more to add, was there?
When you're madly in raburabu? Nope. Not really.

Matsuura's Zutto Suki de Ii desuka totally reminded me of Gaki's position.
I KNOW!!! :rockon:

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

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Re: Nocturne [File #04]
« Reply #38 on: November 07, 2008, 08:54:10 PM »
Once again you stole my heart with your story :inlove: I just can't find the right words to describe how awesome it is... :roll:

Ai-chan being a badass assasin plus Sayu as her "escort" and all those things that happened between her and Gaki just left me speechless and with constant nosebleeds :on bleed: Because of your stories I became a bigger Ai-chan freak that I used to be  :lol: I don't know how you are doing this but please... don't stop! :farofflook:
« Last Edit: November 07, 2008, 09:03:09 PM by peti-chan »

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Re: Nocturne [File #04]
« Reply #39 on: November 07, 2008, 09:15:28 PM »
Wow so many comments! Makes me a happy author, yes I am. ^_^

Alrighty, I'm back with comment replies, which means, yes, new chapter coming up soon!

Ichigo-chan: Aww I'm glad you tried to wedge. Too bad I'm too fast. Haha. You gave me just the reaction I wanted yay! Yeah, pretty much WTFness going on here...good to know you're enjoying the story!

Sukoshi: Yes, the wronger it gets, the more fun I have. And the more fun the readers have. Hurhur. XD It gets better (or would that be worse?) next chapter. Ohohoho...

SxY: Demon!Aichan sure is...well, she gets all the WTF reactions, accompanied with much drooling (at least I know I do lol). Yes, the wronger it is, the better! Hehehehe...

alwaysYou: Hi, new commenter! Hmm, I also wonder what kind of a history Ai had to make her turn out like this too. Hehe. Glad to see you around!

Mikitty_Ayaya: Thanks for reading. ^_^ Maimi and Airi...? I'm not really a big Kids writer though...but I'll keep it in mind for next time? No promises though.

Fenrir: Hehe, drama makes life interesting. Oh yes, that song really does suit poor Gaki, doesn't it? And it just doesn't get any better at all for the poor beanhead too...why am I so evil to her... >.> Hmm. XD

Hammy: Haha, I'm just glad you didn't decide to murder me. Lol. But then again you're the most abnormal Gaki fan I know, so oh well. XD It just doesn't get any better for the poor girl though, so you had best be prepared. At least my stories entertain you though? Only a few more weeks until semester ends! Ganbare! :D

ringo-hime: Yup yup, Aichan is awesome. I love her. <3 Even if she's evil and scary here. Lol.

JFC: You're finally here! Lol. Hope you're liking the premise. Hehe. Gotta love your epic comments too. As for Ai, well, she's definitely going to be a serious anti-hero in this series. Gotta love her, hate her, love to hate her and hate to love her. You'll see. Hehe. It gets more and more complicated, but yet at the same time distressingly simple. Nyahahaha.

peti-chan: Ai-chan freaks UNITE! Haha. I don't intend to stop, don't worry. This is too fun to give up! Lol. No stress yo.

And gimme a couple of minutes to edit, and new chapter should appear soon. :D


Currently writing:
- Lilium-related things. God save my soul.

On Hold:
- Everything Else. Too many to list.

I'm also on AO3!

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