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Author Topic: Nocturne [13/02 - Epilogue (END)]  (Read 113905 times)

Offline Saikami

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Re: Nocturne [File #04]
« Reply #40 on: November 07, 2008, 09:16:09 PM »
-wedge- kekekeke
[All hail AiButt! Sig by Dinny!]

Offline Estrea

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Re: Nocturne [File #04]
« Reply #41 on: November 07, 2008, 09:27:13 PM »
File #05

Hurts... Was the first thing that ran through her groggy, confused mind as it swam to consciousness. The second thing, appropriately enough, was...

Cold... Bleary eyes opened, even as her mind caught up to the fact that her body was still in an awkward position. She couldn't move properly, that was certain. Not to mention that goosebumps were prickling her skin and she felt sore in places she didn't even know she had.

The multitude of sensations exposed to her, as well as her growing clarity of mind, abruptly brought to the forefront of her consciousness the experiences of the previous night. Despite all the discomfort, she flushed a very vivid crimson, suppressing a shiver at the memory.

Demanding. So demanding. That was what it had been all about.

How many times had it been already? She had lost count after the 6th time. Or was it 7th?

"Ai..." She gasped, choked more likely, her breath coming raggedly. Her body was heaving unevenly, still trying to recover from the last round.

"I can't..." Her legs were already reduced to wobbly jello. She couldn't stand even if she wanted to. Assuming she were allowed to.

"You can and you will." Hot breath across the back of her neck, teeth skipping across her flushed skin. A hot, wet tongue licked up the sheen of sweat, before biting deeply into flesh, eliciting another whimper as another mark was made on her skin.

"Scream for me, Risa."

She could almost still hear it now, echoing in her mind with a sibilant hiss. There had been no compassion, no gentleness, no mercy given to her whatsoever. Nothing, except the harsh, intimate reality of Ai's cruel touch.

Again and again.

No rest, no let up, not even when she was reduced to tears. When her world spun around for the umpteenth time, her very cells screaming in agony and ecstasy both, until even she could scream no more, reduced to a whimpering wreck.

"Again, Risa. I'm not done with you yet."

Ai had made good on her promise fair and square. What they did last night was nowhere near 'making love' by any stretch of the imagination. No, it had been pure, mindless sex. Fucking, as Ai had so bluntly put it. There had been nothing but the down and the dirty, the rough and the raw. No tenderness, and certainly nothing remotely resembling emotion.

Scratch that. There had been emotion. A kind of perverse passion, twisted beyond recognition. Ai had dominated her entirely; taken her, crushed her, and swallowed her whole. There had been a burning fury in the pace that was set, harsh and unrelenting; but underlying it all was a cold deliberation, a streak of cruelty that chilled her blood and broke her down even more than the purely physical acts.

Ai had not been kind to her. Case in point: she had been tied to the table leg. One of the kinky things that Ai was trying after she got bored doing it the regular way for the nth time.

But did she really have to leave me tied here?!

Yes, the rope burns were certainly not helping. Nor was the awkward position her body was forced to lie in due to her hands being restrained over her head. Her arms were also sore from the unnatural position. It took a while to loosen the knots. Ai had tied them on pretty tightly.

After managing to free herself, a shivering and shaky Risa sat up slowly, one trembling hand reaching out to grab the remains of her ripped up shirt and holding it to her chest. Angry red welts were very visible all over her body, both front and back. The muscles in her legs felt both strangely stretched and cramped at the same time, resulting in an entirely uncomfortable sensation. She did not trust herself to stand for the moment, instead looking around the room.

Empty. The room was empty. She was alone.

The tattered remains of what she had been wearing were still scattered all around, and the whole place still reeked of sex. The windows were all shuttered, lending a dank, gloomy atmosphere to the place. For lack of a better term, the room felt...abandoned.

A sharp pain gnawed at Risa's chest, making her press the scrap of cloth harder into her chest. A fresh wave of tears threatened to break the emotional dam, but she just barely held it back. Still, her shoulders shook with suppressed sobs, the physical state of her much abused body nothing compared to the torturous agony her mental state endured.

Yet, she felt nothing. Emotionally, she was just all wrung out, though her mind and body screamed for comfort, for rest, for something, anything. She could not think, although the reflection in her mind cracked and splintered under the stress.

Nothing felt real anymore, except for the fact that last night had happened. Her body was evidence enough for that. She wanted to scream. Wanted to cry. Wanted to do a lot of things, but all she actually managed to do was just sit there. In shock, in a daze, unable to move. Trying to process everything, but failing spectacularly.

There was something on the table. A scrap of pure white, something that had not been there. Should not have been there. Risa didn't have a habit of leaving things around.

Mechanically, she reached out it. It was a note. With some very familiar handwriting on it.

Borrowed that Korean drama DVD boxset you had. See you next time.


The silence was deafening. Slowly, the note began to shake, getting increasingly creased, the words blending into a spidery tangle as the original paper became a torn and ripped shadow of itself.

Risa stared at it. At her balled up fist, at the note, into space. She was staring at something, or perhaps nothing at all. It was hard to tell. Very hard to tell.

She wanted so much to be angry. To throw the blasted note as hard and far as she could. To rush into the bathroom and scrub the remnants of Ai's damnable touch from her skin. To cut off all ties with that unfeeling, heartless creature and never ever see or even hear about her again.

It would be easier to hate her. To hate her, forget her, and never see her again. That was what she wanted to do. Really. It would have been so much easier that way.

I want to hate her...want to forget her...but then why does it hurt so much?

She had curled into a ball, hugging her knees to herself and trembling as her nails dug into her calves. It hurt so bad, and it had nothing whatsoever to do with the numerous visible wounds she was sporting.

She could not pick herself up, move from that spot. It hurt even more, hating Ai. And she really did, right there on the carpet; naked, torn, and bleeding.

I hate you Ai. I hate you so much...because even after all this, I still love you.

And that was when Niigaki Risa, 19 years old and broken a second time, began to really cry.


-runs and hides in pillow fortress-

Comment freely, everyone!
« Last Edit: November 08, 2008, 04:26:00 PM by Estrea »


Currently writing:
- Lilium-related things. God save my soul.

On Hold:
- Everything Else. Too many to list.

I'm also on AO3!

Offline Yuuyami

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Re: Nocturne [File #04]
« Reply #42 on: November 07, 2008, 09:28:35 PM »
-dibs- O_O





Aichan's a coldhearted (But hawt) betch xDDDDD......

She's so frightening really. Poor Gaki-san, Aichan is every epitome of cruelty yet she still loves her... Suffering in order to love her... Poor tortured character D:!! But you know, a part of me thinks Aichan still holds some strong value for Risa, even though it might be hard to see, given how she treats her. Actually, I was thinking about something Sayu thought back in file 3, how she was surprised that Aichan managed to look and sound normal... It makes me wonder if the reason why she still interacts with Gaki-san instead of leaving her behind is because Gaki-san is Aichan's only link to a 'normal' life...Well, as 'normal' as it can get, screwing the hell out of her and all. o___O

Anywho xDDDDD

Looking forward to seeing moar of hawt cruel Aichan xD
« Last Edit: November 07, 2008, 09:41:13 PM by Yuuyami »

Offline Fenrir

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Re: Nocturne [File #05]
« Reply #43 on: November 07, 2008, 09:55:02 PM »
Poor Gaki-san! How can you be so cruel to her?!  :O But I bet Ai-chan still has some part of her that cares for Gaki. Right???? *pokes with a sharp pointed blade* :mon evil:

Yet, I want to see more sexy evil Ai-chan?  >.>    <.<
« Last Edit: November 07, 2008, 10:01:40 PM by Fenrir »

Offline Saikami

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Re: Nocturne [File #05]
« Reply #44 on: November 07, 2008, 10:33:39 PM »
Woo! New chapter~ (and yay, I got to wedge it before cleaning my room)

Sorry for not commenting on File #4 earlier, I'm mad busy x_x

Moving on~

File #4 was very cute at first, I with the Disney-ness...but then it went all downhill ;_;!!! I feel wicked bad for Gaki-san >_< Aichan is suuuuch a effing bitch! Yet I oddly love it! O_o; And then the end...DAMN I didn't think you could be THAT evil! (okay, I did, but I didn't think you would) :shocked:

File #5 made me all sad T_T I don't even know what to say...I just feel really bad for Gaki-san again. I mean...that's so cruel. And then with the note from Ai...God, I just wanted to punch a bitch! BUT SHE'S STILL ADDICTING! :banghead: :angry: it's not fair XD! We all love to hate her.

-demands more- ^_^ keep it up
[All hail AiButt! Sig by Dinny!]

Offline ShikyoxYaiba

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Re: Nocturne [File #05]
« Reply #45 on: November 08, 2008, 12:53:45 AM »
UWAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!! T______T Poor Gaki-san... Now I feel even more depressed. (I watched a depressing movie in my English class earlier.) But it's the good type of depressed if you get what I mean. xD I eagerly await your next update. <3

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Re: Nocturne [File #05]
« Reply #46 on: November 08, 2008, 01:18:12 AM »
Borrowed that Korean drama DVD boxset you had. See you next time.


Wah!  :O  Cruelty at its finest!  I think that line made my jaw much for leaving a sweet message for Risa.  Poor Gaki, Sayu has all the fun and Risa gets this >___<!  Darn that cruel yet addictive Estrea Ai chan!  Needless to say I need more  :inlove:     

Offline ringo-hime

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Re: Nocturne [File #05]
« Reply #47 on: November 08, 2008, 02:35:01 AM »
OH SHmack!!  :fainted:
Evil Ai...darn. moar evil than i thought. >___< im guessing Estrea can get this evil too  :glasses:
and..waaaaa. :OMG: even if Ai is so evil..everyone still loves her. LOL XD

on the other had, i feel sorry for Gaki-san :on beatup.... her soul was filled with love and hate.  :on blackhole:

but oh well, still cant wait for the next, whether it be evil Ai or assassin Ai or...Ai.  :on woohoo: :on gay:

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Re: Nocturne [File #05]
« Reply #48 on: November 08, 2008, 06:38:49 AM »
*whistles* Damn, that was.....I don't even know. :err: I'm literally shaking b/c I can kind of imagine it. As sick and twisted as that sounds. All the wounds.....*shudders* Somewhere, I still love Ai-chan but right now, I hate her. :mon cry: For what she did and how she acts like it didn't even happen. Can't she fucking see what she's doing? She's ripping Gaki apart from the outside in. The injuries are visible from the outside but they don't even compare at all to what's going on inside.
It's making me so sad. Foreal. Don't get me wrong, it's exceptionally written, as usual. But I'm pretty shaken. :mon cute:

I think I'm going to go try and recover now.

Offline ayase909

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Re: Nocturne [File #05]
« Reply #49 on: November 08, 2008, 12:07:44 PM »
all i can say is that...... GAKI is a double "M".....  a great martyr and a masochist..... :on drench: :on cloudeye: :on chew:

does really love makes you go blind??? argh........... well, in AI's case, i really cant hate her, the love the bitch :sweat:

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Re: Nocturne [File #05]
« Reply #50 on: November 08, 2008, 12:50:21 PM »
Kowaiii~~ :on freeze: Poor Risa being tortured by Ai physically and mentally :cry: However, as much as I feel sorry for Risa, I also don't want Ai-chan to change XD It seems like no matter what bad things Ai-chan will do, we will always forgive her :bigdeal:

Anticipating the next files :on GJ:

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Re: Nocturne [File #05]
« Reply #51 on: November 08, 2008, 10:35:38 PM »
Is it wrong that I don't think Ai is being cruel or a basterd to Gaki? In a 1way or another I understand and sympathise with Ai here. U kno what it is to consistently warn someone about ur self and they still insist on being with u and then they act all surprise and hurt when they see u weren't kidding about ur warning?

I don't think I can call Ai cruel in this current situation with Risa. I can't even call her a bitch. I think to classify something as "cruel" they need to take enjoyment from someone's pain... don't think Ai enjoys to see Risa suffer, she enjoys seeing others suffer xD but not gaki... now that she doesn't like to see gaki suffer doesn't mean she's going to go out of her way and care lol.

In this current scenario...Ai is being completely honest to Risa... stating exactly what she needs to know and EVEN then Gaki STILL insists.

Its not Ai who is causing pain to's gaki herself.

Ai warned her... Ai even gave her a choice. BUT NOOOOOOO Gaki had to be all "I wub u! do me plz... I want it... I don't care how u do it"....  ofcourse Ai is going to go ahead with it..DUR! 

Here's where the cool part of bad!ai kicks in... she only cares enough for Gaki to ASK if she really wants to go through with it... she doesn't care enough to ask or wonder how she'll feel afterwards... proof of this is when ai leaves the note about the korean dvds (which I absolutely loved <3). I have to agree with Ai's mentality here... why should she care? she did her part when she asked... its not her concern what happens after the act.. if gaki feels bad, its gaki's own fault...simple as that.

so that's all I have to say about this chapter xD
Rika <3 So funneh

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Re: Nocturne [File #05]
« Reply #52 on: November 08, 2008, 11:44:38 PM »
I would think Ai has raped Gaki.  XD
It's a pretty intense chapter. And oh I love the way you write it.

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Re: Nocturne [File #05]
« Reply #53 on: November 09, 2008, 12:05:19 AM »
^^ Pffft, it's easier to just be pissed at Ai :lol:
Thin line there Poe-poe, the same argument could be used to say women who stay in a violent relationship deserve it they're constantly being warned... But I get what you mean and I agree, however, only to a degree :p

Now that's what I call a Fucking Nightmare!

Anyway, wow Essy-chan, talk about giving your characters depth! I'm surprised I'm surprised they aren't drowning yet from all it... Loves it though :D
Originally I was all "Grrr Ai" like most of the others here but then I realised who the real person to blame is *glares at Essy* First you try to corrupt me with ReinAi hotness and now you go and break TakaGaki... and not just crack or anything, you ripped the heart out of it's core and stomped on it for some time, while cackling in a Miki-esque fashion :cry:  :pleeease: Evil Essy who comes up with these crazy ideas *glares some more* It's not Ai that's addictive (well, she is too), it's YOU & your writing!!! :heart:

My take on Ai, she's so void of human emotion, or wants to be considering her job, that she does what she can to keep it that... Deep down she wants to care for Risa, but if she lets herself than she becomes weak and things get in the way of who she really is, or rather who she believes she is... She can easily justify her (non-)relationship with Sayu as business and doesn't have to be as protected and guarded as she is with Gaki... For anyone, if you can hurt the ones closest to you without remorse, than hurting near strangers shouldn't be a problem at all... But only one person really knows what's going on it that smexy head of Ai's *glares at the master whose laughing at us in the corner*

If Sayu ever found out about what just happened, WOW... Can't imagine the inner turmoil for her then, she'd have to be so scared of Ai.
Oh, and I have faith that Gaki won't stay tortured forever (that would just be cruel), so how are things gonna turn out for her I wonder... It's heart-breaking reading about her like that :cry:
Time to get on ur own two feet woman and give that Ai a piece of ur mind!

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Re: Nocturne [File #05]
« Reply #54 on: November 09, 2008, 02:36:36 PM »
Thin line there Poe-poe, the same argument could be used to say women who stay in a violent relationship deserve it they're constantly being warned...

yup, you can ^-^ (ofcourse to every rule there is an acception... but overall you're right... you can use it =D)

*waits for chapter six ^_^*
Rika <3 So funneh

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Re: Nocturne [File #05]
« Reply #55 on: November 09, 2008, 04:31:55 PM »
Woohoo! Thanks to everyone who voted for me! Here's a chapter for your efforts. Lol.

Comment replies first as usual though.

Yuuyami: Nice observations. Hehe. Ai's a complicated person, but Gaki's just as complicated here too. The issues between them are rather, well, tangled. I'll have to explain that in another chapter in the future. Soon, I guess. Heh. Hawt cruel Aichan seems to be popular, even if people love to hate her at the same time. Hehehehe....

Fenrir: @_@ Why is it that every time I write a story on crack, I inevitably get threats one way or another? XD It happened with AA, it happened here. Lol. Sexy evil Aichan will be back. This chapter is a bit of a break from the emotional rollercoaster that was File #05. XD

Saikami: You know me, I love being evil. Hehe. Never underestimate me, yo. Lol. Ai does that to you, you can't hate her no matter what she does...even if you do hate her, you just keep coming back for more. Just like Gaki does. XDDDD

SxY: Awww sorry (?) to get you depressed. Haha. Well, here's more to come. Hopefully something that puts you in a better mood. XD

Sukoshi: If there's anyone to blame for that line, blame stefy. She suggested the idea to me, I took it and ran with it. Hehehe. Of course Sayu has fun; no strings attached sex is always the best. In Gaki's case there's way too much baggage involved. Lol. Who, me? I didn't do nothing...:P

ringo-hime: Yup yup, we all love evil Ai. Hehe. Poor Gaki, I know, but well, what's done is done. Lol. More Ai is always good, yes. XD

Ichigo-chan: I'm glad that it felt that intense to you, because that means I did my job right! ^_^ Yeah Ai really did a number on Gaki, that's for sure. Try to feel better soon! I hope I didn't traumatize you too badly...

ayase909: Oooh I remember you. :D Lol nice description...double M...hehe. Love isn't blind, just that lovers are blind. Gaki has a bad case of emotional dependency on Ai I guess. For reasons I shall explain in another chapter some time into the future. Hehe. Everyone loves Ai even if they don't know why!

peti-chan: Yeah Ai's pretty scary when she wants to be. But she's still hawt no matter what huh? XD Of course we'll forgive Aichan, she's just that awesome. Hehe.

poets: Poe-chan! :D Nice epic comment. Stop trying to peek into my brain, it's not allowed! Lol. I love you for defending Ai though, nice take on her personality there. You just love bad!Ai, don'tcha? XD After all, you asked for her to begin with...hopefully I'm delivering what you want! Haha.

katatsumuri: omg you commented. I think the last time I ever saw you on one of my story threads was eons ago on AA. Haha. I guess in a way you might consider it rape...although technically Gaki DID give Ai's hard to tell in this case. Lol. I'm glad you like the way I write though. ^_^ Compliments like this make my day. ^_^

lollipopgirl: I love giving my characters depth. :D It's my way of doing things, I can't imagine it any other way. *dodges the glare* Hehehe of course I try to corrupt you...tis my job. I love breaking things too...the more perfect they are, the further they can fall. >D I be evil! And I bet you love me being evil, just admit it already. =P Interesting way of interpreting Ai in this context though...she's certainly an enigma here (except to me, I made her the way she is here nyahahaha). We'll see though. Hehe. How cruel can I get, I wonder? You'll just find out in good time. >D

Wow that was exhausting though. So many comment replies to make....but keep them coming people! I like answering. :D I also like going all  :wahaha: too. Comments are love.  :heart: Gives me the motivation to continue. ;)

And without further ado, File #06!


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Offline Estrea

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Re: Nocturne [File #06]
« Reply #56 on: November 09, 2008, 04:35:02 PM »
File #06

There was no doubt that something was watching. Some creature, some hunter, with ill intent. There was no mistaking the unease that followed as one darted from corner to cranny, seeking to throw the pursuer off their trail.

It was more than just a malicious sense of watching, a kind of insidious surveillance that shook one to the soul. No living thing would have enjoyed being pinned by such a gaze.

"Ai, stop trying to intimidate my fish." A weary voice chided her with an easy familiarity.

The target of the scolding pouted, turning her attention away from the enormous aquarium that covered the entirety of one wall. The harried fish that had been under her scrutiny darted away gratefully, disappearing into an artificial reef.

"You're 21, not 12, so stop that." The sharply dressed man in a business suit raised one eyebrow at her, but Ai only stuck her tongue out at him.

"You're not my dad, Ta-kun. Or do you want me to start calling you old man too?" Ai replied impudently, striding forward to flop into the leather armchair, spinning around restlessly as she rolled around in it in front of the mahogany desk that belonged her adoptive brother and sometime-sensei.

"You're restless today." Takeda Shinryu (originally known as Takahashi Ryuuta, but he changed his name) noted, looking away from his screen to eyeball his favorite little sister.

"Gimme something to do, I'm bored." Ai rested her chin on folded arms, making puppy eyes at her adopted brother/father/boss/teacher. They had a complicated relationship, of that there was no doubt.

To Takeda though, no matter how dangerously competent Ai had turned out to be, she would always be the same adorably pouting little girl whining at him. Like right now.

"Didn't I give you a target a few days ago?" He shuffled through some papers. Ai rolled her eyes.

"He's way too ugly. No fun at all. Gimme another one." Ai started peering at her fingers, picking absently at her hangnails. Takeda gave her a look.

"The point is to kill him, not screw him. Don't be picky." Ai pretended to sulk as he said that.

"Fine. Be that way." Deftly, she stole the file from right under his nose, glancing rapidly at the information. Takeda merely watched her blandly; he had half expected her to do that.

"By the way, did you pinch my Jaguar XJ220 the other day?" He added as he turned back to his screen. Ai smiled lazily.

"Not yours anymore. I stole it fair and square." She flipped through the file some more, memorizing the details. "Shouldn't be too difficult to get rid of this guy the regular way."

"Problem is, the request was for something a little more...subtle." Takeda added. Ai sighed.

"Yeah. I can't pull the same trick like with that politician's brat. This guy's practically a monk." She paused, before adding. "A very rich one though."

"Think of something. You're creative." Takeda replied flippantly, waving a hand dismissively at her. His overall attitude was oddly familiar; Ai herself exuded a similar aura, just subtly different. No doubt that he had been her teacher.

"Yeah, whatever. There's gotta be a loophole in his lifestyle somewhere..." She started muttering to herself. "If only the client hadn't stipulated that bloody clause...I rather just put a bullet in his forehead or maybe spike his drink. This guy bores me."

"I'm sure you can do it." Takeda said encouragingly. He grinned suddenly. Ai gave him a suspicious look. "What?"

"Nothing, I just remembered how motivated you used to get when I said I would bring you to Disneyland if you succeeded. Guess I can't use the same bribe again..." He neatly dodged the flying pen aimed at his eye. Ai huffed indignantly.

"That was when I was 13! 8 years ago! Sheesh..." She folded her arms, leaning back in the chair as her forehead creased in deep thought.

"Hey, a man who doesn't drink, gamble and womanize would probably be a good family man, wouldn't he?" Back to business again. There was no mistaking the contemplative note in her tone. Takeda nodded, waiting for her to explain her idea.

"Well, there's no way I can get close to him normally. The guy's paranoid on top of being a monk. I mean, seriously, he doesn't let anyone unfamiliar get close to him. Even the part-time help at his home are screened." Ai shrugged. "As expected from a former spy, I guess."

"You have something on your mind." It was not a question. Takeda had spent more than 10 years training Ai, and he knew her better than most. Ai smirked, steepling her fingers together and resting her chin on them. Takeda narrowed his eyes.

"Why do I suddenly have a bad feeling about what you're planning?" Ai grinned, putting on her most harmless, adorable face, complete with puppy eyes and pouty lower lip. He sighed.

"What now?"

Ai winked roguishly at him. "Let's just say I just figured out a way to have a little more fun with this mission."

He eyed her suspiciously. The pair locked gazes, and would likely have stayed like that for the next 15 minutes had not the doors opened slowly behind them, a hesitant head peeking from behind it.

"Um..." Even the voice was uncertain, as if ready to bolt. Ai broke her staring contest with Takeda immediately, spinning around with a genuine smile on her face as she greeted the intruder.

"How have you been, little one?" Taking the initiative easily, Ai strode over to the door and pulled the young girl into the room.

"Ai-neesama! I've been good!" Ai grinned and ruffled the girl's hair affectionately.

"You're getting taller, Yuukarin." Yuuka beamed at her adopted older sister and idol. Takeda looked on with amusement at the pair.

"Have you finished with your practice?" Takeda asked, taking on the stern role of teacher and trainer. Yuuka jumped and hid behind Ai, before replying in the affirmative with a certain amount of apprehension. Ai shook her head and patted Yuuka's shoulder comfortingly, the younger girl flushing cutely as Ai put a casual arm around her shoulders.

"I'll take her down to the firing range, would that be alright onii-chan?" Ai winked outrageously as Takeda spluttered. She only ever called him that to tease him, and only because she knew that Takeda wasn't used to her doing that, ever.

"Fine." He coughed, trying to regain some semblance of dignity. "Don't forget about your own job though." Ai only casually waved him off as she steered her younger "sister" out of the room.

Takeda watched them go, wondering what kind of a monster he had unleashed in Ai, and wondering if he could repeat the same thing with Yuuka.

"Oh well, we'll see." He gave his desk a once over, a compulsive habit whenever Ai came over.

With good reason.

"Damnit Lovely, stop stealing my car keys!"


Enter...Yuuka. XD

A break from the drama, setting up for the next event. Hohoho. Comment muchos, amigos!

« Last Edit: November 09, 2008, 06:01:56 PM by Estrea »


Currently writing:
- Lilium-related things. God save my soul.

On Hold:
- Everything Else. Too many to list.

I'm also on AO3!

Offline writerjunkie

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Re: Nocturne [File #05]
« Reply #57 on: November 09, 2008, 05:01:37 PM »
I love your fic it's addicting! This type of stuff is what I love to read the most. I hope you keep writing :D

Offline Maimi_Yajima

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Re: Nocturne [File #05]
« Reply #58 on: November 09, 2008, 05:45:38 PM »

Enter...Yuuka. XD

A break from the drama, setting up for the next event. Hohoho. Comment muchos, amigos!


in Spanich is: ¡¡¡Comenten mucho, amigos!!!  :D
 Yuuka Maeda??

in certain way is ineresante see this personality of Ai-chan!
I'm new in its history, so tenerme patience.
and my first language is not English.
I am not so follower of his writings.
because  I prefer to read more stories of love of maimi and airi.
but ...
I entered the curiosity!
be aware of your writings!
especially for ai-chan!
It is intriguing to me!
it is intriguing to me the attitude of ai-chan!

" a look can say more than words" and " a look can even denude the heart"

Offline poets

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Re: Nocturne [File #06]
« Reply #59 on: November 09, 2008, 06:53:33 PM »
poets: Poe-chan!  Nice epic comment. Stop trying to peek into my brain, it's not allowed! Lol. I love you for defending Ai though, nice take on her personality there. You just love bad!Ai, don'tcha?  After all, you asked for her to begin with...hopefully I'm delivering what you want! Haha.

Meeeeeeeeeeee? Peek into uuuuuuuuuurrrr brain? nevah 0=)... Involuntary brainsharing is in no way my fault... plus it's nice for it work this way every once in a while... usually it's u poking around in my head x_x. And yes... you're doing a more than wonderful job at delivering and i mean that in more than one way ^_^... Silly Es-chan  :heart: *huggles you* Watashi no Es-chan ^_^ *pets you*

now for the story!

There was no doubt that something was watching. Some creature, some hunter, with ill intent. There was no mistaking the unease that followed as one darted from corner to cranny, seeking to throw the pursuer off their trail.

It was more than just a malicious sense of watching, a kind of insidious surveillance that shook one to the soul. No living thing would have enjoyed being pinned by such a gaze.

"Ai, stop trying to intimidate my fish." A weary voice chided her with an easy familiarity.

The target of the scolding pouted, turning her attention away from the enormous aquarium that covered the entirety of one wall. The harried fish that had been under her scrutiny darted away gratefully, disappearing into an artificial reef.

The opening was EPIC! I can totally see this as it happens ROFL XD. Good moment yo XD... loved it <3. Over all I <3 this chapter twas good  :heart: a nice break from the intensity of the previouse one  :lol:... and a nice side of Ai that we all enjoy  :twisted:

"Gimme something to do, I'm bored." Ai rested her chin on folded arms, making puppy eyes at her adopted brother/father/boss/teacher. They had a complicated relationship, of that there was no doubt.

I bet you're bored, sex isn't everything in life. There's also....killing?  :? XD lol

"Didn't I give you a target a few days ago?" He shuffled through some papers. Ai rolled her eyes.

"He's way too ugly. No fun at all. Gimme another one." Ai started peering at her fingers, picking absently at her hangnails. Takeda gave her a look.

"The point is to kill him, not screw him. Don't be picky." Ai pretended to sulk as he said that.

"Fine. Be that way." Deftly, she stole the file from right under his nose, glancing rapidly at the information. Takeda merely watched her blandly; he had half expected her to do that.

LOVE THE DIALOGUE it's so AWESOME lol ta-kun and Ai-chan interaction FTW

Jaguar XJ220

The caaaaaaaaaaar <3 :inlove: ... demo... why do you deny me the happiness of seeing you write the color of the car?  :'(

"Nothing, I just remembered how motivated you used to get when I said I would bring you to Disneyland if you succeeded. Guess I can't use the same bribe again..." He neatly dodged the flying pen aimed at his eye. Ai huffed indignantly.

"That was when I was 13! 8 years ago! Sheesh..." She folded her arms, leaning back in the chair as her forehead creased in deep thought.

and we get a glance of how ai used to be... naive, innocent and shoo kyoooot <3

"How have you been, little one?" Taking the initiative easily, Ai strode over to the door and pulled the young girl into the room.

"Ai-neesama! I've been good!" Ai grinned and ruffled the girl's hair affectionately.

"You're getting taller, Yuukarin." Yuuka beamed at her adopted older sister and idol. Takeda looked on with amusement at the pair.

"Have you finished with your practice?" Takeda asked, taking on the stern role of teacher and trainer. Yuuka jumped and hid behind Ai, before replying in the affirmative with a certain amount of apprehension. Ai shook her head and patted Yuuka's shoulder comfortingly, the younger girl flushing cutely as Ai put a casual arm around her shoulders.

Yuuka!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and she's all (*_*) for ai XD kawaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii  :love:... firing range <3 sisterly love soo flipping cute XD

"I'll take her down to the firing range, would that be alright onii-chan?" Ai winked outrageously as Takeda spluttered.
The three are just a happy lil family... a happy KILLINING lil family  :heart:

Srsly CANNOT wait for the chapter seven it's gonna be fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuun  :twisted:
Rika <3 So funneh

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