HANGRY&ANGRY-fが「Japan Fashion Now」の表紙に!!「Japan Fashion now」は、ニューヨークを代表するアートスクールの一つファッション工科大学(ファッション・インスティチュート・オブ・テクノロジー“FIT”)で開催中の、日本のファッションの進化をテーマにした展覧会です。デザイナーファッションからストリートまで、現代日本の先鋭的且つ独創力があるファッションスタイルを展示する「Japan Fashion now」。この度、HANGRY&ANGRY-fのビジュアルが同ミュージアム館長を務めるバレリー・スティール女史に評価され、展覧会オフィシャルブックの表紙を飾ることとなりました。尚、現在開催中の「Japan Fashion Now」では、HANGRY&ANGRY-fの衣装が展示されています。FITホームページ http://www.fitnyc.edu/HANGRY&ANGRY-f on the cover of “Japan Fashion Now”!! “Japan Fashion Now” is an exhibition currently held at the Museum at the Fashion Institute of Technology (FIT), ....New York...., which covers the evolution of Japanese Fashion over the years. From designer to street fashion, this exhibition explores the acute and originality of contemporary Japanese fashion.Acclaimed by Valerie Steele, chief curator and director of the museum at FIT, the look of HANGRY&ANGRY-f was chosen to be the cover of the exhibition book.Furthermore, the duo’s outfits are on display during the exhibition “Japan Fashion Now” itself. Official FIT homepage: http://www.fitnyc.edu/http://books.google.com/books?id=krqBRQAACAAJ&source=gbs_ViewAPIhttp://www.amazon.com/gp/search?index=books&linkCode=qs&keywords=030016727Xhttp://www.amazon.co.jp/gp/product/030016727X
Hi!! Everybody living in USA . I’m sorry to have kept you waiting.We are pleased to announce the opening of www.hnaotousa.comthe official U.S. online store for h.naoto. Being able to connect directly to his American fans was very important to Naoto and this site is allowing him to do just that, right down to the special products sold. Each item listed was created exclusively with U.S. audiences in mind, so you won’t find these styles anywhere else. We are very excited about this site and its ability to bring h.naoto fashion to an American audience. Thank you for your continued support and we invite you to visit the online store, and see the unique h.naoto items we have to offer.As part of our grand opening we are giving away a special prize to 3 lucky winners. The prize is a special Tokyo Collection Memorial T-shirt and h.naoto signed postcard. See site for entry details.
Collab with h.NAOTO and h&A for Anime Matsuri 2011. Mostly for the fashion part of the convention...I doubt h&A f will be there since they might be on their OG tour, but maybe Gashicon'll be there?.
HitomiHeaven subs just upped this great video!! GJ GIRLS