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Author Topic: Saga of the Kings: Reinassance  (Read 42316 times)

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Re: Saga of the Kings - Chapter 3
« Reply #40 on: December 18, 2008, 06:50:24 AM »
Chapter 3

Maimi tossed aside the daggers she caught and pulled out the other that impaled her. Her chestpiece prevented the wound from being lethal but it was able to cut her skin. It wasn't deep but Maimi dropped on one of her knees.

"Tsk. These daggers were dipped in basilisk blood. Anyone who gets a direct hit from it will die. Twice." she thought. "My heart beat is no longer normal…"
Again, we see how even though she doesn't remember personal details about her life, Maimi has retained knowledge which is needed for/somehow related to survival.

"They were never intended for you, dear." a voice from the shadows said. "You were in the way, making me miss a target from one hundred meters...for the first time. One out of three daggers finding its mark is bad in my standards. But I was expecting that since the one I'm trying to kill is a Ki..."

"She tried to kill you from that distance? Come on, that's impossible!" said Airi.
Damn that was close, they were a hair's whisper away from finding out that Maimi's a member of High-King! :o

But now who's this "voice"? One of the chimeras? An assassin sent by Reina?

"Bleh! I guess I need to remove my blindfold now. No more games. I don't want to miss again..."


"That distance...blindfold...someone who can kill you even if she's not looking...could it be...Crosshair Turtle?" guessed Miyabi.
:stunned: ...........Eri?

"I wasn't expecting someone from the Hands in our area. They must be investigating why the number of chimeras dwindled."
"S-she's one of High-Kings Hands?" asked Airi.
"Not just an ordinary hand. She's belongs to Straight Flush! She's one of the elite!" answered Miyabi.

"You know her name and you accuse me of being a spy? Nice going!" said Maimi.
Good point. :lol:

"...and her name sounds like food." added Airi. "Not scary at all."

"Hahaha. I have to agree with you on tha... wait, were we just laughing at my name?! Stop laughing at my name! It's not nice!"

By saying that, she only made their laughter louder.
Uh-oh...not a good move.   :sweatdrop:

"Are you sure you can still fight? Your legs are wobbly." asked Miyabi as she noticed that Maimi couldn't keep her ground.
"It's the poison. But I can manage. When I give you the signal, take Airi and get out of here. I'm the one they're after."
"They? You mean there's someone else?"
"Yes. I can feel her presence. She is close, unlike the turtle. But there are only two of them. I can take them both."
So the Turtle has a partner? Hmmmmmm...should I get carrots or beans? :D

"Don't act so tough. I know the poison has spread because you've been sweating a lot."
Exactly how bad off is she right now? More importantly, is there a cure/antidote for the poison?

Miyabi was about to run to where Airi was hiding, but she saw Airi running towards her.

"Let's get out of here!" she said.

"That's what I was going to say. By the way, I thought your foot was hurt?"

"It is? Oh yeah, ouch, ouch!" said Airi as she dropped on the ground and started holding her ankle. "It still hurts!"
Wait, she wasn't faking being hurt before, was she? :?

Miyabi had an idea of how Airi weighs so she was certain that she could carry her with ease. But when she was about to stand up, she noticed that Airi was a bit heavier. She also noticed something different.

With Airi on her back, Miyabi walked a few steps...before tossing her back to the ground, face first.

"Ouch! What was that for?!"

"You...You're not Airi! What did you do to her?!" Miyabi asked as she drew her sword and pointed it at Airi's, or rather, someone she thought who wasn't Airi's face.

Makes you wonder what that "something different" was that Miyabi noticed.  :grin:

"You thought I wouldn't notice? Airi was too hurt to walk yet you came to me running smell like flowers. You are definitely not Airi!"

"Heeheehee. Of course. I don't smell like rotten milk spilled over a carpet." the impostor said as she smirked. "Good thing my face didn't get scratched. That would have cost you an eye."
Looks like it's carrots.

But then, where's Airi???

"Don't worry about her. She's still alive. But you won't be when she wakes up..."
The one who was dressed as Airi stood up and removed a thin veil in front of her, revealing her true self.

She was pretty, too pretty to be a warrior. She was wearing a lighter set of armor compared to what Maimi wore but it covered everything except her face. It was shiny enough that Miyabi could see herself like she was looking at a mirror. And it was pink, of all colors.


They call me Mimic Rabbit.
Hi Sayu! :wave:

"You can copy peoples faces so you can catch them unaware and kill them when they least expect it..."

"Not really copy their faces. You see my armor can refract light and it can make illusions. That genius Asami back home made this. Pretty neat huh?"
:hip blink:

Miyabi already started to attack. She was caught with a punch in the face but Miyabi wasn't able to follow up after that for Rabbit swung her sword wildly, driving her away.

Rabbit then inspected how much damage she received. She flashed her palm on her face and she saw blood. Her lips were bleeding.
Ocrap. Rabbit's gonna get angry.   In all likelihood you wouldn't like Rabbit when she's angry.
:mon scare:

Rabbit sure is using her powers/skills of illusion to her advantage. It isn't necessary to win with brute force when you can take a little time and confuse the hell out of your opponent. :yep:

Finally, she saw the sign she was looking for.

One of the copies had a few drops of blood that stained the pink scarf Rabbit wore around her neck. Miyabi waited for that copy to initiate the attack and when it did, she parried her sword with her shield and struck her throat with the bottom of her sword's handle.

She was right. The other copies shattered while the real Mimic Rabbit gasped for air. She was totally defenseless.

"What are you waiting for? It’s your chance to kill me! Do it now!"
"I'm not like you." Miyabi said as she put down her sword and walked away.
"You're going to regret this!" Rabbit shouted.
Miyabi's never been in a fight where she's had to take a life, has she? She had better know what she's doing, otherwise Rabbit's threat will come true.

Miyabi approached the tree where Airi was and was about to untie her when something struck her on the shoulder.

A butter knife.


And a fork.

Those things were buried deep on her shoulders, so deep she wasn't able to pull them out.

"Crosshair Maimi wasn't able to defeat you..."

"Defeat me? Are you kidding? She never even showed her face! She already knew where I was hiding yet she ran to the opposite direction!"

"W-what do you mean?"

"Don't you get it? She used you as bait so she can escape! But we're going to chase her once we're through with you."
Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh boy... this ain't good.
 :on polter:

"That's what you get for trusting someone you barely know!"

"And this is what you get for letting me live!"

Miyabi could no longer respond for all her attention was focused on the pointed end of a pink sword sticking out of her chest...

Turtle started with a giggle.

And Rabbit continued with laughter…
 :mon wtf:

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

Offline Maimi_Yajima

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Re: Saga of the Kings - Chapter 3
« Reply #41 on: December 18, 2008, 04:56:33 PM »
Maimi tossed aside the daggers she caught and pulled out the other that impaled her. Her chestpiece prevented the wound from being lethal but it was able to cut her skin. It wasn't deep but Maimi dropped on one of her knees.

"Tsk. These daggers were dipped in basilisk blood. Anyone who gets a direct hit from it will die. Twice." she thought. "My heart beat is no longer normal…"
This was a surprise! :grr:
You did a fine detail on this point!
first makes us think that no damage had in maimi but ...
if in fact had a slight injury but ...
with a total approach toward death ...
I am pleased to read these details. :hee:
Good maneuver writer!  :ding: :glasses:

'A-are you alright?' asked Miyabi as she rushed to her aid. 'Can you get up?'
Miyabi is friendly and pleasant in this part! :hee:

'I will be fine.' answered Maimi as she slowly got back on her feet. 'I'll buy you two some time. I'll take care of them.'
The pride of a great swordsman.
NE Maimi?
This is what is interesting about her personality. The pride of a swordsman as magnificent as you.
And the security which always shows!
that you can achieve in spite of all the consequences that can get you.
Everything for gain. It is a similarity to the real personality of Maimi. :hee:
'We can't leave you here!' Airi said.
:shy1: :shy2: Airi is cute in this part.

'Yeah! I want to know who threw those daggers at me!' added Miyabi.
Miya... Miya... :mon sweat:
'They were never intended for you, dear.' a voice from the shadows said. 'You were in the way, making me miss a target from one hundred meters...for the first time. One out of three daggers finding its mark is bad in my standards. But I was expecting that since the one I'm trying to kill is a Ki...'
KoaWAI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  :mon scare:

'She tried to kill you from that distance? Come on, that's impossible!' said Airi.
  :mon suspect:      etto... Airi... :mon exhaust:  Anything is possible with them. nE Airi-chan?  :hee: kowaii ne? :hee:

'You don't believe me? Then what are those things headed for your face?'
Airi!!!  :shock:

Airi didn't have a clue but Maimi knew what the voice was talking about. She went in front of Airi and deflected another set of daggers with the sheath of her sword. Airi ignored the pain on her foot and scampered for cover behind Miyabi.
:on asmo:  Maimi to the rescue!!
Maimi to the rescue of Airi!  :mon inluv: :mon inluv: :mon innocent: :mon innocent:

Airi you should reward to Maimi. with a: :on slopkiss: nE?  :hee:

'Are you sure you can still fight? Your legs are wobbly.' asked Miyabi as she noticed that Maimi couldn't keep her ground.
'It's the poison. But I can manage. When I give you the signal, take Airi and get out of here. I'm the one they're after.'
'They? You mean there's someone else?'
'Yes. I can feel her presence. She is close, unlike the turtle. But there are only two of them. I can take them both.'
'Don't act so tough. I know the poison has spread because you've been sweating a lot.'
'That's normal.'
'Oh yeah. Your lips turning blue must be another sign.'
'Fine. I'll take care of Turtle. You handle the other one…But if you can avoid her, the better. I'm counting on you.'
'I'm counting on you too.'
'Let's do this!'

Interesting conversation among comrades!
Miyabi is very observer!  :shock:
And Maimi  proud!  :farofflook:
Maimi ran at full speed to the east.
MAIMI NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!  :pleeease: :on cloudeye: :on speedy:

Kamei and Sayumi warriors!  :onionwhip: :onionwhip:
a Sayumi KAWAI is a warrior!
That's interesting.  :kekeke: :luvluv2:

Miyabi forgive the life of Sayumi! :hee:
Sayumi is a villain without principles! It was treacherous! :scolding: :scolding:

Miyabi  turning its back to Sayumi ... :angry1:
and Sayumi... sayumi...
Sayumi Takes advantage of this ... :angry1:
damn!  :angry1:

This too interesting!
GanbaRE !!!!!!
NEXT CHAPTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

« Last Edit: December 19, 2008, 01:59:49 AM by Maimi_Yajima »
" a look can say more than words" and " a look can even denude the heart"

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Re: Saga of the Kings - Chapter 3
« Reply #42 on: December 18, 2008, 07:39:52 PM »
Crosshair Turtle, Mimic Rabbit XD Love the names. I liked how you took some of their traits and put it to the extreme. XD

Dun, dun dun! Will Miyabi fall at the hands of the overly pink rabbit?!

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Re: Saga of the Kings - Chapter 3
« Reply #43 on: December 19, 2008, 04:10:38 AM »
mwahahaha. :D
First Sayu XD

lol, pink. >_____<
 :rofl: :rofl:
though they're SOSAM!
and.. Eri-chan..XD hahaha. butter knife?shopstick?and fork? hahahahahahaha  :rofl:

just so evil the both of them..  :D :D

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Re: Saga of the Kings - Chapter 3
« Reply #44 on: December 26, 2008, 08:45:23 AM »
Hello Hello. It's been a while. Reading the first part gave me an impression of " this is going to be a good Fanfic epic" but the lather part........  :lol: :lol:. I think it's nice these way. to damn serious story makes me think the sleeping is better. Hehehehe. I'm looking forward for this.

Offline Maimi_Yajima

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Re: Saga of the Kings - Chapter 3
« Reply #45 on: December 29, 2008, 07:14:00 PM »
Hello Hello. It's been a while. Reading the first part gave me an impression of " this is going to be a good Fanfic epic" but the lather part........  :lol: :lol:. I think it's nice these way. to damn serious story makes me think the sleeping is better. Hehehehe. I'm looking forward for this.

Yes :P
I agree with you.

New Year's gift:
" a look can say more than words" and " a look can even denude the heart"

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Saga of the Kings - Chapter 4
« Reply #46 on: December 31, 2008, 03:41:14 PM »
Chapter 4

Miyabi couldn’t take her eyes off the pink, sharp thing that impaled her. She was telling herself that she should be dead by now except she was still breathing. Mimic Rabbit stabbed her in a precise spot that would just go through her body, without hitting any vital organ. The bleeding was minor but if Rabbit pulled the sword out, the blood would surely rush out. She dropped to her knees, with the sword still stuck on her body.

"Why didn't you kill her?" Crosshair Turtle, who was still hiding in the shadows, asked her partner.

"Not yet. She's pretty skilled. I was thinking of convincing her to join us." Rabbit answered as she circled around Miyabi. "If she refuses, that's when I kill her."

"I'd rather die than become one of you!" said Miyabi.

"It's a shame. We could really use someone like you." Rabbit told her. She continued to negotiate with Miyabi. "Think about it. If you join us, you can have anything you want, everything you need...especially a bath. If you want, you can bring your girlfriend along."

"She’s not…that's not..."

"What? Not enough? What if I told you that we could revive your mother?"


"Yes. You miss her don't you? We have someone back at home who can..."

"Shut up!"


"I don't want any of those...I never knew my mother...she died when she gave birth to me..."

"Really now. I'm sorry but that still doesn't get my pity."

"And I take a bath before I go to sleep!" Miyabi said as she lunged at Mimic Rabbit.

She was able to slice her in half.

It was just unfortunate that the one she got was another of her copies. The real Rabbit was behind her and held the pink sword at the handle.

"You really want to die badly huh? Very well..."

Mimic Rabbit tightened the grip on her sword then kicked Miyabi away from it.

Miyabi tried to hold her breath, thinking that it would help in preventing the bleeding but it didn't. It was already dark and she could not see how her blood already vandalized the ground. She could also feel the tunic inside her armor getting soaked.

"Do you want to die because of hemorrhage or do you want me to cut your head off to end your suffering?" Rabbit asked. "Your call."


"I told you earlier that you're going to regret letting me live."


"Hahaha. Insult me all you want. I'm used to being called names I don't care what you call me! Others who did that ended up dead anyway."

"Dammit...I can't believe I lost to a fattie..." murmured Miyabi.

"What did you say?" Rabbit asked as she walked closer to where Miyabi was lying.

"I thought you're already used to being called nam..."

"WHAT DID YOU JUST CALL ME?!!!" Rabbit asked while grabbing onto Miyabi's hair.

"Fattie. I called you fatt..."

Miyabi not able to finish what she was saying for Mimic Rabbit slammed her face on the ground. She did it a couple of times more until Miyabi was unconscious. But she didn't stop there. She flipped Miyabi's body and mounted her before raining some punches on her face.

It's true that Mimic Rabbit is used to being called names to the point that she doesn't get affected by them at all.

Bitch. Wench. Whore. Cow Poop. Dragon Turd. Shit-for-brains.

She just smiles when she gets called by any of those.

She just smiles.

Except when she's called fat.

That's the only word you need to say to light up Mimic Rabbit's fuse.

There was a time when she almost got into a fight with one of the Kings when they were kidding around. It took an entire squad to stop her from getting to the King who made that remark. It was a good thing Crosshair Turtle was around to keep her calm. That's the main reason why they were the ones paired together, so she can keep her in check in case she goes berserk. The two knew each other even before they became part of High-King's hands and Turtle was like an older sister to her. Only she knows what to do to stop her.

And she also knows that she shouldn't stop her now. Those were one of the few times where she felt that she wasn't needed.

Mimic Rabbit picked up her pink sword, raised it in the air and aimed for the helpless Miyabi's neck.

In one swift motion, the tip of her blade was on the ground once more.

It was over.

"Point blank range and yet you missed." Crosshair Turtle told her as she appeared. "That's not like you."

"S-something...hit me." Rabbit answered as she held on to her chest. She pulled out something and showed it to Turtle. "I-it looks like one of y-your daggers."

"Poisoned daggers. If the poison doesn't kill you immediately, the jagged edges ensure that it will make the wound larger, in case it gets pulled out."

"I know. I just pulled one from my chest. Now a lot of blood is coming out..."




"Y-you h-have the antidote with you, right?" Rabbit asked. Her skin started to become pale her lips bled for no reason at all. She could feel her heart beating faster than usual and she sat on the ground and waited for Turtle's answer. "I-I can s-survive this wound but I need the antidote to stop the p-poison."

"Of course." Turtle reached inside her vest and took out a small leather pouch. "Here. A drop of the elixir will be enoug..."

Before she could hand it over to Mimic Rabbit, something struck her on the leg that caused her to trip. The pouch that contained the antidote fell on the ground. The vials that contained the elixir shattered. One, however, didn’t break but it rolled away from Crosshair Turtle's reach. It stopped rolling when it hits someone's feet. Turtle looked at her thigh and saw...

"Yes, those are your daggers. Your poisoned daggers. If the poison doesn't kill you immediately, the jagged edges will ensure that it will make the wound larger in case it gets pulled out."


"You said that I escaped and left them behind...I was thinking of doing that...but I just made it look that way so I won't have to look for you. I had to conserve my energy so the poison won't spread fast. I also knew that you had the cure with you so I waited for you to bring it out before I made my move." Maimi said as she picked up the vial of the elixir and drank it. As soon as she did, her lips returned to its normal color. "Also, I wanted to see your face just before you die."

"D-damn you!" Turtle shouted as she pulled the pair of daggers off from her thigh. "I'm going to kill you!!!"

She threw the daggers back but Maimi caught them and threw one back at her and one at Rabbit. The dagger hit Turtle and Rabbit on their shoulders. It was unnecessary though, for Rabbit was already dead even before that. Turtle already knew that it was too late for her partner and that was the reason why she pulled the daggers out even if she knew that it would make the abrasions worse. She couldn't stand up anymore and the poison started to take effect.

Maimi walked closer to them and she found out that there was still one vial of the elixir from the pouch that Turtle dropped. She picked it up and showed it to her.

"P-please. G-give it to me..." Turtle begged. The symptoms of the poison were already visible. "Please!"

Maimi placed the vial on the ground and rolled it to Turtle's way.

"T-thank you...thank you..."

Crosshair Turtle crawled and reached for the vial. She was about to hold it but Maimi stepped on her foot, crushing the vial underneath and shattering any chances for her survival.

She ran out of hope.

She ran out of words.

She never imagined that someone as cruel could exist. She could swear that she saw Maimi smile when she stepped on her foot for the second time. That's when she remembered that she was fighting was one of the Kings.

She just watched as Maimi pushed Rabbit's body aside like it was a sack of garbage. She then picked up Miyabi and put her on her back, untied Airi from the tree and carried her and walked away like nothing happened.

"Hnnn? You're quite persistent." Maimi said as she prepared to leave. "I didn't think that you'd lick the remains of the antidote from the floor and your hand just to keep yourself alive."

"W-we were fools thinking we could kill one of the Kings..." Turtle said as she sat up. "We underestimated you. K-King of H-Hearts...such an unfitting name for s-someone who obviously d-doesn’t have one…"

"I'm not a King. I am not a King!"

"Maybe you don't remember but you are one of them. And when those two find out, they will hate you, drive you away. You will be alone! You won't have any friends to turn to!"


"Oh. I forgot. You never had any of those even back at home. You killed them...except that one girl who had snow-like skin..."

"Shut up!"

"S-she will be the one to c-change your destiny b-because she will be the one who kills you..."

"Enough! I will hear no more from you!"

Maimi pulled out the butter knife from Miyabi's shoulder and threw it at Turtle. It went through her neck and silenced her. 



"Fang Girl...wake up."

The princess slowly opened her eyes."


"Don't worry. You're safe. I took care of them. They won't be bothering us anymore."

"Where are we?"

"Still in the woods. But you need to tell me where your camp is."


"Your friend needs a doctor fast." Maimi told her while pointing at Miyabi who was saddled on her back. "She already lost a lot of blood."

"Miya! Oh no! That is the way to our camp." Airi instructed as she pointed to the east.

"Are you sure you want to take me to you camp? What if she was right? What if I'm one of your enemies?"

"Nah. You can't be one of them. I trust you."

"Trust me?"

"Yeah! You’re our friend now."

"Friend…I see. Alright! Let's go!"

"Maimi. I forgot. I can't walk yet."

"Alright." Maimi picked her up and carried her in her arms. "Lead the way."

And so, Maimi followed Airi's directions and ran as fast as she could to the camp.

"By the way, how were you able to wake me up? It takes Miya a couple of minutes, sometimes even hours to wake me up." Airi asked.

"Well, I just did what's written in the books." answered Maimi. "Books about how to wake up princesses..."

"And that is?"

"I kissed you."

"Oh! That's great! I didn't know that it was really effective!"

"Amazing isn't it?"

"Yeah. Now there's something I can tell Miya when she...wait, did you just say you kissed me?!"

"Yes. On the lips."


"Not once, but twice."



"No one has ever kissed me before! Not even Miya!"

"Not anymore. I had to do it or else Miya won't have any chances of surviving."

"What if it didn't work?!"

"Heh! You should be glad that it did because I have other methods to wake people up."


Maimi whispered something to her.


"You wouldn't want me to do that to you right?"



"We won't know unless we try..."

WAR AKARI!!! Infernal Ninjutsu, Hidden Lore...Freedom of Opposites Technique!!! Rest in peace Kyle,Jab,Mom,Tita, ChrNo...

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Re: Saga of the Kings - Chapter 4
« Reply #47 on: December 31, 2008, 06:58:24 PM »
Eri...and Sayu....DEAD?!


Something tells me what that other thing for revival is...

Avatar and sig by the fabulously dorky, yet quirky DJ Maimai

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Re: Saga of the Kings - Chapter 4
« Reply #48 on: December 31, 2008, 08:36:41 PM »
Chapter 2

Ouch, poor Miya for stumbling onto the Airi x Maimi "action". And she's such a nice person for asking Maimi to go with them.

Chapter 3

All this interaction between Maimi, Miya and Airi is keeping me VERY fascinated.

Chapter 4

OMG!!! Did you just kill KameShige???? *faints*

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Re: Saga of the Kings - Chapter 4
« Reply #49 on: January 01, 2009, 01:08:13 AM »
It's true that Mimic Rabbit is used to being called names to the point that she doesn't get affected by them at all.

Bitch. Wench. Whore. Cow Poop. Dragon Turd. Shit-for-brains.

She just smiles when she gets called by any of those.

She just smiles.

Except when she's called fat.

That's the only word you need to say to light up Mimic Rabbit's fuse.

XD Chouji much... Sorry, I used to watch Naruto, and that just brought back a flood of memories. Moving on...



... YOU. DID. NOT.

*checks again* did...KAMESHIGE!!! :cry: *faints on top of hammy*

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Re: Saga of the Kings - Chapter 4
« Reply #50 on: January 01, 2009, 05:11:36 AM »
Chapter 4

Miyabi couldn’t take her eyes off the pink, sharp thing that impaled her. She was telling herself that she should be dead by now except she was still breathing. Mimic Rabbit stabbed her in a precise spot that would just go through her body, without hitting any vital organ. The bleeding was minor but if Rabbit pulled the sword out, the blood would surely rush out. She dropped to her knees, with the sword still stuck on her body.
WTF, the sword is enchanted or something?  While it's known that with some stab-type wounds, the damage is caused by the exit/removal of the blade rather than by it's entry, but that usually never involved a vital organ being struck. Miyabi's been dealt what should be a fast, and more importantly FATAL blow.

"Why didn't you kill her?" Crosshair Turtle, who was still hiding in the shadows, asked her partner.

"Not yet. She's pretty skilled. I was thinking of convincing her to join us." Rabbit answered as she circled around Miyabi. "If she refuses, that's when I kill her."
Oh crap. The "choice" that isn't really much of a choice, unless you don't have a problem with dying.

"Think about it. If you join us, you can have anything you want, everything you need...especially a bath. If you want, you can bring your girlfriend along."

"She’s not…that's not..."
Eeps. :P

"I'd rather die than become one of you!" said Miyabi.

"It's a shame. We could really use someone like you." Rabbit told her. She continued to negotiate with Miyabi.


What if I told you that we could revive your mother?"

Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh boy. :o

The proverbial carrot has been brought out, and BOY is it a big one.

"And I take a bath before I go to sleep!" Miyabi said as she lunged at Mimic Rabbit.

She was able to slice her in half.

It was just unfortunate that the one she got was another of her copies. The real Rabbit was behind her and held the pink sword at the handle.
Stupid mimicking ability.  :thumbdown:

"You really want to die badly huh? Very well..."

Mimic Rabbit tightened the grip on her sword then kicked Miyabi away from it.

Miyabi tried to hold her breath, thinking that it would help in preventing the bleeding but it didn't. It was already dark and she could not see how her blood already vandalized the ground. She could also feel the tunic inside her armor getting soaked.
:mon scare:

"Dammit...I can't believe I lost to a fattie..." murmured Miyabi.

"What did you say?" Rabbit asked as she walked closer to where Miyabi was lying.

"I thought you're already used to being called nam..."

"WHAT DID YOU JUST CALL ME?!!!" Rabbit asked while grabbing onto Miyabi's hair.
:mon wtf:

Hey, right now it's not like Miyabi has much else to lose seeing as how she's dying anyway.

It's true that Mimic Rabbit is used to being called names to the point that she doesn't get affected by them at all.


Except when she's called fat.

That's the only word you need to say to light up Mimic Rabbit's fuse.

There was a time when she almost got into a fight with one of the Kings when they were kidding around. It took an entire squad to stop her from getting to the King who made that remark.
Really now? Now I'm curious of a couple of things. Firstly, who was the King that made the remark, and secondly, what happened during the fight? :D

It was a good thing Crosshair Turtle was around to keep her calm. That's the main reason why they were the ones paired together, so she can keep her in check in case she goes berserk. The two knew each other even before they became part of High-King's hands and Turtle was like an older sister to her.
Ah yes. Smart move indeed. Not good to have a bomb if you don't have a way to keep it from going off. :yep:

In one swift motion, the tip of her blade was on the ground once more.

It was over.

"Point blank range and yet you missed." Crosshair Turtle told her as she appeared. "That's not like you."

"S-something...hit me." Rabbit answered as she held on to her chest. She pulled out something and showed it to Turtle. "I-it looks like one of y-your daggers."
One of the Turtle's daggers? :?

"Poisoned daggers. If the poison doesn't kill you immediately, the jagged edges ensure that it will make the wound larger, in case it gets pulled out."

"I know. I just pulled one from my chest. Now a lot of blood is coming out..."

Okay, looks like someone's been a bit careless with keeping track of their equipment. :O

"Yes, those are your daggers. Your poisoned daggers. If the poison doesn't kill you immediately, the jagged edges will ensure that it will make the wound larger in case it gets pulled out."


"You said that I escaped and left them behind...I was thinking of doing that...but I just made it look that way so I won't have to look for you. I had to conserve my energy so the poison won't spread fast. I also knew that you had the cure with you so I waited for you to bring it out before I made my move." Maimi said as she picked up the vial of the elixir and drank it.
YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAH MAIMI! Excellent thinking on her feet and keeping her wits about her! She stayed calm and not only kept herself alive, but used the Turtle's own weapons against her!  :rockon:

"Also, I wanted to see your face just before you die."
Oh that's so bitchin'. :batman:

Maimi walked closer to them and she found out that there was still one vial of the elixir from the pouch that Turtle dropped. She picked it up and showed it to her.


Crosshair Turtle crawled and reached for the vial. She was about to hold it but Maimi stepped on her foot, crushing the vial underneath and shattering any chances for her survival.


She never imagined that someone as cruel could exist. She could swear that she saw Maimi smile when she stepped on her foot for the second time. That's when she remembered that she was fighting was one of the Kings.
Bad....ASS!  :twisted:

"W-we were fools thinking we could kill one of the Kings..." Turtle said as she sat up. "We underestimated you. K-King of H-Hearts...such an unfitting name for s-someone who obviously d-doesn’t have one…"

"I'm not a King. I am not a King!"

"Maybe you don't remember but you are one of them. And when those two find out, they will hate you, drive you away. You will be alone! You won't have any friends to turn to!"
While Maimi may not remember who she is, it's pretty obvious that she's heard of High-King and knows of the rep they have. Dealing with this new revelation is going to be interesting for her, to say the least. When the others find out the truth, it'll be even MORE interesting (to say the least). :sweatdrop:

"Oh. I forgot. You never had any of those even back at home. You killed them...except that one girl who had snow-like skin..."

"Shut up!"

"S-she will be the one to c-change your destiny b-because she will be the one who kills you..."
What? What? Wait...who???
:mon huh2:

"Fang Girl...wake up."

The princess slowly opened her eyes."



"Your friend needs a doctor fast." Maimi told her while pointing at Miyabi who was saddled on her back. "She already lost a lot of blood."

"Miya! Oh no! That is the way to our camp." Airi instructed as she pointed to the east.
At this point, it's going to take one hell of a miracle for Miyabi to be saved.  If the Rabbit's sword is still in her, then there might be a slim chance as the presence of the blade would have kept her wound from opening up too much, which in turn would lessen the amount of blood that she would have lost. If, on the other hand, the sword has been removed, then she's pretty much a goner. :(

"Are you sure you want to take me to you camp? What if she was right? What if I'm one of your enemies?"

"Nah. You can't be one of them. I trust you."

"Trust me?"

"Yeah! You’re our friend now."
Oh this has so much potential for turning ugly should one of the other people in the camp recognize Maimi for who she really is.

"By the way, how were you able to wake me up? It takes Miya a couple of minutes, sometimes even hours to wake me up." Airi asked.

"Well, I just did what's written in the books." answered Maimi. "Books about how to wake up princesses..."
Oh wait...she didn't...did she? : O0

"I kissed you."

"Oh! That's great! I didn't know that it was really effective!"

"Amazing isn't it?"

"Yeah. Now there's something I can tell Miya when she...wait, did you just say you kissed me?!"

"Yes. On the lips."


"Not once, but twice."

Maimi = :ptam-kiss:
Airi = :gmon sing:
Maimi = :mon determined:
Airi = :mon dance: ... :gmon blonde:
Maimi = :ptam-ok:
Airi = :stunned:
Maimi = :on GJ:
Airi = :stunned:

"What if it didn't work?!"

"Heh! You should be glad that it did because I have other methods to wake people up."


Maimi whispered something to her.


"You wouldn't want me to do that to you right?"



"We won't know unless we try..."

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

Offline Sancho

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Re: Saga of the Kings - Chapter 4
« Reply #51 on: January 01, 2009, 01:49:40 PM »
You just did that??? ...... To my beloved Eri???............ NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!! :OMG: :OMG: :OMG:....... Oh well...

Offline writerjunkie

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Re: Saga of the Kings - Chapter 4
« Reply #52 on: January 01, 2009, 07:07:28 PM »
I love this fic. I hope you update soon again. It's very well written and planned. And NOOOOO ERI! Sayu! *sulks in corner* But it's still very good.

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Re: Saga of the Kings - Chapter 4
« Reply #53 on: January 01, 2009, 09:37:21 PM »
Maimi kissed Airi  ??!!! :shocked:

eri... :cry:

"cow poop"  :rofl:

hurry Miya is losing blood ! hurry up to the next chapter !!!!

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Re: Saga of the Kings - Chapter 4
« Reply #54 on: January 02, 2009, 03:04:37 AM »
:lol: Maimi/ Airi kiss

Oh no someone died...

Hope Miya will be ok...fattie (sorry couldn't resist)

Offline Maimi_Yajima

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Re: Saga of the Kings - Chapter 4
« Reply #55 on: January 02, 2009, 05:04:10 AM »
Miyabi this wound.
Airi asleep.
and Maimi  disappeared.
 :sweatdrop: :sweatdrop: :sweatdrop:
"Of course." Turtle reached inside her vest and took out a small leather pouch. "Here. A drop of the elixir will be enoug..."
... :bigdeal:

Before she could hand it over to Mimic Rabbit, something struck her on the leg that caused her to trip. The pouch that contained the antidote fell on the ground. The vials that contained the elixir shattered. One, however, didn’t break but it rolled away from Crosshair Turtle's reach. It stopped rolling when it hits someone's feet. Turtle looked at her thigh and saw...

"Yes, those are your daggers. Your poisoned daggers. If the poison doesn't kill you immediately, the jagged edges will ensure that it will make the wound larger in case it gets pulled out."


"You said that I escaped and left them behind...I was thinking of doing that...but I just made it look that way so I won't have to look for you. I had to conserve my energy so the poison won't spread fast. I also knew that you had the cure with you so I waited for you to bring it out before I made my move." Maimi said as she picked up the vial of the elixir and drank it. As soon as she did, her lips returned to its normal color. "Also, I wanted to see your face just before you die."
Maimi's too intelligent. :on grad:
And experience shows it.  :mon corn:
she has much experience with battles. :whistle:

"D-damn you!" Turtle shouted as she pulled the pair of daggers off from her thigh. "I'm going to kill you!!!"
:mon geek:    
You should not do this Kamei.

She threw the daggers back but Maimi caught them and threw one back at her and one at Rabbit. The dagger hit Turtle and Rabbit on their shoulders. It was unnecessary though, for Rabbit was already dead even before that. Turtle already knew that it was too late for her partner and that was the reason why she pulled the daggers out even if she knew that it would make the abrasions worse. She couldn't stand up anymore and the poison started to take effect.

Maimi walked closer to them and she found out that there was still one vial of the elixir from the pouch that Turtle dropped. She picked it up and showed it to her.

Maimi is amazing! she is a High King!!!
"P-please. G-give it to me..." Turtle begged. The symptoms of the poison were already visible. "Please!"
Kamei is asking for mercy? :mon sigh:

Maimi placed the vial on the ground and rolled it to Turtle's way.

"T-thank you...thank you..."
:mon cute:
Crosshair Turtle crawled and reached for the vial. She was about to hold it but Maimi stepped on her foot, crushing the vial underneath and shattering any chances for her survival.

She ran out of hope.

She ran out of words.
:mon scare:  This part is not ever thought by my.
Poor Kamei  :mon cute:

She never imagined that someone as cruel could exist. She could swear that she saw Maimi smile when she stepped on her foot for the second time. That's when she remembered that she was fighting was one of the Kings.

She just watched as Maimi pushed Rabbit's body aside like it was a sack of garbage. She then picked up Miyabi and put her on her back, untied Airi from the tree and carried her and walked away like nothing happened.
Maimi you...  :mon cry: you is cruel, very cruel  :mon cry:

"Hnnn? You're quite persistent." Maimi said as she prepared to leave. "I didn't think that you'd lick the remains of the antidote from the floor and your hand just to keep yourself alive."
Eri does not want to die ... :mon cute:

"W-we were fools thinking we could kill one of the Kings..." Turtle said as she sat up. "We underestimated you. K-King of H-Hearts...such an unfitting name for s-someone who obviously d-doesn’t have one…"

yesS  :mon determined:

"I'm not a King. I am not a King!"
Maimi...  :mon cute: you is a King  :mon scare:

"Maybe you don't remember but you are one of them. And when those two find out, they will hate you, drive you away. You will be alone! You won't have any friends to turn to!"
this is sad... :mon cute:
:mon huh: Maimi no have friends, this is sad...

"Oh. I forgot. You never had any of those even back at home. You killed them...except that one girl who had snow-like skin..
Kamei, those words are painful ... :mon emo:

"Shut up!"
Maimi seems to be angry ... :mon suspect:

tomorrow continue with my post!!!
" a look can say more than words" and " a look can even denude the heart"

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Saga of the Kings - Chapter 5
« Reply #56 on: January 04, 2009, 01:38:07 PM »
Chapter 5

"Miya...oh Miya~ah!"

"A-Airi? Is that you? Where am I?"

"You were right about unicorns all along! They do exist!"

"I told you so. Wait, where are you?"

"I'm riding a unicorn! And she's got some pretty nice legs. I bet she can run very fast!"

"Where are you?!"

Airi didn't respond anymore.

Miyabi got up and ran. She wanted to see Airi but more importantly, she wanted to see the mythical beast the two of them would mostly argue about. That was the first time that Airi told her that she was right about unicorns. And she wanted to rub it in her face.

She didn't know exactly where she was supposed to go but she ran. She felt that she was running forever but she feels that she was running the right direction. She was about to give up but Airi called her again.

"Miya...I'm here..."

That was all she needed. She followed Airi's voice and finally found herself in a stable. She caught her breath and made sure Airi was there.


"Look Miya, she's so white and gentle! Her hair is so soft...and she smells nice too!"

"I told you so."

"It won't hurt me right? Oh! It's licking me! Stop! That tickles!"

"Hahaha! It's harmless. Just don't do anything...naughty. You might scare it away."

"Why don't you come here Miya..."

"Alright. Now what are...wait..."


"That's not a unicorn!" Miyabi said as she saw the 'beast' Airi was 'riding'.




"You were right about the legs though..."


Miyabi sat up from her mattress and looked around. She was home. She was at the camp. She was in her tent.

"I'm alive."

Everything was the same before she left for the woods to look for Airi.

Everything was virtually left untouched. Except her favorite tunic.

The tunic Airi gave her before High-King started to attack their kingdom.

The tunic she only wears during special occasions.

Someone was wearing her favorite tunic.

"What the? Maimi?!"

"Hmmm. I'm not sure if I should be happy that you're dreaming about me...I already saw some signs when you were trying to undress me from my armor when we first me so I'm not surprised one bit...Oh, and I borrowed this for a while. It's a bit tight, but maybe it's really supposed to be this way, so I can flaunt something you obviously don't have..." the girl said, referring to the tunic.

"What are you doing in my tent?"

"Waiting for you to wake up. It's been almost a week. I was also going to resort to kissing to wake you up but I remembered that you're not a princess...and you don't have pure blood in your body."


"Sorry. What I meant was you have some of my blood in you now too. I had to donate some of mine to replace the blood you lost. Good thing we share they same blood type...You're a virgin huh. Good for you then."

"Oh." Miyabi hid her blush by covering herself with her blanket. "I thought you left us back there."

"Nah. I just waited for Crosshair Turtle to come out. It would be easier to beat someone you can see. You fared pretty well against her partner and I admire you for that. When you get better, maybe I can help you improve your technique."

"I passed out after Mimic Rabbit pounded my face. I could feel my tunic getting soaked with my blood. And I still survived?"

"I gave you some of Turtle's elixir before we left. If not for that, you wouldn't have made it back to camp. The thaumaturgist fixed everything else. She even took care of Airi's broken leg. Although she's a bit young, she's pretty skilled at what she does."
"Chisato. She can heal any wound...she can even erase the scars it leaves behind."

"She has one on her face. Why doesn't she get rid of that?"

"So you saw that too huh."

"Of course. But the scar seems to hide itself when she's got that big smile on her face, just like the way she hides her sorrow."

"She told us that that scar will remain there to remind her of what her purpose is in this world."

"And that is?"

"To be a person for others, to put those in need ahead before herself."

"Quite noble of her. That will be quite a responsibility."

"Afterall, she's one of the last remaining prodigies. That's what they were trained to do."


"People born with extraordinary abilities: abilities that can create life, abilities that can change life and abilities that can end life. There was an academy that helped these people harness their powers...but lot of them perished when it was attacked. No one knows how High-King was able to defeat an entire school of them, considering they could have obliterated the Kings even before they can set foot in the academy...Some suspect that it was an inside job, that one of the prodigies had connections to High-King, someone who most likely knows what the others' abilities are and she cast a spell of immunity on High-King to protect them. Chisato and a few others were able to escape but the got separated once they fled. I do know that one is with Kaori's camp."

"Wow. You sure know a lot about history."

"History?! That just happened a few months ago! And you won't need books to remember something as tragic as that!"

"I see."

"I forgot about your memory loss. Have you asked Chisato if she can..."

"Restore it? I asked her but she said that restoring a person's memory hasn't been taught to her yet. She did not risk trying it on me, because if mind might get messed up, I'll end up like you."

"I have a straight mind, yo! How about our leader? Have you met her?"

"Yuko? Yeah. We've talked. She said I can stay for a while as long as I prove myself useful. I love talking to her. Best thing she told me was she wanted High-King out because she's been deprived of men for so long it's no longer funny...but she should try to control her drinking. Not that I mind learning some secrets about you before she passes out."

"Secrets like?"

"You still wet your bed sometimes?"

"That's not true!"

"What's that?" Maimi asked as she pointed at Miya's blanket.

"...It's...It's not what you think."

"It's okay. You were dreaming about me anyway."


"You did it too when you were dreaming about Airi."


"I won't tell the others."

"Fine. What about the seer? Have you talked to Natsumi?"

"Not yet. But that's what I'm going to do today." Maimi replied as she got up. "For someone who just woke up, you sure talk a lot. See you later."


"You can't go out yet. Don't worry about your rounds. I've been taking care of them while you were out. If you're going to ask me to take off this tunic, I'm afraid I can't...unless you want me to make rounds naked."

"No, not that. I just want to...I want to say thank you for saving Airi. Thank you for saving me. I'm sorry if I doubted you before."

She wanted to say more but she felt if she continued she would burst into tears. Miyabi already counted her out and Maimi was the last person she was expecting to save their hides.  But even as a total stranger, she comes to their aid and manages to defeat two of High-King's elite. If not for her, she and Airi would probably have ended as food for the chimeras.

"Y-You're welcome. Just recover faster. I'm tired of fighting chimeras. I want to fight someone who can actually make me sweat. I'll tell Airi to drop by. She's been waiting for you to wake up too."

"Come back here when you're done with the patrol. Let's talk some more."

"Sure. But no unicorns alright?"



Maimi proceeded with Miyabi's duties. She patrolled the perimeter of the rebel camp to make sure it was safe. Morning, noon and night she would spend a couple of hours patrolling.

The camp was located behind a waterfall just a few meters from where she first met Airi and Miyabi. Though the entrance was easy to locate, there were a lot of traps set in case intruders tried to attack. It was secluded but there was enough sunlight to light it and help the crops they planted grow.

The members of the resistance lived in tents that could accommodate at least three people. Most of them shared tents. Everyone in that particular camp was a woman anyway. Miyabi was the only one who did not have anyone to share it with so Yuko thought that letting Maimi stay there wouldn't be much of a bother.

Maimi's armor still needed repairs but Yuko told her that the only available blacksmith lived far from the camp. She requested her to take on Miyabi's duties for a while and just get her armor repaired once the one she's filling for fully recovers.

Wearing Miyabi's tunic, some old boots and gloves, and equipped by a sword she borrowed from Yuko, she looked for chimeras that were near the camp. She has killed a couple and she made sure that Miyabi's tunic won't get stained by their blood. It wasn't hers anyway.

Even if Yuko let her borrow a weapon she still brought along the sword she found when she woke up, the mysterious sword that only she can carry around.

After the noon round was finished, she headed back home. She didn't go straight to Miyabi's tent. Instead she headed for the one behind Yuko's. She has been around the camp for sometime but she never bothered going there. Airi would ask her to go but she kept on saying that she'll talk to the seer once Miyabi wakes up. And now that she's awake, Maimi had no excuses.

Airi told her that the seer was kind of moody. She'll talk to you if she wants to, she won't if she doesn't. That doesn't scare Maimi. Nothing scares Maimi.

But maybe she was afraid of what the seer might tell her. Maybe the seer will tell her what she doesn't want to hear: that she is indeed one of the Kings.

She stared at the tents entrance, as if waiting for something to happen.

"Why are you just standing there? Come in, I've been waiting for you." the person inside the tent told her.


Maimi entered the tent and found the seer sitting across a small table.

"Have a seat."

She thought that the seer was someone older than Yuko but the person in front of her was just in her late twenties, not a wrinkle on her face. Just like Yuko, she was beautiful.

"I am Maimi. Nice to meet you." she said as she bowed before the seer.

"Natsumi. Now let's get on to business shall we? Can I have a look at your sword?" the seer asked.

"Of course." Maimi prepared to hand over the sword she borrowed from Yuko but..

"Not that, the other one!"

"I'm not sure if you can carry it."

"Just do as I say."

Maimi handed her sword to the smaller woman. To her surprise, the seer was able to handle the sword with ease, as easy as the way Maimi handles it.

Natsumi examined the hilt, then pulled the sword out slowly and took a quick glimpse of the blade before returning it to its cover.

"The design...the markings...and the blade...definitely one of Miki's masterpieces...where did you get this?" asked the seer.

"I..I don't know. I don't remember. How could you..."

"I know who made it. And I know the soul inside this sword."

"Soul? It has a soul?!"

"Oh? She hasn't talked to you yet? Not even in your dreams?"

"What are you talking about?"

"I guess she hasn't huh." Natsumi said as she returned the sword to it owner. "I'm going to be frank with you..."
"You are not the prophecy. You are not the savior. You are not the Makiheir..."

"I know."


"You will do…At least for now."
« Last Edit: January 06, 2009, 10:59:12 AM by wordsworth »

WAR AKARI!!! Infernal Ninjutsu, Hidden Lore...Freedom of Opposites Technique!!! Rest in peace Kyle,Jab,Mom,Tita, ChrNo...

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Re: Saga of the Kings - Chapter 5
« Reply #57 on: January 04, 2009, 07:40:32 PM »
Miya~ah ! >_>

she has some cool dreams  :lol:

"You were right about the legs though..."
hu hu hu hu

  XD wth...

"You still wet your bed sometimes?"

"You will do…At least for now."
:O but..but that's a lie !  :O

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Re: Saga of the Kings - Chapter 5
« Reply #58 on: January 04, 2009, 08:24:04 PM »
"You were right about the legs though..."


Soul in a sword, huh? I wonder who/what it is...

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Re: Saga of the Kings - Chapter 5
« Reply #59 on: January 05, 2009, 11:38:43 PM »
Chapter 3: Awww... you killed off KameShige. Pity... it would have been fun seeing more of the their quirky conversations.

Chapter 4: Miki is a blacksmith. :lol: I can see that. After all, Miki loves making touching things with her hands. XD

Hmm souls in swords... I'm now reminded of Bleach. Hehe...

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